-, : 3rv.. k j V - '. LANCASTER DAILY iNTELLIGfiNQEU WEDNESDAY AUGUST 18,1880. 3?55 r 1 'i i COLUMBIA NEWS. OCR REGULAR CORRESPONDENCE. Bate Ball Leap Year Party Pergenal Items Railroad Items, etc. The match game of base ball between tbc "Our Beys" club of Columbia and the "Furnace Hill" nine of Middlctewn, played yesterday aftsrncei in Mifflia's lield at Eighth and Locust, resulted in a victory for the home team by the score of 25 te 14. Up te the third or fourth inning the playing, and especially the fielding, of both clubs was peer, but after that they get down te their work and the portion of the game following was decidedly inter esting. The Columbia club eutbattcd their opponents and it was altogether owing te their superior batting that the victory remained with them. Dauphin county will have te leek up a stronger team. A leap year party will be given in Heisc's weeds te-day. An orchestra has been en gaged for the occasion. The Rebin Hoed.bow and arrow people shot at their target en Mifflin's field, Eighth and Locust streets, last evening. Rebert Crane, jr., wasen a visit te friends in town yesterday. Quite a large party of Columbians spent last evening in Wrightsville. A young gentleman informed us this morning that no less than thirty of Columbia's turn -out took ice cream in ene saloon in the ovcr-the-rivcr-tewn. Mr. Harry Hartman, of Reading, Pa., was in town yestcrdav. Cadet Blanten C. Welsh left here this morning en his way te West Point. He will resume his studies en September 1st. Mrs. Sallie Blackwood, daughter of the late James Wright, of Columbia, died mi1 dcnly at her home in Philadelphia yester day morning, Mrs. Blackwood has rela tives living in this place. A number of Columbia people will bold a picnic en Chiques Reck te-day. Mr. Gcerge Tille, ene of Columbia's staunch Hancock men, left here this morn ing en visit te Latrebe, Westmoreland county. Pa. Gcerge will be away a week or two. The running of freight en the Pennsyl vania railroad is at present quite heavy. Perishable and high class freight, cast and west, is heavier limn has been for some time, while western live stock for the east ern market is passing through by whole train leads. Mr. J. S. Snyder, the well-known beet and shoe dealer of Frent and Locust streets, is lying seriously ill with typhoid fever. A second series of St. Jeseph's building association will be commenced this even ing. A number of Lancaster lawyers came here en the mail train this morning at 11:40 and left shortly after en the Pert De posit train for Yerk furnace, fit teen miles below here, where, as reports place it, they will have a royal time. An excursion train te Atlantic City ever the line of the Pennsylvania railroad will leave here te-morrow morning at 5 o'clock. The meeting which was te have taken Slace last evening at the law eflicc of A. J. aufiunan, esq., for the formation of a Garfield and Arthur campaign glee club, did net take take place as 'there were but few of the prebable members of the club present. It will be tried again this even ing. Majer Shenk, of the Lancaster lawyers' party, is no doubt well-known in Colum bia. We noticed him shaking hands with nil with whom he came in contact. The gentlcmen's department of the 1. B. R. depot was crowded with ladies thisiBornhurtetho evident dissatisfaction of many of the stem sex. It appears that the ladies cannot learn there is a room m the depot assigned te them exclusively. Alleged Felonious Assault. Last night Thes J. Houghten appeared before Alderman Spurrier and made com plaint of felonious assault and battery against Dr. N. Lewin. Mr. Houghten's statement of the difficulty is that yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock he hired Lewin a horse and buggy te take a drive. About 3 o'clock Lcwin returned the team te the livery stable. Mr. Houghten and his em ployees being absent. Dr. Lcwin put the liorse in the stable and harnessed up another ene of Mr. Houghten's horses and drove oft' with it. As the animal was young and valuable, and Mr. Heugh te a exercises great caution in hiring her, he started in pursuit of Dr. Lcwin as seen as he learned that he had taken her from the stable. He finally found him at his own. office en Wct King street and asked hini why he stelo the horse out of hisstable without permission. Dr. Lcwin tccaue angry, ordered Hough Hough eon out of his e(ficc,and te enferce his order reached for a pistol and pointed it at Mr. Houghten's breast. At the same time another man who was in the effice .seized Mr. Houghten by the arms and hustled him out. Mr. Houghten's son was along with him at the time and the above arc the facts as eiven be them. They also say that both the horses driven byJDr. Lcwin were abused and badly driven whilj in Lcwiu's possession. On the ether hand Dr. Lcwin sajs he did net abuse the horses. The ene that was first given him did net suit him and he took it back te have it exchanged for ft better ene. Finding nobody about the premises he hitched up the ether hurse himself. He says that when Mr. Hough Hough eon and his son came te his office, Mr. Houghten was excited and abusive, threat ening te assault him, and,that he picked up the pistol te warn him. He says also that the pistol was unleaded. Alderman Spurrier held Dr. Lcwin for a hearing. ASSAULT AND BATIKBV . Excitement en Daks Street. This morning a difficulty occurred e:i Duke street opposite the court heuse be tween Frank Sales and Fritz Grethwald the dealer in old iron. The street was much crowded with vehicles, and Sales who was in a buggy tried te pass Groth Greth wald's iron wagon. Being unable te de se. he told Grethwald te get out of the way and as the latter could net or did uet de se, Sales struck him several ticms with his carriage whip. When Grethwald get out of Duke street as far as Orange, hestepped, and, when Sales came up, caught his horse by the head and asked him who he was as he wanted te sue him for striking him. Sales jumped out of his buggy, knocked Grethwald down, aud kicked him. Per sons who witnessed the affair state that Salcs's first attack en Grethwald was en tirely unjustifiable, but Sales said Groth Greth wald struck his liorse when he tiicd te pass him. BROKE A HITCHINO STRAP. Wagen Wrecked en Kins Street. This forenoon Adam Murray, of Maner township, tied his herse te a pest en Prince strcet opposite Fulton hall. Becoming restive the herse broke the hitching strap and ran off. In turning up West King street the horse almost ran into Reyer's confectionery store. The top of the mar ket wagon te which he was hitched was tern off and the wagon otherwise damag ed. The herse ran en the pavement a short distance aud was then captured, having his legs somewhat skinned. Thrown Frem a Carriage. This morning about 10 o'clock as Jacob Sener accompanied by a friend was driving en Chestnut street opposite the Pennsyl vania railroad passenger depot, his liorse took fright and ran furiously as far as Duke street, where running into a pile of lumber, the vehicle was upset and the occupants thrown out. Mr. Sener fell heavily upon his head, and was rendered unconscious for some time. He was carried into Dr. Compten's office, where restoratives wer applied, and he seen lecevercd sufficicntl te walk home. The carriage was damage somewhat by the upset and the horse wa slightly cut en the leg. A GOOD CLIMBER. A Hancock and English Flag Raising. This afternoon Jehn Kurtz, an Eighth ward Democrat, climbed the 'hickory pole at the corner of West King and Mary streets, taking with him hammer, nails, pully and ropes, and at a height of nearly ene hundred feet from the ground fastened the pully te the pole, adjusted the ropes in tlie pully ana swing te tnc urccz a ucauu ful bunting American flag G feet wide and 12 feet long. Mr. Kurtz's feat is the mere remarkable as he made the ascent without "creepers "' or any ether of the appliances generally used. A lleatilirul Stere. A visit this morning te the recently remodeled "Zahm's Cerner" disclosed the fact that in the space of a little mere than three weeks this;,widely-known establish ment had undergone a complete metamor phosis. The main store room new occu pies the entire lower fleer an is fitted up beautifully and conveniently. The front is formed by a large central doer,rcccssedJand flanked en citner side by twin windows the glass in recess and windows reaching from fleer te ceiling. Inside show win dows arc discarded and replaced by large movable combination cases for the display of goods. The furniture of the stoic is entirely new. Around the walls rue three large solid walnut cases, two feet deep and about nine feet high with circular lop doers the upholstering blue cash mere with satin trimming. These cases were designed and made by Peter Rcgcn lius, of this city, and certainly are a credit te the skill of one of Lancaster's workmen. The counter cascs.ef which thcic arcjfivc, thrce each seven feet in length, one eight feet, and one circular case thirteen feet, were made by the United States show case works of Pittsburgh, Pa, They arc of the best quality, French plate, mounted in solid rose weed frames en heavy walnut tables, each case and table complete in itself. The doers work perpen dicularly, economizing space and making them as nearly dust tight as possible. The circular case, the mal:crs claim, is the finest in this country, and all their work bears evidence of skill and first-class workman ship. The gas fixtures were furnished by Jehn A. Arneld, and arc gems of artistic beauty. This gentleman will also complete Tire, steam heating throughout the entire build ing, the engine and boiler for which arc furnished by another Lancaster mechanic and business man. who has mera than a local reputation Jehn Best. The steam power is net only designed for heating, but will be used for driving the machinery in the factory which occupies the entire third fleer ei' the establishment, and is equipped with a complete outfit of ma chinery requisite for the manufacturing of jewelry. The second fleer is connected by a convenient stairway with the first, and will be used as a clock and spectacle room. This latter department of the business of the heuse has increased te such an extent as te absolutely need a separate room for fitting aud adjusting lenses te different cases of defection visien.J One of the most striking aud beau tiful parts of the inner work in the main room is the paper decoration of the walls. This was furnished by J. B. Martin & Ce., and put up under the icr icr seu.il supervision of Jehn L. Martin. The paper is, we believe, called em bossed velvet with nyiroen and geld bor der. The whole arrangement for business, when entirely completed, will add greatly te the convenience and comfort of the pro prietor and his patrons, and se far as the main sales room is concerned it u new one of the most beautiful in the state. Heefer Atlantic City! The excursion te Atlantic City te morrow premises te be a success. The fare for the round trip will be $2.7."5, including street railway and ferry fare. Tickets will be geed for two days, te icturn en any train en the second day. Persons having busi ness in Philadelphia, and desiring te go no further, will have the privilege of stepping there, thus ailbrding them an opportunity for a very cheap business trip. This will probably be the last excursion of the sea son : it is certainly the last that has been announced, and for this reason, if for no ether, it will doubtless be well patronized. An old lady wrifes : " 1 wa? curcd.er a com plicated disease of the kidneys by the ti-c of two of Prof. Gutlmctte's French Kidney Pads, after all ether remedies had failed." Telegraphic Frem Teledo, O. Mu. Editer: Say te your readers that Dayj Kidtsey Fad Is extensively used liurc by our best citizens, and is effecting most wonderful cares. It it the best Kidney remedy ever sold in this locality. W. K. West, Druggist. auglG-lw.lM.WXF Excursion. Merchants' excursion te Ceney Island and llrighten Beach, en Thursday, August 20. Tickets positively geed for two days, te return en any train from Jersey City or Philadelphia. Fare ler the round trip only $1.75. Special trains leave Lancaster (Kingslrcct)at4:00u.in. and Columbia at 4:00 a. in. Fer full particulars see "pesters anil circulars at all stations en R. and C. 15. R. augW,2l,23,5l,i.t2tw White, sett and velvety hands fellow the use of Cutlcura Medicinal Seap. Eat Slew And clean your mouth afterwards with SO ZODONT,and your teeth will be in condition te de their work for years. Thousands ordys erdys peptics belted their feed because iliey had no geed teeth te masticate properly. Chew line, cat slew, and use SOZODONT. . . Teachers, authors and ethers or sedentary habits highly prize Malt Hitlers. Sl'ECIAT, XOTJV12S. SAMPLE AOTICE. It is impossible for a woman after a faithful course or treatment witli Lydia E. I'inklumfs Vegetable Compound te continue te sutler with a weakness et the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. l'inkliain, i' Western avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. Jv2MydoedA.w "IIew Is Tills Ter Telegraphing!" A llembay paper of recent date thus an nounces n domestic eccurrence: At 1'oenah, March 24, the lady of Majr Nash, a daughter by Telegraph! 'Smart work that," but no smarter than the Eclcctric quickness. Dr. Themas' EclectricOilcuresall cascsei Asthma, ISrenchitis. Diseases of the Threat and Ultuul ularrswclltngs. Fer sale by II. 18. Cochran, druggist, leTand 139 North Queen street, Lan caster. 47 Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Warm Weather and ita Kffccts. Many people, especially ladies, complain at this season of the year or a general; weakness or debility. The use or Specr's l'ert Crape Wine prevents this. The wine is said te have a most wonderful effect In giving strength, vigor and tone te the whole system. It is ex tensively used by ladies nursing, or about te nurse infants. This wine is neta manufactured article no liquor is added te it. It is no patent medicine or cordial humbug, but is a superior wine of the Oporto grape. It is pure, old, un adulterated wine, nothing mere or less. Mr. Spccr has been supplying hospitals with ids wine for many years past. It Is said te be un surpassed for summer complaints, and for weakly persons. The price is low ter se excel lent a wine, and no lamily need be without Jt. This wine i3 endorsed by Drs. Alice and Davts, and sold by II. E. Slayinakcr. aulC-2wd.lw Try Lechei's Kcnewncd Cough Syrup. " Carry the news te Mary !" Health and hap piness are found in every box et "Sellers' Liver Pills. WE CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO JOB LOTS IN PERCALES AJNTD LAWNS, Which we are offering at prices that must close them out. Please call and examine them. New Fall Styles in Dress Ginghams, Percales and Prints just opened. White, Red and Gray Weel Flannels at Bettem Prices Bleached and Unbleached Cotten Flannels, At Bettem Prices. Sheeting and Shirting Muslins at Lewest Prices. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, in New Styles opening daily. Z3T Please give us a call. GrIVLEK, BO"WEES & HUE8T, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Mm. Dera Keck, 454 Elm street, Buffalo. s.ivs : I hare used Dr. Themas' Kelcctric Oil for Neuralgia, Croup and Burns, and in each case It proved very successful. I consider it the best family medicine I knw et and would net be without it. Fer Sale by II. it. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen btrect, Lan caster. 8 Tumors, erysipelas, mercurial diseases, scrof ula, and general debility cured by "Dr. Lind scy's Illoed Searcher." The remedy that will cure the many diseases peculiar te women is Warner's Sale Kidney and .Liver Cure. Mether's Magazine. 5 Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup COIIgllS. " Brown's Urenchial Troches'" are used with advantage te alleviate Coughs, Sere Threat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections. Fer thirty years these Troches have been in use, w"ith annually Increasing favor. They are net new and untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. Tlie Tlireat. "JSreicn's Bronchial Troches" act directly en the organs of tho-velee. They have an ex traordinary effect in all disorders of the Threat and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone when re laxed, either trem cold or ovcr-cxertlen of the voice, and produce a clcarand distinct enunci ation. Speakers and Singers find the Troches useful. A Cough, Celd, Catarrh ei Sere Threat rc (luircs immediate utlentien, as neglect often times results in some Incnrable Lung Disease. " Brown's Urenchial Troches" will almost in variably give relief. Imitations arc offered for -ale, many el which are injurious. The genu ine "Urewii's Urenchial Troches" are sold only in bores. iunl5-lyd&wTu,Th&S Mothers! Mothers!! Met Hers:!! Arc you disturbed at night and broken el your rest by u sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? 11 se, go at once and gclaboitlcefMRS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There Is neta mother en earth who has overused it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription et one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. fjl7-lyd&wM,W&S 1'OI.ITICAT. JtUX,JjETIK. Te Voters. The 2d of SEPTEMBEU is the last day for registration and assessment, The assessor of each district is required te be at the election heuse en WEDNESDAY aud THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st and 2d, from 10 a. m. te 3 p. m and Irem C p. m. te '.) p. in., te perfect the list of voters. All persons entitled te vote should personal' ly sec that they are assessed ns well as regis tered." Persons intending te be naturalized before the 2d of OCTOBER should also be assessed and registered by the 2d of SEPTEMBER. County committee meeting at City Central Headquarters Monday, August 23, at 10 a. m. Hancock Veteran Association meets at Cen tral Headquarter every Tuesday evening. Conference committees meet en Wednesday evening, August 18, and August 23. There after en every second aud .fourth Wednesday of the month. Campaign commit ice meets regularly every Thursday evening. Sixtli ward club meets regularly en Friday evening; Anicricus club en Thursday evening. On Friday evening, August 2-), there will be a public mcccting et the Democracy et the Sixth ward in Schiller hall, under the joint auspices of the Americus association and Sixth ward club. Speakers will address the meeting. The Eighth Ward Hancock club meets at Henry ltehrer's restaurant, Strawberry street, Wednesday evening, at S o'clock sharp. The Yeung Men's Hancock and English club will meet at Jacob Utzinger's Saleen, Middle Street, en te-morrow (Thursday) evening at 7 o'clock. A, STE1NWANDLE. 2td President. FOB PRESIDENT : WINFIELD S. HANCOCK, OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOB VICE PRESIDENT : WILLIAM H. ENGLISH, OF INDIANA. OEN. HON. The great principles of American lib erly arc still the lawful inheritance or this people, and ercr should he. The right of trial by jury, the habeas corpus, the liberty or the press, the freedom of speech, the natural rights of persons and the rights of property must be preserved. WINHKLI) S. HANCOCK, Maj. Ucn.Cenid'gDcpt. La. ami Texas. State Electoral Ticket. MXCTOnS. R. E. MONAGIIAN, W. II. PLAYFORD. JOHN SLEVIN. E. A. PUE. J. M. CAMPBELL. GILLES DALLET. JOHN N, MOFFET. EDWIN WALDON. NATHAN C. .TAMES. GEORGE FILBERT. JAMES G. McSPARRAN, DR. ALFKEI) J. MAUTJN. ADAM GERRINGER. FUANK TURNER. P.J. BIRMINGGIIAM. II. E. DAVIS. GEORGE A. POST. A. M. BENTON.J J. P. LINTON. COL: JOHN S. MILLER. J. O. SAXTON. C. SI. BOWER. J. A. J. BUCHANAN. CHRISTOPHER MAG BE. ROBEliT M. GIBSON. THOS. BRADFORD. HARRY W. WILSON SAMUEL GRIFFITH. J. BOSS THOMPSON. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. TOR StTVIlEME JUTK1E. GEORGEA.JENKS. FOR AUDITOR OENKRAL. ROBERT P. DECHERT. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. FOR CONGRESS. STEIN METZ. J.L, FOR D'STRICT ATTORXET. D. McMULLEN. FOR SENATOR (13tll DISTRICT.) J. B. DOUGLASS. FOR ASSEVDLT (2d DISTRICT.) S. C. STEVENSON, S. P. SHIRK. FOR ASSEMBLY (3d DISTMCr.) AMOS DILLER, It. DAVIS YUNDT, JACOB M. IIAENLEX. for prison nrer-ECTens. BABTON N. WINTERS BENJ. MILLER. FOR POOR DIRECTORS. A. J. SNYDER, JOHN FKANCiSCUS. Withdrawn. jtitr oeons. XEtY AlirjtXTlSEMJZJfTS. Among the many advantages sained by our change of business location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. "With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work en trusted te us. "WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL BOX REPAINING, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING, &c. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver beusrht, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. ZAHM'S CORNER WILL BE EEOPENED Wednesday Evening, August 18th. We extend acenlial invitation te ALL te call and examine our LARGE AND ELEGANT STOCK OF GOODS. EDW. J. ZAHM, ZAHM'S COENER, LANCASTER, PA. KFW AltVlUlTlSEMliSTS. ATTENTION SIK KNIGUTS THE lUEJt bers of Lancaster Dsvisien Ne. C, will meet in their Armery in full uniform te-morrow (Thursday) evening at r o'clock sharp, fertius purpose et receiving Division Ne. 7. By order of Sir Knight Commander. ltd rilOKACCO KAISEKS' NOTICE. J. The Pcnn'n Mutual Hail Insurance Com pany is new ready te bind the insurance, and issue policies against nau aumagc te tobacco. Rates reduced. Insure before it is tee late, at p.ausm; fSMAN & BUKNS'S, Ins. Agents, Office, 10 West Orange Street. y22-eedtfR Ir.Il'OKTANT TO IlEAL ESTATE OWN ERS. About September 1 we will issue our Monthly Catalogue of Real Estate for sale. If you have property te sell, avail yourselves at once of this excellent opportunity ler put ting property in the market. Terms sent by mail. IIERR A STAUFFER, Real Estate Agents, 3 North Duke street, Lancaster, Pa. augl4-2tdW&SR<w INSTATE OF MICHAEL TKISSLEK, 2i late el the City of Lancaster, deceased. letters testamentary en said estate having been grunted te the undersigned, all persons Indebted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demands against the estate of said decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned, residing at Ne. 130 East King Street, Lancaster. Pa. CATHARINE F. TRISSLER, KATE TRISSLER. ANNETTA F. TRISSLER, auglS-Ctdeaw. Exccntrlvcs. 100 Tens et Rags Wanted, Fer which the highest price will be paid. X CENTS PER POUND FOR GOOD MIXED BAGS. The highest price paid for Woolens, Old Paper, Beeks, c. Ten Bag Assertcrs wanted" te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBER, Cor. North Queen and Orange Streets, yO-trdR Lancaster, Pa T)ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. GRAND EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CITY, On THURSDAY, AUGUST 19. TICKETS GOOD FOR TWO DAYS. Geed te return en any train from Atlantic City and Philadelphia en second day, without extra charge. Parties desiring te return same lay will take special train, leaving Atlantic City at G and West Philadelphia DcpetatSp. m Tickets, $2.75 for the round Trip. Train leaves Lancaster depot at 5:35. CHILDREN HALF l'RICE. Mount Jey and Landisvillc passengciv; will take Fast line as far as Lancaster. Tickets ler sale at the ticket efliccs. CLARK & SCHMID, jy3l-2wdced Lancaster, Pa. PUBLIC SALE OF STOCKS. On MONDAY, AUGUST 2.1, 1SS0, will be sold at public sale, for the undcrsigner execu execu eor, at tlie Cooper Heuse, Lancaster City, Pa., the following stocks, te wit: 20 Shares Farmers National Bank Stock. 10 Shares Lancaster County National Bunk Stock. 5 Shares Lancaster and FruItvHlc Turnpike stock. 2C Shares Manhcim nnd Lancaster Turnpike Stock. 13 Shares Lancaster und Susquehanna Turn pike Stock, known as the Columbia pike. 2 Shares Lancaster and Ephrata Pike Com pany Stock. 7 Shares Lancaster and Willow Street Pike Company Stock. 10 Shares Hollewwarc and Enameling Com pany Stock. 219 Shares Lancaster Gas Company Stock. 5 Shares Lancaster and MillersvUle Street Car R. R. Stock. Sale te commence at 2 o'clock p. m. et said day, when attendance will be given und con ditions of sole will be made known by A. SLAYMAXEIf, Executer of the last will nebis, deceased. S. Hess & Sen, Aucs. of Gen. J. L. Key- aug!8-4td INSTATE OF HENRY MUSSELMAN, LATE It et the borough of Marietta, Lancaster county, deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county. Fa., te distribute the balance remain ing in the hands of B. F. lliestand and Ames Bewman, executers of the will of said de ceased, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will attend for that purpose en the 14th day of AUGUST, 18i, at o'clock a. m., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, Pa., where all persons Inter ested in said distribution may attend. A.SLAYMAKER, iy2Mtw Auditor. -u a. WJLNTJSI. w ANTED..EVERYBODY TO ADVEK- tlsc. free of charge, in the Iktellkikn- (er. who wants something te de. WANTED OLD IIORSE SHOES AT THE l'enn Rolling Mill, Lancaster, ler which the lilghvst price will be paid. augl3-euwtfd TirANTED THE UNDERSIGNED WILL T T go out nursing, It at Ne. 140 North Water street FANNY ELLIOTT. An;. lG-3td. -XTANTED A YOUNG COLORED BOX T T wants a situation at which he can make himself useful. Apply at S1G Nertli street. WanIU-a si'eUV isuk1 AliOUl XH or 17 years old, te learn carriage paint ing at Philip Doersom's Carriage shop, 128 East Klngstrcct, Lancaster, Pa. ltd WANTED A HOY TO LEARN CAR rlagc smithing at S. SI. Cex'0, 341 Cbarch street. ' ltd WANTED A SITUATION AS HOCSE kecper by a thorough competent person. Can furnish best of citv relcrence ; references exchanged. Apply at Ne. 17 Seuth Prince Street, MISS BKOWN. 2td GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, PITTSBURGH, PA. Send stamp for Catalogue. Rifles, Shet Guns Revolvers, sent C. O. D. foccxaminatien. ie!6-12teeww PUBLIC SALE ON THURSDAY MORN ing at 10 o'clock will be sold, en the Res ervoir Ground, a let of geed second-hand lumber. By order of the W atcr Committee. aul7-2td JACOB GUNDAKER, Auct'r. TjURST GRAND VOLKSFEST OF THE Canastatter YeMest 7ri, OF LANCASTER, ON Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 23 and 24, AT WHAT GLEN PARK. This is the first Cunnstatter Velksfest ever held in Lancaster, and is being arranged en the name plan as the Cannstatter Velksfest of Philadelphia and New Yerk. The leading attraction et the day will be an lmmense Festival Column, artistically deco rated with every kind of Fruit and will be worthy of a visit. There will also be a large ranerama frce te all visitors, which will pro duce the principal cities and towns of Europe in their natural size. The different European Military Staffs in full uniform can also be seen In life size. Popular entertainments ler adults and chll pren will be provided ler. Omnibuses will leave East King street dur ing the two days, and Powell's conveyances will take passenger te the Park for 15 cents each trip. ADMISSION, 25c. augl4-lwd PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. On WEDNESDAY, SEPTEM- BEE 15, 1SS0, wUl be sold at public sale en premises, situated in Raphe township, en tuc the read leading from ML Jey te Manheim, enc ; half mile northeast of Mt. Joy.adieininglunds te Manheim, one- et Christian Geed. Jeseph betweilcr. J no. Brcncman nnd the Little Chiques Salunga creek, a Valuable Farm centainlngl3S ACRES, en which is erected a two-story Brick Heuso with two-story brick wing uttached. There is no finer farm heuse in Lancaster county. A balcony extends the whole length of the house en the first and second stories. There are large folding doers in the hall; in winter the doers can be closed, making another room, nnd in summer by opening the doers a large, cool hall Is the result. A circular staircase runs te the third story. The cellar is cement ed and has a sub-arched cellar underneath, which Is Intended for keeping milk, butter, meats, 4c. Stene Tenant Heuse with basement kitchen. A large bank barn, when erected in 1871, cost nearly $8,000. Attached te the barn is a building which contains a horse power and above Is a large mew. A large straw house at tached te the barn, a carriage house, wagon shed, corn crib and all necessary outbuildings, allot which ere covered with slate. A large ice beuse near the house. The fencing is com posed or locust pests and chestnut rails. The property has been thoroughly limed within the last five years, is in a high state of cultiva tion, and is one of the most desirable farms' in the county. If desired $15,000 of the purchase money can remain en the farm. Any person desiring te view the property be fore the day of sole will please call en Mr. Charles Bender, residing thereon. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. nujef said day, when attemdance will be given by HENRY E. LEMAN. L. D. Gallagher, Auct. aug7-5tw&GtdeawS 170R RENT. . The second story et Eshleman & Rath von's Benking Heuse, at Centre Square, and also a room en second story, opposite the Penn'a B. B. Depot, en Chestnut street. B. F. ESHLEMAN. flfrttdAStt Atternev-at-Law THIRD EDItTOIlT WEDNESDAY EVEN'O, AUG. 18, 1B80. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Aug. 18. Fer tne Xew England and Middle Atlantic states, slowly falling barometer, generally high temperature, winds mostly southerly, ruj biuuuj ntrjuwr, uuu pussiuiy oc casional rain. FIRES AN THE WEST. TheTowuefGlendale, O., Ravaged by Flame Cincinnati, Aug. 18. A fire cngine was sent te Glendalc, fifteen miles distant, at midnight, te assist in extinguishing a fire. The report of the fire is meagre, but it known that seven buildings are burned. St. Leuis Flouring Mill Destroyed. St. Leuis, Aug. 18. The Yager flour ing mill, the largest aud costliest mill in the city, was entirely destroyed by fire last night. The less cannot be stated at present, but will be heavy. The property was insured for $285,000. A large wooden building en 19th street, used as a skating rink and riding school, was also entirely consumed by fire about midnight. m OXALIC ACID. The Unwholesome Substance Used te Sweet en Conee Philadelphia, Aug. 18.-AgncsCriddle, aged 14, a servant in the employ of Jehn C. 3Iacy, a prevision dealer, was arrested last night upon charge of poisoning 3Irs. Macy and two niale boarders, by placing oxalic acid iu their coffee. Physicians succeeded in counteracting the effects of the acid but Jlrs. Macy suffered intensely. The girl denies the crime but admits hav hiving bought oxalic acid at a neighboring drug store. IRISH RIOTS. LIberul Use of Firearms by Catholics and Orangemen. Londen, Aug. 18. During the riot at Dungannon, Sunday morning, many e the police wero wounded. Their ranks were broken several times and final ly they fired buckshot into the crowd. The fire was returned and the crowd in their eagerness te attack almost rushed en the point of the bayonet. The police afterward fired a volley of ball and many were wounded ene man died shortly afterward. At Deunpatrick, ill a fight between Cath. elics and Orangemen, fire-arms were in cessantly used from eleven o'clock Sunday mgut, untu tnrce e clock .Monday morn ing. Several persons were wounded. SHOCKING TRAGEDY. Suicide of a Prominent Fireman. Acbubn, N. Y., Aug. 18. The conven tion of state firemen in session here was cast into gloom this morning by the sui cide of Jeseph P. Nbrris, chief engineer of the fire department. Deceased was very nervous for weeks past in anticipation of the gathering, and the excitement unbal anced his mind. During last night he arese from bed and cut his threat with a razor. Eaten's Ringing Delivarancc. New haven, Conn., August 18. The Democratic state convention met here this morning. Senater Eaten was chosen permanent president. Senater Eaten referred te the electoral com mission as the greatest political crime of modern times nnd appealed te Connecticut te set her bread seal of condemnation upon it. SIR KNIGHTS. Competitive Drill at Chicago. Chicago, Aug. 18. Thirty thousand persons were en tLa Jockey Club grounds this morning te witness the competitive drill of the Knights Templar, and the heat was almost overpowering. NEW YORK GKEENHACKERS. Meeting in State Convention at Syracuse. Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 18. The Green back state convention re-assembled this morning. The report of the committee en plan of organization was read. Ole Bull Dead. Beugex, Norway, Aug. IS. Ole Bull the violinist, is dead. LEGJ.L NOTICES. ESTATE OF HENRY AUSSICKER (OK OVERSEEK), late of Pequea township, deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appoint ed te pass upon exceptions and distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Jehn M. Amweg, Administrator, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en FRIDAY, the 20th dayer AUGUST. 18S0, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons interested In said distribu tion may attend. D. McMULLEN, jyl4-Itw Auditor. ESTATE OF ANDREW STEWART, LATE of Lancaster City, deceased. The under under sigecd Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Jehn St. Geed. csn.. trustee te sell real estate, te ami among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en WEDNESDAY, the 25th day of AUGUST, 1880, at 10 o'clock a.m., in the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where oil persons inter ested in said distribution may attend. W. F. BEYER, ilyStd-43tw Auditor. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF SAMUEL KURTZ und Jacob II. Strieklcr. trailing as Kurtz & Ce., of Mount Jey borough. The undersign ed Auditors, appointed te pass upon excep tions and distribute the balance remaining in the hands et Henry lliestand und Pliilip A. Pylc, Assignees, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en TUESDAY, the 17th dav of AUGUST. 1880. at 10 o'clock a. in., in the Library Roem et the court ueusc, in mc city ei .Lancaster, wuerc all persons interested In suld distribution may attend. URIEL SWOPE, E. D. NORTn, D. McMULLEN, jylWtw Auditors. ESTATE OF HENRY DERR, LATE OF Ceney township, Lancaster county, de ceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Christian K. Ebersole administrator d. b. n. c. t. a. of said deceased, te and among theso legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purrxwe en THURSDAY, AUGUST. 19, nt 9 o'clock n. m., in the Library Roem or the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons Interested in said distribution may attend. SAMUEL EBY, jy284tw Auditor. ESTATE OF DANIEL WlKER, LATE OF Stmsburg township, Lancaster county, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent are request ed te make Immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing in Stras burg township. SAMUEL H. W IKElt, jy23-Gtw Administrator. ESTATE OF JOSEPH AND MARIA Wengcr, late of Upper Leacock township, deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appoint ed te pass upon exceptions filed te the account of Jehn Wenger, guardian of Emma Louisa Wcnger, a miner child of said decedents, will sit for thatfpurpesc en WEDNESDAY, AUG. 25, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m., In the Library Beem et the Court Heuse, In the city of Lancaster, where all persons Interested may attend. S.W.SHADLE, Jy2Mtw Auditor. MAKRK1 ' PhUiMtelpUa Markatu " PHTHTHtT.THIA. An. M .Flnnr il,,ll .i JE?:; nperJXBa . .593; extra i ae 4 00 ; Ohie and Indiana lamily $5 235 75: fnf?JS LSm)!amUy M6C w ? Patent .. TT" LO- -l-. - - ...... .ua and high grades 16 5003 00. J u uuiir u ma fitt kt drill nnrl lnm . Vn e ifm,... a W; Penn'a Bed if 7nbeV I J" yeewMS3?LclSteamcr M& 30I0c; Ne. 3,de3Sc; Ne. T'Mixcd'as Bye scarce : New Tee. 5r?J22?etaJ05l lobbing demand: mess beei $1550(916; beef Hams 2i5o-eo; Indian ZV&S ttt6? bacon-smoked shoulders Gc; salt de Static; smoked hams 11313a: pickled hams 9i10Kc nam una ; ,'city Jcettle at 8Jic: loeso butchers' 7te : nrimn Butterinarkct inactive and prlce;iineliang cd; Creamery extra 25026c; Creamery geed te cheice 2221c : Bradford county unTl New erk extra. 22023c; Western reserve extra 13 016c; de geed te choice 13015c; Rolls duU; Penn'a extra 13016; Western reserve extra sieam fcc I39I6C. , Eggsscarceand wanted; Pcnnsylvaulaatl7c ; Western ltfc. Cheese quiet hnt held firmly : New Yerk full cream I213c; Western full cream lie; 'iP-X1 te Soett MSlOJSc; de lielf skims Petroleum steady ; refined 8-;:c. Whisky! II. '" -fSS?6001 te l'rime Clever firm at $3 50 SS73; Timethy firm at $2 G032 75 : Flaxseed quiet at 1 2301 2S. Mew Xerk Market. New Your. Aug. IS. Fleur Stut and ',t. era market in buyers' favor, with Very modcrate expert and home trade inquiry; su su perflne state at S 5004 25 ; extra d ut tn $V-?i- h0,ce. v W 5U5 00; fancy 1006 00; round hoop Ohie 1 5005 50; choice de $5 6006 75; superfine western f3(SQ 4 40; common te geed extra de n oeqiiu; choice dodo $45006 75; choice while wheat de 4 2504 75; Southern dull and declining: common te lair extra $50006 00; geed te choice de (6 1006 75. Wheat Ne. 1 White, cash, a sliade lower; ether kinds without change ; Ne. 1 White, !!'i' LS??" ' a September, $1 07 : de October, i07; Ne. 2 Red August, $1 07?$: de Sept., $1 O7J401 07 ; de Oct. 91 0801 ic. .Cern a shade better ami moderately active ; Mixed western spot, 48050c ; de future, 50 62JSC Oats strong : State, 3tl047c. ; Western, 37ICc Stock markets. Philadkli-iiia. An- 18. . H. 1KU l 3:00 r Stocks strenir. Penna 6's (third Issue) 106 Philadelphia & Erie 1W01 ueaeing Pennsylvania Lehigh Valley. United Ces. of N. J.. Northern Pacific.... " Preferred Northern Central... Lehigh Navigation.. . 57?;5S ,53 1G6016? , 35.: . 53 37ii .. 31JiC nornsiewn Central Transportation Ce. f.t1. Pitts., Tltusville & Buffalo. r2 Little Schuylkill. 47 NBW Yeiek. Aug. 18. Stocks strong nnd active. OW Meney Vi-V. N. Y. Central 133 " Erie. 41 Adams Express lit Michigan Central U5 Michigan Southern 108 Illinois Central 1(WJ. Cleveland ft Pittsburgh.. -.121 " Chicago A Reck Island. 112!.' Pittsburgh A Fert Wayne.. 125J Western Union Tel. Ce 106 Teledo Wabash .'40 New Jersey (Central 76,. Ontario Western 25 United States Bends and Sterling Exchange (Quotations by Si. K. Jamisen Jb Ce., S. W. cer. en anu cnesiuut sireeisj. PmXADBXTHIA, Aug. IS. United States Cs, 1881, (rcgiatcrcd)..iai01O4 United States 6's, 1881, (registered). .lOiie United States Wd, 1801, (rcglstcrcd)lie 0I1O? United States4l?s,1891,(conpens)....lll Ul United States 4s, 1007. (registered).. 109 110 United States Currency 6's. 125,1212712Sl Sterling ExchnnKe 4S2&1U LANCASTER HOUSEHOLD MARKET. The household market this morning was again a very lullone, and all manner of farm produce, especially lruits and vegetables of oxeellpnt qnnl ity, sold at very low prices, and large quantities remained unsold ut the close of the market. Watermelons and cantelepcs were especially abundant and of as fine qual ity as were ever brought te the Lancaster mar ket. Peaches were geed, bad nnd Indifferent, and ranged in price from 5 cents per half peck ler scrawny enes te 40 cents for very fine ones. The avorage prlce was from 10 te 1 cents. Hay was very scarce and high, clever and timetliy niixcd selling nt $25 per ten. DAIItT. Butter flit 1018c Cottage cheese, t pieces. 5c Dutch cheese ft lump. tf10c FRUITS. Apples fl pk.... itfj.-tc Bananas each ; 25c Cherries, dried, Vut 12c Currants, dried, fl A 12c Dried Apples ft qt r8c " Peaches ft qt 10&12c Fex Grapes ft qt 23c Grapes ft pk 1'iftlte Lemens ft dez l20c Omnges fl dez 50c Pears fife peck 10lSc Peaches ft Jpcck 15$20c j) nun, ivi Plums ft qt 1015c VKflETABLES. Cabbage ft head fi10c Carrots ft bunch 35e Cucumbers ft dez 5I0c Cern ft dez 5($10c EggPlnnts each 5$8c Green Cern ft'dez HtfelOc Green beans ft peck 7f10c Lima beans ft It. 1012c Lettuce, head and plutc 35c Onions ft J pk 20325c " & linneli V Potatoes ft Jpk 8l()c Radishes ft bunch 5c Soup Beans ft qt 8c Salsify ft bunch lc O'juusiicti cmn - ( Tomatoes ft pk 10l5c rOCLTUV. Chickens ft pair (live) tOfiOOc " " (cleaned) W75e Ducks ft pair jiocee Geese ft piece G0cl risii. Bess ft It 10c Catfish ft ft 12Jc Eels ft ft loc Perch iOe 3llIle4. IUC LjuCJCVrH JO MI8CSLLAMEOC8. Apple Bnttcr ft qt 25c CuntCleilprt 305c ??$ f i 40 lSC Jleiicy ? A. J$j eOtlp jff ! MjfCC Sauer krutlt ft qt 10l2c Watermelons 15Q30c MBATS. Beef Steak, ft ft 1020c " Reust (rib) ft A 121Cc " " (chuck) ft ft iOWic " Corned, ft ft 10I2c " Dried, ft A 2528c Bologna dried 25c Ham ft ft 1318c JUITIL) Tfl ID 1w4$jVC iMim fi t(jjC Mutten ft. ........... ..... ........ 10lfc Pudding ft ft 8c Sausage ft ft 10l2c Sides und Bacen ft ft 7I0c Shoulders ft A 7c Summer Bologna. He Veal Si ft........... ........10Q16c OKAIN. Cleversccd ft bus $5.00CCO Hay ft ten 2025 "ril TP UU3(a .mC '-WHS tW IJu3.... .. ()VD'0c -" UUS sfVlywwC Timethy Seccd ft bus $3.2550 Wheat ft bus $1.0 MUSICAL IXSTJtUMENTS. THE Lancaster Organ IwMw Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market. Warcroems .120 North Queen street, Manufactory in the rear. Branch Office, lift East King Street. Alex. McKillipe, Proprietor. Alse Agent for Lancaster County for CiUCKERING SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line et Sheet and ether Music, Small Instruments, Violins. Banjos, Band Instru ments, 4c always en hand. flS-lyuSftlyw USTBAY. J2j Came te the residence of the subscriber, in Celeraln township, en JUNE 28, 1880, a pale Red Steer and a Boen Heifer, supposed te be about 1 years old. The owner is requested i ouuie lurwani, prove property, pay charges uuu iud uiciu away, uwerwisc tucy cy will b seiu uccqruing 10 law. S.tl V-1 VSI SIMEON W. SWISHER. July 9, 1889. jyHt i 6 -