.-n -- ,- v- - vr - . - V , . f-5, Jl J l"- .- A " " - -l r ' 20)i fmfammmMem&t - J Volume XVI-Ne. 307. CLOTMXO. Spring Opening A 24 CENTRE SQUARE. We have fei sale for the coming seasons an Immense Stock of Realy-Me Clotting, ! our own maniilactnrc, which comprises the uutcbt and Most STYLISH DESIGBS. C'otiie and see our HEW GOODS FOR MERCHANT T1U01 A-liicli Is larger and coinpescdor the best styles te be leund in the cltjv 1 D. B. Hosteller & Seu, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. -ljd LANCASTER. PA H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, MONDAY, APRIL 5. Having Just rrturned Irein the .New Yerk A'oelen Market, I am new prepareu te exhibit jneef tlie Best selected Stocks or WOOLENS FOR THE SDK Id SIMM He, -er til-eught te this city. ObtOf Nene but the very ENGLISH, FRENCH AMD AMERICAN FABRICS, all the Leading Styles. Trices as low as the ewcst.nnd all geed warranted as rcprcscnt ,at H. GBRHARTS, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. SMALING, THE ARTIST TAILOR. Closing out our stock of Light Weights at cost te make room for Fall and Winter Stock. A Large Line or English Novelties. TROPICAL SUITINGS, SERGES AND REPS, IIANNOCKBURNS AND CELTICS, UAMBUOON PARAMATA AND BATISTE SUITINGS. SEERSUCKERS VALKNCIAS, PAROLE AND MOHAIR COATINUb. A Splendid Assortment of Wilferd's l'ertdcd 1 ucks In Main and Fancy Styles. A r nil Line or M All ths latest novelties. An examination of our stock U respectfully solicited. T. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH OUEEN STREET. GROCERIES. T7KUIT J AKS ! FRUIT JABS! MASON FRUIT JARS, AT D. S. BURSK'S, 17 East King Street, Lancaster. ULOWEB TOTBt PLAIN, GLAZED AND ORNAMENTED FLOWER POTS, AT BURSK'S. pEACHES! PEACHES! Dally receiving sultuble for aiming and preserving, at BURSK'S. GROCERIES. XTTHOLESALK AMD BKTA1L. M3VA3PS FLOUR at- Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET, dn-lyd SPMB OFEMS luMYHia TRY LOCHER'S 1 8YKUP RENOWNED COUGH DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS! -:e H AGER & BROTHER, NO. 25 W. KING STREET, LANCASTER, Arc receiving New Goods In all Departments. OUR STOCK OP CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS -AND- PAPEE HANGINGS Fer the Fall Season will comprise all the Latest Designs ami Coloring, and be larger and mere complete than ever .before. HAGER & BROTHER. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS AT THE NEW YORK STORE. Bleached and Unbleached Muslins and Sheetings at Greatly Reduced Prices. LOOM DICE TABLE LINENS. TTMTWC1 DAMASK TABLE LINENS. a m a TURKEY RED DAMASKS. Towels in 50 Different Styles and Quantities, Table Cevers, Napkins, Deylies. SPECIAL, BABGAIN, 10,000 YDS. Iff DAI CALICOES AT S CTS. A YAED. ELEGANT STYLES IN CALICOES, MOMIE CLOTHS AND PERCALES. NEW FALL GINGHAMS. " Popular Goods at Popular Prices," is our motto. Watt, Shand & Company, 8 AND 1 0 EAST KING STREET. ... . WA.TCHES, JEH'ELRX, e. Among the many advantages gained by our change of business location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our BBPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work en trusted te us. WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL BOX REPAINING, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING, &e. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BBO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. ZAHM'S CORNER, EE-OPENED FOE BUSHESS. We nre clad te announce te our friends tliat we liave completed the alterations ; in our main BtorereSmSd new offer a very full and complete stock ler their inspection, Including Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, American and Fine French Clocks, &c. Among the different makes of Watches we carry we call especial attention te THE LANCASTER WATCH . mm f tin. iK-st in the ninrket. Our Spectacle Department Includes the Arundel Tinted Lenses, which afford inore comlert te the eyes than any ethers. Special attention given te fltting glass os te weak and defective eyes. nnr facilities ler business in our SALES, MANUFACTURING and REPAIRING depart ments areTucht"tte"tbSS "uey were, and w'e feel reasonably sure of meeting the wants i of thoee who tererns with i their trade, wb extend a cordial Invitation te all te ealT, assuring them polite attention, lair dealing and low prices. ED W. J. ZAHM, Jeweler. Zahui's Cerner, Lancaster, Fa. clethixg. CLOSING OUT OF SPRIG 11 SUMMER STOCK. In order te close out our stock of Spring and Summer Goods te make room for a heavy Fall Trade, we are offering great inducements in Men's, Youths' and Children's Clothing. In our Custom Department we have a large let of Piece Goods, which must be closed out before September 1, regardless of profit. In our Ready-made Departmert we have an unusually fine stock of Summer Clothing, all of which can be purchased at very lowest bottom figures. Gentlemen, our facilities are net equaled in the city. It will cost you nothing te examine our stock. MYERS & Se. 12 EAST KING STREET, MEDICAL, DR. BROWNING'S TOMC MD ALTERATIVE! The Celebrated Prescription of W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D. FOR GENEBAI DEBILITY AND PURIFilNU THE BLOOD. pt,Uv Purines the Bleed. Enriches the Bleed, Reddens the Blemal New Bleed, WeniterWlmprey DebUlty into one of Vigoreusl DebUlty into one ei BY"?i""'". . -"r.rw byRttomett88cK sole proprietor, - W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., 117 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. en(aflasessBwaRBs Are: Skillful p Dealers in Medicine. MEMOTAX8. DB.S.B.FOKKMA2I, . (PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON), neTnnmwi tmm Ne. is Seuth Prince street te Ne. 811 West King street, Lancaster, Pa. - - ' " -' RATHFON, LANCASTER, PENK'A. C ti AtnMnn with nil. AE. McCANN, AVUXiufluui or beu . Estate and Personal Property. Orders left at Na 35 Charlette streetLOT at the Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 46 NertfcQueen street, will LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1880 Lancaster Intelligencer. FBIDAY EVENING, AUG. 27. 1880. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. AHOUT FEOrLEOKCBEATEB OKUSS NOTE. Brier Mention of Becent Events in the World of Politics and Society. MYTHOLOGY OP THE BAST. Seme or the Fables and Traditions or India and Persia. IN THE FLOWER OF YOUTH. Noted Aetressw Who Died Yeung Mr. Snapley 'a Argument la tbe Disbar ment case Celebrated English Bebberies About People of Greater or Less Nete. The rumor that Senater B. H. Hill, of Georgia, has a dangerous cancerous tumor of the tongue is believed -in Washington. Bishop Elder, of Cincinnati, has declared that no banged or frizzled hair will be al lowed among the women-of his congrega tion. . Before the nominations were made at Cincinnati the Indianapolis Journal, Re publican, said : 'There is net in the Dem ocratic party in Indiana a better politician, better organizer, or a man possessing mere of the qualities of real statesmanship than Wm. H. English." There will be considerable compctien in West Virginia'fer the successership te Mr. Hereford's scat in the Senate. Gov. Mat thews, Judge Brannen and Jehnsen N. Camden are mentiened as probable candi- Henry W. Adams, recently announced as a Mahone canvasser in Campbell county, Va., refuses te serve. He says he is new and always has been a Democrat and will support the regular Democratic electoral ticket. An old-fashioned Democratic barbecue and mass meeting is te beheld at Aldie, Louden county, Va., Sept. 2, and some of the most distinguished speakers in and out of the state have been invited. Congressman D. L. Russell, Republican, of North Carolina, has declared his pur pose te support Hancock and English. He is the only Republican from North Caro lina in the present Congress. The ltev. S. a. smitn, wne wrew; my Country, 'Tis of Thee," is still living m Newton, Mass. He says he wrote tnc verses en a waste scrap of paper one dismal day in February, 1832, while" at Andevcr seminary, and " had no intention nor am bition te create anything that should have a national reputation." Senater Sharen recently gave a banquet in San Francisce, at which were present Senater Jenes, cx-Scnater Sargent, the banker Albert Ganel, James C. Floed, D. O. Mills and ether prosperous men, who represented millions upon millions of del- lillS Miss Julia Wilsen, who has been se suc cessful as the little waif in the drama of " Jeshua Whitcomb," has fallen heir te $12,000, bequeathed by her grandfather, Win. Wilsen, late of Bedford, Westchester county, N. Y. Mrs. Wilsen delighted a large audience in this city last winter. William Simpsen, a well-known New Yerk pawnbroker, died last Saturday, aged ill vizirs. His fortune is estimated at about $1,000,000. He was an Englishman by birth, and emigrated te this country about forty years age. A number of the Chinese students new in the United States will seen be sent back te China en account of offenses which they have committed. Among them is J. C. Chung, an excellent young man, who was graduated in the class of 1879 at the Nor wich (Conn.) free academy, and who is dishonored by having cut off his queue. Weel, the new commissioner at Hartferd is very strict, and is conducting the Chi nese schools under the rigid discipline of the empire. Jacob B. Murray, a well-known usher of Plymouth church, who was conspicuous during the trial of the case of Tilton against Beecher. died Tuesday of inflam mation of the brain. Mr. Murray was 53 years old and was engaged In the whole sale liquor business at 48 Vcsey .street, New Yerk. Although for many years conspicuous in Plymouth church, he never joined the church. . ifix-tiev. lioratie acymeur, iusiiu,m address a Democratic mass meeting at Ad dison, Stueben county, N. Y., en the 11th of September. Detroit Free Press : A New England Chinaman formally announces the fact that he has renounced Confucius and taken te Rescoe Conkling. This is just as geed as if Conkling had received the nom ination. Miss Dudu Fletcher, the author of Kismet," who went from Italy te Lon Len Lon eon te superintend the publication of her new novel, "The Head of Medusa," is said te be again seriously ill. Maurice Keechklin, sixteen years of age, deaf, dumb and blind, has passed success fully his examination for the degree of bachelor of letters at Lyens, France. Rev. Mr. Caldwell, a Catholic priest, was thrown from a carriage near Lerette, Pa., a few days age, and received injuries which will likely prove fatal. Gen. Valentine liakcr is rcpenca w ue en his way te Constantinople from Erzo Erze Erzo reum, whither he went en a special mis sion for the Perte. Mr. Thurlow Weed says for the first time in his life his appetite has failed him, and his sleep at night is lntcncrea wiui. Mr. W. D. Howells will accompany Hayes and family upon tbeir overland trip te the Pacific. The Marquis of Leme, in his tour of the civilized domain under his vice royalty, has reached Prince Edward's Island. Campanini will produce the opera of "Hamlet" from a speciallyjpreparcd text in New Yerk next season. A dean of the church of Englaud is coming te this country in October te offi ciate at a wedding in New Yerk in high Maggie Mitchell's father, who is with her at Leng Branch, is hale and hearty and 78 years of age. The joint debate between Messrs. Lan ders and Perter, tbe Democratic and Re nnhlicnn mibernaterial candidates in Indi ana, has been definitely settled. Hen W. H. English, chairman of the Democratic state committee, named the place in each of the thirteen concressienal districts for the discussion, and the Republicans acccpt it. Mr. Perter sent the challenge. The steamship Circassia, from Glasgow te New Yerk, brought te this country en Monday the first party of delegates from Scotland te the general Presbyterian coun cil, te be held shortly in Philadelphia. Among the delegates already arrived are Prof. Flint, of the University of Edinburgh, the Rev. Dr. Bainey, the leader of the Free Church party in Scotland, the Rev. Dr. Goeld, an eminent theologian of the Free church, the Rev. Jehn Moffatt and the Rev. Wm. Andersen, both prominent fmahvfarians- The delegates for the most part are accompanied by members of their families, and have come thus early with a view of seeing the country before the meeting of the council. Queen Christina has given much pleas ure te the Catholics of Madrid, especially in the lower classes, by visiting in succes sion nine popular chapels and churches dedicated te the Virgin and leaving $200 for the peer at each shrine. At every chapel she knelt for mere than one hour in prayer. The queen Jand her mother, the Archduchess Isabella, constantly visi the churches where mass is offered far the happy delivery of her majesty. Apart ments are new prepared in the palace for Queen Isabella, who is expected en Aug. 25. Most of the foreign ministers, Btate delegations, high functionaries and minis ters have arrived at Madrid in readiness for the event, which is expected during the last week in August. Mythological Evolution. Hew the Hindoe "King e f Death" Be--camo the " King Who Never Died" Fables ei Penite. M. D. Conway in Harper's Magazine. I de net knew a mere picturesque evolu tion in mythology than that by which the Hindoe king of death became in Persia the king who never died. The vedic king of death was Yama, which seems te mean "the declining,'' the reference being prob ably te the sun going down in darkness. But the Persian dream dwelt en the rad iant glories of the sunset, which pointed the way westward te golden islets and Hesperian gardens. By such dreams, per haps, man was drawn te some of his earliest migrations. But the sunset lus tres correspond with the splendors of sun rise. When, therefore, the Hindoe lord of death, Yama, reappeared as the Persian Jami, he was associated with the dawn as well as the sunset. He was fabled as the first monarch of Persia. It was the golden age when he began his reign ; for a long time there was no oppression, injustice, sickness or war. But ultimately this nappy age was broken by an evil-deer, ana tuen Jami bade adieu te his country and went te dwell in a beautiful island in the west, where he still lives, but will some day re turn te restore the blissful era. Jami is probably the patriarch of all sleeping heroes ; of Epimenidcs, who slept fifty years, then waked up te save his country ; of St. Jehn, who still sleeps at Ephcsus, while his counterpart, Ahasue rus, finds no repose ; of Beabdiland Sebas tian, who still await the bugles which shall recall Meer and Portuguese te strug gle again for a dominion awarded by des tiny te neither ; of Barbarossa, whose red beard, rooted in his cavern fleer, has sent threads far and wide through the folk lore of Germany ; of the priest of Hagie Sephia, who bides the day when the Turks shall be expelled Constantinople ; of Tell, who was se wide awake after his mythical slumber in Switzerland that he emboldened seme scholar te resolve him into sunshine ; and of Charlemagne, supposed te be still alive, but who must be very restless, considering the variety of localities in which he is said te be sleeping. "A little while after," says Rabelais, "Pantagmel heard news that his father Gargantna had been translated te the Land of the Fairies by Morgue, as hereto fore were Ogierand Arthur." The fairy Morgtie entertained the Dane Ogier se pleasantly that the pagans seized Jerusa lem in his absence, and in connecting a similar catastrophe te his Utopia with the fnnsinfinn of Garcrantua. Rabelais would seem te have recognized the necessity of reminding the pious of the region that there are advantages in being occasionally wideawake. But mythology had already made the discovery before nun ana re ported that new and then, in emergencies, the seven sleepers sallied forth te be the seven champions of Christendom and that all of these encnanteu ncrees win wane uy at last. In one sense the prophecy has been largely fulfilled : Tennyson has sum moned Arthur from Avalen, and Irving has summoned Jeffersen keeps awake Barbarossa under the droll disguise of Rip Van Winkle. The fairy Poesy is able te break the spell of the enchantress Morgue. Actresses who Died Yenng Adelaide Nellson's Sudden Death Bccalls mat nf Mnllbran Sad Fate of the Ulfted English Opera dinger Kachel's Deatb at Nearly the Same Age as Nellson. New Yerk Correspondence Cincinnati Gazette The early death of Madame Neilson, painful as it may be, is no, a solitary inci dent te the history of the drama: Isabella Hinckley, who. achieved distinction asa prima denna, was removed by death in the midst of a brilliant career and even at an earlier age. A mere striking instance, however, is te be found in the history of Madame Malibran, who charmed both Eurepe and America by her combined dra mntir, ami mnsicil attainments. She was the eldest daughter of the ence popular vocalist. Manuel Garcia, who personally taught her te sing and prepared her for the stagn. In her seventeenth year she made her debut en the Londen Dearus as Resinain "The Barber of Seville," this being an unexpected appearancc,occasiened by the illness of Madame Pasta, who was en the bills for that occasion. Her debut was a marked success, and gave assurance of future eminence. Garcia was induced te make a professional visit te this city, where his gifted daughter appeared in the same role, this being the first performance efthe Italian opera in America. Her re ception was a triumph, and she seen ap peared in ether characters, each of which she made her own. While in this city she rc enAofellv honored bv the limited num ber of French aristocracy, and one of the number (Monsieur Malibran) became her accepted lever. He had the reputation of great wealth and their marriage took place the March after her arrival. He made what was con sidered a handsome marriage settlement, but seen afterward the society of New Yerk was surprised by his failure. The ncwly maHn liride was sadly disappointed and the annoyance was increased when her hus- hand nronescd te nervcrc ucr earnings iu his private benefit. She turned ever te his creditors the entire marriage settlement and cost of her matrimonial incumbrance. In two months after her unlucky wedding Madame Malibran was receiving the hom age of her natWe Paris, being then in her J 19th year. Thenceforth until her dcatn her career was one ei Dniuanc success, and she was received with enthusiastic ap plause in Naples, Milan, Londen and ether centres of taste. Her union with 3Iali- hran was dissolved by the irencn court and she formed a second marriage with De Beriet, the distinguished violinist. She died of a fever occasioned by excessive ex ex hausteonhaving given a public perform ance contrary te tne aaviceei nerpnysi cian. Though thus removed in her 29th year Madame Malibran had long enjoyed the highest distinction in the musical and dramatic world. It may also be remem bered that Rachel was only 38 at the time of her death. Adelaide Neilson, like the foregoing, sacrificed herself te professional eminence, and her fame cost her a life which was just developing into its grandest attainment. Xr. Steptej'g Speech. An Able AgratKgayrwaUd. Philadelphia Times. The Lancaster Intelligences, edited by Messrs. Steinman and Hansel, the plaintiffs in error in the em,, hat. printed an elegant pamphlet edition of the argu ment of Mr. Rufua E. Shapley before the supreme court in the ease. In doing te they have performed an act of kindness te both the bench and the bar, as it is the most elaborate and exhaustive analysis of the Eurely legal issue involved that has ever een made before any of our Pennsylvania courts. It differs from the argument of Mr. MeClure in severely adhering te the distinctive legal aspects of the dispute,and as such it will be a text for both bench and bar in future conflicts between them, if such conflicts shall ever come. We hope te hear that the carefully prepared argu ment of Mr. Reynolds en the ether side is te be printed, also. The whole argument was stenegraphically reported, and, as the case is the most important of the kind ever before our state courts,the complete plead ings and arguments would make a useful and instructive pamphlet for the bench, the bar and the press. Aa Exhaustive Argument. Philadelphia Recerd. We have received from some quarter a copy of the argument of Rufus E. Shap eoy, esq., before the supreme court, In the mw nf Ktrinman & Hensel. editors of the T.or..ecfoi- TvTWT.T.initTtmR. who were dis barred as attorneys for matters published by them as editors reflecting upon the Lancaster county court, and who seek for a reversal of the action of the court below. Mr. Shapley has confined his argument wholly te a dry statement of precedents, an exhaustive re view of legal authorities against the un warranted action of the court below. His researches show hew clearly the line has been drawn between the professional obli gations of the attorney as an officer of the court and his personal relations as a citi n Tt ia a comnlete vindication of his clients, who doubtless relied upon Mr. Shap- ley for their law as upon air. mcviure im their pyrotechnics. They showed their ex cellent judgment in both instances. English Bebberies. The robbery of Lord Elden of $100,000 worth or plate and jewelry calls attention te the fact that net all of the clever burg lars have immigrated into this country. It is estimated that fifty thefts of this sort imvn iwtn nrenmnlished with perfect im punity within ten years, the aggregate of plunder exceeding 3,ew,uw. ineuiuw. conspicuous robberies besides this late one were these of -Lady EUesmere and t.i.w Tind'AV- The usual plan is for tli a hnwrlars. while the family is at dinner, te get into a lady's room by a ladder. The diamonds are taken out of their settings, which are at once melted, and then the jewels can readily be sold te the trade. A well-known Londen firm is said te have suddenly emerged from ob scurity within twelve months after Lady Ellesmcre's $150,000 worth of diamonds were taken, and it is conjectured that many of these stolen jewcls are new worn by our fashionable ladies at Newport and Saratoga. Lord Elden could well stand the less. He has just built a church cost ing $200,000, and is the heir te the two largest fortunes ever made by lawyers in England, these of Lord Chancellor Elden and Lord Stowell, the great admiralty judge during the wars against Napeleon. Tabesh Snow, Gunning Cove. J.S., writes: "I was completely prostrated with the Asthma, but hearing of Dr. Themas' Eclcctric Oil. I procured a bottle, and It did me se much geed that I get another, and before it was used 1 was well. My son was cured of a bad cold by the use of a half a bottle. It gees like wild Arc, and makes cures wherever it is ttswL" Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and .139 North Queen street. Lancaster. Pa, 13 statistics prove that twenty-nve percent of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te abottleefLocher's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers ler their negU .. nrniiv them for their luneranceT Ne OEast King street. Ten Loek Remarkably Well. "Yeu Loek RE3fAiWABi.T Well, Mrs. Brown. Have you recovered from that bad cough which troubled you se long V " O, yes entire ly" "What did yen take ler it?" "Dr.Thpm as' Eclectric Oil. It's perfectfy splendid. Twe i. ..t.. ..,i n iell cot. m nil Tlirht. I net I CO that you are a little hearse, why net try the same remedy?" no did and was cured. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and YXi North Qneen street, Lancaster, Pa. 14 HOUSE rUBNZSHISG GOODS. FLWN & BRBNEMAE 100 Gress Fruit Jars, Bought before the advance and ler sale at $1.20 PER DOZEN. Great Bargains in TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Flii & Irenemsm's 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. jfUXITITUXE. HBINITSH, . FINE FUBNITUBE ASD Cabinet Manufacturer. All In want of Fine or Fancy Cabinet Werk would de well te call and examine specimens et our work. OFFICE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. HEINITSH, 15 Bast Xing Street. BOUNDERS AXD MACHWNIBXB. r ANCASTER BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM 8TRBBT, Orreerrx ihx Locexonvx Weaxa. The subscriber continue te manufacture BOILERS AND UTEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes Furnace Twlers, Bellows Pipes, Sheet-Iren Werk, and I Blackamitalng geaerally. W Jobbing promptly attended te. auglMydl JOHN BIST. Price Twe Carts. DMT GOODS. HOW TO GET almost everything below value. Every day during summer all sorts of goods remnants and goods that for one reason or another are in our way are picked out and put together te be sold at such prices as they will bring. They are undesirable for us te held; but they -may be as geed for tbe buyer as anything we have. We have sold already this summer net less than $100,000 worth of goods at irregular prices in this way for, say, $50,000; and many thousands mere are going. There is something marked down at nearly every counter in the store. Everything sold is returnable if un satisfactory at the price. Jehn Wanamaker. Chestnut, Thirteenth, Market and Juniper. PHILADELPHIA. MOOKH AND HTATWltXMT. -ftTEW STATIONERY! New, Flam and Fancy STATIONERY. Alse, Velvet and Eastlake PICTURE FRAMES AND EAHKTifl. AT I.. M. FLYNN'S BOOK AND STATIONARY STOKE, Ne. 43 WEST KING STREET. JOM BAER'S S03S, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, FA.. nave In stock a large assortment of. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Attention teinvltedtetnelr FAMLLY AND PULPIT BIBLES Teachers' Bibles, Sunday Scheel Libraries. Hymnals, Prayer BoekaJ HYMN BOOKS AND MUSIC BOOKS Fer Sunday Schools. FINE BEWABD CARDS. SUNDAY SCHOOL REQUISITES of all kinds COAL. B. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer la all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. .49-Yard: Ne. 49 North Water and Prince streets above Lemen. Lancaster. n3-lyd COAT.! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal of tbe Beat Quality pnt np expressly for family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. 49-YARD 1M SOUTH WATER ST. ne23-lyd PHILIP SCHUM. SON CO. COAL! COAL! Fer geed, clean Family and all ether kinds of COAL go te RTJSSEL.& SHULMYBR'S. quality t Bpcctfully and Weight guaranteed, urucrs re- ' solicited. emOE: 8 East Kig Street.. YARD: 618 Nortte Prince Street. augl-taprlSR pOALI COAL! COAL!!! W"e have constantly en hand all the best grades of COAL that are In market, which we are selling as low as any yard In the city. Call and get our prices before buying else where. M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON, 827-lyd Ot NORTH WATER STREET. C0H0 & WILEY, SS XOKTH WATER BT., ZmncmHer, JPm., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND OOAL. ConMCtlea With the Telehele Exchange. Branch Office: Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. m feMS-lyd COAL! - - - COAL!! OORKECHT & GO., Will deliver coal at the following prices : B.D. Broken Egg aad Nut " Steve ' Enterprise, Broken Egg and Nut. Steve...-. ....-.. Lyken's Valley, Broken, Egg and Steve, J Nut Alt nndea Ne. 1 Pea U6 :3 . 4.69 .4.88 . 4JU . X35 Weight guaranteed. w. GOBBKCHT, Agt., J.B.REILLEY, augl7-tfd W. A. KELLER. &MXIB GOODS. P LINEN COLLARS ERISMAN'S. WK FARC STOCKINGS KRISMANS. Y R SUSPENDERS aeTO ERISMANS. fORMKW STYLE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, GO TO B. J. ERISMA1TS, M KORXsl QUKJCK STREET. M ARCUS . SERNKR, - . nnaitma Tl Xo.lNertt Prtaee street. PiemptaaavartlevJar atteatlea paid teal sratlemaaanprfxs aU-lyd Iiwrfiuu-