- t f , - -T',i' r"- - lr- iTTjU .-.-' - - .;- ' j ri." ' . ,i.i-, -v. - - t-t t li" ijii TTtdltgm& mtfaAed f Volume XVI- -Ne. 2D5 LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1880 Price Tire Ceite. j -w 7- ---'r vT" 'V --t i . i i i k flM-K "- 1 'BWPWS'HrT'vTJSWIBS' - CLOTUISG. Spring Opening 24 CENTRE SQUARE. We have lei sale for the coming seasons un Immense Stock of ! our own luauulacttuv, which comprises the cutest and Most STTnSH DESIGNS. Come uml sec our MEW GOODS KOR MERCHANT TAILORING, trhlcli S.s larger aud composed of the best styles U lie leund in the -lty. D. B. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. l!-lyd LANCASTER. PA H. GERHART'S Tnileriug Establishment, MONDAY, APRIL 5. Having uxt relumed Ireiu the New Yerk .Voelcu Market, I am new prepared te exhibit iiiiMil'the Best Selected Stocks et WOOLENS I'Olt TUB Surii nfl Smnmer Me, vor brought te thi eily. Nene but the very Jhtei' ENGLISH, FRENCH AMERICAN FABRICS, all the Leading Styles. Price as low as the eucs1,aud all goods warranted a- represent ed H. GERHART'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. SMALING, THE ARTIST TAILOR. Chiiing out our stock el Mght Weights at ecist te make room ler Fall and Winter Stock. Large I.iliee! Englisli Novelties. TROPICAL SUITINGS, SERGES AND REPS, BANNOCKBUIINS AND CELTICS, GAMBKOON I'AKAMATA AND BATISTE SUITINGS. SEERSUCKERS, VALENCIAS, PAROLE AM MOHAIR COATINGS. A Splendid Assortment of Wilferd'h Padded lueksi!i I'laiuaiid Fancy Styles. A Full Line et All the latest novelties. An examination of our stock Is respectfully solicited. I. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH OUEEN STREET. VIlltfA AND OLASSWAltK. fllllNA, GLASS AND OUEKNSWAItE. CHINA HALL. White and Decorated Stene China, Tea, Din ner and Chamber Sets 'White, Geld Band and Fancy French China Tea and Dinner Sets, Glass Sets, Tumblers, Goblets, Fruit Howls, I'itchers, Ac. Fruit Jars ! Jelly Cups 1 ! AT TUB LOWEST PRICES, AT HIGH & MARTIN'S, Ne. 15 EAST KING STKEET. GItOCSIS. -CTTHOLESALK AND RETAIL. LEVAN'S FLOUIfc AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. dl7-lyd mmevAXs. DR. S. It. FOKEMAH, (PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON), Removed trem Ne. 18 Seuth Prince street te Ne. 211 West King street, Lancaster, Fa. rm24-3nid Renaile Cletag, FEW OPENING Die vesta DMT BARGAINS IN CALICOES AT THE NEW YORK STORE. 5,000 IBS. NEW DAI CALICOES AT 5 CTS. A YARD. .1 ust opened an elegant assortment of choice styles In Calicoes, Cretonnes, and Chintzes. MUSLIIJS! MUSLINS! Standard Makes of Blenched and Unbleached Muslins from 10 te 30 per cent, below Jane prices. INDIA LINENS. VICTORIA LAWNS, WHITE PIQUES AND CAMItRICS AT BOT TOM PKICES. Watt, Shand & Company, S AND 1 0 EAST KING STREET. SALE OP DAMAGED GOODS. -:e:- I1AGKK & BROTHER will continue the sale or Goods damaged only by water timing (lie leccnt lire en their premises. WALL PAPER CARPETS, Mattings and Oil Cleths, Muslins and Sheetings, linens and Quilts, Woolens for Men's Wear, and Ready-Made Clothing, &c., All or the above have been marked at a very low price, as we are determined te close out the entire let. The sale is going en daily from 0 a. m. until 7 p. in. Saturday evenings until 9 o'clock In steie looms in rearet main store. As there was no damage te stock In main store room business there gees en as usual. . H AGER & BROTHER, NO. 25 WEST KING STBEET. VLOTHIA'G. CLOSING OUT OF SPRING AND SUMMf STOCK. In order te close out our stock of Spring and Summer Goods te make room for a heavy Fall Trade, we arc- ettering great inducements in Men's, Youths' and Children's Clothing. In our Custom Department wc have a large let of Piece Goods, which must be closed out before September 1, regardless of profit. In our Heady-in ado Department we have an unusually fine stock of Summer Clothing, all of which can lie purchased at very lowest bottom figures. Gentlemen, our facilities arc net equaled in the city. It will cost yen nothing te examine our stock. MYERS & RATHFOH, Xe. 12 KAST K1KU STREET, WATCHES, SPECIAL EDW. J. ZAlHJVI, JEWELER, ZAHM"S CORNER, LANCASTER, PA. :e: our largely increased business makes II necessary ler us te enlarge our store room. Te make room ler the alterations wc contemplate, we will ciose out as much or our stock as pos sible, between this date and the 10th or AUGUST, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. This offer applies te any article In our extensive stock EXCEPT SPECTACLES, and wil allnrd all who desire goods in our line a rare opportunity te buy from first-class stock at un iixuully low prices. ZAHMS corner. MEDICAL, DR. BROWNING'S TONIC MD ALTERATIVE! The Celebrated Prescription of W. CHAMPION BROWNING. M. I. FOR GENERAL DEBILITY AND PURIFY INU THE BLOOD. Perlectlv Purines the Bleed, Enriches the Bleed, Eeildcns the Bleed, makes New Bleed, Wondcrfullyliupreves the Appetite, and Changes the Constitution Suffering from General Debility into one of Vigorous Health. The best proof of its wendcrlul efficacy is te be obtained by a trial, ami that simple trial strongly establishes it reputation with all. 3-l t is most scientifically and elegantly compounded by its author and sole proprietor, W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M D., 117 AROH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A regular grad ua: e or J ettersen Medical College, of Philadelphia, a thorough Chemist and Skilirul Pharmacist. Price, COc and Sl.OO. Fer sale by the Proprietor and all Druggists and Healers in Medicine. dMydeew&wj; GElfTS' GOODS. ?OK LINEN COLLARS GOTO EEISMAN'S. 1 70K FAK:V STOCKINGS -OO TO EKISMAN'S. F OR SUSPENDERS GO EUISMAN'S. F OK NEW STYLE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, GO TO E. J. EKISMAN'S, 5G NORTH O.UEKN STREET. MAMBLm. HOICKS. WE P. FBATLEYB MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nertn yueen Street, Lancaster, P. MONUMENTS. HEAD AND FOOT STONES, GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction git en in every particular. N. B. Remember, works a. the extreme end of North Queen street. mV GOODS. LANCASTER, I'ENN'A. JBWEIMY, Ac. NOTICE. LANCASTER, PA. CAMPAIGN GOODS. CAMPAIGN GOODS! Capes, Caps, Helmets, a variety of Tin and Metal Torches, Ceal Oil by the Barrel, Resin and Political Torches, Political Flags and Streamers, Chinese Lanterns with names et Candidates, Muslin Flags et all Sizes, Badges, 4 c Bunting Flags of all Sizes. FIREWORKS EVERY DESCRIPTION. We invite Clubs, Committees and ethers te give us a call. D. S. BURSK, 17 East King Street, Lancaster. M AKCUS Q. SKHMEK, HOUSE OAB.PINTBB, He. 190 Kezth Prince street. Prompt and partteular attention paid tool ration and repair. HMyd lawastrt intrlligmrcr. FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 13, 18SO. A Texan's Discovery. Alter Nine-tears' Absence lie Cemes Heme te find HIa Wire Divorced and BeOIarried. Indianapolis Journal, August 10. A singular case of personal recognition took place yesterday afternoon in the Elm Tree grocery store, corner of Seuth street and Virginia avenue. A tall, well-dressed man, who said he just returned from Texas and whose features bere traces of exposure te the severities of border life, had visited the store once or twice during the day, and had made inquiries in regard te the names of several parties occupying houses in the immediate vicinity, lie appeared te be hunting for some one whom he could net find. Between 4 and 5 o'clock he had returned te the store and was scan ning the faces of the customers, when a woman who approached the ceuutcr te make some small purchase arrested his attention. He looked at her with an earnest gaze, and then, approaching her, said : ' Haven't 1 seen you somewhere before?" The woman replied that he might have seen her for anything she knew, aud then, after taking a geed leek at the stranger who had thus, without any apology, accosted her, said: "Why, arc you my husband ?" It transpired that he was, and that the couple had net seen each ether for mere than eight years. It was, however, no case of fulling into each ether's arms and weeping glad tears of recognition. Nothing of that kind occur red, and no emotion was displayed en either side, but mutual explanation seen revealed the fact that the relations of man and wife--se long broken off could net be very easily re-established. His story was, substantially, that he had left Indian apolis between eight and niue years age for Texas, where he had since lived and pros pered; that for the first few years he had kept up a correspondence with his wife and senther at frequent intervals sums of niouey amply sufficient for her support ; that ill evcry letter he had urged her te fellow him te his far Western hemc,but she had always refused te comply with this request, and that at last, tired of writing aud sending money, he had discontinued both, and had given up all correspondence with his friends in Indiana and had given him self up te the reckless, roving life of a frontiersman, all the time, however, add ing somewhat te his cash account, until at last, finding himself possessed of con siderable wealth, he had determined te visit ence mere tbe home of his youth. Her story was that when the money and letters from her husband had ceased te arrived she concluded that something had happend te him, aud that, at all events, he was lest te her forever. She thereupon obtained a diverce upon the ground of de sertion and failure te provide, aud has for the past four years been the wife of another. The Texan acted like a sensible man and took in the whole situation very coolly. In a conversation that followed he admitted that he had no oue te blame but himself, aud said he did net wonder that under the circumstances his wife should have get a divorce. Indeed, he did net appear se very sorry at the turn that affairs had taken. After leaving the store, the woman, whose present name is Bradcn, went te her residence and was accompanied by her former husband. He remained with her some time, and upon leaving the house appeared in the best of humor, net in the least disposed te be angry at the less of his wife ; aud it is almost safe te prophesy that he will net make any trouble for her ever the divorce. Whether her present husband will take the matter as coolly and philosophically yet remains te be seen. A Famous Brigand. Captured Altera Leng Career or Crime by the Italian Police Sympathy fur lllui from the Fair Sex. Correspondence Philadelphia Bulletin. The brigand of whom I wrote in a letter has been captured. Originally there were two brigands, and as they were well-mounted they wcre net a little terror iu the neighborhood they visited,' but one of them was taken about a fortnight age, and al though it is known that the strongcref the two yet remained te betaken, it was easily te be imagined that it would net be long before he would be captured. Whilst tbcre were two, one could watch ever the ether and help him in case of need when he went te fetch the weed aud ether neces saries which they had deposited at various places for them ; but, left alone, Tibursi had te have recourse te a confidant te bring him his feed, aud it was this confi dant who sold him. Five carabinicrs lay in ambush near the spot where his feed was concealed and, while the brigand was proceeding te take it, the nearest carabi nicr fell upon him and held him firmly un til the ethers came te the spot. They bound his arms te his sides. Before that the un fortunate man had tried all means te free himself, or te turn his gun en the carabinicr, who held him, but it was im possible. When he passed through Brac Brac ciane all the town turned out te leek at him ; for it was around Bracciano that he committed the worst ravages, because many rich Reman princes and ethers have vilias and castles there, aud he could get greater booty from them than from poorer people. There are also some very pretty bathing places areuud Bracciano, and mineral-water springs much resorted te, which wcre all founts of profit te the bri gands, for as yet there is no railroad te any of these places. Bracciano, conse quently, was mere interested than any ether part in the brigand's capture. These who saw him say he is a strikingly haud haud haud some man, and that, bound as he was, he caused fear te these who looked at him en account of the wonderful fire of his eyes. He is net much ever 40 years of age. He had been around Bracciano for the last seven years, and had committed mere than one murder during these years. In any case, the Reman province is well rid of the fellow, however much he.may still be ad mired by the ladies. I hear that mere than one lady has written te him te ex press sympathy. It is strange, but it is equally true, that these brigands excite great sympathy in the female mind. When Lceni was taken seme years age a. vast correspondence of love letters was found upon him. Russian and English ladies es pecially were most generous in their con dolences. Tibursi also may, perhaps, have his share of love epistles when his trial begins. As yet, however, the brigand is sulky and -will net cat anything. m Beccat Republican Discoveries. Puck. An "Old Subscriber" asks: "What wing of the Union army did Gen. Hancock command at the battle of Gettysburg?" Nene. Gen. Hancock was net engaged in that battle en the Union side. Early in the morning of the first day of that terri- eie struggle, tbe general, accompanied by all the Democrats in the Union ranks, deserted te the Confederate army, and fought under the stars and bars until victory perched upon the banners of the leaerais. The battle of Gettysburg wa3 wen by Republican officers and privates alone. Gen. Hancock, after Lee's defeat bade Beauregard an effectieuate farewell and returned te his command. As he had net been missed, he secured a large portion of the honors belonging exclusively te the Republicans. Gen. Hancock was violent ly opposed te the subjection of the south. These facts have only recently been made public as we learn from our Republican exchanges, which, during a political cam paign, never swerve a hair's breadth from sweet, heaven-born truth. i m Robbed of Costly Jewels. A New Yerk Jeweler's Agent Leses Sil5,000 Werth of Diamonds in a Utica Hetel. Fifteen thousand dollars' worth of dia monds were stolen from Henry Schiller, a German Hebrew commercial agent, at Bagg's hotel, in Utica, en Sunday after noon or early in the evening of that day. Mr. Shuler travels for Neah Mitchell, jew eler, of Nes.494 and 49(5 Broadway, New Yerk. He has had much experience iu the business, having traveled extensively in Europe for his uncle, a Louden diamond dealer, before he came te this country a year age. This was his first trip through Central New Yerk. He arrived from New Yerk Friday night, with diamonds valued at $22,500 in his trunk, and registered at Bagg's hotel. He made a few sales, in value less than $600, en Saturday. That evening he went about town in company with some Ger man friends. He returned late en Sunday afternoon. He was away again from the hotel from 4 o'clock until 11 at night. He left his room locked. His precious stones were iu trays set in tiers iu a satchel made for the purpose. This satchel was locked aud placed within a trunk which was also locked. On his return te his room Schulcr noticed nothing wrong, When he arose and went te the trunk for a change of linen he was unable te open the trunk. Procuring the services of a saddler iu the basement of the building the truuk was forced, when the discovery was made that a robbery had been commit ted. The satchel's lock had been broken, aud part of its contents taken. The trays had been removed and the thief who was evidently an expert in jewels, had selected the most valuable pieces. Then the trays had been replaced in the satchel, the trunk closed, and the outer lock belt forced with seme sharp steel instrument iute place again, Among the jewels which have been ab stracted were two cluster cresses, worth $1,800 each, several choice sets of earrings, valued at $500 aud $750 a pair, and a num ber of shirt studs, rings, etc., both sol sel taircs and clusters. The settings of these were of delicate workmanship and consid erable value. Schulcr, en making this discovery, noti fied the jeweller who had bought of him en Saturday and the hotel clerk. Later in the day the police authorities were call ed, and a complete examination of the premises was made. The suit of rooms which Schulcr had is en the third fleer of the hotel, immediately opposite the stair way. There arc probably net live consec utive minutes in the day or early evening in which the deer of "Ne. 57 is net passed, cither by employees of the house or guests. The detectives as yet have learned little regarding the robbery. Twe Germans, father and son, arc known te have visited Schulcr's room en Saturday, when they were shown the diamonds. Sunday after noon one of the bell heys saw the son de scending from the upper Heors of the hotel durlug Schulcr's absence. These parties have net been arrested. The dia monds wcre exhibited en Saturday te a number of people, and Schulcr's story as regards time and circumstances is fully corroborated. The Other Side. One Ames Bisscl, having written te the Chicago Inicr-Ocein, an intensely Radical paper, of his bad treatment in Texas, by way of political persecution, a regular member of its editorial stall, scut down there te see the real condition of things, convicts Bisscl of falsehood in this style : I notice in the Inter-Ocean of the 21th inst. an affidavit made by 3Ir. Ames T. Bisscl, in which he says he was assaulted for making a Republican speech at Bra zoria, aud claims that he was afterward threatened with personal violence and forced te leave the country. I must al ways think there is seme explanation that can be made of the aflair that will put a different light en the scene. As seen as it was known in Columbia that I was connected with the Inler-Occan every attention aud ceuitcsywas shown me that lay in reach of the people. Dem ocrats aud Republicans alike called upon me and were anxious I should sec for my self the inside and outside workings of all their affairs. On Saturday morning a Democratic lawyer called, with an extra saddled horse, and invited me te go te Brazoria te attend a Republican conven tion by the negrees. Wc found the read clown the Brazes river strewn with black men en horseback, all bound for the meet ing. Like all ether politicians they com plained of fraudulent rule iu their own party, and were going ever te reorganize and reform, aud each man claimed te be a leader and carried fifty or seventy-five votes in his pocket that the party would lese unless things went his way. Arrived at Brazoria wc found the court house crowded with black men in consultation, and a white man making a speech, and a strengRcpublican one, tee. In unmeasured terms he berated the Democrats for their political shortcomings, claiming at the same time, that personally they were all his friends, and as men, and citizens he held them in great respect. In fact, I never heard greater freedom of speech in a political meeting ; and there were present a large number of Democrats, with whom I was sitting, and whose faces I closely watch ed in the vain endeavor te discover any lurking trace of hostility. I was invited te speak, and strongly urged te de se by the Democrats, and should have had no mere fear in giving full and free expres sion of my opinions than I would have in the North. Nene of the men carried arms, cither black or white, and while in Texas I saw one man alone, aud he the sheriff of Bra zoria county, armed with a pistol. Medical Uses or Eggs. Fer burns or scalds, nothing is mero seething than the white of an egg, which may be poured ever the wound. It is softer, as a varnish for a burn, than collo cello colle dion, and being always at hand can be ap plied immediately. It is also mere cooling than the "sweet oil and cotton," which was formerly supposed te be the surest application te allay the smarting pain. It is the contact with the air which gives the extreme discomfort experienced from ordi nary accidents of this kind ; and anything which excludes the air and prevents inflam mation is tbe thing te be at once applied. The egg is also considered one of the best remedies for dysentery. Beaten up slightly with or without sugar and swal lowed at a gulp, it tends by its emollient qualities te lessen the inflammation of the stomach and intestines, and by forming a transient coating en these organs te ena ble nature te resume her healthful sway ever the diseased body. Twe, or at most j three, eggs per day would be all that is renuircd in ordinary cases : and since the egg is net merely medicine bat feed as well, the lighter the diet otherwise, and the quieter the patient is kept, the mere certain and rapid is tne recovery. Schnrz At tiettjsbHrg. 'D " in New Yerk Sun. The early entry of Mr. Schurz into the political campaign recalls an incident much laughed ever by the veterans of General Hauceck's staff who were eye-witnesses of the splendid leadership which brought order out of the apparent hopeless wreck and rout of the first day at Gettysburg. Hurrying across the field amid the panic-stricken fugitives, there came face te face with Hancock an officer wearing the uniform of a division commander of the Eleventh corps, making his way, mere or less demoralized, toward the rear. "General," exclaimed Hauceck sharply, as he barred the route of the retiring pa triot, "placoyeur men behind that stene wall, sir, and held them there !" "But, Shcucral," was the deprecating answer of Gen. Schurz, who might be pardoned for forgetting in the excitement the pure English he always uses upon the political platform, "I haf no men !" "Then" with an emphasis and with an expletive that fairly raised the future civil service reformer from his saddle, "get behind that stene wall your&elf, stay there, and fight, sir." The order was obeyed, but doubtless with a secret conviction, which has only grown stronger with the lapse of years, that Hancock, who saved the day, was after all, " a mere soldier." Till: TPEACHEKOUS WATER. . A Dangerous an Well as Userul filament Jehn C. Buck, a ccusus enumerator at Macen, Miss., committed suicide" by drowning. The body of Julius Micr, drowned en Monday night, was found en a flat at the mouth of the Shcwsbury river, N. J. The body of Daniel Baglcy, one of these drowned near Bellcvuc, en Monday night, was found near the Highland Bridge, Ncvcrsink, N. J. The coroner of Leng Branch has been directed te investigate the cause of the death of Mary Haggcrty, whose body was found near some shipping at Sandy Heek. The murdered body of Jehn Hayes, of Ogdcnsburg, N. J., was found en the Iake front, Chicago, III. Near by was a satchel rilled of its contents. The body of William M. Negus' son, of East Forty-eighth street, New Yerk, drowned in front of the steamer Oceanic en Tuesday, was found near Fan-haven, N. J., yesterday. Purchase of a Railroad. The Baltimore and Ohie railroad com pany, through Mr. Rebert Garrett, third vice-president, has purchased what is known as the Buffalo branch, a small read running from Garrett station, en the Pitts burgh division of the Baltimore and Ohie te Berlin, a distance of nine miles. The read runs through a fertile part el Somer set county, Pa., which is noted principally, however, for its rich iron ere. The Buffa lo branch will, it is thought, be extended aud made te connect with the Cambria and Somerset railroad. The amount paid for the Buffalo branch was, it is said, $25,000 cash. I. Sullivan, Malcom, Ontario, writes: "I have been belling Dr. Themas' Eclectic Oil ler si line years, and have no hesitation in saying that it has given better sat inaction than any ether medicine I have oversold. I consider ft the only patent medicine thateures mere than it is recommended te cure." Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and tSi North Queen street, Lancaster. Pa. 33 Statistics prove thai twenty-nve percent et the deaths iu our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when wc reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te ahottleorLocher's Kenewncd Cough Syrup, shall wc condemn the suircrers ler their ucgli gence, or pity them for their ignorance? NeJ !) East King btreet. Ladies' Evening Dress. When dressed for the evening the girls new-a- days, Scarcely an atom or dress en them leave. Nene blame them, for what Is an (eve)ning dress ; Hut a dress that is suited for Eve. It" Consumption's precursor, a .sail cold ensues. The very best thing you can de, Is, te try Dr. Themas' Eclectric Oil, And its,ifely will carry you through. FersalebyH. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1.7 North (jueen street, Lancaster, Pa. 31 JiOOKS AJfD STATJOXJCJtY. "VTKW STATIONERY! New, Plain and Fancy STATIONERY. Alse, Velvet and Eastlake PICTURE FRAMES AND EASELS. AT I M. FLYNN'S IUMW AND STATIONERY STORE, iie. Vi WEST KING STREET. JOM BAER'S SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA., have In stock a large assortment el, HOOKS AND STATIONERY. Attention is invited te their FAMILY AND PULPIT BIBLES Teachers' ISiblcs, Sunday Scheel Libraries, Hymnals, Prayer Heeks, HYMN HOOKS AND MUSIC HOOKS ; Eer Sunday Schools. FINE REWARD CARDS. i SUNDAY SCHOOL KEQU1S1TES of all kinds ATTOKtfEYS-AT-LA W IIENKV A.ltlLET Attorney and ConnsclIer-at-Law 21 Park Kew. New Yerk. Collections made in all ports of the United States, anil a general legal business transacted. Uefers by permission te Stcinman & Hensel. CONGrKESS HALL, CAPE MAY, N. J. OPEN FOR THE SEASON. II. J. ft O. K. CHUMP, i Ofthe Colonnade Hetel, E.A.OILLETT, Philadelphia. jyia-lOtdced CUIARTER NOTICE. ; Netice is hcrebv siven that application will be made te the Court or Common Pleas of Lancaster county, en mendax, auuust 23, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m., for a charter te incor porate. " Saint Jeseph's Hospital." The object et this institution is te provide for the com fort and minister te the wants el the sick, the aged and tnllrni. SAMUEL II. REYNOLDS, y31-3td Solicitor. IntY LOCHER'S RENOuNED COUGH . STKUP DMT GOODS. HOW TO GET almost everything below value. Every day during summer all sorts of goods remnants aud goods that for ene reason or another are in our way are picked out aud put together te be sold at such prices as they will bring. They are undcsirable for us te held ; but they may be as geed for the buyer as anything we have. We have sold already this summer net less than 8100,000 worth of goods at irregular prices in this way for, say, $50,000; and many thousands mero are going. There is something marked down at nearly every counter in the store. Everything sold is returnable if un satisfactory at the price. Jehn Wanamaker. Chestnut, Thirteenth, Market un.l Juniper. PHILADELPHIA. JJSWEIMY. IOUISWEBKK. j WATCHMAKER. Ne. 159 NORTH QUEEN STREET.nearP. K. R. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. tield. Silver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ler the celebrated Pantoscepic ieeta cles and Eye-U lasses. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyd Lancaster Watches. We liave just received a second invoice of the New Lancaster levnal te which we call special attention or anyone wanting a Kciiable Watch et a LOW PRICE. B. F.BOWMAN, 106 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER. PA. Ne. 20 NO USE TRYING Ne. 20 Te get a better WATCH for the money than the WEST END, Manufactured by the Lancaster Walcl Cenpaiy . ;for balk at Ne. SO East King St., Laaeaster, Pit. AUGUSTUS RH0ADS. JEWELER. JiDUCATIONAL. PENNSYLVANIA MUSEUM AND SCHOOL or Industrial Art. The school ycaroriSSO ycareriSSO 81 will begin Monday. Sept. 1.1. Instructions for young men and women in Industrial Draw ing, Painting and Modeling ax tipnUed t the arts. Send ter circulars te THE SECRETARY, 15 S. Seventh street, Philadelphia. aug2-10tced&lw flUlK ACADEMY CONNECTED WITU J. Franklin and Marshall College eilers su perier advantages toyenngmenand boys who desire cither te prepare for college or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time during the school year Send for circulars. Address REV. JAMES CttAWFORD. ctl 1-1 V I Lancaster. Pa. A LLENTOWN FEMALE COLLEGE. Under auspices et Reformed chnrch. De signed for the literary and religions education or Ladies. Rest facilities for Music, Drawing, Painting and Modern Languages. Location healthral. Terms moderate. Thirteenth year will begin SEPTEMBER G. Fer Catalogue address REV. W. R. IIOFFOUD, A. 31.. jy 17-12td President, Allen te w n. Pa. " THE YATES INSTITUTE,- LANCASTER, PA. (Endowed.) A Church Scheel for Reys. Prepares for higher Colleges and Universities. REV. JOHN G. MULHOLLAND, M. A. T. C. D., Principal. A few boarders con be received who will hove the special core and oversight of the Prin cipal. The next term begins SEPTEMBERS, 1880. iySl-lindS&Tu MOBMS, MAJiKKTS, JtC. OIGN OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS!! I have new en band the Laresst, Best aud Chkafmt Abbebtmkbt of Lined and Unllned BUFFALO ROBES in the city. Alse LAP AND HORSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line or Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. 49-Rcpalrlng neatly and promptly ilenc.1l A.-MILEY, lOS Kmrih Queen St., DaneatUr. O-25-lydMWAS rOVXDEMSAXD MACUISUiTS. r ANCASTKK BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, OrresmTHZ Loeowmvx Wexxa. The subscriber continues te manafactnra BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes ; furnace Twiers, Bellows Pipes, Sheet-iron Werk, and Bl&cksml thing generally. 40 Jobbing promptly attended te. auglMyd JOHN BEST.