i -,T?aivi-lJ- f-v-j-rrss'-y',taa TVVSS .. .- 'je-5 - 4?jT 'i ? C -3T hi. ii. n .riaiV! .....-MSSfrreirtiw.i'i.w riiiniwni.fl wu. .i ;si-7 - i r-r i- t glwtfaptefi Veluae XYI-Ne.304. LANCASTER, PA., TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1880. Price Twe Cmte. IPW Aii -rt Mil U 2i 31) V CLOT1IISU. Spring Opening A- 24 CEJRE SQUARE. We have fei sale for the coining seasons an Immense Stock of ! our own manufacture, which comprises tlie litest una Most STYHSIBESIGUS. Come ami sce our SEW GOODS ret flUtlT TAILORING, which Is larger 1 1 lobe leunil in tli ill Cf.llipOSCdortheltCSt styles iti.- D. B. Hetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. -lyl LANCASTER. PA H. GERHART'S re Tai 1 ei'in p lilsf n.1 tl i sli m mi t. MONDAY, APRIL 5. Having just returned from the New Yerk A'oelen Market, 1 uni new prepared te exhibit jlicet the l'.c.st Selected Stocks el WOOLENS FOK THE SDiii anfl Slier Trade, ver brought te Hits city. ?MtOf Nene lint the very ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN FABRICS, all I he Leading Styles. Prices as low :i l he ewest, and all goods warranted as rcprc-cnt-,ut H. GERHARTS, Ne. 51 North Quem Street SMALING, THE ARTIST TAILOR. Closing ent our stock cost te make room ler el Light Weight at Fall and Winter Stock. A Large Line of ReaMafle Clothing, mm Fffll English Novelties. TROPICAL SUITINGS, SERGES AND REPS, BANNOCKBURNS AXI CELTICS, CAMF.ROON P AHA MAT A AXD II.VTISTK SUITINGS. SEERSUCKERS, VALKNCIAS, PAROLE AND MOHAIR COATINCS. ASplciKlhl Assortment el Wilferr.s Padded Ducks in Plain anil Fancy Style. A Full Line et v Marseilles and Dnc Vtins. All the latest novelties. An examination of our sleck is respectfully solicited. T. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH QUEEN STREET. UKOVMSRIES. PKUIT JAIIS t FIIU1T J A ItS ! MASON FRUIT JARS, AT D. S. BUllSK'S, 17 East King Street, Lancaster. F 7LOWER POTS! PLAIN, CLAZKD AND ORNAMENTED FLOWER POTS, AT BURSK'S. -pEACIIESt PEACHKSt Dally receiving suitable for cunning anil preserving, at BURSE'S. GROCERIES. -CTTHOLSAE AND KKTAIL. SEVAN'S FLOUB AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. 017-lyd IUtT LOCHEK'S RENO V NED COUGH . BYRVF ItRT BARGAINS IN CALICOES AT THE NEW YORK STORE. 5,000 YDS. HI DARK CALICOES AT 5 CTS. A YARD. Just opened an elegant assortment or choice styles In Calicoes, Cretonnes, anil Chintzes. MUSLIMS! MUSLINS! StamlaT d Makes or Bleached anil Unlileacheil Muslins from 10 te 20 per cent, below Jul IA LINENS. VICTORIA LAWNS, WHITE PIQUES AN1 CAMI1UICS A I LO prices. INDI TOM PRICKS. Watt, Shand & Company, S AND 1 0 EAST KING STREET. DRY GOODS! HAGER & BROTHER, NO. 25 W. KING STREET, LANCASTER, Are receiving New Cowl-, in all Departments. OUR STOCK OF CARPETS: PAPEE HANGINGS Fer the Fall Season will ceiupii' inure eimiplelc than ever before. e all the HAGER WATCHES, ZAHM'S CORNER, EE-OPEIED FOE BUSINESS. Weareglail te announce te our Irienils that we have completed the alterations in our main storeroom ami new otter a very lull anil complete lock ter their inspect ion, including Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, American and Fine French Cleck;?, &c. Aiming the dillcicnt ni.il.c- el Watches we carry xc call especial attention te THE LANCASTER WATCH as one et the hest in the luaiket. Our: 'pectacle Dcpaitiueul Includes Hie Arundel Tinted Lenses, which alleril mere eomlerl te the eyes than any ethers, special attention given te titling glas-i-f-i te weal, ami ilefeclivccycs. OurlaciliMcs lerhusiucs-, in our SALES, J ANIJFACTURlMi ami Ur.PAIIMNO ilepnt mcnls are much heller than they were, anil we leel reaseuahly Mircet meeting the wants el these who laverus with their trade. Wc extern! a cordial invitation te all teeall, assuring them polite atleiitien, tairdealiugaud low pliccs. Zalnn's Cemer, Lniieasfrr, C.OTJIIM1. CLOSING OUT OF SPRING AND SDM1R STOCK. Iu order te close out our .sleck of Spring and Snmincr Goods te nialcc room for :i heavy Fall Trade, we are ell'eiiu jjrcal. iiuliicemciils in Men's, Youths' and Children's ('milling. In our Custom Department we luuc a large let of Piece Goods, which must he closed out hefere September 1, regardless of profit. In our Heady-marie Department we have an unusually line stock of Summer Clothing, all of which can be purchased at tery lowest, bottom figures. Gentlemen, our facilities are net equaled in the city. It will cost you nothing te e: nninc our stock. MYERS & Se. 12 EAST K1KU KTItEKT, CARVETS. iaiu:.ins ret: Kvi:nvr.eiv. BABE CHANCE IN CARPETS, Po.itiesalelo Keilnce Stock el 6,000 Yards Brussels Carpets, AT AXD BELOW COST. Call anil salislvyenrsclf. Alse, Ingrain, Uag mill Chain Carpets in alme.stcnille-'S variety, at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 203 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTKU, PA. uehi:s, m:i.ankjsts, cc. OION F TI1K ICUFFAI.O IIKAD. ROBES! ItOliES!! BLA.NKETS ! 15LNKETri 1 have new en hand the I,akekst, ISest ai.d CincvrEST AsseirmKvr et Lined unit llnliiuil MUPFALO UOHES in the. cltv. Alse LAP AND IIOltSK 1ILANKKT.S el every ilescriiv tlen. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. -Repairing neatly and pieiuptly ilencS A. MILEY, JOS North ('"en .S'f., lAincnrtfr. eri-lyilMWAS A TTOJllfJirS-A T-jA W HKNKY A. UILKY Attorney anil Connseller-at-liw 21 Park iiew, New Yerk. Collections made in all parLs of the United Statist, anil a general legal businc&s transacted. Iteferdhy nerinissien leSteinmau & Iliai.se!. REMOVALS. DK. S. It. FUUEMAN. (PHYSICIAN AND SUUCEON), ICeinevcil trem Ne. 18 Seuth Prince street te Ne. 211 wt Kingsti-eet, Lamatster, Pa. rui2Kliml AE. McCANN, AHUTIONEKK F KKAI. . EsUiteand Personal Property. Orders let i at Ne. : Charlette street, or at the lllaek Heixe Hetel, 41 anil Nertli Qwrn street, will receive prompt attention, isilla maile eiitaml ttended te without additional cost. e27-iy UOODS. une T- OIL CLOTHS AND- LatrM Designs anil Coloring-, anil he Larger anil & BROTHER. .lEWEhRV, Ac. EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler. Pa. RATHFON, LANCASTKIt, i'ENN'A. VltNITUllt: HEINITSH, FINE FURNITURE ANI Cabinet Msiiiuiiictiirc!. All in want of Fine or Fancy Cabinet Werk would de well te call ami examine specimens et our work. Z OFFICE FURMTUKE A SPEClAl.TV. HEINITSH, irKut King Street. (IHNTS' uoeits. ,M1K I.INICN C'Ol.l.AILS JO TO KKISMAN'S. LMIU t'ANV.V STOCKINGS gote KKISMAN'S. 1H11 SUSPKNOKIIS OOTO KKISMAX'S. I'OK NKW STYLE LINEN" HANDKKIiCHlKFS, CO TO E. J. EEISMAN'S, SG NORTH O.UEKN STREET. VOVtiliEKSANl) MACHINISTS. ANCASTER J BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, OrresrrBTHB Loeoxonvz Works. The subscriber continues te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes Furnace Twicrs, ;c11ewb Pipes, Sheet-iron Werk, and niacksuilthlng generally. 49 Jobbing promptly attended te. anglS-lyd ,. JOHN BEST. Hancastrr I-ntrllfgrnrcr. TUESDAY EVENING, AUG. 24, 1880. Mrs. McWHliams and the Lightning. Mark Twain in Atlantic Monthly. "Well, sir, continued Mr. McAVilliams, for this was net the beginning of his talk, the fear of lightning is one of the most dis tressing infirmities a human being can be afllicted with. It is mostly confined te women ; but new and then you find it in a little deg, and sometimes in a man. It is a particularly distressing infirmity, for the reason that it takes the sand out of a per son te an extent which no ether fear Jean, and it can't be ratsencil with, and neither can it 1)C shamed out of a person. A woman who could face the very devil himself or a mouse looses her grip and gees all te pieces in front of a Hash of lightning Her fright is something pitiful te sec. "Well, as I was telling yen, I aweke tip, with that smothered and unlecatablc cry of " Mortimer ! Mortimer ?" wailing in my ears ; and as seen as I could scrajK! my faculties together T reached ever in the dark and then said "Evangeline, is that you calling '.' "What is the matter ? Where arc you ? " Shut up in the beet-closet. Yen ought te be ashamed te lie there and sleep se, and such an awful stonngeing en." " Why, hew eiin one be ashamed when he is asleep ? It is unreasonable ; a man can't be ashamed when he is asleep, Evan geline." "Yeu never try, Mortimer, you knew very well you never try." 1 caught the sound of mu tiled sobs. That sound smote dead the sharp speech that was en my lip, and I changed it te " I'm sorry, dear, I I never mean't te r.?t and" "Mektimli: !" m se. t ruly sorry. Come back " Heavens ! what the matter, my 1.,,.. "De yen mean te say yen arc n that bed yet?" "Why, ofceur.se." "Come ent of it instantly. I should think you would take some little care of your life, for my sake and the children's, if you will net for your own." " But my love" "Don't talk te me, Mortimer. Yeu knew there is no place se dangerous as a bed, in such a thunder-storm as this, all the books say that ; yet there you would lie, and deliberately threw away your life, for goodness knows what, unless for the sake of arguing and arguing, and" "But, conteund it, Evangeline, I'm net in the bed, noir. I'm" Sentence interrupted by a sudden glare of lightning", followed by a terrified little scream from Mrs. McWilliams and a tre mendous blast of thunder. "There ! Yeu sec the result. Oh, Met timer, hew etui you be se profligate as te swear at such a time as this?" " I didn't swear. And that intsii't a re sult of it, any way. Tt would have come, just the same, if I hadn't said a word ; and you knew very wel', Evangeline, at least you ought te knew, that when the atmos phere is charged with electricity." " Oli, yes, new larguc it, aari argue it, and argue it! I don't see hew you can act se when you Icuew there is net a lightning lightning red en the place, and your peer wife and children are absolutely at the mercy of Providence. What arc you doing? light ing a match at such a time as this! Arc you stark mad?" " Hang it, woman, where' s the harm? The place is as datk as the inside of an infidel, anri" "Put it out! put it out instantly ! Arc you determined te sacrifice us all ! Yeu knew there is nothing attracts lightning like a light. '. crash! loom boleom-boom-boom ! Oh, just hear it ! New you sec what you've done!" "Ne, 1 don't see what I've done. A match may attract lightning, for all I Knew, out it den t came lightning I'll go odds en that. And it didn't attract it worth a cent this time; for if that shot was leveled at my match it was blessed peer marksmanship about an average of none out of a possible million, I should say. Why, at Dollymount, such marks manship as that " ' "Fer .shame, Mortimer! Here wc arc standing right in the very presence of death, and yet in se solemn a moment you are capable of using such language as that! If yen have no desire te Morti mer !" "Well?" " Iill vnil 31 V11II- lirirnrc t.-iir.1if " "I I meant te, but I get te trying te cipher out hew much twelve times thir teen is, and" Fzt! boem-bcrroombooiii ! bumbleinnhlc baity smash ! "Oh, we arc lest, beyond all help ! Hew could you neglect, such a time at such a time as this?" "But it icaxn't 'such a thing as this.' There wasn't a cloud in the sky. I low could knew there was going te be all this rumpus and pew-wow about a little slip like that? And I don't think it's just fair for you te make se much out of it, any way, seeing it happens se sel dom ; I haven't missed before since I brought en that earthquake, four years age." " Meutimkk ! Hew you talk ! Have you forgotten the yellow fever?" "My dear, you are always throwing up the yellow fever te me, and I think it is perfectly unreasonable. Yeu can't even send a tclegiaphic message as far as Memphis without relays, se hew is a little devotional slip of mine going te carry se far? I'll stand the earth quake, bceausc it was in the neighborhood ; hut I'll be hanged if I'm going te be re sponsible for every blamed " Fzt! iioem farvwM-boem ! boom ! BANG ! "Oh, dear, dear, dear! I knew it struck something, Mortimer. We never shall see the light of another day ; and if it will de you any geed te remember, when we are gene, that your dreadful language Morti mer!" "Wkm. ! What new?" " Your voice sounds as if Mortimer, are you actually standing in front of the or en fire-place?" "That is the very crime I am commit- I ting." " Get away from it, this moment. Yeu de seem determined te bring destruction en us all. Don't you knew that there is no better conductor for lightning than an open chimney? New where have you get te?" "I'm here by the window." " Oh, for pity's sake, have yen lest your mind? Clear out from there, this moment. The very children in arms knew it is fatal te stand near a window in a thunder-storm. Dear, dear, I knew I shall never sce the light of another day. Mortimer?" "Yes?" "What is that rustling?" " It's mc." "What are yen doing?" "Trying te find the upper end of my pantaloons." "Quick! threw these things away! I de believe yen would deliberately put en these clothes at a time as this; yet you knew perfectly ..well that all aw agree that woolen stuns attract lightning. Ob, dear, dear, it isn't sufficient that one's life must be in peril from natural causes, hut you must de everything you can possi bly think of te augment the danger. Oh, don't sing! What can you be thinking of?" "New where's the harm in it?" "Mortimer, if I have told you once, I have told you a hundred times, that singing causes vibrations in the atmos phere which interrupt the flew of tluclcc tric fluid, and What en earth arc von opening that deer for?" "Goodness gracious, woman, is there any haam in that? "Harm? There's death in it. Anvbedv that has given this subject any attention knows that te create a draught is te invite the lightning. Yeu haven't half shut it; tight, and de hurry, or we arc all de stroyed. Oh, it is an awful thing te be shut np with a lunatic at such a time as this. Mortimer, what are yen doing?" 'Nothing. Just turning en the water. This room is smothering het close. I want te bathe my face and hands." "leuhave certainly parted with the remnant of your mind ! Where lightning strikes any ether substance once, it strikes water fifty times. De turn it off. Oh, dear, I am sura that nothing in this world can save us. It docs seem te me that Mortimer, what was that?" "It was a da it was a picture. ivnecKctt it clown." "Then you are clese te the wall! I never heard of such imprudence ! Don't you knew that there's no better conductor ler lightning than a wall? Come away, from there ! And yen came as near as' anything te swearing tee. Oh, hew can yen be se desperately wicked, and your family in such peril ? Mortimer, did you order a feather bed, as I asked you te de ?" "Ne. Forget it." " Forget it ! It may cost you your life. If you had a feather bed, new, and could spread it in the middle of the room and lie en it, you would be perfectly safe. Come in here, come uuiek. before von have a chance te commit any mera frantic indiscretions." I tried, but the little closet would net held us both with the deer shut, unless we could be content te smother. I gasped a while, then forced my way out. My wife called out "Mortimer, something must be done for your preservation. Give me that German book that is en the end of the mantel-niece and a candle ; but don't light it ; give mc a match ; I will light it in here. That book has some directions in it." I get the book at cost of a vase and some ether brittle things ; and the madam shut herself up with het- candle. I had a moment's peace; then she called out " Mortimer, what was that ?" " Nothing but the cat." "The cat.! Oh, destruction ! Catch her, and shut her up in the wash-stand. De be quick, love ; cats arc full of electricity. I just knew my hair will turn white with this night's awful perils." I heard the mu filed sebbings again. But for that, I should net have moved hand or feet iu such a wild enterprise iu the dark. However, I went at my task ever chairs and against all sorts of obstructions, all of them haul ones, tee, and most of them with sharp edges and at last I get kitty cooped up in the commode, at an ex pense of ever four hundred dollars in broken furniture and shins. Then these in n filed words came from the eleset : "It says the safest thing is te stand en a chair iu the middle of the room, Morti mer ; and the legs of the chair must be in sulated with non-conductors. That is, you must set the legs of the chair in glass tumblers. Fzt! boom ban a ! siHitah ! Oh, hear that? De hurry, Mortimore, be fore you arc struck." I managed te find and secure the tum blers. I get the last four broke all the rest. I insulated the chair legs and called for further instructions. "Mortimer, it says, 'Wahrcnd eiues Gcwittcrs ciitferne man Metal le, wie .. 15., Binge, Uhren, SchlusscI, etc., von sich und halte sich auch nicht an selchcn Slcllcn auf, we viclc Metal le bei ciuatidcr hegen, edcr mit anricrn Kerpern vcrbun deu sind, wic an Ilcrden, Oefen, Eiscngit tcrn u. rigl.' What does that mean, Mor timer? Dees it mean that you must keep metals about you, or keep them away from you ?" " AVcll, I hardly knew. It appears te be a little mixed. AH German advice is mere or less mixed. However, I think that that sentence is mostly in the dative case, with a little genitive and accusative sifted in, here and there, for luck ; he I reckon it means that you must keep some metals about you." " Yes, that must lie it. It stands te reason that it is. They arc in the nature of lightning reds, you knew. Put en your fireman's helmet, Mortimer ; that is most ly metal.'" I get it and put it en, a very heavy and clumsy and uncomfortable thing en a het night in a close room. Even my night dress seemed te be mere clothing than I strictly needed. "Mortimer, I think your middle ought te be protected. Won't you buckle en your militia sabre, please?" f complied. "New, Mortimer, you ought te have some way te protect your feet. De please put en your spurs." I did it, in silence. and kept my tem per as well as I could. " Mortimer, it says, ' Das Gewittcr lau tcn ist schr gcfahrlicli, wcil die Gleckc sclbst, sewic tier riurch das Lauteu vcran Iasste Luftzng und die Hehe rics Th urines den Blitz anzichen kenntcn.' Mortimer, docs that mean that it is dangerous net te ring the church bells during a thunder storm?" "Yes, it seems te mean that, if that is the past participle of the nominative case singular, anri I reckon it is. Yes, I think it means that en account of the height of the church tower and the absence of Lvflztig it would be very dangerous schr gefahrlich) net te rign the bells in time of a storm ; and moreover, don't you sec, the very wording" "Never mind that, Mortimer; don't waste the precious time in talk. Get the larger dinner bell ; it is right there iu the hall. Quick, Mortimer, dear ; wc are al most safe. Oh, dear, I de believe wc aie going te be saViid, at last !" Our little summer establishment stands en top of a high range of hills, overlooking a valley. Several farm-house are in our neighborhood the nearest some three or four hundred yards away. When I, mounted en the chair, had been clanging that dreadful bell a matter of seven or eight minutes, our shutters were suddenly tern open from without, and a brilliant bull's-cye lantern was thrust in at the window, followed by a hearse in quiry : "What in the nation is the matter here?" The window was full of men's heads, and the heads were full of eyes that stared wildly at my night-dress and my warlike accoutrements. I dropped the bell, skipped down from the chair in confnsien, and said, "There is nothing the matter, friends, only a little discomfort en account of the thumicr-sterm. I was trying .te keep off "Thunder-storm? Lightning? Why, Mr. McWHliams, have you lest your mind? It is a beautiful starlight night ; there has eeen no storm. I looked out, and I was se astonished I could hardly speak for a while. Then I said, "I de net understand this. We dis tinctly saw the glow of the flashes through the curtains and shutters, and heard the thunder." , One after another these people lav down en the ground te laugh, and two of thorn died. One of the survivors remarked,; "Pity you didn't think te open your blinds and leek ever te the top of the high hill yonder. What yen heard was cannon ; what you saw was the flash. Yeu sec, the telegraph brought some news just at midnight ; Garfield's nominated, and that's what the matter!" Yes, Mr. Twain, as I was saying, in' the beginning (said Mr. McWilliams), the rules for preserving people against lightning arc se excellent aud se innumer able that the most incomprehensible thing in the world te mc, is hew anybody ever manages te get struck. Necaying, he gathered up his satchel and umbrella and departed ; for the train had reached his town. ME1J1VAL. Mrs. Lydia E Pinkham, OP LYNN, MASS., Has nfcilu itie Discovery ! Her Vegetable Compound the Savier or Her Sex. Health, Hepo and Happiness stored by the use of Re- LYDIA E. PINKHAMS Vegetable Compound, The Positive Cure Fer All Female Complaints. This preparation, as its name signifies, con sists et Vegetable Properties that are harmless te the most delicate invalid. Upen one trial the meritsef this compound will be. recognized, us relict is immediate: and when its u.se is con tinued, in ninety-nine cases in a hundred, a permanent cure Is effected, as thousands will testily. On account of it-s proven merits, it is te-day recommended and prescribed by the best physicians in the cemrtry. It will cure entirely the worst form of falling oft lie uterus, Leueerrhcea, Irregular and pain ful Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, In In llammatieu and Ulceration, Ploedings, all Dis placements ami the consequent spinal weak ness, and is especially adapted te the Change or Lire. In laetit has proved te be the greatest and best remedy thai has ever been discovered. It permeates every portion of Hie system, anil ives new lite and vigor. It removes raininess, Hat uleiicy, destroys all craviirg ter stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures llleating. Headaches, Nervous Pros tration, Ociicml Debility. Sleeplessness, Di: prcs.simi and Indigestion. That Icclingorhcar Icclingerhcar ing dim n, causing pain, weight and backache, is always periirniciitly cured by its use. It will at all times, and under all circumstances, act in harmony with the law that governs the lemale system. Fer Kidney eemntaints or either scv this Compound is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is prepared at 2t and 2.83 Western Avenue. Lynn, Mass. Price $1. Six bottles ter $Ti. Sent by mail in the form el pills, also in the form or lozenges, en iceeipt of price, $1 per be v, for either. Mrs. PINKHAM freely answers all let ters of inquiry. Send ler pamphlet. Address as above. Mention this jutjicr. Ne family should 1 without LYDIA K. PINKHAM'S L1V Kit PILLS. They cure Con stipation. Biliousness and Torpidity el the Liver. 1 cents per box. Johnsten, Ilolleway & Ce., General Agents, Philadelphia. Fer sale by C. A. Lecher, ! Fast King street, and tiee. W. Hull, 15 West King street. jy'-SMydeeilAw COAL. 1 It. AIAKTJN, Wholesale and Uetall Dealer in all kinds or LIMIIKi: AND COAL. s-Ynrd: Ne. 431 Nertli Water and Prince streets above Lemen, liiicaster. n.'Myd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal el (lie llcst Ouulity put up expressly ter family u.se, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. i- yai:i ir.e south tvatkk st. neii lyd PHILIP SCIIUM.SON & CO. COAL! COAL! Fer geed, clean Family and all ether kinds or COAL go te RUSSEL, & SHTJLMYER'S. Quality and Weight guaranteed. Orders re spectfully solicited. OKFIUI-:: 22 V:nt King Street. YAKD: tlH Nertli Prime Street. angH-taprlSU c lOAL! COAL! COAL!!! We have constantly en hand all the best grades or COAL that are in market, which we are selling as low as any yard in the city. Call and get our prices before buying else where. M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON, s'27-lyd S5I NORTH WATF.R STREKT. C0H0 & WILEY, :tr.O SOUTH WATER ST., lantxutcr, Pa., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection Willi the Telephonic Exchange. ISranch Office : Ne. a NORTH IHTKKST. feb28-lyd COAL! GOAL!! GORREOHT & CO., Will deliver coal at the following prices: i:. T). Ilrekcn Kggand Nut $l.:i." i)U ( 44) Enterprise, Ilreken Kggand Nut 4.34 Lyken's Valley, Ilreken, Kggand Steve... 4.80 All Urailes Ne. 1 Pea 3.35 Weight guaranteed. P. W. (SORUKCHT, Agt., .1. II. UKILLKY, angli-tni W.A.KKLLKU. MARVI.. irtJRKS. WM. P. FRATTiTnrS MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nertn ijueen Street, Lancaster, Fa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction givea In every particular. a. u. uemcinDcr.wercstu me extreme ena of North Queen utrcet. m tY LOMttira KMOWHID COPfll zucr uoevs. FAOESTOCK'S, Next Dew te tkt CowtHeu, Have opened this day huge lines or DOMESTICS. RLEACHEDAXDUXBLEACHEnMUSLINS, all the populer makes at less than regular priees. CALICOES. We have i list received large lines of PKINTS of best iuallty, light ami dark, in. Remnants at 5 and 6 1-4 Cents. MADRAS GINGHAMS, In all the new styles. Red, White, tlrry, Canten and Demel FLANNELS. LINENS, NAPKINS AND TOWELS, in large quantities. CHEAPER THAN EVER ! J. B. MARTIN & CO. Opening New Fall. Patterns in WALL PAPERS CARPETS. FULL LINKS OK Bedy and Tapestry Brussels, Vcnltian Hull and Stair, Kxtra Super and In grain Carpets. All Grades Wall Papers. Window Shades and Fixtures. J. . Martin & Ge. LANCASTER, PA. ltOOKN A.J HTATIOSKiSV. TMKW STATION KRV! New, Plain and Fancy STATIONERY. Alse, Velvet and Kastlake PICTURE FRAMES AND EASELS. AT I M. FLYNNIS BOOK AND STATIONERY STOKE, Me. 42 1VKST K1NU STICKKT. JOM BAER'S SONS, IS and 17 NORTH QDEEN STREET, I.ANCASTKK, PA., have In stock a large assortment of ItOOKS AND STATIONERY. Attention "invited te their FAMILY AND PULPIT BIBLES Teachers' I'ibles, Sunday Hymnals, Prayer Heeks,, Scheel Libraries. HYMN HOOKS AND MUSIC UOOKS Fer Sunday Schools. FINE REWARD VAItDS. SUNDAY SCHOOL KKQUI.SITK.S of all kinds .IKWKLKY. IOUIS YVK1IKK. J WATCHMAKKIl. Ne. I5!J NORTH QUKKN STUKKT.ncar P. I. It. Depot, ljuic:istcr. Pa. Celd, Silver anil Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ler the celebrated Pautascepic Sci:ta cles and Kye-U hisses. Kejiairing a specialty, aprl-lyd Lancaster Watches. We hav. the just received a .second invoice of New Lancaster irinit. te which we call special attention of anyone wanting a Reliable Watch at a LOW PRICE. BLR BOWMAN, 10( EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. Lancaster Watcft Ge. Wai, NAMED WeSb Slid, in jsk. Celd Cas-a. WeSb End, in Ilk. Celli Cases. VV eSL EnCl, in Silver Hunting Case?. W 6Su riTlQ, in Silver eiicn-face Cases. AT- AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, Ne. 20 East Kin Street, Lam-aster, Pa. CHINA ANIt it LASH WARE. -H1INA, GLASS AND QUKKNSWARK. CHINA HALL. White and Decorated Stene China, Tea, Din ner and Chamber Set. White, Celd Hand und Fancy French China Tea and Dinner Sets, Class Sets, Tumblers, Ceblets, Fruit Bowls. Pitchers, Ac. Fruit Jars! Jelly Cups!! AT TIIE LOWEST PRICES, AT HIGH &i . . - . -