r .., ---- -" jj it - -. j- v . - T " rJ n - ." r- 'l."'n l-tV ,4i- vK '? Bm '"W t. s" -- - TT,- '. irrr '-- f-L" . wf .jv t - - T v ' ' -T 'e' vw- ' i -i- - - "-::.' ;: '-? '.V .?-". ftv- ' '' V i-"a " ' .-"C "i" ." TTT - js - , i-.5- J t v LAlSCASTElt DAILY lNTELLIOEIStKii.FRIlAY AUGUST 20,1880. .'ZrA"' v :.-hi&V$SgF!&l Lancaster I-nteltigencer; . FRIDAY EVENING. AUO. 20, 1880. Twenty Years Age. The death of Wm. Bigler, full of years and honors, at Clearfield, Pennsylvania attracts less attention than it would have done a few years age. State Senater, Governer, Senater in Congress, Mr. Big ler, was net merely an example of the ir reproachable character of our public men in the better days of the republic, he was much mere. At every important crisis during his public career he net only accepted resiwnsibilities, but sought them. His administration at Harrisburg was one most deserving of respect for its -wer.il tone, and at the close he preferred an overwhelming popular defeat, rather than yield a particle te the spirit of Know-Nethingism. He made a gallant fight against the then mysterious and ieverful order, and although buried for the time utider an immense majority, his bold canqiaign, together with Wises similar campaign in Virginia, wasthebe ginniug of the end of that phenomenal party, lint with the momentary success of Know-Nethingism, came in the class of man whose methods have made Penn sylvania corruptions a by-word through the earth. But Mr. Bigler's demise recalls the mere imiertant events of 1800 and '61. He was thou a senator and a member of the committee of thirteen, te whom was referred the measure known as the Crit tenden compromise. It is perhaps net tee much te say that that committee might have had it in its power te preserve the peace of the country. Every Southern member w;is willing te accept the com promise, although they did net dare te apiear as eager as they really werei while the Northern Democrats, Bigler, Bright and Douglas, were earnestly for iL But the Republicans were un yielding. The preposition afterwards submitted by the Peace Congress met witli a similar fate. There is much reason te believe that Mr. Lincoln would have welcomed a settlement upon almost any honorable basis ; but he did net come into ellice until it was tee late, and in the interval he w;is net disposed te attempt te control the action of his political friends. He held off its Mr. Til den did in 187G-7, and from similar mo tives. But singular as it may seem new, there was no talk of coercion, in any quarter. Up te that time no statesman or publicist had ever thought that the Union could, or ought te, be maintained by force. The Tribune expressed a uni versal sentiment when it conceded the revolutionary (net the legal) right of the Southern people te secede, and declared unequivocally against " a Union pinned together with bayonets." While com premise, therefore, was refused, en the high and just ground that the constitu tion itself was a compromise, and the Southern agitators were entitled te no mere than it gave them, military pre parations were wholly neglected. Con gress distinctly refused te re-enact the force bill, under which Presideut Jack" son had proceeded, te increase the regu lar army, or te give the president author ity te call out the militia. War was manifestly net iu the contemplation of the dominant party, and Congress saw no necessity ler conferring extraordinary powers either upon Mr. Buchanau or Mr. Lincoln. When finally the country was fired by the aggression upon Sumter, and Mr. Lincoln was compelled te meet force with force, he was driven te act without statutory warrant and iu the face of the constitution. Had he been less courageous or less certain of the sup port of public opinion, the emission of that Republican Congress would have insured the immediate and bloodless suc cess of the rebellion. Until then Mr. Sewanl had secretly negotiated for the peaceful surrender of the fort, and Gen. Scott had amused himself with specula tions concerning the size and shape of the " lragnieuts " into which the old Union was about te break, and" the loca tion of their several capitals. Tins New Yerk Herald of Wednesday contained a letter from a would-be suicide, announcing his intention te sheet himself at a designated place in the Central Park, at 3 o'clock en the next afternoon. The consequence was that there was a great assembiage of people at the place of premised exhibition, but the performer failed te appear. The spectators seemed te be as full of fun as the police were of profanity, and the per formance was a very successful enter tainment for the originators of the hoax, who, no doubt, enjoyed it exceedingly. And it made some interesting exposures. It showed the idleness, gullibility and brutality of the many people who could be gathered together by such notice and inducement. It showed hew difficult is the duty of the conservators of the peace, who in this case were as freely ridiculed for their vain appearance as they would have been severely condemned if they had failed in their attendance, and the premised event had really happened. It further showed hew much unhappiness exists in families and hew many have members who leave their homes in pas sion and threatening suicide. The Her ald office was overrun by women begging te see the handwriting of the notice, that they might knew whether the man was a husband or brother who had gene from them in anger. If geed sense and geed temper were commoner human attributes what a different world would it be ! Gen. Butlek is about te sweep down from the uncertain llight which he has leen winging ever the political battle field. Frem Republican sources comes the announcement that he will shortly make a Hancock speech. The Republi cans of course are " net disappointed '' and are "rather glad of it." They ex pect Cessna te get back seen te the party wliich he denounces as se wicked when he and Butler were in it, hi ante-bellum days. m m The Republicans are encouraged again. Somebody who visited their national headquarters is reported by the Tribune as speaking confidently of cariying Iowa for Garfield. One day it is Vermont that is safe and next day Iowa. i " Never in the history of the ceu J iry una utgm bucii uisirusfc ei ctsiiaM ic- turni as exists in the minds of the honest people at present," says the Examimr of August 18th, in its editorial eh "Begus Census Returns." It then, gees en te read Gen. Walker his duty, ordering a recount. It is suggested that "the best workers in the ward" who were released by Judge Patterson, and who were se cruelly used by Snowden, be given the job, and if it is net then done te please the Examiner let them come home and their places be filled by the officers of the Second ward Republican primary election in this rlfv In 1iT7Q urltA tftn ETms ..,. antra changed the returns from one majority for Geed for recorder te one hundred and forty-seven for Longenecker. The Exam -Tier thinks that "from falseness in election returns te falseness in census returns is but a step." Gen. Walker could find plenty of census takers te please the Examiner in its party in this county, where,itsays, its sworn officers never con duct the primary elections honestly. PERSONAL. Professer David L. Dowsing, band master of the Ninth Regiment, New Yerk band, died yesterday morning. E. D. ZiEGi.ER, Democratic nominee for district attorney in Yerk ceuuty, is in Lan caster te-day. The Democrats of the Seventeenth Illi nois district have reneminated Hen. Wil liam R. Monuisex for Congress by accla mation. Gen. J. B. Weaver, the National Green back candidate for president, stated, in Memphis, Tenn., last night, that he has strong hopes of carrying Arkansas. Hen. James Alexander Seddes, for merly secretary of war of the Confederacy, died yesterday morning, at his residence, in Goochland county, Va., aged 63 years. Gkoker M. Franklin and family left Lancaster this morning for Brigantine Beach. The party is fully equipped with hunting and fishing gear, and will spend a week at that delightful resort. General Jeseph Kidiki, U. S. A., died yesterday, aged 43. Bern in Pennsylva eia, he enlisted at the outbreak of the war, serving throughout. He was retired in 1870, owing te disability from wounds re ceived in service. A Berlin despatch says : " The last ob stacle te the appointment of Count Ven Hatzkeld as secretary of state for for eign affairs has been removed, his mar riage with the American lady, Miss Mottl Mettl Mottl ten, having been legally dissolved." The cotton exchange of New Orleans, La., yesterday appointed a committee of two hundred te co-operate with ether com mittees te make proper arrangements for the reception of the Texan excursionists en the opening of rail communication with that state. H. M. North, esq., has been appointed by the American bar association, one of the " local council" for Pennsylvania. Hen. Tnes. E. Fraxkmx, L. L. D.t of this city, represents Pennsylvania in the executive council el the whele body, made up from one of each state. Hayes has decided te appoint Judge Addis, late of the Southern claims com mission, te be commissioner en the part of the United States under the convention, ratifications of which were exchanged be tween France and the United States in June, fur the payment of certain claims en the part of both countries. The American claims are held in the Seuth. MINOR TOPICS. Tun indications are that the city of Bos Bes Bos eon will give a majority for Hancock and English of 10,000, and that congressional gains may be expected in Massachusetts. The increasing vote in the Bay state is largely Democratic and there arc even hopes of Hancock carrying it. An English curate happened recently te preach en the wages of sin and make some uncomplimentary references te the Prodigal Sen. A young scapegrace in the congregation fancied that the sermon was aimed at himself. He horsewhipped the curate the next day. The chief of the bureau of 'statistics reports that the total value of the experts of domestic bread-stuffs from the United States during the month of July, 1880, were $30,803,304, and during July, 1879, $19,558,010; for the seven months ended July 31, 1880. $151,411,403, and during the same period in 1879, $109,331,133. The campaign ground upon which Harper's Weekly seems te stand is that Hancock is a geed man in bad company and Garfield a bad man in geed company. Which seems te lead te the conclusion that Hancock would reform his company and that Garfield would corrupt his, since the files of the Republican papers for 1873 in dicate that there is no hope of his cempa ny reforming him. World. Peaches de net always gladden the heart of the grower. During the recent "glut" a Smyrna farmer sent 1,149 bas kets tli market 798 te Bosten and 351 te New Yerk. The aggregate sales amounted te $701. Of this $43G.8G went te pay the freight charges. $70.10 te pay the commis sion men and the balance, $194.07, was left for the grower. Out of his return he had te pay the cost of picking and delivering at the depot, te say nothing of the cost of tilling and investment. A young Mr. Cox is running for Con gress in au independent way iu the Fourth District of Georgia. At a recent gathering of yeomen he declared his intentions in the following outburst : "If you see fit te send me te Congress I will go te the best of my. ability. Cheers. I believe I would like te go. Renewed cheers. In fact, I knew I want te go. Loud cheers. I hear that the salary is ample, and, as I have a small family, won't insist en its in crease. Cheers. As lam fend of vindi catien, I want te vindicate myself. It Les been hurled at me like a thunderbolt that I am tee young. In answer te this I say, first, I can't help it, and it is net my fault. Second, I am trying te grew elder .every day. Third, I am succeeding. Fourth, I am afraid I will be much elder than I am before I get te Congress. Prolonged ap plause. The first bale of new cotton irem North Carolina, received yesterday at Norfolk, Va., was graded at low middling,'and sold at 13 cents. This is ten days earlier than last year's first receipt. LATEST NEWS BY MAIL. ii Baselball yesterday: ,-At Cincfewati Providence, 5 ; Cincinnati, 2. " Mr. Bw Ten Breeck's Entre Neus wen the race or the Denham Handicap plate at Egbam. ' Counterfeit one dollar greenbacks, "D" edition, 1875. and signed A. U. Wyman, treasurer, are in circulation at Montreal. In St. Leuis yesterday was the hottest since August, 1874. The mercury at 11 e clock a. m. marked 92 degrees, and rose te 101 between 1 and 3 p. m. Milt Carter was shot and killed in Por Per ter's saloon, Nashville, last evening, by Jehn Holcomb. Carter four months age killed Holcomb's brother. The treasury department purchased 340, 000 ounces of fine silver yesterday for de livery at the San Francisce, Philadelphia and New Orleans mints. A number of men overpowered the sheriff of Spaulding county, Ga., and took from his custody a young man named Waldren, who had eloped two weeks pre pre qieusly with his wile's sister, aged 12 jears. Rebert Jacksen, tobacco manufacturer at Ne. 40 First street. New Yerk, was committed te Ludlow street jail, in default of $3,000 bail yesterday, by United States Commissioner Duel!, for wilfully neglect ing te make entry of purchases and sales of tobacco, as prescribed by law, from August, 1879, te August, 1880. Twe burglars in revenge for one of them being shot while attempting te rob Geerge Beiser's residence in Arlington, N. J., set fire te it. Before assistance arrived the entire building was in flames, which rapidly spread te Sir. Meran's residence, adjoining. Beth houses were burned te the ground, the less being $15,000. The burglars escaped. Fifteen persons were precipitated in a deep cellar at the corner of Mulberry and Werth streets, New Yerk, by the ireu grating giving way, and all were mere or less iujured. They had gathered te wit ness two police officers arrest a drunken wetnau. aeven were severely nurt. tra cer Jehn Hay had a leg fractured, Geerge Sterner a leg and arm hurt and Jehn Houghten a leg hurt. Several women were among the injured. . STATE ITEMS. Jeliu McCuen, a brakeman en the Pitts burgh, Titusville & Buffalo railroad was killed at Hydetown by falling from a car. A call has been issued for a convention of persons interested in the promotion of the sheep and wool industry te meet in the Permanent Exhibition en Wesuesday, September 22. Geerge A. Shaue, of Ne. 2110 Lembard street, Philadelphia, wasjield at the Tombs, New Yerk, charged with obtaining $10 from R. K. Harris, of New Yerk, en a bogus telegram from his (Shane's) father. The latter appeared te sustain the complaint. A barn belonging te Godfrey Ansel, at Edcnburg, with its contents, was struck by lightning and burned. Anether at Fryburg, owned by Geerge Dichant, was burned with two cows in it. The losses are quite heavy. Mrs. Helen A. Brown, who died in Erie a few days age, made the following be quests te Erie institutions : Heme for Friemllcss, $C0,000 ; St. Paul's Episcopal, $3,000 ; Simpsen Methodist church, $1,000 St. Paul's schools, $1,000. All these be quests are in Erie city bends, at seven per cent, premium. A synopsis of statistics of the P. E. Diocese of Pennsylvania, comprising Phil adelphia and four counties, shows that there are in it at present 199 clergyman, 143 churches and chapels, 23,263 communi cants, and an actuabvalue of church prop erty of $0,600,000. The total receipts from all source during the east year were $734,804.04. m m A Lie Well Stack Te. Philadelphia Times. The newspapers which copied and keep standing at the head of their columns the forged extract from Wade Hampton's Staunton speech prefer te continue te utter the counterfeit, although Senater Hamp ton has exposed the fraud and put them in possession of the genuine article. " A lie well stuck te is as geed as the truth," is their motto. Wade Hampton new writes another denial, and adds in a despairing tone : " What geed te deny this story te instantly be confronted with a mere desperate fabrication? Is my whole record since the close of the war and all my efforts for a better understanding be tween the sections a bread and down reaching for the union te be frittered away by the forgeries of an obscure news paper writer? I neither used the words at tributed te me nor anything appeaching them in meaning. . I am perplexed and almost discouraged." What geed, indeed! Senater Hampton fairly appeals te his record in this matter. He was the first man of preminence in the Seuth te call his emancipated negrees to gether and advise them as te their political responsibilities. He was among the first te accept negre suffrage, and in Seuth Carolina and. throughout the Seuth he has been the most foremost advocate of a cordial acceptance of all the results of the war and the most scrupulous regard for the civil and political rights of the colored meu. He has done mero by pre cept and example towards a restoration of the Union sentiment than all of the Long Leng streets and Mesbys, upea whom the bounty of the government has been showered, put together. But it is considered the fair tiling in politics te represent him as a still blatant rebel, fighting the war ever and planning a new rebellion, and he will have te get used te it. BLOltD. Criminal Deeas of Violence. David Nunn was found murdered at Uralde, Texas. A Mexican herder is sus pected of the crime. S. B. Alexander fatally wounded officer Jee Ballard, at Wace, Texas, for arresting him. Ballard died last night. Paul Fountain, of Augusta, Ga., a young man, who was struck en the head en Wed nesday night by an unknown negre, died yesterday morning. Mrs. Elizabeth Bensen, of Norfolk, Va., an aged lady, and mother of chief of police Bensen, who committed suicide last Janu ary, cut her threat yesterday morning with a table-knife, and then drowned herself iu a hogshead of water. Abram Marburger, salesman of the to bacco house of Abel Bres., was struck with a revolver and killed late en Wednes day night in a questionable house in Den ver, Cel. Carrie Smith and-ethers were arrested, en a statement of eye-witnesses that she had struck him with a bottle and a friend of hers then fractured his skull with a revolver. Marburger leaves a wife and three children. Lightning's Havoc. Lightning played around Bradford yes terday and after striking several smaller tanks, fired tank Ne. 6 of the Tidewater pipe company, which contained 25,000 barrei? of oil. The deuse black smoke bad just commenced te ascent into the air, when a second peal ef thunder followed by a heavy crash was heard, the beU striking tank Ne. 410 of the Union pipd lines, 'fully a quarter of a mile down the valley. The United tank is comparatively isolated, but the Tidewater tank Ne. 17 is only a short distance from the burning monster. Other smail oil fires are reported through these regions. ' A severe thunderstorm passed ever Ur bana, O., yesterday, seriously damaging the United States Rolling Stock works and blowing dewnthe blacksmith shop. These in the building escaped with slight injuries. i i B. F. Leenard, the superintendent, escaped by being under the skylight of thejroef I wusu It ich. iuirfcjr iuw mtv luiunu "; of work -, Knighta Temflmr. -At Chicago yesterday, .the 'following ' emcers ei tee grana national eiiu;uui nient were elected : Benjamin Dean, cf Bosten, most eminent grand master : Senater R.E. Withers, of Alexandria, Va.. deputy grand master ; Charles Roemc, president of the Manhattau gas company, New Yerk, grand generalissimo; Jehn P. S. Gebin, of Lebanon, Pa., grand captain general ; Judge Hugh Mc Curdy, of Corunna, Michigan, grand senior warden: Wm. Larue Themas, of Danville, Kentucky, grand junior warden ; Jehn W. Simons, of New Yerk city, grand treasurer, and Theodere S. Parviu, of Iowa City, grand rector. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. HOLDS WATER." The Katern Keservelr. The councilmen, clerks and visitors who inspected the work at the eastern reservoir yesterday were pretty unanimous in pro nouncing it au excellent job of masonry that will repay the expenditures and give gen eral satisfaction. Of the necessity for it councils and the public were convinced before it was begun aud any delay in undertaking it only added te its costliness aud trouble. We yesterday published a detailed report of its extent and cost. After it had been carefully in spected, the visitors ascended te the bank te prepare for turning in the water. Owing te some dithculty in making the engineer at the water works understand the signal there was a few minutes delay in getting him te learn that everything was ready, but at 3:20 the water came with a fine dash through the supply main at be top of the southeast corner of the reservoir, andia live minutes it had spread across the bottom of the reservoir showing the slightest differ ence in the level of the old and new partsofthe bottom. By 3:40 the water had touched every part of the bank, en the entire perimeter of the basin, and when about eighteen inches of water had been pumped in it was turned off. Meanwhile certain points where the water bubbled up from air holes in the bricks or littTe crev ices in the cemcnt,had been carefully mark ed for attention. About 4 o'clock the visitors took their omnibuses for the water works, -and ar riving there made an inspection of the machinery, which was found in a satisfac tory condition. It works well, is carefully watched, oiled and pelishcd,andcverything seems te be kept in excellent mechauical repair by the careful superintendent, who saves te the city much money by his own attention te the pumps and engines. The water works are also managed by one less man than was hitherto employed and paid upon them. The councilmen returned te the city about 3 p. m. wiser, and after seeing se much water, very sober men. A false Alarm. The action of the first water upon the cement caused a reddish hue te tinge the water in the eastern reservoir and Supt. Kitch resolved te give it a complete scrub bing out before finally dedicating it te pub lic use. After the intlew had been stepped at eighteen inches, men were set te work with brooms and were employed until mid night last night in scrubbing the entire fleer. The superintendent then let this wash water out by the waste pipe at the bottom of the reservoir en the cast side. Its Hew caused persons who saw it run down the Gioffs Gieffs Gioffs tewn read te believe that the "reservoir had busted." Dr. Boyd, who was making some calls in that direction, brought the news down town 'and there was quite an excitement among these who heard it. After Superintendent Kitch had gene te bed, weary with his labors, he was twice called up with reports of a givat disaster aud greater danger, and upon explanation of the work done his panic-stricken inform ants were eased. Te-day the water net used nor 'needed from the western reservoir will be run into the eastern, but no doubt is entertained of its complete security and sufficient capacity. By Sunday the accumulations are expected te fill in. K. OF P. Itetarn of Sir Knights from Carlisle Street l'araile and Supper. Inland City Division Ne. 7, Uniformed Rank, Knights of Pythias, returned last evening from their visit te Carlisle. The train entered the depot at half-past G o'clock, when and where the Sir Knights of Lancaster Division, Ne. 6, under com mand of Jehn Barnhart, Senior Knight Commander, aud Jehn L. Vegan, Senior Lieutenant Commander, were assembled te receive the returned Knights. The ranks were at once formed, and a street parade was had ever the route pre viously agreed upon. Division Ne. 6, numbered thirty-six men in full uniform, and had at the head of the column the Eden cornet band. Division Ne. 7, num bered seventy-five men in full uniform, and had at the head of the column Clem mens's City cornet band. The Sir Knights made a very handsome appearance en the streets, and performed their various evolutions with grace aud precision. The streets, along which they parade passed, were crowded with people who turned out te witness the pagcaut. At the conclusion of the parade the Sir Knights were escorted te the Schiller house where an elegant surprise supper had been prepared for them by the wives aud daugh ters of the Sir Knights of Ne. 7 assisted by the wives and daughters of Ne. 6. On tak ing scats at the banquet Sir Knight J. B. Markley, of Ne. 7, made an eloquent speech thanking the ladies for the magnificent and pleasant surprise which they had prepared for them, and congratulating the Sir Knights of Nes. G and 7 en the joyous union thus unexpectedly formed by them around the festive beard. He concluded by proposing three cheers and the U-u-i-e-n which was given with a will. Dr. M. W. Raub of Lancaster ledge, Ne. 68, responded en behalf of the ladies and division Ne. 6, bestowing especial praise upon the ladies for the privacy and skill with which they had conducted the entertainment new about te be enjoyed. The festivities were kept up until half past 9 o'clock, the most cordial geed feel ing existing between the two divisions. The following named ladies composed the committee of arrangements of Ne. 7 : Mrs. Jehn Albright, Mrs. Jehn Dcnlinger, Mrs. Al. Rescnstein, Mrs. Win. Hcnneckc They were ably assisted by a committee of ladies of Ne. 6. Disappeared. The Lititz Recerd says that Anna, a sixteen-year-old daughter of Jehn Wider meyer, a book agent living at Bawlten, near Rothsville, disappeared en Aug. 10th, and has net been heard from since. A bundle of clothes steed ready in her sleep ing apartment, but she took nothing with her but what she were. Fears are enter tained that she committed suicide, and the neighborhood has been searched in vain. Widermeyer is said te- be entirely uncon cerned about the girl and has made no ef fort te institute search. She had been employed as a domestic in the family of Jacob Minnich. Hener te Whom Hener Is Dnr. In noticing the jmprqveinePts made at Zahm's jewelry store we inadvertently emitted te mention that the design or. the new front and all the carpenter work was done by Philip Dinkelberg, the paiut ing by Edward Boekmycr, and the marble work by Lewis Haldy. SCHOOL BOOKS. K Sl'KI:i VI. MF.ETINlSiur THK ICUTAHtl. - rl Ari y ? -AS 8 5k & '' ' s &- V' & & ? Di-ctiniluti of the Question of Beeks. The school beard of this city held a spe cial meeting in common council chamber, last evening, te hear aud consider the re ports of tiie committee en rules and the book ceminttee,ad the report ef-Superiit- tendent Buehrle referred te them at the last regular meeting. Members present : (J. Dl Baker, Bresins, Cochran, Ijberly, Eberman; Erisiaan, Evans, Harris. J. I. Haituian, Jacksen, Levergood, McCemsey, Reimensnyder, Richards, bamsen, Schwebel, claymaKer, Smeyeh, Spurrier, "Westhaeffer, Wilsen." Christian ZechecGcii. WrZecher.' Jehn I. Hartmau acted as president pre tern. Dr. Levergood, from the special committee en rules, made the following repert: , ..'."..'.''!, The Superintendent' KecouimenUdeni ( Te tlie Lancaster City-teehoel iSOanl : ' V l L Your committee te whom was referred the recommendations of the city superin tendent as ceutained iu Ids .last report, have given the matter their thoughtful consideration aud are of the decided opin ion that his suggestions merit the approval of the beard. ' , First. The superintendent recommends the substitution of Brooks's Nermal Union Arithmetic, paitl, jm tha.primary schools, for Brooks's Nermal Menthl Arithmetic. As the latter book is also used in the -secondary and high schools, and as it is tee difficult a workte be, placed in the hands of children as young as theso wht attend the primary schools, we think the proposed chan:ie would be a judicious one. Second. The superintendent recommends' the introduction of -llr. yvorthmgten Hoeker's " Child's1 BbolTerNatttre "vte he' used in ths three lower grades of the secondary schools. Your committee have examined this work and were much pleased with it, the interesting subjects contained therein being treated in the plainest and most simple manudr. Third. The superintendent also recom mends that Mr. Hoeker's " Elements or Physiology" bj substituted for the "Out lines of Natural History." Natural physi ology is nominally included among the studies of the third division of the second ary schools, it is net taught, however. Your committee think, the proposed change weuid he in every respect a dcsirablci eue. In view of the foregoing your cemmittee respectfully submit the following, resolu tions : lleselted. That Brooks's Nermal Union Arithmetic, part 1, be substituted in the primary schools for Brooks's Nermal 'Men tal Arithmetic. liealeced. That Hoeker's "Child's Boek of Nature " he introduced among the stud ies pursued in the three lower grades of the secondary soheo's, te be purchased by the beard ami te remain as its property. l!eeherf. That the Elements of Physiel egy" be"substitutcd in the third division of the secondary schools ler the "Uutlines of Natural Philosophy." Joux Lkveuoeod, W. A. Moktex, W. A. Wn-aex, W. McCOMSEY, M. "Bnesics, Committee. The resolutions were ordered te be cenr sidcred seriatim. . Mr. Erisnian presented the following : Kepert of the Heek liemiiiittee. Laxcastek, Pa.. Aug. 19, 1880. We recommend" thittfie following book's be adopted by the beard for use iii 'the schools of this city : First-Brooks's Nermal Unieu arithmetic, part 1, for use in tha primary schools, in lieu of Brooks's Nermal mental. Second White's Greek Lessens and Goodwin's Greek Grammar, in lieu of Ale Clintock & Creek's First Greek Boek. Third The New Amarican advanced speller in the high sehoel, in lieu of thu book new used for that purpose. Fourth Bryant and Stratton's Common Scheel Boek-keeping iu the high aud secon dary schools, in lieu of Fulton and East man's book-keeping, ene book te be fur nished te each teacher, and he te teach the system from the blackbe ird and by oval instruction. Fifth Hoeker's Frist Boek in Physiel egy for use in the secondary schools. Sixth Hoeker's Boek of Nature, parts 1, 2 and 3 for use as a reading book in connection with'Jhe readers in use in the secondary schools. E. J. Ekismax, W. A. Wilsek. 'Messrs. D. G. Baker, Eberly. McCemsey, Brosius, Cochran Eberman and ethers dis cussed an amendment suggested by Mr. D. G. Baker, that all the books new in use be retained for a year, which he said was the law and had been the custom for fifteen years. His amendment was accepted. In answer te inquiries of the cemmittee with regard te the necessity for the changes proposed, Mr. Wilsen explained that they are all made upon the earnest recommendation of either the teachers or the superintendent. JJIr..Cechran thought that as the arithmetic and speller came from the same publishing houses as the books for wliich they are substituted, these houses should exchange the books for the ones new in use without cost te the pupils, ami moved te amend by inserting after the sections containing these books a proviso making the introduction of books depend ent en such actions. Mr. Wilsen objected te this for the rea son that the beard is making the change. If the publishing house had asked for the change, the beird' eeqltl Bay that they would take the books if they were given in exchange for tbe old ones, but as the beard is makiug the ohange they are in no posi tion te dictate terms. If the publishers should refuse te agree the children would be compelled te use the high grade mental arithmetic for another year and that should net be. Mr. Erisman also opposed the amend ment. Mr. Cochran was mistaken iu re gard te the exchanging of new for old books by the publishers. They don't de it, but de make a reduction upon the de livery of the old book. Ilchad no doubt that i he publishers would make a reduc tion, but they would net exchange. The effect of their refusal would be as Mr. Wilsen said, te make the primary children use that unsuitable arithmetic for another year, and he argued at length en the fnad visability of such action. Mr. yilsen stated that the. rule of ex change, teferred te by Mr. Cochran, was only practiced when onef pubhshimg; house wished te get the books of -another? house out of the schools and made the otter. Mr. Cochran said he did net wish te be understood as wanting te force the mental arithmetic en the scholars for another year. He wanted te give them a simpler book at no cost te themselves. Chairman Hartman thought the gentle man had geno tee far in his amendment. The most the beard could de was te get introduction price. 3Ir. Cochran's amendment ' provided the arithmetic and speller be furnished without cost te the scholars" was voted upon and lest by a vote of 6 yeas te 1& nays, whereupon Mr. Cochran moved te amend that the books bcr furnished at in troductory prices. This amendment after discussion was finally adopted. The report of the book committee was then adopted-as amended. The Committee en Rule. The report of the committee en rules was next called for and was read by Dr. Levergood. The rules for the guidance of tbeci! superintendantj as already pub lished were. Sdppted with Beind amendments and after amb!!dingvariou3Ketfier sections the report was KJlaBted as a whole. One- of the. amendiKBtiinarfc by .Chairman: : ug' thel vacations of the public slii;litlv f i. . .0" , 1 , "v, tut Friday iar Jia and opened otfthe first .r;.i.i r e.v.1 t:rs. n" n.--i, .w .iiuiiu.ij in eeiHeiiiin;r.. iiuiviiin.T iiieywui close en the last school day in .lune and op.;n en the first school day iu September. Mr. Cochran moved that one hundred copies of the rules he published for the use of the beard en the best terms. -Dr. Livergood amended that the. number. ei copies be four hundred, and .Mr. r.berly further amended that the act of 18-0 with its supplements, by which the beard is governed be published in connection with the' rule's. t ; Mr. Cochran accepted the amendments ami the motion was adopted. Adjourned. ,THE MONITBIKXT. i A KeaillnItepei ter Inter ien ini;eur l'eeple. Mr Conard,of the Reading Eugie, visited Lancaster a day or two age for the purpose oPebtaiuing the views ofenr, citbains'as te .the advisability of locating tbe 'soldiers' monument en its present site in Ccntic square. Reading is at present agitated by a project for the erection of a similar memorial, and a strong-opposition having sprung up against the preposition te erect it iu Penn square, the central point of that city, because of the belief that it would preve an obstruction te- business and nilght.oceasien serious damage te runaway teams and-their occupants, the Eiujle scribe tested the sense of the residents of the immediate neighborhood of Cen tre Square, this city, upon the mat ter in a series of interviews, the result of which anncais in an article of a column. and a-haltIength in yesterday's Eiujle. The gentlemen interviewed are nearly all engaged in business en or near the square, and with ene or two exceptions express themselves unanimously aud for cibly as'faverable te the present location of the monument. The Eugie man de scribes our beautiful shaft as follews: It is a handsome one, comprising a mar ble shaft sixty feet high, inscribed with the names of battles and surmounted by the ffetldess of libcrtv with three soldiers of the cavalry, aitillery and infantry, and a sailor, respectively en the four cor ners of the square base. It is sur rounded by a low railing, inside of which are flower beds.and a narrow strip of pave ment extends all around the outside. The entire space occupied by the monument and pavement is 36x3G feet. The square, which is paved with Belgian blocks, is 15!) feet 5 inches by 1G2 feet 1 inch.Trem curb te curb. The pavement inside the curb along the buildings around the square is 18 feet wide The principal business houses of the city are en this square and en the streets immediately adjacent. The monu ment was erected in 1874, but thu matter was discussed several years previously. It cost about 25,000, wliich sum was raised by contributions in both the city and the county, and by entcrtainmetits and by the Grand Army pests in the city and county faii-s. THE FKITCTlEY KurtrtintY. The Itebber Kccej;i.e(l in Ark:ns.s, hut net Arrestcil. Many of our readers will remember the robbery of J. U. Fiitchey's jewelry store, corner East King and Duke streets, and the unsuccessful efforts that were made te capture' the robbers, ene of whom, was known te be Geerge Evans, for whose cap ture a reward was eilcrcd. Mr. Fritchcy, who is new travelling in the Southwest, in a private letter te his brother dated Little Reck, Ark., Aug. 10, 1880, gives the fol lowing particulars of a meeting he had with the robbers. " Yesterday aftcruoeu while eh thu train sfer Little Rock'there was a fuss between sonic cow-boys and weed-choppers in the smoking ear. Well, one of the cow-boys jumped up and took one of the wood weed choppers round the waist and would have thrown him from the window if thev con ductor had net prevented it. The train was going at about forty miles au hour. The minute I get my eyes en the cow-boy who was trying te push the man through the window, I recognized Geerge Evans, the man en whom I had a reward of two hundred dollars. He is a de3pjratc char acter, and I beiieve, had he recognized me, he would have killed me. He appeared te be the leader of the gang. I kept low and didn't make myself known, you bet. I knew it would be death for me te try te arrest him, as these cow-boys don't think anything of killing a man. I get oil" at this place this morning and he went' en te Texas. Yeu remember I told you I had trace of him when down here before. Mr. Fritchey added that it was his inten tion te go te Sherman and Het Springs, Ark., and thence te Texa-. KAILKOAl AVCIDKMS. A Conductor Killed A Freight Jumper Fatally Injured. Yesterday raernitig James Mullen, con ductor 'of a shifting engine at the grain elevator, Philadelphia, while coupling cars get his feet caught under one of the cres tics, the earth having hceu removed from under it, and being unable te get away was run ever by the cars and had one of his legs terribly crushed. He was taken te the hospital where he died hist night. Mr. Mullen was married te a daughter of Michael Bartley, of Dillerville, this comity. He leaves a wife and three children. At an early hour this morning a young man named Richard" Cunningham attempt ed te jump off the extra freight train cast, atfiJabyS curve, a short distance east of Kinzcr's. The train was moving rapidly and iie fell upon his head, injuring it very severely and breaking one of his legs. He was removed in an unconscious condition te Paradise, wheieJic had been employed as a workman in Wenger's coach works. He was attended by Dr. Lcaman, but his injuries are se serious that his recovery is very doubtful. He was a single man aged 22, and his home was at Chatham, Chester county." Hetel Sharper. On Monday of last week two men ap peared at the Cress Keys hotel, West King street, representing themselves te be dealers iu cured meats and fish. They had with them several barrels of meat and fish, all of which they disposed of by the Thursday following. When it was sug gested that they should attend te their' hotel bill they showed a telegraph dis patch, from Philadelphia announcing tliat five tierce of cured meat-? had been ship ped te them, in care of the Cress Keys hotel. This satisfied the landlord for the the time being, as he supposed the goods would be ample security for the beard. But the goods never came 'te! baud, and the meat dealers suddenly 'disappeared without settling their bill. One of them gave his name as Birch ; the name of the ether is net remembered. Their bill was about $8. About the same time another party Of meat dealers appeared at tlie Mcrrimac house. North Prince street, and ran up a bearding bill of some $10 and then skip pcd. One of them was named Reed, and both were from Philadelphia. Temperance Lecture. j Mrs. Masen Clayten will deliver an ad dress at the First 31. E church next Sua" I day morning at the. regular hour of service. i no lauy win aise speaic in ei. .ieihi, Lutheran church at half past seven in tlie evening. 1 OF QUARTER SESSIONS. TbeAB&aat Term of Criminal ItaMnes. Thmdajf after neon. Court re-assembled at24,cledk. Thecaps of commonwealth vs. Jehn Sli'e4Bjjbir larceny, and Geerge W. Evan", accessory after the fact, were attached for trial. In' July last there was stolen from the wharf of E. N. Smith, of Columbia, agent for Scncr & Sens, S4S feet of lum ber. The lumber was sold te Chief Bur gess Hall;1?' Washington borough, by Sheets; Evans being- in-his company; The lumber was ulentuieu by-the mark piacett ou it at Leck Haven. The defendants lat "The defense was that 'the lumber was picked up en the river by the defendants. A number of witnesses testified that the character of defendants for honesty prier te this charge was geed. The jury acquit ted the defendants. On motion of Win. A. Atlec the court allowed a nel. pre, te be entered en pay ment of costs in the cases against Them-is J. and Tempest Wilsen, indicted for violat ing the liquor laws. Jehn G. Thompson was chanred with the larceny je a razor -i from Simen It. 'BartOBj a.;oelored barber, living at Celum- uiaj ;xue raaer.waa taken irem prosecutor s shbprwhilc he was absent at dinner. The razer was recovered from Henry Newemer it having been given te him by defendant. The defendant testified in his own be half that he had traded shoes for a razor with, a friend whom he met -en the read. The jury teuvicted hun'and the-ceurt sen tenced him te au imprisonment of 21 months. Herman Ehrhart was charged with larceny and receiving stolen goods. Kinger Bender, residing hear Meehuuiesbiirg, tes - titled that hi spring house was robbed of a can of lard and several handkerchiefs en July 24. James Mervine, who also stands charged with the larceny, was called as a commonwealth's witness and testified that en the night' of July 24, with' defendants permission, he took his team out of the stable and by his direction wentte Heller's Church, where he met two men, who put the lard and chickens en the wagon. It was delivered at Ehrhnrts stable en the fol lowing mernimr,at,5 o'cIeck',where he was arrested by Officer Lentz. Ou trial when court adjourned until ' o'clock Friday morning. Repert of (irand Jury. r ... grand jury matte the following re ti.i.i : True 2KTC. Jeseph W. Sitler. Jehn S. Detweiler, Closes W'allick, William I'. Mundis,' Jacob' Delliugcr, Henry Lemr. T. J. and G. W.j Marsh, idalieleUH mischief: Herman Eberhart,' receiving stolen gtxMl.s; James Mervine, larceny ; Abraham iKvt. fornication aud bastardy : James S. Kck inan, forgery; Herman, Miller, niaintainiii-.; a nuisauce Themas. Housten, tramp, and .1. Milten Mishler, violating election laws. Haldeman Jacksen, Wm. Frew, Jacob Uead. Geerge Flshc'r,Neah Kcvfcy, Orwgi Sheet, (two indictments). Frank Hegm tegel, Samuel ,Aubel, ' JcremiiU Seeuta (two indictments). Charles Lighlheiser, Henry Duck, Matthew Jehnsen, Wesley Let and William Wittich, violating fish laws; ihy.seii Painter, Jehn Drachbar, as sault and battery ; M. D. L. Moere, con spiracy te procure an elopement. Ignored. Levi Detweiler, carrying con cealed deadly weapeiiB,, with prosecutor for costs, and David Swcigart, assault with intent te commit a rape, county for costs ; Jehn Drachbar and Bryseti Paint er, larceny. All the witnesses in the casbi of tin cem'tn vs. J. Milten Mishler, charged with violation of the election laws, were discharged from any further attendance this court. Friday Morning. Court met at Oe'clnck. A nel. pros was entered iu tbe case against Samuel Aiihcl, charged with violating the fish laws, en p lymuut- of costs. The ti ial of thu ease, agaiust Herman Ehrhart for receiving stolen goods, was resumed. Officer Leutz testified te seeing Mervine driving up Christian street, early in thu morning after the larceny and te following it te Ehrhait's stable where he was waiting te receive it. A warrant was procured by Officer Adams, while Lentz watched. the premises. The stolen goods were found imEhrharts posessien. The defendant testified that he was a dealer in country produce, and en the day before the larceny he had bought a large let of produce from farmers ; Mervine took his team te go te the county for produce and he had bought aud paid. Mervine for the goods found in his wagon, and after wards ascertained te be stolen. Mervine told defendant that .he, had bought the produce from two men near Heller's chui eh Ehrhart said he was at the stable early en that morning te secure a let of pigeons which he had bought en market. It was also proven that James Mervine. the principal witness en the part of the commonwealth, had, before this efl'ense was committed, been convicted of larceny and that at the station house en the morn ing of his arrest, he said te several pcisens that Ehrhart had nothing te de with thu lai ceny of the lard. A number of witnesses testified that 'defendant's character for honesty was geed. The jury Had net agreed upon their verdict when court ad ad jeurnedl " ' The case ofcemradnwcaltli vs. Harry McAlpine, aliiis Wikfffarry, was next at tached. Defendant was charged with felo nious assault and battery en Geerge II. Hartman. The prosecutor testified that en Sunday evening, June 20th, the defend ant drove into his yard and wanted te ex change the horse he had hired Irem him, for a faster one. Mr. Hartman told him hi; could net have the horse. Defendant said he would have it, pulled out his pistel,aud said that he would sheet as fast as they came up ; he then drew a second pistol. Mr. Hartman efl'ered him his money back but he refused te take it..,. The defendant was under the influence' of liquor at the time thu pistol was drawn. Mr. Hartman's testimony was corroborated. Officer Swenk testified te arresting thu defendant and finding en his person a pis tol that was net leaded. The commonwealth did net press for a conviction of thu felonious assault, and the jury under the direction of the court, ren dered a verdict of simple assault and bat tery. He was sentenced te pay a fine of $20 and costs of prosecution. Themas Housten, who has spent the creator portion of the last ten years iu prison for drunkenness and disorderly con duct, plead guilty te being a tramp and was sentenced te one mouth's impiisoi: impiisei: irent. ' James Mervine plead giiilty te the lar ceny of a can of lard from Kiuzer Bender and was sentenced te two months' impris onment. Court adjourned until 2$ o'clock. Heading vIMters fn New Helland. The Reading Timet and Dispatch says : "The Misses Lcaman, of this city have been the gnests for several days past of the Misses Kiuzer, of New Helland, Lan caster county. A number of ether Bead ing ladies have been visiting friends in New Hellaud, among whom may be named the follewingj. Miss Hcnniger daughter of Jehn R. Ilenniger, "undei taker, who is the guest of her brother, N. C. Ilenniger ; .Miss-Laura Custer, a daughter of W. L. Custer, eCtliis city, who is the guest et Geerge W. Smith. New Helland is one of the. most pleasant towns in Lancaster county; and consequently is favored every summer with a large number of visitors. The stirreundidg country is unsurpassed for beauty and fertility." Arm Broken. A little daughter of Silas Weikuy propri etor of the Washington hotel, Quarryville, had her arm broken just above the wrist, by falling from a. wild cherry tree 14 even ing. Dr. Raub reduced the ' fracture. mmtcr were, heard te.saTin Evans's tavern tl they wpuiafge te Smith's&ttttljef him.be and dismeseSftMtStt Washinton!beroh i- :VX