"-? vj "' -jf XvV. ",- Vv ; :g LANOAfeTJER-Mi lKTb4Mai, WEBNESDAt AtfGtfST U, 1880. Z'jt"' s. j1 i-' f THE HOUSKUOLU MAKKET. Aunudant Suppllcs-kew Prices-Slew Sales. Perhaps tlic time is net within the recol lection of the eldest housekeeper wherein the supply ePall kinds of farm produce was mere ahundantly displayed in our markets than en Saturday last and te-day. Every market stall was filled te overflow ing and the curbstones were occupied for a long distance beyond the limits te which they were sold by the market committee. Green corn, peaches, apples, watermelons, cantclepcs and terries were a drug en the market, and although the sales were rea sonably large at the close of the market the sellers had great quantities en hand that they could net dispesn of at any price. Vc heard of one countryman who traded four dozen ears of sweet corn for one dozen pretzels, and wagon leads of peaches were disposed of at prices as low as five cents a half peek, though very fine ones brought from 20 te "0 cents. The corn crop is ex ceptionally fine, and premises te be the largest ever grown in the county. One farmer told us that from : single acre he expected te take 180 bushels of corn, of the prolific variety, each stock contain ing from three te eight cars. The f.irs cut from a single stoel: and placed end te end measured neatly a yard in length. Almest all ether vegeta bles, except potatoes, are very abundant and oericspondingly cheap, and the pota toes, though net abundant, are unusually line. The hucksters complain that they have a very peer market, and can make no money by celling their truck. Net only is the market overstocked with every tliintc in their line, but hundreds of their best customers are out of town, .summering at the various watering places. The tame complaint is made by thcbulrhers, b.ikers and grocers their busiu; ..1 has gieatly fallen off, though their i-. i ..? are net materially lower. The people Ln .e.lcil by the full uiaikets and low prices ai oil. e stay-at-homes, whose pmsc.s are tun light i. permit them te in dulge in fashionable pilgrimage, but who nevertheless, en very small capital, eau new supply their l.wdcrs with luxuries equal te these served up at the most Ihshienable hotels. TIIK hOKUOWSOr At'OOKOI.D.tlAN. An Aineiiraii Who lias no "Chance, " ill Hie Lancaster Peer Heuse. The Ilarrijburg Tdfripi limn waspass ing ever the bridge which spans the deep cut of the Heading raihnad at the Catholic cemetery, in Harrisburg whine he met a wayfaiing man and a mendicant seated at, one end of the bridge nursing his sere feet and airing his stockings while he jested his weary body against the rough timber of the struct inc. The gmy hair fell strag gling ever a face uiarl.ed by deep lines, and browned by expasuic te the pelting of storms and the heat of the sun. lluthe was a pleasant old man te talk te, and answered courteously te questions as te who he was and whither he was going. "I am from Lancaster," .said he, "and vftirk occa sionally for two Harrisburg men, both of whom aie geed te me. Sonic tune age I was in the Lancaster county pem house, but I would ratherstane en the lead than .stay in a poorhouse. because such places aie full of feri igners, !ermans, Irish and Italians, v.he show an Ameiican no chance." Te a question : " Wlieare you'.'"' the ancient tramp answered by putting another te the repeiter: ''Ain't you a '.'" mentioning the name of the ic- pu ler. " Why de you ask .'" " Because you leek like that family." The lepeitcr then answered the question affirmatively, when the tramp told his name, and "there by hangs a story full of romance and thrill ing change iu life's conditions.'' Connect ed with a family of thrift and industrious people the first mauufactureis of edge tools in Lancaster city, whose axes and oilier edge tools wen' sold iu all parts of the state, the brothers and cousins became men of wealth and influence, while this the black shcepef the family became the outcast and the wandeier. He new reams through Lancaster. Lebanon and Dauphin coun ties, homeless, penniless and .almost in rags, at times an inmate of an almshouse, living en the bighwaj in the summer, doing chines at stables, begging a penny from the benevolent, and epe-ts te die as he lives, an nufeast. This man's friends; and lelatives aie all people of wealth and well-to-de in Lancaster. He slept en the highway last night or iu a stable, for he had no means te buy a bed or get a crust of hi cad. Fifty yea re age he was the pet ted son of fortune, the son of opulent parents, and thirty years age he was en the read U fortune himself. Hut the convivial enp, gay companions, the wicked and the bad lined him from usefulness, and yes terday, in the quiet of a lovely Sabbath morning, he was seen a beggarand an out cast by a native of his native city, who could recollect him in his belter days. Such is a tale of two cities. I. O. S. A. Opening Kxrcine el the State J'niiip. The fifteenth state camp of this order opened in Leck Haven jesterday. 231 .subordinate camps, icprcscntiug all the counties iu the stale except five, had dele gates pic-cut. An address of welcome was made by Dr. J. II. Fishburne en be half of the citizens of Leck Haven, at which time the rcsssieii was opened te the public and the court house. was crowded, many ladies being present. The business sessions are conducted with closed doers. The report of the secretary showed the order te be iu excellent condition, 1,017 new members having been added during the year, which gives the elder a strength of 8,757. Eighteen new camps were added since the last state lcunien at Lebanon. The insurance feature lately adopted by the national camp is meeting with success. The benefits paid are $5,000, $1,000 and $1,500 in case of deatii, and members only are admit ted te either of these classes. The following officers were elected: Presi dent, I). M. Sharp, of Lebanon ; vice pres ident, W. S. Hever, 1'ottstewn; master of forms and ceremonies, J. N. F.irnswerth, Leck Haven; marshal, F. P. Ucitcman, Hamburg; scrgc.int-at-arms, G. K. Helms, Alteena; trustees, Richard Petersen. O. B. Wcrterhekl and J. II. Heller. Last evening the order had a banquet and te-day a parade. Who they Were. The " Democrats " referred te in the Examiner of last evening as having obtain ed a pole from Senater Mylin for the Sev cnt.h waixl, were only a few small boys and licit Democratic voters as the Examiner Would have its readers believe. They were driven out of the weeds by the Republi cans vhe wcut out for the pole that was fertiMr' My'in's weeds en Sunday Last. THE -WIGWAM. IU Consecration te UeGelyer Speeches by Atlce, Weaver, Wilsen and Am- wake A uenuln Circus. Last night the wigwam of the Sixth ward Republicans was formally consecrated J te the cause of DcGelyer Garfield and Custom neuse Arthur. The wigwam is a rotten, dirty, leaky old tent, te all ap pearance formerly used as a side-show tent te a traveling circus. The let en which it stands, corner of Walnut street and Cherry alley, is surrounded by a tumble-down fence, fit emblem of the rottenness of the Republican barricades which the Demo cratic army will se easily demolish next November. The meeting last niirht drew together quite a crowd of curiosity-seekers per haps three hundred, Democrats, Green- backers and Republicans, men women and children. Candidate-fer-Judgc Wm. A. Atlee, esq., president of the Sixth ward club, called the meeting te order, and made a brief sjiccch, in which he prophesied Garfield's election with as much pesitiveness as he prophesied, net many years age, that the Geyelin pump and wheel at our water water weiks would supply the city with abund ance of water for fifty years te come. As a prophet, William has always been very uufei lunate. The ex-mayor was followed by Candi dal e-for-District-Attorney William I). Weaver, esq., who delivered the same speech that he has heretofore delivered two or three times during the campaign, merely emitting Judge Hlack's endorse ment of Garfield, and, instead, placing us under obligations for a flattering notice of the I.ti:i.:.iei:nci:i:, which he said he read "every evening"' and intimated that all ether geed Republicans should de the same, if they wished te keep themselves abreast the elilical news of the day, as the Heg Ring and Hull Ring organs have become se ter ribly mixed that it is impossible te tell "Mether from which." Mr. Weaver's mind is a little clouded as yet, as te whether Tem Davis or Adam Eberly is the Simen pure Republican candidate for dis 1 1 iet. attorney, this j ear, but he is certain thatW. D. Weaver should be the candi date iu 1883. Mr. Weaver closed his oration, and the Eden baud which had been hired for the occasion struck up the favorite air, In Isvt: ler halls, for balls In 18;, ter balls! In Iss.:, Hill Wcavoreur candidate shall lie. Anil we'll all drink stone blind, .lelinny till 11)1 theliewl ! Ex-Candidate Wm. A. Wilsen, esq., was the next speaker. He looked sad and remarked that doubtful things arc very 'uncertain. (Applause.) He would net for the world say anything te discourage Mr. Weaver, but experience had proved that the battle is net always with the strong. (Applause.) He had himself teen a candi date for district attorney and had been squelched. (Cries of geed, gesnl !) lie thought he would never be a candidate again (Yells of approbation.) Garfield is a geed candidate, Judge Poland's committee te the contrary notwithstanding. Arthur is a geed candidate, though R. 1$. Hayes and Jehn Sherman turned him out of otfiee en the ground of dishonesty. Tem Davis is a geed candidate and deserves the support of every true Republican who docs net prefer Adam Eberly. Iu the lan guage of Shakespeare lie is an honorable man : Se are thev nil honorable; men. Who .-lulled Uu; primary ballet-box. (Applause.) The great feature of tlic Wigwam was the speech of Candidatc-fer-Anylhing Jake Amwakc. He ascended the stand and after spit ling tobacco juice all ever it, he commenced a harangue in Pennsylvania Dutch. Jake's dialect, like his politics, is a little difficult te comprehend, no was under.stoed te say that he had i roved all tilings and held fast te nothing. He had been a Democrat, and finding they would net give him an office, he did all he could te disorganize the party by remaining iu it. When he was finally kicked out he joined the Enow-Nothings and for a time shone iu that dark-lantern organization "like a i often mackerel by moonlight." When that paity wenttothedemnitienbow wows he for a lime connected himself with the Prohibitionists, but their principles, like their beverages, weie tee thin te suit his masculine brain and bowels. He was determined net te make a Docter Tanner of himself, and se he joined Hie local whisky ring, a mere mbiiutureef the ring of which the great General Grant was the head and MaeDeuald the tail. He was se delighted with the change of diet that he has stuck te it ever since. Grant is the true type of Republicanism. lie takes all he can get and asks for mere. He don't bother himself about principle when interest is at slake. This thing of stickling about tariffs and finances and civil service reform is all humbug. I have tried them all been en all sides of eveiy question walked all aieuiid them and viewed them from every standpoint, and I declare en the honor of an original Greenback man there's nothing in 'em. "IJe all things te all men," as one of the blessed apostles said. "Be everything by turns and nothing long." Mutation is the law of nature, and we mu.st continue te mutate irwe deu't want te be left behind. Then let us give three cheers for the tarifl and the Cebdcn club. Three cheers for the national banks, green backs and the specie currency, three cheers for prohibition and the whisky ring and three reusing ones for Hancock and Gar field. (Thunders of applause, during which Jake wiped the tobacco juice from his chin and sat down exhausted). The band played "Over the fence is out," and the meeting adjourned. It was a famous victory. An Appreciative Cew. Harry D. Mussclman,131 Shippen street, missed his Intei.i.kikkcbu for a few days past and the carrier was blamed for net leaving it. It has teen learned, however, that the carrier duly served the paper, but that an appreciative cow, belonging te James Stewart, and thirsting for Demo cratic truth, had picked the paper from Mr. Mussel man's deer-step and literally devoured its contents. That cow cm continue te chew the cud of satis faction, with an abiding faith that what she ate will de her geed. But let her eschew the poisonous contents of " our esteemed contemporaries." A Bey's High Fall. This morning a little boy named Jehn Iluhcr, who was at the house of Mrs. Anna C. Barnitz en Seuth Linie street, fell from the balcony in the rear of the house. He was badly bruised, but a phys ician who examined him found that no bones were broken. Dess Dispose:! OK. This morning, six dogs, which were caught and confined at the station honse await owners, were shot and killed. WE CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO JOB LOTS IN PERCALES AND LAW1STS, Which we are offering at prices that must close them out. Please call and examine them. New Fall Styles in Dress Ginghams, Percales and Prints just opened. White, Red and Grey Weel Flannels at Bettem Prices. Bleached and Unbleached Cotten Flannels, At Bettem Prices. Sheeting and Shirting Muslins at Lewest Prices. Carpets and Oil Cleths in New Styles epeninc daily. "Please give us a call. GIVLEK, BOWEK8 & HTJBST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. VAMFMECTI NUS. In tlic Weed at ISrowiinteM ii. The early prayer meeting yesterday at the Evangelical campmectiug near Browns town was led 13' Rev. J. E. Knarr. At 7 a. in. there was family worship in the tents. Rev. D. W. Bixler conducted the prayer meeting and experience meeting at it o'clock. At Id o'clock Rev. P. Kriekcr preached from I Timethy, vi, 11-12. It was an earnest and eloquent discourse, well received. Father Savier followed with ex hortation. The weather yesteiday was delightful, the attendance large and the services interesting. During the forenoon Rev. J. - j.Feger, of Lancaster, Rev. D. II. Albric'flt and J. A. Knarr. of the Ilariisburg district, ar rived. The 2 p. m. prayer meeting in the taber nacle was conducted by Rev. Liebold, and at the close of the meeting numerous requests for prayer were, made, especially from wives for their husbands. Rev. Jacob Ad;nns preached from Hebrews x, 20, 21, 22. Revs. D. 15. Albright and J. E. Knarr followed in earnest exhoitatien. Rev. Reuben Deieher, of Yerk, of the Atlantic conference, ai rived during the afternoon. In the evening there was pr.ijer meeting at the altar. Rev. P. P. Lehr preached from Luke xv., 7. Thore was a very large attendance. Rev. C. S. I'rewn, of Harrisburg, arrived last evening. The Colored Cainpinutitliig. The colored eainpineeting at Mil!er.svil!e is being well attended. Yesterday after noon and evening the services were con ducted by Mm. Jehnsen, of Seuth ( 'aielin.t. Damages Awarded. Samuel Evans, A. X. CasscI, Win. Ell maker, Henry Eckcrt and M. S. Metzgar, viewcrs appointed by the court, yesterday viewed Seuth Christian street for the pur pose of ascertaining the amount of dam age caused by the opening of Seuth Chris tian street from Middle street te the term inus at Susquehanna street (said poitien of Seuth Christian street being ojned from Middle te Woodward stieet). Thcawaul of damages was as fellows : Te the estate of Jehn HaineK. ."i0(), te be paid by the county. Te Matthias Steinwandel, !?7'(), te be paid by the city, and $700 te be paid by the county. Te Daniel Fordney, $l."0, ie be paid by the eitv, and $."500 te be paid by the cenn- ty. Te Win. Wehlsen, $S00, te be paid by the city. Te Philip Ret z, gnu, te be paid by the county. Te Clnislian Arleth, l,400, te be paid by the county. The viewers found that no property owners n the west side of the street are entitled te any damages The report of the viewers has been tiled in the quarter sessions office. Sl'.IIMKK LKISUKH. Sen 15rcc7c Mountain Air Knral Shades anil liixlgeriitlngtjpiliigs Water. Maj. B. F. Eshleiniii, lately returned from the sea shore. left Lancaster last evening te attend the encampment of the national guard at Philadelphia. I). G. Eshleman, esq., has returned from his summer trip le Colerado. He says the Hancock boom is swelling ever the prai ries and beyond the mountains. James Burke, esq., left this afternoon for a trip te New Yerk and Ceney Island. Rev. J. Isidore Membcrt, D. D., for merly rector of St. James P. E. chin eh is in town. Mrs. H. R. Swarr left te day for Bed ford, where she will remain ahm! three weeks. Tim Veteran Association. Last evening the Hancock veteran asso ciation held a meeting in the Cential club room, and elected the following battalion officers : Colonel Edward MeOevei n. Lieutenant Colonel Gee. P. Sprenger. Majer Ceerge Puntz. Adjutant Slier Smith. Surgeon Dr. P. A. Albright. The meeting was very largely attended and Se membeis are new enrolled. Anether Deg l.ite. This forenoon a little daughter of Sam'l McCeriniek, who resides at the corner of Lime and Church streets, was sitting at the front, deer, when a deg came by and bit her in the baud. The front finger was almost bitten off, and it was dressed by Dr. Geerge A. King. The deg escaped, after attempting te bite several ether children, before he could be killed. OBITUARY. Dentil of un Old Lady. Mrs. Jehn Rintz, aged ever 70 years, died at tier residence in Celcraine township where she had lived formally ycais, en Monday evening. Her husband has been dead for several years and she leaves a family of 8 grown children. The funeral tikes place te-morrow morning. Banquet. On Saturday evening the Union fire company Ne. 1, will celebrate their 120th anniversary by holding a grand banquet at the Stevens house, which will be attended by the company and a number of invited guests. m 1'uruIysU. Mrs. Wm. Simen, corner of West Orange and Mary streets, suffered three strokes of paralysis yesterday from which she is lying in a critical condition. Bend Approved. The bend of Brinten Carter, who was awarded the contract for constructing the inter-county bridge ever the Oetorare creek at Mercer's fording, was approved by tlic county commissioners te-day. DMT OOODB. xmr AitricitTisEsiESTs. Among the many advantages gained by our change of business location, an important one Is the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. 'With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work en trusted te us. WATOH REPAIRING, MUSICAL BOX REPAINING, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING. &c. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jowelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. A si:i:.vr WOKK. Ill Chaige of u Lein caster Contractor mid a Luitcn.sU.t- luglncer. Iu the current number of Harper's Weekly there is a series of illustrations of the new drainage works of Bosten, which are being constructed by Richard A. 31a 31a lene, contractor, of this city, and are in charge of D. M. Staufl'er, engineer, also of Lancaster. The pictures give the profile of the tunnel under Dorchester bay, a view of the work iu the tunnel, the cage at the filth heist, the main entrance te the tun nel at the tilth heist, the shaft in the bay, the descent of the shaft, an excavation shed and a view of Moen Island, where the reservoir will be located. Iu further ex planation of the work there is an extended acjeuut of it in the same publication. The trouble iu Bosten has been that the tide ran up the present sewers, blocking the exit of the filth, the sewage filled up the harbor and it was carried by the in waul tide upon the sherelands te the detri ment of the general health. The new sys tem of draining off the filth comprises a system of low interception sewers along the margins of the city te receive the flew from the already existing sewers ; a main sewer into which the former empty, and which, crossing the city, leads te a pump ing station at the sea coast ; pumping ma chinery te raise the sewage about thirty five feet ; an outfall sewer, partly in tunnel, leading from the pumping station te a res ervoir at Moen Island, in the harbor, from which reservoir the sewage accumulated during the latter part of ebb and the whole of Heed tide is te be let out into the har bor during the first two hours of the ebb tide. Seme of the branch sewers, built in a cempicssible mud soil, need a pile feunda tieu te support them. Sometimes they are built by tunneling. The main sewer ends at what is called the filth heist, a massive undorgeund structure with several cham bers, in which are hung cages or screens, through which the sewage Hews, and which intercept matters which would be apt te clog the pumps. Thence the sow sew age enters the pump wells, and is te be raised by four large pumping engines each capable of lifting twenty-five mil lion gallons in twenty-four hours. After being raised by the pumps the sew.ige dews, with a sluggish currrcnt, through an elevated tank or deposit sewer, twelve hundred feet long, in which any sand or ether heavy matters iu suspension will deposit, and thence passes under Der chester bay through a tunnel about a mile and a-lialf long, and oue hundred and fifty feet below the surface of the water. Short siphons, as that under the Scine at Paris, and ethers, have heretofore teen constructed iu connection with the sew erage works, but a tunnel of such mag nitude as tlic oue new building at Bosten for conveying sewage is a novel and bold engineering conception. It is built by means of three shafts in the bay, the up per portions of which are formed of sec tions of cast iron cylinders belted together. Fer its entire length the tunnel is expect ed te pass through solid rock, principally Roxbury conglomerate and argillaceous slate. The tunnel rises te the surface of thcgieund at its farthest end, en a nar row premonitory called Squautum Neck, and thence the sewer is carried en a heavy embankment across beaches and flats te the reservoir at Moen Island. The reservoir is te cover five acres, and will be emptied just after each period of high tide, at which time the currents set ting seaward from the island will carry the sewage well outside of the harbor. What will be its ultimate destiny is a matter of j surmise, but it has been stated by scientists j that all organic particles will probably be; oxidized bv the water, or will be assimila- i ted by the myriad animal organisms which pervade the sea. In all some fourteen miles of intercept ing sewers, besides the ether works, arc le be constructed. Eight miles of these arc new finished, or nearly se, and it is hoped that within three weeks the whole works will be completed. The total cost is esti mated at $-1,000,000, and if the results con fidently expected are attained, it will prove a wise expenditure of time, labor and money. Street Werk Flnlabed. Kehec & McManus, contractors for ma cadamizing West Orange street, from Char lotto street te Pine, finished their work yesteiday. The street railway company is new piking the street between the tracks. .Mistakes Sheultl Be Corrected Particularly the practice of Inking medicines into the system by way of the stomach ter dis eases of the Kidneys. It Is an old treatment, well tried, and proven inefficient. The true method is absorption, us proven by the great succt S3 of Day's Kidmkv Pad. augO-lwdee-1 fllult Hit tur.s regulate, pui-H'y, strengthen and linurteli tlic maternal tinictienx. A woman's beauty is never le-t Se tenkas lier sweet sinile reiiiuliid Se Ien-? as ;;lcam her teetli like frost. And her set t lip tin: ruby stains ; And'sO.ODOXT, with magic power, Cc stews en her tins prleelis dower. :itiMwtettl&w Mothers, as a dellhtlul sanitary measure, ulwny.s erdur Hi!.- Ciillcura Medicinal Soup. Netice. The regular liieelinj; or tin: Aiueiicits asso ciation will K- held at the l'ark house en Thursday evening, Aujjiiet. 12, at S o'clock sharp. Medium of importance. By order of i:. II. IIUUIlAKKi:, 'resident. Third Ward. Thursday evening the Third ward Hancock club will held a meeting at Kttlnger's saloon, llil-dnt-ss of importance will be transacicd. SPECIAL yVTJCJiS. Hundreds of l.ndlcs. Who have been unable te attend te their du ties owing te periodical sickness, have found Warner's Sate Kidney and Liver Cure u real "friend in need. Hcing a purely vegetable compound and containing all the elements el safety as well as these of power, it lmsliecemc universally popular. During Hie summer es pecially, it is a certain preventive for the nu merous Kidney, l.iver and Urinary troubles incident te the season. All druggists sell it, and none escepl thesi in jwrficl health can af ford te be without it. atr2-2wd&w M. A. SI. .Mars, St. Ileiiituce, Manitoba, writes: " I r. Themas' KelectrieOil is a public benefit. It has done wonders here, mid has cured me el a bad cold in one day." Fer sale by II. P.. Cochran, druggist, CiTatid i:K North Cuieen street, Lancaster, l'a. ' i:e Wise and Happy. It you will step all your extravagant. and wrong notion's in doctoring yourself and fam ilies with expensive doctors or humbug cure ulis, that de harm always, and use only na ture's simple remedies ler all your ailments you will be wise, well and happy, and save great expense. Tins greatest remedy for this, the great, wi-e and geed will tell yen, U Hep Hitters rely en it. See another column. au22w(lftw Aftki: years of travel te and from health re sorts, and altera nie-t careful trial el all the various prescriptions, ladies have given up in despair wit !i uu almost total less of appetite, pale, bloodless, languid, and without ambi tion : linally, having learned of Dr. Ilrown Ilrewn ing's Teuie anil Alterative, although having been sick (or year.-:, gain llc-h and a line con stitution upon In vestin;; a smalt amount in it. Price.") cents and $1. Fer sal--by the Propri etor, V. Champien ISrewnlng, 11 17 Arch Street, Philadelphia, and ail Druggists, aur. lwd.tw Thy best remedy ler liver complaint is "Sel lers' I.lver 1111 ." Only i" cents per box. Sold by all druggists. Methers: Mothers!! .Mothers!!: Are you distill bed at night and broken et your re.st by asiek child sutlering and crying Willi the excrneiuting pain ct cutting teeth? II se, go at once ami get a bottle efMUS. WINS I.OW'SSOOrlllXU s,Ylf.Jl Itwill relieve the peer little suuerer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is neta mother en earth who has ever Used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give tci te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly sate le u.-ein all eases, ami pleas ant te the ta.-te, urn! is the prescription et one et the eldest and be-1 female physicians and nurses In tin- United Slates. Sold everywhere i cents a bottle. fjlT-lvd&w M.WAS A Kiddle. Four people sal down al a table te play. They played all that night and part of next day; This one tiling observe, that when they were seated, N'ohedy played with, and nobody cheated ; Vet when they get up, each was w inner a guinea, Who tells me this riddle I'm sure Is un ninny. The answer te this is, "I hey were four musi cians." They exerted themselves, till they needed Physicians, They su'llered much pain ami agony endured. Till they iu-ed Kelt et lie Oil and then theywere cured. Fer sale by II. IS. Cochran, driurgist, 137 and V.'.'J North (jueen street, lau caster Pa. 20 "Dr. I.mdsey'.s I'.loed Seaicher," by purify ing the system, selteus the skin and beautifies tlic complexion. lYASTMU. a.rATi;i). KVKKYimOY TO AIIVKK f tl.se. Tree of charge. In the Ixtklliuics ck::. who wants something te de. WANTKD A (iOIIU tilKl. TO DO tKN eral llon-ework. Apply at Ne. IU 'Fast I.emen street. ltd WASTED WASH INK ANI lKUN'ING TT wanted at Ne. !."; North Prince street, Lancaster, l'a. A ISA K lilt THAT l!M)KUSTANI.S HIS trade pel feet, all through, wants a steady position, city or count ry. (ioed recommenda tion. Call or address ""C," 7."l Fremont street, Lancaster, Pa. au'.l-3td jreit sali: ok j:j-:nt. F WK SALK. New Organ for sale very cheap. Apply at augll-2td Tin) ur rice. F OK SALK. Unit interest in a geed paying bu-iness. Capital required from iUVie te 31. MM. Address augu-u;u iui uk," i. ins ueice. WANTED liMiMl-.UIATELY. A AIKIIIU3I Size Krick Heuse and let with all the comforts of a home. Address A. 1L, iNTELLi iNTELLi eksceh Oillcc, staling lowest cash price ami hew seen po..se-sien can be given, full partic ulars, &c. jyW-tfd SOAP FACTOJIY FOK SALK. The stock, apparatus, material and geed will of a Seap Factory, tioed reasons ler Belling. Apply te CAIJSMAN & JUL'ItNS, augit-SMeedlC IU West Orange Street. THIRD EDITION WEDNESDAY EVKNINQ, AUG. 11, 1880. ONE THOUSAND DROWNED. LOSS OF THE PILGRIMS. TENEMENT HOUSE TRAGEDY- EMPERORS SHAKING HANDS. TAN-NEK'S TKEMKNDOl'S APrCTITK' Daily ltudget of Telegraph Sewn, Londen, August 11. Upwards of ene thousand passengers and crew were drowned hy the foundering of the .steamer Jeddah, en the 8th inst., en Cape Ciuard afui. The vessel was hound from Singa pore te Jeddah. A HOKKtllLK T1IAUKDY. Murder Hy An Amorous Frenchman. New Yeuk, Aug. 11. At ten o'clock this morning, in a tenement house in Thompson street, Amaudce Biget, a Frenchman, cut the threat of Mrs. Mariette Rcnant, a respectable married woman who had l ejected his addresses. The woman died almost instantly, liiget then cut his own threat and lies in a dangerous condi tion. The victim of the tragedy was the house keeper of the tenement, 43 ycats old, and the mother of seven children. Ne one wit nessed the murder. Tlie murderer lest his wife two years age, and her death is sup posed te have unsettled his mind. He at tempted suicide six months age. Mrs. Rcnant had hecn very kind te him siuce his wife's death. This morning he entered her apartment and excitedly asked her te marry him. This she refused, whereupon he drew a razor and committed the deed. The wound nearly severed the head from the body. The woman ran into the hall and fell der.d. Biget then cut his own threat, indicting a severe wound and rushed into the street where he was arrested. Then; is no evi -deuce of a struggle in the room, hut the deer was horribly bespattered with bleed. The tragedy created great excitement in the vicinity. uoeuKN .utmi:;s. Connecticut ICepubllcuns In Cem entleii. IIahtkeud, Conn., Aug. 11. The Re publican state convention organized te-day by the selection of K. S. Day, of Colches ter, for temporary chairman, and E. M. Warner, of Plainlield, and II. M. Burn ham, of Lisben, for secretaries, and the appointment of the usual committees. The committee en permanent organization re ported the name of Hen. Aug. Brandcgic of New Louden for president. Mr. Brandegie en taking the chair made an ad dress, in which he reviewed the recetd of the two political paitics. He closed with an eloquent tribute te (Sen. Garfield, which was received with great applause. At 12::0 the convention proceeded te an in formal ballet for governor. SARATOGA. Four Kattling Knee. Sut.vrec.A, Aug. 11. Bramhaletta wen the iirst race, Beet Jack second, and Her mit third ; time, 1 :0 1. Gabriel wen the second race, with Com Cem mie F. second and Jim Beck third; time, 2:1G. The third race was wen by Utitiln, with Turfman second, Jericho third ; time, 1:48. The steeple chase was wen by Distur turhauce, with Faustina second, Way barer third and Derby fourth ; time, ::0:j. POLITi: POTENTATES. Wearing Each Other's Old Clethes. Iscui., August llth. At a meeting of the einpeiers which was very cordial, Emperor Francis Jeseph were the Prussian uniform and Emperor William woie an Austrian uniform. The meeting is interpreted by all the Vienna journals as evidence of a new con solidation of the Austria-German alliance, and a sign of the maintenance of peace. UVRULAR SUOT. While In Anether Man's Heuse. Wilminoten, Del., August 11. A burg lar entered the house of W. L. G. Themas last night during the absence of the family, and a hi ether of the owner of the lietc.e returning, while the iiitiudcr was there, shot the latter in the breast inflicting a wound from which he will probably die. Thg wounded burglar's name is Frederick Creese, of Philadelphia. STK1KINU COAL IIEAVEKS. A'Sltllnc en the Deck. Nuw Yerk, August 11. The coal heavci s and passers employed by the Fall river line of steamers struck this morning at the company's deck pier 28, North river. The strikers arc about 20 in uiimher and are sitting about the pier, and as yet have net offered auy violence te the new hands. Policemen are detailed te protect the com pany's property. MAN DROWNED In the Presence of Ills IJrldc. MiTCiiiii.L Point, N. J., Aug. 11. Eu subius Jeuning, a married man, 2'i years of age, was drowned while bathing this morn ing. He went out upon the bay in a beat with his newly-married wife and went in swimming. He was seized with cramps and sank before the eyes of his agonized wife. TANNER'S FARE.' Oysters, Milk and Melen, New Yerk, Aug. 11. Dr. Tanner is in geed health and spirits te-day. His break fast consisted of eighteen btewed oysters, three crackers and eight ounces of milk. He ate a piece of watermelon at intervals and for dinner took fifteen stewed oysters. WEATIIKK INVIUATJONS. Washington, D. C, Aug. 11. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, partly cloudy weather, occasional rain, southwest te northwest winds, stationary or lower tem perature and generally higher barometer. "friends lie Has Nene." Atlantic City, Aug. 11. Tlic body of the suicide Gcerge W. Hacker, of Phila delphia, still lies here unclaimed. STOP THIEF! With S3O.00O rinnder. Glen Garden, N. J., Aug. 11. A gen tleman of this place Mas robbed this morn ing of $30,000 in railroad bends. A large reward is offered for their recovery. Steamer Burned. Winnipeg, Manitebia, Aug. 11. The steamer Dakota, which plied bet wecu Grand Ferks and the International boundary, was burned host Monday night at Pembina. Less, $10,000. MJUCKJSTS. Philadelphia Ksrket. I'UILADELPnil All.r in Vkulrulil....l.l I tending downwind; supeinne $i 50:1 : extra ! Mi m ; Ohie and Indiana faiuil v i S7C 00 . Pcnn'a Umlly at 55 50: St. Leuis family at $. Mat: W ; Minnesota family ." .Tetfi; i" : patent and hhtli grades G JOgS PO. Kye flour at 4 .. Wheat quiet ami easier:: Ne. 2 Western Ued l 0SX; l'unn'a Ked t lR)i4: Amber 1 III. Cern fillet : yellow ,7!a2-V: mixed .ll.Vic: steamer li5iv. Oate steady: Ne. 1, White -Hif($l-.V: .Vo.ide 8c; Ne. 3, il:ff:uc; N. :'. Micii:s Kye steady : New TOe. Prevision tinner; mes perk l! 5'Krir.: beef hams 22oea mi; India nwss b.e: atfiitoe: l) icon smoked shoulders HSCfc; -ait de at $S.;Ke; smoked hums lll.V; pit led Hams l.uril ll rm -li- tr.-tti.. ... c: .. . i.. ImtclieiV .ffe; prime steam Se. Butter dull, except for medium grades; Creamery at -.JjJtic : Creainerv "iwid te choice 2i21e: llru.llerd ceuiiiv anil New lerk extra. SiJJile : Western icservr extra li: 317c;de poed te chelt-t: l.WI.Ie; Knit dull IVnn'a extra 1IS17; Western reserve t:tni II 6 16c. Eggs linn and scarce ; Penn'a at r.j.'filCe; Western Iflc. Cheese st renjrly held Illiquid ; New Yerk t nil cream !2l.!c; Western lull cream ll)J.f lie: tle tair te geed !ii2l'i;c; de hair skims S9ir. IVlreleiini unlet ; relineil :'. Whisky 1 11. Seeds t;oed te prime t'l.ivcr sinn at $7 7. S50: Timelliy at .! iifcj2 7.": r'UiMed (inlet at I '. New tern Mnrkci. Nbw ei:k. Auk- II. Fleur Mateand U't-st-ern prlce-i without murked chain;!-: miit nne stale at ::i;'ii ill; evtr.i n. at ft 00 (MID; choice. de., I tMJZ txi: tuncy T lug'i; ill; round hoop iliue l V-ii .'i: choice tle jr t'-Ujji; 7." ; s.ipertine ui-.-l.-n, ::t"g 4 10; common te fjnnd extra de fl (h,j ft ; choice dodel.roi;7.'; ciunce while ivluat tle It i'lfgl 75; Southern dull ami heavy; common te fair extra ." mi&i; (m; .;ii..d te clieiee de i lefti; -',. n neat -Ne. l u hue. cash a shade heller ami ethers slightly in buyers' favor ; Ne. I W lute, 8ept.ftc.KJ; Ne. tilted Sept., $1 !-.s-;,..l is?M. i;em about le better and rather tf.itet: Mixed western spot, lii4tM .; de lutiircM Vb"Ic. tints linn ami ipnet ; Ne. . SSepl. sy.'r ; state -ilKltt.t ; nesiem :4lb. atiM-lt Marhcu. I'lllLADKLl-IIIA. Allg. II I2:.'itf F. M. U-lltl l M. Stocks steady. IVnn? t;'s (third Issue) I7 Philadelphia & Krie I.VJ heading ii' Pennsylvania .r.s Lehigh Valley. xi United Ces. et N. .1 It.7 " Northern Pncllic VM'. " l'rolerreil 5-1 "? Northern Central :ni Lehigh Navigation :;i Norrhttewn utl Central Transportation Ce. .Mi IMtlH., Titusvllle A Itullale. ir' Little Schuylkill nj4 Nitw Yeinc. Aug. II. Stocks irregular. -'"j ........................ ji(. N. Y. Central I.s; Adams Express IIS Michigan Central !.. Michigan Southern IU) Illinois Central 11' Cleveland & Pittsburgh r.M,C Chicago A ltK-k Island II.". ' Pittsburgh Fert Wayne .1'je Western Union Tut. Ce H7J Teledo & Wabash 4 1,1, New Jersi-y Centril . . TUJJ Ontario Western $!- United Stater! ISeiuls ami hterlle-x i:ili.ii.;; ((Jtio'.atieiM by It. K. .IiuiiImvi .t Ce.. s. v Cor. :id and Chestnut Streets). l'HILAIIKLl'.'IIA. Any. tl. United States O'.s, 18S1, (registered). .lulftliu United States .Vs. 1SS1. (iegIsteieil)..ltU;iff)l(ij.v United States 4r.'s, ln. (regiHteredjIluVilln-S United States .l'.s,lh'.)!,(coupen).. .llljjlll,,',, United States 4's, l'.)i7. (-i'iti-lurt-d)..llj0liu United States Currency BVi li" Sivy. Sterling Kxclmugt: I.s'kIM xk w Ait villi ris ;. :.v r.v. I MK SAl.K !IKA1 A Ne. Ii Crystal Furnace, alme-t m;w. Ai ply at once te KDXV. J. '.All 31. ltd alun's Cerner, l.auea-iter. Pa 100 Tens of Rags Wanted, Cor which the highest price will bit paid. i,'i ci:.nt.s Pint ph'ni rei: coon mi.i:i u.vcs. Th.i highest, price uaiil ler e.!ii:, Old Paper, ISoeks, tc. Ten Itag Assertcrs wanted te whom the higlit st price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBER, Cor. North jufii und Orange Streets, yMldli :.uiiei"ter. Pa, NOTICK TO t'AKMKKS AMI STOCK KAISKUS. Herse and Cattle Powder, the ld-st iii the market. Sold by weight; 1c. it pound; .1 pounds ler II. Fer Iler.-e-!, Cattle, Swine, Poultry, .e. (Jive it n trial and yen will use no ether thereatter. Seb! only by ANDREW G. FRE. lie iter in Drugs, Jlt.dicim.y, Spices, Sul..liur Cms! ic Seda, s.eda Ash, Ac, Cor. N. tlueen and Oranga Streets. nW-yd Lancaster, Pa. $500 REWARD I 0KU A MILLION OF PROF. GUILMETTE'S French Kidney Pals. Have already Iipcii sold in this country ami in France : every one of which has given pcrlcct satlsiaetieu, ami has perlerined cures every tinie when uii-d according te directions. We new wiy te tlm nJllictc-I an I deubtiii;; ones that we wil pay the above reward ler a single wise el LAME UACJiv t hut the Pad falls le cure. 'IbisCuat i.'cmedv wlll Positively unit Permanently cum J.imi J.imi b:ige. Lame l.'ack. Sciatica, UruveJ. Diabetes, Dropsy. i:right: DUeasc et the Kidneys, In continence anil Ueti.'ntlen et the Urine, In flammation of the Kidneys, Catarrh of the lltailder, High Colored Urine. Pain in the linck. Side or Leins, Nervous Weakness, and in fact all disorders of the IMndderaiid Urinary Organs whether contracted by private disease or otherwise. I.AUIK.'S, If you arc sutlering from Female Weakness. Leuceril.uM, or any iINcupc et the Kidneys, Uladder, or Urinary Organs, YOU CAN BE CURED 1 Without swallowing iihiimjeiis med bines, by bimply wearing PftOF. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, WHICH CL'IIKH BY ABSORPTION. Askyourdru-'g!stferPltOF.;i;iLMr:T'rii'.S FICKNCH KIDNKYPAD.and take no ether. If he has net get It, send i and you will re ceive the Pad by return mall. Fer sale by JAMK.S A. MUYKBs, Odd Fellows' Hail. Columbia, Pa. Sold only by UKO. W". HULL. nruggist, IS W. King St,, Lancaster, Pa. uugll-f;:iidcelM,WAF Prof. Guilmetts's French Liver Pad. Will positively cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake. Billiens Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia and all discuses of the Liver, Stomach and Bleed. Price I1..VJ by mail. Send far Prof. Unllmettc'.s Treaties en the Kidneys mid Liver, free by mail. Address FRENCH PAD COMPANY, Teledo, Ohie. augll-GmdcedSt.WAF U TO RINGWALT'S RINGWALT'S Fer Best Old Hyc Whiskies, Bcstsyrup, made oatef Sugar, Best Ceirt-enud Sugar In town, Best Alcohol, Best Bitters. All Ne. 206 WEST KINO STREET, 1 1 M