Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 07, 1880, Image 3

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West Earl, his age being 89 years, and in
the same township are the following
named persons ever 80 years of age:
Henry Brown, 80 ; Martha Brawn, 83 :
Julia A. Graybill, 83 ; Magdalene' Kneip,
85; Christian Oberhelzer, 81; Mary
Stauffcr, 87; Christian Weaver, 83.
Adam Dietrich, of Rolirerstewn, is 90
years old, being the eldest Democrat and
eldest citizen in East Hempfield.
Jehn Showers, ex-constable, is the eldest
inhabitant returned from Upper Raphe,
his age being 87 years.
Mrs. Buch, of Penn township, is 92
years old and is the eldest inhabitant of
lieF township.
Agricultural Items.
The were about 2,000 cases of tobacco
grown in Conestoga township last year
say 800,000 pounds. Every farmer in the
township except one grew tobacco, and
that one did net refrain from growing it
by reason of any " conscientious scruples "
he had, but because he believed it would
net pay in the end as well as ether crops.
The most valuable farm in Indiantown
district belongs te C. B. Ilerr and is farmed
by C. B. Ilerr, jr. The product of the
farm last year is reported by the census
enumerator as being of $9,000 value, and
the crop was less than an average one.
The l.attt Stene Laid by Lancantcr Contract
or. The following notice from a Shepherds
town paper relates te the successful pro
gress of work at that point in charge of
Lancaster contractors :
On Tuesday last the last stone was cut
in the quarry above town for the piers of
the new bridge at this place, and en Wed
nesday morning about 10 o'clock the last
stone was laid en the piers. Thus within
live months for it was the first week in
February last the work was commenced
Messrs. Fitzpatrick & Ce., contractors,
have completed what, less than half a cen
tury age, would have been thought impos
sible te have been done. With about 1
men regularly employed, and with f.tvor f.tver
ablu weather, with the exception of a few
days, they have been steadily engaged in
the preparing for and constructing this
great work.
There are iive piers in all, three in the
Potomac, averaging about 90 feet high
! rem. the bottom of the river, and two upon
the canal banks, averaging about 70 lect
liili each
Messis. Fitzpatrick, Barry and McCaf
ferty, who have been superintending the
aiieus branches of this enterprise, deserve
great credit for their perseverance and en
emy ; they have net only proved them-s-elves
men of business, but have, by their
couitceiis and gentlemanly manner, wen
the esteem of the men whom they have had
employed and of all ethers who have had
business intercourse with them. This
community ewes much te them for the
simple reason of their having kept many
idlers oil" of our streets, by their giving all
available labor something te de.
And right here we wish te say, and it is
te their lasting credit, that never have we
seen or heard of considering the number
employed such an orderly set of men en
gaged in any public enterprise, both in the
quarries and in all ether work connected
with railroad improvements going en here
this summer, as these men have proved
themselves te be. Shcpherdstewn can con
gratulate herself that she has net been
subjected te any of that rougher clement
that usually centres around public works.
We congratulate Messrs. Fitzpatrick &
Ce. upon the successful completion of
their great and important work. We will
refer te this matter mere fully upon the
completion of the bridge, which will take
place in about a week or ten days.
We must net forget te state that as the
last stone was laid en the pier, one of the
workmen proposed three cheers for Han
cock, which was heartily responded te by
all present.
A Lady Found Dead in lleil.
Miss Mary Ann Gillespie, aged about
40 years, was found dead in her room at
the residence of her father, Charles Gilles
pie, West Vine street, opposite St. Mary's
church, between 5 and 6 o'clock this
morning. Miss Gillespie was her father's
housekeeper, and they lived alone. It was
her habit te rise early in the morning, and
as she did net make her appearance this
morning her father went te her room and
found her lying en the tlber at the feet of
the lied. An alarm was at once given,
and some friends who had been attending
early mass at St. Mary's hastened te Mr.
Gillespie's assistance, and Dr. II. E. Muh
lenberg was summoned, but en his arrival
he pronounced Miss Gillespie dead.
Miss Gillespie had been affected with
heart disease for some time past, though
her condition was net considered serious.
She was somewhat indisposed yesterday,
but net unusually se. It is supposed she
had arisen from her bed and was suddenly
attacked with the disease from which she
had su ire red, and, fallinjr te the fleer, died
almost instantly. '
Corener Mishlcr empaneled the follow
ing jury te held an inquest : J. A. E. Car
penter, J. L. Perter, Lcvcn Rete, Elias
Martin, 1). A. Altick and II. R. McCon McCen McCon
emy. The jury returned a verdict that
death was caused by heart disease.
Miss Gillespie was, as above stated, the
daughter and housekeeper of our vener
able fellow citizen, Charles Gillespie, and
the sister of Mrs. Ambrose McConemy, of
this city, and of Mrs. G. Wash. Smith, of
Pittsburgh. Her brother, Chas. J.Gillcspie,
.and two or three sisters reside in Pitts
burgh. Miss Gillespie's sudden death will shock
and distress hosts of friends by whom she
was dearly beloved. As a daughter and
sister she was dutiful and affectionate, as
a friend constant and true, and as a Chris
tian exemplary and faithful. She was a
life-long member of St. Mary's church,
and within its walls, where she se often
worshiped, the last sad rites of the chinch
will be "iven her.
Kebbed in Heading.
The Reading Xeits of yesterday contains
the following : "A stranger, hailing from
Lancaster county, was met by three men
and taken te Ne. 520 Court street about
one o'clock this afternoon, where they
fleeced him out of one hundred and fifteen
dollars by means of the lottery dodge.
One of the trio exhibited what he said was
a certificate for a money prize of three
hundred dollars. If two hundred dollars
was paid cash for it he would threw off
the balance. The stranger thinking he
had a bonanza left the house and shortly
returncd with a hundred dollars which he
invested, one of the men advancing the
ether hundred. After the money was
paid the men quickly disappeared. The
case is in the bands of Chief Heusnm."
The Third Ward Democracy.
The Democrats of the Third ward will
meet at Effinger's saloon, corner of Seuth
Queen and Vine streets, te-morrow even
ing ; for the purpose of organizing a Han
cock and English club.
Opinions by Beth Judges Divorce, Current
Business Ac.
Court met at 10 o'clock this morning,
when a large number of opinions were de
livered by the judges.
By Judge Livingston.
The following are these by Judge Liv
ingston :
Moses Graeff vs. Levi Wise and Martin
H. Fry. Rule te show cause why fi. fa.
should net be set aside. Rule discharged.
Jehn Hildcbrand vs. Jeseph Bewman.
Certiorari. Exceptions filed. Exceptions
overruled and proceedings of justice af
firmed. Hanover Junction and Susquehanna
railroad company vs. Ethelbert Watts
and William N. Watts. Rule for a new
trial. Discharged.
G. W. Rumble vs. William McSparrau.
Rule te show cause why judgment should
net be entered for want of an affidavit of
defense. Rule discharged.
Jehn W.Ncwcemet vs.Stephen Shaeffer.
Rule for a new trial. Discharged.
S. S. P. Lvtle vs. Christian Seitz. Ex
ceptiens te master's report. Exceptions
overruled aud report confirmed.
Henry Eberle, deceased's Estate. Rule
te show cause why accounts should net be
opened, &c. Rule made absolute.
Cem'th vs. Themas E. Evans. Indict
ment perjury. Demurrer filed te the in
dictment. Demurrer overruled.
Henry Glazier, et. at., vs. Jehn Merrin
gcr. Contested election in Seventh ward,
Lancaster city. Exceptions te bill of costs
filed. Bill of costs approved as taxed by
Mr. Urban, clerk of the orphan's court,
and second bill as taxed by Mr. Eaby,
deputy clerk, distppreved.
Ily Judge Patterson.
Henry Breiter and wife's assigned estate,
Exceptions te auditei's report. Seme of the
exceptions sustained and report recommit
ted te auditor te be amended in accord
ance with the opinion of the court, at the
cost of the accountant and without further
charges by the auditor.
Antheny Heman vs. Gotlieb Henry.
Rule for a new trial. Discharged.
Henry C. and Ann Catherine Eichholtz.
vs. Resiua McCullen. Rule for a new
trial. Discharged.
Flinn & Brencman vs. Jacob Grid, case
stated. Judgment entered in favor of the
plaintiffs for $277.C0. with interest from
June 1st 1880.
Benjamin Gocklin, deceased, estate.
Citation te administratrix te show cause
why will is net executed. Citation set
aside and petition dismissed at the cost of
Commonwealth vs. Jesse Tyson, con
victed of false pretense June 25, 1879.
Rule for a new trial. Discharged.
Warwick township read. Rule te show
cause why report of re-reviewers should
net be continued absolutely. Rule made
absolute The rule te confirm the repeit
of reviewers was discharged.
The i'ickering Valley Cant.
The weeks commencing with September
0th and leth, aud October 11th have been
set down as the time for hearing the re
maining cases from Chester county, arising
from the Pickering Valley railroad disas
ter which occurred en the night of October
4, 1877.
Lydia Aim Russel, of this city, was
granted a divorce from her husband, Jehn
Kussul, en the grounds of desertion. Cath
erine Ellingcr complained that her husband
Gotlieb Ellinger,had deserted her also and
she was also granted a divorce.
Fiank Brua, Strasburg borough, made
application for the transfer of the restau
rant license for which Jacob Brua is an ap
plicant, the matter was held under advise
ment. A Famous War Herse.
There has just died en the farm of Day
Weed, Geshen, Lancaster county, a horse
brought home at the close of the war by
Lieut. E. E. Weed of the 17th Pa. Cavalry.
This horse came te the icgiment, then
stationed with the army of the Potomac,
in the fall of 18G3, and was owned and
ridden by Majer R. Rciuheld, who rode
him until he resigned the previous sum
mer. In the meantime he had passed
through Sheridan's raid te Richmond the
Trevelyan raid and the march from City
Peiui te the Shenandoah Valley.
He had been in the battles of the
Wilderness. Yellow Tavern, Meadow
Bridge, Hauovcrtewn, Harves Shep, Be
thesda Church, Celd Harber, Trevelyan
Station, White Heuse aud othcisnetso
important. Majer R. Reiuheld resigning
in August, this horse became the prop
erty of Capt. M. Reinhold, a cousin of the
major, who rode him until the early part
of September, when the captain was killed
in the saddle at a skirmish en the Orequan
After the death of Capt. M. Reinhold
his brother Capt. U. Reinhold, took the
horse aud rode him until the regiment was
mustered out, June 10, 1805. He went
through Winchester and the Valley cam
paign aud raids ; the march from the
Shcnnadeah valley te the army of the Po
tomac before Petersburg, in February and
March ; the battles of Dinwiddie's Five
Ferks ; the pursuit of Lee, Sayler's creek,
and the surrender of Lee at Appomattox,
April 9, 1805 ; the march te Washington,
the grand review, &c.
When the regiment was mustered out a
number of officers were put in the Second
Pcnna. cavalry. The horse then became
the property of Lieut. Luckncr, who rode
him until the regiment was mustered out
at Harrisburc in August, 18C5. He was
then bought by Lieut. E. Weed, who
brought him home, where he has remain
ed ever since.
He was a fine-looking horse, jet black,
magnificently developed limbs, a large,
wide chest, bread hips, a large piercing
eye, and at his death net a scar or blemish
en him. What was remarkable was the
fact that he was very much afraid of the
reports of fire-arms. He was 25 years old
aud but for an accident he met with, had
all the appearauce of living ten years
t'elice Fees.
In accordance with the views of County
Solicitor Fulton, as published in the In
telligencer a few days age, the bills
presented by the city policemen te the
county commissioners for payment of their
services, were very much cut down
some of them fully two-thirds, and
none of them less than one-third.
The fees heretofore allowed them for
the arrest of vagrants and drunken and
disorderly persons were entirely stricken'
off, if the person arrested was dismissed,
and only half fees were allowed in cases
that were committed. Great indignation
was manifested by the officers, some of
whom declare they will make no arrests
under the present arrangement.
Closing Out
Closing Out Sun Umbrellas and Parasols at Reduced Prices.
Closing Out an Immense Stock of Fans at Reduced Prices.
White Dress Goods, Lawns, Percales and Prints, all in Choicest Styles at Lewest Prices.
Black Silks, Colored Silks, Plain and Lace Buntings, all in Full Asssertment at Lewest Prices.
Nete. Heur of Closing 7 o'clock P. M., Except Saturdays.
25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa.
Before the Beard of Pardons.
The beard of pardons yesterday heard
and granted an application for a rehearing
of the case of Jehn Echternacht, burglary,
Lancaster county, August 2;J, 1878, sen
tenced te pay a fine of 8100 and five years
in county prison.
Jehn S. Morten, the Philadelphia forger,
was granted a rehearing of his case. Min
nie Reller, of .Philadelphia, convicted of
larceny, was pardoned after an eloquent
plea in her behalf by Miss Adelaide U.
Murdoch, who lectured in Lmcastcr some
weeks age.
Henry Lukcns. alias James Wilsen, was
committed te the county jail for a hearing
before Alderman Spurrier en Saturday
next, te answer the charge of Jlarceuy pre
ferred against him by Dr. II. E. Musser,
of Ccntreville. Lnkeus was in the employ
of Dr. Musser, and when he was discharg
ed from service, as is alleged, he stele from
the doctor a set of double harness, sold it
te a party in the lower end of the county,
and then went te Ashburn, Montgomery
county, where he was arrested. The stolen
harness has been recovered.
Early Cutting.
Mr. Diffenbaugh, residing near Midway,
en the Strasburg turnpike, this morning
cut about fifty stocks of tobacco tine,
full-grown stocks at that. This, we be
lieve, is the first that has been cut this
season, except a small let, the plants of
which were grown in pets and kept under
shelter until all danger of frost had passed,
and were then removed and replanted in
the field.
Where's Jehn Smith?
Jehn Smith is perhaps the most "numer
ous'' man in the county, and yet he is the
only man that can't be found. He is set
down in the books as census enumerator
for East Lampeter township, but thus far
he has failed te tile his return with the
prothenotary, aud he
enumerator. Is he a
prove only te be the
his return ?
is the only missing
lest man, or will he
lust man in making
Sunday-Scheel Celebration.
The 15th annual celebration of the Lex
ington Union Sunday-school will be held
en Saturday afternoon and evening, July
24, 1880, in the grove of Mr. Hiram Kline,
near the village of Lexington, Warwick
township. Should the weather be un
favorable the exercises will come oil" en
the following day. Geed speakers from a
distance will be present.
About neon te-day two mules hitched
te a wagon aud belonging te Wm. Mc
Mnllen, of Smithville, Providence town
ship, were being driven along Prince street,
when the hind wheel of the wagon struck
the street car track and several spokes
were broken. The wagon was taken te a
shop where the necessary repairs weic
Heek Notices.
Trail's ISerual Physiology is a very useful
work, apparently written with care and
accuracy, and embodying information
which can be of no harm te any man te
knew and ought te de a great deal of geed.
Great injury is unwittingly encountered
by an ignorance of nature's laws which
oil rht net te exist. A knowledge of
physiological laws is the most important
knowledge that can be acquired, and it is
tee little taught by the natural teachers.
L. E. Huggins, phrenologist, at the City
hotel, is the agent for Dr. Trail's book.
Mns. Vrexa Gi'OEfWANX, aged 53 years, liv
ing in Rochester, N. Y.. Rheumatism in the
legs; could net walk. Ued one bottle of St.
Jacob's Oil and lelt,asshc asserts, like new
.Sicily Island Club Picnic.
Ticket holders and invited guests will be at
the Pennsylvania railroad depot te-morrow
morning at 4:43., te exchange tickets new
held for excursion and trip te island.
The Rockland Undenominational Sunday
school return thanks te Cel. Wm. L. l'eiper for
the gift of a piano for use in the school.
A feed ami a medicine arc combined in the
most perfect manner in Malt Bitters.
Campaign goods et all kinds can be had at
Williamson & Fester's at the 'lowest manu
facturer's prices. They close their store from
July 5 te Sept. 1 at 7. m.. cacept Sninidujs.
There Is no Pain Like Teeth-ache!
It " beats the dogs" for making a fellow
squirm. Nobody pities you. "Get it out,"
says one ; "rub the teeth against a stone," says
anether: when it begius te swell then it won't
hurt se much," says a third. The reason of
the ache is you didn't use SOZODONT, and
prevent your teeth from decay.
Beautifies the complexion by stimulating
the friuall bleed-vessels Cuticura Medicinal
Ask ter "Sellers' Liver
possess halt their virtue.
Sold by all druggists.
Pills." Ne etheis
25 cents per box
The Cause Discovered.
Most of the readers whose eyes scan these
pages have suffered from headache, lassitude,
nausea or pains in the back ; but we doubt if
they knew what the cause was. In nine cases
out of ten it was some trouble with the kid
neys or liver. This is a truth which has just
become known, and the result which Warner's
Sate Kidney and Liver Cure has accomplished.
The above named troubles are caused by dis
ordered kidneys and liver, and the remedy
which cures the cause banishes the pains
which arise from it. jyl-2wd&w
Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup.
Samuel A. Hewitt, Monteray, Mich., writes
that Dr. Themas' Eclectric Oil cannot be beat
by any medicine for coughs and colds, and for
rheumatism, it works like a charm. It has
been thoroughly tried in this place and is in
great .'demand. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran,
ruggtst, 137 and 139 North Queen street,
Lancaster. Pa. 39
"'Dr. Lindsey's Bleed Searcher' cured my
son of erysipelas." Mrs. E. Smeltzer, Lari
mer, Pa.
ui;y uoeds.
Spring and Sum
We have just received a Fine Line of
which at this appropriate season is in great demand.
Silver Bracelets,
Silver Bangles,
Silver Combs,
Silver Lace Pins,
Silver Hair Pins,
Silver Ear Rings,
Silver Sleeve Links,
Silver Scarf Pins,
Silver Initials, &c.
They are pretty in design and quite inexpensive. The sales
of these goods in the large cities during the past month have
been immense, and in anticipation of much inquiry we have put
in an unusually large stock.
H. Z. BHOADS & BRO., Jewelers,
Ne. 4 "West King Street.
Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup.
A Great Knterprlse.
The Hep Hitters Manufacturing Company
is one of Rochester's greatest business enter
prises. Their Hep Bitters have reached a sale
beyond all precedent, having from their in
trinsic value found their way into almost every
household in the land. Graphic.
Try Lecher's ltenewned Cough Syrup
Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!!
Are you disturbed at night and broken et
your rest by a sick child suffering and crying
with t lie excruciating pain of cutting teeth?
II se. go at once and getabottieef MKS. WINS
LOWS SOOTHING SYKUP. It will relieve the
peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon
it; there is no mistake about it. There is net a
mother en earth who has ever used It, who will
net tell you at once that it will regulate the
bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief
and health te the child, operating like magic.
It is perfectly safe te use in all eases, and pleas
ant te the taste, and is the prescription et one
et the eldest and best female physicians and
nunes in the United States. Sold everywhere
25 cents a bottle. IJlT-lyd&w.M.U'&S
Try Lecher's ltenewned Cough Syrup.
Piiysiciaxs Recommend It. Your Themas'
Kclectric Oil commands a large and increasing
sale, which it richly merits. I have always
found it exceedingly helpful : I use it in all
cases of Rheumatism, its well as fracture ami
dislocations. I made use of it myself te calm
the pains of a broken leg with dislocation of
the toot, and in two days I was entirely re
lieved from pain. Jes. Bkaudix, M. D.
Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and
39 North Queen street. Lancaster, Pa. 40
UiLLEsriE. In this city, en the 7th inst.. Miss
Mary A. Uillespic. aged 46 years.
Netice of funeral hereafter. 3td
SCHOOL. TAX, 1880.
The duplicate is in the hands et the Treas
urer. 5 per cent, off for premt payment.
WM. O. MARSHALL, Treasurer.
Ne. 12 Centre Square.
Office hours from 9 a. m. te 4 p. m.
Weekly Mellipncer
has been enlarged te a
Of Eight Columns te the Page, mak
ing it nearly Deuble its For Fer
mer Size, and the
largest Newspaper in the State.
$2.00 A YEAR,
It will contain a prompt
of everything of political aud general
interest, and its large size will enable it te
give all interesting matter in full.
The following terms are offered ler subscrip
tlens, CASH IN ADVANCE, from this date
until after the election.
Single copy 60 els.
Ten copies .Wets. each.
Twcnty-ilvecop!e.s,teonepostoffice.33 " "
We also publish a single sheet paper, just half
the size of the regular edition, tilled witli gen
eral aud political news, but emitting the local
intelligence of the county, at HI .2.1 a year, al
ways in advance. This edition will be issued
Fer tie Campaign at Very Lew Rates.
It will contain full reports of the political
situation in the whole country ; speeches and
letters of value, reports of meetings, editorial
comments, and a complete abstract of the
news of the day, together with miscellaneous
matter et general interest. It will be n live
sheet, leading an aggressive campaign for the
Democratic tickets.
Following arc the low rates for clubs
One copy, 40 cts.
Ten copies, 3e cts. "each.
Twenty-five copies, te 0110
posteffice 25 " "
One copy, $ 1.35
Five copies,, 5.50
Ten " 10.00
Address with remittance
Dress Ms
L Insure your Creps against less or damage
by hail at UAUSMAN & BUBNS'S
Insurance Office, 10 West Orange Street.
The members of the City Executive Committee-elect
and of the County Committee
from the several Wards of this City, and the
Presidents, Secretaries and Treasurers of the
several Hancock Clubs of the different Wards,
will meet at J. A. Sprenger's Saleen, en
THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 8th, 1880, at 8
o'clock, sharp, ler important business.
jyC-td Chairman County Committee.
harah A. Shank by her next; !.rTlirln ,0
friend, Chas. M. Simmers, J Mar JS?,' 1880'
vs. Ebenezer Shank. -.ou.
And new.Jnne 20,1880, en motion
of Peter Hershcy, esq., the Court
appoint Jehn M. Ainweg, esq., ex
aminer, te take testimony
Attest : WM. E. KREIDEK,
Deputy Prothenotary.
Examiner affirmed June 29, 1880, Win. E.
Kreider, Deputy Prothenotary.
Ebenezer Shatik : Take notice that deposi
tion of witnesses will be taken en behalf et the
plaintiff, en the 24th day of JULY. 1880, be
tween the hours et 10 o'clock a. m. and :t o'clock
p. in. of said day, at my office. Ne. 22 Seuth
Duke street, Lancaster, Pa., when and where
you mny attend if jeu think pi ener.
Jy7-3tde.iw Exuininer.
J te Colored Weeds Meeting, in Martin
Hess's Weeds, by the members of A. M. E.
Zlen church, Lancaster, Pa.,
SUNDAY, JULY 11, 1880,
Leaving Lancaster (King street) at 8:30a.m.
Returning, leave Quarry ville at 8 p. m., giving
parties ample time te attend services at the
weeds and return home the same evening.
Fare ter the Round Trip only - - - G5c.
THURSDAY, JULY 15th, 1880.
43-Geed for two days. Fer the bencltt 01
Christ Lutheran Mission.
Clcmmcns's City Band will accompany the
excursion. Fer lurther information call at
jii-StdTSWftltw 50 North Queen Street.
The famous mammoth three-deck Steamer
Leaves Race Street Wharl at 7l a. m., arriving
at Cape May about 12 p. m. Returning, leaves
Cape May at 3 o'clock p. m., givingample time
ter bathimr or a drive en the beach. A full
Brass Band and Orchestra Music for dancing.
Parler Entertainments varied weekly. Lunch
eons and Refreshments in abundance. Din
ners and suppers provided. Oysters and Fish
served, for supper a lew moments after taken
from the water.
Fare for Hie Round Trip $1.00.
SUNDAYS Will leave Race Street Wharf at
K a. m.
I. S. A Bread Unuge Steam R. R. will con
vey passengers te Cape Island in 8 minutes.
Tickets for sale at
and put them up in such a manner that yen
need net remove when you wish te close the
window. A decided advantage ever the old
way, and aScrceu will wearlengerand is much
mere easily handled.
Fire Screen Deers
made et every description. Have a nick stock
of Plain and Landscape Wires. Sold by the
feet in anv quantity.
Seme Odd Lotset
at bargains te close'eut.
Washington, July 7. Fer the New
England and Middle Atlantic states, clear
or partly clendy weather, northeasterly
winds, generally shifting te southerly, sta
tienary or higher temperature and barem
AHesbsad Killed by HU Wlfa'f escort.
Denver, Cei., July 7. A special
dispatch from Leadville says : Early
this (Tuesday) morning as William
Carter was escorting Mrs. Dillen home
from the ball they were met by the Litters
husband. A quarrel ensued and Carter
shot and killed Dillen.
Wife Murder and Suicide.
Jersey City, July 7. Jacob Kuntz this
morning went te the house of his son Jehn
at Union Hill, where his wife resided, and
ferbade her going te a picnic
which she had intended attending
te-day. Upen her refusing he drew
a revolver and shot her in the abdomen.
He then went into the barn and shot him
self in the head, killing himself instantly.
Mrs. Kuntz, who was taken te the hospi
tal, will net live mere than a few hours,
the wound being fatal. Kuntz has
several times attempted te takes his wife's
life, and also that of his son who protected
her. Beth were ever CO years of age.
Junier Single Sculls.
Philadelphia, July 7. First heat Ju Ju
neor, single sculls wen by Whitaker, of
Pawtucket, It. I., in 9:50. Cenner Hills
dale, of Michigan, second.
Second heat Junier single sculls wen
by Field, of Perth Ambey, N. J.; Elliett,
of Brooklyn, second. Time, 10:0G.
Third heat Junier single wen by
Campbell, of Newark ; Remmel, of
Newark, second. Time, 10:10
Fair Oars.
First trial heat, pair ears, wen by Gor Ger
man brothers, of Albany; Fitzgerald
brothers, of Philadelphia, second ; time
Second trial beat pair ears was a walk
ever for Levin and Childs, of the Metro
politan club, of New Yerk. The ethers
entered did net start.
Ireland Struggling for Liberty Con
gratulates America en the Anniver
sary of Independence Day.
Londen, July 7. A Dublin despatch te
the Times says: "Meetings te 'sanction
the land agitation in its mere advanced
character were held en Sunday last, in
various parts of the west of Ireland.
Representatives of the Land League at
tended the meetings. At Dunmore, county
Galway, resolutions were passed, pledging
the meeting te continue the agitation for
the abolition of landlords and the estab
lishment of peasant proprietary ; also con
gratulating the American nation en its
104th anniversary of independence. A
representative of the Land League said
the Irish te-day were lighting the same
battle that the Americans fought in the
last century.
Funeral et Geerge Kiplcy.
New Yekk, July 7. The fu
neral of the late Geerge Ripley,
literary editor of the Tribune, took place
te-day at the Church of the Messiah. The
remains were taken te Woodlawn cemetery.
Representatives of the leading newspapers
were present, as were also p .-eminent liter
ary men.
Theatre Manager Hurled.
Themas L. Dennelly, late manager of
the Grand opera house, was buried te-day
from St. Paul's church. The theatrical
profession was well represented.
Harvard Heats Columbia.
New Londen, Conn., July 7. The two
mile Freshmen race between the eight eight
eared crews of Harvard and Columbia
colleges was rowed en the Thames course
at neon, and was wen by the Harvard in 11
minutes and 32 seconds.
Police Commissioner Ualdy Smith.
New Yekk, July 7. General " Baldy "
Smith, removed from the office of police
commissioner by Mayer Cooper, but rein
stated by the courts, appeared at head
quarters te-day and resumed his scat. A
large throng of politicians outside the
building cheered him as he entered.
Fatally Shet.
Clinten, Mass., July 7. Malachi
Grady was shot here yesterday by William
O'Malia, duri:ng a dispute relative te
money, which the former claimed that the
latter owed him. Grady died this morning.
O'Malia will be arraigned te-day.
he Won't Ge te Erin.
Londen, July 7. The statement pub
lished in several American papers en the
22d of June, that the queen would visit
Ireland, is unfounded.
Has the Largest and Cheapest Stock et all
kinds of CAKPETS in Lancaster. Over
100 Pieces of Brussels
en hand, as low as Sl.OO and upwards.
Carpets made te order at short notice,
also pay 10 cents ter Extra Carpet Hags.
49-Give us a trial.
tlse, free of charge, in the IirntixiOKK
cxB, who wants something te de.
T V class hotel. Inquire et S. G. Gensemer's
liquor store. North Queen street, Lancaster.
housework. Apply at
i Housekeepers take notice that we are
paying 2 cents a pound for MIXED BAGS.
Cash paid as seen as delivered te
anr93md Me. ZB West King Street.
Hnrlsrk Market.
Nw Yexk. July 7. Fleur State and West
em firm, moderate expert, jobbing trade
demand ; superfine states 3 5004 OS; extra de ft
O50; choice, de., S4 eu5 00; fiwey
5 0S6 00; round hoop Ohie S4 705 70:
choice de IS 736 25 ; superfine western $3 S0O
4 05; common te geed extra de $4 00S4fie;
choice dodo U tiOg; 00; choice white wheat de
4 6050D; Southern quiet and firm; com
mon te fair extra $5 0eg585; geed te choice
de S3 7066 73.
Wheat Spring nominal ; Winter Bed shade
easier: White shade better and auiet : Ne.1.
White. Sept., $1 071 07J: Ne. 3, Ked July.
SI 14X01 15 ; de August 1 U9 ; de Sept., $1 08
Cern a shade better and medcrascly active;
Mixed western spot, 46flc; de future 4S4
Oats firm and quiet ; state 3734; western
3544c ; Ne. 2 July 36.
1-nlladelpBla Market.
PatLADXLraiA, July 7. Heur firmer;
superfine at 2 503 U0; extra at $3008350;
Ohie and Indiana family at $5-2505 75;
Penn'a family at $4 7585 25: St. Touts
family $5 9006 00 ; de old, fi -254 75 ; Minnesota
family $4 2504 75 ; patent and high grades $6 5
as oe.
Kye flour at $4 1204 15.
Cernnieal Brandy wine unchanged.
Wheat llrniva : Ne. 2 Western Ked $1 120
1 13; Penn'a Ked $1 12 1 13; Amber $1 13.
Cern firm, with fair demand ; yellow scarce
atMK5-.Ie; mixed c50 ; steamer 4303c.
Oat strong and higher ; Ne. 1. White 410
41c; Ne. 2, de 41c; N'e. 3, de 3U04Oc; Ne. :
Mixed 3tc.
Kye steady: Western and Pa. 850S6C
Previsions tinner ; ni ss perk at $13 25013 SO ;
beef"hams $20 50021 ; India mess beet $16016 M .
bacon, smoked shoulders 505ic ; salt 405c;
smoked bams 11012c ; pickled hams ljc.
Lard firmer; city kettle 7i0e ; loose
butchers 6c ; prime steam $7 350, 40.
Butter scarce And wanted ; Creamery extr.i
22023c; de geed te choice lJ2Ic; Bradford
county and New Yerk extra. ll021c; Western
reserve extra 17013c; tle geed te choice 13015c ;
Kells dull ; Penn'a extra 10013 ; Western re
serve extra 100 13c.
Eggs steady for choice; Penn'a 10 I4c;
Western 11013c.
Cheese excited and higher ; New Yerk full
cream 10c ;. Western lull cream, SfiSKc; de fair
te geed 607c; dehairskims50iic.
Petroleum firm ; refined 10'c.
Whisky $111.
Seeds Geed te prime Timethy dill at
$2 7503 00: flaxseed nominal at $1 30 rer
new ; Clever en let at $7 0007 50.
Meck Markets.
Philadxlfhi a. .1 uly 7.
1220 r. M. 3:00 V. M.
Stocks dull.
Penna 6's (third issue) 105
Philadelphia & Erie lyx
Pennsylvania XiJ-H
Lehigh Valley. 4
United Ces. et N. J lu
Northern Pacific 2-K6
" Preferred 4t&
Northern Central 31
Lehigh Navigation 27'427,
Norristown 102
Central Transportation Ce. 43
Pitts.. Titusville A Bullale. Viy,
Little Schuylkill -i.;;4
Naw Yekk. July 7.
Stocks weak.
Heney 203
N. Y. Central hS)
Adams Express 113'x
Michigan Central i
Michigan Southern Hi
Illinois Central lm;
Cleveland ft Pittsburgh... .116
Chicago A Keek Island 106
Piiisunrgii a reri waynciiKv:
Western Union Tel. Ce.
Teledo Wabash
New Jersey Central...
... 36,'
... a
United States Uends and Sterling Exchanr.
(Quotations by II. K. Jamisen A Ce., S. W.
Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets).
Philadelphia. July 7.
United States 6's, 1881, (registcie I). .101 I
United Stutes.Vs, 1881, (registered).. lir.MH01O2!
United States 4Wn,, (registercd)IO!UKclO M
United States 4$'s,lHl,(coupenft).. .MtiUt 00
United States 4's, 1907. (registered). .1080108
United States Currency 6's 124 . 0125;
Sterling Exchange 487K
Cup cheese, 2 cups 5e
Dutch cheese fl lump 801uc
Cottage cheese, 2 pieces 5c
Bananas each 25c
Apples (new) ? J pk I2e
Cherries, dried. t jt 12c
Currants, dried, ty B. 12c
Dried Apples ?l it 508c
" Peaches f) qt KKil2c
Lemens V dez 20025c
Oranges- 1 dez :ai.ri0c
Pine Apples If? piece 1230e
Chickens f pair. lOftKOc
Ducks ? pair )0Mlc
Geese piece tiOc0$l
Asparagus ;p bunch 8010c
Cabbage bead 5ft 10c
Carrots f) bunch 3M5c
Cucumbers dez 20025c
Green beans )lpeck lee
.I'vim x y jKriiik jiM2
Lima beans wet. l.-rfi-JOc
Onions fi pk 25e
Potatoes old f pk 8c
" new pk 15e
Kadishes bunch fie
Soup lleans t 6c
.Salsify 'fl bunch 1c
TuraiDs.bunch c
Tomatoes qf pk J0a
Lettuce, head and plate 305c
Apple Butter ffl qt 25c
Eggs 1 dez lMid5c
Heney W H 20025c
Seap ft ft .'jhc
Sauer kraut f qt 10012c
IJcef Steak, ?l ft '. 120ICc
" Keast (rib) W ft 12016c
" " (chuck) l ft iufcl2r
" Corned, ?? ft 10012c
" Dried, f) ft 25y2N;
Ham fl ft 11018c
Lamb fl ft 12020c
Mutten ft ft 12016c
Perk fl ft !0IOe
Puddingy ft nc
Sausage fl ft H0iee
Sides and Kacen ft ft 7010c
.Shoulders fl ft 7c
Veal fl ft 10016c
Wheat fl bus $1.1001.18
Kye fl bus H50'.wc
Cern ft bus 50055c
Cleversecd ft bus $5.0006.00
' ft ft 10012c
Timethy Seeed f bus $.1.2503.50
Cattish ft ft l'-Jic
"UuKtXkla . mtfC
A l"t miS
"l lm . JUC
Sun iee
Removed trem Ne. Id Seuth Prince street te
Ne. 211 West King street, Lancaster, Pa.
l'UOK. JACOB BOWERS, Chiropodist,
will be at his home 215 West King street, for
two weeks, where he will treat corns, bunions,
inverted tee nails and offensive feet. N. B.
Inverted tee nalis and offensive feet cured be
fore paying. He can be consulted in person or
by mail. Best of reference given. Jy3-3td
XJ The Beard of Managers of the Lancaster
and Susquehanna Turnpike Read have de
clared a dividend of 3 per cent, en the capi
tal stock of the company, payable en demand
at the office of the Treasurer.
W. P. BRINTON. Treasurer.
jyC-Jtd 38 Seuth Queen Street.
A delicious, healthy Beverage, far superior
te the ordinary soda water. FIVE CENTS A
GLASS. Fer sale by
Lancaster, Pa.
We have started a new Cigar Bex Manufac
tory at Ne. 211 North Queen street, and are
new prepared te All all orders at the shortest
notice. As we have all the latest Improved
machinery we will make as line a box as can
be bad in the country. Give us a call.
Ne. 241 North Queen Street.
Jc2-tfd Lancaster, Pa.
Fishing Tackle ia. every variety. Bamboo,
Cane and Weeden Jointed Sods, Lines, Sink
ers, Floats, Heeks, Ac.
A call solicited. Prices low.
City Pharmacy,
Cor. N. Queen and Orange Streets.
HO-lyd Lancaster, Pa.