r LANCASTER DAILY' rNTELMGENCBR, FRIDAY AtfGTTST 13, 1880. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. COLUMBIA STEWS. Frem Our Regular Corrcitpendciit. A slated meeting of the school heard was held last evening in the Shech library room. Mr. Given was absent. Mr. Hoff Heff man's proposal te collect the tax duplicate of 1880 was withdrawn. Mr. Themas IJ. Dunbar was elected tax collector. The finance committee made the follow ing report. Proceeds or nole T. B. Dunbar, duplicate 1S70 Rents T. It. WIsslcr, duplicate 1877 J.G. Hess, duplicate 1878 .'. G. Hess, duplicate 187'J Sale of gr:i from institute le'..... .$1,4S4 CO 8 10 fl 00 107 12 73 23 :, !I7 w w S!,i33 ::s .$1,71:1 23 ie m 1,500 1MI 5S! 52 Expenditures. Order. paid Discount en note Nete paid Balance 1 he committee further reported having renewed the note for $1,500, due Aug. 2d, for sixty days. The renewal was approved by the beard. The committee en rents reported all rents paid. Mr. M'CuIIeugh, chairman of committee en text books, re ported progress and that the committee would be ready te present a written rcpe it at an adjourned meeting. Tiie committee unrepairs and supplies reported proposals for furnishing a supply of coal for the coming winter from Messrs. Samuel Fii- ecit, vicerge iscuun ami :i. F. limner. Hie contract for furnishing coal was awarded te II. P. Hruner, the lowest bid der. The resignation of Miss Grace 12. Walters, teacher-elect of primary school Ne. 0, was read and acecpled. Miss Hroemcl was advanced from primary Ne. 7 te primary Ne. G. Primary scnoel Ne. 7 was ordered te be organized as a normal class school. Misses Mazie Strawhridgc and Carrie Hefler were elected teachers of said school. It was agreed that the beard adjourn te meet this evening at 7 o'clock in the office of .1. A. Meyers. Exonera tions of tax duplicate of 1870, 1877 and 1878 were considered and referred te the iinancc committee. Heard adjourned. On tlie Street. The Pennsylvania railroad pay car put in an appearance yestcnlay afternoon, anil the empleyes at this place were paid for the month of July. The Reformed Suiiday-s-choel picnicked at Lititz yesterday. The day was enjoy ably spent by all present, with the excep tion of William Markley, leader of the Citizens band, who had a thumb injured while playing baseball. Miss Annie Bicucmau returned last even ing from a six weeks' visit te Scranteu. A surprise party was taken te the resi dence of Mrs. Cel. Myers, at Norwood. last evening. The party are members of the Archery club, recently formed, and leek with them bows and arrows for practice. The members of Company II, 11th rcgi incut, N. G. P., of this plaec, returned en tlie fast line yesterday afternoon from the encampment of the National Guard, held from the GUi le the leth of the month at Pairmeunt park, Philadelphia. The com pany was compelled te march from the camp grounds beyond Belmont mansion te the West Philtdclphia depot yester day morning. The return home gives satisfaction te all. Tlie Vigilant engine wasoutfei trial last evening. The regular monthly meeting of council will be held this evening. resident of Mr. Jehn S. Given, a former Columbia, is visiting in town. The only remaining child of Adam Ueis inger, died last evening of diphtheria. A brother and sister of David Yeung, I the butcher, recently came from Germany te this place. Last, evening the Citizens baud gave a serenade te the immigrants. A severe hail storm passed ever a portion of Maner township ycstciday afternoon. The tobacco in places was greatly cut up. Mr. Geerge C. Haldeman and sister spent yesterday seeking pleasure at McCall's ferry. They found it. An unsuccessful attempt was made en Wednesday evening te enter the residence of Mrs. Dr. Haldeman en Chestnut street, above Fifth. The bu.glars were scared away by members of the family awakened by the noire made. i THE STORM. S Jine Damage by Hail. Yesterday during the &term considerable hail fell in the neighborhood of Manheim, Crcswcll and ether places. At some points the tobacco suffered te some extent. The following named growers had their tobacco insured, through Bailsman & Bums, in the Pennsylvania Mutual hail insurance com pany : Levi Sener, residing en Jehn McGov McGev ern's farm in East Ilcmpficld township, has 9 acres which are slightly damaged. Insured for $l,:i!i0. Reuben Ulrich, of East Heinflcld, has 8 acres insured, 2 of which were cut off before the storm. The remainder is damaged but slightly. In sured for 1,200. These are the only par ties who have se far reported their losses te the insurance men. We hear of damage done by the hail at Jacob Mellingcr's above Millcrsvillc, and te some crops as far cast as Mechanicsburg, but no names arc given. There was a geed deal of hail along the base of the Welsh Mountain, but the stones were small and did little dam age. Persons who have come this morn ing from the southern townships say there was no damage done se far as they could sec between Mount Nebo and this city. SMOTHERED IX WHEAT. Narrow Escape Frem SuftU-atliig. On Wednesday evening an eight-year-old son of Samuel B. Bailey, residing near Gap station, get into the large grain bin, at Squire Walker s.tit the railroad depot and was drawn down through the hopper. His cries for help brought willing hands te his assistance, but. he was completely buried in the wheat and it was nearly half an hour before he could be get out. He was utterly helpless and nearly dead when extricated, and en regaining consciousness vomited quite a quantity of wheat which he had taken into him in his endeavor te breathe while buried iu the bin. Se tightly was he wedged within the wheal that the marks of the grains were plainly indented iu his llcsh after he was get out. He was attended by Dr. Parker, who says he is net dangerously hurt, but his escape was a very narrow one, and should prove a warning te boys te keep away from the wheat bins. Te Visit Lancaster and Preach Here. Rt. Rev. Bishop Vail, of Kansas, is ex pected ie preach in St. Jehn's Espiseepal church, of this city, en Sunday next. He will arrive here en Saturday. He is mar ried te a daughter of Bishop Bewman, has charge of the very large diocese of Kansas, and is a very prominent man both iu church and state. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. Events Acress the County Line. The cettajrers and let holders of the Steverdale camnmcetine have elected tlie following directors ; J. B. Stchman. S. N. Eby. E. Stever, H. H. Kreider, L. Peters, G. W. M. Riger, L. Lehman, C. Hershey and C. 15. Shepc They also resolved te prevent the traffic en the opposite side of the creek that has hitherto prevailed en the Sabbath day. The Reading Jfietcs observes that " har mony, pure and unadultcrcd, characterizes the Republican party in Pennsylvania. There's the here of the Kiskiminetas shelved, Lancaster county in revolt, little Lebanon growing restive, Lackawanna becoming unreliable, and the Philadel phia Press building decked out with Han cock banners this is the record." Francis McGovern alias C. F. Lamar, who has been making Greenback speeches in Bethlehem, Lancaster, Allentown, Ner- ristewn and ether sections of East Pennsyl vania, was sent te jail in Heading yester day, for six months en a charge of having stolen a valise from the Rev. James Geed, of Reading. Beth parties rode from the depot te a hotel, and before the court it was shown that Greenback orator had in tentionally committed the crime. A well-known business man of Harris burg lest his pocket-book containing valu able papers wrth S3.01MI and nearly forty dollars in money, while driving a few days age. An employee of one of the industrial works found it ami ascertainrdthc owner's name. It was promptly returned and the iiuder absolutely refused te take a hand some bonus for his trouble. The man in sisted that it was net right te be paid for being honest, that he was honest from principle alone. The grateful owner of the book and contents executed a Hank movement and sent the man a valuable present, notwithstanding his pretest against being rewarded. A Windser township man drove te Yerk v, iih a barrel of cider and a cage contain ing about twenty pigeons in Iris wagon. On the way up the head burst from the barrel, the eider deluging the cage of pigeons, drowning a couple and making the balance present a comical appearance. The whole of the barrel of eider was lest. The Carlisle Herald in noticing Cel. MeClure's argument in the Stcinman Heusel disbarment case says: ' Ne cate mere deeply affecting the rights of Amer ican citizens te freely discuss the conduct of their officers, whether judicial, legisla tive or executive, has in recent times been brought before the highest court of this state. The representative of two profes sions, whos-e liberty of speech and of wilt ing is of vital necessity te the well-being of the people. Cel. M'CIure's powerful argument, is fully equal te the best expec tations of the press and the bar and te the exigencies of the great principles whose vindication it undertakes." In the records of old St. David's church at Radner, it appears in the report of its missionary rector that at. Concstega he "ssited many Welsh and English gentle men that lived far back in the weeds and for a long lime had no ether place te preach than under a large tree." That was the beginning of the Banger P. E. church at Churchtown, Lancaster county. Tlie Democrats of Dauphin county nominated Dr. J. R. Umberger, of Dauphin, for senator ; E. C. Cobaugh, of Middle town, and Henry Beck, of Lykcns, for As semblymen, and Ovid F. Jehnsen for dis trict attorney. James First, J. B. Boescr and D. lv. McCIurc were selected as con- gressienal conferees. They will support Grant Wcidman, of Lebanon. A grand tri-statc reunion of Odd Fel lows will take place at Ment Alte park, fnuihc'-kiud county, en Thursday, the S)th of September, which premises te he one of the largest gatherings that has ever assem bled at that beautiful and romantic resort. The Manheim circuit of the United Brethren in Christ will held their : annual campniecting in Benjamin Ruin's . weeds, near Zion's (Ruhl's) church, Raphe ( township, commencing en Tuesday, i August 17th, and te continue nine days. ' The meeting will be under the supervision of tiie Presiding Elder, Rev. L. Peters, of Annvillc. The Union canal extending from Head ing te Middletown was constructed in the early part of this century, was the first canal in the country, ami in its time the greatest of public improvements. New I alas ! it has sunk se low that the Reading i grand jury indicts its managers for maiu j tabling a nuisance, because it is choked I up with tilth, emits noxious exhalations , and is full of putrid, stagnant water. OBITUARY. Death of Ulichuel Trissler. Michael Trisslcr died at his residence. Ne. 1150 East King street, at 12:30 this morning, after several months suffering of dropsy of the chest. Mr. Trisslcr was born in Lancaster en the 19th of April, 180!). He learned the trade of butchering with Jacob Kauffman, of this city, and at the time of his death was the eldest butcher in Lancaster, having followed the business for mere than half a century forty-nine years of which he carried en the trade en the premises where he died. When quite a young man Mr. Trisslcr married Catha rine Pick, who bore him a large family of children, only three of whom are new liv ing. Mr. Trisslcr was as widely known in this city and county as almost any ether man within its limits, having had dealings with almost all the farmers and stock raisers in tlm county. His father was a butcher, as arc also his two brothers, Jehn of this city, and David of Concstega. He was a member of the Lancaster Phalanx, commanded by Capl. Frederick Ham bright, and later was lieutenant iu the Jacksen Rifles, commanded by Capt. Dow ney. Beth these organizations had a great military reputation half a century age. Mr. Trisslcr was alto a charter member of Lancaster Ledge, Ne. 07, I. O. of O. F., and retained Ids membership te the time of his death. Many years age he was a member of city councils. He was a Jack Jack eon Democrat in his younger days, and ad hered te that party until 1830 when lie joined the Republican party, and has gen erally voted with it since, but was net by any means an active politician. He was a representative of one of the eldest families in Lancaster remarkable alike for great physical power and longevity several members of the family living te be ever 90 years of age. His funeral will take place Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill. Death or Anether Old -Man. David Montgomery, aged 80 years, has died at his residence in West Willow, where he has lived for a number of years. He was well known in the neighborhood and leaves a family consisting of a wife and live grown children. The funeral takes place te-morrow morning. The Manheim Garfield Pele. As the Republicans of Manheim borough and vicinity wcie felling a Garfield pole in the weeds some days age, the pole fell, striking Jeffersen Kieffcr en the feet man gling it terribly and permanently disabling him. Subscription papers for his relief have been passed around and honored " without regard te party." Tiie ill-fated pole was hauled te the pest office, where it was te have been erected en the 2nd, and still lies prone in the gutter. IX THE WOODS. The Brownstown Campmeeting. The favorable weather at the campmect ing continues and the attendance is large every day and evening. Ycsteiday morn ing the early prayer meeting was conduct ed bv Rev. J. Lchr and the 9 '.clock mcet- iug by Rev. F. Seachrist." The 10 o'clock sermon was preached by Rev. J. E. Knarr, P. E., from H Chronicles, xxxiii, 12-13, and was devoted te the history and exam ple of iranasseh. Rev. J. Zern conducted the 2 o'clock prayer meeting and at 2 p. m. Rev. J. A. Feger preached from II Corinthians. The attendance being very large, Rev. Rcnben Dcicher also preached from Psalms xv, 1. Iu the evening the prayer meeting was the most interesting occasion of that kind during the week. Rev. C. S. Brown preached from Psalms viii, 5. Rev. D. W. Bixlcr will preach en next Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the M. E. church, east end of Mechanicsburg, Upper Leacock township. Democratic Campaign Committee. Owing te a misunderstanding as te the evening fixed for the regular meeting of the Democratic city and county eampaigu committee it was called this week for Fri day evening instead of Thursday. A mcct iug of the committee will be held this evening at the committee rooms, in the southeast angle of Centre Square, ami every member of the city and county com mittee in urged te be present. The time for the meeting is fixed at 7 o'clock, se as te allow members who have engagements with their ward clubs te meet them. In the list of officers of the Hancock Veteran association en Wednesday even ing, there were several slight errors. It was Jacob Pentz and net Geerge who was elected major. Slier Smith was elected quartermaster instead of adjutant, and Jacob Kautz was elected adjutant. Tiiis association is iu receipt of a letter from General St. Clair Mulhellaud, who states that iu a club of 134 men in Easten, 43 arc Republicans, and in Philadelphia there is another of 113 members, 23 of whom are Republicans. There will be a large Hancock and Eng lish pole raised at Bcllcment, this county, en Saturday, August 21, 1880. The pole will be raised in front of Andrew Trout's residence. SU.1I.UEH LEISURE. Sea Itrecze Mountain Air Kural Shades ami Invigorating Springs Water. Dr. Crumbaugh will loave for Detroit te-night, te attend the meeting of the American society of microscopy. B. F. Bailsman left this city yesterday en a two week's trip through the north western part of the state. Moses Gciscnberger and his son Isaac left for Chicago te-day, as did also E. A. Pretzingcr and Jehn Baxter, of the watch factory. 'Rebert Lechcr has gene en a trip te New Yerk, Ceney Island, Leng Branch and Cape May. J. N. Stencr, of Stener, Shreiner & Ce., and his wife, went te Frecpert, Illinois, to day. Taking Depositions. Alderman Barr's eflice was crowded this forenoon and a large number of deposi tions were taken in the matter of the rule of court issued te take testimony en the application te substitute Frank Brua for Jacob Brua as proprietor of a licensed eat ing house in Strasburg borough. Wit nesses for the remenstrants deposed that since the license had been taken away from the house the peace and quiet of the neighborhood was much improved, and it was feared that if Frank Brua was granted a license Jacob Brua, the former proprie tor, would run the house. Fer the appli cant it was testified that he was an honest, sober man, and that Jacob Brua was per manently engaged in another business. Sudden Dcatli et a Culiil. In response te a telegram from Dr. Mil ler, of Bird in-hand, Corener Mishler went te that place this morning te held an inquest en the body of a four year old child that died suddenly yesterday afternoon. The names of the parents are net given. It is said the child was left in charge of ai elder one at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, while they went te work in the tobacco Held, and that en their return at 5 o'clock the child was dead. Gene for Plover. Prothenotary 13. McMellen, Return Judge Joe Hoever, " District Attorney " Tem. Davis, ' Assemblyman " I). D. Courtney and ex-Fire Chief Joel Haines, started for the southern end of the county this morning for a two days' plover hunt. Hepe they will be mere successful than the great sportsman Mr. Winkle, and that they may net meet the mishap chronicled in Hudibras : " Seme gnus when aimed at thick or plover, Kick back and knock their owners ever." Committed for Trial. C. L. Northrup and Rebert Blace, the needle jieddlcrs, were taken before Alder man Barr last evening, and after a hearing were held te answer at court for an assault en Jonas Geedman,the particulars of which were reported yesterday. In default of bail they were committed te the county prison. A cress-suit for assault and battery against Geedman was preferred by Blace, and Geedman entered bail te answer. Itittn by Dogs. This forenoon a large deg belonging te Jeseph Brillhart, of West King street, bit a little son of Philip Mctzgar, of Grant street, in the side and arms, causing very ugly wounds. Yesterday afternoon a deg supposed te be mad came in the Columbia pike and bit dogs belonging te Christian Lintner, Sam'l Hess, Geerge Leugenderfer, Jehn Kepp linger, all of which were shot. The mad deg was killed en Maner street. Foetlniured. William Murphy, son of Jehn Murphy, of West Orange street, this city, who is employed at the Harrisburg car shops, had his left feet crushed en Wednesday by hav ing a heavy weight fall upon it. He is new at home, but is able te walk about en crutches. Trains Delayed. Owing te the wreck en the Pennsylvania railroad near Dtiucaunen, the particulars of which have net been forwarded te this city, the Pacific Express due here at one o'clock this afternoon had net arrived at half-past two, but was reported all right and would be along about three. Fight. This afternoon a fight between several young men occurred en Middle street, near Rockland. Edwin Sprecher and Henry Shenk were arrested by Officer Leaman. SEW ADTEXTISEXESTS. Among the many advantages gained by our change of business location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our BEPALR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and -warrant all work en trusted te us. WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL BOX REPAINING, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING. &c. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in cur own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. GOODS STOLEN. Stere Entered by Thieves. Last night thieves breke into the store of Charles Geigcr, en the west side of Quarryvillc, and stele about $200 worth of goods. They effected an entrance by boring ' fi lirhln In !, liifctrlrt nnllnr ilnnr enrl liffi ... -, , . , , ... ? up the bar, after which they cut through the inside deer. The goods stolen consisted of six nieces of cloth, three pieces of flan- ncl, a let of gingham, beets and shoes fce. ' The pest oftice was robbed of 2.50 in cash, The thieves were traced te White Oak, t. , , , . , ... ' Strasburg township, where their wagon which they abandoned iu their flight was found. The Late Majer Leeher. The members of the 7t)th regiment P. V. V., have been requested te meet at E. K. Martin's office, SW North Duke street, this evening at 7 o'clock, te take action in regard te the death of Majer M. H. Loch Lech cr who was a member of the 79th. An Cxtonilve Stock Sale. .Jehn Hcbman, auctioneer, sold en Tues day for Henry Hilten, of Penn township, 84 head of steers. Alse en Wednesday last he sold Gl head of cattle and 189 head of sheep for the same person. All amount ing te $'1,841,13. A Visiting rriesr. Father "Woedmau, of New Yerk, will arrive in this city this evening, and will preach en Sunday next in St. Mary's church, it being the feast of the Assump tion. Father Weedman's relatives are all Protestants and reside in this city. Special Train. A special train passed west through this city this forenoon. It had en beard Frank Thompson, general manager, and Charles E. Pugh, general superintendent of the Pennsylvania railroad cempauj'. Hancock lien. Charlie Nutte, of North Prince street near Frederick, is the owner of a white top-knot hen that is blessed with ten tees, lie says the hen is of the genuine Hancock breed. Held ter Postage. A letter addressed te "A. A. Sulliman, Willow street, Lancaster county," is held in the postefficc for postage. The I'ay Car. Yesterday the pay car of the Pennsylva nia railroad passed through this city and the employees were paid off for the month. The train went cast this morning. Knights Templar iSadges. Quite a handsome badge has been gotten up for the use of the Sir Knights of Lan caster cemmandcry, Ne. 13, who intend participating in the pilgrimage te Chica go. They can be procured from Sir Knight Jehn Copland, who has them for sale. Excursion. Farmers' and Mechanics' Excursion te Cape May via steamer Kcpubllc.er Atlantic City via Camden and Atlantic It. B., en Saturday, August It Tickets geed for three days, te re turn en any train from Philadelphia or Cape May via steamer Kepublic, or geed for two days lrein Atlantic City witheutextia charge. Fare for the round trip only $75. " Ten pays your money and takes your choice." Special train leaves Lancaster (King street) at 2:30 n. m. Columbia at 2:30 a. in. Fer further partic ulars see circulars at nil stations. aug4,6,l(),12,18ltw ISich in muscle-producing material beyond all ether feeds and medicines arc Mull Bitters. A woman's beauty is never lest Se long as her sweet smile remains Se long as gleam her teeth like frost. And her soft lip the ruby stains ; AndJSOZODONT. with magic power, Ueslews en her tills priceless dower. uugy-lwdced&w 4.Vi,(;00 cakes sold the tlrst year attest the pop ularity of Cutlcura Medicinal Soae. iggqiygyfy POLITICAL. Democratic County Committee. The Democratic County Committee will meet In this city en MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1830, at 10 a.m., In the City Democratic head quarters, Southeast angle el Centre Square. A lull attendance is urgently requested. VT. U. IIENSEL, Chairman. D. MeMt'LLEN, ) II. S. 1'ATTEitseM, Secretaries. W. Hates Grier. au3d&w' The city and county campaign committee will meet nt the Central headquarters this (Friday) evening, at 7Ji o'clock sharp. Joint conference committee will meet at Central headquarters en Wednesday evening, August 18, and August 25. Thereafter en every second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Seventh Ward. The Yeung Men's Hancock ami English club efthe 7th ward will meet this eveningat Jacob Utzinger's saloon. Middle street, at 8 o'clock. A punctual attendance Is requested, as busi ness of importance will be trans-ae'ed. A.STEINWANDEL, President. Ninth Ward. The regular stated meeting of the Ninth ward Hancock and English club will be held te-morrow (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock, at their club rooms, second story of Arneld Haas' saloon, North Queen street. 2td Sixth Ward. Regular meeting el the Sixth ward Hancock and English club at Schiller hall every Friday evening. On Friday, August 20, there will be a public mcectlng of tlie Democracy of the Sixth ward in Schiller hall, under the joint auspices or the Americus association and Sixth ward club. SPECIAL NOTICES. SAMPLE .NOTICE. It is impossible for a woman after a faithful course of treatment with Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer with u weakness et the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lydla E. Pinkhani, 233 Western avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. Jy29-lydcedw Try Lecher's Ucncwncd Cough Syrup. P. N. Markell, West Jeddere, N. S., writes: "I wisli te inform you efthe wonderful quali ties of Dr. Themas' Eclectic OH. I had a horse se lame that lie could scarcely walk; the 'trouble was In the knee, and two or three ap- Clicatiens completely cured him." Fer sale by L 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. S3 Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Bad bleed always causes trouble. It may be a family fight, or boils, pimples, itch, tetter, Ac. ; but no matter, "Dr. Lindsey's Bleed Searcher"' is the cure-all. i Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Byrmp Mrs. A. . Frank, 177 W. Tapper Street, Buf falo, X. V., says lie has used Dr. Themas' Eclec trlc Oil for severe toethaehe and Neuralgia of the head and thinks it is the best thing she knows of ter relieving ialn of any kind. She keeps it constantly iu t he house as a household remedy. Fer sale bv II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 ami 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, I'a. ;w '. Kidney Pud bearing his name, was one of the ; most noted medical men or his day In France, ; Its cures of kidney diseases are most mrirvel- , eiw. and are said te be permanent. uul'MwdTTu&S i Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers;:: J mm n n,KI,tIaml br1oke,,I e1 your rest by a sick child suffering and crying j with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth? ! lt8o,geatonccundgctabottl!ofMKS.WINS- JAm'StbuUTiiiMiSlUUl. It will relieve the peer little sulferer immediately depend upon It; there is no mistuke about it. There Is neta mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell yen at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in till cut-en, and pleus nnt te the taste, and is the prescription of one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. jI7-lyd&wM.V&S Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Ask ler "Sellers' Liver possess half their virtue. Sold by all druggists. Pills." Ne ethers 25 cents per box. The Chicago Times says : ishh! Warner's Sufe hlv endorsed bv Kidney and Liver Cure ministers, judges, physicians, surgeons, by men et literary and scholarly distinction, and by individuals in all the walks et life. 3 Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Heat and Sickness. During th het and sultry weather nn un usual amount of sickness prevails in every community, especially among females and children, caused by the fermenting miasma gas or nitrogenous mutter floating in the air, arising from decaying vegetation. Tills bad air aflects everything we cat, and engenders In it a scmi-fcrmcntatlen, which, when taken in the system Is like leaven, and operates en the whole, starting in the bowels and seen pro ducing a violent fermentation, causing diar diar reoea and dysentery. It lias been found that that the use of Speer's old Pert Grape Wine el New Jersey has an extraordinary effect In checking this fermentation and restoring the system te its original strength and vigor. In valids and debilitated persons have found it the most nutritious and strengthening tonic in the market, and the greatest help in resist ing the poisonous enects of the vitiated atmo sphere. This wine, se long established, lias be come the standard wine upon which physi cians rely as the most rich in body and genuine in character, containing the greatest amount of medicinal properties with the least intoxi cating qualities. Speer's vineyards produce a larger yield this year than usual, and he has reduced the price of Ids wine that any person can new purchase it of druggists fei $1 per bottle. Nene of this wine is bottled until it is four years old. Gazette. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atiee and Davis, and sold by II. E. Slaymaker. au2-2wdAw HEATHS. Trissler. August 13, 1SS(, Michael Trisslcr, in the 72d year of ids age. The relatives and friends of Hie family arc respectfully invited te attend his funeral, from bis late residence. Ne. 130 East King street, en Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. 2td JfEW AnrEliTISEJIENTS. GRAND 1'AKTY WILL HE G1VKN BY the ALPHA CLUB, at the Green Cottage, en Saturday evening next. Ne improper char acters allowed en the grounds. augl3-2td 'POIIACCO KAISKKS' NOTICE. " X The Pcnn'a Mutual Hail Insurance Com pany is new ready te bind the insurance, and issue policies against hail damage te tobacco. Rates reduced. Insure before it is tee lute, at BAUSMAN A BUUNS'S, Ins. Agents, Oflice, 10 West Orange Street. y22-cedtfU SELLING OFF AT AND BELOW COST the entire stock or Dry Goods, Notions, Quilts, Carpets, Ac, in store. FOR RENT The admirable store room Nes. 38 and 40 West King street. aug0-3tdced PIIIL1 P SIIUM , SON A CO. SI ERMAN.HtENCII, LATIN ANDGKEfcK- A TEACHER, who has completed a course et studies in a German Gymnasium and Uni versity, (or which lie can furnish full testi monials,) gives instructions in the above lan guages, through the medium of the English. Address or apply nt WOODWARD'S MUSIC STORE, Ne. Hi East King Street, nug!3-3td Opposite Court Heuse. 100 Tens et flags Wanted, Fer which the highest price will be paid. 2 CENTS PER POUND FOlt GOOD MIXED RAG. The highest price rmid for Woolens, Old Paper, Beeks, Ac. Teh Rag Assertcrs wanted te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBBB, Cor. North Queen and Orange Street, yj-tfdll Lancaster, Pa GKAND PICNIC AND SUSIMEK NIUHT FESTIVAL BY THE EQUIPMENT ASSOCIATION Ofthe Eighth Werd Hancock Club, ON MONDAY KVENING, AUGUST 10, at Tin: GREEN COTTAGE. ADMISSION, 33 Cts. 3-Strict order will be maintained and im proper characters positively net admitted. Grand Illumination in the Evening1. COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS: Jehn Pentz, Frederick Judith, Jes. Schmid, Christopher Scheld, Jehn Frailcy, Alex. Schcld, Jen" Glassbrcnner, Charles Ottefer. Jehn Schmidt, Jehn Schlcur. faugl3-3td HOUSE FVRlflSHIXO OOOVS. FLIJS'JNf & BRENEMAK 100 Gress Eruit Jars, Bought before the advance and ler sale at $1.20 PER DOZEN. Great Bargains in TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, AT Flieii & Breuemaus 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. TILED EDITION. FRIDAY EVENING, AUG. 13, 1880. RAILROAD PERILS. MOKE DEATHS FROM SCAL1HXJ. TRAGIODBATHATOVBRBBOOK. SANTA FEE'S SENS IIeyH Uadly Ilurncd. Philadelphia, Aug. 13. Win. DcKalb died at the hospital this morning from in juries received en the Philadelphia ami Reading read. Jacob B. Ewing, a herse drover from Yerk. Pa., was struck by the express train en the Pennsylvania railroad at Ove rbroek this morning and instantly killed. The iUay'a Landing Disaster. Laviua Grace, aged 17, residing at 1200 Seuth 13th street, and Ellen Shields, aged 24, residing at 1229 New Kirk street, vic tims of the West Jersey railroad disaster, died in the Pennsylvania Hospital this morning. The former at 3:30 and the lat. ter at tcu o'clock. This makes seventeen deaths se far from the accident. The JSables Toe. May's Lax ding, N. J., Aug. 13. The two-year-old daughter of Mrs. McChrystal died here last night from injuries received in the collision en the Atlautic City read. This is the elder of the two children of the McChiystal family, who wcre all scalded and burned. Their mother died in Phila delphia last night. The Swift Flowing Itiver. The death of the McChrystal child makes the number of killed 18. Thore arc still several passengers unaccounted for, and it is proposed te drag Great Egg Harber river near the scene of the accident in the hope of recovering the bodies of the mis sing. The current is swift at that point and it is feared seme of these who leaped from the train may have been drowned. Investigating the Uause. The inquest was resumed this morning. The testimony taken did net differ mater ially from the statements already publish ed. It shows, however, that the first sec tion of the excursion train was stepped without much difficulty, thus seeming te disprove the assertion of the engineer of second section that the track was tee slip pcryte step the train in the usual distance There is a large attendance at the inquest, including a number of prominent raidread men who evince the deepest interest in the preccdings. The exhaustive manner in which the witnsscs are being examined shows that the matter will ba thoroughly investigated. A RICH FIELD. ICeck Werth Three Dollars a Pound. Santa Fkk, N. M., Aug. 13. A sensa . m was created here en Wednesday by the discovery of rich geld mines in a Mex ican village, thirty miles from here. Geld taken from the rocks forming the foundation of the houses assayed $4,600 te the ten. Subsequent assays give from three te six thousand dollars te the ten. It appears that rock worth thrce dollars a pound has hitherto been thrown about as worthless. The Saratoga Races. Sakatoea, Aug. 13. First race : Cin derella first, Terrer second, Captain Wragge third. Second race : Gen. Phil lips first, Mamie Fields second, Goforth third. Third race: Gleucairnc first, Sports man second, Benda third. Fourth race : Daystar first, Frank Short second, The Stranger third. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Aug. 13. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, clear or partly cloudy weather, northwesterly winds, nearly stationary temperature and station ary or lower barometer. Telegraphic Sparks. In Texarkana, Ark., in a row nt a bar becue yesterday one negre wxs killed and two were wounded. William Arneld, who was shot en the Gth hist., has died, declar ing that it was a negre named Themas Norris, who shot him. v ' Stephen Richardson (colored), who kill his mother-in-law and attempted te km his wife and father-in-law in Wilmington. N. C, en the night of July 10th last, was te-uay convicted of murder in the criminal court and sentenced te be hanged en the the 3d of September. In Buenes Ayres a fresh political crisis has occurred and the chamber has been overthrown. In Harrisburg two boys aged 7 and 9 years, sons of 3Irs. Peerless, a widow, were seriously burned this morning while light ing a fire with coal oil. The cider is sup posed te be beyond recovery. Hayes, General Sherman and party passed tlireugii Pittsburgh this morning en tneir way te Washington via tne Penn sylvania railroad. They took breakfast at Pittsburgh. WANTED. WANTED. .EVERYBODY TO ADVER tlsc, free of charge, In the lirrKLLioxjc lirrKLLiexjc csr. who wants semcthliis te de. WANTED. A LADY WANTS TO CO out working by the day. Apply at 349 North Queen street. WANTED OLD IIORSK SUOES AT THE Penn Kelllng Mill, Lancaster, for which the highest price will be paid. aug!3-eawtfd FIRST GRAND PICNIC OF THE NEWLY NEWLY ltcerftanizcd Singing Society, " Llcdcr kranz," at WHAT GLEN PARK. ON MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1880. Members mid such friends sa receive com plimentary tickets arc only admitted. Com plimentary tickets urc net transferable. Im proper characters will positively be refused admission. Omnibuses will leave Schiller Hall and Centre Square every hour during the day. These taking Powell's Livery Omni buses can make tlie round trip for 30c. Members of the Mamncrcher wishing te par ticipate can receive their tickets by celliiiir en the Secretory, GEO. PFEIFFEB. aug!2-3td PROCLAMATION. By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Ordinance et the city of Lancaster, 1 hereby order and command all owners of Dogs within the city of Lancaster te shut them np, or, if allowed te run, te securely muzzle the sainc. from and utter THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1880, at6 p.m., In some proper place, until the first day of September next. The owners allowing Dogs te run at large, unless muzzled, will be liable te the line under Section 2 of the Ordinance et 1841. Tlie fine imposed by the Ordinance et 1627. Section 2, will be indicted upenany person ob structing the legally employed persons from carrying out the Ordinances respecting the capturing or Dogs during the continuance ei this proclamation. JOHN T. MacGONIGLE, aug,9,,7,n;Udl Mayer. XAMKETS. ITaw Yerk Market. Nbw Tobx, Aug. 13. Fleur State and West era market dull and In buyers' favor; SUDCT SUDCT flne state at 93300433; extra de at N M 0440: choice, de., 4 se5 00: fancy 95 106 00; round hoop Ohie 4 505 SO: choice de $5 COgS 73 ; snpcrflne western 43 630 440: common te geed extra de 94 000440; choice dodo 94 3006 73; cheice white wheat de 94 2304 75; Southern dnll and uncbanccd; common te fair extra 3 OOQtr 00; geed te choice de 96 1006 73. Wheat HQUp lower, moderately active; Ne. 1 White.SeDt.il C8: Se. 2RMl Sent.. SI 0741: de spot, 91 0 ; de Aug., 91 07K 1 04 ; de Oct. 91060106$. Cern a shade better and priced fairly uctive ; Mixed western spot, iS&lGHc ; de futures 4S31ic u Oats strong Including Ne. 2 Au?. at 35Je ; state 414dc; western 40047c. rhlladelplUs Market. Philadkltht. An?. 13. Fleur dull and lower; superfine 93 3003; extra $3 AO0 4 00 ; Ohie and Indiana family 95 Q3 75 ; Peun'atamilyat948705SO: St. Leuis family at 95 50G 00 ; Minnesota, family 95 3036 ; patent and lilfib grades 96 5003 00. Kye fleer at 94 50.- Wheat qniet at a decline : Ne. 2 Western lied 91 OS; Penn'a Bed 91 090109; Amber $109 0110. Cern Arm with light local supply ; yellow 53c: mixed 5151Mc; steamer 50c. Oats linn ; Ne. 1. White 41042c: Ne. 2, de 4041c; Ne. 3, de 37039c; Ne. : Mixed 350 37c. Bye dull; New 70c. Previsions Urmer ; intss perk $13815 50 :beef hams $22 0023 00; India mess beef at $16 00: bacon smoked shoulders 66cx salt de at 55ic; fH6aiekv. smeKcil iKiuis Iifllc; picuiuil liauis Lard firm ; city kettle at SJ-c; loeao mucuers t?ic ; prime bieam t-c. Iluttcr quiet except for medium Kiadc : Creamery at 25026c; Creamery geed te choice 22024c: Bradford county and New Yerk extra. 22023c : Western reserve cxtm 16 0I7c;de geed te choice IJ31."c; Ke!!s dull; Pena'u extra 11016; Western rcsurve cxtru 14016c. Eggs firm and scarce ; Pcnn'a nt l.'i'.lOc ; Western 15015c. Cheese firmly held but quiet : New Yerk full cream 120 12.;c; Western full cream ID lie: de fair te geed lO&iO.c; de halt" skim !9e. Petroleum dull ; re lined ?,'.c. Whisky 91 II. Seeds Geed te prime Clever linn at $5 50 8S0; Timethy at $2 6t2 75: flaxseed quiet at $1251 2A Bleck Market. Philadelphia, Auk. 13. 12:30 r.M. 3:00 r. at. Stocks dull. Penns tt's (third issue)... Philadelphia A Eric AVtTUmilK Pennsylvania. Lehigh Valley. United Ces. et N. J Northern Pacific " Preferred Northern CcntraL. Lehigh Navigation Nornstewn .... ..107 . 15 .166 :&& . 35 . 29 .102 Central Transportation Ce. tli rum., Aunavuie x uuiuue. i- Little Schuylkill.. .. 45? New Yehk. Aug. 13. Stocks strong. flienCj' N. Y. Central 7ICa Adams Express Michigan Central... Michigan Southern... Illinois Central Cleveland & Pittsbnnch....l20 Chicago Keck Island. 111 Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne.. 120 Western Union Tel. Ce 106) i Teledo A Wabash 40 New Jersey Central 74 Ontario Western 25 United States Denas and Sterling exchange (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen A Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia. Aug. 13. United States Cs, 1681, (registered). A(Hmet United States 5's, 1881, (registered). .1O201O2?2 United States 4K's, 1891, (registcrcd)UO rtllWi United States 4K's,1891,(coupens).. .111 U"4 United States 4's, 1907. (regkjtercU)..i(KMU0 untteu states currency trs r; Sterling Exchamre 482. EXCURSIONS. T)KNNSXLVANIA RAILROAD. UBAND EXCURSION TO ATLUfflC CITY, On THURSDAY, AUGUST 19. TICKETS GOOD FOR TWO DA YH. Geed te return en any train from Atlantic City and Philadelphia en second day, wllheat extra charge. Parties desiring te return same day will take special train, leaving Atlantic City at 6 and West Philadelphia Depot at 8 p. m SCHEDULE AND RATES OF FAKE: Mount Jey. ........ .$3.10 Landisvlllc 3.00 Marietta Leave 4:40 A. M. Kate 3.10 Columbia Mountville Rohrerste wn . . . . LANCASTER... Wltmer Bird-in-lland.... Gordonville Leaman Place .. Kinzcrs Christiana Atglen Purkesburg Pomeroy. C'eatcsville .... 203 ....131 .... 4lg ....116 .... 03 ....106K .11114 6:00 " " 3.00 5:10 " ' 3.00 5:19 " " 3.00 5:35 " " 2:73 3:48 " " 2.75 552 " " 2.75 C:02 " " 2.75 6:06 " " 2.65 6:15 " " 2.55 6:21 " 2.45 637 " ' 2.35 6:31 " " 2.35 6:40 " " 2.20 6:54 " " 2.20 G-J&'t " 2.05 CHILDREN HALF fRICK. Mount Jey and Landisvlllc passengers will take Fast line as far as Lancrster. Fer further Information, tickets, Ac, address the undersigned managers. CLARK SCIIMIU, jy31-2wdced Lancaster, Pa. R,A TT V FVPTTDCTflWC jLJtXlU 1 LaIWj U HOI VII kJ ' -raw- PHILADELPHIA -TO CAPE MAY. The famous mammoth three-deck Steamer (t KEPUBLIC Leaves Kucc Street Wharf at 7lu- m., arriving at Cape May about 12J p. m. Returning, leaves Cape May nt 3 o'clock p. m., givlngample tlme for bathlnir or a drive en the beach. A full Brass Band and Orchestra Mnsic for dancing. Parler Entertainments varied weekly. Lunch eons and Refreshments In abundance. Din ners and suppers provided. Oysters and Fish served for supper a tow moments after taken from the water. Fare for the Rend Trip - $1.00. SUNDAYS Will leave Race Street Wharf ut VA a. m. P. S. A Bread Gauge Steam K. R. will con vey passengers te Cape Island In 8 minutes. Tickets for sale at CHAS. H. BARK'S, e2S-2mdw CENTRE SQUARE. JTOM SAIJC OK MEN1. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A MEDIUM Size Brick Heuse and let with all the comforts of a home. Address A. B., Ixraxi Ixraxi exacER Oflice, stating lowest cash price and hew seen possession can be given, full partic ulars. Ac. Jy&tfd SOAF FACTORY FOR SALE. The stock, apparatus, material and geed will of a Seap Factory. Geed reasons ler selling. Apply te BAUSMAN A BURNS, aug3tdcedU 10 West Orange Street. UBLIC SALE. WILL BE SOLD AT public sole en FRIDAY. AUGUST 13th, at Philip Wall's Green Tree Hetel. West King street, a Let of Ground and Two-Steix Brick Heuse en Maner street, known as the "Hu mane Engine Heuse." The let is 20 by 3) feet , mere or less. Sale te commence at 8 o'clock p. m., when terms will be made known. JACOB GUNDAKER, Auct. Jj51au7,12,13 SPECIAL NOTICE TO CIO ARM AKERS." PUBLIC SALE OF TOBACCO. Will no sold at public sale en MONDAY AUGUST 16. I860, at the Lancaster County . Prison, a large let el Leaf Tobacco, consisting ei mailings, atrippinra. eic aaic pesuive. A large portion of tills tobacco can be used for the manufacture of Cigars, but being an overstock which cannot be used ut tlie prison it is offered for sole. Sale te commence at 2 o'clock p. m. By order et the Beard. AMOS BUTTER, auglZ-ttd Secretary. - -5 Al i