VV - " V? '',"' '- 7 j" - -7 LAKcASTEE. DAILY IMTJELLlGfeNCfcR. SATURDAY JULY 17, 1880. " u- i. I Marietta Items. Twe of Marietta's old citizens departed this life during the past week Messrs. Samuel Peck and Themas Stcnce. Rev. S. P.Brewn, of the Reformed church, was taken sick en Thursday, and is new lying ill at the residence of Mr. S. L. Dellinger. Wash. L. Hershey, of Chiques, while helping te unload a wagon of lumber en Thursday evening, accidentally slipped and fell, injuring and straining himself badly. It was at first supposed that he had broken his back, or badly injured his neck, almost te dislocation, but examina tion proved that it was only severe strains and some bruises. Three young men, Elmer Lindemuth, David Mchauey and Geerge Musselman, left 3Iarietta one day this week in a row beat for Philadelphia, intending te row the entire distance, by way of the Penn sylvania, Union and Schuylkill canals. m Pedestrlanism In Yerk. The Yerk Daily of te-day says that no one in Yerk, appears te knew of any ar rangement for a walking match for $30 in geld te take place in that borough. Wc arc authorized te state that Harry Hines, the backer of Scheid, and "W. C. Gciter, his competitor, will be in Yerk en Monday te secure a place in which the match is te take i lice. The l'oer Director). The regular monthly meeting of the beard of peer directors was held te-day. Nothing of any importance was transact el. The building committee will adver tise for bids for the rebuilding of the barn en Monday. Very lw. Jehn Dickcl, the little boy who is suffer ing from lock jaw, the result of a pistol wound, is still alive, but is in a very crit ical condition. Dr. A. J. Herr is attend- in; him. Special Train. Yesterday afternoon a special tiain passed west through this city, liavinj; en beard members of the Grand Army, who were en their way te Gettysburg, where they will encamp. They were accompanied by a band of music. Feet Injured. William Williams, colored, was brought te this city this afternoon from Williamsport. He had a portion of his great tee cut off in that place by the cars. He was taken te his home en Middle -si reet. Committed. Gee. Fergusen arrested for drunken and disorderly conduct, was this morning com mitted te the county jail for thirty days by Alderman MeConemy. Kxcursieu te Ceney Island. On Monday morning the excursion te Ceney Island, Brighten, Manhattan and Rockaway, will leave this city via Phila delphia, Reading and Hound Broek route. Tiie trip possesses attractions that have net been surpassed by any simi 1 ir enterprise during the season. Ceney Maud is constantly increasing in popu larity as a seaside resort, while the passage down New Yerk bay is described by these who knew whereof they speak, as pre senting a magnificent view. This trip will be made en one of the famous b:y steamers, the Kill von Knll. Tickets, goeu for two days en any train, are sold at the very low rate of $5 for the round trip. The celebrated Ringgold band will join the parly at Reading and the great Gilniere band, with Levy, the ceinetist, will form a feature of the pleasure at Ceney Island. Train leaves King street depot at 4 a. m. Ai.w.ws keep t. .lAceii'h Oil handy. The Sccn Wise Men. grand family picnic, under thcau-pices el W ishingten Conclave Xe. 1), S. W. M., will l;c held at Tcll's Hain en Monday. m Fir-t-class umbers use the Cuticura Medi cinal Shaving Seap exclusively. ICaftte ter a Lancaster Watch. This evening there will bcaralllc tern fine Lancaster Watch, stein-winder and stem-setter, with heavy sterling cases, at Ames De- Vertcr's saloon. North Queen street, gotten up by the Lancaster Club. An opportunity fcr some lucky one ta secure a valuable time piece at a trilling figure. Piane Pedal Guard. This is a recently patented device, easily at'ached te any piano, and prevents the feet from scratching or inluriiu: the lyre of square pianos, or the hollow beard et an upright piano. It is cast in metal. Highly ornamented, anj costs but a trille. Jeseph Stcinhauser, Ne. 307 North Queens trect is the general agent for thiscity. Sec his advertisement elsewhere. New Shee Stnie. Itrecht & Brether have just opened anew beet and shoe store, Xe. 48 North Queen street, in the large store room lately vacated by Mr. Miesse, confectiencer. The new 11 mi have laid in a very large and well asserted stock of goods, as they bought for cash they are pie pared te sell en the most favorable terms te cash customers. The invalid's hope and strength beyond all ether remedies is Malt Hitters. "Williamson & Fe-tter have jusi rlacc.l lezen of men's working pants en their coun ters, and selling them at 03 cents per pair. They have riveted buttons, lour pockets, and made se as net te rip. Ge and get a pair for they will seen be gene. iclO-M,W,Fd&wtf LVn though the face be net se fair. Anil beauty may be all but flown, Dear ladies, you need netuespair! ir hOZODONT you make your own ; And brush your teeth and mouth with skill, You'll fascinate and conquer still. jyl2-Iwdcediw LANCASTER HOUSEHOLD MARKET. OAIRV. Itutter ft ft l320c Cup cheese, 2 cups lie Cottage cheese, 2 pieces rc Dutch cheese ft lump 810c KltUITS. Apricots ft qt 15glc Apples ft lA l !"- Apples (new) ft K Ik 12c Kauanaseach 2."e Blackberries ft box 812e Cherries, dried, ft qt 12c Currants, dried, ft ft 12c Dried Apples ft qt !Sc " Peaches fl qt 10M2e Hnckleberries ft qt 10i:Sc Lemens IR dez 20(i"ic Oranges dez :i0(i)."i0e Pine Apples ft piece 12."Mic I 'ears ft peek 25c ('caches ft lpeck 20c Raspberries ft box 13lSc VEGETABLES. Asparagus ft bunch S10c Beets bunch Sc Cabbage ft head Sfglee Carrots ft bunch "J."kj Cucumbers ft dez 1320c Kgg Plants each lA2.c Green Cern ft dez 15c Green beans ft Jgpcck 10c " pcasftjpeck 23c Lima beans ft qt. l.')20c Lettuce, head and plate 35c Onions ft pk 25c " ft bunch 5c Potatoes old ft pk .- Kc " newftKpk 1J; Radishes bunch 5c soup Ueans ft qt 0c Salsify ft bunch lc Squashes each 24c Tomatoes ft Jpk 15c FISH. Hassft ft 10c Catfish ft ft I2c Kels ft ft luc i crcli 10c Sun 10c Suckers Jc POULTEV. Chickens ft pair. 4060c Ducks ft pafr 5060c Geese ft piece C0cl XISCELLASntOUS. .25c Canteletrps'. -Vr5 Eggs fde 1H814C Heney. 202Sc Seapf& ;8e Bauer kraut qt 9-c Watermelons 2c Beefsteak, " Ileast (rib) ft ..12C ..1 ..10? ..10 16c lCc 12c ISC (chuck) .p n. " Corned. ft " Dried, ft fJSS" Ham ft...'.!. f8c Lamb ft ft 13l Lard ft ;il8 Mutten ft ft JS0 Perk ft ft. N0 Pudding ft ft j8c Sausage ft ft 21" Sides and Bacen ft ft '&x2 Shoulders ft :;.;:ic Veal 3 ..!. lffi16c GRAIN. Clevcrsced bus -Sri-00 Cern ft bus -Ptf Oats $ bus ltycfl bus wvlr ft ft 1012c TlmethvSeeed ft bus !f?5flf$2 Wheat ft bus 1.101.1S St'KCIAL NOTICES. A Great Enterprise. The Hep Bitters Manufacturing Company is one of Rochester's greatest business enter prises. Their Hep Bitters have reached a sale beyond all precedent, having from their in-trin:-ic value found their way into almost every household in the land. Graphic. jyl-2wd&w Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. IViue for Sickly Persons. Speer's Pert Grape Wine is unexcelled by any ether in its mellow juiciness, richness et flavor and brilliancy et color. Physicians say it is suuerier te imported Pert ler invalids, and in summer it is mere agreeable and rc lreshing than claret. Clergymen use it, for its purity, as a communion wine. This wine is well-known and highly appreciated for weakly females and aged persens.and for communion. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlecand Davis, and .sold by II. K. SlaymaV-er. iylC-2td&w An Old Man's messing. The following letter has been addressed te a writer for this paper: Hei.lv, X. J., June 18S0. Dkaii Sik I am an old man, seventy-seven years of age, and for three or lour years I have had Diabetes, which kept growing worse and worse. 1 di-cliargcd an enormous amount of water, the quantity seeming te increase week after eek, and my strength growing less and less, forced me te think that I must seen die, which I certainly should have done had I net taken Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure, which 1 was induced te try upon recommendation of a friend who had used Warner's hate Kidney and Liver Cure, and was cured by it. 1 have used the Sure Diabetes Cure, it has cured me, and I think it is the best thing in the world. Yours truly, jyl5-2wd&w M. X. SiemiAUn. Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. It you have pimples, bails, salt rheum, rough skin. .Ve., try LtniUcy's ISloed Search er." old by all druggists. linnered and Itlesseil. When a bca'd of eminent physicians and ehemists announced the discovery that by combining some well known valuable reme dies, the most wonderful medicine was pre duced, which would cure such a wide range of diseases that most all ether remedies could be dispensed with, in my were sceptical ; but proet of its merits by actual trial has dispelled all doubt, and te-day the discoverers of that great medicine. Hep Hitters, aie honored and blessed by all benefactors. jyl0-2wd.fcw Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup statistics prove that twenty-five percent, of thi! deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle el" Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup, khall we condemn IhesuMerers for their ncgli gence, or pity them for their ignorance? Xe, U Last King MiwL Sellers' Liver 1'ills" stand unrivaled In the United States ler curing biliousness, Mek headache, Ac. lSrewn's iJeiiKeliiilil l'anacea Is the most efl'eetive Pain Destroyer in the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally erapplicd externally and thereby mere certainly KELIEVK PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength et any similar pieparatien. It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sere Threat, Rheumatism, Toothache and ALL ACHES, and is the GREAT BELIEVER OF PAIX. "BROWX'S HOUSEHOLD PAXA- CE A " should be in every family. A tcaspoon tcaspeon tcaspoen tulofthe Panacea in a tumbler et het water (sweetened, if pretened), taken at bedtime, will BREAK UP A COED. 25 cents a bottle. Fer sale at II. IS. Cochran & Ce's D.ug Stere North Queen street. Lancaster. .Much Sickness, Undoubtedly with children, attributed toethcl causes, is occasioned by Worms. BROWX'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS, or Werm Lozenges although effectual in destroying worms, can de no pesible injury te the most delicate child This valuable' combination lias been success fully used by physicians, and found te be ab solutely sure in eradicating worms. Twenty- live cents a box. f ianl.Vlvd&wTuTli&S Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. 1'OZITICAX. FOR PRESIDENT : GEN. WIXFIELD S. HANCOCK, OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOR VICE PRESIDENT : HON. WILLIAM H. ENGLISH, OF INDIANA. '1 he great principles of American lib crfy are still the lawful inheritance of this people, and ever should he. The right of trial by jury, Vac habeas corpus, the liberty of the press, the freedom of speech, the natural rights of persons and the rights of property must be preserved. WIXF1ELD S. IIAXCOCK, Maj. (Jen. Ceind'g Dept. La. ana Texas. State Electoral Ticket. ELlXTOItS. R. E. MONAGHAN, W. II. PLAYFORD. JOHN SLEVIN. E. A. PUE. .I.M.CAMPBELL. GILLES DALLET. JOHN N, MOFFET. EDWIN WALDON. NATHAN C.JAMES. GEORGE FILBERT. JAMES G. McSPARRAX, DR. ALFRED .1. MARTIN. ADAM GERRIXGER. FRAXK TURXER. P.J. BIRMIXGGHAM. II. E. DAVIS. GEORGE A. POST. A. M. BEXTOX. J. P. LINTON. COI JOHN S. MILLER. SAXTOX. BOWEIt. J. BUCHANAN. J. O. CM J. A CHRISTOPHER MAGEE. ROBERT M. GIBSON. THOS. BRADFORD. HARRY W. WILSON. SAMUEL GRIFFITH. J. ROSS THOMPSON. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOR SUFREME JUDGE. GEORGE A..IEXKS. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL. ROBERT P. DECHERT. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. FOR CONGRESS. J. L. STEINMETZ. FOR DISTniCT ATTORNKV. D. McMULLEX. FOR SENATOR (13 til DISTRICT.) J. B. DOUGLASS. FOR ASSEMBLY (2d DISTRICT.) S. C. STEVENSON, S. P. SII1KK. FOR ASSEMBLY (3d DISTRICT. AMOS DILLEU, it. DAVIS YUXDT, JACOB M. HAENLEX. FOR PRISON INSPECTORS. BARTON M. WINTERS BEXJ. MILLER. FOR POOR DIRECTORS. A. J. SNYDEB, JOHN FRANC1SCUS. Withdrawn. GENTLEMEN ! New is the time te purchase Clothing, as daring the dull months of July and August we will sell at or about cost in order te keep our workmen employed. A full assortment of piece goods constantly en hand te select from. India Gauze Under- wear, Jean Drawers, laundried and Unlaundried Shirts, Hosiery, Gloves Suspenders, Cellars, Cuffs, &c, all at Lewest Prices. Please gire-us a call. NOTE. Havin" been complimented by our numerous friends and customers for closing our store at an earlier hour than usual duiing the extreme het weather for the purpose of giving our employees some little recreation, we shall therefore continue te close at 7 p. m., excepting Saturdays, until further notice. G-IVLEK, BO WEES & HTJBST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. MAJtXIAGES. Beas Butt. At the residence of the bride's parents, en North Charlette street, July 15, IsSO, by the Kev. S. Ollu Garrison. Mr. Samuel Z. Beas te Miss Sarah A. Butt. DEATHS. I.krvkk. At Quarry ville, en the 15th inst.. Daniel Ltfevre (farmer), in the 75th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, Sunday morning, at 10 o'clock. Interment in IJefermed church yard, Quarryville. XEir ADVERTISEMENTS. mOKACCO KAISEKS! J Insure your Creps against less or damage by hail at BAU&M AN & BURXS'S Insurance Ofllce, 10 West Orange Street. jeS-eedtfR PUBLIC SALE OF HOUSES, ON MON DAY. JULY 1U, 1880, at the Merrimae Heuse. 113 North Prince street. Ifi Head of Ohie Horses, among them are a pair of Matched Horses. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. in. A credit of CO days will be given, ltd DAXIEL LOGAN. Ol OfWl AND Sl.OOO wa.MCI), fci;u fci;u t3leUU rity First Mortgage en geed City l'reperty. Six percent. Wanted at once. Call en BAUSMAX & BURXS, Insurance and Real Estate Agents, jyltMtd Oilice 10 West Orange street. rrtA MEN AND 300 BOYS TO CAKKY OUU away Cigars, Tobacco, Cigarettes, Ac. Tiie undersigned will open this evening with a line let et Imported Key West and Demestic Cigars and Cigarettes. Alse, a well selected rissertment of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Pipe, Stems, &c. Call and get bargains. 1 JAMES M. BAKER, ltd Xe. 8 North Prince Street. CJCIIOOL TAX, 1880. O The duplicate is in the hands et the Treas urer. 5 per cent, off for premt payment. WM. O. MARSHALL, Treasurer. Xe. 12 Centre Square. Olllce hours from '.) a. in. te 4 p. in. lel2-3tdS.W&SR 105 GO TO F. HIEMEXZ'S, 105 Ne. 103 North Queen street ler the Cheapest and Best BOOTS AND SHOES. 105 Sign or the Bhr Shee. 105 jSi-S&Wtfd LIVERY NOTICE. Having added te our Livery Stock Twe Hearses we are new prepared te attend te fun erals at the shortest notice. Ofllce open day and night. Jy!0-2tdS BEESBRRO. DK. WM. II. FAHNKSTOCK Having returned lrem the Seuth, has re sumed his efllce practice, and can be found at his residence, Ne. 230 EAST KING STREET. mlS-2mdewS IrUCAXKLIX It. & L. A. ' The steckhler's monthly meeting will be held this evening at the hull, opening at i4 o'clock. Meney sold at ! o'clock. Minimum premium SKccnts lowest in the eitr. ltd J. D. PYOTT, Sec'y. ttVirilEKE WAS MUSES WHEN THE Y Light Went Out?" 11" yen want te knew go te Gee. Wall's Southern Exchange lletil, Ne. 323 Seuth Queen street, and get a geed, fresh glass of Wacker's Celebrated Beer. Alse the headquarters for wholesome Wines and Liquors. jyl"-3td "PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CITY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19. FARE FOR ROUND TRIP, - - S.".". TICKETS GOOD FOR T WO DA YS. ltd G AS FITTING AND PLUMUIftU. JOHN P. SOHAUM, Xe. 27 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA., PLUMBER, GAS AND STEAM FITTER. A Large Assortment el GAS FIXTURES Constantly en hand. jylO-GindeawS Ne. 20 NO USE TRYING Ne. 20 Te get a better W ATCH for the money than the. WEST END, Manufactured by the FOJl SALE AT Xe. 20 East Klujr St., Lancaster, Pa. AUGUSTUS RHOADS, JEWELER. GRAND OPENING OF A NEW SHOE STORE. BRECHT & BRO., Ne. 48 NORTH (JUEEX STREET, LANCASTER, PA. The undersigned takcpleasure in announcing te their manv friends and the nublic in gen eral that they have purchased FOR CASH A LARGE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES, Which they will sell at VERY LOW PRICES. Our Stock comprises the VERY LATEST STYLES AND BEsT MAKES. 4S-All Goods Warranted BRECHT & BRO., 48 N. QUEEN STREET, ltd LANCASTER, PA. (if DitV 0OODS. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. We have just received a Fine Line of SILTEE JEWELBY, which at this appropriate season is in great demand. Silver Bracelets, Silver Bangles, Silver Combs, Silver Lace Pins, Silver Hair Pins, Silver Ear Rings, Silver Sleeve Links, Silver Scarf Pins, Silver Initials, &e. They are pretty in design and quite inexpensive. The sales of these goods in the large cities during the past month have been immense, and in anticipation of much inquiry -we have put in an unusually large stock. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 "West King Street. THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OP BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, &C, In the city, is te be seen at the Works el NORBECK & MILEY, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE BUILDERS, COR. DUKE AND VINE STS., LANCASTER, PA. 43-COX & CO.'S OLD STAND.-S The Stock includes all the LATEST STYLES SPRINGS, ueh as the I'.rewster, Whitney, Salidee Triple, Empire Cress Spring, Dexter Queen, Duplex ml Elliptic, ami they will also make te order any style a purchaser may desire. Repairing 1 all kinds promptly attended te. All work guaranteed for mc year. "OUR "WORK SUSTAINS OUR "WORD." V.TCH' AD VEIITISEMEXTS A LLKNTOWN FEMALE COLLEGE. I tiller ansniees of Reformed church. De signed for the literary and religious education et Ijulies. Ifest facilities for Music, Drawing. Painting and Modern Languages. Location healthful. Terms moderate. Thirteenth year will bein SEl'TEMItEU 6. Fer Catalogue address lti:V. W. It. HOFFOKD, A. M.. jyl7-12td President, Allentown. l'a. GLASSWARE,! GLASSWARE!! Fruit Jars. Fruit Jars. Fruit Jars. Fruit Jars. Jelly Tumblers. Jelly Tumblers. Jelly Tumblers. Jelly Tumblers. Jelly Cups. Jelly Cups. Jelly Cups. Jelly Cups. AT THE LOWEST l'UICES, AT CHINA HALL. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 EAST KING STKEET. niAXO PKDAL GUARD. The above is a Ncwnd Useful Improvement known as a Pedal Guilrd ler Pianos. It can be attached te the lyre of a Square or Grand Piane. It can also be attached te the bottom beard of an Upright just above the pedal feet. The "Pedal Guard" has become an absolute necessity, as it prevents the feet from scratch ing or injuring the lyre of the Square Piane, and the bottom or front beard of an Upright Piane. Aside lrem the general utility et the "Guard, "it adds te the appearance of the lyre, inasmuch as it is VERY ORNAMEN TAL, giving it a finish and richness hereto fore unknown. The "Guard" is cast from a tiard ami sub stantial metal and very richly nickel plated. It can be attached te any piano, and with scarcely any trouble, as screws for this purpose accompany each guard. The price is within the reach of all who can ntfoerd te have a Piane, and is very low when you consider its many advantages: in fact no one owning a piano can afTerd te be without one. JOSEPH STEINHAUSER, AGENT FOR LANCASTER COUNTY, 307 N. Queen Street, Lancaster, l'a. Alse, B. Z. Shreincr's, Ne. 2T North Queen Street. "1 SMALING, THE ARTIST TAILOR. Closing out our stock of Light Weights at cost te make room for Fall and Winter Stock. A Large Line of English Novelties. TROPICAL SUITINGS, SERGES AND REPS, BANNOCKBURNS AND CELTICS, GAMBROON PARAMATA AND BATISTE SUITINGS. SEERSUCKERS, VALENCIAS, PAROLE AND MOHAIR COATINGS. A Splendid Assortment of Wilferd's Padded Ducks in Plain and Fancy Styles. A Full Line of Hi All the latest novelties. An examination of our stock is respectfully solicited. T. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH QUEEN STREET. ai Deck mwn XEir ADVERTISEMENTS. GRAND SOCIABLE PICNIC. Forthebenfltefthc HUMANE FIRE COMPANY, AT CUEEN COTTAGE, On MOM) AY, JULY liltli, 1880. Dancing will commence at 10 a. m. and con tinue until miduight. Music by Clemmens's Orchestra. Ne improper characters admitted en the grounds. Ity order of the Committee. jylR-2td 100 Tens of Rags Wanted, Fer which the highest price will be paid. ?K CENTS TEH POUND FOR GOOD MIXED RAGS. The highest price naid Ter Woolens, Old Paper, Itoeks, &c. Teh Rag Asserters wanted te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBER, Cor. North Queen and Orange Streets, I ii"l.tfilRl T.nncflstpr Pil ,j. j , EXCURSIONS. i 1CAND KXCURSION TO NIAGARA FALLS AND W ATKINS GLEN, On TUESDAY, AUGUST 3d, 1880. Fare ler Round Trip, ... - 810.00. Tickets geed for 15 days, and geed te step off at Elinira, Geneva, Buffalo, Allentown, Munch Chunk and Reading. jy!5-lwd H ARVEST HOME EXCURSION TO CONEY ISLAND, BRIGTON, MANHATTAN. AND ROCKA WAY BEACH. On MONDAY, JULY 19, 1880, Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, (Bound Broek Reute). Tickets geed ler two days, te return en any train. Fare for the Round Trip 85.00. special train. Elegant New Cars. Leave Lancaster, King Street, 4:00a.m.; Up per Depot, -1:10 a. m.: Columbia, 4:00 a. m. Through te Jersey City without change et cars. Floating Palace "Kill von Kull" te Ceney Island. Grand Republic te Keckaway, with Conterno's Band and Ringgold Band (3ti pieces) te Ceney. I. S.-Gilmere's Band (40 pieces) at Manhattan. Returning, leave Rockaway t:'M p. in.; Iren Pier, Ceney Island, 5:30 p. in.: Jersey City, 7:00 p. m. Particulars see pesters and circulars. jyl.V3td DAILY EXCURSIONS FROM PHILADELPHIA TO CAPE MAY. The famous mammoth three-deck Steamer "REPUBLIC" Leaves Race Street Wharf at Vin. m., arriving at Cape May about 12 p. m. Returning, leaves Cape May at 3 o'clock p. in., givingampie time ler bathiinr or a drive en the beach. A full Brass Band and Orchestra Music for dancing. Parler Entertainments varied weekly. Lunch eons anil Refreshments in abundance. Din ners and suppers provided. Oysters and Fisli served for supper a lew moments after taken from the water. Fare Ter the Round Trip - $1.00. SUNDAYS Will leave Race Street Wharf at VZ a. m. P. S. A Bread Gauge Steam R. R. will con vey passengers te Cape Island In 8 minutes. Tickets for sale at CHAS. H. BARK'S, e28-2md&w CENTRE SQUARE. WANTED. WANTED.-.EVERYBODY TO ADVKR tlse, free of charge, In the Ihtkluokx Ihtkluekx ckr. who wants something te de. RAGS! RAGS! RAGS! RAGS WANTED Housekeepers take notice that we ure paying 2 cents a pound for MIXED RAGS. Cash paid as seen as delivered te WM. HENNECKE, aer9-3md Ne. 235 West Kins Street. EOR SALE OR RENT. 1?Ult BENT. 1 The second story et Eshleman ft Rath von's Banking Heuse, at Centre Square, and also a room en second story, opposite the Penn'a B. B. Depot, en Chestnut street. B. F. ESHLEMAN. f23-2td&Stl Atternev-atLaw THIRD EDITION. SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 17, 1880 WEATHiSR INDICATIONS. Washington, July 17. Fer the Mid dle Atlantic states, clear or partly cloudy weather, northwesterly winds, lower tem perature and higher barometer. WAS HE MURDERED? Circumstantial Evidence Iudicates That lie Was. Cleveland, Ohie, July 17. It is new believed that the German Kapsal, whose body was found in Lake Erie, July 5tb, was deliberately murdered, and Mrs. Rap sal and Paul Grimm have been arrested en suspicion. Rapsal had been jealous of Grimm for some time. Mrs. Kapsal con fesses they were out together en the even ing of- July 4th ; that her husband and Grimm get fighting ; that she ran home, and that Grimm, returning subsequently alone, said Rapsal would never abuse her DOUBLE MURDER. The Terrlnle Crime Supposed te Have Been Actuated by Jealeuay. Hillsborough, Me., July 17. Andrew Wilsen and a young woman named Shultz, while out driving in a wagon near Dry Creek church yesterday, were shot by an unknown assassin concealed by the read side. Miss Shultz was instantly killed, and her body fell out into the read. The horses continued en, and when stepped, Wilsen was found in the wagon still living but unable te speak, having been shot in the head. It is thought the murder was caused by some jealous person, but thus far no arrests have been made. THE CAPTURE OF PAYNE. Attorney General Devens te be Consulted in the Matter. WashingteNjD. C.,July 17. Gen. Pepe telegraphed te the war department this morning the arrest et Payne and 22 of his followers and asked for instructions, as follews: "Am I te understand that the government wishes this gang turned ever te the United States marshal at Fert Smith, Ark., for trial'."' The secretary of war will order the de livery of Payne and his men te the civil authorities for safe custody, and in the meantime as some new questions are in volved in the case, the matter will be re ferred te the attorney general for his opin ion as te the mode of civil prosecution te be instituted against them. KE3IARKABLE ESCAPE. A Yeung Cadet Falls Frem a Third Story Window With the Net Result or a Broken Wrist. Harrisbukg, July 17. William F. Darrah, one of the Annapolis naval cadets who visited this city, last night stepped from a fourth-story window of Bolten's hotel while in a lit of somnambulism. He fell a distance of 35 feet into an open cellar-way, smashing the steps and breaking the iron stanchion which supported them. The only injury which the young man received was a frac ture of the left wrist. THE TURF. Te-day's Racing at Saratoga. Saratoga, N. Y., July 17. First race : Beatitude first, Knight Templar second, Brambeletta third. Second race : Grenada lirst, Oden sec ond, Turfman third. Third race : Luke Blackburn first, Checkmate second, Velturno third. The time of the second race was 2:13 ; of the third race 2:112- THE MUTINY IN INDIA. A statement of the Engagement by the Viceroy Londen, July 17. The viceroy of India telegraphs that in the engagement between Burrows's force and the infantry who de serted from Shere AH, the less of mutin eers was forty or fifty. The British less was one killed and two wounded. The guns and wagons taken by mutineers were recaptured. FIRE IN BALTIMORE. Four Story Building Destroyed. Baltimore, Md., July 17. The four story brick bulding Nes. 13 and 15 Granby street, occupied by the Atlantic furniture company, together with tlie stock and machinery, was totally destroyed by fire this morning. The total less is estimated at $37,000. FRAUDULENT NATURALIZATION. Commissioner Davenport Might i'relltably Direct Ills Attention in tins Vlrecllen. New Yerk, July 17. Before the Wal lace investigating committee te-day Com missioner Davenport said that some al leged fraudulent naturalization papers of 1868 are still out, and that during the coming campaign he will consider it his duty if complaint is made te arrest parties offering them. THE ELECTRIC BOLT. Mere Bad Werk by Lightning. Elizabethi'OUT, N. J., July 17. At 7 o'clock last evening lightning struck the barns and ether outbuildings of J. Rich; ards, near Newtown. They were all de stroyed with contents. The less exceeds $7,000. Killed en the Railroad. Jersly City, July 17. .Jehn Garry, flagman en the Nsw Yerk, Lake Eric and Western railroad, was run ever and in stantly killed at Hendersen's street cross ing. He leaves a wife and four children. LORDS AND COM3IONS. The Latter Win the Rifle Match. Wimbledon, July 17. In the rifle match between the Lords and Commens at the 200 yards range the Lords scored '249, and the Commens 2C2. Viscount Wasserane shot in the place of Earl Wicklow, en the side of the Lords. THE INTRANSIGEANT. Rochafert Strikes a Bonanza in Journalism Paris, July 17. Rochefort's new paper, the Intransigeant, begins with an assured circulation of 40,000 daily, and doubtless double that number will be sold. Sentenced te Death. Philadelphia, July 17 Patrick Hayes, who shot and killed bis wife, was sen tenced te death by Judge Elcock this morning. Dr. Tanner All Right. New Yerk, July 17. Dr. Tanner enter ed the twentieth day of his fast in geed condition. OCT Of THE DEPTHS. The Rich Find of a Ceupla of Colerado Bathers. Denver, July 17. Twe men bathing in Arkansas river near Pueblo, last Sunday, found a pet containing $3,000 in geld and silver. Passenger Depot Burned. St. Jehns, Quebec, July 17. The Grand Trunk railway passenger station at this place was destroyed by fire this morn ing. The fire is supposed te have been caused by a spark from a locomotive. Drowned While Bathing. Island City Beacit, July 17. Alfred Commely, a resident of Bath, X. Y., was drowned last night while bathing in the dark. Deceased was 2G years old, uraar ried, and was a commercial salesman. tiarlield's Defence. N. Y. Herald. Much has been said within a few months past, especially by orators and organs of the Republican faith, en the unhappy con dition of a great party put en the defen sive by the record of its candidate, and in view of the document referred te Repub licans will have new reason te reflect deeply en that point and seven te consider that if a party en the defensive is badly eD", a party en the defensive without any defense is certainly in a much mere lamentable position. General Garfield is exceedingly generous in his statement and vouchsafes answers te many questions that are net asked in this connection. His generosity, indeed, in giving abundant in formation en points as te which there was no doubt, is in proportion te the rigid strictness of his delivery en particulars as te which a freer speech would have better satisfied public curiosity. He defines the Credit Mebilier, anil the people already knew just what it was. He gives a state ment of the information of the "ring of seven persons" and a glimpse of hew they operated and kept te themselves the secret of their game, as if te lay the ground for the suggestion that this very secrecy guar anteed the innocence of the persons who received the spoil. But is it a virtue in a man net te knew that which it is his official duty te knew? Secrecy was part of the game, of course, and they iiaid for it ; bribed con gressman net te legislate for them, but te help them along by leaving them alone. Did Gen. Garfield accept a valuable con sideration for his silence? That is the point bcfoie the country, and the answer is net satisfactory. He says he had a lean. Evidence enough te guide the popular judgment en that point has already been given. In this defense there is a new trait vacillation. The accused returns te that statement of his case which he made before the congres sional investigation had proved his com plicity, yet holds en te the lean theory, which was a prevarication due te the fact that the investigation had proved his origi nal statement te be false. But it is net strange if in a case where every defence made is se peer a man should net be able te decide which te stand by for a finality. "POSSESSED OF A DEVIL." The Singular Misfortune of a Seuth Bend ( lad. ) Weman. A special dispatch from Seuth Bend, Ind., te the Cincinnati Enquirer says : Hundreds of people go te see Antonie La chiski, a Polish woman, who is said te be possessed of a devil. She rests en a pallet en the fleer of her husband's residence, and at intervals throws her arms violently in front of her, as if making a motion te drive some one away, and says in Polish, "Don't go away." Her symptoms are se peculiar that Father Czyzew ski, te whose church she belongs, determined te make some tests te see if she really was possessed of a devil. Among the tests usually applied in such cases are addressing questions te the evil spirit in a language the one pos sessed does net understand. If the evil spirit is there the reply is made in the same language. The questions were addressed te Mrs. Lachiski in Latin, and were promptly and correctly answered by her in Polish, although she does net under stand a word of Latin. Further tests are te be made, and if she is leally pesscsstd el' a devil proper measures will be taken te drive it out. Father Fere, a French priest, who cast a devil out of a woman in Ohie some time since, has been called te leek into this case. .:r i tuc ets. Mew Yerk Market. Nkw Yerk. .Inly 17. Fleur State and West ern quiet and without important changu ; superfine state $f 304 2U; extra de jt'Jj 450; choice, de., $4 W.r ue; fancy 10l 00; round hoop Ohie $4 'Jl5 ; choice de JSMgUJO; superfine western f.ir 4 'JO: common te geed extra de ft 'Ji&tlJO: choice dodo 1 7K?7u0; choice white wheat de $4 505 0U; Southern iiiet and firm; com mon te fair extra $5 'Cirgfi S); geed te cnelce de ; S7 00. Wheat jc lower. dill! and heavy; Ne. 2 Red, July,$ll."X; de Au., il WM VJ; Sept. $10010,J. Cern u shade better and quiet; Mixed west, em spot, 4!4!c; ,le future 4!?i4'.fc Oats a shade easier and dull ; Ne. 'i July::ic; state 41c; western 24Uc. Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia, July 17. Fleur tinner; superfine at $2 .V:5; extra at fcMi:S .Ml; Ohie and Indiana family at .". U'J'di; m l'enn'a family at 5 O0S5 SO: SI. i.euls family t Vu 00 ; de old, ti '4 73 ; M innesela family 5 n ; patent and hi(;li grade $7 Ml 8 23. Kye flour at $ 23. Wheat Ne. 2 Western Ked $1 IVA; l'enn'a Red $1 1H ; Amber 1 Vi. Cern yellow 30J.O4c; mixed IOSIUc. Oak Ne. I.White 43e; Ne. 2, de 42c ;Ne. :f, de 10c; Ne. if. Mixed :l-e. Kye dull ; New 70c; Old Me. Previsions firm; intsa perk at $1350iJI IM; beef hams $21 r022; India m.vs bee! $iiM$li;.Vi bacon, smoked shoulders 33c: Mtit fie; smoked hams ll12c ; pickled nam' S'jc. Lard quiet ; city kettle 7fiHa : iuo.i iue.i butchers 7c ; prime steam 17 1"7 20. flutter tinner; Creamery 23f$2Kc; de geed te choice 22i7$2lc ; llradferil county and New Yerk extra. 222:lc ; Western reserve extra 17 l!tt:;dogeod te choice llWJ H;c ; Rolls dull and quality peer; Penn'a exua 1014; Western reservw extra lOfglic. Eggs quiet ; Penn'a lie; Western 13c. Cheese linn; New Yerk full cream !c; Western lull cream 7;JtHc; de fair te gMtl, ig 1ii; deliiiirskiinsl&i;e. Petroleum quiet ; refined OJic. Whisky $111. Seeds Geed te prime Timethy $.1 00 : Flax seed at $1 25 : Clever at at i7 5ejs. Stock Markets. I'lllLADKLl'lllA. July 17. 1420 F..X. :::00r. M. Stocks strong. Penna tt's (third issue) 105 Philadelphia St Erie l'l Heading yx .... Pennsylvania -yii .... Lehigh Valley. WA United Ces. el N. J 10114 Northern Pacific 27 " Preferred 4'J Northern Central x: Lehigh Navigation 2) Nornstewn 102 Central Transposition Ce. 47 Pitts., Titusvllle & Kullale. 11 Little Schuylkill 4:; New eick. July 17 Stocks strong. Meney 262$ N. Y. Central 131) Adams Express 194 Michigan Central... .. '-Sfa Michigan Southern 1' Illinois Central 107 Cleveland ft Pittsburgh.. ..120 Chicago & Ueck Island lx; Pittsburgh ft Fert Wayne..i20 WcsternTJnlonTeLCe IOB'4 Teledo ft Wabash.. 37 New Jenxty Central... Ontario Western ;' United States Bends and Sterling iixcliun--. (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen ft Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia. July 17. United States (Ts, 1831, (registered). .104 104 United States 5, 1881, ( registered )..1024Q102 United States iVCa, 18U1 (registered)lIOiZ 1 U , JUOI, 1 1 4Vs, 18U1, i4X's.ltM nMiullllMla lQrVT rnxHutumll 1IW 1 WUW kJM , .,. l.wW.w-f ..., 1 united states eurrency ta re. Sterllnjc Excbansce 484 127 I