a -- V LANCASTEKJDlilY lETEIXlGENCER iHUfiSDAY AtTGtTST 26, 1880. t ' V J i THE DOCTORS. A GOOD TIME AT TELIS HAIN. Relaxation from Professional Caret-A Friend ly Secial Catherine. Notwithstanding the lowering clouds the meeting of physicians from Lancaster and neighboring counties held at Tcll's Hain near this city te-day is largely at tended, and all the indications point te a pleasant day. Just one year age the meeting corresponding te this was held at McCall'B Ferry and proved such a delight ful aftair that it was resolved te commemorate its anniversary, as often as it recurred, with a similar event. It is understood that at these occasions the professional character is laid aside and all its "pills and potions," and the social side of life is te be exclusively developed. Many of thephysicians attending are accom panied by their families and the bachelerand widower members of the profession are net forgotten, for there are present quite'anum ber of fair ladies who would de honor te the science if they could be induced te patronize it. The gloomy weather net being favorable te outdoor recrea tion nor conducive te beating, the upper rooms at Tell's Hain are cleared for dancing, and an orchestra furnishes merry music. The lower room was arranged for a banquet hall and an elegant dinner was prepared by Gee. II. Miller, the popular restaurateur. The tables looked very handsome and the dinner came oft" at 1 p. m. During the whole forenoon members of the association and invited guests kept coming, and the following is a complete account of these present and the business transacted this morning : Drs. Jehn L. Atlcc, Jehn L. Atlt2. !jr., It. A. Belcuius, :M. L. Herr. A. J. Hcrr, "W. Blackwood, O. Iteland, II. Carpenter, J. S. Mchscrsmith, J. A. Elder, II. U. Stch inan, Gee. It. Velchans, P. G. Albright, of Lancaster. Dr. Brown, U. ;i. N., Maie Island navy yard, California, brother-in-law of Dr. Mes scrsmith, was pieent as a guest of the local association. Drs. Jehn Mai tin, Bart; J. C. Gatchcll, Martic ; J. W. Zell, LiUlc Britain ; S. At lcc Beckius, Bmiiuu', Craig, Lincawcavcr, J. B. McBridc, of Columbia ; J. M. Dca ver and M. Gl.iekcn, Diumerc, P. J. Itecbuck. Lititz; J. L. Zcigler, A. Shcller, A. M. Hiestand, Mount Jey; B. J. Itcemsuyder, Hiuklctewn ; Gee. T. Wiseman. Bainbridge ; B. F. Hcrr, Millcrsvillc; A. It. Black, Strasburg; J. II. Musser, Lamjieter ; A. G. B. Parke, Gap ; Jno. B. Kehler, New Helland ; F. M. Livingston, Meimtvillc ; A. M. Miller, Binl-iu-Hand. Drs. "W. Stump Forwood, Harford c., Mil.; G. S. Dare, Itising Sun, Md.; D. I). Kennedy. Oxford ; J. Willis Housten, Cellamcr, Chester co.; F. Marien Murray, ville ; Jehn It. McChirg, West Chester ; A. A. Haiuia, Pert Deposit, Mil.; 11. II. Milncr, Delaware co.; Jacksen, Chester CO.; J. Fulton, New Londen, Chester co.; Jac. Price, West Chester. Drs. lteuss, B. F. Spangler, W. S. Rolande, of Yerk ; W. S. Brunncr, Ship lcnsburg ; C. A. Itahter, Hanisburg ; II. L. Orth, Dauphin co. ; M. B. Messcr, Mcchanicsburg, Cumberland co.; Strickler, Franklin co. ; Jehn Montgomery. Cham bcrsburg; James McSperan, Dillsburg, Yerk co. ; W. M. Dale, Carlisle ; J. A. Thompson, Wrightsvillc. Drs. A. II. Strickler, Waynesboro ; L. DeB. Kuhn, Heading; Jehn F. Carpen ter. Pottsville. The ladies accompanying them and ether friends numbered as many mero as the above mil, making quite a large company. The doctors gathered under the trees :mil tables mrillteut the buildings iiud held an informal business meeting. Dr. Atlcc presiding. The minutes of the McCall's Ferry meeting were read; annual dues were discussed and paid ; the by-laws of the as-sociatien were signed, and the fol lowing committee was appointed te nomi nate officers, for the ensuing year : Drs. Strickler, of Franklin county; Dale, of Cumberland : Forwood, of Harford : Spangler, of Yerk; Itahter, of Dauphin; Dale, of Cecil ; Carpenter, of Schuylkill ; Carpenter, of Lancaster ; Kuhn, of Berks; Jacksen, of Chester ; Milncr, of Delaware. They returned shortly and reported the following who wcre unanimously chosen : President, Dr. Price, of West Chester. Vice-Presidents, Dr. Dale, of Cumber land, and Dr. Forwood, of Harford. Secretary anil Treasurer, Dr. S. ..T. lteuss, of Yerk. Executive Cemmittee: Drs. Musser, of Cumberland ; Montgomery, of Frank klin ; Reland of Yerk ; Spratt, of Ches ter; Dare of Cecil; Murray, of Delaware; Albright, el Lancaster; rorweou, in Harford ; Carpenter, of Schuylkill ; Kuhn, of Berks ; Orth, of Dauphin. Dr. Price, the incoming president, was introduced by Dr. Atlee and made a brief .speech, saying he had come hither for a quiet day and a geed dinner, and had ex pected te go home relieved from care and net burdened with new responsibilities. The honor conferred was as unexpected as undeserved, but he accepted it with thanks and the disposition te discharge the trust te the best of his abilities. Seme discussion was had as te the power of the association te elect the executive committee, and it was found the by-laws provided for the presidcut appointing a committee of five. It was suggested that the first five reported by the committee be formally appointed. The meeting then adjourned, and after a half hour of social entertainment dinner was announced. The table literally groaned when the doctors lifted their scalpels and proceed te dissect the sub ject. The ladies were scattered through the company and the festivities were alto gether brilliant and attractive. Dr. Atlcc, in welcoming them all te the dinner, de clared the occasion te be one of an alto gether social character, and invited them all te participate in it with a sense of en tire relief from professional care. Several hours wcre occupied at table, ard with toasts, speeches and ether fes tive delights, Kcffer's orchestra enlivening them. Summer Leisure. Edwatd Eberman went te Leng Branch this morning. Charles Schubcrth and wife have gene te Rcuove te spend a few days. The Sunday-school of the Union Bethel church is holding a picnic at "Shenk's weeds te-day. Gee. 11. Themas pest 84, G. A. R., will held a camp lire at their hall en Friday evening, the 27th, and anticipate a geed time. Fine Tomate. A large tomato can be seen iu the win dow of Bair's dry geed store en East King street. It was raised in the yard of C. W. Gibbs, en Mulberry street and weighs two pounds. The stock en which it was grown is nine feet three inches in length. Discharged. William Franklin had a hearing before Alderman Barr last evening en a charge of stealing some money from Charles Kegel. He was discharged for want of evidence. Case Dismissed. The complaint of felonious assault made by Thes. J. Houghten against Dr. Lewin, was heard by Alderman Spurrier and dismissed. Lcni, Delaware co.; II. si. rewnall, At glcn, Chester co.; It. B. Ewing, West Greve. Chester co.: Gee. It. Sural t, Ceatcs- COLUMBIA NEWS. OUB REGULAR. CORRESPONDENCE. A Severe Storm Personal News That Ce. H. Again Dead by Diphtheria. Mr. Fred Bucher was heard from yes terday in letter dated August 7th post marked Antwerp. It is thought he is new en the ocean en his way home. The Misses Sinnickson, of Salem, N. J., are visiting at Fairview the residence of Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Smith. Mr. Charles Hiteshue has returned from a visit of a couple of weeks te New Yerk city, where he was under instructions m cutting. Detail Ne. 4 of the Compeny II. rifle teams shot at target en the property of Henry Wisler yesterday afternoon. The sheeting was net remarkably geed. One Lull's eye was made at one hundred yards. At this cvening'sjtnccting of the ladies' committee, who will assist at the fair te be held next month for the benefit of the Citizens' band, the president will appoint the several committees te whom the ar rangements for the running of the fair will be entrusted. Mrs. F. A. Brink has just removed her residence from Walnut street, below Third, te Locust sticct, below Fifth. A party of Columbia gunners tramped the country about Mount Jey yesterday, with little success. The Our Beys hatcball club wcie te play the Ironsides second nine at Lancaster this afternoon. The rain "called" the game Mr. Ed. Eckert has just returned from a visit of a couple of weeks in Reading and ether places. Seme of our young ladies and genticmen arc picnicking te-day en Greem's island. They will piebably return with the ague. An excursion train pulled from the Reading & Columbia 1 ail read depot this meining for Ceney Island and Brighten Beach a few excursionists. The big engine fiem Baldwin's shops which left here en a return trial trip at five o'clock yesterday morning "stuck" en top of the Gap. The engine with Medoc Ne. 0. lelt here again at about nine o'clock this morning. The Garfield and Arthur matching club met last evening in the Odd Fellows' hall, and effected a permanent organization. A uniform will ba adopted at the next meet ing. The club has sixty odd names en its roll. The picnic of the Heme Communion at Hcisc's weeds, yesterday, is said te have -been a pleasant affair. Te-day at the same place the colored cornet band will held a picnic. During the past and the present week the Pennsylvania lnihead company have been planting licw telegraph poles and making connections with the same from a point at the lower end of the east yatdatthis place te Black's hotel. The work is new about completed. A picnic will be held te lay at Millway park, en the line of the Reading & Cel umbia railroad, miner lite management ui Messrs. C. Cooper Hogenleglcr and Or rick Riehatds. A little son of L. F. McCrackcu, aged fenrycats, died last night of diphtheria. Anether child is lying very low with the same disease. Twe heiscs; belonging te Justus Gicy, attached te a wagon in wltieh was leaded a ten of coal, became scared at an engine while en Frent street this morning, and ran away. The heisss ran down Frent street until Perry was reached, up which they turned and continued en until the wagon was wrecked. The horses wet c net injured. Mr. Grey, the owner of the team, is a farmer and resides about a mile and a half back of Columbia. Ycstcrdaj V Storm. A very severe storm of wind passed ever this place from the northeast ycstciday afternoon, carrying with it such quantities of dust that it was almost impossible te sea through it. The window shutters en many houses were closed with a bang and iu several places clothes that had just been washed and huug en the line te dry were tern from their fastenings ami cm tied a considerable distance without improving in anyway the cleanliness of the articles. A temporary scaffold, erected te held Jehn P. Staman's tobacco, was blown down without any further damage. OUIt WATER SUPPLY. Enough and te Sparc. While Reading is suffering from a water famine (although within the past eight years $1."10,000 have been expended iu "im proving" the water works), Lancaster is blessed with an abundant supply. Beth our reservoirs are full, the west basin containing 1-1 feet 10 inches of water and the cast basin 13 feet 5 inches the dif ference in height being caused by the higher bottom of the east basin. Tite cast b isin, recently repaired haying been filled, the two basins were ilewn te a common level yesterday, and the city is new being snpplied fremthc east basin, which is as full as it can be made witheut'ringiug the electric bell. The water is nevertheless a few inches lower that it has been for some weeks past during which time the supply was from the western basin, the walls of which arc slightly above the level of the ether. Tite Worthington pump worked admira bly dining the titne the basin was being filled, having been inn continuously for one hundred and forty-five hours. There is uet new the slightest danger of an over flow, as, two inches above the point at which the c led tic hell rings, is the over flow pipe wltieh is itself eight inches be low the top of the wall. A workman who has had twenty years experience about the water works says that iu all that time he has never seen the step vault as dry as it is new. This is evidence that the walls of the basin are entirely water-tight. Driving Accident. A team of thrce horses belonging te Jacob Zeek, who resides near Eden, frightened at the cars at Walnut and Prince streets te-d;iy. They turned quickly and broke the tengue and coupling pole of the wagon which was leaded with manure. The wagon was als e upset but the horses did net get away. What Glen Managers en a Picnic. The managestef What Glen park asso ciation are te-day holding a picnic at their grounds. They arc amply supplied with beverages te "wet their whistles," and thus counteract the effect of the wet weather with which they are visited. Second Ward Democrat Aii important meeting of the Second ward Hancock and English club, this evening, is announced iu our " Political Bulletin." Kicked V.y n HerM. A. AV. Harnish, of West Willow, was kicked this morning by a horse while in his stable. He had an ugly cut above his left eye and was bruised about the body. Buvenly the genuine it you wenld.be cured. PrefT G uilmctte's French K idncy Pad has been used in France ferthcpiiNttcn years ter nil dis eases of the kidneys. A Happy Man at Lockport, N. Y. E. C. Williamson, of this place, Is rejoicing ever the recovery of ins wile, who lias been an Invalid ler the past lour years. She has re gained her strength, her complexion Is vastly Improved, and shchas walked mere In the past month and is stronger and better than she lias been in years. He attributes these happy re sults entirely te Day's Kidney Pah aug2MwilM,W&F Gentlemen extravagantly praise the Cutienra Medicinal Shaving Senp. Or high or low, or rich or peer. Nene would foul teeth or breath endure, If they but knew hew sure and swift Was SOZODONT, that priceless gift, In giving beauty, life and tone Te every charm the mouth can own. Feeble and exhausted constitutions restored te health and strength by Malt Bitters. POLITICAL BULLETIN. Te Voters. The 2d of SEPTEMBER lathe last day for registration and assessment. The assessor of each district is required te be at the election house en WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st and 2d, from 10 a. m. te 3 p. m and irem C p. m. te fl p. m., te perfect the list of voters. All persons entitled te vote should personal ly see that they are assessed as well as regis tered.' Persons intending te be naturalized beterc the 2d of OCTOBEK should also be assessed and registered by the 2d of SEPTEMBER. Committee en natnrallzatien : J. L. Steln mctz. D. McMnllcn, B. F. Davis, Jehn A. Ceylc, B. F. Montgomery. Persons desiring te be naturalized can apply te any of these, or te W. U.IIensel, at the IXTixiieEXEit office. Hancock Veteran Association meets at Cen tral Headquarter every Tuesday evening. Conference committee meets en Wednesday evening, August 25. Thereafter en every second and feurtli Wednesday of the month. Campaign committee meets regularly every Thursday evening. Hancock Legien meets every first and third Monday of the month. Sixth ward club meets regularly en Friday evening; Amcricnscl ub en Thursday evening. """ eceml Ward-Uanceck Club. A meeting or the 2d ward Hancock and Em lish club will be held this (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock In their room ever Sprengcr's xnlnen, N'ertli Queen street. Don't fail te at tend. Third Ward. Third Ward Hancock club niccLs at central headquarters, Friday evening, Aug. 27, at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is requested as ar rangements will be made in regard te uni forms. Attention, Ninth Ward Democrats ! Tin: regular staled meeting of the Uth ward Hancock and English club will be held at their club room ever Arneld Haas's saloon, North Queen street, en Friday evening, August 27, at 8 o'clock. A full attendance el every mem ber is desired, as llnal action will be taken en uniforms; also business relative te the picnic en next Monday, August 3, will be brenght be tote the club. Let there be a full turnout of every member en Friday evening. FOB PRESIDENT : KX. WINFIELD S. HANCOCK, OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOR VICE PRESIDENT: HON. WILLIAM H. ENGLISH, OF INDIANA. Tin great principles of American lib erty arc still the Icwfnl inheritance or this people, and ever should be. The right or trial by jury, the habeas corpus, flic liberty or the press, the freedom or speech, the natural rights or persons and the rights r properly must be preserved. WINFIELD S. HANCOCK, Jlrtj. Ucii.Cemd'pDcpt. La. and Texas. Statu Electoral Ticket. ELECTORS. U. E. MONAGIIAN, W. 11. PLAY FORD. JOHN SLEVIN. K. A. PUK. .1. M. CAMPBELL. GILLES DALLET. JOHN N, MOFFET. EDWIN WALDOS'. NATHAN C.JAMES. GEORGE FILBERT. JAMES G. McSPARRAN, 1)K. ALFRED .1. MARTIN ADAM GKRRINGEU. FRANK TURNER. P.J. BIRMINGGHAM. II. E. DAVIS. GEORGE A. POST. A. M. BENTON. J. P. LINTON. COL. JOHN S. MILLER. .1. O. SAXTON. i;. ni. BOW Kit. J. A. J. BUCHANAN. CHRISTOPHER MAGEE. ROBERT M. GIBSON. THOS. BRADFORD. HARRY W. WILSON SAMUEL GRIFFITH. .1. ROSS THOMPSON. DEMOCRAT!!; STATU TICKET. fop. surnEMK .IUIXIK. G EORG E A. J ENKS. FOR AUDITOR OKNEP.AL. ROBERT P. DECHERT. DUMOCKATIC COUNTY TICKET. vonceNouEsa. J.L.STEINMETZ. TOK DISTRICT ATTOKNKV. i). Mcmullen. KOR SENATOR (13tll DISTRICT.) J. II. DOUGLASS. rOR ASSEMBLY (21 DISTRICT.) S. C. STEVENSON, S. P. SHIRK. FOR ASSEMBLY CM DISTRICT. II. M. RRENEMAN. It. DAVIS YUNDT, J ACOB M. HAENLEN. TOR VRISON INSPECTORS. BARTON N. WINTERS BENJ. MILLER. FOr rOOR DIRECTORS. A.J.SNYDER, JOHN FRANI.ISCUS. Sl'ECIAL NOTICES. SAMPLE TSOTICE. It U im)eiblc for a woman after a faithful course of treatment with Lydla E. Plnkham'.s Vegetable Compound te continue te stiller with a weakness of the ntcru. Encle-ic a stamp te Mri. Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 Western avenue, Lynn, Mas., for pamphlets. jy2!Mydcedw "Sellers' Liver Pills" arc workingniere real geed in one year than all ether prepiictary medicines. 2.c. per box. Warm AVcatlier and Its KUects. .Many people, especially ladies, complain at this season of the year of a general" weakness or '.ebillty. The use of Specr's Pert Grape Wine prevents this. The wine is said te have a nie-,t wonderful effect in giving strength, vigor and tone te the whole system. It is ex tensively used by ladies nursing, or about te nurse infants. This wine Is neta manufactured article no liquor is added te it, Itis no patent medicine or cordial humbug, but is a superior wine of the Oporto grape. Itis pure, old, un adulterated wine, nothing mere or less. Mr. Spccr has been supplying hospitals with his u iitc for many years past. It is said te be un surpassed for Mimmer complaints, and for weakly persons. The price is low ler se excel lent a wine, and no family need be without it. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and DavN, and sold by II. E. Slaymakcr. aulC-2wd&w Try Lecher't. Renowned Cough Syrup. statistics prove that twenty-nve percent of the deaths in our larger cities arc caused by consumption, and when we rcllect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Leehcr's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the suTurcrs for their ncgll gence, or pity them for their ignorance? Ne OEaslKiug street. Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup Ne remedy for kidney diseases heretofore discovered can be held for one moment iu com parison with Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. C. A. Ilercey, D. ., Washington, D. C Try Lechei's Renowned Cough Syrup. jlletlicrs! Mothers!! Mothers:!! Are.yeulisturbed at night and broken el your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain el cutting teeth? It se, go at once and geta bottle of MRS. WINS. LOW'S SOOlHING SYKUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon it ; there is no mistake about It. There Is neta mother en earth who has ever used it, who wUl netteil you at once that it will regulate the bow eis, unit give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like mngle. it is perfectly tale te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the late, and is the prescription el one et the eldest ami best female physicians and nurecs in the United States. Sold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. Ill7-vyd&wM,WS NEW ADTXBZZSEMXarTS. Among the many advantages gained by our enange of business location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work en trusted te us. WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL BOX REPAINING, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING, &c. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at Bhert notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS AT THE NEW YORK STORE. Bleached and Unbleached Muslins and Sheetings at Greatly Reduced Prices. LOOM DICE TABLE LINENS, DAMASK TABLE LINENS, TURKEY BED DAMASKS. Towels in 50 Different Styles and Quantities, Table Cevers, Napkins, Deylies. SPECIAL BARGAIN, 10,000 YDS. m DARK CALICOES AT 5 CTS. A YARD. ELEGANT STYLES IN CALICOES, MOMIE CLOTHS AND PERCALES. NEW FALL GINGHAMS. "Popular Goods at Popular Prices," is our motto. Watt) Shand & Company, S AMD 10 EAST KING STREET. Mirrlcil Indies will Jiul in "Dr. I.imlscy'a Weed Searcher" Ju.M ,-li;it they need. Try it. Try Lecher's Kcnew iicil Cei:j;l Syrup. Ceulix. ".Veit'rt'a JirenehUil Treche" are used with uilviintagc te alleviate Coughs Sere Threat, Hoarseness and llreuehial AlVectlens. Fer thirty years these Troches have been In use, with annually Increasing favor. They are net new and untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant use ler nearly an entire generation, they have attained well-incrited rank among the iuwMaplu remedies of Iheage. The Tlirent. "Jireivii'x Jlrenchiul Troches"' act directly en the organs efthe voice. They have an ex ex tiuerdlnary clJVet in all disorders of theThreat and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone w hen re laxed, either Irein celli or ever-exertion of the voice, and produce a clear and distinct enunci ation. Speaker tuul Xinycra Hn& the Troches useful. A Cough, Celd, Catarrh 01 Sere Threat re quires immediate attention, as neglect ollen ellen tiniert results in some incurable Lung Disease. lireicn's llrenchtul Treche." will almost in variably give relief. Imitation- are ellcrcil ler cale, many el which are injurious. The genu ine "Jirewn's Jlrenchiul Troches" are sold only in boxes. lanl.Vlyd&wTu,Th&S Try Lecher's Kenewned Cough Syrup. JiJiATJIS. Doxevan. In Manheim borough, en theilih inst., Itenjamin Donevan, aged M years. The relatives and lriends of the tainlly are respectfully in vited te attend hi funeral, from his late residence, Manheini borough, en Fri day morning at :J o'clock. 2td xmr Anri:KiisnaussTs Oreiukiis' uv tiTk iancastek County Mutual J.lc Mteck Insurance Cempanv: Netice Is hei cbv given that Hcrr & Staufler, Xe a North Duke street, are the legally au thorized agents te transact business ler this company in Lancaster city vicinity. SAMUKL W. SHIRK, ltd Sccretaiy. CTO WKST, FOR THE WEST COFFEES t Sugars and Teas, Ilest Cigars and Tobac cos, Best Wines and Liquors, Ask ler Oakdale Pure Old Bye Whisky. 95 per cent. JAlcohel. Invigorating Tonic and the Hair Liquid. All at RINGWALT'S Ne. 205 WEST KING STREET. NOTICE TO JURORS. All jurors drawn for 1 lie weeks commenc ing MONDAY. SKl'TKMISKlt , ISfcO, and MONDAY, SKl'TKMItKlt 13, 1KSO, are hereby notified net te attend, as the ceses set down for trial for these weeks have been continued, lly order of the court. JACOI5S. STUIXE. Sheriir. Siiuun'F'n Office, Lancaster, l'a., Aug. S1.18S) aug5-atd&2tw PUIJLIC SALE OF VA1A7AKLK CITY lMIOI'KKTY. On SATURDAY. SEl'TEM 1SER Si, 1SS0, the undersigned executer efthe will of Killian Heck, deceased, will offer at public sale at the Columbia Harden hotel. Seuth Queen stiver, Lancaster city, l'a., the follewiug described real estate of said de ceased, te wit: All that certain one-sterv and attic rranie DWELLING HOUSE with Frame Kitchen at tached, Frame Darn with Wagen Sheil attach ed. Heg Sly and ether outbuildings. Well of water with pump therein, fruit trees' and ether improvements, ancl4 ACRES and SCPERCIIKS of land, mere or less, theretobelenging, situati on the south side of Leve lane, in said city of Lancaster, adjoining Leve lane and property of Christian Boe- and ethers. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p m. en said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by axdk!:wsiiim'.ini:ic. Executer. Jacob Ucibakee, Auct. augiK-TIi&Mlsd e VERA HOUSE. Monday, Aug. 30, 1980. MR. JOHN D. MISHLER has the pleasure f presenting the tar-famed artists, Annie Pirmin Jehn Jack, havingjust returned te America after a six years' tour around the world, who will appear In the great 1'arisian succei, the great comedy drama, CIVIL MARRIAGE! Supported by A GOOD COMPANY. Prices, 35, CO and 75 Cent. Diagram at Tcckcr's box efllcc. aSVItd LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF DANIEt IVIKEK, LATK OF Strasburg township, Lancaster comity, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons Indebted te said decedent are request ed te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent, te make known the same le the undersigned without delav, residing in Stras burg township. SAMUEL II. W IKER, jyaMJtw Administrator. ESTATE OF JOSEL'U AND MARIA Wcnger, late of Upper Leacock township, deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appoint ed te pass upon exceptions Hied totheacceunt of Jehn Wengcr, guardian of Emma Louisa Wcnger, a miner child of said decedents, will sit for that purpose en WEDNESDAY, AUG. 2'i, 18$), at 10 o'clock a. in.. In the Library Roem et the Court Heuse. In the city of Lancaster, where all persons interested may attend. S. W.SIIADLE, Jy21-4tw Auditor. INSTATE OF DANIEL 1.EFEVER 2i (Farmer), late or Drumore township, de ceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto arc requested te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the same will pre sent them without delay ler settlement te the undersigned. C. M. IIKSS, of Drumore Twp., DANIEL D HESS, of Eden Twp., T. E. Eraskmx. Executers. Waiteu M. Franklin, Atty'ss. aug-Mitw AMUSE31ENTS. E ULTON Of ERA HOUSE. FRIDAY EVEXlXd, AVC. 27, 1SW. Yeu have seen Imitators new s-co the great original TOPSY, Mrs. G. O. Heward, in her new version of Mr. Harriet Reedier Stewe's immortal work, UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, together with the cclcbrrtcd troupe of Virginia JUBILEE SINGERS, Real colored people, Men, Women and Chil dren, will appear in the grand, realistic PLAN TATION anil COTTON-PICKING SCENES The characters In the drama will bepertraved by a CAREFULLY SELECTED DRAMATIC COMPANY. Admission, 25, 35, and AO Cents. RESERVED SEATS, SO CENTS, te be had at the Opera Heuse Otlice. ail- ltd MISCELLANEOUS. 105 GO TO F.IIIEMEN.'S, 105 Ne. laS North Queen street for the Cheapest and Ilest HOOTS AND SHOES. 105 Sign of Iho IJhr Shee. 105 lavs&wtfd 100 Tens et Rags Wanted, Fer which the highest price will be paid. 2j CENTS PER POUND FOR GOOD MIXED RAGS. i The highest price paid ler Woolens, Old Paper, Heeks, Ac. Ten Rag Assertcrs wanted te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBER, 1 Cor. North Queen nnd Orange Streets, yiMtdR Lancaster, l'a 105 LADIES AND GENTS Ii you want a 105 GOOD PITTING BOOT OR SHOE, 1 Ready-made or made te order, call at j P. HEBMENZ'S, Ne. 105 North Queen Street. Custom Werk a Specialty. leSJS&Wtfd rH THE TEACHERS AND PUPILS OF JL the public schoeN. The lollewing notice explains itself: R.K.IlUEiinLE, Esq., City Supt. Lancaster, Pa. Dkak Sue under the new rule adopted by the Heard of Directors August 1!. the common schools efthe city of Lancaster will be opened Wednesday, the iirstday of September, next. Yeu will please te cause notice of the same te be duly given. I'y order et Siipciinteniling Committee. DAN. G. 11AKER, Chairman. The undersigned desires te meetthc teachers for consultation previous te the opening of the schools athls etllcc, as follews: Primary Grades August 30 at 9 a.m. Secondary Grades August 31 at 0 a. 111. R. K. UUEIIRLE, augil ltd Supcrintennant. OTATK FAIK. Twenly-Hcvcnth Annual Exhibition OFTHE 5, WILL RE HELP 13 MAIN CENTENNIAL BUILDING, FAIRM0UNT PARK, PHILAD'A. SEPTEMBER 6 te 18. Entries anil Competition Free ! INTERNATIONAL SllOW op SHEEP, WOOL AND WOOL PRODUCTS. SEPTEMBER 20 te 25, 1880. Entry Heeks will close at the Ofllcc, North west corner of Tenth and Chestnut streets, August 31, 1880. $40,000 IN PREMIUMS. CASH PR1ZKS FOR LIVE STOCK, 334,315. Excursion Tickets at Greatly Reduced Rates. Liberal Arrangements for Transportation. D. W. SEILER, Recording Scc'y. ELKRIDGE M'CONKEY, Corresponding Scc'y. WILLIAM S. 1IISSELL, President. atlgin,18,21,23,'ri,C9,:,icp2tel0 ENGINES AND MACHINERY Ol all Kinds, repaired at Short Netice. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS AND PATTERNS, MADE TO ORDER. BRASS BOXES, PACIONQ RINGS. GLOBE VALVES, Of all Sizes. All Kinds of I5RASS AND IKON VALVES AND BEER Sl'IUOTS REPAIRED Ctf Foundry and Machine Shep rear of W D. Sprecher & Sen's Seed Stere, lirantnnil Christian streets. JOS. H. HUBER. al7-3uidS L1 UMIJKK AND COAL Bl' TELEPHONE The undersigned are new prepared te re ceive orders for Ceal, Lumber, Sash, Deers, Blinds, &c., n by Telephone. Step in at the Exchange ana tin your own ordering free of charge. G. SENER & SONS, S. E Cor. Prince and Walnut Streets. jlC.tfdSJ Apcnl Society THIRD EDITION THURSDAY EVENING, AUG. 26,1880. POLITICAL AND PRACTICAL VARIOUS STEWS FROM VARIOUS UUARTEKS. Iowa Republican State Conveatlen. Congressional Nominations. Shocking Murder in Ohie. The xedus Frent Ocean Grave. Maps and Mishaps by Wire. IOWA KEPCBLICAJiS. They Resolve te Support UarHeld. Des Moines, Aug. 2C In the Iowa Re- pablican state convention last night .reso lutions were adopted congratulating the people en the results of Republican ad" ministration in national and state affairs ; declaring iu favor of the maintenance of the national election laws, and congres sional regulation of inter-state commerce by the prevention of unjust discrimination in the transportation of freight and pas senger; favoring federal legislation te stamp out plctire pneumonia among cattle ; re affirming the principals of federal policy as declared by the Republican party, and endorsing the Chicago platform and nomi nees, and pledging Garfield and Arthur the hearty support of the state. Nominated for Congress. San Francisce, Aug. 2C.-The Greenback wing of the Werkingmen's party last even ing nominated Assemblyman Stephen J. Maybill for Congress from Third district. MEMrms, Aug. 26. The Democrats of the First Arkansas district have nominated Peindextcr Dunn forCengres. St. Leuis, Aug. 2G. The Grcenbackers of the Twelfth Missouri district have nom inated Dr. J. C. Hebcrling for Congress, and the Democrats of the Fourth district have nominated L. II. Davis. The Re publican committee of the Ninth district have declared it inexpedient te put a Re publican candidate in the Held. This is regarding as a virtual endorsement of Ferd, the Greenback candidate and mem ber of the last Heuse. HORRIBLE TRAGEDY. The Ilrutal Murder of a Weitan in Ohie. Cincinnati. Aug. 20. The dead body of an unknown woman, horribly beaten, and bruised, was found yesterday in a secluded ravine two miles north of Sidney, Ohie. It could net be identified. A post mortem examination revealed the fact that the woman would probably have been delivered of twins. William. Curtis, a canal boatman, was arrested en suspicion, it being thought that the deceased was a cook in his canal beat. The place of murder showed signs of a fierce struggle. The woman's cloth ing was tern and scattered about. Mexican Murderers Arrested. Was:hnoten, D. C, Aug. 2. The state department is in receipt of official ad vices from the city of Mexico te the effect that eighteen of the rioters who partici pated in the murder of the three Ameri can miners in the state of Slicheachan last March, have been arrested. The supreme tribunal of the state has directed the judge net te wait for the arrest of the remainder of the accused, but te proceed with the trial of these already in hand. SWEPT 111 A TEMPEST. The Island of Jamaica Dcveastatetl. Kingsten, Jamaica, Aug. 19, via Havana. A disastrous hurricane passed ever this island last night. Thousands of peo ple arc houseless ; crops, fruit trees and farm'preducc generally were destroyed, and buildings demolished. The barracks in this city were destroyed. Three wharves arc gene and eight large and thirty-two small vessels are wrecked in in the harbor. Famine is immense and help is required for the starving thousands. Knd or Ocean Greve Ciunpmeetlng Return ing Pligrttne. Ocean Greve, N. J., August 26. The annual campmccting efthe Ocean Greve association came te a close this morning Nearly 10,000 peeple took part in the closing exercises. Twe-thirds of the peo ple here arc preparing te return home and the railroads can scarcely accommodate the exodus. Drowned by tlie Capslxlng of n Yacht. New Yerk-, Aug. 20. The yacht Delly capsized off Rockaway during a squall last evening. Capt. Barker is missing.and it is knew that the mate was drowned. The remainder of party, six in number, clung te the keel of the yacht and were rescued. Heuse, Stables nnd Live Stock Hurned. Bosten, Aug. 20. The house of Asa Derby and stables of A A. Jenkins, with several horses and carriages at Harvard Mass., were burned last night. Less $70,000. WEATHER 1N11ICACION Washinoten, D. C, Aug. 2C Fer the Middle Atlantic states, partly cloudy weather, occasional rains, north te cast winds, stationary or rising followed by falling barometer, stationary or lower temperature. Strikers Surrender. Londen, Aug. 20. The cotton operators at Rochdale, after a strike lasting six weeks, have submitted te five percent, reduction en their wages. $30,000 Fire In New Yerk. New Yerk, Aug. 26. The building 143 and 147 Mulberry street, occupied by a number of small firms, was gutted by fire this morning ; less, $30,000. Saratoga Races. Sakatoea, August 2G. First race wen by Ilermit, Midgcly second. Second race wen by Lavacca Clyde, Hampton second in first heat, and Jericho second in Eccend heat. Third racej Redman first, Suawnee second. Fourth race Brambalctia first, Florence B. second. Typaeld Epidemic la KvmasvUIe, lad. Washington, Aug. 26. The marine hospital bureau announce that typhe, malarial and typhoid fevers have been de clared epidemic at Evansville, Ind. M4KKKTS. Hew Yerk Market. Nbw Yemt, Aug. 28. Fleur State and West ern dull, buyers favor superfine state at $330 0400; extra de at 13 759423: choice, de.. $4 30(34 73; fancy de.. 4806 U); round hoop Ohie 94 10Q5 00; choice de 9310 66 00; superfine western $3i4 00: common te geed extra de n 730423; choice de de $4 3006 25 ; choice white wheat de 4 2394 63; Southern dnill and, weak; common te fair extra $4 7303 30; geed te choice de 13 0006 75. Wheat dull without important change; Xe. 1 White. October, I OSe ; Ne. 2 Red Aug10SK61 ?;; de September, $1 esjic ; Cern a shade lower, buiet; Mixed wester wester snet. 50fi51c : de future. 51?253c. Oats heavy lower; Sate, at 3S43e.: West ern, at 3742c. muadelpfata Market. Philadelphia, August a:. Fleur Winters steady. Spring weak ; superfine $2 S03; extra 435004 ; Ohie and Indiana family 932505 73 ; Penn'a family de 9505 25: St. Leuis family at 95 5006 00 ; Minnesota family 93 250C 0t ; patent and high grades 16 5008 00. Uye Heur at 94 SO. Wheat quiet : Ne. 2 Western Red 91 WQl lH ; Penn'a Kedll 07: Amber 91 07e. Cern easier and sides Iiicucumm! en local supply; steamer 02c: yellow 3-ge:ie; mixed 33c. Oats firm with geed demand ; Ne. 1. White 42c;No.2,deIO04Ic;No.3, de 3;03:c; Ne. 2, Mixed 37c. Kye scarce anil wanted at Previsions market less active: mess perk 916 10016 50; beef hams 421 5022 50; Indian m.s beet at $16 00 ; bacon smoked shoulders 7c; salt de 606Uc; smoked hams 11013c; pickled hum 104Ulle. Lard quiet; city kettle at 3:; loose butchers 8c ; prime steam S-c. Butter market and prices steady : Creamery extra 23c ; Creamery geed te choice -1 21c; Ilrudferd county and New Yerk extra. 22023c ; Western reserve extra 16017c ; de geed te choice 13015c; ICoIIseu'et; Penn'a extra 13016; Western reserve extra 1.10 US?. Eggs csler; i'cnn'u nt IS.01Oe; Western 17K18c. Cheese tinner : New Yerk full cream 122i 13c; Western full cream llc: de fair te geed lO0llc: tle hair skims O0iee. Petroleum tirui ; relincd Ulit. Whisky 91 13. Seeds Geed te prime Clever firm at 93 23 0900; Timethy 11 mi lit 92 602 70: Flaxseed qulctut9126. Stock Markets. PiiiLADBLrnt.t. Aug. '-;. 1230 r. x. .T r. m. Stocks weak. Pennv 6's (third Issuu) ind Philadelphia Jt Erie 15I.V-I Heading 11011, .... Pennsylvania 5:4i5.- - Lehigh Valley. Mli&Xi.u United Ces. et N.J ifa Northern Pacific 3O03OU Preferred 530Kl4 Northern Central SSfcami Lehigh Navigation 31031j Norristown .............. ....Wl Central Transportation Ce. I!50 Pitts., Titusvlile ft Bnirale. 12M0l2i Little Schuylkill 470D4 NXW Ie:iK. Aug. 26. Stocks firm. Meney 2S3 N. Y. Central 130 r.rlc......... .................. ""vn Adams Express 115 Michigan Central U.'4 Michigan Southern 107 Illinois Central.... 112 Cleveland ft Pittsburgh.. ..121 Chicago ft Keck Island 114,'4'oll"cred. Pittsburgh ft Fert Wayne..l25 Western Union Tel. Ce 10BJ Teledo ft Wabash Su New Jersey Central i')i Ontario Western 25-S United States Bend an:l Sterling Ktcli:tii (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen ft Ce., S. Y. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). PniLADKLVUIA. Aug. 26. United States 6's, 1881, (registered). . 1010 10t-'4 United States 5's, 1881, (registcrcil)..lO2-01O2;)i United States 44's, 18U1, (regl8tercd)ll(011O3(; United SUitcs 4J?s,189I,(coupens).. .11140111 United States 4's, 1007. (regLsten-d)..109jJ110 United States Currency6'8....12T,12fi,127,12S012: Sterling Exchange 482 0481 MISCELLANEOUS. Brandy as a Medicine. The lollewing article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. K. Slaymakcr, Agent for lCclgurlV Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et this county, who has extensively used the Brandy referred te In his regular practice. It Is commended te the attention of these af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic .Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, but te In; used as a medicincef great potency In the euro of some of the destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousands of v ictluis. With a purely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the favorable notice et Invalids espe cially these afflicted with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, which It nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, with Iceble appetite and mere or less debility, will find this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy or all their Ills and aches. Be It, however strictly understood that we prescribe and use but one article, and that Is REIGAlTrS OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising young friend, II E SLAYMAKEK. This Brandy has steed the test for years, nnd has never failed, as far as our experience extends, und wc therefore givoittheprclerenceeverall ether Brandies, nemattcr with hew many jaw-breaking Frencli titles they arc branded. One-fourth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various Impotent dyspepsia specifics would suillce te buy all the Brandy te cure any such case or cases. In proer of the curative powers et Reigart's Old Brandy, In rases et Dyspepsia, we can summon num bers of witnesses one case in particular we A hard-working tanner had been aililctcd with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ler a number of years; his stomach would reject utmost evciy kind of feed; he had sour eructatiens con stantly ueuppetitc in fuct, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, ami as a beverage he nscd McUrann's Beet Beer, lie is a Methodist, and then, as new, S reached at times, and in his discourses often (.-claimed earnestly agalnstall kinds of strong drink. When adviscif te try Reigart's Old Brandy, In his case, lie looked up with astonishment, but after hearing of Its wonderful effects in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he ut last consented te fellow our advice. lie used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the first bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound man. with a stomach capable of dlgestinganything which hclchesc te eat. lie still keeps It and uses a lit tle occasionally; and since lie has this medi cine he lias been of very little pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A Practibike Phtbiciajt. H. . SLAYMAKER, AOErrreR Reigart's Old Wine Stere, Established In 1783, IXPORTKB AMD DEALXB IS FINE OLD BRANDIES, SIIEKKIES, SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in 1818, 1827 nnd 1828.) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER, BROWN STOUT. Ne. 2D EAST KINO ST.. X.ANCASTKK. PA WANTED. WANTED .EVERYBODY TO ADVEK tlsc, free of charge, In the Intklliokn Intklliekn xa. who weuta something te de. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUAUL.K KKAL ESTATE. On SATURDAY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, SEPTEMBER 18, 1880, at the Key stone Hetel, North Queen street, in the city of Lancaster, will be sold In pursuance efthe di rections of the will of Jeseph Peel, deceased, the following real estate, viz : Ne. 1. All that certain liali-lnt or piece of ground situate en the wcstsldcer North Queen street, in said city, containing In front :i2 teet 4 Inches, und in depth 243 lect te a 14 feet wide alley; bounded en the north by ground of Jehn Rese and en the south by ground et Richard Mctirunn, en which a Onc-Sterv Framc Dwelling Heuse is erected en North Queen Street, and another One-Story Frame Dwelling situate en the said fourteen teet wide alley. Ne. 2. All that ccrtnin One-Story Brick Dwelling Heuse and half-!et, or piece of ground, situate en the south side et East Chestnut Street, in suld city, containing in front 32 teet ?i Inches, and in depth 213 feet te a 14 feet wide alley, bounded en the east bv groundef D. B. I les tetter and en the we-t bv Wllliam Hcnscl. Possession and title oil April 3, 1881. DAVID I1ARTM AN. Executer. H. Sbcbkbt, Auc. aug 20-Tt'-UjO. 4 - k