v ,-J ,--' .. C IT' - A ' ""- - ,V,f 7v-j,rr;- r "i V-.t' s . - .- T ' M tmfa$k&, fct--t f-;?:v -,;. -T V I lVV-V all Volume XVI-Ne. 281. CLOT1IIXU. Spring Opening 24 CENTRE SQUIRE. We have lei sale for tbc coming seasons an Immense Stock of if our own manufacture, which comprises the latest and Most STYHSH DESIGNS. Come and see our UEW GOODS FOU MERCHANT TAILORING, which is larger unu composed of the lcst styles te Im; found in the Cily. D. B. listener & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. 6-lyd LANCASTER. PA H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, MONDAY, APRIL 5. Having Just returned Irem the New Yerk .Voelen Market, 1 am new prepared te exhibit mcef the Best Selected Stocks of WOOLENS FOKTHE Spring: ai Semmer Me, verbreught te this city. Nene but the very 28 tef ENGLISH, FRENCH AltD AMERICAN FABRICS, all the Leading Styles, Prices as low as the ewest, and nil goods warranted as represent ,at H. GERHART'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. SMALING, THE ARTIST TAILOR. Closing out our stock et Light Weights at test te make room for Fall and Winter Stock. A Large Lineei English Novelties. TROPICAL SUITINGS, SERGES AND REPS, BAXNOCKBCRXS AND CELTICS, GAMBROOX PARAMATA AND BATISTE SUITINGS. SEERSUCKERS, VALENCIA?, PAROI.i: AND MOHAIR COATINGS. A Splendid Assortment of Wllferd's Pud.led Ducks In Plainand Fancy Styles. A Full Line el 1 R All the latest novelties. An examination of our stock is respectfully solicited. T. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH QUEEN STREET. FAST FREIGHT, The Old Bitner Line, Established 1846. T T3 DTTMrD'C ReadyMade Clotting, SPRING PEW iiJ VJ.l.JJlllli.ii.W FAST FREIGHT LINE BETWEEN Lancaster anfl FbilaflelDlna, VIA PENN"A R. R. All Freight sent te Frent and Prime streets, Philadelphia, up te 6 o'clock and te Ne. 5 Deck street, te 3 o'clock p. m., will arrive same night at Depot, In Lancaster. The Drayage te these Central Depots is lower than te any ether. Ne Drayage charged for Delivery In Lancaster. VA11 Freight leaded In Lancaster, up te G o'clock p. in., will reach Frent and Prime streets, Philadelphia, early next morning. jyl9,22,aftaug2 IVY LOCHER'S UKNuwXED COUGH L SYRUP WATCHES, Among the many advantages gained by our change of business location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work en trusted te us. WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL BOX REPAININO, CLOCK REPAIRING-, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING. &c. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West Kiug Street. SPECIAL EDW. J. JEWELER, ZAHIVrS CORNER, Our largely inuiiased business makes it necessary for us te enlarge our store room. Te make room ter the alterations wc contemplate, we will close out as much of our stock as pos sible, between this dute ami the 10th of AUGUST, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. This efTer applies te any article In our extensive stock EXCEPT SPECTACLES, and wll allei 1 all who desire goods in our line a rare opportunity te buy from llrst-class stock at un usually low prices. ZAIIMS CORNER. DRY BARGAINS -AT NEW YORK STORE. 5,000 YDS. m DARK CALICOES AT S CTS. A YARD. I ust opened an elegant assortment of choice styles In Calicoes, Cretonnes, anil Chintzes. MUSLINS! MUSLINS! Standard .Makes of Illeachcd and Unbleached Muslins from 10 te 'JO per cent, below June pries. INDIA LINENS. VICTORIA LAWNS, WHITE PIQUIIS AXD CAMBRICS AT BOT TOM PRICES. Watt, Shand & Company, S AND 1 0 EAST KING STREET. SALE DAMAGED GOODS. -:e:- IlAflER At DROTHEK will continue the sale et" Goods damaged only by water during the recent lire en their premises. WALL PAPER CAKPETS, Mattings and Oil Cleths, Muslins and Sheetings, linens and Quilts, Woolens for Men's Wear, and Ready-Made Clothing, &c., All et the above have been marked at a vcrv low price, as we are d-tc:'iiined te close out the, entire let. The sale is going en daily from 0 a. m. until 7 p. in. Saturday evenings until It o'clock in ste;e looms in rear et main store. As I here wits no damage te stock in main store room business there gees en as usual. HAGER & BROTHER, NO. 25 WEST KING STBEET. CLOTUISO. CLOSING OUT OF SPRING A! SUHHER STOCK. In order te close out our stock of Spring and Summer Goods te make room for a heavy Pall Trade, wc arc offering great inducements in Men's, Youths and Children's Clothing. In our Custom Department we have a large let of Piece Goods, which must be closed out before September 1, regardless of profit. In our Ready-made Department we have au unusually line stock of Summer Clothing, all of which can be purchased at very lowest bottom figures. Gentlemen, our facilities are net equaled in the city. It will cost you nothing te examine our stock. MYERS & RATHFON, Ne. 12 EAST KING STREET, MEDICAL, DR. BROWNING'S TOHC AED ALTERATIVE! The Celebrated Prescription et W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D. FOR GENEBAL DEBILITY AND PURIFIINU THE BLOOD. Perfectly Purifies the Bleed. Enriches the Bleed, Reddens the Bleed, makes New Bleed, Wenderlully Improves the Appetite, and Changes the Constitution Suffering from General Debility into one of Vigorous Health. The best proerof Its wendertnletlicacy is te be obtained by a trial, and that simple trial strongly establishes It reputation with all. It is most scientifically and elegantly compounded by its author and sole proprietor, W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., 117 ABOH STBEET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A regular graduate of Jeffersen Medical College, of Philadelphia, a thorough Chemist and Skillful Pharmacist. Price, 50c and 91.00. Fer sale by the Proprietor and all Druggists and Dealers In Medicine. U-lyilcew&w REMOVALS. DK. S. It. POKEMAX. (PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON), Removed lrem Ne. 18 Seuth Prince street te Ne. 211 West Klntr street, Lancaster, Pa. rinU4aid JEWELRY, c NOTICE. ZHJNE, LANCASTER, PA. LANCASTER, PA. GOODS. IN CALICOES THE - OP LANCASTER, PEKX'A. C1RA1M MUSCULATION I" In large or small amounts. $35 or $20,000 Write W. T. SOULE & CO.. Commission Mer chants, 130 La Salle street, Chicago, 111., for cir colors. m28-iyd KIDNEV WeitX JTURSALE AT LOCH era' Drug Stere, 9 East Kins street LANCASTER, PA., SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1880 Lancaster I ntelligencrr. SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 31, 1880. THE SOLID SOUTH. HON. J. RANDOLPH TUCKER TELLS WHY IT IS SOLID. A Voice Frem the Old Dominion The De mocracy of Te-day Is the Democracy of Jeffersen Hancock, the Soldier Statesman, is the Incarnation of Civil Supremacy Over the Military Issues that the War Settled. EVANGELIST MOODY. Ills Pleasant Heme at Nerthfleld, Mass. Seme of the Pergenal Characteristics of the Man nd tbe Scheel He is Building. The Mether of Presidents Speaks Through a Favorite Sen. Tucker rose while the band played a lively Virginia reel. He said : I come te you from the old common wealth of Virginia, and I am glad te meet the old Democracy of New Yerk. It is a gratifying memory te me that in 1800 the states of New Yerk and Virginia were united in elevating .i Democrat of that day te the presidency, and I come te answer a question frequently put by the Republi can press, why we have a solid Seuth. The Republicans don't like it and if they don't like it they may lump it. We were solid in 1800 solid for Themas Jeffersen. We have liked Dcnieeiacy ever since that day, and don't like te give it up There were two parties theit- once, but the Whigs went up, and the Knew-Nothings were disposed of by Governer Wise in 18.15. If the Republicans had one grain of wisdom. which they haven't, they could have divid ed the white people of the Seuth or ques tions of administration. Rut they did net let us divide. They forced every man who had a drop of Anglo-Saxen bleed in his veins te oppose that party with all its powers. Virginia's sons are taking part in adding te the glory of that Union of which we are still a part, thank Ged. The Re publicans stele our liberties in 18G3. They brought a governor te Richmond and put him in power there as a simen-pure governor of Virginia. Wc said, 'Very well, sir; hew are you, governor? Laughter. And they brought a Legis lature in an omnibus and set them ever us. This was the Rump Legislature of Vir ginia ; and in 18G7 they passed a law say ing that we were net a legal government at all, and they sponged us out, and then made old Virginia District Ne. 1,-and the rest of the Seuth districts, 2, S, 4, 5, G and 7. and put military governors ever us. Who voted for that bill ? James A. Gar field, of Ohie. (Hisses.) The whole Seuth was under a pall. I have seen a lit tle fellow with shoulder-straps come into a court of justice aud order a judge te enter a judgment and this in old Virginia. I have seen 2.",009 white men excluded from the ballet-box aud 100,000 negrees allowed tovetc.audthisin old Virginia. De you wonder we did net rush into their arms'.' But there was a gleam of hops. There was a man down there who knew the constitution which he had sworn te up up eold. Garfield put the sword into his hand and said, ' General, new wield it,' but he laid it down and said the civil rights of the people should be maintained. Thank Ged that He created that sober statesman. He was net like a militia gcneial in Ceugrcss who is very civil in military matters and very military in civil matters, who is one of the men who never begin te fight till the enemy is down. General Hancock could light a rebel till he fell, but he lifted that rebel up afterwards. The old Confederate soldiers, limping en without a pension, say ' Hurrah !' for Han cock because he was a chevalier general. He recalls the old colonel in the ' Lady of Lyens' who said it was a pleasure te knew a man who had been able te fight you and then net trample ou you, New, about the Southern claim.'; who owns them? (Laughter.) Why, all these Re publicans who staid at home down there while the men pushed en te Get tysburg and met Hancock. There is no mere chance of these South ern claims being paid when Hancock is president than there is of Garfield being elected. The ' rebel brigadiers" are en thusiastic for Hancock because he can fight, and when he steps fighting can make friends. When the war decided we were te stay in the Union I bowed submission te that verdict, aud uew wc arc going te stay in the union te see the Republicans put out of their ill-held power. The war has taught a gieat number of valuable les les eons, ami I would recount a few of them new as they strike us in the Seuth. The first lessen is that whatever people may have thought piier te 18G0 as te the right of a state te secede, I believe that question is settled by the fourteenth amendment and the results of the war. Don't let anybody scare you by saying that there will be any mere rebellion from the Seuth. The issues settled in the war can never come up as causes of war again. Never ! Next, for my colored friends. Whatever is thought of slavery, I am sure that there never will be again in this conn cenn try a colored slave. Ne white m in in the Seuth would have aslaieif you'd give him the pi ice. It is settled first and alwasthat the military power always shall be subor dinate te the civil power. Further, the habeas corpus is in the hands of the hum blest citizen iu the land, the key with which he may unlock the doers of any bas tile, military or civil, that may be -closed upon him, and that is true forever aud forever. Next, there shall be no packing of grand juries te accuse and petit juries te condemn him te keep him from voting. There shall be free elections henceforth in this country free from deputy marshals and supervisors and bayonets as well. While every geed citizen will support the general government in its powers, yet there is a large reserve of ungranted power in the people and the states which must be secure from federal interruption. Lastly, it is true that all men are equal, net in their natural endowments. I am net equal te the president dc jure of the United States. (Applause.) I don't think Mr. Garfield is equal te Gen. Hancock, and I am sure Mr. Arthur isn't equal te our Mr. English, especially en civil service reform. I say this, that the right of the peer man te his hovel is as great as the right of the millionaire te his palace ; that is what I mean by equal rights, and this one of the prime under-lying principles of Democracy. In this new era I declare that the Demo crats are the advocates of a free press, a free ballet and some little free trade, tee. I don't see why a peer man's blankets should be taxed 100 per cent., while the rich man's covering is taxed only 50 per cent. Fer a man of such geed feelings as General Garfield he has helped te de mere bad things than any ether man in America (Laughter.) Th Lord made him se, and he could net help it. New one word te finish. If any man tells you we want te break out in another rebellion tell him he (A voice, "Lies.") Ne, I don't like te use bad words before the president here, but tell him it ain't se, and that in his heart of hearts he knows it. Fraud has crawled with slimy trail into the seat of Geerge Washington. The Credit Mebilier and De Gelycr frauds arc venal compared with the fraud of these eight men who refused te go behind these returns and by screening a fraud perpetuated a greater fraud than ever. 1) night L. Meedy. A Dcsrciptien of the Evangelist's Heme at Xerthlield, .Muss. Exchange. Ne minister of the gospel has'had such audiences from night te night as D. L. Meedy has had. Many regard him as the foremost preacher of this century. All knew with what immense energy and un ceasing toil he labors in revival work daily for about eight mouths of each year ; but of the time which he spends at his own home many would be glad te knew partic ularly. Mr. Meedy lives at Nerthfleld, Mass., near where Vermont and New Hampshire touch the state. Nerthtieid is a place of about two thousand inhabi tants, and sits dreamily en the beauti ful Connecticut river. It is an old village with wide stiects shaded bv elms and chestnuts. As the great evangelist drevcT1"0'1" street, Chicago, gratefully acknowledges mc from the depot te his house, about one mile from town, he pointed out se many old places that I began te feel that I had found the veritable Sleepy Hellew. He was bem and raised here. Arrived at his heusj a magnificent view is before yen. There, fieni between the mountains of the North, comes the picturesque Connecticut river like a silver thtcad. A cloud comes between you and the top of a mountain in Vermont:, while it. .vhite point hangs ever New Hampshire. These two states arc only a few miles fi.ini the plain, old fash ioned farm house, with a long perch in front, where the evangelist lives. Plen ty of room te satisfy the versatile nature of the man. The dining room is se large that yen wonder, till he explains that here lie holds ins Uiulc meetings ler the neigh borhood. Then in his enthusiastic "jerky" way, he exhibits his hens and chickens, bees and pigs, and ducks, with all of which he is quite familial-, with the exceptions of the bees. I had se many beautiful theo ries about bees, and had been drawn into telling him of their curious habits, that he led me te a cm tain hive and removed the top. I will never give the particulars, for I turned my back suddenly en my friend, and glancing ever my shoulder, saw some very unclciical antics en his part. Bees are no respccteis of persons. His library in which he works is large and airy, aud well-stocked with uu unusual collection of geed, solid books en practical subjects. His wife, three children and a niece, who is stepping with them, consti tute the family. At night we all went te Evangelist Pentecost's, te a neighborhood Bible reading. Mr. Pentecost has pur chased an old farm house and grounds about a half-mile from Meedy's, and the two evangelists whose souls aie knit to gether see each ether every day. They are light-hearted as heys and live as plainly al most as dil Abraham, who dwelt iu tents, and fed cattle all his d.v,s. It was a treat net only te he at their Bible meeting aud see en what meat these men de feed that they have grown se great in godliness, but also te witness their merry every diy life. Reth are quite heavy :.et, and dress about after the fashion of a well-to-de farmer. Beth arc a little ever feity years of age, and wear their beards full. They arc of the same complexion, dark auburn hair and whiskers, with gray eyes, and both have that peculiar, vivacious, rest less manner that exhibits the excess of vital force which demands an active life. Such men would be tired te death if they, had te wait iu idleness a week. They rest the better when holding daily meetings than at any ether time. They have no time for discussion of abstract truths. These two men plan for still greater use fulness. The young ladies school, which Mr. Meedy ha inaugurated, will he open in September. If the girls who wish a Christian education aie able te pay, then 8100 a year will cover all expenses. If they are net able, then it will be free te all who are approved for whom there is room. The chapel opposite Meedy's house is fin ished. The large, fine school building standing m the height, overlooking the valley is te cost about $10,000, and be fin ished iu August. All the money is in hand and no debts are allowed. The building is thoroughly modern in all its appointments. It tvill accommodate about eighty, and the best teachcis that money can command arc te have charge of the Christian training of the students. Mr. Marshall, of Bosten a well-to-de layman, who was eenveitcd in the gospel meetings held by Meedy and Sankcy in Bosten, has, with ethers, given largely te this school. Mr. Marshall is also a lay evangelist and has been very success ful in holding gospel meetings. Representative men in Europe and in America arc interested iu this school, aud the two evangelists have ether plans for mere extensive Christian education, of whieli it is net proper te speak at the present time. Rev. Dr. Rlaikie. of Rdiuburgh, Scot land, the renowned scholar and theologian, is seen te visit the United States and will be entertained for some weeks at Mr. Meedy's home. Sweet, were the hours and rich in blessing that 1 spent at this retreat. But in it all I forget the surroundings at night, as I looked toward the Green mountains before wc retired. Just beyond that range of hills, in a se questered valley, sleeps the peer girl who wrote : " Over the river they beckon te me. Loved ones who've eresscd te the ether side, The gleam of their snowy robes I see, But their voices aie led iu the rushing tide." She lived in obscurity and felt the pangs of want. Ne one honored her and no one sough her out. She sang alone the songs of mingled giicf and hope, and died among the lowly. The poet and artist, who are in us all at times, voiced themselves once at least in this sad-faced girl. New the interest of tears, we trust, is hers, together with that greatest gilt of Ged, her Redeemer in whom she trusted. Frem ever these green hills the whisper ing wind came as I began te sleep, and it required no great imnginatien te hear them repeating her song : "And I sit and think when the sunset's geld Is Hushing river, hill and shore, I shall one day stand by tiie waters cold. And list for the sound of the boatman' ear." i:d UVA TIOSAL. 1'IIK AUADK3IX CONNECTED WITH . Franklin and Marshall College eilers su perier advantages te young men and boys who desire either te prepare for college or te obtain a thorough ncaiiemic education. Students re ceived at any lime during the school year Send for circulars. Address REV. JAMES CRAWFORD, ctll-lv Lancaster. Pa. A LLENTOWN FEMALE COLLEGE. Under auspices et Reformed church. De signed for the literary ami religious education or Ladies. Best facilities for Music, Drawing, Painting and Modern Languages. Location healthful. Terms moderate. Thirteenth year Will begin SEPTEM RER 0. Fer Catalogue address REV. W. K. UOFFOUD, A. M.. y!7-12t(l President, Allcntewn, Pa. MEDICAL. CUTICURA BLOOD AND SKIN REMEDIES. What arc Skin and Scalp Diseases but the evidence el internal Humer ten times mere difficult te reach anil cure, which floats In the bleed and ether tluids, destroying the delicate machinery et life and tilling the body with foul corruptions. Ccticxka Keselvext. the new Bleed Purilier, Clticuua, a Medicinal Jellv. assisted bv the Ccticuha Mkdicixai. ajcd Toilet Seap, liave perlenuctl the most miraculous cures evei re corded iu medical annul. ECZEMA RODENT, SALT KI1EUH, &v Eczema Rodent. F. II. Drake. cq., agent for Harper and Brethers, Detroit. Mich., gives an astonishing account of ills case (eczema ro dent), which had been treated bv a consulta tion of physicians without benefit, and which speedily yielded te the Cutlcura Remedies. salt kiieuii. win Mcnennld. 13I5 Knttcr- a cure et salt rheum en head. neck. tace. arm and legs ler seventeen vears: notable te .alk except n hands uud knees for one year: uet able te helpjilmseir for eight years: tiled hun dreds of remedies: doctors nroneunccd hi-t case hopeless; permanently cured by the Cuti cuia Remedies. I'.seitiASis. Thes. Deianey, Memphis. Tenu., alllicted with psoriasis ler nineteen years; completely cured by Ctttleura Remedies. Rixaweiui. Gee. W. Brown. IS Marshall street. Providence. R. I., cured eta ringworm humor get at the barber's, which spread ail ever the ears, neck and laee, and for six years resisted all kinds of treatment ; cured by Cu tienra Remedies. CcTicun Re-ucDtiisarc prepared bv WKEICS & POTTER, Chemists and Druggists". 3B0 Wash ingten street, Bosten, 21 Frent street, To Te Te eoneo. Ont., and 8 Snow Hill, Londen, and are for sale by all Druggists. MALT BITTERS. UNPERMENTED MALT AND HOPS! Bleed Poverty. The cause of tlie debility te be met with iu cverv walk or life may be traced te Poverty or the Kloed. Toe close applica tion te business or stud)-, late hours, dissipa tion, want et exercises or sleep, have enfeebled the digestive enr-ms and rendered ilmhliiul thin, watery and powerless te fiillll the great purpose for which it was created. What shall be done? Lire a regular and wholesome life aud take MALT BITTERS. This matchless Renovator of feeble and exhausted constitu tions is ricli in the elements that go te nourish and strengthen the bleed. It pertetts inges tion, stimulates the liver, kidneys and bowel-, quiets the brain and nervous forces, and in duces refreshing sleep. MALT HITTERS are prepared vithinit fer fer fer metitollen from CunadiauHAKLEV MALT and HOPS, and warranted superior te ail ether forms of malt or medicine, bile five from ihe objections urged against malt liquors. Ask ter Malt I?itte!i.s prepared by the Malt Hitteils Company, and see that cvrrvliettlr bears the Tkade Mahk LAiu:L,duly SioNKeand enclosed In Wave Lines. MALT HITTERS aie ter sale by all Drug gists. ivl-liiidWAi.S&w Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, OF LYNN, MASS., Has Made tite Discovery ! Her Vegetable Compound the Savier of Her Sex. Health, Hepe and Happiness stored by the use of Re- LYDIA K PINKHAM'S Vegetable Compound, The Positive Cure Fer All Female Complaints. This preparation, ns its name signifies, con sists et Vegetable Properties that arc harmless te the most delicate invalid. Upen one trial the merits of this compound will be recognized, as relict isimmcdiitc;und when its use is con tinued, in ninetv-nlne c;i-es in a hundred, a permanent cure fs ellected, as thousands will testily. On account of its proven mcrlts.it is te-day recommended and prescilbed by the best physicians in the country. It will cure entirely the worst form of falling of the uterus, Leuceri ha-n, irrcgulurnnd pnin tul Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, In flammation and Ulceration, Flooding, all Dis placements and the consequent spinal weak ness, and is especially adapteil te the Change of Life. In tact it lias proved te be the greatest anil best remedy that has ever been discovered. It permeates every portion of the system, and cives new Iile and vigor. It removes faint ncss, flatulency, destroys all craving ter stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bleating. Headaches, Nervous Pros tration, General Debility. Sleeplessness, Dc presslen and Indigestion. That teclingef bear ing ilewn, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and under all circumstances, act in harmony with the law that governs the female system. Fer Kidney cemptaints of either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is prepared at 233 and 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price $1. Six bottles ler fi. sent by mail in the form et pills, also in the form of lozenges, en receipt et price, il per box, for cither. Mrs. PIXKHAM freely answers all let ters of inquiry. Send ler pamphlet. Address as above. Mention thin paper. Xe family should be without LTDIA E. PINKHAM'S LIVER PILLS. They cure Con stipation. Biliousness and Torpidity of the Liver. 25 cents per box. t Johnsten, Holleway & Ce., General Agents, Philadelphia. jy29-lydeed&w ROBES, RLAJfKETS, JtC. OIGX OF THE BUFFALO UKAO. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS ! BLANKET3 ! ! 1 have new en hand the Largest, Best and Cheapest AsseRntKXT of Lined and Unllneil BUFFALO ltOBES In the city. Alse LAP AND HORSE BLAXKETS of every descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, -Repairing neatly and promptly done.- A. MILEY, 108 Werth Qmmm St., Zmeajfer. eZMyOMWAS Price Twe Cent. JEWELRY. LOUIS WEBKR, WATCHMAKER. Xe.lK XORTH QUEEN STREET.near P. K. R. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Silver ami Xickel-cad Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ter the celebrated Pantascepic Specta cles and Eye-Glasses. Repairing a specialty, nprl-lyd LANCASTER, ELGIN Waltham Watches, AMERICAN CLOCKS, THER MOMETERS, &c. E.R BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET, LAXCASTER. PA. Ne. 20 NO USE TRYING Ne. 20 Te get a better WATCH for the money than the WEST END, Manufactured by the KOIISVLE AT Ne. 20 East Kin:? St.. Lancaster, Pn. AUGUSTUS RHOADS. JEWELER. COAL. B. It. 3IAIITIX. Wholesale and Retail Dealei in all kinds et LUMKER AX I) COAL. S-Vard: Ne. 4-ju Xerth Water and Prince itieet. above Lemen. l-an aster. lUMyd UOAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal et tins llcst ijuality put up expressly ter family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. 3 VAICD l.-.O SOUTH AVATKK ST. ne-'!)-lid PHILIP SCHUM.SOX .t CO. c lOAL! COAL! COAL!!! Wu have eenstantlv en hand all the best grades or COAL that are iu market, which we are .selling as low as any yard in the city. Call ami get our prices before buying else where. M. 7-Iy.l STEIGERWALT & SON, 221 NORTH WATER STREET. COAL! - - - COAL!! :e te GORREOHT & CO., Fer lioe. and cheap Ceal. i... - Harrisburg Pike, i Mliec S' East Chestnut Street. P. W. CORRECHT, Agt. J. II. R1LEV. W.A.KELLER. 'J-l C0H0 & WILEY, S.-.0 XOIZTII WATEIS ST., TuuntsUi; I'a., Wholesale ami Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. Ilr.iiieh Olllee : Xe. S XORTH DUKE ST. lebiS-lyd L UMIlr.K AND COAL BV TELEPHONE The undersigned eclve orders for are new prepared te re- Ceal, Lumber, Sash, Deers, Blinds, &c, by Telephone. Step In at the Exchange nnd de your own ordering free of charge. G.SENER.V SON'S. S. E Cor. Pi i nee and Walnut Streets. HU-trdSJ ROOKS AS It STATIONERY. "VTi:V STATIOMIKVf New, Plain and Fr.ucy STATIONERY. Alse, Velvet anil Eastlakc PICTURE FRAMES AND EASELS. AT 1 M. FLYNN'S BK AM) STATIONERY STORE, Ne. VS WEST KING STKKET. JOM BAM'SSOire, 15 and 17 NORTH. QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, 1A have lu stock a large assortment of; BOOKS AM) STATIONERY. Attention Is invited te their FAMILY AND PULPIT BIBLES Teachers IJible, Sunday Hymnals, Prayer Reeks, Scheel Libraries. HYMN BOOKS AND MUSIC BOOKS Fer Sunday Schools. FINK REWARD CARDS. SUXDAV SCHOOL REQUISITES of all kinds CARPETS. a. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 203 WEST KING STREET, Has tl-; uirgcst and Cheapest Stock et nil kinds or CARPETS In Lancaster, ever 100 Pieces of Brussels en hand, as low as 81.00 and upward-). Carpets made te order at short notice, also iy hi cents ler Extra Carpet Rags. $f3-li ve us a trial. 2G2 WEST KING STREET. Will MARRLi. WORKS. WE P. PRATLEY'S MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 7SS Xertn tjueen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MOXUMENTS, HEAD AXD FOOT STOXES. GARDEN STATUAKY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction given In every particular. X. B. Remember, works a, the extreme end of North Queen street. m3U IMtY LOCHER'S . SYRUP, RENOWNED, COUGH Geiai -4