WdLrrZ- . . A.t -. ".'-. "'v-sti''- ."- - 'wa , -i.j ' V " ST - t- r -v-. - - ' - - . mm .J iw- ';. LANCASTER DAiLt INTfilXXGENCEK. TtJESDAY AlT6tTST 24, 1880. V FELONIOUS ASSAULT. Allan's Skull Crashed by s Stene. Last night a serious affray took place near the corner of Plum aud Chestnut streets, during which an employee of the Pcnn iron works, named Patrick Hagan.ic ccived injuries which may result in his death. The circuimtances, as reported, arc as fellows : Ilagan and a few friends while walking ou Plum street passed an other party of men, one of whom spoke up saying he could lick any son of h that worked in the rolling mill. Ilagan stepped, and walked towards the man te whom te extended his hand, saying that if be wanted te fight he would fight .him niriy. The man retreat ed, picked up alitenc and hurled itit Ilagan, striking Lini above the eye afid felling him te till ground. The assailing party then ran oil Ilagan was carried te the office of Dr. (ftp. A. King, East King street. An exaif nation of his wound showed that the fc-liital bone had been crushed in and the train probably injured. The wounded niatikvas conscious, but his injuries were rcgaruu as bcingofse serious a character that Alilrman Hair was sent for, and took his unl-mertcm statement, which was substantiSy as above stated. He was then reiwjcil te his beurding house, where he lies a precarious condi tion. His assailant i-sLid te be Edward Sanders, a daiigcreusfcharaetcr, living in iOiuinuia, anu a warn, for his arrest has iM'cn issued. Since the above wasfn type we learn that Sanders was arrcstl this nierniii" bv Constable Fisher and l4kcd up te await the result of lagans injiiies. LARCENY OrfceODS Twe itrelhcrt; IrrCHtciI. Yesterday aftirnoen Aen Ceblo and his brother, H. U.Ceble, Ixjli of Elizabeth town, were arretted by eljcers of this city. The former is clarged with a number of larcenies and tht latter tvilli being acces sory te the fjvet The laicenics were committed at (life-rent, times and places, the following bcin; laid in the complaint : one blanket and sceral whips stolen from Jehn Heitzlcr ; cigrs, drugs aud a blanket from the store of 1. IC. lSleiigh ; pistols knives and money inm tlie hardware store tif Jacob Dyer, a ..ci if harness from Abra hamJIeisey, a bianld and lly-net from David Ceurliaiy, ail clothing from the stoic of Jacob Uaxsli .,ser. The accused were brought te Lauctcr yesterday, ami in default of bail wlj committed for a hearing. This iiieiiiiii their father, Levi Ceble, entered bail for iem in the sum of 61,000 each, and they wee released. Allen Ceble is a young single nui. II. U. Ceble is married ami has a famly. has a marble yard in Elixabclhtewn, anl has heretofore borne a geed character. His fiiends are cenlideul that he is iimmvit. A poiiien efthe .stolen goods were reuvcivri. Censtntlcr Yelkslst. The picnic of the Censtatcr Velkfest Verein of this city, which begin ycsteiday and is ceniuuing te-day atJWIut (Hen paik attracted an immense assemlcige yester day, aud a large number of eiiuibuscs and hacks were kept miming te aud from the grounds all day. De-nite the very large crowd jiiiMiit and the quantities of beer ee:i-unied c.s mated at fourteen barrels mi unpleasant incident occurred te mar the festivities. .A I! the Ucrman societies of tliccily wcie represented, and a feature of inkiest was the large fiuit inenument, a t:JI shaft ornamented profusely with fruit vege tables and cereals, arranged in 'tiiique design and attracting great attention; it is said te have cost $100. Danciig con stituted an iniertant feature of th- festi vities, the music being furnished b Tay Tay eor's lull orchestra, and the large I:.ifrm beinir continually crowded byTerpsiilmre ans. There were also sheeting, dancing and nliiur sMirts. The Velksfe.'.t. wilitir wilitir minate this evening. AN AKANDONICO HOKSI'. Iladly Abused and Probably Stelen. Lastniirht between 11 and 12 o'clock Officer Wcitzel took charge of a horse and buggy which had been standing tied i for three hours in front of Moere's toliaee 1 ware-house. West. Chestnut sticet. Ollicer . Weitzcl took the horse first te the station house and thence te the stable of the Sor Ser rel Herse hotel, West King .street. The peer beast was almost famished for both feed and water, and showed unmistakable evidence of hard driving and abuse. It is a large gi ay horse, in geed condition, save f jr its recent abuse, and was attached te a geed no-top buggy. It was at first sup posed that the team had been stolen from the picnic grounds at What (Jlen, but if this were se a claimant would probably have put in an appearance. The horse has been seen by a number of Lancaster horse men, none of whom recognize it, and it new seems probable it may have been stolen a long distance from here, driven almost te death and finally abandoned. It awaits an owner at the be.irel Herse hotel. Mrs. Harriet L:ine Johnsten. Ill his life of Hancock, Cel. Ferney gives brief sketches of all the ladies vvlie have presided ever the White Heuse. He speaks of Miss Harriet Lane (new Mrs. Johnsten) as one who filled the position at the head of a great establishment, with a delicacy, dignity aud refinement that were never surpassed. Cel. Ferney is "glad te say that the recollection of her many ex cellent traits and sweet courtesy, and the fragant memory of her dear sister Mary, her brother Eskridgc aud all her kindred, including her father and uncle Lane, ant mental pictures that I love te dwell upon.' The Hancock Legien Itauner. The Hancesk Legien have received their handsome eil-jiaintcd campaign ban ner from New Yerk, and will threw the same te the breeze en Wednesday evening, the 25th inst., at 8:30 p. m., ou Nertli Queen street, between Orange and Chest nut street. This banner is one of the fin est ever brought te this city, and docs the Hancock Legien great credit. The officers and members of the legion will meet to night (Tuesday) te make the proper ar rangements. The several ward clubs and central campaign committee and the citi zens have been invited te be present. A Ueriiiim. A very delightful entertainment was given last evening at the residence of Mrs. Wm 31. Wiley, East Orange street, whose son James Wiley gave the party in honor the Archery club of this city, an erganiza tien composed of young gentlemen and ladies who have net yet reached their majority. The evening was pleasantly spent in dancing, feasting, accompanied by music and lively gescip. Slight Fire. The alarm of fire last evening was caused by the burning of some paper and clothing iu the residence of Edward Wilsen colored, Middle street, two doers from the Sumner house. Itappcers that the children set lire to'semo paper that had been put into a stove without a pipc,and the fiames from the stove set fire te sonie clothing in the, room. Ne ether damage was done. The Ameri can fire company was en baud, but their services were net required. Chicken Thieves. Jacob Weaver and Charles Albiight, charged with stealing chickens some months aire from Jehn W. C oever, "of Ephrata aud who made out for a long time te avoid at rest, were picked up a day ( v IWO age, ami in uumuib in uau weic ,- mittcd for a Jieanng be I ere aw Spurrier en Friday next. DleJ. or DIs IiijuH. Benjamin Donavan, agen-maker at Manheim borough. wJre was injured yes- iint.l tcnlay while dressing a wagon axle, died te-day at neon. Mr. Donavan was CC years of age. He was a very highly respected citizen of Manhcim borough. He will be buried en Friday at 9V ocleck, from his late residence. Ask your drugget ler 1'ref. Guilmette's Frencli Kidney 1'ai I, ami take no ether, as this 8 the only pad guaranteed te euro or money refunded. On Thursday afternoon a pigeon .sheeting match will take place at Fertility, en the StraMtnnr turnpike at Jehn I. Kchtcrnach's hotel. It v.ill be followed hy apaity in the evening. Kzciiniini. Merchant-.' excursion te Ceney Inland and Brighten j:cacli, en Thursday, August 2H. Tickets positively geed for two days, te return en any train from Jer.-cy City or Philadelphia. Fans ler the round tilti only if 1.7-1. Special trains leave Jaucastcr (Kingstrect)ul la.iu. and Columbia ut 4:00 a. in. Ferfull particulars see powers and cireular.s at nil stations en K. and C. It. It. anal'J,2l,il.2l,i".&t.,tw Opening of the Amusement Season. Mrs. C C. Heward in I'nclc Tem's Cabin. The long lull in public entertainments in this city, occasioned by tins warm weather, is broken by the announcement el Hie coming el that famous and giltcd activ-s , Mrs. G. C. Heward, and en Fridayeveningiiexttiicdnnrs et Fulton opera house will lie rc-epened for the fall and winter tin palgu. Tin: great popular ity el. Mrs. Harriet i:. MoweV dramatic novel ofUiicIcTem'., Cabin-' is due in very large measure te Mi's. Heward'.-, impersonation el Thjisi, "tin- child thai never v:v born," a character which she may triithlully be said le have created, and her tame is world-wide ami ciiduiiiig. Mi's. Heward will be -mppeilcd b. aearelully selected company, and while the plantation scene and oilier realistic spccla clcs introducing the Virginia colored slave troupe el jubilee .singer-, are maintained the version el .Mr-. Heward i- a wcH-erdcr.-d one, devoid of lb- excrescences ami iueeiigriiilies that have fastened them-vUc-i en se many el the mere iccent versions without at all en hancing their effect. The piles of admission are low, and seats may new be secured nt th-s opera heu-e elllec. The Circus is ('iuiiii;.-Oii the 11th el Sep tember the great Londen Ciicits el Cooper .V llailcy, with Sanger".- lieyal .Menage! ie and Ten Allied .shows, will exhibit in ihiscity. This is one el the largest lent -'hews in the world, and the attractions it pu'senls ale se varied that it i impe- ible leeuumeratelhem in advance or ever te give any appiei:uale idea el their magnitude. Prominent among tlicin, hmiever, is the hale, elephant, born but a short time age in tlii; country, aud claimed le lie the only elephant ever born in bondage. This lillle pet has eieated an immeme furor wheiever lie has been .ecu. The street '. gcanl will be magiiiiicciit, ii'em all accounts. Lancaster i:emiiie:'('lal College, Tlie la'.l term et the Lancaster Commercial College open:; under laverable auspices and the ent rpri-iug taciilly have added several new ami valuable lcaluivs te the eeur.-c of study. Tuition is given in boeK-Kceping In double and single entry, penmanship, com mercial and practical aiilhmetic, grammar correspondence. banUiug, commerce, mer chandizing, Ve, Ac, se thai the student at the close el his caui'se is i:iaiiKcd te lake a posi tion ascleil., book -!,ci per or cas-hier, or on en diii'l :uij bu-ine-s calling ler w hich he may havetasle or inclination. The faculty consists el II. V. Wciillcr, riiiicipal; W. I. Me-ser. teacher of book keeping, coire-pendeiice and business tonus; 11. . I'nllen, Icclincr en eeiiimeieial ami political economy, and Ilev S. II. C". Mnilh, lc'tun'reii business habits and moral -cieucc JSmiius Xe. 4 West U in-j slice!. A Mugniticcnt I'.state. Tlie farm et lleury 11. Leinaii, advertised ter public sale ou Wednesday, September l.'i, lssii is un' if the model larnis el'thi- ceiinH the richest ngiicullui-al region in these l niud Stab'-s. Mr. Leman's farm eeinin uels this high pre-eminence in all Ilia! maki - a valuable farm, eligibility tf location, richue-s el' -oil, high st itc of cultivation, elegant, siib-tanliai and convenient buildings and general im provements. It is situated within a half mile of .Mount Jey, en the Pcsinsj ivauia railroad, contains' l.'Wacres, has a heu-e aud barn v, iiich are net ecelled by the building- el'any larm in this count mi w ide! celebrated ler it- f.n m biiiblings : tlie 'ellar- and -nb cellars, out houses, fences and ever thing about the place arc in uie-t eccllen! condition, and Hie pur chaser will liud in this e-tate a "thing el beauty and a joy l"erevcr,"a mine et ngrieal in rat wealth thai will p.iv big d Ivi lends en the Investment. Xiglit sweat--, cough, emaciation mid decline prevented by Malt llitti rs. - i m Ur higli or low, or i ich or peer. Nene would leul tcclli or bre.it h emline. II they but knew hew siiieand -vi ill us SOZO DON'T, that priceless gill. In giving beauty, lite and tone 'I e every charm the ineut h can own. A delightful shave is po-sib'e only w ith Cu tlcur.i Shaving Seap. sriivr.ix, x or i via. SAMPLE ItiOTIUt-:. It i- in p issihle tern woman alter a (aithlul couiseei treatment with l.ydia H. I'iii!;h.iuis Vegetable Compound le continue te Miller with : weakness el tlie uterus. Huclee a stamp te Mrs. Lydia K. I'inkham, il.: Western avenue, l.vnn, Mass., ferp:uiphic!s. Jy-MydcedAw "Sellers" l.ivcr Fills" stand uuiivaled in the 1'niled St'itcs for curing bilieusne;-', -Ick head ache. Ac. Their eights and Duties hy Law. 1 have sniveled liem a kidney ilillieulty for the past ten years, accompanied with nervous snasiiis. I'hvsjeinn.s gave me but temporary relief, but alter using Hiiee and one-half bot tles of Warner's Sale Kidney and Liver Cure, my nervous -p.'.-.nis wvvucu'tircltr relieved. My age s;77jear-. I recommend this great rem. edy te all snli'eihig trein nervous troubles. MIW. MAIiY ItKKSi:. Q;(vi, r.i. i Statistics pieve thai twenty-live perci'iit el thcdejiths in our larger cities arc cau-cd by consumption, ami vhen we rellect that this terrible disease in iis worst stage will yield le abotlleet'Loeliei's Kenewned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers ler their negli gence, erpity ihcin t,.r t.r ignorance': Ne BKast King street. Try Lecher's KciieuiumI Cough Syrup Mothers! Mullut.s!! JWetlicrs:!! Are yen disturbed at njgia und broken el your rest by n siekchibl -uiVeriiig and crying with the excruciating p.ijsi 0t cutting teeth? It se. go at once and fed a het He of M US. WIN'S I.OVSSOOTlllXl!.V.l:i p. ltvvillielievetiie piHir little sutlerer iuimedi.ttely depend upon it; there Is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en earth who luis ever ti-cd It, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the ImivvcN, ami give rest le the mother, and relic! uml health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe le i.-c. in :)ii caics,anil pleas ant te the ta-te, and is t he piv-criplieu el one et the eldest and best fciu.de physicians and liui.-cs in Hie United Slates. .sj, everywhere." il eenls a bottle. liW-lyd&wM.W.IS Try Lecher's Kcnevv netl Ceugli Syrup. Osis il the greatest charm- ,f Ur. I'.rown I'.rewn ing's Tonic ami Alterative is the small size of the dose. Tlie various delicate combinations of drugs are concentrated in the most careful maimer, ane dually brought together by a scries of original processes ; consequently Hie dose is only one tea-poenlul mr an adult and smaller in pioperlion ler ctiildieii. II i takcu once before eacli meal. La-t but net least, a."()cent bottle iast.slen dtys, while a $1 bottle lasts twenty-four days. I-'or sale by the Proprietor, W. Champien llrevvning, 1117 Arch street, Philadelphia, ami all liriiggi-ts. aughl-lvvd.Viw What is the use in going te the sea siil for liiuilth, when " Dr. Lindsey's Itloed Searcher" is what you need. Try Loeher's Itenewued Cough Syrup. Ceuglis. " Brown's Bronchial Troches" nir used with advantage le alleviate Coughs, Sere Thre.il, .'JbQiU'.-cncss and Jlrnnchial Alleclieiis. r,i thiiyprycars iliesexrecucs nave been in u-e. annually increasing favor. They are net and untried, but, having been tested bv de and constant use for nearly an entire generation, ,vy i,av attained well-mcntid Kink among the few staple rcmediesenhe.ige. The Threat. "Brown's Bronchial Troches'' act directly en the organs of the voice. They have an ex traordinary effect in all disorders of the Threat and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone when re laxed, either from cold or overexertion of the voice, and produce a dearand distinct enunci ation. Speakers and Singers lind the Troches useful. A Cough, Celd, Catarrh ex Sere Threat, re quires immediate attention, as neglect often times results in geme incurable Lung Disease. Brown's Bronchial Troches" will almost in variably give relief. Imitations are offered" for hale, many et which arc injurious. The genu ine "Brown's Bronchial Troches" arc sold enli) in boxes. 1anl3-lyil&wTn,Tli4S IV arm Weather and Ita Kttects. .Many people, especially ladies, complain at this season of the year of a general; weakness or debility. The uc of Sneer's Pert Grape Wine prevents this. The wine is said te have a iue-1 wonderful effect in giving strength, vigor and tone te the whole system. It U cx-len-ivelv used by ladles nursing, or about te nuie infants. This wine Is neta manufactured article no liquor Is added te it. Ills no patent medicine or cordial humbug, but Is a Mipciier wine of Hie Oporto grape It is pure, old, un adulterated wine, nothing mere or less. Mr. Sneer has been supplying hospitals with his wine ler many years past. It ts said te be un surpassed for "summer complaints, am! for w cakly persons. The price Is low ter se excel lent a wine, and no laiuily need his without it. This wine U cmleiscd by Drs. Atlee and Davi-, and sold by 11. K. Haymaker. aiiie-'JwdAw Try Lecliefs Uenewned Cough Syrup. I'OI.n'fVM. ISVLI.ETIX. i TTKNTIOX t HANCOCK LKtilOX! Tlie eliicerr; and members el the IIAXCOCK LLlilOX are Icludly rcquestcil te appear al their headquarters, in Centre Sipiarc, en WKIlXIOSIlAY LVKXINCat 7 o'clock, le re ceive unllernis, and frenithcre te proceed te Xerth yuecii street, between Orange and Chest -nut street, ami assist iu raisin:: a handsome campaign banner. The several ward clubs, the Central Committee and the citizens of Lancas ter and vieinitvare kindly invited te be pres ent. The IIAX'COCK LKHlO.Vrespcettiilly re quest the ( Itleas iu the neighborhood of the banner liiisinj; illuminate their residences. Kesiircttully ours, ' COL. KDWAU1) McHOVKItX, Commander et Urigade. I'iiimc UiaiNAim, Marshal. Mini. .S:.in u, t-eerclary. 'Jtd TTKNTIOK HANCOCK LKilON ! j. Tlie elliccrs. also tlie Aids te the Com mander of lliigade, willpicastiltend a mect mect iiniel "Our Legien " this (TrKSHAY ) even ing, at S o'clock, at headquarter.-, Centre Mpmre,te make liual arrangements for raising our Campaign I'.. inner en Wednesday evening. An. 2."i,at s:.'!a o'clock. KveryOlllcerainl Aid is kindly requested le be present. Unilernis ready" Wednesday evening. Ity order et COL. KIWAK1 McUOVKUX, Commander of Krigade. I'ini.u' r.i:::N.:a, .Marshal. suia:. Svinn, Secretary. lid Te Voters. Tlie 2.1 of Si:i-TK.Mr.KU Is lhe last day let ri'gi-lratien and assessment. The assessor et each district is required te le-at the election house ou WKIIXKSOA V and TlllUSlAV, SKI'TKMI'.Klt 1st and 2d, Irem Ida. iu. te," p. m and Irem l p. in. toil p. in., le perfect the list of voters. All persons entitled te vole should jtetsoiml jtetseiml sec thai they are as-e.-sed a- well as ivgis l red. I'cr.-en-intending te be naturalised Ih'Ieki th"2d of OCTOIJKi: should abe be assessed aad registered by the 2d of bKl'TLMUKU. emuiillcc en ualnrali.'ilieii : ,). J,. Steiu met.. I. Me.Mulleii, It. F. lavi-, Jehn A. Ceyle, is. I'. Montgomery. Persons desiring te be natiirall.ed eau apply te any of these, in to W. V. lleusel, at the lMia.i.mi:.xKii etllee. Hancock Veteran Association meets at Ci'ii tr.d Headquarter every Tuesday evening. Cenfeivnee committee meets en Wednesday evening, August 23. Thereafter en every second and fourth cdue.sday of the month. Campaign committee meets regularly every Thursday evening. Hancock Legien meets every Ill's! and third Monday efthe month.'1 Sixth ward club meets regularly en Friday evening; Amc ric iisclith en Thursday evening. Third Ward Hancock club meets, at central headquarter.--, Friday evening. Aug- '-7, at s. o'clock. There will be a regular staled meeting of the I 8th ward Hancock Club at Harry Itehrer's Centennial Heuse, Strawberry street, this evening at 8 o'clock. The block com mittee are requested te make their tcpeit without tail. The Filth ward Hancock ami l'.ngli-h club will meet at tlie Creen Tree hotel, en Tuc-day evening al S o'clock. A special meeting el the Yeung Hancock ami Kngli-h club of the Seventh ward, will be ll'hlat Htzlnger's saloon, .Middle street, this Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. FOR PRESIDENT : EN. WINFIELD S. HANCOCK, OF PENNSYLVANIA. l'OK VICE PRESIDENT: HON. WILLTAM H. ENGLISH, OF IXPIAXA. Tln gredl ii"iciiles or Aiiioriean lib city arc still (lie Iruful inlicrilaiicc of litis peonle. and ever should lie. Tlie right en rial by jury, (lie habeas corpus, the Utterly or (he press, the rreedeiit or speech, (he natural rights or persons ami the rights or property must he preserved. WISF1EI.DS. H.VNCOtlK, 5iaj. (Jcii.CeiiiirglK'pt. La. and Texas. Slate Llecteral Ticket. ELECTORS. It. K. MONAUIIAX, W. II. PLAYFOKII. .IOI1X SLKV1N. K. A. PUK. .1. M. CAMPP.KLL. HILLKS HALLKT. IOIIX X, MOFFKT. KHWIX WALIIOX. XATIIAX C..IASIKS. CKOItHK FILIiKltT. IAMKS tJ. McSPAUKAX, OIL ALFKKH .1. MARTIN. Ali.VM CKUUIXHKU. FIl.VXK TUIt.NKU. P.. I. JUUMIXUtillAM. II. K. HAVLS. (;i:ou(M-: a. pest. A. M. P.KNTOX.3 .1. P. LINTON. COL. JOHN S. MIl.l.Ki:. I.O. SAXTON. C. X. llOWKIt. .1. A. .1. ISUCIIAXA.V. CIIKISTOPIIKR MAIJK :k. KOIIKRT M. (ill'.SOX. TIIOS. KUAHFOlMt. HAItlJV W. WILSON SAMtJKLCJUIFFITII. .1. UOSS THOMPSON. IU'.MOCUATJC STATK tickkt. POll SUIT.EMK .lUDOE. (iKOKUK A..IKXKS. FOR ACDITOi: OENERAU UOISKUT1'. DKCHEUT. OKMOCKATIV COUNTY TICKKT. POR CONdr.ESS. J. L. STKINMETZ. VOR DISTRICT ATTOKMBV. I. McMULLKX. I'OR SUNATOR (I3tll DISTRICT.) J. JI. DOUGLASS. FOR ASSEMRLV ('SI DKTRICT.) S. C. STKVKNSOX, S. 1. SII1KK. FOR ASSKMI1LV (3il 11ISTRICT.5 II. M. IHtKXKMAX. IS. DAVIS YUXDT, .1 ACOll M. IIAKXLEX. FOR rRISON IirSFECTORS. HAUTOX X. WINTE1SS 11KNJ. MILLER. FOR POOR DIRECTORS. A. J. SXYDKU, JOHN; FK ANLiSCUS. XEW AJtrEMTISEXEXTS. Amen the many advantages gained by our change of business - Jocatien, an important one is the 'enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work on en trusted tO U3. WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL BOX REPAINING, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING, &c. A great vaviety of new work in original designs will be produced iu our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short netice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver beusjht. taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. JWATliS. Doxev.w Iu Manhcim borough, en the?iHi iiist., Ilciijamin Donevan, ngcil IVj years. Tiie relatives and lrieiitls efthe family are respect tully invited te attend his funeral, from bis late residence, Manheiin borough, en Fri day morning at : o'clock. -Jtd XJi if Alt ; TISE31EXTS t OST AT AVKAT tiLKX riUXIC VK.3- coral head. A Jj ibcral reward will Iv paid en return of Mime te this ellice. ltd 1)L'i'.LIt; SAL!: OF llOlISh.IKH.D ASI Kitchen liimitiirc en TlllTILSDA V. AUG. JC, issi), at Xe. IS North Water street. Hale te commence at 1 o'clock, p. in. Mirs..!ei!.'c.iu'i:.Ti:i:. N.wii'Kl. Ili-ss A Sex. Auctioneer-. ltd i(M) Tens ! lings Wanted, Fer vv hich the highest price will be paid. '.,s,ci:nts ii:i: rerxn v.ni ;n mi.i:i ItAtSS. The highest priJM Taper, Heek-', .Ve. 'I te vv hum lhe hlgln -t JOIII naid ter Woolens, Ohl i n lt-ig A--erlers wanted" ,11 ice will be paid. A. SHOBER, . and Orange Streets, ".uncaslcr, I'a Cor. jH-lldUl North ,ie TjTHJLTON Ol" s:i:a i.'eiisk Flill A V ijri.WXU, I rc Yeu have original .-ecu imitators new the gicat TOPSY, Mrs. a. 0. Heward, in In l Stewc new ver-ien of Mr s iiumeiial weik, Harriet llecchei UNCLE TOMS CABIN, together w UIi the celebrrled troupe of Virginia JUBIL3B SINGERS, Real colored people. Men, Women and Chil dren, will appear iu thegraml. realistic PLAN TATION and COTTON-riCKIN'i; SCKXF.S The characters iu lhe drama will be pert raved bvaC.YISHri'LIA r-HLLCTKP IHLVMA'i'lC COMPANY. Adiuissieii, ",", e., and 50 Cents. i:kski:vki si-: ts, r. ci:nts, te be had at tlie Opera lleu-e Ollice. u2l-ltd 1ti::i.i" salk or VALUAiti.v: ki:al KST.VTK.-0n TIIUICSDA Y, OCTOISKlt 7. lsse, will besehlal pubiicsale, en Hie premises, ou the Miliersville pike, in the city et Lancas terand county el Lancaster, Pa., the following, te wit.: A tract et laud, containing ." ACUKS, mere or le-s, mi which is creeled a large and eonve eenve iiicut IwiiNtery Cl.'ll'li IIOL'SK, with Man-aid ltoel and a two.slerv ISrlek Hack I'liildiugal t'lched, mid a small .summer Kitchen; gas through the house; has a line hall and eleven liuge moms, conveniently laid out; a well et iiever-lailiiig water w ith puniplhercin, cistern and a choice le! el iruit trees in bearing order, peaeli e. chard, etc.: a tine driving read te and liem the house. Thegieuml fronts en three street-:; would l.e well adapted ler building lets. Theie i- al-e a geed cellar under the w hole heii.se; heater iu cellar, and geed ven tilation in all the rooms; there is an observa tory en lop el lhe lieii.se. nl-e a geed large Harn, Carnage lleu-e, lee Heuse. Maiding ter I luce hoi siv and two cows, with water i.t the barn: a ghtss front hennery, .V lect long, vvitli ivork-siiep attached. Theieareeu this) reperty about l'Jildilfcreut vaiietles of grapes, bearing, Willi a line let of shrubbery, 'evergreen and shade trees. This property is well worth the attention et per-eiis w He wish te buy a private resilience, or ler building let , or ler a ilerist. Any person wishing le view the property previous le the day el -ale can dosebyj calling ou the lindursigncilic-idiiigeii I he same, either by letter or pcrsenall.v . Sale te commence at 2 o'clock P. M. et said day, w lieu attendance v. ill be given ami condi tions of -ale w ill be made known by HKXUY !. LIPP. S. Hess ,V Se., Altel. uug2l-lliUi;tdS.V7tw it'AXTElt. Y rAXTKP.-..i:v!:i:vi:eiY te advkk- lisc, nee nt c.ii.irgc. In lhe ini'eli.iiikk ini'eli.iiikk v.'he wauls s.iuielliiug ie de. uanti.ii-eli i(oi;si:siiei-:s attiik t Pcnn Uelliug Mill, Lancaster, ler which the highest pii..-e will be paid. nugl.l-enwtld W thin:; VXTl-:i. A YelIN'O MAN WANTS A situation te drive her-es or te de any :. Aiiply at ."12 seutli Prince Street. Vtf ILL Ki:Oil-:N ON I 111 Ka-t King str SKITK.-VIP.KK ! AT reet. I'eliecca S. Ilel- brook's scluxd ler children. aug2!-:;td GK In huge or small auieiin!--. j.".er iiO.OOO- Write W. T. SOt'LK & CO., Commission Mer chant", Iffli La Salle -(reel, Chicago, III., ler cir ulars. in23-iyd Netici: te .n;i:eits. All juiMi'sdiiiwii for the week.-cemuienc- ing moneay, skpti:mi:i:i: , is-e, ami MONDAY, SKPTKM P.Kit 13, lssa, are hereby uetilied net te attend, as the cases set down ler trial for these weeks have been continued. l!v order of tin1 court. .I.VCOI'.S. STIJIXK, Sheiiir. Sucr.li'i''.". Orrici;, Lancaster. Pa., Aug. 2.!, I.ssi) aug2:;-.'5td&2tw' PICOI'OSALS l'OIS STKKCT YVOKK. Sealeil proposals will be received by the sticet eemmilteeup te FISIHAY, AIItll'M'aT. al 7 o'clock p. in., ler Hie following work, viz: Censlrueling rubble pavement en Grant street, lerm .Market te Prince streets, grading Fine street, from Oniugu te Chestnut, ami building sewer front l'iue le Wary street. Itids te lie eniler;ed spceilyiug Hie work bid for and te be directed te l." -Me.Mulleu, Chair man. Plans anil specifications lobe seen at the ellice et .lames C. Carpenter, City Regula tor. The committee reseive lhe rigid I e re ject any or all bids received. ISv order of committee. S. W. ISA UP., uugi'i-ltd Clerk. 10ft 1.A11II.S AXI GICNTS 105 If you want a GOOD FITTING BOOT OR SHOE, ICeady-made or made te order, call at P. HIBMBNZ'S, l',e. I(i3 North tjucen Street. a. Custom Werk a Specialty. iea;.s&wtfd ENGINES AND MACHINERY Ot all Kinds, repaired al Short Netice. IRON AND BRASS i MADK TO OltllKlt. BRASS BOXES, PACKING iinra 8. GLOBE VALVES, Of all Sizes. All Kinds or IHtASS ANO IKON VALVKS AN II HKKIi SPIGOTS KKl'AIKKH 43 Foundry and Machine Shep rear of W I). Spreeher iv Seii'.s heed Stere, Grant ami Christian streets. JOS. H. HUBBR. nl-3mdS T UAIItF.K ANO COAL The undersigned are 11 ceive orders ler 111' TKLKPIIONK nw pieparcd le ic- Ceal, Lumber, Sash, Deers, Blinds, &c., by Telephone. Step in at the K.tchangc und de your own erdcrin-; free efulmrge. G.SKNKK&SONS, S. tj cer. Prince and Walnut Street), jl '-tUIS J XE l" A D I'EUTXSEMEXTS. IKKDING CATTLK FOI6 SALK. I will have Kiirhteen Cars of Heed Feed- lug Cattle for sale lneriiing. it my yard en Wednesday l.Kl lSEXSh.MU. ltd YJ ALUAKLK UKAL KSTATE AT ASSIOXKK'S SALK. On SATURDAY. SKPTKMIIKIi 23. 1SS0. will be sold at liublie sale, en the premises or Peter C. Kckert. of Leaceek township, Lancaster ceiuilv. Pa., about two uilles north of Intercourse aiid two miles south efthe Xew Helland turnpike, en Mill Creek, the following described Ileal Ins tate, te wit : A tract of best uualltv of Limestone Lnnit. containing e; ACKKS, mere or less, adjoining lands of Levi Zenk, Klmira Kckert. Wayne Hear, Thompson lirubaker, aud the "Old Kckert Mill Property," new owned by Win. Fllekingcr. Tlie improvements thereon erect ed consist of a two-storied wcutherbearded mVKLLlXU HOUSK, part Inline and iart stone. Stene Hank Ihirn. 1U0 feet long, vvitli Wagen Sheds afcach end, and Cern Cribs at tached; all under euu reef. A Xew Heg Stv, 10 feet long, Caniage Heuse, Ceal Heuse, "a Spring Heuse, ever a ncver-lailing Spring of Water, which passes through the barn yard, supplying the sleck with water al the barn. Upen this stream there are several Trout Ponds. There is a Yeung Orchard el Choice t1 rult Tree.-, . rape Vines, Ac. Alse, a Well of never-failing Water, with Pump therein, at the deer, and a Large Cistern near lhe house. Tlicrc Is ul-e a Xew smoke Heuse. The laud is In a high slate of cultivation, being recently heavily limed; is divided into convenient fields, se arranged that stock can get water from Mill Creek, which passes through the land. It Is under geed lenclng, mostly pest and rail. Persons desiring te view the prep itycan de se by calling en Peter C. Kckert, rc-Iding thereon. A geed title and possession will lie given ou the 1st day et April next. Sale te commence at 2 o'clock p m of said day, when attendance will be given and terms el .sale made known by llKXItY IIOSTKTTKU, A-signee. .Ieiim Ukbmax, Auet. aug2MliU.ritw PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NOETH QUEEN ST. M A K KS A LI . K I X US O F vibe mm ler windows, and put up in such a manner that you need net remove when von close lhe window. We have some decided bargains in WALL PAPER. In order te cle-e. will be sold very low. PLAIN WIN HOW SH A DKS, in all colors and widths. Kxtra Wide! leads for Large Curtains uml Stere Shades. Fivtures of IScst Makes. Hollands, Fringes, Tassels, Cords, Leeps, Paper Curtains, ,.c. Kxtiuisieii Window Cornice In a vnilety of Patterns, will tit any window up le live leet in width. Cornice Pe'e-s, Kbeny, Walnut and Ash. OUDKUS TAKKX FOIt PINK PIER AND MANTEL MIRRORS. AT Fry's, 57 North Queen Street The Only Peerless and the Best!. OH! THAT PRECIOUS BABY. Tlie Craze te See the i'ahy lUcphanl. Thousands of people turned away, unable te gain admission, every day. Old Fossils laid In tlieshadeaml a New'Ki-a iu Amusements is tablislied. The Largest Canvass ever erected, ami four Times the lliggest. Shew ever here. LAICASTER, Saturday, September 11th. TWO KINGS DOUHLE ClUCFS COM PANY in Iriciully eentc.it. Twe Monster Triple Menageries. UNDKU TUB L.VKGKST TEXTS KVKU KKKCTKH anywhere in the WULI. Receipts from $6,500 te $10,000 Daily. Great Louden Circus, SANGER'S Royal British Menagerie, UNITKI) WITH TIIK .IAMKS K. .IAMKS A. COOPKIf, IIAILKY, .SeleOwxeus. First Time of the Baby Elephant. Only Klephant ever born in bondage any where In the wide world, and when, exhibited in Lancaster will be .six months and one day old. Team of 13 Camels; .'Xl Genuine Plantation Jubilee Singers; 3 Ur.iss Itands: n Superb .Steam Organ uml llrilllant Free Street Pro Pre cession which fairly scintillates with golden lustre; Open Densef Ferocious Wild lleasts iu the street; Only Baby Hippopotamus ever ex hibited in America. First time of Fifteen Klephant.s performing incredible feats In military drill, und double the clcphanlsever seen in one herd Uufere iu any country. Only Shew In the World Light ed Thoroughly Throughout by Klectrlclty. Ne ether has it. Ne ether can have. ONLY PKICFOUMING OXEN. 4 Snow White and 2 Bleed Ucd ; In feats rivaling tlie Intelligence or the horse. Tremendous Triple Menagerie or HO odd ciuje.s. A World of Menkies, forests et Birds-, aud the most startling catalogue or Curiosities ever seen under tents; 2UUChain- KIeu Circus Performers, culled Irem every much efthe profession, und positively und only containing every stellar light of Hie arena, in Friendly Rivalry iu two Distinct Kings. The most Gorgeous street Pageant ever witnessed this .side et the Orient. Te miss it will lie the regret of a lifetime; 5,000 Number ed OiK-ra Chairs, with scats rer 15,000 people. ADMISSION C0CU. CHILDKKNUNDKU9YKAUS S5CU. Harrisburff Friday, Sept. IO. augi4,2ascptl,4,8,10Jk3tw THIRD EDITIOB. TUESDAY EVENING, AUO. 24, 1880. BY TELEGRAPH. LIGHTS AND SHADES OP DAILY LIFE. BIG FIRE AT ZIEGLERSVILLE. DEATH OP GEN..MYER. l'KICKUF COAL AOVAXCED. lludget of .1tKcellaiicei News. fii:i: axi EXPLOSION. Destruction of an Ice Heuse, Kugine. Cam and SciiwKXicsviLLE, Pa., Aug. 21. The extensive iee house belonging te J. antl P. Kaltz of Philadelphia, the ice siding and several ears vveie wero'tlestreyed by an in cendiary tiie at Zicglersville early this morning. A keg of lKrmlcr exploded with great force, destroying also the engine house and engine. The shock was se great as te shake the houses at this place, mere than a mile away. The less will be from $12,001) te $l."i,000, covered by insur ance. Price of Ceal Advanced. PiiiLAnKLiMiiA, Aug. 2I.-The anthracite coal interests agreed te-day te advance eastern prices of egg and stove coal twenty cents per ten for September- Ne ether changes were made. Mini Itebbcrs Sentenced. Matt and Uihfl'ettc:', Kell Dublin and Jim Wilhins, mail robbers weie sentenced te ten j can;' iiiipiienmcnt nt Austin, Texas. Shet ly.i Negro. Al Galveston, Texas, a negre shot and fatally injured a German store Keeper yes terday. Hubert Krysim'H Kcmains. The dead body of Kebe it lirysen, who was murdered by drowning in the Ohie river, at Agnew station, was brought te Ilarrisliiirg te-day and taken te the family biiryinggreunil in Cumberland county. The 1'oet en I be Other Leg. Victeria's Jndiaiis whipped Gricrsen's soldiers iu the recent engagement. Pre Pre Tieus reports had the thing reversed. Death or Old Probabilities. Gen. Albert J. Mycr, chief of the signal bureau, died at Buffalo, N. Y., at sunripe te-day. Three Urel hers Killed. The three Littlcferd brothers weie killed in "liilliculty" at Geneles, Texas, Satur dty. New Yerk Itepublirann. The Republican state committee of New Yerk, met at the Fifth Avenue hotel New Yerk city, te-day, Gen. Chester A. Arthur presiding. The committee reneminated Chief Justice Felger for the position he nor,- holds. WKATII rll: 1NIHCATIOMS. suin(;tex, D. C, Aug. 24. Fer the aliddle Atlantic states, stationary or falling barometer, stationary or higher teniperatuie, east te south winds, partly cloudy weather and occasional local rains. MEHIVAI. CUTICURA BLOOD AND SKIN REMEDIES. C'lrriciniA i:i'-sei.vi:.Nr purilles the bleed thriiugh the bevvcN, liver, kidneys ami skint Cr-ncL'ii.v, a .Medicinal .Icily, removes dead llesh ami sl.in. rciulers healthy ulcers and old seics, allays iiiuuiumatien, itching and irrita ti'in efthe skin and sctilp. Ct'Ticuicv Meiuci n.vi. TiiiletSe.-.c restores whiteness und beau tilies the skin. Ci'TIccka Siiavimi Seap is the only medicinal soap expressly prepared for shaving. SALT HHEUM F0K A LIFETIME. I have had a most wonderful cure of Salt Kheum. Fer .seventeen years 1 sullered with Salt Kheum ; 1 had It en my head, lace, neck, arms and legs. I was net able te walk, only en my hands and knees, ter one year. 1 have net been able te help myself ler eight years. 1 tried hundreds el remedies; net one had the least etl'ecl. The doctors said my case was in curable. Se my parents tried everything that came along. I saw the advertisement and con eluded te try Ci'ticcua Keueiues. The first box et Ci:tk ri:v brought the Humer te the surface of my skin. It would drop oil as it came out, until new I am entirely well. All I can say is, 1 thank you most heartily for my cure. WILL McDONALD. i::i." BriTKiu-'iKi.iiSr.. Ciiicaue, III., March 1, IS70. PS0KIASIS. I have been alllicled rer nineteen years with Psoriasis, and have spent hundreds iif dollars ler doctors and stuir they call bleed purilicrs. Doctors diil net knew what te call my disease. I would scratch nights until I scratched my self raw: then it would dry and form into scales, which would all be scratched oil' next night and se en. I have been completely cured by lhe CrTiii'RA Kemeihes. THOMAS DKLANKY. Coxcer.nSr.. Hvstem Mill, Memciiis, Ten x., June 111, I.s7:. Cutici;i: Kevikiuks arc prepared by WKKKS X 'OTTKIt, Chemists and Druggists, ) Wash in ten slreet, liosten, and are for sale by all Druggists. MALT BITTERS. UNFERMENTED MALT AND HOPS! DYSPKPSI.V. Dyspepsia Is the prevaling malady of civilized lite. It lies tit the boteui of one-half our misery. It is the rock upon which many of our business ventures have split. It clouds the mind, weakens the body, and preys upon the vitality. Whereshnll wcllnd relief rretn this morbid, melancholy misery? MALT IJ1TTEKS! At once a medicine and a feed, this wonderful nutrient and Invigerant builds up enfeebled digestion, regulates the llowef the gastric juices, dissolves and assimi lates every article of diet, and en res Headache, Dizziness,- Bilious Attacks, Palpitation or the Heart, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melan choly, und a thousand ether morbid forms assumed ly Dyspepsia. MALT BITTKKSare prepared without fer mentation from Canadian BAULKY MALT and HOPS, and warranted superior te idl ether form of malt or medicine, while free from the objections urged against malt liquors. Ask ler Malt JUtteim prepared by the Malt Bitters CeiirAMV, and see that every bottle licurs the Tbade Mabk Label, duly Signed and enclosed in Wave Lines. MALT U1TTEKS are rer sale by all Drug- ..I-..0 . ' - lvl.llBllWa 4 .,-.... .., i w XAXKETS. Mew Verk Market. Skw Your, Ang. 21. Fleur State ami West em dull and In buyers' taver; Su Psc. " stat0 at W50S4UO; extra de at H 00 H4,L c,,elce. de.. $4 40S5 lM: taney & ipse i: round hoop tHiie $1 -iig.- w: yuuiL-v tiu iuWt, ue ; supernnc western SMl'tV 4 40: common te geed extra de $1 oe&ixt; .1.J,eU.,u)4;:55 choice white v heat de 4 ij4 65; Southern quiet and weak; common te fair extra U wtf" 50: kmm! te choice de $5 C0S6 75. Wheat a sluule lower, but rather dull ; Ae. IU hltc, SepU'uiIier. $1 use ; de Octelicr, 1 OSc; Xe. 2 Kcd Septemlier, $ use- d, October, t G1 09 ; d Augjl uT'i- Cem MQJle lew cr. uml quiet; Mixed western spot, .VOtiic : de future, 3l4K:C'.sC. Oats heavy and lower; Sate, at 48tScl ; West em, at &H547c. Philadelphia Market. PuiL.vDM.rHlA, Aug. 21. Fleur unchanged, and dull : supertlnn ut tSSOQS; extra at .:.' n w : uihe and iiidianu .family ..ikiij 7. ; I'enn'ii family del ngS 23: St. Leuis family at t-iSOtftllM; Mfnncseta family ." iVflCOO; ivaient and hiicii grudesii; .legs co. Uye Heur at l ,ri0. Wheat Unit at a decline In prleea; Xe. 2 Western Kcd l 07c; l'cnn'a Kcd $1 07; Coriitreng en local scarcity ng en local scarcity : steamer 5i) ' 'lK5Sc : mixed .'i.'.'jf.'Mc. . and.csler; Ne. 1, While 41 lis : Xe. : yellow." uat-s nun A(io4)c;e.3, de;;-e; Se.?, Mlxc":rTi-. rrovlsiensllrm.wlth oe,l jebbing: iiks perk Ii; ttlC se; licet hams Uhl-:; M; liidluu m.'ss beet at li; u ; bacon iuieked shoulders 7e; salt de URiIMe: siu..:;ed luuix HQi:e; pickled hanw ln'iwlle. Lard linn; city kettle at De; loen: butchers' Ss'fc; prime steam SJ.c. lluttcr linn, with lair demand:" L'rcaiuerv extra 2.)2Ge; Creamery geed te choice 'i.' "Jte; llnulferd county uml Xew Yerk extra. 'iigite : Western reserve extra l;t717c;d(goed t( choice I5l5c; Uells iilet : t'eiiu'a extw MfiliS; Western reserve extra l::i?!i:c. Kvx scarce and wanted: IViiu'a at l'i.?i,.. Wiwiern lipJc. Cheese steady ami firmly held ; New Yerk full cream Viyse; Western full cream He: de lair te geed I0$l0.c; de hair skims ;c?'j;.ie. relreleimi firm : relincd .c. Whisky lli Seeds liiNid le prime Clever linn at fa 30 'J1I0; Tinielhv tlrin at ti M-i in; Flaxseed rpiletat ft iVfl -7 ; rye scarce al .sa,-. Stecu :itrketfl. 1'HIIADKI.l'UIA I'tu r. m. Stetk.s s trout'. Aiif?-'-L :m i m. Pen mi (a (third issue).. Philadelphia & Erie UeudlUK I'enn.sylvaiila Lehigh Valley United Ces. et N..I Northern Pacific .lllllliii.:. . i.Vih: . n . .VS-1! . MM .ii;7r?i7. " Preferred Northern Central :it; Lehigh Navifjatinn :;-j'-H Vorristewn liiij.-, t'enlnil Tran.sDiirlalien i.'e. I'.iiirl'.i'' Pitts., Tltusvllle A lluir.de. Kili)i LltUe Schuylkill. KVi.xl Nunr imiK. 'b'.'-M. Stocks strong. N. Y. Central.'. AdilltlM Kxptxs MicliiKsin Central Michigan Southern Illinois Central Cleveland A Piltsliur;;li Chicago & Kneklsluiid.. JTriy. i:K .11. i,y. AHT-'. II2V .121' , lit I'llLsliur'li ,t I'ert Wayne.. las Wetdcrn Union Tel. Ce liwl-f Teledo & Wabash 39; New Jcmey Central 7iy Ontario Weslern &' United Stittes iteiKli ami sterli.i Kxr!taig- (Quotations by B. K..Iamiseii .t, Ce., S. V Cor. Aland Chestnut Streets). Piiilaiielimii v. Aug. 21. Hutted Slates li's, 1SSI, (registered). .101' Uitiled States .Vs. 11, (rcglsteix-d)..1024(filtrj',l United States 4Ji's, ISU. (registercd))lli'x$llivv. United suites l!i'.s.ls-.il,(ciuins).. .in-; fiim' " United Suites 4's, 1:I7. (reglsMd)..llu iOtUft, United States Curreneyir.s 12.",l'.i;,127.12S(;pi'j:i Sterling Exchange I2!W-"UI Cuttle Market. IIekdav, August St. Tim receipts of cattle at the West Philadelphia yard ler past week were 2,SIK head: North Philadelphia yard, 1,00 head. Total. ::,leil head. Beeves were inactive and buyers were hold ing eir, although prices were lower than last week. Drevers, were complaining that .with the high freight rates it is impossible le laud cattle in Philadelphia at the present prices. Jehn McArdlc sold a lew c Mm choice Ohie steers at re per pound. We quote K.tra at :fiSjip. z geed, -vvfiaifc; medium, IJgl'.-lc; common, .tlc; mixed, '-is:!e; calvesal Vibl''- Fresh cows, $jun $: per head. SALES Al' TIIE WEST 1'IIII.AIIKLI'III.V YACIl. JTeatl. Wl Keger May lies. Western, 'gross. 4J.V','f. i'.l ()eii Suiilli. Ohie, accountel Wm. snj dcr,rl W. V:u, de S. Caiill'inaii. si West ern, de ,1. F. Sadler A. Ce., 4lvTtt: ST A.A.I. Christy, West Virginia."; gre-w, Vf. Vi K. S. A B. F. McFillcu, Peun'a, aice.uut ef.l. P. Dennelly. Ii; de C. It. Curuev. S" Western, de Keger Maynes. It VV. Va.. de A. Pest, l.S Western de.l.Seh;mibcig & ii., in in jk. iieiuies, gns, I'-YjC. '.m tllliiian & Lehman Bres., Western, acci i of Leliinau Bres., rrfii.V'c.; !H)de LeviSen senig, l.".)ie.; 17 de W;nd A, C., r.e.; de Manser A Ce.. IK'. 72 .las. cieneii, VV. "Va aud Pa., gm-s, ij'iTe li; Dennis Smyth, VV. Va., account el Pest A Ce.: is .Mil., account el VV. O. Hughes ; Kl West Virginia, liiSe. :i". Jehn Me.Vrdle, West V:C,4(rV.; l.iSmilh- crn Ohie, .r((?.VJe.; 17.r Cliie.igtM-s, ..; Daniel Murphy, ! H'ct Va.. gross, (, 21." I.ewciislein A Adler, Western ami VV. Va gross, ".'M-'X1'-l'X G. SclianilM-rg A Ce., Western. grnrs, 4'.: ")(. 42 F. Sheetz, Weslern, gross, :U?.,','c.'' 73 L. Hern, Chester co. and WVt Va.. gross. 10 II. Chain, jr.. Western, gross, 4Zfhric. 40 Daniel Smylli A Bre.. Weslern, "account of Wm. Pest ; Ui de Adam Coekmaii ; ill de Adams A Ce.: 20 ile Keger Mavnes, gres.i. IN) Bachiuaii A Levi, West Va., and Western. gross, S4Q:Mk. 17 A. Oslheiui, Western, gross, l,S,'ig lc. 20 S. Dreiliis, Western, gross, l)iyxi: Si schamberg A Paul, Western and V a., r;reys, VmC. 1111 M. Levi, Wist Va., gross, :;j'J.-.Xe. 1 1 II. Chain, Texas, gross. SKffl li.,e. Al James Anil, Western, gross, 4yv .", ;t vvm.saies, vvesicrn ami aid., gross.: ::$ 20 P. Hathaway. Western and Pa., irress. ::y,n 37 Jus. Kustlce, Western and VV. Va., glim II J. F. Sadler A Ce., Colerado, mostly whole sale, gross, 4.1c. Hogs were tictive, and prices, in sympalhv with the Western markets, advanced 2.V-. pi r hundred Weipude Irem 7c te Me cr peiiml, the highest price ter some time. Sheep were iliac livcuitd prices were;e. low er er jieuml than last week. We iielt: Kvtra at 4';2rjl'it;z geed, llie.; medium, 'b Hie.; common, ::4iile.; culls, :K.'i.Jc.: Lambs, 4i'Ic. Samuel slewart sold 4et bead et dressed sheep at 7rfc. per pound. KtltXEV J'AltS. DATS KIUNEY FID! A NEW DISCOVERY, That acts directly en the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Organs, by absorbing all humors, every trace of disease,5ind forcing Inte the sys tem powerful and healthful vegcUible Tonics, flying it wonderful power te euro PAIN IN UK BACK, bide and Leins. Iiillamniatieii ttim Jinglil's lilseusi: et tills Jildnevs, Gravel Dropsy, Dialictcs, Stene in the Bladder, In ability te Itcuiln or Kxpel the Urine, High Cel, ered, Scanty or Painful Urinating, Dcitesits, Shreads or Casts In the Urine, Nervous ami Physical Debility, and In tact any disease of these great organs. It avoids entirely the troubles and dangera of taking nauseous and poisonous medicines. ' It is comfortable, safe, pleasant ami reliable iu Its 'cueds, yet powerful in its action. It can be worn at all seasons, in any climate, and is equally geed rer MAN, WOMAN OB CHILD. Ask your druggist Ter It and accept no imi tation or .substitute, or semi te us and receive it by return mail. Kcgiilar Pad, $2; Special Pad, Ter Chronic, deep-seated, or cases or long stumliie', $.1; Children's Pud, prevention and cure or s.im mer complaint, weak kidneys and ImiI wet ting, SIM. Day Kidney Pad Company, TOLEDO, OHIO. augl-lydeedMAV&F&w 105 . GOTO F. HIEMENZ'S, 105 Ne. 10T North Queen street for the Cheapest and Best BOOTS AND SHOES. 15 MnerUMjK-dfcM, ias