' '. ' I"' LT'I -fi . f i ii ' X I'iXZ ', r-."-- .-: n - f xI ,( '" J J ' . Jl j ' f f LANCASTER DAILY LNTfcLLlOENCtiR. FRIDAY AUGUST 20. 1880 il 11 r. e .. Lancaster Intelligencer. FBIDAY EVENING, AUG. 20, 188C. Watering Horses la Ht 1Y'eater. German te wii Telegraph. There is always something said en this unWWt- wlinn het weather comes round and we see horses perspiring and cowered with foam; and especially When we see them being wateied, their mouths sponged and their partaking freely of cold water. Many think that it is the one thing needful the giving a horse all he can drink, when the thermometer ranges at from 120 te 1W degrees iu the mm, and by it he wdl stand anything. New, as te ourselves, we have never been the advocate of frequent or plentiful watering of severely driven horses - B 11 A :.. In will a II ft f in net weatner. ah "" from thirst if deprived of water for an un natural period. Horses, especially in .het weather, when they perspire freely; but it is net te be iuterred from this tliat they need very frequent and liberal sup plier of water. On the contrary, they should be watered just enough, aud ir frequently in very moderate quan tity at a time. This will net only meet all the necessities of the animal, but will keep him in a mere vigorous condition aud better health, and will net render him liable t" some or the diseases which fre qenl and large i'emjs of water aud fast driving will elteu produce. Feeding and wateiiuj; three times iu the twenty-four limtis. in in.i)er uuantities. will preserve a horse in better Health and enable him te perform all the labor reasonably expected of him. than oftener. Besides, it is well k town, whether applied te man or beast, that libeial or excessive watering causes profuse petpi ration, and this in time re-liiin-s continuous drinking te keep up the routine. The f.ii't is that both niau and lieast take into their stomachs, as a rule, about tw.ee the quantity of liquids that the sys tem :cq i.re : and tl is js followed by the etlun.tct Jh.it the stem can be habitu ated te a reduetieii te the extent refe rreil te. It inav at the outset be some degree et'atnal: but it will only be for a little while when it will lie discovered, net only hew easv it is te adapt ourselves te the eh.unje. but hew gtcatly it adds te our coiufeit, as well as proves te be a conve nience, very much te our sui prise and vastlv te our satisfaction. There is njt the slightest deu'jt iu our mind that it operates en the horse in the same way. Henry Ward Becher. Mr. Iteecher sav tlut Ueaven L- a "great einewhfre," thi ii lest satWactery than Is a .l.-linilien of Hell, a- a "great nowhere." meie vjitlttaetnrvis tliedi-lliiitleu of a great Ueiiifily for curiiig'ltlieuiiiall-in and Neuralgia, CeurIjs iiikI celils. elf.. Dr. TliemaM' Keleelrlc Oil. Fer sale bv II. H. C'eclirali, iiriigswi, m aim i:w Net Hi Queen street, Ijincaxtcr. I a .11 A Happy Keatorntlen. lean Irulv s-.i thai 1 ewe my present exWt enccuiKl luippv n-loiatleu te tbe hopes and jev 't li'e. ie the u-m-e! Warner's Sale Kidney and l.l'eri;ure.nndls.ty l everene siitter Ing riein an v in uiihtiiI kidney, liver or uri liary trouble. "Use this teiiieily and recover.'" W. K.hANKOUD. JMleif. X. r., Feb. 2.:. 1S. I lVti r Mfiler, eer. Clinten and llennett treet, Kuir.ile. s:iy: 1 waa badly bllien by a Iikixi- .-i i.-tt il.iv-, age and wa. Induced by a Iri v. ! u Itn'e-rJ-il Ibeoeeiiriencete try Dr. Tbeiiia-." Ki-leel'ie il, II n-lleved the pain al most iiiiiiK-ilfatelv.aiid in lout day the wound u-.is eempletely he.ih-d. Nothing can b.! better ler tresli ueniuK r"er sale by II. IS. Cochran, liuggist. 137 mid l.i'l Neitli Queen street, I.im e.iMcr, I'a. J2 JiUJir I'AUS. lAY'S KIDHET PAD! A NEW DISCOVERY, Timl nets ditvctlv ou tin- kiducjs, Hladdcrand I'liuiiiv organs ly ab-eibing all Iiiiiiiei, every Tmee el diseae.ninl leieing Inte tin: sys tem pewerim ami In-.iltuiul vegetable Tonics, "i iug it wenderlul power te cure I'AIN IN 1'IIK HACK, "lde ami l.elns. Inllaiiiniatien and lliighl's IM-cas,- et the Kidnevs, tSravel tSravel Ilrepsy. Dubeles, Mene iu the Itladder, In jibilit te Uel.tin or KxM-l the Drine.High Cel. nvd, '.scanty or l'.iiiiliil Urinutir, Deiiesils, 'SIiii-miU or C.isis iti lilts Urine. Nervous and Physical Debility, and in tact any disease of I In si- great organs. It avoids entirely the troubles and dangers al Liking ii.m-eeiis and poisonous medicine. It is comfortable, sale, pleasant and rellnble In its elleels, v'l powerful in its action. It can he worn at "all seasons, in at'y climate, and is equally geed ter MAN, WOMAN Oil CHILD. Ask venr druggist for it and accept no imi imi imi tatlon'er substitute, or send te u and receive it bv relurn mail. Ilegular Pad, tl; Sik-cihI Pad, for Chronic, deep-seated, or ca-es of long standing, .. (Miildren'.s Pad. prevention mid cure el sum- mei complaint, weak kbliicjs and b.il net ting, $l..'sl. Day Kidney Pad Company, TOLEDO, OHIO. liugl-lydeedMW&F&w $500 REWARD! OVKll A MILLION e:- PROF. GUILMETTE'S Freud Kiiluey Pads llii-i-alreadv bii-n sold ill lids country and In France: every one of u liich has given pertect satl-laelien. and bus m-i-leruicd cures every time when used according te directions. We new sav te the attliete I an doubting ones that w e. wll pay the above reward ler u single case et LAME J3ACK tliat the Tad falls le cure. This Great Itemedy will Positively and Permanently cure Luni Luni li.tge. Lame hack, sciatica, t Snivel. Diabete, Dropsy, llri jilt's Dl-ease et the Kidneys, In continence and Retention el the Urine, In flammation of tile Kidnevs. Catarrh et the Itladder. High Colored Urine, Pain In the Hack, Mile or Leins, Nervous Weakness, anil in fiici all disorders of I he Madder and Urinary Organ" whether contracted by piivate disease or otherwise. I.aDIO, if you an- suffering from rciualu Weakness. Leucorrliee i, or any disease et the Kidneys, Itladder, or Urinary Organs. YOU CAN HE CUBED I Without swallowing nauseous medicines, by simply wealing PROP. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, WHICH CUUKS BY AltbOlll'TIOX. Ask yeurdruggist ter PltOK. OUI I.M KITE'S KUL.NCH KIDNEY PAD, and take no oilier. It lie nas net get It, send ti and yen will re ceive the Pad by return mail. Fer sale by .IAMBS A. MEVEIJ-4, Odd Fellows' Hall. Columbia, I':u Sold enlv by ii KO. W. HULL. Druggist, 15 W. King ftU, Ijinca-ter, Pa. augll-nuiileedM.WftF Prof. Guilmette's Freuch Liver Pad. Will positively cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake. Millions Kcvcr. .Liundicc, Dysjiepsla and ad diseases of Hit- Liver, Meuuich and Meed. Price (l.ll by mall, send for I'ret.UnlUnctteN Treaties en the Kidneys and Liver, free by mall. Address FRENCH PAD COMPANY, Teledo, Ohie. iiuglMen-leeilM.W&F no TO RINCrWALT'S Fer Best Old Rye Whiskies, Best Syrup, made out of Sugar, Best Coffee and Sagarin town, Best Alcohol, Best Bitters. All " NO. 906 WKST KINO BTBKBT. MEDICAL. HOSTBTTBR'S i a I I CELEBRATED Defeuslve Medication is a precaution which should never lie mi? lert ed w hen danger 13 present, und therelerc a count el the Bitter at this season is particu larly desirable, especially fir the teelile anil sickly. As a remedy ler bllleusne dyjpep t,i. nervousness, and bowel complaints, there fs nothing comparable te tills wholesome res- tnratlve. Ker sale by ally. all Druggist and Dealers gencr gencr auMvdeedlyw H tSTKTTKK'M BITTKlfS FOK S.ALK AX I.ecli.-r's Drug Stere. Kasi ning sim-u N' TEKV1NE, OB TONIC SPEUlFICA. A 1JOON TO BOTH SEiES. V KEMKDV WITHOUT A K1VAI. for all disease ailsing trem Nervous P,llltty.:jexuid li-erdei-. ever Indulgence of Iclens Habit, as well as from the prostration et old uge. Its curative properties m violent and chronic tonus of the following diseases have been at tested te bv the most Knilnent Physicians : Dyspepsia, belt Abuse, Headache, Dizziness Sexual Exhaustion, perinaten Iieb.1, Oenerul lHdtllitV, ltnpetenej-, Preinature Decay, C It hill la-en In use for ever terty years, and is te-lav the most popular remedy for the dis-easi-s above inenUeneil In the WOULD. It can beused without regard ie diet, is pleasant in taste, and letter than all. It is a sure, sale and certain cure. It is no quack medicine, but stands upon its own merits, as any trial wll Uiuplv demonstrate. Since 1S3B this remedy hii always been sold ler a much larger price than tlrnl ler which it is new sold ; but eh ing te the act that the time ler the payment et an eiionneiis royalty upon Its maiiufucl lire lias expired. It is ettered te te suffering of both sexes at one dollar per packaac.8 as te lie within the reach of all; at which prioe it will leseiit te any address fi-ee et further cliaige. Address DR. -WILLIAM YOUNG, J Spruce Street, l'ltlladelplila. May he consulted en all diseases by mall. i-tfUlmil.v.ir DR. GREENE Is exceedingly happy te announce te his nu merous friends that his wile and sell have sately returned from nearly a seven wcekii tout-through a tiortleiiot iiiiiestats.rldliigimd sailing nearly "..Wt miles. Dr. Greene Is new l-eadv te help all sick persons te regain their health. His attendant says iu one week of Ids absence 107 pallenis called te see him at his offices. The pillowing appeared lu the Col umbia Cburanf of June 17, PW1: FK0M THE UR1KK OF THE UK AYE. Aa iii!ivlc crcrvhedv In Columbia knows Harry Leng lias net .'orlwe jears past been ex pected te live lieiu eim week te the oilier, nearly a!! et which nm he has been iu bed or prepped up m an nun chair. During this time he has taken medicine enough le kill a dozen people pounds et pills and powders and barrels or liquids, Mr. Wm. Pax-en. anil etlmi who hud been looking after the wants el Mr. Leng. pre. vailed uiKui him te try Dr. C. A. Greene, et Iuicaster, and lam plea-eil te say the cttcct of Dr. Greene's Heat men t Is magical. The sick mail is new almost like one raised from the grave. He Is new out visiting trlends, and a few davs age was in Iaincister eity te offer eon .Tin tilat ions te Dr. Gicciie in person. Well! well!! Wonders never cease !s. is. DR. jy.!C-tldMWK 0, A. GREENE, Ne. 2 North Queen Street. LIH lllTTUltS fOK MLK AT LOOK- IX er s Drug Stere, 9 Kast King street. KOHKS. HVHNKKTS, X,. JS 1ti DKlllt lltlri-'AL.O u;ah. UOl'.KS! HIM'.KS!! -'.LAVICKTS ! HI.ANKETS 1 have new en hand the I.aKiilst, Bkst AMD Chuai-kst Asektmkt el Lined and Unlineil niTKK.M.e UiiUK.s iii the cltv. Alse LAP AND HOIK BLANK KT" et every descrip- Hen. A lull lineet Tmnks and Satchels. Harness, "Whips, Cellars, &c. 49-li.cpatriiig nwitly and promptly dene.Qa A. MILE Y KM North futv-M St., Lancaster. eaVlvdMWAS " VABI'UTS. Ai:UAINS FOK KVRRYIIODV. RARE CHANCE IN CARPETS, Positive sale te Ueducc Stock et 6,000 Yards Brnis Carpets, AT AND IJKLOW COST. Call and sallslj' ycurself. Alse, Ingniir. Itag und Chain Carpets in almost endless variety, at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 203 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTKU, ! A. MISVELT.AXVO US. M ABCUa O. 8KHNKK, HOUSE CABPBNT.EB, Ne. 1! North Prince sU-eet. Prompt and particular attention patiteal eritlen mi iMiinrs sia-lvd OTATJJ FAlIt. TweHly-serenth AhhhuI Exkibilinn erinit- WILL BE HKLII IK MAIN C3ENTENNIAL BTJILDINQ, FAIRM0UNT PARK, PHILAD'A. SEPTEMBER 6 te 18. Entries and Competition Free ! 1NTKKNATIONAL SHOW SHEEP, WOOL AND WOOL PRODUCTS. SEPTEMBER SO te 25, 1K80. Entry Itoeks will close at the OtMce, North, we t corner of Tenth und Chestnut streets, August 31, 1880. $40,000 IN PREMIUMS. CASH PK1ZES FOIt LIVK STOCK. J!4,315. Excursion Ticket at Greatly Reduced Itates. Llbeml Arrangements for Transportation. D.W. SEILKE, ltccenling Sec'y. ELBRIDGK M'CONKEY. CerresiKinding Sec'y. WILLIAM S. IHSELL, Pivldent. angl6,18,21,3,25,i:a."J0cp2U10 AK. MeC'ANN. AUCTIONEKK OF BE AL . Estate and Personal Property. Orders left at Ne. r-5 Charlette street, or at tbe Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 40 North Queen street, will receive prompt attention, mils made entand ttended te without additional cost. e7-l v DB. M. B. KAHNK8TOCK Havlngretunied from tlie Seuth, has re sumed his etuce practice, and can be found at bis residence. Ne. 339 EAST KING TKKET. ml8-2mdew8 STOMACH mm Apfll ntr 1'BY LOCHEK'S 8TEUP KKKUwNED COUGH1 ASTBICH BKO'S AJtTEKTISEMLST. ASTRICB BRO.'S Lancaster Bazaar 13 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. We have opened this week a full line et LADIES' WlilcU we offer lit VERY LOW PRICES. We sell a Splendid Ladies' Gossamer with Heed for . $1.97. One with a Cape for , . . . 2.68. Nete our prices In the following ai tides : Writing Paicr Kuche Cellarettes Uuche Cellan'ttes, Silk Stitched Deuble Felding Cellarettes Fancy Figure &eap Glycerine Ball Seap ...Seller box. ,5c per dozen. Jc a piece. ....4eu piece ,.5c .5c 10c ,25c 17c l urKisn nam soup Best Pine Tar Seap... Very Flue Toilet soap - Genuine Best Cashmere Bouquet :eup DeytV German cologne Heed's Floral Cologne Face Powder Best I'andallue Sill: Hair Nets Bag Nets Bang Nets............ Keal Human Hair Itang Nets... Best Shee Polish Best French Shee Blacking.... Children's Gum Garters Children's Side elastics Ladles' Ventilated Garters Steel Crochet Needles Ivery Crochet Needles... AVhiteCard Beard Silver Cunl Beard 18-inch Fara Canvass 27-inch ' " ix-inch Honev-Ceuili Canvass.. 27-inch !' " - Skirt Protectors at , , : . . .. Dres- Shields Best Knbber Dress Shields Corset Laces Shee Laces Taee .............................. ...De per box. Uc !. !. ...Tea bottle. 5c a box. :tca pair. ...,1'Sca pair. Sic SC , 5c ....:!; a sheet. ....5c a sheet. .15c per yard. .25c ,.25c " .tee '" .rK! he a pair. 10c a pair. lea piece. ...5c a dozen. . . . .2c a piece ....3c a piece. .....Scaplece. ..." 17c .t.BP afv L 7e le a........... .uO :ie acini. Children's Keiinil ceniiis Dressing Coins India Knbber Dressing Combs BuAHIe Hern Dressing Combs.. Teeth Hruabcti at, ,,,,., Thimbles German silver Thimbles Celluloid Thimbles Shoe Huttei-cr 12 dozen of Agate Buttens for. Heeks and Eyes Linen Thread HastingCotten Clarl's Best Cotten. "c a skein. 5c a dozen spools. n spools mr w Coats's Cotten 2 spools for ac Wlllimantlc Six Cord Cot ten.... 2 spools ler 9c 910 yard Spool Cotten 2c a spool- Mending Cotten, iu all colors 2c a card. Ball Cotten 4c a ball. Dexter's Ball Cotten 7c a ball Hairpins lea paper. Best English Hairpins, 2Ti III a puck 4e Steel Pointed Haiiplns , 4c Invisible Hairpins Sea box. Kubber Hairpins 12c a dozen. Flexible Hair Crimpers "Jen pack. Geed Pins , 3c a paper. English l'liw c paper. German Plus..... 10c u paper. Pin Beeks at loc Black Pins 4c a box. Salety Pins 5c a dozen. Shawl Plus 21erlc Pocket-books ler Children at 4c Ladies'nll Linen Chemlseltcsut. 25c Ijnlii-s' all Linen Cellars 5c Ladies' all Linen Culfs 12c a pair Children's Sailor Cellars ..iuc ..29c ...9c ...7c ..17c , .7.". $1.47 Satin Hair Bews Embroidered Ties .at Quilted Bibs at Bretpnnc Lace Fichus at Spanish Lace Fichus in black ad white. Indian Mull Neck Ilandkeichicls Indian Mull Ties Black liace Ties. 25c Black Silk Fringe at 39, 54, iw, 73 upwards. Silk Fringe in all the new shades at iKcts tyu Clarks Crochet Cotten ...0 cents a Spool. Hairbrushes ai Skirt Braid Best Star Skirt Braid Paper Muslin Cambric Geed Waist Lining -sllcslasut Wlggan at Irish Trimming Cord Trimming Cord Deuble busk Corsets at.. Excellent Woven Corset. mi Itene Corset at 13 19 aud upwanlt. 4 cts. ,,.., , Gets, ti ets per yard, 6 cts. per yard 8 10 cents. 12c per yard 9c per yard .15, 9 and 25c a piece 2c a Hall. 12 yards for 5c 4'lc It liSC $1.00 Elaborately embroidered spoon busk Cor set at .....................---......".....- .$!.-- Children's Calice Apron 15c Misses Calice Aprons 17c Gingham Kitchen Aprons 25c Children's Swiss Caps 19, 25c Tollett Setts at $1.00 Tidies of eve y description Calice Wrappers at 75c Hand-inade Shetland Weel Shawls 75c Split Jacket for Infants 49c Babies hand-made Shoes 14c Infant Embroidered Shawls SCc Intant Merine Cloaks, Crochet Carriage Cever at ,, $1.33 Canepvs ever bed at 2.00 Ladles' extni geed hoe, white and unbleach ed,.... ............ .uic Ladles' full regular made hose, white and mi bleached ....-......-.........-... .19c Ladies' best Iren iruiue IIosc,deuble heels and LadleV anlendid Balbrlggan Hese, full regu lar made, silk clocked 23c Finest imported, worth 50c. 39c Ladies' Lisle Hese, open worked Ladies' Blaek Lis.e Thread Hese A variety or geed colored Stockings at 10c Excellent Colored Stockings 2 pair for 23c Se mi ess Stockings, in plaiu colors and era era lreiIftrt",u. ," c Hair lined EnglLsli Hese 33c Plain cardinal, fine quality, silk clocked, lull regular made, extra length and ingrain col ors 0ca pair. Infants' Fancy Socks, lull regular made... 19c Childs' Fancy Hosefrein 10c up. Chllds Fancy Hese, plaid centre, Nes. 5 te Clillds' Hair-lined Hese, tniperlcd 25c Childs' Plain Colored Hese, clocked and lull regular made from :i2cup, Childs' Fine Unbleached l.iilbriggaits,cleckcd an.l open-worked. Childs' Fine Use Hese, pinstriped and open worked. Child's Bredequlns for walking shoes, the best goods impei ted. Clillds' Fancy Hese, all open-worked clock and fifty ether styles which we are net able te describe. Ladies' Lisle Thread Gloves "c a pair. Fine Quality 14c a pair. Iter) In Gloves. Hull elastic I3c " Berlin Gloves, 2 full elastic 15c " Berlin Gloves, 3 full elastic 19e " Ueal Lisle Gloves. 2 full elastic 25c " Best SliK Lisle, extra long 31c " LaceTen Gloves 20c " Ueal Lisle J Jiee Teil 23c " Extra Fine Leng Lace Tep 2Uc " Best Silk Lisle, fine lace top 40c " Arm Length Lace Tep, 4 elastlce 48c " White Fine Lisle LaceTop,extraleng50c " Extra Fine White Silk Lace Mits, 11 inches long 05c u pair. Childs' Gloves 10c ' Childs' Lace Tep Gloves 29c " llemmi-d Handkerchlets 3c Hemmed Handkerchiefs, all linen 5c Gents' all linen Handkerchiefs 10c L ulies' extra tine linen Handkerchlets 10c Ladies' Hemstitched Haudkei eiders, 2 inch hem, fine linen 20c laulles' Gauze Undervests, geed quality 29c Childs' Undershirts from 13c up. Uents' full regular made Socks 14c Gents' British Socks, superfine 17c Gents' Best English Socks 21c Gcnis'full rcgularmade Balbriggans 23c Ke.il English Lisle Thread Socks 29c Gents' Fancy Socks, full regular made 23c Gen.s' Plain Colored Socks, lull regular made, silk clocked and ingrain colors 37c Men's Wu.te Unlauudrled Shirts, all linen Beys' Unlaundried Shirts, linen besom 47c .Full line et White and Colored DitLss SHIRTS of Best Hakes. Uents' Neckwear, Wents' Underwear, (tents' Cellars and Cuffs, Ucnts' Suspen ders, Gents' Jewelry, &c ASTRICH BRO.'S 5 13 EAST KING STREET " LANCASTER PA. CossamerWaterpreois NEW GOODS FOE THE SPEUG .TRADE, AT GUNDAKERS. LADIES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Ruffling. Cotten Trimmings, Ruchings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gleve Hosiery, &a,Hlt GT7NDAKMR'& Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cuffs, call at GUN DA KElTS. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties iu Millinery, Ac. call and examine our stock, at 142 & 144 North Queen Street, J. C. HA.TJGrIITONPS LIVERY, SALE & EXCHANGE STABLE, Ne. 112 Seuth Queen Street, in the Rear of Erisman's Hetel. Where gentlemen will find at all times Geed Safe ITerses and First-class Wagons te hire. Alse all styles of Wagons con stantly en hand for sale, new aud second-hand. New Wagons, Buggies and Carriages Made te Order, And all kind of Kepalring done at short notice, in the best style and at the Very Lewest Prices by HARRY HAUGHTON, Shep in the rear of the Stable. Alse Horses WE CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO JOB LOTS IN PERCALES AND LA-WNS, Which we are offering at prices that must close them out. Please call and examine them. New Fall Styles in Dress Giughams, Percales and Prints just opened. White, Red and Gray Weel Flannels at Bettem Prices. Bleached and "Unbleached Cotten Flannels, At Bettem Prices, Sheeting and Shirting Muslins at Lewest Prices. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, in New Styles opening daily. GrIVLEE, BOWEKS & HUEST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. MEVICAIk Brandy as a Medicine. The following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. K. Sluyiimker, Agent for Itelgurt's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising pliysl 0l.ni et thl county, who lias extensively used the Itr.uiily referred te in hU regular nmcticu. It Is commended te the attention of lliene uf. fllcted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, but te be ut-cd as a medicine of great potency in the cure of some of the destructive diseases which sweep uwuy their annual thousands of victims. Willi a purely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the favorable notice et invalid- espe cially these ulllicted with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, which is nothing mure or less than Brandy. The ajjed. with teeble appetite and mere or lets debility, will tind this simple medicine, wheu used properly, A Sovereign Remedy or all their ills and aches. Itc It, however strictly understood that we prescribe ami use but one article, and thut Is KEIGABTS OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising young friend, II K SLAYMAKKK. This llrundy lias steed the test for years, aud has never failed, as far as our experience extends, and we therefore give it the preference ever all ether Urandlcs, no matter with liew many jaw-breaking French titles they arc branded. One-fourth of the money that Is yearly thrown away en various lumetent dvsnensia snecllics would suffice te r .. .. - ., - . .- - buy an me it runny w cure anysucu case ur cases, In proof of the curative powers et Reigart'a Old Brandy, In cases et Dyspepsia, we can summon num bers of witnesses one case in particular we cite: A huril-werking farmer hail been atlllcteu with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ter a number of years; ms siomuce weuiu reject uiuiusbuvury kind of feed; he bad sour eructatiens con stantly ue appetite In fact, lie was obliged te restriethis diet te crackers and stale bread. and as a beverage he used McUrunn's Heet Ileer. lie Ls a Methodist, ami then, as new, preached at times, and In his discourses often declaimed earnestly againstall kinds or strong drl nk. W hen ud vised te try Reigart'a Old Brandy, In his case, he looked np with astonishment, but after hearing of its wonderful ettects in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he at last consented te fellow our advice. lie used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the first bottle giving him an apiclitc, aud liefere the second was taken lie was a euud man.with a stomach capable of digesting any thing which he chose te eat. lie still keeps it und uses a lit tle occasionally ; und since lie has this medi cine he has been of very Utile pecuniary beue Ut te the doctor. A I'liAcrisme 1'hvsiciam. II. E. SLAYMAKKK, AOJCNT FOR Keigart's Old Wine -Stere, Kstubllshed in 178.1, ixi-uirriut amu ukalek iu FINK OI,l) ItlCANDIES, SIIEKI"1KS, SIJPK- KIOUOL.11 SlADEIItA, (Imported in His, fe-27 and !&.) CHAMPAGNES O KVKUV UKAND, SCOTCH ALE POIITKK. RKOWX STOUT. Ne. 3 KAST KIN ST.. I.ANCASTKK. PA OXNTS' (iOOltS. ytllt I.INEN COLLAIW UOTO EICISMAN'S. ll)t VANV.Y STOCKINGS OOTO EKISMAN'S. TIB SUSPENDERS GOTO EUIS MAN'S. POK NEW STYLE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, UO TO E. J. ERISMAN'S, S6 NORTH UDKEN STKKKT. XJOT1CE TO FAKMERS AMU STOCK i KAISEKS. Herse and Cattle Powder, the best In the market. Sold by weight; Sic a pound; 5 pounds for $1. Fer Horses, Cattle, Swine, Poultry, Ac. Give it a trial and you will use no ether thereafter. Sold only by ANDBBW O. FBEx, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Spices, Sul hnr Caustic Seda, Seda Ash, 4c, Cor. N. Queen and Orange Streets. nlO-yd Lancaster, Pa. CONGRESS HALL, CAPE MAY, N. .1. OPEN FOB THB SEASON. U. J. A G. R. CRUMP, ) Of the Colonnade Hetel, E.A.GILLETT, ' Fbiladelpbla. JyU-lStdeed KMllliOtitLMUiS, JtC. XEW LirtSKT MTAttZK'M and Mules constantly bought, sold and exchanged. STABLE 112 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, nuv noens. Please give us a call. COAX. B. K. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. 49-Yard : Ne. 440 North Water and Prince streets alieve Lemen. Lancaster. nS-Iyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal et the Best Quality put up expressly ter family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. i- YARD-ISO SOUTH WATER ST. iie'Jtl-lyil PHILIP SCHUM, SON A CO. COAL! COAL! Fer geed, clean Family and all ether kinds of COAL go te RTJSSEL, & SHULMYEB'S. Quality and Weight guaranteed. Orders re spectfully solicited. OFFICE: 32 East King Street. YARD; 018 North Prince Street, augH.taprlSB pOAL! COAL! COAL!!! We have constantly en hand all the best gnides of COAL that are In market, which we are selling as low as any yard In the city. Call und get our prices before buying else where. M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON, s27-lyd -SU NORTH WATER STREET. COHO & WILEY, 3.-.0 XOICTU WATKK ST., Lancaster, I., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange, ltr.uirh office : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. febW-lyd COAL! - - - COAL!! GORREOHT & CO., Will deliver coal at the following prices: B. D. Broken Egg and Nut $4.35 Enterprise, Broken Egg and Nut. 4.35 Ly ken's Valley, Broken, Egg and Steve... 4.80 All Grades Ne. 1 Pea 3.30 Weight guaranteed. P. W. GORRECUT, Agt., J. B. REILLEY, augl7tfd W. A. KELLER. EliV CATION AL. PENNSYLVANIA MUSEUM AND SCHOOL of Industrial Art. The school year of 1880 81 will begin Monday. Sept. 13. Instructions for young men and women in Industrial Jiraw inn. l'ainttna wl Modeling at applied te the artt. Send ter circulars te THE SECRETARY, IS S. (seventh street, Philadelphia. aug2-19teedA6tw S" JAMES SCHOOLS. WILL REOPEN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER q, 1880. Fer terms apply te the Principal.' aug!4-tsep4d MISS M. MARTIN. T K ACADEMY CONNECTED WITH Franklin and Marshall College often su nerie! ad v.-tiitages te young men and boys who deslri- either te prepare forcellego or te obtain a thei eugh aciidi-tulc isilucatlen. Students re ceive I a miy time during the school year Send lei circulars. Addrtaid UEV. .1 AMES CRAWFORD, e 1 1 -1 v ltncaster. Pa. TANCASTER COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. j Will re-open MONDAY. AUGUST 30. Course of study embraces single and double entry Boek-keeping, Penmanship, Arithmetic, Grammar, Correspondence, Business Ferms und Commercial Law. Yeung men and ladles desiring a practical business education send for catalogue giving terms, etc., or call at col lege rooms. Ne. 4 West King street. II. tj. nr.iin.GK, rnncipai. W. D. MOSSER, Secretary alG-iwd LLENTOWN FEMALE COLLEGE. Under auspices et Reformed church. De signed for the literary and religious education or Indies. Best facilities for Music, Drawing, Painting and Modern Languages. Location healthful. Terms moderate. Thirteenth year will begin SEPTEMBERS. Fer Catalogue address REV. W. B. IIOFFORD, A. M., Jyl712Ul President, Allentown, Pa. THE YATES INSTITUTE, LANCASTER, PA. (Ehdewkd.) A Church Scheel for Beys. Prepares for higher Colleges and Universities. REV. JOHN G. MULHOLLAND, N.A.T.C.D., Principal. A few boarders can be received who will liave the special careandorenbrbtef tbe Prin cipal. -Tbe next term begins SEPTEMBERS, 1880. lyn-lmdSATu Lancaster, Pa. JSYCVHSIONS. DAILY EXCURSIONS KIOM PHILADELPHIA CAPE MAY. The famous mammoth three-deck Steamer t REPUBLIC Leaves Racu Street Wliarf at Tia. m arriving at Cape May about 12)$ p. m. Returning, leaves Cape May at 3 o'clock p. m., glvlngampie time for bathing or a drive en the beach. A full Brass Band and Orchestra Music for dancing. Parler Entertainments varied weekly. Luncfir eons and Refreshments In abundance. Din ners and suppers provided. Oysters aud Fish served for supper a tew moments after taken from the water. Fare far the Baud Trip 11.00. SUNDAYS Will leave Race Street Wharr at 7Ka.m. P. S. A Bread Gauge Steam 1L R. will con vey passengers te Cape Island In 8 minutes. Tickets for sale at CHAS. H. BARB'S, e28-2KmdAw CENTRE SQUARE. BOOKS ANlt STATIONERY. TW'EW STATIONERY New, Plain and Fancy STATIONERY. Alse, Velvet and Eastlake PICTURE FRAMES AND EABTTi8. I.. M. FLYNN'S BVAK AND STATIONEBY STORE, Ne. 4 WEST KINO STKEKT. JOM BAEE'S SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STOEET, LANCAMTKB, FA., have In stock a large assortment r. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Attentle: invited te their FAMILY AND PULPIT BIBLES Teachers' Bibles, Sunday Hymnals, Prayer Beeks, Scheel Libraries. HYMN BOOKS AND MUSIC BOOKS Fer Sunday Schools. FINE REWARD CARDS. SUNDAY SCHOOL REQUISITES of all kinds llOVSK rVKNISULNU OOOJtS. FLINiN & BRENEMAX. 100 Gress Emit Jars, Bought before the advance and for sale at $1.20 FEB DOZEN. Great Bargains in TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, FliUB. & Breneman's 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. I MAIM eifKCULATlON IT In lam or small amounts. t25ort,090 - t25ert,090 - writM w. t. seulk a co ComnUssien Mer - chaata, 130 La Salle street, Chicago, IiL. fcr elr Mjan. aiwiyu- mviBi JAMCA8TKK AND JUIXKWIYlLLK K. .. j Cars raas fellows : lirwvs Itawcahicr fl. K. Depot), at 7, 9, an.l 11-JSa.maad t, , and 8-JS p. m., except ea Saturday, when the last ear leaves at p. xa. Leave MUleravlU (lower end) at S, S, and a.M and 1,15 aad 7 p. sa. Cars rai dally ea above time except en dun day. (WMJXBIA Al POBT DKP081T K. K J TralasaowrBBreralarlyeatbeColnuibta aad Pert Deposit KauVead en the roUewlnit time: rjur, Statiem Nena- Express. "Express. Aceen. win. A.M. .jc r. m. Pert Deposit. JB Ue saw Peachbee..... 7:1 44 :i:l3 rite's Eddy. 7 43S S: McCaU's Ferry.... 7U17 4:46 4.00 Shenk's Perry..... 74 5KM 4:: SafeHarber 7J 56 5.0K Columbia. sje 8J5 620 Statiess Seuth- Express. Express. Accem. waan. a.m. r.m. a.m. Celnmbla. 1(MS fcSB 7:50 Safe Harber. llfl 9:t Ares LeMe Sheak's Ferry..... 11-9 M 9-j McCall's Ferry.... 11:4 1 7n lerii Fife's Eddy. 11:36 70 10-.; - r.M. .. Peachbottem..... ifce7 73 11.117 Pert Deposit 12:45 S:iO liSa" READING AND COLUMBIA KAILHOAI On and after MONO AY, MAY.10.-ii, 1?, paseengcr trains will run en this re.ul a let lews: Tbaiks Gewo Sema, a.m r.M. i:lft :4.1 IMS 7SB 7: 7d6 7:45 8.-SU sue 8:10 8:J0 S-JU 8-.1S 8:47 8:55 thOl 9-.1S 9:19 IMS Relnhelda,. Ephrata,. . Akren, I M.l ,..... ............... Manhelm, .............. Lancaster Junction,.. Laadisvllle, Columbia. DlUervllle Lancaster,. ...... ....... xkiBg oueex,.... ........ jisreisn, ................ West Willow Banmganlncr. eQttuHitiii MmKWAJtMw New Providence, uess. .................... Quarry vUle,... ......... 5Ai liar: :(W li:17 lira; 6. 7:- Traivs Geiva North, a. m. A.M. A.M. IJta 11:55 r.M. SM 1S4 SM 1S:40 8!4 1S:15 ItiS 1HS ftOS 1:13 MS 1:40 9:16 1-J0 9:40 9.i 9iSJ SSK 933 tm 9-M .... IIM5 .... UhW I0-J7 .... 103 .... I0-J4 .... 10:42 .... ioae .... a.m. r.x. r.M. :45 .... i35 6d2 .... 441 639 .... 8:48 7:11 .... 50 7:18 .... 3.-05 7:26 .... 3:13 TJB .... 3:18 7:41 .... 3r 735 .... 3:4V 8:05 10 330 8:08 liOS 333 735 1KB 3:40 ft3U 1-30 4.04 8430 1.-S5 4:15 8:49 1:48 4rJ 9M 00 430 9:16 18 1:47 933 23 433 9:12 46 3:14 10A' 3r3B 530 QuarryvUIe, Xcw rrovMeneo, Itoflen, ... r CijTicttf Baumgurdner. West Willow, Harnlsh,. ...... ........ K -u Street, ;.. .-icaster, Dillervilhv. Columbia-. Landlsville, Idincaster Junction. Manhelm 1j1 "LlZf AK1 uU Ephrata. Relnheldsville, Reading, Trains connect at Reading with trains te and from Philadelphia, Pottsville, Uarriitburg, Al lentown and New Yerk. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover. Gettysburg, Frederick and Baltimore. A. M. WILSON. Supt. T OCAI. MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. HOURS FOR CLOSING THE MAILS. BY RAILROAD. Naw Yeaa thkeuuu maii. 7:39 a m. 130 p m, 4:15 p m and 11:30 p 111. Wat Mail, east, 7 JO u m. GoaneavfUB, Downlngtewn, Leuuan Place, Gap 6 pm. Pakadisb and Seudarsbar via Leainan Place, 7J0 a. m. FmTiiM"" through mall, 7.30 and 8:45 u m.. 130, 4:15 and 1130 p m. PrrnanaeH and west, 13B and lllu p 111. UAxaissuaa Mail, 1030,a m, I0,0:15and 11.30 pm. Wat Mail, west, 1030 a m. Baltimers asd WAsaiaoTeif, via Phll.ul.-I phia, 4:15 pm. Baltimerx amd WAsanrareM, via Yerk, I3u m. BALTtMeaa ajie WASHiaareM, via Uarrishu rg. 1130 pm. COATBBVIIXB, 4:15 p m. CeLCMRiA, MOi a m, 130 and 5:15 p m. Yerk amd Yerk wat, 130 and U3u p m. NORTHBRK C'RTRAL,1030am, 130and 1130 p m. IUADa. via Reading and Celnmbla R R, 730 a m aad 1230 p m. RxADiBO.via Harrlsburg, 9:13 and 1130 pm. RRADurawAT. via Junction, Lititz. Manhelm, Kast Hempaeld and Ephrata, 3 pm. Quarrtvillb. Camargo, Reftpn. New Provi dence, West WUlOw, Lime Valley. Martins ville, SmlthvUle, Rack, Chestnut Level.G reene, Peters' Creek, Pleasant Greve. Reck Springs, Oakwood and RewlamlsvUle, Md., 9:15a 111, und 5:09 pm. Naw Hellamd, Churohtewn, Greenbank -Bine Bali, UoedvlBe, MeartewB, by way et Downlngtewn, at 730 am ami 6pm. Safb Harber, via Columbia, 1030 a ra. Willow Strmrt via West Willow, at 9:15 a. tn. BY STAGE MlllersvUle and Slackwuler. t. Sate Harber, dally, at 4:00 p in. -Te Millersvllle, 8 and 1130 s m, and 4 p 111 Blakley's Bridge, Leacock, Burrvilfe, Nev Helland, 230 pm. Land's Valley. Oregon. West Karl. Partner ville, Hlnkletewn. Terre Hill, Martiudaie. dally, at 230 pm. I Greenland, Fertility, Lampeter and Wheat land Mills, te Strasburg, daily, at 4 p m. NeSfVlUe, dally, at 4 pa. New DanvUle, Conestoga. Martlevtlle, Cub -manvllle. Mount Nebo. RawllnsvUlc. Bcthe arid Liberty Squarejilally. at 30 p 111. WHEN OPRN FOK DELIVERY. ARRIVING BY KAIL, Eastern uwll, 7 it :. 1030 a m, 3 and 630 p ra. Kastern way mall, 1130 ana. Western mall, 7 and Ma at. Sand 630 n in. Reading,, via Reading and Columbia, :te i m. Western way mall, 830 a m. ICeadlBg way mall, 1030 am. - Quarry ville Branch, 8:15 a m and 4 p m. ARRIVING BY STAGE. Frem Safe llarlx r and MlllersvUle, at 9 a ra, dally. FreraMUlersvUle,7aBd9ara,and fpni. Frem New Helland, at 930 a m, daily. Reading way mail, at 1030 a m, dally. Frem Strasburg, at 930 a m, dally. Frem NetfsvUle, at 1 p ra, ilally. FremKawllnsvllle.atll am. DELIVERIES BY CARRIERS. Tliere are four mall deliveries by letter cur riers each day, and en their return trips tli.-y take up the mall matter deposited in tlie letter boxes. Fer the tint delivery the carriers leave the office at 630 am: second delivery at 10 a m ; third delivery at 11 a m ; fourth delivery ut 3 p m" SUNDAY P08TOFP1C E HOU RS. On Sunday the postefflee Is open from Apr! 1 te October 1. from 8 te( am. and from 6 te 7 am; from October 1 teApril l.frem 9 te 10 a m, aud from 6 te 7 p ra. MOOTS AlOt SHOES. EASY BOOTS. SHOES ANO LASTS raaile en a new principle. Insur ing coiuieri ier tne feeu "D"WTkT'G Lasts made te order. DLMJlld MILLER, febl4-tfd 1S3 East King Htxwt. LMOAL NOTICES. fTSTATE Or PHILIP SCHUM. LATE OF JZj the city of Lancaster, deceased. Letters of ailmlstratlen ea said estate Iwvlng been ranted te the undersigned, all persons in aebted thereto are requested te make inline diate settlement, and these having claims or demands against tlie same will present them without delay ter settlement te tlie under signed, residing In said city. JOHN E.SCIIUM, CHARLES UOLTZWARTH, M. Bresics, Administrators. J. B. Geed, Ati'ys. Jy21-6tdeaw Ea STATE OF JACOB 8TOTT, LATE Or 1 Lancaster cltv. deceased. Tlie under signed Auditor, appointed te pass en excep tiens nieu 10 tne account anu 10 iiisiruiuie ine balance remaining te tbe hands or WIIHaqt W. Stott, administrator .of said estate, te and among these legally entitled te tlie same, will sit for that purpose en TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1880, at 10 o'clock a mM In tlie Library Roem of the Court Heuse, In the eity of Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribu tion mav attend. H.C.BRUBAKER, augh4tileaw Auditor. INSTATE OF MICHAEL TBISSLEIt; Mlt late et the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent are requested te make Immediate settlement, aad these hav ing claims or demands against the estate et said decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned, residing at Ne. 139 East King Street, Lancaster. Pa. CATHARINE P. TRISSLER, KATETRISSLER, ANNETTAP. TRISSLER, , angl8tdeaw. Executives. TTOMJrjBTS-r-iJI IT MJfiNMT.A.MIUnt ' , . - ' Park Bew-, Bew 'Yerk. 1 1 COiieertORwsaaaeMtaU aarra coiieene saaae Mt an arti.ef Ura United 1 SUtes. aad a xeaeral leaat baainm tnnuiad Keiicsb7RrUsatMteStefjiBaanB Heaiiel.