Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 04, 1880, Image 3

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The CaaipmeetlBg at LaadUvUle.
The heavy rains continuing all day yes
terday, last night and much of te-day.
have had a discouraging effect en the
dwellers in tents and grove and greatly
diminished the attendance upon the vari
ous exercises. Many persons expected
have failed te come en account of the
weather, and of these in attendance some
shortened their stay for the same reason.
Yesterday morning it was expected there
would be a large concourse te hear the
eloquent Apelles of Methodism, Dr.
Themas Guard, of Baltimore. But the
threatening prospects of an inclement day
kept many at home. The services were
held in the large tabernacle which was well
filled with a large and intelligent audience.
The choir rendered a fine opening, after
which Dr. Guard led in prayer, which was
flceply devout, brief and full of feeling.
After the scripture lessen Rev. Guard
preached en the theme of Almighty Power,
directing his sermon te the words found in
1st Tim. vi, 14 : "The blessed and only
potentate." With vivid illustration, rapid
utterance, thrilling language and great
power he held the audieuce entranced te
the close of the powerful discourse.
The afternoon was characterized by dull
weather. At 3 p. ra. Rev. Ralcestraw, of
Cornwall, Lebanon county, but a native of
Lancaster county, preached from Gen.
xxxii, 34: " And Jacob was left alone and
there wrestled a man with him," fec.
The loneliness of Jacob's condition, his
struggle and his victory were the points of
the seiinen.
A prayer meeting followed the sermon.
Last evening the rain continued. Ne
prayer meeting was held at 6 p. m. The
ticeple resorted te their tents and the
weeds was comparatively quiet.
At 7:30 Rev. David Shields, of Shippens
burg, preached in the tabernacle en Isaiah
the Gth chapter. The text is a great one,
as well as long. The prophet is at the
altar when the veil which covers the holy of
holies is withdrawn, and a great vision
looms up before him. He saw the Throne
of Ged, high and lifted up ; above it steed
the seraphim, the representatives of the
Christian church. The throne is occupied
and He who who is upon it is sitting ar
rayed and royalty. The Divine glory ap
pears and the house is filled with glory. It
is the throne of Jesus and is wreathed in
victory. He is clothed with a vesture
dipped in bleed, and before him every knee
shall bow and proclaim that te him be be
lengcth glory, power and dominion. Jesus
the sufferer was described during the days of
His incarnation, and Jesus, the Conqueror,
alter His resurrection and ascension. The
effect of the vision was described. It was
seen by angels and the spirits of just men
made perfect. It was celebrated with a
song. They steed ready te advance the
cause of Him who sat upon the throne.
"Thcv were ready te lly. " They were
overwhelmed with the vision. The proph
et sinks into nothingness or cries out, "I
am undone. " Hew was the world affected
by the vision ? They discredited and re
jected his message.
The sermon was a graphic description of
this remarkable vision of the prophet, but
it occurred te our correspondent that a
simpler subject would have been mere op
portune for an evening sermon, especially
after the brilliant effort of the morning
Eight services were held yesterday.
With the conveniences and accommodations
provided for worship in tabernacle and
tent, the regular services go en despite the
Thus far thc.mectings have resulted in
but few conversions ; last year about fifty
professed conversion.
Mrs. C. Crissman, of Reading, met with
what might have proved a serious acci
dent yesterday morning. In attempting
te come down stairs in her cottage she
slipped and fell from the top te the bottom
and would have landed clear outside, but
for some one sitting at the deer who
caught her and broke the fall. Her hand
was bruised and her back was wrenched ;
but she was net seriously injured.
Several persons were taken sick yestei
day, and a doctor was in demand, but
nonewason the ground. Our reporter
preset ibed for one, but we have net heard
with what result.
Te-day was children's day at the camp.
The exercises were especially for children
and they were admitted free at all the
gates, but the rain deterred visitors young
mid .old.
Frem Our Regular Correspondent.
The campmeeting held by the Evangeli
cal association near Bcartewn, which had
l:ccn in session for the past week, closed
last evening. It has been drawing im
mense audiences ; the crowd wasestimated
at 8,000 en Sunday. Everything went off
pleasantly and the best of order prevailed,
although several accidents occurred in the
shape of upsets and broken axles. Mr.
Christian Murphy was thrown from his
buggy and had his elbow dislocated, which
will disable him for some time.
Miss Barbara Greff, a very cstimable
maiden lady, aged 74 years, was buried en
Sunday. Interment at Hess's Mcnuenitc
church ; Rev. Isaac Eby officiated.
The hen spoken of before as belonging te
Mr. Frank Ress, after laying 197 eggs in as
many consecutive days, hid her nest and a
lew days age astonished Mr. Ress by
stepping into his yard followed by nine
teen little chicks, all as lively as crickets.
Mi-s. Jesse Miller was buried en Mon
day, at Reland's church. She had been
married but a few months te Wm. Miller,
aud was better known as "Pelly Heller,"
being the widow of the late Geerge Heller
of Intercourse.
Mr. Daniel Ranck was bringing his
horse (a valuable one) from the pasture
when the horse slipped and broke his leg
near the knee. Mr. Ranck was compelled
te kill him.
Mr. Geerge E. Worst and family have
returned from Kansas, after an absence of
18 months. He does net give a very nat
tering report of the section of Kansas
that he located in, as he and his family
suffered from auue during the whole time
of their residence there. He also says
that the high winds of that locality and
the occasional cyclone were mere that he
bargained for when he located there. He
was one of Salisbury's Ne. 1 teachers, and
he new returns te take charge of Cones Cenes
toga school in East Lampeter township,
aud what was Salisbury's less will be East
Lampeter's gain.
Salisbury farmers have commenced te
cut aud house their tobacco and all the
spare help is new being hunted up for the
occasion. There has been quite a rivalry
in regard te who had the best patch of the
weed, but at present it would be hard te
!e2ide between at least a dozen fine
crops, as all premises extraordinary
Hancock stock is still advancing here
and new rates fully 20 per cent, above
Frem Oar Regular Correspondent.
The funeral of little France Stevenson,
who was shot en Saturday, took place from
the residence of his parents en Locust
street, above Fifth, yesterday afternoon.
Rev. Henry Wheeler, of theM. E. church
conducted the funeral service. The re
mains were interred in Mount Bethel cem
etery. The Vigilant fire company held its regu
lar monthly meeting last evening. The
members of the company will act as a
committee of arrangement for the parade
at Hagerstown, Md., in October, in which
the " Vigie" will participete.
The Columbia baseball club has decided
te accept the challenge of the Our Beys
te play a game this afternoon.
The penetration of C. C. Haldeman's
band by a pair of scissors this morning at
his uncle's store en Locust street, re
sulted in a painful injury.
William A. Menson au employee in P.
EngrefTs shop, will contest for the barber
chair te be voted for at the fair te be held
in September for the benefit of the Citi
zen's band. The chair is new en exhibition
at Shcnberger's furniture store.
Putnam Circle Ne. 113, B. U. (H. F.)
C. A. of this place is making arrangements
for the parade te be given en Tuesday,
August 10th. The members have been no
tified te attend a special meeting te be held
en Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. It is
thought that fully a thousand men will be
in line of precession.
Mr. Jehn L. Denny, his son DeWitt C.
and daughter, Miss Edith, of Harrislur:?,
Pa., were visiting in Columbia yesteiday.
Mr. A. M. Slade returned te-day from a
visit te relatives and friends in Baltimore,
and ether places in Maryland. He had
been away for six or seven weeks.
Mr. William Patten, accompanied by
two of his daughters,left here this morning
for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Watkins Glen
and ether places in New Yerk.
Mr. Rebert E. Haldcman, of Columbus,
Ohie, is visiting friends in town.
A slight wreck at Rohrerstown this
morning. Wreck car sent from Colum
bia. The rain is doing the crops geed about
here. It is especially welcome te the to
bacco growers.
I'oeple Who Want te Keep Coel.
Hen. Jehn B. Livingston and wife, of
this city, are registered at the Stockton
house. Cape May.
E. D. North, esq., has gene te Spring
Lake, N. J.
W. A. Keller ieft for Asbury Park this
The undenominational Sunday school of
Rockland street is holding a picnic at What
Glen. The children left Centre square in
large omnibuses in the midst of the rain
this morning, singing as they left.
The picnic of the Presbyterian mission
Sunday school, which was te have been
held at What Glen te-morrow, has been
postponed until Friday next week.
A Bey's Narrow Escape from Death.
Between one and two o'clock this after
noon William Mills, aged 14 years, son of
Oliver Mills, residing en Charlette
street, between Lemen and James, fell
from the reef of his father's two story
house, te the brick pavement a distance of
ever 30 feet. The accident was witnessed
by several persons and the boy was picked
up aud earned into the house. Dr. M.
L. Ilerr was sent for, and he made an
examination of the boy. It was found
that be had received two very ugly cuts,
one being en the chin and the ether under
it. He was severely bruised about the
forehead and legs, but no bones were
broken. Exactly hew the accident occur
red the boy is unable te tell, but it is sup
posed that he was playing in the garret
and stepped out of the dormer window.
The reef is made of shingles, and en ac
count of the wet weather is very slippery.
It is therefore likely that he fell en the
reef and rolled off.
Handsome Itanner.
In the window of Strauss' s shoe-store,
en North Queen street, is a pretty new
banner which was trade by Hart of Phila
delphia, for Lancaster Circle Ne. 108, B.
U. H. F. One side of the banner is white
silk and the ether blue. It has pictures
of Washington, Jeffersen and Franklin,
with the name of the circle, date of insti
tution, &c, en it in geld letters. Next
week the grand circle meets in Columbia,
and this banner was purchased by the
Lancaster circle te attend that meeting.
Conestoga Circle, Ne. 110, of this city, will
also go te Columbia, where there will be
a parade.
Hetel Improvements.
Levi Sensenig, owner of the Leepard
hotel, East King street, is making exten
sive improvements. The old stable of the
Leepard is being tern away, and en its
site will be erected a four-story brick
building, 02 feet in lenght and 27 feet in
width, connecting with the hotel aud ex
tending te Grant street.
The one-story stable in the rear of the
County house gives place te a large two
story brick stable with accommodations for
150 horses. This stable will be for the use
of the horses of the patrons of the Leo Lee
pard. New Telegraph Office.
The American Union telegraph com
pany have established au office in Nim
low's cigar store, Centre square. It is in
charge of Jehn E. Zecher, formerly of the
Western Union office. The company will
also continue their office at the Pennsyl
vania depot, te which C. W. Zecher will
The First Circus.
Cooper & Bailey's circus, the etic with
the baby elephant which was born in
Philadelphia, will be here en September
11. The bill pesters will arrive en Aug.
28. This show is the largest one traveling
and the performance is given in two
In Town.
B. S. Driggs, manager of the McGibcny
Family, was in town this morning. They
are new in New Yerk state, and will
shortly make a trip through the Eastern
Car OAT the Track.
This morning a car en local freight east
en the Pennsylvania railroad was thrown
from the track at Uohrerstewn. Yerk ac
commodation east was detained 50 minutes.
New is the time te purchase FLANNELS. Having several lets carried ever from last season, we will sell them
lower than if we bad te buy them te-day. The above lets of FLANNELS include WHITE, RED AND GREY
Bleached and Unbleached Cotten Flannels
We bought very heavy at the beginning of last season, before they had advanced, and the consequence is we have sev
eral cases that we carried ever, which we will new close out at less than regular prices. STANDARD PRINTS at
5c. per yard and upwards.
At about as low as ever they were. ES"Stere closes at 7 p. m., except Saturdays. Mystic Waterproof Clothing
for Ladies', Misses' and Gentlemen's Wear in Full Assortment.
25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa.
Canens Rat Stories.
Last evening Mr. Themas D. Kelly, of
the tea store en North Queen street, set a
mouse trap in his store before going home.
Sometime during the night a mouse was
caught in the trap and before morning the
animal gave birth te twelve little ones.
The parent and her children were given
ever te a terrier deg, who enjoyed them
Yesterday morning the barber employed
in the shop of Geerge Boehringer, under
the Cadwell house, found a dead rat hang
ing from a towel which, with a number of
ethers, was en a rack in the shop. It is
supposed that the animal crawled upon
the rack and then attempted te get down.
In doing this he fell and was caught around
the neck by seme threads which hung
from one of the towels. The threads
were strong and they held him securely
until he choked te death.
Leaving Yerk County.
The Yerk Daily says : " During the
coming whiter net less than twenty of the
leading teachers of this county have sought
employment in Lancaster aud adjoining
counties, where the school term is longer
and higher salaries are paid. This has
long been a fact and will continue te be se,
until our school directors and the people
interested in educational matters will offer
better inducements for leading teachers te
remain in the county."
Wasn't Arrested.
Christian Nixderf, against whom com
plaint had been made for attempted rape
before Alderman Dennelly, of the Eighth
ward, says he never was arrested and that
the complainant abandoned the suit seen
after he brought it.
Tie Up Your Deg.
Nete the mayor's proclamation. Tie
the deg or muzzle bim. If found at large
he will be shot en the spot.
Werk Suspended.
On account of the rain work ou North
Queen street was suspended te-day.
Thk Hen. Themas IS. I'hick, of the V. S.
Treasury Dept., Washinglen, D. C. recom
mends the St. Jacob's Oil a the most wonder
ful pain-rcllcving and healing remedy In the
world. His testimonial is endorsed Ityseme
of the head officials of the Treasury Depart
ment who have been cured of Ithcumuti-iii
uml ether painful complaints.
Farmers' and Mechanics' Excursion te Cui e
May via steamer Rcpublic,er Atlantic City via
Camden and Atlantic U. It., en Saturday,
August 14. Tickets geed for three days, te re
turn en any train from Philadelphia or Cape
May via steamer Republic, or geed for two
days trem Atlantic Ctty without extra charge.
Fare for the round trip only $2.75. " Yeu pays
your money and takes your choice." Special
train leaves Lancaster (King street) at 2:30 a.
m. Columbia at 2:30 u. in. Fer further partic
ulars see circulars at all stations.
A natural beautitlcr ami restorer et the com
plexion CuUcura Medicinal Seap.
A Witty Customer
went te a drug store and asked ter SOZO
DON'T. The storekeeper said " We're out of
that, but here Is something Just as geed." The
practical customer said, " Ne you don't," and
walked out te a neighboring store and get a
bottle of SOZODOXT. au2-lwdcedftw
Delicate females find Malt Itittcis nourish
ing, strengthening and purifying.
Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!!
Arc you disturbed at night and broken et
your rest by a sick child sulTering and crying
with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth?
It se, go at once and gctabettlc of MRS. WINS
LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the
peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon
it; there is no mistake about It. There is ueta
mother en earth who has ever used it, who will
net tell you at ence that it will regulate the
bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief
and health te the child, operating like magic.
It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas
ant te the taste, and is the prescription et one
et the eldest and best female physicians and
nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere
23 cents a bottle. filT-lyd&wM.WAS
"Since taking Dr. Lindsey's Illoed Search
er' that old sere of mine is entirely cured."
Sold by all druggists.
Try Lechcr's Renowned Ceugli Syrup.
Be Wise and Happy.
It you will step all your extravagant und
wrong notions In doctoring yourself and fam
ilies with expensive doctors or humbug cure
alls, that de harm always, and use only na
ture's simple remedies ler all your ailments
you will be wise, well and happy, and save
great expense. The greatest remedy for this,
the great, wise and geed will tell you, is Hep
Hitters rely en it. Sec another column.
Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup.
Hundreds of Ladles,
Who have been unable te attend te their du
ties owing te periodical sickness, have found
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure u real
"friend in need. Being a purely vegetable
compound and containing all the elements et
safety as well as these of power, it has become
universally popular. During the summer es
pecially, it is a certain preventive for the nu
merous Kidney, Liver and Urinary troubles
incident te the season. AH druggists sell it,
and none except these In perfect health can af
ford te be without It, un2-2wdftw
Physicians Rbcexxexd It. Your Themas
Eclectrlc Oil commands a large and increasing
sale, which it richly merits. 1 have always
found it exceedingly helptul ; I use it in all
cases of Rheumatism, as well as fractures and
dislocations. I made use of it myself te calm
the pains of a broken leg with dislocation of
the toot, and in two days I was entirely re
lieved trem pain. JOS. BE AUDIN, M. D.
Fer sale by U. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and
139 North Queen street, Lancaster. A'a. n
Te regulate the liver, stomach, and bowels,
use only "Sellers' Liver Pills." Take no
ether. 23 cents a box. All druggists sell them.
Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup
Brevity Is the Seul of Wit.
Seme one who believes that brevity Is the
soul of wit, writes: "Dent eat stale Qcuin
bers, they'l Wup, and if they de, you will need
Dr. Themas' Eclectrlc Oil, the best remedy in
the world for Celic, Cramps, Dysentery,
Diarrheea, etc" ForaalebyH.B.Cechran,drug
gist, Ne. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lan
caster. Pa. 12
Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup.
ukt tenns.
Among the many advantages gained by our change of business
location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and improved fa
cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps
of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and
tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work en
trusted te us.
A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced
in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled
at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld
or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods.
H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers,
Ne. 4 West King Street.
Heat and Sickness.
During the het and sultry weather an un
usual amount of sickness prevails in every
community, especially among females and
children, caused by the fermenting miasma
gas or nitrogenous matter floating in the air,
arising from decaying vegetation. This bud
air affects everything we eat, and engenders
In it a semi-fermentation, which, when taken
inthe system is like leaven, and operates en
the whole, starting In the bowels ami seen pro
ducing a violent fermentation, causing diur
rhaea and dysentery. It has been found that
that the use of Speer's old Pert Grape Wine et
New Jersey lias an extraordinary effect in
checking tills lermentatien and restoring the
system te its original strength and vigor. In
valids uml debilitated persons have found
It the most nutritious and strengthening tonic
in the market, and the greatest help in resitt
ing the poisonous effects of the vitiated atmo
sphere. This wine, se long established, h:w be
come the standard wine upon which physi
cians rely as the most rich in body and genuine
in character, containing the greatest amount
of medicinal properties with the least intoxi
cating qualities. Speer's vineyards produce a
larger yield this year than usual, and he has
reduced the price of his wine that any person
can new purchase it of drnggists fei $1 per
bottle. Nene of this wine is bottled until it is
four year3 old. Gazette.
This wine is endorsed by Drs. Allae und
Davis, and sold by II. E. Sluymaker.
Democratic Cennty Committee.
The Democratic County Committee will
meet in this city en MONDAY, AUGUST 23,
1880, at 10 a. m., in the City Democratic head
quarters, Southwest angle et Centre Square.
A lull attendance Is urgently requested.
W. U. HENSEL, Chairman.
II. S. Pattkksen, Secretaries.
W. Hayks Giukr. au3-d&w
Ctty Conference Committee.
The Democratic city campaign committee
and the conference committees et the several
wards will held a private session in the club
rooms, southwest corner of Centre Square, en
Wednesday evening, August 3, at 8 o'clock.
W. U. HENSEL. Chairman.
Heekner. rri"MnriettaTen Monday, August
2, 1880, Anna, daughter of J. Harry ami Mary
Hegener, aged 2 years and 8 months.
The relatives and friends of the iauiily arc
respectfully invited te attend the funeral
from the residence of her parents, en Frent
street, Marietta, en Thursday morning, at 9
o'clock. ltd
JL ing Match at D. C. FLEMING'S, Neffs-
ville, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1830, ut 2 p. m.
Sportsmen are invited. ltd
The Penn'a Mutual Hail Insurance Com
pany Is new ready te bind the insurance, and
issue policies against hail damage te tobacco.
Kates reduced. Insure before it is tee late, at
BAUSM AN A BURNS'S, Ins. Agents,
Office, 10 West Orange Street.
On1 MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1880, the Arm
of Jacob Fetter ft Ce., doing business at the
American Rending Works, Ne. 113 Seuth
Queen street, was dissolved by mutual con
sent. Henry ilertschl retiring. The business
will be continued at the old place by FETTER
ft RUSSEL, Manufacturers of the Celebrated
American Brand et Shafts and Rims. ltd
By virtue of the authority vested in me
by the Ordinance et the city of Lancaster, I
hereby order and command all owners of Dogs
within the city of Lancaster te shut them np,
or, if allowed te run, te securely muzzle the
same, from and after THURSDAY, AUGUST
5. 1880, at 6 p. m., In some proper place, until
the first day of September next.
The owners allowing Dogs te run at large,
unless muzzled, will be liable te the line under
Section 2 or the Ordinance et 1841.
The line Imposed by the Ordinance of 1827.
Section 2, will be inflicted upon any person ob
structing the legally employed persons from
carrying out the Ordinances respecting the
capturing of Dogs during the continuance of
this proclamation.
ang4,5,6,7,ll,14d Mayer.
rubber gaumeht:;
We have new in stock
In All Sizes, for
AU our goods are fully guaranteed net te
Crack, Stick or Harden.
J. B. Martin & Ge.
The punctual attendance et all the mem
bers is desiied en Friday evening, August 6.
Action will be hed en proposed amendments
te Uy-Luws.
By order et the Ledge,
ltd J. M. CUANNELL, Sec'y.
100 Tens of Rags Wanted,
Fer which the highest price will be paid.
The highest price paid for Woolens, Old
Paper, Beeks, Ac Ten Rag Asserters wanted
te whom the highest price will be paid.
i Cor. North Queen and Orange Streets,
y.Mfdlt Lancaster, Pa
I . ...
I Geed te return en any train from Atlantic
City and Philadelphia en second day, without
extra charge. Parties desiring te return same
day will take special train, leaving Atlantic
City at 6 and West Philadelphia Depot at 8 p. m
Mount Jey.
, $3.10
a ew
.Leave 4:40 A. M. Rate 3.10
Lcauiun Place..
After arriving at Philadelphia, parties desir
ing te go through te Atlantic City, will take
streut cars te the feet of Market street, where
the fen? beat will convey them te the West
Jersey Depot, where cars will be taken te At
lantic City, arriving at the latter place at 10:48
a. m. As this will probably be the hist excur
sion cast for this season . parties who desire te
take a cheap trip for business or pleasure, will
de well te take this opportunity. Tickets for
sole at all stations along the route and en
beard the cars.
Fer further Information, tickets, ftc., address
the undersigned managers.
jy31-2wdced Lancaster, Pa.
The famous mammoth three-deck Steamer
Leaves Race Street Wharf at 7la. m., arriving
at Cape May about 12 p. m. Returning, leaves
Cane May at 3 o'clock p. m., givingample time
for bathlmr or a drive en the beach. A full
Brass Band and Orchestra Music for dancing.
Parler Entertainments varied weekly. Lunch
eons and Refreshments in abundance. Din
ners and suppers provided. Oysters and Fish
served for supper a tew moments after taken
from the water.
Fare for the Bound Trip
SUNDAYS Will leave Race Street Wharf at
P. 8. A Bread Gunge Steam R. R. will con
vey passengers te Cape Island in 8 minutes.
Tickets for sale at
e28-2mdaw CENTRE SQUARE.
AT t
Croquet, Base Balis and Bats, Chinese Tey
Bemb Shells, Paper Cap Pistol, and ether
Seasonable Goods at
Flinn & Breneman's
152 North Queen Street,
of Industrial Art. The school year of 1880
81 will begin Monday. Sept. 13. Instructions
for young men and women In Industrial Draw
ing, Painting and Modeling a applied te the
arts. Send ler circulars te THK SECRETARY,
15 s. Seventh street, Philadelphia.
"Washington, D. C, Aug. 4. Fer the
Middlle Atlantic states, cloudy or partly
cloudy weather with rain, variable winds,
stationary temperature, stationary or
lower barometer.
The Irrepressible Fmrnell te tbe Fere.
Londen, August 4. There will be a
meeting of the cabinet te-day at Premier
Gladstone's official residence in Downing
In the Heuse of Commens te-morrow
Mr. Parnell will ask 3Ir. Ferster, the chief
secretary for Ireland, whether, in view of
the rejection of the compensation bill, he
proposes te employ the constabulary and
military forces of the queen for the pur
pose of assisting in the eviction of tenants
who can be proved te be unable te pay
their rents owing te the recent distress in
Gladstone Improving.
Londen, Aug. 4. 3Ir. Gladstone passed
a geed night. The lung congestion has
ceased and he is free from fever.
Tba Pregramme of tbe Second Meeting.
Saratoga, August 4. A cold rain storm
set in during the night and premises te
continue through the day ; therefore the
extra pregramme of the Saratoga racing
association has been necessarily aban
doned, as the second meeting begins to
morrow. The events will be a dash for a
purse of $350 for two-year-olds, distance
three-fourths of a mile ; a mile race for
all ages for a purse of 8500 ; the annual
race of 1 miles for the United States hotel
stakes, which will bring out some famous
horses among the starters, and concluding
with a free handicap steeple chase of a
mile and a-half.
Amnestied Communist Returning te France.
Paris, Aug. 4. One hundred and two
amnestied communists arrived here from
Brest yesterday. A hundred policemen
were at the railway station, but scarcely
two hundred and fifty persons had as
sembled te greet the communist?. M.
Henri Rochcfert was present. Twenty
four ether communists arrived here later
in the day.
Military Movements at the Seat of war.
Londen, Aug. 4. The Bombay corres
pondent of the Standard telegraphs as fol fel
lows : " The retirement of the British
forces from Cabul will fellow the departure
of General Roberts with his command for
Candahar. It is net considered expedient
te prolong the occupation in the face of
the heavy expenditure and the possibility
of fresh complications."
Tbe Thunderer en Burrow s's Defeat.
Londen, August 4. The Times this
morning commenting en the disaster te
Gen. Burrows' command blames that effi
cer and declares thas the Bombay Sepeys
are inferior te the Ghazis.
Anether Casualty In New Yerk Buy.
New Yerk, Aug. 4. The steamer Twi
light, going down the bay te Ceney Island
this morning, collided with a schooner and
is new being towed back te the city seri
ously damaged.
There were about two hundred and fifty
passengers en beard the Twilight. One
man was injured and taken te the hospital
Gen. Garfield En Reute for the East.
Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 4. Garfield's
train arrived at Batavia at 8:30 this morn
ing. A large crowd was present at the
depot. .Garfield being introduced thanked
the assemblage in a few words for their
hearty welcome. Gen. Harrison and G. S
Orth, of Indiana, also addressed the crowd.
When the train arrived here Lieut. Gov.
Heski 18 introduced Gen. Garfield te the
people waiting at the depot and the gener
al made a brief address.
Its Fanny Tricks at a Saratoga Hetel.
Saratoga, N. Y., August 4. As Bap
tiste Ferschneider, cook at the United
States hotel, and August Brcmmer, his
room-mate, were going te bed last night
Bremmer in fun pointed his pistol at Fer
schneider. The weapon was discharged
and Ferschneider fell dead, shot through
the head.
Summary Expulsion of Members of Cincin
nati Chamber of Commerce.
Cincinnati, O., August 4. The beard
of officers of the Cincinnati chamber of
commerce te-day, after hearing testimony
and arguments,expelled J. W. Christy and
suspended H. Newton Christy and II. "W.
Cobb, of the late firm of Christy, Cobb &
Ce., grain dealers, operating the elevator
near Plum street depot. The beard also
prohibited the bookkeeper of the firm frenv
coming en the fleer of the chamber.
Goldsmith Maid's Celt Kills Herself.
Trenten, N. J., August 4. Goldsmith
Maid's eldest colt killed herself last night
in trying te jump a fence. She fractured
her shoulder blade. Mr. H. N. Smith, the
owner, refused an offer of $20,000 for ber
some time age.
Figuring Out the Democratic Majority.
Montgomery, Ala., Aug. 4. Madisen
county gives 800 Democratic majority en
the county and state ticket, and ether
counties from 500 te 2,500 Democratic ma
The Fasting Docter's Condition Unchanged.
New Yerk, Aug. 4. Dr. Tanner had
a large number of visitors te-day. He has
entered en the thirty-eighth day in abent
the same condition as yesterday.
Saielde at Newport.
Providence,. R. I., Aug. 4. L. W.
Moere, of Buffalo, committed suicide at
the Perry Heuse, Newport, last night.
Poland's Creps Geed.
Paris, Aug. 4. Official reports confirm
the statement that the crops in the middle
provinces of Russian Poland are very geed.
Mew Yerk Market.
Naw Yerk, Aug. 4. Fleur State and West
ern dull und prices without quotable
change ; state at S3 SWQ4 50 ; extra du at S4 30
0450: choice, de., S4 805 00; fiuicy
S5 10Q6 23; round hoop Ohie 5 1003 75:
choice de 3 80" 00; superfine western 93800
4 50; common te geed extra de 94 2004 a:
choice dodo 94 7007 00; choice white wheat de
94 505 00; Southern dull and unclianged;
common te fair extra $5 SSfitf 20: geed te
Wheat slightly in buyers' favor and quiet;
Ne. 2 Bed, Aug..l ul 09 ; de Sept.. 9109&
1 0l4; de Oct., $1 0ai 10; Ne. 1 White Sept.,
Cern a shade firmer, with moderate trade;
Mixed western spot, 444243c; de future 480
Oats steady aud quiet; state 37343c: west
cm 3t43c.
Pniladelpkla Market.
PaiLADXtraiA. August 4. Fleur steady ;
supetttue at 92 7503 25; extra at 93 5004 (U;
Ohie and Indiana family at 95 5O0tt25;
Penn'a family at 9505 50 : St. Leuis family at
95 7506 25 ; Minnesota family t 0006 25 ; patent
and high grades 16 5008 25.
Rye flour at 94 5004 75.
Wheat quiet ami easier: Ne. 2 Western
Red 9108; Penn'a KeillluO; Amber 91 10.
Cern firmer en local markets : yellow at
5255c: mixed 5u5ic; steamer 48048K?.
Oats quiet; Ne. 2, Whlte42c: Ne. 2, de 4041c;
Ne. 3, de 39c: Ne. 2. Mixed Mc.
Rye dull ; New 65$70c.
Previsions firm ; mess perk at 914 50 ;
beef hams 914 50 ; India m.-ss beet 21 0021 50 ;
bacon smoked shoulders at 6c ; Mill de ut 5-c :
smoked hams 11012c ; pickled hum lg'r.
Lard firm: city kettle 803c; loose
buusliers' 7J467c ; prime steam 7)Ac.
Butter quiet; Creamery 2023c ; de geed te
choice 232Tc: Bradford county und New
Yerk extra. 232lc ; Western reserve extm 17
18c;dogned te choice 14l(ic; Rolls dull;
Penu'a extra 11317; Western rcscrvn exiru
Kggs quiet; Penn'a 152I6c; Western 14J
Cheese Jl mi; New Yerk full cream 1010-.fc ;
Western lull cream 99c; de lair te geed
8Sc; dehuirskims7i)c.
Petroleum dull ; retiucd 8-Mu.
Whisk- 91 10.
Seeds Geed te prime Clevt-r jobbing at $S
850; Timethy jobbing ut 92 !K($3 for old : flax
seed nominal ut 91 30.
.Iteck Market.
rniLADKLruiA. Aug. 4
1230 p.m. 3:00 r. m.
Stocks unsettled.
PennaCs (third Issue) 10S
Philadelphia A- Erie 15
Reading " ....
Pennsylvania 57;i
Lehigh Valley. 52
United Ces. et N.J 1M
Northern Pacinc .
" Preferred 52
Northern Central :ni
Lehigh Navigation 31
Norristown 11.2
Central Transportation Ce. 4'J
Pitts., :Titusviile X UulTuIe. Vl
Little Schuylkill 44
Nsw VtlKK Aug. I.
Stocks irregular.
N. Y. Central IX'1
Eric 44
Adams Express 117
Michigan Central 'X1
Michigun Southern lesi
Illinois Central 111
Clevelunil A Pittsburgh.. ..!:i
Chicago & Reck lsluml lit
Pittsburgh ft Fert Wayne.. 131
Western Union Tel. Ce 107
Teledo ft Wabash 41?
New .lersey Central 74?M
Ontario Western 26
United States ISenris and Sterling Ki::i:tu ;
(Quotations by It. K. Jamisen ft Ce.. s. V.
Cor. 31 und Chestnut Streets).
United SUitesCs, 18ffl,(rvgistun!d)..lui0lM
United States 5'h. 1881, (registered). .lOi.vJfJIitt-,
United States 4H's, 11. (regtHtercd)llo;lle,,(;
United Stutcs 4K's.lJl,(eiuiMns) .. . I m,l l.,
United States 4's, 1007. (regfatereil)..liVrAlj,
United States Currency 6's lil ;li;
Sterling Excliantre -18; it)!.-.".
flutter 1 ft........ I8f20(-
Cnp cheese, 2 cups "'
Cottage cheese, 2 pieccb 5c
Dutch cheese $ lump 8li)c
Apricots p qt I5c
Apples 3) Vi l)k 'V'
llaiiauuscHch... '2i;'h;
llluckberries fl box SfeSc
Cherries, dried. Ifl t I2r
Currants, driel, 1 B. ...lie
Dried Apples Tp qt S.S;
" Peaches?? qt Wi'Vlu
Huckleberries fl qt 7e
Lemens ft dez 20ij25c
Oranges dez 50
Pine Apples ? piece 12:Hhr
I ears jl y peclc.... .... ....-.........c
Peaches l jipeek 2l)25e
Raspberries!? box 10012c
Asparagus fl bunch 8I0c
fleets ft bunch
Cubbage ) head 8ii2i)c
Carrots ft bunch 35e
Cucumbers $) dez I.'rfb-Jik:
EggPlauts each WivSk
Ureeu Cern gl dez i20c
(Jrceii beans $1 eek.. ,ec
' pens ft peck 25e
Lima beans )t qt. 1520c
Lettuce, head und plate :;."c
Potateesold ft pk 8c
" new ft y. pk 12e
Radishes fl bunch 5c
Soup Beans ft qt 6c
Salsify ft bunch le
Squashes each..... 2e
Tomatoes fl pk 15c
Chickens ft pair wfjHic
Ducks fi pair UViM)c
Geese $ piece iK)cf$$l
JiuSfs f( Id l'"i
Eels ft 4 I:
Pike 12c
Perch 10c
3UI1 . 1"j
Apple Butter ft qt ;'-!?
Canteleups - 35c
Eggs ft dez I2l.ic
Heney ft ft 2M$25c
Sauerkraut fl qt HtfJ'.'c
Watermelons 20335c
Beef Steak, ft ft 12i?!)l6c
" Reust (rib) ft B. 12sl6e
" " (chuck) fl ft 10l2f
" Corned, ft ft 1O012O
" Dried, ft ft 25fu2rc
Ham ft ft limine
Lamb ft ft VM'Mc
Miixvx tA . iy?.t.
Mutten ft ft Mil:
Perk ft ft 11010c
Pudding ft ft He
Sausage ft ft fIOc
Sides and ltaeen ft ft 70IOc
Shoulders fi ft 7c
Veal V ft IWUU:
Cleverseed fl bus f.l.rxtfiC.OO
Hay fl ten 918022
vurii i &ji?$ j'
Outs ft bus teat'ic
Rye ft bus K'.hic
' f? ft 104412c
Timethy Seccd fl bus 3.2503.5e
Wheat ft bus 91.
Size llrick Heuse and let with ull the
comforts of a home. Address A. fl., Istklli
menckr Olllee, stating lowest c:ish price and
hew seen possession can be given, full partic
ulars, ftc. JyU-tfil
The second story et Eshleman ft Itutli Itutli
ven's Bunking Heuse, at Centre Square, anil
also a room en kcceihI story, opposite the
Penn'a R. it. Depot, ou Chestnut street.
rZS-2tdftStt Atternev-at Law
public sale en FRIDAY, AUUUhT IStli,
at Philip Wall's Green Tree Hetel, West King
street, a Let of Ground and Twe-Story Brick
Heuse en Maner street, kpewn as the "Hu
mane Engine Heuse." The let is 2 by 30 rent,
mere or less. Sale te commence at 8 o'clock
p. in., when terms will be made known.
Lancaster Orpn Maunfactery
Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN
STRUMENTS in the Market. Warerooms 320
North Queen street, Manufactory in the rear.
Branch Office, OH East King street.
Alex. McKillipe, Proprietor.
Alse Agent ter Lancaster County for
CUICKERING ft SON'S Celebrated
A Full Line et Sheet and ether Music. Small
Instruments. Violins, Banjos, Band Instru
ments, Aa. always en hand. fl3-lydSftyw