; - t- i- ' -r x . " i- . j.?JT t . - T "i. V. ( i.ur'. -?. lt-V .-! a -- t S . , v- - " , "V . T. V- .--rl. ' " -f -- v V LANCASTER DAlfc lKTELLlGENCERSAILIlDAY JULY 10, 1880. DARING BOBBER?. S50O Werth et Jewels Stelen. Yesterday meniing between 9 and 12 o'clock a thief or thieves entered the resi dence of Thes. B. Cochran, Ne. 310 North Lime street, and proceeding te an upstairs room, opened a casket that was standing en top of a bureau and stele therefrem about $30tf worth of valuables consisting of a lady's geld hunting case lever watch, Ne. 70,891, with II. 3Ioutanden engraved en cap ; one large singl geld chain ; one geld chain and locket with coral head ; one geld chain with lyre shaped pendant with cameo stone ; one oblong geld locket, set with pearls (had photograph inside) ; one lady's geld scarf pin (large), with sunken head cut, topaz in centre ; one pair narrow geld bracelets ; one square cameo stone ; one plain geld ring (stone lest out) ; one turtle-shell locket, book-shaped ; two small diamond studs, with raised forget-me-net ; one large black silk purse, work ed with steel beads ; one Russia leather purse with 8" geld piece ; one child's coral chain ; two small children's geld chains At the time of the robbery Mr. Cochran was net home. His wife was in a back i oem down stairs, and a hired girl was at work en the third story. Neither the front deer of the house nor the inside doers were locked, and the thief, who is pre sumed te have been acquainted with the premises had no difficulty in effecting the Lirceny. The drawers of the bureaus en which the casket was standing were un locked, but were net in any way disturbed by the thief, nor was any ether part of the iieuse interfered with. The robbery was discovered by Mrs. Cochran, who went te the room for some small article of jewelry with which te deck her child. As seen as the fact of the Military was fully established Detective Spu'chcr was notified, and the case was placed in his hands. It was thought best te keep the matter quiet, and hence net tlic- slightest knowledge of it was commu nicated te reporters or ethers. This plan iifseciecy, in such affairs, generally works te the advantage of the thief, whose oper ations an; also of a secret character. In this. case he has had the advantage of twenty-four hours or mere te conceal or dispose of the plunder, and make geed his escape. Had immediate publicity been given thcinattvr the newspapers contain ing an account of the lebbery and adesciip; tieu of the goods stolen would have ac companied him wheievcr he went, and a 1 heusand detectives, instead of one, would have been plaeed en his track. Net the slightest clue has yet been had as te the thieves, though it is hoped Mr. Cochran's liberal reward of $100 offered for their de tection anil the recovery of the property, may lead te the arrest and punishment of the guilty. The larceny was certainly a very bold one. Meeting el Finance Cemmitter. The liuance committee held a meeting last evening : The city solicitor presented his monthly report, showing $1,021,US collected. On motion of Mr. Kbeily the mayor was authorized te draw his warrant for $18,000 for purchases of bends for sinking fund. On motion el Mr. Zeehcv the chairmen of stieet and water committees wcic in structed te fin uish the liuance committee with full amount, of money expended in their several departments from June 1st te August 1st. The. city solicitor was directed te leek ever the municipal lien docket at the mayor's eflice, and enter satisfaction for all liens in the piothenotary's office. The city treasurer was ordered te de duct from tax of all persons furnishing material or doing weik for the city. sacrilegious thieves. Cerner Stene el a Church Broken Open Open and Robbed. Our tegular correspondent at Akren, Ephrata township, writes te inform us that the cei ner stone of the Rcrgstrass Lutheran church, near that place, was broken open, last night and robbed of the money that was put in it when it was laid in 1848. The amount was net large, there 'being only some silver coins of the value of about two dollars. The books and papers that were in the stone were scattered around in all direc tions. Te get at the contents of the stone the thieves were obliged te remove about eighty bricks from the wall, break elf a corner of the stone and also a part of the lid of the hermetically scaled box contain ing the money and papers. Ne clue has yet been had te the rascals who committed the dastardly act, though it is mere than suspected that some tramps who were seen leatiug about the church yesterday after noon are the guilty parties. SURPRISE lAltTY. Gee. It. Mowery Remembered. Yesterday was the 73d anniversary of the birth of Geerge 1J. Mowery, an old and respected resident and late assessor of the Second ward. His son-in-law, Capt. Mahleu Mercer, determined te give the old gentleman a pleasant surprise ; se he and his geed wife and ether members of the fam ily quietly prepared a grand dinner at Capt. Mereei's, Ne. 3:15 East James street, te which all the relatives including Mr. Mowery, wile, sons, daughters and grand children were invited, and when the proper hour an ived a coach was sent for Mr. Mowery, and he tee was taken te the feast. Imagine his astonishment when he arrived ami met the congratulations of all his kin, whom he supposed te be scattered in a de.en different directions. The re union was a very pleasant one. Colored Campiiiceting. The campmecting of the colored folks at Juarryville te-morrow will undoubtedly be largely attended. The special train from this city will leave the King street depot at 8:30 in the meniing and returning will leave Quarry ville at 8:00 in the evening. A great many colored people no from this city, Columbia the AYelsh Mountains and ether places. Rev. Keels of this city will preach in the afternoon and the subject of his discourse will be "The Four Horses " Rev. Train of the Welsh Mountain will also preach, as will a minister from Phila delphia. There will be singing by a band of Jubilee singers. Baseball. The Ireusides baseball club of this city left for Columbia te-day, where they play a match game with a nine in that town. The Ireusides have been presented with a handsome baseball by a lady friend of tb.3 nine. Held te Henry Lukens, alias James Wilsen, ar rested in Montgomery county some days age, charged with stealing a set of doable harness from Dr. H. E. Musser, .of Cen treville, this county, had a hearing before Alderman Spurrier last night, and was committed in default of bail, te answer at the August term of court. Assault and Battery. Before Alderman Spurrier last evening were arraigned Jacob Bcnhart, Adam Brown and Geerge Scheurenbrand, te an swer a complaint of Christian Heidman, who charges them with an assault and bat tery en him, last Monday, at Lucus Fritz's hotel, en St. Jeseph street. The accused entered bail te answer at court. Thumb Masked. Augustus Sharpf, a brakeman en Diller- ville accommodation, had his right thumb badly mashed while shifting cars at the Pennsylvania freight depot at neon te-day. The wound was dressed at Cochran's drug stoic. Bxcaralen. Harvest home excursion te Ceney Island, Manhattan, Brighten and Keckaway Beach, en Monday, July 19, ever the Philadel phia and Beading and Bound Broek route. Tickets geed for two days te return en any train. Fare for the round trip $4.50. Special train, with elegant new cars, leaves Lancaster at King street at 4 a. m., up per depot at 4:10 a. m., and Columbia at 4 a. m. Through te Jersey City without extra charge en the Floating Palace "Kill von Kull," te Ceney Island. Grand Re public te Rockaway with Couteiner's band. The celebrated Ringgold band, 20 pieces, te Ceney Island. P. S. Gillmerc's band, 40 pieces, te Manhattan. Returning, leave Rockaway at 4::J0 p. in.. Iren Pier, Ceney Irland. at 5:30 p. m., and Jersey City at 7 p. m. Fer further particulars sec adver tisements, bills and pesters. 3td-6,8,10<w Wi: can recommend St. Jacob's oil te our render-, for it is really a geed remedy. Williamson & Fester have just placed 20 dozen of men's working pants en their coun ters and selling tlicin at ."i cents per pair. They have riveted lititteus, lour pockets, and made se us net te rip. Ge and get it pair for they w ill seen lie gene. Jeir-M,w,ri.vwu shaving becomes a luxury w hen indulged In daily with Cuticura Shaving Seap. There is no 1'aln Like Toetli-aclie! It "beats the deg-." for making a lellew -quiim. Xobedv pities you. "Get it out," savs one ; "rub the teeth against a stone," says anether: w hen it begins te swell then it won't hurt se much,'' says u third. The reason of the ache i- you didn't use .SO.ODOXT,and prevent your teeth from decay. ivO-lwdeedVv Mothers never fail te recommend Malt Hit ters as nourishing and strengthening. SPECIAL NOTICES. "Werth their weight in geld" is what "Sel lers' Liver lMlls" are said te be. 11 you don't beliew it try them. A Ureat Enterprise. The Hep Hitters Manufacturing Company is one el Rochester's greatest business enter pi iscs. Their Hep Hitters have reached a sale beyond all precedent, having from their in trinsic value found their way into almost every household in the land. Graphic. Jyl-2wd.Vw Try l.echer's Renowned Cough Syrup Tlie Cause IMsceiered. Most el the readers whose ejes scan these pages have suffered from headache, lassitude, nausea or pain- in the back ; but we. doubt if they knew w hat the cause was. Innine cases out of ten it was some trouble with the kid nejs or liver. This is a truth which has just become known, and the result which Warner's Sale Kidney ami Li er Cure hasaceemplisheil. The above named troubles are caused by di-j-eidcrcd kidneys and liver, and the remedy which cures the cause banishes the pains which arise from it. jyl-2wd&w Try l.echer's Renowned Cough Syiup. Thousands arc new- feeling the elleets of this depressing weather, and experience a less of appetite, less of red bleed, have become pale, and are very languid. We advise them te re sort immediately te the great Meed Purifier, Meed Enricher, and Perfect Health Giver, Dr. M-owning's Tonic and Alterative. Price 50 cents and $1. Fer sale by its author ami sole Propiieter, W. Champien llrewning, M. I)., 1117 Arch Street, Philadelphia, and all Drug gists. jyS-lwd&w Had bleed always causes trouble. It may be a family light, or boils, pimplus. itch, tet ter, &c. : but no matter, " Dr. I.indsey's Meed Searchcrr is the cure-all. Try Lechei's Uenewncd Cough Syrup. Mothers! Mothers! Mothers:!: Are you disturbed at night and broken et your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If se. go at once and getabottleef MKS. WIXS LOW'S SOOIHIXG SYRUP. Itw ill relieve the peer little sullerer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, ami pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription et ene et the eldest and best female physicians and nui-ses in the United States. Sold everywhere 'Si cents a bottle. I j 17-lyd& wM. W&S Try l.echer's Renowned Cough Syrup. Te Check Diarrheea. Diarrheea is a complaint that the human family suffer mere from at this time of the year than trem any ether, and should be treat ed very carefully m enler te restore the bowels te their proper strength. There is a w ine made in X'ew Jersey and sold by our druggists, call ed Spncr's Pert drape Wine, which is being used very successfully in diarrheea cases. In fact, it is conceded by chemists te contain just such proportions :is gradually cheek the ler menting in the bowels and add tone and vigor le the system, se as te withstand the miasmatic climate against these preventing complaints. The wine is rich in body and is an excellent tonic, keeping the functions of the bowels in their proper condition. Evening l'evt. Tills wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and Davis, and sold by II. E. Slaymaker. jyl-2wd&w statistics prove that twenty-nve percent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in Its worst stage will yield te abottleef Lechcr's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers ler their ncgli gence, or pity them for their ignorance? Xe, '.l East King street. I.rewn's Household I'anacea Is the most effective Pain Destroyer in the w erld. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally erapplied externally and thereby mere certaluly RELIEVE PA1X, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength et any similar preparation. It cures pain in the Side, Hack or Uewcls, Sere Threat, Rheumatism, Toothache and ALL ACHES, and is the GREAT RELIEVER OF PAIX. "BROWX'S HOUSEHOLD PAXA C E A " should be in every family. A tea-spoonful of the Panacea in a tumbler et het water (sweetened, if pretened), taken at bedtime, will HREAK UP A COLD. 25 cents a bottle. Fer sale at II. H. Cochran & Ce Drugstore Xerth Queen street. Lancaster. Much Sickness, Undoubtedly with children, attributed te ethel causes, is occasioned by Worms. RROWX'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS, or Werm Lozenges although effectual in destroying worms, can de no peslble injury te the most delicate child This valuable combination lias been success fully used by physicians, and found te be ab solutely sure In eradicating worms. Twenty five entsabex. f)anl5-lvdwTuTh4S "We keep constantly en hand a full assortment of India Gauze and Gauze Merine Undershirts and Drawers, in all sizes. Jean Drawers in all sizes, at lowest prices. Laundried and Unlaundried Shirts, made of the tast materials and guaranteed te give full satisfaction in fit and wear. Lisle Thiead, Plain and Fancy Hosiery, in Full Assortment. Plain and Fancy Neckwear, in all the choice styles. Silk, Hemstitched, Plain and Colored Bordered Linen Hand kerchiefs, in very fine qualities and choicest styles. Suspenders, Gloves, &c, in full assortment. CSTGentlemen, please call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ftete. Heur of Closing 7 o'clock P. M.. Except Saturdays. GIVLEB, BOWEBS & HTTBST; 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. HEATHS. Schum. luiy 9, Anna Margaretta Sclium, wile et Philip Schum, et this city, suddenly, in her 47th year. Funeral en Monday atternoen at 3 o'clock. Services at her late residence, ll Seuth Water street, and Interment in Woodward Hill ceme tery, ltd Sciiusi. July 0. Philip Schum, of this city, suddenly, in his OCtli year. Funeral en Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Services at his late residence, lit; Se ath Water street, and interment in Woodward Hill ceme tery, ltd HiNEKDEBB. In this city, en July 9, ls$0, Franklin G., son et Jehn R. and Dorethea Hinerdeer. in the 12th year et his age. The relatives and fi lends of the family are r-dspec'iully invited teattendthcfuner.il trem the residence et hi-, parents, en the Ilarrisburg pike, near city limits, en te-morrow (Sunday) morning at 9 o'clock. Interment in Zion's cemetery. 2td JVA'ir Alt VKRTISEMENTS, N1 JOT1CK. I have purchased the seen win, sieck ami fixtures of victor Kassar, undertaker. I will continue the business at my old stand, Ne. 427 St. Jeseph street. LEONARD SCHMIDT. ltd rpOUACCO RAISERS! 1 Insure your Creps against less or damage by hail at BAUsMAN A BURNS'S Insurance Oflice, 111 West Orange Street. IcS-eedtflt LIVERY NOTICE. Having added te our I.ivery Sleck 1 we Hearses we are new prepared te attend le Min erals at the shortest notice. Office open day ami night. ylO-2tdS REESE l'KO. SCHOOL TAX, 1880. The duplicate is in the hands et the Tieas urer. .1 per cent, off for premt payment. WM. O. MAKSH A LI., Treasurer. Ne. 12 centre square. Oflice hours lrein "J a. m. te i p. m. p. in. iel2-:i JtdS.WASR 105 ;e te F. IUEMENZ'S, 105 Xe. 105 Xertli Queen street ter the Cheapest and Hcst HOOTS AXD SHOES. 105 Sign of the Illsr Shee. 10S jatf-sitwttd k SAFK INVESTMENT. A Policy of Life Insurance is the cheapest and safest mode of making a certain prevision for one's family. Benclits et $1,000 are secured for $8 in the II. B. Mutual Aid Society of Pennsylvania. HEXUV HECHTOLD, Agt., Xe. 32 North Queen Street, ltd Lancaster, Pa. ESTATE OF DR. WEN.1AM1X MISHI.KK, late of Lancaster City, deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the )r ph ins' Court et Ijinea-ter ceunty.lPa., te dis tribute the balance remaining in the hands or Elizalieth Mishlcr, Admiiiistratix et satd de ceased, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will attend ter that purpose OX WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11th, at 10 o'cleek a. m., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in City et Lancaster, Pa., when' all persons in terested in said distribution may attend. , jylO-Udlaw H. K. DA IS, Auditor. COMMENCEMENT WEEK AT MILLEKS VILLE. The exercises of the Commencement Week at the Nermal Scheel, Millersville, will be as loliews: Haccalaurcatc Discourse Sunday, July 11. Class-day Exercises Wednesday, July II, at !l a. m. Alumni Meetings Wednesday, July II, after noon and evening. Commencement Exeiciscs Thursday, July .", at '. a. m. and 1J. p. in. The public are ceidially invited te attend. Jyl0 8tds.TJeW 1(r LADIES AND ENTS lfJPi It you want a GOOD FITTING BOOT OR SHOE, Ready-made or made te order, call at F. HIEMENZ'S, Xe. IOTi Xerth Queen Street. Custom Werk a Specialty. jeSW&Wtld 100 Tens of Rags Wanted, Fer which the highest price w ill be paid. 2KCEXTS PER POUND FOR GOOD MIXED RAGS. The highest price nald ter Woolens, old Paper, Heeks, &c. Teh Rag Asserters wanted le whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBBR, Cor. North Queen and Oiauge Streets, jy!)-ttdR Lancaster, Pa. pAS FITTING AND PLUMBING. JOHN P. SCHAUM, Xe. 27 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA., PLUMBER, GAS AND STEAM FITTER. A Large Assortment of GAS FIXTURES Constantly en hand. jylO-fimdeawS J. B. lartin & Ce. LAWNS, GINGHAMS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, CORSETS, 0LOVES. Largest Line of Laundried and Unlaundried Fancy Shirts iii the City. NOTICE. Our store will be closed o'clock p. m.. e.cept Saturday evenings. at J. B. MARTIN & CO. ATTOXirjirS-AT-LA ' HKNKV A. BILEY Attorney and Counseller-at-Law ' 21 Park Rew, New Yerk. Collections made in all parts of the United States, and a general legal business transacted. Refers by permission te Stelnman & Hensel. I'KY LOCHER'S . STKUP ttanuw NED COUGH DMT OOODB. XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SALE OF DAMAGED GOODS. UAOI'.IC &KKOTHEK will continue the sale of Goods damaged only by water dining the recent file en their premises. WALL PAPER, CARPETS, Mattings and Oil Cleths, Muslins and Sheetings, linens and Quilts, Woolens for Men's "Wear, and Beady-Made Clothing, &c., All of the above have been marked at a erv low price, as we arc determined te close The sale is going en daily from fi a. m. until 7 p. in. Saturday evenings until ! o'clock in store looms in rear ei main store. As 1 here was no damage te stock in main store room busiuess there gees en as usual. HAGER & BROTHER, THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OF BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, In the city, is te be seen at the Works et NORBECK & MILEY, - PRACTICAL CARRIAGE BUILDERS, COR. DUKE AND VINE STS., LANCASTER, PA. 49-COX & CO.'S The Stock includes all the LATEST STYLES SPRINGS, uch as the IJrewster, Whitney, Salhlee Triple, Kinpire Cress Spring, Dexter Queen, Duplex lid Klliptie.and thev will also make te order any style a purchaser may desire. Repairing I all kinds promptly attended te. All work guaranteed for one year. "OUR "WORK SUSTAINS OUR WORD." EXVVJISIOKS. "PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. HO! FOR ATLANTIC CITY. THURSDAY, AUGUST 19. FARE FOR ROUND TRll - - SS.73. TICKETS GOOD FOR TWO DA YS. ltd F OR CAPE MAY ! THURSDAY, JULY 15th, 1880. ROUND TRIP, ONLY ISS.-.I. ftiTUoed for two days. Fer the hcnelit el ChrNt Lutheran Alivden. Train leaves Pennsylvania Depetat (.o'clock a. m. Cleiniuens's City Rand will accompany the excursion. Fer lurtlier information call at H..I. ERISMAN'S, jlWtdTSWVtltw a: North Queen Street. EXCURSION TRAIN TO QUARRVVILLE te Colored Weeds Meeting, in Martin Ileus's Weeds, by the members of A. M. E. .ion eliurch, Lancaster, Pa., SUNDAY, JULY 11, 1880, Leaving Lancaster (King street) at WW a.m. Returning, leave Quarryville ati p. m., giving parties ample time te attend services at the weeds and return home the same evening. Fare for the Hound Trip only - - - C."c. jy7-2tdWA.S DAILY EXCURSIONS VKOM PHILADELPHIA TO CAPE MAY. The famous mammoth three-deck Steamer s mammoth three-deck REPUBLIC --r-'mYi"n- r T"f Leaves Race Street Wharf at TVJa. m., arriving at Cape May about li'A p. in. Returning, leaves Cape May at 3 o'clock p. m., givingample time ler bathinir or a drive en the beach. A full Itrass Rand and Orchestra Music Ter dancing. Parler Entertainments varied weekly. Lunch eons and Refreshments in abundance. Oni ners and suppers provided. Ojtersand ri-.h served ler supper a lew moments alter taken lrein the water. Fare Ter the Round Trip - 1 .00. SUNDAYS Will leave Race Street Wharf at !4 a. m'. P. S. A Uread Gauge Steam R. It. will con vey passengers te Cape Island in 8 minute. Tickets for alc at CHAS. H. BAKU'S, eSS-SKmd&w CENTRE SQUARE. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. -THE- Lancaster Orp Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market- Warcroems 320 North Queen street. Manufactory in the rear. Urauch Office, 15$ East King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Agent ler Lancaster County for CHICKERING & SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line et Sheet and ether Music, Small Instruments, Violins, Banjos, Band Instru ments, &c. always en hand. flM-lydb&ly w REMOVALS. DR. S. It. FOREMAN, (PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON), Removed trem Ne. 18 Seuth Prince street te Ne. 211 West King street, Lancaster, Pa. Im24-3md IMtY LOCHER'S . SYRUP. RENOWNED COUGH Manufactory NO. 25 WEST KING STREET. &c, OLD STAND.- EOR SALE OR KEXT. F Olt RENT. A New Twe-story Rrick Heuse, 105 Lecu-st street : $.) a mouth. jy7-3t.l Inquire at m LOCUST STREET. F 7eR RENT. The second sterv of Eshlcman ft Rath- venN Kankiuir Heuse, at Centre Square, and al.-e a room en second story, opposite the Penn'a R. R. Depot, en Chestnut street. 11. F. ESHLEMAN. fil-'Jtd&Stl Attemey-at I.aw WANTED. w rANTED. .EVERYBODY TO ADVER- tlse, free of charge, in the Intklliekn- ckr, who wants something te de. WASei AT Ne. 27 ltd est Chestnut street. TAOS! RAGS! RAGS! RAGS AVANTED JLt lleusekeencrs take notice that we are paying 1 cents a pound for MINED RAGS. lasu liaiii as seen us ucuvcrcu 1U WM. IIENNECKE, anr9-3md Ne. 'X'A West King Street. MISCELLANEOUS. A MEETING OF THE SIXTH WARD Hancock and English Club, will be held Oil FRIDAY K" KZSIAli at iyi OCIOCK, ai ine Schiller Heuse, North Queen street, for per manent organization. jy8 2td DR. UN. It. FAHNESTOCK Having returned from the Seuth, has re sumed his office practice, and can be found at his residence, Ne. 239 EAST KING STREET. mI8-2mdewS ATTENTION, FOURTH WARD DKJIO C RATS ! The Democracy of the 4th ward will meet at Rettweiler's Saleen, West King i street, en Monday evening next, at 8 o'clock, i ler the purpose of erganlug a Hancock ami , English club. Jy-2td rpURNPIKE DIVIDEND. X The President and Managers of the Lan caster, Elizabethtown and Middletown Turn pike Read have this day declared a Dividend et Twe Dollars anil Seventy-live Cents en each Share of Stock, payable after the 7th dayet July. J. M. LONG, Treasurer. July (5, 18S0. 3tdeaw -j-OTlCE TO FISHERMEN. Fishing Tackle in every variety, Bamboo, Caucaud Weeden Jointed Reds, Lines, Sink ers, Floats. Heeks, Ac. A call solicited. Prices low. ANDREW G. FREY'S City Pharmacy, Cor. N. Queen and Orange Streets. HO-lyd Lancaster, Pa. E .1AGLE CIGAR BOX MANUFACTORY. We have started a new Cigar Rex M aim fac tery at Ne. 211 North Queen street, anil are new prepared te fill all orders at the shortest notice. As we have all the latest improved machinery we will make as line a box as can be had in the country. Give us a call. HECHTOLD & Ce., Ne. 211 North Queen Street. je2-tfd Lancaster, Pa. INSTATE OF ANDREW STEWART, LATE It or Lancaster City, deceased. The under sigred Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Jehn It. Geed, esq., trustee te ell real estate, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit ler that purpose en WEDNESDAY, the 25th day of AUGUST, 1880, at 10 o'clock a.m., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons inter ested in said distribution may attend. W. F. BEYER, lyS-ltdJUtw Auditor. CARPETS. H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 202 WEST KINO STREET, Has the Largest and Cheapest Stock et all kinds of CARPETS in Lancaster. Over 100 Pieces of Brussels en hand, as low as S1.00 and upwards. Carpets made te enler at short notice, also pay 10 cents ter Extra Carpet Rags. 43-Givc us a trial. 202 WEST KING STREET. Will THIRD EDITIOU. SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 10, 1880 WKATHKK INJJIUATIONS. "Washington, July 10. Fer the Xew England and the Middle Atlantic states, partly cloudy weather, occasional rain, southwest veering te west winds, station ary or lower temperature, higher barome ter. ELEVATOR BURNED. Destructive Incendiary Fir la Chicago. Chicago, July 10. McCennick & Ces elevator, containing 50.000 bushels of eats, 10,000 bushels of corn and 2,000 bushels of wheat, was burned at midnight. The fire was probably the work of an incendi ary. The less is fully $50,000 ; insurance net obtainable. Milten Reyer & Sen's warehouse, filled with stores, adjoining the elevator, was also burned, which will increase the less te probably $75,000. Fire in New Yerk. New Yerk, July 10. Fire this morning in the six-story building, Ne. 158 Duane street, occupied by II. K. & F. B. Thurber, wholesale grocers, caused damage te the extent of $25,000. THE NEW YORK l'OLICE MUDDLE. Uen. llaldy Smith Takes tbe Fert. Xew Yerk, July 10. Judge Frcedman has rendered a decision in the police beard muddle, vacating the injunction of Judge Van Hocson se far as a stay of proceed ings is concerned, which prohibited the beard from acting en Judge Daniels's decision, reinstating Gen. Smith. General Smith appeared at the meeting of the po lice beard this afternoon and was prompt ly recognizer! as a member. Superintend ent Walling has been directed te promul gate the fact in a general order te the force. Commissioner Voorhies Refuses te Yield. New Yerk, July 10. Police Commis sioner Voorhies was displaced by Gen. Smith when served by Superintendent Walling with Judge Freedman's order, but he refused te recognize it and took his desk at headquarters, where he drew up a pretest against the legality of te-days action in the police beard. He also in structed his clerk and messenser te retain their positions. DROWNED. The Fatal Dive or a Profewiieiial Swimmer. Hamilton, N. J., July 10. An un known Italian, a stranger in these parts, came here several days age, saying he was a professional swimmer, and elTcring te give aquatic exhibitions en Thursday. Large crowds gathered te see his perform ance, but, after diving he did net rise te the surface. It is supposed he struck his head en the bottom and was stunned and drowned. DOCTOR TANNER. In l'riue Condition at the End of His Twelfth Day of Fasting. NewYekk, July 10. Dr. Tanner at neon completed the twelfth day of his fasting. The doctors say his condition is better than aL any time during the week. His pulse is 80 and his bodily condition un changed. He has received a letter from Melly Finchcr, the starving girl of Urook Ureok Uroek lyn, but will net make it public yet. IS SUE A IIORUIA? Mrs. Vankirk Committed en a Charge of Poisoning. Chicago, July 10. A despatch from Milwaukee says the examination yester day of Mrs. Vankirk, who is charged with poisoning her stepmother and a half brother, resulted in "her heing held for trial ; she could net furnish the bail re quired. There were traces of poison in the stomach of both the deceased. TWO FATAL CASUALTIES. Frightful Reller Explosion. Pittsburgh, July 10. Fred U ruble and William Black were killed by exple sien at 2 o'clock this meniing of one of the battery of seven boilers in Painter's iien mill en the south side. Cause of explosion is unknown and will be investigated. Fatally Kicked by a Herse. IlAititisnuius,Tuly 10. Leenard Swi gard, farmer, was kicked in the stomach last evening and died. SMALL-POX. The Captain of an Irish Vessel Dies of it en Shipboard. Halifax, July 10. Baik Jehn John John seon, from Dublin for New Yerk, passed Cew bay last night in charge of a pilot. Her captaid had died of small-pox. A OUNO RED-HAIRKD LAD1. Wanted as Material for an Albine, and Nothing Strange or Remarkable 0 About it. "1XT"ANTED A young red-haired lady; trav- W eling engagement. Apply at once agency 01 East 14th st. The above advertisement was .shown te" a tall, beneficent-looking young man stand ing behind a rail in the office ei Brown's Dramatic and Variety Agency at the ad dress given. "I called," the repeiter explained, "lie cause there seemed te be something un usual " "Nothing unusual about that" inter rupted the tall man, blandly. 'But who wants a young led-haircd lady'.' It isn't unusual te advertise for them in " "Nothing unusual, I assure you. Charlie applied te us for one and we adver tised. He ruils a side show with the circus." "Did he tell you what he wanted a young red-haired lady for in the side show?" "Certainly." "Well, can you tell me what he wanted her for ?" " Of course. He wanted te make an Al Al bieo out of her." "Don't you think that is strange ?" " Hew strange ? Here is a man that wants an Albine. A red-haired girl makes the best Albine. Here is a red-headed girl that is willing te be an Albine. Why shouldn't he advertise for her ? I don't see anything strange in that. The only I thing strange about the matter is that out 01 a nunureu rcu-ncaueu gins turn, iiavu come here te-day, net one would censcn te go out with a side show. They all want te go en the stage and be Clara Merrises." " But Albines are net young red-haired ladies. Don't you think there's something stranire " "Net at all," said the dramatic and va riety agent. " A human hair is a tube nearly white and transparent. This color ing matter is inside. The coloring matter is easily bleached out. When the coloring matter is bleached out of red hair it leaves it a shade of white mere nearly resembling the hair of a true Albine than in the case of ether kinds of hair. " "May I publish that Mr. Charles wants te transform a young red-haired lady into an Albine for his side show with the circus?" " Certainly. He'll have no objection, if you think it worth printing, bat I don't see anything strange or remarkable about the matter." Xeie Yerk Sun. Hendricks en the VlndaMtl Ticket. lien. Themas A. Hendricks has written a letter, dated the 2d instant, wherein he says : ' As my friend I want you te feel assured that I have no grievances growing out of the Cincinnati convcntien.The New Yerk delegation assured the delegations from ether states that I could net carry that state, and that prevented my support from them. A state delegation that doubted my ability te carry New Yerk did well net te support me. I want you te be assured, also, that I will most cheerfully and earnestly de my part te secure success, as will all my friends in this state. We will carry this state. The ticket takes very well, and will make some gains from the Republican ranks. We have no special return of hard times such as you describe as appearing in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, but the impression prevails that we ought te have a change of national administration. I have no doubt of the success of the ticket." MARKETS. rtUIadelphla Market. I'HiLADKXraiA.Jnlv 10. Flenrtlrm ;j;oed in quiry; superfine at 2 50:t; extra at 3&tM; udiii ami muiami iuiiiuy ai . -ite w , Penn'a tamilv at i 750.1 -25: St, Louts family 5 .le&t; 25 ; de old, $- 2f.4 T." ; Minnesota family St 5085 00 ; patent and high grades ; M QSOt). Rye flour at $1 - Wheat lewr ; Ne. 2 Western Red 91 11 ; Penn'a Red 1 14 ; Amber f 1 It. Cern steady; yellow 51J$65:!c; mUed 50 OOWc. Oats quiet but linn ; Ne. 1. White 43c: Ne. 2, de 41642c; Ne. 3, de 4tJ41e; Ne. ?, Mixed Rye "nominal; Western and Pa. XOc. Previsions ti nil : miss perk at i:f 25i:t M ; beef liams$JOS021 ; India ni.'ss beet JlGWlcr-e bacon, smoked tdieiililerS3c; salt VJ&i' smoked hams ll12e ; pickled hams 9ft'Je. Lard steady : city kettle 7?iK : loes. huteliers iie; prime steam 7 ?&! 35. llutter active and firm: Creamery extra 21c; de geed te choice 2022e: Ilradninl county and New Yerk extra. 2l2-.ic ; Western reserve extra 17GlSc; de geid te choice Y.HW ; Rolls dull ; Penn'a extra 1013 ; Western re serve extra 1013c. Eggs firmer; Penn'a 15c; Western V.ifiVn: Cheese quiet ; New Yerk full cream '.)'; Western lull cream. 8t3Ju;i!e lair te geed ,ii y.c; de half skims ."gi;c. i'etreleuui steady ; refined liic. Whisky 1 11. Seeds Geed te prime Timethy firmer at $.! DO: Flaxseed nominal at 1 3) : Clever llrm at $7 00ffl7 50. Mew Yerk Market. Nkw Yerk. July 10. Fleur State und West cm quiet and without important cliange ; supertfue state .t,504 10; extra .de (I 450; choice, de., l i5 Ml; faney $5 05G DO; round hoop Ohie l 705 70; choice de $3 75i25; superfine western $35$ 4 (Ki ; common te geed extra de $4 00(94 50 ; choice dodo W WQ1 00; choice white wheat de $im5 Oil; Southern quiet and lirm ; common te fair extra $5 25i le; geed te choice de U157cO. Wheat Spcing nominal : Winter Kc loner and lairly active ; Ne. 1 White. August, $1 irj ; Ne. 2, Red July. 1 10Jil 17; de August. $1 uyi2i nt'i; de Sept., iiMiia. Cern a shade easier and dull Mixed western spot, 4'.i40c; de future rj50c. Oats firm und quiet ; state .afle; western 2443e; Ne. 2 August 3fe. Stock Markets. PRILADBLl'IIIA. .IlllV 10. 1230 r. if. 3.00 r. m. Stocks lirm. PennaU's (third issue) 105 Philadelphia & Erie 12 Reading ' .... Pennsylvania .yj .... Lehigh Valley. I').'M United Ces. et N.J 1112 Northern Pacific 25 Pretcrred... .. 471 Northern Central :2 Lehigh Navigation 27 Norristewu 102 Central Transportation Ce. 4S Pitts., Titusvifle A Hullale. lOTtf Little Schuylkill 4314 Nxw xeKK.July 10. Stocks strong unil higher. X. Y. Cent nil l Adams Express ll- Michigan1 Central S7J Michigan Southern IO-Vh Illinois Central Wi'A Cleveland A Pittsburgh.. ..II'" Chicago A Reck Island 101 Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne.. 120 Western Union Tel. Ce lt Teledo A Wabash ' New Jersey Central........ 074 United States UeihIb and Sterling Kx h tuge. (Quotations by 15. K. Jamisen A Ce., S. W. Cor. 2d and Chestnut Streets). Philadklfuia. July 10. United States 0s, 1881, (registered). . United States .Vs. 1881. (registered).. 102J-; United States 4JVs, 1S. (rcgistcrcdJIO-.pfilO 00 United States 4U's,l80I,(coii))ens).. .IWfillO 00 United States 4fs, 1007. ( registered lesjlOB United States Currency ' 124JSM125J5 Sterling Exchuuec is.' t$Wl LANCASTER HOUSEHOLD MARKET. OA1UY. l.uttei -jf? ft. ............. ........ Cup cheese, 2 cups Cottage cheese, it pii-t-LS Dutch cheese V lump. VKUITH. Apricots 1 t Apples ft y pk Apples (new) -Jl " pk I (ananas each Blackberries ft box Cherries, dried, fl it Currants, dried, fl fi. Dried Apples fl qt " Peaches jft ,t Huckleberries 'it Lemens R dez Oranges ft dez Pine Apples ft piece Pears y yt peek Peaches iji Mpeck Raspberries ' box VOCLTIIY. Chickens p pair Ducks jfl pair Geese piece... VCOICTA ISLES. .. ..Hig25c "" rA. 8lte 15020c lOe .'.'.'. 2iDe 8I2C l'i ......... a V ..........I. I' ."i8c IIMl2f 10Q13C 20025c .tOfcifiOr 12&.S0O loc ..........20c ...""i518c 405Oe .WI&.'OC Mk-fttll Asparagus If hunch Beets V bunch Cabbage jfl head.... Carrots p bunch.. Cucumbers -H dez Green Cern lt de.. Green beans "fl yt jieek " peas jfl J peck Lima beans ?t t Lettuce, head ami plate Onions ft pk " fl bunch Potatoes old W pk " newVjP Radishes "P bunch - soup Beans p qt Salsify p bunch Tomatoes "P;" pk MISCKIXA.SKOUH. Apple Butter jfl it Eggs jfl dez Heney H fi....... ... -...... Seap t bi. ............... .......... Sauer kraut qt MKATS. Beef Steak, ft B. " Roast (rib) W B. " " (chuck) p fi. " Corned, ft fi " Dried. H ft SIOc '.'.'.'.'.'Juiiec :m5c 2Xf2!ic 152.'e a5c ....... .c l-w ......... av ......... r le KI0I5C 'JJtt2Sc Wi) Hi? '.'.'.'.'.'.'.UXJilic 1201Cc 120110 1012f 100120 .ziirfzx Ham Tf lb llejllSe Lamb V ft.- ....1202OC J.arn fi b... ........... ....... Mutten B It I2m;c siiec . .... v- ..-. 8010c 7010c ......44- 100110 $r,.oe6.co aO05TtC :S04Oc KrSiwe 10012c .2503J5O fl.1001.18 .....a mMS . " ..... in Vlf 10c ...... JIMr 4erk 1 m........ ............. 1'mnnng fi n Sausage p fi Sides and Bacen f 9i Shoulders ft ft eal p ft........... .......... llltAIS. Clevcrsced jf? bus Cerajp bus Oats ti bus Rye IP bus ( jf! ft. ......-.... Timethy Seeed 'fi bus Wheat f? bus risii. Bass V 9... ...... ............ Cattish ft ft....... .......... .els v BV... ............... ... i nee ......................... . Perch Sun Suckers......... ESTATE OF EUZABETU GORRK.CHT, late of Lancaster city. Pa., deceased. The underslgaea Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the bands et Win. II. Gorrecht and Mrs. Ann L. Gall, executers of the last wUl ami testament of said Elizabeth Gorrecht, deceased, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1880, at 2 o'clock p. m., in the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where all persona In terested in said distribution may attend. A. J. EBERLY, jytMtdeaw Auditor. .stV? Wri-fefeu.?r.y.-'.