." Yv' '-"'-- LANCASTER DAILt INtELLIGENCER. 'iJilliSDAY JULY 8, 1880. borrowed since the new constitution was adopted was te pay off obligations that existed prier te that instrument, and the application of the money te such a purpose, Mr. McMulIcn claimed,does net, i- within the meaning of the law, constitute an increase of the debt. Tiiis lean will net increase the debt of the city ; its effect will only be te change one set of creditors, who are clamorous for their money, for another set who arc glad te lean their money te the city and pocket the interest en se safe au investment. Mr. McMullen, did net believe that the constitutional limit was reached in view of the facts stated. Ne one else bad anything te say, se the yeas and nays were called en the adoption of the bill, and resulted as fellows : Yeas : Messrs. Barnes, Beard, Berger, Brown, Cormeny, Cox, Franklin, Hartley, Hays, Hershcy, Lichty, McMullen, Sing, Smcych, Snyder, Springer, White, Lever go h1, president 18. Nays : Messrs. Albert and Jehnsen 2. The necessary two-thirds having voted in favor of the measure it was declared adopted, notwithstanding the veto of the mayor. As will be seen in the rcpeit of select council proceedings, the bill failed te se cure the necessary vote in that body, and therefore fails te become a law. After the vote had been tak;u Mr. Hays re.-e and indignantly repudiated the asser tions of the mayor, charging the ceinmit- tee with brcukiug the law. He was net going te sit and listen te such language without protesting. Select Council ItusiuesH. Frem select council were reported a number of papers acted en in that body, among them the resolution adopted at the special meeting held June 23, referring the matter of lighting the- city with gas back te the lamp committee te invite new pro posals, together with the communications from the Lancaster gas company and the Lancaster gaslight and fuel company. Common council refused te concur in the .lotion of select council. Select council concurred in the action of common council adopting the recommen dations of the street committee in its re port of June 2. Iiici-eaHltig Width of Sidewalks. Common council ordinance Ne. 2, te in crease the width of pavements, introduced June 2:5, was taken up, read second and thiid times and unanimously adopted. In select council it was read three times ami unanimously adopted. It is as fellows : An Ordinance Increasing the width of sidewalks en North Miircn stiret lu'tweeii PeiinSiiuareand Orange street, and authorizing Council- by Joint revo lution te change the width et sidewalks in the city el Lancaster in certain cases. Mjiiiiin i. Ke It ordained by I lie Select and Common Councils el the city of Lancaster, that the width el the sidewalks or pavements I en North Queen street (en both sides) betu een r IViiu Muureand Orange street be incrca-cd le feet. Ma-, ll. That owners of property en said North Queen sticel between 1'ciui square anil Orange street shall be required immediately after the passage of this ordinance te set curb stones se as te make the said sidewalks con form te the increased widtli provided ler in .section 1; and that liidctaulithcrcet the Street Committee shall have such curbstones set as provided ler by existing ordinances, at the eest el l lie sum owners ei property, m:c. in. That lreui and alter the passage el t Ids ei dtnaucc whenever two-thirds of the own ewn own crsel property abut lingen any street or square efaslicet, in theeityel I .anexster, shall peti tion Councils te have the width of the Ride wall; s or pavements en said street ersquare of astreetciianged. Councils may by joint reso lution provide ter the change prayed ter, at the cost ettlie owners el the respective prop prep ertiesabutting en said street or square. Petitions, etc. The bill or Allan A. Hcrr, civil engineer, Frank S. Burrowes and Lorenze D. Hcrr, for surveying and changing city plans, sis per order of court, dated May 12, 1880, amounting te $81.25, was presented and referred te the finance committee. The petition of Moses Hellinger, asking for additional pay in the sum of $20, for services in making out the city tax du plicate (for which his bid had been $2e) was read and filed. The petition of Bernard Bcrgcy, a rest dent of the Eighth ward, praying for exen eratien from ceitain liens of the city against his property, was presented by Mr. Lichty and referred te the finance commit tee. Select council concurred. Petitions for street work were presented - as fellows and referred te the street com mittee : By Mr. Cox : Fer repair of crossing ever Keckkuul and Middle streets. By Mr. McMullen : Fer macadamising irange street east of Ann. By Mr. Franklin : Fer inlets at the sewer corner of Walnut and Concord st ree's. By Mr. Snyder : Fer crossings at the corner of West Walnut street and Lancas ter avenue. llnifenn Curbstones. Mr. McMullen presented the following ordinance which was read once and referred te the street committee : An ordinance pieviding for uniform curb stones in the Cily of Lancaster: sec. I. lie it ordained by the Select and Cem- meii Councils of the City et Lancaster: That in all cases where bv existing ordinances curb-tones are required le be set bv the owners of any lets situated and bound ed upon any public street or alley within the city el Lancaster, such curbstones shall be el granite .stone, with an uppcrer top edge seven inches thick, net less than twenty inches wide, nor less than live feet leng: and the upper or top edge ami me much et the side facing the street as will be exposed above the surlace of gutter, shall be dressed te an even and straight snrtaee. Ma-. II. That In case of default by owners of pmpcrty teset cnrbtoneset the quality and dimensions provided for in Sec. 1, the street 1 committee shall proceed te have such curb-, set as and in the manner provided by ordi nance new in leree, at the cost of such own ers of property. Mr. Jehnsen presented a resolution in structing the street committee te report te councils en the necessity of crossings at the corner of Shippen and Chestnut streets, which was referred te the street committee. Mr. Franklin rose for information con cerning the extensive repairs at the reser voir, which he understood te involve a large amount of money, and which had never been ordered by councils. Mr. Brown, of the water committee, re plied at length, defending the course of the water committee in making these re pairs, claiming them te be necessary and important, and said that the work will be well done, though it is of greater magni tude than at first anticipated by the com mittee, who had found, instead of a small fissure, a serious leak in the bed of the basin which required instant attention. Adjourned. Discharged. Jehn Haberbush, of ltethsvillc, who was sent te jail ler 15 days en Saturday, was taken before Judge Livingston en a writ of habeas corpus yesterday afternoon and was discharged, the prosecutor, committing magistrate and all agreeing te it. Dull. Barbary Coast leeks very dull te-day, a large number of lawyers are spending the day at Sicily Island and ethers are busy preparing te leavs town or cooler places. THE CENSUS. Lancaster County Counted Up. The last census enumerator te report, Jehn Smith, of East Lampeter, has filed his returns and the following table, ex hibiting the population of Lancaster coun ty by wards and townships, is new com plete : LAXCASTKR CITV. 1870 1880 First ward .Second ward Third ward Fourth ward FilLh ward Sixth ward Seventh ward Klghth want Ninth ward Total Adamstewu borough. IJait Brecknock Caei nar von CUy Cocalico Kast Cecal ice West Colerain COLUMBIA. .1 240C 2102 .1 212" .i 2:112 . 2.111 .! is'" ' 2iI0 2; 407 2."U 2SU5 2M8 S2J2 '7 UH '. J75. llfi. 11621. .1 2101 ' 221! 3WU 3&S3 2849 .1 2210 202X1 23 WW 4.:i 14:12 1U0 isaa 1140 l'.2 2140 1G5.V 701 137 1G52 VAii 2UJ 52 '.( 1414 54 250 224:! 2.112 1 1W4 J First waul .second ward Third ward Total Concslega Ceney Ilrutuare Denegal Kast , Denegal Wct Kali Karl Kast Karl West Kilen Elizabeth Klizubcllitewn Kphrata Fulton Ilemplleld West Ilemplield Kast Lampeter Kast Lampeter West Lancaster township.... Leaeeck Leacock Upper Little ISritam Martic Marietta borough Maiihemi boieugli Maner Maiiheiui township Mt. Jey borough , Mt. Jey township Paradise I'enn I'cq licit Providence IJ.iphe Salisbury Salisbury , Mrasburg borough Mrasburg township ... Washington borough., Warwick 1731 2753 ill 4 2785 21'JCi 2700 1001 271 507 . cini . 207!l . Il)b4 . :J0til .! 3254 J ii:; .' 21)75 1812 271 71 i:;;i 31!l 130 507 714 101) 178 2S.VJ 2055 .-!2ue 357.1 127 3542 . 2.110 . 1075 3024 201 12 1253 U5.Y 85S K)i; 7s :an InSS 115 31KI 248.5 2(127 12C2 2142 2145 i)l 120 en; 2HU3 IfcSS WMS 2MI2 22CS 1700 HK2 1W uwi 15 i; i.i2i; 2.KI7 1122 4.I71 Mi lew 20.17 sr.u 1II72 582 220 2J7 200 aw ls4 01 55 108 514 ses 327 10S Id) litsi 2505 im; 5170 211S0 20i;4 2ISBI 2445 2a 1352 14!) 252 2117 70 2.JI 310 lM HZI it7 2.5 .V.)7 127fi I'.mx; 2i:s; 3IS.I 37!r. ::7ie IC17 lid is :is7 I7si; lux; 2011 in;i or.: 3.115 WW :!'il- Totals in 1S70 iss) Net gain 121,310 131,534 1S,1!II TAKEN IN. And Hew He Was Dene Fer. We briefly noticed yesterday that a Lan caster county innocent had been taken in and done for at the bunke game by some sharps in Beading. The Beading Eagle gives the following particulars of the game : Anion Eituier, hailing from Lincoln, Lancaster county, was walking along Pcnn stieet, when he was accosted by a man, an entire stranger te him, who ran up te him, and heartily shook him by the hand saying: "Hew d'yeu de".'" Mr. Eit uier replied that he had the better of him, as he was net awaic that he had met him before. Mr. Eitnier formerly kept a hotel in this city, and is well known here. "Oh, replied the stranger," I knew you very well." He then went ou te say that his father, Horatio Trexlcr, president of the Farmers' bank, was very well ac quainted with Mr. Eituier, and that he, the son, was often at his place when he kept iu Beading. He inquired after Mr. Eitnier's family and their general welfare, and was very solicitous te knew alt about them. Matters ran en iu this way when the sup posed Mr. Trexlcr told Mr. Eitnier that he was about leaving the city for the het sea son and that he had two bcautil til ou paint ings, which he desired te jet rid of, and he though he could de nothing better than present them te his lather s old friend, Capital idea ! They would be just the things toadern his Lancaster county place. Would Mr. Eitnier step down this street and leek at them'. Certainly. While en the way the stranger informed Mr. Eitnier that he had been very successful in a lottery, and that he migiit just as well draw the money new. They would then leek at the pictures, lie took Mr. Eitnier te the room en Court street above Fifth, where the stranjrer s confederate sat behind a small desk, twirling his mustache, and looking very unconcerned. Mr. .httuicr s friend laid down his lottery ticket and received in return a roll of bills amounting te several hundred dollars. The lottery dealer asked him te take another chance, but the sup posed Mr. Trexlcr replied, ''Oh, no," and was about te depart, when he was called back and shown some of the prizes in the euvelepes before him. One picked up at random contained $:J80. By Jove ! that was something trying for. Mr. Eit nier was asked te take a chance. Yes, but he didn't have the money only $le. He thought, however, that he had struck a bonanza, and was se impressed with what he had seen that he departed, and bor rowed $100 from a friend, a business man of this city. He new returned with $113. Mr. Trexlcr and himself were te buy a ticket together.' He laid down his money, and what happened subsequently is a perfect blank. He only remembers that lie deposited $115 ; that in less time that is takes te tell it the swindlers had decamped, and he was left standing in the room, dumfounded and alone. He was net slew iu gathering his senses, how ever, and immediately informed the police of Ins less, the city was threughly searched, and every effort made te ferret out the swindlers, but it was net until late in the afternoon that it was discovered that the blithe-looking .strangers had hired a team several hours before, then driven te Birdsboro, and there get en the train bound for Philadelphia. It is doubtful if Mr. Eitnier's money will ever be recovered. picnics. Kxcursien te Sicily Island. This morning at 5 o'clock the excursion te Sicily Island left this city, taking 183 persons. The ether trains leaving the city during the forenoon took a number who were unable te get away en the early train and the crowd at the island will probably number ever two hundred. The Sunday school of St. Paul's Reform Referm cd church is picnicking at What-Glen to day. The crowd which left the city in 'buses this morning was very large. Yesterday a leap-year picnic was given at What Glen by a number of young ladies of this city. It was largely attended and all present enjoyed themselves heartily. Te-morrow the colored people of this city will held a picnic at Shcnk's weeds, near Millersvillc. A geld-headed cane and a silver cup will be given te the best gentle" man and lady waltzers. The Poorhouse I tarn. The beaid of peer directors held a meet ing yesterday te take action in regard te the Korheusc barn, which was burned en Sunday. Five members of the beard and the county commissioners were present. It was resolved by the beard te rebuild the barn at once, and a building committee was appointed, te consist of D. B. Landis, II. II. Ilehrcr and Jehn Shultz. The new barn will be almost exactly like the one de stroyed and it will be of the same size. The furnishing of lumber and the carpen ter work will be given out te the lowest bidder. ' The building committee will held a meeting te-morrow. THE OOCTOKS. Meeting of the Medical Seclety. The Lancaster county medical society held its monthly meeting in the hall of the Grand Army yesterday. President Thomp son was in the chair and the following members were present : Drs. Atlee and Albright, of Lancaster; Black, Strasburg; Carpenter and Compten, Lancaster ; Craig, Columbia ; M. L. Davis, Millersville ; Ehler, Lancaster ; Iliestand, Mt. Jey ; M. L. Herr, Lancaster ; B. F. Ilerr, Millers ville; Hurtz, Lititz; Kendig, Salunga: Kehler, New Helland ; Livingston. Mount ville ; Mowery, Conestoga Centre ; J. II. Musscr, Lampeter ; Miller, Bird -in-Hand ; Roebuck, Lititz ; Reimensuyder, Ilinkle Ilinkle tewn ; W. II. Smith, Intercourse ; Thomp son, Wrightsville ; Welchans, Lancaster ; Weaver, Strasburg ; Yest, Bethesda ; Ziegler, sr., and Ziegler, jr., Mt. Jey, and Blackwood, Lancaster. A new constitution was adopted and Drs. Brubaker, of Akren, and Keueagy, of Strasburg, were elected members of the society. A committee of arrangements for the reception of the state medical society, which meets in this city, next spring was appointed; It consists of Drs. Carpenter, Liueawcaver, Ziegler, B. Leamau and M. L. Ilerr. Ne ether business of importance was transacted and the society adjourned te meet en the first Wednesday of next month. The Ilomicepath. A meeting of the Hommepathic medical society, Lancaster and Yerk counties, took place at Wild Cat Falls, yesterday, and was well attended by members from both counties. The general health was pronounced geed. Dr. Biuklcy, of Yerk, repotted a large number of cases of malarial rheumatism. Dr. Armer, of Columbia, read an inter iug paper en the obstacles te maternity. Dr. Frantz reported some cases of true diphtheria in families who have recently moved te this city. Dr. Bellinger read a paper en fistula. Dr.Huebcncr reported an intercstingcase of scrofula. After a very interesting meeting, a ban quet was prepared by Mrs. S.iyler, of Co lumbia. Adjourned te meet at Columbia, en Oc tober 0. SUM M Kit I.EJSUKi:. People Who Want te Keep Coel. Benjamin Miller, of Miller & Hart man, grocers, and family, left for Ocean Greve, and Samuel M. Myers, of Myers fc Ratli Ratli feu, took his family te the same place this morning. Jehn A. Hicstaud, esq., of the Exnmihcr, will endeavor te keep cool at Bedford, for which place he started this afternoon. Charles A. Ileinitsh and wife have gene te Leng Branch. Rev. C. F. Knight and family are at Saybrook Point, Connecticut. Samuel II. Reynolds, esq., ami family, left for Bedford springs, this morning. Jehn J. Strine, of the Bald Eagle hotel, Philadelphia, arrived in town yesterday, and he will spend his vacation here. Geerge M. Kline, esq., and family left te-day for Asbtiry Park. Mrs. O. J. Dickey and family have left for Bedford. Police News. Everything is dull around the station house te-day. There was no one there ever last night. Philip Bence was sent te jail by Alder man Dennelly, of the Seventh ward, for drunken and disorderly conduct. He was given a short sentence in order te allow him time te reflect. Alderman McCouemy had one customer this morning and that was a countryman, who was arrested while drunk by Officer Weitzel. He was let off en payment of costs. A Tey ICalloeii's Trip. Mention was made in a recent issue of the finding at Bowmansville, this county, of several het air balloons that had been sent off from Lebanon. Mr. Mai tin Rudy, of this city, calls attention te the fact that en the 21st of May last at 7 o'clock in the evening he sent off an ordinary toy balloon with his name attached. The balloon was found the next morning at 10 o'clock by E. Clinten Walter, at Ashland, Schuylkill county, having accomplished the distance of mere than a hundred miles ever night. Colored Campnieeting. The Reading railroad will run a special excursion train te Quarryville en Sunday, for the purpose of allowing persons from this city te attend the colored campnieet ing which will be held here. The prospects are that this will be a large camp, as many colored people from this city are going te attend, including a band of jubilee singers. The train leaves King Street at 8 in the morning, and returning leaves Quarry ville at 8 in the evening. U rove Services. The Sabbath-school of the Evangelical association, of Millersville, will held their annual picnic en Saturday, July 10, iu the Millersville park. The school will lcave the Evangelical church at 9 a. m., accem. panicd by the Millersville cornet band, which will be in attendance all day. On Sunday there will be services in the same place, consisting of preaching and ether addresses. Chickens Stelen. Last night thieves visited the premises of Mrs. H. K. Stencr, in West Lampeter township, and stele eleven grew n chickens en the place, leaving nothing but young ones behind This is the fourth time Mrs. Stener has been robbed of poultry within a year, and some one is certainly enjoying a geed pet-pie at her expense. Head Cut. This morning Peter Hillyard, a colored hed carrier, at work at St. James church, while climbing a ladder, was struck en the head by a brick, which fell from a hed carried by another man, who was above him en the same ladder. He received an ugly cut, but was able te go te work im mediately. Sale of Keal Estate. Isaac Diller sold at private sale te Jehn P. Wolf a double one-story brick dwelling house, Nes. 208 and 210 North Mulberry street, near Chestnut, for $1,430. Mr. Wolf intends erecting en the grounds two new houses at an early day. HEW AJTEJtTISEMESI8. We have just received a Pine Line of SILVEK JEWELBY, which at this appropriate season is in great demand. Silver Bracelets, Silver Bangles, Silver Combs, Silver Lace Pins, Silver Hair Pins, Silver Ear Rings, Silver Sleeve Links, Silver Scarf Pins, m Silver Initials, &c. They are pretty in design and quite inexpensive. The sales of these goods in the large cities during the past month have been immense, and in anticipation of much inquiry we have put in an unusually large stock. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 "West King Street. DIVIDING THE EXPENSES. The Costs In the l'ickering Valley ICailread Disaster Cases. When the persons injured by the acci dent en the Pickering Valley railroad in October, 1877 determined te bring suit against the Icssess of the read, the Philr dclphia and Reading railroad, it was agreed that Harmen Andersen's should be the test case. In case he lest his suit each person was te contribute $40, or the necessary part thercof,te help make up the costs,and in case of winning the ethers were te pay their proportionate share of the ex penses. Mr. Andersen's case was tried in Lancaster county and a verdict given in his favor when the railroad company ap pealed te the supreme court. Before ap pealing the company had te give personal security for the costs and award, and gave Franklin B. Gewcn and Themas M. Rich ards, general coal agent of the com pany. The supreme court decided against the railroad and the appeal turned out te be a lucky thing for Mr. Andersen, as in the meantime the railroad had become utterly bankrupt. A check for $1,800, award and costs, was sent te Chas. II. Pennypacker, esq., of West Chester, attorney for Mr. Andersen, and he has arranged for a meeting of all the suitors, some 40 or 43 in number, at his eflicc ou July 31st te decide en the future plan of action and arrange about the amounts due from each en the expenses incurred by Mr. Andersen. The ceuit costs were paid by the railroad, but outside of this the costs have amounted te ever $1,200, which money Mr. Andersen raised by meitgaging his farm. lireach of lreniic. Mary Ann Eckmau, of Drumore Centre, Di'Uinerc township, has entered suit in the prothenotary's eflice against Washington Harbison, for breach of premise. Court. Ceuit will net meet again until Satin -day, August 14th, and en Monday, thclGth, the regular August term of quarter ses sions will beifin. Old Men. The two eldest people in Earl township, according te the census returns, aie Michael Hildcbrand and ex-Sheriff Adam Bair. Beth are 92 years of age. St. .1 aceis's Oil having come te my notice, I determined te try some ler Uhcuinatistn, liieli has troubled me mere or less ler the last two years, and I lind St. Jacob's Oil all that it is claimed te be. 1 use a little, as 1 feel the ef fects of the old complaint coining en, and in it tlieie is instant relief ; se I de recommend it te every one that is troubled with ltheuiim tiMii. Samuel IHcksex, :J"y Jlewcs Street, llrenklyn. New Yerk. I'lcerative weakness untl debilitating hu mors of lcmnlcs cured by Malt Hitters. There is no liin Like Toetli-aclie! It "beats the dogs" for making a fellow squirm. Nobody pities you. '"Get it out," says one ; "rub the teeth against a stone," says anether: when it begins te swell then it won't hurt se much," says it third. The reason of the ache is you didn't use SOZOIOXT,and pi event your teeth from decay. jvfi-ludeed.tw Our sharp reporter was neatly shaved ye terday w ith Cutictira Shaving Soup. SPECIAL NOTICES. "Ir. I.indsey's llloed Searcher," by pnri ty ing tiie system, seltens the skin and beautifies the complexion. The Cause Discovered. Most of the readers whose eyes scan these pages have suffered from headache, lassitude, nausea or pains in the back; but we doubt if they knew what the cause was. In nine cases out of ten it was sonic trouble with the kid neys or liver. This Is a truth which has just become known, and the result which Warner's Pate Kidney and Mvcr Cure has accomplished. The above named troubles are caused by dis ordered kidneys and liver, and the remedy which cures the cause banishes the pains which arise from. it. jyl-2wd&w Try I.echer's Itcnewncd Cough Syrup. Statistics prove that twenty-nve per cent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease In its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Loeher's itcnewncd Cough Syrup, shall we ce'idemn the sufferers ter their negli gence, or pity them for their Ignorance? Xe! J East King street. Try I.echer's Kenewned Cough Syrup. Half the ills of human life proceed lreui a torpid and disordered liver. Submit te them no longer while "Sellers' Liver Pills" will cure you quickly. 23 cents per box. Thousands are new feeling the effects el this depressing weather, and experience a less of appetite, less of red bleed, have become pale, and arc very languid. We advise them te re sort immediately te the great Bleed Puriller, Illoed Enricher, and Perfect Health Giver, Dr. Browning's Tonic and Alterative. Price 50 cents and $1. Fer sale by its author and sole Proprietor, W. Champien Browning, M. 1)., 1117 Arch Street, Philadelphia, and all Drug gists. jyS-lwd&w Try I.echer's Kenewned Cough Syrup. A Great .Enterprise. The Hep Bitters Manufacturing Company is one of Rochester's greatest business enter prises. Their Hep Bitters have reached a sale beyond all precedent, having from their in trinsic value found their way into almost CTery household in the land. Graphic. jyl-2wrt&w Try Loeher's Kenewned Cough Syrup Te Check Diarrheea. Diarrhnca is a complaint that the human family suffer mere from at this time of the year than from any ether, and should be treat ed very carefully in order te restore tliebewcls te their proper strength. There is a wine made in Xew Jersey and sold by our druggists, call ed Specr's Pert Grape Wine, which Is being used very successfully In diarrheea cases. In fact, it is conceded by chemists te contain just such proportions as gradually check the fer menting in the bowels and add tone and vigor te the system, se as te withstand the miasmatic climate against these preveallng complaints. The wine is rich in body and is an excellent tonic, keeping the functions of the bowels in their proper condition. Evening Pett. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and Davis, and sold by II. . Slaymaker. jyl-2wd&w Brown's Household lanacea Is the most effective Pain Destroyer in the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally erapplied externally and thereby mere certainly KELIEVE PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength et any similar preparation. It cures pain in tlie Side, Back or Bowels, Sere Threat, Rheumatism, Toothache and ALL ACHES, and is the GKEAT KELIEVElt OF PAIN. "BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANA C E A " should be In every family. A teaspoon teaspeon teaspoen tul et the Panacea in a tumbler et het water (sweetened, if preferred), taken at bedtime, will BREAK UP A COLD. 23 cents a bottle. Fer sale at H. B. Cochran & Ce's Drug Stere North Queen street. Lancaster. Much Sickness, Undoubtedly with children, attributed toethel, causes, is occasioned by Worms. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS, or Werm Lozenges although effectual in destroying worms, can de no pesible injury te the most delicate child This valuable combination lias been success fully used by physicians, and found te be ab solutely sure in eradicating worms. Twenty live cuts a box. fianlMvd&wTuTli&S HEATHS. Gillesi'ie. Iii this city, en the 7th inst., Miss Mary A. Gillespie, aged W years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral, from the residence of her father. West Vine street, en Saturday morning at 'J o'clock. Std BitESEMAN. At Mount Auburn. Cincinnati, Ohie, ou Monday, July 5th, at 4 o'clock, p. in., usy W., daughter of II. H. and Emma B. Iil-euemau, aged 5 years and 5 months. ltd HEW AltrEllTISEMENTS, 17OII KENT. . A New Twe-story Brick Heuse, 105 Locust street ; $11 a mouth. Inquire at jy7-3tl 40 LOCUST STREET. ri'OlSACCO KAISKKS! L Insure your Creps against less or damage by hall at BAUSMAN A BURNS'S Insurance Oflicc, 10 West Orange Street. JcS-eedtfU A MEETING OF THE SIXTH WARD Hancock and English Club, will be held en FRIDAY EVENING at 1 o'clock, at the Schiller Heuse, North Queen street, for per manent organization. jyS-2td SALE OF OLD LU1UIIEK. Will be sold at public sale, at Ne. 438 North Mulberry street, en TO-MORROW (FRI DAY) MORNING, a large let of Old Lumber in geed condition. Sale te commence at !) o'clock." MARGARET GERZ. Jacoh Ucxdakkr, Auctioneer. It NOTICE TO THE CITV DEMOCRACY. The members of the City Executive C0111-mlttcc-elect and of the County Committee train the several Wards of this City, and the Presidents, Secretaries and Treasurers of the seveial Hancock Clubs of the different Wards, will meet at J. A. Sprengcr's Saleen, en THURSDAY EVENING, JULY' 8th, 1880, at 8 o'clock, sharp, ler important business. W. U. HENSEL, jyii-til Chairman County Committee. INSTATE Or ANDKEWSTEWAKT, LATE ll of Lancaster City, deceased. The under sigred Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Jehn B. Geed, esq., trustee te sell real estate, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit ler that purpose en WEDNESDAY, the 23th flay of AUGUST, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. 111., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where. all persons inter ested in said distribution may attend. W. F. BEYER, iyS-ltrt<w Auditor. ISSOI.CTIOX OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing be tween R. A. Smith ami Henry Carpenter, and trading as It. A. SMITH A CO., has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All per sons indebted te the late firm will please make payment, and these having claims against the same will present them te R. A. Smith for set tlement. W. A. MORTON having purchased our stock, fixtures and geed will, wc beg a con tinuance of our patronage te him ; he will con tinue the business at the old stand under the firm name et R. A. SMITH ."t CO. R. A. SMITH, HENRY CARPENTER. Lammsteu, July 8, 18S0. ltd PLAIN WIRES reu In Black, Drab and Green. Handsome Land scape sold by the feet in any quantity. We make SCREENS te order, and in such a manner that you need net remove when you close the window ; a very great advantage. Wherea Screen is made that must be taken out when you lower the sash, it is troublesome te handle, always in the way and will wear out in half the time. We make them in Pine and Walnut Frames anil cost you no mere than the Patent Screens, and are much mere deslmblc. A let of Ends et WALL PAPER will be sold low in order te close out. Our store will close at 7 p. in (except Satur days) until the 1st et September. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. WASTED. WANTED .EVERYBODY TO ADVEK tise, free of charge, in the Ihtkllkikn ckk. who wants something te de. IAGS! RAGS! RAGS! RAGS WANTED t Housekeepers take notice that we are paying 2 cents a pound for MIXED KAGS. Cash paid as seen as delivered te WM. IIEXNECKE, anr&nnd Xe. 255 West King Street. REMOVAUi. DR. S. It. FOREMAN, (PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON), Removed from Ne. 18 Seuth Prince street te Ne. 211 West King street, Lancaster, Pa. fm24-3md MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. THE- Lancaster Orp Manufactory Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market. Wureroems 320 North Queen street, Manufactory in the rear. Branch Oflice, 15 East King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Agent for Lancaster County for CIIICKERINGA SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line et Sheet and ether Music, Small Instruments. Violins. Banjos, Band Instru ments, Ac always en hand. flS-lydS&lyw mm BEl THIRD EDITION THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 8, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. . Washington, July 8. Fer the 3Iid dle Atlantic states, partly cloudy weather, southerly winds, stationary temperature and barometer. NEGRO OUTRAGE. Shet and Killed a Farmer. Danville, July 8. On Tuesday even ing Clem. Estes, a negre, shot and killed Jeseph H. Estes, a young white farmer, near Cascade village, this county. The altercation grew out of an alleged asault by the deceased upon a female relative of the homicide last Saturday evening. The girl was getting vegetables in a garden of the deceased against his prohibition, and he forcibly ejected her. In their encounter ou Tuesday, the homicide attacked the de ceased with a shot gun en his own prem ises and killed him. After receiving the fatal shot, deceased shot his assail ant with a pistol, wounding him in the leg most seriously. The homi cide was arrested, is new in custody, and will be lawfully treated. He was formerly owned and brought up by the brother of the deceased. There is some excitement in the neighborhood, but lynching is net probable. NEW YORK'S POLICE COMMISSIONER. Conflicting Orders of Ce-ordinate Courts. New Yerk, July 8. The police beard was served this morning with a temporary injunction, issued by Judge Van Hocson, restraining members from officially re cognizing General Smith in place of Commissioner Vperhis. The beard is requested te show cause en the leth inst. why the injunction should net be made permanent. The effect of the injunction will be te leave matters just as they were before Gen. Smith's demand for his scat, Commissioner Voorhis holding and exercising the duties of the office. FENIANlSM. A Scare Over Its Revival Londen, July 8. The Dublin corres pondent of the Times says : "There can be no doubt that Fenianism is engrafted en the land agitation and imparts te it its most effective organization and formid able character ; it is impossible for these who reside in the West net te feel alarmed at the signs of danger, which ar plainly visible. There is no reason te doubt that many of the peasantry have been trained te move in military order and understand hew tfnct together as disciplined bodies, and that every opportunity is taken te col lect arms." CUBA. Reported I turning of a Village. New Yekk, July 8. A letter from Havana, dated July 3d, says : " A com mercial house of this city has received a report from Manzanillo that the village of Uuisa had been destroyed by fire, without mentioning, however, the origin of the lire. Guisa lies in the neighborhood of Yara, in the jurisdiction of Manzanillo, where the insurgent chief Calixte Garcia is at present with his band. Upen in quiry of the government officials it was said no advice of such a disaster had liecii received." PLENARY AMNESTY. The Dill Passed by the French Chamber. Paw is, July 8. The new amnesty bill voted by the Chamber of Deputies yester day consists of a single clause as fellows : "All persons condemned for participating in the insurrection of 1870 and 1871, and who shall have been pardoned up te July 14, 1880, shall be considered as amnestied, as the government intend te pardon all without exception. " This bill is the same in effect as the one the Senate re jected. ENGLAND. Debate en the Irish Fisheries. Londen, July 8. In the Heuse of Com Cem Com eons last evining, in the debate en the bill granting a lean of 30,000 for the Irish fisheries, Mr. Parnell said if the Irish had their own Parliament they would lind no difficulty in obtaining this kind of assist ance ; it was the duty of the British Par liament te see that they were net in a worse position by its refusal of home rule. KALLOCH. His Cause Net the People's. San Francisce, July 8. In the police court te-day in the case brought by Alex ander Kydd against W. M. Ncilsen for libeling Mayer Kalloch in an obscene pub lication, Judge liix said he believed the prosecution had net been in the interest of the people, and en motion dismissed the case. OFF FOR GERMANY. Milwaukee Athletes anil Turners. New Yekk, July 8. Te-day the last party of American delegates te the Turner festival at Frankfort-en-thc-Main ( te be held from July 2 1 te 29), the Turnvcrein Milwaukee, under the leadership of Geerge Uresius and numbering thirty Athletes, leave for Hamburg by the steamer West phalia, Capt. Schwenscn. GRANT. Getting te lie a Speech-Maker. Denver, Cel., July 7. A Las Vegas special despatch says: "Gen. Grant and party arrived here at ten o'clock this morn ing, and were met at the depot by a very large and enthusiastic crowd. The general made a short speech. Te-night a banquet will be riven him." TYRONE DEVASTATED. The Heart of the Town Burned Out. Tyrene, Pa., July 8. A fire broke out here at 3 o'clock this morning which de stroyed about thirty buildings, including all the banks, the opera house and the postefficc. The fire is new under control. The less is estimated at $150,000 and the insurance about 8100,000. Cutting Wheat In Canada. St. Catharine, Oht., July 8. Farmers are beginning te cut wheat in this vicinity some commenced cutting it during the last days of June, for the first time in the memory of the eldest inhabitant. OBITUARY. DeatbofCel. Pelton. New Yerk, July 8. Colonel Pelton, nephew of ex-Governer Tilden, died at the Everett house this morning. STATE AND NATION. The Bed Oak. Ga.. Cases. Washington, July 8. The cases of the twelve revenue deputy collectors and one deputy United States marshal, charged by the state authorities of Georgia, with the hemicide of a moenshiner at Red Oak, Campbell county, Georgia, were brought before United States Circuit Judge Wood Wood eon Wednesday and continued te the 13th inst. Advices received at the bureau of internal revenue here report that ex-United States District Attorney Far Far eow refuses te recognize the right of 3Ir. Hayes te supersede him, and opposes the transfer of the cases te tbeU. S. court. Judge Bigby, the newly appointed district attorney proposes te take out a writ of quo warrante. Latry Jereme's Rey. New Yekk, July 8. Lawrence I. Jereme, jr., and Edward M. Patchell, charged with being in possession of rail road securities valued at $87,000 and belonging te Brayten, Ives & Ce., of Wall street, alleged te have been lest by a mes senger en July 3, were arraigned at the Tombs te day. James Wallace made affidavit that Je Je eome en July Gth told him that he (Je (Je eome) expected te be rich seen, as he had found bends valued at $100,000. Counsel for the accused claimed te have a geed defense, and demanded an examina tion which was set down for this after noon. Diphtheria In Halifax. Halifax, July 8.-1)iphtheria has broken out among children in the Protestant or phanage here, and two deaths have oc curred. The Philadelphia Regatta. Philadelphia, July 8. First trial heat : senior singles weu by Mum fold, of Per" severance, New Orleans ; Musgrove, of St. Jehns, New Orleans, second ; time, 11:1!). Yeung, of Philadelphia, did net row. MARKETS. Mew Yerk MarKel. Nkw Yerk. July S. Fleur Stale ami Weal cm a shade firmer uud tairly uctive; superfine state i 504 UT: extra de ft QiW; choice, de., 4 U)5 ttu: fancy ." UTiU 0U; round hoop Ohie $4 Til: 7: choice de $5 j(; 25 ; supertlnu western $SfMi($ 4 05; common te tfoed extra de $4 ue4.ri0; choice dodo $4 COQ" DO; choice white wheat de 4 U5uu; Southern, moderate demand : com mon te fair extra 5U),ife; geed te choice de 5 70B 7T. Wheat tfSllcbetterund falrlv aelive : Ne. I White, cash, 1 1K ; Ne. Red Jul v. $1 ir4l 15; de AugllHt, I U!l 10!;de isept., l 0!l USJ. Cern llrm and pi ices moderately active; Mixed western spot, 47iii&Ue; de future KMfiu Gl!c. Oats linn and quiet ; state .Tig Tie; western .Ttlc; Ne. 2 July St.!. Philadelphia Market. Puiladklphia, July S. Fleur llrmt-r; superfine at $& .ri03 00; extra at CIM&:uti; Ohie and Indiana family at $5 Mt&U ": ; 1'enn'a family at $4 755 : St. Leuis family$r50t;ue; de old, i i'i4 75; Minnesota family S4 5e.t 00 ; patent ami high grades i; M 68 00. Rye flour at ft 124 15. Cernmcal liramtywiiiu unchanged. Wheat higher ami firmer ; Ne. 2 Western Red 1 13; I'enn'a Red 1 l:i; Amber $1 I.:. Cern llriuer ; yellow &l.YJe; mixed 5050e. Oats quiet but llrm ; Me. 1, White lie; Ne. 2, de 41c; Ne. 3, de l40c; Ne. '.. Mixed .'ICc. Rye dull; Western and l'a. 85si;c. Previsions strong ; mtss perk at 1.'I 25i:; M ; beef hams $20 50'.!1 ; India m.-ss beet $iMjli;.rJ bacon, smoked shoulders ay.QTtc ; salt 4j5c; smoked hams ll12c ; pickfed liaiif '.Kj'Je. Lard tinner; city kettle 74gsc ; Kkhc butchers c; prime steam $7:i57 4ii. Uuttcr firm ami scarce ; Creamery extra 2S'J4c;de geed te choice &; liradferd county and New Yerk extra. l'J-Jlc; Western reserve extra 18 l!)c; de geed te choice I II7(: ; Rolls dull; Peun'a extra lei:l; Western re serve extra 104JI.IC. Kggs firmer under light supply ; I'ciin'a ll."ic; Western 1214e. Uheese steady; New Yerk full cream I0e; Western full cream. HfHJc;de fair te geed 74 7c; de half skims feic. Petroleum steady; reliued 10 c. Whisky 1 11. Seeds Goeu te prime Timethy dull at $2 75: 00 : Flaxseed nominal at I ") ter new ; Clever unlet at $7 007.'. Stock markets. Philadelphia .In I v . 1230 r. x. :;. Stocks dull. Pcunati's (third Issue) 105 Philadelphia A Erie I.S Reading.... 'Au;'i Pennsylvania W Lehigh Valley. V.fH United Ces. et N. J Illicit;-.! Northern Pacific 2Tr " Preferred 47ils Northern Central :si Lehigh Navigation 27 Nornstewn, lihtfia: Central ?Transiortatieii Ce. 4life4!) Pitts., Tltusville A RulTale. l;l Little Schuylkill V.VA '. M. Nkw Iiikk, .Iu iy Stocks weak and lower. Meney '2ft,:: N. Y. Central 12M ulilLit "' -4 Adams Express ll.'S Michigan Central S7!4 Michigan Southern VtlV. Illinois Central W. Cleveland A Pittsburgh.. ..115 Chicago A Reck Island IH.V4 Pittsburgh ft Fert Wnyne..lln Western U nlen Tel. Ce H4 Teledo" Wabash 'MVt New Jersey Central United State IIenilM anil Sterling KxrUstur ((Quotations by It. K. JainNen A Ce., S. W Cor. 31 and Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia. July H. United States f;v, 1KSI, (registered). .10l United States .Vs, issl, (registered). .1020 102 United States 4's, IMll, (registercd)Ifi,.tMtiI United States 4's,I!il,(ceiiKns).. .l(.ni 00 United States 4's, 1!W7. (registered). .IOM',f United States Currency 's 121 I2Ti Sterling Exchange 137 MISCELLANEOUS. 105 ;e te F. HIKMENZ'S, 105 Ne. 105 North (Jucen street for the Cheapest and I!-.t HOOTS ANI SHOES. 105 Sign or the Hie Shee. le j'-K-SAWtfd M AKCUS U. SKIINKK, HOUSE CABPENT.EB, Ne. 120 North Prince street. Prompt and particular attention paid te a I atien and repairs. sl:t-'d -VTOTICB TO FISHEKMEN. Fishing Tackle in every variety. Huuihoe, Cane and Weeden Jointed I'eds, Lines, Sink ers, Floats, Heeks, Ac. A call solicited. Prices low. ANDKEW li. FUEY'S City Pharmacy, Cor. N. (Juccn and Orange Streets. tlO-lyd Lancaster, Pa. IhuinpIkk dividend. . The President ami Managers of the Lan caster, Elizabethtown and Middlctewn Turn pike ItOiul have this day declared a Dividend of Twe Dollars ami Seventy-five Cents en each Share of Stock, payable alter the 7th dayet July. J. 31. 1.ONU, Treasurer. July C, 1880. Stdeaw TjlAGLE ClGAK BOX MANUFACTORY. We have started a new Cigar iiex 3Ianufac 3Ianufac tery at Ne. 241 North (jueen street, and an: new prepared te fill all orders at the shortest notice. As we liavc all the latest improved machinery we will make as fine a box as can be had in the country- Uive us a call. BECHTOLD A Ce.. Ne. 241 North (Jueen Street. jc2-tfd Lancaster, Pa. 105 LADIES AND GENTS It you want a 105 GOOD FITTING BOOT OR SHOE, Ready-made or made te order, call at F. HIEMENZ'S, Ne. 106 North Queen Street. Custom Werk a Specialty. jeawjt Wt fit THY LOCIIER'3 KENOWNED SYRUP. COUGH