- ' -'-, x ,; "t--Vk " " VV-;s- -l j, -" LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE It. WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1880. Lancaster intelligencer. WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUL.Y 7, 1880. Everything bat Truthful. The Cincinnati journals are great news papers, or would be if they were mere solicitous te be accurate in the mass of matter which they furnish daily te their readers. About the proceedings of the Democratic convention and the people whom it gathered in their town they have said a great deal, but if the people who liave read it believe it all, they will believe a great many things that never happened and have very incorrect ideas of many that did occur. In a bril liant account of the Enquirer, for in stance, of the scene at the nomination of Hancock, the impression is given that after the call of the roll en the first bal bal eot there was a nell-mell haste of all the delegates te change their vote for Han cock ; whereas the fact was that until the vote of Pennsylvania was changed there was no excitement whatever. Nobody had any idea that the result was te be decided en this ballot,en which Hancock had received a majority of the votes. But when the chairman of the Pennsyl vania delegation steed up en a chair immediately in front of the presiding effi. cer and declared that the state had deter mined te accept the choice the conven tion had made between her two candi dates, the one a distinguished soldier and the ether a noted statesman, and new cast her fifty-eight votes for General Hancock, it was known that he would be nominated, and the applause that en. sued lasted a half an hour before order could be sufficiently restored te proceed with the ballet, which was then taken anew. The Cincinnati Commercial has made a misstatement concerning Gov. Hen dricks and Senater McDonald, which appears te be entirely without founda tion. It relates a conversation between the two en the day before the meeting of the convention, and says that the Indi ana delegation was se disgusted with Governer Hendricks for refusing te give way as a candidate te Senater McDonald that it was induced te support Mr. Eng lish for vice president. All this Gov. Hendricks declares te be a fabrication ; he had no interview with Senater Mc Donald and no communication with the delegation during the time of the con vention. It does seem as if there ought te be some way of compelling newspapers te tell the truth when they say anything about anybody. It is tee much te ask them te refrain from statements concern ing individuals that may be of public in terest, for it is their vocation te tell the public all that is new and interesting, even if it is none of the public's particu lar business te knew it. But it is net tee much te ask that when they de tell of the private acts and speech of individ uals, they shall be geed enough te get reasonably close te the truth. The en terprising newspaper don't always care te de it. It is tee much trouble and takes tee much time. It will give the aggrieved the benefit of a statement in denial and feel that it has done its whole duty. A libel suit won't reach the case because nothing particularly libelous has been said and no measurable damage suffered ; and a libel suit at best is a very unsatisfactory remedy. The cowhide will hardly de, and the pistol the public won't endure. There is no redress at all practicable, and the only possible thing is te grin and bear your fortune philo sophically, hardly even caring te deny the falsehood, since the public would be apt te doubt you anyhow and lielieve there "Was considerable smoke under the fire. Ne doubt many people will be lieve, in view of the Commercial's state ment, that there has been some sort of a row between Gov. Hendricks and Sena Sena eor McDonald, despite the governor's emphatic denial. The Contrast. The Xeic Era makes a very pointed comparison between the manner in which the Philadelphia judges received the no tice of the improper conduct of the clerks in the quarter sessions office and that with which the Lancaster judges heard of the wrongful behavior of the district attorney and his assistants. In Phila delphia the grand jury failed te indict the sessions officers for offences of which they admitted themselves guilty. They acknowledged receiving illegal fees. The twelve judges consulted ever the matter and concluded that it was their duty te demand from the clerk of the sessions, although he was an elected officer, the dismissal of his guilty assistants. They were influential politicians and he was unwilling te act against them. But the judges were determined and he was com pelled te ask for their resignations. In this case it will be seen that the judges were without power te act direct ly against the offenders, and they might readily have avoided taking action which would offend the political friends of near ly all of them. But they felt that it was their duty te purify the precincts of their courts, and that it was net seemly te have violators of the law officiating as the ministers of justice. The Lancaster judges de net seem te have had this feeling, or they had net the boldness and virtue te manifest it. The act of the district attorney and his assistants, in obtaining the release of one of the best workers in the ward, because of his value te his party, was as clearly shown and confessed as it was possible te be. The offenders were officers of the court, acting directly under its eye in doing the wrong, and immediately under its hand for punishment. That hand was net raised against them, but it was swiftly thrust against us when we intimated that political feeling secured this judicial len iency. The contrast between the conduct of the Philadelphia and Lancaster judges cannot be an agreeable one for the latter te contemplate. Certainly it is net pleas ant for their fellow citizens. Ne doubt it damages the influence of the court in this community, as its counsel urged be fore the supreme court. It cannot be otherwise. The people's geed sense tells them that the judges here have failed te defend the integrity of the court when it was audaciously assailed for political ends. And when they see the Philadel phia judges alert te protect and purify their court they can but the mere surely condemn the judicial supineness which has brought contempt en the bench and bar of Lancaster. It is said that General Hancock, in 1877, in response te an inquiry from Gen. Sherman, declared that lie would con sider it his duty te recognize Mr. Tilden as president if he was se declared by Congress. Just what exception can be taken te this position it is hard te see ; but it seems that some of the " cheek iest" of the Republican jouraalsjprepose te base upon it a charge of disloyalty against Hancock, holding that the an nouncement of Vice President Ferry would have settled .who was the ircsi dent, and net the declaration or the Heuse of Representatives. After steal ing the presidency for Hayes, it is cer tainly a fearfully brazen thing for any Republican te charge treason against a Democrat who believed what everybody new adinits,that Tilden was elected, and proposed te stand by the lower house of Congress if it made such declaration. That eminent journal of civilization, farjtcr'a Wed-ly, whose outside editor, Mr. Nast, seems te be knocked quite out of time by Hancock's nomination, can scarcely find breath even en its outside pages te make vigorous opposition te him. The inside and outside editors had hoped te find exercise for their pen and pencil in a campaign of personal abuse simihist the Democratic nominees, but new all their facilities seem te be re quired te keep up " Garfield's defense." It was confidently predicted that when court met this morning a rule would be entered en Lawyer Jehn B. "Warfel, te disbar him, because his paper last even ing said the court took te its besom these who had prostituted the machinery of justice here. But no such rule was en tered en Lawyer Warfel. Judge Living ston, however, is only waiting te hear from the supreme court what his rights are. Seme of the Republican newspapers which affect great horror at the prospect of the Confederate brigadiers getting into power, have no answer te make te the startling comparison that, of the two great opposing corps commanders en the field of Gettysburg, the rebel Longstreet has recently been appointed by a Repub lican administration minister te Turkey, while the Union General Hancock is the Democratic candidate for president. It was, of course, net until after Gen. Pearson resigned the chairmanship of the Pittsburgh city Republican executive committee that the Examiner discovered him te be the " poltroon of the round house." Tiirc Xeir Era has a red in pickle for Jehn Cessna, but it proposes te keep it in pickle until the Cameren danger new threatening Republicanism in Pennsyl vania be past. The best that the Examiner can de for its candidate is te publish fense " of him. de- MINOR TOPICS. Tin: geed Richard Smith of the Cincin nati Gazette, referring te Mr. Dana's nar row escape en the Seawanhaka, blames " Satan for neglecting te foreclose ! " The next "new thing" is likely te be glass type for newspaper printing ! Exper iments have just been made in Paris with glass type, and the result is said te have been very successful. The type preserves its cleanness almost indefinitely ; it is said te wear better than metal, and te maintain its sharpness of outline longer. Mn. Tilden seems te feel pretty well and in no need of the sympathy unani mously tendered him by the Republican party. He may net have been the original Hancock man, but that he likes the nomi nation is demonstrated te some extent by a contribution of $100,000 te help the boom along. It is in the form of a check payable te the order of AV. II. Barnum. Times. Makkiac.es in Germany seem te have steadily decreased in number since 1875. The Munich statistical department has just made a report which is believed te be fair ly representative of the state of affairs in the marriage market throughout the em pire. In 1873, in Munich, the number of marriages was 2,318 ; 2.0G7 in 1870, 1,947 in 1877, 1,902 in 1878, and only 1.G21 in 1S79. But these diminishing figures de net fully represent the rate of decrease, for the population of the city has been all the time increasing. In 1875 the propor tion of marriages te every 1,000 inhabitants was 12.18, whereas in 1879 it was only 6.99. Seme interesting particulars are given in the report. Thus, 83 per cent, of the men married in 1879 had been previous ly married, and 90 per cent of the women. The corresponding proportion in 1875 had been for each sex 93. In 17 per cent of the marriages the parties belonged te different religions. Marketing in ancient Reme is a sub ject of curious study considering the ex pensive banquets which some of the an cient epicures spread. Net only Nere, Vcrus and Heliegabalus lavished from $240,000 te $400,000 upon a single banquet but the actor Esopus paid mere than $4,000 for a single dainty dish of singing birds te set before a king, and Apicius, the prince of geed livers, after spending $4, 000,000 upon the pleasures of the table, took poison because he saw nothing but a beggarly $400,000 left. Citrus-weed tables cost $40,000 te $30,000 apiece; and the elder Pliny says that the philosophical stoic Seneca had live hundred of them, at various prices. Perk and net beef was the favorite meat of the Remans, while lamb, mutton and veal were net in favor. Game, poultry and fish were very accept able, but the old Remans, like the modern Italians, ate meat sparingly. The profes sor gives us a price list. Beef per pound, 3 cents ; lamb and fresh perk, 6 cents ; ham, 10 cents ; river fish, 2 cents ; sea fish, 6 cents ; a pair of quails, 30 cents ; eggs, 6 cents a dozen ; milk, 4 cents a quart ; salt, 16 cents a peck ; ten te forty apples or pears, 2 cents ; four pounds large grapes, 2 cents ; green beans and shelled peas, - 2 cents a pint ; oil, 6 te 20 cents, and honey, 4 te 550 cents a pint. PXBSONAIi. Rev. Barnes Sears, of Staunton, has died at Saratoga, aged sevcuty-seven years. Deceased was for many years president of Brown university, Providence, and was also prominent in educational matters in Massachusetts before going te Brewu uni versity. Saka Bernhardt and a complete com pany will sail from Havre en the 16th of October next for New Yerk. She will make her debut at Beeth's theatre en the 8th of November, in Adrienne Leceucreur. Jeanne Bernhardt, her sister, is among the members of the company which is new forming, and the stage manager will prob ably be M. Bclvaux, who was Rachel's stage manager during her American tour. Miss Maud Banks, the youngest daugh ter of the general, will shortly sail for Europe with her mother, with the inten tion of studying with M. Dclsarte, in Paris. The young lady has net finally determined te go upon the stage, but will at any rate thoroughly prepare herself for the work. She has already made some progress in dramatic study. Her elder sister, Miss Blanche Banks, is te be married next month. Princes Victeria, of Schlcswig-Helstein, who is going te marry the eldest son of the German crown prince, was carefully educated by an English woman, and has traveled much about Europe. Senior in years and experience te Prince William, the court gossips have aheady decided who is likely te be the ruling spirit in the future household. Carlyle, like mauy smaller men, has his "fashions" mornings. One day, nothing went right, he sent away the het coffee as net het enough. That which came back was nearly boiling, but that al so he ordered away as tee cold. "My dear," said Mrs. Carlylc, blandly, "what would you think of holding a red-het cin der in your mouth, and drinking your cof fee through that?" At which the seer collapsed, and took his bitters like a lamb. Mrs. Carlylc is the heroine of the pretty verses beginning, " Jenny kiss me when we met." LATfcST NEWS BY MAIL. The population of Chicago by the com pleted census is 501,979. The steamer R. D. Cazenove, with one hundred Syracuse excursionists, was sunk iu Cazcnevia Lake yesterday. Ne lives were lest. M. J. Deyseu's house, between Sea Plain and Ocean Beach, was struck by lightning. Mrs. Deyson was probably fatally injured. The house began te bum, but was saved. Baseball : At Buffalo Buffalo 7. "Wor cester 3 ; at Cincinnati Cincinnati 5, Bos Bes Bos eon 2. The Albany has been disbanded. At Cleveland Trey 8, Cleveland 1 ; at Chicago Chicago 7, Providence 1. Russell Vincent, of Rochester, a fireman en the Central and Hudsen River railroad, fell between two cars at Fairmount en Monday evening. Five cars passed ever his right shoulder and arm. He was taken te Rochester and the arm amputated. He died at midnight of internal injuries. Information has been received of a de structive storm in Brunswick county, Va which demolished barns,uprooted trees and did ereat damage te crops. The barn of Peter Williams was blown down and his entire crop of tobacco (20,000 pounds) was completely ruined. In Bedie. Cal., Patrick Carrell, a miner, was ejected from a meeting of the miners' union and en attempting te re-enter the hall he was shot dead. He was a native of Lynchburg, Va., and is said te have been a grandson of Charles Carrell, of Carroll Carrell Carroll ten. In St. Leuis, asPhelcm Teele, a fireman, was using a Halloway fire extinguisher, it exploded and killed him. Teele was cap tain of the Pempier corps of the fire de partment and the man who made himself famous by rescuing se many people from the Southern hotel when it was burned several years age. A party of seven young ladies, in charge of a single boatman, were enjoying a sail en Wesley lake, Ocean Greve, when a squall capsized the beat, precipitating the occupants into the lake. The boatman brought two of the ladies safely ashore and the remainder were gallantly rescued by a young man named William Lewis. JUDGE BLACK. Probabilities Indulged iu ltegardlnx Him. Providence Journal. It was asserted in a biographical sketch of Judge Black, in the list of possible Democratic candidates for the presidency, that he intended te make the final and crowning effort of his life an onslaught upon Beb Ingersoll and a smashing of his arguments against Christianity. It would be a worthy contest. Beth arc of the same order of intellect and education, both ac complished gladiators of debate and masters of the argumentum ad hemiuum. Ingersoll's arguments against Christianity and Judge Black's defense would neither touch the essence of religion and they would meet en the common ground of the petit jury interpretation of the Bible. In weight of learning and strength of rhetoric as against sharp persiflage, and humor it would be like a combat between Richard Coeur dc Lien and Saladin, .and we are in clined te think that the victory would rest with the grimmer and stronger warrior ; but, te continue the metaphor, the preservation of the Hely Sepulchre would net depend upon cither. A Counseller for Troubled Hen. Washington Cor. I'hlladclphia Times. The politicians here are wondering where the venerable Judge Jerc. Black will go politically upon his return from Europe. It is almost silly te answer such a sugges tien of doubt. Judge Black is a Democrat and was never accused of anything else. True, he is a very close friend of Garfield, but his friendship gees no further than love for the man and admiration for his brain. They are excellent friends, but the subject of politics never comes between them. With Hancock it is different. Judge Black net cnly loves the man, but the two arc iu ac cord en politics, which no doubt makes the relation mere binding. By the way, hew naturally everybody in trouble turns te Judge Black. When President Jehnsen was impeached Judge Black was his counsel ; when Blaine was in treuble about the Mulligan letters and Fert Scott business, Judge Black was his counsel ; when Hallet Kilbourn was in jail for refus ing te give his private books and papers te the committee of Congress, Judge Black was his counsel ; when Secretary Belknap was impeached. Judge Black was his coun sel ; when Garfield had some trouble re g tiding Credit Mebilier shares, Judge lack was his counsel. Everybody seems, very properly, te have confidence in the roan's judgment. It is well founded. a Treacherous Swedes. The fishing schooner Ida R. Freeman, of Wellfleet, Mass., arrived at that pert en Saturday with 90 barrels of mackerel, and anchored in the harbor. The crew went te their homes, except three Swedes, who remained en beard. On Sunday night the Swedes get the vessel under weigh and left for parts unknown. They took, be sides the vessel, cargo, beats and nets, the clothing of the crew, and are provisioned for eight weeks. POLITICAL POINTS. Which Mark the Progress of the Cnialgn for the Presideacy. Ex-Gov. Hubbard of Texas, who second ed Hancock's nomination in the .national convention, will stump the North for him. A Grant club of sixty-five members has declared for Hancock in New Or leans. Colfax was a widower whcii nominated for vice president ; se was Henry Wilsen, aud Wm. A. Wheeler, and se were Arthur and .bngusu. Senater Garfield and General Hancock will be invited te be present at the celebra tion of Bosten's two hundred and fiftieth anniversary en the 17th of September next. " Men are known by the company they keep, and parties by the men te whose hands they confide "their interests," says the New Yerk Tribune, and straightway endorses the Republican national com mittee for selecting Derscy for secretary, whom it denounced some years age as a legislative jobber. Garfield trusts that " the time is net far distant when under the crossed swords and locked shields of Americans, North and Seuth, our people shall sleep in peace and rise in liberty, love and harmony under the union of our flag of the stars and stripes." He had better muzzle some of the stalwarts of his party. The New Yerk Herald says : " A closer examination of the Republican platform compels us te regard it as a joke. It is impossible te imagine that the gentlemen who drew it regarded it as anything else. Take away from it the brag and the blus ter which constitute its comic portion, and there is uething left but common place. Senater Cameren, in giving his reasons for net wishing te be chairman of the na tional committee, again says if he wen he would net get credit for it. If the battle was lest the blame would be laid te him. Besides, it would cost him $30,000 of his private funds, aud he would have te live in New Yerk during August, September aud October, and Mis Cameren objects te doing se. Ne sooner had Gen. A. L. Pearson de clared his purpose te support Gen. Han cock for president, until the Republican organs set up a howl against him in chorus. They have suddenly made the discovery that Gen. Pearson has no pelitic.il influ ence and that his military record is net brilliant. Yet Gen. Pearson was of suffi cient importance te held the position of chairman of the Republican executive com mittee of Pittsburgh. Hancock, if elected, can celebrate his " silver wedding " during the first year of his term as president, as Mr. Hayes did, also. General Graut likewise celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of his mar riage while president. That celebration occurred at his cottage, at Leng Branch, about the year 1873. General Grant has an only daughter, Hayes has an only daughter, se has General Garfield and se had General Hancock. In the fall of 186 1, during the campaign of Lincoln and McClcllan, the officers ami soldiers indulged in pretty free discussions of the conduct of the war en the part of the administration. Hancock issued a general order, which was read te every regiment, commanding that all this should cease. " Our first duty," he said, in sub stance, ' is te step the rebellion, net te talk. When the war is ever you can criti cise as much as you like. Until then a soldier's duty is te obey and fight." In a recent speech in California Gen. W. S. Rescerans said : " Until new I have net seen a time when it appeared te me a great and solemn duty te stand out iu favor of actual Democratic work. The Democratic convention at Cincinnati has proposed a candidate of the United States, te whom, when a young man, I taught civil aud military engineering, and I knew him very well. lie is a clean man. Loud cheers. A gallant and prudent commander, and a brave and chivalrous officer. I think the nomination premises te de things for the future which ought te make every man's heart leap with joy. Loud cheers, " Speaking of Hancock, Hen. Thes. F. Bayard, Iris leading competitor, says: " Ged gave him the same characteristics of conscience aud of self-control which he gave te the great Geerge Washington." It is net therefore se much for what Han cock did as for what he refused te de at the bidding of the despotic combination which "ran" the government after Grant's accession te power that Senater Bayard admires aud honors him. Te use his own words : " If you ask me why I love Han cock, I say because I knew that with hiin the liberty of my country will be safe. " The Crawford Journal, Rep., imperti nently wants te knew of Cameren " why he went te the Chicago convention and bat tled night and day for a nomination he knew was distasteful te the masses of his party if his health was peer when he left Washington? We de net doubt the truth fulness of his ill-health in the least, for what he has gene through with in his re cent disastrous campaign, beginning in February last, would break down a man of iron, but he certainly, by his own admis sions, shows that he was ready te imperil his health for Grant's nomination, which he will net de for Garfield's election." The report that Gee. Bulleck, the great manufacturer of Montgomery county, would vote for Hancock, having been de nied, he wrote te a Republican friend as follews: "The report you heard in re gard te my supporting the nominee for the presidency by the Democratic party, Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock, is true in every respect, and if I had a thousand votes would cast them for him. He has been a geed soldier and a perfect gentleman : take him as you may you cannot find a better man and if elected will please both parties doing only what he considers for the best interest of all and net for a few. The only fault with him is he is a Demo crat, but knows his country only. Dr. L. W. Read and ethers are with me." Lee and Meade, who commanded at Gettysburg "seventeen years age, are dead; "but," says the Graph ic, "the corps commanders whose troops faced each ether at Cemetery Hill, the key of the great struggle, are both in the land of the living, and each of them has come prominently before the country within the last few months. Gen. Longstreet, the ex-rebel general, has been appointed by a Republican president our minister te Constantinople, and Winfield Scott Hancock, new as in 18C3 a major general in the Union army, has been nom inated by the national Democratic conven tion its candidate for president of the United States." Rev. Lewis Loveless, a prominent poli tician of the Second Indiana congressional district, a resident of Pike county, has published in the Petersburg Democrat a card renouncing his allegiance te the Re publican party, and declaring for Hancock and reform. Loveless was a candidate for Congress in this district in 1874, and, al though the Democratic majority was hope lessly against him, he rau ahead of his ticket. He was one of the most prominent leaders in the party. Mr. L. declares the Republican party te be hopelessly corrupt ; Hayes a fraudulent president, &c. His new departure has caused deep consterna tion in the Radical party in the district, where he is known. "All of Hancock's service during the war of the rebellion was as a volunteer officer in command of volunteers, and net as a regular officer in command of regulars. When the rebellion broke out Hancock wa? net in the lifle, but in the staff of the army, a captain in the quartermaster's department, en duty in California. At his own request he was transferred te the East for active service in the field, relieved as staff officer of the regular army, and en the 23d of September, 1862, appointed a brigadier-general of volunteers. On the 29th of November, 1862, he was promoted a major-general of volunteers, and with this rank he continued te command until he relinquished it after the war closed and returned te the regular army, in which he had been meantime promoted te a major-generalship. A Striking Contrast. New Era. Lawyer Warfel"s paper. The judges of the courts of Philadelphia take a different view of the responsibility of their relations te the subordinate officers of the court from that which actuates our Lancaster judges. When the Press exposed the prostitution of the machinery of justice in the office of the clerk of quarter ses sions, by which numerous fraudulent li quor licenses were issued, the court did net wait for formal complaint te be made against the official offenders, but promptly directed the grand jury te investigate the matter. This was done, and the district atteinev directed by the grand jury te present bills of indictment. Through cer tain influences which are sometimes potent around the sessions and recorder's offices (both of which were implicated in the license frauds) the grand jury at the May term ignored the bills. Then the twelve judges of the courts of common pleas, who also have control of the courts of quarter sessions, met aud discussed the situation, reaching the conclusion that the action of the grand jury was altogether unsatisfac tory. They argued that although the clerk of the sessions holds an elective office, his official relations and that of his subordinates are se close te the court that they were justified in insisting upon Mr. Leeds taking some action in the matter of the abuse practiced upon the confidence of the court by his subordinates. The beard of judges authorized Judge Yerkes te act for them, who sent for Clerk Leeds during the June term and presented the views of the court. But no action having been taken, Judge Yerkes had another in terview with him en Friday, which result ed in the discharge the day following of Deputy McBridc and three of the assistant clerks most deeply implicated in the pros titution of the machinery of justice ex posed by the Press. The offense against justice committed by these subordinates in the offices of the quarter sessions and the city recorder was trilling compared with the official miscon duct of the district attorney and his as sistant, in the quarter sessions of Lancas ter county, when they abused the confi dence of the court in the official presence of the presiding judge, the evidence of which was laid before them by their own sworn testimony in a subsequent trial. In stead of calling the offenders te account, as did the Philadelphia judges, ourceurt pro ceeded te punish the editors who exposed the abuse of confidence practiced by its officials, by disbarring these who hap pened te be attorneys as well as editors and making a personal issue with the ethers whom they could net reach by that summary process. Ne greater contempt of court can be committed than is involved in the abuse of its confidence by its offi cers, in the presence of the court, by which the administration of justice is obstructed and finally defeated. But when the court takes the real offenders te its besom and into its confidence, while at the same time it undertakes te punish these who, in the interest of public justice, exposed the out rage upon itself and the public, the aver age Philadelphia judge must conclude that Lancaster ceuuty has fallen upon evil times ! HANCOCK. His Position In 1S77. On Saturday last, in the Bosten Glebe, Mr. Hiram Atkins appeared in a state ment which was as fellows : "It will be remembered, says Mr. At kins, that during the controversy it was claimed by the Republicans that Senater Ferry, of Michigan, the acting vice presi dent, had a right te count the votes independent of the direction of the Senate and the Heuse ; that they should be mere spectators of the count. On the ether hand, the Democrats claimed that Congress alone had the right.ef count ing the votes, and the vice president could only open the envelopes. It was also claimed by Republicans that General Grant's term of office did net expire until a new president should be inaugurated. While these questions were pending, and prier te (net after) the establishment of the electoral commission, General Hancock informed General Sherman (net Sheridan) that it was due te him (Sherman) te be apprised of what his (General Hancock's) position was in the matter. He, therefore would say that he considered that Mr. Tilden had been elected presi dent of the United States and that General Grant's term of office expired at midnight en the 3d of March ; that, re gardless of anything that Mr. Ferry might de, if Congress declared that Mr. Tilden was elected president, he ( Gen. Hancock) believed he had a right te take the oath of office wherever he might be ; and that if Mr. Tilden did take the oath of office, and he should receive any orders from Mr. Til deu, as president of the United States, after midnight en the 3d of March, he should obey them. That is the story. During the progress of the telegraphic transmis sion and composition the name of Sherman was changed te Sheridan, and by some means or ether I was made te say that the letter was written after the decision instead of before the establishment of the electoral commission. Gen. Hanceck,likcMr. Tilden and all patrietie'Amcricans, acquiesced in the decision el that tribunal, unconstitu tional as it undoubtedly was. As te the source whence I obtained the story, it is such that no one can help giviug it cre dence. I first heard of it at a dinner which I gave at my house in Mentpelicr last April te General William F. Smith (old Baldy) and several ether gentlemen, and General Smith afterward repeated it at Watcrbury publicly in the presence of ever sixty of the prominent Democrats in the state. Death in a Heller. The boiler of althreshing engine explod ed at Dunkirk, Hardin county, Ohie, kill ing seven and wounding eight persons. Twe of the latter have since died and three ethers, it is said, cannot survive. The en gine wes made at Easten, N. Y. It was new and never had been used. The killed arc as fellows : William Frederick, Rich ard Case, fireman ; Washington Poisel, Geerge Poisel, Amasa Herman, Harry Brown, engineer ; unknown man, sent out with the engine from Easten ; of the wounded, Rebcr Thrush and a son of William Frederick have died. The ex citement is intense STATE ITEMS. Jacob Duenee, of Wayne county, stelo a gun from his grandmother's house and killed himself with it getting ever a fence. Hayes has appointed W. A. Stene te succeed McCormick as United States dis trict attorney at Pittsburgh. Wesley Ellswerth, of Crawford county, had his head nearly severed from his body by a flying splinter from a lath machine of which he had charge. Michael and Patrick Matthews made an assault at Pittsburgh en a medicine stand guarded by Carrie Bird, aged seven years. One of the men kicked a torch against the girl's breast and she was fatally burned. They are in jail. Near Waynesboro, Franklin county, Jeseph Stepby was engaged in hauling in wheat, and when in the act of running the wagon from the barn fleer his feet became entangled in the' chains en the end of the wagon tongue, causing the wheel te strike the side of the deer, throwing Mr. Stephy te the fleer with such violence as te render him unconscious, in which condition he re mained for a few hours, when he died. Fred Mass, a- German, went te Pitts burgh some time age and while at his bearding house en June 26 he was at tacked ly some unknown person, and after being beaten with a blunt instrument was shot in the breast. He recovered from the injuries aud finally disappeared from Pittsburgh. He was net heard of until a few days age when his body was found in Lake Erie, at Cleveland. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. A NEW DKPARTl'KK. The Largest, Cheapest and Best Lecal Weekly. Elsewhere notice is given of the en largement of the Weekly Intelligencer t dimensions uet exceeded by any news paper in Pennsylvania, and far beyond that of any previous journalistic effort in Lancas ter county. Te the thousands of firesides in this county te which the Intelligen cer has been for generations a wel come visitor, this will be geed news and we feel assured that its old friends will be stimulated te new exertions in its behalf aud in the service of the geed cause for which it has se long done stout battle. During the pending campaign its publishers propose te make it such a newspaper as has net yet been published in -these parts, and te that end neither labor, expense nor enter prise will be spared te make'it a complete register of all the local events occurring in Lancaster county. Fer years the In telligencer has been distinguished for the fairness, fullness and accuracy of its local news, and while these features of its local depart ment will be maintained, arrangements have been made te extcud its facilities for gathering the news of the county. In all ether respects it will retain aud im prove upon the features which have se long kept it in the front rank of the newspapers of the state. It will continue te publish, in addition te its original editorial matter, short stories and seetry, original and selected, special cor respondence from different parts of the country and from Europe, agricultural and household information, the news of the day, carefully compiled state items, markets, personal news, comments en miner topics and in short it will be such a mirror of the times as journalis tic enterprise can make a first-class news paper. Te further introduce it into homes where it is net a regular visitor as yet. its publishers have made a special rate of sub scription for these who desire te take it " en trial " from new until after the close of the presidential campaign. Te all such, the following terms are ull'urcd for subscriptions, cash in advance, from this date until after the election te the DOU11LK SHEET INTELLIGENCER. Single copy. 60 cents. Ten copies 50 cents, each. Twenty-five copies te one posteffice, 35 cents, each. Subscribers te the Daily Intelligen cer, who want te send a weekly letter of Lancaster county news te th 'ir friends cannot make a better investment than by sending them the weekly Intelligencer for a year. NEIOUKUKHOOD BEWS. Events Acress the County Lines. Henry Tayler, a well-known young man who resided in West Chester, committed sujeide en Monday night by sheeting him self in the head. Trouble was the cause. Samuel Greenwood, esq., of Ceatesvillc, has received a contract for 10,e00 shawls from the government. They are for the Indians. This will require the full capac ity of the mill for three months. While at a picnic at the mouth of the Coderus, in vaulting ever a pole held by two of the party, Cel. Levi Maish, of Yerk, tripped and fell, straining his left knee severely and tearing the tendons. Gee. W. Welsh, aged 38, of Hanover, Yerk county, was married a week age te Miss Emma LeFevre of Littlestown, and en Monday he died. The large stene barn of Daniel Kem merer, in Oley township, Berks county, six sheds and farming implements, together with a colt and a mule, were destroyed by lire yesterday. A portion of the dwelling house was also burned. The less, which was very heavy, was nearly covered by in surance The West Chester Daily Republican enters upon its third year with pardonable pride in a singularly successful career, deserved by high journalistic enterprise. Mr. Benjamin Pickering, who has a farm about one mile south of Oxford, had a field of nine acres in with wheat. 1 le harvested and threshed it out, and the total amount was 365 bushel and 35 lbs., which he sold for $1 per bushel. Jehn S. Black, a former resident of Pittsburgh, died at Kokomo, Colerado, en Saturday. The deceased was a son of the late Dr. Alex. Black, and a nephew of the late Cel. Sam. Black. The people at Madisen, Chester ceuuty, arc net pleased because the posteffice de partment has given the name "Suawn " te their office. Harry Tayler, a young man well-known te West Chester people, suffering under a temporary attack of insanity, took his life while walking along Darlington street, between Gay and Chestnut streets. ABOUT A HIT.. Dr. Knthven ltnpart Seme Information. Ql'arryville, July 6, 18S0. Dr.S. S.Rathten: Sir : I send you a very nice bug that was picked up here this morning. If you think it worth taking care of you can de se ; it net, you can make what disposition of it you please. If net tee much trouble please answer through the Intellioen Intellieen cer. Yours truly, R. C. Edwards. Your " bug" came duly te hand, and is a most brilliant specimen. It is the Chry Chry sechus Auratus, the" Gelden Green Lady bird, and is a no very remote relative of the Colerado potato beetle, belonging te the same family (Ciirysomelides), but has never occurred very abundantly se far North as this, nor has it any preference for the potato. Yours with thanks, R. ' A Beaatirul Flower. At the residence of Mr. Alex. Harberger, Ne. 225 Seuth Queen street, there was in bloom, last evening, a most beautiful specimen of Night Blooming Cereus; A large number of friends visited his parlors during the evening te see and admire it. THE CKMSUS. Peyulattea of Lancaster Cuaaty for 1S80 Ceasyared with that of 1870-Seme Notable Features. Belew will be found the full returns e f the population of the several districts of Lancaster county, as made by the census enumerators and filed in the office of the prothenotary. The figures are net in all cases official, as quite a number of the enumerators neglected te furnish the totals of their enumeration, and it is no small matter te count up accurately the names of 133,000 or mere persons, written down in about eighty different books. Besides, after the names have been counted and the totals ascertained, it has frequently happened that mere names have been added by the enumerators, and in a few instances names that were taken by mis take have been taken off the lists and transferred te ethers. Doubtless many additional corrections would have been made had the enumerators been directed te sit for the revision of their lists iu some central part of their respective districts, instead of sitting in the court house, this city. It seems te be the height of felly te have the enumerators from Caernarvon. Ceney, Fulton and ether distant townships come te Lancaster with any hope of hav ing corrections made te their lists, and the result has been that very few names have been added during their sitting. The law. however, directed them te sit in Lancaster, and it is no fault of theirs if emissions and errors remain uncorrected. I I1 i LANCASTER CITV. 170 ISS I First ward 240; 2102 i 4 Second ward 2420 2S27 407 Third ward 2312 SK a;'.... Fourth ward 2XU 2 5011 Fifth ward ISM 2iS !73, Sixth ward 2210 MM ll!j Seventh ward 24tw :w;i taili Eighth ward 2K2I 3!jS3 1102 Ninth ward 2210 24 6KI.... i Total 202XJ2W.ii; Wirt? 4 Adainstuwn borough 431 701 :j llart 1132 1370 .... : Brecknock WU0 1632 f2 Caernarvon 1X6 lwct !7 Clay 1440 141U At Cncalice East 1TJ2 2212 250 Cocillice West 2140 2112 172 Celurain 1055 WA . COLUMBIA. First ward 1734 2755 WUI Second ward 2514 27S3 -r, Third ward 21'JB 2760 a.7 Total 64H1 S303 112 ... . Concstega 20?J 2330 271 Ceney WM 2055 71 Dminere. 30B1 3200 i:;: .... Denegal East 3254 337:: 31!) Denegal West 1130 1272 I3t; Earl 2073 3512 fifti Earl East 2310 3021 714 .... Karl West 1SU3 20n2 100 Eden 1075 12V! 17s Elizabeth !53 HMO ! Elizubethtewn Sis J7 120 E)hrata 2005 3341 i;u; .... FultOtl 1SSH liW Ilempnel.l West 3USS sai: 227 llemptleld East 2002 3IS4 3.-2 Lampeter Kaet 223 2tioe 337 Lain peter West 1700 2u27 2.7 Lancaster township lu;2 12H2 2ik Lcaceck I'Joe 2112 23i; Lcaceck UpiT l'.:i 2143 HI Little RriUiin 13 e 1050 ;i Martic. VMi I'.WI 35 Marietta borough 2307 2503 Hi Manheiin borough 1122 loot; 514 Maner 4371 51,0 son Manhtim township 2003 .".(te 327 Mt. Jey borough Ittu; 2uel H" Mt. Jey township 2037 21MB II!) raraiiise 21'JU 2145 252 1'enn l'J72 22e:i 2!1; l'miuea 1270 I332 7' .. .. Prevideucc 1WK 2137 23i ItupllO 3IS3 37J!t 310 Salisbury 3710 3S07 153 Salisbury 1017 170 U'A Strasburg borough loes loot; 2 Strashurg township 1NM 2011 117 Washington borough 073 .; 23j Warwick 3315 :KII2 SWl Totals in 1870 !2t,::le Joel. st'tfct lUli TOKAVC'O :kei Its Immense Value tu the County. The outside world and net a few of our own people will be surprised at the im mense productieu and value of tobnrce crops of Lancaster ceuuty, when the figures taken by the census enumerators shall have been compiled. It will be some time, however, before these figures can he obtained, as the enumerators file nothing in the prothenotary's office, except the names the inhabitants of their respective districts. In conversation with a number of the enu merators, however, tiiey state almost with out exception, that while they have net completed their farm statistics and cannot give the value of the several products, it is evident that the tobacco crop is much mere valuable than any ether, and in some town ships mere valuable than all ether crops combined. Mr. J. II. Bewman, of West Lampeter, states that one farmer in that township grew last year 70,000 pounds of the weed, and several ethers from 20,000 20,000 te 50,000. Seme Old People. The eldest person in the county se far as we knew is Mrs. Nancy Stcrrit, of Con Cen Con estega township, who is returned by I'etir Hitler, census enumerator, as 99 years of age, but who en the 1st of June, the date upon which the census was taken. lacked only four days of being 100 years old, and who is therefore in her 101st year and is in pretty geed health. Mr. Ililler also reports Barbara McAllister, of Conestoga, as 9:1 years old, and sixty-five ether resi dents of the same township as having passed the allotted "three score years and ten." Mr. J. F. Feltz, enumerator for Caer narvon, reports Rebert Springer, colored, as being 93 years old. The eldest white man in the township is Wm. Nerthcimcr. 88 years, and the eldest woman Mrs. Kerns, 88 years. The eldest inhabitant of East Earl is Mrs. Lizzie Feltz, aged 93 ; the eldest iu West Denegal is Jehn S. Gish, aged 88, and the eldest in Springville. Wm. Kitten- house, 89 years, with six or eight ethers ranging from 80 te 88. The census enumerator found the fellow -ing old people in Drumere township : Nancy Trimble, 91 years of age : James Barnes, 90; Nancy Ritchie, 81 ; Margaret Redgers, 83 ; Lydia 3Ioere, 84. Mrs. Elizabeth Warfel, 91 years of age, is the eldest resident of Martic. The eldest inhabitant of Eden is a col ored woman named Annie Morgan aged 8G. The eldest white person is David Myers, aged 84. The eldest in the eastern part of Salis bury is Susan Zell, the very last name en the list of Enumerator Albert V. Hurst. She is 87 years old. Jehn Myers aud Catherine Weaver are each 83 ; Christian Overheltzcr and Mary Kurtz, each 82, and Mary Gamp and Elizabeth Dunlap, each 81. Jehn Bewman is the eldest man in Provi dence township, being 89 years old. Michael Harnisli and his wife, Susan Harnish, aged 82 respectively, are the eldest couple in "West Lampeter. Samuel Cassel is the eldest man, aged 84, and Ann Hagy the eldest woman in the township. Susan Huhn, aged 91, is the eldest in habitant of Manheira township. Elizabeth Madlen is the eldest resident of West Cocalico, being 94. The eldest inhabitant of the southern part of Warwick is Martin Eckman, aged 89 years. Jacob Hecker is the eldest resident of J f