"V"" - & -,-t-w" LANCASTER lUIttX 1NTEIX1GKNCHE. FBIDA.T AflGWST 6, 1880. ., w v. rt POLITICAL. POLKS. A Circus Tent in the Sixth ward. Jehn Spcidcl get tired having his wagon lying out en the Millcrsvillc turnpike with the remains of the Republican Eighth ward pole en it, se the broken stick was dumped into the dirt as its party will he in November. In tlie SUtli Ward. The best Republican workers of the Sixth ward went te the country a few days age and cut a pole which they left lying in the gutter at the corner of Walnut street and Cherry alley. The stick, which is as " crooked " as some of these who handled it, measures CI or 70 feet, and after several announcements it was arranged that it should be erected last evening. About 4 o'clock in the afternoon a crowd of boys and a few men, including Geerge Shay, O. Washington Jack, esq., Gee. W. Gerber, Jehn II. Bewman, the standing candidate for constable of the Sixth ward, he is called the "standing" candi date because he docs net run well, Themas C. Wiley and several ethers, gathered at the spot. AfteV a great deal of noise, most of which was made by G. Washington Jack, and some weik, the pole was placed in position and at last accounts it was still standing. It did net require a derrick te erect the stick, which is net much longer than a telegraph pole, and is net nearly as large as the poles which the Democratic boys erect in different paitsef the city every night. There was no enthu siasm when the pole was up, and the en tire affair was very tame. A Hag will be put en the pole hhei tly, provided Tem Wiley purchases it as he premised. In the vacant let where the pole stands the Republicans have erected a tent which closely resembles these used by showmen who have big snakes, Australian children, fat women and living skeletons te exhibit. There are no banners en the outside of the tent as yet. It uuld be an excellent idea for the Republicans of this ward te give this tent te J. IJe.. man, G. Washing ten Jack and their friends, and allow them te give exhibitions in it.Tuerc arc many well known Republican pel formers living in that ward who might draw a laiire audience by ap pearing iu some of their original but well worn acts. Chief Cleik of the Senate Cochran will be expected te leek after the plumbing, tin bucket:;, soap and carpets. Postmaster Marshall might de his famous political pei fermanee of riding two horses at the same time, going in opposite direc tions ; Tem Davis ean give the boys some rare juggling, and if Cam Muhlenberg could be prevailed en te stay in town he could exhibit the little joker, In the uni versal delight of J. W. Jehnsen. Democratic Poles. One of the very prettiest poles in the city was put up by the Democratic boys of the east end of the Sixth waid last even ing. It stands en the property of Jehn Hcidig, near the coiner of Walnut and Pulton sheets, a sheit distance cast of the Pcnu iron works. The pole is 117 feet in length, as straight as an Indian arrow, and away up at the very top of it is perched a game cock, with head erect and crewing. A streamer, an Ameiican flag and a beard bearing the names of " Hancock and Eng lish" arc also borne aloft by the superb hickory. Tlie boys put it up iu exactly 18 minutes and had a geed time afterward. Especial praise is due te the Hcidig boys, Mike and Andy, for the cxK-ditien with which the pole was raised. The Hancock bes of the Seventh ward who recently eiectcd a line hickory pole at the corner of Freybeig and Locust streets, received te-day from New Yerk a hand some bunting ll.ig, fl by 10 feet, which will be flung te the hrccze to-meirow. Uncle Ad. Dietiich gave the Democratic boys of the Eighth ward a line pole 85 feet highand in about ten minutes last evening they raised it en Maner street, opposite the corner of Derwart. Serenaded by the I.eldcrkraiir. Last evening the members of the Lan caster Lcideiknuiz met in their hall above the Schiller house and proceeded iu a body te the saloon of Jehn Spanglcr, the presi dent of the organization. They gave Mr. Spangler a line serenade. A number of songs were sung and different musical in stalments were played upon. Mr. Spang ler had an excellent collation prepared te which the singers sat down. The evening was very pleasantly spent and the party broke up at a seasonable hour. Yesterday was also the ninety-second anniversary of the biith of Frank Spang ler, the lather of Jehn Spangler, and when the Leiderkrauz visited his son last evening they paid their compliments te the old patriarch, who was much gratified with the attention. Hlore Railroad Rumors. A West Chester paper says : ' Within the past few days a prominent citizen of Lancaster city visited Wilmington, Del., and had an interview with a well known railroad man of that place, in reference te the proposed extontien of the Wilmington and Western railroad te connect with the Lancaster and Quarryville railroad, which would pass through Kimbleville, and thence te Oxford. If this link should be made, it will be of very great benefit te the lower section of the county, and all the people resident along the route which it would traverse, in cheapening their coal, enabling them te erect manufactories, and give them a new outlet te a country te which they new have no access." .Slight Fire This Morning. This forenoon the chicken house and weed shed efLawrcucePalck, who resides en Seuth Prince street, below Concstega, caught lire in some manner. There were considerable weed and shavings in the weed house and a portion were burned. The building was partially damaged. The lire was extinguished with buckets of water by Mr. Falck and his family, assisted by the neighbors. The Excursion. The excursion of the Y. M. C. A. te Cape May left Lancaster at 0 o'clock this morning taking about e00 people from this city. The train was very long and when it arrived here there were a number of people en beard from Columbia, Yerk and ether places. The train arrived safely at Cape May at 1:30 this afternoon. When it reached the Cape there were 750 passengers en beard. m A I'ecket Ifectk Found. Jacob Reese found a leather pocket book en North Queen stieet, containing -10 cents and a pass from Lancaster te Harrisburg. The name of " Mrs. P. Patriek" is in it. Sale of Securities. Jacob 15. Leng, real estate agent, sold yesterday at private sale $3000 Quarry ville railroad 7 per cent, bends at par; also $500 city lean, due 1882, at $105. Mteverdala CamameeUBg. The sunshine and favorable location of the grounds have already relieved the Stevcrdale campmeeting from the ill effects of the wet spell. In addition te 1 these mentioned yesterday, the following ministers have raaac tneir appearance . Revs. D. D. Delong, president of Lebanon Valley college ; J. Lesher, 8. L. Swartz and J. X. Quiiiley, making the number present about twenty-five. Ex-Bishop Erb preached yesterday in German ; Rev. M. P. Deyle, of ML Jey, preached in the afternoon, Rev. J. H. Al bright, of Spring Garden, in the evening, followed by an exhortation by President Delong. The audiences were large through out the entire day, and the interest in the services is increasing. Families from Mount Jey, Columbia, Meuntvillc, Mari etta, Ilighspire and ether parts of Lancas ter county are tenting, making the western portion of the county well represented. The steamboat Columbia runs three times a day between Middlctewn and the camp under the direction of Ames Simmons, of Columbia. OBITUARY. Heath or Kx-Uev. Curtiii' Sinter. Mis. Martha Irbin, who has resided in this citrt 2 r some months past died at 11 o'clock t is morning. Since last winter she has been the guest of Mrs. Frazer, 38 North Lime street, and returned en last Satin dav after an absence of seme weeks from Lancaster. She had been an invalid for unite a ncried. but only last nitrht her condition became mere serious. Medical attendance was promptly summoned and her relatives weie advised by telegraph, but she grew weaker and died at 11 a. m. She was the widow of the late Dr. Irbin, of Centre count v. and sister of ex-Gov. A. G. Curtiu. Deceased was about C5 years of age. The immediate cause el her death was inflammation of thebowels. Her friends are expected te arrive in Lancaster this afternoon te remove the remains te (,cntrc cnuutv for interment. SU.MMUR LEISURE. 1'eeple Who Try te Keep Coel. Rev. D. II. Geissinger, late pastor of Grace Lutheran chinch, this city, and new of Christ church, New Yerk, came te Lancaster ycsteiday te spend a few days among his old parishioners. Alderman A. K. Spurrier left this city this afternoon for Clyde, N. Y., where his family has been summering for seme time past. lie will be absent about ten days or two weeks. Walter Arneld and Dr. Gee. P. King left for Cape May, this morning. Dr. D. P. Merenzy has left town te rus rus ticale in the county for a few days. Themas Dinau, of Williamsport, who was formerly proprietor of the Na tional house, new kept by Ames Lee, was in town this morning. The Heaver Street Lamp. Cenrad Cnuii, who lives two doers from the lamp en Beaver, between Concstega and Andrew 8trects,says that he knows the street lamp was lit en Wednesday night, en which night the Examiner says it was net lit. If at any time during the night it was net lit, it was either blown out by the wind or put out by seme unauthorized per son. Mr. Cann says this much in justice te Mr. Frederick Shread, who has the con tract for lighting the lamps in this section. He says the lamp is lit every night regular ly, and net half the time" as the fSxam wr."has said. A Wayward Rey. Willie Endy, a little boy, whose father formerly resided in this city, but new lives in Harrisburg, ran off from his home in that city en Wednesday and came te Lancaster. Werd was sent te the police by his father te arrest him and the parent came down yesterday afternoon. He caught his son en North Queen street and took him home. This is the same boy whose disap disap pcaranee from this city seme years age with a tramp created some alarm. He was also tried for horse stealing in the court here, hut acquitted when it was shown that he had only rode te town en a visit with the horse of a farmer with .whom he was living. The Yerk Comity Physicians. At a meeting of the Yerk county medi cal society yesterday a cemmittee was ap pointed te confer with the Lancaster county medical society in reference te the publication of a Medical Journal. Dr. McKiunen read a paper en "When te Amputate in Penile Gangrene," and the secretary was instructed te forward it, and one read by Dr. Meiscnhelder at Orsen's Glen en " Diaphragmite Pleurisy," te the medical society of Lancaster city and county for publication in the Quar terly Transactions published by said so ciety. Tried Once In Heading. It has been discovered that seme foity feity six years age a Quaker named James of Reading concluded that it was his duty te fast forty days. After an experience of thirty days without feed he desired some thing te cat, and requested a dry cracker be given him. The doctor told him if he ate ene he would very seen be a dead man. But, contrary te the dictate of common sense and medical advicc,he partook of the forbidden feed and passed away, leaving a wife and a number of children. St. Luke's Mlislen Flcnle. The Sunday school of St. Luke's Re formed mission en Marietta avenue, held their annual picuie en the eollcge campus yesterday. The afternoeon was spent de lightfully iu games of all sorts. In the evening thcic was a narrow escape of what might have been a serious accident in the breaking of a huge limb, as two young men were swinging. But all voted the picnic a success, and it ended with three hearty cheers for St. Luke's picnic. A Go-As-Yeu-PIease at the Depot. This morning a man from Bird-in-Haud, reached the depot in time te see the 0:10 depart. He had great confidence in his legs, however, and started te mil. - He followed the train te the old match factory where he gave up the chase in disgust. He is a geed runner but is net fast enough for a train. Coup's Circa. The cirens of W. C. Coup arrived in Co lumbia this morning. They gave an en tertainment this afternoon, and will give another this evening. A number of Lan caster peeple will go te Columbia for this evening's performance. Fet Deg Shet. A few days age a bcautifu 1 little Italian grey hound belonging te Ames Lee, was bitten by another deg. The animal showed no sign of hydrophobia but fearing that it might, Mr. Lee had Officer Swenk te sheet the animal this morning. JSad Beys Locked Up. Dick Roadman and Geerge Brinzer are the names of two boys who were sent te jail for five days each, by Alderman 31c- Conomy this afternoon. These boys visited the farm of Richard J. McGrann en the Manhcim pike and amused themselves by tearing down the hay stack. They were driven off once bnt returned and renewed their work. They then went te a woman's home and began stealing peaches, and when told te leave threw stones at her. Deg Catcher Appointed. Geerge Smith, colored, has been ap pointed deer catcher of the city. It will I be his duty te catch all unmuzzled dogs found running in the street. This morn ing several street gamins were engaged in different parts of the city catching dogs with ropes ; they have no right te de this nor has any ene except these iu the employ of Smith. Nearly every deg seen en the street te-day is muzzled. I.oeo DegH. Twe dogs found en the street without muzzles have been "arrested" by the police, for violation of the mayor's procla mation, and confined in the lockup, where they will be kept for 48 heuis and then killed, unless reclaimed by their owners. A vacant room in a building en Christian street near Grant has been secured as a deg pound. Hlg Let of Parrot. W. B. K. Jehnsen, a dealer iu parrots, who was here last summer, arrived in town last night, bringing with him 250 parrots. The birds were kept in the King street ex press ofllce ever night, and the noise made by them was almost loud enough te wake the city. Sheeting Mutch. Yesteiday's sheeting match at Neffsville was largely attended and the prizes weie wen by sportsmen from this city. A Hancock Whip. Mr. Ilaberbush sends us a Hancock whip that is white and long ami strong enough te de credit te its name". A Complicated Case. My daughter, Utnliy Stock, sufiercd ler iner. tliilii two years from a sen: leg. About lour Inches below tlie knee there weie sometlmc semetlmc sometlmc enly oue, llieu again several opening from which matter would be discharged, and cm-:s great pain. Medical assistance proved of but little use. About two months age wu weiv In duced by a irleml te try St. Jacob's Oil. The result was that tlie p.ilus gradually vanillic I the swelling disappeared, thu discharge et mat ter censed and the wound healed up Fer live weeks the lg has net only been entirely well and all pains gene, but my child has also been well In every reaped, and If gives me much pleasure te report these wonderful euccts. Seriiit: Steck, lluffale, JV. 1. Excursion. Farincm' and Mechanics' Excursion le Cape May via steamer Republic.er Atlantic City via Camden and Atlantic It. It , en Saturday, August It. Tickets geed for three days, te re turn en any train irem Philadelphia or Cupe May via steamer Uepubllc. or geed for two days Ireui Atlantic City wlthoutextra charge. Fare for the round trip only $2.7.t. " Ten pays your money and takes your choice." Special train leaves Lancaster (King street) at 2:30a. in. Columbia at iHJ a. in. Fer ttirthur partic ulars sen circulars at all stations. :uig4,i:,l.,l2,13lt'.i Parrots. Mr. Jehnsen, the Allcntewu puret man, is tig'tlu at his old stiud, N'e. 15 Kuxt Orange street, with a low hundred young pariet, at wholesale and ret.il!. Your choice for "M.50. A lew days only. ltd A loed and a medicine are combined In the nie-t perfect manner In Mult Billet-. A Willy Customer went te a drug store and asked ter SOZO DONT. The storekeeper said " We're out of that, but here Is something lust us geed." The practical customer yalil, N'e ou don't," and walked out ten neighboring store and get a bottle of SOZODOXT. nir-'-ludeedsw Bcnutillcs the complex Ien by stimulating the small bleed vessels Cullcura Medicinal Seap. BVEUI.IL MOTIVES. SAMPLE NOTICE. It 1m impossible, for a woman after a fulthtiil ceur.se eftreatment with Lydla 11. 1'l.iklmm's Vegetable Compound te continue ie sutler with a weakness el the uterus. Kuclesc a stamp te Miv. Lvlia K. I'inkham, iT.; Western avenue, Lynn, Mass., ter pamphlets. Jy5KMyilc.iJ.Uv "Sellers' IJver Pills" are the secret te per fect health, long life, and absolute happiness. Sold by all druggists. Mothers! tn nthci-s! ! 'aeiitcr-H! Are you disturbed at night and broken el your rest by a sick child siilferiug and crying Willi the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? It se, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will lelieve the peer little sutlcrcr immediately depend upon it ; there Is no mistake about It. '1 here Is net a mother en earth u he has ever used It, u he will net tell you at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, anil relief and health te the child, operating like mnglc. It Is perfectly safe te u?c in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and Is the prescription el one et tile eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold everyw here 25 cents a bottle. 1 jl7-lyd&wM.W&.s Try lyncher's Kenewned Cough Syrup. Ite AVI no and Happy. It you will step all your cxtiiivagniititud wrong notions In doctoring yourself nud fam ilies with expensive doctors or humbug cure alls, that de harm always, and use only na ture's simple remedies ter all your ailments you will be wise, w ell and happy, and .save great expense. The greatest remedy ter this, the great, wise and geed will tell you, Is Hep Bitters rely en it. See another celbuin. uu2-2wdAw Try I.echcr's Kenewned Cough Syrup. Hundred or Ladles, Who have been unable te attend te their du ties owing te periodical sickness, luive found Warner's Safe Kidney and I Jver Cure a real "friend In need. Ilclng a purely vegetable compound and containing all the elements et safety as well as these of power, It lias become universally popular. During the summer es pecially. It Is n certain preventive for the nu merous Kidney, Liver and Urinary troubles incident te the season. All druggists sell It, and none except these In perfect health can af ford te be without It au2-2wdAw St-eng Kvldcure. I have sold at retail price since the 4th of De cember last, 10G bottles or Dr. Themas' Eclec tric OH, guaranteeing every bottle. I must say 1 never sold a medicine in my life that gave such universal satisfaction. In iny own ca-e, with a badly Ulcerated Threat, alter a physi cian penciling It for several days te no ullcct, the bclcctrjc Oil cured It thoroughly in twenty-four hours, and In threatened croup in my children this winter In never failed te relieve almost Immediately. C. It. 11 ALT., CiKAYViLLK, III.. March -V, 180. Fer sale by II. U. Cochran, drugUt, 137 and 1S"J North Queen street. Lancaster, la. 17 Try lecher's Ucuewncd Cough Syrup Aftkii years of travel te and from health re sorts, and after a most careful trial et all the various prescriptions, ladies have given up In despair with an almost total less efappulltc, pule, bloodless, languid, and without ambi tion ; Anally, having learned of Dr. Brown ing's Tonic and Alterative, although having been sick ter yearn, gain flesh and a flue con stitution upon investing a small amount In It. Price SO cents and 91. Fer sale by the Propri etor, W. Champien Browning, 1117 Arch Street, Philadelphia, und all Druggists. au5-l wcktw Statistics prove that twenty .five percent of the deaths in our larger cities arc caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Iiciiewned Cough Syrup, shall wc condemn the su'Ierers ter their negli gence, or pity them for their Ignorance? Ne 9 Bast King street. ' Among the many advantages gained by our change of business location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and -warrant all work en trusted te us. WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL BOX REPAINING, OLOOK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING. &C. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West Kiug Street. Ileat aiyl Sicknemt. During the het and sultry weather an un usual amount of sickness prevails in every community, especially among females und children, caused by the fermenting mlamu gas or nitrogenous matter floating iu the air. aiislug from decaying vegetation. This bad airallccts everything wc eat, and engenders In it a seml-fcrmentatleii, which, when taken In the system Is like leaven, and operates en the whole, starting in the bowels ami seen pro ducing a violent fermentation, causing dlar lhicaand dysentery. It has been teund that that the use et Speer's old Pert Orape Wine et Sew Jersey has an extraordinary effect in checking this termeutstien and restoring the system te its original strength and vigor. In valids and debilitated persons have found It the ineit nutritious and strengthening tonic iu tlie market, and the greatest help In resist ing the poisonous effects of tlie vitiated atmo sphere. This wine, se long established, has be come the standard wlue upon which physi cians rely as the most rich In body and genuine in character, containing the greatest amount of medicinal properties with the least intoxi cating iiimlltics. apccr'.t vineyards produce u larger yield this ye.tr than u-mal, and he has reduced the price el his wine that any pereu can new puicha-u It of druggists fei 1 per bottle. Nene el' ti.l. wine is bottled until It Is four years old. C'Hie.'r. This wine ii cmloirfed by Irs. Atlee and Davis, nud sold by 11. Ii. Slaymaker. HU5!-5!wdW Try l.eehei'x Itciiiiuncd Cough Syrup. Coughs. " llfijicn'x ltieneliial Troches" are used with advantage te alleviate Coughs, Sere Threat, llear-cncss and llreuclilal Affections. Fer thirty years these Tieches have been In use, ith annually increasing favor. They are net new and untiled, bnt, having been tested by wide and constant use ter nearly an entire geneiatieii, they have attained v.cll-iucritcd rank among the fmv.stnpIereniedlei.ef thenge. Ihe Threat. " Jlreirn'ix TSrenehinl I'reeiies'' act directly en the organs of the voice. They have an ex traordinary effect In all disorders of the Threat and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone when ic la.xed, either liem ee'd or ever-exertion el the voice, and produce a clearand distinct enunci ation, tijicakcrs and Singers liud the Tret-Ins useful. A Cough, Celd, Cutarrh or Sere Threat re quires Immediate attention, as neglect olten elten t lines results In some Incurable Lung Disease. ' UrewiCs Itrenchiul Troches " will almost lu lu vaiiaely give relief. Imitations are etl'eied for sale, many et which air Injurious. The genu ine ' Jlreicit,.t Jlrenrhial Troches" are sold enlu in boxes. lanir.-lyilwTu,Tli&S Try I.echcr's Kenewned Congh Syrup. It you Iiavcscrelula don't fall te use "Ilr Llndscy's Weed Searcher." Sold by all drug gists. Ifeii May, Hut! Yeu may drink a glii-s of Ice water when yen iiiu thoroughly heated by exercise, hut becare becare tnlle have Dr. Themas' Kelectrlc Oil by yen. The best remedy In the world for Celic. "Fer sale by II. I. Cochran, druggist, 137 mid I'M Xertlf Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 18 1'OLITIVAIj. -l. z UM .lk4l Democratic County Committee. The Democratic Comity Committee will meet in this city en MOXDAY, AUGUST 'ii, lss, at lilfum., in the City Democratic head quarters, Southeast angle el Centre Square. A lull attendance Is urgently requested. Y. U. IIKXSBI., Chairman. D. McMtllex, ) IS. S. Pattkiisen, VSecretaiic. XT. Hay u liuira:. S iimSkI&w I'lrst Ward. The First ward Hancock club will held a meeting at Jehn Spaugler's saloon this even ing at S o'clock. J ACOII UEESK, See'y. Tim Junier Hancock and English club et the city will meet at JIagclgans's saloon. East King street, en Monday evening, at 7 o'clock. .YA'ir Al VJIKTIHEMESTH. BAUIIEY'S HEADING llCKR ALWAYS en hand. Alse, Chrn. Jelcy's Battled Bcrgner & Engle's Beer, at Frnnktj'a (iaiden. Music this evening. JOHN HESS. ltd SKI.LIXtt OFF AT AND IIKI.OW COST the entire yteck of Dry Cioeds, Notions-, Quilts, Carpets, Ac, In store. Feil KENT The admirable store room Xes. : s' and 4t West King street, augfi-atdeaw PHILIP SIIITM, SOX & CO. 1 X KVKNINtl SOOIADL15 WILL UK J given by the Alpha club at the GBEEX COTTAGE, Saturday evening, August 7. Ne improper characters allowed en Hie grounds. Admission free. ang6-2td rroiiAcce kaiseks notice. J The IVnn'M Mutual Hall Insurance Com pany l new ready te bind the insurance, and issue policies against hall damage le tobacco. Bates reduced. Insure before It Is tee latr, at BAUSMAX A BUUXS'S, Ins. Agents, enice, 10 West Orange Street. y22-eedtilt BUKOXICK AND KNGLK'S ItEKK OX TAP at SPBEXGER'S SALOON, NO. 41 NORTH QUEEN STREET. Pioneunccd lobe the best and puicst beer iu Lancaster by the eldest brewer in the city. Come and try It. ltd X)KOPO.-SALS FOB STREET YV'OUK. Sealed proposals will be received by the Street Committee up te THURSDAY, AUG. 12. 1SK), at 7 o'clock p.m., for grading Plum street from P. It. R. te tlie New Helland turn pike. Plans and specifications te be seen at theoilicnet James C. Carpenter, City Regu lator, and proposals te be left with D. McMul len. Chairman. The committee reserve the right te reject any or all bids. nngC2tdF&Tu 105 (IO TO F. HIEMENZ'S, 105 Ne. 105 X er!h Queen street for I he Cheapest mid B 105 BOOTS AXD SHOES. Sign or the Itlg Shoe. 103 125-SSWtfd Lancaster Mes. Wc have just icccived a second Invoice of the I. te which wc call spsclal attantlen of anyone wanting n Reliable Watch at a LOW PBICE. E, R BOWMAN, 10,'J EAST KINO STREET. LANCASTER. PA. i-c LADlfcS ANIX1EXTS 1f( II you want a GOOD FITTING BOOT OR SHOE, Real j -made or made te order, call at F. HIEMENZ'S, Ne. 105 North Queen Street. Custom Werk a Specialty. ieiW4Wtfd XJiW AltrXttTISEMESTS. 100 Tens of Rass Wanted. Fer which the highest price will be paid. i)i CENTS PEK POUND FOB. GOOD MIXED BAGS. The highest price pal. I ler Woolens, Old Paper, Heeks. Ac. Ten Bag Assnrters wanted te whom the highest pi ice will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBER, Cor. North i n ami Oiange Streets, y9-!filB Jamcabtcr, Pa "miS'N&BRMEMAi 100 Gress Fruit Jars, Bought before tlie ml vance and ler sale at $1.20 PER DOZEN. Great llaig.dns iu TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, AT Flinn I Breuemau's 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. JivvtrnsTexs. I jKNNSYI.YANIA KA1I.HOAD. (BAND EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CITY, On THURSDAY, AUGUST 19. T1VKHTS GOOD FOR TWO DAYH. Geed te return en any train from Atlantic City and Philadelphia en second day, without extra charge. Parties desiring te return game day will take special tiain, leaving Atlantic City at (land West Philadelphia Depot at 8 p. m SCHEDULE AND KATES OF FAKE: Mount Jey $3.10 lotndlsville 3.00 Yerk 3.50 Marietta Leave 4:40 A. M. Bate .1.10 Columbia ' r.u " " 3.00 Meuntvllle " r.:iu ' ' 3.00 Bohrerstewn " .1:111 " 300 LANCASTER... " 7,:2: " 2.75 Winner " .V.IS " i75 Blrd-ln-IIand. .. " 5 52 " 2.73 Gordenvllh) ' fi:ih2 " " 2.7T Leaman Place . . " : ' 'iR Kiuzcis " l!:1.1 " " 58.53 Gap " C.:J1 " ' 2.15 Christiana ' (i:-J7 " ' 2.33 Atglen " fi:.!I " " 2.35 Fnrfccsburg " fclsi ' " 2.20 Pomerev ' (;:."t " " 2.20 Coatesvllle " :32 " ' 2.05 CH1LDKL-N HALF 1'lllCK. Alter arriving at Philadelphia, parlies desir ing te go through te Atlantic City, will take street cars te the toot et Market street, where the ferry beat will convey them te the West Jersey Depot, wheie cars"will be taken te At lantic City, arriving at the latter place at 10:48 n. m. As this will probably be the last excur sion east or this season . parties who desire te take a cheap trip for business or pleasure, will de well te take this opportunity. Tickets for side at all stations along the route and en beard the cars. Fer lurt her in format Ien, tickets, ftc, address the undersigned managers. CI.ABK & SCUMID, j :!l-2vdeed Lancaster, Pa. DAILY EXCURSIONS r::e?i PHILADELPHIA CAPE MAY. The famous mammoth three-deck Steamer "REPUBLIC Leaven Ihtcu Street Wharl nlVAn. in., arriving at Cape May about liUjlp. m. Returning, leaves Cape May at 3 o'clock p. in., givlngnmplc time for bathinir or a drive en the beach. A full Brass Band and Orchestra Music for dancing. Parler Entertainments varied weekly. Lunch eons and Belreshmcnts Iu abundance. Din ners and suppers provided. Oysters nn.l Fish served for supper a tew moments after taken from the water. Furc for Ike Hound Trip $1.00. SUNDAYS Will leave Race Street Wharr at VA a. iu. P. S. A Biead Gauge Steam B. B. will con vey passengers te Cape Island In 8 minutes. Tickets for sale at CHAS. H. BAKU'S, e2S '2indAw CEXTBE SQUARE. VANTJlt. WANTED. KVKKl'ltODV TO ADVEIt llse, fiee et charge. In the Iktblliobh Iktblliebh CKB, who wants something te de. rOlt SALE OH KEN J. WANTED lMJHt-.DIATLLY. A .1IKDIU9I Size Brick Heuse and let with all th comforts of a home. Address A. B., Ixtklli Ixtklli eencku Olllce, stating lowest cash price and hew seen possession can be given, full partic ulars, Ac. jylO-tfd 17HHC KENT. ., . The second btery et Eshlcman A Ruth von's Banking Heuse, at Ccntie Square, and also a room en second story, opposite the Penn'u K. R. Depot, en Chestnut street. B. F. ESHLEMAX. f5B-2tdStt Atternev-at Law IyUHLIC SALE YVILL DE SOL.O AT . public suit) en FBIDAY, AUGUST 13th, at Philip Wall's Green Tree Hetel, West King street, a Let of Ground and Twe-Story Brick Heuse en Maner street, known as the "Hu mane Engine Heuse." The let is iW by 30 feet, mere or less. Sale te commence at a o'clock p. m., when terms will bumade known. JACOB GUNDAKER, Auct. jy31an7,12,13 I PROCLAMATION. By virtue of the uuthetity vested In roe by the Ordinance et the city of Lancaster, I hereby order and command till owners of Dogs within tlie city of Lancaster te shut them up, or, if allowed te run, te securely inuzzle the same, from und after THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1830, at C p. in., In soma proper place, untU the lirst day of September next. The owners allowing Dogs te run at large, unless muzzled, will be liable te the tine under Section 2 or the Ordinance et 1841. The line Imposed by the Ordinance el 1827, Sectleu 2, will be inflicted upon any person ob structing the legally employed, persons from carrying out the Ordinances respecting the capturing of Dogs during the continuance of this proclamation. JOHN T. MacGONIGLE, g au,5l6,7,ll,Ud Mayer. THIRD EDITION FBIDAY EVENING, AUG. 6, 1880. WEATHKR INDICATIONS. Washington', D. C, Aug. C Fer tlie Middle Atlantic states, partly cloudy weather, occasional rain, along the coast, stationary, or higher temperature, nearly stationery barometer nerthestcrly winds- A MOTHER'S AWFUL CRIME. Merphia Admlngtered te Herself Hint Nine Children. The Father' Dreadful Discovery Death of me rerpeiracerana inree or the Little Ones. Woodsen L. Gunnells is a farmer who resides in Webster comity, Ga., twenty miles west of Americus. Returning en Wednesday night from a visit te a sick neighbor, he found his wife and nine of his ten small children iu a horrible sleep from the effects of morphine ad ministered in lemonade by Mrs. Gunnells. There is no doubt that .she pre pared the fatal beverage and administered it te the children and drank of it herself with fatal intent. Mr. Gunnells was mar ried te this, his second wife, about seven years age, and has by her four children" The ether six are by a previous wife, and, as far as is known the step-mother has been a dutiful and kind parent te them Mrs. Gunnells was the daughter of Dr. Tul lis, of the same county, and is of :i highly lcspcctablc family. A note in the handwriting of Mrs. .Gun nells was found under a merphia hotUeon a table, in which she stated that she had de liberately administered merphia te the children and herself, with the intention of dcstieying them all and that she was net actuated by any domestic trouble. Owing te the lapse of time before medical aid ar rived Mrs. Gunnells' case was hepelesF. She lay en her back en the bed in the un natural sleep preduced'by the fatal drug, and all offertsof the physicians and sympa thizing friends te restoie her were futile. She died in four hours. Three of the chil dren are likely te die ; the ethers may re cover. The whole tragedy is utterly inex plicable. TANNER'S CONDITION GOOD. "Fer He Himself llutb Siild It." New Yerk, August G. Tanner entered upon the last day of his fast, suffering in tense pain. Great crowds are present. He walks around the enclosure every hour unassisted se that the spectators may see him, but every move he makes produces pain. During the morning he was very low, bnt rceuted the preposition te put a mustard plaster or his stomach and said nothing would benefit him new but beef, wine and iron. At neon he declared his condition "geed." A chemical analysis of the lluid from his stomach shows that the fast has been honestly conducted. Twe proposals of marriage and an eiler from Chicago te lecture throughout the West, were in his morning mail. v wii:i:. Tn-iluy'n Telegraphic S. The American Distiiet telegraph mes senger heys in New Yeik aic striking for $3 a week wages instead of $ 1. One of the strikers was sentenced te two mouths in the workhouse for obstructing the com pany's business, but this was reconsidered and be was held te answer for assault and battery en another boy. Catharine Miller, whose body was found hanging en a reeinNewJeifccy, as i elated in a news item, had been violently treated befere her death by a man iu whose com pany she was seen, and an investigation of her hanging will be made Gladstone is convalescing :ut isfaetei ily. The New Yerk Democratic state com mittee is iu session te-day, completing its campaigh-'iri-aiigements. First Saratoga race : Dan Starling first, Leamington gelding second, Big Medicine third. Second race : Helle fiist, Geld lug second, Gabriel third. Thiid race : Com pensation lirst, Zingnri second, Ladyllote Ladyllete berry third. In Damariscotta, Maine, the Democrats and Greenbackeis have effected a complete fusion en county, congressional and presi dential tickets. Several stores, a hotel, and offices have been burned in Bensen, Mich. Less, $20, 000 ; of which the less of Baldwin Bres.' hotel makes $10,000. Garfield had crowds pour iu te his recep tion in Xew Yerk. He will be seienadcd and make a short address this evening. The Republican national committee held a private session today. They will send no money te Flerida. Serious Heed have occurred in MeravTa, Galicia and Silesia, lailre.uls a:e injured, bridges carried away, liver banks over flowed and crops and prejH'ity destroyed. Till: CIIAMIIKKSIIUUU HO.-KICIDK. The Man Who Wan Net Shet Dead. IlAituisiiuim, Pa., Aug. 0. The man who was in company with Rebert Allisen at the time he was shot and killed by Chris tian StaufTer, in the lattcr's cornfield, near Chainbersburg, last Saturday, has appeal ed and made a statement t the district attorney. It is similar te the statement made by Staufrer, with the addition al fact that the witness received iu one of his shoulders a poi tien of the shot which killed Allisen. His name is withheld for the present. COURT PROCLAMATION. Whbiieab, The Honorable JOHN B. LIV INGSTON. President, und Honerublx DAVID W. l'ATTERSON, Associate Judge et the Court of Common l'leas.ln and for the county of Lancaster, and Assistant Jnstlcesef the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail De livery and Quarter Sessions of the l'eace, in and ter the county of Lancaster, have Issued their precept, te me directed, requiring me, among ether things, te make public proclama tion throughout my bailiwick, that a Court et Oyeraad Terminer and a General Jail Deliv ery, also a Court of General Quarter Sessions of tha Peaca and Jail Delivery, will commence In tha Court Heuse, In tha city of Lancaster in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en tha THIRD MONDAT IN AUGUST (19), 1SH0. In pursuance of which precept public notice Is hereby given te the Mayer and Aldermen et the city of Laacastcr, In tha said county, and all tha Justices of the Peace, the Corener and Constables, of the said city and county of lam caster, that they lie then andthere In their own proper persons, with their rolls, records and examinations, and inquisitions, and thelrethcr remembrances, te de these things which te thelreffieesappertain In thelrbehalf tobedene ; and also all these who will prosecute against the prisoners who are, or then sluiU be, in the jail of said county of Lancaster, nra te be then und there te prosecute against them as whall be just. Dated at-Lancaster the 22d day of Jnlv, l&sO. JACOB S. STRINK, Sheriil. jy31-3tdeawJtr.tw fl tP JUTTKKS 1TOK SALE AT LOCH- er's Drug Stere, 9 Eaat King street. Foatefflce Roebcu. Fleetwood, Pa.,. August 5. The post pest office at this place was robbed by burglars last night. Less about $:00 ; no arrests have been made. 31AEKETS. New Xerk Market. Nkw Yenx. Aug. C Plnur-Statc and West ern in buyers taver; Ne. 3 Bye moderate; expert and home trade in demand; super nne: state at $ 7T4 50; extra de at 4 09 O450: choice, de.. l fieQJ W; lancy 10!6 W): round hoop Ohie j.i reS 75: - i-i.lce de $5S0$7 00; supcrtinc western s;73 : common te geed extra de i offiS0 effiS0 offiS0 cheiccdodofica700; choice whil.- wheat de 4 50g5 00; Southern dull ami d.cllntng d.cllntng d.cllntng commen te lair extra $5 SSfii. aj; geed te Wheat Red lftlKc better and moderately active: White dull and weak: Ne. 2 Red. Aug.. $1 OsiSl Ci : de Sept.. 1 0!K?1 V2i ; de Oct., t 09y ; Ne. 1 W bite Sept.. $1 . Cern heavy and Jjc lower : .Mi.e.i ucsterii spot, t;fi4$c: de liilure ISg.liv. Oats dull and weak; state !; : western SS-iCc; Ne. 2 Sept. XViC. rnlhidclphla Market. I'uiLAUKLruiA, Aug. it. Fleur unlet, easier; Mipcttine at aw i; extra at ;M t 00 ; uiue ami iniiiaua laniuv at J. Siiit, 25 : I'cnn'a tamily at ?."g.' M : St. Limfe fai; f. ."Ojjt; i" ; Minnesota family r OiiC 23 ; and hijrh grade-ill 7."iS i". Rye Heur at f I ."Wjjl 7.i. Wheat uuiet and Meadv : Ne. -1 W family at patent Wheat iiuiet and Meadv : Ne. 2 Western bed 1(js'j; I'eiui'a Bed 1 Mi Amber! 10. Cern tinner en local maikcU; yellow at .Vie: mixed .Ii WfiJ.V'c : steamer in.-. " Oats qsiiet and steady ; Ne. -i. White Kc: Ne. 2, detOc; Ne. 3. de :iSji.l!H;; Ne. :'. Mixed .Vii.e. Rye dull ; New CVi Ti'e. Previsions in geed jobbing demand ; hums perk at $11 ;: beet hum fli 0iiQ-21 .V) ; India uns-. lK-e! -fltJIKI; bicen jmekeil shoulder.- at .Vigfie : -alt de at 3''ra5Jc: smoked ham- UQ l-.'e; pickled ham-'.) tj!liie. Itrd liim ; city keltic SG..e : Iimhe iiuichei7Jc; prime steam TJc. Butter quiet; Ci earner 2 t -''''- : de geed te choice SMi'ilc: Bnuirerd cuuntv and New Yerk extra. !g:!!c : Western reserve extra IU (,(l:;de goeil le choice l-IQ-Ibe; Rolls dull; IVnn'a extra llfil7: WeMeni it-serve extra lift 17c. Lgg-in liriusu pl :md light; lYun'a 15 R'.'ie: Western 1 !,',. I .V. Cheese scarce and higher; eu Yerk lull eieuia IIJ II1 ,c; We.-teiu lull trtmit )M JJic: de Mir te geed NiSj. e; de hull skims SiiSJSc I'eiielcum tiriu ; relined J-Kc. Whisky $1 11. Seed Geed te piimu Clever jobbing iii.J5a? S ftl; Timethy jehhing.it ! s3:; for old : Flax seed nominal at $i ."d. .sleeK atnrkdtx. Fuilai!l;'iii.. Aug. t;. lilftl V. H. ."-OU 1 M. Stocks tirm. I'eniiuti's (third is-uii 107 1'liUadelphia A Kile I.''4 Beading 1 1 w .... Pennsylvania M ' .... Lehlgli Valley. w. United Ces. et N.J Iu; " Northern Pacilic S-ji; " Pieterrcd :; Northern Central t?, Lehigh Navigation 3lj Noiristewn 1112 Central Transportation Ce. la Pitts., .Tiltuiville A Builale. Ii': Little Schuylkill Siw liiiik, Aug. 1;. Stocks strong and buoyant Meney ifj-JJi N. Y. Ceulrnl ISt'-j X-rn. . j,rj Adams Kxj.rea- US Michigan Ceutial .;V( Michigan fceutlier Idtij; llliuei.s Central :;4 Cleveland & l'ittsbuigli lii Chicago A i:eck Island II IM Piltsburgli .t Fert Wiiym ..lUii'". eestern Union Tel.Cn 177 Teledo & Wuliush 4S4 New .lursey Centra! . 7ii! Ontario Western a.-J United SlateH IXmkIs :nnl tt;rliiig i;:1i:.ii. (Quotatieiw by B. K. Jami-eii A ;., S. W Cor. 1 and Chestnut Streets). I'lllLADCM'lUA. Aug. C. United States C's, 1SS1, (registered). .HUKffl01J' United States .Vs. IsSl. (registcretI)..l(l-n.TjlOi-i United states l's, 1NM, (lcgistcrcdJUO'UOl, United Suites l.'s.ls'.ll, (coupons).. .MliJfSIle;, United States t's, 111)7. (register il)..IW)4All(i74 United States Currency U'.s Ii" jidS. Sterlinir exchange 13.C :ji,'.K IjKUAL A'OTIVJ.M. a ssii:ni:i kjtatk ok .i!Iciiai:l ii- V SHIRK ami wife, of Bast Cocalico town ship. The undersigned Auditeisuppniutcd te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of I-i-ael W. Meiilzer and Daniel Nissley, ils siguceM for the bencllt et crediteis, te and among these legally entitled te the same, w ill sit for that purpo-cen THURSDAY, AUGUST I-J, Isse, at 10 o'clock, 11. 111., in the Library Roem 't the Court Heuse, in the City of Lan caster, uhere all pcisens iuleiesteil 'n said distribution 111.15- attend. AND. M. VRAXTZ, A. J. i:i:i:::ly, THOMAS J. DAVIS. Jyl'1-ilde.iu- Auditei-s. INSTATE or I. t:vis H;-.ITIN:, sit. !i late of Iinc i-tcr city, deecasei!.- The un dersigned Auditor, appointed teili-tiibiib: the balance remaining iu the hands et Martin Kenipf, trustee te sell the real estate of said decedent, te and among IIkmi: legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpo-cen TUKS DAY, AUGUST le, I -Ml, at i o'clock p. 111., In the Library Itoeui of the Court limine, in the city of Lane-aster, where nil persons interested 11 said distribution may attend. G. C. KKXNKDV, jy'i-ttiieaw Auditor. 1 STATE OK PHI LIP M'IIU.11. LATE OK J tlieeit el" Lancaster, drccuM.il. I.etlers el niliiiistratieu en said estate having been grintcd te the undersigned, all persons iu ilebted thereto are iciiuested te make I1111110 dlate settlement, and tiiese having claims or demands against the same u ill present theiu without delay tnr settlement te the under signed, ii'sidnig in said city. JOHN i;.pchum, CHARLKS HOLTZWARTH, M. Bi'.emii's, ' Ailiuinlstraters. J. B. Goen, a tt'y. jyil-Ctdeaw ASSIGNED INSTATE OK ANDREW JOHK and wire, et Fast Lampeter township. The undersigned Auditor, appointed te dis ti Unite the balance remaining In the hands of Calvin Cooper, Assignee, le and among these legally entitled te the same. will. sit ler that purpose 1111 THURSDAY. AUGUST 12, IHS0. at Hi o'clock a. m.. iu the Library Boemot the Cemt Heuse, iu the city el Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distri bution may attend. ISO. A.COYLK, jyll Itdeaw Auditor. IN THE COURT Ol CtniAIC.:. PLEAS OK t iuuasicr ueuniy. Union National ."itf ..! I'anl: : ) Jan. Term, 1 Ne. SI. ) Bx. Dim:. Term, 1S80. vi. tll'Tlft- Itlll'l- The unders'lgncd Auditor, appointed te dis tribute " the money secured by mortgage, exe cuted te V alter M. Fianklin,esi.," beingofthe proceeds Irem tin: sale of the above named dc lendant's real estate, le and among such llenr ei editor or creditors as may be legally entitled te the same, will sit for thatpurpes" en WED NESDAY, the lllh day el AUGUST, isrO. at 10 o'clock. A. M.. in tin; Library Beem of the Court Heu-e, in the City et Ijini-astcr, wl.cre all persons interested in said distribution may attend. NKV.'TON LlGHTNr'B, )-!-Iteaw Auditor. IN THE COURT OK COMMON Pl.EASOK Lancaster County. Alary A. Miller bv her nexfl friend, Llizabcth llulxir, I Feb. Tenn, ISsO. vs. I Ne. 1.1. Benjamin Miller. J And new Dee. Zi, lu73, en mo tion et Samuel II. Price, esq., the Cem t appoint J no. Am weg, esq., examiner, te take testimony. Attest: K. McMKLLK.V, Protlienolary. Benjamin Miller, take notice that deposition of witnesses uill be taken en behalt of tin: plaintiR, en I he lith day of AUGUST. ISSO, be twi en the hours el 10 e clock a.m. ami. "o'clock p. 111. et said day. at my ellice, Ne. -."Seuth Duke strict. Lancaster. 1'a., when and where you may atleud if you think printer. JNO.M.AMWUG, jyi:-:!ti!eav.- Uxuiuiner. FI.SAXVIAI. JAMES lil'.OW.S, DEALEXt JN MOCKS and Bends, Kt and CC Broadway, New Yerk, Opciatiens en margin and by uieaiis of privi leges. Information furnished en all matters connected with stock speculation and Invest ment. mlj-lyilT'-.TIiAS TASTKA. X-i Came te the resldente of the : ulifccriber, in Celcrain township, en J UNE 'JS, IS&), a pale Red Steer and a Benn Heifer, snptionetl-te 1m about i; years old. The owner is requested te come lerwurd, prove property, pay charge! und bike them away, otherwise they wlU b sold according te law. SIMEON W.SWISHER. Jlxv 0, W0. jy!4-4tw 'POIIACCO RAISERS NOTICE. L The Pennsylvania Mutual Hail Insurance Company of Yerk. Pa , has reduced tin; price of insurance 011 Tobacco against hall from f.'S te $1 per $100 cash premium, and we are ready te bind the insurance us seen as the, premium is paid. Insure befere It ts tee late; at BAUSMAX A BURNS'S, Ins. Agts., 1y28-2tw Onice 10 West Orange Street, ?i