.t- - -J .- " " "V -a - -v- Tvy m -- , ,7- -, " , j ' .m ii i - . -'-,-tj'v. --4.' I I I I in - i , & .' ' H ' ? i , 5 f lajiatefi i.Vl. 1 -r f Volume XYl-Ne. 276. LANCASTER, PA., THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1880 Friee Tw Onte. . i.:'"-'.s-- -;.-' "f ? cil) u. CLOTHING. Spring Opening -AT- 24 CENTRE SQUARE. We li.ii e fei Hale for tlie cetiihig scmeug au IMIJl(;i:(t SJeclc of Reafly-Iafle Cletbing, 3l car e n li.aiiiiiactiirc, which ceurpilfca the j"it(;t an 1 Me.it STTHSI DESIGN S. Cnnc and faee eiii SEW GOODS ITOn ISOilMT TiniM, .vli'.cli is lurfc- iinl compeMidof thobest styles e In' ieuml I. ii,c clljv II B. llestBthr & Sed, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. r.-!yii LAXCA3TEU. PA nil OPENI H. GERHART'S Tai I ;riu ir Establishment. MONDAY, APRIL 5. ll:i;n u.-.t letmneil irem tlie New Yerk ,'ini!e-.' -'.:n .: I. 1 .tin new prepared te exhibit ilici.l t' '! t -(. clcil Stocks Of WOOLENS -T)K TIIC ill si SfnDHT 'f," -"e i i leuhi te Jhl- rlt3'. Nene but the xwy Me: ENGLISH, FRENCH AMERICAS FABRICS, all tin- l.Mili. vrMvle-. Prices as ion :ui the eHfst,:nnl:ill .iivN v.iiir.iuleil a ivprcnont ivprcnent li.ul H. GERHART'S, He. SI North Queen Street. SEALING, THE ARTIST TAILOR. Ue-in;i out our .-leek Of IAlt Weights ill u )t te make room for Fall and Winter Stock.. A Ltuvge Llna of Englisli leYelties. TROPICAL SUITINGS, SERGES AND REPS, UAXXOCKIJUKNS AND CELTICS, GAXI1IIOON PAR AM AT A AND 11ATISTE SUITINGS. hiiEusucKKiis yalencias, PAROLE AX1) MU1IAIK COATINGS. A Splendid Assortment of Wllferd'a Padded Ducks in Plain una Faney Styls. A Full Line et feife Ifl Bit Yesfe All tin latest novelties. An examination of our stock Is respectfully f ellcitcd. T. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH QUEEX STREET. FAST FREIGHT, The Old Bitner Line, Established 1846. J. R. BITNER'S FAST FREIGHT LINE BETWEEN VIA PENNA B. R. All Freight Bent te Frent and Prlme streets. Philadelphia, up te C o'clock and te X e. 5 Deck street, te 5 o'clock p. in., will arrive same night at Depot, in Lancaster. The D ravage te these Central Depots hi lower than te any ether. Ne Drayage charged for Delivery in Lancaster. All Freight leaded In Lancaster, up te 0 o'clock p. m., will reach Frent and Prime streets, Philadelphia, early next morning. Jyl9,22,264aug3 1VB.Y LOCHES'S KfcXOwVED OOUUH . STBUP He Lancaster ana Pmlaaeipiiia DRY -' NEW EMBROIDERIES. Watt, Shand & Company HAVE OPENED A CHOICE LIN'B OF Haiti Wis and Mis at Terr Lew Prices. Just Oponed anotUer Invoice of VICIOBIA LAWXS, IXI1 A LIXEXS, WHITE PIQUES. &c, at Jiottem Prloea. NEW YORK STORE, S AND 1 0 EAST KING STREET. N. II.Dm-lng .faly and Anguat will close a 7:30 p. in., Saturdays excepted. SALE OP DAMAGED GOODS. IIAUBIl i- UltUTIIEft wtll enttue the hh! of Goods damaged only hy w.-itrr ltuln Uie rucent lira ei thelr prumVMfk WAUL PAPER CARPETS, Mattings and OH Cleths, linens and Quilts, Woolens for Men's Wear, and Ready-Made Clothing, &c, All el theubeve Iiavcfceeu markrvl at a rurv low nrice. as we nre determlned te clote out tint entire let The sale in going en dally rrem fl . m. until 7 p. m. Saturday evenings until 0 o'clock In Htore rooms in rear of main store. Jib there Kiw no damage te Bleck In main store room business there 0(m en as ii.mihI. HAGER & BROTHER, NO. 25 WEST KING ST11EET. VLOTJ1IXG. A FACT WORTH THE REPUTATION OP THE -OF- A. C. YATES & CO. FULLY ESTABLISHED. Four Vt'arH of tjuccess in l'rednHns Klrst-Clatv CLOTHING. :e: IMOREASINQ SALES AND SPREADING POPULARITY THE RESULT OF OUR EFFORTS TO PLEASE THE PUBLIC. ax epex neon te all at thh LEDGER! SKr (BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA, THE FINEST VLOTMXG HOUSE IN AMERICA. JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST LOT OF GENTLEMEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHING GOODS Ever brought te this city, embracing all the new, beautiful And most stylish colors in Neckties and Scarfs for the Summer Season. Men's Colored itnlbrlpgun Hese, with Embroidered Silk cleeks: Scarlet and lllue Silk ilese; Fancy Colored Half Hese; Striped Cotten Unit iiose and Alerine Half He-e. Men's and Heys' Suspenders and Fine Itracrs, in all styles and Celers, lien's and Jtey' White !re- and Colored Hlilrts, Hunerinr Chariet Shirts, and lllue Flannel Xoglige Shirts. Men's and rieys' Summer Underweur In Merine and India tiause. Men's and IJeys' Colored Ijlsle Thread and Kid Gloves, ter Summer Wear. Men's and Beys' Vulcanized llubbcr Hiacc-n, and a larfje stock of tine Silk, French LInen end Cambric llandkerchleli. Men'sjand Heys' Latent Style Fine Llnen and Paper Cellars and CuUkw MYERS & RATHFON, CENTEF HALL, :,'e. 12 EAST KIiNO BTREET, WATOJIBS, JBWETjKY, &c. SPECIAL -:e:- EDW. J. ZAHJVI, JE'WrELER, ZAHMS CORNER, LANCASTER, PA. :e: Onr largely Increased business makes It neeessary for into cnlaitfe our rtore room. Te make room for the alterations re oentcutplats, we will cles out as much of our stock as pos sible, between this date and the 10th of AUGUST, at GTtEATLY REDUCET PKICES. This offer applies te any article In eur extensive stock EXCEPT SPECTACLES, aud wil alTei-d all who dosire goods In our line a rare opportunity te buy from nrst-class stock at un usually low prices. ZAHM'S CORNER. GENTS' HOODS. jlOIl LIKEN CULLAItS eeTO BRISMAX'8. -PUB rX STOCKINGS GOTO KEISMAK'M. inult SLSPKNDERS eeTO EUISMAX'S. T?1 OB MK1V KTXLB J- ! K J. ERISMANTS, C NORTH UUKKX STMKET. REMOVALS. DR. S. B. FOKEMAN, (PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEON), Removed Irem Ne. 18 Seuth Prince street te Ne. 311 West KteK street, Lancaster, Pa. rm2Mmd HOODS. -i- Muslins and Sheetings, BMEOEEIIG! GREAT CLOTHING HOUSE LAMIASTKi.', VESWA. NOTICE. LANCASTER, PA. JtOJiES, JOtASKJiTS, &C. OIGN OF TUB BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES! R0BE3!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS 1 ! I have new en hand the Largest. Kbst akd CRBAricsT Absebtmett of Lined and Unllned BUFFALO UOItES in the city. Alse LAP AND HOUSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, 49llcpalrlng neatly and promptly done.-5a A. MILEY, - 108 North Queen St., Lancaster. e'A-lydMW&S GRAIN Sl'KCULATION In large or small amounts. $25 or $20,000 $20,000 Wrile W. T. SOULE & CO.. Commission Mer chants, 130 La Salle street, Chicago, 111., for cir ealarf, mss-iyd aanrastrr I-ntrlh'gmcrr. THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 22, 1880. Aunt Pniers Kiutlucss. Somehow thiugs began te go wreu in tlie Jlerrydcw household from the day when Aunt Prudence came te stay thore en a bhert visit, which lasted two years. Yeu sec bhc was such an observant per son, was Aunt Pi ue, and she took such kind interest in her niece, Helen, and the Iattcr's htibbaud, Jack, that it was mere than she could de te .sit quiet when she saw filings going en round her with which she disappi jved. And she disapprered of meat things. Her sense of right and wrong was very straight, and hhc scorned the conventional cowardice- of tolerating theso social laches which she believed te be deadly sins. This docs net mean that she made fienuc-nt lefeience te Hely Writ in her homilies, for in truth the canon law which she laid down for the guidance of her young relatives teemed te be altogeth er of her own making. Siie would say : "I have found by cxpciicnce that this "or that course is foolish, and leads te mis chief ;" and sometimes she would add this clincher : "1 wish te act kindly, and I feel it would be mistaken kindness te-bequcath my fortune te persons who de net under stand the science of life," meaning by these persons Jack aud her niece, Nell.' Here is the cat out ei the bag : Aunt Pi ue had money, and it was the hope of being made hir heirs which exercised, it must be feared an ascendency ever the tee meieenaiy .eul.s of the jlorrydews, husband and wife. "If it wci0i.'t for her money, I'd kick the old cant in -j lVump out of the house," bawled Jack, k sing all patience one day, about six weeks, after Aunt Pine's arrival. 'llu.ih, der.i !" unclaimed Helen, boni beni fied. '-If auule left us she would go back te the 31 jilti:!, who would intrigue te get us disird.jiitcd ; and hew silly we should leek thcii i ' Allusion te i-L cousins, the Mailers, always had th- cnect of quieting Jack, who would have out up with a great deal from Aunt Pine n.rely te hpite her ether nephew and niece, whom he hated. These relatives wi-ie undeubtidly an:rlinir for Aunt Prue'.s feitune. After harboring the old lady in their house for three ycais they had, at last, offended her, and she had stamped off in a dudgeon ; but since thai day they have been fawning in many sycophantic v.svjfategct her back, and it was the invaiiablc tin cat of auntie, v.hcn thwarted in any of her whims, that bIie would return te the hospitality of these Meilcrs. vik, judging by her de.sci iptien of them en tliCM! occasions, seemed te be paragons of all the virtues and graces. Theic came a day when even the, gcntle soul of Helen lcbctled against the oft-re peated eulogy et the 3Ioders, and she said te her hu.sbaud : " Jack, I can't .-t.md it any longer ; let her cut us off with a shilliii'.' if sha pleases but 1 must turn her out of the house. I have had enough of being this old weinan'B slave' ' Hush, my dear," said Jack, taking it in his tuin te play the peace-maker. 'JuM: read this : be quick," and he produced a feltbd paper of lc.;l aspect. "Oli, .lack, it's auntie's will; wheie did you gel it.'" exclaimed iLk-n. whose breath was cut si eit as she read th?. first line. " 1 found it en the table of her sitting loom ; make liable and read it while the old girl is in the garden," answered Jack, who was himself much excited. Peer Helen turned quite scarlet, and her hands trembled from nervousness as she read aloud the following weids : " I ceJwlitiilc my betecctl niece, Helen. Memjdcw, sole heiress of all my properly, personal and rati te itit : rcrliin hauls in (he county ej S' , yielding L'2,000.f yenr, enl a mm of forty thiivtsiuul penmls invested in three per cent, conseh, along icith nil my plate, jcicelry, pizluns unujnrntiure. "Oli, Jack hew very kind !" ejaculated Helen, as she dropped her hands into her lap and looked ai her husband with brim ming eyes. " Yux, 1 think the old lady is weith pet ting," answeied Jack Mcnydew refolding the will. " Hew cruelly we have misjudged her !" said Helen. "I feci as if the devotion of a life-time would net be enough te p.iv for all this kindness.'' " Well. well, she h seenly new, se I hope our piti-Mice will net be put te the test loe Ien:;-," muttered .lack, candidly. "Oh. .Jacl;, hew can you talk se I" le plied Helei!, in a scandalized tone; and from that time feilh she would never hear a word uttered against Aunt Piudencc. She endered all the Litter's groans, lecturer, and menaces with the equanimity of an angel ; and Jack found all occasional ten dencies en his own pail, towards mutiny icpresscd with the coldest severity. He had indeed dene a very bad day's work in showing his wife Aunt Piue's will. At first he was rather pleased with the conscquence of his proceeding, because Helen vastly improved the domestic com missariat with a view te pleasing her generous iclativc's palate. She began te give excellent dinners, and allowed her husband eark Uanchc in laying in a stock of highly-priced wines. I5ut in propor tion as Helen became mere subservient, se did Aunt Prne grew mera exacting net willingly peer old lady, for, te use her own term, she was a percen "of lowly taste, thankful for trifles," but then it wa3 her maxim that people should de their best te please tho.se tliey loved ; aud her standard of of best happened te be a very high one. Se Jack seen get irritated at observing that his wife's stalled oxen were net seasoned by Aunt Prue with content ment, but with porpetualgi limbics. More over, in her quiet way, the old lady gradu ally usurped cemplete dictatorial authority ever the household. Helen was se afraid of giving offence that whatever Aunt Prue said was promul gated as an edict against which there could be no appeal. Aunt Prue took a sudden objection te tobacco ; se Jack, after first being forbidden te smekq in the house, was told that he must net puff his cigars in the open air because the smell of them lingered about his hair and clothes. Angered by this tyranny, Jack ene day appealed at dinner with a red face, which the vigilant aunt chose te as as cribe te potations, se that Helen was warned that if she did net wish te lese her husband by a stroke of apoplexy she must absolutely forbid him te touch wine, spirits or beer. New Jack liked his glass, with out being a toper, but he was se plaintive ly nagged at cvery time he drank stronger liquor than water, that for peace's sake he became a practical tcctetallar. Enforced abstinence, however, did net improve his temper, and finding that his home had beceme a purgatory, where it was sought te refine his moral nature at the expense of his creature comforts, he turned morose and had frequent private tiffs with his wife. ' I suppose Aunt Piue will be cutting off my tea and coffee next," he grumbled ene morning, after he had been softly re buked for putting two lumps of sugar into his breakfast cup. "I wish te goodness the old woman would diaw up a dietetic table for me once and for all, that I might be like ether prisoners and knew what's allowed me. "Hew can you be se greedy, Jack?" answered his wife in irritation. "I'm ashamed te hear you talk like that. If Aunt Prue gives advice for your geed, you ought te be grateful te fellow it." "I like that. Suppose she told you for your sours geed te leave oft silk dresses?" "She has advised me te de se ; and, as you observe, I am wearing a stuff gown. I will no mero , indulge in frivelties of dress." "Ner wear jewelry, I presume?" " I will net if auntie objects te it." "And you d be ready te liv en loots next?" " I am sure auntie would net prescribe me a root diet unless she were persuaded that it would be for my benefit. " This was Helen's dignified rejoinder. "Ah, well then, " ejaculated Mcrrydcw, with his hands in his pockets, " if we are te give up all the luxuries of life and con tent ourselves with necessaries, we shall Cud our present inconie ample, and we need net hanker after Aunt Prue's for tune. " "I am nethankciing after it. Hew dare yen say such a thing!" exclaimed Helen, flushing. "If peer, dear auntie wcre ruined I should net abate my atten tions te her ene jet, but only cherish her the mero for her misfortune. It is out of dutifulucss that" I endeavor te please her. " In making thi3 fine profession Helen fibbed. The peer woman was, in truth, se absorbed by the prospect of her inhoii inheii tance that her whole moral natnre had beceme warped. And she had lest some of her personal attiaetiens besides, for her brew was contracted into the frown of theso who are engrossed by an idee fixe, and her veice hr.d grown, turn by turn, shrill and hypocritical hypocritical when she wai in aimti&'s presence, shrill when she talked te her husband. Ner was this all, for in constantly slaking her hopes upon a fei tune which war. still out of reach like the bird in the bush. Helen had parted with a geed deal of caution in money mat ters which characterises geed wives and mothers. A curmudgeon as regards her own and her husband's personal expendi ture, she grew te be prodigal concerning the general outlay for her household. Ne dishc were tee geed for Aunt Prue's table, no furniture tee costly for her apartments. Helen actually caused a pavil ion te be built in the garden, that autit'e might have a summer boudoir 1 emote from the noises of the read. Her nexl step was te decide that ordinary schools wcre net geed enough for her two boys, aged nine and ten, who wcre fated te be rich with Aunt Prue's wealth ; se she must needs send the pair of them te Eten at a cost of 400 a year. New, as Jack Mcrry Mcrry dew's inceme did net execed G00 per annum, it came te pass that ene summer he had come up te Londen and (-.oil out a little invested capital in oidcrte square his year's budget. Unlucky trip I V Jack draw 1,000 from the hands of his stockbroker, and when be held this sum he was suddenly tempted by the devil te de a strange thing. The life he had been leading for a few days at a Londen hotel offered such a contrast te the miscrnbJe existence he bad been eking out at home that the prospect of ic turning te put his neck under Aunt Pine's yoke seemed intolerable ; se that Jack re solved te accept the invitation of an old club chum and go yachting for three months in the Mediterranean. This reso lution he took en the spur of the moment after a capital little dinner among cronies, and he wietc about it te his wife in these terms : My dhau IIei.ex : I send you .."300 ; the ether 500 1 keep, for I am going te enjoy myself. I want ic.st and relaxation. The sort of life which AuntPruc hnsmade me lead would kill me if prolonged. 3Iy lore te the boys. My next letter will be from Alexandria, and I shall return te, let me hope, a mero cheerful home by Christ mas, probably. i our ailcctienat a J ac i Peer Jack I he had net calculated the effect of this blamewerthy proceeding, for blameworthy it wa. Trials which can be borne by two are often tee much for ene,aud Helen, deserted by her husband, naturally fell moie completely under Aunt Prue thialdem. She was, moreover, wounded te tlie quick by what she considered a levelcsj, unmanly act, insomuch that her aunt had no difficulty in persuading her that a man who leaves his wife te go gad ding must have some ether kirtle in iew. "This," said Aunt Pi uc emphatically, "is my oxperienco of men.'' S, en arriving at Alexandria after a lazy thrce months' cruise, Jack found a letter which Had been sent te him by a lawyer, and which ran te this effect : "Dear Sir : I am instructed te laic again&t you for a dcciee t judicial separation, in the ceuit of matrimonial causes. My client's charges usaimt you are doscrtien and cruelty. "Will you please give'mc the name of your solicitor en whom I may serve process, and oblige yours tinly Jeiix Tackler." "New, confound the old woman, that's unether of aunt's kindnesses 1" exclaimed Jack aghast, as he read this unexpected missive. " "What shall I de, Tem?" and he appealed te his chum, the owner of the yacht. "De nothing," said Tem, who knew his friend's history. " Let the action go un defended; that's the only wayte avoid being bespattered with mud in the divorce court. If you resist your aunt's money will be used te fight you, and you arc sure te be worsted. If you'll let things slide your tinculi matrimenii will be struck off, and you'll be a free man." Jack, who liked Helen, did net much relish this advice, and returned homewards as seen as he could. Hut he was delayed by sickness en the read, and reached Eng land about six months after leaving it. He arrived just in time te bear that the suit against him had been put down en the cause list, and that Aunt Prue wai dead. Yes, dead ; she had died suddenly after a surfeit of tea and muffins, peer lady, and the most touching fact in connection with her demise was that she had net lefl a penny 1 She had never had a penny te leave Her kind imagination had led her all her life te dclude her relatives with talcs of fancy wealth, and te keep them in geed behavior by Icaving.cepics of sham wills en tables, where they might be lead by curious eyes. Dear, fanciful old tiling! let us hepe her imaginative proclivities wcre goed-humorcdly excused in another world. Meanwhile peer Helen had te come te her husband's hotel in. Londen with the sorrowful story of her disappointments. "And eh, Jack," sobbed she, when a reconciliation had been effected, "I am afraid you will have te pay the costs of that suit which I instituted at that wicked old woman's instigation." "I suppese se," answered Jack, dryly. "We are neither of usricli enough new te afford a divorce. And I take it for granted we must give auntie a splendid funeral." "I suppose be," 6ighcd Helen, "else the world would say that we did net love the old cat. People are se wicked aud un truthful I" Se Aunt Prue was buried with great pomp as a last tribute te her many kind-nesici, DKT GOODS. BLACK SILKS Fer Trimming nnil Drcsa, CO cents and tip, At FAHNESTOOK'S, Xext Peer te the Court Ilensc, COLORED SILKS, GO Cents, at FAHNESTOOK'S. SU3IXER DHKSS GOODS Of every description, at FAHNESTOOK'S. (liinutiliesel LADIES' SKIUTS, White aud Colored, 30 cents aud up, at FAEIESTOCK'S, Xext D.ier te Mie Court Heuse. 1 Tetici:. REDUCTION -IX- amiics. We have thi-day iidurcd our eutire stock of WALL PAPERS. NEW PATTERNS, BEST STYLES, AND NOT DAMAGED ! in any way. White lilinilcs lieiii Tie. te t'c. Plat- I10111 Se. te Hie. S.itins from Sc. te K!c. IJrenztn lreiu li?c. te 8i)e. -Ci'-Papfl llllllj: weikinen. at -hoi l notice ly competent J. B. lartrn & Ce. JtiMtZS AXIt STATlOXEJtY. "Vtcw station s;i:v i New, Plain and fancy STATIONERY. Al-;, Velvet ami Kiwtlake PICTURE FRAMES AND EASELS. npr H I VL FLYNN'S !.' AMI STATiONERY STOKE, l.e.' V.'I.-JT K1N HTKKET. JOM BAEE'S SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH QOEEN STREET, LANOASTEK, PA., have In Med. u large nn-ertment of BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Attention U invited te their FAMILY AND PULPIT BIBLES Teachers' ISihlc, Sunday llymn.il.-, l'inyer Heeks, Scheel Libraries, IIVMX HOOKS AND MUSIC HOOKS Err Sunday Schools. FINE IIEWA11D CAJIDS. SCNDAV SCHOOL KEQUISITES Of all kinds ruUXDEUS AXV MACHINISTS. L ANCASTKi; JiOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, Opposite the I.ocemotivb AVekks. 'Die hiih.-criber continue- te manufacturu bOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tunning and ether purposes ; Furnace Twicis, Ilellews i'ljie-s, Sheet-iron Werk, and ISluclc.inithlng generally. cS'Jnbuing pieinptly attended te. inHlMyil JOHN REST. ENGINES AND MACHINERY Ol all Kinds, repaired at Short Netice. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS ANDPATTERNS, 3IADE TO OKDEIt. BRASS BOXES, PACKING MNG& GLOBE VALVES, Of all Sizes. AU Kinds of JJKASS AND IKON VALVES AND I5EEK SPIGOTS UKPAIRED O Foundry and Machine Shep rcareffW D. Sprecher & Sen's Seed Stere, Grant and Christian streets. JOS. H. HTJBEB. al7-3mdS TUV LOCHER'S SYRUP. KENOWNEDJ COUGH JKWKLMM8. LOUIS WBBEK, WATCHMAKEK. Ne. 139ft NORTH QUEEN STREET, near P. R. K. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Silver aad Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ler the celebrated Pantasceple Specta cles and Eye-Qlasses. Kepalrlag a specialty, aprl-lyd LANCASTER, -ELGIN Waltham Watches, AMERICAN CLOCKS. THER MOMETERS, &c. E. F.BOWMAN, 106 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER. PA. Ne. 20 NO USE TRYING Ne. 20 Te get a better WATCH for the money than the WEST END, Hanwfketured y the Lancaster Witt. Cew. V02SAUAT Ne. 20 East King St., Laseaster, P. AUGUSTUS RH0ADS. JEWELER. COAL. B. 11. MARTIN. Wholesale and Itetall Dealer lit all kind of LUMKElt AND COAL. 3-Yard : Ne. 420 North Water and Prince slrcct.s. above Lemen. Lancaster. nS-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal of the Best Quality put up expressly for family use, and at the lcnr est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. tOr YAltD ISO SOUTH WATER ST. nc20-lyd PHILIP SCHUM.SON ft CO. 10ALt UOALI COALtll We have constantly en hand all the best grades of COAL that are In market, which we are selling as low as any yard In the city. Call and get our prices before buying else where. If. F. STEIGERWALT & SON. s271yd U NORTH WATER STREET. OOALl - - - COAL!! GORREOHT & GO., Fer Geed and Cheap Ceal. Iau Harrtsburg Pike. Orilce a East Chestnut Street. P. W. QOKRECHT, Agt. J. B. UILEV. W. A. KELLER. 0-1 C0H0 & WILEY, if.V XOItTII WATEK ST., Lancater, rm., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonle Exchaage. lSrHncliOtUce: Ne.SNOUTII DUKE ST. fbbSS-lyd ARCHERY. FISHING TACKLE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, l-AT- PL JNN & MENEIAN'S ARCHERY, Crequet. Ease Hulls and Eats, Chinese Tey Bemb Shells, Paper Cap Pistols, and ether ScasonHliluUeatla at Fib! & Brenemans Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. tfUXNIXVMX. HBINITSH, FIKE FURNITURE AKD Cabinet Manufacturer. All In want of Fine or Fancy Cabinet Werk would de well te call and examine specimens et our work. OFFICE FUKflTURE A SPECIALTY. HEINITSHr 15X KfcS Street. CHINA. AND GLASSWARE. i"1 LASSWAREt GLASSWARE It Fruit Jars. Fruit Jars. Jelly Tumblers. Jelly Tumblers. Jelly Cups. Jelly Oups. Fruit Jars. Fruit Jars. Jelly Tumblers. Jelly Tumblers. Jelly Oups. Jelly Oups. AT THE LOWEST PRICES, AT CHINA HALL. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. IS EAST KINO STREET. TlNWAMM,4tO LURUH DOLLARS BUTO A F1BST-CLASS KEfBKEKAXOB, With Enameled Water Tank, at SHERTZES, HUMPHBSYILLK ram, -' -I ; ''- v-.-:-si