- - -v- w - V? f 5"r-3 vJj.T-' Je Xattfat! f Volume XVI-Ne. 263. LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1880 Price Tire Gemts. " -T7W """J - J" -t CLOTHING. Spring Opening MX 24 CENTRE SQUARE. We have fei sale for tiie coming seasons un Immense Stock of or our own manufacture, which comprises the ljitr.it and Most STYUSI DESIGNS. Come and see enr NEW GOODS FOB MERCHANT TAILORING, which is larger and composed of the best styles te be found in the city. U. B. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. 2fi-lyd LANCASTER. PA SPRING OPEHU AT H.GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, MONDAY, APRIL 5. Muring nit returned lrem the New Yerk Woolen Market, I am new prepared te exhibit one or the Ilest Selected blocks of WOOLENS FOR THB Spring: mil Slier He, Ever brought U this city. Nene but the very best of ENGLISH, FRENCH AHD AMERICAN FABRICS, in all the Leading St j les. Prices as low as the lowest, and all goods warranted as represent ed, at H. GEE-HART'S, Ne. 51 North Qeeen Street J. K. SMALING THE ARTIST TAILOR. Owning te-day or a large and select line or English Novelties FOB SUMMER WEAR. Trepicals, Serges and Rep Worsteds, IIAXNOCKBUUX CELTIC CHEVIOTS. GAMBROOX PAKAMATA AXD BATISTE CLOTHS. SEEKSUCKEBS, VALENCIAS, PAROLE AND MOHAIR COATINGS. Linens in Great Variety. WlllerdV Padded Ducks in Plain and Fancy Styles. A Large Assortment of Fancy M mil Marcels Vesting;. All the latest novelties of the season. The public art- cordially invited te examine our stock, which we claim te be the handsomest and most recherche ever ettered for the het weather. T. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH QUEEN STREET. rUKNITUKK. WM OF ALL KINDS SHORT NOTICE. My arrrngements arc new completed te de Begilding in iirbt-class manner and at reason able prices. THE NEW PICTURE FRAME STORE, 5Yt East King Street. WALTER A. HEINITSH. ATTORNETS-AT-LA W UENBV A. RILKT Attorney and Counseller-at-Law' 21 Park Bew. New Yerk. Collections made In all parts of the United States, and a general legal business transacted. Refers by permission te 8telnman A Hensel. 11BY LOCHER'S KENimNED COUGH . SYRUP ReaQY-Maae ClOMl JMT GOODS. "WHO IS We de net want yen te get the impression that great reduc tions are being made in the prices of goods elsewhere and net here. We are, as usual, below the market, and intend te stay there. The following list embraces enough of our stock te give some clue te the rest of them. We quote articles new in great favor as low-priced goods ; but in general they are net reduced. We have been there all the time. JOHN WANAMAKER. SILKS. SUMMER SILKS. Stripes, modest, medium and bold (0 45 Jaspc checks and stripes 50 Checks en solid ground 55 Chene stripes, shaded 65 "Mille Baye," extra quality 75 Best imported, 20 inches, great variety 1 09 BLACK SILKS. Gres-grain persanand taffetas $0 75 Fine or heavy cord gres-grain and persan. 90 Six makes, foreign and American, jet or raven black, heavy ami light 1 00 Cacheiiilre finish. 24 inches, Bellen, Alex andre and American 1 25 Cachemire finish, "super" quality, 24 inches, foreign 1 50 Kid finish, high lustre,cachcmirc,24 inches 1 75 Bennet, 24 inches 2 00 COLOBED SILKS. Geed quality, all colors 90 75 Lyens, extra lustre, heavy cord, 20 inches. 1 00 Best, ler walking suits, 22 inches 1 25 Bich and elegant finish, 22 inches 1 50 FOULARDS. Showy $0 50 Brilliant and rich 75 BROCADES. Black, polka dots, etc $0 90 oiertjti x k9 Colored, new designs 125 Novelties 1 50 GAUZE AND GRENADINE STRIPES. A large quantity just bought te clear an im porter's stock, recently sold by us at $2.50, we are newsellmgat $1 00 SILKS are in next outer circle east from the Chestnut street entrance. BLACK GOODS. GRENADINES. Mexican, silk and wool 50,65,75,85 Silk und wool striped.. ..75, $1, $1 25, $1 50, $1 75 Lyens (lamasses 65. 75, 85, $1 00 Paris, silk and wool $1, $1 25, $1 50 Lyens, all silk damasses.....$l 37),$1 50, $1 75, $2, $2 40, $3. PLAIN BUNTINGS. American, $0 20, .25 .31 .37. American, 6-4, $0 50, .IS .75. French, 21 Inches, $0 31 .37. French, 36 inches, $0 44 .50 JHi .75 French, 46 inches, $0 85, $1, $1 10. LACE BUNTINGS. We hae nearly everything te be found in the markets of the world. 23 inches, $0 37 .50 .60. 4t inches, $1, $125. Lupin's Pails, original color, and wc believe almost the last in Philadelphia: 24 inches $0 55 46 inches 1 10 NUN'S VEILING (for dresses). 13 inches 75, $1 00 BLACK GOODS are in the next outer circle west from the Chestnut street entrance. But one thing: we ought te remind you ef: We may appear te be at a disadvantage when we are net, because of certain tactics sometimes employed, which we de net care te use, viz., the pretending te make re ductions when none are made. We use reductions te clear stocks. That is perfectly honorable, and it is necessary in a large business. The losses thereby incurred, though sometimes considerable, are trifling in compari son with the benefit te remaining stocks. New then, anyone who will take measures te find out -where the lowest prices are, compare sample with sample, price with price, will find we are net a whit behind ANYBODY, net even in a single item, se far as we knew; and that we are below EVERYBODY en almost everything. Samples sent when written for. JOHN WANAMAKER. Chestnut, Thirteenth, Market sad Jnaiper, rje7-eedtf GREAT CLEARING SALE OF STJMMEE DRESS GOODS AT THE NEW YORK STORE. All the New Shades tn Twilled Cashmeres 12c a yard; regular price 15c. All Weel Beiges 25c a yard. All Weel Memie Cleths 25c a yard ; sold everywhere at 37c. Special Bargains In BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILKS, BLACK CASHMERES. Watt, Shand & Company, S AND 1 0 EAST KING STREET. SALE OP. DRY GOODS, Partially damaged by water at late fire en our premises. HaGER & BROTHER will continue the sale in their Warcroem in rear of main stoic en Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, JULY 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th. $25,000. Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cleths, Wall Papers, Table Linens, Marseilles Quilts, Muslins and Sheet ings, Woolen Goods and Clothing, &c., All of which have been marked at a price te Insure the sale of the entire let. Goods In main Stere were net damaged. Business there will go en as usual. HAGER & BROTHER, NO. 25 WEST KING STREET. UNDER? DRESS GOODS. COTTON. Seersuckers, blue, blown and gray stripes, best patterns $0 12f Seersuckers, fancy colored stripes 15 Seersuckers, Yerk, luU assortment of stripes and colors 18 Zephyr Ginghams, choice, net te be found elsewhere at any price 12 Zephyr Ginghams, pluld and stripes 20 Zephyr Giugliauis, bandana. 18 Dress Ginghams 11 Handkerchief Ginghams and plain col ors te match 25 Dress Cheviots 12J Tamise cloth, ecru, cashmere bonier. 12 Chintz, polka dot, indigo, for suits IP Cocheco Cambrics, choice 10 Pacific Cretonnes, great variety. ..$0 10, 12, 15 Jacenet Lawns, Frere Kerchlin 20 Pacific Lawns, great variety $0 10, 12. 15 Cambric striped lawns 08 Jacenet lawns, test colors 05 Lace lawns, white, tinted and solid col ored grounds 12 Metnie cloths, printed 12 COTTON AND WOOL. Lace Buntings, all colors and black $0 25 Debelges, twilled 10 Mehairs, plain 25 Mehairs, twilled 12 Mehairs, silk-checked 25 Mehairs, silk-striped 25 Mehairs, plaid 25 Mehairs, English 12 Mehairs, English, clouded 18 Mohair lustres 12 Cashmeres, coachmen's colors 15 Suitings, English, fancy 20 ALL WOOL. Lace Buntings, colors and black. .37, 50, CO Plain buntings of a new style, distinct from the old and decidedly better than any ether, all colors. 24 inches 25 35 34 inches, double told 40, 50, 00. 75 Debelges, French, cashmere-twilled, 22 Debelges, French, taffeta : HlGIlt5S ) 32 inches, double fold 35 42 inches, double fold 45, W) Cashmeres, French : 32 inches 37 36 inches 50 Sheda cloth, French, 46 inches 75 Memie cloth, French $1 00 Crape cloth, French 1 00 LINENS. SIX SPECIMEN PBICES. These arc fair samples of the bargains we have lieen giving for v eeks in Linens : Huck Tewel, large and heavy $0 25 Huck Tewel, German, knotted fringe.. . 25 Glass Toweling, per yard 12 German bleached Table Linen 75 German Napkins, per dozen 2 25 Star Linen, 20 inches, per yard 12 Philadelphia. MW&F Hancaster fntriltgmcct. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 7, 1880. SOUTH AND WEST. CORRESPONDENCE FROM SOUTH CAR OLINA AND COLORADO. A Hancock Beem la the Land or the Palmet to, and a Business Beem In the Sllrer State. Beth of Which are Graphically Described by the Intelligencer's Special Correspondents. WIT AND WISDOM. Fresh Gleanings Frem the Fruitful Harvest of Current Humer. Letter Frem Savannah Hew They Ratified Down There. Savannah, Ga., June SO, 1880. Eds. Intelligencer : Savannah, with peculiar unanimity, agrees with the influ ential press that the ticket nominated at Cincinnati is the strongest that could have been placed before the American people, and is especially enthusiastic in its en dorsement of the nominees. The news of the nomination of Hancock and English has turned the city "upside down," and the wave of enthusiasm is growing in vel ume and power. The ratification demon stratien which took place here in honor of the Democratic nominations for president and vice president exceeded even the anticipations of the movers. This place has net been se thoroughly aroused in twenty years. The entire city was alive, the streets were packed with people, and the air was filled with the shouts of the enthusiastic multitude. But te a description of it. The bulletins in front of the MerninB News, the leading Bourbon journal of the county, kept all posted en what was going en in the Democratic convention. Eaily in the day the sentiment of the populace seemed te be in favor of the "big man from the little state," but at neon, when the brief dispatch "Hancock is nomi nated," was received, it seemed from the continuous cheering and shouting that he was the first choice of all. All that day, that night, and the next day, the excite ment grew mere and mere intense, and reached its climax iu a "grand, sublime, magnificent, transcendental, ncvcr-bcferc-stirpasscd " torchlight precession te use the language of the News. At 8 o'clock the members of the Catham artillery announced themselves in readi ness te move. Forming in twos and head ed by the Savannah Guards band, they marched down Whitaker street. They had with them their two "big dogs of war," and two Revolutionary guns, and were fol lowed by ever two thousand citizens ; some bearing torches, ethers illuminating the vaulted arch with pyrotechnic display, yet all indulging in the most vociferous and enthusiastic cheers for " Hancock and English." After a short street parade, terminating at the public common, the cannons were drawn into position. The common is situ ated at the feet of Housten street, and con tains many acres. Here a large bonfire was lighted, the flames leaped high into the air, brilliantly lighting up the street for several squares, which presented a dense mass of people. A large number of ladies with escorts were also present, and it is estimated that there were fully five thousand people in the vicinity. The firing was opened by gun Ne. 1, fol lowed by Nes. 2, 3 and 4 in rapid succession. One hundred guns were fired, at the con clusion of which the band played "Dixie," " America," fcc, the stirring music great ly increasing the enthusiasm, culminating in three cheers for Hancock and English, and were given with vigor from hundreds of threats. A mammoth precession was again formed, and moved up Bay street into Whitaker and past the Morning Neirs building, which was brilliantly lit up from cellar te garret, while from its cupola float ed the stars and stripes. The guns were new returned te the armory, and after the Cathamshad reform ed into line they marched down Bay te Jeffersen and halted in front of the palatial residence of Cel. R. E. Lester. In coming down Bay street the colored men who numbered nearly a thousand strong upon whom the excitement was working like " cotton gin," began te get the fever worse than ever and began te sing their old time mel odies substituting the name of Hancock regardless of the rhythm. Enthusiastic calls were made for " Lester " te which the colonel responded by his appearance en the verandah, and was greeted with the most vociferous cheering. When silence was restored Cel. Lester thanked the vast assemblage for the honor ; made an earn est and eloquent speech in favor of the nominations ; expressed the conviction that the ticket would sweep the field, and predicted that victory would perch upon the banner of Democracy can ied by such a standard bearer. Capt. S.Yates Levy followed Cel. Lester. He also ratified the nominations and con sidered the action of the convention a wise one. At a reference te Hancock's acknowl edgment of the supremacy of the civil ever the military power and ' his record as a statesman and a warrior the enthusiasm of his auditors knew no bounds. Mr. J. R. Saussy and Capt. W. W. Paine also spoke in the same congratulatory strain and pre dicted the triumphant success of the ticket. The demonstration was an honor te Sa vannah, although gotten up en short no tice by a small number of citizens and all the expenses being defrayed by voluntary subscriptions. And but I have written tee much already, I close my little " Han cock boom" fertile present. J. E. D. Colerado Correspondence. Hew a New Western Town Beems. Kokomo, Cel., June 26, 18S0. Kokomo is booming ! The daily arrival of passengers and emigrants en the differ ent stage lines running from Georgetown and Leadville is largely en the increase, and ere the brilliant mountain moon wc new have is en the wane, net a cabin, hut or canvas tent can be rented or bought unless at enormous rates. Building is rapidly being done ; the click of the ham mer and the buzz of the saw greet one en every side. Our sawmills are kept con stantly at work and yet are unable te sup ply the enormous demand for lumber. Property in all parts of the city is rapidly advancing in price ; lets which en the 1st of May could be had for $130 cannot new be purchased for $400. Leg cabins rent from $10 te $25 per month, and ordinary store and restaurant buildings command from $100 te $150. Our energetic mayor, Capt. Smith, has a force of men at work grading and remov ing the rocks from Ten Mile avenue. When this is completed we will have a business thoroughfare that will compare favorably with these of any mountain city. The railroad enteiprise is being rapidly pushed ferwaid, and ere the snows of win ter virtually hem us in from the outer world we confidently expect te hear the puff ! puff ! of the steam engine and the rumble of the cars echoing through these hills and mountains. The mines are looming up fine. Rich strikes are constantly being made en Fletcher and Copper mountains and Sheep mountain is rapidly being developed. The greater pait of the mining in this camp is done by tunneling instead of the usual shaft sinking. The mineral is very rich ; numerous assays had ranging all the way from 40 te 400 ounces in silver, with from 40 te 90 per cent, in lead and some geld. The smelters are working hard with a full force of men smelting the ores, and a number of the mines will seen commence the shipment of bullion. The various kinds of weather we have in this country are truly amusing. Yester day morning I mounted my horse for a canter ever the hills (of which ride I shall again write you) starting in the shine and glow of the bright morning sun. Before my return the clear blue sky clouded ever, and I was caught in a snow-storm. At neon, dining the continued snowing, loud claps of thunder re-echoed through the hills. At two o'clock p. m. the sun was again brightly shining and it was as warm as a May-day in "Ged's ceuntiy." In the evening the air was se cool that an over coat was necessary te comfort. Te-day a rearing het pine weed fire is net out of place. New all this may seem incredible te these residing in " the states." All I can ssiy te them is, come te our camp, buy a geed mine, and I will guarantee te furnish them with specimens of weather as varied as the colors of the rainbow. I was favored a few days since by a call from that genial and ever pleasant gentle man, Willis B. Musscr, esq., of your city He is making a tour through this moun tain region and, I think, intends going as far as the shores of the Pacific before le turning. He was much pleased with both our town and its surrounding mountain scenery. Kokomo will send home a glorious nut. jerity in November for the standard bearers of the Democracy selected at Cincinnati Hurrah for Hancock and English ! F. Odds and Ends. A New Yerk Chinaman was'asked his age, for the census. He thought it was the draft, and, wishing exemption, he lcplied, " ninety years eldce, allee timee." Mayer (te witness with bandaged head) " Did he have any provocation when he struck you?" Witness "He may have had something of the kind cencaylcd about his person, but it was a brick he struck me wid." Robinson (after a long whist bout at the club) "It is awfully late. Brown. What will you say te your wife?" Brown (in a whisper) " Oh, I shan't say much, you knew, 'Geed morning, dear,' or something of that sort. She'll say the rest." A Sheffield manufacturer is reported te have told his workmen te vote just as they pleased : " In fact, I shan't tell you hew I ata going te vote," he said. "After it is ever I shall have a barrel of beer brought into the yard." "Hear, hear," shouted the men. "But I shan't tap it unless Mr. Wertley, the Tery candidate, gets in." "Wouldn't you like te have a bow?" said the bold young archer as they saunt ered down the field, and she murmured "Yes," and the absorbed archer said, "What kind of a bow de you prefer?" She quivered a little as she replied archly, "I think I should prefer yew," and then the young man took it in, and although he was an arrow chested youth he went te the target and heaved a bull's sigh. Bey "Mether sent these cherries te you. Mis' Smith." Mrs. Smith "Oh, thank you, darling! But isn't your mother afraid she'll rob herself?" Bey "I rather guess net. mum ; she said as hew they was all spilin' en the tree, and wouldn't be geed for nethin' but swill by tomerror. Se she said bring you some, mum ; you might as. well have 'em as the hogs." Mrs. Smith "Your dear mother is se thoughtful." But she doesn't eat any of these cherries. As she confidentially told Mrs. Jenes, who afterward confidentially told it te all the neighbors : " I'd a died before I'd a touched one of 'cm, the stingy old thing." A late application of Electricity is an at tachment te street letter boxes, which sounds an alarm te the nearest police station. In cuc an attempt is made te rob the box. If you wish te apply an Eclectrlc application te a cough, cold, sere threat, asthma, bronchitis, or ca tarrh, purchase a bottle of Dr. Themas' Eclec tricOU. and you will find it money well In vested. Fer sale by H. U. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen stieet, Lancaster, Pa- 37 Messrs. Parker & Laird, of Hillsdale, write : Our Mr. Laird having occasion te visit Scot land, and knowing the excellent qualities of Dr. Themas' Eclectric Oil, concluded te hike some with him. The result you will nnd by the enclosed letter, which speaks for itself. We may say that in several instances it has cttect ed cures when ailments bad been pronounced incurable by eminent practitioners." St. Marearkt's Hepk, Orkuey, Scotland. Mkssrb. Parker & Laird : I am requested by several frlendn te order another parcel of Dr. Themas' Eclectrlc Oil. The last let I cot from you having been tested In several cases of rheumatism, has given relief when doctor's medicines have tailed te have any effect. The. excellent qualities of this medicine should be made known, that the million of sufferers throughout the world may benefit by Its pro vidential discovery. Yours, etc., Gilbert Laird. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 39 NertaQueenstreet, Lancaster. Pa. 3$ MEDICAL. CUTICURA BLOOD AND SKIN REMEDIES. What are Skin and Scalp Diseases but the evidence et internal Humer ten times mere difficult te reach and cure, which flouts in the bleed and ether fluids, destroying the delicate machinery et life and tilling the body w ith foul corruptions. Ccticvka KEseLYEjrr. the new Meed Purifier, Ccticura, a Medicinal .lellv, assisted by the CiTiciniA Medicinal and Toilet Seu, have performed the most miraculous eures ever re re ceided tn medical annuls. ECZEMA RODENT, SALT RHEUM, &c Eczema Rodent. F. II. Dnike. esq., agent for Harper and .Brethers, Detielt, Midi.. gl es an astonishing account et his ease (eczema ro dent), which had been treated by a consulta tion of physicians without benetlt, and which speedily yielded te the Cuticnr.i Keniedlcs. Salt Rheum. Will McDonald, 1315 ltuttcr tield street, Chicago, gratefully acknowledges a cure of salt rheum en head, neck. face, urms and legs for seventeen years: notable te .alk except en hands and knees ler one year: net able te help him-elf for eight years; tried hun dreds of remedies; doctors pronounced his case hopeless ; permanently cured by the Cuti ciira Remedies. Psoriasis. Thes. Deiancy, Memphis. Tenn., afflicted with psoriasis for nineteen years; completely cured by Cuticura Remedies. Ringworm. Gee. W. llrewn. 48 Marshall street. Providence. R. I., cured et a ringworm nuuier get at the barbers, which spread an ever the ears, neck and face, and for six ears resisted all kinds of treatment ; cured by Cu ticura Remedies. Cuticura Remedies are prepuicd by IVKKKS & POTTER, Chemists and Druggists,! Wash ington street, Bosten, 21 Frent street. To Te To lonte. Out., and 8 Snow Hill, Londen, and are for sale by all Druggists. MALT BITTERS. UNFERMENTED MALT AND HOPS! Bleed Pevertv. The cause of the debility te be met within every wulkef lite may be traced te Poverty of the Bleed. Toe close applica tion te business or study, late hours, dissipa tion, want of exercises or sleep, have en Icebled the digestive organs ami rcudeied the bleed thin, watery and powerless te liiltll the great purpose ler which it was cieated. What shall be done? Live n regular and wholesome lift' and take MALT BITTERS. This matchless Renovator of feeble and exhausted constitu tions is rich In the elements that go te nourish and stiengthen the bleed. It perleets diges tion, stimulates the liver, kidneys and bowels, quiets tiie brain and nervous forces, and in duces refreshing sleep. MALT BITTERS are prepared without fer mentation from Canadian BARLEY MALT and HOPS, and warranted superior te all ether forms of malt or medicine, w Idle free tiem the objections urged against malt liquors. Ask ter Malt BirrMts piepared by the Malt Bitteils Cemtanv, and see that eveiy bottle bears the Trade Mark Laiiel, duly Sie.ned ami enclosed in Wave I.i.nes. MALT BITTERS aie for sale by all Drug gists. jyl-lmdW&SAw HOOKS AX1 STATIOXKKT. "VTKW STATIOJUKKY! New, Plain and Fancy STATIONERY. Alse, Velvet and Eastlakc PICTURE FRAMES AND EASELS. AT L. M. FLYNN'S BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, Ne. 48 WEST KINO STKEET. JOHI BAER'S SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA., have in stock a large assortment of BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Attention Is invited te their FAMILY AND PULPIT BIBLES Teachers' Bibles, Sunday Scheel Libraries, Hymnals, Prayer Beeks, HYMN BOOKS AXD MUSIC ROOKS Fer Sunday Schools. FINE REWARD CARDS. SUNDAY" SCHOOL REQUISITES of all kinds JtOBS, ItljANKJiTS, CC. s IGN OF II1K BUFFALO 1IKAD. ROBES ! ROBES ! ! BLANKETS! BLANKETS!! I have new en hand the Largest, Best and Cheapest Assortment of Lined and Un lined BUFFALO 1COBES In the city. Alse LAP AND HORSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. 3Uep:dring neatly and promptly denc."Cft A. MILEY, 10H North 0.uecn St., Lancaster. eiVlydMW&S OUSTS' OOOVS. MK LINEN COLLARS ERISMAN'S. C'OK FANCY STOCKINGS OO TO ERISMAN'S. UOK SUSPENDERS OOTO ERISMAN'S. F OK NEW STYLE LINEN IIANDKEBCUIEFS, GO TO E. J. ERISMAN'S, 56 NORTH gCEEN STKEET. Hit V CATION AL. 1'HK ACADEMY CONNECTED WITH . Franklin and Marshall College eflers an perier advantages te young men and boys who desire either te prepare for college or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time during the school year Send for circulars. Address REV. JAMES CRAWFORD, ctll-lvd Lancaster. Pa. DRT OOODS. BLACK SILKS Fer Trimming and Dress, CO cents and up, at FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. COLORED SILKS, CO Cents, at FAHNESTOCK'S. SUMMER DRESS GOODS Of every description, tit FAHNESTOCK'S. Quantities et LADIES' SKIRTS, White and Colored, SO cents and up, at FAOESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Coart Heaae. J. E. Martin & Ge. Lawns, Ginghams, White Goods, SWISS, D11WMA1H0S1ERT. Full Macs of Goods in al! rcpnrtments at Very Lew Prices. J. B. MARTIN & CO. NOVELTIES SILKS AND DRESS GOODS! We have new open our Importations of Nei Silk from Lyens, Including Brocaded Satin De Lyens, Solid Celer Satin Dc Lyens, tthicli Satin Dc Lyens, Luisine in New Colorings and Styles, RICH BROCADES, In Celers te match the New Dress Goods In Dress Goods, a Great Variety of New Textures, such as SHOODA CLOTHS, IN TIIE NEW SHADES. Beautiful Silk and Weel Fancies te Match Plain Cleths, Plain Canten Crapes in all Celers, and a number of New Things Impossible te specify ONE FACT we wish te emphasize. Se far. the advance en our goods amounts te nothing, and a strict In spection of our stock will show that at all times we urc as low in prices as any, and elten lower. A close examination of our goods is cordially invited. Hemer, Cellalay & Ce., 1412 and 1414 Chestnut Street, aprlC-M.W&F PHILADELPHIA. AitciiJCJtr. FISHING TACKLE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, FLINN k MMEIIN'S ARCHERY, Crefiuet, Rase Halls anil Hats, Chinese Tey Bemb Shells, Paper Cap Pistols, ami Other Seasonable Goods, at Flu & Breiiemaus 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. MAKBLE WOMKB. WM. P. FRAILEY'S MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nena yneen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS. HEAD AND FOOT STONES. GARDEN 8TATUAKT, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac All work guaranteed and satisfaction gUen n every particular. N.B. Remember, works at the extreme end f North Queen street. m3