Y " ' "-' 5? 3 - ".,-.,-. ' i .""v. - "Vs". -?J --.C V tf f V-"" - if" -T '-:' . "fr- vT - jJ-C . - - . u ' - V r .. V - - - rt -i .- . .. " .. t: . i - "i LANCASTER DAILY INTEIUGENCER THURSDAY ATTGTTST 19, 1880. ' "v K veir W as 330,303. All of which is respect fully submitted. Davis Kitcii, Superintendent Water "Weiks. Official VUltatlen. Twe omnibus leads of city councilman and ether officials visited the reservoir this afternoon te inspect the work and te sec the water tinned into the eastern basin. Most of them went down and caiefully ex amined the sides and bottom. All agree that the work is done and wilI"held water." 15y the strengthening of the northern wall the storage capacity is slightly decreased net mere than one per cent. The bot tom l cumins en substantially the same level. The overllew pipe en the eastern side was especially commended. The water was turned en at three from the main sup ply and everything worked well. COURT Ol' "UARTEK SESSIONS. Tlic August Term of Criminal Business. Wedhcmlay afternoon. Ceuit lc-asscm-blcd at 2i o'clock and thctiial of the caf-e of cem'th vs. Jehn Scntman. indicted for fornication and bastardy and adultciy was resumed, and occupied all of the after neon session. The defense in the ease was a denial by defendant of the offenses chaigcd, and that the piosecu piesecu tiixMary Mimin was a woman of bad reputation and unworthy of belief. The defense called a number, of witnesses who testified th.it defendants character for chastity was geed. In rebuttal a num ber of witnesses testified that pi escculiix'.s character for veracity was geed. After all the testimony had been heard, court ad journed until 7 o'clock. William Meltz and Nicholas Mcisciisuul plead guilty te the laieeny of $21 in money :md a razor fiem Jeseph Hinder en last Saturday evening. Tins goods were taken fiem the slccpingnpaitmcuts of prosecutor in an apartment of ilr. Isaac Diller's .stable en Christian sticcl. The defendants claim te have been dituik at the time. Mei.sen saul was i-entenccd le undeigeaii impii senment of seven months, and Melt. si. months. The grand jmy made the following ie turn ; True Bills : ?.l. I). L. Moeie, eloping with a maiiicd v.eman ; Chailes and Jos Jes eph (iantz, lel b-jy ; Mary Iloekmycr and liOien. Nekte, it. al., feicible entry ; Mil Mil eon C3ess, aisen ; ..lilten (Jess, assault and b.itteiy. WedhCsdnu Eh..uhj. The case el the commonwealth vs. Jehn Scntman, fei fei nidatien and ba-l.idy, was argued and given te the jui about 10 o'clock. Near ihe close of the aftci neon session S. II. lteynoids,c-i'.,;eii behalf el'IIatrv Mc Alpine, aliasWild Hairy, stated that iheie had been found an indictment for feloni ous assault and b.ulciy against the de fendant, the prosecutor being Mi. CSceige II. Haitmau. Hauy has been in jail for mx weeks-and askecl the court te allow a uel. pref, te be entered en payment of costs. The coin t held the matter under advisement until the t veiling session, when Judge Pattcisen refused te allow a iivl. pros, te be entered witlieut a consultation with Judge Livingston. Thuisday morn ing the district atternc-, was directed te tiuueughly examine the case, teascciiaiu whether there was a felonious intent. TIatmlay Jfurniiiy. 1 Ienry Bewers plead guilty te stealing a watch fiem the shoe maker shop of .Jehn 11. Decker, of Eli, i i bcthtewn. He was sentenced te undcige an impriseumcul of six mouths. J. JJ. Amwake, esq., counsel for Jehn 15. Dennis, asked the ceuit for the postpone ment of the sentence until Monday, as II. jVI. North, csu,., w he was al cent from town, would be home en Saturday, and en Mon day piopescd te apply for a wiit of crier in the case. The application was opposed by S. II. llcyiielils. The court said that sentence was postponed until this week en account of the illness of defendant, and that Satiuday would be time enough te make a motion in the case. Jacob McLaue, city, plead guilty te hav ing committed an assault and battery en llcniy Lutzafc the Heading depot sonic weeks age. He was sentenced te pay a fine of i?3 and costs. Jehn F. Tebiii,w ith half a deen aliases, was ch.uged w ith the burglai of $380 in money and a geld watch, chain and locket, fiem the office of Dr. Jehn O. lieyd en the night of June 29,1878. Jehn Diamond was attested, tried and cenvic cd of the burglaiy and is new in piisensc-viug his term. The defendant who was seen in company with Diamond a short time before the burglary was net sceu in town for months afterwards, when he was ai rested by Officer McDivitt. The doctei'-watch and chain were recovered injapawnbiekci's shop in Philadelphia, where it w:s taken by Diamond and a mail answering defend ant's dcsciiptien. The defense offered no testimony but defendant's attorneys called the court te direct a erdict of net guilty te be inteicd as the ferpus dclcch had net been shown. Dr. J. O. Boyd, the prosecutor iu tin. case, was net able te attend ceuit this moiling and the commonwealth was compelled te close the case without hearing his testi mony. The case was given te the .jury, under the chaige of the court without argument of counsel. Jfclcnuant was found guilty of Luccny and .sentence d te IS months impiisenmcut. In the case of cem'th vs. Milten Oe s, the boy charged with setting lire te the bain of Mr. Jacob Ilehrcr, near Slraslcug. the court directed a petition te be prcp.icd with the view of hav ing lh boy sen' te the liensc of refuge. James Gautz, colored, was indicted for enteiing the dwelling house of Philip Ciciuer, of East Denegal township, en July 14, with intent te commit a feleiy. A geld necklace and bracelets belonging te a daughter of piosecuter were stecn fiem a bureau drawer up stairs. A colei d man was seen secreted under the bed, aid defendant was identified as the man tint ran out of the house. The defense cjillid defendant who denied having cemmitttd the laieeny. The defendant was feun., guilty and sentenced te undergo an im piiseniueut of one v car. Frank Montgomery, a boy net 12cai 12cai ef age, was charged with the larceny eJ two watches and chains from Geerge W. Bees and Gottlieb Macr. of Marietta. The stolen piepcrty was recovered and handed ever te the owners. The boy is of weak mind. The district attorney did net press for a conviction and verdicts of net guilty vveie taken, no was discharged with a reprimand fiem the ceuit. Adjourned until 2:30 o'clock. The grand jury made the fellwing re turn : True Bills : Frank Montgomery and Jehn .Sheets, larceny. Jinercd: Herace Andersen, laieeny, and Abraham G. Frankheuscr, false pretense andpiosccnter, Daniel Snadcr, for costs. Showing it te ttie Beys. One of the beet-black brigade-was notic ed te take a cane from from the rack in front of Nimlew's cigar store, Centre Squat c, yesterday, and tun off with it. Information was at once given aud when the little fellow found that he was detected and pursued he turned round and said, "Mr. Nimlew, here is one of your canes, I was just taking it around te show it te the boys." He was net arrested but will be if the offence is repeated. Hcturncd from Europe A telegram from New Yerk announces that II. '.. ltheads and son, of this city, who have been in Eutepc for some mouths past, anived at that pert yesterday in the ship L' Amcriquc, and are expected in Lan caster tins evening. retlccmen Suspended. IKing street of the 8th of August and fiac- A. J. Flick, policeman of the Ninth 'lured his thigh and three of his iibs,died at ward, and James Sautz. of the Fifth the county hospital last night. This morn ward, have been suspended for six days- ing Corener Mishlcr held an impiest en the each for neglect of duty. Jeseph Arneld remains and his jtiry returned ajveidict in has been appointed in place of Mr. Flick accordance with the facts. Dr. Muhlcu and Jehn Gill in place of Mr. Eantz. berg attended as coroner's physician. COLUMBIA NEWS. OCK KEGULAK COKKESPONDEXCE. A JJreken Leg Successful Gunners Acci dents anil Incidents. Geeige, Emanuel aged ten jears, the Kin of Newcomer, had his left leg the wheel of a mill wagon caught in ycstciday afternoon and broken above the knee, lhc wagon belongs te a Jlanctta party. The picnic te have been held ycstciday at Chiqucslteck was postponed 0:1 account of the disagreeable state of the weather. Jacob Kimes, an engineer, and Will Swinglcr, a brakemau. en the Pennsylva nia railroad, went gunning te Biid-in-IIand yesterday morning. They returned te Col umbia en the Haitisbiug accommodation train at (i:201ast ecning with a very fine stting of plover. Kimes had eighteen as his share. The leap year jiicnic at Ilcisc's weeds ycstciday was a pioneunccd success. The affair was conducted en stiict leap jcai piinciplcs aud was admirably managed by the ladies committee en au.ingcnicnls. Blackson'seichestra furnished the music. Mr. Edwaid S. Ruinscy has returned fiem a visit of a few days te Philadelphia. A social basket picnic will be held at Millway pa.k en the Beading and Colum bia railroad, en Thuisday, August 20th. Mes5is. C. ('. Ilogentegler and Umclv Richards, are the committee en airangc nipnts. Taj loi'seichcstia has been engaged for tliu occasion. William Cl.uk, ticket agent at Colum bia, in the employ of the Beading & Col umbia laihead cempanj', has returned fiem a vi'-il of :iluta month te Clcai licld c.mulj'. Mi. (. Ink"., health has net been geed fei some time and it was te bet let it that lie made the liip up th" ceunlij lv the advice of his phj'sician.J Mr. and Mis. II. F. Biunei will leave here fei Ocean Giec te-day. Miss Annie Went, is isiting Mi-s Sallie (lessh-:. Bev. W. I. Mewci, ,f Halifax, I'a. feimeily pastei of the chin eh of this lilacs, United Brethren ib en a isii te own. Te-ni"ht the 1 idieswhe v.iil jiid their assist::mv tewaidsuuking the coming fair e! the Citicns' hand a sited"--, will meet in the baud 100111 011 Bank iadics will weik Iheii needh's, alK tV: I'he iiss the mallei, ett. The fnneialel Mi . SilKe Bl ickwe id,who died suddenly at Phil idelphi 1 01. Tuesd.iy meining will lake place at two oVlecl te moiiew allciiioeu in Columbia i'10111 the icsideiicoef Edwaid II. Staniei, Locust street above Sixth sheet. The remains will be intoned in Mount Betiiel cemetery. Bev. F. W. Slaley, p isier of the B. !:. Luthei.in chinch re! u ned, te town fiem Philadelphia jestci day afternoon. Despite the fact that their names aic attached te the paper bj which the mei chants of Columbia hue agieed one with anelhci te cee their late; of business at seven o'clock in the evening, a couple of Locust street greet i.-, near the opera house jieisist in keeping thcit stoics open alter the hour iiieiilieucd and j'gretd upon, te the indignation of the 9i pci cent, who be lieve in keeping their weid. Mr. and Mis. Ahram Biiiuer. with Iheii son Willie, lettiined te Columbia this meining fiem Baltimore and Emeij Greve. The Beading & Columbia laihead i-.impany will inn a couple of special tiains te and from the Sinking Spiing ci'iipmcet ing en Sunday next. The colored masons of this vicinity are having a geed time te day at Litit?. Thutj-live tickets were sold at the depot this meining for the er.cuisien ever the Pcnnsj'lvania laihead te Atlantic Citv. Had the weather tc.nai'scd clear the s ih of tickets would have bvci much larger. Shew eis of goed-doirg sains fell thioitgh thieitgh thioitgh eut the d.ij' just 11.1s-.ed. The lelw co cL uncut will be benefited thorebj. Til IlOU OATCJSEK-. Tlieir KiRlits :iiul Unties !; i.'.u. The deg catchers are still acliveh at weik loping in the uumuzIed canines. Sometimes lhe meet with bitter op.)-i-tien fiem the owners of the dogs, e.ie 01 two of whom have taken th.cii dogs leiei bly fiem the deg-calchci.s. The se en nets w ill be piesecutcd. Iu noticing the difficultj which ecemird en Seuth Duke street jesleidaj'. diuiugthc capture of Fiauk 1 lames --deg, the ,?.r( Era says that Chief ef Police Deichlei ! evei stepped his an theiitj. Chief Deichlei 1 wishes te make the fellow ing cei-l rectiens in the Xar 7,Vr'. lcpert of the affair: The deg-e itehcr was net "about te canlttie tlu d-cr"" wlu-n ' Mis. Haines picked it up, but it was al ready captured and in the net. The chief did net "erdei the colored man te iac the deg from her," for the cole.-ed man h id possession of it and Mrs. Haines was tijing te take it fiem him. The chief did net "take it by feicc from Mi. Haines,"' and scratch her hand or spi.iiu her sheuldci, or use anj' feicc whatever, ex- ejL se much as w.is neccssai v te cause her te release her held en the deg. J he eluel did net hear her " offer him fifty cents'' i-e re lease the deg, and had he hcndilhc would net have accepted it. as he had no light te de se. The end sol" the law would net "have been fulij' subscived," bj- al lowing Mis. Haines te cany hei deg home, as the law distinctly sajs that uiimuzled ilegs shall be captuicd and locked up, and can only be recovered by the ev.nei - en paj meiit of the legal penalty. The law vciy piepeily makes no distiuclieu be tween unniu..lcd dogs v.hethei thej- ap neai en the street by "accident" 01 deign. C'i.imi Alter :i J'lisei.er. Officer Lem.m had a livelv mn alici Johnny Potts this meining. Polls was arrested en eempl linlef Mi-. Cluist, Seuth Cluistian street, who ehaigetl him with being dituik and dtseidciry and also with malicious mischief. The eilicei was pie vailed upon te allow Johnny te walk in front of him te the station hi-u-e, which he did in geed faith until ha get -'..iit of fi owning 'edifice. Then lie dashed fei liberty along Giant street, into and ll'i.mgh Mutilation's siloen, outteDuko tlept and then into one of the 1 ivvyci 's eliiecs v. hei he secreted himscli fei a time but finally discovered and caplincd. was seen aft eivv aids admitted te bail. was fole Il.iisins. This evening the Democratic boys and his of the Kinthwaidwillcicct ahickeiy tl feet in height, at the inlet section of inics and Mill be: y streets. This v. ill he tie thiid Democratic pole put up at this p-inr. and it is piebablc the "piadiila t'ral" will be completed by the erection e' another in a few daj's. The Juniei Demeciats of the Seventh v,iul will erect a fme hickeiy en Satuidaj evening in fient of Ut'iuger's silo m Mid !e sticct. ltiind llisapprntcd. The beat d of t eommissiencis of Lancas ler count j- sent te the commissioner.- of Chester ceuntj' the bend given by J. B. Carter, the contractor, for building the inlei -county bridge ever the Octoraro, at Mercer's mill, near Atglcn. The commis sioners of Chester ceuntj-, 0:1 learning who the bondsmen wcic,refnscd te appiove the bend. The contract will be givcu le the next lowest bidder, J. A. Weimcr, of Lan caster, whose bid is $1,737, nceeiding te the West Chester Lecal JSTcics. Died efliis lejuries. Rudelph Uhling, the German who fell C. 1... T.nlnnn,, aF TJ"5rtl,f,.0 l,rif r "P.f-cf ACCIUENT TO 3LAJOK SHENK. He Falls 0er an Embankment and Inte aKatine. Yesterday we made mention of a gentle man's picnic party leaving this city for a dav's recreation at Yerk Furnace Springs, enthc line of the Columbia and Pert De posit raihead. The day was delightfully spent until a few moments before the party left the station when an accident happened te Maj. R. W. Sheuk, which for a time created the greatest con sternation among his friends. He was standing en the perch of the little station house in cenv ersatien with ex-maj-01 Atlcc and U. S. commissioner Slaymakar, waiting for the train of cats that were te cairy them back te Lancaster. Stepping fiem the perch the Majer tiipped ever a stick, and stumbled for fer waul. In attempting te recover himself, he slipped en the wet grass and pitched headlong into a lecky ravine ten or twelve feet in depth. Hi-; fiiends hastened te his relief aud found him Ijiug unconscious, and the bleed tunning fiem his nose. He was cauicd into the station house and Dr. Caipcntcr, who was of the paitj', applied the necessary remedies. He remained un conscious until he reached home. He had no bones biekcn, and except a slight con gestion of the brain and some severe biuises, his injuries arc net sei ions. iir.Mt run ti:i vl. .ielin 1ijcr-, the Stablicr, Committed le Jail. Jehn Mjcis, the man who was detected in Mr. Kauffman's cein-lield stealing com and who se severely stabbed And. Miller who attempted te airest him, had a hear ing before Aldciiuan Alex. Dennelly of the Seventh waul List evening, and in de fault of bail was committed te answer at coin t. Mr. Miller was net able te be pres ent as a witness, but the cutting was iully established by jeting Mr. Kauffman who was present at the time and knocked Mjeis down with a stone, and thus piob pieb ably prevented him fiem niuideiing Mr. .Miller. On the way te the aldci man's office Mj-eie told the officer having him in chaige that he wished that he had killed him ; and en his way te jail he said he didn't mind being locked up, as winter was coming en and he would have a geed home dining the cold weather. Myeis isa peddler of small notions and for some time past bended at Ne. .)12 West Walnut -t-eet. Out-ier Club. Seme of th. ladies and gentlemen or the tity are engaged in getting up an Out-Doei club similar te these te be found in ether towns aud which aie intended especially te pievidea. ready way tif practising aich eiy, ciequct, lawn tennis and ether oul eul oul deoi sport, suitable fei the paiticipitieit of both sexes. It will be needful te .secure a convenient gieund of sev eral aci.'s with some shade, but mainlv free fiem trees which would eb,tiuet the games. Wheicvet the-e clubs hav e been established they have be come veij- popular and as the pleasant fall season appieaches when out-deer sports aie'meie appiepiiated. no'deubt the Lan caster club will be successfully laired and Mi-laii'e.l. IJarrxsunrc; r.ixl Lancaster. Reuben .Taeelry, of Lancaster, an em ployee at the Baldwin steal weiks, had his left shoulder bieken while unloading lum ber from a c:u. He received attention at the hospital. Geeige Ringvv all Fei rest, aged thhty six anil of color, left his mothers home, in Mai ion street. Banishing, en Satiuday evening last, and has net bcenhcaid fiem. lie told a member of the family that he wa - going dev n town and would return in a short time. It is pe sible thai he may have mine te Lancaster county te visit his uncle, Wm. Shelden, ne..r Maytevvn. He was just lccevci ing fiem a spell of sick ness," and his mother is veij much tieubled en account of his absence. t: urMen te Atl.mti" vveie 1"0 paisengci Ci:.. Thei. vveie 1"0 juisengci en the excui- sien te Atlantic City this meining, includ ing these fiem stations west of th'n cifj' a-, faras Yeik and east as fai as Coates ville. About 2j0 of the number were fiem this city. Telegram state that they ai- .ivedat PhJlulelpl condition. ii en time and in geed r.iriu U10 Occ.sn hlierc. S.ip, lintcndcnt Middlclen, of the Pcnii lolling mill, is back again after a fewdajs' wrestling with the breezes and fishes of Raincgat. Be ictuins with sunburned visage and laden down with blue fish, 1 c c peil ing the sport abundant and the tini( the best l.c ever had in hi-, life. liu Cl.iiiii'int ei. The seven piiis of ladies' gaitcis cap tured bj-Officer Adams timing his unsuc-ee-sfnl chase after Paul (hiiglej, and be lieved te have been stolen, aie still held at Aldeiman McConemy'r. effice awaiting a claimant. Thej-weic manufactured by a fiim in Yeik. I. utiVreil teuilile vitlt nciveus debility, ein--id by demnctl Kiilnej-!, and v.is iici ma in 11 1 1 eiiH'il by I'ler.tiiiilineSlu's I'lcncll Kid licj i'ad-, v lieu elliei remedies giivc me no ie lie!,"' w 1 il .1 jeiiu; laj ten lneieli ml. Temperance Lectures. l.i-nn Clajleii, a lady veiy lUemiiu al .Ii ly .iiiiici led with U'liiiit'iiuice w oil,, will unive 111 1. mt islei en Satiuday, and deltvei two el Iici jiepulai lecluies en buiula.v. Hit time ind place I e beaimeunced'luTeilte,. JClllslOII. Meicli mis' ci!!MOii te Cenej 1-laml :.nil i'.iiiiteu jleatli, 11 Tliui-day, AiiK"st -'. S'iil.t isin-.ilii ly keimI lel tv oday-",te ielin 11 en aiij train fiem J rsey Cilj 01 l'liiladelpln 1. 1'aie (or tlie round tup only $1.73. bpmil t nuns leave L-mca-sii'i (Kinstit et)at I iwa.m. aul Celiindiiant I -0 111. I'ei lull pulien! ti- -ee pesieis and eiw ulaisal all stations en I! an IV. M. It. ai!l'V-l,"V-l,-"'.V-lv ..'ideilidt w i-inatl.v Cii'iciiia s!i lviny Seuj. -.liuvei! c ti id 1, v ith lait .Slew And titan jour ineiitli alleiw.ud, with s(l .Ol ).NT, ami jour leclli will be 111 condition t.nle tiitir weik for jew-. Tliens tndsel lw pepties hnlted their toeil feee.iiw they had no ;;oei! let 111 te 111 isticate piepeily. C'new line, eit slnv.,.iiid u cso.enovr. hiiinlui",, before eating, pain and alteiw.utl, prev entctl by Mall l.itteis. si'i:ciAh jve nui:i. SAIH'Li: AOT1CK. His iuuie-5--il)lu for n woman ufti'i a lailhlul course ertieatincntwitli J.ydia iZ. 1'iiil.liain's Vei (able Compound te continue te -ullei villi a weak new et the litems. Ilncle-c a stamp le Mr-, lijdia V.. l'mkluiin, 2.U Westein avenue, I.jilli, Masn , ler punplilets. JjjSMjdee.bVw A most xigiitceus jiid-incnt nvvaideil Dr. l.ind&cy ler the wemleilul cuies pcileimcd by Iil-s 'JJIimmI Searcher." held by alldiu;-;-Kists. Try J.eehei'.s Kcnew ned Cough Sj rap. br-vTisrics prove that tvvcnlj-nve percent el the deaths iu our larger cities are caused by consuinptien, and when we reflect tint this tci 1 ible disease m its vv erst singe w ill j ield te a bottle of l.eclier- Jlcnevvncd Cough Syrup, shall we condemn tliesu'feicrs ler their ne-li gence, erplly them for their ignorant e. Te ')l.ast King sticet. Try Lecliet's Kenow ned Cough bj rup. The -.eciet el long life is te keep the liver pci feetly liealthy, w lilch is best nceenipli-hcd by uing only " sellers' Liver rill." Try lieeher's Uenenncd CeuphSyiup Xe remedy for kidney di-caes heretofore distev ercd can be held for one moment in coin- itarlaeu vvitli Warner's Safe Kidney and .Liver ;urc. C. .1. Heney, D.l Washington, D. V. G Censlts. "Jlrewn's Brenclital TrechCi" are used with advantage te alleviate Cenghs, Sere Threat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Altectlens. Fer thirty ears these Trochee 1l.iv c been in use, w itli annually Increasing favor. Tbey aie net new and untried, bat, having been tested by v. ide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained vrell-meiitcd rank among the fewstaplc remedies of the age. The. Tlirnat. Jirewn'x Urenchial Troches"' act directly en the organs of the voice. They have an ex traordinary cirect in all disorders of the Threat and Laiyn., lestei ing a healthy tone w lien re laxed, either trem cold or ever-exertion of the v eice, and produce a clear and distinct enunci enunci atieu. SjicitJ en antt Stvycrs fmi the Troches useful. A Cough, Celd, t'atuirk 01 Sere Tlueit re quires nnuiediatu attention, as neglect olten elten times xe-iilts m -emu iaturable Lang Di-ea-e. "J!iewn,x Jlrenchial Troches" will almost in v ariably giv e lelief. Imitations are elfeied for sale, 111 my et vv inch aie injuueu-. The genu ine "Jireiin'i Jiienehtfd Troches" are bold only in bexei. ianlrlj d& vv Tii.Th&S Osu el the gieatest charms el Dr. Uiovvn Uievvn mg's Tonic and Alterative i-v the small size of Hie dose, 'ilievaiieus delicate coinbinatieus of dings aie concentrated in the most careful manner, and linally bi ought tegetlici by a scuesel eiiiii il piece -e- ; consequently the doe i-. only one tcarpoeniul for an adult and smallci 111 piopeilion for tliildien. It is taken onto oeteie tacit meal. Last but net le 1st, a .Vl cent bottle i.ists ten daj s, v lulu a $1 bottle lasts Ivveutv lemdaj-. Fer-ale bv tlie 1'iopueter, . Ch mipieu llie.v ning, 1117 Aick -tieet, l'hil idelphi 1, and all Druggi-t-. augl'J tvvd..vv '1 iy Leclier s lieeevv neii Cough bj nip. iMotliers! letlisis!! .Vletl.ers:!! Al J 011 di-tuibtd al night and bieki 11 et jour lest bj a-acl. t'nild Miiiifiing and eijmg with the e-wriitiating pun et cutting teeth." It se, go at eik i an lgetabottleet MB?. WlXb WlXb LeWmsOOUIIM; s.! UUI'. Itwillulievethe peel little sullen 1 miiucdi iteiy depend upon il; there is no 1111 -take- tbeut it. There is net u metht-i en taiih vv he h isevei ii-tu it, who will net tell jeu at once that it vv II! regulate the bow 1 Is. and give test te the mother, and relief and health te the laid, epeiating like magic. It is peili ttly wsle le iisein all cases, and pleas ant le tin taste, and is She prescription et one et the eldest and betd Somali plij sieians and 11 m si , in the lTni -dstdes. bold cv eryw here IT, ti ats a bottle. f il7-lyd&v .M.WAS AV.iriii YVciiur and its llilccts. JM.mj people, i.eei illy ladies, complain at this -t.iseu 01 theyci.i el a geneiai; weakness 01 t'ebilitj. The uC el 8 peel's Pint Grape nit1 pi event . this I he vv ine is -slid te have a most vviindeiful 1 aei t in glv ing stiength, v iger and lone te ilie whole system. It is ex tensively used by ladies nuisitig, or about te anise lnlauts. TliiiWiuc isnelaiiiauulaetuied ailitle no Ikiuei is added te it. It is no patent nie.littueei tenli il humbug, but is a superior vv ineel the Opei te grape. It is pure, old, un adulterated wine, nothing 11101 1 or less. Jlr. t-peei li is Neii suppljmg hospitals with his w ine ter m.aiv jeaisp ist. It is said te be 1111-saip.is-ed ler summer complaints, and for vveaklj peiseus. '1 he pile: is low ler soetel seetel lent a vv ine, and no lauiily need be vv it lien t it. Tins wine 1, endorsed by Drs. Atlcu and I) iv is and sold b.v 11. 1'.. 1 ij makei. aulU-Jvvil&w reLtn uaj. j: v 1.1.1. nx. Te Voters. The Ud el S:i-Ti:MRi:U Is the la .1 day for li-gislratien and asses-ment. The assessor of each dislncl li ieiuiied te be at tlie election house en WKDXE-DAYand TIIeTUsl)AY,bI".Pri:Mi;ER 1st and 2 1, from lna. in. te.! p. in , and iiem 1: p. m. te 'l p. m., tepcilecl I he list of etei-s. All pel sons eatilled te v ete should crsonul crsenul Ijl see that they aie assc-"t'd as well as icgis t'euil. Pel sons intending te be milni-alized beleic the idol OCTOISEi: should also be asscacd and icgisteiedby the id of bEPTiMUEU. County committee meeting at City Ccntial Ileadiiu nteis .Monday, Augu.ti!, at 10 a.m. Hancock Veteran Association meets at Cin t nil Ilcadqiiai li r ev cry Tuesday ev cuing. Cenfeieaee committees meet en Wed ne .day evening, August IS, aud August il. There after en oveiy soeendnnd leiuth Wednesd iy of the month. Campaign committee niei t regularly eveiy Thuisday evening. Mtli waul ilub mi ets legulaily .011 1'ildiiy evening; Americas club en Thuisday evening. On i'riil ij evening, August 2D, there will be a public meteiing el the Democracy et the fekttli w.i'd 'a Sehilltr h ill, under tliu joint auspices et the Aineiieus asseeial iea and bith ward club. Speakers w ill address the meeting. '"lie i eung Men's Il.iniee! and English club w ill meet al Jacob Utiugci'ti baloen, Middle Mm tl.en lo-meiiovv (Thursday) evening at 7 o'clock. A. fel'I'lXWAXDLL', Jld l'lesidenl. Tlilrd V.'ard. The Thud v.aid Hancock ami English club w ill niei t at the Ct niial lieadiuartcis, Centre tjipiaie, i'liday evening, at f o'clock. A full attendance is dc iicd, as important busine-is will be transacted and the v. 01k et canvassing initiated. HEXUY WOI.P, G. Envv. liLi'i'Mi. l'ltsident. Ilriau i.t.IoiinsTes, becictailc . FOR PRESIDENT : WINFIELB S. HANCGCK, OK PENNSYLVANIA. P03 VICE PRESIDENT : WILLIAM H. ENGLISH, OF INDIANA. gk: HON. The great principles or American lili criy arc still the lawful iniicritanrc of this people, ami cter should he. The right of trial by jury, the habeas cerpps, the liberty of the press, the frcetlem of speech, the natural rights or persons anil tlie ri-riits of property must he preserved. V, INFIELD H. IIAaCOCK, JI.ij, vY:i.('emtigIept. La. ami Texas. Stale Illoiteint Ticket. lli e-rein. II. E. MONAGHAN, V.H. I'LAFOKI). IOIIX SLI'.VIN. E. A. PUE. .i.m.campim:le. gilli.s dallet. john x, meffi.t. edwin waliien. nath n c.j ames. GEOUGE 1'1li;ei:t. JAMEs ;. McsPAKI.A.y DK. ALPKED J. MAKTIN. MlAM GEItlUXGEIf. PitAXic tukni:i:. P.J. ijikminggiiam. 11. E. DAVIS. CiEOUGP. A. POST. A. J1I. P.ENTO.V.' J. P. LINTON. COL. JOHN S. MILLLi: J.O. S ANTON. C. K. ItOWEU. J. A. J. JIUUHAXAX. ;lIlilSTOPHEU MAGLE. itOIIKUT M. GIUSOX. TllOS. ISItADFOKD. HAUUY W. WILSON SAMUEL GIMFFrTII. J. 1IOSS THOMPSON. DCVinCKATIC STATE TH'Iil.T. von suvuemc .inner. GEOIIGEA.JENKS. for Aunno's curvrave. KOlSEItT P. DECHLUT. DE.VIOCKATIC COUNTY TICKIIT. FOl: COM1I5ERS. J. L. STLIXMETZ. reu iiisiT.icT attei:-.:;v. d. Mcmullen. i or re:; vteu (leth distkict.) J. IS. DOUGLASS. rOR ABsEMBLV (2ll IIISTISIIT ) rt. C. STEVENSON, S. 1". SlilKK. rei: ARsmtnLY (.M DiSTiac?.; AMOS D1LLEU, i:. DAVIS YUXDT, J ACOI5 M. HAENLEN. reu prison iKirccTeiyj. i:UTOXN. WINTLK- i;i:nj. jmilleil fek roen mr.ucTOiis. A. J. SNYDEK, JOHN ritANCiSCUS. Withdrawn. Dui V M. IS. I'AHNESTOCK Hav ing returned from the Seuth, has re sumed his eilicc practice, and can be lnuiul at iii-i resilience, Ne. 239 EAST KING STItLET. inl8-2nulew& . XTW ADVERTISEMENTS. rDACCO KAISEKS' NOTICE. The Tcnn'a Mutual Hail Insurance Com pany is new ready te bind the insurance, and issue policies against hail damage te tobacco. Kates reduced. Insure before it Is tee late, at UAUSM AX BUUKS'S. Ins. Agents, Office, 10 West Orange Street. y22-cedtfH 105 GO TO IHEMEXZ'-, 105 Xe. 105 Xerth Queen street for the Cheapest and Best BOOTS AXD SHOES. 105 Sign or the Big Shee. 105 ji5-SiVtfd I3IFOKTAXT TO REAL ESTATE OWN EUS. About September 1 we will i-sue our Monthly Catalogue of i.eal Estate for sale. If you have property te sell, avail yourselves at once of this excellent opportunity ter put ting piepertv in the market. Terms sent by mail. II EUR &TAUFFEU, Real Estate Agents 3 Xertli Duke street, Lancaster. I'a. augl4-2tdV.tS?K<w 105 LADILS AND GENTS It yen want a 105 GOOD FITTING BOOT OR SHOE, Heady-made or made te 01 der, call at F. HLBMENZ'S, Xe. 1(13 North Queen Street. Custom Weik a Specialty. ie-SlS&Wtfd 100 Tens el Rags Wanted, Fer vv hich the highest price w ill be paid. 2,'i CENTS PER POUND FOIS GOOD MIXED UAUS. The highest price raid for Woolens, Old Paper, Heeks, &e. Teh Uag Asserters vv anted' te vv iiein the highest price vv ill be paid. JOHN A. SHOBBB, Cor. Nei Hi Queen and Orange Streets, yO-lMH Lancaster, I'a "IIKST GRANU VUL.KSFEtT OF T1IE (Installer Mm Tn, OF LANCASTER, OX Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 23 and 24, AT 11 HAT HLEN PARK. This is the Hrst Cannstattcr Yelksfest ever held iu Lancaster, and is being arranged en the same plan as the Cannstattcr Velkstest el Philadelphia and New Yerk. The leading attraction et the day will be an immense Festival Column, artistically deco rated vvitli every kind of Fruit and will be worthy et a visit. There will also be a large Panorama tree te all visitors, which will pro duce the principal cities and tow ns of Europe in their natural size. The ditferent European Military .Stalls in lull uniform can also be seen in life size. Popular cntcitainmcnt-3 ler adult-, and chil pien will be provided ler. Omnibuses vv ill leave East King street dur ing the two days, and Powell's conveyances w ill take passengers te the Park ler 15 cents each trip. ADM1S.SION, 85c. augll-lw d 1)Ul.LlCSALi; OF &TCKS. On MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1&30, will be sold at public sale, ler the uudcr-Igncr execu execu eor, at the Cooper Heuse, Lancaster City, I'a., the lollevv ing stocks, te wit: 20 Miarcs Farmers National ISank Stock. It! bharcs Laucaster County National Hank Stock. 5 Shares Lancaster and FrnitviUc Turnpike stock. 20 Shares Manlicim and Lancaster Turnpike Stock. 13 Shares Lancaster and Suscuehuuna Turn pike Stock, known as the Columbia pike. 2 Shares Lancaster and Ephrata Pike Com pany Stock. 7 shaies Lancaster and Willow Street Pike Company Stock. 10 Shaies Hellew ware and Enameling Com pany Stock. 219 Shares Lancaster Gas Company Stock. 5 Shares Lancaster and Millersvillc Street CarH.lt. Stock. Sate te commence al 2 o'clock p. in. et said day, when attendance will be giv en ami con ditions of sale vv ill be made known by A. SLAYM Ah'fclt, Executer of thclaslvvill efGen. J. L. Uey Uey nelds, deceits d. S. llLss&Sen, Aues. augl3-ltd i'lwTjiiJ. XI7V fV ttse, free of charge, in the Intellkikn m v. he wants something te de. W 'ANTED OLD HOUSE SHOES AT THE Pcnn Helliiig Mill. Lancaster, ter which the highest piice will be paid. migl3-euwtfd W ANTED THE UNDEKSIGNKD WILL go out mirsinj Apply at Ne. 140 North 140 Xert LIOTT. Water street. Aug. ltmtd. FANNY EL WA rVNTED A SITUATION S UOUSE- keenerbvathoreughconmetent person. Can furnisli best et citv iclurcncc': references exchanged. Apiily at Ne. 17 Seuth Prince Street. ' MISS JlltOWX. 2td J.VUAI. HOTICES. 1 STATE OF IIENK AUSS1CKEK (Oil ll OVEltSEEK), late of Fc(,iica tewnsliip. deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appoint ed te p.isd upon exception! and distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Jehn 31. Auiw eg, Administrator, te and among these legally entitled te the tame, will sit for that pui pose en FUIDAY, the'JOth dayef AUGUST, ls3-e, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Library ltoem of the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where, all persons interested in said distribu tion may attend. D. McMULLEX, jyl l-ltw Auditor. INSTATE OF ANDREW STEWAItT, LATE 2i of Lancaster City, deceased. Tlie undcr slgrcd Auditor, appointed te distribute' Un balance remaining in the hands of Jehn It. Geed, esq., trustee te sell real estate, te anil among these legally entitled te the .same, will sit for that purpose en WEDNESDAY, the 25th dny et AUGUST, li-si), at 10 o'clock a.m., in the Library ltoem et the Court Heuse, iu the city of Lancaster, where all persons Inter ested in said distiihutien may attend. W. F. I5EYEI:, JljStiKIStw Auditor. 1 STATE 11 Ceney OF HENKV DEUK, LATE OF levtnsliin. Luneastcr ceuntv. de ceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance lemaining in the hands of Christian K. Ebcrselc administrator il. b. n. c. t. a. of said deceased, te and among theso legally entitled te the same, will sit for that pin pose en THUltSDAY, AUGUST 1J, at '.) o'clock a. m., in the Library Roem of the Ceuit Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, vvheie all peiseus interested in -aid distribution may attend. SAMUEL EIIY, Jy2S-ltvv Auditor. ESTATE OF DANIEL WIKKIt, LATE Or Strasburg township, Lancaster county, deceased. Lcttcis testamentary " saW estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons Indebted te said decedent are request ed te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent, te miiKc knew n the same te the undersigned without delay, lesidingin Stras burg township. SAMUEL II. WIKElt, jyiMitvv'- Administrator. ESTATE OF JOSEl'H AND 9IAKIA Wenger, late of Upper Leacock township, deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appoint ed te pass upon evecptlens Hied te the account of Jehn Wenger, guardian of Emma Louisa Wenger, a miner child of said decedents, will sit ler that 'purpose en WEDNESDAY', AUG. 2", 13S0, at 10 o'clock a. m.. In the Library ltoem el the Court Heuse, in tlie city of Lancaster, vv here all persons interested may attend. S. W. SIIADLE, jy2l-4tw Auditor. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF .SAMUEL KURTZ and Jacob II. Stricklcr, trading as Kurtz ti Ce., of Mount Jey borough. The undersign ed Auditors, appointed te pass upon excep tions and distribute tin balance remaining in the hands el Henry Hit-stand and Philip A. I'yle, Assignees, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en TUESDAY", the 17tli day of AUGUST, 18M), at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, hi the city of Lancaster, where all persons iutcrcstcd In said distribution may attend. ZURIEL SWOPE, E. D. XORTII, D. McMULLEX, jylMlw Auditors. ENGINES AND MACHINERY Ot all Kinds, repaired at Short Netice. IRON AND BRASS GASH Al PATTERNS MADE TO ORDER. BRASS BOXES, PACKING ItWGS. GLOBE VALVES, Of all Sizes. All Kinds of BRASS AXD IRON VALVES AXD BEER SPIGOTS REPAIRED KS" Foundry and Machine Shep rear of. Vf D. Bprccher Sen's Seed Stere, Grant and Christian streets. JOS. H. HTJBBR. nl7'3mdS THIRD EDITION THURSDAY EVENING, AUG. 10,1880. WIRE AND CABLE. TO-DAY'S FOREIGN AXD NEWS. DOMESTIC Itoyten and Fcarn Swimniinc for Glory at Atlantic City : the American Lead ingMurder of Traveling Salesman Colerado Democratic Convention. THE PERILOUS RAILROAD. Set erat Persons Killed and Wounded en the lexas l'acltlc A Family Team Scares at the Can, the Carriage De molished, two of the Occu pants Killed and Others Badly Wounded. BATTLING WITH THE WAVES. I!e) ten-Fearn International Swimming Match at Atlantic City. Atlantic City, N. J., Aug. 19. Boy Bey Boy teu and Fcarn started iu the international swimming match at 10:14 a. m. Fcarn took the lead and is still holding it. There is a large crowd along the beach watching the movements of the swimmers. Beyten was slightly ahead at the end of the first mile, but was swimming in the surf and was cxpcricuccing considerable iliiiicully. Fearn swims well out from the surf and is going very easily. At neon Beyten was still leading. Beth men wcre .swimming well aud ap peared fresh. Fearu Taken With Cramps. Fearn was seized with cramps shortly after two o'clock and was taken in his beat ami bi ought ashore. Beyten ou hearing that his rival bad stepped swim ming came ashore at the Excursion house. SHOCKING TltAGEDY. A Carriage Demolished anil Its Occupants Killed or Had ly Injured. Emxuictiipert, N. J., August 10. A caniagc containing Sirs. Maheney, of Pine street, and four members of her family, coming from a funeral, at tempted te cress the track in front of a locomotive at half-past ten this niorn niern ng. The frightened team ran away and the carriage was demolished. The colored ceachmau was killed and Mrs. Mahency's back broken. One daughter is reported fatally injured and the ethers seriously. FATAL KA1LROAD ACCIDENT. The Damage Caused by a Steer en tlie Texas Facilic. Dallas', Tex., Aug. 19. A mixed train en the Texas Pacific railroad ran ever a steer near Barten creek yesterday and was thrown from the track. Nine cars wciO demolished, and two men named Dium and Turrcll wcre killed and several in jured. Killed at Klltannlug. Altoexa, Aug. 19. Yeung Norris, of Derry, a fireman en a train stepping at the water station at Kittanning Point, rau back ever the tank of the for. waid engine in order te make ready te take water. As he ncared the rear of the tank, and as the train was still running, a jar took place, supposed te be caused by a movement of the second engine, that knocked him from his position, and he fell between the tank and the second engine Thee wheels passed ever hib legs and the lower portion of his stomach, crushing them badly. When relieved fiem his pesi. tien beneath the wheels he was dead. MUKDEKED FOK HIS MONEY, Twe Mexicans Confess the Crime. Denver, Cel., Aug. 19. The two Mex icans, Gallcgh and Valdcz, arrested at Albuqucrqup, New Mexico, charged with miudering a traveler, have made confes sions. The victim's name was S. Duprcz ; he was traveling alene and stepped in a tent ever night. One of the Mexicans shot him while asleep. They secured twelve hundred dollars in money and ether valuables. MYSTERIOUS MUUDEK. Tlie Tragic Death of a Traveling Salesman. Denver, Colerado, Aug. 19. A travel ing salesman named Narbuycr was mys teriously shot through the brain and kill ed in a house of ill-fame last night. Twe men who had been in his company arc suspected. COLOitADO DEMOCRATS'. Their State Convention at Leadvllle. Levdville, Cel., Aug. 19. The Demo cratic state convention which met yester day afternoon received the report of the committee en resolutions after which the convention adjourned until ten o'clock this morning. WEATHEK INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Aug. 19. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, stationary or fall ing barometer, slightly warmer southerly wind-, partly cloudy weather, and local rains. MINOR MATTERS. Late Afternoon Telegrams Condensed The winners at Saratoga te-day were Thera, Oriele, Gov. Hampton and Chimney Sweep. At Monmouth, Compensation wen the first race. Among ether appointments Pepe Lee will at te-morrow's consistory announce that of Rev. Jehn A. Watterseu, of Em mittsburgh, Mil., te be bishop of Colum bus, O. Themas Dennelly, mate of the schooner Adam Balby, has been held for mannlaugh tcr at New Yerk, the alleged effense be ing his knocking ovorbeard Abram Wilsen, a seaman, elT the coast of Cuba. Enn Over by Sixty Freight Cars. A brakeman named Buckland, employ ed by the Hudsen River railroad, was killed early yesterday morning. As the train was passing Tarrytown the coupling of two cars gave way and the tram was divided. Buckland attempted te leap from the separate cars and step the train, but fell te the ground and was run ever by the cars of the last section of the train, and also by another freight train which was following at a short distance. Sixty cars, besides a locomotive and tender pass ed ever his body. 17STRAY. All Came te the residence of the subscriber, in Celcrain township, en JUNE 28, 18t, a pale Red Steer and a Rean Heifer, supposed te be about 1 years old. The owner Is requested te come forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away, otherwise they will b sold according te law. SIMEON W. SWISHER. JutT 9, 1680. Jyl4-4tw MARKETS. ratladeliiRta Market. FKt&ABunu, An. 19. Fleur dull and weak ; superfine t se3; extra J SO 4 00 ; Ohie and Indiana family 2503 75 ; Penn'atamUydeJt7352i: St. Leuis family at 15 50rS 00 ; Minnesota ftimily 5 25i 00 ; patent and hifeb grades K 503 CO. Rye flour at 50t Wheat qnict and easy : Ne. 2 Western Red II 0C?i ; I'enn'a Red tl (S; Amber $1 OS. Cern en local scarcity ; steamer 31 Kc: yellow 53c; mixed 52Xc. " Oats dull anil weak ; Ne. I. White He ; Ne. 2,de39Wc; Ne. 3, de 3t5c: Ne.2, 'Mixed 35 Rye scarce and wanted ; 73c. bid. . Previsions tinner; mes beet ilGQW 00; beer bams 21 5022 se; Indian mess Tieet at lt00 ; baconsmeked shoulders 6c; .s.Ut de VeGc; smeketl hams HQ13c; pictied hams Lard linn; city kettle at 8,4'c; loeso butchers' sc; prime steam 8c. Butter quiet but rather steadier: Creamery extra 233Gc ; Creamery goei te choice Ufa 2tc: Brad font county and New Yerk extra. 22823c : Western reserve extra 10$ 17c ; de geed te choice lJ15c; Rolls dull; Penn'a extra Lift US; Western reserve extra 13lc. Exxa strong en scarcity ; Pennsylvania at 17 17lsc; Western lC17c. Cheese nrm with light supply : New Yerk fuU cream 1212Kc; Western mil cream He; de fair te geed lOQleyic; de hair skims 5(S9c. Petrelenm firm ; rtllned Slc. Whisky $111. Seeds Geed te prime Clever linn at $8 50 S75; Timethy linn at $2CUg2 7.i: Flaxseed steady at I231 2t. New Yerk Market. New Yerk. Aug. 19. Fleur State and West ern market dull and prices declining ; .su perfine state at $350400; extra de at H U 0433; choice, de., l 405 00; fancy .V 10rt CO ; round hoop Ohie ft 2T5 00; choice de 5 loge 00 ; superfine western XUSQ 4 40; common te geed extra de l 00435; ckolce dodo $4 0000 (S; choice white wheat de 4 2504 63; Southern quiet and weak; common te fair extra l tw5 50; geed te cueice iiem iiiiqbu e. Wheat a trifle firmer, with moderate tra Ne. 1 White, September, $t 07' ; de Octo 1 07 ; rXe. 2 Red August, $1 07i ; trade : Octelier. de Sept.. i 07J-42I tW : de Oct. il 0SUl u-Xe. Cern prices (.Hz low er aud market active ; Mixed western spot, 'iQ:i,a ; de tut are, 50., 62?8C Oats dull and weak : Sate, SSQITc; Western, ."it"tlM?. Stock Markets. Pbtladklviii . Aug. I'J. 12J0 r. m. 3 W I. M. Stocks unsettled. Penna fi's (thin! Issue) 107 Philadelphia Erie 13 Pennsylvania M .... Lehigh Valley. O.'f'i United Ces. et N.J 117 Northern Pacific 31 " Prelerred Ke. Northern Central. Lehigh Navigation 31 VI Norristown 10.: Central Transortatien Ce. 4! Pitts., Tltusville &. Uuliale. l-iy. Little Schuylkill 4t; Nkw Yerk, Aug. It". Stocks strong. Meney -&-', N. Y. Central....... ...... ...1331 1 Kikie. ......................... -.1 Adams Express lit Michigan Central UO; Michigan Southern IiiS-Jh Illinois Central 110'j Cleveland A Pittsburgh. .. .123; C Chicago Reck Island 113 Pittsburgh A Fert Wayne.. lay. Western Union Tel. Ce I Teledo & Wabash 10 New Jersey Central 'I'-'A Ontario Western 2it United States Bend and Sterling Kxrliuiige (Quotations by it. K. Jamisen & Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). PniLADKLCTIIA, Aug. 10. United States Cg, 1831, (rt'gIstercil)..lOI01O4Ji United States .vs, isai, iregisiereii)..iw:;iu-j?4 United suites i United States - United States 4 ITi.ltn.l mnti-i l!nrmnpvli.1'2.li;V1127V;.ISll Sterling Exchamce .. 482tillHi; KJJtSEr VAltS. DATS KIDNEY FAD! A NEW DISCOVERY, That acts directly ou the Kidneys, liladdcr and Urinary Organs, by absorbing all huinetv, every trace of iliscase.'nnd forcing in te the sys tem pevverlul and healthful vegetable Tonics, glv ing it wonderful power te cure PAIN IN THE RACK, Side and Lelas, Inflammation and llright's Disease ei the Kidneys, (iravel (iravel Drepsy, Diabetes, Stene iu the Rladiler, In ability te Retain or Expel tliu Urine, High Cel, ercd, Scanty or Painful Urinating, Icpe-.lts, Shreads or Casts in the Urine, Nervous and Physical Debility, and In iact any disease et these great organs. It avoids entirely the troubles and dangers of taking nauseous and poisonous medicines. It is comfortable, safe, pleasant and reliable in Its "effects, yet powerful in its action. It can be worn at all seasons, in any climate, and is equally geed for MAN, WOMAN MR CHILD. Ask your druggist for it and accept no imi tation or substitute, or send te iu ami ri ceive It by return mail. Regular Pad, $2; Special Pail, for Chronic, deep-scntcd, or cases of long standing, $.!; Children's Pad, prevention and cureKef sum mer complaint, weak kidneys and bed wet ting, 1.50. Day Kidney Pad Company, TOLEDO, OHIO. ang l-lydcedM W& F&w $500 RBWAED! OVER A MILLION OP PROF. GUILMETTE'S French Kifluey Pais Have already been sold in this country and in France : every one of which has given perfect satisfaction, and has performed cures every time when used according te directions. We new say te the afflicted and doubting ones that we vv il pay the above reward ler a single, caseet LAME BACK that the Pad fails te cure. This (.rent Rcmfdy will Positively aud Pcnnancntly euro Lum bago, Lame Rack, Sciatica, (a ravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, llright's Disease or the Kidneys, In continence and Retention of the Urine, In llammatien of the Kidneys, Catarrh of the Rladdcr. High Colored Urine, Pain in tin Rack, Side or Leins, Nervous Weakness, aud in fact all disorders of theUlailderand Urinary Organs whether contracted by private disease or otherwise. LADIES, IT you are suffering from Female Weakness. Leucerrhcea, or any disease et the Kidneys, Madder, or Urinary Organs, YOU CAN BE CUBED ! Without swallowing nauseous medicines, simply weiring by PROF. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, WHICH CURES BY AIJSORPTION. AskyourdrugKistferrttOF. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, and take no ether. If he has net get It, send 2 and von will re ceive the Pad by return mall. Fer sale by JAMES A. MEYER-i, Oild Fellows Hall, Columbia, Pa. Sold enlv bv GEO. W. HULL. Druggist, IS W. King St, Lancaster, Pa. augll-CmdcedM.W&P Prof. Guilmette's French Liver Fad. Will positively euro Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake, Bulleus Fever, Juundice, Dyspepsia and all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Bleed. Price $1.50 by mail. Send for Prof. Guilmette's Treaties en the Kidneys and Liver, free by mail. Address FRENCH PAD COMPANY, Teledo, Ohie. augll-OindcedM.W&r ' -jTTSlBKn AND COAL Br TELETHON: The undersigned arc new prepared te re ceive orders for Geal, Lumber, Sash, Deers, Blinds, &e., by Telephone. Step in at the Exchange anil de yenr own ordering free or charge. G.SEXKRASONS, ,a",E' Cor' P-"'"0 anti Walnut Street,, jW-tidSJ 11 Ll U