iPISiiii jLjLUij -VT5SZlrSl &&&. "i CJt-SJK r ir Vwy ' "' -v ".- : ."" -""'-v LANCASTER 1AILY INTELLIGENCER MONDAY AUGUST 23, 1880. Al V 4 afternoon from a visit te Delaware Water Gap, Camden, Philadelphia, and ether places. A dance was given in Vigilant hall en Saturday evening, by an association com posed of members of the Vigilant Ore com cem pany, at which "Wolfe's orchestra furnished the music The affair was a success. Services were held as usual in the E. E. Lutheran church yesterday morning and evening, the pastor Rev. F. W. Staley of ficiating. The church has been closed for several weeks past, owing te the abscn of the pastor en his summer vacation, v Mr. Scner Bletz left here this morning te attend the Lebanon Valley college at Ann ville Pa. The Reading & Columbia railroad pay car put in an appearance this morning and the employees of the company at this place were paid'fer work pefernicd during the month of July. A number of cigarmakcrs employed by Mr. Jehn Fcndiich left here en Friday te encamp for several days at Green Point, opposite lower Marietta. The majority of the party returned en Saturday and yester dry, net being able te stand the swarms of mosquitoes te be found at the camping greuuds.. A sample helmet of tin, with brass band and brass top, has been received by the Garfield and Arthur club of this place. A little son or Special Officer William Brady.dicd efdiphthcria this nierning.agcd two years. The funeral will tike place te-morrow afternoon. This is the second of diphtheria's victims in Mr. Brady's household. Mr. Jehn Fcndrich has just received from Philadelphia a new wagon for haul ing purposes. It will be used in connec tion with his cigar establishment. KKIUIIltOKIlOOD NKWS. . Krent Acress the County Much. Cecil county, Md., will held an agricul tural fair en the l:lth, 14th and leth of .October. The Mycrstewn, Lebanon county Sen tinel comes te us in mourning this week, its editor, Jonathan Lcfller, having died en the lGtii, inst. Jeremiah II. l..piic, Republican mem ber of the Legi.-.l.u.ire from the city of Reading, is also 01. the Republican na tional electoral ticlul.. Having awakened te the fact that the two positions arc in compatible, Mr. Uoa.ie will resign the lat ter doubtful honor, lie didn't have much coiilidcnce in his chili, .cs of getting into the electoral college anyhow. On Friday night thieves biekc into the tarsonagcef the M. E. church, at Pert Deposit,, occupied by Rev. N. M. Browne, iiml family. Mr. Browne and family were leuting at Weed Lawn and the parsonage was closed. The thieves effected an ent rance by cutting a shutter of the back window and breaking a pane of glass, there by securing an tttfy ingress. They ran sacked the house, owning drawers, closets, etc., and stele silver spoons, knives forks and ether valuables. Samuel S. Xirkwoed, of llarrisburg, was taking the numbers of a train passing westward en track Ne. 2, v. lien a shifter pushing a number efjears came up the track he was en. He had his back towards the approaching cars, and as there -vas no one iu the foremost car, nor any one near te warn him, he was struck in the back by the platform of the car and knocked down. He fcH'vitlUhis right leg en the track. His limb ras severed at the trunk by four cars passing ever him, and he died from injuries. McUALI.'S FUHKY ITEMS. Democratic Pele ltulslng The Telegraph ItllSlllCHS. On Saturday last there was a Hancock and English pole raised in front f the public house of Christian Ulllcman,' Lan caster county side. Democrats in this sec tion are very enthusiastic and confident of the success "of the national ticket. The A. & P. Telegraph Ce. are renew ing Ibis line which passes this place, put ting up new poles and four new wires ; they have twenty men here new. On Sat urday they had a vote en the presidential question resulting in sixteen votes for Hancock and Euglishand four for Garfield' These men report that all along their line, from (Pcnniugtenvillc) Atglcn te this place, the Democrats seem confident of suc cess, but that they seldom met a Garfield man; if any were present they kept very low. The Western Union Telegraph (Te. have opened offices along the line of the Columbia and Pert Deposit railroad for commercial business. The river is very low here new, bass fishing is rather geed. 1.1st or Unclaimed Letters. The following is a list of unclaimed let ters remaining in the posteflico at Lancas ter for the week ending Monday, Aug. 'J.", 1880: Ijid ka ZM-Miss AbbiCjMissLis'.zie Baker Mrs Agnes Beedy, Mrs. Matilda Foulk, Emma Fisher, Miss Maggie Gray, Mrs. A. Hamakcr, Miss Annie C. Hay, Miss Nettie S. Ilerr, Mrs. Mary Ivecler, Miss Mauda Miller, Mrs. Mattie Miller, Miss Yrcka AV. Picrseii. (2), Miss Kale W. Reese. Miss Alice. I). Senscuy. Galls' I Axt Ames Altheusc. Jehn, Heck, Mr. Brennemau. Jehn Beeth, Jehn Charles, Edward Grolf, S. R. Hackenber ger, J. M. Heir, Levi B. Hubcr, Stephen Jeiick. A. J. Lewrv, Samuel Mewrcr, Lud- wig until (ler.), -;- spencer, w. owau ewau owau teu, Christian Ulmer. Tlic Democratic County Committee. There was an unusually full attendance at the meeting of the Democratic county committee this morning. The only busi ness transacted was the assessment of the candidates and a slight assessment upon the several districts for the expenses of the campaign ; the hearing of the reports from tee several districts wuicii were um fermly favorable te the prospects of a full poll in the Democratic vote and no defec tion from the Hancock ranks ; a general disposition was manifested te held few meetings prier te October 1 at least ; the vacancy en the Assembly ticket from the upper district caused by the withdrawal of Ames Dillcr was filled by the nomination of Cel. II. M. Bicncmau, of Elizabcthtewn. Drunk and Disorderly. On Saturday night Lewis Parks and G. Morgan, both colored, were together near Dr. Alice's and raised quite a disturbance. Beth were disorderly and Parks was very drunk and grossly insulted Dr. Atlce and ethers. They were arrested and locked up. Te-day they had a hearing before Alderman Barr. Parks was scut te jail for 20 days and Morgan was discharged en payment of costs. Anether Hickory. Oa Saturday evening the Democracy of the Seventh ward erected a very handsome hickory pole in front of Utzinger's saloon en Middle street. It is a beautiful m1c, straight as an arrow, and carries the names of Hancock and English at the top. Charged with Kebbery. On complaint of Charles Kegel, Win Franklin was arrested en Saturday night charged with stealing from the complain ants person $22 in money. He was held for a hearing before Alderman Barr en Wednesday next. Kunday Scheel Celebration. The Union Sunday school of Rciuholds Rciuhelds villc held a large celebration in Jehn Hart's grove, near that village, en Satuiday Last The celebration was very largely attended. The Sheridan band from Lebanon was in attendance. Correction. Tf rnc iint. J.ipnh Kiirt.z hut Jehn Kurtz against whom complaint was made before Alderman A. F. Deunelly for rescuing an unmuzzled deg from the city deg catchers. The Vucanlzer Kxplosleu. Brief mention was made iu Saturday's Intelligencer of the explosion ofavul efavul canizer in the office of Dr. J. B. McCaskcy, whereby his little sen.aged about 13 years, was severely injured. Tlie.vuicanizer is an upright copper tube or boiler, about eight inches iu height and four inches in diam eter, and is used for heating and hardening by steam pressure the rubber or vulcanite plates upon which artificial teeth arc mounted. The boiler is furnished with a mercurial gauge te enable the operator te knew exactly hew much pressure is in the boiler. At the time of the accident Dr. McCaskev, his little son, his brother J. Newton McCaskcy, jind his student, James Sullivan, were nT the room. The gauge registered the proper pressure en the boiler and all appeared te be going en well, when a fearful explosion occurred. The copper boiler was tern and twisted into shreds. One fragment of it struck Master McCaskcy en the back of the neck, just below the base of the skull, making a wound some three inches in length, and no deep that one of the large sinews of the neck is entirely dissevered. The brain is nei injured, but the wound is nevertheless a very dangerous one. Smaller fragments of "the copper indicted less dangerous wounds en his head. Mr. Sullivan, who was standing some distance away, was struck in the left breast by a fragment of the exploded vuleanizcr, but was net seriously hurt, the missile striking flat, directly ever his watch and crushing the case and ruining the works. Newt. McCaskcy, who was sitting close beside the vulcani.cr, escaped unhurt, a fragment barely grazing. Anether fragment llctf near the head of Dr. McCaskcy ami passed out of the window. Anether im bedded itself in the ceiling, and still ethers damaged the walls and doorways. DrMcCaskey can give no plausible rea son for the explosion. The boiler itpjMUtred te be amply strong te cany the pressure te which it. was subjected, but te avoid the possible recti! rencc of such an ae cident, lie will build outside his vuleaniwr a heavy ease made of boiler iron. Salt) (' SlecKs. Samuel I less & Sea, auctioneers, j-eld at the Cooper house this afternoon the fol lowing stocks : 10 shares Farmers" national bank stock at $100 per share, bought, by Amaziah lirackbill. 10 shares ditto te same at !-0.).(i0 per share. 10 si i:ues Lancaster Ceiintj national bank stock at $102.Hper share, bought, by Jacob Brackhill. 5 shares Lancaster and Fruitville turn pike stock at $.11 per share, bought by End. Keller. 2(5 shares Lancaster and Manheini turn pike stock at $S0.40 per share, bought, by Israel L. I.iudis. 5 shares Lancaster and Susquehanna turnpike stock, ."J277..10 per share, bought by Jacob Bailsman. 2 shares Lancaster and Susqiieliauua turnpike stock, $27 721 per share, bought by Win. P. Briuteu. C shares Lancaster and Susquehanna turnpike sleck. $27.1.21 per share, bought, by 11. U. Leng. 2 shares Lancaster and Kphrala turnpike stock, $17.21 per share, bought, by Henry Shreiner. 7 shares Lancaster and Willow street, turnpike stock $ 10.1.1 per share, bought by Jeseph F. Herr. 10 share.; Marietta hollewwaro and en ameling company stock $10:5."i0 per share, bought by Jehn A Hicst.md. 5 shares Lancaster gas company stock 2f!,7.1 per share bought by Frank Shro Shre der. 21 shares ditto $2S.01 per share ic same. 2.1 shares ditto $28.01 icr share te same. 21 shares ditto $28 per share te same. 1:19 shares ditto $27 per share te Gee. K. Keed. 5 shares Millcrsville street, railway stock C2-5.21 per share, te Jacob Landk. SOSINAMIIUMSM. A Fall Frem n Second-story Window. On Sunday morning, while fast asleep. Geerge Brimmer, painter, residing at Ne. 107 Middle street, arose from his bed, climbed out of a second-story front, window and fell upon the front doer-sttqis, crush ing them and severely injuring himself. Although none of his bones were broken by the fall, one arm and leg are severely sprained and his face badly cut and bruised. Dr.JIehn L. Alice, jr., attended him. His wounds, though painful, aie net. considered dangerous. Mr. B. was seen getting out. of the window by Mrs. Tammany, a neigh bor woman, but he fell before she had time te call for assistance. He is some what addicted te sleep-walking and would have fallen from a back window some time age, liad net his wife discovered and nvfil.wiipil liim. llcsavshc has net the slightest recollection as te hew the acci dent happened, but having been working en a hanging scaffold all week (at the house of Isaac Dillcr, Seuth (Jucen street), he supposes he was dreaming of going te weik and stepped out of the window, ox ex lecting te step 141011 the scaffold. llrivin;; Accident. Dr. Klkuly the well-known horseman and Jeseph R. Trissler an employee of Messrs I). A. Altick & Sen-:, left their homes after supper en Saturday evening for a drive, and upon passing the Peacock furnace while steam was blowing oil' the horse became frightened and made several buck leaps, and Dr. Eberly reach ing ever the dasher for the lines, the horse made a sudden jerk and the doctor found his level by being tumbled te the ground under the "bugy, the lines being pulled along with liini." Mr. Trissler, en reaching ti riurnin tin. lineu ('ill lowed "SIliL The horse than ran as far as the first lellgatc, and there was stepped te pay tne ten, and was brought in by several gentlemen. A few scratches but no serious injury. ATTACKICI) V TKaMFS. Severely l"ut with a Kazer. About two o'eleck en Sunday morning two drunken tramps called at the resi lience of Samuel Snyder, Williaiuslewn, this county, knocked at the deer and demanded admittance. Mr. Snyder or dered them oil but they would net go and threatened te smash the deer iu. Mr. Snyder then went down stairs with the intention of driving them oil". A scufile ensued during which one of the tramps drew a razor and cut Mr. Snyder badly in the head, face and side. They then ran oil". The constable slatted in pursuit of them, but at last accounts had net cap tured them. Itaru Raising. Daniel Ilerr, of Pcijuea, ex-county treas urer, whose barn was destroyed some time age by lire, raised its its place en Satnulay last one of the finest barns in the county. About KM) men. under the siiperinlend siiperinlend eneyef II. N. Urcucman, ci'-shcrill", and Jehn Ingram, put up the structure. Snakes Killed. Mr. li. McEIrey, postmaster at Cress well, Maner township, killed a large black snake some days age, containing 21 young snakes from S te 10 inches in length. The little reptiles were also dispatched. Cene te Wattcids (ilcn. II. Baiuugarducr and wife left Lancaster te-day iii company with "W. V. Leekaid, superintendent, Pennsylvania railroad, te spend a feri night at and in vicinity of Watkins Glen.' liittcn by a. Hat. This morning while Mr. CliarJc; A. Rower, residing en IT. E. Johnsten's farm, near this city, was taking a rat from ai trap, it sprang at linn and bit linn in the hand, indicting a severe wound. A Happy Mas at Lockport, N. Y. E. C. Williamson, of this place. Is rejoicing ever the recovery of his wile, who lias been an invalid ler the past lour years. She has re gained her strength, her complexion is vastly Improved, and she has walked mere in the past month and is stronger and better than slie has been in years. He attributes these happy re sults entirely te Hay's Kidxxv Pai aug23-lwd51,W&F Excursion. Merchants excursion te Ceney Island and ISrighten Beach, en Thursday, August iK. Tickets positively geed for two days, te return en any train from Jersey City or Philadelphia. Fare ler the round trip only $1.73. Special trains leave Lancaster (Kingstrect)at4:00 a.m. and Columbia at 4:00 a. in. Fer full particulars see pesters anil circulars at all stations en U. and C. U. K. auS19,21,2:!,24,2r.&2tw Emaciatieu, dropsy, mental and physical weakness arrested by Malt Hitters. Or high or low, or rich or peer. Nene would foul teeth or breath endure, If they but knew hew sure and swift Was SOZODOXT, that priceless gift, In givinc beaut j', life and tone Te every charm the mouth can own. The queen or medicinal se.qw, tins match lest Cuticiira. .Sale, 1879, 4"0,00S cakes. M'EVIAM. yOTJCHS. SAMVL.K fiOTICE. It ixjiiipo&dhle flora woman alter a raltlilnl course of treatment with I.ydia K. iMnkham's Vegetable Compound te continue te snllVr with a weakness et the uterus. Knele-e a stamp te Jlrs. I.ydia K. Plnkham, i Western avenue, l.vnn, Mass., for pamphlets. jysHMydeed&w Tlie greatest medicine known ler producing an uppcliti! is " Ir. I.indsey's IJIoed .Seatelii-r." I Uelui Hays. Credit 1 l ., says : "Ills shoulders were se lame for nine months that he could net raise his hand te his head; but by the use et lir. Thema-.' KclcetilcOil the pain and laine-iies-idUapiM-iired, and although three uientlw has elapsed, he has net had an attack et it since. Fer sale byH. i:.;Cecliran,dntggi-d, 137 and 13!XnrthJiti'tni street. Lam-aster. ln. 3 Try Lechci's Renowned Cough Syrup iUetlivrs! !H oilier"!! Mothers:!! Are yen disturbed at night and broken et your rest by a sick child sull'ering and crying with I be excruciating pain et cutting teeth? 1 1 se. go at onto an.l geta bet lie of M RS. W I XS I.OW'SSUOl'lllMi SYRUP, (twill relieve the peer lit tie Mllfcivr immediately depend upon II; there is nomNtakcabeiit.it. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who Will net tell you at once that it will regulate the hewcN, ami give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. II : perfectly wife 1 use III all cases, and pleas ant tethelastc, ami Is the prescription el one el I li! eldest and best female physicians and iimves in the United States. Sold everywhere X fills a bottle. lil7-lyd.twM.WAS Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. The Chicago Times savs: Warner's Safe Kidney and l.ivcr Cure is highly endorsed by minister, judges, physicians, siirgeeiw, by uieii el literary and scholarly distinction, and by individuals in all the walks et life. LI l)xe el the greatest charms of Dr. Rrown Rrewn ing's Tonic and Alterative Is the small size el thede.se. The various delicate combinations efdrugs are concentrated in the most careful maimer, ami llnally brought together by a scries of original processes ; consequently the dose is only one teaspoenliil for an adult and smaller in pioimrlien for children. It is taken once before each meal. Last but net tcasl, ii.r.tiieiit bottle iasts ten days, while a $1 bottle lasts twenty-tour days. Fer sale by the Proprietor, W. Champien Rrewiiing, 1117 Aruli strccl, Philadelphia, and all Druggists. augr.Mwd.tw 'When wise men speak let the multitude giracar." Use "Sellers' Liver I'ilK" Sold by all druggists. Try Loeher" s Renowned Cough Syrup. The Best Ferm. The P.esf Ferm in which electricity is cm" bodied is Dr. Themas' Kelectrie Oil, a sov ereign and highly .sanctioned specilic lorrheu lerrheu malie p:iins, andn thoroughly reliable remedy, all affections of the threat and lungs used ex, lernallv and internally. Fer sale; by II. li. Cochran, druggist. 137 and Iffll North (jiieen street, Lancaster, Pa. Coughs, "V.Veirn'.s- llrnncMul Truffles" arn u.-(ul Willi j advantage te alleviate Coughs, Sere Threat, lieaivcncss and Rrenchial Affections, ter thirty years these Troches have been in use, wilh annually increasing favor. They are net new and untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the few staple remediesef the age. The Threat. " ::rnrn'x llfenchiul 7VWicxM act directly en the organs efthe voice. They have an ex traordinary effect inall disorders of the Threat and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone hen re laved, either I rem cold or ever-exertion of the voice, and produce a flearand ilisiiClei)i)iici ilisiiClei)i)iici atien. .S'jicHkiix antl Sinners find the. Tlt.eheM 11-efiil. A Cough, Celd, Catarrh 01 Sere Threat re- I iiirs immediate attention, as neglect elteu- times results in some incurable Lung Disease. llreien'x ISrenehiul Troches" will almost in variably give, relief. Imitations are offered for sale, many et which are injurious. The genu ine "y.VdH'ii'.v llretieltitil Troches" are sold etilji in Iteres. ianl.VlydSwTu.Th.vS Warm Weather and its JCII'vt'ts. Many people, especially ladle, complain at this season efthe year el" a general weakness or debility. The use of Specr's Pert llnipe Wine prevents this. The wine is said te have a ine.,1 wonderful effect In giving strength, vigor and tone te the whole system. It is ex tensively used by ladies nursing, or about, te nurse infants. This wine isnetiimniiiifaetiireil art icic no liquor is added te it. It is no paten! medicine or enntlal humbug, but is a superior wine efthe Oporto grape. It is pure, old, un adulterated wine, nothing mere or less. Air. Sjieer has been supplying hospitals with his wine for many years past. It is said le lie un surpassed for summer complaints, and for weakly persons. The price is low ter se excel lent a wine, and 110 family need be without it. This wim; i endorsed by Drs. Atlee and Davis, and sold by II. K. Slaymaker. niilff-Stvd.Vw Try Lechci's Renowned Cough Syrup. XJitVAVrJJU TJSHMUNTS FilK RENT-fiKKEN STONK FRONT dwelling. Xe -133 Wi'st Orange street. Terms low. Wanted $3,0)10 for tilirbt mort gage en cily properly wertli $10,1X0. JOHN II. MKTZLKR, ltd Ne. SIS. Duke street. rpORACCO RAISICICS' NOTICK. I The I'c.uu'a Mutual Hail Insurance Com pany is new ready te hind the insurance, and i-sife policies against hail damage te tobacco. Rates reduced. Insure before it is tee late, at RAUSMAN ft RURXS'S, ins. Agents, Oflice, 10 West Orange Street, y22-cedtn: -VTOTICK TO .JUIIOIW. ll All Jurers drawn feri he weeks commenc ing MONDAY, SKl'TKMRF.R 0, 1SS0, and MONDAY, SKPTKMRF.R 13, 1880, arc hereby notified net. te attend, as the cases set, down for trial for these weeks have been continued, l'y order of the court. .IACORS.STRINK, Sheriff. Sinaarr's Oi'Kicn, Lancaster, Pa., Aug. 73, ISSO aug'ii-aui&uiw 100 Tens el flags Wanted, Fer u hich Ihe highest pi ice will be paid. iyCKNTS PKIt POUND FOR GOOD MIXKDRAtiS. The highest juice nald for Woolens, Old Paper, Reeks, &c. Teh Rag Asserters wanted' te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBBR, Cor. North Qiiecii and Orange Streets, yO-tldRl Lancaster, Pa 1)i:ores.i.s reu stkkkt work. Scaled proposals will lie received by the street committee up te FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, at 7 o'clock p. 111., for the following work, viz: Constructing nibble pavement en Crant street, lerni Market te Prince streets, grading Pine street, from Orange te Chestnut, and building sewer from Pine te Alary street. Sills te be endorsed specifying the work bid for and te lie directed te 1). Mc-Mullcn, Chair man. Plans and specifications te be seen at I lie elllcc et .lames C. Carpenter, City Regula tor. The committee reserve Ihe right te re ject any or all bids received. Rv order of committee. S. W. It AU11, aug23-d Clerk. XW ADVERTISEMENTS. Among the many advantages gained by our change of business location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. "With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work en trusted te us. WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL BOX REPAININCr, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING. &c. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 "West Khig Street. rei.triv.ti. 11V1.1.ETIS. Te Voters. Theil of SKPTKM1IKK ts the last day ler registration and assessment. The assessor of each district is required te be at the election house en V KDNKSDA Y and THURSDAY, SKPTF.MRKR 1st and 2.1, from 10 it. 111. te 3 p. 111,, and from p. m. te a p. m., te perfect the list of voters. All persons entitled te vote should personal li see that they are assessed as well as regis tered.' Persons intending te lie naturalized hulore IhcMefOCTORKR should also be assessed and registered by the id or SKPTKMRKK. Committee 011 mitumlizatieu : .1. L. Steiu metz. D. McMiilleu, IS. F. Davis, Jehn A. Ceyle, li. F. Montgomery. Persons desiring le be naturalized can apply I01111y0fll1c.se, or le W. II. Ileusel, at the Intcuihuncci: elllcc. Hancock Veteran Association meets at Cen tral Headquarter every Tuesday evening. Conference committee meets en Wednesday evening, August. 21. Thereafter en every second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Campaign committee meets regularly every Thursday evening. . Hancock Legien meets every lirsl and third Monday ot'thejienlli. Sixth ward cllbi.uels regularly en Friday evening: Amerieus club en Thui'Mlay evening. Third Ward llaiife..: club meets at centra) heiidiuaic.rs, Fiiday evening. Aug. 27, at H o'clock. I There will be a ie;;t.!iir slated meeting efthe Sih ward Hancock Club at Harry Rohrer's Centennial Heuse, Strawberry street, te-morrow evening at S o'clock. The block com mittee are reijue-lcd te make their report without tail. The Fifth ward Hancock and L'nglish club will meet at Ihe (Jrecn Tree hotel, en Tuesday evening at S o'clock. FOR PRESIDENT : KN. WINFIEM) S. HANCOCK, OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOR VICE PRESIDENT : HON. IWiIjIAH II. EXULlSIf, OF INDIANA. 'Ihe great principles el American lili rrfy are slill the tevffnl inheritance of this people, mid ever should he. The right ertrial by jury, the habeas corpus, fhe liberty el' the press, the fm'tlem of speech, the natural rights or persons ami the rights or property must be preserved. WISFIELD S. HANCOCK, Maj. (Jen.Cemu'trDept. I.a. unit Texas. Slate I-:ircteral Tlrliet. ia.i:Tei:s. R. li. MONACHAN, W. II. PLAYFORD. JOHN SLKV1N. K. A. PHK. -I. M.CAMPRi'.LL. CILI.KS DALI.LT. JOHN X, MOFFF.T. KDW1N WALDON. NATIIAX C..IAMKS. liF.OROK FILRKRT. .IAMLS L McSPARRAN, dil ai.frkd .1. martin, adam ;i-:i:rix;kk. frank turxku. p.. i. rirmixcuiiam. ii. k. davis. (JKORliK A. POST. A. M. RF.NTOX.'J .1. P. LINTOX. . COL. .IOHX S. MII.LKR. .l.e. SAXTON. V.K. ROWF.R. .I.A. .1. RUC1IAXAX. CIIRISTOP1LKU MAC FF. ICOI'.RRT M. CII'.SOX. THOS. RRADFORD. HARRY W. WILSON SAMUI-XCRlFFITH. .1. ROSS THOMPSON. DCMOCKATSC STATK TfCICKT. reit sia'KKMi: .utdek. CKORCK A..IK.VKS. POU AlTlllTOIl OKNiaEAI. i:eri:rtp. dkchkrt. iiat(ici:.vric county tickkt. reu i,o:,'ei!iisA. .1. L. STKINMKTZ. reu msTiarr atteunc.v. D. McMCLLKX. Will SltNATOIl (l.ltll UISTIIhT.) J. li. DOUGLASS. FOB AKSKMM.Y (2d DISTKIIT.) S. ;. STKVKNSOX. S. P. SHIRK. reit AsscMia.v CM nisTnicr.' 11. m. rri:ni:man. r. davis yuxdt, .lACORM.HAKNLKN. Feil l'RISON IXSl'KCTOILl. carton n. wixtkr :;knm. jiilli:i:. FOIl VOOK IIIUIXTOILS. A..I.SNYD1CR, .IOI1N FRANCZSCUS. X !:' A It VERT1SE3IES TS. I.aucaktei:, Pa., Aug. 2::, isse. IMKRCllY CKKT1FV THAT PNEVER found Mrs. Dickcl sull'ering from any secret or specilic disorder, and further that I never se said te any one. lb'. M. L. HF.RR, M. 1). SiriLI. RKOPKN ON SHPTKMKKK C AT T Hl Kasl King stn-e.t, Rebecca S. Hol Hel brook's school ter children. ang2:5-"td OTATI-: FA1K. Tweiity-sevciith Animal Kxhibilien OF THE it wirximiirxDiN MAIN CBNTENNIAL BUILDING, FA1RM0UNT PARK, PHILAD'A. SEPTEMBER 6 te 18. Entries and Competition Free ! 1NTKKNATIONAI. SHOW or SHEEP, WOOL AND WOOL PRODUCTS. ShTJ L.AIllh'K 20 te !!.', 1SS0. Kntry Reeks will close at the Oflice, Xerth-we-t corner of Tenth and Chestnut streets, August::!, 1S8I. $40,000 IN PREMIUMS. CASH PRIZKS FOR LIVK STOCK, !ri,31S. Kxeiirsien Tickets atCreidly Reduced Rates. Liberal Arrangements ler Ti-aiisortatieu. D. W.SKILKR, Recording Sec'y. KLI'.RIDUK M'CO.NKKY. Corresponding Sec'y. WILLIAM S. HISSKLL, President. angl:,is,21,s;,25s,:;o,scp2tel() BISllOl'TllORI'IO-A i:OAi:UINO SCHOOL ler Cirls, Rclhleliem, Pa. Scheel year be gins September 15. 1WJ. Nunilier of Scholars limited. Fer circulars address MISS FANNY L. WALSH, Principal. Refers te Hen. S. II. Reynolds, Hen. II. M. North, Charles F. llager. Cee. M. Kline, esq., and Cee, Calder,jr. angl4-3tdS 105 GO TO F. IIIKBIEXZ'S, 105 Ne. 10T Xerih (Jiieen street for the Cheapest and Rest ROOTS AND SHOES. 105 Sign or the Ilic Shee. 105 i26-S4Wtfd Airal Society EOR SALE OH EEXT, IMUt KENT. " The second story et Eshlcinan& Rath von'.s Ruuking Heuse, at Centre Square, and also a room en second story, opposite the Pcnn'a R. R. Depot, en Chestnut street. it. P. KSHLKMAX. fii.2tdA.Stt Atternev-at l.aw rAE.UABl.E CITV PROlliKTV AT PRIVATE SALK. A let et ground Ne. 27 North Mary .street, upon which is erecteil a two-steiy Rriek Dwelling with two-sterv Rrick Rack Rulldiiig. Stable en rear et let. There is a variety or Choice Fruit en the premises. A Ne a two-slery Rrick Dwelling, Ne. Ill West Orange street, Juui a l.et et C reu ml en New street, between Lime and Shippen streets, IS I fectrrent and 215 Teet deep. Fer lurlher par ticulars applv te .JOHN HULL, Tobacconist, aiigllltilS 17 West King Street. 1)UIU.IC SALK. . On WEDNESDAY. ACtiUST 25. ISSil, will be sold at Ne. 2.1 East Vine street, Lancaster city, Pa., the following, te wit: Twe Red Htcads and Redding, one (ins-burner Steve, Cabbage Cutter, pair of Steel vards (weiglis SKI lbs), Weed Chest, Iren Keltic, and ether Household Furniture. A large let et Xew Ciirpenter tools, ceusittiug of Millwright, Wagen maker and Plough Manufacturing Toels, Grindstone, Shavingherse, Selder Toels, Cupboard and Cheats. Workbench, all kinds el Planes and a large let of Chisels from : le if inch; Rraces and Rits, Square and Compass, and iu fact almost anything that can be men tioned in the line et feels. A large Diamond Class Cutter, a pair et Patent Rullcyes, Vise, st of Clamps, Punch Machine, two sets Sere w plates for cutting brass or iron, and in short a first-class set et tools fiir all kinds of mechan ics. Sale le commence at 10 o'clock A. M. el said day, ami te continue until all is sold, when attendance will be grrcn and conditions et sale will be made known by ANNA SPI Ell I.MAX. S. Hns3 & Sex, Aucts. aug2l-:'.td PCI1LIC SALE OF VA1.CAI1LIC 1CKA1. ESTATE. On SATURDAY EVENIXtJ, at "o'clock, SEPTEMRF.R 18, bsse, at the Key stone Hetel, North Queen street, iu the city of Lancaster, will be sold iu pursuance efthe di rections of the will of Jeseph Peel, deceased, the following real estate, v. Ku. 1. All that certain halt-let or piece of ground situate en the westsldeef North Queen .street, in said city, containing iu front:?.! teet USA inches, and in depth 215 feet te a 14 feet wide alley ; bounded en the north by ground of Jehn Rese ami en the south by ground et Richard McUrann, en which a One-Sterv Frame Dwelling Heuse is erected en Xerih Queen Street, and another One-Story Frame Dwelling situate en the said fourteen feet wide alley. Xe. 2. All that certain One-Sterv Rrick xiweiiiiig jieuse ami naii-:ei, or piece e ground, situate en the heuUi side et L'asl Chestnut Strejd, in said citv, containing ii fient 32 feet ! inches, ami in depth 215 feet t .Dwelling - Heuse ami half-let, or piece of cast in te all feet wide alley, bounded en t lie eastbv ground of 1). R. Hosteller and en the west by William Hensel. Possession and title en April 3, 1S81. DAVID HARTMAX. Executer. II. Sui'iicitr. A ue. aug 2U-T&F-ts.l F tmSAI.K. HANDSOME RESIDENCES, Ten-roomed, two-story and Mansard reef, (jiwii Sleuc Frent Dwellings, Ne.5. till and I.C! West Oi-angn Street. Witli all the best MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, Including .Icnnlng's improved Londen water closets, marble-top waslisfand, improved wnll-ud-in range, cellar heater, perfect ilrainage and sewerage, deep, dry cellar, wliite marble ba-e and steps, Ac., .tc. Let 22 by 215 feet te a I fleet wide alley, front yard 2 ) feet in depth, inclesed with ornamental iron fence. Fer terms, Ac, apply te .IOIIN1I.METZLER, aug21-W&Strd Xe. !) Seuth Dnke St. IjUIILlC SALK OF VALUAltl.E REAL ESTATE. On WF.DXKSDA Y, SEPTEM RF.R 15, 1S3), will be sold at public sale en the premises, situated iu Raphe township, en the read lending from ML Jey te Manheim, one half mile northeast of Mt. Jey, adjoining lands el Christian Ceed, .Jeseph Dctwelicr, .Ine. lircnuman ami the Little Chiqncs Salunga creek, a Valuable Farm containing l-'S ACRES, en which Is erected a two-slery Rrick Heuse with two-story brick wing attached. There Is no liner fariu'heuse in Lancaster county. A balcony extends tin- whole length efthe house en the llrst and second stories. There are large folding doers in the hall; in winter the doers can be closed, making another room, and in summer by opening the doers a large, cool hall Is the result. A circular staircase runs te the third story. Thueellaris cement ed anil has a Mili-archcd cellar underneath, which is intended for keeping milk, butter, meats, Ac. Stene Tenant Heuse with basement kitchen. A large bank barn, when erecteil In 1871, cost nearly S,im Attached te the barn is a building which contains a horse power ami above is a large mew. A large straw house at tached te the barn, a carriage house, wagon shed, corn crib and all necessary outbuildings, all of which are covered with slate. A large ice house near the beuse. The fencing is com posed of locust pests and cheduiit rails. The property has been thoroughly limed within the last live yi-ars, is in a high state of cultiva tion, and is one efthe mast desirable farms' in the comity. If desired $15,(100 of the purchase money can remain en the farm. Any person desiring te view the property be fore the day of sale will please call en Mr. Charles Render, residing thereon. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. m.'ef said day, when attendance will be given bv " HENRY E. I.EMAX. L. D. CALLAOiier., Auel. angM.tw.tr.MeawS KNOW THYSELR oeooooooooooo The untold miseries that re n e suit from indiscretion in early n e life mav be alleviated and e e cured. These who doubt this e e assertion should purchase the e e new medical work published e e by the PEARODY M ED1CA L e e INSTITUTE, Rosten, entl- ii e tied, THE SCIENCE OF n e LIFE; or, SKLF-PKKSKR- oeooooooooooo VATION. Exhausted vital ity, nervous and physical debility, or vital ity impaired by the errors of youth, or tee close application te business, may be restored and man heed regained. Twe hundredth edition, revised ami cnlarsr- ed, just published. It is a standardmedic-.il work, the best in the English language, writ ten by a physician of great experience, te whom was awarded a geld and jeweled medal by the Londen Medical Association. It con tains beautiful and vcrycxpcnslvecngravings. Three hundred pages ; mere than 50 valuable prescriptions terall formsef prevaillngdlsease, the result of many years of extensive and suc cessful pract Ice, cither one et which is worth ten times the price or the book. Round in French cloth ; price only $1, sent by mall, pest paid. The Londen,.ancrfKiysi. "Ne person should be without Hits valuable book. The author is a noble benefactor." The Tribune nay: "The author has had un precedented success In dealing with nervous ness et all kinds and Its atleetiens, whether due te pernicious habits or inherited. He is a Ncrve-spccialist, anil therefore knows whereof he writes with such power and ability." An illustrated sample scut te all en receipt oft; cents for postage. The author refers, by permission, te Hen. P. A. RISSELL, M. D., president of the National Medical Association. Address Dr. W. H. PARKER, Xe UtlJir A Rullllnch street, Rosten, Mass. nciiUJ the author may be consulted en all diseases requiringsktll and expert- pri VOTf V encc. dcc24-lywl imOIiUr 105 LAIHKK AND CENTS II you want a 105 . GOOD PITTING BOOT OR SHOE, Ready-made or made te order, call at F. HIEMENZ'S, Ne. 105 North Queen Strcet. Custom Werk a Specialty. le26SAWUU THIRD EDITION MONDAY EVENING, AUG. 23, 1880. THE HISTORY OF A DAY AFTERX00X TELEHRAP1UC ADVICES. THE MAY'S LANDING DISASTER. TO-DAY'S RUNNING AT SARATOGA. Arrest of the Kennett llurglara. Neilson's Meney. OlUKIt ITEMS OF INTEREST. Tlie May's Laiidinc Disaster. The coroner's jury inquiring into the May's Lantling disaster, reiulercil a ver dict that the victims came te their death ly a collision that might have been avert ed if Engineer Aiken ami Conductor Hoag land had mere carefully observed the 'niten and regulations of the company govern ing the running of trains. Miss Nellson's Meney. The bulk of Miss Neilson's propcrty,esti prepcrty,esti mated at 10,000 is left by her will te Rear Admiral Hen. Henry CarrCJtyn, C. 11. Saratoga Knees. The winners at Saratoga te-day were (iirelle, Celd Bug and Dank. A Sick Indian. Chief Ouray is dangerously ill and net expected te live. Charged Willi Arsen. Michael Weed has been arrested, charged with the origin of a number of incendiary fires, which have taken place at College Point, h. I., for some time past. Deadly Drink. Jehn Dismcr, formerly a well-to-de citi zen of Celt's Neck, N.J., white intoxicated fell en the steep of his residence and was suffocated te death. Twenty-seven Years Imprisoned. The discovery of a man in the moun tains who has been imprisoned 27 years by his brother has caused great sensation iu licrks county. The authorities released the prisoner and the matter is te be inves tigated. The imprisoned man's name is Benjamin Scolder. A Had Mail Arrested. Charles Miller, alias White.alias Tayler, alias ftheppard, is charged with bring the leader of a baud of burglais who broke in to and robbed the house efthe Bailey brothers at Kennett (square was arrested yesterday in Montgomery county and taken te Philadelphia. VVKATIimt INOIUATIONS. Wasiiinoten, D. C., Aug. 23. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, stationary or higher barometer, nearly stationary tem perature, variable winds, partly cloudy weather, with local rains. HliltlVAl CUTICURA BLOOD AND SKIN REMEDIES. Ci'TictiRA IJcsei.vuxr purillc the bleed through the bowels, liver, kidneys and skin" CtrricuKA, a Medicinal .Icily, removes dead tie.sh and skin, renders healthy ulcers and old sores, allays inflammation, ilciiln and lrrlla lrrlla tien or the sk(n and calp. Ccticuim. AIkdici nai. Toilet Sew restores whiteness and beau tifies the skin. Ciiticitra Shavimi SeAl' is the only medicinal snap expressly prepared for shaving. SALT KUEUM FOR A LIFETIME. I have had a most, wonderful en re of Suit Kheiim. Fer seventeen years 1 sulfered with Salt lilieam; 1 had it en niv head, face, neck, arms and legs. I was net able te walk, only en my hands ami knees, ler one year. 1 have net been able te help myself for eixht years. I tried hundreds el remedies; net one had the least etrcct. The doctors said my case was in curable. Se iny parents tried everylhiiijr that cnmcalen?. 1 saw the advertisement and eenj eluded te try Ci;ticui:a Kkmediks. The llrst box et CirrieritA brought the Humer te the surface of my skin. It would drop oil an it came out, until new 1 am entirely well. All 1 can say is, 1 thank you nie-t heartily for in y cure. WILL MuDON'ALH. i:;ir i:iitti:kkikli.St.. (Miicaoe, I i.i.., March 4, IS7'.. PSORIASIS. I have been allliclcd for nineteen years with Psoriasis, ami have spent, hundreds et dollars for doctors and stnll" they call bleed puriliers. Docter did net knew what, te call my disease. I would scratch nights until I scratched my self raw: then It would dry ami form Inte scales, which would all be scratched oil' next night and se en. I have been completely cured by the Citrni'KA ItEMEniEs. TIIOMAH DKLANKY. CnxceiiD St.. Ucktem Mill, Memi-1114, Tr.r.'X., .1 uui? IK, IS?.i. Cutici:i:. iii'.MKmiarc prepared by U'KKKS & POTTKU, Cliemisti and Druggists,:) Wasli iugteii street, lio-teii, and arc for sale by all Druggists. MALT BITTERS. UNPERMENTED MALT AND HOPS! DYSPEPSIA. Dyspepsia Is the prevallng malady of civilized liie. It lies at tiie botem of one-half our misery. It is the rock upon which many of our business ventures have split, it clouds the mind, weakens the Iiedy. and preys upon the vitality. Wlicreshall wellmt relief from this morbid, melancholy misery? MALT I'.ITTKUS! At once a medicine and a loed, this wonderful nutrient and lnvigerant builds up enfeebled digestion, regulates tl.C llew efthe gastric juices, dissolves and assimi lates every article of diet, and cures Headache, Di.7.incss,l:ilieus Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melan choly, and a thousand oilier morbid forma assumed by llvspepsia. MALT UITTKIW are prepared withmtt fer fer Mcntniien rrem Canadian 11AULKY MALT and HOPS, and warranted superior te all ether forms of malt ermcdiciiic, while free from Hie objections urged against malt liquors. Ask ter Malt Uittehs prcinred by the Malt IllTTKIiS COMI'ANY, llllll SCO tllilt CVCrJ' llOttle bears the Trade Maiik L.i!KL,duly Siu.NEeaiid enclosed iu Wave Lines. MALT I'.ITTKUS are for sale by all Drug gists. ivMindW&S&w MUSIVAI. MNST1WMEXTS. THE Lwsler Organ lanictery Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market. Wareroenw 320 North yueen street-Manufactory In the rear. Itraneh Olllcc, 15i East King StrecL Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. AlReAecntlnr Lancaster County for CIIICKEKINO A SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Pull Line et Sheet anil ether Music. Small Instruments. Violins. Uanjes, Band Instru ments. Ac. always en hand. u3-lydSftlyw 3XASKETS. Cattle Market. Philadelphia, Aug. SL Cattle in fair demand: receipts Xtw head. Prime 93.Wc; Rpe J5Jc; medium 4l,ijc:iimineii3 tiiCZ mixed. SilVv '3 hcep market inactive: receipts l.:wfi0 head. Prime iiic: geed 4G4c: medium 4 IJic ; common SQlc ; calls, 33e. Hogs Market active; receipts t,m head: selling at 7iGSc ' Stock Market. Pbiladslvhia. Aug. 25. . 12Sr.. aaiur. ii. Stocks weak. IVnnu K'i ftlilnl luimi liMI- Philadelphia & Erie l-Xl'l-Vi Heading UiSli Pennsylvania. SSJ.V?. .... iA.-wga tuuey. K u niieu ces. ei A. J ... Northern Pacific Preferred . Northern Central..... I.tlllrti Viirimiinn .nsa:e ..... elIII ..... 34fyAt ..... !IS vwzsr.zzz' r.i. .3jS3JW Central Transportation Ce. Sg:atf Pitts., Titusville X llutlale. P.ia l.lttli. Onhn.-ll.lll -'" LttUe Schuylkill.... 47 New Vekk. AIIIT.2L Stocks st ren l' N. Y. Central Ailams Express Michigan Central Michigan Southern Illinois Central Cleveland Pittsburgh.. Chicago 4 KeckLsliind.... Pittsburgh Jt Fert Wayne Western Union Tel.C'u Teledo Wahash New Jeiwy Central Ontario Western ,.V.UV. . m; .iir. .. ;;i ..nw .li::' .lit'; ..in' -107 ii . . tt J, . 'X United StteA Beniln ml Kterllm: Krlt:ni;j (Quotations by IS. K. Jamisen & Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). PiliLAnKLruiA. Aug. :. Unlteil States irs, 1SS1, (regtstere.l)..llli;(u3l0l United States Curreiievtl's Ii"i'...!-.i:'..l2 Stcrliug Excluingu l-!.'..'.rTsp;.; 1'lillitdelpliU Market. Piiiladklviiia. Aug. i!. Fleur unchanged, and dull : superfine at i:nii:l; extra at ! ($100; Ohie ami Indiana lamilv."enr 75 . Penn'a family ile$t7.r5,r: St. Leuis family at fTtTiOitCeO: Mfniieseta fnmilv f .". -.'."..li: mi ; padnl mm umii grauesji. :mti. ini. Kyu Heur at $1 An. Wheat active ami prices higher: Ne. 2 Western Ked $1 i.-: ; Pcuu'a l.'e.l ti OS; Amler$l OT'.re. Cern tinner ; Htt-.um rjrl ..VU? : yellow ttif$ .Me": mixed 52'ZQXU:. Oats tlrmer": Ne. 1. While l-WI.V; Se. .. de-TSQIlc; Ne..t, deXTTliie; Xii. V, Mixii? :f7e. Itye wanted at n:: none ell'ering. Previsions linn, wilh geed jebbing: hums perk $it; ceii; .vi; in-ef hams til !&! ."(: Indian m.ss bent at $li Oil ; bacon smoked shoulders 7c; salt de tM..v; smoked hams liable; pickled heins WV'elli: Lard linn; ctly keltic at !.:: loose butchers' Su ; prime steam X'rc. Iliittcrllmi, Willi better demand : Creamery etni!l5ifi!2fic; Creamery geed te clieiee iiijj; 21c; Bnulfenl county and New Yerk extra. S2S!c ; Western reserve extra lilTe; de geinl te choice l::15e; Kellsiiiiet; Penn'a extr.i l.'.TdK,; Western reserve extra VMQUU; Eggs scarce and firm; Pciiiisylvauin at i'je: Western lSQISe. Cheese strong wilh small siivply; New Yerk full cream 1'iJc: Western lull cream lie: de fair le geed l(M3I0.c; de halt skims Petroleum (inn ; refined tic. Whisky $1 li. Seeds lioed te prime Clever tlnn at $30 (X'JOO; Timethy firm at iiruii-l"; Flaxseed uielutI-'7. Mew Verl Mar net. Nkw Yerk. Aug. 22. Fleur State and West ern dull without; quotable change; Su perfine state at $:: Svj I en ; extra de at $1 en ($135: choice, de., $4 40(ir (Hi; fancy $." lun re; round hoop Ohie ft i'r in: choice de 3 10i: 00 ; superfine western Xlf.ty 4 41); common te geed extra de $1 oeI.T. ; choice dodo l (JOQOCi; choice white wheat de $1 J.4 ir; Southern iiiel and we:ik ; common te fair extra $i 00.. se; giHsl le. choice de $.". mfic, 75. Wheat a shade stronger, but nither nnlet ; Ne. I White, September, $1 use . ,(l oeteber, l use; Ne. Ueil September, l lte; de October, $1 OOJI 10. Cern a shade belter, and moderately active; Mixed western spot, 5l.r.il.c ; de future, Oats. stronger; Sate,alSIl8'iCe.; Western, at .J8lSe. WANTED. WAJiTKO.-.liVEKYHOIY TO AUYKK tlje, free of charge, Iu the In-vsllieum-(KR, who wants something te de. WANTKD-OLD IIOKHKSHOKS ATT11K Pcnii Kelling Mill, Ijin(-.i.ter, ter which the higlicst price will be paid. augl;!-eawtfd w 'ANIKD-COAT, 1'ANlJ AND VKST makers bv II1USII & t'AUK. ltd Peim Hull K1UNEY ASM LIVER VViZE. Warner's Safe KMeyiLrer CURE. $1.25 PER BOTTLE. A Positive Remedy for ALL Kid ney, Liver and Urinary Troubles or both Male and Female. READ THJJfRECORD: "It saved my life." Ai .'. IjiUI, Setutti, Ala- "It is the remedy that will cure Ihe many diseases peculiar te women." Jfalhrr's Mnyit zinr. " It has passed severe tc-.tsand.weii endorse ments from .some et the highest medical talent in the country." A'em Yerk tt'erlil, "Ne remedy heretofore discovered can In held for one moment in comparison with it." V. A. Ilnrreji, IK It., Wtishiwjten, It. V. This t.'reat Natural Remedy is for Sale by Druggists iu all Paris et the World. TRY IT AND TAKE X0 OTlf Kit. H. H. WARNER & CO., HOCIIRSTKlt. N. Y. aug'.l-Tii.Tli&Sd&iv MfC JHCAWISUS. ACTH OKI. UI ItY TIIK COH.IIO.V wealth of Ky., and the fairest in the world 23d Popular Monthly Drawing or TUB COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macauley's Theatre, In the City of Louis ville, en TUESDAY, AUGUST 31st, 1880. TIIKSK DItAWINCS. AUTHOKI.KI I'.V TIIK LECISLATCUF: AND SIJSTAINKIi 11V ALLTHK COUltTSOr' KKNTUCKV, nccord nccerd ing te a contract made with the owners of Hit: Frankfort grant, will occur regularlv en the LAST DA V OK KVKKY MONTH, Sundays and Frldavs excepted, for the iveriixl of FIVK YK AltS, terminating en .IUNl:."'i. IS-r. The United States Circuit Court en Mai eh 31, rendered the following d cisieiis: 1st That the (Seiniiinii weal th fllstrlliutien Company Is legal. 2l Its drawing am fair.. The nianagi:meiitc:ill attention tetheliher.il scheme which has met with such popular favor heretofore, and which will again be prr-euied ler the AUCUST DKAW1N(L I JnZC -! 4t I jiriAO I(flW i jinzc ii,utfj 10 prizes $1,000 each lo.emi 31 prlzes5ueeacli .". le.uw loe prizes, $100 each n,um 'joeprizessocach io.eim (!00 prizes 'JO each 1J,eim 1000 prizes 10 each 10,000 9 prizes :00 each, approximation prizes 700. 9 prizes aoecacli, " " isoe 9 prizes 100 each, M ' ja Whole tickets. $2; halt ticket), $1; 27 tickets $30; 55 tickets, $100. Kcmlt by Postetllcc Meney Order, Itcgistcred Letter, I lank Draft or Express. Te Insure ugainst mistakes and delays, cor respondents will please write tiicr names and places of residence plainly, giving number of Postetllcc box or Street, and Town, County and State. All communications connected with the Dis tributien and Orders for Tickets should be ad dressed te B. M. KOAKOMAN, Courier-Jeur nal P.uilding, 1 lwUI, JfTn or 307 And 3M ureauway. nw man. . miwiM tiiiiiuti rmi-sis, iivi, tregisieriMij..iirjlpnrii llutletl Static IK's, IStll, (registcred)IIO mi United States lf's,!S!l,(coupen.s).. .Ill lllt? United States I's. 1UHT. lnalsle(vdl..lii'.i'uttlle' J - 1 '. '1