w .2.1 LANUASTEKIDAM 1KTELUGENCER WEDNESDAY AUGUST 25, 1880. COLUMBIA NEWS. OUK KUGCtAB COBKESPONDKKCK. A Fair In Prospect The Inevitable Ce. II. Het Weather Personal Point. The show window in IX Kramer's jewelry store set apart ferthe exhibition of the articles te De voted ler ana cuauceu en at the coming fair for the benefit of the Citizens' band is new ready for inspection, the! articles all being placed therein with cards of explanation attached. The articles are as fellows : Lady's geld hunting case watch, gentleman's silver watch, guitar, field gun, printer's composing stick, beer spigot, geld necklacc, butcher's tools (full set) suit of clothes and overcoat, carpets, wax bouquet, siher plated ice pitcher, clocks, etc. The articles are all geed in quality, and will le prizes te the fortunate losscssers. The picnic of the Heme Communion will be held at Heise's weeds te-day. Company II rifle team Ne. 4 in com mand of Sergeant P. A. Bennett will prac tice at target this afternoon en the pro pre lerty of Henry Wislcr, where a range has been secured. The firing of the first day will be at one hundred yards. Captain Case will ee out with each detail. Mr. E. K. Smith who has been out of town for a week or mere, returned last evening. Messrs. Abram Bruner and W. K. Now New Now len returned last evening from Cape May. Mrs. Susan Given and her daughter Miss Mattic will return te day from Emery Greve, N. J. Mr. Jehn Henry, a graduate or the Col umbia high school, has accepted the posi tion of Columbia correspondent of the Ex aminer. He sends his first letter te-day. A party of about a dozen will picnic to te to jnerrow en Greem's island, situated in the Susquehanna below the dam. Among ilir mofessiens the law will be rcpre- jsentcd. Fishing will be the speit indulged 4 in. The main water pipe sprung a leak en Locust street above Fourth, yesterday afternoon. The break has been plugged, but the street U.rn up te get at the leak has net yet a.s..:nied Its wonted appear ance. The tobacco ,. lowing en Mr- 1ml Buchcr's let, at the corner of Sixth and Locust .streets v. as being cut yesterday afternoon. The quality of the weed is ex cellent, the poorest of the plants being ordinarily geed. The tobacco is being stored in a shed erected en the let at Sixth nud Walnut sheets. The Archery elab .stiung their bows and shot their arrows last evening. We have been told the sheeting was geed. Jtfr. Addison Eby, of Eli7.abcthtewn,wa8 iiMeJvn te-dap. Mr. Geerge Campbell, a well known citizen employed at the Pennsylvania railroad ruMiidheusc, was conveyed fiem his place of work te his home en Walnut htrcet yesterday afternoon by reason of a severe illness overtaking him. We learn this morning that he Is much improved. An engine built at the Baldwin locomo tive works en the plan of the heavy engines of Ihe Philadelphia & Beading railroad C nnpany and burning refuse coal or dirt, was brought te Columbia from Philadel phia en a trial trip yesterday afternoon. The engine is longer than the modec en gine new iu us3 en the P. B. It. and when hi the round house prevents the close of the doers back of the tmk, which close wirheut trouble with the modec. Tem Waters had his hand injured with a circular saw at Ed. N. Smith's planing mill yesterday morning. VAmes Bartch claims te have discovered the identity of the person who attempted te rob his peach tree en Sunday night, already noticed in the Intbi.meencbk. The man says the shot whistled tee close by his head te make his position altogether safe. Mr. L. W. May has returned from At lantic City. At this writing 88 degrees arc the figures which the merciuv points te in the shade at Black's hotel. The day bids fair te be tine of the warmest of the season. OIIITUAKY. Death or Henry licene, Sr. Henry Kecne, sr., a well known citizen of Eden township, died at his residence in Hawksville. this morning at two o'clock. Mr. Kecne was the last member of the well known family of " Kecne brothers " of this township, where they all lived dur ing their entire lifetime. The subject of ibis notice learned the trade of wageu making, purchased a let and built a house aud ehep in Hawksville in 1829, and continued te work at his trade until about 1840, when he purchased the farm of Adam Mowrer. adjoining his own property, whither he moved and commenced fanning. Subsequently he engaged iu litncbiirning, at which he was very successful. He had an cxteusive ac quaintance through the lower end of our county. 3Ir. Keene was a man of strict integrity, of frugal and industrious habits, aud had acquired a large amount of property, being at the time of his death the wealthiest cit izen of Eden township. He was twice married. His first wife was a daughter of the late Adam Mowrer by whom he had a family of four sous and three daughters all of wiiem are married and living iu the neighborhood auu arc among uie ucsc citi zens of it. te. His second wife was a daughter of the late Jehn Suavely and survives Mr. Kccne. lie was about 77 years of age, was a mem ber of the Reformed church at New Provi dence, where he will be buried. Mr. Kecne was a most exemplary citizen, and kind neighbor and father, and in his death the neighborhood has sustained an almost irreparable less ; following se seen after that of his friend and neighbor, Mr. Lc fevre, It is the mere keenly felt. ;Te All Whom it may Concern. The Philadelphia Time thus answers a correspondent : "The Steinman-Hcnscl case is new pending in the supreme court for decision. Judge Patterson struck the names of Stciuman and Hensel from the list of attorneys, which act deprives them of the right te practice in the Lancaster courts. The case was appealed te the su preme court, where it was argued at Har rinburcr at the close of the May term. The decision is reserved and will probably be delivered at the opening at the next term of the court at Pittsburgh en the first Monday of October. If the decision of the court below shall be sustained, the dis barred attorneys can be restored te the bar only by satisfactory apology te the court ; if it shall be reversed, they will be restored te the bar by the judgment of the supreme court." Of He Consequence. Philadelphia Times. When an organ iu Virginia, ran by a noBteflicc, revenue or ether commission, declares that Senater Hampton said oue thing aud Senater Hampton himself says that he said something else, we believe Hampton because all who knew him regard him as a truthful man, and because he has been one of the most carecstand consistent of the Southern soldiers in giving aud ad vising implicit and cordial obedience te the inexorable lessens of the war. Besides, whether Hampton, or any ether man, makes a feel of himself or net, is net of the slightest consequence te intelligent voters North or Seuth. Slight Fire. Last night a blight fire occurred iu the gun shop of Charles Buchmiller, en North Queen street. It was discovered about 12 o'clock by Mrs. Sadler, who resides next dcer. She gave the alarm and the fiic was extinguished in a short time. The fire was the iese.lt of spontaneous combustion, caused by the oil which drained from the gudgeon. 'Excessive Beat. Fer five days past the weather has been extensively het, hotter indeed, than any ether five consecutive days during the present summer. Everyday during this period the mercury has risen above 00 de grees, Fahrenheit, and the air was excess ively close and stilling, unrelieved for hours together by the slightest breeze. To day the mercury marked 92 in the shade, and there are no J.igus of a change for the better. Can it be that the recent sickness and death of "Old Probabilities" (Gen. Myer) had auything te dodo with the torrid wave which oppresses us '? fetldlcr Robbed. Yesterday Julia Beilly, a peddler, ap peared in this citv and fell iu with Mary Ryan, the wife of Jack Ryan. Julia fell asleep and when she awoke she found that Mrs. Ryan had disappeared and Julia's leddlc-pack, containing'geods te the value of $15, had also disappeared. Ke-epenliig of llie Public Schools. The public schools of the city will be re-opened en Wednesday next, Sept. 1st. Teachers and pubils have just one week in which te make the necessary preparations for the re-opening. I lagan's Condition. Patrick Ilagan, who was struck with a .stone in the hands of Edw. Sanders, and had his orbital bone fractured, is reported te be in rather a bad way te-day. District President. Mr. S. J. Weelfly, of Camp 58. P. O. S. of A., Jonestown, has been appointed dis trict president for the counties of Lebanon and Lancaster. Dr. Yellowstone's agent is ut tlie Cooper house. " Herbs of Wonder" ler sale by lilin. Amusements. Mn. Heward as Topsy. Sirs. O. C. Heward, who appears ut Kulton opera house in her great role of Topsy in " Uncle Tem's Cabin," en Friday evening next, opened her season this year at the Walnut street theatre, Philadelphia, la-st week, mid was nightly greeted by crowded houses. The newspapers speak oft h! iincoiuiiien excellence el the rendition erthe piece, the company be ing of geed quality aud well-balanced, and Mi-i Heward a slarel Hint magnitude. Fer foyer and ague Herbs of Wonder." Uic. Dr. Yellowstone's Kxrurhinii. Merchants' excursion te Ceney Island and Brighten Beach. n Thursday, August 2. Ticket positively geed li two days, te return en any train from Jcivicy City errhlladclplila. Fare ler the round trip only ?l.7.". Special trains leave Lancaster (Kingstrcct)nl 1:00a.m. and Columbia at 4:Kia. hi. Fer full particulars ee pesters ami circulars at all stations en K. and C. R. B. iiiigl,21,2.;,2l,:f2tiv Dr. Yellowstone's "Herbs el Wonder" for sale at A. A. Ilublcy's drug store, SI West Kin;; street, Fer baby and children what mere delicate ami w liolc.seinu than Cut icura Seap. Fer all diseases of the bleed uc Dr. Yellow stone's "Herbs of Wonder." Fer sale by the agent at the Cooper heu-i: and at A. A. llub-L-y'.s drug store, 21 West King street. Or high or low, or rich or peer, Xone would foul teeth or breath endure. If they but knew hew sure and .-.will Was SOZODOXT, that pricclcs gill, In giving beauty, life aud tone Te every charm the mouth can own. Dr. Yellowstone's agent will lecturi. Centre square en Saturday morning and : in give ltd his medicine away. Nutrition-:, restorative, quieting, strength ening and purifying are Malt Hitters. Hl'EVIAL JVOTJCKS, SAMPLK JNOT1CK. It is impossible ler a woman after a f.iithlul course of treatment with Lydia l). I'iuUhaiu's Vegetable Compound te continue te sillier with a weakness el the uterus. Knelese a stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. I'inkham, 2:3 Western avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. jy29-lydeed.w "Say, Susan, have you le-t you appetite? Are you weak and nervous'.' If se, ' Dr J.ind sey's Rloed Searcher' Is what you want." Warm Weather and its Kneels. Many people, especially ladies, complain at this season of the ycaref a general weakness or debility. Tins use of Speer's Pert Crape Wine prevents this. The wine is said te have a most wonderful effect in giving .strength, vigor and lone te the whole system. It Is ex tensively used by ladies nursing, or about te nur-e infants. Tills wine isuetamauulactiii-cd article no liener is added te it. His no patent medicine or cordial humbug, but is a supei ler wlneef t he Opei te grape. It is pure, old, un adulterated wine, nothing mere or less. Mr. Speer has been supplying hospitals with his wine for many years past. It is said te be tin-. surpassed for summer complaints, aud for weakly persons. The prien in low ler se exccK lent a ine, and no family need be without it. This win" I-. endorsed by Drs. Atlce. and Davis, and sold by II. I'.. Slaymaker. anKWwiUw Try i.echcr's Renowned Cough Syrup. 1'iivsieiAJfs Ri:ceitmi:xi It. Your Themas F.clcctric OH commands a large and increasing sale, which it richly merits. I have always found it exceedingly helptul ; I use it in all eases of Rheumatism, as veil us fractures and dislocations. I made use of it Mtxcif te calm the pains of a broken leg with dislocation of the loot, and In two days I was entirely re lieved Ireni pain. .lOS. KKAUIUX, M. D. Fer sale by U. 11. Ceciii-un, druggist, i:7 and l.'Kl North Queen street, ijinc.ister. l'a. 11 The secret of perfect health Is invariably found by these who lake "Sellers' Liver I'ills." Mothers! Mothers!! Aletlicra:!! Are you disturbed at. night and broken el your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain or cutting teeth? 1 1 se, go at once and geta het lie of M RS. V I Ns LOW'SSOOJIUNU SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sullerer immediately depend upon It; there Is no mistake about it. There is neta mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that, it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te Ihe. mother, and relict and health te the child, operating lity magic. Ills perfectly safe te use in all eases, ami pleas ant te the laste, and is the prescription et one et the eldest and best lemale physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere 25 cents il bottle. il7-lydXwM.V&.S Use et the greatest charms of lr. I.rown I.rewn lng'.s Tonic and Alterative is the small size of the dose. The various delicate combinations of drugs are concentrated in the most careful manner, ami llnally brought together by a serbs, of original processes ; consequent lj the deB is only enu tcapoeniul for an adult and smaller In proportion for children. It is taken once bclere each inea). Last but net least, a 50 cent bottle lasts ten days, while a $1 bottle lasts twenty-four days. Fer sale by the Proprietor, W. Champien lirewniiig, 1117 Arch street, Philadelphia, anil all Druggists. auglU-iwilAw Try Lechci's Renowned Cough Syrup. Ceuglis. "Jlrewn's JSrenchial TrecJicx" arc used with advantage te alleviate Coughs, Sere Threat, Hoarseness and JSrenchial Affections. Fer thirty ycaiM these Troches have been in use, with annually Increasing favor. They are net new and untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. The Tlirent. "i;retfrt' JSrenchial Troches'' act directly en the organs of the voice. They have an ex traordinary effect inall disorders of thcThreat mid Larynx, restoring a healthy lene when re laxed, cither trem cold or ever-exertion of the voice, and produce a clear ami distinct enunci ation. Speakers and fli tigers tt ml the Troches useful. A Cough, Celd, Catarrh ei Sere Threat re quires immediate attention, as neglect otten etten tinies results in some incurable Lung Disease. Brown's lirpnchial Troches " will almost in variably give relief, imitations are offered ter ?iilc, many et which arc injurious. The genu ine "Brown's Bronchial Troches" arc sold only in boxes. lanl5-lydiwTu,Th4S GENTLEMEN ! We are new prepared te show an' Elegant Assortment of WOOLEN GOODS in the New Styles for FALL AND WINTER WEAR. DEESS SUITS, BUSINESS SUITS, and BOYS' CLOTHING, all made te order in first-class style and manner. Always en hand Laundried and Unlatmdried Shirts Of the Best Quality and Make. Underwear in different Weights and Sizes. HOSIERY, and NECKWEAR, in Full Assortment ; all at Lewest Prices. We invite examination. GrIVLEB, BO WEES & HUEST, 2S East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Try i.echcr's Renowned Cough Syrup The remedy that will cure the many diseases Hculiar te women is Warner's Sate Kidney and Liver Cure. Mether's Magazine. .r. Try I.echcr's Renowned Cough Syrup. Krevlty is the Seul or Wit. Seme oue who believes that brevity is the soul of wit. writes: "Don't eat stale Qcuin liers. thev'l Willi, and if thev de. you will need - -.. . .. . . .... .-. - .i lr Themas' r.cicciric uu, me uesi lemeuy in .t... ........1.1 ,.... I'nlln LI111 IIUIIU 1JI IUIIV, Crumps. Dysentery, Dlarrluca. etc." Fer sale bv 1 1. i:.ceciiran,ariig gist, Xe. 137 anil 12 North Queen street, Lun caster, Pa. ' Try Lechcra Renowned Cough Syrup. 1'OLITICAL UVLLUTIS. A'1 TTliNTION ! HANCOCK LEGION! TIIF. OPF1CF.RS AND HEMHEl'S UKTHK HANCOCK LEGION are kindly requested te appear at their head quarters, 'in Centre Square, THIS EVENING, at 7 o'clock, te receive imlterms, mid from there te proceed teNrth Queen street, be tween Orange and Chestnut street, and assist in raising a liandseiiiccunipaign banner. The SEVERAL WARD CLUJIS, THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE, HANCOCK VETERANS, and the citizens of lancaster ami vicinity ere kindly invited te be present. The HANCOCK LEGION respcctlully request the citizens in the neighborhood of the banner raising illumi nate their residences. Res pect fully yours, ; COL. EDWARD McUOVKRN. Commander et llrigitde. Piiuii' liiatMAUif, Marshal. Suci!. Smith, Secretary. 'jtl Attention Hancock Veterans ! The members of the Hancock Veteran Asso ciation are requested te meet at their head quarters, Centie square, this evening at S o'clock sharp, te lake part in ihe raising of the large Hancock banner en North Queen street. Te Voters. The 2d of SEPTEMBER Is the last day ler registration and uescssipciit. The assessor of each district is required (e be at the election house en WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st and 2d, trem 10 a. in. te :t p. m ami trem ; p. m. te !i p. in., te perfect the list of voters. All persons entitled te vote should jiersonal jiersenal see that they are assessed as well as regis tered.; Persons intending te be natumli.cd beleie thc2defOCT01IER should also be assessed and registered by the 2d of SEPTEMBER. Committee en naturalizatien: J. L. Sleiu luetz. D. McMullen, R. F. Davis, Jehn A. Ceylc, 15. F. Montgomery. Persons desiring te lie naturalized can apply te any of these, in to Y. I. Hensel, at the I.ntei.uek.ncei: elllcc. Hancock Vet eran Association meets at Cen tral Headquarter every Tuesday evening. Conference committee meets en Wednesday evening, August 25. Thereafter en every second and leurll; Wednesday of the month. Campaign committee meets regularly every Thursday evening. Hancock Legien meets every llrst and third Monday of the month. Sixth ward club meets regularly en Friday evening; Aniericuscltib en Thursday evening. Third Ward Hancock club meets at central headquarters, Friday evening, Aug. 27, at ') o'clock. FOB PRESIDENT : WINPIELD S. HANCOCK, OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOB VICE PRESIDENT : WILLIAM H. KNULISH, OF INDIANA. (JEN. HON. The great principles or American lil crly are still the IcmTiiI inheritance eF this people, and ever should be. The right of trial by jury, the habeas corpus, the liberty of the press, the freedom of speech, the natural rights or persons and Ihe righls of property must be preserved. W INFIELD S. HANCOCK, Maj. t .'en. Gemd'sr Dcpt. La. ami Texas. State Electoral Ticket. KLKGTOItS. It. E. MONAtJIIAN, W. II. l'LAYFOBD. JOHN SLEV1N. E. A. TUE. -I.M. CAM1MSELL. tWLLES DALLET. JOHN N, MOFFET. EDWIN .WALDON. NATHAN C. JAMES. (iEOKUE FILBEUT. JAMES ti. McSl'AUUAN, UK. ALFKED J. MARTIN ADAM UEltlUNUEU. FUANK TITKNEIt. l'.J. BlBMINGtJUAM. II. E. DAVIS. CiEOItUE A. POST. A. M. 11ENTON.J J. 1. LINTON. COL. JOHN S. MII.LEK. J. O. SAXTON. V.. K.. BOWEIt. J. A. J. BUCHANAN. CHUISTOi'HEU MAUEE. ROBERT M. GIBSON. THOS. BRADFORD. HARRY W. WILSON SAMUEL GRIFFITH. J. ROSS THOMPSON. HEMOCKAT1C .STATU TICKET. POU BCI'REXE JUDOK. tiEORUE A.JENKS. POtt AUDITOR GENERAL. ROBERT P. DECHERT. DICMOCKAT1C COUNTY TIUKKT. VORCONORESS. J. L. STEIN METZ. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNKV. D. JleMULLEN. FOR SENATOR (Utll DISTRICT.) J. 1J. DOUGLASS. FOR ASSEMBLY (2d DISTRICT.) S. C. STEVENSON, S. 1 SHIRK. FOR ASSEMBLY CM DISTRICT.; II. M. BRENEMAN. It. DAVIS YUNDT, JACOB M. HAENLEN. TOR PRISON IKSFECTORS. BARTON N. WINTEltS BENJ. MILLER. FOR POOR DIRECTORS. A. J. SNYDER, JOHN FRANC1SCUS. JfMJt HOODS. XjL If A It Among the many advantages sained by our change of business location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work en trusted te us. WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL, BOX REPAINING, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING, &c. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver beujht, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. Jl..iTIIS, Donevan. In Muiihcim borough, en the 21th InsL, Benjamin Donevan, aged IM years. The relatives mul friends of the family are respectfully invited te attend his funeral, from Ills late icsidcnce, Manhelm borough, en Fri day morning at 0 o'clock. 2td XHir A It rEUTlSEMJiS'TS 1 1 1ST THIS MOKN1NU (IN mektJinu WALNUT and Duke. JJ street, between North Queen or near the corner et Duke and Walnut, a Iiockctbeolc witli a small sum of money. Under will be duly rewarded by leaving it at this ellice. ltd 105 GO TO F. H1EMENS, 105 the Cheapest Ne. and J OS 105 North Queen street for Best BOOTS AND SHOES. Sign of the lliirShee 105 iJiSAWtld 100 Tens el Hags Wanted, Fer which the highest price will he paid. 2,'j CENTS PER POUND FOR GOOD MINED RAUS. The highest price paid for Woolens, old Paper, Beeks, Ac. Ten ICng Assertcrs w anted te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBEil, Cor. North Queen nud Orange Streets, y'J-tldR ;.aiifas.tcr. Pa 1AC LADlr.S AND CJKNTS fr It you waul a GOOD FITTING BOOT OR SHOE, Rcady-miidc or made te order, call at F. HIEMENZ'S, Ne. lal North Queen Street. Custom Weik a Specialty. iei'.S&Wtl.l rM TUE TEACHERS AND PUPILS OF X the public school. The following notice explains itself: U.K. BiTiair.Li:, Esij.,CilySupl. LanciLster, l'a Di:ar Slit. Under the new rule adopted by me iiearn ei uirccierH aiiiisi. i:i. me common schools efthe city of luicaster will he opened Wednesday, the "llrst day of September, next. Yeu will please le cause notice of the .same te be duly given. By order el Supcrinteniling Committee. DAN. t!. BAKER, Chairman. The undersigned desires te meet the teachers for consultation previous le the opening of the schools at his ellice, as follews: Primary Grades August 30 at U a. in. Secondary Grades August 31 at!) a. m. R. K. JtUEHRLE, aug3i 4til Siiperiuteniiant. I1UULIC SALK Oft- VALUABLE ItKAL ESTATE. On THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7. 188(1. will be seldatniiblicsale. en tlieiiremi.scs. en Ihe Millcrsvillc pike, in the city of l.anc;it l.anc;it ter ami county of Lancaster, Pn., the following, te wit.: A tract et laud, containing 5 ACRES, mere or less, en which is erected a large and conve nient two story BRICK HOUSE, w ith Mansard Reef and a two-.sterv Brick Back Building at tached, nnd a small Summer KitcliOli; gas through the heuse: has a line hall and eleven large rooms, conveniently laid eut: a well et nevcr-lailing water with piimpthcreln, cistern and n choice let of tin it trees in bearing order, peach e. chard, etc.: a line driving read te and trem the house. The ground fronts en three streets; would be well adapted for building lets. There is also a geed cellar under the whole house ; healer in cellar, and geed ven tilation in all the rooms; there is an ebserva tery en top et the house, al.se a geed large Barn, Carriage linage. Ice Heuse, stabling ter three horses and two cows, with water i.tlhe barn ; a glass front hennery, !i5 loot long, with work-shop attached. There are en this property about ;SV dltfcreiit varieties of grapes, bearing, with a line let of shrubbery, evergreen and shade trees. This properly Is well worth the attention et persons who wish te buy a private residence, or ler building leU, or ler a ilerist. Any person wishing te view the property previous te the day et sale can dese by calling en the undursigncd residing en the same, cither by loiter or personally. Sale te commence at '2 o'clock P. M. et said day, when attendance will be given ami condi tions of ?alc will be made known by HENRY G. LI PP. S. Iltss & Sen, Auct. uug24-lld&CtdS."fc7tw WAKTJEMi. WASTE II..KVKKYMOIIV TO ADVKK ADVKK tise, Tree of charge. In the Intklliuex er. who wants something te de. WANTED TWO C1GAKMAKEKS ANf one stripper. Apply at Ne. North Prince street. ltd M'VVJtSIONS. DAILY EXCURSIONS FROM PHILADELPHIA CAPE MAY. The famous mammoth tlircc-dcck Steamer it REPUBLIC w Leaves Race Street Wlinrt at Tlisi. m., arriving at Cape May about i p. in. Returning, leaves Cape May at 3 o'clock p. m., givinganiple time for bathinir or u drive en the beach. A full Brass Band and Orchestra Music for dancing. Parler Entertainments varied weekly. Lunch eons and Refreshments In abundance. Din. ners anil suppers provided. Oysters ami Fish served for supper a lew moments alter taken from the water. Fare for tkc ReHHtl Trip - $1.00. SUNDAYS Will Iceve Eace Street Wharf ut "Kn.m. P. S. A Bread Gauge Steam K. R. wiU con vey passengers te Chi e Island in S minutes. Tickets for sale at CHAS. H. BAHR'S, aMKnmaw CENTRE SQUABE. GLOVES, SUSPENDERS VEltTISEMES'TS. .4MI'si:munts. l4'ULTON Ol-KltA HOUSE. Finn a r Ernxixa, a itc. s:, vse. Yeu have seen imitators new rw the "rent original TOPSY, Mrs. G. O. Heward, in her new version or Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stewe's immortal work, UNCUS TOM'S CABIN, together with the eelebrrled troupe of Virginia JUBILEE SINGERS, Real colored people. Men, Women mid Chil dren, will appear iu thegrund. realistic PLAN TATION ami COTTON-PICKING SCEN ES The characters in the drama will be pertraved by a CAREFULLY SELECTED DRAMATIC COMPANY. Admission, 35, 35, and "0 Cenls. RESERVED SEATS, M CENTS, te lie had at the Opera Heuse Ollice. a-.'l-ltd j-'ek salk vj: jcjsxt, VOKSALK. HANDSOME RESIDENCES, Ten-roomed, two story and Mansard reef. Grew Steiift Frent Dwellings, Nes. ti) and t:s: West Orange Slroet. With all the best MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, including .leaning's improved Londen water closets, marble-top washMand, improved wall-etl-in range, cellar heater, perlcct dnilmigcauil sewerage, deep, dry cellar, white marble base and steps, Ac, Ac. Let 'J2 by 213 feet te a H-feet wide alley, front yard 2 feet iu depth, inclesed with ornamental Iren fence. Fer terms, Ac.apply te JOHNILMETLER, UUI-W&Stfd Xe.9 Seuth Duke St. 1)UKLIC SALK. . On WEDNESDAY. AUGUST S3. 1SS0, w ill be sold ut Ne. 2.5 East Vine street, Lancaster city, Pa., the Inllewing, te wit: Twe Bed steads and Bedding, one Gas-burner Steve, Cabbage Cutter, pair of Steel-yards (weighs dieibsl. Weed chest. Iren Kettle, and ether Household Furniture, a large let et New Carpenter tools, censitting of Millwright, Wagen maker ami Plough Manufacturing Toels, Grindstone, Shavinghersc, Selder Toels, Cupboard ami Chests. Workbench, all kinds et Planes and a large let of Chisels from 3 te inch; B-accs and Bits, Square and Compass, and in fact almost anything that can be men tioned in the line et tools. A large Diamond Glass Cutter, a pair et Patent Biilleycs, Vise, set of Clamps, Punch Machine, two sets Screw plates for cutting brass or iron, and in short a tirst-classsct et tools for all kinds of mechan ics. . Sale te commence at 10 o'clock A. M. et said lay, ami te continue until all is sold, when attendance will be given and conditions el 1 sale will be made known by ASSA Srir.llLMA.'S. S. 1 1 ess .t Sen-, Allots. aug?l-3td MISCELLANEOUS. -ITfILL REOPEN ON SEPTEMKEK C AT TT 419 East King street, Rebecca S. Hoi Hei brook' school ler children. :iug2S-c;td CI RAIN SPECULATION T In large or small amounts. $ir or $-20,000-Writc W. T. SOULE & CO., Commission Mer chants, 13(1 LnSalle street, Chicago, 111., lercir nlara. mas-iyd IJKOPOSALSFOnFUllNlSHINGir.OTON.S of furnace ami 50 tens of range coal of geed ipiality for use of Lancaster county prison will Im: received at W. F. Beyers's elllcc. Ne. 17 North Duke street, en or before September i;, isse, at 'J o'clock a.m. By order efthe beard. AMOS RUTTER, uug2U-3td Secretary. 1 PROPOSALS FOK STICK KT WOICK. Scaled proposals will be received by the street committee up te FRIDAY, AUGl'&T'JT, at 7 o'clock . m., ler the following work, iz: Constructing rubble pavement en Grant street, lerm Market te Prince streets, grading Pine street, from Orange te Chestnut, and building sewer from Pine te Mary street. Bills te be endorsed specilying the work bid for and te be directed te D. McMullen, Chair man. Plans mid specillcntieus te be seen at the ellice el James C. Carpenter, City Regula tor. The committee reserve the right te re ject any or all bids received. By order of committee. S. W. RAUB, aiiR'J3-4td Klerk. OTATK FAIR. Twenty-seventh Annual Exliihilien OFTHE Fei'a Apicniral Society WILL BE HELD IN MAIN CENTENNIAL BUILDING, FAIRM0UNT PARK, PHILAD'A. SEPTEMBER 6 te 18. Entries and Competition Free ! INTERNATIONAL SHOW OF SHEEP, WOOL AND WOOL PRODUCTS. SEPTEMBER 20 te 25, 1880. Entry Beeks will close at the Ollice, North west corner of Tenth anil Chestnut streets, August 31,1880. $40,000 IN PREMIUMS. CASH PRIZES FOR LIVE STOCK, SK4.31S. Excursion Tickets at Greatly Reduced Itatcs. Liberal Arrangements for Trunsjiortatien. D. W. SEILER, Recording Sec'y. ELBRIDUE M'CONKEY, Corresponding Scc'y. WILLIAM S. BISSELL, President. anglC,18,21,23,25,28,:.0,scp2tOl0 TytOTICE TO JUKOKS. 131 All jurors drawn for the weeks commenc ing MONDAY. SEPTEMBER C, ISSO, and M5NDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1S80, are hereby netllled net te attend, as the cases set down for trial for these weeks have been continued. By order of the court, JACOB 8. STRINE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Lance-tcr, Pa., Aug. 21, isse augl-3tdA'2tw THRDEDITIOIT. WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUG. 25,1880. SWEPT BY FLAMES. URE.VT FIRE IN PHILADELPHIA. Destruction or a Valuable llaalness Uleck Less Several Hundred Thousand. MEXICAN BRIQANDS. MISCELLANEOUS TELEURAMS. The Kemaiice of Keul Lire A Fortune That "Came Toe Late." Uriels by Wire. gi:i:at taut: in piiiladkpuia. liniiicnse Destruction et Property at 13th and Willow Streets, Early This Mernius. Philadelphia, Aug. 20. A lire broke out .shortly niter four o'clock this morning. in the Heur mill of Wm. B. Themas & Ce.. northwest corner of Thirteenth and Willow streets. The 1 Limes are said by some te have originated iu the engine room, hut ethers state that the lire was seen .simultaneously in several points or the mill. Spreading rapidly the flames communicated te the stove aud hollow- ware foundry of Stuart & Petersen, en Ihe west, which extended, as did the mill, from Willow te Hamilton street, and thence te the large building at the southwest corner of Thirteenth aud Hamilton streets, occu pied by Chun pert & Brethers, manufac turers of cigars. Themas fc Ce.'s mill was in ojicratieu at the tinie the lire was discovered, aud the workmen beat a hasty retreat. One of them, Wm. Miller, fore man in the milling room, is missing. The building was seen inruins,allthe walls fall ing aud filling the streets by which it is bounded. The falling biiekj crushed the eastern end of Stuart & Petersen's foundry, and the flames which seen swept into the pat tern room in the ueitheasteru corner of the structure destroyed nearly all the patterns, which Mr. Petersen stated will be diffi cult te replace, and he estimates his Iiks at $7,."00), which is coveted by insurance. The less en the mill property is placed at $100,000. Guinpeit & llie. u'ciipy second and third floors of the front of the building at the northwest corner of Thirl ecnth and Hamilton streets, and the second, third and fourth floors in the rear. The lirst aud fourth floors efthe front of the structure arc va cant. The building is 100 feet front by C5 feet deep. The linn employed 150 hands, and they had in stock 400,000 loose cigars. Theirinsnraiicc is 23,000 and will cover their less. OnJ the east side of Thirteenth street all the buildings were damaged. The eeal ellice of Garber Bres., northeast corner of Thirteenth and Willow streets, was gutted, causing a less of 2,000 ; in sured. Extending northward the store and dwelling of Mathilda I)ouglas,Ne. 42!), was damarcd te the extent of 700 ; Ne. 4:).", Laecy's tavern, 1,000 ; southeast corner Thirteenth and Hamilton, occupied by Wm. Bobinsen, .blacksmith shop and dwclling,300; northeast corner Thirteenth and Hamilton, Peter Small, saloon, 15,- 000 ; Ne 4 le, saloon of Fred. Naumann, 1,000 ; Ne. 1 15, saloon of Jacob Will, 300, and several small dwellings in the rear of l".th street, above Willow street, slightly damaged. MEXICAN ItANDlTTI. Put te Flight by the SlicrllTs Pesie. San Fkancisce, Aug. 24. A despatch from Tiiccseti, Arizona, says Sheriff Butner and po::se left last night le intercept and arrest the Mexican brigand Beyes, who was in the vicinity with his band. Parties met eight miles from town, and after a fight the Mexicans fled, leaving several dead and wounded, as well as their animals an;! weapons en the field. The shcrilf pur sued but lest the trail in the darkness. A company of United States troops aie new pursuing the banditti. A Fortune That Cuuic tee Late. New Yerk, Aug. 25. The hotly of Wm. Beberts, a coal passer en the steam er Scythia, who was drowned while bath ing in the North river en Sunday, wasre wasre ceveted this morning. Beberts is the man whom a cable from Liverpool a few hours after his death announced as falling heir in England te JL'S.neO. A WATEK FAMINE. Kcadiiij; In n Famished "Condition. Bkadine, Pa., Aug. 25. This city of 4:!,000 inhabitants is today almost entire ly deprived of water. The rail read shops and several manufacturing establishments have been forced te slop and citizens are depending en springs and pumps. The slight supply el water in the reservoir is bjing reserved iu case of fire. ISrakeiiiuu Killed. Jehn Deyle, brcakman en a coal train en the Beading read, was killed a few miles above Heading this morning. He was coupling cars, fell en the track, was run ever and horribly mangled. WEATHER 1NDICACION Washington, 1). C, Aug. 25. Fer the Middle Atlantic slates, higher barometer, warmer southwest veering te cooler northerly winds, partly cloudy weather, and possibly local rains. A llrave Soldier's Death. Londen, Aug. 25. A Caudahar dis patch says (!cn. Breeke, killed during the late sortie, met his death while attempting te bring iu Captain Cruikshatik, who was wen niled. Killed While Plnyine Baseball. St. Jehn, N. B., Aug. Jehn Eliott fifteen years old, while playing baseball here yesterday, was struck by the ball and instantly killed, Tannery "turned. Qucrnx, Aug. 25. Germain's tannery and valuable machinery therein were des troyed by fire yesterday. Less 20,000. The Saratoga Races. Saratoga, Aug. 25. First race : Giraflc, first ; Harry, second. Second race : Spring Held, first; Flera, second; Ada, third. Third race : Geld Bug, lirst ; Cel. Spragne second-; Oden, third. The races were then postponed en account of the rain. SUICIDE. Flying Frem the JUs he Had te Tliose he Km met or. New Yerk, Aug. 25. 3Ir. Bebett Jj. Barth, a retired clothing Ia!er. sixty eight years old, residing at Xe. 240 Clin Clin eon street, near Menree, committed sui cide by sheeting himself in the head at his residence about half-past nine o'clock this merninjr. Fer the last twnntv viirs 3Ir. Barth has been troubled with ueuralgic pains in the head, and at times has sufferedgrcat agony. lie was married and in geed circumstances. IBs wife says he had given her no intimation of his suicidal intention, but shortly after his sleeping room had been put in order he passed her in the hall, went in, and closing the deer almost immediately shot himself. His death was apparently instantaneous. IUU Quit the Ship. Chairman Jewell must hastily step the leaks in the Bepublicau ship or the passengers will seen become panic-stricken and fellow the deserting rats. Butler has already fled ever te Hancock. Dick Busteed, a voluble Bepubliean from anywhere en the bench iu Ala bama te anything iu prospect iu New Yerk, has made the dash toward Hancock. Colonel Worthington. Bepublican ex con gressman and ex-judge in Nevada and collector of customs in Charleston, haa plunged into the Democratic deep te get ever te Hancock, and Bepreseiitative uawseu, oue et the prom meet colored legislators of Arkansas, has jnst reported at Baruum's headquarters iu New Yerk, that "Hancock's the man for our money." MAKKKTS. New knrk Market. NkwYerx. Aug. 35. Fleur-State and West ern heavy and in very moderate demand ; Sn Sn pcrllne statu ut gleuJOU; extra de at f 1 IW & '-'' I choice. de., $1 -tuS IM: tancy 3 lOtJU U): round hoop Ohie ft 2""Y tt): choice de iSlOiifiOD; superfine western a: I 4 ll); common te geed extra de l u;t' l a:, ; choice dodo 1 (lege C; choice uhile u Ileal de J4 25QI G5; Seutheia dull! and heavy; common te tair cvtia tl'.KV50; "oedto choice de $5 COVji; 75. Wheat u shade 6tiiKcr, but rathn ,t-.ue : Ne. 1 White, September, $1 OSUc ; de. October,. l OSe; Ne. ' Red September. $1 k ; de October, $1 IH;-;;1 uJi ; de Auk l 9.V.. Cern easier, and active ; Mixed i.-s!.ri spot, "d.-.l'e : de Ititure, SlJiS:;.:e. Oats steady anil quiet ; Sate, at Sytfllfe. ; West ern, at :i;ie. Philadelphia Market. PiilLAiucLrniA. Ahk- iV Kleur unchanged, ,,lJ,L,lul1 :. ?"lcrilii.! at fiteiiS; i-xtmutSAe fjtOO; Ohie and Indiana family ft Mjfr5 73 l'enn,nninilydeM7ri.r'-r.: Si. Leuis ramilyut . MltO 00 ; M iniiesetn family ." -iiSi; en ; patent and hih grades ttf :mqs CO. Ry tleur at $1 . Wheat quiet : Ne. 2 Western Red l cce -Peim'a Kcd$l u;j.J: Amber! H7c. Cern scare en local market: steamer IV" e -yellow 55lc; mixed Kle. Oatsllriu wllli geed demand; Ne. I, Whlte 41t-Jc;No.2,delO41c;No.:t, de :i:u; Ne. ' Ryescarcuand wanted ut 80c. Previsions market less active: mm.-, perk li; lic SO; beet hams 21 5ujj -Indian mess beet ut li; mi; bacon smoked shoulders 7c; salt de llC'rCc; smoked hatna lli:Sc; pickled hums lOllc. .Lard quiet; city kcltle n jic; een butchers' sc; prime steam H)(p ISuttcr choice quiet mid ttnu : Cmunerv cxtra 25c: Creamery geed te choice ;A 23c; Ilrudferd county anil New Yerk extra. 2223c : Western reserve extra I(U$l7c; de oe.t le choice 1315e; Rolls quiet; Peiiu'u extra l.;ijl(; Western reserve extra l.t Ilk;. Kksh esler; Penu'a at 19c: Western ISc. Cheese linn; New Yerk full cream lv'c; Western full cream ll'rffgllc: de Tatr tx KhmI KlSllc: de half skims !llie. Petroleum linn ; retlucd V.-k. Whisky Si IX Seeds tJietl le prime Clevor tlrinutisse eJU0; Timethy tirm at $2ti3 70: Klaxsccd quietat$I27. .tterk :tiarket. pBlLADU.rui ,. Au;;. 23. 12F.K. :t-W)I. M Stocks dull. Peiinu li's (third Issue) Philadelphia .1 Kile.. Reading Pennsylvania Lehigh Valley. United Ces. et N.J Northern Pacific " Prelcrred .. Northern Central t ..i.i..i. v ....i.. .... in; . iiia .Ky.-,?i:u . ai:n . S3.tf.-. Htlltftll 1HIKHillllll. e. DiUMl',:. Norristown 1IM Central TransiMtriutleu Ce. WAtiM Pitts., Titusville A llunale. 12i:; uiue scnuyiEiu t,',i New Yoret. . iifi Steeks strong and active. Meney &- 11. I. V.UIIUUI.... ...........ISVyi Krlt Adams Kxpres Michigan Central Michigan Seul hen Illinois Central Cleveland Pittsburgh.. Chicago A Reck Island.... Pittsburgh A Fert Waym Western Union Tel. Ce.... Teledo A Wabash New Jersey Central -.iir, .ii:: .lHetlered. .125 .km; Ontario Western 2T Dnlteil States lleiul.i ami Sterling; Kxrlitm- (Quet :it Ions by It. K. Jamisen Ce..S. W iiii. .hi turn nesieiiL sirceis). PUILADKLrillA. Allg. 23. States fi's, 1SSI, (registered). .10ll0IJrt States 5's, 1S3I, (registered). .102i(ai( States 4Jj's, lil, (registercd)llu iiwuy. Stilleu il'u 1Mll fi'iuiniiiut lllAllil7 United United United United Unitei SUltes 4's, 1907. (regwtcrcd)..l(J9Ji,Hln'2 United Sterllii! niai.esi,urrtncyiis....i-i,i3;,i27.ri)12; ; Kxchamre 4S2 aisl LANCASTKK HOUSEHOLD MAKKKT. OAIKV. l.utter yp vt... .................... Cup cheese, 2 cups Cottage cheese, 2 pieces Dutch cheese V lump viuiits. Apples 1H14 pk 1 ananas each Cherries, dried, ft qt Currants, dried, 1 0. Dried Apples 1 qt " Peaches Kl qt Kox (trapes; W qt Cr.irrf.-s Jipk Lemens V ilez Oranges 1 de:: 1'ciirs Yt leck Pe-.iches 1 iieck " " prime Plums "Jt qt VBOKTABLKS. Beets f bunch Cabbage ft bead Carrots ft bnncli Cncnmuers t dez Cern ft ier...... ...... ........... EggPlants each Green Cern ?! dez (irceu beans fljpcck Mmutbcans Hi qt. I.cttucc. head and plate Onions ft Ji pk " ft bunch Potatoes ifljpfc .- Radishes bunch Soup lh;an.s ft qt Salsify ft buiTch..... Squ:ihcseach '. Tomatoes ft J pk POULTKV. Chickens fl pair (live) " ' (cleaned) Ducks V pair Geese ft piece MIBCKIXAMCOL'fl. Apple Butter ft qt iinicieuii4 Kggs fltfez J X (Jilt J Jp M)m O'Jlip ft Wtm . Saner kraut fl qt Watermelons If KATH Beef Steak, ft f. '. " Rettst(rib)ft ; " (chuck) ft I. Cernell, V ... Bologna dried JiUIQD fl ' isinl ji & Mutten V i writ fi Pudding & Sausage fl Sides and Bacen fl ft Shoulders fl Summer Bologna O RAIN. Clevcrsecd fl bus lWjT yl MJI1 a a Cernfl bus OatsjA bus nye fi 4)u9ttit4(((f Timethy Seeed fl bvarC. Wheat ft has IL'QlKc - ru. W ."."I"."8iec fVt8c lJ4."c J aV A " 5rtc l'W12i: 23e 12015c 1220e fAKt 1018" ... ISvQDc 10$ 5: u MjlOe JQajC JfTjf AUO riec tw4(Oii SlOc 710c mize vy tC 20g23c SQlOc ........... M ........... .0 ............. ie ....... .....2c ".".".V.'.ieaiSc 40QOJC atainc jvieec , uc3ti vC :i2Sc ie 2025c 'tWeO 10'12C . lOtJvt 1020c 12U1CC lOirtiic 10ise 23He .....25c I318c 12420c .........79c lOfllCc 910e eC M12? ..79l0e C 14C 10018c .$5.0006.00 ...422& 0ec iwB40e 1