Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 16, 1880, Image 2

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Eancaster Intelligencer
TJie Uselessmess ef Jails.
A writer in the Nineteenth Century,
discussing the English methods of pun
ishment of criminals, suggests that it
seems very absurd ferthe nation te pun
ish thieves by maintaining them at the
public expense and thus permitting them
still further te rob the country. It is
probable, as he declares, thatl the
cost of imprisoning thieves exceeds the
value of the stolen goods, and it seems
anything but wise that we should suffer
ourselves te be se victimized. Certainly
there exists no necessity for it. Criminals
are te be punished te prevent crime; and
obviously the method should be the
cheapest and most effective that is con
sistent with humanity. The criminal is
entitled te no consideration ; all of that is
due te the public. Imprisonment is the
most expensive mode of punishment that
can be devised; if it is effective, and is
the only effective method that is suffi
ciently humane te suit the public idea
then its cost must be endured. But is
In our view it is net. We de net con
sider it either effective or humane. Te
some men it is no punishment at all te
be kept in jail ; te ethers it is worse than
death. But in administering the punish
ment no regard can Ixj had te the feeling
with which it will be received by the con
vict ; and the same measure is filled out
te the man who welcomes the prison as a
blissful asylum for his laziness and te
the ene who revolts from it as from a liv
ing tomb. Thus te one class of criminals
imprisonment is net a humane punish
ment, while with another it is net an ef
fective one.
"We knew no geed use a jail can sub
serve except for the confinement of luna
tics, and of offenders against the law
who have shown by repeated acts of
criminality that they cannot be left at
large with safety te the community.
Such men should be confined while they
live. This needs te be done te secure the
public safety, net as a punishment of the
crime. That purpose is net best subserved
by a prison. A system of fines, of cer.
peral punishment and of labor in a chain
gang en reads and public improvements
is recommended by its cheapness, effect
iveness and humanity. The fines will
pay the cost of administer
ing justice, the corporal punish
ment will prove most efficient in
preventing crime, and the labor of the
convict for the common benefit will be
an efficient, economical and humane
treatment of the criminal. It is net a geed
use of a man te shut him independent
ly of any consideration of its expensive
ness. When the public gains the dispo
sition of him for a period in expiation of
his crime, he should be used with profit
and humanity. Te put him in jail is net
se te use him. It is betterfer him te be
put te work : and a jail is net needed te
utilize him in this way.
The simplest method of punishment is
of course the fine or the flogging ; and
each has its appropriate set of offences.
The chain-gang will come in te supple
ment them; and these methods ought te
enable us te get along with very few
m m
Mn. Hendricks hits the nail very
squarely en the head when he says that
"Garfield's nomination means the en
dorsement and approval in the most pesi"
tive and offensive manner possible of the
presidential fraud of 1S7G," because
Garfield had mero te de it with
it than anybody else and was the only
man who occupied a double relation te
it, having been an agent for his party in
manipulating the evidence in that case
and then acting as a juryman for the
nation te pass upon that fabricated evi
dence and, as such, having held it te be
conclusive and binding.
Tin's is an original and striking point.
Mr. Garfield was the only ene of the vis
iting statesmen who presumed te sit
upon the high commission that judged
'under oath of the dispute in which these
statesmen had made a fraudulent case.
Common decency should have withheld
him from sitting and his act in finding as
he did was only equalled in its infamy by
that of Bradley, who, after writing an
opinion under the law te count Flerida
for the Democrats, was persuaded
by Judge Streng's family prayer meet
ing that a violation of his official oath
could be justified before heaven te avert
such a calamity as the seating of a law
fully elected Democratic president.
District Attorney Esiilkman in
forms us, and we are glad te state it in
his behalf and in exemplification of a
reform that should be extended, that of
the fifteen cases of inciting te riot
animadverted upon in Saturday's Intel
ligencer, he has framed one bill of in
dictment for eight of them. We are
glad te hear it. Our gratification would
be increased if in all cases the district
attorney would frame one Indictment
and one only for each offense ; and if he
and the court would co-operate te prevent
abuses by magistrates who feel encour
aged te continue them by the tolerance
they receive at the hands of the powers
that be.
The Republicans have been parading
a .sentiment alleged te have been utter
ed by Wade Hampton in a Virginia
speech, te the effect that Hancock's elec
tion would be the success of the princi
ples for which Lee and Jacksen fought ;
and the Tribune has been silly enough
te keep it standing in capital letters at
the. head of its editorial column. Of
course it was a Republican fabrication,
and as such Mr. Hampton has promptly
stamped it. The Tribune will correct its
He after it publishes the Sherman-Hancock
The Democratic campaign in Indiana
opens with a vigor that is net tebe abated.
Three hundred public meetings were held
en Satnrday evening in that state, with
nearly every Democratic orator of state
reputation en the stump, and this is te
continue until the end of the campaign.
These demonstrations, however, are only
the external evidences nf n. thnmnnh
systematic orcanizatien of the nartv in
every county of the state. Indiana Is
Democratic and will be kept te ber moor-
ings, but no ever-confidence will be al
lowed te create any relaxation cf effort.
The gratification expressed ever the re
ported capture of the bloody Benders
was dispelled when it was found the peo
ple exhibited at seventy-five cents a head
were net the assassins at all. Their pur
suit and capture seem te have been the
trick of a showman sheriff te put money
into his pocket and their's. Public senti
ment is however reconciled te the disap
pointment since it is definitely ascertained
that years age these phenomenal murder
ers and murderesses were put out of the
Balvvsi, the Italian tragedian, has
signed a contract te play five months in
this country.
Dr. Tannhb will visit his father-in-law,
in Ohie, this week and will probably re
turn te New Yerk in September, when he
will begin his lecturing tour.
In Paris LeVoltaire announces the death
of Marshal Bazainb, and says his body,
escorted by three Spanish soldiers, passed
through Limoges en the 12th instant.
Frederick Mat, who horse-whipped
James Gorden Bennct and fought a sham
duel with him, get drunk and hilarious at
the West End hotel, Leng Branch, tried
te ran the whele heuse and lauded in the
Rev. Jakes Gibbens, D. D., archbishop
of Baltimore and primate of the Catholic
church in the United States, will te-day
celebrate the twelfth anniversary of his
elevation te the episcopacy, as will also
the Right Rer. Themas A. Becker, D. D.,
bishop of Wilmington, Del., and the
Right Rew Jeseph P. Macheboeuf, D. D.,
Vicar Apostolic of Colerado, all three of
these prelates having been consecrated to
gether en the 10th of August, 1SC8.
Notwithstanding the recent defeat of
the bill advocated by the Prince of Wales
and his brothers te Icgalize a marriage of
a man with whom his deceased wife's sister,
Sir Alexander Galt, who represents the
Dominion of Canada in England, and who
married his sister-in-law, is received in the
best society of the English capital. But
this is net any mero remarkable than the
fact that while English society crashes an
ordinary woman who gees astray, it re
ceived and welcomed Sara Bernhardt, an
actress who has never been mairic:!, hut
whohasthreo children.
Alexander W. Reeks, senior proprie
tor of the Pittsburgh Despatch, died Satur
day evening. He was 55 years of age, and
had been suffering for some time past
from a complication of disorders. He was
a member of the Western Associated Press.
a Knight Templar, Odd Fellow and Knight
of Pythias. He was very charitable. His
journalistic career began at the early age
of 16, at which time be published a weekly
at Greensbtirg, Pa. He then came te
Pittsburgh, and shortly afterward associ
ated with Daniel O'Neil and J. Herren
Fester in the publication of the D;tp2tc
his energy and excellent business qualm qualm
catiens contributing largely te the success
of that paper.
Alexander D. Brown, of Baltimore.
member of one of the richest mercantile
families of that city, aud of high social
standing, has scandalized himself and
friends by marrying 3Iiss Laura Ilobsen. a
notorious leader of the demi-mende there,
and proprietress of infamous houses that
have been before the courts. The groom'
mother caused te be erected the Brown
memorial church, which is new occupied
by ene of the wealthiest Presbyterian con
gregations in Baltimore. The bride and
groom are spending the honeymoon at
Breekland Weed, the country place of the
groom, and refuse te sce any visitors. The
bride, who is said te be worth $2.10,000 in
her own right, is about 35 years old, but
leeks scarcely 25. She is said te he unus
ually geed looking and is well educated.
This is the second marriage in Baltimore
of a member of a notable family te a wo
man of bad reputation.
Colerado is said te give excellent pro pre
mise of going Democratic this year.
Jehn McCcllodeh, the tragedian, talk
ing about his experience in Londen, praises
Henry Irving and Teele, thinks Mr. and
Mrs. Kendall and Mr. Hall would make
meney by coming ever here with "The
Lady's Battle," says "The Gilded Age"
was a failure though Raymond was a
great social and artistic success ; the Flor
ences and the Rankins in their 4: Dan
ites " arc brilliant successes and the treat
ment of the American actors by their Eng
lish brethren is royally hospitable.
An incident of the Tennossce Democratic
convention was the appearance en the plat
form of Elias Polk, the colored body ser
vant of President Polk, who by unani
mous consent of the convention, was invit
ed te address the body. He was escorted
te the stand by Gen. B. F. Cheatham and
delivered a brief speech warmly indorsing
the debt-paying platform adopted by. the
convention, thus setting an example
worthy the attention of these se-called
Democrats who belted from the conven
tion because of the adoption of a platform
of honesty.
Tub Indiana Democratic central com
mittee opened the campaign Saturday
with ever 200 speakers in the various cities
and towns of the state. Among the prom
inent orators were Senators McDonald, of
Indiana, and Jenes of Flerida, at Evans
ville ; Charles W. Andersen, of Ohie, at
Richmond ; Senater Voerhces, of Indiana,
at Brazil ; Governer Hendricks, of Indiana,
and Governer Breckengcr, of Missouri, at
Fert Wayne; Mr. D. S. Geeding, at
Logansport. In Jndianapelis the meeting
was held at the Wigwam and was addressed
by Mr. Pulitzer, of St. Leuis and Senater
Doolittle, of Wisconsin.
In Southampton L. I., a great deal of
curiosity has been excited by the sudden
appearance in circulation of a large num
ber of silver half dollars, all bearing the
date of 1836, and as bright as when they
came frsohfrem the mint. An old resident
of Sag Harber, formerly well-known as a
practising physician, but who for several
years has led a comparatively secluded life
at the time of the paaic in 1838 hoarded
1,500 half dollars of that date. He kept
them iu total disregard of interest or pre
mium until the present time. He has new
put this hoarded treasure into circula
Lincoln' Opinion of Hancock.
" Seme of the elder generals have taid te
me that '7ie it rash, and I Jtate said te them
that Ihaze tcatcJicd General Hancock's con
duct very carefully, and I hate found that
when he gees into action he achieves his pur
pose and comes out with a smaller list of cas
ualties titan any of them. If Jus life and
strengthis spared I believe that General Ban
cock is destined te be one of the most disting
uished men of the age."
And te show hew much he thought of
him Mr. Lincoln declared that he always
opened his morning mail in fear and trem
bling lest he would hear that Gen. Han
cock had been killed or wounded.
At the meeting of the Ohie Democratic
state executive committee W. L. O'Brien,
Jehn G. Thompson and Clark Irwin were
added te said committee.
William Evans, aged 28, was drowned at
Bay Ridge while bathing in the Chesa
peake. He ventured out tee far in the bay
and was swept off by the strong cur
rent. Henry Greff was walking along ITousten
street. New Yerk, when he was assaulted
by two ruffians and knocked down. His
skull was fractured and he cannot survive.
Ne arrests.
In Springfield, Mass., Maud S. and St.
Julicn will certainly trot en Thursday, the
former for a special purse of $3,000 against
her record of 2:11. Beth horses are al
ready here.
A young man named William Jenes was
drowned while bathing in Crosswick's
creek, near Bordcntewn, N. J. The de
ceased was 22 years of age and the only
support of a widowed mother. His body
has net been recovered.
Captain Sherwood, of the steamer
Norseman, which plies between Pert Hepe
and Rochester New Yerk, died from the
effects of morphine, given by a druggist's
clerk in mistake for quinine, called for by
a prescription.
Washington Matthews, while felling
trees licarBurrsvillc, N. J., was caught
by a falling tree and herribiy crushed.
Fer several hours before help came he was
pinioned te the ground until hnally extri
catcd. He died after intense suffering.
Charles P. Woodwerth, son of Judge
Wotidwerth. of Omaha, after having been
confined in the Nebraska insane asylum a
year, was recently taken out and disap
peared, lie was nrst heard ei at Syracuse,
N. Y., Monday last, bat. all trace of him
has new been lest.
Samuel Burt, a voting married man, re
siding in Camden, was digging a trench
through a large heap of guano. The
jntane caved in ami buried mm. lie was
dug out as seen as possible, but life was
extinct en account et the gaes he had in
The round house ef the Ogdcusburg and
Lake Champlam railway m Ogdensburg,
N. Y.. containing live Uvometives, was
totally destroyed bv tire yesterday. I he
fire is supposed te have eamrht from a
train which arrived at 2 a. in. The less is
J 100.000. iusuranee unknown.
Geerge Rackcrs. an old man. was killed
bv Ileimau Backers, his son. in Djvten,
Kentucky, opposite Cincinnati. Hackers
ha.i been uuuUuic. and. having been re
fused mencv bv his wife, he undertook te
strike her with a poker, when his son Her
man struck him with a spade and crushed
his skull.
l jsree Sins of R. 5. Smiley, of Spring
Lake, sectt cenn: v. Mmn.. were drowned
recently. Their lather drove a pair of
horses attached te a wagon te let the
animals drink. The horses became un
manageable and overturned the wagon,
drowning the children. The wife was
saved with difficulty.
Information conies fiema reliahle source
that large shipments of cigais manufac
tured by Chinese in San iranctsce have
been recently made in New Yerk. With
in the past thirty days ever 1,000, 000 cigars
have been sent east. Leaf tobacco comes
from Connecticut aud Pennsylvania, and
chjars are returned by lailte the eastern
In Milwaukee the 72-hour bicyle nice
closed en Saturday. The following is the
score : I licks, of Philadelphia, 050 miles ;
Douglass, of Philadelphia, 037$ miles, and
Fowler, 573j miles, making Hicks cham
pion of the United States for a 72-hour
match. During the matm Fowler made
a mile in 3 minutes and 39 seconds en a
course of 1G laps te the mile.
As the family of Charles Shields of
Dnften, N. J , were out riding, the horses
were frightened by a passing train and up
set the coach. Mrs. Shields, her two
children, aud the coachman, Themas Nel Nel
eon, were thrown out. The coach was
dashed against a tree and demolished, and
ene of the horses was killed. The coach
man suffered injuries that may prove fatal.
Mrs. Shields and her children escaped with
a few bruises.
Cel. W. W. Armstrong, the member of
the national committee from Ohie, says :
"The latest information from Ohie gives
assurances of an almost united German
support of Hancock and English in uorth uerth uorth
em Ohie. Ex-Lieutenant Gov. Mueller,
of Cleveland, came out for Hancock and
English in a speech made te the German
Republican Liberal club in that city en
Thursday last. The Germans who sup sup
pertcd Grccly in 1872 will go solid for Han
cock. "
David Lchr, sitting en a pile of iron en
tbe Cambria works railroad track, Johns Jehns
tnvn, fell under a cinder tiain and was
mangled te death.
The boiler of Picrrie's shingle works,"ct
Ashland Furnace, en the Clearfield creek,
exploded, killing Jehn Allen, the engin
eer. Majer Edgar Scott, the celebrated ovaii evaii
gclist, who has been lecturing for Jthe
last two years throughout Erie county, has
been arrested and jailed for drankencss.
William Bulmcr, 20 years old, of 2522
Christian street, Philadelphia, was ran
ever and killed while trying te beard a
freight train en the Greenwich division of
the Pennsylvania railroad near Point
A train en the New Yerk division of the
Pennsylvania railroad ran iute two boys,
Rebert Kelly, thirteen years old, and
Geerge Harris, twelve years old, residing
in llelmesburg, at Ilelmesburg Junction.
Kelly was killed instantly, and Harris
slightly hurt. '
Mrs. James Crimmy, of West Consho Censho Conshe
l.ockcn, suffered continuously fv:m an affec
tion in the joint of the right knee, and
never attempted te walk a single step
without the use of a crutch for seventeen
years. She claims te have been miracu
lously cured by plaster from Chapel Knock,
The returns from the primaries held in
Luzerne show that Judge Stanley Wood
ward will have between eighty and ninety
delegates in Tuesday's convention, which
are enough te secure his nomination, the
total number of delegates being ene hun
dred and twenty-seven. Asa R. Brundage
will no doubt be the choice of Luzerne for
Twenty-three cars breke loeso from a
train coming down the Allcghenies and
thundered after it without a brakemau en
them. The engiueer and brakemen of the
firit section jumped from their train in ter
ror. The fireman took the throttle and ran
the cusrine down se fast that when the cel
lisien came its force was weakened and
nothing, was bro&en. Then he reversed
the engine, climbed back and braked the
cars and after a three-mile ran, fall of dan
ger, averted all accident.
The Jmpersonatexjef Shakespeare' Heroines
Lillian Adelaide Neilson. one of the
greatest actresses given by England te the
world in the last quarter of a century, died
suddenly at the Continental hotel, Paris,
yesterday. Ne news could have been mere
unexpected. Only afew weeks have passed
since she left this country, in the bloom of
health and beauty, and there was every
reason te believe that nothing except her
disposition te retire te private life was
likely te doprive the stage of her genius.
Her safe arrival en the ether side of the
Atlantic was noted in the newspapers;
still reports came of her excellent health
and spirits in fact there has been no
warning of the ten words by cable which
announce her death.
Short and brilliant was Miss Ncilsen's
career. She was born at Saragossa, in
Spaiu, en the 3d of March, 1850. Her
father was a native of that country, but
her mother was an Englishwoman, the
daughter of a clergyman. Almest in in
fancy she was taken te England, and there
she had the advantage of careful instruc
tion; but when a mere child she made her
appearance en the stage and by licr clever
ness attracted the attention of critics who
predicted her success. She rose from ene
round of the ladder of fame te the ether,
and at her death was without a rival in
the parts she especially assumed the her
oines of Shakspcare.
As these who saw her no later than last
winter in this city can tcstiliy she had a
combination of rare qualities imaginative
power, fire, tenderness and grace. Not
withstanding the brightness and finish of
her Rosalind and Viela, it is with Juliet
that her names is and will continue te he
most clesely associated. Her southern
origin gave her eminent advantages here.
The richness of her voice, the depth of ex
pression in her dark eyes, the sensuous
grace of her movemcntB, the burning
energy of passion which she displayed
as the tragedy progress, all this, se
necessary in the representation of the
beautiful Veronese could hardly be pos
sessed by ene net bred and born under a
Spanish or Italian sky. Her marriage te
a Mr. Philip Lee, the son of an English
clergyman was net a happy one. She
amassed a considerable fortune during her
stage career, and her diamonds were
worth net less than 100,000. It is under
stood that when she left America she was
betrothed te Mr. Compten, the leading
member of her last supporting company
in this country.
Campaign Lie Nalled.
Gen. Walker has taken the treuble te
explain ene of his methods of testing the
accuracy of the census returns already
made. Just before the enumerators be
gan their work the superintendent sent te
the postmasters in every part of the Seuth
requesting aclose estimate of the population
of given localities with which they were
mero or less familiar. Nearly all these post
masters are Republicans, and will hardly
be accused of aiding in any effort te show
the population of the Seuth larger than it
actually is. It is a rumarkable fact, how
ever, that the reports of the postmasters
and the returns of the census officials se
far as received are found te be iu substan
tial harmony. Gen. Walker says that any
body can make charges of fraud against
anybody, but such charges are of little
account without proof.
Anether Hancock Kecrult.
William Masscy, ene of the Philadelphia
millionaires, the principal owners of the
Philadelphia and Atlantic City railroad,
aud head of the firm of William Massey &
Ce., the extensive ale brewers, has sent a
letter te the secretary of the Union League,
saying that his appointment by President
Boker en the league campaign committee
was without his knowledge, and declining
te serve, en the ground that he intended
te support Hancock. Mr. Massey when
asked about the matter, declined te be in
terviewed further than te say that he
thought the election of Geueral Hancock
would he the best for the country. Mr.
Massey said he was a business man and
net a politician. He had no quarrel with
anybody, but proposed te oxcrcise his own
judgment and vete ferthe man whose elec
tien he considered best for the interest of
the country.
The Leve that Kills.
Ed. Parkhurst, a young lawyer, twouty tweuty twouty
feur years of age, killed Fannie Hewell,
aged twenty-two years, at Bath, N. Y.,
by sheeting her with a revolver. He then
shot himself. Beth belonged te the best
families in Bath and there was quite a
romance connected with their lives. Six
or seven years age they were married at a
picnic, but their parents interfered and the
courts declared the marriage null and void.
Since arriving at age they have attempted
te live together, but the girl's parents ob
jected and an ill feeling engendered. Park
hurst again tried te porsuade the girl te
live with him, aud upon her refusal drew
his revolver, sheeting her and then him
self. It is thought that he was under the
influence of liquor at the time of the trag
edy. m a
Minnesota' Wheat Crep.
The official statement of the Commis
sioner of Statistics for the state of Minne
sota en the acreage and estimated yield of
the principal cereals says the increase iu
the acreage in wheat in 1880 ever 1879 is
200,804 acres, or 7.27 per cent,, mainly in
the northwestern part of the state. In the
southern part several counties show no
change at all, while ethers show a falling
off from 1,766 acres in Jacksen county te
17,313 acres in Fillmore county. The full
acreage in wheat in 1880 is 2,963,325 acres,
and from reports se far received, as well
fiem official as ethor sources, the average
yield per acre at the present outlook is net
less than 15 bushels, which according te
the reported acreage, gives the result as
44,449,876 bushels.
m st
Tke Lest Found.
Mary and Annie Kelly, sisters, who went
en the excursion and after the May's Land
ing accident were reported missing, re
turned home en Thursday. They were en
the train when the disaster occurred, but
were net injured. They walked back
about two miles toward Atlautie City,
where a friend of their's resided, and hcie
they spent the night, within a short dis
tance of the heartrendcring scenes which
were being enacted at May's Landing.
The following day they returned home,
greatly te the relief of their parents, who
feared very much for their safety.
In Gilmans, Pike county, Mrs. Theodere
King, hitherto considered a very upright
wemau, eloped with a man named Dclbert
Myers. The woman heartlessly left her
little children te their fate. The house
which she occupied being ever a mile from
any ether habitation, the little ones doubt
less would have starved te dcat had net
Mr. King, who was in the habit of remain
ing away from home for weeks at a time,
chanced te return home te take care of
them; Myers has two ether wives.
Random Snoeting-.
Dan Linehcr, a whisky dealer at Buena
Vista, Cel., Friday night, fatally shot
Deputy Sheriff Murray Farnswertli, and
slightly wounded Reth Eastman, another
officer. The disturbance occurred in Line
her's establishment, all the men having
been drinking. Pistols were drawn, ana
Farnswoed shot first, extinguishing the
lamps, after which thirteen shots weie
fired in the dark. jFarnswerth was shot
threigh the heart.
Onr Staple Crep.
The New
Yerk Market and the Lecal
Seme two hundred cases of 1879 leaf
were sold last week en private terms, and
a number of buyers are in the city taking
a leek at the crop as it is being sampled
and also making a tour of the county te
leek at the growing crop. Samplers arc
actively at work in most of the ware
houses, and it is conceded that the crop of
1879 is turning out exceedingly well.
Net much can be said of the growing
tobacco except that last Thursday a con
siderable tract of country was visited by a
hail storm which damaged mero or less
from 600 te 800 acres. The path of the
storm was from Mcchanicsville (or Snuff
town) te Masonville, in a generally couth
eastern direction, though the line was zig
zag in some places. It was also noticed
that there wcre occasional breaks iu the
fall of the hail ene field or two being
badly damaged, while fields en either
aide of it escaped Jinjury. Ne estimate
has yet been made of the extent of the less
or the amount of insurance. Gentlemen
who passed ever the route of the storm
and observed the fields as carefully as
they could say that the topped tobacco in
some places is damaged se badly that it
will be fit for fillers only, while the Liter
plants, net yet topped, are damaged com
paratively little.
There was another slight fall of hail en
Thursday in the vicinity of Churchtown,
but the stones wcre small and did net de
much damage.
Considerable quantities of the new crop
have been cut off and hung up, and the
great bulk of the balance is being topped.
Great irregularity of growth continues te
he noticed, and it is thought from this cir
cumstance that the proportion of fine
wrappers will be much less this year than
last. In bulk the crop will be the largest
ever grown in this county, and it is tee
early in the season te form atcerrect opin
ion as te its quality.
The New Yerk Reports.
The wendci fully wise man who conducts
the NewYerk Tobacco Journal is dreadfully
excited again ever the favorable reports of
the growing crop in this county, aud while
no is compelled te republish them lrem
the Lancaster papers te give his read
ers the news, he peppers his paper
with comments intended te 1 right-
en away buyers .from Lancaster
county tobacco. His ridiculous perform
ances of last season betrayed se keenly
his lack of judgement and want of fore
sight that little attention will be paid te
his ravings new. An illustration of his
felly is furnished in the fact that he charges
the packers of '73 with exaggerating the
prospects of the '80 crop se as te gel big
prices for that wfucnttey are holding.
The Journal sums up last week's sales as
fellows :
Pennsylvania crop '79: 2.10 cases. (Price
kept impenetrably secret). Crep '78: 500
cases, fillers 12 cents, seconds 15 cents,
wrappers 33 te 45 cents.
Connecticut crop '79: 100 cases, seconds
12 cents. Crep '78 .
State crop '79: 380 cases running, 10
Havana. The market remains strong
and active, with sales running up te 900
bales. Fillers of the '79 crop are quoted
as follews: Lew, 87 te $1.00; medium,
$1.05 te 11.12 ; fine, up te $1.35.
Gans' Repert,
Sales of seed leaf tobacco reported by
J. S. Gans' Sen & Ce., tobacco brokers,
Nes. 84 and 86 Wall street, New Yerk, for
the week ending August 15, 18S0:
200 cases 1879 Penn.. pt.; 123 cases 1878
Peun. 10K530c ; 400 cases 1877 New Eng.
land seconds 10 c; 400 cases 1878 New
England fillers 7c, wraps 1222 c; 200
cases 1878 Ohie lie: 44 cases 1879 Ohie
8c; 100 cases sundries 9l8c 1469 cases,
A Yeung Lady's Tragic Death.
About two o'clock en Sunday afternoon
a sad accident bcfell Miss Tillie Mateer.
aged 19 years, of Mt. Jey, while en her
return from a visit te her 6istcr, of Mari
etta. When at a point ou the Marietta
pike a short distance from Marietta a
spark from the cigar of Charles Swarucr
with whom she was walking set fire te her
clothing. On seeing her life imperiled aud
becoming excited she commenced te run
which fanned the fire and in a short time
she was wrapped in ilamcs. A young
man named Dcarbcck who was driving in
the vicinity sprang from his buggy and
threw a lap blanket ever the girl and suc
ceeded in smothering the dames, but; aft r
euly a few stitches of clothing remained
en her body.
Dr. Norris of Marietta was huriidly sent
for and was seen ou hand te de what could
be done for the unfortunate sufferer, no
directed that she should be carried te the
nearest dwelling heuse which happened te
ba that of Henry Kauffman, hut Mr. Kauff
man's family refused te rcccive her and at
her own request she was taken te the home
of her parents in Mount Jey, and Dr. F. M.
Harry was summoned who did much te
allcviate her intense suffering Except
her face and fcet there is net a spot as
big the palm of a man's hand ou her
body that is uet severely burned and iu
seme parts te a crisp. Death relieved her
of her terrible suffering nt G o'clock this
Corener Mishler went up te Mount Jey
this morning te held an inquest.
Unclaimed Letters.
The following is a list of unclaimed let
ters remaining in the posteffico at Lancas
ter for the week ending Monday, Aug. 10,
1880 :
Ladies' List: Miss Cath. Baker, Miss
Katie Baker, Mrs. Cath, Fcnstcrmackcr,
Mrs. Kate L. Fisher; Miss Amanda F.
Hcrr, Miss Mary K. Herr, Miss Anna
Jehnsen, Miss Emma Keuaga, Mrs. Mar
tin Kchee, Mrs. Mary Lowas, Miss Eva
Lee, Miss Mary Morgan, Rebecca M. Phil
lips, Mrs. Mary Rhoades, Mrs. Ellcy Rau,
Airs. Rcgina Reilly, May Smith, Miss
Mary Trego Miss Annie Weber, Miss Kate
Wertz, MisB Mellie Wilsen, Miss Cera
Gents' List: Sam'l Dctweilcr. Ralph
.Dunbar, And. . Jrindley, Jehn uibbins,
Charles Hartlaup, Aldus L. Hcrsb, Tobias
R. Kreider (2), L. J. Kenaga, Win. P.
Kimball, E. M. Lawtin, Dan'l K. Landis,
Edwaid McNcly, James McGuigan, W. DJ
Myers, R. M. Rcilley, David Reidel, Frank
P. Reynolds, Michael Shreiner, B. F.
Stauffer, Goe. D. Sweigart, Adus Tripplc,
G. W. Walten, Melvin G. Williams.
Sunday Tramp Fight.
Werd was sent te police headquarters
yesterday that a erewd of drunken tramps
were violating the Sabbath in the neighbor
hood of tbe Agricultural park with fight
ing and disorderly conduct. Officers Adams
and Lentz repaired te the scene and ar
rested two ef the belligerents and ledged
them in the lesk-np. Daring the melee
several windows in the houses in the vicin
ity were broken by the stones thrown by
them. Mr. Eby of the hotel at Sensenig's
drove yard will bring charges against
Lancaster Coentlans Going te Chicago.
The parade of Knights Templar in Chi
cago this week premises te be the most
imposing and magnificent demonstration
of its kind ever seen in this country,and at
this time thousands of people are journcy jeurncy
iug te that city from every part of the
country te witness the display or te take
part in the festivities of the week. The
most elaborate preparations for these
events and for the entertainment of the
multitude of strangers expected have been
made by the people of Chicago, and the
low rates of excursion fare obtained from
the companies, contributed greatly te se
cure a larger attendance than would have
been had otherwise
The fare from Lancaster and return hav
ing been fixed at 18, many members of
the order and ethers availed themselves of
it te make the trip te the great West, and
although the Lancaster ceramandery will
net go as a body se many members of it
will be in Chicago, that had their number
been anticipated arrangements might
easily have been made te secure their
presonce in the parade with a ferce that
would have elicited favorable comparison
with many of the cemmanderics expected
te be iu line
We have noticed already the departure
of a number of persons, some ueing in ad
vance te visit friends in Chicago or en route,
and some by way of Reading, with an ex
tensive party from that city, who travel in
a body by special train and step at the Pal
mer house. Seme ethers who intend going
have net left yet and will go te-day or te
morrow. But by far the larger number of
persons going from this section left Lan
caster at 11 a. m. yesterday in the Chicago
express, which was expected te reach that
city seme time before neon te day. A
very large company of friends assembled
at the depot te see them off, Aud the scenes
attending their departure wero quite ani
mated. Following is believed te be a complete
list of all who have left hence ou this occa
sion, and who take with them the geed
wishes of a large portion of this cemmu
nity for a pleasant trip, a happy sojourn
and a safe return :
Gee. W. Brown, Chas. Shultz. Jehn
Copland, Jehn Carter, Dana Graham, II,
N. Tshudy, of Litiz, Nicholas Danucr, of
1'arauisc, Jlenry Decrr (and wile), Samuel
Burns, P. S. Bruhaker,ef Millport, Richard
lJhckcndcrfer, went by Heading.
Dr. M. L. Davis, of Millcrsville, Dr. S.
T. Davis,of this city, Isaac W. Leidigh aud
Jehn S. Rohrer, of Lancaster, left
en the 11 o'clock train yesterday via
Chicago, for Hunter's ledgo en Spirit
lake in Northwestern Iowa, about five
hundred miles beyond Chicago. They
took with them a capacious camp chest,
beat, rifles, shot guns, hammock and all
the accoutrements for several weeks camp
ing, hunting and fishing. They will meet
friends in that section and expect a season
of highly profitable and pleasant experi
ence iu the out-deer sports of the great
Gee. A. Shelly, H. H. Hensel, A. F.
Shenck, Mrs. II. S. Shcnck, Miss Kate
Shenck. Fred. Kinzfcr, jr., J. G. Bochr Bechr
inger, J. K. Smaling, Jehn Sutten, Edw.
Steigcrwalt, Miss Minnie Reyer and Jehn
W. Lewell take advantage of the occasion
te visit Chicago and pthcr points in that
vicinity. Mr. Wm. Mctzner will leave
this evening or te-morrow for Chicago
where he has business interests.
Iu addition te the Knights Templar who
have gene by way of Reading the following
have left en the Pennsylvania railroad,
most of them going yesterday :
Gee. Marshal (accompanied by his wife),
W. O. Marshal, James B. Strine, II. E.
Carsen, J. A. Sprcngcr. Harry Eichler,
Win. Rapp. Jehn Ochs, Henry Ilartman,
of East Lampeter, Martin K. Mylin, of
UordenviIIc, Jehn ltecs. r. liehcin, Dr,
W. N. Amer, Fred. Fcnstcrmacher, of
Millersvillc, Jehn Reland (accompanied by
his wife), of New Helland, Maj. B. F.
rSiencmau, Chas. 31. Hewell, C. Liller (and
Cer.tlnueti Bad Luck for Republicans.
Thus far, every time the Republicans
have attempted te raise a pole in
during the present campaign bad luck has
attended them. Their poles have fallen
down and broken, their ropes aud tackle
have broken, their derricks have broken
and everything has geno wrong. As yet
nobody has been quite killed at any of the
pole-ratings, but several have been badly
crippled. The Fates arc againt them, aud
if they were wise they would make nu.end
of pole-raising and stick te their mere
legitimate practices of coon-hunting, mud
slinging and ballet-box stuffing. In the
hickory pole they have no rightful let or
part ; it has been for generations the em
blem of Democracy, and the Republicans
might as well steal the Democratic plat
form at once as te steal our hickory.
On Saturday they attempted te put up
two poles, ene in the Fifth ward corner of
Columbia and Marietta avenues, ami the
ether in the Sixth ward, corner of Walnut
and Christian streets. The Sixth ward
pole lies in the gutter, and fears are ex
pressed that it may never assume an up
right position. In digging a hole in which
te plant it, rock was struck at less than
eighteen iuches from the surfaee. As the
hole ought te be at least six or eight feet
deep a geed deal of blasting will have te
he done te make the necessary excavation.
Although it is nene of our funeral we
may be permitted te suggest that much
labor and expense and vexation would be
saved our Republican brethren if they
would sell the leg te Philip Lebzelter for
conversion into spokes, shafts and fellees.
It is entirely tee crooked te be ornamental.
The Fifth ward pole was elevated after
a world of trouble, and from its topmost
branches float a number of small Ameri
can flags. There being nothing in or
about the pole te indicate that it had
been raised in the interest of fraud,
bribery and De Geylcr, a number of
impulsive but patriotic Democrats
secinir that it was of Democratic
"hickory" and ileatcd the colors under
which Hancock se gallantly fought natur
ally enough mistook for it for a Demo
cratic pole, aud during Saturday evening
nailed upon its trunk, high up, neatly
painted beards bearing the names of
" Hancock and English." They found
out what a mistake they had made, when
shortly after day-break ou Sunday morn
ing they saw a number of Republicans hav
ing a war-dance around the pole, and
swearing they would scalp the wretches
who had dared te put the names of the
Democratic nominees upon it. The names
of Hancock and English were speedily re
moved and trampled under feet, that
their places might be occupied by DeGol DeGel
yer Garfield and Custom Heuse Fraud
The Ninth ward Republicans had in
tended te put up a pole en Saturday en
North Charlette street, but with their :.;
custemed bad luck they failed te de se.
As a mark of especial honor te "the fiat
footed Andie," the constable of the ward,
the pole was te have been put up in front
of his residence ; te give the affair as much
eclat as pessible a fund was collected te
defray necessary expenses, (a bar'l) and
this had the effect of gathering together
quite a crowd of the thirsty. But after a
fruitless search for McMcllcn and his der
rick, the attempt te elevate the pole was
given up, and the crooked, knotty stick, like
se many of its fellows, still lies prostrate.
The Millcrsville Republicans are no
mero lucky than their city neighbors.
With a great flourish of trumpets they
announced that a pole would be erected in
that charming village en Saturday and
eloquent speakers would address the assem
bled multitude. The first mishap was 4as
usual" the breaking of the pole, as it was
being hauled te the ground. This was
remedied in the usual manner by adding
a splice. When the pole was taken te the
ground en Saturday the enthusiastic De
Gelye'r boys declared they would have it
up in a jiffy. Shears and ropes and pulley.i
wero used, but the old thing wouldn't go
up. After hours of unsuccessful
labor seme ena suggested that
Captatn McMellcn should he sent
for. Late in.thecvening the captain arrived,
and with his " derrick and fall " and skilled
workmen was net long in setting the stick
en end. And then there was a mass meet
ing and speeches by B. C. Kready, A. O.
Ncwphcr, Senater Mylin and Statesman
Landis! Talk about cloqucnce! Talk
about argument ! There they wcre in their
simplicity and purity !
After the pole had been raised a eoiii eeiii eoiii
mittee was sent te wait upon Dec. Brady,
aud get from him the fine flag which was te
float from the top of it. The committee
was repulsed with th freezing re
ply : " Ge te Eden and get your
flag where you went te get your mu
sic" The treuble was that the committee
had hired the Eden band instead of tlu;
Millcrsville hand te furnish the musical
accompaniments te the orations. Net
being able te get the flag from Dec Brady
the committce was obliged te skirmish
around until they found a little muslin
flag with which te dccor.ite the pole.
Our Traveling Correspondent In the North
west Cerner.
Marietta is a geed place te go te, either
for rest, recreation, sport, or for soliciting
subscriptions te a paper like the Lancaster
ISTELLiOENCEit, as your correspondent
can personally attest. Arriving at the
upper depot at neon en Monday, we wend
ed our way te the Cress Keys hotel, kept
by the best of landlords, Christopher
Haucr, who for a very modcrate price pro
vides a square meal, geed lodging and a
Hancock scgar in the bargain a "sniicrh"
article which is relished even by the .stal
warts. Everybody Ilinpleyed.
A walk through the borough during the
day finds the streets almost deserted, save
by ladies and a few supcranuated individ
uals of the sterner sex, who, with a great
deal of satisfaction, explain the absence of
the able-bodied. They are all at work,
either at the rolling mill, hollew-wato
works, furnaces, or in the tobacco fields.
The iron works are nearly all running en
full time. The hollew-waro works employ
sixty men, and arc doing a large and safe
business under the efficient management
of E. L. Rcinheld, formerly of Lancaster,
and Cel. Gee. W. 3Ichaffy, ex-county com
missioner. The Creps Kin;; Tefcaec.
The crops through Denegal township
arc ia a mere flourishing condition than
has ever been known. We have seen com
twelve feet high with cars proertionatcy
large ; potatoes as big as cabbage heads
and tomatoes twice that size. There is a
fair premise for pumpkin pics, and the
levers of hard cider and apple ' sass " can
expect te regale and feast themselves
quite as sumptuously as the levers of Sara Sara
eogas and corn dodgers ; for late apples are
very plentiful and large, most of the tree:?
having te be prepped te prevent their
breaking down.
But of all the crops tobacco is king in
thie vicinity. There is indeed scarcely a
quarter-acre let but is wholly or in a
large part occupied by the weed,
and nearly all iu excellent con
dition. 3Iany farmers are new engaged in
cutting, and with rare exceptions repeit
an unusual yield. Mr. J. 31. Stauffer, en
the Jehn Rich farm, commenced cutting
his crop of 13 acres en the 12th of July aud
expects a total yield of 23,000 pounds, or
nearly 2,000 pounds te the acre, lie is new
cutting a five-acre let of "Garfield"' tobac
co, which he is storing in his model tobac
co hed recently erected. The main huild
t:i:r i 30xC0 feet, with a stone basement,
which is te be used for stripping and pack
iug. It contains a number of bins for the
storage of potatoes and apples. It is well
lighted and perfectly ventilated.
A Successful Tobacco Farmer.
31r. Jehn Shields, of 3Iarictta, is recog
nized as the champion tobacco grower of
the county. Fer years past he has grown
the largest crops and generally command.-;
the highest prices. Your correspondent
called en him Saturday and learned much
concerning his manner of cultivating the
weed, which it would be profitable for the
amateur te observe. Mr. Shields contends
that deep plowing is net only useless but
positively injurious. The cap root of the
plant penetrates the ground from 8 te 12
inches, but is simply a stay for the stock.
affording little or no nourishment te the
plant. The feeding roots, lrem which the
plant derives its nourishment, spread out
ever the burface net mere than four or six
inches in depth. By deep plewinc veu
poison the plant with the subsoil and
denrive the fecdinjr roots of the manure
thus turned under; that as much to
bacco can be grown with half the manure
properly ploughed as can be raised by
plowing up the sub-soil. While cultivat
ing tobacco 3Ir. S. says the ground should
be kept perfectly clear of weeds, but
should net be ploughed tee near the roots,
especially in dry weather. He demon
strated the correctness of his theory by
producing stocks, the leaves of which
measured 24 by 42 inches ; and what is
most surprising is the fact that five suc
cessive crops have been grown en the
same let. There are no cullens or waste
leaves, and the yield i3 expected te be
2,500 pounds te the acre.
The Democracy
Of the borough are enthusiastic and well
organized. The Hancock and English
club, organized en the evening of the
nominations, is a very efficient organiza
tion. It meets every Wednesday and Satur
day evenings iu the St. Jehn building, and
is presided ever by Christian Hanlcn. Frank
Curran, a Democrat of the old school, is
looking well te the assessments. The
borough will give a geed account of itself
en November.
Illack Mass.
Bass fishing is the principal sport of 31a
ricttians, and is indulged in alike by ladies
and gentlemen. Frem Chiques Falls te
Collin's station, the Susquehanna is'dettcd
with beats and skifts, all of which are em
ployed in the fascinating pastime. Hunt
ing, nutting, croquet nor archery are te
te compared te it. It is net only fascinat
ing, tending te ceed health and muscular
development, but is profitable as well ;
for wc net unfrequcntly meet persons with
a string of from five te twenty pounds.
Though your humble servant did net in
dulge in the exciting sport, he was the