Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 06, 1880, Image 2

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Lancaster intelligence?.
Docter Tanner has done what the doc
tors positively said he could net de; a
thing which is net surprising in itself,
for no one can have failed te observe that
physicians are anything but infallible,
even when they are most positive. This
is but another illustration of the fact that
they knew very little about the body that
they can be sure of. One would think,
considering hew often their favorite
theories are upset and that comes te
pass which they have declared could net
possibly happen, that doctors would have
learned te be careful te assert nothing
and deny nothing. And a great many
of the elder ones are thus cautious and
are as close as a clam about the ailments
of their patients. It is the only way te
retain their respect, though it is very
aggravating te have your physician slip
through your fingers like an eel, when
you undertake te pin him down te
a definite statement as te the nature,
causes and consequences of your illness.
He knows that he don't knew. He
has an opinion, but experience has
told him. te distrust his opinions.
A doctor lias te be naturally prudent,
and te be well up in years beside, before
lie can thus refrain from airing his
knowledge before his patients. Every
man is naturally assailed with a vehe
ment desire te tell all lie knows every
time lie gets a chance te make an im
pressien en semelMMly else. And se, when
Dr. Tanner declared he could de without
feed for forty days, all the impetuous
doctors who theoretically knew Ilia:
he could net, hastened te se declare,
and until lately were cock-sure
that, their theories would held water.
At the head of this tribe appeared Dec
ter Hammend, a man who get te the
head of the medical bureau of the army
during the war through the impression
he created of his immense knowledge
and capacity. And who was shortly put
out by the discovery that he was a fraud.
His talent for impressing people with
his greatness was such that he has since
attained a front rank in his profession in
Xew Yerk, where it is se easy for bold
pretension te succeed in any avocation
In the practice of medicine it is partic
ularly easy for a man who knows very lit
tle about the art te create the belief that
he is its master and te flourish according
ly. There is no profession that is se in
fested willi quacks, and they are net all
outside the pale of the " regular" practi
tinners. There is as much humbug,
ignorance and imbecility among the
" regular" members of the profession,
who practice under the rules which for-
bid them te advertise themselves and
their drugs, as there is among the class
who use the newspapers freely te pre
claim the iufalliability of themselves
and their nostrums. Doctors can adver
tise themselves in many ways without
falling foul of the rules, and Drs. Ham Ham
eond of New Yerk and Wier Mitchell,
of Philadelphia, and all that class of pre
tentieus specialists who are forever
thrusting themselves before the public te
display their knowledge and who se often
get caught exhibiting, instead,their igne
ranee, are no better than our old Lancas
ter friend, Dr. Ilarlmau, who, after an
essay at the practice of medicine
in the regular way, went into
the business of selling patent bridles
and patent medicines, and who new
blooms in Pittsburgh as a miraculous
curer of all the ills of the body, his skill
testified te by the most startling testi
menials, showing hew lie cured people
whose llesh had all fallen from their
bodies and who for years had been un-
sucessfiilly treated by oilier doctors.
Dr. Haitnian beasls himself in the
newspapers and pays their publishers
for it. We naturally therefore prefer his
way of advertising te the methods select
ed by the fellows among the " regulars,"
who are looking as actively after the
main chance and as industriously hunt
ing up ways of making the people be
lieve they are a great deal mero knowing
and mere mighty than they are. Here,
in Lancaster, we may be entitled te feel
a degree of city pride in the quacks
who boldly advertise their medicines
avowedly te put money in .their purses.
The most distinguished et them were
born and bred here. Dr. Hosteller co
pied Dr.-Green's receipt for a pleasant
and healthful tonic bitters, and went out
te Pittsburgh, where glass was cheap, te
bottle and sell it ; and the doctor is new
the richest man in the state and a geed
citizen, and we are proud of hiin
accordingly, though he did fail in the
drygoeds business here liefere lie became
a "doctor." Then there was Hen Mish-
ler, who conceived the Mishler's Hitters
and get te be successful as a doctor,
with that infallible specific as his sole
armament, after he had failed at every
thing else. And new comes Dr. Hart-
man with his great medicines, " Peruna "
and "Manolin," te put llesh en fleshless
bones in Pittsburgh and shed lustre en
his birthplace while putting ducats in
his pocket at the lively rate of twenty
live thousand a year.
When regular physicians, claiming te
stand at the head of their profession, de
clare, in this age of the werld,thataman
cannot live forty days without feed, and
that man does live, they demonstrate
that they de knew se little of the body
they profess te cure as te be in fact pre
tenders, like the quacks they denounce.
The Xew Yerk JTeraltl cruelly re
minds some who took part in the Fifth
avenue hotel conference yesterday that
they were there four years age declaring
for a man for president who "in public
liositieu never countenanced corrupt
practices, " who is " known te possess
these qualities of mind and character
which the stern task of genuine reform
requires, " who " possesses the moral
courage and sturdy resolution te grapple
with the abuses which have acquired the
strength of established custom, and te
this end firmly resist the pressure even of
his party friends," and who " deserves
net only the confidence of honest men,
but also the fear and hatred of the
thieves." The Herald seems te suspect
that Mr. Garfield has entirely tee large a'
feet te draw en that shoe.
Whkre was Ceakling yesterday ?
Tfce Whisky Slag.
Great expectations will be abundantly
realized if Gen. Jehn A. MacDonald
publishes the kind of a book
about the whisky ring which lie tells
the Xew Yerk World that he is
about te print. MacDenahl having
been a large part of that nng, familiar
with its operations, guilty of its worst
practices, convicted for its f muds and
pardoned by the favor of its friends, he
is at once a well informed and a discred
ited witness. His testimony like that of
any ether accomplice can be received
only after abundant corroboration. But
if it can be thus well sustained it will be
very much mere interesting and valuable
than could be the evidence of any one
less qualified te speak with authority
and from an acquaintance with the facts.
At the time of MacDonald's trial facts
were developed te show the intimate con
nection existing between him and men
who shared Grant's confidence and favor
The slimy trail led up te the very doero
the White Heuse, and the best that
Grant's friends could say for him was
that " his wicked partners " took advan
tage of him. MacDonald's panlen came
under circumstances that looked as if it
had been extorted.
Xew, for some reason or ether it may
be for revenge, for notoriety or for
money MacDenahl proposes te tell it all.
He only fellows the unfailing charactcr-
teristic of such men in doing se. His
announcement that the whisky ring was
formed te raise money for Republican
campaigns will surprise nobody. Of
course it was. It was se manipulated
whercever it had its little branches and
the best subscribers te the party peel
around here were the fellows who used
te get anonymous letters through the
postefiice,with notes of large size in them
from their beneficiaries, and the partners
of the syndicate who met weekly in " the
back office " te get their dividends.
If MacDenahl has the verification of
his charges of Grant's guilty knowledge,
of the pledges made te himby Republican
politicians and of the delays they have
sought te interpose against his publica
tien, his book will be a rare and nicy
one. Certain it is that no field of fancy
ever offered such range for an interesting
narrative as the history of the whisky
ring under Grant's administration.
Wk trust that we will hear no mere
complaints from the Examiner about
anybody giving its party in this county
the deservedly bad name which it has for
all manner of political rascality. The
Examiner has proclaimed te the press of
the state a recent most flagrant case of
ballet-box shilling, of which it may lie
presumed te have accurate knowledge,
since it was done by its political friends,
and in behalf of its political friends. It
further declares that no primary election
of its party here is ever held without
fraud. When it is remembered that
these elections are under the gcneral law
of the state te regulate elections, and
frauds at them are punishable under
these statutes, it is manifest that part of
the Lancaster county Republican politi
cians will commit frauds when they get
the chance and that the ether part will
net avail themselves of the legal reme
dies te prevent and punish the prostitu
tion of the ballet box. While the Repub
lican organs here delight te entertain
their readers with alleged outrages
upon the frce exercise of the
right of suffrage in .the Seuth the fact
remains that in no section of the coun
try, according te their confession, is
there greater pollution of the ballet than
here in their own bailiwick. It is tolerated
within the party because the devices
which they employ te cheat each ether
are in general campaigns turned against
the Democracy, when the ballet-box stuff
ing and return tinkering of the prima
ries blossom out into the forgery of na
turalization papers, the manufacture of
bogus tax receipts and the fraudulent
change of ballets. The Examiner has a
geed deal of sweeping before its own
deer te de, before its broom will find le
gitimate employment in Alabama.
Whims the Republican politicians
were quarreling in Xew Yerk yesterday,
as te whether their chances were mere des
perate in Maine or Flerida, the Tamma
ny and anti-Tammany Democrats were
quietly agreeing te agree en all matters
and te make common light for the com
mon cause. Chairman Rarnuni is net
hunting with a brass band.
-- -
Thk union of the Republican party
this time seems te be a union of its lead
era. Hitherto its leaders have quarreled
and its masses have stuck together. This
time the masses are disintegrating and
when the returns come in it will be seen
that the leaders have no mere votes nr
capita than the led
Belknap was at the Republican con
ference in Xew Yerk yesterday, but was
net called for te make a speech net in
public at least. Mayhap he was invited
te the secret executive session te tell
hew te raise a campaign fund by the
sale of pest-traderships.
"The spunky skeleton" is what the St.
Leuis Okie-Democrat calls Dr. Tannek.
Speaker Randall has our thanks for
valuable public documents.
Mr. Jehn Steele, ence known as Ceal
Oil Johnny ' (unless there is mere than one
such), new resides in a town west of the
Mississippi. He holds a responsible posi
tion in abusmess firm. He is respected in
the town in which he lives as a vry fair
dealing man. He is a member and officer
of the church of which he attends.
A marrtage will shortly take place be
tween Mr. Reginald Hargrcavcs, of Cuflf
nells, and Miss Alice Liddfll, second
daughter of the dean of Christ church, the
young lady for whose pleasure "'Alice in
Wonderland" was written. Cuffncllp.
which is near Lyndhurst, is one of the
prettiest places in the Xew Ferest. It for
merly belonged te Mr. Geergo Rese, and
when occupied by him was several times
visited by Geerge III. and by Mr. Pitt
A. C. Angele was found dead beside
the Union Pacific railroad track by the
section hands. He had been run ever by
the cars and had. ended his life by sheeting
himself through the heart The man is
probably St. Aubry C. Augele, correspon
dent of. the Liverpool Courier, who was
with Prince Xapoleen in Zululaud when
the latter was killed. Angele had been
writing up the West for his paper, and h f ;
Cheyenne for Yellowstone park te join Sec
retary Schurz's party.
The address of Hen. Daniel Agnew,
L. L. D., delivered before the Dickinsen
college literary societies last commence,
meucc en " Enthusiasm," has been pub
lished in pamphlet form. It is an elo
quent analysis of that quality of human
intellect which is popularly defined as
ardent zeal, strong hope, heated fancy,
firm faith, and in short that highly exalted
state of the imagination which evinces
itself in the pursuit of a cherished object
and indulges in sanguine expectations and
confidence of success." Judge Agnew se
lected as historical cxumplers of his sub
ject, Paul, Luther, Columbus, Patrick
Henry, Daguerre, Merse, Ericssen and
Tin: cauteleupc is a special success this
Lay in no mere butter than you want
te-morrow. If Tanner gets through alive
prices will fall in the household market.
r t . it . r .. it i
juis. ii..i.nk says me iirsi tiling uis
party has te de is "te try and carry
Maine." Sherman declares that the sun
of Austcrlitz has arisen. These are very
comforting tidings te the man who was
The executive committee of the regular
Democratic state committee of Xew Yerk,
at a meeting yesterday, received a commu
nication from Tammany IIa.ll asking for a
consultation relative te the holding of a
state convention. A committee from Tam
many was subsequently received by the
executive committed and it was 'decided
that all local differences should be forgot
ten. Tiik Jewish movement toward Jerusa
lem seems te have fairly set in, the He He
brew population of that city having in
creased fifty per cent., from 10,000 te 15,
000, since 1873. At this rate it would net
take long te fulfill the prophecies in the
most literal way, and thcre may yet be
hopes of seeing Palestine the. fertile, pros
perous and well populated country that it
was 2,500 years age. The head and front
of the emigration movement in England is
Sir Moses Montcfiero, and the discussions
and novels of Lord Rcaceusficld have
served te stimulate a romantic interest in
the subject. Resides the Hebrew there is
a considerable German colony in Jerusa
lem, there being as many as 400 residents
of that nationality.
Genkkal .McDonald, late of the St.
Leuis whisky ring, is net only going te
write a book but he will lecture What
his lecture is te be about he docs net say,
but his business agent has told him that
"it will rip up his old party from hell te
breakfast. " McDonald will stump through
Indiana in September, and writes te a
friend in Indianapolis that "the people of
this country arc net aware of the danger
in store for them in the election of Garfield,
lie is in the hands of the Grant crowd, and
if they arc successful this time they will
have the old man in again in 1834. Then,
geed-bye te the republic. I knew the de
termination of the Grant, gang, and if Gar
field will net come te terms, Conkling and
Cameren will de nothing; if, en the ether
hand, he will sign the proper contract, they
will run the machine in his favor. "
Perry Jeffersen was fatally shot by two
negrees at May's Lick, Ky., en the 3d insr,
and the murderers wcre subsequently
caught and lynched.
A local election was held yesterday in
Memphis. A they, the Democratic candi
date for sheriff, received 5G00 votes ; Shaw,
Republican, 2300, and Powell, Grecnbacker
A tire at Jaurieta, in the province of
Xavarre, destroyed 80 out of 10G houses
which the village contained. Several per
sons were injured.
The Rritish government resolved at the
cabinet council en Wednesday te dispatch
immediately a large body of troops te Ire
laud in view of the pessible disturbance
Baseball : At Providence Providence,
2 ; Cleveland, 1. At Worcester Buffalo,
3; Worcester, 2. At Bosten Chicago. 3;
Bosten, 0. At Trey Trey City, 1 ; Cin
cinnati, 0.
In the Georgia Democratic state conven
tion nine ballets for governor wcre taken.
On the Jast ballet the vote steed as follews:
Colquitt, 200 ; Lester, 09 ; Hardiman, 53 ;
Gartrill. 15 and Warner, 0. It require:;
l.i t crriti flirt iwkiiitiiitinn itl ck4-
ever until te-day.
Xear Belfontaine, Ohie, a little daughtcr
of J. 1). McCerniick, was frightened by a
snake while at play. She immediately ran
for her father, who struck the reptile with
a cane. The blew burst open its side,
when three smaller snakes ran out. These
he killed and then took from the large one
forty-eno mere, making with the old one,
ferty-live in all.
The eastern glass manufacturers' asso
ciation has been in session at Leng Branch
for two day 8. Forty members .represent
ing twenty thrce firms, were present. It
has been agreed by the association that
operations shall be resumed en September
1st, in all the glass factories in southern
Xew Jersey which suspended en the 1st of
J. A. Davidsen and W. J. Franklin, of
Buckingham county, Va., were rival sui
tors for the hand efa young lady in that
county. Davidsen was accepted by the
lady. The two met each ether in the
weeds near Gray's store and began quar
reling. Finally they fell te blows, when
Davidsen drew a revolver and shot his
antagonist, inflicting a wound from which
he died that night. Davidsen is at large.
Parana wen the 2;30 race in Buffalo in
2:12$ and St. Julicn the freefjrallin2:15L
Darby second. Hopeful thirl and Great
Eastern fourth. Maud S. and St. Julien
have both been secured for the races, each
te trot thrce heats against time, en Thurs
day next, for a purse of $2,000 te each
Maud S. te beat S. Julicn's best time,
2:12J: St. Julien te eclipse the best time
ever made by a trot or pacer.
The Republican convention of the Sixth
Michigan dirtrict, after balloting 250 times
for a congressional candidate en Wednes
day, adjourned at midnight. Yesterday
morning, en the 2G4th ballet all the pre
vious candidates wcre " thrown over
board," and General J. L. Spaulding, a
special treasury agent, was unanimously
nominated. The selection was a surprise
te Spaulding, who was in Detroit, attend
ing te business at the time.
In the Michigan Republican state con
ventien David II. Jereme was nominated
for governor en 10th ballet Lieutenant
governor, Merian S. Crisby ; secretary of
state, wuiiam j enncy Tress; Benjamin L.
Pritcbard, auditor general : W. J. Lati
mer, commissioner of the land office ; James
M. Masmith, member of the beard of edu
cation ; Edward Sexferd, superintendent of
public instruction ; J. Gower, attorney gen
On March 6 Julia Heeper was married
by Dr. Kidd te Ossian Aldrichin Xew
Yerk. Aldrich was an agent of the signal
service in Cincinnati, but is new stationed
in Slebile. A month age Julia learned
that Aldrich had a wife and three children
hiving. He had sent her home ou a visit
She sough him in Mobile, and was sent te
Cincinnati, where she died of a broken
heart. Her sister, summoned there by her
illness, took the body te Xew Yerk.
Twe Parampe, X. J.,boys who were black
berrying in the weeds near that place,
found the body of a woman hanging from
the limb of a tree. She was dressed in an
old calico wrapper and were heavy shoes.
She was evidently a German woman, and
had been dead about a week. The rope was
fastened about four feet above her head,
and her feet were several inches from the
ground. The body was recognized as that
of Catharine Miller, aged 50, who disap
peared from Jersey City.
The season Fairly In Blast The Amount
Already Shipped The Better Va
rieties Xew Ripening.
MldUlctewn, Del. Dispatch te Wilmington
Every E veiling.
The peach season is fully en, and a Large
quantity of fruit has already been shipped
from the various peach districts. About
375,000 baskets by rail and enough by
water te make up a round 500,000 of bask
ets. Se far only Rese. Troths, Hales,
Yerkes and a few early Craw fords, have
been seat here, and the heavy shipments
from Xew Castle county and Kent county,
Maryland, where the fruit is in the great
est quantities are yet te be made. Gov.
Cochran thinks that the estimate of 375,
000 baskets for Middletown is net tee high
at that, that many wfil be sent te mar
ket thence. In the lower districts, from
Felten and below the early varieties which
constitute the bulk of the crop thore have
been sent te market.
Fruit has averaged here se far about 30
te 35 cents a basket, clear of commisssien
and freight, which is a fair price, consid
ering that the peaches se far shipped have
net been very large or well colored. The
later varieties premiso te pay better, and
the speculators are offering from 40 te 45
cents for the balance of varieties delivered
at the depot. Te-day the sales have been
from 75 cents te $1.50 and $2, the latter
price only being obtained, however, for
very choice fruit. Until new fruit has
brought enough in the various shipping
points te keep the drying men almost en
tirely out of the market, as fruit at mere
than 25 cents a basket will net pay dryers
enough te warrant the risk. Messrs. Rich
ardson & Robbins, of Dever, and ether
large firms in the canning business, have
eficrcd 50 cents a basket for the Crawford's
and ether geed canning fruit, but very few
sales have been effected at this price, and
speculators are se shy that the sales, when
delivered at the depot have been very lim
ited ; indeed, unusually se.
The better varieties of peaches are ripen
ing new and will seen be in market. Clerk
of the Peace Cochran, who has a very fair
yield upon his two large orchards, thinks
that the fruit after this week will be as
fine as was ever shipped from the Penin
sula, probably better than ever before,
owing te the fact that the trees pretty
generally have only enough peaches te ma
ture in excellent condition. The heaviest
shipment will be made about the latter
part of next week, and during the week
following. As a general thing this year
the shipments te Philadelphia, Xew Yerk
and Baltimore have lfcen the bulk of the
crop, as western and Xew England ship
ments have been somewhat mere risky,
owing te the geed prices brought in the
three nearer cities named.
Fer I'lillndelphht l'ubllc Buildings A De-
Ncrlptleu et Them Their Cost,
Weight, Ktc.
The main or northern cntratice te the
new public buildings at Bread and Market
streets, Philadelphia, has remained in an
unfinished condition long after the thrce
remaining entrances were completed. The
Wiirk te be done there is of a liner charac
ter, and could net be hurried without do
ing it imperfectly.
The passage-way is still open te the sky,
but work is new being dene upon it se
that it can seen be enclosed. The interier
liuish of the entrance way will be of sand
stone, excepting six granite pillars which
stand out from the side passage-way. The
bases of these pillars are of Bay of Fundy
granite, while the columns are of Cape
Ann granite, which will be surmounted
with bronze capitals.
The pillars are about 20 feet high and
stand thrce en cachsidoef the passage-way
and the capitals, which will surmount
them, arc about 4 feet high. Tliey weigh
1,500 pounds each. It required a year for
the actual work of building them. The
base of the capitals is 2 feet in diameter
circular in shape, and is surmounted by a
wreath of leaves, oak, ivy, laurel and haw
thorn being the four patterns. They
broaden towards the top and end in four
open angles, which project outward, the
space between the angles being concave.
Each of the six capitals is different in ex
ecution, though all are similar in design.
Mr. Alexander M. Caldcr, the designer,
chose six emblems navigation, architec
ture, music, mechanics, agriculture, and
science, which were made in bronze, se
that tliey could be fastened te the sides of
the capital. Four of these designs are
combined with each capital, but in such an
order that no capital has the same four de
signs. The effect thus secured was six
capitals dissimilar in pattern, and six dif
ferent emblematical designs. The capitals
cost in round numbers $1,000 each, and the
pillars upon which they rest the same sum.
Thrce of the capitals are new in position.
On the side of the walls of the
passage way will be sixteen spandrels
cut in relief, life size and in sandstone
Each group is of a different combination,
emblematical of the arts, sciences, agricul
ture, commerce and industry.
Gen. uarlicld'8 Progress.
New Yerk Herald.
Since Andy Jehnsen " swung round the
circle " there has been nothing se verbose
as General Garfield's progress from Menter
te Xew Yerk, unless it may be Mr.
Hayes's almost forgotten Southern tour
at the beginning of his administration.
The profusion of speeches en both of these
previous journeys, however, possessed a
merit te which none of yesterday's can
lay claim. They all touched im
portant subjects which then were
uppermost in the minds and .hearts
of their hearers. The oratory which
dripped yesterday at every railroad station
from the rear platform of the car which
brought the republican presidential candi
date across this state was utterly insipid
se far as cencerns his contributions te it
Most of them were rather clumsy compli
ments te the crowd for gathering te leek
at him, and we find none that needs com
ment en account of its relation te any seri
ous matter in debate in politics. Few
men in a position which makes the public
eager te catch every one of their words
ever have talked eftencr and said less that
deserves remark within the sanle time.
Mulldexlng Him.
Peraey'ts Progress.
Because I have exercised the right of
any negre, iu Seuth Carolina te vote for
the man that I like, I am subjected every
day te all sorts of scorpion stings from all
sorts of people that manage te get posses
sion of little Republican newnpapers
printed in all sorts of towns between the
state of Maine, that was owned by Mr.
Blaine last, and the state of California
that is seen te go for Hancock.
The Italian Wife Murder.
Xew Yebe. Aug., 0. Pietre Balbo,
the Italian wife murderer, left prison at
8:14 o'clock. Prayer at the gallows wr8
offered by Father Anacletus. Balbo was
hanged at 8:17." At 851 he was lowered
and his pulse was examined. He was
taken down at 8:38.
Details of the Hanging.
The critical moment for Ralbe came at
six this morning, when in going te aud re
turning from mass in the woman's depart
ment he had te pass under the gallows.
He diJ se, however, walking firmly and
looking up at the hideous structure with
out a wince. Soen after returning te his
cell he said, "Where's sheriff, me want
go. " He was then conducted te the gal
lows, being perfectly cool, although very
pale. He prayed, kneeling beneath the
beam, after which the noose was adjusted
aud at 8:17 he was swung into the air. His
neck was net broken, aud he died in six
teen minutes from slew strangulation.
Te the great surprise of Pittsburgh,
Recse Owens, a big perk packer there,
failed yesterday for $170,000.
Jehn Scharrer, of Pittsburgh, aged 44
and father of a large family, kissed his
wife and went te work in full vigor of
body, as usual. He was plying the pick
at Hart's island bank at about ten o'clock
when the bank fell in, crushing the life
out of him.
Somerset county fare for the circus
cempany: for brcaklast, ceuce, bread,
fried potatoes and fried bacon ; dinner,
fresh boiled beef, soup and bread ; supper,
cold meat, bread and coffee. Besides
they are furnished at each meal with a
spread of cither butter, molasses or apple
The Delaware Democratic county con
ventien nominated General Jeffries, of Rid
ley rark, for congress; Hen. Tryon Lewis,
for the scnate, William Appleby and
Themas J. Osberne ler assembly. Georee
W. CIess for prothenotary, James Spregel
forreceraer, Jehn Fenten for register,
William Kellcy for coroner and Edward H.
Engle for peer director.
In Stroedsburg, Leuis Ovcrfeld, a re
spectable young man in the employ of
William Hennery, liveryman, was walking
home up one of the principal streets of the
town when he was set upon by live or six
rowdies, who were, or pretended te be un
der the iulhicuce of liquor ; they tied his
arms, beat, cut and kicked him nearly te
Themas Shoemaker, a carpenter, in
Stroudsburg, while crossing a railroad
bridge with a companion, missed his feet
ing and fell te the ground, ever sixty-two
lect below. When his body struck the
ground it rebounded ever three feet in the
air from the force of the fall. He was in
stantly killed. He leaves a large family,
two sons having been killed by railroad
accidents lately.
Jehn Lewis Sutteii, an empleye of the
Erie railroad, living at Hancock, Wayne
county, was killed while under the inllu inllu
cuce of liquor and walking en the track.
The engineer whistled, but Sutten was tee
drunk te hear or heed, and when shuck
by the engine he was hurled soine twenty
five feet in the air. lie was instantly
killed, his neck and back being broken in
thrce or four places.
A youth of seventeen or eighteen, per
former in the Jacketsehy Imperial Japa
nese troupe, with Coup's circus, was play
ing with a toy pistol at the Veranda house,
Xorristewu, when it exploded. The bris bris
tel beard wad with which the playful
weapon was leaded, was tern into shreds,
which entered and badly lacerated the
flesh of the young "Jap's " hand between
the bases of the third and fourth fingers,
and lockjaw is feared.
A Theory That Didn't Presper.
X. Y. Humid, Ind.
Well, here is Hancock's letter of accept
ance an abler document than Garfield's
iu the general opinion ; who wrote that '.'
And then comes Hancock's letter te Gen.
Sherman, written in 1870, from a country
town in Missouri. It would be delightful
te think that Judge Black also wrote that ;
but unfortunately thejudgc was net there.
Unlike the Irishman's bird he could net be
iu two places at once. Yet it is a very geed
letter; strong, sensible, conservative,
showing as accurate an understanding en
Hancock's part of the constitution as the
famous Louisiana order. Se far as we have
noticed the Republican organs accept this
letter meekly as Hancock's own. This is
encouraging ; perhaps by and by tliey will
give him also the credit which belongs te
him of the authorship of the Louisiana
orders and letters. The theory that Gen.
Hancock is a mere dummy docs net seem
te prosper.
He Needs 31tizzllng.
A large sea lien, supposed te be one of
these that recently escaped from Ceney
Island, made its appearance in the Hudsen
at Smith's landing, and caused great ex
citement among the people. After show
ing himself several times in front of the
wharf, he erawlcd up en the paddle wheel
of the steamer Dean Richmond of the
Peeple's line, new lying in ordinary there,
and was shot at by Mr. Peter Keller, the
ship keeper of the steamer. Then lie
jumped into the river. He was pursued
until dark by a large party of fishermen,
headed by Cel. Michael Edwards, a vet
eran of the late war. They last saw the
monster near Catskill, but were unable te
capture him. They are still continuing
the pursuit.
Te be Itcinrned.
Xegotiatiens are pending through the
representatives of an Amsterdam (Hol (Hel
land) firm and Mr. David Francis of Phila
delphia for the restoration te Paris of the
geld snuff' box presented by Xapoleen III.,
en the battle field of Magenta, te Gen. Le
Becff", for his gallantry. The box is of the
heavy, old style finish of the imperial days
Its lid is ornamented in heavy relief, with
the imperial monogram " X." in blue ena
mel, surmounted by a crown of rese dia
monds. A wreath of thirty-two diamonds
encircles the monogram and crown. After
the death of Gen. Lc Beeff' his personal
property was sold, with this relic, which
came subsequently into the possession of
Mr. Francis.
Our Keputatlen Abroad.
Jlcllcfonte Democrat.
The Lancaster Examiner, a Republican
paper, expresses its belief that there never
has been an honest primary election held
in that county. This is net complimentary
te Lancaster honesty, but may account for
the large Republican majority annually
returned from that county. Political
morality in that section of the state is evi
dently at a low ebb.
Signs of the Times.
Philadelphia Times.
In short Indiana will vete Democratic in
October because it is a Democratic state ;
Ohie will vete Republican because it is a
Republican state, and the results will be
significant only as the majorities shall be
large or small.
Held for Court.
Heury Missel and his son William had a
hearing before Alderman McConemy this
morning en a charge of assaulting Jehn
Gundaker en Saturday night They wci e
held in bail for trial at court.
Last Night of the LandisTlUe Camp Closing
Last evening was calm and beautiful,
and the camp had resumed its former
cheerfulness. A Large number gathered
en the ground from the neighborhood
around te witness the closing scenes of the
camp. A conceit of song was given by
the choir at the stand which was much
enjoyed by the eager audience that gather
ed around them.
Rev. C. I. Thompson, conducted tLe
closing exercises. The 816th hymn was
announced. "And let our bodies part,"
Prayer wa3 made by Rev. G. Clawges.
After another appropriate hymn Rev.
Thompson made a feeling and appropriate
address. The campmecting he said was a
Pentecost te him ; he felt stronger physi
cally aud spiritually by reason of his hav
ing been here, but the time has come te
break up these associations and te say
geed-bye some never te meet here again,
but te meet in a mere glorious place of
An experience meeting following, an op
portunity was given for all te tell hew they
improved and enjoyed the camp.
At 9:30 p. m. the line was formed and
two by two these present marched around
the circle thrce times and then halting at
the stand, bade a formal adieu te each
This morning early, tents were struck
and everywhere people were busy iu pack
ing up and getting ready te take their de
parture. Much gratification has been expressed at
the netice which the papers of Lancaster
and Ilarrisburg have given te the camp in
the daily chronicles of its interesting ser
vices. The Let Helders Jllectliifc.
A meeting of the let holders was held in
the tabarnacle at 1:30 p. m.. yesterday.
Rev. C. J. Thompson, president of the
association, was in the chair ; Jehn B.
Geed, esq., acting as secretary. A report
was read by the secretary setting forth the
assets and liabilities of the association.
There remains an indebtedness ou the
grounds and buildings of 311,700: $1,700
of which is a floating debt.
The President C. I. Thompson made au
extended address setting forth the past
success and future prospects of the
campmecting association. The association
was considered in a geed financial cendi
tien. The revenues at the gates
aud from ether sources have netted a
haudsome sum se as te enable them te
meet all the current expenses, and leaving
several hundred dollars toward the pay
ment of the standing debt.
Great praise is due and was given te
Ephraim Hershey of Columbia, for his lib
erality and untiring labors in advancing
the interests of the association, and also
te Samuel Grove of Columbia, for his uu
tiring labors for eleven years gratuitously
given, also te Henry Sliubcrt of Lancas
ter, who has acted as a sort of general pe
liceman ever the grounds from year te year.
Harmony has prevailed iu the beard of con
trol, net ajar has occurred.
An effort was made at the meeting te
raise $1,700, the lleating debt, allowing
these who subscribed te select lets for the
amount with ten per cent discount ou the
regular price of lets. Amount was raised.
At the same meeting the officers of the
association were elected for the ensuing
year. They are
President Rev. C. I. Thompson.
Vice President William Patten.
Secretary J. II. Geed, esq.
Treasurer Ephraim I lershey.
Beard of Control J. T. Ensminger,
Henry Ilandshaw, J. W. Awl, Jehn W.
Glever, 1). Ilartmau, II. Shnbcrt, Jeseph
Samson, W. H. Shick, W. Harbster, H.
Creuse, S. Greves, H. F. Bruncr.-.l. llildc
brand, W. K. Bender, Geerge Park, S.
and O. W. Few.
Hn Kelis a Friend In Itendlni; and Flees.
A few days age two Germans arrived in
Reading from the old country aud took
quarters at a hotel. One of the men had
resided in this county for several years,
but recently returned te Germany, bring
ing his friend back with him. The men
remained in Reading for several days and
en Wednesday the ene who was acquaint
ed here suddenly left, taking with him the
trunk of his friend, which contained about
?0 worth of photographic instruments,
&c, besides some money which he had
been keeping for him. The thief was
traced te this city. It appears that a man
answering his description arrived here en
the Reading railroad yesterday morning.
He get oft at the King street depot and
after removing the trunk whrch he had
with him te the Pennsylvania depot, he
left the city ou the next train for Harris
burg. Werd was telegraphed from Read
ing te this city, but it was tee Iato te catch
the man. Yesterday afternoon Sergeant
Rissler, of the Reading police force, and
the man who owned the trunk arrived in
town. When they learned of the move
ments of the suspected thief the officer
started for Ilarrisburg, hoping te catch
him there.
A Dastardly Attempt.
As Miss Clara Sherb, a Ilarrisburg milli
ner, was walking en a public street early
last evening, a man of medium size, dress
ed in dark clothes and wearing a slouch
hat, approached her from behind and sud
denly clapped both hands ever her mouth.
Miss Sherb struggled te get free from the
clutches of the brute, but before she suc
ceeded in screaming for help the man
threw her upon her back. The rascal then
took te liis heels. The only motive the
scoundrel could have had for committing
the outrage was te rob her of a valuable
geld watch and chain kIie carried a souv
enir efa lively contest between Miss Sherb
and ene of her lady friends at a Catholic
lair. Miss Sherb is well-known -in this
city as an estimable lady aud has frequent
ly visited Lancaster.
Visiting Committees.
The report of the proceedings of the
school beard meeting last evening will be
found en our first page. Following are
the visiting committees for the quarter,
accidentally emmitted from our regular
report :
Xerthcast Division : Marriet Brosius
(chairman), Alex. Harris, P. D. Baker, E.
G. Snyder, Geerge Ycisley.
Southeast Division : Jehn W. Jacksen
(chairman), Charles Schwcbel, Jeseph
Schmidt, J. M. Wcsthiwsffer.
Southwest Divisien: Wm. A. Morten
(chairman), Wm. B. Wiley, H. Z.Rheads,
Jeseph Samson, Rev. C. Reimcnsnydcr.
Xerthwest Division : David Hartman
(chairman), Peter McConemy, Gcerge W.
Zecher, Daniel Smeycb, A. K. Spurrier.
Stelen Goods Found In UU Fossessten.
This morning Constable Gcerge W.
Kunkel, of Eden township, brought te
town,hand-cuffed, and ledged in jail a man
giving his name as Jehn Temple, who is
charged with having broken into and rob
bed the residences of Mrs. Xancy Wilmcr,
of Eden township, and Jehn Jehnsen, of
Bart township. Mrs. Wilmer's residence
was broken into en Tuesday, July 27, and
robbed of six shirts, one pair of beets, two
pair of drawers and a few ether articles.
The thief effected au entrance during the
absence of the family by breaking out a
pane of class from ene of the windows and
removing the fasteniug. He thoroughly
ransacked the house, breaking the locks of
the bureau and desks in search of plunder.
The heuse of Jehn Jehnsen, of Bart, was
broken into ou Friday, the 30th, an en
trance being effected in the same way as
at Mrs. Wilmer's, aud during the absence
of the family. Here the thief stoic a pair of
new shoes, a pair of geld car drops, a geld
fiuger ring, a pair of silver bracelets and a
few ether notions.
Suspicion pointed te Jehn Temple, who
is a stranger in the neighborhood, as the
guilty party, and hist evening he was ar
rested by Censtable Kunkel, of Eden
township, at the house of James Campbell
in Georgetown. When arrested he had
en his arm one of the silver bracelets
stolen from Jehnsen's and had in his pos
session a pair of drawers stolen from Mrs.
Wilmcr. He passed himself off as a ped
dler, and had sold two of the stolen shirts
te Levi Mescly. These were recovered,
and it is thought seme mere of the stolen
goods were sold in the neighborhood
and will be recovered. He had in his
possession also a square black leather
valise, containing a few articles which are
also supposed te have been stolen from
persons as yet unknown. Teniple i per
haps 35 years old, 5 feet 5 inches in height,
dark complexion, and is rather well-dressed
and geed looking. He was taken be
fore 'Squire Bachmau, of Bart township,
who after giving him a hearing committed
him te jail te answer at court. The silver
bracelet was taken from his wrist, au iron
one substituted, which seemed te fit him
better, and he was safely ledged in jail as
above stated.
;elii te l'hiladelihla.
This morning the companies of the 12th
regiment of the guard, from Wil Wil
liamspert, Danville, Sunbury and ether
places in that pari of the state passed
through this city en a special train at 5
o'clock. They were bound for the encamp
ment iu Philadelphia.
The companies of the 8th anil 1 1th regi
ments consisting of troops from Columbia,
Ilarrisburg. Chambersburg, Carlisle,
Yerk and AVrightsville passed through en
a special at 8:20.
A colored servant, engaged by one of the
Scrauten companies wasstrutting around
in his new uniform the ether day, and
having a yah-yah time, after the Ethiopia
manner of expressing delight. A bystander
pointing te the letters "X. G.P.'" (national
guard portcr)en his accoutrements, advised
him te have them taken oft, as they com
promised his dignity. "Why se, boss?"
said the darkey, sobering down somewhat.
"Why," said the ether, "these letters
mean Xigger Going te Philadelphia."
"Gelly ! dat se'.'' replied the new humilia
ted man, "I'll see (he kunuel about dat,
and have dat readin took oft dis yer rig,
bet yer life."
Fitio Tobacco.
A correspondent at Mechanics ('rove
writes : " One of the finest lets of tobacco
iu the country is being cultivated ou the
farm of .lames Barnes, iu Drumore town
ship. This farm has become justly cele
brated for growing fine tobacco, and the
present crop compares favorably with, if
net exceeding any hcretofeic raised en the
farm. There are thrce lets of about two
acres each of the Glcsner aud Connecticut
bread leaf varieties ; two acres farmed by
R. J. Barnes, and the balance by experi
enced tobacco farmers. Mr. Barnes has
commenced cutting and expects by the
tenth of August te have the three fourths
of his entire crop cut and housed. In ad
dition te the above we have some very fine
lets of tobacco in this neighborhood,
among which are theso of Franklin Pyle,
Jeseph Penney nd ethers."
-N'uux'ity (toys (Jet a Thrashing.
A number of boys from this city arc iu
the habit of going in swimming at the rail
read bridge ever the Concstega creek, te
the great annoyance of persons residing ia
the neighborhood and these who fish at
that point. A few day age a party of
them went te the place and notwithstand
ing the fact that there was a gentleman
and party of ladi"s fishing near by, they
took oil" their clothes and went into the
water. Geerge Tomlinseii, who lives Heal
th's place, has done his utmost te prevent
the boys from bathing theru in the day
time. While this pirty was iu swimming
he happened te come along the read. He
quietly tied his horse te the fence and tak
ing his whip from the buggy he gave the
rascals such a threshing with it that they
were glad te leave the place and will prob
ably net go back iu a hurry.
Tlin IlurriH llcntnl Association.
At the regular monthly meeting of this
society iu this city yesterday there were
Dr. Wm. X. Amer, president ; E. K.
Yeung. G. A. Ilerting, Thes. R. Pixten
and II. D. Knight, city, Dr. Jehn McCalla,
Millersvillc, .1. A. Martin, Strasburg, J. D.
Heigis, Yerk, D. R. Hertz, Ephrata, J. G.
Wcltner, Lititz and A. W. Rogers, Colum
bia. The entire session was consumed in re
ports of incidents of office practice. Many
cases were reported and disc-used, making
the meeting one of mere than ordinary
Laucnnter County Ahead.
The Yerk Press in noticing the small
number of Yerk county school teachers in
the state association, says: "In this re
spect Lancaster county carries off the
palm, having a membership nearly twice
as large as that of any ether county. Pos
sibly this is accounted for in part by the
large preponderance of the Lancasterian
clement in the pregramme. Perchance,
tee, the large membership, new and in the
past, accounts for that large preponder
ance." Derse Steles.
List night a horse thief broke into the
stable of Jehn Hess, who resides at Hess's
station, en the Quarryville railroad, about
a mile and a half north of Quarry ville, and
stele a fine black mare. Mr. Hess belongs
te the Martinvillft detective association,
the members of which started in pursuit of
the thief this morning. The stolen ani
mal has the letter "M" en the hoof of one
of its front feet
&&.!.. ., S-&sZ.,