. no - J.--V' . V wt -. -J--( i " LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER FRIDAY AUGUST 20, 1880. -;, '-- v v x IV 5 r COLUMBIA NEWS. UCR REGULAR CORRESPONDENCE. Mr. Ethclbcrt Watts was in town te-day. About a dozen members of' the Garfield and Arthur glee club met last evening in A. J. Kaufftnan's law office and sang them selves hearse with campaign songs. On Wednesday evening a surprise party of about twenty five couples was taken te the residence of Clem. Swartz, at T;hird and Perry streets, the occasion being .Mrs. Swartz's birthday anniversary. The party took with them an orchestra of music and te its discourse kept time with the feet in the waltzes, quadrilles, etc., which en livened the spirits until supper was an nounced, when, doing justice te the spread, the dance was resumed. The evening was spent very pleasantly. Mrs. Mary Zellers died at her residence en JSertn front street yesterday, aged ninety years. The cause of her death, as given, was old age. Cel. Rupert has just written te Captain. Case asking his report for Thursday, Aug. 12th, company II of this place being the only company of the 11th regiment in camp tin that date. The balance of the regiment broke camp en the evening previous, but the Columbia company, being en guard at division headquarters, was unable te get away. A Pciuvian corn stalk 18 feet high is new growing in the yard of Mrs. Knipe, at the corner of Third and Union streets. Except in height the stalk is net unlike the com iiien corn growing hereabout. Mr. Jeseph F. McMakiu returned last evening from a visit of a couple of weeks te Philadelphia. Seme of the mere romantic of the young ladies and geutlemen of Columbia wiil leek for the moon this evening while skimming the surface of the Susquehanna's waters in a beat propelled by tlie strong arms of the latter. The sky will have te be clearer tb an it new is or the search will be an un successful one. The articles te be voted for at the coin ing lair et tne citizens' uantl are new en- exhibition in the show window of I). Kramer's jewelry store en Locust street. Among the let is a handsome breach load lead ing double barrel shot gun which will be a prize te the fortunate contestant. The second series of the St. Jeseph's building association has just been started. One thousand shares have already been taken. The following officers have been elected en last Wednesday evening at a meeting of the stockholders : President llcv. William Peiper. Vice Vresident Peter Bittner. Secretary Jeseph Jansen. Treasurer Sylvester Vogel. Solicitor William B. Given, esq. Directors Dr. J. Iv. Lincawcavcr, Peter Mclbcrt. Theodere llelaud, Geerge Ziegler and A. Habcrsti-eh. UOCKLAM) KTUEET SCHOOL. Tbe Late Picnic Condition of the Treasury. A meeting of the officers, teachers and fiiendsjef the Rockland Undenominational Sunday school, was held last eveniug at 125 East Vine street, for the purpose of hear ing the report of the management of the late free picnic. The report is as fellows : Cash contributions received by A. C. Leenard, stiHrintendcut, $102.50. Cash expenditures for picnie purposes, $8'J.GU. Cash received from sale of cooking uten sils, previsions, &e. left ever from picnic, $1!).51, making a cash balance of $32.38, out of which sum outstanding bills against the school te the amount of 10, for school furniture, &c, have been paid, leaving a cash balance in the hands of the manage ment of 10.38, which will be used during the coming winter for charitable purposes connected with the work. The total amount of cash contributions received and expended for charitable purposes, by the management of this school, from its organ-, izatien, September 23, 1877, te the present date is $550.47. Appeal from tbe Register'! Decision. Twe caveats having been tiled agaiust the granting of letters testirauntary te Leuis B. Harberger, one of the executers in the will of . B. Stuwers Harberger, the register heard argument some weeks age and en Thursday decided te grant letters te the executer named in the will. This morning J. L. Steiumetz, esq., attorney for the heirs residing in this city, appealed from the decision of the register and the court granted a rule, returnable en Sep tember G, te show cause why letters granted te Leuis B. Harberger should net be revoked. An interlocutory order en the register was granted te withheld issuing letters testamentary te Leuis B. Harberger until the appeal be, determined, unless otherwise ordered by the court. Mean time it will be seen that Alexander J. Har berger gives notice that letters testamen tary have been issued te himself. Down en the Colored Camp. Uev. Ge3. H. Trabert, of the Salem Evangelical p:isteratc in Lebanon, printe I a vigorous pretest against a colored camp nieeiini: opened near that town lately. He denounced it as "a thing as unucccssary as it is unholy and demoralizing, giving occasion for the most open and flagrant violation of the holiest institutions of Christianity, net only in the public dese cration of the Lord's day, hut in prosti tuting the Christian religion, te which such violations lead." Te prevent the degradation of religion and the corruption of popular morals, he indignantly begged every member of the Lutheran church and geed citizen net te touch " the accursed tiling," by going there either en Sunday or during the week. And yet sonic people will be curious enough te go and hear what the " imported preachers"' have te say about Brether Trabert. Fell through a Trap Doer. Ycstciday about neon Ames Duverter, proprietor of the saloon, Xe. lG-l North Queen street, fell through an open tiap deer behind tlie bar, and landed in the cel lar below, injuring his hand and one of his knees, and otherwise hutting himself se severely that he is for the present laid up. The trap had been opened for the purpose of bringing beer from the cellar, and .Mr. Devertcr had net noticed it. Declined. Rev. V. .1. Seurbeer, formerly of Colum bia, new pastor of the Lutheran church at Yerk, has again had the professorship of English literature tendered him by tele gram by the trustees of the Elmhurst col lege, Chicago. This was the position held by his late brother, and this is the second time he refused the position. Although the offer had pecuniary advantages, he re fused without even consulting his congre gation. naiiceck Tobacco. Steve Jehnsen of Quarryville is one of the best Democrats and has one of the best acres of tobacco in his section of the county. There is a sample stalk which had twenty leaves and the shortest en it was ever 40 inches long, and its weight when cut was 19 pounds. Steve calls it " Hancock tobacco" and it " superb." Peaches Frem the Gardens of den. 'Squire Tilghman Thompson, when he came te court te-day, brought with him for the Intelligences some specimen peaches from his place in Eden township, which bespeak careful culture and a geed atmos phere. The most curious of them is a pair' joined together like the Siamese twins, both perfectly developed, though one is considerably larger than the ether. Bitten by a Deg. A little girl, daughter of- James McElli McElli gett, was bitten by a deg belonging te Charles Loag, Prince street, te-day. -. . - BBtcberJasJPess. . . , This afternoon there was a disgusting butchering of the unclaimed dogs in the deg pound en Christian street.. The law requires that unmuzzled deirs when cap tured en the streets shall be penri&l iip feri iuny-eigui neurs, anu ii at me euu ei Miai time they arc net claimed they shall be killed. This afternoon the catchers murdered live of them brkueclrtrirr them en the head with clubs.' There) was a terrible howling among the dogs and net a little indignation en the part of persons living in the vicinity of the pound, some or whom declare the manner of killing the peer creatures te be revolting in the extreme, and further, that some of the dogs were carted off for burial before they were dead. They insist that some mere humane method of disposing'ef the dogs should lie adopted. " v Telegraphic Frem Teledo, O. 11k. Kpitec: t Say te.ypur readers tliat Day , Kidnev PadIs extensively used here hy our best citizens, nnil it" effecting most wonderful cures. 'Itimie"lest"KMriey"fulii(.ily evcrbOld in tills locality. V. K. West, Druggist. auglG-lwdM.WAF Donations Acknowledged. The managers of the home gratctully ac knowledge the following ilonatieus: C. V, Bcngicr1 and cliildrcu, fireworks for the 4th of July; a friend, fireworks; nartman & Miller, 5 dozen lciueiis. Fer the picnic: Mr. G.. I., Beyle, peanuts; a friend, pcniiuls an'd pretzel; Mr. Gceble, let of ginger bread ; J. It. Martin, large cake and crackers ; Master Kddiu Goedcll, basket of peaches; a friend, cake ami jelly. Thanks are also due te Mr. Otte Knapp ter allowing the ii.se of "Tell's Hain" en that occasion, ana te Messrs. Powell, Biiinnicr ami Ecoe & Bres., ler taking and bringing the children home from the xiicnic. DNea-es pievcnlcdaml medical bill lesaeucd by ;i timely use et Malt Hitters. Kiit Slew Aud clean your mouth nftcruards with SO ZOIONT,und your teeth will be in condition te le tlieir.werle fQr.ycars. Thousands of dys peptic belted their feed because they had no geed teeth te masticate prepcrlyr -Chew line, cat slew, and use hOZODONT. Xething is l geed even Cuticura aeap. ler our liuby ue. net C'emuiniiwenlUi Dislrloiirlen Company ,.- 'JrattiH IVerltt lteitdiug. The manuscript iccclpt for the following amounts drawn in the late drawing et the COMMONWEALTH DISTIUISUTIOX CO. arc en tile at the ellice in Louisville. They arc bona llde, ami buyers arc at liberty te address the parties and ascertain their genuineness: A. ll. Morgan, .St. James hotel, l'lilla., l'a., $15,iKK; O. 1. Andwrsen, Trey, Ind., 5,KTp:.l. I). Stercna, Law;reiiceburg, lnd., $Styj(W;.V.tK. Mercra, Louisville, Ky., $",0lM; Aleene Van derespt, Louisville, Ky., j,Oji; it. 1. Tildi-n, Itauk of Louisville, Louisville, Ky $.VXJ; Vol Vel ney Garrison, JScdferd, Inil., $l,iiue: Edwaid Ilaldnin, rickwiek, l'a., $l,0UO; Hank et Ken tucky, LouiMrille (ler collection.), $'00;(j'cr::ian liank, Leniaville (for collection), i"00 ;..!. 11. Xiehelx, letter carrier, hi. Leui, ile., $l.u;i0; (jcriuuu Ins. Ce., Louisville, Kt. (toreoliec (tereoliec (toreeliec tion), ij-l,.")0 1 ; Uerman National J'.ank, l.eui.-.-vllle, Ky., (for collection), $l.t!(; Cliarles K. Lee, 5T Weht Chestnut htl'ect, Louisville, Ky., Jl.OtX): Ci verge Uelliu, grocer, Louisville, Ky., $I,iflU; O. C. Terry, GreenTille, O., $1,MI0: A.ll. ISrachy, money delivery and collection clerk Attains Express Ceuiimny, J.euisville. Ky., (for collection), $1.0eO. K. Weed, collector Americiu Express Cemiany, Louisville, i'Mt; Cel. T. T. Tayler. li"l Wabi-.h Avenue, Chi cago, $'i,O0(l. Many of the above pi tecs were sold in Xew Yerk and collected asabeve. The Commonwealth Distribution Ce. is author ized by charter from the Legfc-lat nre el Ken tucky for educational purpose-, 'and i- the only Lettery Company ever declared legal by tlie United States Court. The United fctales Circuit court en March SI lvniieied the fol lowing decisions : First That the Commonwealth Distribu tion Company ir. legal. 'Jnd It-, drawing are fair. The 1. M. Uenersil at Washington, alter care ful investigation, has also declared the Com pany te be legal and its drawings lair, and en titled te the free ue of the mail-.. Twenty-third Popular Drawing Common wealth Distribution Company v. Ill be drawn in public at Macaulcy's Theatre, I.euisvilie, Ky., en Tnescay, Aug. 31. Authorized by tins Legislature and sustained by the court.. :f Kentucky. K. M. UOAUDMAX, Courier-Jeirin:iilId- ing, Louisville. Ky., or name at :;i7 am! :;.;'.) Broadway, New Yerk. ltd SeEVIAJj NOTICES. SASirLE NOTICE. It is impossible for a woman after a faithful course of treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound te continue te Miller with a weakness et the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. Piukliam, 23.S Western avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. jy'-XMydcedSw " Infallible" isthe verdict of the afflicted when reterrlng te the merits of" Sellers' Liver Pills." Try Lecher's Kenewned Cough Syrup The Pleasures et Hepe. When the body is bowed withpainan intense longing for relief brings hope. This may brighten the suffering but It does net cure. At a time like this liew welcome is such a irieml as Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, bringing hope, health anil happiness and the joys of a renewed lile. .Mothers! Alethcrsi! Mothers:!! Are yen disturbed at night ami broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth? 1 1 se. go at en ee mid get a het 1 1 e e f M I J . v' I X s LOW'S SOOnilXCTSYUUP. Itw ill relieve the peer little sullerer Immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en earth who has ever Used it, who will net tell you at. once that it will regulate, the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relict end. health, te the child, operating like magic. It IsTcrfectly safe te nscin all cases, ami pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription t eiic et tlie eldest anil best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold every w here i". cents a bottle. i iI7-lydt wM, WAS Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. tie te II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 Xerth ljuecn street, Lancaster, for Mm. Free mii'i Xeie Rational Dyes. Fer brightness and durability of colerare tinequalcd. Celer treiu 2 t.r pounds. Price, 15 cunts. i Warm Weather mill its Llleets. Many people, especially ladies, complain at thlsseiLsen of the year of a general weakness or I'ebility. The use of Speer's Pert Grape Win.j prevents this. The wine is said te have a most wonderful effect in giving strength, vigor and tone te the whole system. It is ex tensively used by ladies nursing, or about te nursti infants. This wine is neta manufactured article no liquor is added te it. It is no patent medicine or cordial humbug, but is a supelier wlneef the Oporto grape. If is pure, old, un-adultiji-itcd wine, nothing mere or less. Mr. Specr has been supplying hospitals with his wine ler many years past. It is said te be un surpassed for summer complaints, and for weakly persons. Tlie price is low ter se excel lent a vine, and no family need be without it. This wine is endorsed by Iirs. Atlee and Davis, and sold by 1L E. Slayniakcr. aulC-2wd&w Coughs. " Urewn't Bronchial Trechex"iu-e used with advantage te alleviate' Coughs,- Sere Threat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections. Fer tin rty years these Tieciies have been in use, with itiinually increasing favor. They arc net new and untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. The Tlireut. 'J?reie' Bronchial Xrec1iet'fnc directly en the organs efthc voice. They have an ex ex traeidinary effect inall disorders et the Threat and Laryn-v, restoring a healthy tone when re laxed, either from cold or ever-exertion of tlie velet, and produce a clear and distinct enunci ation. Sjwakcrsend Singers iml the Troches useful. , f j T , f f A Cough, .Old, (Catarrh 01 Sere jThreat rc autattiintncdlate attention, tiS'Pglect eituii-, times results In some incurable Lung Dlsca'sy.' Brown's Bronchial Trecltts? .will utmost "in- i vari inly give relief. Imitations are offered for sale, many et which are injurious. The genu ine '-.Brown's. MrenclUal JVoce"are sold only in boxes. . ianlMyd&wTu.Th&S Try Lecher'a BcnowncuXeagh Syrup. If yen have pimples, boils, salt rheum, rough skin, &c, try "LindseyV Bleed Searcher." Sold by all druggists. "f . f - - rrr , i Oke of iae greatest charms of ,Dr Brown ing's Tonic anil Alterative is tlie small sizu of the dose. Thevarieuj delicate combinations of drug axe.cencentratcilin.the most careful manner and linally brought together by a series of original' processes : consequently the 'flfWe te only one-teRspeonloI for-.au uUult and smaller in piopertion for children. It is taken eucc before each meal. Last but net least, a 50 cent bottle lasts ten day?, -while a $1 bottle lasts twenty-four days. Fer sale by the Proprietor, XV. Champien Browning, 1117 Arch street, Philadelphia; and all Druggists. augllt-lwdiVw Try Lecher's Benewned Cough Syrup. fOEXTXCAE'Ji VELETIX. Te Voters. The 2d of SEPTEMBEB is the last, day for registration and assessment. The assessor of each district is required te lMlHlifl" election llQue en WEDN ESDAY and "nrCBSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st !l!,(l -' from 10 a. ni. te 3 p. m and from lip. m. te J p. in., te perfect the list of voter. "" AJI persons entitled te votu,s!ieuld personal ly see that they are assessed as v. ell as regis tered. l'eraeiu intending te be naturalized beleie the 2d of OCTOIIEi: should al-e be u eased nml regitcrctby tin? 2d of SEPTEMliEU. Committee en naturalization : J. 1.. Steiu metz., D. McMullen, JJ. F. Davis, Jehn A. Ceyle, 1J. F. Montgomery. Persons rteslrlng te be naturalized can upjilv te any of these, or te V. U.IIcnsel, at the IxnaxinKKcnr. eflicc. County committee meeting at City Central fUuiulqiiarters j'enday, August ', lit 19 a. ni. Haneeclc Vcteiiin Association meet i at Cen tral Headquarter every Tuesday evening. Conference committee meets en Wednesday evening, August 25. Thereaiter en e.ery second and fourth Weilne-ilay of the month. Campaign committee meets regularly every Thursday evening. Hancock Legien meets every Hr-t an. I thitd Monday of the. month. 'ftUxth wjird club meets regalaily m Kiiilay evening; Americiisclub en Tlmr-day evening. On Friday evening, August 2, -there will boa public mceeting el the Demecr.u-y fit the SKt'.i want in Schiller hall, under the joint auspices et the Aiuericus association uud Sinth ward el lib. Speakers will address tlie.meuting. The Third vapl Hancock and English club will meet at tlie Central Headquarters, Centre Siuari', Jffhlay evening, at- 8 o'clock. A full uttPinlaiice is desired, as important business will be transacted and the work el canvas-dug initiated. Hancock pole raising at Utzingei's saloon, Middle street, Saturday evening, August -21. FOB PP.ESIDSNT-: WINFIELD S. 1IA?'.KJK, OF PEXXSYLVAXIA. FOB VICE PRESIDENT : GKX. WILLIAM WKt'm 1 ''?! OF IXD1AXA. TIbj great iiriucijiles or American Hl. rly siiv still the ktviiil iiilieritaiii'K of this pt'ople, ami ever shettitl !;t. The right ertrialhyjnry, the Jiahi'as corpus, 'lie HbiTtjr of the press, the Freedom of s;ht'Ii. the natural rights of persons mid the rights of properly must he prescrvetl. WKFIELD S. IIAXCiK'K, jaj. e. Cemtl'g Dept. La. s:uA Te.a-;. State Electoral Ticket. ELixrrens. U. E. MOXAlillAX. W. 11. PLAY FORI). .JOHX SLEV1X'. E. A.PUE. .I.M.CAMPBELL. UILLES DALLET. .IOHX X. MOFI'KT. EI1W1X WALDOX. XATHAX C..IAMI. GEOKUE FILLEIIT. JAMES . McSPAIiiSAX. DU. ALFltED .1. MAIITI.N. adam geki:ix;i:ij. fkaxktukxeij. p. j. b1hmixggiiam. ii. e. davis, ueeugk a. pest. A. M. BEXTOX.J .1. P. LINTON. COL. JOHN S. millei:. .i. e. sa:;tex. c. a:, beweu. J. A. J. I1UCIIAXAX. CHUISTOPHEi: MAG EE. ItOllEUT M. GIBSON. TIIOS. BRADFORD. HARRY W. WILSON SAM U EL GRIFFITH. .1. BOSS THOMPSON. DE31O0KATIC STATU TICKET. FOU SCrREMK .1UIH1E. GEORGE A.J EXKS. Feit auditeii ci:m:::al. rebert p. decukrt. ;;;.v.eckatic county tickicc FOR CONORi:SS. J. L. STEIXMETZ. FOR DISTRICT ATTORXEV. D. McMULLEX. FOR 8ESATOU (l.1tll WsTUICT.) I.B.DOUGLASS. FOR ASSESIIILY (ft I I)ISTl!ICr.) ' s. u. STEVENSON, S. P. SHIRK. FOR ASSEMBLY (3d IHSTIHIT." AMOSD1LLER. it. DAVIS YUXDT, JACOB M. HAKNLEX. FOR TRISOX IKSl'EtrrOILS. I5ARTOX X. W1XTERS BEXJ. MILLER. FOR l'OOR DIRECTORS. A. J.SXYDKR. JOIIXFRAXCISCUS. 'Withdrawn. XEK' Alt VEHT1SEMEXTS. PROPOSALS FO It KUBXISUIXG l.'OTO J.S el" furnace and M tens of range coal of geed quality for use of Lancaster county prison will "be received at W. F. lieyers'.s eliice. Ne. 17 Xerth Duke street, en or before September !, 1SS0, at !) o'clock a. m. Bv elder of the beard. AMOS BUTTER, augi'Kitd Secretary. - r -v til . .1 Wanted. 1UU T011S 01 Lite OT Kii.O-vj e Fer which the highest price will be paid. I'i CENTS PER POUND FOR GOOD MIXED BAGS. The highest price paid ler Woolens, iiht Paper, Heeks, Ve. Ten Rag A-sorters uanleM1 te whom Hie highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBEB, Cor. North Queen and Orange Streets, y.Mldit r.:mcister. Pa 1 ) K X X S L VA X I A KA1 L K.' -Nl.V. XllAi I SCHEDULE On and alter JUNE 20th. 1880, tniins en the Pennlvii'i : Railroad will arrive and leave the Luiuisle ami I'hilauelphia depots as follews: eastwakd. ,jty.r l:1,yr;i Philadelphia Express 2:10 a.m. 4:1.1 ..! F.it Line .-':'-' " 7:li ' VorkAcceii'. Arrives; SO.) " Harrisburg Kxpress w ' 10:!n ' DilIervilleAcceui. Arrives, 8:!5 " Columbia Accommodation, ':i0 " 12.U1 : Fivderlek Acrein. Arrive-. li.VS " ?J .... Pacific Express, I:tit iji. :' !. " Sunday Mail, 1:-V ' 3:tn .lohnstewn Express, J.laiS " .": ' Day Exprws, i:l " !." " Harrisburg Accommeilat'n, (i:25 " 'J.W " Westward. Arnve Laiu-'Ki -Ji ...m li:10 ' .0:1'. ' li:u" " ii:...il - 2: 'i r.M i:l '. 2:')H .:!. " 7:-.- " 7:) " S:M ' li.: ' J.40A.11 Wav Passenger, Mail Train Ne. l,via MLJey, Mail Train Xe.2,via Cel'bia. Nia-rara& Chicago Express Sum lay Mail, Fust Li ue...... Frederick Accommodation. Dillerville Lecal. via Mt.Je Hawiaburg Accoinniediit'u, Columbia Accommodation. Harrisburg Express, Pittsburg Expieys, Cincinnati Express Pacific Express, Pacific Express, east, en Sundav, wh-n li.i.: ge.l, 311. I.will step ar Middlelewn, Eliyahethtewn Jey. Landisville. Biiii-in-Haiid. Li-ii-:ii Place, Gnp, Christiana, Parkesbui-g, Ce.ite. ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when I'agged. will step at Downingtew n, Ce.itc.s i!l;, 1 u kiw. burg, Mt. JoyElizaietlitewn and Middh-tewn. ,Matl Ne. -2 west connecting at Lancaster with mall Ne,lat"10:.T5a.-'m' and with Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:05 and will run threngh te Hanover and will connect at Columbia with train through te llarrisbnrg via Marietta, Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, 'with Fast Line, west, at 2:10 i v., and wlU ran through te Frederick. Leave Pliil.v.l'a 12: w A.M 7S) " !: ' S:v( ' tlva " 2:3e"p.m. t:m " 5iie " 15:23 " fl:U " U:55 " i tr iTbtEir jLerMnTXHEMisitTs. Among the many advantages sained by pur ehansre of businees location, an important one is the enlarged reams and improved ta ' ciiities'ef 'etrr BEPAIR DEPARTMENT! ' With our present corps of skilled, mechanics and complete-equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and, warrant all work en trusted tO U3. "WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL BOX'REPAININ&, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING. &e. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled . at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld ' or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS fc BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. ayif Ait rj:urjsji3iESTs. -i." Ifl.ST OR MOLES LAST NIGHT A j- Pocket Boek containing about $110. Lib eral reward if returned and no ' question asked. Dl. L. A. WAlHtKX. ltd veticj:. 1 The iiudcrsimied respecftully informs his friends and the public in general that la: ha" rented the well known ' Wacker Saleen " corner of Walnut and Watcrstreets.and takcen possesien of the same where he will be pleased te meet all old customers, ltd UEOUGE UKKEXK. E ?STATi: OP! !5. STOWKKS UAKIIEK Lancaster citv. leceased. liCtters testamentary en said estate having b.jen granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make imme diate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the .same will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, ii'-Idingiu Lancaster, l'a. ALK-Y.AXHEU J. HAltllEIUJEU. Executer. J.i..SiasakTz, Atty. augiu Utileaw SCHILLER HAJX, THIS EVENING, I'ndcrthe ielntanpIees or the Anicrlcus and the Sixth Ward Club. ADDRESSES "WILL BE MADR BY i). jicSULLEX, Esq., Tl 1r . S1L1DLE, Esii.. tl, AXD OTHERS C iCBLIO SALE OF VALUAII1.K KI2AL lTATE. On .SATURDAY EVEXIXG, at 7 e. lock, SEPTEMBER 18, 18&), at the Kcy-st'-ne Hetel, Xerlh Queen street, in the city of Lancaster, will be sold in pursuance of the di rections of tile will et Jeseph Peel, deceased, tile following real estate, viz : Xe. t. All thai certain halt-let or piece of gieund situate en Ihowestsideef Xerth Queen .street, in said city, containing in fieut32 tcct 'l;i inches, and ev-depth 215 feet te a 11 feet wide alley; bounded en the north by ground of Jehn Rese and en the south by ground of Richaid McGiaiin, en which a One-Story f'laine Dwelling Heuse is erected en Xerih Queen Stiect, and another One-Story Frame Dwelling situate en the taiU leurtcen feet wide alley. Xe. 2. All th.it certain One-Story Brick Dwelling Heuse and half-let; or piece of ground, situate en the south side et East Chestnut htreet, in said city, containing in trout 32 leet -JM inches, and in depth 215 leet te a 14 leet wide alley, bounded en the east by ground el D. I!. ilet-tter and en the west by William II en, el. Possession uud title en April 2, ISsL DAVID HABTMAX. Executer. II. s-iirisEcr. Aue. aug iJ-T&F-tsd TBITIT JAi:s ! I-KUiT J1 KS : MASON FRUIT JARS, AT D. B. BURSE?S, 17 East King Street, Lancaster. "jLOWIIB POTS! i. plain", glazed flewe; AND ORNAMENTKD It POTS, AT BURSK'S. 1)KACIIBS! PKACHES! Daily receiving suitable for canning : preserving, at BURSK'S, ind H'ASTEJt. "lTfAATEO. KVKKYIM1DV TO ADVEK- t Use, tree et charge, in the Intklligen ckh, who wants something te de. "Cf 7"AXTEt OLD HOUSE SHOES AT THE y Pen n Rolling Mill, Lancaster, terwhicli the highest price will be paid. augl:l-euwtfd ir..NTKU-THE UNDEKSIONI'.D WILL y go out nursing. Applv at Ne. HO North Water st reet. Aug. 10.'itd. FANN V ELLIOTT. irAXTEH A SITUATION S HOUSE- keeper by a thorough competent person. Can furnish best et city reference; references Apply nt Ne. 17 Seuth Prince MISS BROWN. exchanged. St wet. -id tJii-'T ItBA IVlXUiS. UTMOIEIKKI) BY THK COM3IOX- J wealth of By., and the fairest In the world 23d Popular Monthly Drawing or TUB COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At M-ieaub-yN Theatre, in the City of l.eui--villc, en TUESDAY, AUGUST 31st, 1380. THESE DRAWINGS, AUTHORIZED P.V THK LKGIsLATUBE AND SUSTAINED BY ALL THE COURTS OF KENTUCKY, accord ing te u contract made with the owners of the Frankfurt gnml. will occur regularly en the LAM' DAY OF EVERY MONTH. Sundays and Fii.lavs excepted, for the period of FIVE Y E Alts, terminating en J UN E :VK 1SS. The United States Circuit Court en March 31, rendered the following decisiens: lt.t That the Commonwealth Distribution Company Is gal. 2i Its drawings are fair.. The management call attention te the liberal scheme wjiich has met with such popular favor heretofore, and which will again be presented terthe AUGUST DRAWING. l prtxe....................... ...... .....$ uii,uuu l prize. .. . ............................... . iu,iiwj 1 prize r,000 10 prizes $l.ft0cach 10,000 20 pri.es.",tHieach 10,000 lei) prizes. $ltlJ.'aeli 10,000 2i!'p;izes.'.ee:wh 10,000 r prize- 20 each 12.000 liKK) prizes lecach 10.000 it prizes :;:kj each, approximation prizes 2,700 0 prizes 200 each. " " 1,800 9 prizes loe each, " " !0 1,'.".0 prizes $112,100 Whole tickets. 2; half tickets, 1; 27 tickets fiO; ,Vi tickets fUM. Remit by Postetlice Meney Order, Registered Letter, Rank Draft or Express. Te insure against mistakes and delays, cor respondents will please write I'm r names and places of residence plainly, giving number of Postetlice box or Street, and Town, County and State. All communications connected with the Dis tributien and Orders for Tickets should be ad dressed te It. 31. KOAKD3I AN, Courier-Journal lluilding, Louisville, Ky., or 307 and 3C9 I'.readwav. New Yerk. iu31TuTh&S&w COPFEU PATCH PtATK. Fer mending Tin, Brass, Copper, Lead or Iren, without acid .or soldering iron. Any lad v or child can mend with it. Will send one sample plate bv mall (with directions) that will cut 102 one-ieuith inch patches., en receipt of 25c ; S Ter $1 ; 100 for $10. Postage stamps re ceived as cash. Agents wanted. Can carry one day's stock in your peckeL Sales yield S3 te $15 per (My. Our 61-paae "Illustrated Cata legue et Chremes, Jewelry, Novelties, Station ery, &c., free. Address dTV NOVELTY CO., 108 S. Sth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Mention this paper. je23s3mw Democratic Meeting ! EOJtSALE OR SENT, I PUBLIC SALE OF STOCKS. . On MOXDAY, AUGUST 23, 1SS0, will le sold at public sale, for the undersigner execu execu eor, at the Cooper Heuse, Ijincastcr City, Pa., the following stocks, te wit: 20 Shares Farmers National Bank Stock. 1 Sluircs Lancaster County .National Bank Stock. 5 Sliares Lancaster and Fruitville Turnpike stick. 2s Shares Manlielmand Lancaster Turnpike Stock. 13 Shares Lancaster and Susquehanna Turn pike Stock, known as the Columbia pike. " 2 Shares Lancaster and Ephrata Pike Com pany Stock. " e"iin: j.uuvaicr uuu mew aircci. rote Company Stock. 10 Shares Hollewwarc and Enameling Com pany Stock. 219 Shares Lancaster Gas Company Stock. 3 Shares Lancaster and MUlersvillc Street Car K. B. Stock. Sale te commence at 2 o'clock p. m. et said day, when attendance will be given and con ditions of sale will be made known by A. SLAYMAKER, Executer of the last will of Gen. J. L. Bcy- iieiiis, iicccnscii. S. Hess & Sen, Aucs. augl8-Jtd MEMVAL. CUTICURA BLOOD A3STD SKIN REMEDIES. Cuticura liKSOLVisxr purifies the bleed through the bowels, liver, kidneys and skin CCTiccuA, a Medicinal Jelly, removes dead flesh and skin, renders healthy ulcers and old sores, allays inllanimatien, itching and irrita tion of tlie skin and scalp. Cuticura Medici nal Toilet Seaf restores whiteness and beau- tines the skin. Cuticura Shavise Seap is the only medicinal soap expressly prepared for shaving. SILT KHEMI FOR A LIFETIME. I have had a most wonderful cure of Salt ltheum. Fer seventeen years I suffered with Salt Rheum ; 1 had it en my head, face, neck, urms and legs. I was net able te walk, only en my hands ami knees, ter one year. I have net been able te help myself for eight years. I tried hundreds of remedies; net one had the least effect. The doctors said my case was in curable. Se my parents tried evervlliincr that came along. I saw the advertisement and conj eluded te try Cuticura Bkxkdies. The first box et CUTiurnA brought the Humer te the surface of my skin. It wenld drop off as it came out,-until new I am entirely well. AU I can say is, 1 thank you most heartily for my cure. WILL MCDONALD. 1315 BUTTERFIKLD ST.. Chicago, III., March 4, 1879. PSORIASIS. I have been afllicted for nineteen years with Psoriasis, and have spent hundreds et dollars ler doctors anil stuff they call bleed purifiers. Doctors did net knew what te call my disease. I would scratch nights nntil I scratched my self raw: then it would dry and form into scales, which would all be scratched off next night and se en. I have been completely cured by the Cutiicra Bemedies. THOMAS DELANET. Concord St.. Bustex Mill, Memphis, Tksn., June 10, 1879. Cuticur Remedies are prepared by WEEKS a ruiTKii, (juenusts anu uruggisi8,3GU wash ingten street, Bosten, and are for sale by all Druggists. MALT BITTERS. TJNFERMENTED MALT AND HOPS! DYSPEPSIA. Dyspepsia is the prevallng malady of civilized lite. It lies at the boteiu of one-half our misery. .It Is the rock upon which many of our business ventures have split. It clouds the mind, weakens the body, and preys upon the vitality. Where shall wefiinl relief from this morbid, melancholy misery T MALT BITTERS! At once a medicine and a feed, this wonderful nutrient and invigerant builds tip enfeebled digestion, regulates the flew efthc gastric juices, dissolves and assimi lates every article of diet, and cures Headache, Dizziness- Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melan choly, ami a thousand ether morbid tonus assumed by Dyspepsia. MALT BITTERS are prepared without fer fer vicntalien from Canadian BABLEY MALT and HOPS, and warranted superior te all ether forms of malt or medicine, while free from the objections urged against malt liquors. Ask ler Malt Bitters prepared by the Mait Bitters Company, anil see that every bottle bears the Trade Mark Label, duly SioxEeand enclosed in Wave Likes. MALT BITTERS are for sale by all Drug gists. tvI-liudW&S&w TlUST (ilU.NO VUL.KSFEST OF THE Ci M 1 OF LANCASTER, OX Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 23 and 24, AT WHAT GLEX PARK. This is the first Cannstattcr Velksfest ever held in Lancaster, and is being arranged en the same plan as tlie Cannstatter Velkstcst of Philadelphia and New Yerk. The leading attraction et the day will be an immense Festival Column, artistically deco rated with every kind of Fruit and will.be worthy of a visit. There will also be a large Panorama free te all visitors, which will pro duce the principal cities and towns of Europe in their natural size. The different European Military Staffs in full uniform can also be seen in life size. Popular entertainments ler adults and chll prcn will be provided ler. Omnibuses will leave East King street dur ing the two days, and Powell's conveyances will take passengers te the Park for 15 cents each trip. ADMISSION, 2Bc. auglf-lwd ENGINES AND MACHINERY Of idl Kinds, repaired at Short Netice. IRON AND BRASS CH Al PATTERNS, MADE TO ORDER. BRASS BOXES, ' packing smas. GLOBE VALVES, Of all Sizes. All Kinds of BRASS AND IRON VALVES AND BEEB SFIliOTS REPAIRED 43 Foundry and Machine Shep rear of W D. Sprecher it Sen's Seed 'Stere,' Grant and Christian streets. JOS. H. HUBEB. al7-3mdS TimD-EDITIO-lL FRIDAY EVENING, AUG. SO, 1880. TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS. ANOTHER GREAT OIL FIRE. TANKS BURNING AT DALLAS CITY. FA. Lightning's Freaks at Denver The Swim ming Matca Boytea and Feara te Try It erer Acam AdeUld NcUseb's Berlal. News Frem All' Qaarter. BURNING OIL. A Terrible Conflagration. Bradford, Aug, 20. A telegram from Dallas at midnight, gives the opinion that the fire can probably be confined te tbe tanks new burning. They were net ex pected te overflow before six o'clock this merning1, and the spread of the fire will depend upon tbe result of tbe overflow. If dams can be made and trenches dug sufficiently te held the burning oil, tbe fire will be checked ; if net, much additional property will be destroyed. Being a very dark night the spectacle was terribly grand. Tasks Still Burning. Bradford, Pa., Aug. 20. Tank Ne. 410 of the United line and tank Xe. G of Tide Water line at Dallas City are still burning and both Iiave overflowed. The United lines have moved their pumps te a place of safety. Ne further damage is anticipated. Tramps Sentenced te Hard Laber. New Yerk, August 20. Fifty-seven tramps were sentenced at Jeffersen Mar ket police court tbis morning te tbe work house for six mentbs. They were cap tured in a raid made by tbe police in a lumber yard last night. A hundred ethers cscaped. Beyten and Fearn te Swim Again. Atlantic City, N. J., Aug. 20. Tlie judges in the Boyten-Fcarn international swimming match met te-day and decided that the men should swim again te-morrow. They will start at neon Beyten te swim two miles and a-half and Fearn two miles. Escaped Execution te be Drowned, Paris, Aug. 20. Ulysse Parent, a mem ber of the municipal council of Paris, was drowned while swimming during rough weather at Venlettcs. He was the only cemmunard tried by the first Versailles court martial who was acquitted. m The flacea. Saratoga, N, Y., Aug. 20. First race: Lady Kesebery first, Springfield second, Bootjack third. Second race : Ellas Law rence lirst, Gabriel second, Ella Warfield third. Third race : Harlequin first, Democrat second, Terrer third. Fourth race Jericho first, Lavacea second, Brune third. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Aug. 20. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, stationary or lower barometer, stationary temperature, south te west winds, partly cloudy weather, and local rains. Struck by Lightning. Denver, Colerado, Aug. 19 A dispatch from Pueblo says the Pueblo reduction works wcre struck by lightning and totally destroyed by Are te-night. Less $12,000. Oust te Dest. Londen, Aug. 20. Miss Adelaide Neil son was buried at Brompton cemetery te-day. Her funeral was largely attended. Statesman and Lawyer. Saratoga, 3S".YAug.20. Among new members admitted te the American bar asse ciatien this morning was Senater Themas F. Bayard, of Delaware. Down In Alabama. While Mr. J. C. Adams was cutting off the "right of way" en the A. C. railroad, one and a-half miles east of Yerk, he killed 171 snakes, between the hours of 9 and 12 o'clock. Frank Miller, a boy leafing at a country store, sat down en a shoe box and as sud denly rose again, a pistol having acci dently gene off in his hip pocket. The ball split in two, and one porten of it plowed a line under his skin for about six inches. It cost Dallas county 810,000 for profes sional fees in compromising the indorsed bends of the New Orleans and Selma rail road. Tlie following is taken from the Greens boro Watchman: "Married, at the residence of Mr. Ash ley Stephens, in this county, en the 4th instant, by Rev. A. R. Ramey, Reuben A. Payne and Miss Martha Maria Cynthia Ann Louisa Smith. Ne cards." A negre woman named Harriet Wiggins gave birth te a child. On the same even ing she killed the infant by crushing in the skull, built a fire in the cabin and placed the body thereon, and burnt it almost te a crisp. 3eme of the ether women en the place missed the child and began looking for it ; the unnat ural mother hid Jtne charred remains in the bed clothes until dark and then buried them about 75 yards from the house where they were discovered next evening. Upen being informed that the remains were found the fiendish mother fainted away, and afterwards went into a creek and tried te drown herself. An inquest was held by B. B. Bell, esq., of Warsaw, and a verdict was rendered in accordance with the facts. The woman is in a critical condition, resulting from exposure and ever-exertion, and it is th ought she will die. Dulatb. Apropos of the late canard about the killing of J. Procter Knett, comes the statement that Duluth, the city at the western end of Lake Superior, which at tained ics first prominence through Knett's speech en its natural and unnatural advan tages, and which several years age had a population of ever 7,000 inhabitants, has dwindled te less than half that size under the light of the late census. It was laid out en a metropolitan scale, and conse quently te-day is in reality a city of mag nificent distances, and has a tenant less and decayed aspect. Duluth still hopes, however, with the comple tion of the Northern Pacific railway, and its advantages as a competing point with Chicago, there being less than one hundred miles difference between tlie two cities and Buffalo, with its several lines of steamers, its quarries of valuable building stone, and the crops of Minnesota, Wis consin and Manitoba looking for a cheap outlet te tlie East for increased population and prosperity, and possibly net' without reason. But as it new standi the town is about as dead as it well can be, arid'Knett's speech appears almost in the light of prophecy. Tne Curious Customs efa fecallar People. . ..TbeMt. PJeasant (Westmoreland coun ty) Timet says: We have before this bad ;caase- te mention some of the peculiar traits 'of 'the Hungarian peasants em ployed at Morewood mines, but the strangest event that has yet characterized their presence in our midst occurred List Monday night, when in the same house and almost at the same hour occurred a death,a marriage and a birth. The principles in the marriage were a yenng girlabeut 18 years of age, whose only name is "Marky," and a young Hungarian coal miner, with an un- proneuncable name. The death was that of a child and the birth of a male iafant. The rejoicing was of an exceedingly bois terous, though net riotous character, con sidering the fact that " there was a funer al in the house.'? The festivities ever the birth culminated in the matrimonial event of the eveniug, and for the time the dead was forgotten. The triple event took place in the beard shanty occupied by the Hungarians en the hillside. After making merry with beer and eatables (such of the tatter as the Hungarian palate craves) the funeral'services weregone through with. This consisted of reading out of some sacred book and a sort of ''walk areund'' with the dead body in the centre. This was indulged in until one by one they would get tired and retire te "beer np." The walk around finally became a dance, in which all joined. The feastiucr and revelry were kept up un til late or rather early hours, and en the following day the dead was buried. This is the second death among the Hunga rians. JUAKKETi. Mew Xerfc Market. Nxw Yerk. Aug. 20. Fleur Mate anil West -cm dull; buyers' favor Southern J iiulvt, heavy. Wbenta shade raster r tr:uln verv liinthimtil Ne. 1 White, eash$I 07J.ii:; Ne. -1 Red August, $1 07-; de September, $1 HlyMfl 7J ; d October, 1 0S1 ;4. isern prices J4SJ34C ; ueller, lueecrafcly ue- live; 3lixed western future. 50tfZ53c. spei, -TJiijOJic ; no Oats strong, quiet : Sate, 3Sl7jfr Western, Philadelphia Starker. Philadelphia, Aug. 20. Fleur dull but steady; superfine $2 SegJ; extra it Uh? 4 00; Ohie and Indiana lamily $" OOjjS 7.1 Penn'a family defl 7Tr 2" : St. Leuis tumilym $5 500600 ; Minnesota family 5 2."d Oil ; patent anil high grades ; MQS 00. Bye Heur at l SO. wheat a shade better: Ne. 2 Western ittsl $1 00&Ji ; Penn'a Bed 1 07; Amber $1 07c. Corusteadyferloealu.se; steamer 31Me: yel low 53c: mixed 52c. Oats dull and easier ; Ne. 1, White I0c: Ne. 2,doS8.i30e;Ne.3, de 2tt3r.!7c; Ne.'.'. Mixei Bye scarce; 75c. bid. Previsions strenger: miss perk li;.V); beer hams 21 5022 50; Indian m.-ss beet at 10 00; bacon smoked shntilditrs 6e; salt de .VKtfilSc; smoked hams lll.'ic; pickied lianw ij4iyic. Lard higher; city kettle at 8Je: loose linlchers'Bc: prime strum ;c. IJuttcrsteady with moderate mule: Creamerv extra252ite; Creamery geMl te choice 2-'& 24c; Bradfenl county and New Yerk extra. 222:tc ; Western reserve extra I0l7i:; de giMMl te choice 1315c; Holts dull; t'eiiu'ii i-xlnt l:i$li;; Western reserve ejtim l.'Ic'l.'ic. Eggs llrmcr en scarcity ; Peiiiisjlvanii at IS ltte; Hcslern 174srjc. Cheese linn with small stock : New Yerk full cream 1212ic; Western full cream lie: le fair te goeu joaieic; de half skims 89c. Petroleum llrm ; retiueil tJCs. Whisky $1 11. Sceils Geixl te iriiiiu Clever linn at JS.IO S75; Timethy tirm at $2 i,2 75: Kl.itsei d quietat$127l 28. .tock Markets. PHILADKLl'II ia. Aug. 2i 1230v. m. :;( i m. Stocks firm. Peuna B's (third issue) 107 Philadelnliia & Erie I.V, Reading 12 '-- .-1 ? Pennsylvania Lehigh VaBcy. United Ces. et N". J.. Northern Pacific.... " Preferred Northern Central.... Lehigh Navigation.. Norrlstewn Wi an : :t2 in:: Central Transportation Ce. te Pitts., Titusville A Buffalo. 12J L.IIUC OCUUyiKllI 40 New YeitK. Aug. 211. Stocks irregular. Meney 'XTi.-iy. N. Y. Central.......... l-'-lu r iC. ............... ........... ii Adams Express 114 Michigan Central u; Michigan Southern 11 Illinois Central 110 Cleveland ft Pittsburgh.. ..125 Chicago & Beck Island li:t Pittsburgh A Fert Wayne.. 12T. Western Union Tel. Ce 105 Teledo Wabash 40J. New Jersey Central 772 Ontario Western 2. United States isends and Sterling Kxcu.i 14 (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen A Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). PHILADKIa-IIIA. Aug. 20. United States Cs, 1881, (registered). .KMJiaiv'i United States 5's, 1881, (registered). .102;;; 102!.; United States 4U's, 1M01, (registered)! 10 ilUA United States 4K's,ltl,(coupeiih).. .Ill (amy. United States 4's, 1907. (registered). .10!1I0 United States Currency V,'a.Vy1,l'ay..r,yt.Viy, Sterling Exchanee 4.s2suflKl I.EOAL XOriVEH. INSTATE OK ANV1CEW STEWAK r, LATE Cj of Lancaster City, deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Jehn I:. Geed, csi.. trustee te sell real estate, te ;unl among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en WEDNESDAY, tin: 25th ilay of A UGUST, 1S), at 10 o'clock a. in., in the Library Beem et the Court Heuse, 111 the city of Lancaster, where all persons inter ested in said distribution may attend. W. F. BF.YEIt. Uy8td-A3tw Auditor. ESTATE OF DANIEL W1KEK.LATK OK Strasburg township, Lancaster comity, deceased. Letters testamentary en suid estate having been granted te the undersigned, nil persons indebted te said decedent are request ed te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent, te make known the same 10 the undersigned without delay, residing in Stras burg township. S AM t'EL II. W I K K It. Jy28-6tw Administrator. ESTATE OF JOSEPH AND .MAItIA Wcncer. late of Upper Leacock township. deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appoint ed te pass npen exceptions tiled totheucceunt of Jehn Wenger, guardian of Emma l.eui-u Wenger, a miner child of said decedents, will sit for that purpose en WEDNESDAY, AUG. 25, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Library Roem el the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons interested may attend. S. W. SUA OLE. Jy2l-4tw Auditor. VAXl'AIUX GOODS. CAMPAIGN GOODS ! We are headquarters for Campaign Goods, such as Suits, Capes, Caps Belts, Shirt-, Terehi-si, Pijcs, Photographs, Banners. ISitdges, Ac. Agents wanted. Clubs supplied. Com plete sample suit by express $1.50. Sample Badge 15c. bv mail, two ler 25c.. one dozen w mallll. Either candidates. Portraits 12cli;, 10 cents each ; 4 for 25 cents. E.G. BIDEOUT&CO.. jy23-4tw 10 Barclay Street, N. V. MUSICAL INST1CVJHEXTS. THE- Lancaster Orp MauDlactery Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market. Warerooms 320 North Queen street, Manufactory in the rear. Branch Office, U East King Street. Alex. McKfflipe, Proprietor. Alse Agent ter Lancaster County for CUICKEltING & SON'S Celebrated PIANOS.- A Full Line of Sheet and ether Music, Small Instruments, Violins, Banjos, Band Instru ments, &.ulways en hand. fiiHydSAly w -pSTKAT. JCj Came te the residence of the subscriber, in Colerain township, en J UNE 28, 1880, u pale Bed Steer and a Bean Heifer, supposed te be about IK years old. The owner w requested te come forward, prove property, pav charges and take them away, otherwise they wiil b sold according te law. SIMEON W. SWISIIEIL JOXT 0, 1880. jyl4-4tw 1 , (I