-v"-----v s '" . " 4 .- - ! t w' '-V'51 ' ., -sy ; " LANCASTER DAILY iNTELLlGENclai SATURDAY AUGUST 21, 1880. 1879 : " It filial! net be lawful for any per son or persons te fish with any kind of next or seines or any ether method of trap ping fish except with red, hook and line, within one-fourth of a mile of the Colum bia dam, under a penalty net exceeding $500 fine or two years' imprisonment." Peter 31. Luding, fish warden, saw defendants violate the law between the 7th and 18th of "Slay.'j.lle was corroborated by several watchmen employed by him. The defendants were notified personally of the passage of the law. The defense was that there was no line marked by which defendants could knew that they were within one-fourth of a mile of the Columbia dam, and that it was im IKjssible te fish with a seine at the fish ways, as had been alleged by the commonwealth, en account of the breakers. Nearly all of the defendants denied having fished with hcincs during the last summer. The de Icnsc endeavored te show that no publica tion of the intended passage of the law had been made in the Columbia papers, but the uemt would net allow the testimony te go before the jury. The case was given te the jury a few minutes before the adjourn ment of court. Frcdeiick lIilkInuil,vhe plead guilty te ailuHery at the January sessions, was sen tenced te undergo an imprisonment of 10 months. He lias already been hi jail for 8 mouths. Jehn j. Milier.ef Paradise township, was awarded the county reward of $20 for ar resting Michael Lcntz, alias Shenk, con victed at the last term ofheisu stealing. Adcuiuricr was filed te the indictment charging Hairy and Cecelia Chambers with conspiracy te defraud. At 10 o'clock the judgment docket was railed and the following judgments were entered ; for want of a plea e, for want of affidavit of defense', for want of an ap pearance 19. The grand jury made the following re turns: True Jills. City of Lancaster (fish market), maintaining a nuisance; Chris tian ISrackbill, assault and battery; Jacob AVitlingcr, violating liquor law ; Henry (.'iccn, carrying concealed weap ons and icsistiug an officer; Kebert and William Hardeman, larceny; Themas Withers and Newton lirysen, disturbing a religious meeting ; Themas A. Withers, astault and battery ; Newton Urysen, as sault and battery ; Abraham Haius, ct a!., riot ; Catherine Kshclhrciincr, assault and battery. 1'jiturcd. Jehn A. liucker, false pre tense, and Jehu Kuapp, prosecutor for costs; Lydia Dcwit, fornication, and l'saias I.tickliel'f adultery, and county for costs. Court adjourned until 2 o'clock. CUKISTIANA 1TKMS, S.idhUury Ten n.-Iilj te tlie Frent. Judging from the activity displaced among the Demacr.its of this township, there will be a glei ieus work done this fall. Kach and every one seems te enter into the work with a will and a determination that are worthy of the cause. A regular campaign Hancock and English club has lisen formed, money i.iiscd for legitimate campaign purposes, names are coming in all platters, the rell-b.vk is rapidly filling up. We want the cry te be " still they conic." Tlicre is seen te be a Hancock and Eng lish club organized in Atglen, and se it, gees. Every bice.e th it is wafted te ua brings tidings of the geed work going en. Men that have been lukewarm and have net taken any part in politics for years have reused themselves from their leth argy ; have buckled en their armor and tiled into the ranks. licpublicaus ' tee nunieruus te men tion," all ever the country, arc confessing the errors of their way, have resolved te vote for Hancock, go their way rejoicing, and sin no mere. renstatlcr VelkMcit. The first Censtatter VeIksfc-t ever given in this city, will lake place at What Glen paik, tn Monday and Tuesday next. The arrangements and entertainments will be of the same character of these given at the great feasts in Philadelphia and New Yerk. A principal attraction will be an immense festival column decorated artistically with every variety of fruits and llewurs. There will also be a panorama of all tie principal cities of Europe, representations of all the military uniforms of all European stall' officers, and a variety of games. The fes tival is in geed hands and will afford a fund of pleasure. Omnibuses will run te the grounds at all hours. Geed Shouting. The Lancaster rifle club visited their grounds at Jas. Stewart's farm, yesterday, and practiced at a Crcedmoer target at a distance of 00 yards. Sonic of the mem bers did very line sheeting. Jehn II. ISaum gardner scored live successive bull eyes, making 2e points, all that could be made. Harry Hewnian scored three bull-ejcs, a centre and an inner I'l points out of a possible -.". Thes. A. Wiley scored one bull-eye, anil two centres 17 points. J. I!. Lichly scored three centres and .we eiileis !I points. Several ether iiiciuets shot :t I :n :.-,; as well. The Kcigiau I'nvcm.-int. The laying of the l?elgiaii block pae mcut en the first square of North tuctn street was finished yesterday, and public opinion appears te be unanimous that lie contractors, Messrs. Cunningham & Mc Mc Nicltel, have done the work in a faithful and substantial manner, and that the wid ening of the sidewalks and censeqiicir. narrowing of the roadway, te which some objection was at lir.sl made, was a move in the right direction and one that will prob ably be Fceii followed in ether thorough fares. Intf-rfc-ring With au Olliccr. Chief of Police Deichler made com plaint before Alderman Dennelly of the Seventh wardagainst Jacob Kurtz,of High street, charging him with taking from the possession of the deg-catchers au unmuz zled deg captured by them. The com plaint was however withdrawn, after Kurtz went te the alderman and paid the penalty :?'5 and costs. Third Ward Organization. The meeting of the Third ward Demo cracy last evening was well attended and a spirit of lively animation was manifest ed. Encouraging reports were received from various sources and complete arrange ments were made for all the necessary work of preliminary organization. The meeting adjourned te meet at the central headquar ters next Friday at 8 p. m. Successful gKiBhing. Messrs. D. drove, A. Beckhiil, A. Sour beer, of 1 larher, and Jehn Kepncr, and James 1. Garvin, of this city, spent yester day fishing at ' Eshleman's, near the head of MundeiTs island in the Susquehanna. They had a very enjoyable day and as fine a string of fish as has been brought home by any of our fisherman for a long time. Neglect of Duty. Complaint is made that the assessors of AVashingten borough neglect or refuse te hang up their books and registry list at the voting places. They should have done se some time age. There is no excuse for net doing it and if they fail te de se they arc punishable at law for their failure. Sale of Ileal Kstate. L. D. Gallagher, auctioneer, sold th c farm of Jacob Swade, 4 miles north of Mount Jey (sand laud), 127 acres, for $12,- 000, te Christian Geed, jr., of Itaphe twp. Frem Princeton Seminary. At the Presbyterian memorial mission chapel, the preaching te-morrow evening will he by Jehn Kerr, of Princeton theo logical seminary. COLUMBIA NEWS. et'K kkgulau cokkkspendknce. Tlie Churches Personal Items Arclieiy General Boreugli News. The Rev. M. P. Deyle will preach in the United Iircthrcn church, corner of Third and Perry streets, te-morrow morning and evening. There will be no services in the Presby terian church te-morrow morning or even ing, by reason of the absence from town of Rev. J. McCoy, pastor of the church. The Heme Communion will give a pic nic in lleise's weeds en Wednesday, Au gust 25th. Miss Minnie Graybill, of Leavenworth, Kan., is visiting Mrs. Dr. S. A. Duckius. The colored cornet band will held a picnic in lleise's weeds en Thursday. Au gust 20th. lllackseu's orchestra has been engaged' for the occasion. Mr. S. IJ. McCerklc left hcie yesterday en a week's visit te Chestnut Hill, Phila delphia. Postmaster Mullen has moved into the house lately occupied by William M. Ste venson, and Mr. Stevenson has taken the house vacated by Mr. Mullen. It was an C XCU 111 ffti The HcV. J. AV. Dcsheiig will elliciate in the Church of Ged te morrow. The funeral of Mrs. Sallie Blackwood took place ycsteiday allcrnoeu, fiem the residence of Mr. Ed waul II Stamau, Ne. 057 Locust stieet. The interment was made at Mount IScthcl cemetery. The Columbia Knights Templar who participated in the grand conclave at Chicago have returned home. Kate HinklCjOf Marietta, was arrested by Constable Stahl en complaint of Emma Webster charging the defendant with assault and battery. The paities were taken before Justice Evans whedischarged the defendant en giving bail te keep the peace. Yesterday a number of Pennsylvania railroad fiiemcu from Columbia as well as several from Ilarrisburg were takcu te the hiijierintendant's efiicc at Philadelphia, and given an examination for nrometioii. Six of the Columbia men passed the ordeal with Hying colors and their names have been placed en the " list of engineers." Three Ilarrisburg men were equally fortunate. The Columbia men who have been pro moted are : Samuel Mullen, Simen Wayne, Geerge Ewing, Adam lleisingcr, Daniel lleltzman aim Jehn Kelly. Five members of the liebin Heed arch ery club went out te sheet yesterday, and this is the way they shot : W. 11. Moere 2:5 Alfred C. Uriuier 1 1 L. AV. Richards 11 L. K. Fendersinith C. C. KaufTman 1 The town clock is again out of gear. Last night at eleven o'clock it struck but four times, and the same irregularity marked ether hours. This morning it com menced striking and kept the thing up for several minutes in all somewhere near two hundred soundings of the gong. (Juke a commotion was caused en Locust street, near Fifth, yesterday, and a crowd attracted, by a quarrel between a railroader and his wife ever her demand for a division of his wages. He slapped her, she cried 'murder" and declared her arm was broken; the neighbors lushed in and the family jar became the scandal of the com munity. At about one e'ek-jk yesterday morning bhertly after the return of the P. R. II. excursion train from Atlantic City special officers Dysinger and Redcuhauscr weie considerably stirred" by hearing the cry of " murder"' several limes repeated, ami apparently by women. Rushing in the di rection of the sound, they seen found themselves en AValnut street, opposite the head of Commerce street. The cries con tinued, but the officers diving the " whys' and " wherefores,"' returned te their heats. The itaen for all the hubbub, as we hear it, is, that the landlord of a certain house in the neighborhood turned out of doers the female inhabitants en dixhubillc, and that they made the noise thinking te com pel reinstatement. Lancaster Ceuntians Away Frem Heme. Rev. Uriel Graves has resigned the pas torate of St. Jehn's English Evangelical Independent Lutheran church, which he founded about six ycais age in l.altimere. His congregation became tired of political preaching. Geerge Miller, a bright looking youth, about 18 years of age, who says he is from Paradise township, Lancaster county, was arrested last night by Officer Shelter for stealing cakes from the tables at the llcs- ! cue festival in Yerk. The Mcchanicsburg Siturdai hecuixj Journal complains that when the Lancaster band went through that town the ether ! day with the Knights of Pythias, the mu- sicaus " allowed their insiiitincnts u re main as silent as an oyster, notwithstand ing each and every man could divine from the ceunlcnaeces of the crowd at the de pot, with mouths drawn up like a persim mon and.cars expanded toasininelengitiule, that we were just dying for one of the-e ! captivating reels that tins o.iue is se cele brated for."' i KIDS VOll COAL, I'm- Mendial and AlmsJiiiiisc Ce:ili-.t-t Awarded. The heard of peer diieelers te-day opened the bids for supplying the alms house and hospital with coal for the endu ing season, the bids were as fellows : J. Stewart & Sen., for 1,000 tens of Enterprise, or medium broken and egg. ."?;5.09: Lvkens Valley stove, SO. 74; Dal- timere company broken egg 39. Gorrecht & Ce.: Black diamond broken egg, $3.47 ; medium (equal te Enterprise), $"1.43 ; Lykcns Valley stove, $3.52. II. Baumgardner & Ce. : 1,000 tens egg and broken ceaL $3.48 ; 2-" tens Lykcns Valley stove, $3.80. The contract was awarded te Gorrecht & Ce. Meney Stelen. This morning about the close of the market, Mrs. Samuel C. Sellers, of Man leim township, who had attended market, U sell country preducclaid her pocket-book ei the market stall, with the intention of emoting her money. Just then two young ucn who were peddling handkerchiefs tlireitiih market, came along and while one e them engaged her attention trying te sdl her a handkerchief the ether threw a hindkerchicf en her pocket-book and then phked up both handkerchief and pockct peckct pockct beikaud walked off. Complaint was made before Alderman McConemy and two ped dkrs were taken into custody, but Mrs. Sellers declared they were net the men wh robbed her, and they were discharged. An Klegnnt Car. "lie advance car of tlic (.treat Londen cirais and Saucer's Iteyal ISritish menage rie united with the jjicat International Ten Allied shows, arrived in this city this inorn inern inr, and may be seen standing en a siding nen- the Pennsylvania railroad depot. The interior of the car is arranged for the ac ac ac coiunedation of the advance agents and bil -pesters and has storage room in its many compartments for tens and tens of liters and ether ornamental printing. The exterior of the car is elaborately laintcd with menagric and circus attrac tions net the least" of which are several icturcs of the wonderful baby elephant. Letti'lrl Found. Annie "Widemcyer a young girl aged 1G ears, who en the 18th iust, left Jacob Minniclr s near Millport, Warwick lowu lewu 4iip. where she had been living for some time previous, and of whose whereabouts nothing could be learned, was found this morning in the home of a family living net far from this city. She was taken back te her home. BLiLCK CASHMERES. We have an immense stock of Black Cashmeres in best makes, which we are offering at Lewest Prices. BLACK SILKS. An immense stock of BLACK SILKS, in all grades, at Lewest Prices. Percales and Lawns, Prints, Dress Ginghams, in New Fall Styles just opened. FLANNELS. FLANNELS. An Immense Stock of all kinds CARPETS! NEW STYI.ES OPENING DAILY. CilVLEE, BOWEKS & HTJEST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. KXl'I.OMON. Al.lltlR Bey Badly Hurt. This afternoon about a quarter befeie -1 o'clock the vuleanizcr in Dr. J. B. Mc Caskcy's office exploded with a loud rc rc jtert, shattering the windows of the build ing and severely wounding Dr. McCaskcy's little boy. A piece of the exploded instrument struck the boy en the back of the neck close te the base of the skull, cutting a deep gash mere then two inches in length. Smaller pieces of the machine struck him in the head inflicting less serious wounds. Ne cause for the explosion is known, as Dr. McCaskcy says the stcamgauge show ed everything te be working properly. SUMMEit lkisl'k::. Iciuii:i1 raragrniilis Leral Interest. Miss Mary Johnsten, of Beverly, N. J., daughter of the late Chas. M. Johnsten, or Drumerc, is the guest of her uncle .1. M. Johnsten, of this city. Mrs. E. J. Downey went te Atlantic City te-day. Her daughter, Miss Emma L. Downey is at the same popular water ing place. Miss Ida Ileiscr returned te her home in this city en Thursday after a tour of mere than" a year in the far AVcst during which time she visited Trinidad and Buf falo. Denver, Lcadville and ether points of interest in Colerado. Hctcntli AVard lIe. The pole te be erected by the Junier Hancock Club of tiic Seventh AVard. in front of Utzinger's saloon, en Middle street, was hauled through town this afternoon. It is a beautiful and shapely tree of 110 feet length, and the boys ex pect te have a geed time this evening when they put it up. Broke tlm Heg Jail. Last evening between 7 and 10 o'clock, some one broke oil" the padlock of the dog deg pound and turned loose all the imprisoned dogs six in number. The police arc look ing for the jail breakers. A llfsliep in tlie l'linlt. Bishop Vail, of Kansas, will preach in SI. Jehn's Free church te-morrow morn ing and evening at the usual hours. I! you uiv troubled Willi deranged kidneys, delay nel, but el one et l'rel'. (Juilinetti-V, Ficucli Kidney I'adf, and you will be cured. Kxciirsimi. lleichiint-.' excursion te Ceney Island and Brighten J.caeli, en Tlmidiiy, AutfU-t i'!. Tickets iieiltively fjoed fur t we days, te return en any train Irein .Jersey Cilyer I'liiladeipliia. t'.uv ler the round trip only $1.7.. Special trains leave l.auca'-U'r (Kimr street )att:lH)a.in. ami Columbia at -Inte a. in. Fer full particulars scr peters and circulars at all stations en i:. and C. I. It. :iusl'J,-:i,SV-l,'i"&2tw Query I'eestliu note shaver shave with Cu Uctir.i .MuivinjiSeap? Kat Stew And clean your mouth afterward.-. Willi SO Z01)OXT,nnil your teeth will be in condition te de their work for year. Tlieus:inds of dys peptics "letted their teod because they had no jjoed tcelli te masticate properly. Clicw line, eat Mew, and tiseSOZOliONT. The care-worn and ever-worked llnd coin cein coin terl and strength in Malt Bitters. SI'ECIAIj NQTIMb. SAMT1.K OTICI. !l is iiuiiesMhlc for a woman alter a faithlul cei:r-e el'trcalnicnt with l.ydia K. l'iiikhain's Vegetable Compound te continue te sutler with a weakness et the uterus, l-'nelesc a stamp te Mrs. l.ydia K. I'iukham, i Western avenue, I.vun, "tlas.s., for pamphlets. jy2!)-lydced&w Fer lifty years 'Sellers' l.iver 1'itls" have brought health and happiness in thousands of homes. Ask your druggist ter them."; Try l.eelier's Hciieiviicd Ceuh Syrup .tletltei-s! .lletlK-i:: -tlelliers::! Are you ilNtmhcd at nhiht and broken et your rest !y a sick cldld suircrinjj and crying uilli llHTXeriieiatiiui p.iin el cutting teeth? It se. no at once an. I jret abut tie efMUS. WINS MMV'SSOOIIMNl'M ItlJP. It will relieve the peer little siilierer imincdialciy depend upon it: there is no inistakealieul.it. Iheiv is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and fjivc '"est te the mother, and relief ami health te the child, operating like magic. It is peri'eelly -afu te use in all cases, and pleas ant, te the taste, and is the prescription el one et tin: eldest auiibe.-tfeniah; physicians and nuie.s in t he I'niled states. Sold everywhere i" cents a bottle. U7-lydAw .M.W&S Try i.echer'.s I'enewueil Cough Syrup. My life wastaved liy and'l.ivcr Cure. .V. JS. Warner's Safe Isthely, Selitia, Kidncv Aln. 2 If you want le have enjoy health, take ' Searcher." a geed appetite and Dr. I.iudsey's ISoed (Ixe et the greatest charms of Dr. Krou u iug's Tonic and Alterative N the small bize of tin: dose. The various delicate combinations of drugs arc concentrated In theme.st careful manner, and finally brought together by a series of original processes ; consequently the dose i-i only one teaspoeutul for an adult and smaller in piopertion for children. It is taken once before each meal. Last but net least, : ."() cent bottle lasts ten days, while a $1 bottle lasts twenty-four days, for sale by the Proprietor, W. Champien ill-owning, 1117 Arch street, Philadelphia, and all Druggists. augHMwdAcw Try Lecher's Keuewncd Ceunii Syrup. Coughs. " Jirmvn's Jlrenehial Troches'" are used with advantage te alleviate Coughs, Sere Threat, Hoarseness and Itrenehial AlfccUnns. Fer thirty years these Troches have been in use, with annually increasing favor. They are net new anil untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. The Threat. "Jretw's Jlrenehial Treches'1 net directly en the organs ortheveiee. They have an ex traordinary eirect in all disorders of the Threat and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone w hen re laxed, either lrem cold or ever-exertion or the voice, and produce a clearand distinct enunci ation. Kjteakcr and Sitifferx Hni the Troches useful. A Cough, Celd, Catarrh ei Sere Threat re quires immediate attention, as neglect often times results in some incurable Lung Disease. Breicti's Jlrenehial Troches " will almost in variably give relief. Imitations arc offered for sale, many el which arc injurious. The genu ine "Brown? Bronchial Troches" are sold enlu in boxes. 1anl3-lyd&wTn,Th4S BUY CIOOXM. at Lewest Prices. JVj;i AltVEJtTISEXEXTS. Among tlie many advantages gained by our change of business location, an Lnpertant ene is the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work on en trusted te us. "WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL BOX REPAINING, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING. &c. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. ZAHM'S BE-OPEEED FOR BUSINESS. We are ;;lad le aunouuee te our friends that we have completed the alterations In our main storeroom and new eiler a very full and complete stock ter their inspection, including Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, American and Fine French Clocks, &c. Auieni; the ditlereul makes of Watches we carry we call especial attention te THE LANCASTER WATCH a-: one el the I'e-t in the market. Our Spectacle Department includes the Arundel Tinted Lenses, w hieh allerd mere eonitert te the eyes than any ethers. Special attention given te fitting gla-.;-es te weak and defective cye-3. Our laeiliUes ler business in our SALKS, MANUFACTU1U.NU ami ICKl'AlillNU depart ments are much better than they were, and we feel reasonably sure of meeting the wants' of these who favor its with their trade. We extend a cordial invitation te all tecall,assuring I hem polite attention, lair dealing and low prices. EDW. J. ZATTM, Jeweler. Znli ill's Cerner, Lancaster, Pa. THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OP BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, &C, la the city, is lobe Keen at the Werk et NORBEOK & MILEY, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE BUILDERS, COR. DUKE AND VINE STS., LANCASTER, PA. S-COX & CO.'S Tin: Sleck includes all the LATEST STYLES SPRINGS, ucliasthi; r.rewster, Whitney, Saliilce Triple, Empire 'Cress Spring, Dexter Queen, Oiiplex ml Klliptie, and tliey will also make te order any style a purchaser may desire. Repairing fall kinds promptly attended te. AU work guaranteed for ne year. " OUR -WORK SUSTAINS OUR "WORD." IVarm Weather and its KH'ects. Many people, especially ladies, complain at this season of the year of a general weakness or ('ebility. The use of Speer's Pert Grape Wine prevents this. The wine is Klid te have a most wonderful etlcct in giving strength. iger and tone te the whole system. It is ex tensively used by ladies nursing, or about te nurse infants. This wine isnetamanufaeturcd article no liquor isadded te it. Itis no patent medicine or cordial humbug, but is a superior wine of the Oporto grape. Itis pure, old, un adulterated wine, nothing mere or less. Mr. Speer has been supplying hospitals with his wine for many years past. It is said te be un surpassed for summer complaints, mid for weakly persons. The price is low ter se excel lent a wine, and no family need be with-.ut it. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee ami Davis, and sold by II. 1. Slayiuakcr. auNWu-d&w Try Lecher's Uenewned Cough Syrup. 1WA.T1IS. Iitvijj. In this city, enthc'Jlst inst., Marga ret Irvin, aged 03 yean and '1 weeks. The relatives and lricudsefthc family arc respectfully invited te attend the funeral from her late residence. Ne. 21 Market street, en Monday alternoen at 2 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery 11 .VE W Al VJSlt TXSJiJUHA'TS (11.AKIH SAUEIC. KRAUT LUNCH THIS JT (SATUI.DAY) EVKN1NG, at IIKM.Y NK AM Klt'S SALOON, Cor. et Orange and Water Streets. I.est of IScer en tap. ltd I70IC KENT. Thee Stere Frent Dwelling. Ne. 45 West ltd Orange street. Terms low. -UK UKGULAKMONTJII.Y IHl'KTING OF . the Union liuihliugaml Lean Association will be held en MONDAY' livening at y. o'clock. Sale of money at ! o'clock ltd A. II. KALL, Secretary. ATTENTION FRIENDSHIP 1KK COM pany. Special meeting. These members who have a personal interest in the company will meet at the engine house en MONDAY EVENING, at VA o'clock, ltd " JACOB l.EKSK, Scc'3'. VfOTICE, IX Having closed my branch Dental Office at Columbia, Pa., in March last, my time is new entirely devoted te practice at n:y principal office, Ne. 48 North Duke street, Lancaster, Pa. Established in the county since 18W). ltd J. S. SMITH. D. D. S. rSAiTKUK II. & is. A. A Tin The stockholders' monthly meeting will be held this evening at the hall, opening at 7 o'clock. Meney soul at 'J o'clock. Minimum premium. 25 cents lowest in the eitv. ltd J. D. PYOTT, Sec'y, 1 ROUND HOG AND SAUERKRAUT vr Lunch this evening at the Maner hotel. West King street. Milwaukee beer en tap. WM. KOKIIM, ltd Proprietor. "pLUMIHNG, GAS AND STEAM PITTING BY' Shertzer, HmnplireYille & Kieffer.j Bargains in DRESS GOODS. Bargains CORNER OLD 9TAXD.-6 XJHV AUVUKTISEMENTS. IsiIOrTHOKPK-A BOABD1NG SUUOOL ler Girls, Itethlcliem, Pa. Scheel year be gins September 15, 1880. Xumlxtr or Scholars limited. Fer circulars address MISS FANNY L. WALSH, Principal. Kcfcrs te Hen. S. II. Reynolds, Hen. H. Jf. North, Charles F. Hagcr, Gee. M. Kline, esq., and Gee, Calder, jr. augII-rld.S 105 CO TO KrilIKMENZ'S, 105 the Cheapest Ne. 10,r North Queen street for and KCftt I'UUTS AND SHOES. 105 Sign of the 151? Shee. 10S jiii-S&Wtrd I.M POUT ANT TO REAL KSTATK OtVN KHS. About September 1 we will issue our Monthly Catalogue et Kent Kstate for sale. it you nave property 10 sen, avail yourselves ler put sent bv Keal Kstate Agents, 3 North Duke street, Lancaster, Pa. ausll-2tdWSU&Uv Lancaster Ml Ge. Watcli, NAMED West End, in Ibk. Geld Cases, in Ilk. Geld Cases. ! West End, West End, West End, in Silver Hunting Cases. in Silver open-face Cases. AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, Ne. 20 East King Street, Lancaster, l'a. FAOESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heunr, Have opened this day large lines of DOMESTICS. 11LEACIIED AND UXBLEACIltfD MUSLINS, all the populer makes at less than regular prices. OAUCOES. We have just received large lines of PIJ.INTS, of best quality, light and dark, in Remnants at 5 and 6 1-4 Cents. MADRAS GINGHAMS, in all the new styles. Red, White, Grry , Canten and Deraet FLANNELS. LINENS, NAPKINS AND TOWELS, in large quantities. CHEAPER THAN EVER! THIRD EDITIOJT. SATUBDAY EVENING. AU3. 21, 1880. THE FIELD OF HONOR. THE HOPE-LAMB DUEL AVERTED. A CROOKED BROKER. Mere of Alliger RaRcalitlr. MINOR MATTERS. The Swimming Match. Fatal Affray at : Cirrus. Death of Noted Actress, cic. IIOSTILK MCKT1NG FRUSTRATED. The Mayer of Norfolk, Va., Arrested While en his Way te the Dueling Ground. Xei.i'Oi.i:, Va., Aug. 21. Tlie duel that was te have takeu place this morning be tween James B. Hep:;, editor of the Nor folk Landmark, and William Lamb, mayor of Norfolk, was prevented by the arrest of Mayer Lamb, just as he was leaving his house for the place of meeting. He was bound ever te keep tlt icacc in $20,000 bail. WORSE AND MURK OF IT. Anether Serious Charge Against au Insur ance ltreker. New Yeuk, August 21. The case of Elijah Alliscr. the insurance broker, ac cused of negotiating a thousand dollar stolen railroad bend, was again before the police justice this morning. Quite a sen sen satien was caused by an efliccr preferring another charge against him. In February last a Wcstpert, Connecticut, bank was robbed of a large amount, and among Hhcr things eleven thousand dollars worth of bends. The latter were traced te a bank in this city, where Alliger had hypothecated them. The examination adjourned until Monday. THi; SWIMMING MATCH. ltoyten and Fcarn at It Again. Atlantic City, Aug. 21. Uoyten ami Fcarn started in the international swim ming match te-day, the former te swim two miles and a half and the latter two miles. They entered the water at 1.02 p. m. and Beyten at ence took the lead. There is a stifl' breeze blowing and the sea is heavy. Fatal fight at a Circus. Meickistuwn, Tcnn., August 21. A general disturbance occurred here last evening between seme drunken men who were attending a circus and efliccrs of the law. Town Marshal James T. Merris and Benj. F. Richardson were killed outright, Sheriff Loep dangerously wounded. Great excitement prevails. Te-Uay's ICacIng at Saratoga. Sai-atoea, Aug. 21. First race : Dan Sparling, first ; Florence B second ; Marchioness, third. Second race : Gener al Philips, lirst ; Cainmie Governer Hampton, third. F., second Third race Chcckinate, first ; Clarenden, second ; Dawn, third. Fourth race (steeple chase) : Disturbance, lirst ; Darby, second. WKATIIKI: INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Aug. 21. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, stationary or higher barometer, nearly stationary tem perature, clear or partly cloudy weather, preceded by local rains in eastern portions westerly winds. Yacht Squadron Disbanded. Ni'wrei.T, R. 1., Aug. 21. The New Yerk yacht -fniadren disbanded this morn ing. Monmouth Races. Monmei'Tii Pakk, Aug. 21 The wcatlier exceedingly het but the track in excellent condition. Blazes, lirst ; Shark, second ; Strathspcg, third. Anether Noted Actress Dead. Londen, Aug. 21. The celebrated actress Mrs. Charles Kcau, formerly Miss Ellen Tree, is dead. XH IV Alt VEltTJSliMXSTS. (1RKAT KXCITKMKNT! I HAVK NOW J en hand Chas. Weltcr's Culchratcd ISA VAKIAN Itl'KK nenehcttrr in the mniki-t. 1 have also two splcudid ISaKnlulh: Heard-", where all are invited te try theirskill and thus Kive vigor te the mind, action te the muscles, and pleasure te the soul. J.StJIIOKNKKIM'KU, ltd Ticmenl Heuse, North tji.eeii Street. "TUmSALK. HANDSOME RESIDENCES, Ten-roomed, two-story and Mansard reef, CJrceii Stene Frent Dwellings, Nes. IJUanil L West Orange Street. With all the best MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, including Jcnning's improved Londen water water cIecLs marble-top washstand, improved w.-dl-ed-in range, cellar heater, ported drainage and sewerage, deep, drv cellar, white marble bac and steps, &c., c.'Let 22 by 215 lect te a I l-feet wide alley, front yard 21 lect in depth, incle-ed with ornamental iron fence. Fer tcrinx, &, apply te JOHN II. MKTZLKIt, aug21-W&Stfd Ne. 9 Seuth Duke St. PUKLIC sali:. On WKDNKSDAV. AC(i;sT25. 1KM), will be seli I at Ne. 2.S Kast Vine street, Lancaster city, l'a., the tallewing, te wit: Twe Hcd steails anil JSedding. one Gas-burner Steve, Cabbage Cutter, pair of Steel-yards (weighs JKllbs), Weed Chest, Iren Kettle, unit ether Household Furniture. A large let et New Carpenter toeN, censitting of Millwright, Wagenmaker and Plough Blaniitacturing Teel, Grindstone, Shavingherse, Selder Tools, Toels, Cupboard und Chests, Workbench, all kinds et l'laucs ami a large let of Chisels from 3 te inch: Unices and Hits, Square and Compass, and in fad almost anything that can be men tioned in the line et toeN. A large Diamond (last Cutter, a pair et Patent Hulleyes Vise, set of Clamps, l'liuch Machine, two ets Screw plates for cutting bras or iron, and in short a llrst-classet et tools for all kinds of mechan ics. Sale te commence at le o'clock A. M.etsaid da-, and te continue until all is sold, when attendance will be given and conditions et sale will be made known by ANNA SI'IKIILMAN. S. Hess Si Sen, Auets. niigSI-'Ud " M USIVAL LNSTKVSWNTS. THE Lancaster Orp IidW Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market. Warerooms 320 North Queen street. Manufactory in the rear. Branch Office, 15- East King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Agent ter Lancaster County for CHICKEKING SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line ei Sheet ami ether Music, Small Instruments. Violins, Uanjes, Band Instru ments, 4c, always en liand. fl3-lydS&lyw KIDNEY WOKX rORSALE AT LOCH , era Drug Stere, 9 East King street. MARKETS. Hew Yerk Market. Nkw Tene. Aug. 21. Fleur State and West cm dull without quotable c'miige; Southern dull, declining. Wheat, MJc: bettar, iairlyactlve: specula tive trade. Ne. 1 White, September.! u10Sc; October. $ OSc: Ne. 2 Red September, l OS pl OSic; doOcteber.il tai e. Cern prices about Ic better, fairly active; Mixed western spot, SOQilUc ; de future, eata decidedly tinner: Sate, 40lJe.; West crn,3yi9c. rbUadalpltla Market. FwiT.tuW.THlA. Amr. 21. Fleur uuchanired. but slew of sales; superflne")2 503; extra ft 50 a00; Ohie and Indiana family $5 0U5 75 ; Pcnn'alamil-rdefl75a325: St. Leuis family at $5 SOttti 00 ; Minnesota family 5 25a M ; pateut and Eigh grades ft SOfS w. Kye dour at $1 50. Wheat firmer with better dciuad: Ne. 2 Western Bed fl 07c; Penn'a Ked $t 07!X; Amber $1 e;;;c. Cern strong ; steamer 5Sc: yellow 53c; mixed 5252ie. eats firm; Ne. 1. White t(M?lle: Ne. 2, de 39c; Ne. 3. de;7e; Ne.?, MixeirSJc. Kye wanted at 75c.: none e tiering. Previsions tirui. with geed jebbing: mrss perk fl Ublt 50; beet hiuns 21 MQ-ii 50; Indian ni.'ss beet at 1 te ; bacon smoked shoulders 7e; salt de W'.e: smoked hams ll13c; pickled hams lullc. Lant firm ; city kettle at 'Je ; loose butchers' 8c ; prime steam S-'-j'c. Butterstc.ul v with better demand : Crcamerv extra 252Ge; Creamery geed te elieice 22fl 21c; Bradford county and New Yerk extra. 222e ; Western rctrvti extra It;I7c; de goeil te choice l!tc; Kells dull; IVnn'a extra 13J?1G; Western reserve extra Ltti Itk;. Eggs scarce and higher; Penusylvauiautl'Jc; Wcstern.lSc. Cheese tinn with small suvplv; New Yerk full cream I2l-.y-e: Western lull cream ll ll.cale fair te geed li'SIJe; de hair skims sawie. Petroleum linn ; rctlned :K: Whisky Ml'i ' Seeds Goeil te prime Clever liriiiat$S5u 6'JOO; Timethy linn at 2 tt)g2 7t: Flaxseed qulctat $1 27. Stock markets. i'lllLADKLrillA. Aug. 21. 12:30 r. M. 3:J0 r. m. Stocks II nil. Pen mi it's (third issue) lix'K Philadelphia & Erie Wa3X Heading I2il2'4 .... Pennsylvania teiiii& Lehigh Valley. A'.'SI United Ces. et N. J it's Northern Pacific :ief " Pretcrrett SS Northern Central 'n,A($'-Z7'-- Leliigli Navigation Xwa'3- Nornstewn ................. .iecs Central Transportation Ce. 411 Pitts., Titusville A P.uirule. 12;I2JK Little Schuylkill... ITrfii IS .'E'.V VOKIC, Allg. 21. Stocks firm. N. Y. Central Adams Express Michigan Central Michigan Southern Illinois Central Cleveland Pittsbuigh. Chicago ft Ueeklslaml... .. 2&?2'.C ..llJ. .. 12!.? ..lift" .. m;?.; ..ititr, ..iw!5 ..120 III nusDurgii A, tort waync.ii. Western Union Tel. Ce lnr.,. Teledo & Wabash tti-'j New Jcrsny Centnil 77JT. Ontario Veturit 2t United Status Itends ami Sterliii'j Kvchaiigx (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen & Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia. Aug. 21. United StatcsiTs, 1SSI, (registered). .lftPjOHM United States .Vs. 1KS, (registered). A0i;(fi$WS!i United States 4J4's, IKIL (registered)lKl (DIKl'.J United States 4y.'s,ls:l,(eou)ens).. .Ill lll United States I's, 1!K7. (n-gistercd)..t'K;Mf"0UO Unlteil States Currency .ti's 125 bid. Sterling Exchange k'i.Vti! l$4$ yir ADVEitnsmiJiSTs. LADIES AND GKNTS It you want a 105 105 GOOD FITTING BOOT OR SHOE, Bcady-madc or mutlu te order, call at F. HLEMENZ'S, Ne. 105 North tjiicen Street. Custom Werk a Specialtv. ieJiWAWtld IIOKACCO ItAISKRS NOTICK. The Penn'a Mutual Hall Insm-niiei; Com pany is new reatly te bind the insurance, ami issue policies against hail damage te tobacco. Kales reduced. Insure before It is tee late, at BAUSM AN ft BUKNS'S. Ins. Agents. Office, 10 West Orange Street. y22-eedtfK 100 Tens ei Rags Wanted, Fer which the hlghe.it price will be paid. sy CENTS PKK POUND FOK GOOD MIXED KAGS. The highest price paid ter Woolens, Old Paper, Beeks, Ac. Ten Itag Asserfers wan leil te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBER, Cor. North (iiieeu ami Orange Street:!, yO-tf.lU i.anci'.stcr. Pa J. B. MARTIN & CO. Opening New Fall Patterns in WALL PAPERS CARPETS. FULL LINES OK is, Venitl in Hall and Stair, Extra Stipiir anil In grain Carpets. All Grades Wall Papers. Window Shades and Fixtures. J. B. lartin & Ce. LANCASTER, PA. WAXTJSlt. WANTKI..KVKISYIJOnY TO AOVKIt tie, fn-e of charge, in the Imtklliokh Imtklliekh ceb. who wants seniethhig te de. WANTKD-OLD UOILSK SIIOKS AT THE Penu Beiling Mill, Iauca-itcr, ter which the highest price will be paid. augl:i-eawtfd WAKTKII-TU1- UNDKKSIGNKD WILL . go out nursing. Apply at Ne. 1 10 North Water street. FANNY KLLIOTT. Aug. li-:'id. WANTED-A SITUATION AS COACH-. man. geed recommendations furnished. Apply at 2j2 West Orange street. Zt WANTED lEMALKHKI.r. SITUATION permanent if satisfactory te employer. Make immediate application te II. II. Power, proprietor City Hetel. ltd ANTKD.-S.1.000 FOK AFIItST MOICT- GAGEenCitvKeal Kstate, worth $10, 000. JOHN II. MKTZLKIt, ltd Ne. 'J Seuth Duke St. ITfrANTKD. f V A steady job at house-painting in this city ; bar-tending, or tin-smithing under in structions. Call at the Swan Hetel before Wed nesday evening. W. ANTKD A SITUATION AS HOUSK- kecper by athoreugh competent icrseu. Can furnish best of city reference;; references exchanged. Apply at Ne. 17 Seuth Prince S treet. M ISS BKO WN. 2td I.-STATE OK A'UKE V STKWAKT, LATE J of Lancaster City, deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Jehn B. Geed, esq., trustee te sell real estate, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en WEDNESDAY, the 23th day or AUGUST, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Library Beem et the Court Heuse, m the city of Lancaster, where all persons Inter ested in said distribution may attend. w. jr. iit.ir.i.. ly8td-3tw Auditor. My THtry Buss vV 4 - z --?, s v