"i i - . " " .." '-r, - -- 1-,-A 70---T f -' - v v V. ., 'rlJ LANCASTER DA1M INTELLIGENCER. I Mi AY JULY 9, 1880. rf-' NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. Event Aero the Cewrty lines. The beard of pardons will net held a session until the third Tuesday in Septem ber. H. Reidingcr, aged 14, of Penn town ship, Yerk county, had a leaded cun and while climbing ever a fence the gun dis charged, as is presumed, by the hammer of the lock striking against a rail, the con tent! (common bird shot) entered the right side of the face below the cheek bone ranging upwards te the top of the head, fracturing the temporal bone, and several shot piercing the brain. On Saturday morning, July 3, Mrs. 31a tliias Brickcrt, residing en the Colebrook read, four miles east of Middlctewn, gave birth te three living boys. She, en three former occasions, gave birth te twins, making in all nine at four births. The mother is getting along well under the circumstances. The seventh annual tri-state picnic of the Patrons of Husbandry and farmers of Southern Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia and adjoining states, will le held at Williams's grove, in the Cumberland valley, en Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday ami Friday, August 24, 25, 20 and 27, 1880. A course of agricultural lectures will Ikj delivered by Prof. S. II. lleiges. of Yerk, en Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day afternoons. The O. A. H. encampment at Gettys burg is te begin July 10 and continue un til the 23d. The tents Mill occupy the ground in front of the cemetery and also the adjoining let en the north. Meals will lie taken at hotels and bearding houses. Maiij' engagements have already been niadu and people enough te crowd the town are expected. Tents for ever 1,000 men have been procured. The famous Wecca Wecca cec Legien band, of Philadelphia, will furnish music. Ueliuieus services have been arranged for Sunday. Til K LOCAL CAM PAION. Organization oriluuceck anil English Club-;. A meeting of the 6th ward Hancock and English club will be held at the Schiller house, Xerth Queen street, this evening at 7 V o'clock, for ennaneiit organization. The Democracy of the 4th ward will meet en Monday evening next at lloth lleth wuiler's saloon. West King street, for the purpose of organizing a Hancock and Eng lih club. Last evening the Democracy of the Third waul met, pursuant te call, at Effingcr's saloon, corner of Seuth Queen and Vine streets, for the puriKisc of organizing a Hancock ami English campaign club. There was a goodly attendance, and 1$. F. Davis, esq., w:is chosen temporary chair man, with Herbert Johnsten secretary. After an informal interchange of opinion, a committee, consisting of G. Edw. Hegc ner, J no. F. Dcichlcr and Peter Landau, was appointed te report permanent efficeis at an adjourned meeting te be held at the same place en Tuesday evening next, at 7 o'clock. The meeting then dispersed, and the ellicers aud some few ethers re paired te Sprenger's te participate in the discussion concerning the organization of a central club reported below. At a general meeting of the ward club ellicers and committeemen at Sprenger's saloon last evening, it was resolved that the general conduct of the campaign should be committed as heretofore te a joint campaign committee comjiesed of tl e ward, city and county committeemen ; further that each ward club should ap point a conference committee of three te confer and co-operate with the campaign committee during the campaign in all thing looking te the etlicicnt and thorough organization of the paity. Last evening thy young Democracy of the Seventh ward, who have never yet cast a vote for president, but will de se in November next, met at Utzinger's saloon, Middle street, and temporarily organized a Hancock and English uniform club. About forty young voters signed the loll. On Thursday next they meet at the same place for jicmiaiicnt organization and the flectien of club officers. There is a fine body of young Democrats in the Seventh wai d, and we have no doubt the club will Ihj a large one and de geed service during the campaign. Arrchteil tin Suspicion. L. E. Heggins, phrenologist, maguctist and agent for books en physiology, and who resides at 48 Fifth sheet, Head ing, was arrested at the City hotel last evening by Chief of Police Deichler, en suspicion of being a thief. Ames Frick is a regular boarder at the City hotel, where for some days past Heggins has been stop step ping. Semc time yesterday the room of Frick was entered by some one, who broke open his trunk and stele a silver watch worth $43 besides some valuable shirt studs and sleeve buttons. When arrested Hnggins had two watches n his person, one of which was geld and the ether silver. He obtained the latter watch by trading a ring for it, te a young man at the hotel. Neither of the watches was identified by Frick as being his property, aud if Hugcins is the man who robbed him it is believed that he has disposed of the property. Several jewelers in town s-ay that they have seen the geld watch found en Huggins before. One says that a man, answering the description of Huggins came te his store yesterday, and asked whether he could sell a watch there, but he did net then show it. It is siid that when Huggins first came te town he did net have any watch. Since he has been at the hotel he has been in the habit of spending a geed deal of his time up stairs. The accused is a man apparently about 40 years of age, and since he has been in town he has been selling a book en physi ology. He will have a hearing t'lis evening before Alderman Dennelly of the Seventh ward, liefere whom complaint was made. " Light Up!" The lamp en Plum street, near the Penn iron works, was net lit last night, greatly te the annoyance and inconveni ence of residents and pedestrians in that locality. Seme time age a similar neglect was the cause of a very serious injury te Mr. Albert Lindscy, of the Penn iron works, who en account of the darkness did net see a gas trench that had been dug there, aud falling into it was se badly hurt that his physicians at one time were in doubt of his recovery. When Ajax strug gled with the gods iu darkness his cry was for light, and the same demand comes equally loud from the neighborhood of the iron works. Meeds Repairing. The crossing ever the railroad at Plum street is in bad condition. If net repaired there will be plenty of broken wagons. HIS AGE IS 55. Pleasant Surprise Party and Anniversary. Thursday, the 8th inst., was the 55th birthday of Rebert Mont gomery, esq., our well-known fellow citizen and member of the beard of county commissioners. His geed wife had planned for him a genuine surprise which she succeeded in carrying out in a most admirable manner. Mr. Montgomery had been called for in the morning by his friend, 3Ir. James Cellins, for the (pre tended) purpose of looking at a let of stock. In the meantime friends te the number of fifty persons assembled at the house ; all the carriages and horses were carefully conceal ed from view, and a watch set for the ap proach of Messrs. Montgomery and Col Cel lins. About 12 o'clock they were sighted, the guests were immediately ushered into the spacious dwelling, and the doers were closed. Mrs. Montgomery met them at the north point of the house, telling Mr.M. that Rev. W. Andersen was in the parlor, ana insisted upon his going in immediately by the front deer. Te this he slightly de murred, alleging that Mr. Andersen was no particular stranger, but he was hustled in nelens telens. He was met in the hall by Mr. Andersen, a side deer was opened, and another of his friends greeted him without awakening any sus picion upon the part of Mr. Montgomery. But when the doers of the parlor were thrown open aud his friends poured in upon him in such number bus surprise was complete, and he feelingly acknowl edged that he had been completely "sold." The scene was all the mere enjoyed by Mrs. Montgomery and the friends who knew him best from the fact that in com menting upon similar events, he had ex pressed himself te the effect that " no wo man could shut his eye upon such an occa sion." but he is new willing te admit that he is in the gentle hands of his loving wife like clay in the hands of the potter. Alter spending some time in social con versation the company were invited into the dining loom, wheicMrs. Montgomery had spicad one of the most inviting enter- jtaiumcntK, for which she is se justly cele brated, consisting of all the delicacies of the season placed upon two tables, which fairly gieaned under the weight of the geed things they contained, and te which the invited guests did ample justice. About (5 o'clock the guests were served with ice cream, cake, fruit and coffee, after which short speeches were made by Revs. Alexmder, Cairns and Shuey, and Drs. Martin and Raub, Messrs. Thes. C. Col Cel lins, Uebeit Fergusen, W. S. Hastings, J. D. Harrow, Gee. Whitson and Gee. W. Hensel, which were fitly responded te by Mr. Montgomery, after which the compa ny weie led in prayer by Rev. Andersen in a most fcrvaut and eloquent manner. The company new separated, after spending a most enjoyable day, wishing the return of many happy birthdays te Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery. As a fitting finale te the occasion the young lady and gentlemen friends of Mrs. Montgomery gave her a surprise in the evening, and spent the time in music, dancing, &c, until the wee snia' hours. picnic; no. i. Sicily Island and it Many Attraction!! A Fine Picnic Orennd. The excursion train te Sicily Island, left this city yesterday morning shortly before 5 o'clock, and arrived at Fite's Eddy at 0:50. Frem the station, en this side of the river, the excursionists were taken ever te the island en a large ferry beat, which will held almost one hundred persons. Upen arriving at the island the excursionists im mediately began te amuse themselves in different ways. Many of the gentlemen spent the day fishing, while ethers enjoy ed a sheeting match at glass balls, en the small island, which is a short distance from the larger one. During the day there was dancing en the large platform, te the inspiring music of Tayler's orchestra which accompanied the excursion. A large num ber of row beats had been chartered by the association, and they weie used by the ex cursionists free of charge. Many of the party took their dinners with them, and ethers purchased their meals at very rea sonable rates at the table, which was spread by the club. The island has been fitted up in line style. The house, which is of two stories, with two rooms up stairs and four down, has been completed. It is furnished with cots and is in charge of a man, who, with his mother, lives in it. The dancing platform is elevated about five feet from the ground, and from thirty te forty couples can dance upon it at one time. I lie island is very clean, and it is one of the finest places in this vicinity for holding picnics. It is about twenty feet above the level of the river,and is considered a very healthy place. The ride te and from the island is beauti ful, and with its many attractions there is no reason why it should net become a popular resort for persons desirinjr te held a pleasant picnic for a day or te go fishing for a week. The fishing is very geed at this point, as some of the gentle men who brought long strings home last evening can testify. The excursionists ai rived in this city shortly after nine o'clock in the evening, having returned en a special train furnish ed by the Pennsylvania railroad company. On the train was an observation car, which was filled with large and comfortable chaiis, and passengers en beard of it had an excellent opportunity of enjoying the lovely scenery along the route. The excursionists all enjoyed themselves heartily and they are loud in their praises of the gentlemen of the club, who did all in their power te show them a splendid time. Itutter Thieves. Last night thieves entered the spring house of Henry Bewman, residing near the Green Tree hotel, Stras burg township, and stele there there feom about twelve peuuds of butter, and destroyed several pans of milk. They also tore a part of the fence leading into a tobacco field and turned the cattle into it, destroying a censidersble oertion of the tobacco. The premises of Eli Mylin were also in vaded by thieves, and several pounds of butter, pans of milk and ether articles car ried off or destroyed. Pele Raising. Christ Hagclgaus of the Gen. Jacksen hotel, en East King street, will raise a hickory Hancock pole at 4 o'clock te-morrow afternoon. Turn out, boys, and give it a lift. Leak in the Water Pipe. A leak has been discovered in the water pipe between the water works and reser voir, and workmen have been seut te make the repairs. '- RAILROAD TRAGEDY. PHILIP SCHUM AXU WIFE KILLED. Carious Case of Mistaken Identity One Family Spared Urler Which Over whelms Anether. This forenoon engine X. 505, attached te Niagara and Chicago Express, en the Pennsylvania railroad, struck a horse and buggy containing a lady and gentleman, at the first read crossing west of Salunga. The persons were seriously injured and were taken te Mt. Jey en the same train, where they were left in charge of the station agent. The man died shortly after reaching Mt. Jey and his wife died seen afterwards. It was net known who the parties were when they were first taken te Mt. Jey, but they have since been recognized as Rev. Mr. Speclit and wife, of Manheim. The horse which was driven by Mr. Specht was se badly injured that he died seen after the accident. The buggy was broken te pieces. Near tire railroad crossing where the ac cident occurred there is a cornfield, which prebaby prevented Mr. Speclit and his wife from seeing the train. The full name of the deceased man is Rev. Jeseph Specht, and he was a minister in the Evangelical church.- He and his wife leave a family in Manheim. Who He Was. -. Rev. James A. Feger, pastor of the Eng lish Evangelical church in this city, was very well acquainted with deceased, and speaks in the highest terms of him. Rev. Jeseph Specht was 47 years old ; he en tered the Evangelical conference in 1858, aud was ordained te preach in 18G0 aud 18G2. He has served in numerous charges with great approbation and while at Reading fourteen years age solemnized the marriage of Rev. Feger and wife. They were greatly shocked at the news of his terrible fate. His wife's name was Annie and she was 42 years old ; they left a son and daughter, aged 16 and IS years. Rev. Specht was about four years age en the Lancaster circuit and preached at Millcrs ville. He has been at Manheim two years. He was short of stature, with full whiskers, of dark color aud thick growth, and was considered one of the best preachers in the Evangelical denomination. MISTAKES IDENTITY. Ke Speclit and Wile Net Hurt Feurs that Mr. and Mrs. l'hllip :cniuu are Killed. Telegrams received in this city about 8 p. in. state that Rev. Specht and wife are alive aud well at their home in Man heim, and that they were net in the vicinity of Salunga te-day, as was inferred from a mistaken identifica tion of the man and woman killed at Sa lunga. A despatch from Mt. Jey also says that persons there have identified the victims of the accident as Philip Sclmm aud wife, of this city. Inquiry at Mr. Schum's store, en West King street, discloses that he and his wife left Lancaster this morning, driving and in all probability reached Sa; lunga about the time of the reported ac cident. Frem a picture of Rev. Specht which has been shown a representative of the Intelligencer it is apparent that he and Air. Sebum might be mistaken for each ether. 1 he Worst Fears Kealizud. Mr. Philip Schum, the well-known car pet weaver and dyer, of West King and Seuth Water streets, this city, left here early this morning with his wife te drive te Manheim te sec an old lady friend, who was very ill, and this is the last their family here have heard from them. The ; following special received at the Intelligencer office, from Mount Jey at 2:30, shows that at that hour the remains were believed te be these of Rev. and Mrs. Specht : " Chicago and Niagara express due at Mount Jey at 11 :27, ran into a huggy containing a man aud woman supposed te be, and identified by friends as Rev. Jes. Specht, Evangelical preacher of Manheini, at Martin B. Pieffcr's erasing, a short dis. tancc west of Salunga. They were brought te Mount Jey, and shortly after their ar rival he expired, having had a thigh broken, two cuts in the back of his head, and his left side crushed. The lady sustained internal injuries, as well as about the head, and died a little before 2 o'clock this after noon. One of the legs was cut from the horse and he was relieved from his pain by a gun shot." A dispatch from Manheim te Mt. Jey, forwarded from the latter point te Lan caster, savs that Schum and his wife left Manheim this morning te drive te Marietta. It is feared, and there is every reason te believe that they are the killed parties. Their read would proba bly lie that way and they were per haps sufficiently unacquainted with the country te incur the risk of such a calamity as it is feared as befallen them. The fact that Specht is accustomed te drive that way and that the victims were driving from Manheim led te the mistaken identification, as a despatch from Man heim assures us that they are safe at home. A later despatch says that the man killed is of short build, dark complexion and smooth face, which corresponds with the description of Mr. Schum. Mr. Schum was a German by birth ; he has resided here and has been in business for thirty years. He was a well known carpet and ceverlid weaver and dyer; later also a dealer in coal and proprietor of the new dry goods store en West King street. He leaves about six daughters and two sons, of whom one has been associated iu business with him. By thrift, energy and enterprise he had accumulated a very considerable estate and important business interests, constitu ting him a well known, influential and highly respected citizen. Further Evidence. Mr. and Mrs. Schum left here with a dark bay horse and a falling-top phaeton baggy which correspond with the team reported from the Salunga accident, and 'there seems new te be no doubt 'that the victims of this sorrowful accident were our fellow citi zens, whose family are plunged in deepest gloom by the news, the first tidings of which were communicated te one of the sons from the Intelligencer office as he was standing in Centre square without a suspicion of his parents' fate. MATRIMONIAL. The Nuptials of a Well Known Educator. Rev. N. C. Schaeffer, Ph.D., of the class efiaJO, F. & M. college, formerly rector of the academy aud new principal of the Key stone state normal school, at Kutztown, was married yesterday te Miss Annie All ium, of Applebachville, Bucks county. The marriage took place at the residence of the bride's parents, and the nuptial band was tied by the Rev. J. S. Stahr, of Frank lin and Marshall college, a classmate of the doctor. The bridesmaids were Miss Lizzie Ahlum, a sister of the bride, and Miss Jen. nie Applebach, of Applesbachsville, while Rev. William Schaeffer, of Danville, and D. Nicholas Schaeffer, of Reading, brothers te the groom, acted as grooms men. The Reading Eagle, describing the event, says : The bride was attired in a stylish dark blue silk and white kids, her hair being adorned with an orange blossom wreath. The groom were the usual suit of black broadcloth and a white tie. The brides maids were dressed in all white and were white kids, while the groomsmen were conventional suits aud white ties. Among these present, were Mr. and Mrs. Senater Themas, of Applebachsville, with whom the bride lived for some time. The bride is a blonde, pos sessing the qualities of a lady of refine ment and taste, has taught in the public schools of Quakertown with marked suc cess, and is in every respect worthy of her husband, who is a gentleman, having graduated with honors at Franklin and Marshall college ; completed his studies at the University of Berlin, Germany, re turned and become one of the beard of in structors of his alma mater, and finally, about three years age, accepted tfic prm cipalship of the Keystone state normal school, which institution under his ad ministration is in a very flourishing condition and bids fair te become the van of similar institutions in Pennsylvania. After the ceremonies all present sat down te a sumptuous banquet. Later the newly married couple left for Philadelphia. Their wedding tour will extend te Watkins Glen Seneca Lake, Niagara Falls, and Chatau qua Lake. Subsequently they will be the guests of Rev. F. B. Herner, of Greenville, Mercer county, a graduate of .the normal and one of the doctor's friends. They will arrive at Kutztown in the course of several weeks and occupy rooms at the normal school. Before the last teachers' institute of Berks county, held at Reading, Docter Schaeffer offered the following resolution : " Whereas, lady teachers are se much su perior te male teachers, therefore be it re solved, That who take a successful lady teacher out of the school room by marry ing her, be banished and estracised from the county." County Superintendent Baer objected te the motion ou the ground that the mover might be the first one te share his fate. Mr. Bacr's prophecy was literally fulfilled." ' Oeiug Hack te !oed Old Democratic Tillies" Under the caption of " Geed News from Pennsylvania," the Reme, Georgia, Tri Weekly Courier publishes the follewing: ' Hen. Fred. La tier, the celebrated brewer of Heading, Pa., and one of the most prom inent Democrats of the Keystoue state, in a letter te his nephew, Mr. J. J. Spreng cr, of this place, says : Such a political excitement as the present we have net ex perienced since 1832, when I cast my first vote for the here of New Orleans. Gen, Hancock will surely carry Pennsylvania by considerable majority. We are new going back te geed old Democratic times again. Numerous Liberal Republicans are new ready te join us. New for peace, union and harmony." Frightened OIT. Last night the wife of Philip Rintz, who resides en Mulberry street, had occasion te go into her back yard and when she did se she saw a man with his shoes in his hand sneaking through the yard. Thinking he ment no geed she screamed, when he took te his heels and escaped ever the back fence. Summer Leisure. Jacob M. day. Leng, left for Cape May te- Geerge Schatim, has gene te Atlantic City. Geerge II. Showers, is in Mycrstswn, Lebanon county, where he will spend a short time. Leg Itreken. Yesterday afternoon a five-year-old son son of Ezra B. Fritz, of Quarry villc, had his leg broken by being run ever by a wagon. He was standing en the wheel of the wagon when the horse suddenly start ed and he was thrown te the ground. He fell under the wagon, one wheel e which passed ever his leg, breaking it near the hip. Drs. Raub and Dcaver set the limb l'lgeen Race from Columbia. A pigeon lly for $10 a side came off this afternoon, between birds belonging te H. Hirsh and C. Lippold, J. J. Strine, of Philadelphia, acting as judge. The birds were let lly at 2 o'clock. The match was wen by Hii-sh's bird, which arrived in Centre Square at 3:09 ; Lippold's arrived a few minutes later. A Fizzle. "We are informed that the attempt of the young Republicans te organize a Garfield club at Snyder's saloon, in the Eighth ward, was a very decided Gzzle. The at tendance was very small, and nearly all present were boys from sixteen te twenty years of age. Ne organization was effect ed, nor is it likely that one can be effected in that staunch old Democratic ward. Mercantile Taxes. The county treasurer te-day brought suit against 109 merchants and dealers for the recovery of the mercantile tax which they have refused or neglected te pay. The taxes due average from $5 te 850 each, aggregating about $1,300. The suits were brought before Alderman Ban, of the Third ward. Te Preach Te-NIght, Rev. Chas. Austin, formerly of Potts ville, but new of Chicago, will preach in the Jewish synagogue this evening. XXW JLDrJOtTXSJSXXim. I ,We have just received a Fine Line of SILVEK JEWELEY, whieh at this appropriate season is in great demand. Silver Bracelets, Silver Bangles, Silver Combe, Silver Lace Pins, Silver Hair Pins, Silver Ear Rings, Silver Sleeve Links, Silver Scarf Pins, Silver Initials, &e. They are pretty in design and quite inexpensive. The sales of these goods in the large cities during the past month have been immense, and in anticipation of much inquiry we have put in an unusually large stock. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. SPECIAL EDW. J. JEWELER, ZAHM-S CORNER, LANCASTER, PA. :e: Our largely increased business makes it necessary for us te enlarge our store room. Te make room for the alterations we contemplate, we will close out us much of our stock as pos sible, between this ilate and tbe 10th of AUGUST, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. This offer applies te any article in our extensive stock EXCEPT SPECTACLES, and wil afford all who desire goods In our line a rare opportunity te buy from first-class stock nt un usually low prices. ZAHMS CORNER. The New Almshouse Barn. Messrs. Landis, Shultz and Rohrer, building committee of the beard of peer directors, met te-day and agreed te have plans and specifications made, and next week they will advertise for tiids, sepa rately for lumber and the work of erecting the barn, or for both jointly. Kat Haters. This afternoon en the Pacific Express east there was a car lead of Chinamen who were en their way te New Yerk. Excursion. Harvest home excursion te Ceney Island, Manhattan and Brighten Beach, en Mon day. July 19, ever the Philadelphia and Reading and Bound Broek route te Jersey City, thence en the Floating Palace " Kill von Kull," te Ceney Island. Tickets geed for two days te return en any train. Spec ial train returns same day. Fare for the round trip $4.50. Special train leaves Lancaster at King street at 4 a. m., Col umbia at 4 a. m. The celebrated Ringgold band of Reading will accompany the ex cursionists. Fer further particulars see advertisements, bills and pesters. 3td-G,8,10<w Shew this te your Docter. Cleveland, November 1, 1878. Etlilerx "Wachtcram Erie" Cleveland, Ohie: Gentlemen' : Allew me, as an old render of your valued journal, herewith te send you a tew lines, which please insert in your next is sue. I will vouch ler their truth, and knew that by their publication u great deal et geed will be accemplisheTl. Having been a reader of your paper for many years, I hope you will kindly grant my request. Fer twelve years I had suffered, from time te time, terribly vith Rheumatism, te such an extent that I was unable te move about and lest the use of my limbs. I tried everything recommended te effect a cure, consulted some of the most prominent physicians and expend ed large sums of money, hoping te find relief, but without any success. Glancing ever the columns of the " Wachter," I read about the St. Jacob's Oil and the many cures this re ined had effected. Having been disappointed se many times, I lest all faith In any remedy, the St. Jacob's Oil included, until I saw one ilay that it had cured a well-known citizen with whom I am acquainted. Other parties fully endorsed the value and wonderful power et the Oil, telling me that it hed cured them of different ailments in u very short time. This brought me te a conclusion. I said te myself, ' Sch weizer, fifty cents won't break you ;" se I went te my druggist, Sir. Beck, bought a bot tle of the Oil, and must new confess that the result was truly wonderful. I used It every two hours, and found relief immediately upon the first application, and the pain ceased en tirely after a tew mere applications. Fearing a new attack, I remained in bed and continued te use the remedy every three hours. All pain having left me, I arose from my bed and walk ed down stairs without any trouble. Since that time I have been able te fellow my occupation and feel no pains orincenvenience, however disagreeable the changes of the weather may be. Having thoroughly tested the St. Jacob's Oil, I can conscientiously re commend it te all afflicted with Rheumatism, fifty cents is a small expense when the services for se trifling an outlay are considered. If I was one thousand miles away from all human habitation, I should, nevertheless, procure this remedy and keep it always In my beuse. Leuis Schwhzzr, Cor. Mervin and Centre St., Cleveland, O. Prevent weakness and degeneration of the kidneys and urinary organs Malt Bitters. Williamson ft Fester have just placed 20 dozen of men's working pants en their coun ters, and selling them at 65 cents per pair. They have riveted buttons, four pockets, and made se as net te rip. Ge and get a pair for they will .seen be gene. iel6-M,W,Fdftwtf Attkxtien is directed te an advertisement in another column asking for 100 tens et rags by the old-established stand of Jehn A. Sliebcr, corner of North Queen and Orange streets. He also advertises ter 10 rag asserters. The queen of medicinal and toilet soaps, tiie fragrant Cnticura. There is no Pain Like Teeth-ache! It " beats the dogs" for making a fellow squirm. Nobody pities you. "Get it out," says one ; "rub the teeth againsta stone," says anether: when It begins te swell then it won't hurt se much," says a third. The reason of the ache is you didn't use SOZODONT,und prevent your teeth from decay. jvS-Iwdeed4w HPECIAX. NOTICES. If you are bilious you will find positive re lief by using "Sellers' Liver Pills." Sold by all druggists. The Cause Discovered. Most of the readers whose eyes scan these pages have suffered from headache, lassitude, nausea or pains in the back ; but we doubt if they knew what tbe cause was. In nine cases out of ten it was some trouble with the kid neys or liver. This Is a truth which has just become known, and the result which Warner's Sate Kidney and Liver Cure has accomplished. The above named troubles are caused by dis ordered kidneys and liver, and the remedy which cures the cause banishes the pains which arise trem it. jyl-2wdftw Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. If you want te get rid of pimples, boils, tet ter, Ac, use "Lindsey'a Bleed Searcher." Sold by all druggists. NOTICE. -:- ZAHM, LANCASTER, PA. Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Thousands are new feeling the effects et this depressing weather, and experience a less of appetite, less of red bleed, have become pale, and are very languid. We advise them te re sort immediately te the great Weed Purifier, Meed Enricher, and Perfect Health Giver, Dr. Browning's Tonic aud Alterative. Price SO cents and $1. Fer sale by its author and sole Proprietor. W. Champien Browning, M. I)., 1117 Arch Street, Philadelphia, and all Drug gists, jys-lwd&w Try Lecher's Itenewned Cough Syrup. DEATHS. UiLLKsrnc. In this city, en the 7th inst., Miw Mary A. Gillespie, aged 4J years. . The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral, from the residence of her father. West Vine street, en Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. 3td SEW ADVKRTISEMEXTS, FOR KKNT. A New Twe-story Brick Heuse. 105 Locust street ; $9 a month. Inquire at Jy7-3td LOCUST STREET. .rilOIIACCO RAISERS! JL Insure your Crep.- ugainst less or damage by hull at BAUSMAN ft BURNS'S Insurance Office, 10 West Orange Street. jcS-cedtllt A MEETING OF THE SIXTH WARD Hancock and English Club, will be held en FRIDAY EVENING at iyt o'clock, at the Schiller Heuse, North Queen street, for per manent organization. jy8-2td ATTENTION. FOURTH WARD DEMO CRATS! The Democracy of the 4th ward will meet at Rethweiicr's Saleen, West King street, en Monday evening next, at 8 o'clock, ler the purpose of erganlng a Hancock and English club. jys-2td ESTATE OF HERMAN MILLER. LATE of the city of Lancaster, Lancaster coun ty, deceased. The undersigned Auditor, ap pointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Louisa Miller and C. F. Sieber, executers of the will of said Herman Sillier, deceased, te and among these legally entitled tn the same, will sit ler that purpose en SAT URDAY, AUGUST 7, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, iu the city of Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribution may attend. GEORGE NAUMAN, jyU-Ctdeaw Auditor. ESTATE OF LEWIS HKPT1NO, SR. late of Lancaster city, deceased. The un dersigned Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Martin Kemnr, trustee te sell the real estate of said decedent, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en TUES DAY", AUGUST 10,1880, at 2 o'clock p. m., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, In the city of lancaster, where ail persons interested iu said distribution may attend. G. C. KENNEDY', jyJMtaeaw Auditor. ESTATE OF ELIZABETH UORREC'HT, late of Lancaster city, Pa., deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining fn the hands et Wm. H. GerrechtandMrs. Ann L. Gall, executers of the last will and testament of said Elizabeth Gorrecht, deceased, te and among these IegaLy entitled te the same, will sit for that purpes.; en SATURDAY. AUGUST 7. 1880. at 2 o'clock ft. m., in the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, n the city of Lancaster, where all persona in terested in said distribution may attend. A.J. EBERLY, jyiMtdeaw Auditor. 100 Tens of Rags Wanted, Fer which the highest price will be paid. VA CENTS PER POUND FOR GOOD MIXED RAGS. The highest price paid for Woolens, Old Paper, Beeks, Ac. Ten Rag Asserters wanted te whom the highest price will be puid. JOHN A. SHOBER, Cor. North Queen and Orange Streets, jy9-tfdR Lancaster, Pa. WANTED. WANTED. .EVERYBODY TO ADVER tise, free of charge, In the Ihtxlliokm Ihtxlliekm ckr. who wants something te de. XtTANTED A SITUATION BY A MIDDLE T T ageu woman 10 Keep house rer u man. Apply at SOS Beaver street. RAGS! RAGS! RAGS! RAOS WANTED Housekeepers take notice that we arc paying 2 cents a pound for MIXED RAGS. lusu paia as seen as uenvereu 10 WM. HENNECKE. anr9-3md Ne. 2T5 West King Street. REMOVALS. DR. S. B. FOREMAN, (PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON), Removed from Ne. 18 Seuth Prince street te Ne. 211 West King street, Lancaster, Pa. Im24-3nid M1SVELLAXEOVS. "V"OTICE TO FISHERMEN. Fishing Tackle In every variety, Bamboo, Cuneund Weeden Jointed Reds, Lines, sink ers, Floats, Heeks, Ac. A call solicited. Prices low. ANDREW G. FREY'S City Pharmacy, Cor. N. Queen and Orange Streets. HO-Iyd Lancaster, Pa. TjlAGLE CIGAR BOX MANUFACTORY. We have started a new Cigar Bex Manufac tory at Ne. 241 North Queen street, and are new prepared te fill all orders at the shortest notice. As we have all the latest improved machinery we will make as fine a box as can be had in the country. Give us a call. BECHTOLD A Ce., Ne. 241 North Queen Street, Je2-tfd Lancaster, Pa. TRY LOCHER'S SYRUP. RENOWNED COUGH THIED EDIT1M. FRIDAY KVZNINO, JULY 0,188a WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, July 9. Fer the New England and the Middle Atlantic states, cloudy weather, local rain, winds mostly euth te west, stationary temperature, and stationary or falling barometer. TRAGEDY IN A RAUNIU. A Teaaff Mas SfeMta Hte Sevaataea-Year-Old Slater laaDraatsluuM teWlawOatUM Faurily DtaKrace-Sae Pleads for Him With the eaeers, and They Part With. Tear aad Mataal Fer- giTeaesa A Sad Story. Danville. Va., July 9. Last night about midnight, Thes DeJarnette entered a bagnio here, enquiring for Mellie De Jarnette, an inmate thereof. She appeared, recognized him as her brother, and at his request went with him te a private room. A few minutes later repeated pistol shots were heard from the room. The police were called in and found the deer fastened. They broke it down and discovered the girl lying en the fleer weltering in bleed, her brother standing by her, pistol in hand. He immediately confessed having shot her and averred he hid done it te wipe out the disgrace of his family by his sister's con duct. He surrendered himself te the offi cers and has been committed te jaiL He declares his willingness te accept the pen alty of the law. Medical examination showed the gin was shot in five places, two at least ncces. sarilyfatal, and that she cannot survive. She pretests that her brother was right in taking her life and begs that he be net punished. On their separation after the tragedy the brother and sister embraced with mutual forgiveness and tears of grief. The girl is only 17 years old, and went wrong but a few months since. She is remarkably intelligent and fine looking ; her brother is about twenty and is a rail road agent and telegraph operator at Brown's Summit, N. C. The mother is the widow of Dr. James DeJarnette, and lives iu Caswell county, N. C, near Dan ville. HASSAN PASHA. He Club Kzoeb Bey and In Killed by the Latter's Indignant Followers. Londen, July 9. Latest intelligence from Serajcev states that excitement, caused by attempted murder of Hassan Pasha has considerably abated. When Hassan Pasha ordered a general disarma ment Ezoeb Bey, one of the most fanatical Mussulmans, with a few of his followers, went te Hassan and protested. Hassan replied by striking Ezoeb Bey with a stick, and the followers of the latter then threw themselves en Hassan and he was taken te Mitrevitza mortally wounded. Condensed Telegrams. Jehn Melick, a prominent ship broker of St. Jehn, N. B., has been arrested ou a charge of forgery. The earthquake at Geneva last Sunday, was the most severe felt in Switzerland for years. Twe persons were killed, "f Dr. Tanner completed the eleventh day of fast this afternoon, apparently in geed spirits. An earthquake ou the Island of. St. Geerge, one of the Azore group, resulted in the formation of another island, COO yards distant, and 18,000 square yaids in extent. Geerge Allen Price, the murderer of Villie Black, a tobacco merchant, en April 1, 1871), was hanged this morning in the yard of Hamilton county jail, Cincin nati. MARKETS. Mew Yerk Market. Nkw Yerk. July !. Fleur btutc and West ern a shade stronger and fairly uelive superline state t M)4 !; extra de 41 450; choice, de., 4 WQT, eil: taney 3 i6 00; round hoop Ohie 94 7005 70: choice de $3 7.'jjs2S; superlliie western $:i:4b 4 05; common te geed extra de (4 Wfttuf; nlintei. flfiiln At Kflf37fin. atlmf... will.. .,l .1.. 94UM95O0; Southern II rm with upward ten dency; common te fair extra 5 2.'4t; l: geed te choir; de $T I34J7 ). nuvi.iryii:uviiuriiiiii miriy acini; ; mi. i White. iL-.ii. l ITV ? .le.lnli- 41 11:. ........ $1 1 01; Ne. 2, Red .luly.$i 171 Is'; de August, $1 y& 12; de Sept., l jejj Cern linn uhd without iuiert:int rhangf : Mixed western spot, 47tJOc; de ruliire4!,y 49c. Oats llrm and quiet; state ag lie; western SiQOc; Ne. 2 July .&K. Philadelphia Market. I'iiiladklpuia, July U. Fleur lirm ; fur ii -uuiry; superfine at 2 503: extra at r:.u:i'.; Ohie and Indiana famiiv at .". Un$5 7.r , Penn'a family at tl 7.V.ri 2T- St. I.eui family r HJgt; OO ; de e!d,$22.rj4 7r ; Minnesota family $4 50.t m ; puteul and High graili s ; 75 Q8 00. Bye flour at 14 123)4 15. Cornmeal Iiraudywliie unchanged. Wheat firmer; Ne. i Western ICcd $1 II ; Penn'a Red $1 It; AinlJt-r tl 14. Cern firmer; yellow Mig52c : mixed a$c. Oats quiet hut lirm ; Ne. 1, White tie: Ne. 2, de 42c; Ne. 3, de :K8IWc; Ne. 'A Mixed 36U7c. Kye dull ; Western and Pa. .H5c Previsions firm ; nasi, perk at tl-'S 25t:t Ml ; beer hams $20 S021 ; India m.-ss Iteel tM4lti : bacon, smoked shoulder r..Vc; wilt 4j!k-; smoked hams ll12c ; pickntl nuiii" '.Kt'jc. Lard steady : city kettle 7&c ; loose butchers 7c ; prime steam 1735. Itutter active anil streng: Creamery extra Sic; de geed te choice HVn'ilc; Itmdrerd county and New Yerk extra. 22e ; Western reserve extra 17I8e; de geed te choice i:t15c ; Rolls dull; Penn'a extra IlKjl.'i; Western re serve extra 10Q 13c. Kggs firmer ; Penn'a 13c; Western 13llc. Cheese steady; New Yerk full cream lOe; Western full cream, ⁣ de fair te geed 7t 7Mc; de hair skims Cxi'c. Petroleum firm ; refined 10!c. Whisky till. Seeds Geed te prime Timethy dull at $2'M3 00: flaxseed nominal at. tl 30 ler new ; Clever e u let at 7 UO&71. Stock Markets. Philadbli-iiia. July 9. ISdU r. m. xuu r. M. Stocks dull. Fennati's (third issue) 105 Philadelphia ft trie 12 Pennsylvania Tiy. .... Lehigh Valley. 49K United Ces. et N. J my. Northern Pacific 2TPX 14 Pre ten ed 47V, Northern Central :i24 Lehigh Navigation 27 Norristown 102 Central Transportation Ce. 4S Pitts., Tltusvlile A Ruliale. l4 Little Schuylkill 4. Naw Yerk. J uly f Stocks dull. Meney 23 N. Y. Central 127 Eric. Adam Express 11 Michigan Central t&2 Michigan Southern 101 Illinois Central iu. Cleveland ft Pittsburgh. ...116 Chicago ft Reck Island 103 Pittsburgh ft fort Wayne.. 118 Western Union Tel. Ce 104 Teledo Wabash XM hew Jersey Central G m United States ISenda and Sterlins KxcIimiie. (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen ft Ce., S. W cer. mi ane vnesinut aireeisj. Philadelphia. July 9. United States Ps, 1881, ( registered )..103104 United States 5's, 1881, (registered). .102fe 1024 United States 41$'s, 1891, (regUtercdJKXHittlO te United States 4K'8,1891, (coupons)., .ibi&lew United States 4s, 1907. (registered )..ltt 10 United States Currency (Ts I243l25k Sterling Exchange 485 (J487X