- -v v - ' -"" -TCS?" Wsi,' --.," 5k.-.,' .-"ta-ijr5- iJLf ".-' .-'-:i--' , v '. ." ':;--" - - . -. ..' V -!u-- . 3 rv ;;--,. ,,. . 1. r V iancasESKSwecT k .till ii ,t.if; wia).jpAT.ByJJ3Mp.,p;aH.-iWg, Gcrmnntewh TclegrapH. This caption miehttsdthfeaiMl propriety be '?& rpads,! ifefiw4.teve ?&&' just as mucnjumira, wiu.uu jawpXW: pose out. But what we are going te say en tKS:ttfte,subjettv'itt)ugh aU'the'isaine' tiina ever 'fresh i-ftnnt'eFdts'imPOr tancc. is te refer azain te the cemtbrntiar t cushion whicJVitrleadfrto-aH-e-ei' the wen' t try. Wc scarcely Open '-Al paper, hew ever far or near, in whiclrcemplaint is net made about tlMybaMWenditJOHriti-wWch the reads are kept, 'and -the" abaplute'ttecesBity i of Repairing thcjnMXUa'J4urBclves, -our cenr temporaries are very nearly, u net quite unanimous -in 'denouncing tne system if system it can be called and rooom reoom roeom mending something better something that will insnre te every ene who' uses them 'safety and expedition. The merely throwing out of dirt dug or plowed at the sides and threwu into the middle, includ ing everything coming in the way brush, sods, stones, roots aud rubbish in general, without any regard te where it is put, and left there te be worn down into some order by the travel itself is net repairing at all; it is simply making bad worse. Our contemporaries refer bitterly in sonic instances te the utter recklessness with which the work is done. They say truly that there is no system ob served. There are no gutters made that d the water will naturally find. They arc p net straight, and from the extreme lines inclined thence te the middle, but zigzag ging te suit the stones, stumps, roots, &c., and arc only "deep scratches," as ene of them remarks. A gutter should be as straight as the line of the read, and should be made deep enough te carry oft all the water in the heaviest rains. In declivities the read-bed should sharply incline from the centre te the gutters, draining oft' the water directly into them, and net forcing it down the read-bed, washing gulches and carrying away all the .soil upon it. It should be the social duty of supervi sors te go upon the reads with a force of men immediately after heavy showers and repair them. They knew all the points where the reads are likely te wash and re pairing is needed ; and they knowerought te knew what kind of repairing will stand the best. T here are parts which are nearly always soft and where it is useless te threw upon it metre soft dirt. These jieints should 1m3 stoned suflicicntly heavily te bear any weight, and should keep in geed order for years without additional expense. At sharp hills surface-drainage should be made at short intervals and at an angle, in order that the draught may net be tee severely increased upon the beasts. Tims, once and ahvavs well done such points would but seldom require repairing and could be always kept in geed condition at a very moderate expense net one-half that 4 which it would otherwise cost, in the wretched state in which they are allowed te remain from year te year. It is net probable however, that much of a change will take place in the general con dition of country reads until there shall be a change in the force put upon them te de the work. These empleyes should net be composed of Tem. Dick and Harry young and old, big and little but hands who should be regarded as read-makers, and be always ready at the call of the super visor. They may cost mere wages per day, but they will de nearly twice the amount of work, and de it as it ought te be done. When started en the improved system a plow would be seldom needed, read-scrapers or machines being sufficient there being no obstructions in the way te keep the read in jxsrfcct order. As we have often said already, though wc hope we shall net often be impelled te repeat it in the future, there is no money in the shape of tax that people should be se willing and liberal te pay than that which shall go te provide geed reads at all seasons of the year. It will save four times the amount in wear and tear, less of time, escapes from accidents and the strain ing of horses, wagons, harness, &c. Leepold Spicdcl,201 Shuin way street, Kuflaln, X. V., says lie has iis.-d Ir. Themas Eclectric Oil In his family lorceughsandcol.N, anil that it i t lie best thing lie ever knew. Fer wile by II. IS. Cochran, druggist, 1X7 ami 139 Xerth Queen street Lancaster, l'a. 27 Ne Geed Preaching. Ne man ean de a geed job of work, preaeh a geed trillion, try a lawsuit well, doctor a pa tient, or write a geed article when he feels mi-erableand dull, with Muggish brain and unsteady nervi-, and none Mienld niiike the at teiii). tin Mich :i condition when it can he M) easily ami cheaply removed by a little Hep Hitters. S-e ether column. au2-'Jwd&w Uelore and After. New :i-daj- when a couple et toelsnrcciigagcdi "i'is sickening te see hew they spoon. They think brothers or sisters arc all in their v. av. Until alter the Henev moon. Then when married litucniues with lis troubles mid cares; Their spooning it very seen dmp, Their liilllug is done liy the doctors and nurse And then cooing Willi broom-sticks and mop. Contusions and liruiscvvillseinetlincsnppear Their beautiful features te spoil. Their enlv relict in such cases as these. Is Dr. Themas' Eclcctric Oil. Fer Kile bv II. 15. Cochran, druggist, 137 and l.T.i North Queen .street. Lancaster, l'a. J jievsi: j-'trjixjsiuxa v.oeits. PLINN & BRBNEMAN. 100 Gress Fruit Jars, Iteught before the advance and ler sale nl $1.20 PER DOZEN. Great Kaigainsin TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, AT Fline l BreneMQ's 152 North Queen Street, LANUASTEU. PA. rVJtfflTUJlE. HBINITSH, FIN3S FURNITURE Asn Cabinet Manufacturer. All in want of Fine or Fancy Cabinet Werk would de well te call and examine specimens et our work. OFFICE FLKiMTUKE A SPECIALTY. ". HEINITSH, r,yt Kant King Strrrt. XBmeVAiJt. DK. S.'B. rOKKMAW, , r(PUyaiClANAND.SUttOEON), UemoTcd'lrem Ne. 18 Seuth Prince ntrect te Ne. 2U West KinR street, Lancaster, Pa. iBSt-Said sss jeiTfgf a am llnfMW! Wm&tim Itaneaster Bazaar That acta directly ontteeKtdncys, Bladder and Urinary Organs, by absorbing all humors, giving It wonderful power te euro PAIS i THE TIACK, Side and -terns,- Inflammation mnd BrJgbt's Disease. e .the Jxi'lneys, Gravel, Dropsy IMlOeratei UllfeeJlTladdcr In 'ability rle Retain or Expel the Urine, High Cel- Slireads or Casta in the Urine, Nervous and Physical Debility, find .4 n tact any disease of these great organs. " ' It avoids entirely ttie troubles and dangers Of tattngnausoeuH and poisonous medicines. It is comiertauic, saie, pieasum -mi ikih; its (effects, yet powerful in its action. It can be worn at all seasons, in any climate and is equally geed for MAN, WOMAN OK CHILD. Ask your druggist for it and accept no imi tation or substitute, or send te us and receive it by return mall. Regular Pad, r2; Special Pad, for Chronic, dcep-seatcd, or cases of long standing, $; Children's Pad, prevention and cure of sum mer complaint, weak kidneys and lied wet ting, $1.00. Day Kidney Pad Company, TOLEDO, OHIO. augt-lydcetlM W&F&w DR. GREENE Is exceedingly happy te announce te his nu merous friends that his witc und self have safely returned from nearly a seven weeks tourtlireughaportionofnine&tatcs.rldingand sailing nearly 3,000 miles. Dr. Greene is new ready te help all sick persons te regain their health. His attendant says In one week et his absence 107 patients called te see him at his offices. The following appeared in the Col umbia CeuratU of June 17, 1880: FROM THE BRINK OF THE GRAVE. As nearly everybody in Columbia knows Harry Leng has net for two years past been ex pected te live from one week te -.the ether, nearly all of which time lie has been in bed or prepped up in an ami chair. During this time he lias taken medicine- enough te kill a dozen people pounds et pills and powders and barrels et liquids, Mr. Win. Paxson, and ethers who had been looking after the wants of M r. Leng, pre vailed upon him te try Dr. C. A. Greene, of Lancaster, and 1 am pleased te say the eileet of Dr. Greene's treatment Is magical. The sick man is new nlmest llke ene raised lrem the Krave. lie is new out visiung i ricuus, aim a few days nge was in Lancaster city congratulations te Dr. Grcenolnper. Grcenelnper. well!! Wonders never cease. te otter .mi. Well! s. s. DR. O. A. GREENE, jy.TC-ttdMWF Ne. 230 Xerth Queen St wet. HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED Defensive Medication Is a precaution which should never be neg lect ed when danger is present, and therelerea course et the Bitters at this .season is particu larly desirable, especially for the leeble and sickly. As a remedy ler biliousness, dyspep sia, nervousness, and bowel complaint, then is nothing comparable te this wholcemc res torative. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gener ally. nu2-lydced&lyw HOSTETTEK'S BITTEK'S FOU SALE AT Lecher's Drug Stere. S East King street. NK1 KVINK, OB TONIC SPECIF1CA. A BOON TO BOTH SEXES. A KEMEDV WITHOUT A KIVAL for all diseases arising lrem Nervous Debility, Sexual Disorders, ever Indulgence of Vicious Habits, as well its from the prostration et old age. Its curative properties in violent and chronic forms of the following diseases have been at tested te bv the most Eminent Physicians : Dyspepsia, ScU Abuse, Headache. Dizziness Sexual Exhaustion, Spermatorrheea, ticncml Debility, lnipetency, Premature Decay, &c It lias been in nsc for ever lerty years, and Is te-day the most popular remedy for the dis eases above mentioned in the WOULD. It can be used without regard te diet, is pleasant in taste, and better than all, it is a mhv, sate and certain cure. It is no quack medicine, but stauds upon its own merits, as any trial wil amply demonstrate. Since 1S:W. this remedy has always been sold Ter a ranch larger price than that for which it is new sold; but owing te the act that the time ler the payment ei an enormous royalty upon Its manufacture has expired, it is ettered te the sullering et both sexes at one dollar per package, se as te be within the reach of all; at which price it will be sent te any address free et further charge. Address DR. WILLIAM YOUNCr, 4C Spruce Street, Philadelphia. May be consulted en all diseases by mail. jS-4;ind&w HOP BIT ERS hop KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP IUT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP BITTERS. (A Medicine, net a Di ink,) COSTA1S HOI'S, KUCIIU, MANDRAKE, DANDELION, and the purest nnd bet niedieil IIOl qualities et all ether Bitters. BJl They Cure All Diseases et the ERS Stomach, Bowels, Bleed, Liver, Kidneys nnd Urinary Organs , HOI Nervousness, Sleeplessness ami lf A especially Female Complaints. ERS $1,000 IN GOL HOP KIT will be paid ler any case they will ERS net cure or help, or ler anything impure or injurious found in HOP them. Askyenr druggist for Hep KIT Kittens, ami try them before you ERS sleep. Take no ether. IIeji Ceugli CureisthCBWectesLsafcstand best. HOP Ask Children. The Hep Pad for KIT Stomach, Liver and Kidneys Is sn- ERS pcrier te all ethers. Ask Druggists. 1. I. C. is an absolutely and irre- HOP sistiblc cure for Drunkenness, nse KIT no opium, tobacco and narcotics. E RS senu xer circular, jiiiuuevumihi bv DracrcrtRts. HOP HOP BITTE RS M FG. CO., aO-lyced&w Rochester, N. i KIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP KIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS EOUXDEBSAXD MACHINISTS. T ANCASTEK BOILER 1L-N1IFACT0RY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, OFTOSm 1H LOCO OT1V- WeB8. The subscriber continues te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes ; Furnace Twiers, Bellows Pipes, Sheet-Iren Werk, and Blacksmlthlng generally. 4V Jobbing promptly attended te. ST01AGH n3 au18-lydl JOHN BK1 BST. fiiifeMM:Mit$SEtuaBNC!t, Wednebday -tfctusr n. isse. A&TRICHBBO'B ABVERTaXMEXT. OSTRICH BRO.'S 13 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. NOTHING can be mere fixed than enr determination net only temerit,but absolutely forccacontinu ferccacontinu forccacentinu ancc et the patronage se liberally bestowed en us, by making still FURTHER REDUCTIONS in our already reduced prices. Wc de net eirer dead stock, or damaged or inferior goods, or articles unsnltcd for the season, that must be sold at any price, but en the contrary wc offer the ladies of Lancaster and vicinity the very things they most need, of the best quality, at prices hitherto unheard of. Bead what we say, come and see what we offer, and go without pur chasing if you can. We court investigation and defy competition. OUR LINE OF Ladies' Underwear surpasses any variety ever enercti uciore, ami all our Undergarments nivseld at prices never heard of before. Chemise at ... .............-...' c line Muslin Corded Hand lie Fine Muslin Embroidered 53c Three rows of Embroidery C9c Met Elaborately Embroidered Chemise at 7$e,92e, 99c, $1.14, $1.50 SKIRTS. Muslin Kiiilled Skirt Deep Flounced Skirt Embroidered Tucked Skirt Cambric Flounced Tucked Skirt An Elegant Embroidered Skirt Deuble Kew Embroidery. One row et Needlework Inserting Ilaiid.-eme idu Embroidery for.... Willi 2 rows of Inserting and Edging. Deuble row of Kieh Embroidery .......ulC 7Sc 03c use $1.44 ..... 1.73 and $1.V1 3.0! 3.44 PANTALETS. Tucked Tucked ami liee Edged.... ..)c .".3.c Tucked and Embroidered. .(Me Tucked and Trimmed with Torchon Lace and Inscrling. .TUc NIGHTGOWNS. jMiislm Nightgowns f7c Bullied Nightgowns Sic Tucked and Embroidered $1.) Tucked and Trimmed with 3 rows et In serting and Edging $1.(58 An Elegant Night Kebe Trimmed with Fine Needlework $-41 Still another series el bargains will be found in our PARASOL DEPARTMENT. We are closing cevr. out all our 1'arasels below COKSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS . ., . .,,. CORSETS corsets V even Corsets IWc corsets CORSETS CORSETS &ii-T 50 encSi,lcSteel.4flcCujKTs CORSETS cj.lftijinelj. c;,lA I .,. CORSETS corsets &ieMeeis,Mtic Lac- CORSETS CORSETS H1RS .50C CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS 100 IteilP CORSET.s CORSETS COKSETS FANS FAN'S Leur llamlled Fans... FANS Fine Loii" Handled... FAN'S The Sarah Remhard CORSETS 1. 00 COKSETS T COKSETS CORSETS CORSETS FANS 4c FANS 10c FANS Feather FANS FANS Fans.. ....25c FANS FAN'S Itiisian Leather Sliding Fiuih.14c FANS FANS Fatiuitza Fans 23c FANS FANS Straw Fans.. FANS ,. 10c FANS FANS EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS EDGINGS HAMRURG HAMKUKG IIAMKUItG IIAMUlTKG A Splendid Assort ment of WWS Hamburg Edgings IIA.ni.UKt. HAMKUKG HAMKUKG HAMBURG IIAMKURG IIAMltURG andlnsertiDgs.gJi KUU1AU9 Speeial Raifjains in EDGINGS Deep Embroideries. EDGINGS EDGINGS KKETONNE, LANGUEDOi: CLUNY, KRAKANT, TORCHON, A Complete LACES Line of LACKS LACES Black, French jl LACES KUSMA.N, VALENCIENNES, POINT D'A LENC X, ASO LACES LACES J'U1T 1'I-.S1'1JIT, MECHLIN, MALTESE. SpamsliLaces. JSkI IRISH Very Durable IRISH IRISH I RISK TRIMMINGS, IRISH IRISH at 15, J!, '22, 2T.e a piece. IRISH RIKKON'S TRIMMING TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS SASHES RIKKON'S Kihheiw iuSilkaudSatin SASHES RIKKON'S in Al.l. SHADES. SASHES RIKHON'S :. Ineli Sash Kiliheu at 27c SASHES lUKlSONSayard. SASHES i:iKKONS li Inch S:ish Ribbon at ::ic SASHES RIKKON'S a yard. SASHES RIKKON'S Clnclt Satin Sash Ribbon SASHES RIKKON'S at 75c a yarn. SASHES RIKKON'S SASHES FURNISHING Our Department of GOODS FURNISHING GOODS FURNISHING (WlpnWe. Flir- OODS furnishing uBMieiiieii b Ul- i;uODS furnishing ni"hinn Rnndu "s furnishing nielllllg UOOttb GOODS FURNISHING GOODS FURNISHING will be found complete. GOODS FURNISHING UrcssShirtsinfulllinc. GOODS FURNISHING Gauze and Gossamer GOODS FURNISHING Underwear, Fancy and GOODS FURNISHING Plain Hosiery, Neck-GOODS FURNISHING wear. Cellars Cuffs, GOODS FURNISHING Suspenders, .1 ean GOODS FURNISHING Drawers. All at the GOODS FURNISHING Lewest Prices in the GOODS FURNISHING city. GOODS GAUZE UNDERWEAR GAUZE Ladles', Mis-.es' and UNDERWEAR GAUZE Children's Gauze Un- UNDERWEAR GAUZE derwear, all Sizes and UNDERWEAR GAUZE Qualities. Kalbriggan UNDERWEAR GAUZE and Cotten Hosiery. UNDERWEAR GAUZE Plain and fancy styles UNDERWEAR GAUZE in endless variety und UNDERWEAR GAUZE at remarkably low UNDERWEAR GAUZE prices. UNDERWEAR GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES In addition te this wc GLOVES GLOVES would slate that we arc de- G LOVES GLOVES lerniiued te sell every pair GLOVES (5 LOVES of GLOVES gloves rT r TTTHQ gloves GLOVES VTJjVJVI-O GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES G LOVES wc have in our store licfere GLOVES GLOVES Ibis season is ever. In or-GLOVES GLOVES der te de this we have GLOVES GLOVES marked them down te half GLOVES GLOVES their former price. GLOVES Ladies wishing te buy bargains will de well te call and ask ler the lollewing .styles: Fine Luce Tep Gloves at 30c n pair. Leng LaccTepRcnl Lisle 25c " Extra Leng Lisle (c " Fine English Lisle, Lace Tep, 2 Full Elastics 40c a pair. Our$l Lace Tep (arm length) Finest Lisle, 3 Full Elastics 50c a pair. Kest French Silk Lisle, Extra Leng, :SFull Elastics tca pair. A number of ether styles will be sold at equally low prices. LINEN WARE LINEN Ladles' Linen Chcnilscttcs..25c WARE LINEN Lace Chemisettes 25c WARE LINEN' Ladles' All Linen Cellars... 5c WARE LINEN Ladies'Embreidered Cellars 5c WARE LINEN Ladies' All Linen Cuffs from WARE LINEN 12c upwards. WARE LINEN WARE LACE LACE TIES, GOODS LACE LACE FICHUS, GOODS LACE LACE COLLARS, GOODS LACE LACE HANDKERCHIEFS. GOODS LACE Spanish Lnce Fichus In Cream GOODS LACE and Black, for 75c GOODS LACE GOODS 43Parclcular attention paid te orders from the surrounding cities. ASTRICH BRO.'S 13 EAST SING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. HEW GOODS HDL THE SPED? & TRADE, AT GUNDAKER'S. T.ATUTBPt for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Rufflings, Cotten Trimmings, Ruchings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c., call at GUNDAKER'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cuffs, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c., call and examine our stock, at GUNDAKER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. J. O. H-UGHTTON'S LIVEET, SALE & EXCHANGE STABLE, Ne. 112 Seuth Queen Street, in the Rear of Erisman's Hetel. Where gentlemen will find at all times Geed Safe Horses and First-class Wagons te hire. Alse all styles of Wagons con stantly en hand for sale, new anil second-hand. New Wagons, Buggies and Carriages Made te Order, And all kind of Repairing done at short notice, in the best style aud at the Very Lewest Trices by HARRY HAUGHTON, Alse Horses Shep in the rear of the Stable. BUY HOODS. B LACK SILKS! IlLACK SILKS! Wc call Stock of particular attention te our Large BLACK SILKS bought at Importer's Sales in New Yerk and Philadelphia, which we are offering at prices that defy competition. Alse, BLACK CASHMERES, In all Grades and Qualities. Our 50c. quality is the best ever sold ter the money. The attention of Hetel Keepers and ethers is called te a large let of SAMPLE TOWELS, which we arc closing at Lew Prices. lAIflUSTOCK'S, CHEAP DRY GOODS HOUSE, Next Doer te the Court Heumi. JOB LOTS WALL VERY LOf PRICES. In order te make room for our Large Fall Stock we are offering special inducements in prices, &c. WINDOW SHADES CARPETS. J. B. Martin & Ce. LANCASTER, PA. OIVT VIC A tVUfUS. AVTHOUIZED BY THIS COMJION weaUth of Ky., and the fairest in the world 23i Popular Monthly Drawing or THK COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Mntmuley's Theatre, in the City of Ixinls villc, en TUESDAY. AUGUST 31st, 1880. THESE DRAWINGS, AUTHORIZED KY THE LEGISLATURE AND SUSTAINED K ALL THE COURTS OF KENTUCKY, accord ing te a contract made with the owners of the Frankfort grant, will occur regularly en the LAST DAY OF EVERY MONTH. Sundays and Fridavs excepted, for the period et Fl fc Y EARS, terminating en JUNE 30. 18S5. The United States Circuit Court en March 31, rendered the following decisions : 1st Tliat the Commonwealth Distribution Company Is legal. 2d Its draw lnss are fair.. The management call attention te the liberal scheme which has met with such popular favor heretofore, and which will again be presented for the AUGUST DRAWING i pnzif x iin ze $ 30,000 . 10,000 . 5.000 . 10,000 . 10,000 . 10,000 . 10,000 . 1000 10 prizes $1,000 each ai prizes oeo cacn - loe prizes, $100 each .... 200 prizes 60 each - oue prizes 20 each - loeo prizes 10 each 10,000 2,700 v prizes 300 cacn, upproximauen pin7.es 9 prizes 200 each. 1,800 a prizes luueacn, 900 1,1)00 prizes.. ..........$112,400 Whole tickets, $2; half tickets, 1; 27 Uckels $50; 55 tickets, $100. Remit by Postefltcc Meney Order, Registered Letter, Kank Draft or Express. Te insure against mistakes and delay?, cor respondents will please write ti.. r names and places or residence plainly, giving- .'lumber of Postefflce box or Street, and Town.Ceunty aud State. All communications connected wilh the Pis trlbutien and Orders for Tickets shcnltl be ad dressed te K. M. MOAKDMAN, Cou-ler-Jeur-nal Knilding, LeulsvUle, Ky., or 3i)7 nnd S09 Vreadwuy. New Yerk. mSlTuVhS&w CHINA AND OLASSWAItE. -fUINA, ULASS ANDi UKENSVVAJtK. CHINA HALL. White and Decorated Stene China, Tc, Din ner and Chamber Sets, White, Jold Ran- and Fancy French China Tea anil Dinner Scfs, Glass Sets, Tumblers, Goblets, Fruit IJewb, Pitchers, c. Fruit Jars! Jelly Cups!! AT THE LOWEST PRICKS, AT HIGH & MARTIN'S, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. GROCERIES. w HOIE9E AND RETAIL. SEVAN'S FIOUR AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. dl7-lyd COUGH PAPEES rpRY LOCUES'S 1 SYRUP. BKHOWNXD EMBROIDERIES, AC. XE' LIVEltY STABLE. and Mules constantly bought, sold and exchanged. STABLE 112 SOUTH QUEEN. STREET, JUEDICAJj. Brandy as a Medicine. The following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. H. E. Slayinakcr, Agent for Reigart's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et tills county, who has extensively used the Krandy referred te In Ids regular practice. It Is commended te the attention of these af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, but te be ucd as a medicine of great potency in the cure of some of the destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousands of victims. with iLnuri-lv nlitlaiithrnnic motive vu pre sent te the favorable notice el invalids espe cially these afflicted with that miserable dls ease Dvsnensla. a snccllic remedy, which I- Is nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, with leeble appetite and mere or less debility, will lind this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy or all their ills and aches. Re it, however strictly understood that we prcscrlbe and use but one article, and that is REIGART'S Oil) BRANDY, Sold by enr enterprising young friend, 11 E SLAYMAlvER. This Krandy hits steed the test for years, and has never failed, as far as our experience extends, and we therefore Elvc it the preference ever all ether Krandics, no matter with hew nianyjaw-breaklngFrcncli titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various Impotent dyspepsia specifics wen Itl suffice te buy all the Krandy te euro any such case or cases. In proof of the curative powers et Reigart's Old Brandy, lu rases et Dyspepsia, we can summon mini hers of witnesses one case In particular wc A hard-working tanner had been afflicted with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ler a number el years: his stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; he had sour eructatiens con stantly ue appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and slale bread, and as a beverage he used McG rami's Loet Keer. He is n .Hciiieuisi, aim men, i !, preached at times, and In his discourses etten declaimed earnestly against all kimlser strong drink. When advised te try Reigart's Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with astonishment, but after hearing of its wenderlul effects In the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he at last consented te fellow our advice. Jle used the Krandy faithftilly and steadily: the first bottle giving him an appetite, ami before the second was taken he was a t-eund inan.wlt h a stomach capable of digesting anything which he chose te eat. Heslill keeps it ami u--.es a lit tle occasionally; and since he has this medi cine he has been of very little pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A Pkactisise Physician. II. E. SLAYjLAKEK, aeknt for Reigart's Old Wine Stere, Established in 178.", lMPOlrrKK AHO UCALER IN FINE OLD KUANDIES, SHERRIES, SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported In ISIS, 1827 anil 1828.) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY KRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER, KROWX STOUT. Ne. 20 EAST KING ST.. LANCASTER. PA LEUAL NOTICES. 4 SSIGNED KSTATK OP JMICIIAEL II- A SHIRK and wile, of East Cocalico town tewn shlp. The undersigned Auditors appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the bauds of Israel W. Mcntzcr and Daniel Nissley, ns-ci.-ii.ps for tins benellt of creditors, te and caster, where all persons interesiea :n sain distribution may attend. .,...., AND. M. FRANTZ, A. J. EKERLY, THOMAS J. DAVIS, jylS-ltdeaw Auditors. STATE OF PHILIP SCllUM, LATE !' the city of Lancaster, deceased. Letters ofadmistmtten en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debtcd thereto are requested te make inline diate settlement, und these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay ler settlement te the under under eifiifil n.iillii" iii said citv. ' e " r.irr f Cflltr-VT .I.FllL. r...imiu.'ii CHARLES HOLT.WARTH. M. Knesius, Ailinlnistniter-i. J. K. Goen, Att'ys. jj .Hltdeaw INSTATE OF JACU1I STOTT, LATE OP li Lancaster city, deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te pass en excep tions tiled te the account and te distribute the balance remaining te the hands of William . Stott, udmlnlstrater et bam csiaic, e . ... ..,; iiw.u,. liwrnlK-i-ntillccl te the same, will udmlnlstrater et bain esiaie, e ; g these legally entitled te the same, will "that purpose en TUESDAY, AU1.LSI O.nt le o'clock a. m.,in tlie Library Roem .41. .. lap- Sit for II IsSIl .'.i.'r'nrt iimiei. in thftfdlv of Lancaster. where all persons interested in said distribu tion may attend. II. C. KKUKAIvER, iiuglO-ltdeaw Auditor. A SSIGNED ESTATE OF ANDREW JOIIE and wile, et East Lampeter township. The undersigned Auditor, appointed te dis tribute the balance remaining in the hands of Calvin Coeiier, Assignee, te and among th e- legally entitled te the Kime will sit ler that purpose en THURSDAY, AUGUsT 12, IStee at 10 o'clock a. m in the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distrl distrl butten ...ay attend. INt). A. COYLE, i,-iiii.ir.!iv.- Auditor. TN THE COURT F COMMON PJ.KAS OF X LancastctCennty Mart-A. Miller by her next friend, Elizabeth Huber, vs. KMiiamin Miller. I Feb. Term, 1SS0. f Ne. 15. And new Dec. 23, ls.'J, en mo tion or Samuel II. Price, esq., the Courtappelnt Jno. Aniwcg, esq., examiner, te take testimony. Attest: E. McMELLEN, Prothenotary. Kcnjainin Miller, take notice that deposition or witnesses will be taken en i hcbnU or the plnlntllt, en tlie istn nay ui iiuuu,.j". !.. -'. . .. innv.inpi.-ti m irnil :;e clock Sonth here you may attend iryeu t"' p5?p?m .-!. J JNO. M. AMWEG, Jy22-3tdeaw Examiner. THABTEB NOTICE. j NoUce is hereby given that application ll be made te the Court of Common Pleas or LncltercSunty,en MONDAY AUGUST 23, 188 0 atl0o'clecka.m.,rora charter te incor incer TOitc "Saint Jeseph's Hospital." The object oil tela Institution is te provide for the coin cein fnA."and minister te the wants el the sick, the I "Cetl-nd,nfinn samuEL H. REYNOLDS, among these legally emm e i " i ;. J ' sit for that purpose en Till RSDA1 , AIM. U."1 12, 1880, at 10 o'clock, a. in., in the Library i..n.. .it lu Court Utilise, in the CitV et Lllli- EYCVJtSIOXS. DAILY EXCURSIONS FKOM PHILADELPHIA TO CAPE MAY. The famous mammoth three-deck Steamer "REPUBLIC" Leaves Race Street Wliart at 7la. in., arriving at Cape May about 12sJ p. m. Returning. leaves Cape Slav at o'clock p. m., givingample time for batldmr or a drive en the beach. A full Krnss Rand anil Orchestra Music for dancing. Parler Entertainments varied weekly. Lunch cons and Refreshments In abundance. Din ners and suppers provided. Oysters and Hsl served for supper a lew moments alter taken from the water. Fare for the Itennd Trip $1.00. SUNDAYS Will leave Race Street. WhnriT at 7Ma.ni. P. S. A Kread Gauge Steam R. R. will con con eoy passengers te Cape Island in 8 minutes. Tickets for sale at CH AS. H. BAKU'S, S-2,VJnid&w CENTRE SQUARE. MISCELLANEOUS. TJROULADUTION. Ky vlrtuoertlie authority vesica in m by the Ordinance of the city of Lancaster. I hereliy enlcr and command all owners ei ies within the city of Lancaster te slmt them tip, or, it aneweii 10 run, 10 securely """" u urn. rrmii Lliil IlltCr TUU1UUA1, rtHa "...'.ri..m".-rzr.'7- ',.... ....in ;, Jsm, aie p. ill., in sumo preiiur i.--., the first day of September next. The owners nllewlng Dogs' te run at large, unless muzzled, will be liable te the line under Section 2 or the Ordinance et 1811. The line imposed by Hie Ordinance of 1827, Section 2, will be inflicted upon any person ob eb v.iriii'liii tlm 1imlIveiuiIevcd nersens ffOUl carrying out the Ordinances respecting the I capiuriugei uegsiiuriiig iiie vuiinuiuwi. this proclamation. JOHN T. MacGONIGLE, au4,5,C,7,ll ,lld Mayer. PROPOSALS 1'Olt COAL. l'ropesals will be received by the Direc tors or the Peer of Lancaster county for the fnrnishing of about 1,000 tens et Ceal, mere or Iess.aslollews: Klack Diamond (or coal or like; quality) Egg and ISrekcn. Enterprise Egg and Krekcn. Lykens Valley Steve, about 25 tens. Ceal will be hauled by the Almshouse tcama. Kids te be Healed and endorsed " Proposals for Ceal," and directed te O.K. Lundls, Presi dent. KIddcrs nre invltcil te be present when the bids are opened, which will be en Saturday morning at. 10i o'clock, August 21, ISSO, at the New Almshouse. D. K. LANDI3, President. K. F. Cox, Clerk. au9-2td CtOUHT PROCLAMATION. Wiikrkas, The Honorable JOHN K. LIV INGSTON. President, and Honenilile DAVID 11- 1 AII-'IfilV Acuvf.titfn .Ttfiltvi. All fill Court of Common Plciis,in iinilfer the county of Luneasicr, ami Assistant .iiisucesei inoeouri-s et" Oyer and Terminer and General Jail De livery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace, In and tertile county of Lancaster, have issued their precept, te me directed, requiring me, among oilier things, te make public proclama tion throughout my bailiwick, that a Court of Orcrimd Terminer ami a General Jail Deliv ery, iiNe a Court of General Quarter Sessions et the Peace and Jail Delivery, win commence in the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster In tlie (jomnieiiwcaiin ei rennsyivaiiia, en mu THIRD MONDAY IN AUGUST (19), 1HS0. In pursuance or which precept public notice is hereby ivcn te the Maver ami Aldermen et the city or Lancaster, In the said county, and all the Justices of the Peace, the Corener and Constables, of the said city anil county of Lan caster, that they be then and there in their own proper persons, with their rolls, records and cxaininatiens.aiid inn.uisltiens.nnd thelretlier remembrances, te de these things which te their elllcesappcrtaiii In theirbehuirtobedene; und aNe all these who will prosecute against the prisoners who are, or then shall be, in the :.iti tt'wniii i-nnntv t-.f l.'iYit-Mi.ttir nri- le be then I and there te prosecute against them as shall be I usl. . . Dated at Lancaster the 22d day or July, JACOK S. STRINE, SherilT. Jy31-3ldeaw3tw CilTY PLAN. ' ; The following changes In the beuthcast j,v and southwestern pcctlens or Ijiucasterc are made, as diiectcd by court, anil may lie fecenin the elllcc or the Clerk of Quarter Ses Ses seons: , T. linger street, castef Qneen street, moved .southward, its width increased ie0 lcet, ex tends eastward, cutting en a small corner of Woodward Hill cemetery; thence bending neitliward along fence; thence te Seuth street. 2. Sc rf-- ft, east of Queen, Yerk street, north ec ww !- or linger street and adjacent alley, a . J 5. 3. Wl.nn ei senth Christian street, from Church street te Middle street, Is changed te It lect. I. Seuth Duke street, at southeast comer or King, narrowed 18 inches te conform te pres ent width. 5. Plum street extended southward te Jehn street of width of 59 feet, and Jehn strict, from King street te Plum street, narrowed te tuti-et, as at present. C Woodward street widened te 40 reet, as new laid out. 7. Kcaver street, at southwest corner or Con Cen es toga street, narrowed one feet, making it as at present. 9. High street continued te Mltlllu alley, and thence te Mulberry street; Mifflin alley wid ened en north side te the width or High street. 9. Water street continued seuthwanl from German street te the line ei old Water street, deflecting te the west. 10. Hagerstrcet,wcstward from Queen street, te the bend near Leve lne, narrowed te 33 lect II. Alley west of Prince street, from Andrew street le Furnace street, narrowed te II reet, and runs parallel te and 150 reet west or I rlnce street 12. Pearl street, from Columbia nvciine te Maner street, widened 80 feet, ami . emt line thereof mevwl castwanleng Columblaavc Celumblaavc nuc, 102 lect 9K inches. The 2!i!: starts at Columbia avenue, directly opposite College avenucand continues parallel te Pearl street! as laid out en original plan. 13 The alley between Columbia avenne nnd First street moved seuthwanHO feet, between Pearl street and West End avenue. These changes, as made, will be adopted, un less exceptions arc filed en or before the third Monday in August next, -35gSt?-C0- GEO.W.EABY, Deputy Clerk Quarter Sessions, jyl-eawdtaugie travelers wide, LANCASTER AND WIT.I.KKSY1IXK K. K I Cats run as fellows : Leave Laacatser P. R. Depot), at 7, 9, au.t 11:90 a. u, and 4, and 830 p. m., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at MO p. m. Leave MillersTille (lower ead) at 3, 8, and a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run dally en above time except ea Sun day. rtOMIMBIA AM PORT DEPOSIT K. K j Trainsnowmrec-larlyenthaColnmbia and Pert Deposit KaUiead en the following time: - . St-tie-8 North- Express. Express.! Acceuv WB. .. . . -.- 1 PortDepestt. 6J5 SJO 00 Feachbottem.... 7:12 4:24 &13 Fife's Kddy. 7-25 4:35 S:3S McCaU's Terry.... 7:37 4:48 4:00 Shenk's Ferry..... 7:54 5:01 M Safe Harber. 7:59 0:06 0KK Columbia.- 8e 53 6 Statiess Seuth- Express.l Express. Acceni. WARD. .. I P.M. A.M. Columbia. 10:53 6r 7:M Safe Harber.. ll:l 6:49 ArWXJ Uc'J-.M Shenk's Ferry..... 11:? 6M h5i McCaU's Ferry.... 11:41 7:U leri Fite'a Eddy. 1VM 7sM 10:ir. X 1 It Pcacbbottem . 18:07 7:52 11.07 f r.M. Pert Deposit 12:44 SmG l READING AND COLUMBIA KAILKOAD On and after MOX DAT, MAY. 10th, 1s, pssengcr trains will run en thi.s read u.s tel lews: Traihs Goiae Secrn. A.M. r.M. 11:X 0:10 r.x. 121 i':4." 140 7: 14T 7:08 1:02 7:i 1:13 7: 1:40 7:4T 130 7:50 0,"i 8rJ 02 86 05 8:10 .... 9:S .... 8:S4 .... 8:42 .... 8:47 .... S5 .... 9:01 .... 9:12 .... 9:19 .... i 9:i Reading,. 7:30 8:01 8:18 81 8:4.1 !fc02 9:05 ihl6 9:40 9SI7 SfcXl 9:45 Rclnhelds, Ephrata,.... ........... jvicren,.. ............... J .HI 4.,. . ................. Manlielm, Lancaster Junction,. Landisville, Columbia, Dillervllle, Lancaster, King Street, r-.'A &:.Sl) 5:52 r.:U. t;:W :17 c.-:x l!S? i;-.:a 7:10 nareisn, West Willow 0-.3S lftUS Raumgardncr, " eq u ea,.... ............. ICe tten, ................. New Providence, Quarryyllle, . . .. .. .. Trains Geimu North. 10-JK) Hkl7 103 10:34 A.M. 7:50 7:58 8:13 87 8::r. 8:13 8:4:i 9:00 9S !::'Jl Ouarryvlllc, Hess, ............. New Providence, Refton,. ................ Pequea, Kaumganlner, West Willow, Uarntsh,.. ........ King Street, Lancaster, Dillervllle, Columbia, Landisville, Lancaster Junction,.. Bianbeiui, j.mz,. ... ............... Akren, . ................ Ephrata,.. .. .......... itelnheUlsvillc, Il:iding, Trains connect at Reading with trains te and from Philadelphia, Fetbmlle, Harrisburg, Al Al lentewn anl New Yerk. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, rrederickandEaHmere.MwiiSiiiU PENNSYLVANIA KAILBOAU NEW SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY MAY 23d, 1880, tniins en the Pennsylvania Railroad wilt arrive and leave the Lanc.isler anil Philadelphia depots as follews: Eastward. Philadelphia Express, Fast Line,. ........ .......... Yerk Accem. Arrives;. . . . lfurrlsbun; Express iiilti-rvllluAceem. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Acceni. Arrives, Pacific Express, Sunday Mall...... ......... Johnstown express, iuy r,A, ,";;.. Harrisburg Aceominedat n, Westward. LV MailTralnNo.l,viaMl.Jey, MailTrainNoAviaCel'bia, Niagara Chicago Express Sunday Mall, Fast Line,. .......... - Frederick Accommodation, Dillervllle Local.viaMt.Jey Harrisburg Accoinmeilat'n, Columbia AccoiumiMlatlen, Harrisburg Express, Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express, Pacific Express, Pacific Express, east, en Sunday, when Hag gcd, will step at MlddleUiwn, Elizabe Ihtnwii . Mt. Jey, Landisville, Kinl-in-lland, Leuiaii Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Coales Ceales ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at DownIngtewn,Coatesville, Parkes-bnrg,-Mt.Joy,ElizabetlitewnaiiilMiddletovii. Mall Ne. 2 west cennectlngat jinisterwltli mail Ne, 1 at 10-.55 a. m and with Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:05 and will run through te Hanover and will connect at Columbia with train through te Harrisburg via Marietta, Frederick Accommodation, west, con iict-lxnl Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:10 r. m., and will run through te Frederick. T OCAT. MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. HOURS FLR CLOSING THE MAILS. KY RAILROAD. New Yerk turoueii mail 7:30 a m, 12:30 p in, 4:15 p m and 11:30 p in. Wav Mail, east, 7:30 a ui. Ger.DONVlLLK, Downlnglewn, Iranian Place, Gap ( p ni. P.n.nisi: and Seutluidburg vi.i Limiiiuii Place, 7:.J0 a. in. Puilaeklphia through mail, S and 8:15a ui., T-30, 4:15 and 11:30 p in. PiTrsmnwiu and west, 1:30 and 11'Je p in. llAKitiauuite Mail, lO-JW.am, ii3 5:15 and ll.: P m. Way Mail, west, ltWO a in. Kaltimerk amd Wasuimotem, via Phlladel phia, 4:15 p ni. .... Kaltimekx amd Wasuisotek, via erk, I:-!' p Kalti-orbame Wasiiimoten, via Harrisburg ll-;pin. COATKSV1LLK, 4:lJ p In. Columbia, lOUa in, 1:30 and 5:15 p in. Yerk asd Yerk wav, 1 JO ami 11:30 p m. Northern Ck.ntkal, VMU a m, liW and H::ai p ui. Kkadine. via Reading anil Columbia R R, 7:3- a in and 120 p m. RKAbiNU, via Harrisburg, 5:15 and ll::aipni. Rkauihe way, via J unction, Lltitz, Muiilieiiii, East Heniptleld and Ephrata, 3 p in. Quarkyvillk. Camargo, Relton, New Provi dence, West Willow, Linie Valley, Martins vllc,SinlthvilIe,Ktick, Chestnut Level,Grccn, Peters' Creek, Pleasant Greve. Reck Springs, Oak weed and Rewlnndsvl!le,Md.,9:15aiii,aiid 5:00 p m. New Helland, Chtirchtewn, Grcciibank Klue Kail, Geedville, Kcartewn, by way el Downingtown, at 7:30 a m and C, p m. Safe IIarber, via Columbia, 0-.M a in. Willow Street via West Willow, at 9:15 n. in. KY STAGE Millcrsvllle ami Slackwater. I Sate Harber, dally, at 4:00 p in. Te Mlllcrsvill 8 and H:.i0 a in. and 4 p m. Klnkley's Kridge, Ixsiceck, Kareville, New Helland, 230 p m. Landls Valley, Oregon, West Earl. Farmer.--ville, lllnkletewu, Terrc Hill. Martimlan-. dally, at -30 pm. Greenland, Fertility, Lampeter and Wheat land Mills. teStrasburg,daily,at4 p m. Netrsville, daily, at 4 p m. New Danville. CencstOLii. Martlcville. Cub - manvlllc, MonutNebe.Rawilnsville. Kethc-i.i:i and Liberty Square, dally, at -30 P.m. WHEN OPEN FOR UKLIV ii Y. ARRIVING KYRAII Eastern mall, 7 a m UKU) a m, 3 and G-.30 p m. Eastern way mail, ll- am. Western mail, 7 an. 1 10 a in, 2 an. I t.:.W p in. Reading, via Reading and Columbia, -. p m. Western way mall, 810 a m. Reading way mail, 10-JWa ni. Qnarry ville Kr.incli, :U am and 4 p in. ARRIVING KY STAGE. Frem bale Harbrr and Millcrsvllle, at 9 a m, dully. Frem Mlllersville, 7and 9 a in, and 4 p in. Frem New Helland, at 9-.30 a in, daily. Reading way mail, at 10-JO a in, daily. Frem Strasbnrg, at 9-.30 a m, dally. Frem Neflsville, at 1 p in, daily. Frem RawHnBville,atll am. DELIVERIES BY CARRIERS. There arc four mall deliveries by letter car riers each day, and en their return trips they take up the mail matter deposited in the letter boxes. Fer the first delivery the carriers leave the office at two a in: second delivery at 10 am; third delivery at 11 a in ; fourth delivery at 3 p SUNDAY POSTOFFICB HOURS. On Sunday tlie postefilce Is open from Apri 1 te October 1, from 8 te 9 am, and from 6 te 7 a'm ; from October 1 te April l.f rem 9 te 10 a m , and from C te 7 D m. BOOTS AND SHOES. -r k e-rr beets. SHOES AND Jjj j JL made en a new principle, ii ing comfort for the feet. .aata mnilft t n nrricr n s-v -nnn Lasts made te order. KIHJJ.O MILWK, ,r- tebM-tfd A.M. r.M. P.M. 6:45 .... 35 6:52 .... 41 6:59 .... W 7:11 .... 2d 7:18 .... 3:05 76 .... 3:13 7-2 .... 3:18 7:41 .... 3:26 7A" 3: 111 8:05 1:00 3:50 8:08 1:113 3:53 7-5 lrffi 3:40 80 10 4.04 8:30 lr25 4:15 8:49 1:48 4ri 9:00 00 4:."M ihlf. 18 4:47 9:23 25 4:53 9:42 4C 5:14 lOKi 3rJU 5:50 Leave Arrivn Lnnc'tcr Phllnd'a 2:10 a.m. 4:1.1a.m. 8 " 7:40 " 7:30 " 8:05 " 10:10 8:45 " 9:10 " 12:01 t- 1:05 " l-.ie r.se. i; U) " 5:00 3:05 " 5::W " j-j-. i:-is " cr " 9S " Leave Arrive Philad'n Lane'ter 130..M. .-.: a.m. 8:00 " lmlO " .... H:l. " 9:00 1 1 :" ' 8:ix " lir. ' 11:50 " 2:le r.M. 15 ' piii .... . .!! v.M. 5:45 " 4:00 " 7r " 5iW " 7:a " B5 " 8:50 " 9:10 " !!. " 11-5 " 2.10 A.s. attir '1 i J lyWH euuww. M,