Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 16, 1880, Image 3

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bappy recipient of a four-peunder, present
ed by Hen. Gee. II. Etla, en Saturday. It
furnished a most excellent Sunday break
fast, and was heartily enjoyed by the fam
ily of the recipient.
Crashed te Death uoreugli Budget Meet
ing or Councils Little Locals.
William Griffith, a .single man aged about
ferty-five years, was instantly killed at
about 9:30 o'clock en Saturday night at a
point between Perry and Mill streets while
crossing under a freight train which was
being shifted te one of the many sidings in
the east yard at this place. Griffith, who
was a puddlcr at the Susquehanna rolling
mill, was under the influence of liquor
when he met his death. It is supposed
that he attempted te crawl under the car
just as the train commenced moving back
ward, and that thinking that he could
clear the opposite track he kept en. The
car wheels passed ever his head ar.d
both of his feet. The remains were taken
te the undertaking establishment of A. J.
Musscr en North Third street.
Deputy Corener Jehn P. Frank
empannelcd a jury as fellows : Jacob
Auweiter, feicraan; Leenard Shu
ler, Jeseph Hogenteglcr, Jehn Hysinger,
Isaac Hillian and William C. Stene, who
rendered the following verdict : " We find
that said William Griffith came te his
death by being run evcrau.l killed by the
cars of the Pennsylvania railroad company
while under the inlliienue of liquor, be
tween Perry and Mill streets, Columbia,
Pa., and there is no blame attached te the
r.iihead company or any of their employ
ees for the accident." Griffith has friends
at Cutasauqua and Coiishehockcu, but has
none in Columbia.
Councils meeting.
At I he-Friday evening meeting of councils,
President Witmer in the chair, the finance
committee rcpwiici! as fellows :
ttuliinci'Oii of la-t repot l..3,A67,ltJ
V.. StrawlM-id:;..-, 1: -i.-.ient runts 81.00
imu:il rents 101.00
Stnra rent-. 210.00
Degtnx 20300
Rrick mill sand 31.1.1 90
Circus licence 15.00
llcrshcy, tnv duplicate 1.'7.'1 33.00
llershey, tux duplicate 1377 1S5.90
ilurnlicy, tax duplicate 1879 273.50
Her-diey, tax duplicate IS7U 259,79
ileckliiH, tax duplicate l&ifi 1,1X9.20
Total receipts 13,195.43
Orders paid hince hut report ?l,OM.93
Netu 1, 100.09
Hakiticceti hand 6.030.47
The property committce reported the
engine room, boiler and steam apparatus
in geed condition ; that the following
insurance policies would cxpire Sept. 1,
before next meeting of council : Waynes
boro Mutual, $3,000; Pennsylvania Mut
ual, $2,000; Hartferd Fire, $2,000; Ly
coming Fire, $3,000; Lurgar Fire, $2,000 ;
Pottsville Mutual, $3,000 ; total, $17,000.
The committce further reported having
authorized the publishing of a card in
four dramatic newspapers with a view te
bringing the merits of the opera house te
the attention of traveling companies. The
read committee repotted material for re
pairing streets exhausted, and asked for
authority te make necessary purchases,
fieiincil decided te ascertain the cost of
an extension of Maner street te Twelfth,
where, if the extension is made,Mr. Stencr
will make connections of three reads at
his own expense. The Shawnee fire com
pany asked permission te participate in the
feilvcr exhibition of the Washington coun
ty agricultural and mechanical association
te be held in Ilagcrstewn, Md., en Octo
ber 20, te which the company has been in
vited ; referred te the chief director of
the fire department. The insurance ques
tion was left with the finance committee
with power te act. The property commit cemmit cemmit
ice was instructed te receive proposals for
furnishing coal for the winter. Tle sever
al committees were ordered te make neces
sary improvements and questions concern
ing insurance etc., wcre left with different
committees. Bills amounting te $318.01
were read and orders drawn fur the
Cadet Blanten C. Welsh, of the United
States military academy, West Point, is en
a visit te his home in Columbia.
Mr. Oliver C. Knipc, of Norristown, Pa.,
is visiting his home in town.
Mr. L. K. Fondersmith has just returned
from a visit te Pert Deposit, Md.
Mr. Jeseph McFaddcn, of Philadelphia,
is visiting fi iends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Hess, of Ilar
rif.burg. aie visiting Mrs. Hess' mother
.Mr. Charles Wymcr, who had been visit
ing friends in town for a day or two, left
for his .home in Philadelphia this morning.
Four or live members of Cyrene coin cein
inandcry Kb. 84 K. T., of this place left
hcic en Saturday te paiticrpr.te in the
grand conclave at Chicago.
Mr. Charles Ilitcshtte left here for New
Yerk city this morning te place himself
tinder the instructions of a first class cutter.
The picnic of Osceola Tribe Ne. 11, I. O.
1. M., at Ilcise's weeds en Saturday
a very pleasant affair.
Charles, the seven year old son of T. S.
AViiitc died en Saturday afternoon of diph
Ueginning with next Sunday the Presby
terian Sunday school will held afternoon
instead of morning sessions as at present.
Henry Mann died this morning of con
sumption in the 54th year of his age. Fun
.eral 011 Wednesday afternoon from the
United Brcthcrn church. Interment at
Jlethel cemetery.
Mr. Rebert T. Ryen, of Philadelphia, i
visiting his family in Columbia.
On Saturday evening burglars attempted
te rob G. W. ifc B. F. llaldcman's dry goods
store. They were en a back reef but were
scared off by neighbors.
Somebody stele the hanging-basket from
the front of W. Hayes Grier's house en Sat
urday evening. Columbians suffer consid
erably from petty thieving.
Church Matters.
By reason of the absence from town of
Kev. J. McCoy pastor of the church, ser
vices were net held in the Presbyterian
church yesterday morning and evening.
Rev. Elias Sncath, preached in the E. E.
Lutheran church yesterday morning.
The funeral services of the child of Adam
Reiamgcr, whose death from dipthcria took
plaee a couple or days age, were Iicltt in
ihe Reformed church yesterday afternoon.
Rev. Isaiah Sueath officiated in the
United Brethren church yesterday even
ing. Services wcie net held in St. Paul's
Episcopal church yesterday morning and
evening by reason of the pastor, Rev.
Richard C. Scaring, being oil' en his sum
mer vacation.
Anether Supposed Rabid De;
On Saturday evening Jehn Brillhart shot
a pretty white Spitz deg the property of
Henry Zimmerman, baker, West King
stiect, en the supposition that it was mad.
The deg had loose, and absented itself
from home for two days previous. When
it returned it was caught' and tied in the
yard, but it behaved se strangely biting at
its box, lugging at its chain' and snapping
at every thing in its wav that Mr. Zimmer
man thought best te have it killed, and at
i icucBk lur, uriuuarc supc it.
The Au&tut Term of Criminal Bastaee.
The August term of Court of Quarter
Sessions commenced this morning at 10
o'clock, Judge Patterson presiding. One
hundred and eighty-two cases are set down
for jury trial and twenty-one surety of the
peace and desertion cases. Thirty-three
persons are in jail awaiting trial. The trial
list embraces nearly every crime in the cal
ender, with the exception of murder.
Twenty-four grand jurors answered te their
names, and as but twenty-three could
serve, Mr. Abraham Bachman, carpenter
of West Lampeter, was excused. Stephen
Grissinger, farmer of Baphe township, was
made foreman of the grand inquest, ana
they were instructed as te their duties by
the court. The constables next made their
returns, and several returned parties for
the violation of the liquor laws.
The cases against Frank H. Arndr, for
embezzlement and forgery; Charles and
Herman Blume, false pretense and con
spiracy te defraud; Henry Eberly and
Geerge Garrett, fornication andbastary.
wcre settled, and these against Louisa and
Margaret Cenner for libel, and Jeseph
Jenes, fornication and bastardy, were con
tinued. The case of commonwealth vs. Leramen
W. Rupp. false pretence was attached for
trial. Lewis Mendel one of the firm of
Licderman Bres. & Ce., tobacco dealers
of New Yerk, with a warehouse in this
city, testified that the defendants a resident
of West Earl township, bad delivered his
tobacco crop et between 3,000 and 4,000 lbs.
at the firm's warehouse. In a few days
after its delivery, en getting the tobacco
te the sorter's table, and opening the hands,
a tobacco stalk was found concealed in
nearly every hand, the firm sustaining a
damage of at least $50 by the weight of
the stalks. As seen as the fraud wan dis
covered, a letter was written te Mr. Rupp
and he came te the warehouse and said he
had put the stalks there and if 100 would
satisfy them for the treuble and less they
sustained, he would see his partner and
settle the difficulty. Rupp further said
that he had dene that thing before and
nethiwr was said about it.
Fer the defense it was proven that per
sons were present when the tobacco was
stripped and tied up. and that no stalks
wero placed in the hands, and that the
way the hands were tied it would have
been impossible te have placed any stalks
there. The defendant denied having con
fessed te putting any stalks in the tobacco,
and caidj David Leiderman, one of the
firm, who bought the tobacco, saw it
stripped, and it was iu the same condition
when it was delivered at the warehouse.
The dofense also showed geed character.
The defense concluded their testimony
when court adjourned until 2 o'clock.
The Grand Jury made the following re
turn: True Billi Jacob Ressel, fornication and
bastary and seduction ; Charles Northrop
and Rebert Blace, assault and battery.
Ignored Bills. -Jeseph Douglass, larceny;
Rachacl Douglass, accessory te larceny.
Insolvent Debter Blscbargad.
Jehn T. Narden having served the regu
lar term for fornieation and bastardy was
discharged this morning under the insolv
ent law.
The Assumption or the D. V. M.
Yesterday, the celebration day of the
festival of the assumption of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, was thajpnnual feast day at
St. Mary's Catholie church, this city, and
the altar was handsomely adorned with
bouquets, cut flowers and growing orna
mental plants. There was a large audi audi
dence at all the services and ever 400 per
sons partook of the Hely Communion at the
early and eight o'clock masses, the former
being celebrated by Father Hickeyand the
latter by Father Blake, O. S. A., of Villa
Neva. The ten o'elock solemn high mass
was celebrated by Father C. E. Weedman, C.
S. P.,of New Yerk; Father Blake officiating
as deacon. Father Tuesk as eub-deacen,and
Father lliekey as master of eercmeniea.
In the evening the church was crowded
with a very large congregation. The Ves
pers was in charge of Father Hiekcy, as
sisted by Fathers Christ and Blake. After
Vespers there was a precession of the So
dality, numbering about seventy-five
young ladies, wearing white veils. The
sermon was preached by Father Wood Weed
man from the following text : Psalm 131 :
8. " Arise, O Lord, into thy resting place;
thou and the ark which thou hast sancti
fed." In the elucidation of this text the
preacher dwelt with signal eloquence,
logic and power upon the fitness and con cen con
gruityeftho Assumption of the Virgin.
By the decrees of Ged, she was ordained
from the beginning te be the woman of all
ethers for the transcendent Hener of giv
ing birth te the only begotten son of Ged.
Having furnished of her own substance,
the materials, the materials of his sacred
body, she ought te be full of grace and
glory, from the very congruity of such a
dispensation, if for nothing else. Ged's
universal rule is that persenal holiness is re
quired for any office which brings his crea
tures into contact with him ; se, Mary
being the source of the bodily Werd was
as worthy of Ged as creature can be of the
orcater. Iu honoring her, Jesus is all the
mere exalted and the lessen of the Af Af
sumptien is that heaven is the home, net
only of the immortal soul, but of the risen
A If'eiUval That Had a Political Opinion for
The festival for the benefit of the Parker
burg cornet band,hcld en Parke's oemmou,
closed en Saturday evening and was a
grand success. Among the things voted
for were a engineer's silver lantern and a
revolver. Fer the former the competitors
wcre Mr. Walter Gormly Pennsylvania
railroad operator, and Mr. Lewis Harap
shcr, and for the latter article Mr. Wm.
Dicksen and Mr. Tayler Barley. What
was intended te be a friendly battle was
turned by the friends of the competitors
into a slight political contest, owing te the
fact that Messrs. Gormly and Dicksen
were Democrats, while the ethers were
Republicans. On Saturday when the votes
were counted it was found that both Han
cock men were victorious. It was net
strictly a political battle, or it would no
doubt have been waged mere fiercely, but
notwithstanding the geed feeling that pre
vailed it can be looked at as a "straw" in
the political wind, and gees te show hew
the breeze is blowing in and around Parker
burg. m
TlieKeblt Act eta Small Bey.
Wheti Mr. S. P. Bailey's ten-year old
son was caught in the hopper of the grain
bin at Mr. Walker's warehouse at the Gar
ou the 11th inst., a son of Mr. Ornderf, the
ticket agent at that place, saw the acci
dent and first tried te pull him out of his
perilous position from above, but when he
found he was unable te de se he ran for
life te the slide which shuts off the flaw of
wheat through the hopper below, when,
unable te kick in the Elide with his feet,
grabbed up an iron which lay a short dis
tance off and succeeded in driving it in iu
time te save his playmate's life, which
would certainly have been lest had it net
been for the presence of mind of the heroie
little fellow.
The Wigwam Watchman.
Jeseph Hughes the watchman at the
wigwam of the Sixth ward Republican
club went en a "tear" en Saturday and
became very disorderly. At Ransing's
saloon he called for a schooner and after
emptying it refused te pay for it and called
for another. This was refused, whereupon
lie threatened te clean out the Loese. An
officer was sent for and took the wigwam
watcher te the lock-up. This morning he
was taken before the mayor raprinuuydsd,
and dUckarfwl M pajTBMt ff Mttl,
Immense Attendance Closing Scenes.
The colored camp meeting, under the
auspices of the African Methodist Episco
pal church of this city, closed last evening
after a successful session of mere than a
week's duration, The attendance yester
day was even greater than that of last
Sunday it being estimated that net less
than 3,000 people, white and black, wcre
en the grounds during the afternoon and
evening. The passenger railway between
this city and Millersville was taxed te its
utmost capacity and yet failed te accom
modate hundreds of passengers who wished
te visit the camp. Hundreds of livery and
private conveyances were in use and net a
few made their way te the camp en feet.
The morning services were conducted by
Rev. Themas Wilsen, of the Buck, this
county. The afternoon services by Rev.
A. A. Robinson of the city, and the even
ing services by Rev. J. W. Merris of Seuth
Chester, Delaware county. Rev. J. R. Davis
assisted at. the several services. The sev
eral gentleman all acquitted themselves
very creditably and were attentively listen
ed te.especially by the colored portion et the
congregation. The order en the grounds
was geed; though tlwre was some disorder
outside, all or nearly all was made by
white roughs. The collections yesterday
netted nearly $100 which gees te the
benefit ef the Lancaster church.
Meeting of Grand Ledge nt Carlisle run
caster Knights Will Attend.
The Grand Ledge of Pennsylvania meet
in Carlisle, te-morrow. The Sir Knights
of Inland City Division Ne. 7, U. R. K.
of P., of this city, will attend in a body.
They will number seventy men iu full uni
form, and take with them the City Cornet
band. They leave Lancaster en Wednes
day morning at 5 o'clock 0:1 special train.
On Wednesday evening their division
will have a parade in Carlisle, which
will be participated in by the Grand
ledge officers and representatives. The
division will return home Thursday even
ing at C:25 and have a short street parade,
Lancaster City Division N. 0 acting as
their escort. Inland City ledge is rapidly
increasing in membership, fifty new mem
bers having been added te the roll during
tlfb term ending July 1. The total amount
of the ledce funds invested at that date
was $3,700. The rapid growth of the
ledge is 110 doubt due ie the Unil'eim
Rank recently erganised.
is rait ki:".v ssuoe:. jieue.
Contract Awarded te Sir. Andrew Wilsen.
The bills for erecting a four room nchoel
house en West James street, according te
plans furnished by Frank L. D.ivis, wcre
opened by the special committee of the
school beard this Afternoon. The bids
were as fellows :
Wm. Wehlscn $8,625
Dauiel McLaughlin 8,500
Jehn A. Bering 7,890
Jehn Evans. .'. 7,800
Andrew Wilsen 7,450
J. A. Burger 8,963
Koraley Bres 9,975
A. N. Bash 9,750
Philip Dinkleberg 9,700
The contract was awarded te Andrew
Wilsen, provided he given the necessary
security for the faithful execution of the
Follre Cases.
Bcfeic Alderman Barr : On complaint
of Superintendent Cox. Itcubcn Ficymayer
a vagrant was arrested en Saturday for
drunken and disorderly conduct at the
peer house, and committed te jail for 10
Jacob Wagner for diunk and disorderly
conduct at Kircher's tavern en Sattuday
night was committed te jail for live days.
Before Alderman McConemy : Harry
Denny and Miciiacl (Jerdan- arrested for
drunk and disorderly conduct were held
for a hearing.
Who Lest the Shoes?
A fight took place this afternoon between
Paul Quiglcy and another person at the
corner of East King and Plum. Officer
Adams chased Quiglcy as far as the Park
grounds where he lest, his man in a corn
field. During the chase Quiglcy dropped
a bag containing six paiw of new gaiter:',
marked "250ctt." Tiieie is no doubt the
shoes wcre stolen.
Mare Stelen.
On Saturday night a valuable bay maie
was stolen from the stable of J. B. Broom Broem Breem
ell, Rekcby, Chester county. She has a
white blaze in the face, two while hind
feet and several white spots en the side
made by the harness. She is 10 or 12 years
old and can trot close down te 2:45.
lTingcra Crushed.
Mr. D. Rese, umbrella maker. Seuth
Queen street, had two of his fingers crush
ed badly en Saturday morning by having
them caught under a barrel of coal which
he was assisting te carry.
American liar Association.
Hen. Thes. E. Franklin and II. M.
North, esq., left Lancaster this morning
te atend a meeting of the American bar
association at Saratoga. Mr. North is ac
companied by his wife and Mr. Franklin
by his daughter, .uiss Blanche.
Introductory Serir.en.
Rev. Mcistcr. pastor elect of St. Steph
en's German Lutheran church, preached
his introdnctery sermon te his new charge
yesterday. lie made a very favorable im
pression en his kcaicr..
Exclusion te Atlantic City.
On Thursday next Messrs. Clark and
Schmid will run an excursion from Lan
caster te Atlantic City. The tickets for
the round trip will be $2.75, including car
fare and ferry charges both ways in Phila
delphia. The special train will leave this
city at 5:35 in the morning returning iu the
evening. These desiring te remain ever
night can take any train from Atlantic City
as the tickets are geed en all. Atlantie
City is one of the most popular summer
rcse:ts and it is much frequented by pleas
ure seekers. The remarkably low price at
which this excursion will be run will afford
all an excellent opportunity te visit the sea
shore. Pei sons who desire te go te Phila
delphia only can de se at a rate much
cheaper than the regular fare by taking
this train. It will be seen that the con
templated excursion of Father Kaul and
St. Antheny's church has been merged
with that of next Thursday. Ge !
One of the leading attractions at Atlan
tic City will be the irrcat swimming match
between Paul Boynton and Gee. Fern, the
champion swimmers, for a purse of $2,000,
Ceney Island Merchants' cxcurnleti.
Only chance te sec Ceney Inland nt night, en
Thursday, August 2G. Tickets positively geed
for two days, Ie return en any train from
Jersey City without extra charge. Fare for
round trip only fl.75. Special trains leave
Lancaster (King street) nt 1:00 a. in., and Col
umbia at 4:00 a. m. Fer particular sec pester
and circular ut all stations en II. and C. II. U.
Telegraphic Frem Teledo, O.
Mu. Editer: Say te your readers that Day'b
Kidsby Pad Is uxtcnslvely used here by our
best citizens, and U effecting most wonderful
cures. It It the best Kidney remedy ever sold
In this locality. W. K. H'kst, Druggist.
Picnic Te-morrow.
Te-morrow the Lancaster club will give a
picnic at Tcll's Haiti. Onmluusscs wlU run
from Centre Square and Kuapp'g JM- "
and every hour thereafter dining ttjSy and
evening. Tayler's full eichesira wiUlurnbh
the sausle and a geed time is assured thereby.
junr autzmtisemexts.
Among the many advantages sained, by our change of business
location, an important one Is the enlarged rooms and improved fa
cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps
of skiUed meehanica and complete equipment of machinery and
tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work en
trusted te us.
A great variety of new work In original designs will be produced
in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled
at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld
or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods.
H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers,
Ne. 4 West King Street.
8. S. Picnic
The first Annual tilcnlc Of the Derwart strict. -
mission S.nday school will be ImM at Shank's
weeds te-morrow. Street cars will leave Mar
ietta avenue and Orange street at 7 o'clock,
sharp. The scholars of the school will be taken
free of charge
Fickle In appetite, irresolute In mlml, nnd
Mibjcct te Melancholy, try Malt Bitters.
Eat Slew
And clean your mouth afterwards with 80
ZODOXT, and your teeth will be in condltlem
te de their work for year. Thousands of dys
peptics helted their toad because they bad no
geed teeth te niasticate properly. Chew fine,
cat alew, nnd use SOZODONT.
Yeung hulics who delight In lair, trcsh faces
use Cutlcura Medicinal Seap.
It it Impossible for a woman after a faithful
course of treatment with Lydla E. PJnklmm's
Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer
with a wcakne&i el the uterus. Enclose a
slump te Mrs. Lydia C. I'inkliam, 233 Western
nvenue, Lynn, J1.:j.-:., for pamphlets.
The Friend el Delicate Ladles. j
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure Is the I
remedy that will euro the many diseases pe-
culinrte women. Headaches, neuralgia, dis
ordered nerves, weakness, mental shocks, and
kindred ailments are effectually removed by
its use. The Mether'' ilagatine. 4
Try I.ecliei's Ucnewncd Ceugh Syrup.
If you are blllieus 'yen will find positive re
lief by using " Sellers' Liver Pill." Sold by Oil
Ilcwni oef young ladles who call you by your
Christian name, the first tinie they meet
He wit 10 of imported Pert wines atSdOllars per
dozen ;
liev.ure of aledglng hense where you are treat
ed as one of the family, and
I'.cwuru of unprincipled persons endeavoring
te imitate,
Kclectrlc Oil, calling It Electric and Electron
Oils, always ask for Dr. Themas' Eclec
trlc Oil.
l'er sale by II. V. Cochran, druggist, 137 and
1.7J North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 41
A. Kochefort. Fayette-,' Mich., writes: Yenr
Kclectrlc OU gives geed satislactlen in this
place, please send me tea dollar worth by ox ex
press and ebllfrc.
Fer sale by II. 1$. Cochran, druggist, 137 and
le9 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 41
Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!!
Are yen disturbed at night and broken et
your rest by a sick child suffering and crying
with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth?
1 1 r,e. ke at ence and getabottle of MUS. WINS
peer Utile sufferer immediately depend upon
it ; there is no mistake about it. There Is net a
mother en earth who has ever used It, who will
net tell you at once that It will regulate the
bowels, nnd give resl te the mother, and relief
and health te the child, operating like magic.
It i perfect ly safe te use in all cases, and picas
ant te the taste, nnd Is the prescription et one
of the eldest and best fomule physicians and
nur.-es lu the United States. Sold everywhere
X cents a bottle. IJ17-lyd&wM.WA3
Try Lechcr'u If enewned Coagh Byrnp.
I have suffered from a kidney difficulty for
the past ten years, aecompanlea with nervem
Hetisms. Physicians gave me but temporary
rcuei, out niter using tnrce ana ene-nair Dot Det
ties of Warner's Sate Kidney and Liver Cure,
my nervous spasms were entirely relieved. My
age ls77 years. 1 recommend this great rem.
iily te all suffering from nervous troubles.
Easten, Pa.
Try Loeher's ilenewncd Cough Byrap
"A tumor was removed from my head by
using Dr. Llndsey's Bleed Searcher.'" S.
Survcr, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sold by all druggists.
Try Lechct'a Renowned Cough Syrup.
Warm Weather and Iu Effect.
Many people, especially ladles, complain at
t his season of the year of a general; weakness
or debility. The use of Speer's Pert Grepe
Wine prcventa this. The wlne Is said te have
n iae?t wonderful effect In giving strength,
vigor nnd tone te the whole system. It Is ex
tensively used by ladle nursing, or nbeut te
nurcc Infants. This wine lsnotamanufactured
article no liquor Is added te it. It Is no patent
medicine or cordial humbug, bat Is a superior
wl nc of the Oporto grape. It Is pure, old, un
adulterated wine, nothing mere or less. Mr.
Spcer has been supplying hospitals with his
wine for many years pest. It la said te be un
surpassed for summer complaints, and for
weakly persons. The price Is low for ae excel
lent a wlne, and no family need be wltheat it.
This wlne Is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and
Davis, and sold by H. . Slaymaker.
Try Loeher's Rcnowned Cough Syrup.
Democratic County Committee.
The Democratic County Committee will
meet in this city en MONDAY, AUGUST ,
18$;), at 10 a. m., in the City Democratic head
quarters, Southeast angle et Contre Square.
A tull nt tendance Is urgently requested.
W. U. HENSKL, Chairman.
I. MuMl'LLH, 1
II. S. Pattbuses, 1 Secretaries.
W. IUtei (JiiiBit. S aaS-dAw
County commUtce meeting at City Central
Headquarters Monday, August 23, at 10 a. in.
City campaign committee's special meeting
at City Central Headquarters, Monday, August
lf, at 8i p. m. Hancock Legien meets at 7 p.
Conference committees meet en Wednesday
evening, August 18, and August 33. There
after en every second and fourth Wednesday
of the month.
Campaign cemmlttca meets regularly every
Thursday evening.
Sixth ward club meets regularly en Friday
evening; Amcrlcusclub en Thursday evening.
On evening, August 90, there will be a
public mcectlffg et the Democracy et the Sixth
wnrd In Schiller hall, under the Joint auspices
of the Amcricus association and Sixth ward
cl nb. Speakers will address the meeting.
First Ward.
First ward club meets at Ncnmer's saloon
Tuesday evening.
Fifth Ward.
The Fifth ward club meets Tuesday evening
nt the Green Trce hotel, at 9 o'clock.
SciiAxrrBR. At Mill way. Warwick tewashlp,
Lancaster county, Pa,, en August 14. Jaceb
Schaeffer, aged 84 years, 4 months and 13 day.
His relatives and friends ax respectfully In
vited te attend the funeral from bis late resi
dence en te-morrow (Tuesday) meriting at
9:30. ltd
Adaxs. In this' city en August 15,1880, Ele Ele
nera,daughtcr et Geerge F. and Fanny Adams,
aged 1 year and 8 month.
The relatives and friends et the family are
respectfully invited te attend the funeral from
the residence of her parents, Ne. 790 St. Jeseph
street, en te-morrow (Tuesday) afternoon at 3
o'cle:k. It
NixDOitr. In Lancaster, Pa., en the 14th of
August, 1S3), Reuben Bertxfleld, son of Henry
and Elizabeth Nlxderf. aged years, 7 months
and 17 day.
Netice of funeral hereafter
jrFtr A.jri:itTisi:MESia.
pany Is new ready te bind the insurance, unci
, issue policies against hail damage te tobacco.
Rates reduced. Injure before it Is tee late, at
! I'.AUSM AX A BURNS'S, Ins. Agents.
! Ofllce, 10 West Orange Street.
' j2!-reUtfIl
nut street, lian added a sheeting gallery te
the attractions or hi saloon. Open this even
ing. ;ltd
Will rc-onen MONDAY. AUGUST 30.
i Cemvc of stndy embraces single and double
1 entry ISoek-kcoping, l'enmanshlp. Arithmetic,
' Grammar, Correspondence, Business Ferms
; and Commercial l.nw. Yeunsr men and ladle
desiring a practical business education send
for catalogue giving terim, etc., or call at col
lege rooms, N. t VM.t KinRstrcei.
II. C. V.'i:i!LKK, Principal.
V. D. MOeSEU, Secretary
1 L eral. IlaTing had in viewan excursion te
Atlantic City this season, Ii ee that for many
reasons it would be Inexpedient, s-e I have the
plcasnre te announce te mv friends and the
iiubllc that I have united my efforts with
.lessrs. Clark A bchmiil. In their excursion en
the 19th Inst., ami lrem which St. Antheny's
Church UH! lli-llv.. ;l liaiiellf llniln.r tlinm.
I lere that my friends in general will patronize
( the same nnd make it n kruiiI success,
I 1 am respectfully yours,
ltd P.istorefSt. Anthenv's Church.
100 Tens 0. ilags Wanted,
Fer which the highest price will be paid.
The highest pi-ire naid ler Woolens, Ola
Paper, Heeks, Ac. Teh K:ig A-wertcrs wanted
te whom the highest price will be paid.
Cor. North 4uern nnd Orange Street,
y3-lMn :.ancatcr, Pa
Twenty-seven!!! Anumil Exhibition
Fei'a ApicnlU Society
SEPTEMBER 6 te 18.
Entries and Competition Tree!
SEPTESICEK 20 ie 25, 1880.
Entry Reeks will close at the Office, North-we-t
corner of Tenth mid Chestnut streets.
August 31, 1SS0.
$40,000 IN PREMIUMS.
Excursion Tickets at G reatly Ucduccd Rates.
Llberal Arrangements for Transportation.
Hccerdlng Sec'y.
Corresponding Sec'y.
Geed te return en any train from Atlantic
City and Philadelphia ou second day, without
extra charge. Parlies ilcsirin-j te return same
day will take special train, leaving Atlantic
City atCand WestPhiladelphiu Dcpetat8p.m
Tickets, 2.75 for the round Trip.
Train leaves Lancaster depot at 3:35.
Mount Jey and Landlsvillc passengers will
take Fast line as far us I.uncr.ler.
Ijincnstcr, Pa.
The femeus mammoth three-deck Stcamar
Leaves Race Street Wliarl at Vie.. in., arriving
at Cape May about i& p. m. Returning, leaves
Cape May nt:s o'clock p. m., glvingainple time
for bathlnir or a drive en the beach. A full
limns Rand and Orchestra Music for dancing.
Parler Entertainments varied weekly. Lunch
eons nnd Refreshments In abundance. Din
ners and suppers provided. Oysters and Fish
served for supper a tew moments after taken
from the water.
Fare for the Round Trip
SUNDAYS Will leave Race Street Wharf at
7M a. ni. ,
P. S. A Rread Gauge Steam R. R. will con
vey passengers te Cape Island in 8 minutes.
Tickets for sale nt
Ver terms apply te the Principal.
aagU-tsep4d MISS M. MARTIN.
Gannstatter Yelttt Verein,
Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 23 and 24,
Tills is the first Cnnnstattcr Telksfest ever
held In Lancaster, and Is being nrranged en
the same plan as the Cannstatter Velkstest of
Philadelphia and New Yerk.
The leading attraction et the day will be an
Immense Festival Column, artistically deco
rated with every kind of Fruit and will be
worthy of a vllt. There will also be a large
Jfta. )ramafree te all visitors, which will pre-
ma i the principal cities and towns of Europe
In Uielr natural size. The different European
Military Staffs In full uniform can also be seen
in life size.
Popular entertainments for adults and chll
pren will be provided ler.
Omnibuses will leave East King street dur
ing the two days, and Powell's conveyances
will take passengers te the Park for 15 coat
eah trip.
ADMISSION, . . - . X3e.
lludget of Foreign New.
Stabbed te the llearl.
Buffalo, Aug. 16. Jehn Karin, a sa
loon keeper en the Abbett read, was stab
bed at midnight by a boarder named Mar
tin Flanigan, who rose from his bed, went
inteKarin's bed room and stabbed him
near the heart. It is believed that the
cause of the murder was the refusal of
Karin te give Flanigan, who was already
intolieated mere liquor, Earin died at
1:30 this morning. He had clianre eftL
Erie and Lake shore transfer house in the
vicinity and Flanigan worked for and
bearded with him. The murdered man's
wife and child witnessed the trajredy. The
murderer was arrested early this morn
ing. SO Ceuunanderlea Expected.
Cuicaoe, August 1C Several comman cemman
dcries were sorenaded at their camps
last night by the Apelle club. Te-night
the entire list of cemmanderics, number
ing 280, will be here. The weather is
rather cool for camping, but it is pleasant
and dry.
The Ladles Fair.
A steady stream of strangers, Sir
Knights and their ladies and ether men,
women and children poured into the city
all night and are arriving by thousands
this morning. Already the city is niore
crowded than during the national Republi
can convention. The great difference in the
crowd is the large percentage of ladies.
Many of the Knights have net
only brought their wives but whele
families. The hotels which thought
they were, putting their powers te the
limit te aceommedate a thousand, are try.
ing te ledge and feed double that num.
ber. Single cots will have te de double
duty, and a square yard of carpet is at a
premium. Te-day is te be devoted entirely
te the reception of visiting Knights.
All en Beard Lest.
Rockland, Me., Aug. 1C The schooner
D. H. Ingraham en Saturday morning ran
down what appeared te be a small fishing
craft and sank her, as is supposed, with
all en beard. The Ingraham lay by and
searched till after sunrise, but found noth
ing but some tubs from the wreck.
The Foreign News.
Gladstone was net at Saturday's cabinet
council a3 expected.
At Portadeun county, Ormagh, yester
day the Catholics and Orangemen had a
serious fight; many persons wcre badly
hurt, the Catholics being routed.
The Dublin correspondent of the Londen
Tnicssays : "The Jane affair is beginning
te be regarded as net altogether a scane
belonging te a tragedy and the splendid
prospect of the harvest must tend te ca?e
men's minds."
General Stewart's force has reached
Schbabain the Ghilzaii country. The
Ameer will enter the Bala Hiasar in state
te-day. Cabul is quiet. Irregulars occu
py the neighboring villages te Candahar.
Ayoob Khan has brought a few guns te
bear en the city but they are tee far away
te de much damage. About 8,000 Afghans
have been cxpelled from the city. The
garrison is well provisioned, except with
meat. Rumors of General Roberts ad
vance have reached Candahar.
On Saturday the Mansion Heuse relief
committee held a final meeting and the
2,814 balance will be reserved for special
M Gambetta's lette., which was pub
lished as new in the Paris Verlte yester
day, was written en the 16th of October
1871, when it appeared in all the Paris
newspapers and was also published in
pamphlet form.
Frem AH Farts of the Country.
A lira at Riehmend, Quebec, destroyed
the freight sheds, contents and sixteen
leaded cars of the Grand Trunk railway.
Less, $75,000.
At 4 a. in., this morning, at Lake
Geerge, the mercury marked 40 ; at Stam
ford, N. Y., 32 ; there was frost iu the in
terior of the New Yerk river counties and
the crops are damaged.
James Murphy, a farmer near East New
Yerk, Leng Island yesterday shot and
it is thought fatally wounded Michael
Kelly, eleven years of age, whom he caught
in his apple orchard. Murphy has fled.
In St. Leuis last night, as Jeseph Buch
ler, a wagon driver, was hauling a party of
drunken men, a dispute arose nnd he was
either thrown from his wagon or fell, and
died from his injuries. His assailants
drove off and escaped.
In Providence te-day Charles Brockway,
a notorious forger and counterfeiter, and
Jeseph Cook were arrested this morning
while attempting te procure money from
the Fourth National bank. Detectives
had been watching their movements, and
a third member of the gang who was wait
ing outside the bank was also arrested after
a sharp pursuit aided by pistol firing.
VTAtniNQTON, D. C, Aug. 10. Fer the
Middle Atlantic states, clear or partly
cloudy weather, northeasterly winds, sta
tionary or high barometer, in the northern
half higher, and the southern half station
ary temperature.
tlse, free of charge. In the IsTXixxanr
4xb. who wants emethlng te de.
Penn Beiling Mill, Lancaster, ter which
the highest price will be paid. augl3-eawtfd
xe out nursing. Apply at Ne. 140 North
Water street.
Aug. J6-3td.
Fin Lancaster County Llmestone Valley
Farm. 145 or 100 Acres. Everything In geed
order; well watered. Five te ten year time
te pay If desired. Apply te or address
D. P. Leeher A Sen's Bunk,
amgl3tf Laeaater, Pa.
pniladelphia. Market.
PmXADBxraiA, Aug. 15. Fleur dull and
weak; superfine S3 3003; extra 3 509
4 00 ; Ohie and Indiana family $3 2333 75 ;
Penn'atamUyat87eS50:St. Leuis family at
i3 SOftC 00 ; Minnesota famUy $5 SOflfi 23 ; patent
and high grades 16 5ug8 00.
Rye flour at $4 50.
Wheat quiet and easier: Ne. 2 Western Red
11 0S ; Pcnn'a Red $1 091 09; Amber f 1
fil 10.
Cern scarce and Arm : steamer Me ? vnllnw
33c : mixed SlijSic.
Oats firmer ; Ne. i. White 42c : Ne. 2. de
0041c; Ne. S, de 38639; Ne. : Mixed 36
Rye dull ; New 70c.
Previsions strong; mtsspork1581.-M:l)ecf
hams f32 00fj23 00; India beet atflCOO:
bacon smoked sheulders 6QGc: salt de at
5Kfi5c; smoked hams ll13c; pickled ham
Lard firm; city kettle at Sc: loeso
butchers 7?c : prinie steam ?e.
Butter market quiet and price easy;
Creamery nt 23336c : Creamery geed te
choice 2224c: Bradford county and New
Yerk extra. 2223c ; Western reserve extra 16
617c; de geed te choice 13915c; Rolls dull;
Penn'a extra 13816; Western reserve extra
Eggs firm and scarce ; PcnnnylvauU at IGc ;
Western ISSIlSc.
Cheese llrmly held lint quiet :
full cream rij.jc; Western full
New Yerk
cream lie:
ni iair ie goeu luyjiuc; no
half skims
Petroleum dull ; refilled 8?:c.
Whisky Sill.
Seeds Geed te prime Clever Ur in nt $350
6900; Timethy firm at $ t32 73: flaxseed
steady at fl23i .
New Yerk Market.
New Yerk. Aug. 16. Fleur Statu ami West
ern market dull and In buyer' favor; super
fine state at I350QI2S; extra de at l 00
6440; choice, de., ft i(J5 00: tancy
5 10QS 00: round hoop Ohie It ft.l SO:
choice de $5 COgi) 73 ; superfine western $.IiJ3
4 40: common te geed extra de ft (UtO;
choice dodo 4 503fi 75; cholce white wheat de
t 2504 75; Southern dull nnd heavy
common te fair extra 3W$C00; iroed te
Choice de $6 19jC 75.
Wheat a shade lower and modenitelv nctiv
trade; Ne. 1 White, Aug., $1 (!7H:di M-pt.
l 07 ; de Oct., $1 r.7 ; Ne. 2 Red An., I t
de Sept., t 0S4g)llWJ;; de Oct. il (m:4.
Cern about 4c lower and f.ilrlr active;
Mixed western spot, 47-250'ic; de futures
Outs a shade stronger : Ne. 2 Aug. at KVJfc ;
de Sept.. K; state 40ac: western JS0l7e.
Cattle Market. a Au. in r.iiii.1 nfi-iri.t r....i
active; receipts 3.0W1 head. Prime Ki-SSrJdei
geed i'Aiil&Cc: medium 1U4DI' ' crm.iiwm :!'
Sheep In fair demand; receipts l,:(
Prlm4(23c: geed l!4sj4la; medium :yi
4c ; common S3c.
Hogs Market active; l ocelots 4,'r)J head
sWlliig at TXQTKc.
MtuuU illurUctfi.
12:20 P. ji.
Stocks streiis:.
Ailfr. ir.
::! r. ji.
IVnnu ti's (thlrtt H-me)..
Philadelphia & Eric
Reading ,
Pcnnsy 1 vania
I.vliigli Valley. ,
United C(M. et N. J
Northern Pacific
" Preferred
. 63'4
Northern Central :,'
Lehigh Navigation 3l
Norristown W2
Central Transportation Ce. 43 "
Pitts., TltuavUIe & Rutfale. isftisx
Little Schuylkill 45
Naw Vuhk. Aug.
eiucaa tiniiif; iiuu ingiier.
N. Y. Central
cj rid i
Adams Express
Michigan Central.
Michigan Southern.
.. 42(i
Illinois Central....
Cleveland & PlttHbandi 121
Chicago A Reck Island 1 l.IJi
Pittsburgh ft Fert Wayne.. 121
Western Union Tel. Ce 10S;-i
Teledo Wabash 41
New Jereey Centra; 7(
Ontario Western 23'
Dotted State uendsana Sterllug Exchange
(Quotations by B. K. Jamisen A Ce., S.
, W.
i;or. ;ni mm uuestniii streets).
United States 6's, ISSl, (registered). .10lvl04J:
United States 5, 1S81, (registered). .1020102
United States 4$'s, 1891. (rcgUtercd)HO mi0'2
United States 4V.l3l,(eeitpnnh).. .HlJtfSBlli;?
United States 4's, 1907. (registered).. tt)H0
United States Currency Pa. 123,12127$312SJ
Sterling Rxchancc tsiyvgttsty
Cdticcra Rkselvbxt pnrldes the bleed
through the bowels, liver, kidneys and skin.
CCTictniA, a Medicinal Jelly, removes dead
llcsli and skin, renders healthy ulcers nnd old
sores, allays Inflammation, itching and irrita
tion of the skin and scalp. CtfriccKA Medici
nal Teilbt Seap- restores whiteness and beau
lillcsthe skin. Cvticcua Siiaviku Seap Is the
only medicinal soap cxpresxiy prepared for
I have had a most wonderful cure of Salt
Rlieum. Fer seventeen years I suffered with
Salt Khcuin ; I bad It en my head, face, neck,
ami and legs. I was net able te walk, only en
my hand3 and knees, ter one year. 1 have net
been able te help myself for eight years. I
tried hundreds or remedies; net mm had the
least effect. The doctors said my case was in
curable. Se my parents tried everything that
came along. I saw thcadvertisementnnd con;
eluded te try Cuticvra Rkhkii. The first
box et Cdticcra brought the Humer te the
surface of mv skin. It wenld drop oil as It
came out, until new I am entirely well. All I
can say is, I thank you me-t heartily for my
1313 Ucttkiikielh St.,
Cuicaoe, Ii.r,, March 4. 1879.
I have been aflllcted for nineteen yeaw with
P.serla&ls, and have spent hundreds et dollar
for doctors and stiitf they call bleed jmrlllers.
Hoeters did net knew what te call my disease.
I would scratch nights until I scratched my
self raw: then It would dry and lerm Inte
scales, which wenld all be scratched off next
night and se en. I liavcbeen completely cured
by the Cirri iui: a Kbmedies.
Com'eud St.. Ri'btem Mill,
Meui'UIh, Tbhx., June 11, 187!.
CcTiccnA Remedies are prepared by WKRKS
X POTTUR, Chemists nnd Irugists,3(X) Wash
ingten street, Rosten, and are for uili: by all
DYSPEPSIA. Dyspepsia Is the prevallng
malady or civilized life. It lies at the boteui
of one-half our misery. It is the rock npun
which many of our business ventures have
split, it clouds the mind, weakens the body,
and preys upon the vitality. Where shall weflnu
relief from this morbid, melancholy inKcry ?
MALTR1TTERS! At once a medicine and a
feed, this wonderful nutrient and invlgerant
builds up enfeebled digestion, regulates the
flew of the gastric Juices, dissolves and assimi
lates every article of diet, and cures Headache,
Dizziness, unions Attacks, Palpitation or the
Heart, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melan
choly, and a thousand ether morbid form
assumed by Dyspepsia.
MALT BITTERS are prepared without fer fer
mentatien from Canadian RARLEY MALT and
HOPS, and warranted superior te all ether
forms of malt or medicine, while free from the
objections urged against malt liquors.
Ask for Malt Bittem prepared by the Malt
RiTTEiw Cempahv, and see that every bottle
bears the Tbadk Mark Label, dul)' Siosee and
enclosed In Wavk Likes.
MALT HITTERS aru for sole by all Drug
gists. ivl-lmdW&S&w
Send stamp for Catalogue. Rifles, Shet Guna
Revolvers, sent C. O. D. for examination.