Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 24, 1880, Image 2

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Lancaster Intelligencer.
The Virginia Democracy.
The Virginia Demecracyare causing a
geed deal of disquietude among their
national brethren because of their failure
te unite in the support of one electoral
ticKet. mere is a strange tactien in the
Democratic party of that state called
" Iteadjusters," and ,it is claimed that
nearly half of the party is of tins spotted
kind. Te persons outside the state it
seems Ihcabsurdest possible organization
with the most ridiculous name and the
most foolish aim that can be conceived
of. The " readjustment" demanded is
of the state debt, which has already been
" adjusted" several times during the war
and lias thus imposed upon the people
who want it fixed ence mere the necessi
ty of putting that iterating "re" as a
prefix te their political name and a party
designation of their principles. It
is positively true that this is all the plat
form the:i end j listers liavete stand en;
and when one considers that it ought
never te be a question of doubt witlra
state that it should pay its debt in full,
principal and interest, it does seem that,
after it lias once conferred witli its cred
iters and obtained their consent te an
abatement and has arranged a basis of
settlement, it should certainly then have
exhausted every chance that it could
have te raise a political party within its
borders with no ether demand te make
than for a readjustment of the debt.
Virginia, when she came out of the war,
threw off one-third of the state debt upon
We-st Virginia, which state has never
assumed it ; because it claimed that the
state improvements which the money
had lieen expended for had near
ly all been made in the old statu; and
this we believe was true. That third
of the debt practically therefore has been
repudiated. The remaining two-thirds
lias lx'pn arranged and rearranged and
apiKsirs in se many forms of consol and
" peeler" and ether bends that it weuid
quite make your head ache te hear all
about them and try te understand them.
It sullices for an intelligent apprehension
of the idiotic " read j lister" movement te
sav that it fellows along after the last
settlement efilhedebt made by the Legis
lature, approved by the governor and
accepted by the creditors. Xething is or
can lie urged against its legal finality. It
h:is been sustained by the constitution
and is the law of Virginia.
1 Jut these iiceplc seem naturally te be
political lighters. They are se fend of
arguing that they were reduced te dire
extremity when the war ended, and they
had t be. unanimously Democratic; the
feeble Republican element net being
strong enough te kick nor decent enough
te join. Tliere was nethinglei't for them
but te get up a row in the Democratic
family, and this agitation about the state
debt seemed te be about the only avail
able thing te base iten. Men howl them
selves hearse and heat themselves into a
frenzy te show hew the bleated bond
holders should net have the money of
Virginia, when there is no present possi
bility, mid the smallest future chance,
that the state will ever, with its most
stringent legislation, be able te reach
many dollars of these indignant patriots'
c;isli; because they haven't many. Penn
sylvania would never have get anything
from such citizens; and te raise a cent
by way of taxation from these property
less Virginians seemed alteut :is possible
:is te .-squeeze blcel from a turnip. But an
ingenious legislator in Virginia devised
a plan te take the tell off every drink of
liquor sold across a bar, and the Moffett
bell punch did secure many a read j lister's
dime te the stale treasury.
This may In- a main cause why the
parly get se virulent against paying the
debt and why it has grown se strong. In
anv ether stale the majority of the voters,
being without property ,would very cheer
fully vole that their rich neighbors
should Ijo taxed te maintain the state
credit. Rut there was another influence
at work te give vitality te the organi
zation ; and that was the ambition of as
piring politicians. General Mahone hav
ing been put out of the presidency of a
railroad which he had managed te ruin,
was out of business and badly in need of
a grindstone for his axes. Among hands
they have managed te secure one that has
worked pretty well for them se far, hav
ing given them, with Republican coali
tion, the command of the state ellicers
elected by the Legislature, and put Ma
hone himself into the United States Sen
ate. But new it is net obvious hew the. ap.
paratus can work any longer with profit
independently of the Democratic party,
which has but one ticket for president
and which can be sustained only by one
electoral ticket in each state. If Virgin
ia Democrats rim two tickets for Han
cock, the irresistible conclusion will be
that they are crazy or false ; there is
plenty of crazincss in the " readjusting '
movement, but there is a method in the
madness which'shews that knaves are
working it. A failure te unite en one
ticket will prove an inclination te lake
the state from Hancock. It is tee clear
for argument that sensible men who
favor his election will net keep two
electoral tickets in the field. As the in
terest of every Democrat in Virginia de
mands Hancock's election, we de net
fear that the vole of the state will be
endangered. The iMtpular sentiment at
least is right and that will compel a
,n ion.
We commend the president of common
council te a careful reading of the veto
message which the mayor recently sent te
his 1mm ly. He will find therein ample de
monstration that the lean which he un
dertakesjx) writejibeut was net," legally
contracted." He will also find that the
finance committee has officially reported
that this lean will carry the city debt be
yond the constitutional limit, and the
contrary has net j'et been satisfactorily
shown. If it is difficult, as Dr. Lever Lever
geed says,te detcrmincwhatthecitydebt
is, aud hew nearly its constitutional limit
lias been reached, we suggest that the
leisure of councilmen cannot be better
employed than in investigating and de
termining this important question. We
Asesa?TWthat,-;,ff!Levergoed does net
j.-.r TTMfK
feel himself "legally" or "morally",
bound te pay debts contracted en his be
half, without his authority and in the
face of his positive prohibition. Dees
Weaveii new staits out te carry Arkan
sas. He claimed Alabama first and is
taking them alphabetically.
Dn. Cream, of Chicago, is charged with
most heinous malpractice. Though a loudly
professing Christian,he seems te have been
but skim milk.
A touching story is told of hew a Tex
as man married a North Carolina girl and
walked 1,000 miles with her te his Western
I fall asleep :
Then he arrives and whispers In my ear,
" The pastis net. He whom you love it here ;
He longer weep !"
" I am net dead,"
lie Hays, and takes me gently by the liamN.
Ana leans te mese pleasant ycuewwimn
AVe used te tread.
Jle softly talks
Of all the tilings we talked of long age ;
And 1 am liappy, pacing te and tre
These well-loved walks !
Uut when 1 try
Te tell of what has happened slnce the day
lie went, an me. ne siewiy isiui-s away :
I wake and cry.
hnntlen World.
Tug editor of Conkling's home organ,
the Utica craM, was in Congress with Gar
ficld,and his private judgment puldiclyex
prcssed was that Garfield had lieen bribed
by Ames, and henceforth must be ' a dead
cock in a pit." Net long age the Demo
crats of Utica endeavored te procure the
republication in'the Herald of Mr. Roberts's
remarks en Garfield in 1873 by paying for
their insertion as an advertisement at the
usual rates. Mr. Robertsen his counting
room, was forced te dcclintthe paragraphs
which he had written as editor, en the
ground that they wcre improper matter te
print in the Utica Herald, even as an ad
vertisement !
Lucy H. Heeper writes from Paris that
the cab horses of that cityire the hardest
worked aud the most whipped in the world.
Usually, a cabman will lash his horse un
ceasingly from the time that he starts en
his trip, whether it be by the course or by
the hour, till he is discharged. If the lash
prove ineffectual, he will often reverse his
whip and pound the peer bony, half-starved
animal with the handle. There is no use
in remonstrating with these Jehus ; he will
only turn en you with a storm of abuse.
Cut, slash, thump cut, slash, thump the
process gees en till the carriage is dis
charged. The police never interfere, and
no French person ever seems te think of
Gout Is net always te the werldling.
SruuoEex has it bad.
General Alpeut J. Myek, chief of the
signal service, remains in a precarious
condition at Buffalo. His death was me
mentarily expected last night.
BiiKDKTT-CeuTs denies that she is going
te marry. The alleged bridegroom is her
pretege, aged twenty-eight. She is seventy
and her annual income is $2,000,000.
General Grant has a Japanese body-servant.
His name is Yiscdde, and lie
dresses like an American and carries a
cane. He said that Japan regards the
United States as a model nation and is
imitating many of the ways and customs
of this country.
Rev. W. H. II. Murray is home from
Europe full of ideas. He thinks our mil
lers could enlarge their trade in England
by sending an agent there te push the
sale of American Heur in small packages.
He thinks tee our perk should be cured
here and net sent there green.
While General Woodferd was going
through the railroad shops at St. Albans,
Vt., the ether day he said : "I never had a
boy te give my name te ; I wonder if I
shall ever sce it en a locomotive." Gover Gover
eor Smith then at once gave directions te
have a new locomotive named General
Stewart L. Woodferd. A hint in time is
worth nine.
Miss Irish, a clerk in the interior de
partment at Washington, who rumor says
is te marry Secretary Schurz, is an accom
plished performer en the ; piano, and will
therefore, find the secretary companion
able in this respect if in no ether. The
Irish family is well known in Erie comity,
and its total yearly income from the United
States government in salaries is said te be
about $10,000.
At the Chicago meeting of Knights
Templar E. P. G. C. James II. Hepkins
was presented with.a splendid bronze eques
trian figure of Richard Cosur dc Leen, this
selection being made by these who desried
te honor him, as " an object that'.would at
once convey the sentiment involved ami be
a honscheld adornment, expressing te the
honored recipient and his family the fact
of his exalted official position, and the
great love of the brethren."
Cenllnctl for Twenty-seven Years Amttl
Filtli and Squalor.
Details of the discovery and capture of
Benjamin Sechlcr, the maniac, by officers
of the Berks county almshouse, present
the most distressing features. In a wild
aud desolate region, surrounded with plen
ty of weeds and dense undergrowth, the
insane man was kept by his brother, Jacob
Scchler, a highly respected citizen of Al
bany township, in a small house purposely
constructed for him. The apartment is
about 8 feet square, bearded en the inside,
and was in a most disgusting and filthy con
dition. Near the centre of the room was
a chain about three feet long, one end of
which was fastened te the fleer and the
ether end te one of the legs of the nude
maniac In this state he has been kept
for 27 years, during which time he was
neither, washed combed nor shaved. His
beard reached te a little above the
waist and bis hair was one thick,
bushy mass, which had net been
combed for all these years. He
was captured by James W. Salladc.
Jehn II. Bewer and Jehn B. Knerr, of the
Berks county insane hospital, Jand has been
removed te that institution and properly
cared for. Scchler is a Germ'an,55 years old,
His father was once a prosperous farmer
of Berks county, and his brother has kept
him confined all these years, furnishing
him with plenty of feed, and the(mauiac's
physical condition as far as health and
strength are concerned is excellent. It is
said that he became insane by reason of
exposing himself te the sudden reaction of
cold water ever a heated body. He is a
stene mason by trade. One day he worked
in the harvest field, and in the evening
took a bath in a cool spring water. This it
is said, produced hisinsanitjln
Dp. lverset Wnt te Knew.
Mr. Editer: In speaking of the action
of common cquncil, you said in Saturday's
issue of the Intelligence!! 'that there is
an evident intention en the part of that
hotly te " saddle" upon the city an addi
tional debt of some $17,000. I wish te say
just a word or two in reference te this sub
ject. As the city has incurred this debt
through the action of former councils ; as
the work has been done and admittedly
well done ; and as we arc enjoying the re
sult of the expenditure of this money.den't
you think, as honest men, as men who arc
sworn te perform their duty in a conscien
tious, faithful manner, that we should
make prevision te liquidate a debt legally
contracted. An honest man will pay his
honest debts. Almest every member of
common council and two thirds of these of
select council believe that this debt is an
honest one aud that it should he paid.
Whv should net the ordinance creating
this permanent lean be passed ? It cer
tainly cannot be because the constitutional
debt limit has been reached. Fer my part
I would sooner undertake te find a nccdle
in a haystack than te undertake te find
the man who can tell me what the exact
constitutional debt limit of Lancaster is
and when it was reached. If this can be
done, if it can be shown, beyond doubt or
question, that our city debt cannot be in
creased constitutionally beyond what it is
at present, I, for one, would decline tosup tesup tosup
nert the proposed ordinance. Unless this
is done, I think the permanent lean should
be cfl'cctcd, and the debt, for which the
city is morally and legally responsible,
should be paid. Jehn Lr.vEuo.eon.
The three days' Sacngerfest at Rondout,
N. Y., began yesterday. Ten singing
societies are participating.
The Memphis beard of health arc just
new engaged in a wrangle with a like or
ganization at New Orleans, en account or
an order issued by the former, forbidding
the entry by steamboat of second-hand
clothing and old junk.
J. C. Miller, proprietor of the Washing
ton Daily Critic, whilst adjusting the sash
of a third-story window, lest his balance
and fell te thegreund, a distance or forty
five feet. He is badly injured and is net
exacted te recover.
Professer Sheldeu, of the Royal Agricul
tural college, and ether representatives of
English tenants, arrived at Quebec in the
steamer Peruvian, last Saturday. They in
tend te visit Manitoba, and report upon
its suitableness for immigration.
While Charles Austin wassailing en the
bay, near Babylon, L. I., en Sunday after
noon, two strangers bearded his beat,
threw him overboard and sailed away with
the vessel. Austin managed te reach the
sheie in an exhausted condition, and the
beat was afterwards found at Amityvillc.
James Thern, a workman in the Mis
seuri Pacific railroad machine shop, at
Kansas City, had analtcrcatien with Alfred
Terry, colored, and after the latter had
made, or attempted te make, an assault en
him, killed the negre almost instantly.
Thorp was arrested.
Painful anxiety prevails throughout
Cuba. Rumors of disturbances of the
peace eontinne te, although no
new complications arc known. Unfavor
able news has been received of the govern
ment troops engaged in quarrelling riots
in Simalea ; mails are delayed and disor
der generally prevails.
Large numbers of Knights of Pythias
have arrived in St. Leuis te attend the
ceremonies of the opening of the Supreme
Ledge or the World, hut the arrivals of
uniformed divisions are few. The Preux
Chevalier division, of Cleveland, Ohie, and
fifty members of New Orleans ledges are
among the arrivals.
The Schuylkill "county Democratic con
vention met yesterday and nominated the
following ticket: for congressman. Jehn
W. Rynu; district attorney, A. W.Schalk;
sheriff, William Beck.
Alfred Lynn, aged thirteen year;;, fell
from the Valley bridge, at Venango,
Franklin county, a distance of thirty
feet te the river-bed. He alighted with
such force as te crush his skull, resulting
in death.
Philadelphia mourns the recent deaths
of Heward Tilden, broker; (.'has. II. Ab Ab
eott, hardware merchant and Mrs. Mary
A. Wright, widow of Peter Wright, the
founder of the firm of Peter Wiight and
& Sens.
At the Menteur county Democratic con
vention Rebert Kletz was nominated for
Congress, with second choice for Antrim.
Fer the Senate Win. II. Berlz was nomi
nated ; for Representative, P. C. New
baker ; Treasurer, Gee. W. Piper ; Regis
ter, Wm. C. Johnsten.
A serious "eave" is reported at Planes,
near Wilkesharre, ever the surface of the
Delaware & Hudsen canal company's
mines. About three acres of ground have
sunk from six inches te five feet, several
buildings have been damaged at the mine,
and five houses are threatened with demo
lition. David Smith, of Franklin, died in that
place en Friday in the 99th year of his age.
He was the eldest resident of Venango
county. By strict attention te business
Mr. Smith had accumulated a large for
tune, which he recently divided among his
children, as he was firm in the belief that
he would die suddenly.
Cel. Hcndrick B. Wright was nominat
ed by the anti-Beamish wing of the Dem
ccratic party of Lackawanna for Congress.
The Times reporter called upon the vener
able gentleman and asked him if he would
accept the place en the ticket. He re
sponded that te all inquiries he had said
no, but really did net knew what he should
de, as he had net yet made up his mind.
The Juniata county Democratic conven
tion nominated by acclamation the follow
ing ticket: Congress, Hen. R. Milten
Spear ; Senate, Themas McCulloch ; Rep
resentative, Jehn D. Milliken ; Surveyor,
Jeseph Middagh. Dr. G. D. Arneld, of
Mexico, was chosen by acclamation as
chairman of the county committee. The
convention was harmonious. 'Hie ticket
is a very strong one.
One Day'H Sheeting.
Alfred Terry, colored, was shot dead by
James Thorp in a quarrel, at Kansas City,
Me., en Sunday.
Jehn Smithwritc, fireman of the propel
ler Canister, was fatally shot by Francis
Traiuer, iu Buffalo, last night. Trainer
Frank Stillwater was shot dead by
Geerge Glass en Saturday night while at-
tempting te force an entrance into the lat
ter s house, a disreputable place, in Ui na
na, III. Stillwell had been drinking. He
leaves a wife aud child.
Themas Smith and Wesley Themas, ne ne
geoes, quarreled in Burlingamc, Kansas,
en Sunday night, and Themas was killed.
A second shot, fired by Smith, passed
through tbe window of a a saloon aud
mortally wounded a man named Baker.
At Pleasant Hill, Me., en Saturday
night, William and Rebert Van Heltz,
brothers, while buying previsions in the
store of Henry Stock, were ordered out by
Stock, who, at the sanie moment, fired a
pistol at them
They returned the fire,
killing Stock and- severely wounding
(another man, named Alexander, and then
. surrendered themselves te the police.
A fire at St. Paul Minn., early yester
day morning, destroyed the paper ware
house of AverilL Russell & Carpenter, oc
cupying two buildings, and the wholesale
grocery of P. H. Kelly & Ce., adjoining.
The store of Bcaupre, Allen & Keogh was
damaged. The losses aggregate $040,000.
It is feared that a man was killed by the
fall of a wall of Kelly's store.
The fast newspaper train from New
Yerk for long Branch collided with a
train of emntv passenser cars near the
Leng Branch station yesterday morning.
The side of one car of the news train was
tern away and two ether cars were wreck
ed. Three young men were severely in
jured, one of whom, Jeremiah Cnlliland,
is in a critical condition. The disaster is
ascribed te the carelessness of Jehn Erick
son, engineer of the empty passenger train.
Tragic Knalng of Seme of Them.
Mrs. Mylcs, aged 50 years, was found
hanging te a tree near Wheeling, W. Ya.,
en Saturday night. It is supposed she
committed suicide te escape " family
Jeseph Willucr, aged Se years, com
mitted suicide in Trey, N. Y., en Sunday
morning. He had been suffering from
sickness, which, it was supposed, had af
fected his mind.
Simen Zimmerman, an employee of the
Western electrical works, in Chicago, killed
his wife and then committed suicide yes
terday morning. It is supposed he quar
reled with her en rising, aud, after shoot sheet
ing her in a sudden fit of rage, was im
pelled by remorse te suicide. The ceuple
leave two children.
The heuse of Martin Weinrich, en the
line between Dane and Columbia counties,
in Wisconsin, was discovered en fire last
Sunday night. The deer being forced, the
bodies of Weinrich and his wife, bearing
fatal shot wounds, were fcund within. The
couple had lived unhappily, and it is sup
posed Weinrich shot his wife and then
committed suicide.
In Town and In the. .Country.
On Sunday while two sons of Jacob W.
Heiscy, of West Denegal township, wcie
driving near Mount Jey, ou their return
from the colored campmccting, one of the
belts which connect the shafts with the
running gears of the carriage came out
and let the cress-piece of the shafts fall
against the horse's legs. The horse kick
ed furiously, breaking the front portion of
the vehicle, throwing the boys out, break
ing the arm of one of them and badly bruis
ing the ether about the head. Having
kicked himself loose from the carriage,
the horse made no further demonstration
net even attempting te run off. The boys,
aged respectively 11 aud 13 years, were
taken home and their injuries wcre attend
ed te by Dr. Jehn K. Bewers.
Yesterday afternoon about four o'clock
as the four-horse team of Martiu D. Funk
was passing the corner of West King and
Prince streets, one of the horses fell and
being entangled in the harness could net
regain his feet. He was unhitched, and
while the wagon was being pushed away
from him he commenced kicking and strik
ing a tremendous blew with his iron-clad
hoof, he broke off the tongue et the wagon
close te the hounds. Ne ether damage was
This morning about half past tcnjo'cleek
as Casper Weber, baker, who was serving
customers in East King street, attempted
te get into his wagon, his herse started
suddenly and Mr. Weber was thrown te
the ground between the horse and the
wagon and was dragged for a short dis
tance, receiving some cuts aud bruises en
leirs and arms.
east end items.
Frem Our Intercourse Correspondent.
The tobacco fields of Leacock leek well
and a large part of the crop is housed.
Jehn Senger and R. C. 1 limes have nota
bly geed patches.
Miss Km ma Brubakcr, of Salisbury, an
estimable young lady, died recently, and a
large concourse of sorrowing friends fol
lowed her remains te their last resting
place in Reland's graveyard.
Cases of scandal in this vicinity arc
alarmingly common. Petty larceny, tee,
is prevalent.
The Garfield meeting at Jac. Warml's
hotel in Intercourse, en Saturday evening,
was net a success, owing te the superior
attractions of a five-cent sheeting gallery
set up net far oil".
Ilird-In-IlaiHl Items.
Mrs. Wm. Kacy was unfortunate enough
te fracture her knee cap, which is the
third time it was broken inside of fifteen
mouths, Dr. A. M. Miller reduced the
fiasture and she is getting along well as
can be expected.
The M. E. Sunday school held their
annual picnic en last Saturday in Gibben's
lirove. The children, both larjre aim
small, en ieved themselves misery.
Siirl .i Men-in. tobacco packers, had
their whole packing of '79 tobacco sam
pled last week by O. Jj'mkc K ve., ei .new
Yerk. The wrappers turned out line, et a
nice color and silky texture.
S. Wisser, cigar manufacturer, has two
acres of fine tobacco en tuc larm et .1. t.
Shirk. Seme leaves arc 40 inches long.
New Style Signal.
A new sinual for communication be
tween the conductor and engineer, te take
the place of the bell rope, is being tested
en the Pennsylvania railroad. It is con
nected with the automatic air-brakes. A
light cord runs along one side of each car,
a slight pull ou which operates an air
whistle en the engine, while a slight es
cape of air in the car attachment assures
the conductor that his signal lias been
heard, thus avoiding the necessity of the
engineer responding by the steam whistle.
It also saves the trouble of connecting and
disconnecting the bell rope in shifting cars,
the connection with one car te another be
ing made through the hose couplings of the
. .
A Mean Trick.
It was republished from the Yerk Daily
that Geerge Miller, a boy from Paradise
township, this county, had been arrested
ever there for stealing cakes from the Res
cue festival. Master Geerge Miller, of
Paradise township, a manly little fellow,
comes into town te-day and tells us that
the real culprit was Harry Palmer, a boy
from Paradise township, who leads a tramp
life and who when arrested at Yerk this
time, gave his name as Miller, which was
a mean trick in Palmer and a gross injus
tice te Miller.
Accident te a Lancasterlan.
At Washington, D. C.,ycstcrday, J Car
penter Miller, one of the proprietors of the
Daily Critic, whilst adjusting the sash of a
third-story window yesterday afternoon,
lest his balance aud fell te the ground, a
distance of forty-live feet: He was badly
injured, and is net expected te recover.
Mr. Miller was welfknewn in this vicinity,
which was his birthplace. He was the
youngest son of General David Miller and
had been quite successful in Washington,
in amassing a comfertablo fertune of $50,
000 or $GO,000 in his newspaper enterprise.
He is married and has one child two or
three years old.
Eden Township Club.
The friends of Hancock aud English will
meet at James K. Alexander's hotel. Quar-
ryville, for the purpose of forming a club,
SUghtly Different Frem tbe Examiner's Ac
count Truthfnl Kepert By u Vera Vera
clen Chronicler.
The Fulton township people had a " Re
publican mass meeting" at Wakefield, en
Saturday evening, the 21st inst., for the
purpose of forming a club. The list of
club members didn't lengthen out very
rapidly, as they had te pav Mr. Jacob
L Brown ten cents a head before he would
enroll their names among the faithful.
Finding seen, however, that they were net
going te get enough names even for the
"Copperheads te laugh at," Henry Carter
took the stand and proclaimed te the niul-
tSfilffn 4-liefr ' vlincnnpti. will .me.- rt.,.'
and join the club, free of charge, as they
L wanted the names new and could collect
the money again. This had the desired
effect, for the Fulton Republican don't
invest in a doubtful venture ; but jumps,
like a bass at a toad, at the idea of getting
anything en "tick." Se they succeeded
in getting about half a gross of white
meu's and "colored gentlemen's" names,
and were happy.
Henry Carter opened the ball and
played first fiddle all the way through.
The speakers steed en a store-box en the
perch of the hotel, and the taller ones had
te duck their heads te keep from bumping
them against the ceiling. Mr. Carter as
sured his brethren, white and otherwise,
that it was right and proper te organize
thus early in tlie campaign, and begin te
stick their thumbs in the ribs of the giant
Democracy, aud that he was pretty cer
tain Fulton would give Garfield a majority
that would tickle him. Fulton never
elects anything Democratic except
an inspector. lie said that the
census lately taken .was a fraud
and a Democratic institution, and was
sure te make another rebellion; that
Hancock was a gentleman all ever; that
Garfield had nicked tobacco worms and
Paris greened potato-bugs ; driven a mule
en the Eric canal ; get an education some
how; the nomination some ether hew;
and would have te be elected some hew or
ether. "New," said he, "friends and
fellow citizens, let us give three reusing
cheers for our gallant smndard-bcarer,
Gen. James A. Garfield! "Hip! hip!
hurrah!" ciicd Jim Cellins, Levi K.
Brown, Uriah Millburn and Henry Carter.
"Hurrah?" shouted Jim ueiims ami
Henry Carter, and waved their hats.
"Hurrah !" said Henry Carter who called
for music and left the store-box.
After some very geed music by the " In
dependent Cornet baud," Chas I. Landis,
esq., was introduced. After assuring them
all that it gave him se much pleasure te be
with them that he didn't think he would
get ever it seen, he said that even new
"me thinks I hear a rebel yell en the even
ing breeze lleat up from the solid south.
Mr. Landis was mistaken in the sound,
though, for it was only a Democratic katy
did ever in the field en a forty-four inch
leaf of Hancock tobacco. But Mr. Landis
thought it was a yell, all the same, and it
made him se weak at the stomach that after
nvewing that he honestly, considered Mr.
Hancock a perfect gentleman and a geed
man, and found he could keep the atten
tion of but six men and a boy at a time, he
quit the rostrum, and the katydid fairly
sang itself away with delight at the
"famous victory."
James Cellins was next led ferwaid lie
needed no introduction everybody knows
Auctioneer Jim, and when he began te
speak all the old men who could net hear
vcrv well commenced te nod, ami neu
toward him, thinking he was going te sell,
out his party cheap. He seen undeceived
them, as he wildly Hung ins arms ami
cried the Republicans were iu earnest and
were going te held the leit ; that iar
field would he elected "as .sure as I see
that moon," and a "colored gentleman"
said, " That's se, Jim," Diuniere looked
for the moon and found it hid by a
cloud. He ield them hew the Republi
cans clothed and cared for the seldieis'
orphans, and added "if yen don't
belicve mc, go te the devil ;" that the
Republicans "read for themselves and
vete as they read ;" that " the Republicans
have mere money than they want," as he
said that, the dozen faces of his audience
brightened as the thought Hashed through
their heads that Cellins was "going back"
en his record, and "set 'em up ;" but the
bright faces became eclipsed as he told
hew sonic Republican seu had asked Ins
"dad" for his permission te vote for Han
cock, "aud dad said, " vote as you please,"
and Cellins sat down.
Following came HughR. Fulton, esq.,
who spoke like a gentleman, but his speech
would have been better it" it had had a
little revision by a geed Democrat. If
Mr. Fulton is a close observer, the next
time he spcals i.i Fulton and wishes ti be
appreciated by Fulton, he will leave argu
ment and geed sense at home and confine
himself te "giving tha Dcmnciatsh 1."
Their several dibits te get a geed cheer
for Garfield failing, Mr. Fulton came
forward and said : "New, my geed
friends, I knew you arc just boiling ever
with enthusiasm, and are all impatient for
an opportunity te let it steam out, se I
propose three geed old cheers for Garfield.
Off came fourteen hats, open went four
teen mouths, out came fumes of ten cent
beer and forty-two fame hurrahs for Gar
field : Tem Stubbs's horse choked, fell
down, and get up all right, the hand played
the " Rogue's March," ami it wasevcr.
About 150 people were present, of which
number one fourth wcre Democrats, and
one fourth darkey women and boys ; one
fourth get drunk before they went home,
and the ether fourth went home thought
ful. It is impossible for our Kcpublicans
te cultivate much enthusiasm with se
many Democratic straws blowing in their
Iloferc Judge Livingston.
Monday Afternoon. In the suit of Chris
tian Wcidman, assignee for Henry Kurtz
and wife vs. Henry N.Brcnncman, sheriff,
a verdict by consent was rendered iu favor
of plaintiff for 73 and costs of suit.
In the divorce suit of Jehn W. Graff vs.
Elizabeth Grail", an amendment te the peti
tion was filed, also a replication by defend
ant. A special plea was filed te which
defendant plead surprise and the case was
continued at the cost or plaintiff. The
defendant then asked for and was granted
a rule te show cause why the amendment
te the replication should net be stricken
In the suits of A. E. Mcssman & Ce., vs.
Joel Hutten, appeals from the judgment
of Alderman Wiley, judgments by consent
were entered in favor of plaintiffs for
$101.79 and $101.5.1 respectively with costs
of suit.
Itefere Judge I'uttcrseii.
The first case attached for jury trial iu
the lower court was that of Edwaid
Themas vs. William and Barbara Livings
ton, appeal by defendants from the judg
ment of Esquire T. L. Thompson, given iu
favor of plaintiff for 43.78 with costs of
suit. The defense was that Mrs. Livings
ton never contracted any part of the bill
and was net responsible out of her separate
The iurv returned a verdict iu favor of
plaintiff for ."5.C0. James M. Walker
esq., for plaintiff, and J. W. F. Swift, esq.
for defendant.
Jehn B. Dennis, who was arrested by
Deputy Sheriff Charles Striae, en process
issued by the court en Monday morning,
wasbreuht before Judge Patterson fur
sentence." The judge said that this was the
first case tried in this court, prosecuted for
the offense or which the defendant has been
convicted, and it is important that an ex
ample be made. It has been stated te the
court that the prisoner's wife was
and has been in delicate licauii
for months back, and ler tna
flm muirfc would make the
enmeut lighter than they etherwise would.
The court then sentenced Dennis te pay, a
fine of $200, costs of prosecution and un
dergo an imprisonment in the Lancaster
county prison for two months. The pris
oner wept while sentence was being passed
upon him, and it was with difficulty that
he was able te walk from the court room
iu the custody of the deputy sheriff.
Tuesday Morning. The remainder of the
cases set down for trial were continued for
various reasons. The jurors wcre dis
charged and court adjourned until Satur
day morning at 10 o'clock.
Keads te Be Located Highways Laid Ont
and Itrldges Iluilt.
Before the adjournment of Quarter Ses
sions court viewers were appointed en vari
ous petitions for reads, reports were con
firmed absolutely and ethers received as
fellows :
WinfieldS. Kennedy, Rebert Baldwin
and Jehn Masen of Salisbury township,
were appointed re-viewers of a read in
Sadsbury and Bart townships, te begin at
a point of the new ead recently laid out
ou the line of lauds of B. 11. Peunall and
ethers te run te some point en the public
read leading from Smyrna te Bart meeting
C. J. Ilicstand, miller, Charles S. Nissley
and Henry L..Diuenbach te view aud lay
out an alley, in Mount Jey borough from
a poiutepposite Apple Tree alley te a point
opposite Chestnut street.
Stephen Grissinger, David B. Brandt
and Daniel F. Hamakcr, te view and va
cate a read recently laid out but net open
ed in Raphe township, beginning at a
point en the Manheim aud Colebrook read
and ending en the read leading from Man
heim te Lebanon.
Christian Erisman, Stephen Grissinger
and .Jehn M. Lngle, te view and lay out a
private read te lead from a point en Cen
tre Square in the village of Newtown in
Raphe township, near the property of
Samuel E. Myers.
Michael L. Hoever, Milten E. Hcrshey,
and Adam E. Rauck, of Lancaster town
ship, te view and lay out a public read
from a point en the Maner turnpike read te
a point leading from the Wabank lane te
Lancaster city.
A. F. Slaymaker, James Buyers and II.
J. Lechler te view and vacate part of a read
leading from Scldemridge's mill te Bueua
Vista, in Salisbury township.
The viewers appointed te lay out a read
in Raphe and Peini townships, from the
Mount Jey and Mount Hepe read te the
Manheim and Lebanon read reported ad
versely te the read.
Jehn C. Caldwell, Jonathan ii. Rultcr
and Moses Eabv. of Leacock township, te
view and vacate a part of the read iu Lea
cock township from a point en the read
leading from New Helland te Hess' mill
te a point en the old Philadelphia ami Lan
caster read, and lay out another in lien
Jehn M. divider, Martin N. Biubaker
and Jacob C. Kready te view and vacate a
part of a read in Maner aud West Ilemp
lield township, leading from the read Treiii
Millcrsvillc te the Susquehanna te a point
ou the read leading te the Lancaster and
Columbia turnpike.
The viewers appointed by the court te
assess damages Ter the opening of Juuiati
street, from Rockland street te the city
limits, having made their report, the pro
perty owners interested presented a peti
tion praying for the opening of the street
at once.
The viewers appointed te assess damages
for the opening of Market street te the
Pennsylvania railroad, having made their
report of the amount or damages
sustained by the property owners, the
court, ou petition et" interested parties ap
pointed te review the same and report te
court the following viewers : Nathaniel E.
Slaymaker, of Paradise ; Abram Kline,
Manheim borough; C. J. Rhoads, Safe
Harber; A. R. Witmer, Paradise, and
Henry Copcnheffer, West Hempficld town
ship. '
Reports Continued Aiolutely.
Tiiu report of viewers for a iirad in West
Lampeter township, from a point en the
public read leading from Stencr's saw
mill te the Beaver Valley pike, te a point
en the publie read en lands of Jehn 1J.
Fer a public read te commence at a point
en the public read leading from Reams
town station te Shcnk's mill, and ending
en the read leading from Union station
te Reamstewti, in East Cocalico town-
Adverse te the vacation or a read in
Sadsbury and Salisbury townships, begin
ning at or near Ashbury meeting house
and ending at the old Philadelphia anil
Lancaster turnpike.
Vacating a read beginning at a point en
the publie read near" Nissley's mills te a
point en the Colebrook read, at the head
or said Nissley's mill dam, in Mount Jey
Fer a read in Maner township, com
mencing at Charlette street, in Miilcrs
ville, and ending en the Maner turnpike.
Vacating a part of the read leading
from Willow street te's station,
en the Quarryville railroad.
Itrldge Inspected.
William McCemsey, James C. Carpen
tcr. Samuel Sprcchcr, Emanuel P. Keller
and William M. Slaymaker, viewers ap
pointed te inspect the bridge ever the Bi"
Chickics creek, where the public read
leading from Salunga te the Marietta pike
cresses the said creek, at or near Jehn H.
Moere's mill, in West Hempficld town
ship, report that the bridge is constructed
of geed material and in a workmaulike
manner, and in every respect according te
the specifications required, as exhibited by
the Commissioners of Lancaster county.
Exhibition et the Lancaster Aijrleiilli.rsil
Soriety nml Fair Fair of the Oxford Agri
cultural Society lli-Ccntennial Exhibi
tion. The annual exhibition of the Lancaster
county agricultural and horticultural so
ciety will be held in the Northern market
house this city, en Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday, September 29th, 30th and Oc
tober 1st. Premiums arc offered for all
kinds of fruits, melons, llewers, vegeta
bles, cereals, domestic productions, includ
ing liread, butter, cakes, jellies, preserves,
pickles and canned fruits ; for bees, honey,
tobacco, all kinds of domestic manufac
tures, embroidery and crochet work, fancy
goods, cabinet ware, saddlery and a hun
dred ether articles. Competition is open
te all anil exhibitors have the right te sell
their exhibits during the fair, but net te
remove them until it closes. Entries will
be received up te neon en the 29th of Sc
tcmbcr, but net afterwards. Further in
formation regarding the fair and a printed
list of the premiums may be had en appli
cation te the president, Jeseph F. Witmcr,
Paradise; the secretary, M. D. Kendig,
Crcsswcll, or the corresponding .secretary,
Jehn H. Landis, Jlillcrsvillc.
The Oxford Fair.
The fall fair of the Oxford agricultural
society is te be held in the borough of Ox
ford, Chester county, at the same time the
Lancaster fair is te he held (September
29th and 80th, and October 1st). In addi
tion te the diaplay of agricultural, horti
cultural and domestic productions, usual
at public exhibitions, and for which liberal
premiums arc offered, the society offers
premiums of several hundred dollars for
trials of speed of trotting horses of the
2:10, 2:50, 3:00 and 3:10 classes. National
trotting association rules will be enforced.
Entries close Thursday, September 9th, at
1 1 o'clock p. m.
The IM-Centennlal of Pennnylvama.
The Bicentennial association of Penn
sylvania, organized for the purpose or
properly celebrating the completion eT the
second century since the founding efPenn-
sylvania, has issued an address, recounting
the circumstances attending the comple
tion of the first century, the wonderful
growth of the state since that time, and
proposing te give a grand exhibition in
Philadelphia in 1SS2. "
The plan of the celebration will embrace,
among ether interesting matters, the
gathering and recital of interesting his
torical data and statistics, net the least of
which will be the interesting story( of -the
early life of Win. Penh, in England, his
comparatively brief residence in this vicin
ity and the rematic events of his career be
fore he died. The aim of the Bi-ccntennial
society is te make known te the people of the
whole country wliat Pcmuylvana and Phila
delphia really are, and th progress which
they have made during tl-e two centuries
or their existence. Terms of membership
of the society are an crtirance fee of ene
ilnllnr ami an annual contribution of two
dollars. A payment of five dollars consti
tutes one a pcrmancn; member and no
further payments will e required. It is
expected that public-sjiritcd citizens will
net want te be urgei te take part in the
movement. Address J. T. Stavely, treas
urer, or J. W. Burns, corresponding secre
tary, Nes. 237 and 2",) Deck street Phila
delphia. COLUMBIA. NEWS.
ebi: ukc.ui.ak correspondence.
An Unir.uzzlPiI Dec-Temperance tectnrc
Company II. Fire Mater.
A large deg belonging te Jeseph Desch,
of Walnut street above Third, had things
its own way en Locust stveet, below the
opera house, early yesterday afternoon.
Iu spite of the hte proclamation the deg
was running about the streets unmuzzled
and te all appearances having a first-rate
time or it, being the only deg te be seen
without a "penncd-up month." Near
Pfahler's hardware stoic the deg flew at
Reily Roberts. Reily pulled off his hat
and battled it As best he knew hew. The
deg was finally driven from him, but di
rectcd its attack en the oterk in J. Reths
child's shoe store, who was busily engaged
in sprinkling the street with water. The
clerk dropped the he! and ran into the
store, closing the deer after him, with the
deg in swiftaud near parsuit. The hauled
animal came te the , pavement again and
took a geed leek at aonple of gentlemen
sitting in front of Kramer's jowelry store,
but deciding, as we wppese, that he hail
enough for one day, lie scampered off and
was net again seen.
Lieutenant Sample, commander-in-chief
of the Third ward Hancock club,rushed in
to our office all out of breath yesterday
afternoon and asked for his copy of Ut Ut
ten's tactics left here a ceuple or days age.
The book was handed him, when the qucs-
tien "Whatis the matter ?" was put.
"Oh," he replied, " T ingoing te get the
boys down line en the marching move
ments and I'm ,'eing te put them at it im
mediately." Then he disappeared. 'I he
elub has a geed drill master if that is what
they want.
MissCallie Hamilton has returned from weeks te Atlantic City.
Twe meinlcrs of Company II accident
ally get one another's guns yesterday
afternoon, and gave them a thorough
scouring. The mistake was net noticed
until the guns were cleaned when an ex
change was made.
A shower or rain lasting about half an
hour Tell yesterday afternoon, and another
lasting about ten minutes fell at about ten
o'clock this morning. There was a fall
early this morning before many people
were out of bed.
Jehn Fullcrten, who died at his resi
dence, Ne. 2:14 Walnut street, a couple of
days age, will he burien this afternoon.
Uurglars last night cllected an entrance
into Hnmmel's .saloon en Seuth Frent
street below Union and made off with
alwiiit seven dollars in cash, a cheap watch,
clothing, cigars, whisky, etc. There is no
suspicion as te who the thieves are.
A committee of the Shawnee fire com
pany waited en a Lancaster lire
jestcrday te seeiire the attendance et the
engine of the latter at Columbia en the
three dajs in Oeteber en which the
Shawnee 'company with their engine
will be at Hagcistewn, Md., participating
iu the silver exhibition at the twenty-fifth
anniveisary of the Washington county
agricultural and mechanical association,
beginning en October 20th. The commit
tee were successful and the Lancaster en
gine will be stationed here during the time
specified. The Vigilant lire company of
this place will also attend the exhibition.
A meeting of the Garfield and Aithur
cania:gn club will be held te-morrow
evening in Odd Fellows hall. The meet
ing is called by the picbident.
At the weekly drill r company "II"
held last evening, four rille teams or thir
teen members each were appiinted te
sheet at target, en dales te be decided by
the teams. A team of six will be selected
from the fifty-two members of the four
teams te represent the company at Creed
moor, provided they shejt well enough te
warrant sending them there. One or two
of the teams will sheet this week.
Mrs. .Mary Clayten lectured en " Ti:e
National Curse" in the M. E. chinch Iat
evening te rather a geed sized audience in
whom she found many temperance adher
ents. The lecture is pronounced In have
been pointed and ably delivered. A col
lection was taken up iu the church for the
benefit of" the lecturer.
The mercury yesterday jumped above
ninety degrees in the shade. At twelve
o'clock te-day at Black's hotel it i-eints te
85 degrees.
A fishing paityef four or five gentlemen
with ieiutcd reds and all the latest para
phernalia came te town from the east en
the mail train at 11:10 a. m.
All the Columbia M. D's who can get
away will attend the docteis' picnic te be
held en Thursday.
Cuttins Out .Werk Fer them.
ridl'idelphia TimtM.
Themas E. Franklin, L.L. D., of Lan
caster, represents the Pennsylvania bar in
the executive council of the American
bar as satiation, and Hugh M. North, also
a member of the Lancaster bar, is an
nounced as ene of the " local council" for
this state. Unless their official positions
arc purely ornamental, they will promptly
summon the bar of Lancaster te the dis
passionate and exhaustive examination of
the public charges made against Mr.
Davis, a prominent candidate for district
attorney in that county. It is net a ques
tion of politics, lint it is a question of mo
ment te the bar, if it would com
mand public respect for the legal pro
fession. Se far as party interests aic
involved, an impartiaf decision of the case
of Mr. Davis would be a great kindness te
the party that has nominated him. If Lc
is innocent he and his party would he
fully vindicated, and ii he is guilty the
party would he justly relieved of the shame
or such a candidate. As the accusations
are of the gravest character eharges
which, if sustained, the law would punish
with dismissal aud disgrace- -and as they
have been made by reputable public jour
nals of both parties, there can be no pos
sible excuse for the bar association refus
ing te consider them. Mr. Franklin and
Mr. North represent the two political par
ties of Lancaster as well as the best cle cle
meiitserthebar,and they have an individual
duty te perform that cannot be put upon
Richard Cunningham, the young man
who was t;e seriously injured a few days
ag ty jumping from a freight train iu
motion near Kinzcr's station, and who
sirwj the accident lias been lying at the
residence of Mr. Wcngcr in Paradise, has
regained consciousness, and wasUhis morn
ing removed te hi home at Chatham,
Chester county. He complains of severe
pain in the back, caused by his fall.