Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 04, 1880, Image 2

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Lancaster intelligencer.
Hancock's Personal Following.
General Hancock is exhibiting a very
remarkable degree of personal strength.
A great number of Republicans are de
claring their intention te vote for him
who yet refuse te leave their party or
otherwise fail te sustain it. The bad
character of Garfield has a great deal te
de with this exhibition of their prefer
ence for Hancock, which is, however,
mainly founded upon a liking for the
greatness of the man. General Hancock
has been much exposed te public obser
vation during his life and has met a great
many ieeple, who all retain pleasing
recollections of him Und naturally in
cline te vote for him. The issues of the
canvass are net very exciting and leave
such Republicans without strong induce
ment te sacrifice their preference te their
party. There is nothing in the character of
their own candidate te attract them :
and se the situation favors in an extra
ordinary manner the polling of a large
vote from the opposition for Hancock,
secured from personal friends. Ordina
rily such a consideration could net be
relied upon te greatly increase the
strength of a presidential candidate.
There would be something in the strong
demand of party prejudice or in the pas
sion against a political opponent that
would make the claim of friendship weak
and inoperative. It is net se here. Even
the bigoted caricaturist Nasi, il seems,
lias had his hand paralyzed by his admi
ration for the Democratic candidate.
He declares that he has net L-arned te
like the parly mere, but he loves its can
didate. Se Harper's lie.'ty is emascu
lated and its chief workman taken, only
by Hancock's personal strength. As the
campaign gees en this will be seen mere
and mere te be an important agent in
our triumph. An element of this kind is
a tiling that grows in its power. As yet
net one thing has been found against
Hancock te deprive him of the esteem of
his friends and the people. We are en
entirely free with him te light an ag
gressive campaign, having nothing te
defend, and relying simply upon the ac
tive inlluence of thousands who arc ac
quainted with our candidate te positive
ly persuade the people aiuongwhem they
move of his great worth.
If the Democrats should fail te carry
Indiana in October they can still carry
New Yerk, Connecticut and New Jersey
in November and elect Gen. Hancock
without a Western slate. I f the repub
licans de net carry Indiana they cannot
possibly elect Garfield and are as likely
as net te lese Illinois and Oiiie in addi
tion at the November election. With the
prospector its certain less before them
their people were dispirited and uneasv.
and saw a perfectly hopeless campaign
confronting them. " What use," they
asked, " te struggle here in Pennsylvania
when, even if we carry it, its vote will be
or no avail?"' Te brighten this gloom and
lift the weight of despondency from their
camp followers, the leaders have lately
been bolstering them up with hopes of
carrying Indiana. They have no basis
for laying any such liattering unction te
their souls. There is no change in the
real situation in that state. It is Dem
ocratic anil will continue se. Ter every
negre vote imported into it two white
votes have been gained. Senater Me
Donald, who has a political future,
expresses absolute confidence in the re
sult. Mr. English, who is a man of
tried and approved political sagacity, is
personally directing the canvass, and we
knew from personal association with him
that he fully appreciates its bearing upon
the general campaign, Mr. Hendricks,
Mr. Yoerhees, and ether distinguished
party leaders there, are equally impress
ed with a sense of its importance and a
determination te realize for Landers a
larger majority than Williams had in
lSTCi. The Democracy have all the van
tage ground in the state and they de net
propose te yield an inch of it. If any
weak-kneed Democrat has fears of In
diana, he can have them dissipated In
putting up his money en a bet that lie
would like te lese.
Nast, the artist, was strongly in favor
of Grant. He despises the Hayes-Garfield
type of Republicanism. He has also
a very warm side for Hancock. These
facts taken in connection with a sudden
subsidence of the-prominence of his car
toons in Jlurjicr'a Wickly have led te
busy speculation about a rupture in his
relations with the editor and publisher of
the ''journal of civilization." Inquiries
of him and them concerning the matter
drew out nothing except that Nast says
he does net own the paper nor control it
pictorially ; he makes the pictures and
the owners print them or net as the- see
fit. It is veiy manifest, however, as
the Philadelphia liallclin concedes, that
he is no longer permitted te occupy the
place in Harper' Weikbj te which he
has been accustomed, and the pictures of
ether al 1 eged caricaturists have been given
his former front page. Contempora
neously with this, the Bulletin and ether
Republican papers discover that he " has
lest much of his former power " and " he
never was a geed artist." Nevertheless
theiiVcHf'n' Telejjraph gees en gravely te
discuss tiie weight of a picture by Mr.
Nast in a late number of Harper11
We kli which picture is net by Mr.
N;ist at all, but by a clumsy artist who
proves the frightful increase of the na
tienal debt under Republican adminis
tratien. This week, however, Nast
comes te the rescue with a couple of pic
tures that leek as if they had been left
ever and are run in new te fill up.
Ouk daily Republican contemporaries
agree for once that the assessments
made upon the Republican local candi
dates by the county committee are out
rageous and should net be submitted te.
Whether they will be or net is a question
entirely for the candidates. They can as
easily be elected without paying them as
by paying them, and they cannot pay
them without taking the risk of being
prosecuted for perjury and ousted if
elected. We understand that Candidate
Courtney leads off with the declaration
that he will net pay $175 for the privilege
of having his name printed en half the
county tickets for Assembly.
Thk Bareness Hurdett-Ceutts, at the
age of sixty-six, proposes te marry her
secretary of twenty-eight. If the baron baren
ess likes it and Mr. Ashmead likes it, it
is distinctly nobody else's business te ob
ject, though it is odd enough that there
is such a mutual liking, te warrant a
geed deal of criticism. Of course the
secretary has his admiration fixed upon
the cash of the bareness lather than upon
her person ; but it must "be a clear case
of love, or what she takes te be such, en
the part of the bareness. Perhaps she
don't knew what love is and despairs of
getting any better knowledge of it. Cer
tainly her time is nearly up for the dis
covery of that or any ether of the world's
illusions. It is the one thing tee has net
investigated and se she proposes te de it.
Ne doubt she had plenty of chances
heretofore. Willi her imposing posses
sions she could have found a mate any
day, if she had seen one te love. Mr.
Ashmead is te be congratulated upon
being the man te win her heart, alter it
has been hall-a-centiiry in searcn et us
admit v.
I r prisoner Erankferd did net get his
handy ami dangerous tools from visiters
te hisccll. as the prison authorities say,
who diil supply him with them? There
is something rotten in the prison besides
the masenrv of its wails.
Judge Stai.i.e, for years :i well-known
German I'cpuhiicau of Cincinnati, but a
Tildcn man, presided ever a llanenek rati
fication meet in in Cincinnati, ami is
being well abused for it. by the organs.
Twe years age M. I.arr.av, a French
Catholic aged ill years, was eon een
verted te Protestantism, and en the 15th
of July he was married by the mayor of
Cannes. Prance, te Mile. Yornet, a Prot
estant maiden, aged 151 years.
A monument will be erected ever the
rr.iveef Cni:!.ern: Ci'.imx. in Mount
Auburn cemetery, at Bosten, in a few
days. It is an of Hallow ell granite,
the design being an exact leproduetien in
form of CU'iip.Ur.i's needle as il steed at
Chief Clerk W. C.;. of the
Pennsylvania Heu-e of Ilcprcsentatives,
has lelt for Dakota territory, where he
has purchased a farm. He will remain
there until next fall, when he will come
East for his family. In the meantime Mr.
Shurlock has designated J. E. Alien, of
Ilarrisburg, te act in his stead in all mat
ters where the chief clerk is authorized te
act, and te open the st fi.ui of the Heuse
when it convene . r.cit January.
Gi;e. W. Ciiii.ii-, having purchased
fifty-seven acres of land near Uryn Mawr.
will build a mansion en it. It will have
one hundred ami ten feet frontage, facing
Uryn Mawn avi nue, with a depth of seven
ty-twe fc-t : vii! be two stories high, with
.Swiss cottage ': the foundation will
he capped with blue stone, and the build
ing will be of fine pic.-scu enclc iaul in
black mortar. There will be a number of
short curves, sharp angles and pointed
gables, handsome trimmings and beauti
fully carved ornaments, and novel designs
of cornices and piazzas surieunding the
struct are.
A marriage Inn been arranged between
the Bareness V, ai:.rr Cern's and Mr.
Ashmead Bart'ett, who has acted as her
secretary and almoner for sonic time past.
The recent statement te the same eilect,
which was contradicted, was made by the
intended bridegroom. The gentleman in
question is a brother of Mr. Ellis Ashmead
Uartlctt, member of Parliament. 15y be
coming Mr. Uartlctt' s wife the bareness
will lese a very large portion of her in
come te thts extent, it is said, of ever
"JIOO.OOO yearly. This is in accordance
with the will of Harriet Mellen. Duchess
of St. Albans, who bequeathed her vast
property te Mi.-s Angela, new Bareness
IJurdeft-Ceutis, providing that if she mar
ried an alien or naturalized subject her in
terests in the Ceiitts bank and ether
properties shall cease. Mr. Uartlctt is an
American who was naturalized a short
time since.
'Um'J.i-: Esia; in Srrilnter says that
chasity is like a broken vase, it can be
mended but. never made whole."'
Tin: Examiner says : "Ne Republican
soldier who was ever a candidate, for any
position, ever dared te tall: in the manner
that Hancock docs in this Weild letter. "
You're right they daren't.
Miss Cakkik Odi'.i.i., of Bosten, went
into a store and picked up a shawl te carry
it te the light and examine it while wait
ing for a clerk te attend upon her. bhc
was rudely accused of intenting te steal it,
mill the accusation se agitated her that she
became crazy and drowned herself.
Dunixc. the Hancock campaign the Cel
umbia Herald " will devote considerable
space te the publication of letters from
soldiers and ether information obtainable
from any source, in the interest of these
who fought that their country might live"
and are new for the soldier-statesman Han
At the Sydney. Australia, international
exhibition the report of the judges en
horology gives the American watches
ST1 points out of a possible UO'J te OsG for
the next best exhibit. There were British
German, French and Swiss makes in com
petition but the Americans led oil en all
the points of merit : originality, invention,
utility, skill, fitness, adaptation, economy,
finish and correctness.
The Kcir Era professes te he rather
pleased that the "bulls" and the "hogs"
have again get together in the same pen,
for the people will all the better knew
where te find them next time. "Hereto
fore they had scattered into strange pas
tures, and fed for a tune en feed which
naturally sickened en their stomachs,
much en the same principle that pure water
is distasteful te the confirmed tippler's
cpigastic region." Oh, my !
Ix discussing the project of i reeling a
soldiers' monument in Reading, a friend of
the movement te put it into the ceme
tery says : " I understand that the citi
zens of Lancaster regret that their sol
diers' monument was placed in the central
square of the city, and I think our people
would de the same after a time." He is
mistaken. The Lancaster monument is
just where it would be put if it were te be
Tin: rctiicniem. from active political life
of Hen. Jehn A. McMahon, member from
the Th'nd district of Ohie in the present
Ceifress. will he a positive less net alone
te the Democracy of the country, of which
he was among the ablest representatives,
but te the entire people, who have enjoy
ed the benefit of his reliability and states
manship which have shone conspicuously
in the councils of the nation. Though a
strong partisan and sagacious pelitieiar,
Mr. Mc.Mahen'shigh qualities wen him the
sieeui and confidence of even his political
opponents and his declination of arc-nomination
at the hands of his Democratic
Constituency will occasion a sensible less
te his party and his country who can ill
nll'erd te spare him.
Alteena voted for a 800,000 lean for
water works by 1,157 te 418.
The JVIrelcum World of Titusvillc is
ereatimr a sensation in that city by show
ing up the alleged slip-shed looseness that
prevails in every ilcparnmeut of the post pest
office there.
At Bath, Noitltampten county, Jehn
S.-hmidt, a hostler employed by Samuel
Ivuccht, fell from a wagon and striking
headforemost te the ground, was killed,
lie was (." years old.
Harry Mahen, was drewed in the Ohie
river at Legionville ferry. Heaver county,
en Saturday evening. The young man,
together with some comrades, was in bath
ing, get some little distance from his com
panions, and was diving from a skill.
The Cumberland county Republicans
nominated Charles S. Little, a professor in
Dickinsen college, ler Congress; Dr.W. S.
Bruekart and Jehn G. Brandt for the As
sembly, and J. M. Mcaklcy for district at
torney. The Bedford Democrats named : for the
Legislature, D. M. Stoler and AVilliam
Donahue ; associate judge, Rebert M. Tay Tay
eor : county surveyor, Frank B. Black;
peer director, Thaddcu.? Heeiistine. Hen.
A. II. CofiVetli was endorse I for re-election
te Congress.
A Uniontown dispatch te the Pittsburgh
I'.isl s.i;,s : The political excitement had its
effect upon the negre canipmceting near
this place en Sunday. One colored
preacher in a litef enthusiasm lauded Gar
field a.i the coming Moses, and another re
plied in behalf of Hancock.
At Cochran's mills, Armstrong county.
en Sunday night Mrs. renl attempted te
till :i burning lamp from a large can, when
the oil ignited, the lamp exploded, and the
burning iluiu was scattered about the room
room and ever Mrs. Ferd's clothing. She
was burned te death and the house was dc
sti eyed.
An effort is new being made te break the
will of the late Edvin" Ferrest, the emi
nent tragedian, which, if successful, will
result in depriving the Ferrest Reme of
several hundred thousand dollars and will
transfer tliat amount of cash into the
pockets of William B. Ferrest, a distant
cousin of the deceased, new living in Scot
land. The body of a new-born male child was
found in Alteena yesterday in a vault in a
residence en Chestnut avenue. The
mother, a Cambria county young woman,
admitted te the coroner's jury that she
id thrown the babe into tne well, but
said she thought the child was dead. Ah
investigation snowed tnat it was anve
when born. The girl gave the name of her
betrayer te the authorities, but no arrests
have as yet been made.
Geerge Misshner, of Potlstewn, is 00
years old, and in spite of age, which cools
the heyday in the bleed, he boils ever with
unadulterated Democracy. While at
Crooked Hill a few days age he took part
ina heated argument. Failing te convince
his hearers that they should vote for Han
cock lie proceeded te knock thcin down
with his list. The veteran ( for he was a
soldier of the war of 1S12) came outef the
light victorious.
Daisy Dale wen the 2:27 Buffalo nice in
2:20 ; Menree Chief the 2:21 purse in 2:20 ;
Unolela the the two mile heat in 4:55.
The rcpjrt of the comptroller shows the
debt of the city of New Yerk te be $102,
5'J5,n00, having been reduced since Decem
ber :U last $780, 447.
James Preseetr, a blacksmith, living
near Oakvillc, Out., while shoeing a horse
was struck by lightning and instantly
killed. The horse was also killkd.
At Florence the Clericals have gained as
great a victory in the municipal elections
they did in Heme, having returned their as
candidates for twelve out of fourteen
vacanci es.
A lire in Annapolis, N. S., destroyed
thirteen building, including several stores.
Le-r. about 8e5,000. The fire is attributed
te an incendiary. The St. Leuis sewer
pipe works, in St. Leuis, were damaged
by fire te the extent or :!5,000.
Twe burglars broke into the house of
Jehn MeMahen, corner of Laurel and F
streets, Chicago. While one was left te
keep watch the ether entered McMahon's
bedroom, and when he awoke and sat up
in bed shot at him, the ball entering his
heart and killing him instantly. The
murderer, with his companion, escaped.
Mary E. Brewer, wife of Rebert Brewer,
of Cornwall. N. J., aged 17 years, com
mitted suicide by taking arsenic. She
was lame from an injury te her hip, sus
tained by a fall two years age. The in
jury grew worse and she committed sui
eid through discouragement. She was
violently sick all the night, but refused
medical at'endance and died without ad
milting that she had taken poison, which
iact was discovered after her death.
James C. Green, of Stillwater, Minn.,
and Albert C. Savig, of St. Paul, had been
drinking tegcthcreaiiy in the evening, and
meeting later. Green asked Savage te drink
with him. The invitation was refused,
and Green repeating "Yeu won't drink
with me '.'' several times, drew a revolver
and fired four shots at Savage, one taking
effect in his stomach. Then keeping the
crowd that had collected at bay with his
revolver, he inquired his way te the jail
and walked there, sitting en the steps of
the station house until a policeman came
along and arrested him.
About midnight a man in a buggy dreve
off the north abutment of Wells street
bridge while the draw was open for the
passage of a vessel. He paid no heed te
the warning cries of tugmeu, who were
seated en a railing of the approach te tle
bridge. The horse snorted with terror as
it fell into the river, but no sound came
fvem the driver. The horse became de
tached in some way from the buggy, and
swam te a neighboring deck and was saved.
The body erthe drowned man was recov
ered and identified as that of Richard Gil
bert. Ne chain or ether protection is used
at any of the city bridges te prevent acci
dents of this kind when the draw is open.
Amalgamated Iren 'Workers.
The amalgamated association of iron iv d
steel workers of the United States met jes
tcrday in Pittsburgh. Twe hundred dele
gates were present from Pennsylvania,
New Jersey, Tennessee, Maryland, Virgin
ia, Mississippi, Illinois, Ohie, Kentucky,
Indiana. Michigan, Wisconsin, West Vir
ginia, New Yerk, Rhede Island, Nebras
ka and Georgia. President Garrett deliv
ered an address of welcome. The reports
of the officers showed the association te be
flourishing. In the evening the members
of the convention, headed by a brass band,
visited the Sligo iron works. The conven
tion will be in session about a week.
Barard't Opiate f It.
A World correspondent called en Sena Sena
eor Bayard te ask his opinion of General
Hancock's letter te General Sherman. The
correspondent found the senator se well
pleased with the letter that despite his
chronic objection te the interview as a
method of eliciting the opinions of public
men he talked freely about the matter.
Mr. Bayard said that the first thing te be
noted in the letter was the quiet and un
conscious force of character displayed in
it. " Letters," he said, " written with an
object are like all prearranged aft'ahs
efx n te the suspicion that some things arc
deliberately suppressed and ether things
made unduly emphatic. This letter ex
hibits Hancock the patriot and soldier
writing out his unpremeditated views upon
a grave political crisis. The letter was call
ed out by repeated letters from his military
superior. He did net originate the corres
pondence, as the opening sentences show.
Te appreciate its full force and meaning you
must have seen and known as 1 did what
was than going en in Washington and at
the war department. Troops even then,
under Cameren's inspiration and with
President Giant's approval, were being
moved towards Washington. The army
had overthrown already the Louisiana elec
tion, for Wells and Andersen and their
negre colleagues would net have dared te
pervert the returns unless they had been
backed and protected by the military arm
of the United Stales government. Flerida
and Seuth Carolina had suffered the same
fate, and the work only remained te be
consummated at Washington in February
by a reception en a national scale et the
frauds committed in New Orleans and else
where in November."
" Hew de you think the letter will af
fect the judgment of Hancock's political
"It will dispose forever of the pretense
that he is a mere soldier, a 'nam by-para ey
sort of man with no ideas concerning poli
ties and civil government. He has as dis
tinct views concerning public affairs as any
man I knew, and he gives expression te
some of them in this very letter with a
simplicity and directness that make his
presentation as strong as any that was
nrule by any man of his views en these
subjects before Congress or electoral com
mission during the pendency of the elec
toral dispute. Contrast his language con
cerning the decision of the Seuth Carolina
supreme court with General Grant's au
swer te Senater Randelph, who cited that
decision te him and was bluntly told by
Grant that he cared nothing for the deci
sion of the court. Indeed General Han
cock's view of public duty form the most
decided contrast te these of Grant 'Hew
can I, a soldier, best sustain a government
of law V always seemed te be Hancock's
inquiry. 'Hew can I, a soldier, best as
sert my military power, despite the re
straint of laws?' seemed te be the usual
thought with Grant."
" What de you think of his allusion te
the proper mode of settling the count of
the electoral votes ?"
" Having given the constitutional ques
tions connected with the election of presi
dent and vice president and the control of
the two houses of Congress ever the elec
tion much thought aud study, I must free
ly confess that General Hancock has em
phasized in his letter the true meaning of
the constitution in such a way and with
such force as te give me new and stronger
light upon the subject. He presents with
great clearness the idea of the separate de
posits of power in the Heuse of Represent
atives and in the Senate in the case of the
inability of the two houses in joint session
te unite in a declaration that a majority of
the electoral votes have been delivered tet
any candidate. In that case the duty of
cheesing a president immediately devolves
en the Heuse of Representatives by states,
while the duty of cheesing a vice president
devolves en the Senate. This line of sep
arate action is continued in analogy by the
separate power given the Senate alone te
elect as president its own presiding officer
in the event of the death of the president
and vice president. In that election the
Heuse of Representatives has no voice."
"Yeu think, then, that is the best part
of his letter?"
"Ne, I will net say that. The golden
sentences in the letter, in my judgment,
are these : ' The army should have nothing
te de with the election or inauguration of
a president.' ' The people elect the presi
dent.' The Congress declares in a joint
session who he is !' ' Our system docs uet
provide that one president should inaugu
rate another : there misht be danger in
that, and it was studiously left out of the
charter.'' Here is the key-note of the dif
ference between Hancock and Gmntlsm.
If Grant had held the doctrine of Hancock's
letter there never would have been an
electoral commission nor any need for one.
It was the threat of Grant that he would
inaugurate as president the candidate whom
he decided ought te be inaugurated, and
that he would de it by force if necessary,
which made it requisite that an unusual
device should be adopted te preserve the
forms at least of law in filling the office
and te prevent a storm in which our sys
tem of government would have been
Mr. Bayard spoke freely of his recent
visit te General Hancock and said that,
though he hall often met the general be
fore, his recent conversation had impressed
him mere strongly than ever with his
knowledge and correct judgment et public
all'airs. "Anybody," he said, "who
imagines that Hancock will depend en
some one else for his ideas of civil adminis
tration will have te surrender that opinion
en reading this admirable letter, written
out in Missouri where he had net even the
aid of a clerk. Furthermore," said the
senator, "General Hancock has in this let
ter presented the great issue raised by the
fraud of 187G te the American people with
the force which really belongs te it and
divested of all that mav have tended te
weaken or obscure it. It is an issue we
should never lese sight of. Fer our coun
try cannot with safety endure a repetition
of such grave wrongs as were successfully
perpetrated in 1877. Our people would
either abandon all respect for and interest
in their elections or they would take up
arms te make them respectable."
Mr. Bayard concluded the interview as
fellows : " Gen. Hancock's letter is in the
highest sense a state paper, though net
intended te be one. It is devoid of the
formalities which attach te official commu
nications, but it deals with a most difficult
problem of constitutional powers with
wonderful clearness and force. The man
who shall herafter deny te Hancock the
meed of having ably dealt, and in a high
spirit of patriotic statesmanship, with the
most serious and difficult crisis in our
recent history, will stultify himself. This
letter puts an end te the cry of the 'mere
soldier.' Bfr. Schurz will have te make
his campaign speech ever again, for nan
cock's letter has destroyed its point."
A "Narrow Escape.
Mr. Stewart Bretzman, of Easten, went
te Liverpool, and after remaining a few
days started again for New Yerk. He had
been at sea but a few hours when he was
taken ill and the ship doctor was called.
Mr. Bretzman sank lower and finally ceas
ed te breathe. A canvas bag was prepared
and the body was about being enclosed iu
it when one of his friends objected te his
being buried se seen after death. At his
earnest persuasion the burial was delayed,
and it was net long before Mr. Bretzman
showed signs of life and eventually recov recev
ed enough te converse with these about
him. On landing in New Yerk he was
well enough te take care of himself and is
still in that city.
Judge Sedgwick has been elected chief
justice of the New Yerk supreme court,
vice Judge Cuitis, deceased.
. ' m tke
XewEra. ' ' '
The only plea by which the exorbitant
assessments laid by the county committee
en the several candidates, en Monday, can
be justified is the highwayman's plea the
supposed necessities of the subjects of tax
ation. The highwayman never says "stand
and deliver" te a man with an empty purse
in his pocket or a Celt s revolver in his
hand. In the same spirit the committee
drew a long bow under the protection of
that clause in the rules which say that "in
case of the refusal of the nominee te pay
he shall be dropped from the ticket ;" but
they entirely ignored that ether clause in
. ,- t.:t. .... il..!. Mjalit. sm-
ine same ruiu wiucu any a wcu nguw iv
assess candidates is limited te " such rea
sonable turns as they may think necessary
te defray the expenses printing tickets and
necessary election expenses.
The present assessments are net only
unreason tble, but they are unfaur and un
equal. At the outside figure they ought
net exceed a uniform rate ei ten per cent,
en the salaries or income of the offices.
But in this case the congressman is assess
ed at 12 per cent., senator and assembly
man at 17$ per cent., district attorney at 8
per cent., if we take the legitimate income
of the office as a basis, or 5 per cent, en
what "practice " has made it yield ; aud
11 per cent, en the directors and inspec
tors. The tax laid upon the representa
tive offices is simply outrageous, and is vir
tually offering a premium en the tempta
tion te yield te "corrupt solicitation. "
A uniform rate et eight per cent, upon the
gross income of the offices would yield a
sum ample te pay all the committee's
debts and " the usual expense of printing
tickets and necessary election expenses. "
Juliimen Helped te dolt.
Twe years age when the assessments en
senator and members et .Legislature were
almost one-half lower and en congressman
one-third lower, there was much dissatis
faction, and it is net surprisine that there
is very general complaint at the amounts
the candidates are asked te pay this year.
The assessment en the candidate for dis
trict attorney is out of all proportion
when compared with the assessments en
the same office in previous years. Mr.
Jehnsen, who two years age was in
favor or reducing assessments much lower
than yesterday's, has suddenly become a
convert te high assessments, and te punish
the successful candidates, who happened
te oppose him, advocated still mere unrea
sonable assessments than these imposed.
Hnvas assessed three hundred dollars
when a candidate for district attorney, hut
yesterday urged an assessment of one
thousand dollars en the candidate for the
Kimn office this vear. Meney is, of course,
needed te conduct the campaign, and,
while we advocate reasonable assessments,
we cannot countenaace the impositions of
yesterday. The members of the county
committee must realize the unfairness of
the assessments, and ought promptly re
duce them te fair figures.
Ge It Alene.
Philadelphia Times.
Mr. B. Frauk Eshleman has been re
elected chairman of the Lancaster county
Republican committee, and he promptly
bounced the candidates for the highest
figures in shape of assessments. Congress
man Smith is expected te plank down
$1,200, and would-be District Attorney
Davis is struck for $800. When it is con
sidered that Congressman Smith could get
a much larger majority this year without
Mr. Eshleman's committee than with it,
and that Mr. Davis isn't likely te crowd
tbreui'Ii bv anv amount of expenditure,
wouldn't it be well for them te save their
cash and let the committee run itself for
one season? Mr. Davis should at least
make it sure that he can remain en the
ticket long enough te be voted for before
he endangers some mere of his clients by
paying $800 te a political fund.
The Suspicious Killing of Beb " Allisen.
On Saturday evening Rebert Allisen, a
painter residing in Chambersburg, gave his
wife all his money, remarking "he was
going en a lark aud she had better keep
his money." He did net return Saturday
night, and Saturday his wife became
alarmed aud began te hunt him. She
learned nothing of his whereabouts and
informing his friends she instituted a
search for him and at neon yesterday just
as the court house bell rang out a general
alarm, Christian Stouffer informed his at
torney Jehn Stewart that he had shot a
man en Saturday whom he had caught
in his cornfield. Mr. Stewart in
formed the police and a body of men at
once started for the field just en the edge
of the town. There they found the dead
body of the missing Allisen, lying en the
ground with a horrid gaping gun-shot
wound in the back. The body was terri
bly swollen, and the face was turned com
pletely black, se that it was almost im
possible te recognize him. 'Squire Mc
Nulty was first en the ground, and
immediately empaneled a jury, who after
viewing the body found "that the de
ceased had come te his death by a gun
shot wound at the hands of a person or
persons unkuewn." 'Squire Seiders, who
claims te be the authorized deputy of
Corener Ramsey, empaneled another jury
and is about te held another inquest. He
claims M'Nulty had no authority. While
M'Nulty's jnry was sitting Stouffer sur
rendered himself te Squire Jeffries and was
committed te the sheriff. He claims the
man was stealing corn when he shot, but,
at the advice of his counsel, refused te an
swer any further questions. A careful
survey of the field failed te find any indi
cations of corn living .been broken off and
no bag or corn was found in the field. The
deceased leaves a wife and three small
children. He was very industrious and
irenerally liked and was a member of the
Franklin Guards, while Stouffer is
known as a man of violent temper and
there is intense feeling against him.
Republicans Who Voted Against faper
Ex-Scnater Edgar Cowan's reminiscences.
I am the only living Republican senator
who voted against the legal tender act.
The ethers were Collamer, of Vermont,
and King, of New Yerk. I remember as if
it were yesterday meeting Chase upon the
street one evening when he was perfecting
his plan. Fer an hour we discussed it, he
endeavoring te obtain my premise te vote
for it, I pointing out te him that it was
morally and politically wrong, and above
all it was without authority of the con
stitution. King proposed te vote for it
until the last moment. We sat beside
each ether, and just before the vote was
taken the secretary came te ask me te sup
port the measure. I again pointed out the
reasons for my opposition. I said, " It is as
though you were te sell a horse te my
friend King, here, and obtain his money
contracting te deliver the horse within a
week. 3Ieantime the Congress of the
United States steps in and declares that
jackasses shall be legal tender for horses,
and you proceed te carry out your contract
by delivering a donkey te my friend."
King, who heard the remark, arose with
some difficulty, for be weighed well en te
300 pounds. Said he, "That jackass story
of yours fixes me ; I will vote against the
bill," and he did.
Chase was net a great lawyer, but he
had common sense and a judicial mind.
When he became chief justice he could
net render an opinion te sustain his own
financial scheme. The Republican party
then committed its crowning infamy by
creating two mere seats en theisnpreme
bench and placing Bill Streng and Jee
Bradley upon them.
"' ' A. Fraak Confession.
TlttsBOrga leader, Bep.
t The (Jdmmerciei Oatelte is nor. wise. . It
calls for the publication of the whole of
General Hancock's correspondence with
General Sherman during the troublous
winter of 1876-7. The rest et us Republi
can newspapers are entirely satisfied with
the one that has been published. That is
boomerang enough for the present. It is
se.raanly and moderate and patriotic ; aye,
and se statesmanlike, that if we were an
organ like the Gazette we would be
secretly sorry that we ever "demanded"
its publication. Ner would we be con
sumed with curiosity te knew whether he
wrote any mere letters till after the elec
The Herse Thief and Jail Breaker Makes
Arrangeaaents te Escape.
Yesterday afternoon Jehn Frankford,
new serving a nineteen-years' term of im
prisonment in the Lancaster county prison
for horse-stealing and larceny, was de
tccted in ingenious arrangements te make
his escape. It will be recollected that
after his attempt te break jail several
weeks age, and nearly succeeded in sawing
his way out,he was removed from his iron
clad cell en the lower fleer te a stronger
one, cell 52, en the second tier. Here he
has been confined and closely watched
until such time as the cell being double
iron-clad with chilled iron could be fin
ished. Fer a few days past the prison
officials have suspected him of an
other attempt te escape, and yesterday
underkeepcrs Albright and Murr enter
ed his cell and told him of their intention
te remove him te his new quarters. He
made net the slightest objection, but put
ting en his hat, said he was ready te go,
and asked that his things might be taken
along. The officers did net consent te this
but made a thorough examination of his
cell. In his bar of soap, about 5 inches
leng and three inches thick, they found a
geed sized hammer. In his leaf of bread
they found a file and a knife ; and under
the lining et Frankford's hat they found a
case knife, ground down te a point, after
the manner of a shoemaker's knife, well
weru. They also found that the iron bars
of his cell window hah been partly sawed
off, but te no great extcut.
The officers have no knowledge as te
hew Frankford came into possession of the
tools found in his cell. They are certain,
however, that he did net obtain them from
any of his friends en regular visiting days,
as en these occasions an officer always
stands between the prisoner and his friends
and hears all that takes place during the
When detected, Frankford had no ex
planation te make, but quietly accompa
nied the officer te cell Ne. 7, en the lower
tier, which has been especially prepared te
receive him. It is located in the imme
diate vicinity of the officers' quarters and
is under their eye day and night, aud has
recently been covered with a sheathing of
chilled iron en top of the original sheath
ing of boiler iron.
Hershey's UeB"c Roasting Establishment
This morning about 1 o'clock fire was
discovered in the coffee roasting establish
ment of Henry Hershey, a two-story frame
building about 30 by 40 feet diameter, in
rear of his residence, Ne. 520 East King
street, near Ann. An alarm was promptly
given and several of the fire companies
were seen en the ground, but notwith
standing their exertions te quench the
flames the building and its contents were
entirely destroyed. The building contain
ed an engine and boiler and a very consid
erable amount of machinery and coffee be
longing te Mr. Hershey, and also some
coffee and malt belonging te ether per
sons and sent there te ee browned. Mr.
Hershey estimates his less at from $1,700
te $1,800, aud has au insurance en the
building, machinery and stock of $1,100 in
the Lycoming insurance company.
The origin of the fire is net known.
There was no fire in the building after six
o'clock yesterday evening, and Mr. Her
shey's supposition is that the fire originat
ed from spontaneous combustion.
The only fire companies that went into
service were the American, Shiftier, Em
pire and Sun, and Mr. Hershey and. his
neighbors praise the care and efficiency
with which they worked. Mr. Hershey's
residence, a frame building, stands only a
few feet away from the building that was
burned and yet it was saved with very
slight injury. A frame wagon shed con
nected with the roasting establishment
was burned. Mr. Jehn K. Reed's residence,
which adjoins Mr. Hershey's en the east, is
only very slightly damaged, and Mr. Fred.
Stamm's residence adjoining en the west
was also saved, being only slightly scorched.
Had it net been for the well directed
efforts of the firemen it is very probable
that the residences of Messrs. Hershey,
Reed, Stamm and perhaps ethers would
have been destroyed.
An Aged Weman Hangs Ilerself.
Mary Kreider, an unmarried woman
aged about 65 years, committed suicide at
the house of Jehn Sayler, with whom she
resided, at Lexington, Elizabeth township,
en Monday afternoon. The woman, who
has been of unsound mind for two years or
mere, ate her dinner as usual en Monday,
and after dinner she was quite lively.
About half-past two o'clock several mem
bers of the family were talking together
when one of them asked where Mary was.
She had been missing at the time for about
twenty minutes ; search was made for her
at once. She was found hanging te a
rafter in the garret and already dead. Dep
uty Cerenor Unas Lenhart empaneled a
jury composed of J. F. Dieum, Israel Hart-
man, Martin Hartman, J. K. Hertz, II It.
Feller and Martin Lenhart, and they ren
dered a verdict of " suicide, while insane."
The deceased woman has one sister living,
and Mrs. Savier was her niece.
Celeraln Items.
There will be a picnic in Kcyler's grove
en Saturday.
James Swisher is about building a new
straw shed te be attached te his barn.
The festival at King's Bridge, July 31,
was a decided success. The turnout was
large and the Independent band furnished
geed music. Everything was sold at an
early hour in the evening.
Win. Harrar is farming some tobacco in
this township, the leaves of which measure
42 inches in length and 27 inches in
breadth, with sixteen leaves te a stalk.
He has topped two acres and has three
fourths of an acre te cut. This is Han
cock tobacco, is growing in a Democratic
township, en a Democratic farm, and is
being fanned by a Democrat.
Eveate Aero the County Lines.
The.faestien agitating Reading is:
"Must Docter Rhoads resign from either
physician te the almshouse or physician te
the beard of health?"
Ou Tuesday morning between 1 and 2
o'clock, Mrs. Mary, wife of Jehn Light,
J. S., residing near the Aqueduct, a short
distance from Jonestown, Lebanon county,
drowned herself iu the Swatara, under the
Aqueduct, where the water is probably
fifteen feet in depth. She bad been suffer
ing for a long time front ill health, and
become melancholy in consequence.
Six of the seven hat factories along the
Wyemissmg creek, Berks county, belong
ing te Hendel & Ce., Miller, nernberger
& Ce., Warley, Ruth & Ce., Jehn Spatz,
Fichthorn & Hill, and Jehn Ruth, are
running en half time, and theso of Miller.
Hernbergcr & Ce., and Jehn Spatz will
close entirely during the campmeeting of
the Evangelical association next week.
Jacob Kessler's new hat factory is run
ning en full time en children's hats.
Reading is troubled with impure water
and a lack of even that.
A meeting of the beard of trustees of
Lincoln university has been held at Pres
byterian house, Chestnut street lielew
Bread, Philadelphia, for the purpose of
Liking action in reference te a gift of $0,
000 from J. II. Cassiday, of New Yerk
state, for the endowment of a professor
ship at Lincoln university. After some
remarks the wishes of Mr. Cassidy weie
directed te be carried out. This donation
added te an endowment already possessed,
will make the sum of 9110,000. The in
stitution has about 120 students, and is
reported doing geed work among the col
ored people of the Seuth.
Mrs. Elizabeth Stewart, of Stcelteu,
aged 65 years, prepared her husband's
lunch te take with him when went te
work at the blast furnace, and then, as
she had net been in very geed health for
some time, she retired, leaving the house
in charge of a colored woman. In a few
hours she was found dead in bed.
Edwin Huttcr Webber, nephew of Mi s.
E. W. Huttcr, has been appointed a
second lieutenant in the United States
army, no was a member of the First
Regiment and served in the riots iu Pitts
burgh. At the house of 3Ir. Jehn B. Detwiler.
in East Perkiemcn township, Montgomery
county, about one mile from Cellegevillc.
reside Mrs. Elizabeth Stearly and Mrs.
Hester Detwiler, twin sisters, and relicts
respectively of Philip Stearly ami Jehn
Detwiler. These venerable twins arc
daughters of SatnucI and Susannah Ilei to te
let, long since deceased, and were born
eighty-one years age at the old Bcrtelet.
homestead, which has weathered the
storms of 110 years, and still stands in
Frederick township.
The Improvements Made and te be Mml.
The new front of St. James church has
been finished externally, and presents an
attractive appearance. The new tower at
the northwest corner of the building is
newas high as the reef and will be with
out delay raised te the full height of tin'
original plan.
The improvements in the interior of t he
church are being rapidly pushed forward,
and several new features net originally
contemplated were agreed upon at a la It
vestry meeting and will be at onee added.
The old frescoed ceiling is being eulinly
removed and replacedwith a yellow-pine
ceiling laid out in panels, and rising con
siderably higher in the centre than the old
one. The wooden wainscoting along the
side walls of the old portion of the church
has been removed, and the inside row of
brickwork is being removed aud will !
replaced with pressed brick l.iid in cement,
te the height of the top of the pews,
te make the old portion of Un
church uniform with the new.
Anether improvement will be the re
moval of the old wooden cornice under the
eaves of the Orange street front. This
tee will be replaced with a brick cornice of
the same pattern as that of the new addi
tion te the church. When these improve
ments shall have been finished, the archi
tects tell us, St. James will present a very
fair sample of the Lembard style of archi
tecture. That which strikes the visitor mere foi fei
cibly perhaps than anything else is the
greatly enlarged size of the auditorium
Whereas heretofore it was short and
square and pinched, it is new an oblong of
fine proportions and has rathcra cathedral cathedral
leek about it. It will be re -opened fur
worship carl y in the fall.
The Veterans In Line.
Pursuant te a call issued by General
Mulhelland, commander of the Hancock
Veteran association of Pennsylvania, head
quarters at Philadelphia, a meeting of the
Hancock Veteran association of this city,
composed of soldiers and sailors of the late
war, was held at Sprenger's ball, North
Queen street, last evening. An exaction
was made before signing the roll that each
man had te show actual service in the field.
Capt. Gee. F. Sprenger was named as tem
porary chairman, and Shcr. Smith as tem
porary secretary. A lengthy address was
delivered by the president pre. tern.,
stating the object of the meeting. A com
mittee of five, consisting of Gee. W. Zecher,
Jehn Pentz, G. W. Brintnall, TIice. Wn
ditz and Sher. Smith, was appointed en per
manent organization. Messrs. T. Wvn
ditz, F. E. Shread, E. Bookmyer, Gee.
Pentz and B. Myers were appointed a com
mittee en rules and regulations. 42 mem
bers signed the roll, and the club ad
journed te meet en Tuesday evening next
at the Central club rooms. Centre square.
During the meeting several Itcpnblii-.ui
soldiers signed the roll.
Lewer End Items.
In the corrected age returns from Little
Britain township, Jehn Wright, 87, carries
off the palm for seniority.
Only $1500 is te be raised te extend the
Yerk and Peach Bettem narrow gauge
railway from Delta te the Susquehanna
A perfectly white barn swallow is attract
ing attention at the residence of Reger II.
Kirk, at Pleasant Greve. It was hatched
and bred in Mr. Kirk's barn and is as live
ly and evidently thinks itself as geed a
bird as the fleck of brown and black swal
lows that inhabit the premises. "When
the swallows homeward fly " en the ap
proach of winter and. return next spring,
it will be interesting te watch for the com
ing of this white winged bird.
City Cewaella Te-Night.
A stated meeting of select and common
councils will be held in their chambers at
7:30 this evening.