' i-V- V BT f J., ,.,. LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER. THURSDAY AUGUST 12. 1880. " f tff. X" V Ij Lancaster intelligencer.. THUESDAY EVENING, AUG. 12, 1880. Dwarf Fears. Gcrmantetvn Telegraph. Every new and then wc sec an attack upon tbc growing of pears grafted en quince stock in order te dwarf the tree and cause it te fruit early and give large specimens. It is true there was a time when the cultivation of dwarf pears were mere popular than new, though we think that the aggregate of trees are very much greater new than formerly, as there are few gardens, especially attached te coun try seats, where numerous dwarf trees are net te he found. As we have said repeatedly that from the establishing of a garden upon our pres ent premises, which was in 1847, we have grown the dwarf pear quite extensively ler the space we had at our command. A number of these new in full bearing and in geed health, were planted in that year, and must have been at that time some three or four years old. Seme of these originally planted have of course disap peared, but in nearly every instance death was caused by blight. But many mere young ones have succumbed te the same cause ; and we cau truly say se have many .standard pears, and te a greater extent, comparing numbers, than of the dwarfs. Seme of our trees are certainly thrity iivc 3-cais old, aud leek as though, in .some few instances, they might last anoth er thirty-five years. They arc constant bcaicrs some years naturally grcatcrlhan in ethers. This year the crop of dwarfs and .standards, especially the latter, is very moderate the old century standards .scarcely bearing any at all, which is a very unusual occurrence. But many of the dwarfs have geed crops of very perfect fruit. The dwarf Tyson which by-the-byc is the best pear upon our premises ex cept the Scckcl were leaded with fruit. Even a .standard Tyson, though a dozen years in fruiting, was very full at the top. Many people who have their doubts of the length of life aud productiveness of the dwarf ticc, have visited our premises te become convinced of what can be done with them, and went away with their opin ions wholly changed. It is true the dwarf tree requires mere attention than the standards, which are left te take care of themselves after arriving at a certain age, but no mere than any ether crop in the garden. They require careful pruning, the trunks scraped aud washed with whale oil .soap and water, and the ground, owing te their sheit roots, made rich by manur ing as much as for any crop. The last attack upon the dwarfs is from Mr. 1. T. (Juiiin, whom we freely admit is an experienced grower of iicars. He re gards the planting or dwarfs for either orchard or gardens, en the ground that the fruit was superior te standard, net merely a mistake but a swindle. We cannot ex actly understand where the "swindle" comes in, but freely admit that there may justly be a difleicnce of opinion as te the profit in cultivation of the two modes. Wc never held nor can we put our finger en a single instance wherein it was claimed that as a matter of profit the dwarf was te be preferred. Wc have always held that for private gardens, or where space was a matter of prime consideration, the dwarf pear was indispensable, as well also that the fruit was generally larger and mere perfect. We held te this still, and de new, as wc did twenty-five or thirty years age, universally recommend it for private culti vation. Wc may agree with Mr. Qninn as te the standard pear being mere profitable where it is grown for market te a very large ex tent, but we should nevertheless always have an acre or two of them for this pur pose, did wc grew fruit for marketing pur pur leses, being fully satisfied that we could obtain from the land about as many dol lars and cents as from a majority of mar keting fruits, and mere than from standard trees, less of cenrsc the increased expense of cultivating. Spring or Full. Gcrmaiilewii Telegraph. We have two or three inquiries new be fore ns, as te whether spring or fall is the best time te set out trees. Wc can't tell hew often wc have treated en this subject, but it is natural that the question should continue te be asked, as young men grew up, marry, and cither go te farming or in ether ways possess land and desire infor mation as te what fruit trees te plant and when te plant them. In a very few words we would say that there is net much choice in the seasons. If the soil is naturally moist, spring is probably te be preferred for sctling-eut ; if dry, fall. If the trees arc large early fall should be chosen, and as seen as the trees are done growing and the leaves begin te drop. In both cases the trees should be taken out of the ground carefully and with as many el the small roots as possi ble, before the roots become dry. Te pre vent this becoming se they should be well covered, kept out of the sun in transport ing. aud'heclcd-iii" or buriedand liberally watered as seen as they arrive until ready for planting. The planting cannot be done tee carefully. The hole should be large enough te receive all the roots carefully spread out, and the ground put about them should be fine and rich. If the roots are tee big they should be somewhat pruned, and the branches of the tree also. Sometimes the branches, where the roots are few and have been injured in taking up, should be severely shortened te save the life of the tree. It Shouldn't (Jet Wet Again. Many years age there lived in Salem, Conn., an eccentric man named Amasa Kilbern, about whom numberless stories are told te this day. On one occasion in summer he had a live acre let of choice grass, cut aud spread out te dry. In the afternoon a shower came up and drenched it. The next day the hay was spread out again te dry. Anether shower came up and drenched it. On the third day the same pregramme was repeated. On the fourth day, after the hay had been proper ly dried and raked into windrows, a cloud pillar moved ever the western horizon, and a distant growl of thunder echoed from the hills. Kilbern was mad. He looked at the hay aud looked at the cloud, "Run up te the house, boy," he said in a voice trembling with resentment, "and bring down a lire-brand ; quick, new !" The boy asked no questions. He came back with a blazing torch, and Kilbern touched off each windrow. "There, said he, "I'll see if this hay will get wet again !" A Werd te Our Headers. When you rend of a remedy that will cure all diseases, liewarc of It ; but when veu read of a pure vegetable compound which claims te enrcenly certain parts of the body, and fur nisher high proel that it docs this, you can safely try and with the assurance that It will help you. This is just what Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure does. It cures all troubles el the lower portion et the body and none ethers. It will net help the toothache, earache nor consumption, but it will put your body in a vigorous and healthy state where you can enjoy life and appreciate its geed tilings. Try it. Ne Geed Preaching. Ne man em tle a geed job of work, preach a geed sermon, try a lawsuit well, doctor a pa tient, or write n geed article when he feels miserable and dull, with sluggish brain and unsteady nerves, aud none should make the attempt In such a condition when It can be se easily ami cheaply removed by a little Hep Hitters. Sec ether column. uu2-2wd&w GROCERIES. TTrTHOLESALK ADD RETAIL. LEVANTS FLOUR AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. U7-lyd MEDICAL. Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, OF LYNN, MASS., Has Maile tlie Discovery ! Her Vegetable Compound Hie Savier of Her Sex. Health, Hepe and Happiness stored by the use of Be- LYDIA E. PINKHAMS Vegetable Compound, The Positive Cure Fer All Female Complaints. This preparation, as its name sign iflcs, con sists et Vegetable Properties that are harmless te the most delicate invalid. Upen one trial the mcrltsef this compound will be recognized, as relict Is immediate ; and when its use is con tinued, in nincty-nine cases in a hundred, a permanent cure fs effected, as thousands will testify. On account of Its proven merits, it is te-day recommended anu prescribed by ihu best physicians in the country. It will cure entirely the worst form of falling of the uterus, Leucerrhffia, Irregular and pain lul Menstruation, ull Ovarian Troubles, In flammation and Ulceration, Flooding, all .Dis placement and the consequent spinal weak ness, and Is especially adapted te the Change or Life. In lact it has proved te be the greatest and best remedy that has ever been discovered. It permeates evcry portion of the system, and nivcs new life and vigor. It removes l'aintness, flatulency, destroys all craving ler stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bleating, Headaches, Nervous Pros tration, General Debility. Sleeplessness, I)e presslen anil Indigestion. That icclingef bear ing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It wilWatall times, and under all circumstances, act in harmony with the law that governs the female system. Fer Kidney com plaints of either srv this Compound Is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price $1. Six bottles for $5. Sent by mail In the form et pills, also In the form of lozenges, en receipt et price, $1 per box, for either. Mrs. PINKHAM lrcely answers all let ters of inquiry. Send ler pamphlet. Address as above. Mention this jtapcr. Ne family should be without LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S LIVER PILLS. They cure Con stipation, Biliousness and Torpidity of the Liver. 25 cents per box. Johnsten, Holleway & Ce., General Agents, Philadelphia. Jy29-lydeed&w ATEItVOUS DEBILITY. XI Te Nervous Sufierers- The Great Eure- iean Remedy Dr. J. B. Simpsen's Spccillc iledicine. It Is a positive cure for Sperma Sperma eorrhea, Seminal Weakness, Impeteucy,and all diseases resulting from Self-Abuse, as Mental Anxiety, Less f Memery, Pains in Hack or Side, and diseases that lead te Consumption, Insanity and an early grave. The Specitle Medicine is being used with wonderful success. Pamphlets sent tree te all. Write for them and get lull particulars. Price, Specific, $1 per package, or six packages for $5. J. 15. SIMP SON MEDICINE COMPANY, Nes. 104 and IOC Main Street, lSull'ale, N. Y. Address all orders te II. B. COCIIIIAN, Druggist, SeleTAgent, 137 and 139 North Queen Street, Lancaster. ml7-lydced&wl HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED Defensive Medication Is a precaution which should never be neg lcet cil when danger is present, and therefore a course el the I titters at this season is particu larly desirable, especially for the Iccble and sickly. As a remedy ler biliousness, dyspep sia, nervousness, and bowel complaints, there is nothing comparable te this wholesome res torative. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gener ally. uirMvdced&lytv HOSTETTER'S BITTER'S FOR SALE AT Lechcr'H Drug Stere, ! East King street. NERVINE, OR TONIC SPEUIFICA. A llOON TO BOTH SEXES. A REMEDY WITHOUT A RIVAL for all diseases arising Irem Nervous Debility, Sexual Disorders, ever Indulgence of Vicious Habits, as well as from the prostration et old age. Its curative properties in violent ami chronic forms et the tollewing diseases have been at- tested te by the most Eminent Phvsicians Dyspepsia, Sell Abuse, Headache, Dizziness, I.. ,,. a, a . - ... Sexual Exhaustion, usuen. nnermaiorrneea. uei .enenil Debility, Impotency, Premature Dec-ay, &c. It lias l)eeii in use for ever lerlvvcars mil Is te-day the most popular remedy" for the dis eases above mentioned in the WOULD. It can be used without regard te diet, is pleasant In taste, and better than all, It is a sure, sale and certain cure. It is no quack medicine, but stands upon its own merits, as any trial wil amply demonstrate. Since 1838 this remedy has always been sold for a much larger price than that for which it is new sold ; but owing te the act that the time ler the payment el an enormous royalty upon Us manufacture has expired, it is etlcrcd te the .sintering et both sexes at one dollar per package, se as te be within the reach of all; at which pi ice it will be sent te any address free et luillirr charge. Address DR. WILLIAM YOUNG, 4G Spruce Street, Philadelphia. May be consulted en nil diseases by mail. iy20-6md&w HOP BITTERS FOR SALE AT LOCII cr's Drug Stere, 9 East King street. CHINA AUD GLASSWARE. raxsx, ULASS AND QUEENSWAKE. CHINA HALL. While and Decorated Stene China. Tea. Din ner and Chamber Sets, White, Geld Hand uud Fancy French China Tea aud Dinner Sets, Glass Sets, Tumblers, Goblets, Fruit RewK, Pitchers, &c. Fruit Jars ! Jelly Cups ! ! AT THE LOWEST PRICES, AT HIGH & MARTIN'S, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. "PROCLAMATION. X By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Ordinance et the city of Lancaster, I hereby order and command all owners of Dogs within the city of Lancaster te shut them up, or, if allowed te run, te securely muzzle the same, from and after THUKSDAY, AUGUST .1. 1880, at6 p.m.. In some proper place, until tlic first day of September next. The owners allowing Dogs te run at large, unless muzzled, will be liable te the fine under Section 2 of the Ordinance et 1841. STUB HUH The fine imposed by the Ordinance et 1827, Section 2, will be inflicted upon any person ob structing the legally employed persons from carrying out the Ordinances respecting the capturing of Dogs during the contiuuencc of this proclamation. JOHN T. MacGONIGLE, aug4,5,(!,Vl,14d Mayer. JHJT GOODS. TJLACK SILKS! BLACK SILKS! We call particular attention te our Large Stock of BLACK SILKS bought at Importer's Sales in New Tork and Philadelphia, which we are offering at prices that defy competition. Alse, BLACK CASHMERES, In all Grades and Qualities. Our 50c. quality Is the best ever sold ler the money. The attention of Hetel Keepers and ethers is called te a large let of SAMPLE TOWELS, which wc are closing at Lew Prices. EAIMSTOGK'S, CHEAP DRY GOODS HOUSE, Next Doer te the Court Heom. JOB LOTS " WALL PAPERS AT VEBT LOW PRICES. In order te make room for our Large Fall Sleck we are ellerlng special inducements in prices, &c. WINDOW SHADES -AND CARPETS. J. B. lar tin & Ce. LANCASTER, PA. HlltXJir AND LIVER CDRE. Kifley LiTer CURE. $1.25 PER BOTTLE. A Positive Remedy for ALL Kid ney, Liver and Urinary Troubles of both Male and Female. READ THERECORD: "It vjiveil my life.":. ;. Label, ficlina, Alw "It is the remedy that will cure 1 he many disea-es peculiar te women." Mether's Maga zine. "It has passed severe tcstsand wen endorse ments irem home of the highest medical talent in theeenntry." New Yerk World, " Ne remedy heretofore discovered can be held ler one moment in comparison wltli it." l.-. .1. jutrvini, it. ii., asntngien,l. v. T iiis (rent Natural Kcmedy is for Sale by Druggists ia all Parts or the World. TRY IT AND TAKE NO OTHER. H. H. WARNER & CO., ROCHESTER, N. Y. aug'.'-Tu.Th&Sd&w GIF? Dll A IIXVOS. AVTIIOKIZKU BY TIIK COMMON wealth of Ky.. and the fairest In the world 23d Popular Monthly Drawing op tub COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macauley's Theatre, in the City of Louis ville, en TUESDAY, AUGUST 31st, 1880. TIIKSK DRAWINGS, AUTHORIZED 1JY TIIK LEGISLATURE AND SUSTAINED BY ALL TIIK COURTS OF KENTUCKY, accord ing te u contract made with the owners of the Frankfort grunt, will occur rvgularly en the LAST DAY OF KV KKY MONTH, Sundays and Fridays excepted, for the period of FIVE Y K AUS, terminating en J UNE 30. 1835. The United States Circuit Court en March 31, rendered the tollewing decisiens: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Company Is legal. 3d It: draw lugs are fair.. The management call attention te the liberal scheme which hits met with such popular favor ncicioie.-e, ami w men win again uc presented ter the AUGUST DRAWING. 1" " .$ 0,000 1. 1II1(. . ...,,...... 1U.UUU i ii izc, ... . t,000 Hi prizes il.OUOrach 10,000 at prizes 500uach 10,000 loe prizes, $100 each 10,000 2011 prizes rxi each 10,000 KM prizes, 20 each 12,000 loon prizes lOeach ie,000 9 prizes each, approximation prizes 2,700 9 prizes 200 each, " " 1,800 'J prizes 10(1 each, " " 900 1,960 prizes $112,100 Whole tickets, $2; hall tickets. $1; 27 tickets !30; 53 tickets, $10(1. Remit by PostetliceMoney Order, Registered Letter, Bank Draiter Express. Te insure against mistakes and delays, cor respondents will please write t.. r names and places of residence plainly, giving number or rostelliei: box or Street, and Town, County and State. All communications connected with the DIs tributien and Orders for Tickets should be ad dressed te It. At. 1SOAKDM AN, Courier-Journal Building, Louisville, Ky., or 307 and 309 i.reautiav. acw uirK. nulTuTlntS&w I.EVmAIj notices. INSTATE OF PHILIP SCIIUM, LATE OF J the city of Lancaster, deceased. Letters ofadiiiistiiitieii en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, ull persons in debted thereto arc requested te make liumii diale settlement, anil these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay ler settlement te the under signed, residing In said city. JOHN K. SCIIUM, CHAULKS HOLTZWAKTH, M. Ilnesius, Administrators. J. 1!. Goen, Att'ys. jy21-Ctdeaw INSTATE OF .JACOB STOTT, LATE OF J Lancaster city, deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te pass en excep tions Hied te the account and te distribute the balance remaining te the hands of William W. oien, auminisintier et said estate, te and same, will AUGUST nrv ICoem citv of Tjmreister where all persons interested In said distribu tion may attend. 11. C. BKUUAKEK, angKMtdeaw Auditor. PROPOSALS FOIl COAL. Proposals will be received by the Direc tors of the Peer of Iincaster county for the furnishing of about 1.000 tens et Ceal, mere or less, as lollews : Black Diamond (or coal of like quality) Egg and Broken. Enterprise Egg and Broken. Lykcus Valley Steve, about 25 tens, Ceal will be hauled by the Almshouse teams. Bids te be sealed and endorsed " Proposals for Ceal." and directed te D. B. Landis. Presi dent. Bidders arc invited te be present when the bids are opened, which will be en Saturday morning at 10J o'clock, August 21, 1880, at the New Almshouse. D. B. LAND13, President. B. F. Cox, Clerk. au9-2td AE. McCANN, AUCTIONEER OF BEAL Estate and Personal Property. Orders left at Ne. 35 Charlette street, or at the Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 46 North Queen street, will receive prompt attention. Bills made eutand ttended te wl thout.addltlenal cost. e2My Warner s Safe awning iimi-c legany emiiieu te tne s sit ter that purpose en TUESDAY, 31, 1S80, at lu o'clock a m., in the Libn of the Court Heuse, in the HEW GOODS FOR THE SPITO TRADE, AT GUNDAKBRS. LADLES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Rufflings, Cotten Trimmings, Rucbings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Bilka, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c., call at GUNDAKER'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cuffs, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c, call and examine our stock, at 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. J. O. HAUGHTOTS LIVEKT, SALE & EXCHANGE STABLE, Ne. 112 Seuth Queen Street, in the Bear of Erisman's Hetel. Where gentlemen will And at all times Geed Safe Horses and First-class "Wagons stantly en hand for sale, new and second-hand. New Wagons, Buggies and Carriages Made te Order, And all kind of Repairing dene at short notice, in the best style and at the Very Lewest Prices by HARRY HAUGHTON, Shep in the rear of the Stable. Alse Horses and Mules constantly bought, sold and exchanged. STABLE 112 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, WE CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO JOB LOTS IN PERCALES JLNT LAWNS, Which wc are offering at prices that must close them out. Please call and examine them. New Fall Styles in Dress Ginghams, Pcrcales and Prints just opened. White, Red and Grey Weel Flannels at Bettem Pricc.i. Bleached and Unbleached Cotten Flannels, At Bettem Prices. Sheeting and daily. IST Please give us a call. GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. HOVtiE EUliNISUINU GOODS. mm & BREKEMAI. 100 Gress Emit Jars, neught before the advance and ler sale at $1.20 PER DOZEN. Great llargalns In TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, AT Flinu & Breneman's 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. FA. MEDICAL. Brandy as a Medicine. The tollewing article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. E. Slaymakcr, Agent for Keigart's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et this county, who has extensively used the Brandy referred te In Ida regular practice. It Is commended te the attention of these af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, but te be used as a medicine of great potency In the cure of some, of the destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousands of victims. With a purely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the favorable notice et invalids espe cially these aOUctcd with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, which Is nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, with leeble appetite ami mere or less debility, will find this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy or all their Ills and aches. Be it, however strictly understood that we prescribe and use but one article, and that is REIGARFS OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising young trlcnd, H K SLAYMAKEK. This Brandy has steed the test for years, and lias never failed, as fur as our experience extends, and we therefore give It the preference ever all ether Brandies, no matter with hew manyjaw-brcaking French titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that Is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia specifics weufil suffice te buy all the Brandy te cure any such case or eases. In proof of the curative powers et Reigart's Old Brandy, In cases et Dyspepsia, we can summon mini bcrs of witnesses one case in particular we cite: A hard-working fanner hed been aullctcd wiiii un exuuusuvu jjyspepsia ier a numeer ei years; ins stemucu weuiu reject almost ever' kind of feed; he hed sour eructatiens con stantly ue appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict his met te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage he used McG rami's ltoet Beer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new, S reached at times, and in his discourses often eclaimed earnestly agalnstall kinds or strong drink. When advised te try Belgart's Old Brandy, In his case, be looked up with astonishment, but after hearing or its wonderful effects in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he at last consented te fellow our advice. He used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the first bottle giving mm an appetite, anil before the second was taken he was a sound inan.wlth a stomach capable of digesting anything which he chose te cat. He still keeps It and uses a 1 it tic occasionally; and since he has tlds medi cine he has been of very little pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A Pbactisime Physician. H. . SLAYMAKEK. AOXXT FOB Reigart's Old Wine Stere, Established In 178S, IMrOBTXB AXD DBALXR IN FINE OLD BRANDIES, SHEKHIKS, SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported In 1818, 1827 and 1828.) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER, BROWN STOUT. Ne. SO EAST KING ST.. LANCASTER. PA TSXbter notice. j Netice is hereby given that application will be mode te the Court or Common Pleas or Lancaster county, en MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m., for a charter te Incor porate "Saint Jeseph's Hospital." Tbc object et this Institution into provide for the com fort and minister te the wants et the sick, the aged and infirm. SAMUEL H. REYNOLDS, i Jy31-3td Solicitor. I 'RY LOCHKK'S Renowned cough SYRUP EMBROIDERIES, JtC. XEirZirEIil' STADLE. DKT GOODS. Shirting Muslins ;it Lewest Prices. Caspcts EYVVJISIONS. DAILY EXCURSIONS ri'.OM PHILADELPHIA CAPE MAY. The r.uneun mammoth tlnce-deck Steamer Ci REPUBLIC Leaves Knee Street Wharl at 7K:s. 111., arriving at Cape May about iy, p. 111. lCeturnlng. leaves Cape May at Si o'clock p. 111., giviiigample time . for batldntr or a drive en the bench. A full ' I truss Hand and Orchestra Mimic for dancing. , rarier r:niertaiuineiiis varieii tveeKly. Lunch eons aud ltcfreshmeutH in abundance. Din ners and suppers provided. Ovpturs and Kish served for supper a lew moments alter taken from the water. Fare for the Hound Trip 1.00. SUNDAYS Will leave Kacc Street Wharl at , a. m. I'.S. Aliiead Gauge. Steam U. K. will con vcy passengers te Cape Island in S minute-:. Tickets for sale al CHAS. R. HATCH'S, cSS-Smd&w CBXTUKStjUAKK. MISCELLAXEO US. COURT li;OCLAaiATIO. Whkukas, The Honorable JOIIX 15. LIV INGSTON, President, and Honorable DAVID Court of Common rieas,in and for the county of iiucu'.Ler, uuii jssisiaui.Jiislicesei iiieueuris of Oyer and Terminer and Cenend .lail De liver' and Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and ler the county of Lancaster, have issued their precept, te me directed, requiring me, among ether things, te make public proclama tion throughout mv bailiwick, that a Court et Oyer and Terminer and a General Jail Deliv ery, nNe a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence In the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en the THIUD MONDAY IN AUGUST (10), 1SS0. In pursuance of which precept public notice is hereby given te the Mayer and Aldermen et the city of Lancaster, in the said county, and all the J list ices of the Peace, the Corener and Constables, of the said city and county ot'Lan et'Lan caster, that they Ik: then and there in their own proper persons, with their rolls, records and examinatiens,aiul iiuiuisitiens.uml theirether remembrances, te de the-e things which te their elliccsappertain in thcirbchalftobcdenc; and also all these who will prosecute against the prisoners who arc, or then shall be, in the jail of said county of Lancaster, are te be then and there te prosecute against them as shall be just. Dated at Lancaster the 21 day or July, 1830. JACOI5 S. STIIINE, Shciill. Jy3t-3tdeaw&:itw CITY PLAN. The following changes in the southeastern and southwestern sections of Lancaster city are made, as diiccted bv court, and may be BCen In the office of the Clerk of Quarter hes- -i "" 1. Hasrer street, east of Oiicen street, moved southward, its width increased temicct, ex tends eastward, cutting oil" a small corner et" Woodward Hill cemetery; thence bending northward along fence; thence te Seuth. street. 2. Sey-" et east of Queen, Yerk street, north c.- .-;.- et Hagcr street and adjacent alley, n 1 . i. 3. Wltun t .-euth Christian street, from Church street te Middle street, is cliun-red te 14 feet. 4. Seuth Duke street, at southeast corner or King, narretted 18 Inches te conform te pres ent width. 5. Plum street extended southward te Jehn street or width er.r!i feet, and Jehn sired, from King street te Plum street, narrowed te 20fect, as atprcsent. 0. Woodward street widened te 40 rect, as new laid out. 7. Beaver street, at southwest corner or Con Cen Con cstega street, narrowed one feet, making it as at present. 8. High street continued te Millliu alley, and thence te Mulberry street; Militia alley wid ened en north side te the width or High street. 9. Water street continued southward rrem German street te the line et old Water street, iiciicciiii m me west. 10. Hager street, west ward from Queen street, te the bend near Leve Lane, narrowed te XI lect. 11. Alley west or Prince street, from Andrew street te Furnace street, narrowed te 14 feet, and runs parallel te and 150 feet west or Prince street. 12. Pearl street, from Columbia avenue te Maner .st rect, widened 80 lcet, anil east line thereof moved eastward along Columbia ave nue, 102 feet i incites. The street, as changed, starts at Columbia avenue, directly opposite College avcnue,aml continues parallel te Pearl street, as laid out en original nlan. 13. The alley between Columbia avenue and First street moved southward 40 feet, between. Pearl street and West End avenue. These changes, as made, will be adopted, un less exceptions arc filed en or before the thlriL Monday in August next. By order of the Court. Attest : GEO. W. EABY, Deputy Clerk Quarter Session!;, jyl-eawdtaugiu mUY LOCUEK'S J. 8YBUP. KEKOWNED COUGH Alse all styles of Wagons con- and Oil Cleths in New Styles opening MISVELZAJfEOVS. TVTOT1CK TO FA1UIKKS AMU STUCK 1 UAISEKS. Herse ami Cattle l'ewdcr, the host In the market. Sold by weight; '.Be. a pound; 5 pounds for 1. Fer Herace, Cattle, r trine, 1'eiiltry, &c. Give it a trial and you will um no ether therealtcr. Sold only by ANDREW G. FRE5T , Dealer In Drnjis, Medicines, Spices, Sul;hur Caustic Seda, Seda Ash, &c. Cor. N. Queen and Orange Streets, nlO-yd Lancaster, l'n. G" RINQWAIiT'S Fer Vest Old Rye Whiskies, ! Ilest Syrnp, made out of Sugar, Ilest Cedec and Sugar in town, llest Alcohol, IScst JSItters. All at Ne. 205 WEST KING STREET. 105 LADIKS AMU UKNTS It you want a 105 GOOD FITTING BOOT OR SHOE, lleady-made or made te order, call at F. HLBMENZ'S, Xe. 105 Xertli Queen Street. Cu-,tem Werk a Specialty. ie'jr.S&Wtld THE LANCASTER has iKjen enlarged te a DOUBLE SHEET, Of Eight Columns te the Page, mak ing it nearly Deuble its For Fer mer Size, and the Largest Newspaper in the State. JTN StTUSCltlPTIOJT PRICE REMAINS THE. SAME. $2.00 A YEAR, A L WA YS IN AD VANCE. THE INTELLIGENCER, IS ONE OF THE LEADING DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPERS OF THE COUNTRY- It will contain a prompt report of everything or political and general interest, and its large size will eiialile it te give all interesting matter In full. Tile following terms nre offered for subscrlp tiens, CASH IN ADVANCE, from this date until after the election. Single Copy Ten Copies Twcntj-uvc Copies, Postellice 45 els 30 els. each. te one 25 els. (t SINGLE SHEET. Wcnlse publish a single sheet paiier, Just halt the size or the regular edition, filled with gen eral and political news, but emitting the local Int'illigciiceef lhc;ceuiny. atHl.25 a year, al ways in advance. This edition will le Issued Fer the CamMn at Very Lew Rates. It will contain full reports of the political situation in the wneiu country; speeches and letters et value, reports ei meetings, cuiienai comments, and a complete abstract of the news et the day, together with miscellaneous matter et genera! interest. It will be a live sheet, leading an aggressive campaign for the Democratic tickets. Following are the low rates for clubs U.NT1L AirTKltTIIE ELECTION. ynct'epy Ten Copies Twcutf-flre Copies, I'ostefilce YEAULY One cenv. ...... .uOcts 25c(s. each. te one 20cts. " KATES. 1.25 j Five copies,, V O.ilU 10.00 Ten " Address with remittance te hire, tralv Ictellipcer STELNMAN & HENSEL, LANCASTER, FA TMAVELEMS' GVIDE, LANCASTER AStD 91 ILLEKSVILLK R. K Cars run as fellows : Leave LancaUcr (P.K. Depot), at 7, 9. aud 11:30 a. inland 2, 4, 6 and &30 p. m., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at e-M p. m. Leave Millersvllle (lower end) at 5, 8, and a. If., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. ni. Cars run daily en abeTe time except en Sun day. CIOLTCKBIA AUD FUST DEPOSIT K. K J Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Kallrend en the following time: Stations Xeirru- Express. Express. r Aceen.. ward. a.m. r. x. r.n. Pert Deposit- &35 SJ0 2:00 Peachbottem. t-x 4:24 3:18 Fife's Eddy. 7.-J5 4SS 3:3U McCaU's Ferry.... 7:37 4:45 4:00 Shcnk's Ferry. 7:54 51 4:34 Safe Harber. 7:59 8:08 8: Columbia... 8:30 35 6.20 Statieks South ward. Express. Express. Accem. A.X. A.X. p.ji. Columbia.... Safe Harber.. 10-ja 11:21 11:28 11:41 P.M. YHSl 12:45 r,s C:U 6:54 7:0U 7:20 P.Jf. 7:50 AtftOC LeO-.iO !h5H 10rr llMi; 11.07 r. m. 12S& Shcnk's Ferry... McCaU's Ferry.. Fite's Eddy. Pcacbbottem., Pert Deposit. S:.iT RKADIN'UAND COLUMBIA KAILKOAD On and after MONDAY, MAY. 10th, 1, fiasscngcr trains will run en this read as tol tel tol ews: TRAINS tiOINO SOCTU. A.M. A.V. r.x. 7:30 11:55 I!:I0 P If. 81 lirJI :!.' 8:18 12:10 7:l 8:21 12:45 7:S 8:43 1:02 7:25 !):02 1:13 7:3t 9:05 1:40 7:15 9:16 1:30 7:50 9:40 2.05 8:20 9ri7 2:02 8:lW 9:33 2:05 8:10 9:45 .... 8:20 9:58 .... 84 10:05 .... 8:42 10:09 .... 8:47 10:17 .... 8:55 10:23 .... 9:01 10:31 .... 9:12 10:42 .... 9:19 10-.50 .... 9rr Heading, Kclnheld?, Kphrata, .i K ill II I 1 1 f Manhclui, Lancaster Junction,.. Landisville, Columbia, Dillerville, Lancaster,. King Street, Ilarnish, West Willow, Ilaunigardner, Pen ilea, , New Providence, , Hess Quarryvllle, Traiss Uoime Neirru. Quarryvllle, New Providence, Pcquca, Baunigardner, :. A. M. 7:50 7:58 8:13 Sr27 8:35 8:83 8:49 0:1X1 9rJ 'J-.VM tvest Miuew, Haraish.. King Street, Lancaster, Dillerville, Columbia, Landisville, Lancaster Junction,.. Maiiueiui, Litlz, Akren, Ephrata,.... .... Kelnhehlsville, Heading, from Philadelphia, Pottsville, Harrlsbiirg, Al Al lentewn ami New Yerk. At-Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Uetlysburg, Frederick and Halt Imore. A. BI. WILSON, Supt. I PENNSYLVANIA BAILKOAW NEW . SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAi MAY 23d, 1880, trains 011 the Pennsylvania itallread will arrive and Icave the l-anex-tler and PhiUuiclphia depots ns follews: Eastward. a. u. v. v. r. x. C:45 .... 2.3.1 62 .... 2.41 6:59 .... 2:48 7:11 .... 239 7:18 3:05 7:26 .... 3:13 72 .... 3:18 7:11 .... 3:26 7:55 3:10 8:05 1:00 3:.V) 8:08 l:l 3:53 7:55 1:115 3:40 8:30 1:: 4.01 8:30 1:25 4:15 8:49 1:48 4:20 90 20 4:30 9:16 2:18 4:47 9r23 235 4:53 9:42 2.16 5:1 1 105 3:20 5:50 Arrive Philad'a 4:15 a.m. 7:40 " llfciJ"" 121 V 3:15"" 5:00 " 5:30 " 6:15 " 9SW " Philadelphia Express r ast i.iue,.. .......... ........ YorkAccem. Arrives; llarrisburg Express, Dillerville Accem. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Pacific Express, Sunday Mail, Johnstown Express, Day Express, llarrisburg Accommedul'n, Westward. Leave Lunc'tcr 2:10 a.m. 5:20 " 7:30 " 8:05 " 8:45 " 9:10 " 1:1)5 " 1:10 p.m. 20 " 3:05 " 4:45 " 6:25 " Arrive Lanc'trr .V.OIIA.M. In:10 " 11:15 " 115 I015 " 2:10 i-.m. 2:15 ' 22HI " 5:45 7SX' " 7:30 " 8:50 " 11.30 " 2. Ill A M. Wuv Passenger. Mail Train Ne.l.via Mt..ley, Mail Train Ne. 2, via Cel'bia, Niagara A Chicago Express sunuay Man, rast ijlne,. .. ....... Frederick Accommodation, Dillerville Lncal.via M t.Jey llarrisburg Accomiiiedal'u, Columbia Accommodation, llarrisburg Express, Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express, Piicitic Express Pacific Express, east, en Sunday, when Hag fed, will step at Aliddletewn, Elfzabethtetvii, It. Jey, Landisville, lilrd-ln-lland, Lcmau Place, Gap; Christiana, Parkcsburg, Coate. ville, Oakland anil Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when Ihigged. will step at Downingtown, Ceutesvillr, I'arke-,-btirg.Mt.Joy.EIIzabcthtewnniidMidilIctowu. Slail Xe. 2 wet cenucctlngat Lancaster with mail Ne, 1 at 10:55 a. m and with Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:05 and will run through te Hanover and will connect at Columbia with train through te llarrisburg via Marietta, Frederick Accommodation, west, connects 11 1 Lancaster, with Fast Line, we-it, at 2: in r. m.. and will run through te Frederick. T OCAL MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. HOURS FClt CLOSING THE MAILS. IIY ItAILUOAD. Nmw Yerk THReunu mail 7:30 a m, 1230 p m, 4:15 p m and 11:30 p 111. Way Mail, cast, 730 a in. Goude.tvii.le, Downingtown, l-:imaii Place, Gap 6 p m. Pauadisk and S.iudur.sburg via Leamait Place, 7:30 a. 111. PlilLADBLruiA through mall, 7.30 and 8:15 a 111., 12:30, 4:15 and 1130 j m. Pittsburgh and west, 130 and 1130 p in. IlARRisBCRO Mail, 1030, a m, 130, 5: 15 and ll.:; pm. Wat BIail, west, 1030 a m. IlALTIMOKB AMD WASHINGTON, fill Plliladid piila, 4:15 p m. Baltimore and Wasiiinoten, via Yerk, :" p m. IIaltixeuxand Washinhten, via llarrisburg. 11:30 p in. Ceatxsvillk, 4:15 p in. Columbia, 103:am, 130 and 5:15 p in. Yerk and Yerk way, 130 and 1130 p in. Northern Central, 1030 am, 130 am I ll::m p m. Kkadine. via Reading and Columbia It It, 7:3-) a m and 12:30 n in. Uiadime, via llarrisburg, 5:15 aud 1130 pin. Ukadine way. via .1 unction, Lititz, Maiihelm, East Hempflehi and Ephrata, 3 p m. ypART.TviLLE, Cuiiiarge, Iteften, New Prevl deuce. West Willow, Lime Valley, Martins ville.Smithville, Hack, Chestnut Lcvcl.Urccnc, Peters Creek, Pleasant Greve, Keck Springs. Oak weed and IJewIaiulsville, Mil., 9:15a 111, ami 50 p m. Nkw Helland, Churchtown, Urcenbank Blue Ball, Goeilville, Beartewii, by way el Downingtown, at 730 a m and K p in. Safe Harder, via Columbia, 1030 a in. Willow Strket via West Willow, at 9:15 11. m. UY STAGE Slillersville and Slacktvater. t.. Safe Harber, daily, at 4:00 p 111. Te Millers ville, Sand 1130 a in, and 4 n 111 Binkley's Bridge, Leacock, Bureville, Ne.v Helland, 230 p in. Landis Valley, Oregon, West Earl. Farmer. ville, Hinkletown, Terre Hill, Martiudate. (hilly, at 230 pm. Greenland, Fertility, Lampeter and Wheat land Mills, te S trash u rg, daily, at 4 p 111. Nefisville, dally, at 4 p m. New Danville. Concstega, Marticville, C0I1 -manville. Mount Nebe.Itawlins ville. Bellies. ia and Liberty Square, ilally. at 230 p 111. WHEN OPEN FOR DELIVERY. ARRIVING BY RAIL. Eastern mail, 7 a u. 10-JW a m, 3 and 630 p m. Eastern way mail, 1130 a m. Western mall, 7 and 10a 111, 2and 630 p 111. Reading, via Reading and Columbia, 2-:tu p m. Western way mall, 830 a m. Reading way mail, 10-30 a 111. Quarryvllle Branch, 8:15a m and 4 p in. ARRIVING BY STAGE. Frem Sate llarl.fr and Mlllersville, at 9 a in, daily. Frem Mlllersville, 7 and 9 a 111, and 4 p 111. Frem New Helland, at 930 a in, daily. Reading way mail, at 1030 a 111, dally. Frem Strasbunr. at 930 a in. dall v. Frem Nefisville. at 1 p m, daily. Frem Rawlinsville, at II am. DELIVERIES BY CARRIERS. There arc four mail deliveries by letter car riers eacli day, and en their return triM they take np the mail matter deposited in the letter boxes. Fer the first delivery the carriers leave the office at 0:30 am: second delivery at 10 a in; third delivery at 11 a n ; fourth delivery ut 3 p in. SUNDAY POSTOFFICE HOURS. On Sunday the postefllce Is open from Aprl 1 te October 1, from 8 te 9 am. am I from 6 te 7 a m ; from October 1 teApril Urem 9 te 10 a in , and from 6 te 7 d hi- BOOTS AND SHOES. EASY BOOTS. SHOES AND LASTS made en a new principle, insur ing coinien. ier ine ieet. "DWYFO I-asts made te order. Jmjl& MILLER, febM-tfd US.KutKiaz street. Leave Philad'a 1230 A.M. 8:00 9-.ti"' 80 ' 11:50 " 230 r.M. 4:00 " 5:30 " 6:25 " 9:10 " 11:55 " 5:2(1 W.M 5:52 6:0.S 6:(r.l C:17 6:it; 6:.'Kl 6:51 7:'0 S r I RJY