ii ii in i i i i ii i ii ii urn i mi i ijiiinii mi m in n II I m . 'r' - ' KWTjfi? 'Mi -jr. ." iCiA.'TtWTt' 'lY.A :?sTT.,'trA1TJ:1 .---c j -;- - r " - i-iv.' i- 1 v m. v LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER. TUESDAY AUGUST 24. 1880. Lancaster Intelligencer. TUESDAY EVENING, AUG. 24, 1880. Tke Lecal Tobacco Market. Perhaps one-fourth of the crop of 1880 has been cut off and hung en the poles. That which was cut early is en the whole in very fine condition though some of it has been cut by the " lively flea." Gentlemen who have traveled through a considerable part of the tobacco district says the rava ges of the (lea have been mere destructive than usual. In some instances whole fields have been mere or less damaged, and even after the tobacco has been cut off and hung up, the llcas attacked it in the shed. The later tobacco is growing finely and if it escapes the hail and the fleas will make a fine crop. Reports from New Yerk arc te the effect that the prospects are very flattering for a lively trade in 1879 leaf. There is an in creasing demand en the part of manufac turers at satisfactory prices. Our Lancas ter market is favorably affected by this wave of improvement, and the result has been that au increased number of sales have taken place. One sale of ever 300 cases has been effected another of about 100, another of 40, and several ethers of 10, 20 and upwards mak ing the aggregate for the week some 700 or 800 cases. Sampling continues active with satisfac tory result, the percentage of damage be ing low. Dealers arc here in some 10100, taking a leek at both the old and the new crop with a view te future investment in addition te purchases already effected. Following is the weekly report of J. S. (Jans' Sen & Ce., New Yerk, for the week ending August 2IJ : 200 cases 187!) New England, 11 te 13 ; 272 cases 1878 New England, 13 te 20 ; 24 cases 1877 New England, pt. ; 430 cases 187!) Peiisylvania, 12 te 18 ; 25!) cases 1878 Pennsylvania, 10 te 30c; 380 cases 1879 Ohie, 7 te 8c. ; 83 cases 1878 Ohie lie. ; 100 cases 1879 Wisconsin llav. Seed, pt. ; total, 1,77!) cases. Tim Friend of Delicate Ladle. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is the remedy thai will cure the muny discuses pe culiar te women, llcadaclics, neuralgia, dis ordered nerves, weakness mental shocks, and kindred ailments arc effectually removed by ii use. The Mether js Magazine. 4 'OMl SALK UK HUNT, 1MHI KENT. . The second story of Eshlcinan & Katli Katli veii'.h Hanking Heuse, at Centre Square, and also a room en second story, op)iesilu the IVuu'a It. K. Depot, en Chestnut street. II. F. ESIILKMAN, f:-2ld&Stt Atternev-atLaw r.i.tiAiti.K citv property at PRIVATE SALE. A let et ground Ne. 27 North Mary street, upon which is erected a two-story Brick Dwellingwllhtwo-stery Brick Hack Ku'ildiiig. Stable 011 rcuret let. There is a variety of Choice Fruit en the premises. Alse a two-story Ilrick Dwelling, Ne. 114 West Orange struct, 'and a Let et 1! round en New street, between Lime and Shippen streets, 134 feet, front and 215 feel deep. Fer further par ticulars apply te JOHN HULL, Tobacconist, augll-lldS 47 West King Street. TTUMeSALK. HANDSOME RESIDENCES, Ten-roomed, two-story and Mansard reef, CJrwn Stene Frent Dwellings, Ne. lit anil 133 West Orange Street. Willi all the best. MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, including .Icuiiing's improved Londen water- ele-iets, marble-top washstand, inn tnnd. improved wall cd-iu range, cellar heater, perfect drainage perfect drainage and sewerage, deep, dry cellar, white marble base ami steps, ,Ve., &v. Let 22 by 215 feci te a 14-feel Wide alley, front yard 2 1 feet in depth, inclesed with ornamental iron fence. Fer terms, ,Ve.,appJv te JOHN II. MKTZLF.lt, aug2!-W.fcSlfd Ne.'t Seuth DukeSt. 1MIKLIC : sale. L enWi :dni:si.y. Augusts, isse, win besehl:it Ne. 2.S Ea-d Vine street, Lancaster city, Pa., the lollewiug, te wit: Twe Ited ste'ails ami llcddiug. one Gas-burner Steve, Cabbage Cutler, pair of Steel-yards (weighs ami lbs). Weed Chest, Iren Kettle, and ether Household Furniture. A large let et New Carpenter tools, eeiisitling of Millwright, Wageumakcr ami l'lnugh Manulacturiug Toels, tlriniNt one, Shavinghei-se, Selder Toels, Cupboard and Ohcsts. Workbench, all kinds el I'lanes ami a large let of Chisels from 3 te inch; Unices ami Hits, Square and Compass, ami in fact almost anything that can be men tioned in tin: line el feels. A large Diamond Class Cutter, a pair of Pal en t llulleyes. Vise, set of Clamps, Punch Machine, twosetsSerew twesetsSerew platcs for cutting brass or iron, and in short a liivt-class set et tools for all kinds of mechan ics. Sale te commence at 10 o'clock A. M.elsaid day, and te continue until all is sold, when attendance will be given and conditions et sale will be made known by ANNA Sl'IEHLMAN. S. lir-SB & Sex, Aucts. aug2l-.".td PUltLIC SALK OF VAI.UAKLK REAL KSTATK. On SATURDAY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, SEPTUM ISER 18, 1SSII; at the Key stone Hetel, Nerlb Queen street, in the city of l.aiica-tcr. will be sold in pursuance efthe di di di rectiousef the will of Jeseph Peel, deceased, the lollewiug real estate, viz : Ne. 1. All that certain hall-let or piece of ground situate en the westsldeef North Queen street, in said citv, containing in front. "2 feet Yf inches, and in depth 2l.r feet te a 14 feet wide alley ; bounded en the north by ground of Jehn i:e-caml en the south by ground el Richard MeCianu, en which a One-Story Frame Dwelling Heuse is erecteil en Norih Queen Street, and another One-Story Frame Dwelling situate en the said fourteen lcet wide alley. Ne. 2. All that certain One-Story Brick Dwelling Heuse and half-tot' or piece of ground, situate en the south side et East Chestnut Street, in ssiid city, containing in front 32 tcct 2VJ inches, and in depth 215 feet te a 11 feet wide alley, bounded en the east by ground of It. P.. Hosteller and en the west by William llensel. Possession and title en April 3, 1SS1. DAVID HAltTMAN, Executer. II. Siii'kekt. Aue. aug 20-TAF-tsd PUltLIC SALK OF VALUAKLE KKAL KSTATK. On WEDNESDAY, SEPTEM BER 15, 1SS0, will lie sold at puelic sale en the premises, situated in Itaphe township, en the read leading from Mr. Jey te JIanheim, one half mile northeast of ML Jey, adjoining lands et Christian Geed, Jeseph Dctweiler, J no. ISreneman ami the Little Chiqucs Salunga creek-, a Valuable Farm containing PW AGUES, en which is erecteil a two-story Ilrick Heuse with two-story brick wing attached. There is no liner farm house in Lancaster county. A balcony extends the whole length of the house en the first and second stories. There arc large folding doers in the hall; in winter the doers can lie closed, making another room, and in summer by ejicning the doers a large, cool hall is the result. A circular staircase runs te the third story. The cellar Is cement ed and has a sub-arched cellar underneath, which is intended for keeping milk, butter, meats, Vc. Stene Tenant Heuse with basement kitchen. A large bank barn, when erected in 1871, cost nearly $8,000. Attached te the barn Is a building which contains a horse newer and above is a large mew. A large straw house at tached te the barn, a carriage house, wagon shed, corn crib and all necessary outbuildings, allot' which arc covered with slate. A large ice house near the house. The fencing is com posed ollecust pests and chestnut rails. The preicrtv lias been thoroughly limed within the lest five years, is in a high state of cultiva tion, and isoneel the most desirable farms; in the county If desired (15,00(1 efthe purchase money can remain en the farm. Any crseit desiring te view the property be fore the day of sale will please call en Mr. Charles Bender, residing thereon. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. mef said day, when attendance will be given by HENRY E. LEMAN. L. D. Gallaeiier, Anct. aug7-rtw&fitdeawS MVH1VAL INSTJtUMENTS. THE Inter Orp Hairy Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STKUMENTS in the Market. Warcroems 320 North Queen street, Manufactory In the rear. Uranch Office, 15J East King Street. , Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Agen tter Lancaster County for CIUCKEUING SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Fall Line eLfihect and ether Music Small JjBBtauneni Bpr 'SSyY nanjea, jsana insuru-1 MEDICAL. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED Defensive Medication Is a precaution which should never be neglect cd when danger Is present, and therefore a course et the Bitters at this season is irtlcu- larlv desirable, especially for the lee ilc anil sickly. As a remedy ter biliousness, dyspep sia, nervousness, ami oewci cempiainis, mere is nothing comparable te this wholesome res torative. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gener ally. au2-lydeed&lyw HOSTKTTKB'S IlITTKB'S FOK SALK AT Lecher's Drug Stere. 9 East King street. NERVOUS DEBILITY. Te Nervous Suflcrcrs The Great Euro pean Remedy Dr. J. B. Simpsen's Sped lie Medicine. It is a positive cure; for Sperma Sperma eorrhea, Seminal Weakness, Impetcncy, and all diseases resulting from Self-Abuse, as Mental Anxiety. Less of Memery, l'alns in Back or Side, and diseases that lead te Consumption, Insanity and an early grave. The Spccilic Medicine is being used with wonderful success. Pamphlets sent free te all. Write for them and get lull particulars. lricc, Spccilic, $1 per package, or six packages for $5. J. 15. SIMP SON MEDICINE COMPANY. Nes. 104 and IOC Muin Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Address all order te II. 11. COCHRAN, Druggist, Sele Agent, 137 and 139 North Oueen Street. Lancaster. I ml7-lydced&wJ . DR. GREENE Is exceedingly happy te announce te ids nu merous friends that his wife ami self have safely returned from nearly a seven week:.' tour through a portion of ninestatcs.rlding and sailing nearly 3,000 miles. Dr. Greene is new ready te help all sick persons te regain their health. His attentiant says in one week of his absence 107 patients called te. ace him at Ids offices. The following appeared in the Col umbia Ceuranl of June 17, 18S0: FROM THE "KINK OF THE GRAVE. As nearly everybody in Columbia knows Harry Leng has net for two years past been ex pected te live from one week te .the ether, nearly all et which time ' he lias been in lied or prepped up in an arm chair. During this time lie has taken medicine enough te kill a dozen people pounds et pills and powders and barrels et liquids, Mr. Win, Paxson, and ethers who had been looking after the wants of Mr. 1-eng, pre vailed upon him te try Dr. C. A. Greene, of I Lancaster, and 1 am pleased te say the ettect 01 ir. ureencs treatment is magical, rue sick man is new almost like one raised from the grave, lie is new out visiting friends, and a few days age was in Lancaster city te eiler congratulations te Dr. Greene in person. Well! well!! Wonders never cease. S. S. DR. C. A. GREENE, JySC-ttdM W F Ne. 2a; North Queen Street. NERVINE, OB TONIC SPECIF1CA. A 1SOON TO BOTH SEXES. A UEMEDY WITHOUT A KIVAL for all diseases arising from Nervous Debility, Sexual Disorders, ever Indulgence of Vicious Habits, as well as from the prostration et old age. Its curative properties in violent and chronic forms of the following diseases have been at tested te by the most Eminent Physicians : Dyspepsia, Self Abuse, Headache, Dizziness, Sexual Exhaustion, Sermaterrha;u, General Debility, linpetency, Premature Decay, &e. It lias been in use for ever forty years, and is te-day the most Mpular remedy for the dis eases above mentioned in the WOULD. It can he used without regard te diet, is pleasant in taste, and better than all, it is a sure, sate and certain cure. It is no quack medicine, but stands upon its own merits, as any trial wil amply demonstrate. Since 1S3K tfiis remedy has always been sold for a much larger price than that for which it is new sold- but owing te the act that the tune for the payment et an enormous royalty upon lis manufacture lias expired, it is ettered te the sutlering of both sexes at one dollar per package, se as te lie within the reach of all; at which price it will be sent te any address tree, et furl h.-r charge. Address DR. WHiLIAM YOUNG, 40 Spruce Street, Philadelphia. May lie consulted en all diseases by mail. jyiiWJniil&w R1DNKY TVOllT tK SALK AT I.OC1I ers' Drug Stere, 9 East King strccL KlliSKY ASH Lli'EK VVJttC. tar's Safe Kifley LiYer CURE. $1.25 PER BOTTLE. A Positive Remedy for ALL. Kid ney, Liver and Urinary Troubles of both Male and Female. BEAD THE RECORD: "It saved my life." J?. Jl. Lately, Seluia, tfrr "It is the remedv that will cure Hie man v diseascs peculiar te women." Me!ltcr,s Jfatd- IHC. " It has passed severe tests and wen endorse ments from some of the highest medical talent In the country." New Yerk World, "Ne remedy heretofore discovered can be held for 0110 moment In comparison with it." C. A. Jlarvey, V. D., Washington, . V. This tircat Natural Remedy is for Sale bj Druggists in all Farts or Hie World. TRY IT AND TAKE NO OTHER. H. H. WARNER & CO., KOCHESTKK, N. V. atig9-Tn,Tli&Sd&w MISVELLANEO VS. OTATK VAIIC Twcnty-scTCiilh Annual Exhibit ion yr the Fenn'a ApceH Society WILL BE ItKLD IN MAIN CENTENNIAL BUILDING, FAIRMOUNT PARK, PHILAD'A. SEPTEMBER 6 te 18. Entries and Competition Free ! INTKKNATIONAL SHOW OF SHEEP, WOOL AND WOOL PRODUCTS. SEPTEMBER SO te 25, 1880. Entry Beeks will close at the Office, North west corner of Tenth and Chestnut streets, August 31, 1880. $40,000 IN PREMIUMS. CASII riilZES FOK LIVE STOCK, S24.315. Excursion Tickets at Greatly Hcdnccd Rates. Liberal Arrangements for Transportation. D. W. SEILEIt, Recording Scc'y. r.liUUlUUI. JH. 'VUIHAGI, Corresponding Scc'y. WILLIAM S. IIISSKLL, President. anglC,18,21,23,25,28,30,8ep2tel0 TiTAKCUS O. SKHNEB, HOUSE CABPENTJEB, Ka 190 North Prince street. prompt ana paruemar attention paid te al waUem and rapatt, v "ir.-lrd TOUCH BITTERS ASTSICB BXOS ADTHMTI8E3CEHT. ASTRICH BRO.'S Lancaster Bazaar 13 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. We have opened this week a full line et LADIES' Which we offer at VERY LOW PRICES. We sell a Splendid Ladies' Gossamer with Heed for . $1.97. One with a Cape for . . . . 2.68. Nete our prices in the following articles : Writing Taper 5c per box. Uuchc Cellarettes 5c per dozen. Uuehc Cellarettes, Silk Stitched 3c a piece. Deuble Feldins Cellarettes 4c a piece. Fancv t'ltrure Seau ...He Glycerine Hall Seap Turkish Itatli Seap , Itest 1'inc Tar Seap Very Fine Toilet Seap Genuine Itest Cashmere ISeuquct Seap ..5c ...5c ...5c .10c ..23c .17c lleyt's German Cologne.. Heed's Floral Cologne."... 5c Face I'ewdcr 8c per box. llest ISandalinc 14c Silk Hair Nets 7c Hang Nets 5c Heal Human Hair Hang Nets 10c IScstShec Polish 7ca bottle. Itest French Shee Itlacking. 5c a box, Ciiiiiircirsiiumuaricrs Children's Side elastics Ladies' Ventilated Garters Steel Crochet Needles Ivery Crochet Needles White Card Heard , Silver Card Heard 18-inch Fara Canvass , 27-inch " " 18-inch Ilonev-Cemb Canvass. 27-inch " " .. Skirt Trotccters at l)rcss Shields Hest Kiibucr Dress Shields Corset Laces Shee Laces ."capair. ...i:!ea pair. '.Kc !!ll".ll.!!lll.rc ...:cu sheet. ...5c a sheet. ,15c per yard. .23c " ,23c " 40c 5e .....scapair. lecapair. ....lc apiece. ..5c a dozen. . . .2c a piece. ...:!capiece. ...Scapiece. 17c r,c ,...'.'.'.'.'..... tV ,...:!eacard. Tape . Children's Iteund Combs Dressing Coins India Kubber Dressing Combs Huffale Hern Dressing Combs.. Teeth Hrushesat Thimbles German Silver Thimbles , Celluloid Thimbles Shet: Huttei.ers 12dezen of Agate Huttens ler. Heeks and Eyes Linen Thread easKcin, HastingCotten 5c a dozen spools. Clark's Hest Cotten 2 spools ler lie Coats's Cotten 2 spools ler'.lc Wtlliiuantic Six Cord Cotten. .. .2 spools ter !le 200-yard Spool Cotten 2caspoel Mending Cotten, in all colors 2c a card. Hall Cotten lea ball. Dexter's Hall Cotten 7c a ball Hairpins .- lea paper. Hest English Hairpins, 23 in apaek 4c Steel l'einted Hairpins 4c Invisible Hairpins Sea box. Rubber Hairpins 12c a dozen. Flexible Hair Crimpers Sea pack. Geed l'ins .'lea paper. English l'ins ilea paper. German l'ins 10c a paper. l'in Heeks at 10c Hlaek l'ins 4c a box. Safety l'ins 5c a dozen. Shawl l'ins 2ferlc 1'ockct-beoks ler Children at 4c Ladies' all Linen Chemisettes at 23c Ladies' all Linen Cellars 5c budies' all Linen Culls PJcapair Children's Sailor Cellars 10c Satin Hair Hews 2!le Embroidered Tics.at tie Quilted Hibs at..." 7c Krcieiinc Lace Fichus at 17c Spanish Lace Ficlms in black ad white 75.1 Indian Mull Neck Handkerchiefs $1.47 Indian Mull Ties Hlaek Lace Ties 23c Hack Silk Fringe at S, 51, IkS. 7:t upwards. Silk 1'ringe in nil the new shadcsalCicts $)yd. C'larks Crochet Cotten ..( cents a Spool Hairbrushes at Skirt Hi-aid Hest Star Skirt Kraid l'aper Muslin Cambric Geed Waist Lining., silesiasat .15 l'.iaml upwardt. 4 cts. ...i cts. ! cts per yard, (Sets, peryard 8 10 cents. 12c per yard tic per yard 15, l'J and 23c a piece 2c a Hall. Is! yards for 5c a 4'C aaltv Ifc'C Irish Trimming Cerii Trimming Cenl Deuble busk Corsets at... Excellent Woven Corset.. liH) Hene Corset at Elaborately embroidered spoon busk Cor spoon busk H-Ij IL ,IaaM Children's Calice Aprons 15c Misses Calice Aprons 17c Gingham Kitchen Aprons 23e Children's Swiss Caps 19. 25c Teilett Setts at $1.00 Tidies of every description Calice Wrappers at 75e Hand-made Shetland Weel Shawls 75c Split Jacket for Infants 49c ltabies hand-made Shoes 14c Infant Embroidered Shawls sCc Infant Merine Cloaks, Crochet Carriage Cever at $!.: Canepvs ever bed at $2.00 Ladies' extragoed hose, white and.unblench- Ladies' full regular made hose, white and un bleached 19c Ladies' best Iren frame Hese,double heels and LOt!! aarfrC Iulics' splendid Halbriggan Hese, full regu lar ineile, silk clocked 25c Finest imported, worth 50c. 39c Indies' Lisle Hese, open worked Ladies' Hlaek Lisie Thread Hese A variety of geed colored Stockings at. 10c Excellent Colored Stockings 2 pair for 25c Seamless Stockings, in plain colors and em broidered , 25c Hair lined English Hese :c Plain cardinal, line quality, silk clocked, full regular made, extra icngtu aim ingrain cel- OIHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'aaaaaaa aH)C SI )lllla Infants Fancy Socks, lull regular made.. ..19c Childs' Fancy Hese from 10c up. Childs' Fancy Hese, plaid centre, Nes. 5 te Oya aaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaaaaaaa !) lO aaiC Childs' Hair-lined Hese, imported 23c Childs' l'lain Colored Hese, clocked and full regular made from 32c up. Childs' Fine Unbleached Halhrlggans,cleckcil and open-worked. Childs' Fine I.Ise Hese, pinstriped and open worked. Child's Hredequins for walking shoes, the best goods imported. Childs' Fancy Hese, all open-worked clock and lifty ether styles which we are net able te describe. Ladies' Lisle Thread Gloves Fine Quality Hcrliu Gloves. 1 full elastic Hcrlin Gloves, 2 full clastic Hcrliu Gloves,:! full clastic Kcal Lisle Gloves, 2 full clastic. Hest SilK Lisle, extra long Lace Tep Gloves Itcal Lisle Lace Tep Extra Fine Leng Lace Tep Hest Silk Lisle, line lace top Ann Lemrth Lace Tep. 4 clastiee BessaierMMOOis 7c a pair. 14c a pair. 3jj 15c 4l !.'.'.'.".'l9c " ""jtlc " , .....23c " !"!!29c " 40c" " : 48c ' White Fine Lisle Lace Top,extraleng50c " Extra Fine White Silk Lace Mils, 11J Inches long 65c a pair. Childs' Gloves I0c ' Childs' Lace Tep Gloves 29c " Hemmed Handkerchiefs 3c Hemmed Handkerchiefs, all linen 5c Gents' all linen Handkerchiefs loc Ladies' extra fine linen Handkerchiefs 10c Ladies' Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 2j inch hem, fine linen 20c Ladies' Gauze Undcrvests, geed iuality.....29c Childs' Undershirts from 15c up. Gents' full regular made Socks He Gents' British Socks, superfine 17c Gents' Hest English Socks 21c Gents'fnll regular made Halbriggans 23c Ileal English Lisle Thread Socks 29e Gents' Fancy Socks, full regular made 23c Gents' l'lain Colored Socks, full regular made, silk clocked and ingrain colors 37c .niens mine uniauniiricu siurts, all linen UOsem. ..... ................ .57c Heys' Unlanndricd Shirts, linen besom 47c Full line et White and Colored DUESS SHIItTS of llest Makes. Ueats Neckwear, ticnts' Underwear, Gents' Cellars and CnflTs, dents' Snsen dcrs, Hcnls' Jewelry, &c ASTRICH BRO.'S 13 EAST KINO STREET, JANCA9WH PA. HEW GOODS fOE THE SPED.G TRADE, AT GUNDAKBRS. LADLES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Ruffliugs, Cotten Trimmings, Rachings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at GUNDAKER'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cuffs, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c, call and examine our stock, at 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. . J. C. HTJGMJTON'S LIYEBY, SALE & EXCHANGE STABLE, Ne. 112 Seuth Queen Street, in the Bear of Erisman's Hetel. Where gentlemen will find at all times Geed Safe Horses and First-class Wagons te hire. Alse all styles of Wagons con stantly en hand for sale, new and second-hand. New Wagons, Buggies and Carriages Made te Order, And all kind of Repairing done at short notice, in the best style and at the Very Lewest Prices by HARRY HAUGHTON, Shep in the rear of the Stable. Alse Horses and Mules constantly bought, sold and exchanged. STABLE. 112 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, BLACK CASHMERES. We have an immense stock of Black Cashmeres in best makes, which we arc offering at Lewest Prices. BLACK SILKS. An immense stock of BLACK SILKS, in all grades, at Lewest Prices. Percales and Lawns, Prints, Dress Ginghams, in New Fall Styles just opened. n FLANNELS. FLANNELS. An Immense Stock of all kinds CARPETS! NEW STYLiES OPENING DAILY. aiVLEB, BOWEKS & HTTBST, 28 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. jsrvvjtsieifs. DAILY EXCURSIONS FROM PHILADELPHIA CAPE MAY. The ftiniens inammet h three-deck Strainer "REPUBLIC" Leaves Kacc Street Wharf at TVu. 111., urriviupr at Cape Slay about 12 p. 111. Itutiirnin, leaves Cape May ut a o'clock p. 111., giviiigutii)iu time for batliinir or a drive en the beach. A full ilrass Hand and Orchestra MumIc for daneinjr. l'arler Kntertafnnients varied weekly. Lunch cons and Kcfresliuicnt.s in abundance. Hin ncrs and suppers provided. Oysters and 1'isb served for supper u tew moments after taken from the water. Fare for llie Round Trip $1.00. SUNDAVS Will lenv.c ltacc Street Wharf it iy., a. 111. 1. S. A Itread tiaugc Steam U. it. will con con eoy passengers le Caiw Island in 8 lniiintes. Tickets for sale at CHAS. H. JiAKR'S, c2S-2Kmd&w CENTUE SQUAUE. JSDVVATIONAL. I KNNSV1.VANIA MUSEUM ANISCUOOI. of Industrial Art. The school year of 18S0 81 will begin Monday. Sept. IX Instructions for young men anil women in Industrial Draw ing, J'ainting'and Modeling as applied te the arts. Send ter circulars te THE SECKETARY, 15 S. Seventh street, I'hllaticlphia. aug-i-lDtcediGlw ST. JAMKS' SCHOOLS. WILL KEOl'EX MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1880. Fer terms apply te the Principal. augl i-tscptd MISS M. MARTIN'. T 11K ACADEMY CONNKCTKU WITH r ranKiin and Aiarsiuiu eoltece eltera su nerier ad vantasres te vennir men and bevs who desire either te prepare for college or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived nt any time during the school year Send for circulars. Address REV. JAMES CRAWFORD, ctll-Ivl Lancaster, l'a. IANL'ASTKIt COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. J Will re-open MONDAY, AUGUST 30. Course of study embraces single and double entry Itoek-kceping, Penmanship, Arithmetic, Grammar, Correspondence, Business Ferms and Commercial Law. Yeung men and ladies desiring a practical business education send for catnlogue giving terms, etc., or call at cel lege rooms, m. 4 west Kingstrcet. II. C. WEIDLER. ITincIe.il. W. D. MOSSER, Secretary alC--2vd LLEMTOWN FEMALE COLLEGE. Under auspices et Reformed church. De sign cd for the I itcrary and rcl igiens education et Indies. Hest facilities for Music, Drawing. Painting and Modern Languages. Location healthful. Terms moderate. Thirteenth year will begin SEPTEMBER a Fer Catalogue address REV. W. K. IIOFFORD, A. M.. iy!7-12Ul President, Allciitewn, Pa. THE YATES INSTITUTE, LANCASTER, PA. (Emdeaved.) A Church Scheel for Beys. Prepares Jer higher Colleges and Universities. REV. JOHN O. MULIIOLLAND, M. A. T. C. D., Principal. A few lteardern ciin 1m reeeivpil wlin irlll have tins special careandoversightef the Prin cipal. The next term begins SEPTEMBERS, 1880. iy31-lmdS&Tn PROPOSALSFOKFUKNISUINU 150 TONS of furnace and SO tens of range coal of geed quality for use or Lancaster county prison will lie received at W. F. Bcycrs's elllce. Ne. 17 North Duke street, en or before SeptcmliertslKW, at 'J o'clock a. in. By order or the beard. AMOS RUTTKR, uug20-3td Secretary. CONGRESS HALL, CAPE MAY, N. Jl OPEN FOB THE SEASON. II. J. & G. R. CRUMP, ) Of the Colonnade Hetel, , a. A.uiuiir.11, m. uuaueipuie. Jyl2-lotdce rie te BINGWALT'S Fer Best Old Bye Whiskies, Best Syrup, made out of Sugar, Best Cefleeand Sugar In town, Best Alcohol, Best Bittcra. AH at JZSCBBOIDEBIES, 4tC. XEW L1VHRY STABLE. uitY aoejts. at Lewest Prices. MISLULLAIfJiO VS. Brandy as a medicine. The following art Icle was velnnturily sent te Mr. II. E. Slaymaker, Agent for RcigartV Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et this county, who has extensively used the Brandy referred te in his regular practice. It is commended te the attention of these af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic .stimulant, was never intended as a beverage, but te be used us a medicine of great potency in the euro of some of the destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousands of viol ims. With a purely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the favorable notice et invalids espe cially these alllieted with that, miserable it is- ease lysicpsi:i, a siiecillc reined v, which is nothing mere or less Hum Brandy. The aged, with feeble appetite ami mere or less debility, will tind this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy or all their ills and aches. He it, however strictly understood that we prescribe and 11-c butene article, and that is REIGARrS OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising young friend, II K SLAYMAKER. This Brandy has steed the test for years, and lias never failed, as far as our experience extends, and we therefore give It the preference overall ether Brandies, no matter with hew iimnyjaw-breafcing French titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various Impotent dyspepsia spccilics would sulllce te buy all the Brandy te cure any such case or eases. In proof of the curative powers et . Reigart' 3 Old Brandy, In cases et Dyspepsia, we can summon mini tiers of witnesses one ciise in particular we cite: A hard-working iarmcr bad been aillictcd with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ter a number of years; his stomach would reject almost every Klini 01 kxmi; lie nai: sour vruciaiiens con stantly no appetite in fact, lie was obliged lu restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage lie used McUrunn's I Ceet Beer. He is a Methodist, ami then, as new, preached at times, and in ids discourses often declaimed earnestly against all kinds of jtreng drink. When advised te try Reigart's Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with astonishment, but after hearing of its wonderful ellccts in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he at last consented te fellow our advice. He used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the first liettle giving him an appetite, and before; the second was taken be was a sound man,with a stomach capable of digesting anything which he chose te eat. He still keeps it and uses a lit tle occasionally; and since lie has this medi cine he has been of very little pecuniary bene, tit te the doctor. A Puactihixe Physician. H. E. SLAYMAKER, AOKNV FOR Reigart's Old Wine Stere, Established in 1785, lllrOltTEK AMD OKALKR IN FINE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES, SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in ISIS, 1827 and 1828.) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALK PORTER, UICOWN STOUT. Ne. 29 EAST KING ST.. LANCASTER. I"A NOTICE TO FARMERS AND STOCK KAISERS. Herse and Cattle Powder, the best in the market. Sold by weight; Sic. 11 pound; AKuinds for $1. Fer Horses, Cattle, Swine, Poultry, &c. Give it a trial ami you will use no ether thereafter. Sold only by ANDREW O. FBEY, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Spices, Sulphur Caustic Seda, Seda Ash, &e. Cor. N. Queen and Orange Streets. nlO-yd Lancaster, Pa. HOUSE EVJtNISHINti OOOJM. Ipunn & brenemak 100 &ress Fruit Jars, Bought before the advance and for s-ale at $1.20 PER DOZEN. Great Bargains in TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, 152 Kfprfh Queen. Street, Flu II Brenemans Bargains in DRESS GOODS. Bargains airx itJtA wixas. 4 UTHOICIKED IV T1IK COMMON- J. wen nlth of Ky., and the fairest in the world 23d Popular Monthly Drawing OVTUK COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macanlcy'3 Theatre, in the City of UmiH villc. Oil TUESDAY, AUGUST 31st, 1830. THESE DRAWINGS, AUTHORIZED IfY THE LEGISLATURE AND SUSTAINED B ALL THE COURTS OF KENTUCKY, uccerd- m.i .....ti-i.i iii!ii. wir.li tin owners of the Frankfort grunt, will occur regularly en the it, will occur regularly en inn EVERY MONTH, Sundays and rrted, for the period of If natingen.IUNK:w. 1HST.. LAST DAY OF Fridays excepted, Vk.lU tn,.,il,i4ltil The United suites Circuit Court en March Jl, rendered the following decisiens: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Company is legal. '.id Its drawings are fair.. 'i'i... i.K.n.xr.-nw.iit ili uf ti-titiim te the liberal Hcheiiie which hits met with such popular favor heretofore, and which will again ne prescind ter the AUtSUST DRAWING. 1 prize....... ..... ....... -..-. , !: I prize. .. .... ...... .......... 'J?J!:: 1 prize...... ...................... ........ ,-: 10 prizes $l,OU0each fO.MW ai priziMSMiench lo,uie 1() prizes, $100 each Jl'!!!!!! xniii'i7.isnileiu:li 1U.OUU tfuii,rlviQllo!keli ............ 12,'tW 1imOnri7iKline!Ull lO.OflO ! prizes aoe each, approximation prizes 2,700 irizes2U0each, " " li 0 prizes loe each, " l.Otxt prizes Wl.2!?" Whole tickets, $2; half tickets, ft ; 27 llckew $S0; 53 tickets, $100. Remit by Postellicc Meney Order, lSegbtered Letter, Bank Draft or Kxpress. Te insure against uiistukcs and delays, cer-n-iinmii-iiis will nlr-.ise write lliu.r names and places of residence pl"l"ly. K'vlng numbiirer Postelllce lMxeraireet.anii xown.euiiiy aim Allconimunicatiens connectcd with tile D.Is tribntieu and Orders for Tickets should be ad .iiissi.l te it. M. BOAKDMAN. Courler-.leur- nal i:iiildiug, Louisville, Ky., or a7 and 309 .ruuuniiv. ion kui. ..-........ LEGAL XOTICES. TUtTJTR iiv 1MIILIP SCUUM. LATE OF Pj the citv of Lancaster, deceased. Letters ofadmistrutleii en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons In n..i.t.i tiwri'tn lire refiuesteil te make imme illate settlement, and these having claims or demands against llie same win present mum without delay ter settlement te the under- signed. raiding in said city. JOHN E. SCHUM, CHARLES HOLTZWARTH. M. Bkesius, Ailmlnlstraters. J. B. Ooed, Att'ys. jy21-tdeaw 17STATE OFE. U. STOWEIIS IIARKEK II ger, late el Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testamentary en sold estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make Imme diate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing in Lancaster, !!?.,.,,,., ALEXANDER J. HARRERGER. Executer. J. L. Stkixjietz, Atty. aug20-tdeaw INSTATE " JACOB STOTT, LATE O 1 JCj Imcaster city, deceased. The under- ! signet Auditor, appointed te pass en execp- tiSns lilcd te the account and te distribnte the Imlaucc remaining te the hands or William W. Stott, ailmlnlstRiter of said estate, te ami among these legally entitled te the )";,,? , sit for that purjesc en TULSDATk, AUGUST . -!i msn r. id nvivnir !l in.. In the Library ICoein ai this Court Heuse, In the city of Lancaster, where all iiersens interested in sab I "'jtj"'" "'jtj"'" tien may attend. II. C. BitUBAKhlt, nugKMtdeaw Auditor. "INSTATE . OF MICHAEL TKISSLEK, ' Jjj lab; et the City or Lancaster, deceased. i Letters testamentary en said estate having ! been granted te the undersigned, all persons Indebted te said decedent are requested te I make immediate settlement, anil these liav ! ing claims or demands against the estate el said decedent, te make known the same te the 1 undersigned, residing at Ne. 130 test King Street, nlStea,Pa.uiNK p TmssLEK KATETR1SSLER, ANNETTA F.TRISSLER, anglMltdeaw. Exccutrives. TINWARE, JtC- I.UMItINU, GAS AND STEAM FITTING ItY Shertzcr, Hnmphreville & I TTOP BITTERS riMC RALE AT XI cr's DruB Stere. 9 East King street DR.WM.B.FAHNESTOCK Having returned from the Suth. has re snmwl his office practice, and can lie fennd at re3i,,enCe'Ne. 239 EAST KINO STREET. ml8-2mdewS tJer. AMJI TMATMLXMS OVHXt LANCASTER AMD M1IXERSY1LLE B. K Cars run as fellows Leave LancaUcr (P. K. Depot), at 7, 9, and 11:30 a. inland 2, 4, C and 80 p. m except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at 30 p. m. Leave MUlersvUle (lower end) at 3, S, and a. II., and l, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cera run dally en above time except en Sun day. CWLUXBIA AND FORT DEPOSIT R. K J Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Dcpes Ralliead en the following time: Statiehs Nektu. Erpress. Express.! Accem. warp. A.X. r. v. t.m. Pert Deposit. 6:35 &30 2rt Peachbottem . 7:12 424 3:18 Fitc'aEddy. T 435 3J McCaU's Ferry.... VST 4:4 4M Sbcnk'9 Ferry..... 134 6:01 4:34 Safe Harber. 1:59 6M 5K Columbia.. k50 ii3i 6:20 Statieks South ward. 4ress.Exprcss. Accem. UK. I r. if. 1 a.m. Columbia.... Safe Harber- 10:53 jllI :20 6:49 6:54 7.-09 70 r.x. 7:32 8:03 70 ArftOC Le9:40 !h51 10T2S i&m: 11.07 T.M. 12ri IlISEi ll:2S 11:41 11US6 P.M. Shenk's Ferry..... McColl's Ferry.... Fife's Eddy. Peachbottem... ... 127 ...J 12:15 Pert Deposit. READINOAN COLUMBIA KAILKO A 1 On and atttf MONDAY. MAY.lOre, ISse, passenger traln.kill run en thU read as fol fel lows : J Traims tieiMOKxrrii. R-ading,. Rcinhelds...... ....... Enhra te,. ...... ....... Akren,. . ...... l.lt IZ,.. ........ Manhciin, Lancaster J met ion,. Landisvillc, Columbia,.... iniiervtue,.... Lancaster,.... King Street,.. jiuniisii, .... ......... WestVille, 1 uaningannur,. Pequc-.i, lteften.. New Prevfilciiw,.-.' 1 1 CTHilf Quarryville... Trains Geiko Nrru, A.M. a.m. T.M. V. M. I .. ... 7S IIAi KlV 01 1224 i!:4.p '.'.'.'. , 8:18 12:40 7:in . .8:24 12:15 7:tW .... . 'S:I3 i:tr 7:i' .... .)M 1:13 7S; .1 9:05 1:10 7:45 .1 ihltS 1:30 7:50 9:40 -iOT. 8rJ0 .... '.fc-17 S!i .1 9::B 2:tO 8:10 .V.2ti .1 9:45 .... 8:20 trM 1 M-!is s-:ii VBf (. 10:05 .... 8:42 iiiit: 1A.1H1 tf IT it.M .1.. 10:17 .... 8A1 11:1? ... 1035 .... 9:01 CrJU . w-.M .... '.nvz : ln.lil 1 I 11.111 !..! A"" 1U:M)I I ''" J.... 1IM.I .... I .i.r i... T a.m. r.M. r.M. 6:43 .... 2.35 COO. .... 2.41 tt-M) .... 2:48 7:11 .... 2:59 7:18 .... 3:05 7rJC .... 3:13 7-RI .... 3:18 7:41 .... X-20 7:55 .... 3:40 8:05 1:00 3:50 8:iM 1:0:5 3V5 7:.Vi 1:05 3:10 8::50 150 4.01 8:30 lrfi 4:15 8:19 1:48 4:20 h)U 2:00 4:.M '.hit; 2:18 4:47 U-.23 2rr 43 9:12 2:U: 5:14 10-.05 ::rJ s-je Quarry ville, .... " Hess, J..... 7:M 7:.s 8:13 8rJ7 8S55 8:4:5 8:f. 9-.H0 9SS 9::ui new l-revuicii Refton,... Pen lira... Ilaumearilne: West Willow,, iiarnisn,.... King Street, Lancaster. ... IMUervillc,.. Columbia,..,. Lamlisvilb Ijmi caster unctieiv. Manhciin, Litiz,.....X.... ....... Akren,. .7. Ephrata, Relnhnlil'Ville, Reading Traincennect at Reading with trains te and from Philadelphia, Peltsville, Harrisbnrg, Al Al lcntewA and New Yerk. At Columbia with trains0 and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frcilcjick and Raltimere. j. 01. niiufl, auiii. iin NNSYLVANIA KAILKOAD- NEW JSrilElllILE On anil after SUNDAY AU UST'iS.!, 18S(, trains en the Peimsylvaiiia Rainud will arrive and leave the liiie-atlei ami Philadelphia depots as follews: Leave I Arrive bane'lcrl Philad'a Eastwaru. IMil'itdelphia Expri-sn,.... I lift V Jjllllf Yrk Accem. Arrives;... lltrrisbnrg Expn-ss 2:10 5rJ M 8:05 8:45 9:10 12.55 IMi 2:00 3:(A 4:15 : (rr 4:15 a.m 7:40 " 10:10 " 12:01 r.M. pillervilh: Accem. Arrives, Columbia AccemiuiMlat ion. Frctlerick Accem. Arrives, l'acillc Express, (uuday Mail, Johnstown Express, Ikiv Exiiress V.M. 3:15 " 5:00 " 5U10 " :45 " sew " Arrive Harrisbnrg Aecominedat'ii, Westward. Li-ave Phllatl'a ViiUt a.m. 7:3) ' ftlil"' b:( ' 11:50 " 2::5irv.M. 4:00 " .waj " r25 " 9:10 " 115 " Way Passen ger, Mail Train Ne.l.vla ML.ley, Mail Train Ne.2,vi:i Cel'bia, Niagara & Chicago Express Sunday Mail...... I ast J.iiH,..... ......... ...... Frederick Accommodation, Dillerville l.eeal.via Mt.-ley Harrbtburg AeceiniiiiHlat'n, Columbia Act-ommiMlalien, Harrisbnrg Express, Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati ExpivsH, Pacllle Express, 5:10 licle 10: 15 II.0L-. M-sn 2-.il 1 2:15 i5e 5:45 7rA' 7:M 8:50 I !.: 2.10: Pacific Express, east, en Sunday, when Hag ced. will sten at Middlctewn. Klnraletbtewii , ML Jev. Ienllsville. Rlrd-iii-liand, Lemau Place. Gan. Christiana. Parkesbunr. CikiIi-s- ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when nagged, wtll step at Downingtown,Coatesville, Parkes Parkes Parkes bnrg,Mt.Joy,Elizahcthtewn and Middlctewn. Hanover accommodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:05 a. m., will run through le Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, we-d, at 2:10 r. M., and will run through te Frederick. T OCAL MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. HOURS FOR CLOSING THE MAILS. BY RAILROAD. Nkw Yerk trroiteh mail 7:30 a m, 1230 p m, 4:15 p in and 11:30 p in. Way Mail, east, 7:30 a 111. Gordenvillk, Downingtown, Lcninan Place, Gap 0 p in. Pakamsk and Seudersbiirg via Leamiiu Place, 7U50 a. in. PiiiLADKLrHiA through mall, T"M and 8:15 a in., 1230, 4:15 and 11:30 p in. Pittsburuh and west, lA)and ll::ai p in. Harrisbviui Mail, 10-JW,ain, 1:30,5:15 and ll.:n pm. Wat Mail, wtrst, 10-ja m. Baltimerr and Wabiunotem, via Pliilaib-I-pbla, 4:15 p 111. Baltimerk abd Wahiiinoten, via Yerk, l::se p m. Baltimore and Wasiiimhtem, vlailarri.tburg. 1130 pin. COATXSVILLK, 4:15 p in. Columbia, 10:31 a in, 130 and 5:15 11 in. Yerk and Yerk way, 1:30 and ll-JM p m. NeRTiiKiuf CKKTnAL,Kb'!0uni, l3eaud ll::ai p in. Rkadinh. via Reading and Columbia R R, "::H a in and 12::50 p 111. RKADisa.vfa Harrisbnrg, 5:15 and 1130 p 111. Kkamxe way, vlaJ unction, Lititz, Manheiiii, East Hempllcld and Ephntta, 3 p in. (Juauryvillk. Cumarge, lU-ften, New Provi Previ ileuce. West Willow, Lime Valley, Martins ville, Smith ville. Ruck, Chestnut LevcI,Grcciif, Peters' Creek, Pleasant Greve. Reck Springs, Oakwood ami Rewlandsvllle, Md.,9:15a 111, and 5:00 pm. Nkw Hellamd, Churchtown, Grcenbank Blue Ball, Geedville, Beartown, by way of Downingtown, at 730 a in anil p in. , Save IIarkei via Celnmbia, 10-;i0a in. Willow .STKEirr via West Willow, at 9:15 a. m. BY STAGE Millersvllle and Slackwater. te Sate Harber, daily, at 1:00 p 111. Te Millersvllle, 8 and 1130am. and 4 pin. Binkley's Bridge, Lcaceck, Ifciifvilb-, New Helland, 230 p 111. LamlU Valley, Oregon, "West Earl. Fannei ville, Hinkietewn, Terre Hill, Martiudale. laily,at230 pie. Greenland, Fertility, I-impetcr and Wheat land Mills, te Strasburg, daily, at 4 p m. Nelfevillc, daily, at 4 p m. New Danville, Concstega. Marticville, Cub man ville. Mount Nebo. Rawilnsville. Ithes.ia and Libtsrty Seuare. daily, at 230 p in. WHEN OPEN FOR DELIVERY. ARRIVING BY RAIL. Eastern mail, 7 a 1030 a in, 3 and C30 p in. Eastern way mail, 1130a m. Western mail, 7 and 10 a in, 2 and ii30 p 111. Reading, via Beading and Columbia, 230 p rn. Western way mail, 830 a in. Reading way mail, 1030 a in. Quarry ville Uranch, 8:15 a 111 and 4 p m. ARRIVING BY STAGE. Frem Sate llarlx r and Millersvllle, at 9 a in, daily. rrem aiiuersviiie, i anil v a m, ami 4 p m. Frem New Helland, at 930 a m, dally. Reading way mail, nt 1030 a in, daily. Frem Strasburg, at 930 a in, dally. Frem NeHsville. at 1 p in, daily. Frem Rawlinsvillc.nt 11 am. DELIVERIES BY CARRIERS. There are four mail deliveries by letter car- rlcrs each day, and en their return trips they take up the mail matter deposited in the letter boxes. Fer the first delivery the carriers leave the elllce nt 630 a m; second delivery at 10 am; third delivery at 11 a m ; fourth delivery at 3 p m. SUNDAY POSTOFFICE HOURS. OaSundav thenostenlcelsonen from Anrl 1 te October 1. rum utoeuiu. mid freui 6 te 7 am ; from October 1 teApril l.f rein 9 te M a m , and from 6 te 7 P in. BOOTS ASH SHOES. ROOTS. SHOES AND LASTS made en a new principle, lnsur- - -v -v iN!u """ ter uie ieeu UUUlO '" mm MILL MILLER, tebl4-tfd IMAUtttKiBC EiSY 1 K aWIalMWaMaWMiMfaiii m Ne. 905 WXST KINQ SXBKKT. LANCASTER, PA.