i J'-T' tft1 it f 1 I -V - i "-- r. LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, THURSDAY JULY 22. 1880 Hanrastcr fmtelltgencet. JUBVICAI. w r i . THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 22, 1880. Changing Seed Uennantewn Telegraph, There seems te be no idea se thoroughly believed in by experienced farmers than that it is a great benefit te change seed occasionally ; yet it is by no means an un disputed (act, and we knew of some intel ligent men indeed some who stand among the most thoroughly educated and experienced in the farming business who contend that this supposed necessity for a change of seed is entirely imaginary. We confess te a (sympathy with these who think an occasional change necessary ; and yet we have se often found inthejight of a new and careful experience, that even practices very time-honored ceme te be abandoned, that we are always willing te mnmisi!rr anv oniuien. no matter hew strongly held. The change is thought te be particularly useful in potatoes, and a change of seed in this article is generally made as regularly as crops are rotated from year te -year. But one of our friends is very emphatic in regard te the potato, that no change of seed is required. He has had oue potato that is one variety of potato year after year for ten years, and they arc as geed as ever. In his opin ion it is net that a variety is sick of the ground that it sometimes gives out ; but that it is diseased from ordinary unhealthy causes. It is simply a change of an un un tienlfiiv stock for a healthy ene, and net a wearing out of a variety. The matter has a practical importance, as people often put themselves te a great deal el treuble and cxpense in order te make a change in the seed. If the sugges tion made be in the line of a true reason for the supposed benefits of a change, proper care in having healthy seed will be as geed as a change. But we must be sat isfied that the suggestion is correct and that the truth lies in the few experiments made. There arc two sides, and .sometimes several sides, te all questions of this nature. We have personal knowledge of trials made by fanners forty and fifty years age, when the vari eties of potatoes generally cultivated by our best farmers were comparatively few te what they are new, aud whose crops, in using the same kind of seed year after year became poorer and poeror, tneugii there was no apparent disease, and the only remedy they had was a change of Ece'd. Sometimes it was the same variety obtained several hundreds of miles away from the state of Maine, for instance and the yield was double, the potato larger and quality better. The Bed-Sugar Question, Again. Gerinautewn Telegraph. We have, as we tried te de, considered the enterprise of making sugar from beets in this country, with a sufficient profit te encourage the business, fairly and justly ; and we have been forced te the conclusion as we have frequently averred, that thus far we are net satisfied with the result. "Wc have been asking again this season for clear, satisfactory statements of the enter prise se far as it progressed in the several places where it is being tried, but we have received none. The company in Maine, te which we have referred en several occa sions, seems te have been the niet firmly established, having htate assistance and from the secretary of which :i communica tion appeared in the Tcltgraph some time age, te correct sonic of our statements and show the progress made and the encourag ing prospects ahead does net present, if wc are te believe some later information received, satisfactory encouragement as te the future. The principal cause is what we adhered te in the beginning, that the cultivation of beets by the general farmer, at the price offered, would net be inducement enough te extend their growing se as te furnish any amount that might be demanded for the manufacturers. A geed drawback would be the weight of the roots and the cost of transportation. "We new hear that the Maine farmers this year declined te renew their contracts at last year's rate, en the ground that there was net sufficient profit in it; and the appeal of the com pany te the farmers of ether states has met with but little success. We repeat our regret that this should be the result, and still" hope that there will be some clear way out of the difficulty. We set down in the very beginning that, in view of the ce.tl :f raising and supply ing the beet, from its bulky nature, and especially of the high cost of labor here ever" what it is in Prance, Ger many, itc, where bect-sugar-making is a success, we would have an obstacle of the most serious character, and which thus far had failed of being removed. "VTERVOCS DEBILITY. JN Te Nervous Sufferera-Thc Great Euro pean Remedy Dr. J. B. Simpsen's Specific Medicine. It is a positive euro for Spcrtna- Side, and diseases tliat lead te Consumption, " a. . u .aa1a nMnttA I'll U04f 11 1 insanity ami rawiy ... "--Medicine Is being used with wonderful success. Pamphlets sent free te all. Write for them and cot full particulars. Price, Siiecltlc. l rer packwre, or six packages for &. J. 11. d MI SON MEDICIXK COMPANY. Ne. 101 and 100 Mutn Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Address nil order II. II. COCHRAN, Druggist, Sole Agent, 1ST anil 139 North Queen Street, Lancaster. ml7-lydeed&w ASTRICH PRO'S ADVERTISEMENT. THE PLACE FOR SUMMER BARGAINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, l HOW AT THE HOSTETTER'S STOMACH CELEBRATED I BITTERS Serve an Injunction en Disease By invigorating a fecble constitution, reno vating a debilitated physique, and enriching a thin and Innutritiens circulation with Hostct Hestct ter's Stomach Bitters, He finest, the ineBt highly sanctioned, and the most popular tonic anil preventive In existence. Fer sale by all Druggists and Doalers gener ally, aprl-lydeed&lyw Lancaster Bazaar ASTRICH BRO.'S 13 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. As we de net llke te cany ever auy Sum mer Stock, our uniform policy is toward tne close of each season te reduce prices te figures which will compel sales. Call and ezamine the bargains we are- offei effei lng. leek at the qualities of our goods, com pare our prices with these charged elscwhere, and you will soe that every ene of our asser tions has a solid basis of fact. Ladies from the surrounding cities are es pecially tnvited te pay us a visit, the oppor tunity new offered te secure beautiful and novel goods at fabulously low prices may never eccnr again. We are closing out our stock et LACES, consisting of ALL THESK LACES Arc sold nt CONSIDERABLY REDUCED PRICES. EMBROIDERIES, AC. BEW GOODS FOB, THE SPRDTG TRADE, AT GUNDAKER'S. LADIES for New Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Rufflings, Cotten Trimmings, Ruclifaigs, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosier &c, call at GUNDAKER'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Tails, Linen Cellars and Cuffs, call DAKER'S Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, Ac, call and oxamine ear stock, at GUNDAKER'8, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. at GUN nurxxuu' guide, 1ANCASTKR AND MlLLF.KSVlLLK K. U j Cars run as fellows": Leave Lancntser (P. 11. Depot), at 7, '., una 11:30 a. ni., and 2, 4. C and 8:50 p. in., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at !):J0 p. m. Lcjite MillcrsYille (lower cd) at 5, S, ami a. M.t and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. in. Cars ru dally ea abeve tlme except en Sun day. C COLUMBIA AXI PORT DEPOSIT R. li J Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Pupeslt Railroad en the following lime Stations Nekth- wai. H OSTETTER'S BITTER'S FOK SALE AT Lecher's Drug Stere, Ji fcasi iving suv-vi. HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EU3 HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT A Foel Once Mere. ' Fer ten rear.-, my wile was confined te her lied with biieli a complication of aliments that no doctor could tell what was the matter or cure her, and I lucd p u fcinall fortune in humbug stun". Six mouth age I saw V. S. Hag with Hep Bittern en it, and I thought 1 would "no a tool once moie. I tried It, but my felly proved tobeavisdem. Twe bottles cured her, s,hi" U new as well and strong us any mini's wife, and it ce-,t me only two dollar, such felly puvs. II. W., Detroit, Mich. J ' Jvl.V2wd.Kw k,VRSIOXS. aitsiex TO i HAND li' NIAGARA. FALLS AXD W ATKINS GLEX, On TUESDAY, AUGUST 3d, 1330. Fare ler Hound Trip, - - - - 910.00. Tickets Reed for 15 day, and geed te step oil at. Elinira, Geneva, Bullale, Allcntewn. Muuch Chunk and Reading. jyl.Vlwd DAILY EXCURSIONS F20M PHILADELPHIA CAPE MAY. The famous mainineththree-deck steamer " REPUBLIC " Leaves Kace Street Wharl at 7'a. . m., arriving at Cape May about i4 p. in. Kcturnlnjt. leaves Cape May at 3 o'clock p. m., nlvlngample time for balhinir or a drive en thclieach. A full Brass Band and Orchestra Music for dancing. Parler Entertainments varied weekly. Lunch eons and Kefreshmcnt.- in abundance. Dln nersand suppers provided. Oysters and Fish served for supper a lew moment after taken from the water. Fare Ter Hie Hound Trip $1.00. SUNDAYS Will leave Kace Street Wharf at y, a. ill. 1 S. A Bread Gause Steam K. It. will convex- passengers te Cape Island in & minutes. Tickets for .-aie at CHAS. II. BAKU'S, 2S-2JJnd&w CENTRE SQUARE. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF AXDKKW JOIIE and wile, el East Lampeter township. The undersigned Auditor, appointed te dis tribute the balance remaining In the hands of Calvin Cooper, Assignee, te and among these lcjiallv entitled te the same, will sil for that purpose en THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1SS0, at 10 o'clock a. in., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons Interested In said distri bution may attend. .TNO. A. COYLE, jyll-Ildeaw Auditor. INSTATE OF I'KAJf CIS X. SUTEK, LATE li of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters tes tamenmrv en said estate having been granted te the unucrsigncu, an persons inueDicuuicre inueDicuuicre te are requested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned, residing in Lancaster city, Pa. ROSA SUTER, B. F. Davis, Att'y. Executrix. jelO-Ctdeaw HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EKS T I.e. U, Is an abselute and bio euro for HOP BIT irresinti- ER8 BRETONXE, LANGUEDOC, CLUNY, BRABANT, TORCHON, RUSSIAN, VALENCIENNES, POINT D'ALENCON, POINT D'ESPRIT, MECHLIN, MALTESE. DRUNKENNESS, HOP BIT ERS Intemperance and the use of Opt- nel, urn, Tobacco, Xarcetlcs and Stimu- ,IT hints, removing all laste,desireand ERS habit of using any of them, render- " ing the taste or desire for any of 1Iel, them perfectly odious and disgust- ny ing. Giving everyone perfect and EIrs Irresistible control of the sobriety ke of themselves or their friends. jI01, It prevents thatabselute physical JtIT and moral prostration that fellows EiS the sudden brenklngell" from using stimulants or narcotics. HOP Package, prepaid, te cure 1 te 3 B1T persons, $2. or at your druggist's, Klls 1.73 xwr bottle. Temperance socle secle ties should recommend it. It Is nep pcneciiy uuniiiess unu iiui--j-iti- yy vna ing. Hep Bitters Manfacturing Ce., Klls tus Rochester, N.Y., Sele Agents. B,ua 1If1, Hep Cough Cure destroys all nep HOI BIT EKS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EKS pain, loosens the cough, iulet the jji-p nerves, preuuees rest, anu never Kj.g fails te cure. The Hep Pad for Stomach, Liver jjeP and Kidneys, is superior te all jSiT ethers. Cures by absorption. It is Kts perlcct ask druggists. The Hep Bitters Mfg. Ce., of Ke- he1. Chester, N. Y., only prejiaru these yy lemedies, also tlie Hep Bitters, Kls which are In nesensc a beverageer intoxicant, but the I'nre.-t and llest yeP Medicine ever made, making mere myi cures thuti all ether remedies. EKS FOK SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOI' BIT EKS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EKS HtlF 1HTTEIW FOIt SALE AT LOCU cr's Drug Stere, 1) Eat King street. Brandy as a ledicine. The following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. E. Slaymaker, Agent for Keigart's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian el this county, who has extensively used the Brandy referred te in his regular practice. It is commended te the attention of these at llicted Willi Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY ASA MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a bevrrag. but te be used as a medicine of great potency in the cure of some of Use destructive diseases which sweep awav their annual thousands of victims. With a purely philanthropic Motive wc pre sent te the favorable notice el invalids espe cially these alllicted with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, which is nothing mere or less tlian Brandy. The aged, wilh teeble appetite and mere or less debility, will 11 nd this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy or all their ills and aches. Be it, hewerei strictly understood that we prescribe and use but one article, and thiil Is KEKUKT'S OLD ISliANIlY, Sold by our enterprising young friend, II E SLAYMAKER. This Brandy has steed the test Ter years, and bus never failed, as far as our experience extends, ami we therefore give it the prelerence ever all ether Brandies, no matter with hew many jaw-breaking French titles they are branded. One-.'enrth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia specifics w eiuii suJllce te buy all the Brandy te cure any such case or cases. In proof of the curative powers of Reigart's Old Brandy, In cases et Dyspepsia, we can summon iiuin hers of witnesses one case in particular we cite: A hniM-werking larmcr had been aillicted with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ter a number of years; his btemach would reject almost every kind of feed; lie had sour cmctirtieiis con stantly uu nppctittt in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage he used McGrann's Reet Beer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new, preached at times, and in his discourses often declaimed earnestly against all kinds of strong drink. When advised te trv Reigart's Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with astonishment, but ufler hearing of its wonderful ellects in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he at last consented te fellow our advice. He used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the first bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound man. with a stomach capable of digesting any thing which he chese te eat. He still keeps it and uses a lit tle occasionally; and since he has this medi cine he lias been of very little pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A PliAcrnsise Piivsician. H. E. SLAYMAKER, AGEXT FOR Reigart's Old Wme Stere, Established in 178S, IMPORTER ASD DEALER IN FIXE OLD BRAXDIES, SHERRIES, SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported In Ibis, 1S27 and 1623.) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER. BROWX STOUT. Ne. 20 EAST KING ST.. LANCASTER. FA JCVUVATIOA'AL. rillllJ ACADEMV CONNECTED WITH JL Franklin and Marshall College eflers su perier advantages te young men and boys who desire either teprepare forcellege or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time during the school year Send for circulars. Address REV. JAMES CRAWFORD. etll-lvd l.uucasler. Pa. LLENTOWN FEMALE COLLEGE. Under auspices et Reformed church. De signed for the literary and religious education el Ladles. Best facilities for Music, Drawing, Painting and Modern Languages. Location healthful. Terms moderate. Thirteenth year will begin SEPTEMBER 6. Fer Catalogue address REV. W. R. HOFFORD, A. M., Jyl7-12td President, Allcntewn, Pa. KIDNEY WOItT FOB SALE AT LO0H era' Drug Stere, 9 East Kins street We have Just opened a full new line el black FRENCH AND SPANISH LACES, which we new offer at low and very reasonable prices. Wc shall clo?e out all our LADIES' LAWN SUITS, at the uniform prlce of $2.00. Linen Ulsters at $I.4', SiOO. Ulsters for J1.R0, $2.50 and 3.W. Ulsters for fl 00. LADIES' LIXEX SUITS at $i".U. PAEASOLS, at fabulous low prices. We have marked kdewn Huts te only the balancu ul our NINE CENTS. We hell LADIES' FLOUNCED CALICO WRAPPERS FOR $1.00. LADIES' CALICO SUITS, Skirt and Basque, $1.50. LADIES' CALICO BASQUES, 39c. Great inducements and bargain in LADIES' UNDERWEAR. CHEMISE. Chemise, corded band, line muslin, Ruillcdand Embroidered Chemise Elegantly Embroidered Chemise SKIRTS. Ah: ..Wc. if.'e. Muslin Kull'icd hkirts Cambric, lleuuccd Embroidered edged Elaborately Embroidered, with nocdle-work edge aud insertion... CORSETS. deep :ic. Si-'c. IC'C. Sl.JW side Our " FAVORITE " Corset. 50 bones, steels, embroidered busts, Elegant Woven Corset The " Parisian," a 100-bone most elegant Corset, side steels, for l.ea The CYPRUS Corset, slde steels, elaber ately embroidered bust front, for.. Extra length Corsets Abdominal Corsets 1.2.1 1.C0 1.30 Great reduction in prices of Notions and Small Ware. Pins, 3c. a paper. Best English Pins, Oc. a paper. Hair Pins, 1c. a paper. Basting Cotten, he. a dozen spools. Clark & Ceat's Spool Cotten, 2 spools ler flc. 200 yards Spool Cotten, 2c. a spool. 12 dozen of whlte Agate Buttens ter 8c. 3 dozen of large, white Pearl Buttens for 13c Brainerd Armstrong's best Silk, loe-yard spools, 9c. a spool. 00-yard spools, 2 spools for 9c. A very handsome Chrome and Bex given away te any customer purchas Ing C spools of silk at n time. Writing Paper and Envelopes, 5c. a box. TOILET ARTICLES. Soaps, in Glycerine, Windser. Turkish Ball and ethers, 3c. a piece. Extra fine Toilet Soaps, 10c. a piece. Heyt's German Cologne. 17c. a bottle, nest Face Powder. 8c. a box. Dressing Combs, from 5c. upward. Children's round Combs, from 3c. upward. Teeth Brushes, from 3c. upward. Hair Brushes, 15c. upward. Metallic Hair Brushed, 43c. PANS. Russian Leather Sliding Fans, lie. Japanese Fans, le, 2c. 3c. c, 5c, 10c. Leng Handled AFTER DENSER Fans, egg shaped, 4c. The SARAH BERNUARD Feather Fans, In aU colors, 50e. BELTS IN GREAT VARIETY. Velvet Belts, 19c. Pocketbooks and Jewelry, line. in full in full line. Jet Hair Coronets, 23c, 29c, 50c. Bracelets, of every style ami description. Band Bracelet, with Hie lock, the GEM OF THE SEASON, only 19c a pair. Ceral Bracelets. Gllt-platcd Bracelet. MOSQUITO NET CANOPIES, ever beds, ready-made, with aU the necessary fixtures, for $2.00. jrBirxxrt'jir stable. NOTICE. NEW LIVERY STABLE, NO. 112 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, AT ERISMAITS HOTEL. Horses, Carriages, Buggies and Market Wagons te Hire by J. C. HAUGHTON. expressly for Livery uee. Alse at all times Horses and Mules bought, sold amd exchanged at Ne. 112 Seuth Queen Street, in the Rear of Brisman's Hetel. PertDepuait.... Paachbotteni Fite'sHddy McCall's Ferry. Shenk's Kerry.. Safe Harber..... Columbia Exprc. Express. j.. ji. r. ji. C:35 3:30 7:12 4:21 7:25 4:3.- 7:37 i:lC 7:.1l 3:01 7:."9 5:! S:S0 3:35 Aci J r. ir. S-Cfl .Ir'.S S.30 1.00 4::t 5:0 6.20 Sxvriexs Seuth- Mxprc. Uxprei5.r Acceui. WAUD. A.M. 1-. u. I A. ir. Columbia 10:33 Cr.M 7:30 8af Harber. lira :W AfJ:05 I a 0:40 I Sheuk'A Ferry ll: t'..3t utfl MeCall'a Ferry.... 11:1 7:'0 ter. ! Fife's Eddy 11:3T. 7:2, in:i; Ir. a. v. it. 1S:(7 7:J2 IUJ V. M. .2:14 S:l5 12:25 EEA1)IG AI CU1.VMIU.V UAii.ilDAh Ou aud after 3IOX DAY. MAT. 10r:i, HSO, pudieiijfer trulUH will inn ou this read :.- t : lews: Tkais Gciau eutit. dux aeuvs. c - CORSETS ! CORSETS ! LADIES! LADIES I LADIES I LADIES! LADIES! LADIE3! Exftmine our utoek of CORSETS before purchasing ethers. Try our CORSETS, as they will give you satisfaction. We keep the Largest Assortment of CORSETS in the city. Examine our 25 cent CORSET. Best Corset for the money ever offered. We have Bargains in HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, &c. We are offering Bargains in DRESS GOODS te close out several lets. Reading, ItciuheMs Ephmtn, Akren, J Ji klf AlanhciBi, Lancaster Junction,. LaudisTille, Celuuibia, Ulllerrille Luncastcr, Kluf Street, Ilaruisli, West Willow, Ilaunigardnnr, Pequca, K'eften, New l'revldcuca, Hess, Quarryvlllc, a. :i. A. M. -:x II:". r. ji. S:01 12:21 KlS 12:10 S:21 12:15 6:4.1 1:02 'JM l:i:. J;il5 1:10 !j:1C 1:"0 J: 10 2 05 '.':27 2:02 U:J;$ 2:i 5 ;):15 .... 1:.".S 10:05 .... 10:00 10:17 .... leril .... 10:1 t 10:12 .... 10:..O .... f. ji. 7:i'.-; 7:.l-S 7:25 7:i. 7:5 7:50 S:2- .-:lil :20 :i a':4J :I7 A5 0:01 0:12 9:10 0:25 :ai - iWl. c-.oe t;-.n r.ri; (::; 0:51 7:i0 THAIKS CiOtKU XOKTII. We thank our friends and customers for making their purchases in the early part of the day, thereby enabling us te close our store at 7o'cleck in the evening, which we shall continue te de until further notice. GIVLEE, BO-WEES & HFEST, 26 East King Street, , Lancaster, Pa. MlSVISLZAXJiOUS. M AltCVS . 8E11SKK, HOUSE OABPENTEB, Ne. 120 North Prince street. I'ren.pl and particular attention paid te al er-it Ien an repairs. Bl3-lyd ri'UKXPlKE DIVIWENU. , T 1 The President and Manager of the Iam caster, Klizabethtewn and Middletown Turn pike lSe:id have thU day declared a Dividend of Twe Dollars and Seventy-five Cents en each Share of Stock, parable alter the "th dayet July J. M. LONG, Treasurer. July G, 1S?0. 3ldear VrOTlCK TO FISIIKKMEN. Flshinsr Tackle in every variety, Bamboo, Cane and Weeden Jointed KedH, Lines, Sink ers, Floats, Heeks, &c. A c.ill solicited. Prices low. AXDKEW G. FKEV'a City Pharmacy, Cor. X. (luii'ii and Orange Street. HO-Jyd I.anca-tcr, Pa. r.e. Use. By request of a great number of enr casta m crs wettliall beojien every evening: until 9 p. in., as usual, and solicit the kind patronage of the Ladies of Lancaster and vicinity. ASTRICH BRO.'S 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. CONGRESS HALL, CAPIi MAY, X. J. OPEN FOR THE SEASON. II. J. & G. It. CttUMP, ) Of the Colonnade Hetel, E.A.GILLETT, Philadelphia. Jyl2-10tdced YAGM-fciCSAK BOX MANUFACTORY. We have started a new Cigar Bex Manutac Manutac terv at Ne. 211 North Queen street, and are new prepared te 1111 all erdera at the shortest notice. As wc have all the latest Improved machinery we will make as fine a box as can be had in the country. Give us a call. BECnTOLD & Ce., Ne. 241 North Queen Street. Lancaster, Pa. ttiFT mi a wisas. AUTHOKIZISD MY THIS COMMON wealth of Ky., and the fairest in the world 22d Popular Monthly Dnvwrinff OV TUB COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macaulev's Theatre, In the City or Louis ville, en SATURDAY, JULY 31st, 18S0. THESE DKAWINGS, AUTHOKIZED BY THE LEGISLATITUE AND SUSTAINED BY ALL THE COUBTSOF KENTUCKY, accord in;; te a contract made with the owners el the Jb'raukfert ttrant, will occur regularly en the LAST DAY OF EVEBY MONTH, Sundays and Fridays excepted, for the period or tIL YEAKS, terminating en JUNE 30. 1S5.1. The United States Circuit Court en March 81, rendered the following decisiens: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Company is legal. SU Its driiM lugs are fair.. The niauagementcali attention te the liberal scheme which has met with such popular favor heretofore, and which will again be presented lorthe 1 prize ...... ... 1 prize. 1 prize.. 10 prizes $1,000 each 20 prizes 500 each 100 prizes, $100 each 200 prizes 50 each ioe prizes 20 each 1000 prizes lOeach - J prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 9 prizes SOU each, " " 9 prizes 100 eaeh, " JUSCBLIiANJiOVS. AE. BIcUANN, AUCTIONKEK OF KKAt. . Kstateand Personal Property. tlnlera lcrtatNo.:i5Cliarlettobtrect,or at the Black i 30,K) . 10,000 . 5.000 . 10.000 . 10.000 . 10,000 . 10,000 . 12,000 10.UW 2,700 1.S00 -MO .$112,100 tickets je2-tfd The following changes in the southeastern i ,1,,1 te It. 31. MOA1SUMAN, Courlcr-Jenr-nonthwcstcrii sections of Lancaster city itnllilln.' Louisville. Ky., or 307 and 309 strc-ercentimeO l mS hwfml from I greatest succtssan.eng the British troops in i,e ,rcr ' country by II. II. . AKNLlt CO. ilITX PLAN. (lltil arc made, as directed by court, aud may be seen m the emcc or me i;icrs 01 v'mncr .-,,.B. . siens z 1. Hagcr street, east of Queen street, moved , southward, it width increased te 00 feet, ex tends eastward, cutting off a small corner of Woodward Hill cemetery; thence bending northward along lencc ; thence te Seuth street. 1 2. Set - !t east of Queen, Yerk street, I north c-i-i .- villager street and adjacent ' alley, a - -J. 3. WittMi 01 south Christian street, from 1 Church street te Middle street, is changed te 1 14 leet. 4. Seuth Duke street, at southeast corner or 1 King, narrowed 18 inches te conform te pros- ' ent -width. , , r. Plum street extended southward te Jehn street of width er59 feet, and Jehn street, from King street te Plum street, narrowed te SJlcet, as at present. C. woedward street widened te 40 feet, as new laid out. 7. Beaver street, at southwest corner of Con Cen Con estega street, narrowed one feet, making It a 1 8. High street continued te Mifflin alley, and thence te Mulberry street; Mifflin alley wid ened en nonusiue 10 me wiuluvi "'H" "k 9. Water German street li-tli-etlnir te the west. 10. Hagcr street, westward from Queen street. 1 te the bend near Leve Lane, narrowed te 33 feet. . . , 11. Alley west of Prince street, from Andrew street te Furnace street, narrowed te 14 feet, and runs parallel te and 150 feet west of Prince 12. Pearl street, from Columbia avenue te Mnnnr street, widened 80 leet. and east line 1 thereof moved eastward along Columbia ave nue, 102 leet 'Mi Inches. The street, as changed, starts at Columbia avenue, directly oppeslto College avenuc,and continues parallel te Pearl street, as laid out en original plan. 13. The alley between Columbia avenue and First street moved southward 40 feet, between Pearl street and West End arcnue. These changes, as made, will be adopted, un less exceptions are Hied ou or before the third Monday in August next. By order of the Court. Attest: GEO. W. EABY, Deputy Clerk Quarter Sessions. Jyl-oawdtaugie FISAXCIAI 1 TAMES BKOVN, DEALER IX STOCKS I nnil Kends. CA fiiuioeitroaawar.ew ierx. Operations en margin and by means of privl- i leges, xmonnauen iurnisueu ou uu umncia connected with stock speculation and invest ment. mlMydTs.Th&S :HkVMCAZ INSTRUMENTS. -THE- Later Organ MaDQfacteryi Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market. Warerooms 320 North Queen street. Manufactory in the rear. Brunch Office, 15 East King Street. Alex. McftfflipB, Proprietor. Alse Agontter Lancaster County for CH1CKE1UNG& SOX'S Celebrated PIANOS. mente, Ac, always en hand. JlMyesaiyw LOGO prizes J . Whole tickets, $2: half tickets.!; $60; 55 tickets, $100. Keiuit by Fostelliee Meney Order, BegLstercd Letter, Bank Draft or Express. Te insure against mistakes and delays, cor respondents will please write t .t r names anil places of residence plainly, giving number of Postefflcc box or Street, anil Town, County and ah V.rm,ntiiili"itlniis connected with the DIs tribntien and Orders for Tickets should be ad- Breadwav. Sew erk. iu31TuTh&S&w K1VNEY AX1 TJ.VMSR VVltJi. WARNER'S SAFE EEIEDIES! WAKNER'S SAFE PILLS Arc an immediate stimulus ler a Torpid Liver cure Cestivcness, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Diarrheea, Malaria, Fever and Ague and are useful at times In nearly all Diseases te cause a free and regular action of the Bowels. Tiw. irt. fintldete for all Malarial Poison. These Pills are the discovery of an English annv physiclm. and have been used with the PKOPOSALSFOKNEW COUNTY BABN. Netice te Contractors and Builders. Scaled proposals win no recti c ujr 1 .. rectors of the Peer and Heuse or Employment for the erection of a barn te replace the one de stroyed by flre July 4, 1830, in the following manner, viz : Proposals for the erection or the bum com plete according te plans and specifications. Proposals for all the plne, oak and hemlock lumber and beards, required by the plans and specifications, stating the prices per thousand rect, te be delivered at Best'a siding, Lancas ter Pa. Proposals for all the carpenter work for the completion et the barn according te plans and specifications. . A Plans and specifications te be seen at Spur rier's clothing store. Ne. 13 East King street, Lancaster, Pa. ....... .. Proposals te be addressed te V. B. Landls, President or Beard or Directors, en or bofero Saturday. July 24, at 10:80 a. m. Bids will be opened at the hour and day abeve stated, and bidders arc lnrltc.il te be present at the opening and present bids in per- The Bearil reserves the right te reject any and all bills. The successful bidder te give ap proved Hecurily for the faithful pciiormance of the contract. By order or the Beard or Directors. J D. B. I, AN DIS, President. II. F. Cox. Secrabtry. JylO-itrt Quarry vllle, Hess, Nnvr PreviduHcu, Iteften, Pequca, ISuuragitrduc r, West Willow, Harnish, King Street, Lancaster, Dlllerrllle, Columbia, Landlsville .Lancaster .function,.. Mauheini, Litiz, Akren Ephrala, Keinholdsvrile ltcading, a. 11. v. si. i sr. 'J: 13 .... 2.35 0:52 .... 2.11 U:5!l 2: IS 7:11 .... 2:59 7:1 .... :05 7:2r .... ?:!! 7:32 .... :!:lb! 7:41 3:2.-? 7:55 3:!0 S:ll5 l:0t ":M :et l:ct :-: 7:55 1:' ".le 8::w 1:.W l.( t R:2I) Ir25 1:1. ?:13 t:H 4:2:1 9:00 2:frJ 4:: 9:ir, sis 4:17! :;2:: 2:25 :':: I 0:12 2:0; 5:llt 10:05 .1:20 5:50 A. 31. S:i;; Sr27 .:: .":!. .):.' Trains connect at ICcadlng with trains te ami from Philadelphia, I'ottbville, Ilarrlsiunr;, AI AI AI lontewa and New Yerk. At Columbia with trains te uud trem Yerk, Hanover. Gettysb'ir , Frederick and IJultiineic. A.M. WILSON, mt. PENNSYLVANIA UAILKOA1 -N..V. SCHEDULE Oil mid alter Sl'M' MAY' 23d, StV, train en luu l'ciui Ivaaia Kailread trill arrive and lcive llm Laiu-.t .! ami Philadelphia diKt as follews: Eastwake. THE LANCASTER Teeny Intelligencer has been enlarged le a DOUBLE SHEET, Of Eight ing it 0 i the Page, mak--uble its Por Per od the Phlladrlphia Exp-e--, fast Line, Yerk Accen. An Ives; llnrrl.-burg hsprc- Dillerville Acceui. irive-, Columbia Aceominedalion, Frederick Acceui. Arrive-!, 1'ucilic Espn;ss, Sunday Mail Johastewu K.xprea-', Day Express, Harrislmrs AccrnTiineilai ", L ave L.llic'tei i:i" . : ":2' " 7:. -8:!i-. " !':!: ' !:I0 " l:ir, ' 1:10 i:i. 2:oe " ::f, ' i:r t;:2" " VUTVA!U. Way Pasnengcr, Mail Train Ne. 1, via JM.J.y, Mall Train Ne. 2,vl.iCl'biu. Niagara & Chicago E.tprie-, Sunday Mail, Fast Line, Frederick Accomiuedai Ien, DlllerviUe Leeal.vi.i Mt.Jey Hurrisbiirs Aecomiuedat'ii. Ceiuiuliia AccoiiiiiKMiatieii llarribiirg Kxpiv-J Pittsburg Exptcs , Clueluiiuti Kxprtt, .-. Paciflc Exprcs i, Le.t ri.i! i-i ' vi.-'M ...!. :w " Siyii) ' S:i " U:.-J) 2::t r.ji. 1:U) ' r:3 " &:Si " 0:10 " 11-Vi " ru.-. PI.ll.itl' 1:1.". x ;.!, ' I':lJ""'- l-'.Ol i" .i:n"" .l..fcl .i:"0 " i;:i: A.it I... 1 . I ... .1 li: , ll:c-. Ill-T, 2. ) I i:l -: 't .V 1 . 7:21' 7:.'!0 S:5' II..M J'aclflc EiprrfS, esuti, en Sunt lay, whea ii.i . gcil, vrlll stei at MMdlctewn, Kliahclhtewu Sit. Jei Landinville, liinl-iu-lland, Lcni'iu Place, Hap, ChrNtiana, ParUcsbiirg, Coati s vlllc, Oakland and Olen Leeh. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when :I. ,fl, will step at Dowuiiigtewii,CMite- iSi' ' 1 burg.Mt..Jey, i;iIi:.ii)elhtev.n and '.li.lill 'own. JIall Ne. 2 "west eeimcctlngat. Lancaster with mall Ne, 1 at 10:33 a. 111,, and with Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:03 and will rim tlirengli te Ilaneveratid will connect at Columbia with train through te Ilariisburg via Marietta, Frciierlek Accommodation, wrt, connect.-, at Lancaster, with Fait Line, wc-tTat 2:1" : v.. and will run threugli te FreilRt'lck. country by TVAKNER'S SAFE NERVINE, The improved discovery et probably the most skillful nerve doctor In the world, quickly gives rest anil sleep te the suffering, cures Headache and Neuralgia, prevents Epileptic Fits, and is the best remedy for Nervous Pros tration brought en by excessive drlnking.ovcr drlnking.evcr drlnking.ovcr werk,inentalshocksandothcr causes. ItrelleveB the Pains of all Diseases, ami is never injurious te the system. Thu best of all Nervines. Bettles of two sizes ; prices, 50 cents and $1. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, Safe Diabetes Cure, Safe Hitters and Safe Tonic arc also superior remedies unequalled in their respective fields or disease. "Warner' Safe Remedies are sold by Drug gists and Medicine Dealers generally through out the country. , , , finml for namnhlet and testimonials. w . . . .... .. M . H. aknlk X CO., iiecnester, . 1. II. fdlC-Tu.Th&Sd&w OAJifETS. H. S. SHIEK'S CARPET HALL, 203 WEST KINO STBEET, Has tlrti juirest and Cheapest Stock et all kinds 01 CAKPETS in Lancaster. Over 100 Pieces of Brussels en hand, m low as S1.00 and upwards. Carpets "uiatle te order at short notice, also pay ill cents ter Extra Carpet Bags. a-UIvcusatrial. 202 WEST KING STREET. Will GROCERIES. w MOLESALE AND RETAIL. LEVANT'S FLOUR AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. 417-lya largest XWMaier in the State. ITS HUBSORIPTIOX PRICE RB3IAIN8 TUE SAME, $2.00 A YEAR, ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. THE INTELLIGENCER, IS ONE OF THE LEADING DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPERS OF THE COUNTRY. It will contain a prompt report or everything or political and general interest, and Its large size will enable It te give all interesting matter in f,ull. The following terms arc offered for subscrlp tlens, CASH IN ADVANCE, from thin date until after the election. Single copy 60ctfl. Ten copies 30cte.cacn. Twcnty-flvccople8.teonepostofllcc.35 SINGLE SHEET. Wc also publish a slngle sheet paper. Just half the size or the regular edition, filled with gen eral and political newt, but emitting the local Intelligence of theceunky. at l.5 a year, al ways In advance. This edition will be Issued Fer Oe CaiBaip at Ten Lew Rates. It will contain full reports 3er the political situation In the wnote country; speeches and letters et value, reports or meetings, editorial comments, and a complete abstract or the news et the day, together with mlscelluneeua matter of general Interest. It will be a live sheet, leading an aggressive campaign for the Democratic tickets. Following are the low rates for clubs UNTIL An'JSKTIIK ELECTION. One eenv. W CIS. Ten copies, Twcnty-five copies. postefficc YEARLY KATES. One copy, Five copies,, Ten " 35cts. each. te enp 1.25 5.50 10.00 T COAL JUAiL AKRANGEMUNTS. HOUBS FOB CLOSING THE MAILS. BY UAILKOAD. Nkw Yei:ic Tiuteumi mail 7:30 a 111, 1u0 p m, 4:15 p m aud 11:3) p in. Wav Mail, east, 7:.'J) a 111. CJoitDeaviLLi:, Downlugtewn, Lcamau Placu, Gup Up m. PiiiLADKLi-HiA through mail, TM ami H;l."n m., 1U:30, 4:15 and U:M p 111. PiTTanur.eu and west, liWand llilti p m. IlARitisutnui .Mail, l(t:iii, a m, l:20,5::ruud Il.'i p m. Wat Mail, wcjt, lOiOam. Ualtimebk akd U'arucioteh, via Philadel phia, 4:15 p 111. IlALTlHeitB A3i Wabuinutes, via Yerk, 1S5D 11 111. ISaltimekb aue Wakiiikotek, via Harribiiurg, 11:30 p 111. COATHOVILLK, 1:15 J 111. Columbia, 10:e j a in, 1:-") and r:l.". i in. Yerk asu Veaic wav, l::uaud U::j-'l p in. NeuTitacs CasxaAL, i ():.' a m, l::i()uml lli'Ji p m. Ukadixe, via neadtue ami Columbia U I:, 7:S': a m and 12:S0 n m. ltUADinp. via IlarrIsburg,5:I5 und ll-Ji-i kt lu. ItEADiaewAV, viaJuuutieu, I.ititz, 3Iai'ht i'n. East Hcmptlcld aud Epiir.ita,:: p in. QUAitRWiLLi;, Camargo, Ketten, Nuw 1 vi dence, West Willow. LI me Valley and Mauius Tllle, 9:45 a m, and 5:W p m. Naw Hellaxu, Clmrclitewn, Oreenbaiik Illne Hall, Goeuville, ilcaitewn, by wa Downlngtewn, at 7i:e a in and i; p m. Sas IIaiibeu, via Columbia, 10::ai a m. HY STAUK MillursTllle and Slackwater. t. Safe Harber, tlidly, at 4:UH p m. TeMillersvillr, 8and 11:1) am. and 1 p in. Uinkley's llrldge, Leacock, lUwilc, Nev. Helland, ifcSO p m. Willow Street, Smlthville, Buck, Che-'ntii Level, Green, Peters' Creek, Pleasant t,rve, ICeck Springs. Falnneunt and llewlantl. villi'. Mil, daily, at 7 a m. Landis Valley, Oregon, West Earl. Farm r.-t. yllle, Hinkletown, Tene Hill, M.irlind-Uf, dally, at 2::;(l p m. Fertility, Lsimpeter and Wheatland MiL .1 Stnisburg, daily, at 4 p m. Ureenlaud and Seudersbarg, te I'ai-.ili m dally, at 1 p m.. Nell's vllle, daily, at 1 p m. New Danville, Coiie.-.tei;a, Martivvlile, O Ic iimnvllle. Mount Nelie. Itawlinsville. Helium ,a and Libertv Siiiare. dally, at 2iW in. WHEN OPEN KOt; DKLIVKUY. AltUIVING IIV KAIL. Kit-lera mail, 7 a u. 10:9 a in, 3 and :.: p in. Eastern way mull, 11:9) a in. Western mail, 7 ami ID a in, 2 and iKlOp m. Iteadiug, via Ueading and Columbia, 4M p in. Western way mall, 8) a in. I!.i.Hii.i- ii-.v mail. I0:.'i) a m. Quarry vllle Iti-.mcli, S:l." a in and -1 p m. A Kill VINO IfYST'AGK. Frem Saie liar und Mlllersville. at y a m, uaiiy. Fiem Mllliu-svibe, 7aiid'.ia m.aiid I p in. Frem New Helland, at Wie a m, daily. Trein Kewlsind.-v Hie, ild, at ."JD p m. Kcadlng way mail, at HViO.i in, tlaily. Frem Stnisburg, at J:-7) a in, daily. Frem Paradl-sc te Jiucaster, 10 a in, daily Fiem Nell'sville, al I p m, daily. Frem llnwlinsville,at 11 am. DKLIVKUlfclS HY CAUlUEltS. There are four mail deliveries by letter car rier.-, each day, and en their return trips they take up the mall matter deposited in the letter boxes. Fer the first delivery the carriers leave the Office at CUW a in; hecend delivery at 10 am; third delivery at 11 a m ; fourth delivery at ' p SUNDAY POSTOl'FICK HOCUS. On Sumluy the po-te!l!ce Is open from Apr! Lte October 1, from 8 te t) a in. and from (1 te 7 am ; from October 1 teApril l.frem 1) le 10 a m, and from C te 7 u in. rlie Address with remittance STELNMAN & HENSEL, LANCA8TEB.PA, 1WOT AXJi SHOES. EASY BOOTS ROOTS. SHOES AND LASTS made en a new principle, Insur ing couiieri ier me iceu Lasts wade te order. MILLER, lSSEaatKJaz street. ( ) i