Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 16, 1880, Image 1
--L. ; ;v ' 5- -- -J-- a- - j- (Sip patf aftef ntdlipii: J ' r i fe Velame XVI Ne. 297.- czeiiiixa. Spring Opening AT 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Wc liave lei stale for the coming season an Immense Stock of t our own manufacture, widen comprises tbe -utcbt untl Most STYLISH DESIGNS. Conic and sue ei:r SLEW GOODS r.liich Is larger and composed of the best styles ' li! leund in the c:ly. 0. B. Wetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. -lyd LANCASTER. PA H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, MONDAY, APRIL 5. Having int returned Irem the New Yerk Venlen Market. I uni new prepared te exhibit moor the Best Selected SteckbOt WOOLENS FOK THE Spring: mi Sear He, ver brought te this city. Nene but the Tery ."st of ENGLISH, FRENCH AMD AMERICAN FABRICS, all the Leading Styles. Prices ns low as the ewi'M, and nil goods warranted as represent .at H. GERHART'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. SMALING, THE ARTIST TAILOR. Closing out our stock of l.isbt Weights at cost te make room for Fall and Winter Stock. A Lare Line of English levelties. TROPICAL SUITINGS, SERGES AND REPS, I'.ANNOCKRURNS AND CELTICS, GAMI5ROON l'AUAMATA and batiste suitings. seersuckers, vai.excias. parole and mohair coatings. A.Splcmtld Assortment of Wilferd's Padded Ducks In Plain and Fancy Styles. A Full Line el All the latent novelties. An examination of our stock 1 ic-peclfully solicited. I. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH OUEEN STREET. CHINA AND ULASSWARE. -tfllNA, OLASS AND QUEEXSWARi:. CHINA HALL. White and Decorated Stone China, Tea. Din ner and Chamber Sets, White, Geld Band und Fancy French China Tea ami Dinner Sets, Glass Sets, Tumblers, Goblets, Fruit Bowls, Pitchers, Ac. Fruit Jars ! Jelly Cups ! ! AT THE LOWEST PltlCES, AT HIGH & MARTIN'S, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. GROCERIES. "ITfUOLESALE AND RETAIL. LEVAN'S FLOUR AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. dl7-lyd REMOVALS. DU. S. 15. FOREMAN. (PHYMCI AX AXD SURGEON), Removed from Ne. 18 Seuth Prince street te Jfe. 211 West Kim; street, Lancaster, Pa. rui21-3eid Reaay-Haae Cletlm SH FEME Deck vesta DMT BARGAINS IN CALICOES AT THE NEW YORK STORK 5,000 YDS. NM DAI CALICOES AT S CIS. A YAM Just opened an elegant assortment of cheice styles in Calicoes, Cretonnes, ami Chintzes. MUSLII1S! MUSLINS! Stamford Makes of Bleached and Unbleached MupIIiis from 10 te 90 per cent. below June prices. INDIA LINENS. VICTUUIA LAWNS, em prices. 1 Watt, Shand & Company, S AND 10 EAST KING STREET. CLOT11INO. CLOSM OUT OF SPMG Mill SOUR STOCK. In eidcr le ylose out our stock of Spring and Summer Goods te make room for a heavy Fall Trade, we are offering great inducements in Men's, Youths' and Children's Clothing. In our Custom Department we have a large let of Piece Geed, which must he closed out hefere September 1, regardless of profit. In our Rcady-inade Department we have an unusually line stock of Summer Clothing, all of which ean be purchased at very lowest bottom figures. Gentlemen, our facilities are net equaled in the city. It will cost you nothing te examine our stock. MYERS & RATHFON, Xe. 12 EAST KING STREET, WATCHES, SPECIAL EDW. J. ZHLM, JEWELER, ZAHMS CORNER, LANCASTER, PA. Our largely Increased busliieHS makes it nceensary for in te enlarge our Mere room. Te make room rer the alterations we contemplate, we will close out ns much of our stock as pos sible, between this date and the 10th of AUGUST, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, This offer applies te any article in our extensive stock EXCEPT SPECTACLES, and r il atferd all who desire goods In our line a raw oppertnnily te buy from flrst-cluM Meck nt un usually low pi Ices. ZAHM'S CORNER. MEDICAL, DR. BROWNING'S TOHC ABD ALTERATIVE! Tim Celebrated Prescription or W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. I). FOR GENERAL DEBILITY AND FURIFI1MJ! THE BLOOD. Perfectly Purifies the Bleed, Enriches the Bleed, Reddens the Bleed, makes New Bleed. Wonderlullylmprevcs the Appetite, and Changes the Constitution Sulfciiiig from Debility Inte one of Vigorous Health. The best pi oef of its i endertul efficacy is te be obtain) d by a trial, and that simple trial strongly etabiisUc-i it reputation with all. &i-U is most scientifically and elegantly compounded by its author and sole proprietor, W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., 117 AROH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A regular graduate of Jeffersen Medical College, of Philadelphia, a thorough Chemist and Skillful Pliatinaclst. Price, 50c und Sl.OO. Fer sale by the Fioprieler und all Druggists and Denier in Medicine. dl-lyrieew&w WIXES AXD S. CLAY MILLER RESPECTFULLY calls the attention of his friends as well as the publie in general te his Superior Stock of Old Whiskies ; Gibsen's, Dougherty's, Gughenlieimer, Hannissville, Overhelt and Gaft's Pure Rye, from four te eight years old, -which he has recently bought from first hands for Cash, and will sell from the original package at reasonable prices, at Ne. 33 Perm Square. ROOKS AXD STATIOXERT. "VTEW STATIONERY! New, Plain and Fancy STATIONERY. Alse, Velvet and Eastlake PICTURE FRAMES AND EASELS. AT I M. FLYKN'S BO AXD STATIOXERY STORE, Ne. 43 WEST KING STREET. J01T BAER'S SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUM STREET, LANCASTER, FA., have In stock a large assortment of BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Attention Is invited te their FAMILY AND PULPIT BIBLES Teachers' Bibles, Sunday Scheel Libraries, Hymnals, Prayer Beeks,1 HYMN BOOKS AND MUSIC BOOKS Fer Sunday Schools. FIXE REWARD CARDS. SUNDAY SCHOOL REQUISITES of all kinds CONGRESS HALL, CAPE MAY', X. J. OPEN FOR THE SEASON. H. J. & G. R. CRUMP, ) Of the Colonnade Hetel, E.A.GILLETT, Philadelphia. jylHOMced HOODS. WIUTB PIQUES AND CAMBRICS AT HOT- LANCASTER, TEXXM. JEWELRY, Jtc. NOTICE. LANCASTER, PA. -x-r. -. f" LIQUORS. OEXTSf HOODS. I7K L INEN COLLARS GOTO ERISMAN'S. neil FANCY STOCKINGS ae te ERIeMAN'S. F OR .SUSPENDERS GOTO ERISMAN'd. TJOR NEW .STYLE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, GO TO E. J. ERISMANPS, 30 NORTH QUEEN STREET. ROBES, BLANKETS, &C. OIGN OF THE HUFFALO HEAD. ROBES 1 ROBES!! BLANKETS ! BLANKETS ! ! I have nbw en hand the Largest. Bust axd Cheapest Absertjkbt of Lined and Unlincd BUFFALO ROBES In the city. Alse LAP AND HORSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satehels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. Repairing neatly and promptly dene.-C A. MILEY, 108 Xerth Qttcrn St., Lancaster. itiO-lyitMW&b TLXWARE, AC -T1IFTKKN DOLLARS RUTS A FIRST-CLASS REFRIGERATOR, With Enameled Water Tank, at SUERTZER, HUMPH RE VILLE & KIEFFER'S, Se. 40 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. LANCASTER, PA., MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1880 Eantastcr Jmtellfgencet. MONDAY EVENING, AUG. 16. 1880. THE UNION. FOUR GENERATIONS OF MEMBERS. ITS ANCIENT AND HONORABLE HISTORY ONE HUNDIIBD AND TWlaNTIETH AN NIVERSARY. The celebration of the 120tli anniversary of the Union Steam fire engine and forcing he?e company, of this city, en Saturday evening was a successful and brilliant affair and the association which devised and executed it have geed reason te con gratulate themselves ou the success which attended their admirable arrangements. At Op. m., the members partici pating met at the cnghie house en Market street, and headed by the City band, marched around te North Queen street and down te the mayor's office, whence they esce; ted the invited guests te the Stevens house, making a straight way te the din ing roeom. The banquet table ran the entire length of the dining room and was set in the form of a T, the crei at the "West Kingcnd bo be ing occupied by Picsident Slaymakcr, the mayor, presidents of ether fire companies who were prcscn", and the representatives of the press. Jeshua L. Lyte, esq., vice president of the ceuipany, occupied the ether end of the table, and some fifty members of the company sat down. The appcaiaacc of the table was beauti ful and inviting. The best arrangement had been made of rich beuquets and pyr amids of fleweis ; the historical banners of the Union wcrcranged around the walls, and en either side of the room was the bold inscription " 17G0 Union l880."Breiled chicken and baked potatoes, cold meats and a variety of sal-ids, the dishes taste fully, garnished,'; fruits, ice-cream, cof fee, biscuit, sherry and champagne wines made up the bill of fare, and after a brief address of welcome te the guests by II. "E. Slaymakcr, ample justice was done te it. At 10 p. m. President Slaymakcr called the assemblage te order ami offered the first toast of the evening, " The Memery of the Founders of the Union," which was drank in silence and standing. Other toasts and speeches fol lowed in order. " Our Guest," piopesed by Jehn B. Markley, was re plied te by E. E. Snyder, who spoke for the association in extending te the mayor, the repicscntativcs of ether companies present, and especially te members of the piess a hearty welcome. " riie City of Lancaster," the piesperity of which was toasted by J. R. Waters, was answered for by its chief executive, Mayer Jehn T. MacGoni MacGeni glc, who congratulated the Union en its splendid record as a social organization and an agency of publie usefulness. Its history of 120 years was one in which its members might take an honorable pride. Its members and officers had reflected credit en themselves, their city and the fire department, and of its later history, as chief executive officer of the city, he was glad te bear testimony te its exemplary character ler order. JNet only as an or ganizatien docs it yield prompt obedience te municipal regulations, but individually its members by example and precept aid 111 the preservation of geed government. "Ilie Lancaster Fire Department" piopesed by G. Byren Cummings was spoken for by Walter M. Franklin, Esq., the newly elect piesident of the Humane and chairman of the committee of councils en (ire engines and hose. He had found the Union ever ready te lend its aid in time of need. Reviewing its history and in picsence of this occasion he felt like saying "Hurrah for the Union." He himself had an interest in it because his father and grandfather had bseu members of it, while the company which he represented, he was glad te knew, had branched off from such geed stock. In respect te the fire depart ment of the city it was one which the peo ple had reason te be proud of ; its self denying heroism, its efficiency, its social position and its cquipmeut were deserving of the highest commendation, and te this, one of Jits best representatives, he could only say "the Union Forever." "The Frew" offered by rO. Edw. Hcgener, esq., was responded te by W. U. Hensel, esq., who found a certain sort of association between the local press and the volunteer fire de partment, since both had been in a meas ure superseded in the larger communities, while both continued vigorous here, im proving in their respective spheres. He was glad te sce the continuance of a local press te represent every interest of the community, and glad that ie volunteer fire department still existed and furnished occasion for the display of heroic self denial and unpaid patriotism. There was au interdependence between the press and the firemen. The newspapers depended en them for many a Hive item, and the press in turn chronicled the brave deeds of the firemen. In compiling that admirable history of the "Union" the journalist his torian had depended largely en the records of the local newspapers. The reputation of the newspapers like that of firemen de pended en what they made themselves. The Union has a glorious history. Contin uing in its past ways it would come here te celebrate its bi-centcnnial. Then its engines will move by electricity, and a quicker agency than water will be applied te extinguish lircs; but the principles which will animate its members will be the same as arc celebrated te-night and which are revered in the character of its founders. "Our Beys" was the title of song written for the oc casion and sung by D. L. Retharmcl amid great applause. It introduced the names of Buchanan, Reigart, Fulton, Stuart A. Wylie, B. F. Baer, Thurlow, Slaymakcr and ether distinguished members of the company in the present and past. "The 100th Anniversary." This toast responded te by Gee. M. Franklin, esq., president of the Shiftier, was offered by Jehn L. Martin. Mr. Franklin Jrecallcd the splendid parade, ban quet and ether festivities attending the centennial celebration of the Union, and remarked that of the 37 members who pa raded thenjenly one remained inactive con nection with it,; the president. Eleven were dead and twenty five retired, Mr. Frank lin giving a complete list of the names. His reminiscences of the event were timely and intcicsting and the whole com pany joined him in the hope te be present at the company's next centennial. Jacob Gable, president of the Sen, who was te have responded te the ''Friends of Firemen" and Jehn I. Hartman, president of thp Washington, who was te bare been spokesman for ''The Lancaster Firemen," were net present. "Old Time Firemen" Was the apt subject of a toast offered by Chas. B. Leaman, and heartily re sponded te by Jehn S. Gable, president of the Friendship. He was most deeply gratified with the present celebration, and Had always taken an active interest in the Union, the eldest of our local companies, always active and forcible. Fifty-three years age he had come te Lancaster, and the companies then were nothing compared with new. He vividly recalled the old lines of men and women passing the full and empty buckets at a fire, emptying one well and finding another; the buckets hanging in the halls ; the baskets andjlad ders. This is a wonderful age of improve ment and men change with the times. He never felt it mere than en this occasion, and with regard te his own feelings about it. Once he would have looked with great dissatisfaction ou this banquet. Time mellows men as it changes their institu tions. Prejudices are conquered as public sentiment changes and it is all well. "The Union Guards." Proposed by W. D. Stauffer, esq., were eulogized in a speech by Alderman J K. Barr, esq., formerly of the Union, new president of the American. He briefly al luded te the advances in every day science as exemplified by the telephone and of the changes since he first joined the Union, in 1857. The Union deserved great credit for its activity as an or ganization in raising the first company thus secured here for the defence of the union. He briefly sketched the career of of that company finally becoming the nu cleus of Company B. 1st P. V. Reserves, and prophesied that if occasion called again the company would patriotically respond with another company, whose achieve ments would go down with another his tory. The applause which followed his speech called out Capt. Stauffer, who eulogized the " Guards" and the patriotic senti ment which inspired volunteer soldiers and volunteer firemen. Letters of Regret. Letters weretheu read from Alfred San derson, of the Shippensburg Chronicle, the historian of the company ; Chas M. Hewell, president, of the Empire hook and ladder company, and from S. R. Evarts, of Ilarrisburg, a former member of the Union, expressing their regrets at being unable te accept invitations te be present and indulging in pleasant memories of and allusions te the company and its splendid history. The Union" Itself found a spokesman in II. E. Slay makcr, esq., who has been its admirably efficient and energetic president for nearly a quarter of a century, and whose pepu larity in the company was attested -by the applause which greeted every memtien of his name during the evening. He speke briefly and eloquently of the old company in which he took such pride, te which its members were se devoted aud in which the whole city had such satisfaction. The sentiment Mr. Slaymakcr responded te was from Maj. Hewell's letter as fellows : "The Union S. F. E. and F. II. Ce., Ne. 1, of Lancaster a bright star in the Lan caster FirefDepartmcnt ; may every advanc ing step of time addfresh laurels te their renown, and their usefulness in the future, as in the past, be bright and glorious." Mere Senus. After Retharmrl sang "The Green Cart," he sang by request "The Union aud their President," both specially appli cable te the occasion and received with shouts of applause. At E. E. Snyder's suggestion the company toasted the invited guests who could net be present and at 11:40 in the best of geed order the assemb lage adjourned. The timely points of all the speakers were Heartily applauded ; the exercises were in geed taste throughout, and taken all in all the celebration was such an event as may be added in the most worthy setting te the history which this most excellent company has made for itself with four generations of Lancaster's citizens. The committee in charge of the 6upper was J. L. Lyte, G. Edw. Hegener and Albert Clinten. TlIsIUirVAIL. Twe Interesting Services. The announcement that Bishop Vail, of Kansas, son-in-law of the late Bishop Bow Bew man, of this city, would preach in St. Jehn's P. E. church yesterday morning and evening, drew a large audience en both occasions, while Prof. Dillcr's handling of the organ contributed largely te the inter est of the services. There being no serv ices in St. James, very many of its members were present. Prof. Matz and his choris ter boys conducted the singing and in the audience a number of the local clergy were notable, including Rev. Dr. E. V. Gcrhart, president of the Reformed theological sem inary, Prof. Jehn S. Stahr, of the college. Bishop Vail is a man ever sixty years of age, witha4 venerable and patriarchal leek, most agrceable manner, and simple, unaf fected style of preaching. His morning sermon was based en the text : St. Matthew xx, 22, 27. " But Jesus answered and said ye knew net what ye a'sk. Are ye able te drink of the cup that I shall drink of and te be baptized with the baptism that I am bap tized with? They say unto him, We are able. And he saith unto them : Ye shall drink indeed of my cup and be baptized with the baptism that I am bap tized with ; but te sit en my right hand and en my left is net mine te give, but it shall be given te them for whom it is pre pared of my father." In the first place the bishop, noticed the expression, "Ye knew net what ye ask," and spoke of the imperfect knowledge which petitioners have of the conditions which surround and often embarrass answers te their pray ers. Men knew comparatively nothing of the countless circumstances meulding their Jlives and influencing their future, and must be content te abide in faith that Ged works well for them who de his will. Secondly was observed the strict impartiality prevailing in the distribution of the rewards of Heaven. Net even the beloved apostles who had re posed en the Master's besom could claim pre-eminence in his Father's dispensation of places en high. They were tebejreserved for these for whom they were prepared, and the sweet and willing submission of our Lord and Saviour te the will of Ged was the great teaching of his lifo'te all who fellow and serve him. Slmllles. As plump as a Partridge, as thin as a rat, As strong as a Herse, atwcak as a cat, D As steady as time, as uncertain as weather, AS heavy as lead, as light as a feather, As thin us a herring, as fat as a pig, As proud as a peacock, as blithe as a grig, As pleasant as ease after hard days of tell, As certain te euro as Eclectric Ofl. Fer sale by U. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 Xerth Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 37 Jehn Woerner, 1173 Michigan street, Buffalo says ha has been troubled for years with Rheu matism or the knee, and until he tried Dr. Themas' Eclectric Oil, could net And anything te relieve him, he Is new cured and enthusias tic in praise el it. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran druggist, 137 and 139 Xerth Queen street, Lan caster, Pa 3S DMT GOOV8. HOW TO GET almost everything below value. Every day during summer all sorts of goods remnants and goods that for one reason or another are in our way are picked out and put together te be sold at such prices as they will bring. They are undesirable for us te held ; but they may be as geed for the buyer as anything we have. We have sold already this summer net less than $100,000 worth of goods at irregular prices in this way for, say, $50,000 ; and many thousands mere are going. There is something marked down at nearly every counter in the store. Everything sold is returnable if un satisfactory at the price. Jehn Wanamaker. Chestnut, Thirteenth, Market and Juniper. PHILADELPHIA. JEWELRT. LOUIS WEUEK, WATCHMAKER. Ne. 159$ XORTH QUEEN STREET.ncar P. R. R. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Silver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ler the celebrated Pnntascepic Specta cles and Eye-Glasses. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyd Lancaster Watclies. We nave just received a the second Inveice of New Lancaster levmit. te which we call spe wanting a Reliable Wa iclal attention of anyone atcli at a LOW PRICE. E.R BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. Ne. 20 NO USE TRYING Ne. 20 Te get a better WATCH for the money than the WEST END, Manufactured by the Lancaster ffaicb Cenmany. FOB SAX AT Xe. 20 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. AUGUSTUS RH0ADS. JEWELER. WALL RAJfERS, Ac. f IRE SCREENS Mede for windows and put up In such a man ner lhat you need net removeVhen yen close the window. We have It in Landscape. Figur ed and Plain Celers, which wUl be matte up as above or sold by the feet In any quantity de sired. PAPER HANGINGS In large variety. Seme Odd Leta wUl be sold very cheap te close out. PLAIN WINDOW SHADES, all colors and widths. Hollands. Paper Curtains, Fringe, Leeps, Fixtures, Tassels, Cords, Ac. Patent Extension Cornice, the cheapest, simplest and best ever made. Will fltany window up te five feet in width. Poles In Ebony and Walnut. ORDERS TAKEN FOR FINE PIER AND MANTEL MIRRORS. PHARESW.FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. EDVCATIOXAL. PENNSYLVANIA MUSEUM AND SCHOOL of Industrial Art. The school year of 1880 81 will begin Monday. Sept. IX Instructions for yenng men and women in Industrial Draw ing, Painting and Modeling at app.'ietl te the arts. Send ler circulars te THE SECRETARY, 15 S. Seventh street, Philadelphia, ang2-19teed&6lw TBE ACADEMK CONNECTED WITH Franklin and Marshall College otters hu perler advantages te yenng men and boys who desire either teprepare for college or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time during the school year Send for circulars. Address REV. JAMES CRAWFORD. ctU-lvt Lancaster. Pa. k LLENTO WN FEMALE COLLEGE. Under ansplccs et Reformed church. De signed for tbe literary and religious education or Ladles. Best facilities for Music, Drawing, Painting and Modern Languages. Location healthful. Terms moderate. Thirteenth year will begin SEPTEMBER . Fer Catalogue address REV. W. R. HOFFORD, A. M., Jyl7-12td . President, AUentewn, Pa. THE YATES INSTITUTE, LANCASTER, PA. (Essewbd.) A Church Scheel for Beys. Prepares for higher Colleges and Universities. REV. JOHN O. MULHOLL AND, M. A. T. C. D., Principal. A few boarders can be received who will have, the special careand oversight of the Prin cipal. The next term begins SEPTEMBER 5, 1880. iy31-lmdS4Tu AE. McCANN, AUCTIONEER. OF REAL . Estate and Personal Property. Orders left at Ne. 35 Charlette street, or at the Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 48 North Queen street, will receive prompt attention. Bills made out and tendeatowltheut.adalUonaloost. e37-ly Pries Twe Ccits. KZDXET BADS. DATS EHEY PAD! A NEW DISCOVERY, That acts directly ou the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Organs, by absorbing all humem, every trace or discaxtvand forcing into the sys tem powerful and healthful vegetable Tonics, giving it wonderful power t cure PAIN IN THE BACK, Side and Leins, Inflammation and Bright': Disease et the Kldncv.e, Gravel, Drensr. Diabetes. Stene In the Bladder. In ability te Retain or Expel the Urine. High Col ored. Scanty or Painful Urinating. Deposits. etuuuua ur ieu in urn urmt .lervuusium Physical Debility, and In tact any disease of the se grvat organs. It avoids entirely the troubles and d-inccra of taking nauseous and poisonous meiliciiu:-. It Is comfortable, safe, pl.'asant anil reli ible In its effect, yet powerful In Us action. It can be worn at all seasons. In aty climate, and Is equally geed for MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD. Askyenrdrugglit for it and accept no imi tation or substitute, or M.-ntl te us aud recel a It by return inuU. Regular Pad, S2; Special Pad, for Chronic, deep-seated, or cases of long riunding, $J; Children' Pad, prevention and cure of sum mer complaint, weak kidneys and bi-d wet ting, 91.50. Day Kidney Pad Company, TOLEDO, OHIO. aug-lydeedMW&F&w $500 REWARD! OVER A MILLION OF PROF. GUILMETTE'S tell Kidney Pais Have already been sold in this country and in France ; every one of which has given perlcct Mtflstaetien, and has performed cures every time when used according te directions. We new say te the afflicted anl doubting one-i that we wll pay the above reward ter a slngle ca.eet LAME BACK that the Pud falls te cure. This Great Remedy will Positively and Permanently euro Lum bago, Lanie Rack. Sciatica, Gravel. Diabetes, Dropsy, Bright'a Disease of the Kidneys, In continence and Retention et thu Urine, In flammation of the KidneyH, Catarrh et the Bladder. High Colored Urine, Pain In the Back, Side or Leins, Nervous Weakness, and in fact all disorders of tbe Bladder and Urinary Organs whether contracted by private dLscase or einerwisc. LADIES, if yen nre suffering from Female Weakness. Lcucorrlue.i. or any disease et the Kidneys, Bladder, or Urinary Organs, YOU CAN BE CUBED I Without swallowing nauseous medicines by simply wearing PROF. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, WHICH CURES BY ABSORPTION. Aakynnr druggist for PROF. GUI LMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, and take no ether. If he I. us net get It, send t'i and you will re ceive the Pad by return mall. Fer sale by JAMES A. MEYERS, Odd Fellows' Hall, Columbia, Pa. Sold only by GEO. W. HULL. Dragglst, IS W. King St., Lancaster, Pa. angll-CindeedM, W& F Prof. Guilmette's French Liver Pad. Will positively euro Fever nnd Ague, Dumb Agne, Agun Cuke. Billiens Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia and all diseases of thu Liver, Stomach and Bleed. Price ll-IO by mall. Scud for I'ret. Gulluiette's Treaties en the Kldneyn nnd Liver, free by mall. Address FRENCH PAD COMPANY, Teledo, Ohie. angll-GmdcetlM.Wtt F COAL. B. D. MARTIN, Wholesale und Retail Dealer in all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. 49-Yurd: Ne. 4 North Water and Prince streets, above Lemen, Lancaster. n3-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal of the Uest Quality put up expressly for family ui-e, and at the low est maiket prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. 3- YAUP-luO SOUTH WATER ST. uc29-lyd PHILIP SCHUM.SON & CO. piOAL! COAL! COAL!!! We have constantly en hand all the best grades or COAL that re la marki-t, which we are selling as low as any vurd in the city. Call and get our prices before buying else where. H. F. STEIGERWALT & SON, s7-lyd Sit NORTH WATER STREET. COAL! - - - COAL!! -rOTO GrORREOHT & CO., Fer Geed and Cheap Ceal. Yi..u Ilarrisburg Pike. OlHce V)i East Chestnut Street. P. W. GORRECIIT, Agt. J. B. RILKY. W. A. KELLER. M C0H0 & WILEY, SSO XORTll WATER ST., LancasUv, Va., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection "With the Telephonic Exc'iunge. Branch Office : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. fcb28-ljd FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. I" ANCASTEK BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, OrresmsinB Locemotivx Works. The subscriber centinut-s te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes ; Furnace Twicrs, Bellows Pipes, Sheet-Iren Werk, and Blacksmithing generally. 4V Jobbing promptly attended te. augl8-lydj JOHN BEST. MARBLa- wqrks. WM. P. FRATLEY'S MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nertn yaeen Street, Lancaster, Fa. MONUMENTS. HEAD AND rOOT STONES. GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction given in every particular. N. B. Remember, works ai the extreme end of North Qui-en strwt. m30 A TTORXETS-A T-LA W HENKY A. RILET Attorney and Counacller-at-Law' 21 Park Rew. New Yerk. Collections made in all parts of the United States, and a general legal business transacted. Refers by pornifrsten te Stelnman A Hensel. M AKCUS U. SEHNKK, HOUSE OABPENT.BR. Ne. 120 North Prince street. Prompt and particular attention paid te al ration and repairs. alS'lTd t