-;.- -v .---- ' , -rt-J "---1 'V "' .I ll Ml LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER. TUESDAY, J CLY 20,1880. Lancaster Intelligencer. TUE8DAY STONING. JTJuY 20, 1880. CMtfeawei. The discovery that the supreme court of the United States has adjudged the case which involved Garfield's DeGelyer pavement fee is well calculated te pro duce the most lively consternation in the tanks of his rash Republican defenders. Judge Swayne's decision and his severe and sweeping remarks upon the part which Garfield took in the matter are published contemporaneously with a fresh defense which the Republican can didate gives out for himself as an inter view with his campaign biographer. In his last statement Garfield "denies re ceiving any share of the profits or any pay for either his influence or services in any matter directly or indirectly con nected with the scandalous contract." In se doing he presents a striking con trast with the exultant tone of the con tractors who wrote te each ether most jubilantly after they had secured him,and dwelt with intense satisfaction en the fact that they had employed as their attorney the chairman of the com mittee en appropriations who held the purse strings of the nation. lie was retained te argue their case; he was paid a $5,000 fee out of their money, and thenceforth they considered him their ceunseller in all matters affecting their interests most certainly in his position of controlling the appropriation te which they must leek te get their money. If there was any doubt about this it was cleared up by the subsequent develop ments of the case. The thieves fell out among themselves and their contention came into court in Chicago, whence the suit was appealed te the United States supreme court, where in the ad judication of it Justice Swayne an Ohie man and a Republican used this forci ble language : The agreement with Gen. Garfield, a member of Congress, te pay him $5,000 as a contingent fee for procuring a contract which was itself made te depend upon a future appropriation by Congress which appropriation could only come from a com mittee of which he was chairman was a sale of official influence, which no veil can cover, against the plainest principles of public policy. Ne counsellor-at-law, while holding high office, has a right te put himself in a position of temptation, and under pretense of making a legal argument exert his official influence upon public officers dependent upon his future action. Certainly the courts of justice will never lend themselves te enforce contracts ob tained by such influence." This is net the mudslinging of a polit ical campaign, but the calm judicial ut terance of the highest tribunal of law in the country. It must be recognized as conclusive upon a hearing of the facts and it stamps Gen. Garfield's connection with the DeGelyer contract as wholly indefensible and fatal te his political as pirations. A Valuable History. The argument of Cel. MeClure in the Steinman-IIensel disbarment case of which we te-day begin the publication of a literal report will be read with wide interest, net se much because f the local and personal issues which are in velved in its discussion, as for the grave question of constitutional liberty and judicial usurpation which it presents in such masterly style. The history of judicial infirmities in this state is a very curious and interesting one, and Cel. MeClure has rendered great service te the profession by his compilation of it and his forcible presentation of the guides and the warnings which it affords. The example of the early iui- lieachiuent of the state judges who "as sumed that with the common law had come all the despotic power of judges necessary in England te sustain the omnipotence of the crown ;" the roman tic history of Judge Baird, who sat in the famous Austin case ; Judge Irwin's curious experience, and the numerous illustrations presented of the necessity for the press te vindicate the integrity of the bench when it fails te vindicate itself, are landmarks in the history of Pennsylvania jurisprudence. They concur in pointing the single moral of Cel. McClure's whole argument : It is worthy of notice, however, that these errors de net come from these te whom the bar. the press and the public point as the ornaments of the sanctuary of justice. Great judges de net grasp ler the extreme powers conferred upon courts te enable them te enforce process and corn Del Dublic confidence in the administration of the laws. The Bairds, the Stantens and the Pattersons de it : the Gibsons, the Blacks and the Woodwards have never done it. It is the petty judge and the cer rapt judge that loves despotism and per verts the law te its own degradation, while able and reputable judges command pub lic respect by their fidelity te justice and have no uses for their extreme powers te punish their fees. Meukitt was appointed collector of New Yerk te succeed Arthur the Re publican candidate for vice president, because Arthur was an opponent of civil service reform. Se offensive was his;efiicial conduct that the geed Mr. Hayes felt impelled te say in dismissing him, " you have made the custom house a centre of partisan political manage ment," and Jehn Sherman in his letter of dismissal used this language: "Gress abuses of administration have continued and increased during your incumbency ;" " Persons have been regularly paid by you who have rendered little or no ser vice ; the expenses of your office have in creased, while its receipts have dimin ished. Bribes, or gratuities in the shape of bribes, have been received by your subordinates in several branches of the custom house, and you have in no case supported the effort te correct these abuses." This same stone that was re jected by Hayes and Sherman became the head of the corner at Chicago and Arthur is endorsed by both Hayes and Sherman for the second highest office in the nation. Worse than this, comes the report that as Merritt cannot consistently abuse his office te elect Arthur, he is te be displaced te make room for some one who will continue and increase "gross abuses of administra. tien" te serve the exigencies of the Re publican party. That would be in accord with the kind of civil service reform we iave bad from Washington. lONOB TOPICS. The first bale of Georgia cotton of this season arrived in Albany, Ga., en Satur day afternoon, and sold for 15 cents per pound. It is the earliest bale of cotton ever produced in any season in that state. Tub State Teachers' association will meet in Yerk en July 27, 28 and 29th, when B. F. Shaub, of this city, will deliver the in augural address. Among the papers are the following te be read by Lancaster county educators : Women vs. Hen as Teachers, Prof. J. S. Stahr, Franklin and Marshall college; Star Study J. D. Pyott, Lancaster ; JEsthetics in the Scheel Roem, Mrs. Mayne B. Archer, Lititz; Teachers' Studies and Degrees, E. O.Lyte, Millers ville. An early official report, received by the American steel and iron association, of British experts of iron and steel te the United States shows a great falling off during June. The figures for the past four months are : June, 120,530 tens ; May 165, 3G2 tens ; April, 234,478 tens; March, 202,170 tens. The total British iron and steel experts te the United States from January 1st te June 30th, were 986, 291 tens, of which G71,3GG tens were pig and old iron ; 128,088 tens rails ; 29,583 tens steel, un wrought ; 82,805 tens tin plates ; 31,312 tens hoops and sheets, and 43,130 tens bars, etc. Genekaij Neai. Dew has accepted the Prohibition nomination for presi dent in a letter which indicates his intention te stick. Seme of our Republi can friends pretend te feel confident that he will net poll 500 votes in his own state. Even if he should net, hew many votes have the Republicans of Maine te spare? Last year they polled every voter they could bring te the polls, and then were in a minority of nearly a thousand. Maine is a doubtful state, and General Neal Dew's candidacy doesn't help the Repub licans any. PERSONAL. General Smkiiuax arrived at Yankton, Dakota, en Sunday night, and left yester day morning for the East. Jehn Palmer, a well-known bookbinder of Philadelphia, died yesterday at Cape May, N. J., of paralysis, in his j74th year. Attorney General Devens left Washing ton yesterday for New Yerk and Bosten. He will be absent from Washington for three weeks. Hen. Jacou BRiNKEniiOFF,agcd 70 years, died at Mansfield, Ohie, yesterday, He was the author of the original draft of the famous Wilniet proviso and was judge of the supreme court of Ohie from 1850 te 1871. Rev. II. M. Kieffer, pastor of the Re formed Church of the Ascension, Norris town, having been granted a leave of ab sence of four weeks, has arrived with his family in Lancaster, where he will spend the greater part of the vacation. The arrangements for the annual conven tion of the American Bankers' association at Saratoga en the 12th and 13th of August are completed. Among the special topics for discussion will be the silver question. Secretary Sherman has premised te address the convention en resumption and refund ing. Chairman Jewem. often likes te tell hew he went out of Grant'scabinet, or was " fired out," one bright summer morning. He had net the remotest idea of what was coming when he received a message from General Grant saying that his presence was desired at the White Heuse. He thought there must be some trouble about some postelficc, se he walked into the pres ident's office in his usual festive manner and smiled a bland geed morning upon the great man. The smile was net returned. " Mr. Jewell, I want you te sit down at that table right ever there and write your resignation," said the president. Mr. Jew ell did net have breath enough te ask why or wherefore, or te make any resistance, but quietly sat down and wrote his " little piece," as the president desired. Then he walked out without another word and went ever te the department and closed up his business. DEATI1 OF WILLIAM CALDER. The Career of a Successful Business Man Who Itullt Up Ills Native City. William Calder, a wealthy and leading citizen of Harrisburg, died at his home in that city yesterday. He was born July 31, 1821, in Harrisburg, and at an early age became actively interested in the business of his father's stage coach line and he nat urally grew into the canal and railroad in terests of the state. In 1851 he assumed the management of his father's whole bus iness, which was very extensive. In 1857 he undertook the completion of the Lebanon Valley read, en the failure of its contractors, making him self personally responsible for the wages of the men engaged en it. In 1S5S Mr. Cal der became one of the partners in the well known banking firm of Cameren, Cal der, Eby & Ce., which afterward became the First national bank of Ilarrisburg, of which Mr. Calder became president. In the same year he was elected a director of the Northern Central railroad and took an active part in preserving the supremacy of Pennsylvania interest in that corporation. At the breaking out of the rebellion Mr. Calder rendered the government very im portant services, through his large knowl edge, in the purchase of horses, supplying no less than 42,000 nerses and 67,000 mules during the war, and establishing prices for them'se low as te effect a very great saving te the government in this department of its supplies. He was at this time very largely engaged in financial operations. Mr. Calder never neglected an oppor tunity te aid the material prosperity of Ilarrisburg. He was one of the originators of the Ilarrisburg car works, and in 18G3 was one of the projectors of the Lochiel rolling mills, which continue yet in success ful operation and with which he and Simen Cameren have ever since been identi fied, liaising $300,000 he reorganized the Harrisburg cotton mills company and placed it en a firm foundation, and when this was en the way as a profitable investment he succeeded in starting the Harrisburg foundry and machine shops which new employ about 1,500 men. This was followed by Jthe erection of the (fire brick works and by influential steps te sc sure thefeunding of the Pennsylvania steelworks at Baldwin. He has been an officer of very many ether companies of a business character and during his lifetime distributed a fortune te charities. He was a Republican in politics, but did net seek office, and his highest position of that kind was as a member of the Harrisburg coun cil. William Calder will be. missed from the business life of Harrisburg, and his death will be felt in ether parts of the state. Wm. Mumma, aged 18, son of Rev. I. C. Mumma, a U. B. preacher of Annville, Lebenen county, has been cut te pieces en the Lebanon Valley railroad near Palmyra. PROF. HUGOIKS Indulges In Seme Pertinent Observations), Lancaster, July 19, 1880. Messrs. Editors : As there has been a geed deal said in your columns about my arrest at the City hotel a few days age, I deem it net out of place for me te make a few statements. I want te say te the citizens of Lancas ter that my arrest was hasty and ill-advised. I came te your city, advertised my business in the papers, and immediately went te work canvassing, passing out my business cards wherever I went. This fact of itself ought te have been sufficient te secure me from the unjust suspicion te which I was subjected. I had, however, only worked three days, making many pleasant acquaintances and friends, when I was tapped upon the shoulder by a pe liceman and informed that I was charged with entering a room, breaking open a trunk, and "feloniously" taking therefrem a silver watch and ether jewelry. The reason given for the suspicion was that I had been seen going te and from my room a geed many time during the day, my room being en the same fleer en which the rob bery was committed. New I had engaged that room, paid for it, and naturally enough considered my self entitled te go te and from it as often as I desired, or as often as necessary. The very fact that se many persons saw me going te and from my room or up and down stairs is sufficient evidence te any reasonable person that I made no effort te conceal my going and coming. I am aware that when a man is robbed he feels that the matter will net admit of delay, that something must be done, and quickly. However, in all cases, it is best te use judgment In this case Mr. Frick ought te have made some in quiry what my business was and hew I was attending te it. Had he done se he would have discovered, that I had a business in a neighboring city and was then vigorously engaged working it up in Lancaster. Had he thus informed himself, and given the facts the Chief Deichlcr, I am quite sure the chief would never have advised him te arrest me. In se doing he thus wasted his time, and gave the real thief a chance te escape. These facts show either a want of judgement or bad advisers. It is net only uncomfortable but very in jurious and a serious matter te be placed iu the hands of an officer upon such a charge no matter hew false it may be. There is always a pesibility of injuring an innocent man te a far greater degree even financially than all the stolen property is worth.te say nothing of the discomfort at tending such an arrest. I am fully con. vinced that my business has been injured at least double the amount of Mr. Flick's published losses, te which may be added the mortification of being roughly intro duced into the society of the fleas and bed bugs of a damp and noisome cell of Lan caster city prison. I want te say te Lancas ter citizens and through them te the whole world, that the people's liberties ought net te be held se lightly. The sunlight of liberty is tee precious a been te be thus snatched away en se slight a pretext. Character is tee valuable te each individual te be thus lightly sacrificed. As regards what the reporters have said during my confinement I shall say nothing, from the fact that they are expected te write and print everything they hear about such an occurrence, net stepping te analyze very closely. As regards my per sonal character, I have no fear of its suffer ing among these who knew me, at my home in Reading or among my business acquaintances iu Allcntewn, Bethlehem, Pettsvillc or any ether town in which I have done business. Net even in Lancas ter, for my intention is te continue here until I finish up the business for which I came, thus giving the citizens of Lancas a chance te judge for themselves. Notwithstanding my full and entire ac quittal before the justice, I deem it only fitting and proper that I should make these statements te your readers, lam, respectfully, Leander E. Huggins, 48 North 5th street, Reading, Pa. LATEST NEWS BY MAIL. Baseball: At Trey Trey City 12, Chicege 9. At Springfield Cleveland 4, Nationals 1. The steamer Desseuk, having the Egyp tian obelisk en beard, arrived in New Yerk harbor last night, and will go up te the city te-day. Frederick Sewall, the t7-year-eld son of Dr. F. R. Sewall, of Brooklyn, was drowned in Great Neck Pend, N. J., by the capsizing of a small row-beat which he attempted te sail. A three-year-old child named Ella Carr, daughter of the section foreman of the N. Y. P. & O. R. R, at Greenville, while unobserved by her parents, ran away up the track and was instantly killed. The body of the boy Johnny Cain, who disappeared in New Orleans en June 27th, was found yesterday in a vault en his father's premises. It is believed that he fell in accidentally. An excursion train going from Teledo te Indianapolis, en the Wabash railroad, ran off the track yesterday morning and was wrecked. One passenger was killed and forty ethers injured, sixteen seriously and at least three fatally. General Manager J. E. Wootten, Chief Engineer William Lerenz and General Traffic Manager J. Lewrio Bell, forming the beard of appraisers of the Reading railroad company, started yesterday after noon upon a tour of inspection of the prop erty of the incorporation. A violent cyclone and bail storm visited Menree county, Mich., en Sunday after noon. All vegetation was destroyed in a path seven miles long by from half a mile te a mile wide, and several beusesand barns were wrecked. The damage is estimated at $20,000. The City hotel, at Flint, Michigan, kept by A. Payne and owned by Mrs. J. Mc Dermott, was burned en Saturday night. The less is between $7,000 and $10,000; insurance, $5,000. Seme of the boarders barely escaped with their lives, getting out of second and third-story windows. Geerge Lewis, well connected in Wil mington, Del., has been cowhided by Mrs. Jehn W. McCoy, because, as she alleges, he slandered her. Mrs. McCoy drove out with her husband te the place where Lewis was employed, and the hus band held a pistol te his head while the woman inflicted the chastisement. AnnMolley, in attempting te cress the tracks of the siding of Philadelphia and Reading railroad at the Kohineor colliery was struck by an engine and run ever. Beth legs were severed from the body and she was otherwise horribly mangled. She is a widow and mother of seven children. She cannot recover. A fire in a large four-story building en First avenue, between Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth streets, New Yerk, caused a less last night which is estimated at $300, 000. The portion of the building destroy ed was occupied by various rnanufacturing firms ; the ether portion, occupied by the brewery of Herman Eehler and the malt beuse of Arneld & Bernheimer, escaped the flames. The boiler of a steam saw mill near Barresville, Charlette county, Va., ex ploded en Saturday with terrific force, killing one colored man, fatally wounding an empleye named Bryant and severely wounding five ethers The body of the man who was killed was very much mangled and pieces thereof were scattered for a distance of fifty yards around. The engine, weighing five thousand pounds, was blown twenty yards away. Jonathan Carey, of Frankford, Del., a wealthy farmer, committed suicide by jumping down the well in the yard. He is about sixty years of age and leaves a wife and children. He was the owner of quite a large landed estate. Temporary here ditary insanity is supposed te be the cause of the suiciec. His brother, Jesiah S. Carey, two or three years age shot him self. The present victim has given evi dence of derangement for some months past, but his family would net acknowl edge it te the neighbors. At Duckwcll's grocery, six miles from Louisville, Cash Davidsen, a wealthy young farmer, came into the grocery in toxicated, and first tried te sheet an un offending negre, but was prevented by Duckwell. Then Alexander Tayler came in te buy a bottle of beer. Davidsen said he could net have it, and seizing a gun, pursued Tayler te the deer, and as Tayler threw a brick at him he fired, killing lay lay ler instantly. Then beating another negre en the head with the butt of the gun, he get into his buggy and drove off. STATE ITEMS. Pcters's large flouring mill, at Franklin, has been laid in allies by an incendiary fire. Samuel Hi ins, a deaf mute, Hamburg. Berks county, was struck and instantly killed by lightning. Near Meadvllle, a German emigrant aged 35, stuck his head out of the car window and striking the bridge completely tore the upper portion of his head off, scattering his brains both iu and outside the coach. His wife and two children occupied scats beside him. Justus Heffman, a shoemaker, shot his wife and baby at Pittston last evening. The infant was killed and its mother mor tally wounded. Heffman, who was drunk at the time, was taken te the Wilkesbarre jail under a strong guard te prevent him from being lynched. Ralph Gibbens, aged thirty-eight, who started from Ashland en Saturday night for his home at Centralia, was found near Central ia horribly mangled and uncon scious. It is alleged he was beaten by companions who had attended a dance with him that night. He cannot recover. The authorities are investigating the af fair. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. IN THE LOWER ESU. The Tobacco Fields of Druraere. " The tobacco crop of the southern end of the county will rank favorably with that or any ether scetien," was the answer given te us by a prominent grower of Drumore township when asked as te the tobacco outlook. A leek at a number 'of fields green with tobacco plants con vinced us of this fact. AH around Chest nut Level, Smithvillc and the Buck the growing weed leeks remarkably line, while at Fairfield and vicinity in many places it is nearly ready for topping. In company with several extensive planters we scoured this end of the county, and were shown the finest fields, but with none were we se favorably impressed as with that in the immediate vicinity of Fairfield. Dr. Glacken, taught by the experience of former years has a number of acres out this year, mostly of the famous "Gless- ncr" variety ; and te facilitate the curing of his crop he has erected a large and com plete store or curing house. It is roomy, well ventilated, supplied with a large elo ele elo vater, has a commodious cellar beneath and all around are tables te be used for stripping. As a whole it is one of the most complete houses of the kind in this end of the ceuuty. Mr. James G. McSparran has also erect ed a large warehouse en his farm. Nearly all the growers in this end seem te be aiming for late tobacco, and te have been very reluctant te plant cars. The late rains here helped the growing plants considerably, although in some places the floods for the reads and fields at some points were inundated washed numbers of plants away, but the extent of damage by water is net se great as was at first considered. Fairfield is te have a Hancock pole rais ing. The Odd Fellewshall will be opened for the speakers, a baud will be hired and the boys will have a grand time. The late storm has net been very destruc tive te the growing crops. The lightning played havoc among the trees and the wind and rain laid low the waving corn and eats, but as a whole it was a blessing rather than an injury. BEAKEMAX FOUND DEAD. Struck by an Overhead Bridge. Near Downingtown, this morning, Jacob Merrett, brakeman en extra freight engine Ne. 117, west, was found lying dead en the top of one of the cars of his train. It is supposed he was struck by the overhead bridge at Bryn Mawr, instantly killed and lay en the top of the car until he was dis covered near Downingtown. His body was left at Downingtown for the purpose of having an inquest held en it, after which it will be forwarded for burial at Harrisburg, the late home of the deceased. Mr. Merrett was a young man, unmarried. Rlile Sheeting. Yesterday a number of gentlemen from this city, who will be members of the rifle club which will shortly be organized, spent the day rifle sheeting en the farm of Senater Mylin. They used a regulation target and a long range rifle, the distance beiug 800 yards. Mr. A. C. Kepler made a number of bull's eyes, and all of the ether gentlemen were able te hit the tar get. Freight Wreck. Last night about 12 o'clock two large coal cars, which were being shifted at the Pennsylvania freight depot, jumped the track at a curve in the siding. The wheels were tern from the bodies, but no ether damage was done. The Parkesburg wreck train was sent for and the cars were placed en the track after some work. Sale of Henes. Samuel Hess & Sen, auctioneers, sold yesterday at the Merrimac house, at public sale, for Daniel Legan, 17 head of horses, at an average of $161 per head ; one out of the let was sold for $361. THAT GARFIELD POLK. Chopped and Sawed and Mutilated. It Gees Up After Lying for Sixty Heur m the Gutter. The "magnificent" Garfield pole in front of Ziegler's hotel, East King street, which the ITete Era ventured te predict would be up in half an hour, was finally get into position last evening between 6 and 7 o'clock, after lying in gutter for sixty hours. As was stated in yesterday's Intelli gencer, after the most frantic and long continued efforts en part of the managers te put the pole up en Saturday, the job was at last abandoned at 3 o'clock en Sunday morning, at which hour the awkwardly spliced stick broke in two. And there it lay all day Sunday, the laughing stock of the Democratic boys, the shame of the Rads and an eye-sere te the community at large. It was regarded by the hundreds of people who went te see it, with much the same interest that would be bestowed en a dead sea-serpent, or ether defunct mon ster, and a few curiosity-hunters plucked from its bushy top a withered leaf or two te preserve as mementoes of the great fiz zle. On Monday morning an inquest was held en its remains by the political doctors. It was pronounced te be as dead as the bull rushes round little Moses. Its shoulder joint was fatally fractured, its trunk was cut in two and its bushy head was twisted out of all proportion. It was resolved, however, te dissect it, and set up its skel eton as an anatomical curiosity. Se they went te work and chopped about eleven feet right out of the middle of it. The defective shoulder-joint was entirely re moved, and the opposing Bull-Ring and Heg-Riug ends of the leg were tapered down se as te make them fit. Ed Edgerley was directed te make a new set of heavy clips or bands te held the two fractions of the pole together, and it was resolved te cut off one of the crooked, top-heavy limbs that formed the crown of the pole. It was late in the afternoon before all these arrangements were completed and the two pieces were securely spliced. Meantime Alderman Jehn Smith, who had refused en Saturday te lean his derrick and tackle te the drunken committee who had been sent for it, was approached by a sober committee, aud te them he leaned the apparatus. The derrick was put up a short distance east of the pole, and when all was in readiness the "boys" many of whom were colored went te work with a will, and before 6 o'clock in the evening had lifted the pole into place. The ropes broke only once, and the only ether acci dent that happened was the killing of a deg by the falling of one of the long preps used te support, the pole. This prep, which was probably forty feet long, fell within a few inches of a little boy's head, and came very near crushing him te death. The boys cheered when the pole went up, but their cheers were of a half-hearted sickly kind, and when they took a leek at the stick, they were by no means pleased with it. The butt is tee heavy for the splice ; the splice is crooked, and the top of it, instead of standing erect, leans away off towards the north. As a whole, the boys find it impossible te enthuse ever the job, and if they had te de it again they wouldn't de it at all. One of the amusing features of the long-drawn-out-pole raising was "Grizzly" Bair's prophecy. He said, " Gentlemen, just as easy as that pole gees up, se easily will Garfield beat Hancock." Grizzly has found out that the Rads have a bigger job en hand than he imagined. The thinnest of their excuses for their failure te erect the pole en Saturday, and the meanest of mean insinuations, are these contained in the JVeic Era and Ex aminer, that the ropes were cut by Demo crats. The Era says that two or three gentlemen "saw a razor glisten just be fore the rope snapped." Doesn't the Era knew that the Democrats don't carry razors? Concealed deadly weapons of this character are only carried by black Repub licans. Kennedy Killian, who climbed the pole, after its erection, te take off the ropes and nail en the beards bearing the names of the candidates, distinguished himself by his daring, if we de net say recklessness. With the aid of a pair of telegraph spurs he went up the pole like a cat, and when at a great height, while nailing en the beard his spurs slipped from their held in the weed and he was left dangling there, clinging te the poie with one arm enly.lt was feared by these who were looking en that he would fall, but with great presence of mind he "righted " himself, finished his work, and drank a bottle of beer that was sent up te him en a rope. Gap Items. On Thursday night last some daring robbers entered the cellar of Mr. H. Fex aud carried off a keg of mackerel, leaving only two small fishes lying en the lum ber close by the house. They escaped without anyone hearing them. Thence they proceeded te Mr. II. M. Sweigart's restaurant and forced their way in and helped themselves te candies, tobacco and cigars, taking with them for some distance the ice cream and freezer, and they de voured the cream and left the freezer. They also entered Mr. David Frantz's mill, carrying the safe out, opening it and getting nothing for their labors. Ne clue has as yet been ascertained of their where abouts. The festival held in Penn Monument hall, en Saturday evening last, proved te be a great success, there being a very large attendance and the evening being very favorable. The proceeds are for the benefit of the Gap M. E. church. Every body seems te be willing te lend a helping hand toward this geed cause, and the com mittee extended a vote of thanks te the Presbyterian brethren for the kindness they have shown in helping te liquidate the debt of the Gap M. E. church. There was an abundance of all the delicacies of the season. The festival closed at a late hour, and almost everything was disposed of, realizing $103.25. Returning Heme. Messrs. Lindemuth, Musselman and Mehaffcy, of Marietta, the latter a student at Ycatcs Institute, passed through en their way home en the 7:25 train last evening. They started about two weeks age for Philadelphia in a row beat via the Pennsylvania and Unian canals and Schuylkill river, but were compelled te return before reaching their destination, their beat becoming disabled at Reading. Paid. The Quarryville and Reading and Col umbia railroad employees received their "dust" for the month of June te-day. The car passed dewu the read at eleven o'clock. THIS MORNING'S RAIN. a Heuse Deluged by Water. During the heavy rain which fell be tween 2 and 3 o'clock, the water again gathered in large quantities in the lower part of Charlette street, between Lemen and Walnut. The water from the fields and streets in that part of the town all flew into the street at that point, and when the rain is heavy it rises very high and the sewer will net carry it off. This morning the street was again filled with water, which again flowed through the house of William O'Brien. The cellar was ruu full of water, as indeed was the whole lower part of the house. Mr. O'Brien and family were awakened by the noise, as were all the neighbors, who as sisted him te save his property. The carpets and furniture were badly damaged. The stable of Cel. Miles was flooded by water, and the cellar of Officer Flick's house was filled te a depth of several feet. There is certainly something wrong with the street at this point. Seme of the water which comes from that part of the town should either be run off in another direc tion or the sewer should be enlarged, for in the present condition it will net carry off the water which gathers there during heavy rains. The place should certainly be looked after by the street department. It is said that Mr. O'Brien intends bring ing a suit for damage against the city, as it was only last Friday that his house was deluged, The people who reside en Water street and who had their houses flooded en Fri day, saved their properties this morning by hard work. Reported Drowning Untrue. It was reported in this city yesterday that Alexander Killheffer, son of Jacob Killheffer, who left some time age with Geerge Rcimcnsnydcr and Harry Cooper te take a trip through the Seuth, had been drowned. It appears that the party se cured a beat in Pittsburgh some time age in which they rowed down the Ohie river. After going some distance they fell in with Harry Yonker and a young man named Fester, also from this city, by whom they were joined. They proceeded down the river, aud, com ing te a large curve in the stream, Rcim ensnyder and Fester said they would take the short way by walking across the coun try, and would meet the ethers at a point farther down the river. When Reimen snyder and Fester arrived at this place they were unable te find their friends, al though they made a diligent search for them. They then wrote te this city that they feared that they were lest. This gave the family of young Killheffer some uneasiness for a time, but it was after wards learned that a letter had been re ceived from Yonker and party. They stated that their party was safe, but were unable te find Reimcnsnyder and friend. I'elice Cases. Geerge Bryer, a half-grown bootblack, who has the reputation of being a bad boy and who has been in prison several times en short terms, had a hearing before Al derman McConemy for being drunk and disorderly. He was discharged with a rep rimaud, and was told by the squire .that if ever complaint is again made against him he will be sent te prison. This boy is in the habit of teasing smaller boys, throwing stones and sticks at people, and it was for this kind of a charge that hu v.'.is held. There was no one in the station house this morning. Sue Martin, Charlette Grey and 'Sarah Jane Wilsen, 'all colored, were arrested this morning for being drunk and disorderly by Chief Deichlcr. They will be heard by Alderman A. F Dennelly. William Anne, a little son of Alenzo Anne, who is beyond the control of his parents, was arrested last evening by Offi cer Derwart. He was committed te prison by Alderman A. F. Dennelly, and his father will probably move te have him sent te the house of refuge. SIGHTLESS FIGS. Remarkable Cases et Blindness. Mr. Adam E. Ranck, of Fishing creek mills, en the Columbia and Pert Deposit railroad, is the owner of three sews, each of which has, within a few weeks past, given birth te a litter of pigs, and every pig of the three litters is stone blind, several of them having net the semblance of an eye in the eye-seeket. In every ether respect the pigs are perfect and healthy. They are growing finely, and seem te be endowed with unusually geed hearing. It is quite amusing te see them prick up their cars and listen, ap parently with the keenest interest, te any strange noise. The pigs are of the Chcsttr white breed, and there are from ten te a dozen in each litter. The sews and bears from which they were bred have geed eyes. Can any of enr scientists give a reason for this wholesale blindness ? Carpenter Injured. Yesterday Samuel Jeffries and another young man by the name of Rooney, who are in the employ of Jehn Bachman, car penter and builder, were at work en a new tobacco shed en the premises of Jeremiah Herr, in East Lampeter township. While they were standing en a beard of a 'scaf fold, about sixteen feet from the ground, it tilted and threw them te the ground. Rooney was bruised se badly as te be una ble te go te work, and was brought te his home in Lancaster. Jeffries was net hurt. ROBBERY AT SAFE HARBOR. Twe Houses Broken Open. On Saturday last the residences of Jehn Henry and Jehn J. Tayler weie broken into by thieves, while the families were from home attending a picnic. The thief stele a watch and chain, the property of Mrs. Henry, and several small articles of no great value were stolen from Mr. Tay Tay eor's. Surety of the Feace Casimcr Lichty, of the Eighth ward, was before Alderman Barr last evening, te answer complaints of assault and battery and surety of the peace preferred against him by Margaret Gettler. The charge of assanlt was dismissed, but the accused was held in bail te answer at court for surety of the peace. Put Out That Light. At high neon te-day the street lamp in front of Cy. McCaskey's house en North Queen street above the Pennsylvania railroad was burning full head just as it had been burn ing all last night and all forenoon te-day. Whose duty is it te extinguish that lamp ? The Humane Flcmc. The picnic of the Humane firp company, held yesterday afternoon and evening at the Green Cottage, was a grand success in every respect. Over one thousand persons were present last evening. The affair was very creditable te the Humane boy. NEWlOBKtUUACCO MARKET. The " Journal's " Repert ter Last Week. The busbies of the week was small in deed. Our leaf men have settled down te the conviction that till September their oc cupation is gene. But then yes, then there'll te a struggle and scamper among manufacturers and jobbers for the choicest of the '79 tobaccos. They will wildly ex amine the samples of the myriads of cases of new tobacco, and the sight of the bril liantly developed leaves (Pennsylvania, es pecially) will indeed turn them into brighter and better men. Such, at least, are the visions of the holders of '79 Penn sylvania, which is all that in the slightest degree lights up their at present desolate existence. We avoid speaking solely of the prospects of the '79 crop te-day, and turn our attention te the growing crop. Frem the reports in ether columns it may be inferred that the state of Pennsyl vania will turn out in the neighborhood "of 110.000 cases. Connecticut, probably 50. 000 ; Ohie, 40,000 ; New Yerk state, 20, 000; Wisconsin, 30,000. An anticipated aggregate of 250,000 cases ! Heme consumption, 110.000 cases. The '79 crop is computed te be 200,000 cases. Figuring that the possible sales of '79 stock from new until January 1, 1S8S, wil 1 sum up 50,000 cases, there will be left 150.500 cases of '79 crop and 250,000 eases of '80 crop. Therefore by the first of next January (granting that the 1880 crop will be pack ed in cases by that time) the stock of seed leaf tobacco in the United States will be 400,000. This is stupendous ; and never before in the history of the tobacco trade of the United States will such a state of affairs have existed. What does this teach ? 1. We must have our expert trade. It can only be had by being able te sell at very low figures. 2. The holders of '79 stock, especially Pennsylvania, must act in accordance with the situation and invite purchasers by offering stock at low figures regardless of purchasing prices. r 3 -The '80 crop, especially the medium goods, must be bought at nominal figures. wnile as te prices for really fine stock, the greatest caution must be observed. There are trying times ahead for our leaf men. Only sagacity in the action of our packers and exporters can prevent our tobaccos from becoming a glut iu the mar ket. Last week's transactions are confined te the sale of probably 600 cases of old tobac cos of various crops, with no change in figures. Ne new tobacco was sold. Havana is very active. The authentic and reliable reports of the bad condition of the new crop have at last stimulated mir market, anil a geed jobbing business is iv prrted at advanced figures. Fine Tobacco at Marietta and Diinrcnl. Mr. Jacob G. Krcider,a prominent farmer near Landisville, says that in his recent drives through the tobacct-grewiiig dis tricts of our county he failed te find any that was equal for size and regularity te what was shown him while en a visit te Marietta, notably a small tteld belonging te Cel. Duffy, near the Pennsylvania rail road depot, and thirteen acres of Jehn M. Stauffcr's, adjoining town. The latter it is been cutting and housing some of his earliest plantingferseveral days past. There are many ether fields in the neighborhood that are very fine, and all in a fine glow ing condition, free from worms and ether enemies se far, premising at this writing a large yield. Who is te Blame t Seme time age, at a fire, the Shilller company ran out of their district anil were lined $10 by the chief engineer. The chairman of the fire committee was in formed of this action by Mr. Fmd ncy, but at the last meeting of councils nothing was said by him in regard te the matter. The chief also in formed the chairman in regard te the bursting of the new hose, but nothing was heard of it afterwards. This explana tion is due Mr. Fordney, as he has been receiving the censure of some parties, while he is net te blame. Valuable Celt Stelen Near Aloigantewn. A valuable two-year-old colt was stolen during Sunday night from the pasture field of Jacob Clingman, tenant farmer en the Brunncr homestead farm in Carnarvon township, Berks county. The thief was evidently en horseback as the track of a new shed horse, as also the hoof prints of the colt, were followed as far as the top of the Welsh mountain, ever a mile distant from the field. The Concstega Vigilant company are searching for the thief. Narrow escape. This morning about half-past five e'cl ck, just as the fast line east was approaching the passenger depot, one of Jehn K. Bit ner's freight wagons, in charge of Peter Weeds, was in the act of crossing the track. The horses became frightened aud the driver could net get them from the track. Fortunately the engineer, Christ. Heffmaltcr, took in the situation at a glance, and applying the air brakes, stop step ped his train just in time te save his horses and wagon from being crushed beneath it. The Ha aceck Straw Stack. Jehn Sener, farmer at Willow Street, threshed out some 1,600 bushels of wheat from the harvesting of about 70 acres. The straw from this enormous product has been stacked in the barn yard in a " Han cock stack," the equal of which cannot be found in the county for size or shapeli ness. Fire at Vesta Furnace. The reef of the casting house of tl.e Vesta furnace, Messrs. Watts, Truells & Ce., Watts station, Pennsylvania railroad, took fire yesterday and was partially de stroyed. The less is fully covered by insurance in the Queen, of Liverpool and Londen, and the Lancaster County Mutual insurance companies. Accident. This forenoon as II. P. Krick, butcher, from Mechanicsburg, was in the act of car rying a quarter of beef into the Farmers' Northern market, he slipped en the pave ment and fell heavily, striking his fore head against the bricks, bruising and cut ting it badly. Heavy Rains. Shortly after 1 o'clock this morning a very heavy fall of rain occurred in this city. During the forenoon we have had a half a dozen mere warm showers, which have thoroughly soaked the ground, and ren dered comparatively safe the corn, potato, and tobacco crops. Mining Bey. Geerge Washington Schrciber, aged 18 years, disappeared from the home of his father, Jehn E. Sehrciber, Warwick town ship, en the 9th inst., and has net liecu heard of ninee. Any information of his whereabeut will be thankfully received by his parent. V ( r- ri -ii J