- a- - 1- ? l mxtefi IlVVV ( Velame XVI-Ne. 268. LANCASTER, PA., TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1880 Price Twe Carts. irzc ' Ik ""fWWSWTWSWS"" " sr CLOTHING. Spring Opening AT 24 CENTRE SQUARE. We have fei sale for the coming seasons un Immense Stock of or our own manufacture, which comprises the Latest and Most STYLISH DESIGfl S. C'euic ami see our NEW GOODS OE MERCHANT TAILORING. which is larger anil composed of the best styles te Ih; leuntl in the city.' D. B. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. 2C-!yd LANCASTER. PA I! H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, MONDAY, APRIL 5. Having lust returned trem the New Yerk Woolen Market, I am new prepared te exhibit eni el the Rest Selected Stock of WOOLENS FOKTHK Sprint id Simer He, Ever brought te this city. Nene but the very l-t of ENGLISH, FRENCH AKl AMERICAN FABRICS, in all the Leading Styles. Prices as low as the lowest, ami all goods warranted :is represeul e.l, at H. GBRHABTS, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. J.'K. SMALING, THE ARTIST TAILOR. Opening te-ilay of a large ami select line of English Novelties FOB SUMMER WEAR. Trepicals, Serges and Rep Worsteds, KANNOCKRURX CELTIC CHEVIOTS. UAMKROOX PAUAMATA AND I1ATISTE CLOTHS. SEERSUCKERS. VALENCIAS, PAROLE AN I) MOHAIR COATINGS. Linens in Great Variety. Wilterd's Padded Ducks in Plain ami Fancy Styles. A Ijirge Assortment of Fancy Hi All the latest novelties et the season. The public are cordially invited te examine our stock, which we claim te be the handsomest and most recherche ever ettered for the het weather. T. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH QUEEN STREET. FURNITURE. REUNG OF ALL KINDS AT SHORT NOTICE. Mvairrngemeutsarciiew completed te de Kegilding in tirst-class manner and at reason able prices. THE NEW PICTURE FRAME STORE, 15K East King Street. WALTER A. HEINITSH. EDUCATIONAL. rritK ACADEMY UUNMKCTED WITH X Franklin and Marshall College otters su J Hsrler advantages te young men and boys who leslre either te prepare for college or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at auy time daring the school year Send for circular. Address BEV. JAMES CRAWFORD, cUl-lvd Lancaster. Pa. Him mm Still! OPE D Yung WATCHES, SPECIAL EDW. J. ZHM, JEWELER, ZAEM'S CORNER, LANCASTER, PA. -:e: Our largely Increased business makes It necessary for 113 te.cnlarge our store room. Te make room for the alterations we contemplate, we will close out as much of our stock as pos sible, between this date and the 10th of AUGUST, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. This otter applies te any article in our extensive stock EXCEPT SPECTACLES, and wll aflbrd all who desire goods in our line a rare opportunity te buy from llrst-class stock at un usually low prices. ZAHM'S CORNER. We have just received a Fine Line of SILVEK JEWELET, which at this appropriate season is in great demand. Silver Bracelets, Silver Bangles, Silver Combs, Silver Lace Pins, Silver Hair Pins, Silver Ear Rings, Silver Sleeve Links, Silver Scarf Pins, Silver Initials, &c. They are pretty in design and quite inexpensive. The sales of these goods in the large cities during the past month have been immense, and in anticipation of much inquiry we have put in an unusually large stock. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. DRY HOODS. SALE DAMAGED GOODS. HAGKIl &UROT1IEK will continue the sale of Uoeds damaged only by water during the recent tire en their premises. WALL PAPER, CARPETS, Mattings and Oil Cleths, Muslins and Sheetings, Linens and Quilts, Woolens for Men's Wear, and Ready-Made Clothing, &c, All of the above have been marked at a very low price, as we are determined te close out the entire let. The sale is going en daily from ( a. m. until 7 p. in. Saturday evenings until 9 o'clock in store rooms in rear et main store. As there was 110 damage te stock in main store room business there gees en as usual. HAGER & BROTHER, NO. 25 WEST KING STREET. GREAT CLEARING SALE OF SUMMEE DEESS GOODS AT THE NEW YORK STORE. All the New Shades in Twilled Cashmeres 12y,c a yard; regular price l.'c. All Weel Iteiges 25c a yard. All Weel Memie Cleths 25c a yard ; sold everywhere at 37Ve. Special Rargains in BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILKS, BLACK CASHMERES. - Watt, Shand & Company, S AND 1 0 EAST KING STREET. COAL. " I KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE. ', , .", , WARNER'S helesale and Ketail Dealer in all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. "TT" 3-Yard: Ne. 420 North Water ami Prince N i H H streets, above Lemen, Lancaster. n3-lyd ve. A.J. J- COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL BITTERS ! Ceal of the Best Quality put up expressly ler family use, ami at the low- This scientific remedy, prepared from choice .tm,irti.i nHnes vegetable extracts, is the Rest Bleed Purifier, i si mai kli prices. um stimulates every function te mere health- TT?V A RATirPT.V. TflN ful action, and is thus a benefit in all diseases. iivx .a. sj.nBiir.Li.Ei iwii. In eliminating the impurities of the bleed, 3 YAKD 150 SOUTH WATER ST. the natural and necessary result is the cure et ,. imiiTPiifHiTM unv x- rut Scrofulous and ether Skin Eruptions and Dis- neiMjd PHILIP SCHUM.SON & CO. cases, including Cancers, Ulcers. and ether Seres. Nothing is better for clearing and beau- COAL! COAL! COAL.!!! ti tying the complexion. Dyspepsia, Weakness et the Stomach, Consti Censti We have constantly en hand all the best patfen. Dizziness, General Debility, etc., are grades of COAL that are in market, which we cured by the Safe Bitters, and it is unequalled are selling as low as auy yard in the city. as an appetizer and for building up an en Call and get our prices before buying else- fecbled system, where. It is a medicine which should be in every m r crnrrnwiTT I enw family, and which, wherever used, will save M. F. STEIGERwALT & SOW, the payment or many doctor's bills. s'T-ivd "U NOttTH WATER STKEET. Convincing testiuihniah. furnished en appli- , catien. . . tr A T t I Bettles of two sizes; prices, 50 cts. and $1. COAL ! . " " JJJeJLx ! ! Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, eq TO Safe Diabetes Cure, Safe Tonic, Safe Pills and l a. rtr Safe Nervine are also superior remedies, un- GORREjCHT & CO., equalled In their respective fields of disease. Fer Geed and Cheap Ceal. Yard HarrNburg Warner's Safe Remedies are sold by Drug Pike. Otllee 2ek East Chestnut Street. gists and Medicine Dealers generally through- . out the country. P. W. GOKUEC11T, Agt. Send for Pamphlet and Testimonials. J. 11. U1LEY. II. U. WARNER & Ce., Rochester, N. T. 9-1 W. A. KELLER. a faetO-Tu.Tli&Sd&w C0H0 & WTLEY, . -a-a 3MNORT1I WATER ST., Lanetuter, Va., ' Wholesale and Ketail Dealers in TjUFTEKN DOLLARS BUYS A LUMBER AND GOAL. first-class REFRIGERATOB, Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. wuu Knamcjed Watcr Tanki at Branch Office : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE jJT '.- gIIEKTZEI HUMPHREVILLE T UMKKK AND COAL BV TKLEPHONE Ne. 40 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. The undersigned arc new prepared te re- ' ceive orders for IFlifANCIAT. Ceal, Lumber, Sash, Deers, Blinds, Sec., tames brown, dealer in stocks imT.nimn- tnn in at tim Pri-iienm. nn.i and Bends, C and06Breadway,New Y'erk. lieyr jmfajK. CenPrinceKiftl?. SSS MM'&JEt JEWELRY, Jte. NOTICE. LANCASTER, PA. OP JLaiuastcr I-ntrlligcncrr. TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 13, 1880. A (ientleman of La Perte. Brete Harte in New Yerk Sun. Conclusion. Happy would it have been for the Gen tleman had these gentle eccentricities pro duced no greater result. But a fatal and hitherto unexpected weakness manifested itself in the very court in which he had triumphed and for a time imperilled his popularity. A lady of dangerous antece dents and great freedom of manner, who was the presiding goddess of the " Wheel of Fortune " in the principal gambling sa loon of La Perte, brought an action against several of its able-bodied citizens for entering the saloon with " force and arms" and destroying the peculiar ma chinery of her game. She was ably sup ported by counsel, and warmly sympa thized with by a gentleman who was net her husband. Yet in spite of this, valuable co-operation she was net .successful. The offence was clearly proved ; but the jury gave a verdict iu favor of the defendants, without leav ing their seats. Judge Trott turned his mild inoffensive eyes upon them. " De I understand you te say that this is your final verdict ?" " Yeu kin bet your beets, your Hener," responded the foreman with cheerful but well meaning irreverence, "that that's about the way the thing points." "Mr. Clerk," said Judge Trott grimly, " record the verdict, and then enter my re signation as Judge of this court." He rose and left the bench. In vain did various in fluential citizens fellow him with expostula tions ; in vain did they point out the werthlcssuess of the plaintiff and the worthlessness of her cause, in which he had sacrificed himself. In' vain did the jury intimate that his resignation was an iusult te them. Judge Trott turned abruptly upon the foreman, with the old ominous glow in his high check bones. " I didn't understand you," said he. "I was sayin' " said the foreman hastily, " that it was useless te argue the case any longer," and withdrew slightly in advance of the rest of jury, as became his official position. Cut Judge Trott never again asseuded the bench. It was quite a month after his resigna tion and the Gentleman was sitting in the twilight "under his own vine and fig tree" a figure of speech locally inter preted as a giant redwood and a messy creeper before the deer of that cabin in which he was first introduced te the reader, when he was faintly conscious of the outlines of a female form and the tones of a female voice. The Gentleman hesi tated, and placed ever his right eye a large geld eyeglass, which had been lately ac cepted by the Camp as his most recent fashionable felly. The form was unfa miliar, but the voice the Gentleman in stantly recognized as belonging te the plaintiff in his late momentous judicial experience. It is proper te say here that it was the voice of Mademoiselle Clotilde Montmorency ; it is only just te add that, speaking no French and being of unmis table Anglo-Saxen origin, her name was evidently derived from the game ever which she had presided, which was, in the estimation of the camp, of foreign ex traction. "1 wanted te knew," said Miss Clotilde, sitting down en a bench beside the Gen tleman, "that is, me and Jake Weeds thought we'd like te knew hew much you consider yourself out of pocket by this yer resignation of yours'."' Scarcely hearing the speech, and mere concerned with the apparition itself, Judge Trott stammered vaguely, "I have the pleasure of addressing Miss " " If you mean by that that you think you don't knew me, never saw me before, and don't want te see me agin, why I reckon that's the polite way e' putting it," said Miss Montmorency, with enforced calmness, scraping some dead leaves to gether with the tip of her parasol, as if she were covering up her emotions. " But I'm Miss Montmorency. I was saying that Jake and me thought that seciu' as you steed by us when them hounds en the jury gave in their hellish, lying verdict Jake and me thought it wasn't the square thing for you te lese your situation just ferme. 'Find out from the judge,' sez he, ' jist what he reckons he's lest by this yer resignation putting it at his own lin gers.' That's what Jake said. Jake's a square man I kin say that of him, any how." "I don't think I understand you," said Judge Trott, simply. "That's it! that's just it!" continued Miss Clotilde, with only half-suppressed bitterness. " That's what I told Jake. I sez : ' The judge won't understand you nor me. He's that proud he won't have anything te say te us. Didn't he meet me square en the street last Tuesday and never let en that he saw mc never even nodded when I nodded te him ? " " My dear madam, " said Judge Trott hurriedly. "I assure you you arc mis taken. I did net see you. Pray believe mc. The fact is I am afraid te confess it even te myself but I find that, day by day, my eyesight is growing weaker and weaker. " He stepped and sighed. Miss Montmorency, glancing upward at his face saw it was pale and agitated. With a woman's swift intuition she believed this weakness explained the otherwise gratuit ous effrontery of his incongruous eyes, and it was te her a sufficient apology. It is only the inexplicable in a man's ugliness that a woman never pardons. " Then ye really don't recognize mc?" said Miss Clotilde, a little softened, and yet a little uneasy. "I am afrid net," said Trott, with an apologetic smile. Miss Clotilde paused. " De you mean tesay you couldn't see me when I was in court during the trial ? " Judge Trott blushed. " I am afraid I saw only an outline. " ' I had en, " continued Miss Clotilde, rapidly, "a straw hat with magenta silk lining, turned up se magenta ribbons tied here" (indicating her round threat) "a reg'lar 'Frisce hat don't you remem ber?" " I that is I am afraid '' ' " And one of them figgered silk Delly Vardens," continued Miss Clotilde, anx iously. Judge Trott smiled politely but vaguely. Miss Clotilde saw that he evidently had net recognized this rare and becoming costume, She scattered the leaves again, and dug her parasol into the ground. " Then you never saw me at all ?" "fevcr distinctly." "' Ef it's a fair question betwixt you and me," she said suddenly, " what made you resign?" " I could net remain judge of a court that was obliged te record a verdict se unjust as that given by a jury iu your case," replied judge Trott, warmly. " Say that again, old man," said Miss Clotilde with an admiration which half apologized for the irreverence of epithet. Judge Trott urbanely repeated the substance of his remark in another form. Miss Montmorency was silent a moment. "Then it wasn't me?" she said finnally. "I don't think I catch your meaning," replied the judge a little awkwardly. "Why me. It wasn't en account of me you did it?" "2sb," said the judge pleasantly. There was another pause. Miss Mont morency balanced her parasol en the tip of her tee. "Well,7' she said Anally, " this isn't getting much information for Jake," "Fer whom?" "Jake." " Oh your husband ?" "Miss Montmorency clicked the snap of her bracelet smartly en her wrist and said sharply : " Who said he was my husband ?" " Oh, I beg your pardon." "lsaid Jake Weeds, ties a square man I can say that for him. He sez te me, ' Yeu kin tell the judge that whatever he cheeses take from us, it ain't no bribery nor corruption, nor nothing e' that kind. It's all en the square. The trial's ever ; he isn't judge any longer ; he can't de any thing for us ; he ain't expected te de any thing for us but one thing. And that is te give us the satisfaction of knowing that he hasn't lest anything by us that he hasn't lest anything by being a square man and acting en the square.' There ! that's what lie said, rve said it ! Uf course 1 knew what you'll say. I knew you'll get wrathy. I knew yet'remad new ! I knew you're tie proud te touch a dollar from the like of us if you were starving. I knew you'll tell Jake te go te h II and me with him ! And who the devil cares?" She had worked herself up te this pas sion se suddenly, se outrageously and in consistently, that it was net strange that it ended in an hysterical burst of equally illogical tears. She sank down again en the bench she had gradually risen from, and applied the backs of her yellow-gloved hands te her eyes, still holding the parasol at a rigid angle with her face. Te her infinite astonishment Judge Trott laid one hand gently upon her shoulder, and with the ether possessed himself of the awk ward parasol, which he tactfully laid en the bench beside her. "Yeu are mistaken, my dear young lady," he said, with a respectful gravity, "deeply mistaken, if you think I feel anything but kindness and gratitude for your offer an offer se kind and unusual that even you yourself feel that I could net accept it. Ne ! Let mc believe that in doing what I thought was only my duty as a judge I gained your geed will, and let me feel that iu doing my duty new as a man I shall still keep it." Miss Clotide had lifted her face toward his as if deeply and wonderfully following his earnest words. But she only said, " Can you see me in this light ? At this distance ? Put up your glasses and try." Her face was net far from his. I have forgotten whether I have said that she was a pretty woman. She had been once pret tier. But she retained enough of her geed leeks te invest the " Wheel of Fortune," ever which she had presided, with a cer tain seductive and bewildering uncertainty which increased the risk of the players. It was, in fact, this unhallowed combination of beauty and chance that excited the ire of La Perte who deemed it unprofession al and net en the square. She had line eyes. Possibly Judge Trott had never before been se near eyes that were se fine and se expressive. He lifted his head with .some embarrassment and a blush en his high cheek bones. Then partly from instinctive courtesy, partly from a desire te bring in a third party te relieve his embarrassment, he said : " I hope you will make your friend Mr. . understand that I appreciate his kindness even if I can't accept it." " Oh, you mean Jake," said the lady, "Oh, lie's gene home te the states. I'll make it all right with him!" There was another embarrassing pause possibly ever the absence of Jake. At last it was broken by 3Iiss Montmorency. " Yeu must take care of your eyes, for I want you te knew me the next time you see me." Se they parted. The judge did recog nize her en several ethor occasions. And then La Perte was stirred te its depths in hillside and tunnel with a strange rumor. Judge Trott had married Miss Jane Thomsen, alias Miss Clotilde Montmoren cy in San Francisce ! Fer a few hours a storm of indignation and rage swept ever the town ; it was believed te have been a deep-laid plan and -conspiracy. It was perfectly well-understood that Judge Trott's resignation was the price of her hand and of the small fortune she was known te be possessed of. Of her charac ter nothing remained that was assailable. A fictitious interest and pathos was im ported into the character and condition of her last lever, Jake Weeds, the victim of the double treachery of Judge Trott and Miss Clotilde. A committee was formed te write a letter of sympathy te this man, who a few mouths before had barely es caped lynching at their hands. The angry discussion was at last broken by the voice of the first speaker in this veracious narra tive, Capt. Henry Symes : " Thai's one feature in this yer case that ye don't seem te knew, and eughter be considered. The day she married him in San Francisce she had just come from the doctor's, who had told her that Trott was helplessly blind ! Gentlemen, when a gal like that throws ever her life, her whole profession, and a square man like Jake Weeds, te marry a blind man with out a dollar just because he once steed up for her en principle, hang me cf I see any man geed enough te go back en her for it ! Ef the judge is .willing te kinder overlook bygone eccentricities e' hers for the sake e' being cared for and looked artcr by her, that's his loekont: And you'll excoese me if, arter my experience, I recon it ain't exactly healthy business te interfere with the domestic concerns of the the Gentleman of La Perte." A Busy Family. Detroit Free Press. A case of assault and battery, in which farmers' sons were plaintiff and defendant respectively, was en trial iu Justice Alley yesterday, and the plaintiff's lawyer was very anxious te make out that the defend ant's family must have seen the fight which took place just outside the kitchen deer. The defendant's mother being en the stand the lawyer began : "Well, where were you when the first blew was struck?" " Down cellar skimming milk and tying cloths ever my preserve jars," she re plied. "Where was your husband?" "He was in the barn mending the har ness and greasing the wagon." "Where was your daughter Sarah ?" "Sarah was iu the north bedroom changing the pillow-cases en the spare bed." "And where was Jane?" " Jane ? She had run ever te a neigh bor's te borrow some coffee and a nut meg." " Let's see ! Haven't you a sister living with you?" " Yes, sir. She was sewing carpet rags up stairs." " Ah ! she was? Yeu have a younger son named Charles, haven't you ?" " Yes, sir, and he was salting the sheep across the read." "Just se. Yeuareavery busy family, I sec, I suppose even the deg was very busy just at this particular moment." "Yes, sir, he was. Old Bese was down at the gate looking towards Detroit for one-horse lawyers !" That closed the testimony and settled him mere than a feet. JEWELERS. LOUIS WEBER, WATCHMAKER. Ne.l59 NORTH QUEEN STREET.near P. R. R. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Silver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ter the celebrated Pantaseepic Specta cles and Eye-Glasses. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyd NOTICE ! Frem July 1 te September 1, 1SS0, Saturdays excepted, our store will be. closed at ti p. in. BLR BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. SPECIAL NOTICE! AUGUSTUS RHOADS. Jeweler, 20 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA., Will close his store at 0 p. in., Saturdays ex ceptcd, from JULY 1 TO SEPTEMBER 1, 1SS0. ROOKS AND STATIONERY. TKW STATIONERY! New, Plain ami Fancy STATIONERY. Alse, Velvet and Eastlake PICTURE FRAMES AND EASELS. AT L. M. FLYNN'S BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, Ne. 43 WEST KINO STREET. JOM BAER'S SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, I'A., have in stock a large assortment of BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Attention is invited te their FAMILY AND PULPIT BIBLES Teachers' llilili.w, Sunday Scheel Libraries Hymnals, Prayer l!oeks,j HYMN liOOKS AND MUSIC ROOKS Fer Sunday Schools. FINE UEWA1W CAHDS. SUNDAY SCHOOL REQUISITES of all kinds GENTS' GOODS. TfOK LINKNCOLLAks" GOTO ERISMAX'S. "T'OIi FANC CY STOCKINGS GOTO ERISMAN'S. E I70K SUSPENDERS GOTO ERISMAX'S. TJ'Olt NEW STYLE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, JO TO E. J. ERISMAN'S, 50 NORTH UUKKN STKKKT. CARPETS. H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 202 WEST KINO STREET, Has the Largest ami Cheapest Stock et all kinds of CARPETS in Lancaster. Over 100 Pieces of Brussels en hand, as low as 91.00 and upwards. Carpets made te en ler at short notice. Will also pay 10 cents ler Extra Carpet Rags. 5Give us a trial. 202 WEST KINO STKKKT. EOR SALE OR RENT. 170IS KENT. . A New Twe-story Rrick Heuse, HH Locust street ; fJ a mouth. Inquire at jy7-:d 4 J.OC UST STR E ET. 17UR RENT. . The second story et Eshlcman A liath liath ven's Ranking Heuse, at Centre Square, and also a room en second story, opesitc the Penn'aR. R. Depot, en Chestnut street. P.. F. ESHLEM AN. f:-2td&Stt Atternev-nt Law GROCERIES. w HOLESALE AND KETAIL. IJSVAN'S FLOUR AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. d!7-lyd REMOVALS. DK. S. B. FOREMAN. (PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON), Removed Irem Ne. 18 Seuth Prince street te Ne. 211 West King street, Lancaster, Pa. . fm2l-3md MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. THE Lancaster Organ Manafactery Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS In the Jlarkct- Warerooms TJ20 North Queen street. Manufactory in the rear. Urancn emce, i4 cast mng street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Agent ter Lancaster County for CHICKEHING A SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line et Sheet and ether Music. Small Instruments, Violins. Banjos, Itand Instru ments, Ac, always en hand. fI3-lydSAlyw DRY GOODS. BLACK SILKS Fer Trimming and Dress, Ce cents and up, at FATTNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. COLORED SILKS, CO Cents, ut FAHNESTOCK'S. SUMMER DRESS GOODS Or every description, at FAHNESTOCK'S. Ouantilieset LADIES' SKIRTS, White and Colored, Se cents and up, at FAIIESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuae. J. B. lartih & Ce. LAWNS, GINGHAMS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, CORSETS, GLOVES. Largest Line of Lanudried anil Unluuntlried Fancy Shirts iu the City. NOTICE. Our Mere will be closed at 7 o'eleek p. m.. except Saturday evenings. J. B. MARTIN & CO. NOVELTIES SILKS DRESS GOODS! We have new open our Importations of New Silk from Lyens, including lireradiul Satin De Lyens, Solid Celer Satin De Lyens, Ulack Satin De Lyens, Luisine in New Colorings and Styles, 11ICII IfllOCA'DES, III Celers te match the New Dress Goods In Dress Goods, a Great Variety of New Textures, such as SHOODA CLOTHS, IN THE NEW SHADES. Beautiful Silk and Weel Fancies te Match Plain Cleths, Plain Canten Crapes in all Celers, and a number of New Things impossible te specify ONE FACT we wNIi te emphasize. Se tar, the advance en our goods amounts te nothing, and a strict In spection of our stock will show that at all times we an: as low in prices as any. and often lower. A elei; examination of our goods Is cordially invited. Hemer, CellaSay & Ce., 1412 and 1111 Chestnut Street, aprlC-M.W&F I'HlLADKI.riHA. WALL I'A I' ERS, Se. PLAIN WIRES FOR window mm, In Rlack. Drab and Green. Handsome Land scape sol d by the feet iu any tuantity . We make SCREEN'S te order, and in such a manner that you need net remove when you close the window ; a very great advantage. Where a Screen is made that must be taken out when you lower the sash, it is troublesome te handle, always iu the way and will wear out in hair the time. We make them iu l'ine and Walnut Frames and cost you no mere than the l'atent Screens, and arc much mere desirable. A let of Ends et WALL PAPER will be sold low in viler te close out. Our store will close at 7 p. in (except Satur days) until the 1st et September. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. IWY LOCUER'3 UKNutrNED COUGH . SYRUP