Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 27, 1880, Image 2
,-,- ,- . ,-. V, ,. V i'.'JT' LANCASTER 1)AILY IMULLIUKNC KK. TUESDAY, JOLY 27,1880. Lancaster liUclligmrrt. TUESDAY EVENING. JTJuY 27, 1880. Cameren's Feelings. Simen Cameren has leen talking again from his rural retreat in our geed and beautiful county, which se charmed the New Yerk lhrnld interviewer that he tells nearly as much about the lovely landscape, sis he does alteut the lovely sage of Denegal. But there is a geed deal of racy reading in this crisp inter, view of the old general who sits at home and watches with some glee the difiieul ties which lieset the inexiiericnccd man agers who make awkward efforts te steer his party, lie thinks the Democrats ought te have nominated Tildcn. There was a wonderful anxiety among the Cam eren people for Tilden's nomination. They thought it must happen. They foresaw a party rupture in New Yerk and they yearned for that epiHJi tunily te divide and con quer. Their disapiieiiitineiiL is apprecia ble. Hut then he is net much better pleased that the Republicans nominated Garfield, lie wanted Grant, of course, and after him would have Imtii glad te have Maine, except that he had a " wire running te his home."' The sensitive soul of the Cameren is shocked at the idea of a presidential candidate pulling wires. The presidency ought te seek the man. That is unquestienabl true, but who would ever have conceived that Simen Cameren would ever say it. We greatly fear that he does net new say it in sin cerity. Considering his devotion te Grant and his admiration for Tildcn, both of whom are generally supposed te have sought the presidency withall their strength, it is clear that if Simen Cam Cam eeon doe think that (he presidency is tee high an office for a man te traffic fer,ityet does net make him think any the less of aspirants who thus seek the gnat honor. Perchance it is but the inexpediency of such elfeits that our aged friend seeks te ceiidc!im.:md net their indecoreusiiess. His experience teaches him correct 1 that the men who scheme te reach the presidency de nel often get theie, and therefeie it does net pay te scheme for it. Sincerity is net a strongly de eloped Cameren inn trait, although Simen Cam Cam eeon is very fend of putting en an ap pearance of it. lie is a sly old fe, and of a nature in this respect akin te Til den ; which accounts for his liking for him. He lead his letter several times, he says : he admires his craftiness el ex pression. He pretends te think he. would have Ik'cii a stronger candidate than Hancock, lie does net think se at all, and he is net very shrewd te pretend te . de se. He demonstrates tee clearly his insincerity. And he gees en te show it still further by saying that Hancock will be " knocked te pieces in Novem ber. and that his nomination wasa mis take, 'just like the Republican ticket.' The natural query is hew. it the Repub lican ticket is a mistake as well as the Democratic, Mr. Cameren is able te se confident ly pi edict that it will knock Hancock te pieces. Mr. Cameren does net step ie answer any Mich question. It is uufeitiiualc his leptitatien for frank truthfulness is net sufficient te enable us te accept his nsscitien with out calling for proofs. Mr. Cameren echoes a Jiearlv unhcrsal sentiment of public men when he de clares hew great a sacrifice of feeling it is te into public life new-a-days. Hut this f-eling is se general because se few public nun art' really fitted te ,ipp"ar in the cili-ium light te which they expose themsehes. There is -einething lacking about thi m : and of ceui it is hard uneii their feeiiniis " te hear ab mt it. Hut it is a ei geed i'.periuice. The men who '.ak -iraight get .dung eiy ceniiettahlj with their " fu'lnig-." metime- th are ttiifaitly a-eus.-d. but the h.i- no difficulty in lighting tlu'inehe-. Geiii'iv.lh it is tli" la'-'- that undid ivpie-.seh men. net th" newspaper.--. Mr. Catneteii i-s net of the da.-.- who -ei- e.tiid te .-.iciitice p;iate pi "fit ter publii' applause. 1I- lias had a great many haid knocks and knows ptetu well that he de.M-i ved them. Mr. t'ainuen speaks from e.piieii'e when he declares that a man cannot re main heiieM and truthful when long as sociated with the aborigines. He has been there himself and it is no new reve lation te the people that heemerged from his Winnebago association with a decid edly tattered reputation for honest. Probably he means that the temptation te cheat the Indian is tee great for the while conscience te resist. He wants the temptation taken away with the money which is appropriated te the greasy loaf ers who have red skins. Especially does he distrust the " reforming ' capacity of Hayes, whom hedislikes most thorough ly ; and very naturally. He knows the very dirty work that was done te seat Hayes by his Pennsylvania friends and the heavy cost that it was te his &en,who as he new tells us had already invested heavily in the campaign and had given Hayes five thousand dollars for his personal outlaw lite verv val uaule as sistance given te Mr. Hayes by the friends of Mr. Cameren in Pennsylvania, certainly entitled them te expect that their chief would be recognized. Te lie cheated, after selling your soul and spend ing your lueuev for :i man, is well calcu lated te give you a very bad opinion of him, and it is net strange that Mr. Cam Cam eeon should net admire Mr. Hayes. It is perhaps unfortunate that our aged friend, under the shadow of Denegal church, should net yet have had his spirit se attuned te a heavenly calmness as te be incapable of speaking despitef ully of Mr. Hayes. It is certainly wrong for these newspaper correspondents te inter fere with the calm season of mediation which Simen Cameren has prescribed for himself under Denegal's sacred influ ence, sitting besides its crystal spring. It is a pity that people will disagree with him about political things, and about the catien of his fences, and bring him un ;ness when he only covets rest and of the church lauds. dy says that Mr. Hayes thinks ion ought te provide a berth "esidents where they may 1 and useful. The com- plaint is that ex-presidents have nothing te de, the dignity of their late office clos ing te them nearly every employment. But this seems lit. be a mistake. There is one class of offices which it seems they are especially adapted for. It is the presidency of corporations. Mr. Grant linn been waiting for an inter oceanic canal presidency ; but as ilH presjHHits arc somewhat slim, premises intermediately te solace himself and fat ten his purse with the presidency of a mining ceiiiimny. The advertisement is expected te be very valuable te the com pany that gets his name. The stock of the concern that telegraphs that it has secured him has advanced largely en the announcement. Mr. Hayes is net worth se much as Grant; tmtstill he might get a presidency of something. MINOR TOPICS. Willi. K the French aie expelling the Jesuits, the Germans, net te be outdone, have thrust out from their holders soiiie Mermen missionaries. In the New Yerk Herald of yesteiday mei iiitig is published an alleged interview with Gen. Simen Cainoien, at his country scat near Maytown, Lancaster county. The interview is dated Friday, July 23. If this interview ever took place it did net take place at the time and place stated. Inquiry at General Cameion's residence, in this city last eveuing reealed the fai-t that the general left for White Sulphur Springs, Virginia, two weeks age and has net yet returned. He is expected home this even ing. Patriot. Bauen ltKi'iKit has laid a feat fill and wonderful vcrseu of (Jen. Gai field's letter of acceptance before the unsuspecting Britishers, in which it is stated among ether things that "Mr. Garfield recom mends civil service reform te he carried out with the assistance of Congress. Ne doubt ! Mr. Garfield would be charmed te see civil scivice reform carried out feet foremost, with the assistance of a Re publican Congress, and decently buiied. He relies in this en the cordial ee op eration of Mr. Flanagan, of Texas, who wanted te knew, yen knew, at Chicago, what all the Republicans wcie there for if net "te get the offices ." Tub position of our Republican contem poraries in the mittcr of Judge Swaync and General Garfield, as described by the New Yerk World, seems te be that as Judge Swaync did net make for the head of Gen eral Gai field a cap which he undoubtedly made, and which happens te fit. the head of General Garfield exactly, it is a proof of political depravity te state that the cap fits General Garfield. This may be. But as the cap which Judge Swaync made and which fits General Gai field is a kind of cap which Ameiican citizens de net like te soe worn by candidates for the presidency of the United States, it would seem te be mere te the purpose for our Republican friends te show, if they can, that this cap docs net lit General Gai field. PEBSONAL. Lerr is in Londen. Senater Hnt'ci: will live in Ohie after his senatorial -term expires. The hmpiexs hrr.nxn lias arrivei (1 at Plymouth. Mrs. Hakuikt Giriii Clark, widow of the late Dr. Jehn Yaidlcy Clark, and a niece of Stephen Girard, died yesterday at the icMdcncc of her son-in-law, Cel. C. II. Gibsen, Girard street, Philadelphia, after a lingering illness. When Jehn Mehiii-ky died in May, lTS. it was the opinion of his intimate fri'-iids. it is said, that his estate would yield $l."ie,0nO. hut it turns out that it amounts te only a very small fraction of sum. Net, indeed, enough te pay his debt-. The famous African explorer may new be addressed as " Dr." IIknkv M. Stan A year age the Geimaii Academy of Leepold and Caieliuc ceiifeiicd upon him the degree of Docter of Philosophy. In a letter of thanks te the president of the academy, bearing date "Camp in the Dis trict of L'tanda, en the Conge, Match 2(5, 1SS0," he says: "On the borders of a beautiful region, and filled only with the magnitude of my task, I had entirely for gotten the civilized world behind me, wheu 1 was greeted by you as Docter of Philosophy." Cardinal Manning visited Milan the ether day, and en expressing a wish te possess some relic of San Carle Horremco, was presented with ene of the saint's vest ments. Of the- cathedral he said : " It would be my desire, my ambition, te erect a cathedral in Londen, which if net equal te this, would still be an imposing menu ment of Christianity, and my predecessors left mc a considerable sum te effect such an enterprise; but in existing circum stances I have thought it best te devote the intercbt of that capital te creating a Catholic seminary in Londen." When Jeseph Bonaparte was in exile in this country he had a city residence in Philadelphia, and rented one of the houses of the. Girard row, in Chestnut street, be low Twelfth, which he occupied for several ycais. Before the houses were built, Jeseph desired te purchase the property. At a dinner given by the count te Girard, the former mentioned his desire and said he would pay a fair price for the land. Girard said : "Well, new what will you give? What de you consider a fair price?" "I'll tell you," said the count, "I will cover the block from Eleventh te Twelfth streets, and from Chestnut te Market, with silver half dollars." Girard, who was sipping his soup at the time, balanced his spoon en the end of his linger, and, with a calculating leek out of his ene eye, said very slowly : Yes, Mens. Le Count if you stand them up edgeways." The bargain was net closed. Fight at a Catnpmeetlug. A colored campmeeting at Danville, ten miles south of Ilillsbore', Ohie, was the scene en Friday night and Sunday after noon of a bloody fight. On Friday night a party of drunken roughs went te the camp about ten o'clock aud began an attack with pistols, clubs and stones. They were repulsed, and William Dick man, one of their number was shot through the abdomen. On Sunday after noon a party said te number two hundred again attacked the camp and a most desperate fight followed, ending in break ing up the meeting. It is thought some of the colored people were killed, but they dispersed 60 rapidly that facts could net be gathered. Ne arrests have been made. Paradise t Oh, 1'aradlM." Fwr llm lTBM.iiicKn. The Ifrw Km of the 17th inst. con tained an editorial headed " Paradise ! Oh, Paradise," of which the nonsensical balderdash wait carried te Lancaster, te he written out at the Ertt office, by one of our noisy local politicians, who is holding a public office which a great many of our citizens elaiin that he obtained in an ille gal way. II IS net geMl peiiny ier n:isuns living in glass houses te threw stones, and if this noisy individual would icfer hack te some of his official acts and then face his const ituenis he would "hide his head under his wing." The Luge purchases made at little Napeleon's steie in New Helland, for the use of the poei house, weie ene of his irregularities. If the county icccbed oiie eiie hilf nf wind il should li.ive received it mav Ikj well satisfied, for dry goods of all description were unusually plenty aieuud heie about that time. Parties who will take brills from a single dollar te a keg of boiiibeu aie net the right kind of cus todians for the iicople's interests and .should be the last, te "squeal." The El a also complains of Rcineelil io ie ceiving but 18 votes in thisdistiict. That is easily accounted for. If that paper would have commenced its tiiade of abuse of Mr. iMylin two weeks earlier, Reinechl would net have received a bakers de.en of votes. As te the little " Democratic boss" ic ceiving a pass for his services, it is simply ridiculous. The gentleman te whom this is intended te refer docs net de business in that way. The charge that he icceived a pass for any such sei vice is iilteily and maliciously untrue. It can be met by denial and disproof under oath, if neces sary, at any time or place when made The paity whom the Era wants te ridicule by styling him the " Democratic boss" is a friend of Mr. Mylin, having had for years pleasant business and personal rela tions with him, and if he could render him any service he was glad te de it without any ether consideration, lie iron impor tuned from several sources te de us much for Mr. Uciueehl. If Mylin refused te let Levi bleed him in Eheily's interest, the fault docs net lie down here. The Era's editorial screed sounds some thing like its informant's " Salisbury affi davit " in the Ebcrly contest. Since he has te go te Lancaster almost daily en " official " business and te get in structions fiem his bosses, the hat should be passed around for a collection te buy him a pass. The character of our election officers, IIcss, Brackbill ..V Ce., arc above suspi cion, and I cannot see hew the votes could be tampered with while having such hon orable and high-toned election beard as we have in Paradise. Paiiaimsi: Tewnsiiii- Rkitiu.u'an. STATE ITEMS. Samuel Broadbent, of Breadbcut & Tay Tay eor, photographers, died at his residence in Philadelphia en Satuiday, in his 70lh year. An unknown man was urn ever and in stantly killed by a coal train near Allen town,at Lehigh Gap. Elizabeth A. Cramm was thrown from a buggy in Bradfeid, en Satuiday, and was probably fatally injured. Chas. E. Idell, a real estate assessor of the Twenty-second waid, Philadelphia, committed suicide yesterday by sheeting himself iu the head. Sam lfrewnell was found dead in Poke Abbett's place at Bradford last night. Ap pearances indicate that he was strangled te death. A coroner" jury is holding an inquest. Mark Bradley, aged 7 veins, son of a coal miner residing at Harden station, near Pittsburgh, fell through a trestle work en the railiead, a distance of 30 feet, receiv ing injuries from which she died. Jehn Maheney, aged twenty, fell from a moving train 17 miles east of Meadville, several cars passing ever him. The doctors wanted te amputate his right leg, but Maheney would net allow it and will probably net survive the shock. Under the decision of the auditing judge thecxecutoisef the late Dr. Geerge B. Weed, of Philadelphia, will be able te pay out only 'J3 per cent of the pecuniary leg acies. Under this ruling the University of Peuus) lvaiiia will receive $11,."50, instead er$i:i7.."j00(). The yacht race yesterday between the "tuek-ups" Charles Hcnteii, of the South Seuth wark Yacht club, and the Themas Lcdyard. of the Philadelphia club, fiem Seuth stieet wharf Delaware liver, round the Chester buoy and return resulted in favor of the former. In Match, 1879, Dr. Geerge 15. Weed, an old trustee of the university of Pennsyl vania, died, leaving a will, in which num erous pecuniary legacies ami the residue of the estate were given te that institution. By the fall in real estate some of the lega cies have te conic off the university's share and it loses 100,000. A preliminary hearieg was given the showmen in the Burkett abduction case at Greensburg, Westmoreland county, yes terday. The testimony docs net differ materially from the statements heretofore given. Twelve of the party were re manded te Somerset county for trial at the August session and the rest discharged. The girl has become se simple that her testimony is net reliable. At Easten yesterday afternoon while Meyer Cramer and Loen Cramer, of New Yerk, and Meyer Goldsmith, aged fifteen, of Easten, were beating en the Lehigh river they attempted te attach their bat- teau te a passing canal beat. The batteau was upset and the two Cramer boys were drowned. Goldsmith escaped by swim ming. Leen and Meyer Cramer were cousins and were visiting friends at Easten. The bodies were recovered at a late hour. Jack Brown and Pat Kelley, of Roch ester, Beaver county, have had a grudge of two years" standing. They met and fought en Saturday night, Brown get ting whipped. They shook bauds and Kelley turned te go, when Brown pulled a revolver, saaing, "Yeu will never whip an other man." He shot him three times, one shot taking effect in the ankle, one in the neck and one in the head. The last two are probably fatal, but Kclley is still alive. Brown is in jail in Beaver, await ing the result of Kelly's injuries. All Covered With Fraud. Examiner. There has been mere or less cheating at almost every primary since this system has been adopted. And if any ene is en the ticket new who has reached a nomination by mere fraudulent practices than another, it is net the first time the Examiner has ac cepted the result, though fraudulent, knowing that the suspected frauds eniy turned the scales ever these mere cun ningly concealed. Such a thing as an honest primary is net known in its history, and this last one is no exception. Who is te decide where the most cheating came in" m m Taking It te Court. New Era. The District Attorney question will find its own solution outside of the political doctors. LATKUT NEWS BY MAIL. Baseball : At Springfield National 2, Chicago 1. Twelve innings. The German government has excjled fiem the country some Mermen mission aries who were making pioselytesfer their society. The hotly of Jehn Alexander Snyder was found hanging te a tree at Mimcie, lud., en Saturday morning. He was a rchccta- ble farmer aged twenty-six. A man named Sci uggs and a liey of ten yeais, named Jeseph Watsen, were drown ed near Denver, Cel., by the upsetting of a beat. JehiiC. Blair llege, efMartiiisbiirg, was nominated for reiucscntative in Congress yesteiday bv the Democrats of the Second district of West Virginia, defeating B. F. Mai tin, the present incubeiit. The examination of Hiram G. Higgs, chaiged with killing Erskine Weed, at Stevensville. en the 11th instant, was finished yesterday, at Albany, and he was committed en a eliaige of murder in the first degree. The MMilauce of Nelsen Mitchell, colored, who was te have been hanged in Amherst county. Va., en Friday next, for the mur der of Jehn C. Gillespie, has 1m-cu com muted by Governei Holliday te imprison ment for life. A fire yesteiday deslieyed the extensive iilauiii!' mill of CI. irk. Meiso & Ce., at Wan en, involving a less of $:J0,00U Iver IIMI.IMM) feel, of valuable lumber was burned, In-sides two small dwelling houses. T. W. Sigoiunev, a prominent, and wealthy eitien of Nevada City, Cal., was shot dead yesteiday evening by Geerge W. Smith, ev sheriff of the county. The cause of the murder was the foreclosure of a mortgage by Sigeiirney, which dejiesed Smith of all his preerty. The Virginia Democrats had a mass meeting at Staunton yesteiday in suppeit of the regular Democratic electoral ticket. Senators Wade Hampton, of Seuth Caro lina, and Vance, of North Carolina, were among the stcakcrs. Dr. N. F. Williams, of Mechanicsbuig, Miss., was assassinated en Saturday even ing while iiding home. His horse came home rideiless and scaich being made the doctor's body was found. A man was ar rested en suspicion and has since confessed his guilt. He says he was paid te kill the doctor. "Gus" Pcnlaml and Jehn Westcrman weie arrested in Dayton, Ohie, yesterday for the minder of Valentine Schact, an in mate of the Soldiers' home, who was found shot through the head just outside the city last May. The accused were arrested before, but discharged; their leanest is en additional evidence. The competition between the Chicago, St. Leuis and New Orleans railroad and the Louisville and Nashville railroad has resulted in a reduction of about 50 per cent, in nasscugcr fares. The first named read sells tickets from New Orleans te Louisville or Cincinnati and return for iM'J.eO, and te Iudianopelis, Nashville or Chattanooga and return for $20. The Louisville and Nashville read sells tickets te Niagara Falls and return for $22.50. A pleasure beat containing six ladies and two male companions accidentally capsized this afternoon in Shark River cave, near Ocean Beach. The men struck out for the shore which they reached in safety, leaving the ladies clinging te the beat. The acci dent was witnessed from the west shore by Elias Thockmertou, of Freehold, and Wm. J. Crittenden, of Brooklyn, who with a boatman named Jehn Floed, hastened te the assistance of the women. They were nearly exhausted when rescued. The T.ate Win. Calder'H Will. The will of the late Win. Calderwas probated about three o'clock yesterday afternoon. The following is the text of it : "I, William Calder, of llarrisburg, make this my last will and testament. "1. If my personal estate is net suffi cient te pay my just debts, I direct my ex ex ecueors te sell as much of my real estate as may be needed te pay the balance, select ing that which they think proper. " 2. I devise, bequeath and direct all my estate, real and personal, after the payment of my just debts, te be divided among my children in the same propor tions and shares as they would take under the intestate laws if I left no will. Par tition of the real estate shall be made by each of iny children cheesing one person te act as an appraiser, and these thus chosen shall appraise each let, parcel, tract and farm, and divide and set apait the same te the children severally, and their decision shall be final. And for the purpose of making title te each of the children severally, as well as te purchasers in case of sale te pay debts, I hereby de vise all my real estate te my executers in trust, te sell anil convey the same te pay debts, if needed, and te convey te each of my children in tcveralty, such portion as may be appraised and set apart te him or her severally, each let, pared, tract and farm te be ceuveyed subject te the payenicnt of the interest of the one-thud of the appraised value thereof in semi-annual payments te my beloved wife during her life, and she is also te have one ene thiid of my personal property, after pay ment of debts, if any, absolutely, and any difference in value of the whole share of eaeh child te be paid by each te the ether as the case may be "U. I nominate and appoint my sons William J. Calder and Theodere G. Calder executers of this, my last will.' The will is dated November ', 1870, and is witnessed by J. W. Simonton and L. R. Metzgar. LOST IN THr.SURF. The Way In Which False Teeth Drep Out in the Ocean. " Parties losing their teeth while bath ing can have them replaced in one day," is the advertisement of a Third avenue, New Yerk, dentist. An 'inquirer at this dentist's room yesterday found a lady temporarily in charge. " De many persons lese their teeth while they arc bathing?' " Oh, a great many," she said. " Yeu often hear of people sneezing their teeth out of car windows, but we never had but one case of that kind. It is different in the surf, where people get laugh ing and carrying en. We have had se many cases that my brother thought lie would put an advertisement , in the papers. Last week a gentleman came te us," the lady continued. "He was an old gentleman, but he was little and spry. He said he knew his teeth were going, both sets, upper and lower, but he couldn't get his hand up through the water quick enough. He saw them after they were iu the water, and grabbed for one of them with both hands, but he couldn't catch it. The wave dashed into his mouth, he said, while it was open, and he was se startled that when he ejected the salt water the teeth went with it. His description of it was very entertaining." "When water is dashed into the mouth it sometimes gets under the edge of the plate and loosens it," the woman explained. She added, "When a person sneezes, en the ether hand, the teeth are loosened by the violent action of certain muscles in the arch of the mouth." " I suppose mere women than men lese their teeth in the surf," their reporter said. "Ne; about as many men come te us as women. It has been suggested that people with false teeth deposit them in the safes at the bathing houses, and I really de net see any geed reason why teeth should net be left with the clothing in the dressing rooms. But people are peculiar. There are very few ladies whef even when they are bathing with intimate friends, would allow their companions te see them without their teeth. Yeu have no idea hew many peeple wear false teeth at a glance, ami it scorns te me that nearly half the people I meet have false teeth." The lady explained that if an applicant would remain iu the dental rooms se that the cast could be tried in his mouth, it was possible te make a set of teeth for him in two benis and a-half. Anether Convert. The Pittsburgh Critic gives the particu lars of a straw vote taken en a train near Pittsburgh, the ether day, during which these engaged in it met with a surprise. The Critic tells the steiy as follews: , A;r: "?, f" : s r, ., xs . If- .. l. Il.ljn, . .... . .."' "w-... Mtmmittee approached him, he in answer te their inquiry said, " I am for General Hancock." Considerably surprised, one of them said, "Cel il, are you in earn est ?" "I never," replied the colonel, " put my name te paper unless I mean te Htaud by it. I am for Hancock and don't care who knows it." It is well known that Cel. I lavs has been one of the stalwart Republicans of this end of the state and has been for many years a inember of the county Republican committee, and has re presented his district in every Republican convention for twenty ears. I he colonel has long been known asa "Ceal King," as well as the fact that he has always been liberal te his men in every way, and asa natural result his influence among them is vciy great. The colonel was an officer iu the regular cavalry during the war, and prier te that time was private secretary te the Hen. Walter Forward, when he was minister te Denmark. The colonel will be followed te the Hancock column by many of his "old vets." LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. TKNT AM) TAIIKKNACI.K. The LatidlRTllle Cuinmietliiic. The campmeeting or te-day is net ex actly the institution that it was in the days when Peter Cartwright or Lorenze Dew rode the circuit and blew the horn that called all Israel te its tents. Methodism in the well-settled communities of the East, with their refinement and culture, is as well accommodated, however te the spiritual wants of these times as the primitive re ligion of its fathers was te their frontier experience, and tine piety loses nene of its essential attributes because it dwells in the cesy cottages and spacious auditorium of Ocean Greve, or the comfei table tents and airy tabernacle at Landisville. Te many who could easily get te the re sorts of creator note, if they were se dis posed, none of them offers superior attrac tions for a season of physieal rest and spir itual refreshment than a week or ten days at the Landisville cainpmccting, held in the spacious greve near Landisville, the point of crossing of the Pennsylvania and the Columbia & Reading railroads, 6ome seven or eight miles west of this city, lo cated in the centre of ene of the richest portions of this garden spot of America. The present is the eleventh season of oampmectings en these grounds, and it has increased in popularity yearly by reason of the success attending its meet ings, the cfiieiency of its management and the admirable police, sanitary and domes tic arrangements te which the grounds are subject. Besides the seats for the audi ence, the beaiding house and ether neces sary buildhigs,!ind the tabernacle, there are about forty handsome permanent cottages, many of the owners or occupants of which conic early in some instances a week be fore camp opens and remain for quite a period after its close, enjoying the cool re treat of these sylvan shades. During the past year Mr. High, of Read ing, lias added te tee permanent uuuniugs a double cottage, and improvements have been made in ether properties. By last cveuing some seventy tents had been erected by attendants upon the camp, although the meeting does net formally open until this evening. A promenade thieugh the avenues, which traverse the ground in an orderly manner, showed many signs of animation, and gave prom ise of a successful conference of the breth ren. Presiding Elder G. Cummin11 will have charge of the meeting, and all the minis ters of the district arc expected te be pres ent during nemc stages of its continuance, some remaining the entire season. The usual facilities for postal business, market supplies, personal transportation and carrying of baggage from aud te the depot by Isaac PewTs 'buses will be af forded this year ; and the train conveniences en both railroads are complete and excel lent. Geerge Wanamakcr, of Philadelphia, has charge, of the bearding house, and 18 for the season will beard the visitors ($5 for ministers) and lodgings will be furnished at -10 cents per night. Many persons ledge and live in their tents aud take their meals at the bearding house. The order of exercises will be about as follews: Ca. in., early prayers ; GJ a. m., family worship in private ; 8 a. m., prayer meeting at the general stand ; 10 a. m., preaching ; 1 p. in., children's meeting, and at the same time experience meeting in some one of the tents ; 3 p. in., preach ing ; (5 p. m., prayer meeting ; 7$ p. in., preaching. All lights out by 10 p. in. There will be a resident population of at least 500 en the camp ground. The daily attendance will run up into the thousands, and en Sunday, which is always the " big day" if the weather is fair, there is no doubt that 10,000 iiersens will congregate en the ground. The AdinlHHHen Fee. A correspondent at Landisville writes as fellows ou the subject of charging an ad mission te the camp ground : " There is no speculation involved in the campmeet ing. The weeds is net owned by a stock company ; no annual dividends are de clared ; it is owned by the camp meeting association of which every let-holder is a member ; all the profits accruing from the sale of lets and from ether sources are ap plied te meeting the expenses of the camp and for the payment and improvement of the grounds. "Considerable prejudice has been excited against the campmeeting because of the trifling admission charged at the gates, but when the public fully understand the necessity of this arrangement their preju dices will vanish. Campmcctings arranged for the comforts which are new demanded arc attended with considerable expense, the collections usually taken are net ad equate te the demands. It was deemed best te divide the expenses among all who come te the camp by taking a collection at the gates instead of at the public stand and inclesure. The plan has worked ad mirably, there has been sufficient income net only te meet all the expenses, but there has also been a geed surplus te apply toward the payment of the grounds, en which there still remains an indebtedness of $11,000. " The managers are se well pleased with the arrangement that they will lcat no retreat. Every person coming te the camp ought net te object te the payment of the small sum of 10 cents when no further appeals will le made te them, and when it will rolieve the public services from interruptions by repeated collec tions." TIIK FOOKHOUSK BAKN, The Contract for Hathllng ItHa It Been Legally Awarded? As stated in yesterday's Intkm.iekn-, the beard of peer directors have awarded the contract for rebuilding the v i t Mr. j. m. !.., or Willow Street, whose bid was $ 1,120, while Ed. N. Smith, of Columbia, bid 9'J,851.87, and was the lowest bidder. Mr. Landis, one of the directors, ex plains the action of the beard by saying that when Mr. Bachman's bid was opened, and its specifications examined, they were found te contain a number of improve ments net set forth iu the specifications prepared by Mr. Sniffer, the architect em ployed by the directors. The beard, there fore, rejected all the bids received iu re sponse te the secificatieii.s furnished by their architect, and accepted the proposal of Mr. Bach man for a structure of quite a different character. Following are some J of the alterations that apjiear iu Mr. Bach man's plan. Instead of the ventilators de scribed iu the specifications, Mr. Bachmaii proposes larger ones, with a ventilating cupola that will add greatly te the appear ance of the barn. He also proposes eight dormer windows instead of six, as called for in Mr. Shiffer's plan ; fourteen blinds instead of ten ; oak pests iu the stills instead of hemlock (there will be required 125 or 130 of these) : the sills also are te be of white oak, 8 by 11 inches, floors of the mew are te be laid with floor fleor floer ing beards, nailed down, instead of loose beards ; there aie te be large star openings at each end of the barn instead of the half-moon slat opening proposed in the specifications, and all the windows arc te be furnished with blunts such as are used in dwelling houses. These improve ments en the plan advertised for, Mr. Landis thinks (and in this the beard agreed with him), are worth fully $300, and there fore Mr. Bachman's bid was a mere favor able one than Mr. Smith's. The " ether fellows " by no means agree te this, and insist that even if Mr. Bach man's "plan" is a better one than that furnished by the directors' architect they (the biddeis) ought te have had a chance te compete for its construction. They bid, in geed faith, te build a barn, exactly in accordance with the plans and specifica tions furnished by the directors. If the di rectors afterwards discovered a better plan, they should have rejected all the bids for the old plan and given all the bidders a ehance te compete for the new one. Per haps some of them could have built it for a geed deal less meucy than Mr. Bachman proposes te build it for. These points seem te be well taken, and there is still another and perhaps a mere important ene nrged ; namely, that the beard of directors having rejected all the bids offered for the barn in accordance with the plans aud specifications furnished, have no right te accept a bid for the erec tion of a different kind of building without advertising for proposals, and giving com peting mechanics an equal chance te pro cure the contract. Mr. Ed. N. Smith, the lowest bidder, de clares that he has been very unfairly dealt with, and Fred Blctz, who seemed te be interested in the furnishing of the lumber, is outspoken iu declaring that the award of the contract was a set-up job between some of the directors and Bachman. In addition te the fact as published yestcr day,that Bachman's bid was net handed in until after several of the ether bids were opened (although he was present in an ad joining room, within hearing distance), and even when handed in was net the lowest bid, it is said that Mr. Bachman's interest was earnestly championed by Cap tain Brickcr, of AVarwiick, who is largely engaged in the lumber trade, and who ex ercised no small influence in scenring the nomination and election of Mr. Evans as a director of the peer. Iu a word, as the " outs " say, the lewest bid was rejected by Mr. Evans and his "wicked partners," aud the job given te Sir. Bachman, se that Mr. Brickcr, who elected Mr. Evans, might have the profit en the lumber used en the barn, and Mr. Evans be enabled thus te discharge a political debt. Anether objection raised te Mr. Bach man's "plan" is that notwithstanding his oak pests and sills, en which the directors laid se much stress (although they did net advertise for them), he will use in the construction of the barn mere common hemlock, and less geed pine than would have been used by any of the ether bid ders. Fred. Blctz declares that there will be mere hemlock than pine in the building as proposed by Bachman. The great objection after all is that the directors have, without legal authority, ac cepted a bid for the construction of the barn without giving any ether bidder a chance te compete with the man te whom the contract was awarded. An experienced builder who has exam ined Mr. Bachman's plan and compared it with that of Mr. Shiffer's, informs us that there will be from 5,000 te 15,000 feet less lumber in Bachman's than were asked for in Shiffer's plan, and that the Bachman barn, with all 'its alleged improvements, can be built at a less net cost than the Shiffer barn, and that if proposals for the building of it had been asked there would in all probability have been bids as low or even lower than Mr. Smith's rejected bid of $3,851.87 thus saving te the county net less than -268.13, and perhaps consid erably mere. Among the Carlisle Firemen. A Carlisle correspondent of the Harris burg Patriot says : " A delegation of the Geed Will fire company, of your city, ac companied by Mr. Henry Raymond, of the American hose company, of Lancaster, Pa., visited the Cumberland boys en Sat urday. The visitors were sumptuously entertained by members of the Union and Cumberland companies, after which the llarrisburg gentlemen were driven around te the several engine houses. At the Union hall, Mr. Peter Dare, one of the trustees of the Geed Will, made a short speech complimenting the department of Carlisle. The entire party visited the In dian school and were cordially received by the superintendent, Capt. Pratt. Locating a Branch Railroad. A party of civil engineers are new en gaged locating a branch railroad between a point en the New Helland branch, about five miles cast of New Helland te the ere mine in the neighborhood of Morgante wu, Berks county. THK LOCAL. CAMPAIGN. The Kmireck Legien Organized. Last veiling the Hancock Legien met in the hall evi r J. A. Sprenger's saloon, en North Queen street, a large number of prominent .md active Democrats being present. A temporary organization was effected b eh.eting II. R. McConemy pres ident; ( ha iU F. Rcngier, vice president and Sites Smith, secretary. The ollewing permanent efliecrs were then chu'ii : President Cen. Geerge M. Steiiiman. Vice Presidents B. J. McGrann, W. U. Hensel, William A. Morten. Dr Henry Carpenter, Geerge Natimau. II. K. Fahnos Fahnes Fahnos teck, 11. I" Sl.tyniaker. H. R. McConemy, Samuel II. Reynolds and William Mc Mc Cemse . Treasurer --Reland 11. Brubaker. Secret ui -Peter McConemy, Jacob L. Steinniet.. A ones A. McElhene. W. T. Jeffries, ('hi 1, , F. Rentier, Slier. Smith, William .1 Widmyer, Charles E. Stewart. Mandril Philip Bernard. Commander of the Legien CeJ. Edward McGeveiu Aids S. W. Altick. Henry R. Ferrest, Jame?. ViacG 'tiiglc, Slier Smith, Jehn K. iMctzgrr Jehn PentK, Harry Raub, II. L. Ecktit. V T. .J.-lfrics, William B. Ford Ferd ney, A!", f Dennelly, S. S. Jerdan, Frank If II .well, Henry T. Trust. The ;. i! e:' the Legien is te form an association .ln?h, at times when thvward clubs de ii. t Mini out or can net go as a whole, m mike a turnout ; and which, after I lane, tk's election, shall constitute itself no . i.itien te visit Washington en iiiauin it; u day. All the memliers of the Legien .ee inembeis of their resicc tivc tv an! hilx, xud when the clubs meet or parade tin members of the Legien as individual will meet and parade with them, se thai in no event will they Ikj weaken, d ' Him organization of the Legien. Yer. pi.Mecit.vrs te iiik iiikk. TIie.Sil.: linoreek CluO Kiilitn a 1'elv. Las! f-wring between 0 and 7 o'clock there a.a Hancock pole-raising in the Tliild ward, the hite being en East Vine street is- .ti Seuth Queen. The event was undur the MiHuiees of the "Junier Han cock ebi! .vi organization composed of Deiin-.-i -ii. .-evs ranging in their ages from t n te fifteen years. There was quilt a huge and animated crowd ei i n-!i and boys en the scene at thv time mentioned, and the pole, ashapciv tree measuring fully sixty feet in height reared in a jiffy, the time eccu pied b i . etuigsters in putting it in posi tion be.n.; h- than live minutes, and re quiring n. .'"ie, tackle or any ether ap plinners.m fieir own willinghands. A flag and jmiu . -Irenmer were attached te the top of : Ii" 1 1 ee, aud couple of beards bear ing the i!.i'n-j of Haneeck and English. At theLompletieii of the work the boys were In ait d ehcered by the large eiewd of lookers en and they returned the com pliment In cheers long and lusty for our worthy e-nilidatcs. The boys deseive much pr.ii.-e for their very creditable per formance. KNHSMTSOF 11 Til I AS. i'l-.-.Sei-iuil Visit l.ttst K-niliK Last eiii'ig some thirty mcmbeis of Cove Ledge. Ne. !01, Knurhts of Pythias, of Mount Jey. paid a fraternal visit te i Ni.lge, Ne. I8, of tin's dty, com pliment;: i te their sister ledge and for the purpe. r ( witnessing the conferring of the amplili ', Ne. (W being the en. Ie U'.' m this section of the state werkini: mi ier the amplified fuiui. The visit w,..i e.uiiplete thengh pleasant sur prise. .t tie- members of Lancaster ledge had no kn..wJedge whatever of it until the strangwis appeared at the castle nan en Prince M ret., they having driven from Mount .Ie. Vfter the regular session of thele-L-.-a 1 the conferring el the rank en two T.iii-.l.dates, the visitors weie march ed te .1 A. ?prenger's saloon, en North Queen -iiivt, where refreshments for the inner ii'i weie enjoyed ami a general in tercha i e of geed feeling had, the stran crs th j". li'ig for home at a late hour. Cove ) .' - i iu a very nourishing cendi tien. -m twvnty-five menibcis having been i .i-ia- -l luring the term, with a cor cer respeii en 1 1 nJ-iigeuHuit of their tieinuiy fund. I'.:e!:ai::.k attkiiit te kei:. St. .ii i'rin;ie Knlere I Through il Itnelc Wln.lmv. On o'clee! it evening, between t" and 7 Rev. Father Huber. assist- A;. ant p i ' gaged ei man t parson.'.: climbed ,it St. Mary's church, was en- ri ing vespers, an unknown ,iti m the b.ilceu in rear of the eeiinucted with the church and through an open window into Fathci Huhei'sroem. The intruder was seen by some bejs who were upon an up per ba'ce:. .. an4 when he saw that he was discer(ei, h.i beat a hasty retieat. A rather i- irv collection had been taken in the church fir the benefit of the episcepal fund, it is supposed the intention of the iiitni'Ur tras te steal it while Father Hubei w.i. uigagcd at the altar. Luckily he was thw wted if such was his intention. . ;.! rrein the Corener. Counter "ii "shier denies that his official cxpeii;..'- -.i. ?2,'J0O per annum. He sas the fiifc'ie ejwnses of his oflice last year was n t i.mie than $1,400, and of this amount !.: 1 1 1. share was net 4800. The balaiee wit' te the doctor, witnesses, jtiruis. .. i.. fn- the burial of unclaimed bedii-; Whiie the county commissioners were u.v.ri'igthe Berks county figures with l; i;- ! Lancaster count . the coro ner w ' ' ' "i l.e te knew why they die1 net, contra i t .- i peiisus of the commission ers' i.Tint-' i i riie two counties. Surgical Operiitism. J. !-!, veterinary surgeon, of Wil low Sf m e'..f -cntly successfully performed the ra a el bflicult operation of remov ing tw.. i .-- gravel stones from the blad der of a .i't: -ole herse belonging te C. B. Herr V ni'ir township. '.icitlicr Sale of Henes. Sam if' 'bs-s & Sen, auctioneers, sold ycstei :' '-' tee Mcrrimac house, for Gee. Gre.-" 'i:t t "" head of Canada horses, at an ave. '. ei" $181.50 per head ; 10 out of the I." Id at an average of 2eG.10 per head .'. !iI for a Bridge.. Te- 'v ) l.i county commissioners visited Christ ... ii w here they were te meet the cemmi e:i:'iv. of Chester county aud open the p; pt .-als for erecting an in ter-ceunty bridge .ic.-s the Octoraro at Mercer's Ferd. Firct itrfennefl Church Picnic. Te-uy tin; congregation and Sunday school e" tin: First Reformed church are holding a picnic at What Glen, and the weather being fine are having a delightful time. The party ia quite large. 1