XV -Jf wV - ' 'j.-" ," rrcr i?V-tT r JgTj LANCASTER DAlL lNlELLiGKJScER. FRIDAY, JCLY 9, 1880. ."S5-""V Lancaster intelligencer. FRIDAY EVENING. JUi.Y 9, 1880. Garfield and Cameren. Mr. Cameren luis made up his mind definitely that he will takt no hand for another Ohie man. lie coolly cheated Mr. Blaine out of the vote of Pennsylva nia in the convention of 187G, and nomina ted Hayes whom nobody knew or wanted. Him the machine managers fraud ulently seated in the place te which Air. Tilden was chosen, and supposed that they held him fast in the bends of a com mon crime. But he disappointed them bitterly. They were willing enough that Garfield, Fester and Matthews should trade with the Southern brigadiers for the completion of the fraudulent count, but they were amazed when they saw the bargain kept, Packard and Chamberlain overthrown, and the Republican party Seuth abandoned. Mr. Cameren had in tended te remain in the war department, whose authority he had prostituted for the promotion of the fraud, but Hayes was no sooner counted in than he developed ether views, and .started his benefactor ever the plank with little ceremony. It is net wonderful, therefore, that Mr. Cameren has been reluctant te enter the service of another Ohie man, who is net only of the same variety as Hayes, but who is te a large extent respon sible for the offensive conduct of Hayes. Garfield was one of the high contracting parties in the formation of the Southern coalition. He encouraged Hayes in his determination te threw overboard the Republican leaders and in his wild pro ject of forming a new party, and there was a time when he himself expected te bj elected speaker ever the Democratic candidate by Southern votes secured with Hayes's patronage. The machine Republicans knew Mr. Garfield through and through ; they have felt him all ever, and they are quite certain there is net a bone in his body that is net as soft as putty. They deem him only half a He publican ; he has no principles and no convictions ; he has nothing in common with them but his record of personal cor ruption and official prodigality. The machine Republicans cast their three hundred and six stalwart votes against him. when it was well-known he was nominated, and these votes stand as the irrevocable pretest of the mere stalwart wing of the party against the disastrous felly of Chicago. Garfield's defeat is new as certain as any future event can lie, and that defeat will lie regarded by Cameren, Conkling and the rough riders of the old machine, as their vindication. They consider it inevitable and they will make no effort te prevent it. When Garfield con sented te the nomination of Arthur te appease Conkling, lie humbled himself for nothing, as Evarts and Sherman did in the campaign of last year; and when he erawled en his belly te Den Cameren and begged him te take charge of his canvass, he only displayed in new form his proverbial weakness, and proves the insincerity of his pretended opposition te ring men and ring methods. Rut humil iate himself as he would, beg as he might' Mr. Cameren had read the decree of fate, a id he would net lend his hand te help the losing cause. He has fully made up his mind that these who nominated Garfield may shoulder the defeat. Tin-: postmasters and postmistresses in these parts are being visited with a little circular in lithograph from Kdw. Mel'hersen, secretary of the Republican congressional committee, reminding them that their " interests or princi ples " are involved in the pending strug gle, :ind adding that " under the circum stances in which the country finds itself placed, the committee believes that you will esteem it both a privilege and a pleasure te make te its fund a contribu tion, which, it is hoped, may net be less than $ The committee is authorized te slate that such voluntary contribu tion from persons employed in the service of the United States will net be objected te in any ellicial quarter' The hint is very delicate and yet unmistakable. It is tebe presumed that only their "principle" is at stake in the case of the big paying offices like the posteflice at Lancaster or Columbia, while with the postmasters at such places as Terre Hill and Spruce Greve it is only a matter of " interest.' Exactly by whom authorized te say that such sub scriptions will net be objected te in any official quarter Mr. Mel'hersen does net inform his taxables, but as there is no warning that refusal te pay will lie visit ed with decapitation, we incline te think there will net be many favorable re sponses from this county, as most of the posteflice tenants expect in November get notice te quit en the 4th of March. What mere powerful commentary upon the foolish and murderous institu tion of the duel could be written than the tragic and pathetic story of the re cent meeting in Seuth Carolina which we print te-day ? A community is robbed of one of its foremost citizens and a fam ily of its dearest hope in the cold-blooded sheeting of Cel. Shannen; the atroc ity of the killing is scarcely mitigated by the share of responsibility for it which must be laid te the account of the victim himself, since it is plain that every means was employed by Cash te draw him into a rencentre in which the advan tage was all against the slain man. Pub lic indignation is fitly reused against the fugitive, but popular opinion can best be exercised in forever stamping out an institution in which there is as little chance for a real vindication of injured honor as there is in any ether physical encounter of a gentleman and a black guard bully. m m It is rumored from Philadelphia that there is strong probability that all the Democratic interests there may be rec onciled te the unanimoussuppert of some such local ticket as this : Fer District Attorney, Furman Sheppard ; City Con troller, Rebert E. Pattison ; Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions, William D. Kendrick ; Corener, William II. Hoop Hoep Heep er, M. D. Of even greater moment than the selection of such a ticket would be the nearly absolute certainty of its tri umphant election. It fairly represents all the contending elements of the party and has the strongest features of them all. The men named are strong in them selves, strong in the different sections of the party which they represent, strong in the whole party and strong before the entire community. Such nominations, made by general acquiescence, would make the local campaign a valuable aux iliary te the general canvass in Philadel phia. MINOR TOPICS. Judges Ni black and Scott, Democrats, of the supreme court of Indiana, yesterday tiled their opinions dissenting from that of the majority of the court in the cases in volving the validity of the adoption of cer tain amendments of the state constitutions. A committee en tableaux at a centen nial celebration in Vermont issued an invi tatien asking "all the pretty women in town" te meet at the hall te take part in the tableaux and every woman in the place caine te time. That committee knew hew te get plenty of help. Mit. Hesi'EI.ek, the immigration agent, of Winnipeg, says that a very desirable class of emigrants, mostly Scotch and English, are arriving in Manitoba. The greater portion of them are bound for Little Saskatchewan and Bird Tail creek country, and many have enough money te settle upon farms and begin farming. Tins time the story conies from Brooklyn of "a handsome and well dressed" Swedish lady, whose family were separated in early youth, who came OTcr here and married a man who has turned out te be her brother te their mu tual horror. This is the same old story under a new name. A wkmmxg in a Scandinavian colony at Sioux Falls, Dakotah. was lately cele brated in Old World fashion. The feast ing lasted five days, the guests eating two roasted oxen, a hundred pounds of white, fish, and great quantities of cheese and caviare, i lie beverages consisted ei uoiue ueiue brewed beer, currant wine, and alcohol diluted with water. Dancing, eating and drinking were almost constantly kept up. Ox the 15th of last mouth the use of the drum in the French army was abolished. General Farre has the credit of effecting this reform, which, however, has net been effected without serious pretests, en the part of the opposition journals, the senti mental patriots, and the nurse maids who alway have a special delight in the tambour major and a mere moderate one iu the petit tambour. Hereafter all signals and orders heretofore conveyed by drum beats in the infantry regiments will be given by the bugle call as they are in the cavalry and artillery' A i.aiiv en going in bathing recently at Asbury Park, entrusted a $200 diamond ring te her little girl, who was playing iu the sand. The child dropped the ring, which disappeared in the sand. Fer sev eral hours the search was instituted, and about half a ten of sand was run through a sieve, when just as the lady was about putting up a notice offering a liberal re ward, the ring was found. The lady, though very wealthy, took the ring from the finder, said in au aristocratic manner, ' Thanks," and departed without a word te the half dozen employees of the bath houses who had been digging up the sand iu search of her ring for a geed two hours. PERSONAL. Miss Ler isa M. Audexkkid, sister of the late Lewis Audenreid, and aged 77, his died lately iu Philadelphia. Rev. Dr. E. W. Hagax, formerly chap lain en the U. S. training ship Minnesota died yestesrday, in Chicago, aged CI years. Rev. C. B. HciiisEUT has resigned the presidency of the Middleburg college, Ver mont, and Professer G. W. Boakdman, of the Chicago theological seminary, has been elected his successor. Hen. William S. Garvin, senior editor of the Western Pre, is lying seriously ill at his home in Mercer, lie is a veteran Democrat and father-in-law of Judge Trunkey. Lydia Bkexise, of Akren, this county, aged 80 years, made "a full hand" in binding wheat for an entire day, astonish ing the young men. The heat and heavy grain had no apparent effect upon her. Ex-County Treasurer H. S. Eberly, of Durlach, lest his sense of smell 20 years age while being treated for catarrh. Last week he had an attack of neuralgia, and the remedies he used restored his sense of smell. General Hancock was given a reception yesterday, by Admiral de Freyciuet, of the French navy, en beard the frigate Magi ciennc, lying off the battery. He was re ceived with a military salute and a speech by the admiral, which was responded te by the general. The crew of the frigate then went through a drill, after which a banquet was served. Yeung Grant and Miss Floed will be married November 15 ; Mr. Horatio Seymour, jr., is engaged te marry Miss Aitiiv Jehnsen, daughter of the late Judge A. S. Jehnsen. The Grand Duke of Hesse the widower of Princess Alice of Great Britain, is te take for his second wife the Princess of the Astuiias, King Alfon Alfon eo's eldest sister. Have you had your in vitations " Among the prominent Democrats ob served at the Girard yesterday was Speak er Randall, who had just returned from a visit te General Hancock, en Governer's Island. lie had a pleasant interview with General Hancock and found him in fine form, overwhelmed by assurances of sup port from all quarters and confident of a Democratic victory. There is no mere en thusiastic Hancock man than Speaker Randall, and the speaker is authority for the assurance that Mr. Tilden also is cor dially co-operating in the campaign work in his behalf. Mr. Tilden will probably return General Hancock's call iu a few days, although his visit may be deferred by the death of Colonel Pelton. The Tyrene Fire. The Tyrene lire originated iu Weedin's livery stable, where nine valuable horses were destieyed, and spread rapidly until sixteen buildings were burned, very little of the contents of any of them being saved. Among them were two banks, the Herald and Democrat printing offices, two jewelry stores, two stationery stores, posteflice, two dry goods stores and several ether business and dwelling houses. The upper story of the City hotel, corner of Main aud Juniata streets, was also burned. - LATMBT NXWB BY MAIL. Eugenia Meachan, a little girl, was killed by an elevator falling upon her in a factory at Augusta, Ga., yesterday. The population of St. Paul by the new census is 41,610, a gain of 21,007 in ten years. The viceroy of India estimates Ay oeb Khan's forces at seven battalions of 650 men each. The dead body of Edward Glenn, a book peddler, was found hanging from a tree near Mount Pleasant, N. J., I yesterday morning. Elmer Hepraan and Themas Stevens were wounded, the latter fatally, iu an affray growing out of a family feud, in Denver, Cel., en Wednesday night. Baseball : At Chicago Chicago 5, Prov idence 4. At Cincinnati Bosten 19, Cin cinnati 5. At Buffalo Buffalo 10, Wor cester 2. At Cleveland Trey 8, Cleve land 2. The census enumerators in Lumpkin county, Georgia, have discovered a colored woman named Matilda Hubert, who was born in Connecticut and is alleged te be 120 years old. The Vassar home for old men in Peugh- kpfinsie. N. Y.. is com Dieted. It is of brick, 80 by 100, and three stories high, and cost 850,000. It will be opened Octo ber 1. The Canadian riflemen competed en Monday last with the Fifteenth Lancashire rifles, twenty men a side. The Canadians scored 1,422. and the Lancashire rifles 1,390. The house of a Mr. Tunrese, in Chicago county, Minn., was burned. In his efforts te save the building Tunrese forget his chil dren. Twe girls, aged three and eleven, were burned te death, and a girl seventeen years old was very badly burned before being rescued. Twe farmers, living between Sharen, N. J., and Allentewu, burnt some bush en peat land two meiuhs age, and then, as they supposed, extinguished the fire. Last Monday, however, it revived, and, in spite of the heavy rain, has spread ever a large extent of peaty ground, which burns like stubble. Mr. Amasa Stene, the Cleveland railroad millionaire, has offered te give $400,000 for an endowment, aud $100,000 for the pur chase of land, te the Western Reserve cel lege, of Hudsen, Ohie, provided it is re moved te Clevelaud. There is little doubt of an acceptance of the offer. Western Reserve college is under Presbyterian con trol. Jehn Rees, of Swansea, left St. Jehn for Miramichi, in his own sailing ship, Ti tania, with considerable money in his pos session. The vessel was struck by an ice berg and suuk. The crew get elf & ; fely but Rees having forgotten something, went back, was deserted in his hour of peril by the crews of the two beats and left te sink with the sinking ship. The deep damna tion of his taking off is the subject of judi cial investigation. D. McGee, of Warren, had a $100 meer schaum pipe stolen about ten years age at Tidioute. About a year age he found it in a saloon in Jamestown, N. Y. He de liberately picked it up and left. The pro prietor, Geerge Aarens, claimed the pipe and arrested McGee for stealing it. The parties have been see-sawing back and forth in the Chautauqua county court until it has cost them near $200 each and the commonwealth near $300, and it is net set tled yet as te who will "pay the piper." Dr. Bradley last night proclaimed that he had discovered evidence of fraud in Dr. Tanner's fasting performance in New Yerk, but the allegations are denied under oath, both by Dr. Tanner and the indi vidual who is charged with having given him feed. Since May 28th te neon yester day Dr. Tanner says he has totally ab stained from all feed, solid or liquid. Be tween 12 m. and 1 p. m. yesterday he drauk four ounces of water ; he has lest 17$ pounds since the beginning of the ex periment. Jeseph McArdlc, for many years the at tendant et Edwin Ferrest, the celebrated tragedian, died en Friday at the Actors' Heme at Springbrook, after a brief illness. He was about 00 years of age. After the death of Mr. Ferrest the executers of the estate employed Mr. McArdle te take charge of the property, and subsequently the managers of the Actors' Heme at Springbrook, by reason of his intimate re lations te the dead actor, aud the fact that there was no bequest for him. were induced te make Mr. McArdle the superintendent of the institution. . STATE ITEMS. Arthur Moere, maimed for life by a bad sidewalk, has sued Altoeua for $10,000 damages. The Blair county agricultural society at Its fair in Alteena will give $3,000 in pre miums te first-class trotting horses. Mrs. Margaiet Kale, a native of Reading died at the Baptist Heme in Philadel phia yerterday, at the age of 107 years. By a vote of 5 te 4 the Second church Presbyterian session of Alteena have de clared that Rev. S. W. Duffield's useful ness as pastor there has ended. Titusville declares that a "census ring" in Meadville swelled the population there fully 1,000, and that Titusville boys and girls at college there were counted as Meadvilliaus. Near Millerstown, iu the oil regions. Samuel Bruner was working en a well when a beard fell from a derrick, striking him en the head, tearing off an car and breaking his right arm in two places below the elbow. Tim Donahue has been killed in Husscy, Ilarve & Ce.'s steel works, Pittsburgh. He was in the act of lifting an iron deer from a furnace when he slipped and fell, and the casting descended and crushed his skull. Chas. F. Jenes, son of C. F. Jenes, who resides at Ne. 916 Seuth Third street, Camden, was drowned yesterday between 12 and 1 o'clock, at the wharf of the American dredging company, feet of Spruce street, Philadelphia, while bathing. " Harry Regan, aged 14 years, residing at Ne. 1344 Masches street, Philadelphia, while asleep arose and walked out of a window en the third fleer and struck the pavement with geat force. He had a wrist broken and was badly injured other wise. Chas. Francis, aged 50, walked into the Delaware and was fished out sober. Mr. Matthew Lynch, who was killed one week age in New Mexico by a falling tree, was aged about forty-five years, and had accumulated upward of $4,000,000. He lived at Eighteenth and Christian streets in Philadelphia until the breaking out of the late civil war, when he volunteered for service. At the close of the rebellion he moved te New Mexico, where he struck geld mines. Mad Antheny Wayne's memorial block house at Erie has been opened formally and delivered tj the keeping of the Grand Army. It is a4 fac simile of the frontier block house in which the brave old gener al died, and is erected ever the spot where he was buried, The state appropriated the money for its erection and the national government presented a battery of Parrett guns. Deputy Isaac McBride, of the Philadel phia quarter sessions office, is quoted as saying that he has net resigned and does net intend te resign ; that if Mr. Leeds intends te fight him all right, but while Mr. Leeds is doing that he (McBride) will "squeal." He further explains that all that he did in the bogus liquor bend busi ness was approved by Mr. Leeds as the head of the office. It is also asserted that the subordinate clerks take the same stand, and will wait until Mr. Leeds ejects them. POLITICAL POINTS, Which ahew the Progress ertbe Presidential Campaign. The Omaha Herald says: "Hancock's candidacy will reduce the Republican ma jority in Nebraska just about 50 per cent." Alfred Sanderson has been elected pres ident of the Hancock club at Shippens burg, Pa. J. H. Bryant, a Republicar, aud brother of the late William Cullen Bryant, presid ed at a Hancock ratification meeting at Princeton, 111., last week. J. T. Clarke, also a Republican, made a speech. II. M. Keim is the last, and by no means the least, candidate for Congress iu IScrks county. The Eagle hears confidentially that Clymer will run again, and it seems te re gret that the hay crop in Berks will net hu as geed as the crops of candidates. Mr. Hendricks is quoted as saying en the day that Garfield and Arthur were nominated : "I think we shall have te offset them with a soldier ticket. I think Hancock and Palmer would be a stieug combination." The Democratic state peace commission efsixmctin Philadelphia yesterday and heard the different interests in that city. There seems te he no doubt of a fair and satisfactory conclusion of all matters iu dispute. 1 he peace commission will con tinue its sessions till the plan of adjust ment is complete and satisfactorily in operation and report te the next state con vention. The Republicans in the 27th congres sional district of this state are in a hope less deadlock ever their congressional nom ination. After a stormy time and much bitterness between Dick anil Roberts, from Crawford, Hen. J. D. McJtinkiti, of Butler, en the ninth ballet, was utiani meusly nominated as the Republican can didate for Congress in the Twenty-sixth congressional district. The Pittsburgh Leader, Rep., observes that "the campaign of mud-sliuging is new fairly under way, and singularly enough the Republican press appears te be doing the most of it." It suggests further that its "esteemed Republican contemporaries are en the wrong track. Let them cease these foolish attacks en Hancock's per sonal character. That is the strong forti fied point of the enemy's position, and it is waste of time and material te continue assaults upon it." When Chittenden had secured Garfield's services for the Chicago paving ring, he wrote te McClellan and DcGelyer as fol fel lows : " Te-daj's and te night's work has secured the assistance of General Garfield. Yeu can net overrate this accession. He is the chairman of the committee en ap propriations and holds the purse strings of the national treasury. Through him must come every dollar of appropriations. I need net say that 1 new feel certain of success." This " accession" enabled the paving ring te filch $11,250,000 from the public trea sury. It is stated iu army circles that Gen. Hancock will shortly resign his position as major-general of the army, although some of his personal friends are net satisfied that there is any necessity for his doing se, and think it is possible that he may come te that conclusion himself. Among the journalists and ethers who have taken it uj themselves te insist that propriety dic tates the resignation of Gen. Hancock are found a number of the warm personal ad vocates and friends of Gen. Grant. They thought it entirely right and proper when Gen. Grant was first a candidate for presi dent that he should held en te his position in the army, which he did net only up te the election, but up te the very day et his inauguration, and drew the pay therefer with great punctuality. Gen. Scott did net resign his position in the army when a candidate for president, nor did Gen.Tayler, and whatever Gen. Hancock may de in the matter will be dictated by his own sense of propriety and dignity, and net by the yelpings of interested and hostile partisans, who have no sincere appreciation of either. The " managers" have made out a list of Democrats iu the departments at Wash inxten and served it upon Haves with cu tlers that he must have them removed. In pursuance of this effort at civil service re form, the reformers say that in the office of the first auditor of the treasury, of the forty-five clerks em pleyed, net mere than twelve ever vote, and one-third of them never voted a Re publican ticket. Twe of the chiefs of the divisions in the departments arc charac terized as Democrats. In the navy de partment it is asserted that the chiefs of divisions, who are naval officers generally appoint clerks et Democratic proclivities. In the war department it is said that, as at present constituted, there would lie no difficulty in organizing a Hancock club. The signal service bureau is charged te be filled with Democrats. The census bureau is, according te this report, crowded with "red-het rebel men and women," and three cheers were given in one of the rooms when the news came of Hanoeok's nomination. As for the posteflice depart ment and the District of Columbia govern ment, they are said te be overrun with Democrats and Hancock sympathizers. Seme Interesting Document. HCANQUARTEItS SKTOMI Celt?S, ) . Akmy ok Tins Potomac, July 3, 18'j:;. Maj(?r-Gen. Geerge G.Meade, Commanding Army of the Potomac. The troops under my command have re pulsed the enemy's assault and have gained a great victory. The enemy arc new Hying in all directions. W. S. Hancock, Majer-Gcneral, IIgAiiUAHTi:i:.t AltMV ok tub 1'etumac, July :;, 1S. Say te Gen. Hancock that I regret ex ceedingly that he is wounded, and that I thank him for the country and for myself for the great services he lias rendered to day. Geerge G. Mkaiik, Majer-General Cem mand'ng. Be it Jlciselced by the Senate aud Heme of jtrpreseiuaiirex, i iiai m nuumen te thanks heretofore voted by joint resolution, ap proved Jan. 28, 1804, te Majer-General Gee. G. Meade, Majer-General' Oliver O. Heward, and te the officers and soldiers of the Army of the Potomac, for the skill and heroic valor which at Gettysburg repulsed, defeated and drove hack, broken and dis pirited, the veteran army of the rebellion, the gratitude of the American people and the thanks of their representatives in Con gress are likewise due and arc hereby ten dered te Majer-Gcneral Winlield S. Han cock, for his gallant, meritorious and con spicuous share in that great ami decisive victory. Passed by the Heuso April 10, 1800. Passed by the Senate April 18, 1806. Signed by the president April 23, 18GG. Narrow Escapes. A party of four American tourists had a narrow escape from drowning while run ning the Chaundiere slides, Ont., en a crib of timber. The crib preceding the one en which they were seated was wrecked after "going" one of the shutes, aud the party had barely time te jump off before the col lision took place, scattering the heavy timber around in every direction. Twe of the ladies foil into the water, but were gal lantly rescued by raftsmen just, as they were going ever the shutes. Jereme Lance, Geerge Aumick and Jo Je seph Baugham, employed at the iron smelting furnace at Franklin, Sussex coun ty, N. J., had a narrow escape from a ter rible death a day or two age. They were at work under the great bin, in which was stored about 100,000 tens of ere, when the bottom of the bin rave wav. Tlxv ran Ver their lives. Baugham and Lance re ceived heavy bruises from the falling mass. Aumick, who was iu the rear of his com panions, was completely buried from sight. Hundreds of people came te his rescue aud when the great heap of ere was removed he was found lying unconscious beneath a plank which rested en some ere and pre preveutcd the heavy mass that covered him from crushing him te death. He was seriously injuried and may die. THE CASH SHANNON DCKL. Canh Alleged te have Forced the Combat by Repeated Inaultii He Disappear Aftr Killing Hi Antagonist. Cilili'lcti (S. C'.,) Correspondence New Toik Herald. When I reached here I found the whole community in morning, lamenting the sudden less of Mr. William M. Shannen, who had been slain in a duel. The death of no ether man could have produced such general consternation, such universal sor row. Colonel W. M. Shannen was a quiet aud loving rather, a frank and generous friend, a pure aud puhhc-spirlted citizen. He was the sole support of a family of mere than twenty dependent children and grandchildren, all of whom are new cast en the world. Thus his antagonist has net only killed the father hut beggared the children. As seen as intelligence of the fatal encounter between Colonel E. 15. C. Cash and Colonel W. M. Shannen reached Columbia, I bearded the first train fnrCainden, deter mined te ascertain the particulars of the affair. I reached here last night. I sought .Mr. W. E. Jehnsen, who acted as the sec ond for Colonel Shannen, but utterly failed iu my attempts te make him disclose any thing. I succeeded iu gathering an au thentic history of the whole affair from trustworthy sources. It is impossible te ascertain the immediate cause of the duel. Seme years age Cash challenged Captain W. L. Dcpass, the colleague of Shannen in a case X!iidiug at court. The challenge was promptly accepted, but the whole party were arrested before reaching the dueling greuud and placed under heavy bends. Several ether efforts were made by the same parties te meet, but all were frustrated by the authorities, who were determined te prevent the hostile meeting. Cash, however, seemed bent upon fighting some one and turned his attention te Shannen, who was known te be a peaceful man. Cash heaped insult after insult upon him and threatened, if he did net fight, te go te his house and horsewhip him. Shannen was se wrought up by these repeated af fronts that he determined te bring the bully te terms and sent him a peremptory challenge. Cash was only tee glad te ac cept it. The preliminaries were conducted very secretly. Net even the most intimate friends of Cel. Shannen suspected what was going en. Nene save the seconds, surgeeu and a few trusted friends knew of the im pending combat. On Monday afternoon a little before two o'clock, the two parties by precencerted plans, met at Dubrese Bridge, a point in Darlington county, some twenty miles from Camden. The ground eliesjn had been the scene of two duels last year and was somewhat famous en that account. The ceuutry around presents a barren appearance and renders it a most favorable spot for secret meetings, being se far removed from any frequented reads. Mr. W. E. Jehnsen, the second of Colonel Shannen, and W. B. Sanders, Cash's sec ond asked the principals if they were ready. Just at two o'clock both responded "Yes." The derringers were taken from their cases, fifteen paces were measured off, a bucket of water was brought and the boxes of cartridges and surgical instruments were placed en the ground. The princi pals shook hands with their seconds and the dread moment was at hand. Every thing was still as death. The two cool, determined men faced each ether with pis tols. A leek of eagerness and desperation was depicted en the face of one, while an expression of severity aud sadness shone en the face of the ether. Each had been heard te remark some minutes before that he felt sure of killing his adversary. It was apparent, however, that Cash had greatly the advantage of Shannen. He was a tall, slim man, a professional duelist and an unerring shot. II is fee was a burly, corpulent man, who had never fought be fore, and was unaccustomed te handling a pistol. The pistols were cocked and both were ready. The word "One"' is given, and almost simultaneously the sharp re port of Shannen's pistol is heard. The ball falls short of its mark, and plows the ground at Cash's feet. The word "Twe" breaks the silence, and another shot is heard. The fatal bullet has dene its work. Shannen lets fall his weapon; he reels, swings around and falls heavily te the ground. The leaden messenger has pene trated his heart aud he drops dead before the smoke has cleared away. His surgeon hastens te the prostrate form. It is tee late. Overcome with grief some of his friends wring their hands and burst out in loud lamentations. They bear his lifeless body te a waiting carriage In the mean time the slayer has withdrawn from the field. He did net even cast a pitying glance at his victim, but he mounted his horse and rode away. As seen as the news reached a crowd of Shannen's friends, who were about a mile off, they resolved te set out in pursuit of Cash aud avenge their friend's death. But the idea was abandoned and they repaired te the fatal field aud bore the remains of Colonel Shannen home. They reached Camden about nine o'clock at night, the news of the fatal combat having preceded them several hours. When intelligence of the death of Colonel Shannen reached Camden it spread rapidly and the whole populace became wildy indignant, and threatening dire vengeance en the head of the slayer, and had Cash made his apcarance en the streets it is certain that he would never have gene away a live man. The colored peeple were highly incensed because their best friend had been killed. They would have lynched Cash could he have been found. When the remains arrived at Camden large crowds of eager spectators turned out te greet them with wails. The funeral took place yesterday after noon. It was by far the largest ever known in Camden. Business was entirely sus pended, and nearly all the inhabitants, white and black, followed the cortege te ihe grave. Yesterday afternoon the coro ner held an inquest, but the jury did net render their verdict until te-day, at twelve o'clock. The verdict was that the deceased came te his death by the hand of Cash, This afternoon a warrant was issued for the arrest of Cash, hut it is doubtful whether he can be found. If he should be caught he wiil have te stand his trial for murder. Active steps are being taken te have Cash apprehended and brought te justice. Judge Kershaw declares that the law must be enforced at all hazards. To night the public are as indignant as ever, and the unanimous verdict is that the duel was the most unfortunate and causeless o:ie ever fought in Seuth Carolina. WATKIC! WATER!! Toe Much and Toe Little There was a tremendous rain storm at Des Moines, Iowa, en Wednesday night. The sterm'was even heavier te the westward of that place, and at Vanmeter it seems te have taken "the form of a water-spout. " The town was submerged te a depth of three feet, aud forty reds of an embankment of the Chicago & Reck Island railroad was swept away. At Wintersett the Chicago & Reck Island round-house was demol ished. Wherever the storm prevailed the crops were greatly damaged. Owing te the protracted dreuth, the chairman of the committee en water works in Petersburg, Va., requested the citizens there net te use their hydrants except during three hours of the day at morning, neon and night. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. TUB OFFICIAL FEES. Interview With Knewing People Concern ing their Reduction. Hugh R. Fulton, esq., county solicitor, states that before he rendered the opinion upon .which the county commissioners acted in cutting down the policemen's fees he carefully studied the several acts of As sembly relating te the matter aud forti fied his position with authorities that can not be disputed. His predecessors. Coun ty Solicitors Brown and K ready, sustain him in all his positions. He acknowledges that the law, if strictly carried out, is in many instances unfair and unjust te effi cers who make arrests iu geed f lith and for sufficient cause. It often happens, es pecially in cases of drunkenness and dis orderly conduct, that the officer makes the arrest at the request of or en information given by ether persons, and that these persons failing te appear as witnesses against the accused, he must of course be discharged by the magistrate before whom the hearing takes place. The mag istrate (unless he he the mayor) gets full fees for heating the case, while the officer making the arrest gets nothing. This seems unfair, but it is the fault of the law and net of the solicitor or county commis sioners. There is this te be said in favor of this prevision of the law ; the policemen are salaried officers, they arc paid a salary for keeping the public peace aud arresting vagrants even if they get no ether fees for services. The Intki.uc.kxcku reporter suggested that the amendment te the city charter of 1809 cutting dbwn fees of the mayor and city policemen had been passed by a Re publican Legislature as a punishment te the then Democratic city administration, and that the law had ever since been con strued se as te prostitute the machinery of justice te tlic exigencies of the Republican party, that is, se long as Mayer Sanderson was in power, his fees and these of his policemen were cut down. When Mayer Sanderson was "counted out" and a Re publican administration assumed control, the law was allowed te remain a dead let ter and the policemen received their full fees for dismissed cases. When Mayer Pyfer, Democrat, came into power the law was again enforced and the fees were cut off. When Mayer Stauffer, Republi can, succeeded te office the law was laid aside, aud new that we have a Democratic mayor and a large majority of Democratic policemen it is again revived. The re porter maintained that net only the amendment of 1809, but every amendment made te the city charter by Republican legislatures including the division of the city into nine wards, the fixing of the mayor's salary, the changes in the mode of electing school directors was enacted, net in the interest of the city, hut for the express purpose of aiding the Republican and crippling Ihe Democratic party. An Kx-Ctiunty Solicitor' Opinion. 11. C. Kready, ex-county solicitor, with out expressing an opinion as te the motive that induced the passage el the law rejju- latuig the fees of city policemen, said thai while he was solicitor the law was impar tially enforced during both Republican and Democratic administrations. He could net say what was the practice under his predecessors. An Alderman en the Law. Alderman Spurrier thinks the law a very unfair one, especially te the police men. It frequently happens that men get drunk and misbehave se badly that it is proper and necessary te arrest and lock them up. The arrests often cause the po licemen great labor, and sometimes sub ject them te danger and expense. Some times a drunken man resists and soils or tears the officer's clothes ; sometimes he has te be taken te the lockup in a carriage or a wheelbarrow. He may be a hard working man who very seldom gets drunk, whose family depends en his earnings for support. A night's lodging in the lockup is generally sufficient te sober him up and make him anxious te go te work. Te commit him te the county jail would be unnecessarily severe, and would be a great deprivation te his family, and yet if he is dismissed the policemen who made the ar rest gets nothing for his trouble, expense and danger under the present construction of the law. Alderman Spurrier thought Solicitor Kready was in error in stating that he had allowed no fees in dismissed cases. He thought the bills en file in the treasurer's office would show that half fees had been allowed in dismissed as well as jail cases. He was certain that he had, since Mr. Kready's time, made out bills for the policemen, and charged half-fees for dismissed cases, and when he saw that certain ether aldermen had made out bills for full fees for policemen, and that the bills were paid, he adopted the same prac tice. The alderman added, however, that there could be no doubt that Solicitor Ful ton's construction of the law was correct. Alderman McConemy is inclined te think that Solicitor Fulton's position is unten able it differs, at least, very much from the position of his predecessor, J. Hay Brown, esq. Aldcrmau McConemy says that during the first month of Mayer Mac Mac Geniglc's administration the bills were made out for half fees for both dismissed and committed cases, as was done during Mayer Stanffer's administration, but that after awhile Mr. Brown changed his views and said that the officers were entitled te full fees, aud the bills were from that time en made out for full fees. Geerge Naiunaii, esq., and Win. Lcaman, esq., wlie have been employed te revise the city digest, are of opinion that the law of 1809, reducing the fees, is in full feicc. David 3IcMulIcn, esq., says he has net carefully examined the law, but is of opinion that Mr. Fulton's construction of it is wrong ; if net, the law itself is an unfair one. Alderman Barr is inclined te think the law (including the division of the city into nine wards) was passed for partisan pui pui peses. and like the fabled young chickens, "came home te roost" iu the nest of these who hatched it. During his term of office, up te the present time, the policemen re ceived full fees for dismissed as well as ether cases. "Warwick' Old People. Following are a few of the old people of Warwick township returned by the census enumerators : Northern district Anna Miller, 93 years old ; Abby Washington ( colored ), 92 ; Elizabeth Kreitcr, 83 ; Sarah Conn, 82 ; Jehn Brubaker, 82. Southern district Martin Eckman, 89 years old ; Catharine Goodyear, 88 ; Peter Hagenberger, 85 ; Susan Reth, 83 ; Eliza beth Grube, 83. WAK IN WASHINGTON. Net All Quiet en the Susquehanna. Peaceful Little Washington was all dis order yesterday and for several days past. The war cloud hangs just above the town. Her sober-minded citizens are excited and angry. Councilmen and citizens are ar rayed against each ether, and the feeling is growing mere and still mere bitter. A climax Will seen be reached. When Washington was incorporated a borough in 1827, contrary te an act et" Legislature, no plan of the town was made. The true dividing Hues of properties and the boundary lines of streets have been questions of grave importance and the sub ject of much speculation in her council chambers. Surveyors have come and gene; have set their stakes which seen decayed and crumbled into dust. Ne town. we believe, has been of such pecuniary benefit te surveyors as this. 'Tw.is the merry month or May, 1879. when Surveyor Geerke migrated te this town, and after mouths of patient labor finished a complete plan, set in his line stones and planted his stakes, and swore and his oath is registered in court that his plan was right and in accordance with all deeds held by individuals. Prier te this streets were fenced up and planted in tobacco and garden truck. Te the new plan council said "Amen," and ordained and enacted that all fences should be removed and placed en the new made lines. This started a squall alt around, which culminated in council pass ing an ordinance granting GO days" net ice te remove the same, or the borough au thorities would remove the same. This new order made things leek interesting, and the aged citizen scratched his head at the prospect of a row. while the younger portion leaded their guns, cut their war clubs, and took gymnastic exercises. The first breeze came from the "lowei "lewei end." Mr. Isaac Shultz owns a large farm., the northern end of which borders en the borough. Fer years a fence, with a great curve in the centre, has marked his north ern boundary line. Council said this was right, as it gave Heir street its right width, but Mr. Shultz thought the curve did net leek right and set out a straight fence. He built his new fence and the borough regulator cut it down. "If at first, xc.j try again," was his motto, and again the fence went up, and as quickly was it laid low by the same official. On e mere Mr. S. put up a new fence ami again the official enemy tore it down. The cm r was then apprised of the matter and Ins case is new pending. Fer some cause Mr. Isaac Shultz's fence was abandoned and the fence of Mr. Benj. Shultz was next, "tackled." This was tern up and laid several 1'eet in from what council called public ground. Ben, as determined as his father, Isaac, rigged up a new fence. The borough officials again called te see hiiu. cut down his fence and broke it te piece, but warmly were they received. Stones flew, heads felt the weight of heavy clubs, aud the enemy were repulsed and liealcir. Mr. Shultz sued them for malicious mis chief and assault and battery, and tin tearers of fences retaliated and fourteen indictments were the result. The cases were tried, lint for some cause were abandoned for the trial of a civil suit between the Shultz faction and the bor ough. This ended the fence lights for a while until a few weeks age when notices were again served upon at least 100 prepcily holders te move their fences upon the Geerke lines. On Tuesday word was sent te Officer William Brady, the new court-appoint d constable of the lower waul, te le en, hand yesterday morning and assist in tee work of destruction. This sudden turn of things wits the town talk, and yesterday morning when Brady jumped from the train he met a largr crowd awaiting his arrival. When he saw our correspondent he repeated Simen Camerons famous exclamation : " D u these literary fellers." Promptly at seven o'clock Supervisor Wall and Officer Bnidv marshalcd Jes. Stiner, acting street com missioner. Lew Wilsen, Reulien Kise, Jehn Walk, West Bitner, Themas Stiner and Albert Stiner, and proceeded to te David Sayler's property, where they were about te commence their work of destruction, when Mv, Sayler appeared, and commenced tu tear down his own fence. Mr. James Iaw was next visited and he received them in the same inilcpendinit way. Five or s:x mere properties were viewed but none of the owners res'sted except te pitch their voices in a high strain. When they arrived at Mr. Cyrus Shertzcr's a lengthy argument ensued. Mr. S. argued that his deed called for just what he had, but the surveyor cut four feet off. Brady eloquently expounded the law and the facts, but Mr. S. believed tee firmly he was right. Nobody would take the respon sibility te begin. Mr. Wall offered Mr. Benj. Shertzer a dollar, te begin te roll the ball by tearing his own fence down, but Ben didn't bite. Tlicy argued for fully an hour or two, and Mr. S. told them te begins hut beware of the consequences, as 8u would find-out who was right in the end. Mr. Shcrtzcr is a memlier of council, but said he saw no benefit in the proceedings. The fence was at last taken up and laid in. It was neon new, and Brady had left ; the workmen were tired of their work, and operations ceased. This morning they were te begin again, and a geed time was expected. MOUNT JO SEWS. Frem Our Regular Correspondent. Shortly before neon en Thursday, the reef of the smithshep of the Landis coach works was set en fire by a spark from the smoke stack close by. The llamcs spread rapidly and by their timely discovery ai;d a free application of water, a serious fire was prevented. A sheet-iron reef will be placed ever the shop. Dr. F. M. Harry accidentally cut an ar tery iu his right leg near the ankle with a pocket knife en Monday evening. He con tracted a cold in it and is a dangerous con dition. Cel. F. E. Naglc, of this place, was overcome by the heat yesterday, and lay unconscious for some time. He is able te be about again. The Evangelical chinch will be d dicatc d en Sunday, the 23th inst. Bishop Bew man, of Allentown, Pa , will officiate. On Wednesday, the 21st, the annual ex amination of the soldiers' orphans will take place. A vacation of seven weeks will be given them. Jehn Mooney has purchased from A. IL Landis his house en East Denegal street,, en private terms. Mayer' Court. This morning the mayor had but one drunk and be was sent te jail for five days. f