J!. T."7r.T-LFTJP US1 WWW --9J9P90Rx Ntragj!a ''5 ! '! LANCASTER DAUt iNTEtLIGENCaER. TUESDAY JULY B, 1880. - ( 1 r very badly burning eae of bk eyes. Itmu at first feared that he would lese his sight, bat Dr. Metzger, the attending physician, says the eye is net dangerously injured, though the wound is a very painful one. Last evening Herbert J. Gast, a son of Mrs. Charlette Gast, residing en East King street, had his hand burned by the explo sion of a large fire cracker. This morning about 9 o'clock as Calvin Webb, aged about 14 years, was playing with powder in rear of the residence of his brother-in-law, Dr. J. W. Allen, North Prince street, a spark came in contact with the powder, which was in an open box, blew the box te pieces, and badly burned Master Webb about the face. He is terri bly blistered and his eyes completely closed, but Dr. Stehman, who attended him, thinks the sight of the eye is net im paired. Iludy Suters, 13 years of age, of Straw berry street, had his face badly burned en Saturday night by the explosion of a cartridgs in the hands of another boy. Dr. Foreman attended his injuries. The Grmud Army at Quarryville. Pest 84 G. A. R., te the nnmberef about tbirty men, accompanied by the Cit izens' band, left tbe city en the 9:45 train for Quarryville, where they were enter tained by William Koehm, of the National house, who had provided for their benefit a bean bake and a -ground hog dinner. Seme cf the members of the pest returned en the U:35 train in the afternoon, and ethers came en a special which arrived here shortly after 8 o'clock. Fights, Ac At the picnic at Tell's Hain there was considerable fighting during the day. Fo Fe lic officers were sent for several times. Officers Stermfeltz, Helmau and Cremcr finally visited the grounds and arrested Jehn Drachbar and Geerge Brimmer, who are charged with assaulting a man named lletc. Harry MacAleer is said te have struck Abraham Evans with a billy,and he was also arrested. Beth cases will be heard by Alderman Barr. There was also a fight at the picnic at Green cottage at which Christian Hcid man was whipped. At Mrs. Schoenber Scheenber ger's saloon, North Queen street, a fracas occurred in the afternoon, but no one was injured. Excursion te Atlantic City. Yesterday an excursion left this city for Atlantic City, ever the Reading railroad. The train started from the Stevens house depot at 4 o'clock in the morning, taking about 100 persons. l'ellce Cases. Yesterday there was a great deal of drunkenness en our streets and some fight ing. The result was that the station house was full this morning, and the mayor had quite a lively hearing. Of these who were arrested for firing pistols, two were discharged en payment of costs aud fine, aud one was sent te jail for 2 days. Twe drunks get 5 days each, one 20 days, aud another 10. Five ethers charged with the same offence paid their costs and were discharged. MKETINU OF PRISON INSPECTORS. Trouble About the Dismissed Watchmen. The beard of prison inspectors met yes terday at 10 o'clock a. m., the following named members being present: Jacob Myers, Jehn Ovcrheltzer, Ames Ruttcr, Jehn Miller and Jacob Wolf. J. L. Hoff Heff muicrwas absent. The beard passed a number of bills and transacted some ether leutiuc business without difficulty, but as seen sis they tackled the matter of the two watchmen dismissed by Keeper Weise, for alleged neglect of duty, they get into a snarl, and, after a rather spirited discus sion, Messrs. Myers and Overheltzer (the Bull-Ring inspectors) withdrew from the meeting about 3 o'clock p. m. Messrs. Wolf, Miller and Rutter, however, pro ceeded with the investigation into the charges against the watchmen, W. L. Heuck and Henry Relircr, and came te the conclusion that the charge agaiust them sleeping while en duty had net been made out, aud proceeded te reinstate therm Keeper Weise took exception te this action of the inspectors en the ground that three members of the beard did net constitute a quorum. He said, however, that he would yield the point if the inspectors or the so licitor would call en Judge Livingston and get from him an approving opinion. The inspectors at first seemed te agree te this, but without calling en the judge re turned te the prison and reinstated Heuck and Rohrer. Heuck at once tendered his resignation en the ground that he was about te engage in busiuess. The inspec tors authorized Rohrer te go en duty and directed the clerk te receive the keys in the hands of Frederick Miller, who had been appointed watchman temporarily by Keeper Weise. Rohrer, however, declined te go en duty, saying the keeper was down en him. At present the keeper and his appointees, Frederick Miller and Jere. Cooper, "held the fort." The difficulty will be probably settled at next meeting of the beard. Father BuMr's First Mass. A very large congregation assembled at St. Antheny's church, Sunday morning, te witness the first celebration of the mass by Rev. Father Hubcr, a native of this city, recently elevated te the priesthood. St. Michael's Beneficial society and St. An An teony's Franciscus society attended in a body in new uniforms and accompanied by the Citizens' band. Father Kaul, pastor of St. Antheny's, assisted Father Huber, .and preached the sermon." Father H. Gans acted as deacon ; Father Adam Christ as sub-deacon and Mr. C. Hcgerich as master of ceremonies. Rev Fathers Hickey, of St. 3Iary's, this city, Duncan, of Bellcfeute, and Fein, of Elizabethtown, were in the sanctuary. Discharge Refused. This morning Jehn Haberbush, who was committed te jail by the mayor for-15 days for raising a fuss at the Stevens house restaurant en Friday night, was taken be fore Judge Patterson en a writ of Juibeas corpus and his discharge was asked for. There are charges of assault and carrying concealed weapons pending against the man, and his counsel contended that the offence for which he is new serving a sen tence is merged in the charges en which he will be heard in court. After hearing the case the judge refused tbe discharge, aud the man was remanded te prison. Campmeetlnc. The Paradise circuit of the U. B. church propose te held a camp-meeting in Eberly's grove, situated near the read leading from Clay te Durlach, about equidistant from both places. It is te begin en Tuesday, .August 24th, te continue one week. OBITUARY. DeaUt of Rev. M. G. Ltghtaer. The Reading Timet 'of te-day says: " The sad intelligence is announced of the death of Rev. Milten.C. Lightner.fermerly the rector of Christ Episcopal church in this city, a gentleman of whom sweet memories survive in the minds of the members of that denomination, although he had severed his official connection with this parish nearly a score of years age,upon assuming spiritual charge of a parish at Binghamton, N. Y.,and who is well-known generally te our elder citizens. The reverend gentleman served a long pastorate in this city, where his children were born and grew up te manhood and womanhood, one of whom, the Rev. P. Baldy Lightner, re ceived his education at our high school, and is new the rector of a parish at Oil City, this state. The departure of the Rev. Mr. Lightner for Binghamton was deeply regretted by the members of Christ church congregation and a large circle of intimate friends and acquaintances, and the sudden news of the death of one se es teemed and loved is a shock indeed. He was a faithful pastor and in every walk of life an example te the people of a true sol dier of the cress ; and in truthfully saying this, no greater or higher tribute can be paid te the memory of any man." Deceased was a native of Leacock town ship, this county, and a member of the large and well-known Lightner family of this section. He was a brother of the late Peter Lightner, of Lancaster town ship, and uncle of Mrs. D. McMullen, Mrs. Eli Lybe and Mrs. M.B. Eshleman, of this city and county. He married a daughter of Mr. Peter Baldy, and leaves a family of children. He was formerly rector at Dan ville, and was there the Sunday school teacher of S. H. Reynolds, esq., of this city. Besides his engagements above noted he has been rector at Detroit, Michigan, and at Leck Haven, Pa. He was well-known here, and his friends hear with grief tbe news of his death. A DESTITUTE FAMILY. Kind Police Officers Take Care of Them. Last evening a man giving his name as Lewis Nelsen, together with his wife and two children, went te tbe mayor's office, where Officer Fulmer was en duty. He stated that they had been residents of Cuba, Missouri. and had started East some time age. When they left home they had sufficient means-te pay their way te Philadelphia, but while in Mifflin county they were robbed of all their money and clothing. They managed te make their way te Columbia, from which place they walked, through the rain, te this city. Officer Fulmer took them te the station house and the police officers of the shift en duty made up a purse sufficiently large te pay for the lodging of the family at the Union hotel, where they remained ever night, aud several meals. This morning Officer Fulmer collected enough money te pay the family's fare te Philadelphia, and out of his own pocket gave them some money. They left for the East at 1:10. FOUND BLEEDING. A Man Who Says He Was Shet. Last night about 11 o'clock as Private Watchman James L. Mcssenkep was walk ing along Lime street, near East King, he found a young man named James Gable lying en a deer step. Gable was bleeding freely from a wound in the head, and he said that he had been shot. He was taken te the office of Dr. King by Mr. Messen kop. The doctor examined the man's head and found a scalp wound such as might have been made by a pistol, the ball of which probably entered the skin at one side of the back of the head,passing out at the ether. The wound is net serious. Gable declares that he was shot and says that he knows the man who did it. llalloen Landed. On the 18th of May three het-air bal loons were let off at the clothing store of McLaughlin & Miller, en Seuth Market square, Lebanon, with their business cards attached. J. B. Musselman writes te them from Bowmansville, this county, that the card, with three small air balloons attach ed te it, was found July 1, 1880, in a grain field of Rev. Abraham Gehman, near that place, which is a southeastern direction from Lebanon, say 30 or 35 miles from Lebanon and 12 miles from Reading. The card is in geed order, but the balloons are rotten and have the appearance of being exposed for some time. Contract Awarded. This afternoon the bids for the furnish ing of coal te the public schools of the city for one year were opened at the office of Jehn I. Hartman. The contract was awarded te Gorrecht, Keilly & Keller, at prices ranging from $3.73 for hard nut te $4.25 for Lykens Valley. The quantity of coal used in tbe schools will be about 230 tens. Campmeetlag. The colored people will held a camp meeting in C. M. Hess's grove, at Quarry ville, en next Sunday. Rev. William Keels, of this city, and a number of ether noted divines will be present. It is likely that an excursion train will be run from this city. Railroad Accident. Yesterday Charles Slerrick, a laborer en the Parkesburg construction train, fell from a freight train drawn by engine Ne. 187, at Coatesville, and was badly cut about the head. He was taken te his home in Parkesburg. New Poles. New poles are being erected en the tele graph line, which runs along the state read through this county, between Pennington ville and McCall's Ferry. The line at pre sent has four wires, but the number will be increased te eight. The only office in this ceuuty is at Quarryville. Fifth Ward In Line. The Democrats of the Fifth ward will meet at Philip Wall's hotel, West King street, en te-morrow (Wednesday) evening at eight o'clock for the purpose of organ izing for the campaign. Sale et Horses. Samuel Hess & Sen, auctioneers, sold at public sale, yesterday, at F. Brimmer's stables, this city, for Geerge Gressman, 33 head of Canada horses at an average of $170 per head. Te Open Te-morrow. The Penn iron works were closed en Saturday night, but will resume operations in the morning. Harvest home excursion te Ceney island, Manhattan and Brighten Beach, en Mon day, July 19. ever the Philadelphia and Beading and Bound Broek route te Jersey City, thence en the Floating Palace "Kill von KulL" te Ceney Island. Tickets geed for two days te return en any train. Special train returns same day. Fare for the round trip $4.50. Special train leaves Lancaster at King street at 4:00 a. m., Columbia at 4:00 a. m. The celebrated Ringgold band of Reading will accompany the excursionists. Fer further particulars see advertisements bills and pesters. 3td-6,8,10<w St. Jacob's Oil Is a great bless lag. m Excursion te Cape May. A cheap excursion te Cape May Is being or ganized for the benefit of Christ Lutheran church, this city, en the 15th of July. Tickets for the round trip will cost only $2.75, and the excursionists will be attended by the City Cor net Band. See advertisement in another col umn. He! for Niagara Falls. Grand pleasure trip te Niagara Falls, Buffa lo, Elmira, Watkins Glen and Geneva, en Tuesday, August 3, 1880. Tickets geed for 15 days, te return en all regular trains, and geed te step en at Buflale, Elmira, Watkins, Mauch Chunk, AUentewn and Heading. Fare ler round trip, $10. Train leaves King St., Lancaster, at 8 a. m. Special cars through without change. The only medicinal soap adapted te easy shaving Cuticura Shaving Seap. There Is be Pain Like Teeth-ache 1 It " beats the dogs" for making a fellow squirm. Nobody pities you. "Get it eat," says one ; "rub the teeth against a stone," says another; when it begins te swell then it won't hurt se much," says a third. The reason of the ache is you didn't use SOZODONT, (ind prevent your teeth from decay. jyS-lwdeed&w Nutrition improved, strength restored anil disease arrested by Malt Bitters. SPECIAL SOTICES. A Great Enterprise. 1 .The Hep Bitters Manufacturing Company is one of Rochester's greatest business enter prises. Their Hep Bitters have reached a sale beyond all precedent, liaving from their in trinsic value found their way into almost every household in the land. Graphic. jyl-2wdw Try Lechcr's Renowned Cough Syrup. The happiest results invariably attend the taking et " Sellers' Liver Pills." Only 25 cents per box. Trv Lechcr's Kenewned Cough Syrup. Brown's Household Jfanacea Is the most effective Pain Destroyer in the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally erapplicd externally and thereby mere certainly BELIEVE PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength et any similar preparation. It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sere Threat, Ithcumatism, Toothache and ALL ACHES, and is the GREAT RELIEVER OF PAIN. "BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANA CEA " should be In every family. A teaspoon teaspeon teaspoen tulofthe Panacea in a tumbler et het water (sweetened, II preferred), taken at bed time, will BREAK UP A COLD. 25 cents a bottle. Fer sole at H. B. Cochran & Ce's Drug Stere North Queen street. Lancaster. Much Sickness, Undoubtedly with children, attributed toether causes, is occasioned by Worms. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS, or Werm Lozenges although effectual in destrej'ing worms, can de no pesible Injury te the most delicate child This valuable combination has been success fully used by physicians, and found te be ab solutely sure in eradicating worm. Twenty live cntsabex. fianlS-lvd&wTuTh&S Sere eyes, tetter, salt rheum, &c, are cured by "Dr. Llndsey's Bleed Searcher." Sold by all druggists. Try Lechcr's Renowned Cough Syrup. The Cause Discovered. Most of the readers whose eyes scan these pages have suffered from headache, lassitude, nausea or pains in the back ; but we doubt if they knew what the cause was. In nine cases out of ten it was some trouble with the kid neys or liver. This Is a truth which has just become known, and the result which Warner's Sate Kidney and Liver Cure lias accomplished. The above named troubles are caused by dis ordered kidneys and liver, and the remedy which cures the cause banishes the pains which arise from it. jyl-2wd&w Try Lechcr's Renowned Cough Syrup Te Check Diarrheea. Diarrheea is a complaint that the human family suffer mere Irem at this time of the year than from any ether, and should be treat ed very carefully in order te restore the bswels te their proper strength. There is a wine made in New Jersey and sold by our druggists, call ed Specr's Pert Grape Wine, which is being used very successfully In diarrheea cases. In fact, it is conceded by chemists te contain just such proportions as gradually check the ler menting in the bowels and add tone and vigor te the system, se as te withstand the miasmatic climate against these prevealing complaints. The wine is rich in body and is an excellent tonic, keeping the functions of the bowels in their proper condition. Evening Pest. This wine Is endorsed by Drs. Atlcc and Davis, and sold by H. E. Slaymakcr. jyl-2wd&w Try Lechcr's Renowned Cough Syrup. POLITICAL. FOB PRESIDENT : GEN. WINFIELD S. HANCOCK, OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOB VICE PRESIDENT : HON. WILLIAM H. ENGLISH, OF INDIANA. The great principles of American lib erty are still the lawful inheritance of this people, ana ever should be. The right of trial by jury, tbe habeas corpus, the liberty of the press, the freedom of speech, the natural rights of persons and the rights of property must be preserved. WINFIELD S. HANCOCK, Maj. Gen.CeBid'gDept. La. and Texas. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOB SUFREXE JUDGE. GEORGEA.JENKS. FOB AUDITOR GENERAL. ROBERT P. DECHERT. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. ter CONGRESS. J. L. STEINMETZ. TOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. d. Mcmullen, FOR SENATOR (13th DISTRICT. ) J. B. DOUGLASS. FOR ASSEMBLY (2d DISTRICT.) S. C. STEVENSON, S. P. SHIRK. FOR ASSEMBLY (3d DISTRICT. AMOS DILLER, R. DAVIS YUNDT, JACOB M. HAENLEN. FOR PRISON INSPECTORS. BARTON M. WINTERS BENJ. MILLER. FOR POOR DIRECTORS. A. J. SNYDER, JOHN FRANCISCUS. HEATHS. Rahhineer. In tnls city, en July 4th, 1880. Sarah Ranninger, wife of P. C. Ranninger, aged 72 years. The relatives and friends of tbe family are respectfully Invited te attend the funeral, from her late residence, Ne. 109 North Prince street, en Wednesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill cemetery, ltd SEW ABTERTISEMEST8. We have just received a Fine Line of ' SILTEE JEWELET, which at this appropriate season is in great demand. Silver Bracelets, Silver Bangles, Silver Combs, Silver Lace Pins, Silver Hair Fins, Silver Ear Rings, Silver Sleeve Links, Silver Scarf Pins, Silver Initials, &c. They are pretty in design and quite inexpensive. The sales of these goods in the large cities during the past month have been immense,and in anticipation of much inquiry we have put in an unusually large stock. H. Z. BHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 "West King Street. WATCHES, EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, DEALER IN AMERICAN & FOREIGN WATCHES, Sterling Silver anil Silver-Plated Ware, Clocks, Jewelry anil Ami Tied Spectacles. We offer our patrons the benefit of our long experience In business, by which we are able te uid them in making the best use et their money in any department of our business. We manufacture a large part et the goods we sell, and buy only lrem First-Class Houses. Every article sold accompanied with a bill stating Its quality. 3,FlrstClass Watch and General Repairing given special attention. ZAHM'S CORNER. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LOST. ON SUNDAY MORNING, ABOUT 9 o'clock, between Seuth Queen street and Christ Lutheran Church, en West King, a Brown Silk, Sun Shade. The finder thereof will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same With Dr. R. M. BOLEN1US, 40 S. Queen St. It LOST. BETWEEN THE FIRST HE HE lermed Church and East Lemen street, a Diamond in a Setting. A liberal reward will be paid en return et same te E. J. ZAHM & CO.'S JEWELRY STOKE, ltd Centre Square. rpORACCO KAISERS! L Insure your Creps against less or damage by hail at BAUSM AN & BURNS'S Insurance Office, 10 West Orange Street. jeS-eedtfR SALE OF OLD LUMBER. Will be sold ut public sale, at Ne. 438 North Mulberrv street, en TO-MORROW (Wednes day) MORNING, a large let of Old Lumber, bale te commence at!) o'clock. MARGARET GERZ. Jacob Gukuaker, Auctioneer. It CITY TAXES. The duplicate el city taxes is new in the hands of the Treasurer. Five per cent, abate ment will be allowed en all taxes paid en or bc- lore JlllV 1, 1880. JS. WJSLCHAAS, je4-tdM,F&SU Treasurer. TURNPIKE DIVIDEND. The President and Managers of the Lan caster, Elizabethtown and Middlctewn Turn pike Read have this day declared a Dividend ei Twe Dollars and Seventy-five Cents en each Share of Stock, payable alter the 7th dayet July. J. M. LONG, Treasurer. July 6, 1880. 3tdeaw riiHE YOUNG DEMOCRATS OF THE SEV L enth Ward, will meet at Jacob Utzingers Saleen, Middle street, en Thursday Evening, J uly 8th, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of lorm lerm ing a Hancock and English Club. j6-3td A. STEIN WANDEL, President pre tern. SCHOOL TAX, 1880. The duplicate is in the hands el the Treas urer. 5 per cent, off for premt payment. WM. O. MARSHALL, Treasurer. Ne. 12 Centre Square. Office hours lrem 9 a. in. te 4 p. m. lel2-3tdS.W&SR NOTICE TO THE CITY DEMOCRACY. The members of the City Executive Committee-elect and of the County Committee lrem the several Wards of this City, and the Presidents, Secretaries and Treasurers of the several Hancock Clubs of the different Wards, will meet at J. A. Sprengcr's Saleen, en THURSDAY EVENING, JULY' 8th, 1880, at 8 o'clock, Hharp, ler Important business. W. U. HENSEL, jyfi-td Chairman County Committee. F OR CAPE MAY! THURSDAY, JULY 15th, 1880. ROUND TRIP, ONLY' 82.75. 49 Geed for two days. Fer the benefit of Christ Lutheran Mission. Clemmcns's City Band will accompany the excursion. Fer lurther information cull at E.J. ERISMAN'S, j6-3tdTSW<w 50 North Queen Street. NOTICE. HAVING THIS DAY Dis posed of all my stock, book accounts and interest in the Grocery Stere and Seap Manu factory te Henry Garrecht, who will continue said business, all persons indebted te me are requested te make payment te said Henry Garrecht, and these having claims against me, present them te him ter settlement, without delay. And I further hereby notify all persons net te trust or give credit en my account, te my wife Henrietta Garrecht, as I will pay no bills of her contracting after this date. WM. II. GARRECnT. July 3, 1880. jyC-ltd IN THE COURT OF COMMON FLEAS OF Lancaster County. Union National Mt JeyBank 1 Jan. Term, 1830. vs. J Ne. 33. Henry Kurtz. ) Ex. Dec. The undersigned Auditor, appointed te dis tribute "the money secured by notes, execu ted te Walter M. Franklin, Esq.," being of the proceeds from the sale of the above named de fendant's real estate, te and among such lien creditor or creditors as may be legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en WE l NES DAY, the 11th day ei AUGUST, 1880, at 10 o'clock, A. M., in the LiDrary Roem or the Court Heuse, in the City et Lancaster, where all persons interested In said distribution may attend. NEWTON LIGHTNER, 1y6-4teaw Auditor. CARPETS. H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 202 WEST KING STEEET, Has the Largest and Cheapest Stock et all kinds of CARPETS in Lancaster. Over 100 Pieces of Brussels en hand, as low as 91.00 and upwards. Carpets made te order at short notice. Will also pay 10 cents ter Extra Carpet Rags. O-Give us a trial. 202 WEST KING STREET. PINASCIAL. JAMES BROWN, DEAUIR IN STOCK. and Bends, 64 and 66 Broadway, New Yerk. Operations en margin and by means of privl leges. Information furnished en all matters connected with stock speculation and Invest ment. mlMydTcTh&S TOTICE TO FISHERMEN. Fishing Tackle in every variety, Bamboo, Cane and Weeden Jointed Reds, Lines, Sink ers, Floats, Heeks, Ac A call solicited. Prices low. ANDREW G. FBEyS City Pharmacy, Cor. N. Queen and Orange Streets. HO-lyd Lancaster, Pa. JEWELRY, &. Lancaster, Pa., LANCASTER, PA. EXCURSIONS. DAILY EXCURSIONS FROM PHILADELPHIA CAPE MAY. The famous mammoth three-deck Steamer REPUBLIC n Leaves Race Street Wharf at 7la. m., arriving at Cape May about 12 p. iu. Returning, leaves Cape May at 3 o'clock p. m., givingample time ter bathlncr or n drive en tbe beach. A full Brass Band and Orchestra Music for dancing. Parler Entertainments varied weekly. Lunch eons and Refreshments In abundance. Din ners and suppers provided. Oysters and Fish served for supper a tew moments after taken from the water. Fare Ter the Round Trip - $1.00. SUNDAYS Will leave Race Street Wharf at ly, a. in. I. S. A Bread Gauge Steam It. It. will con vey passengers te Cape Island in 8 minutes. Tickets for sole at CHAS. H. BARB'S, e28-2md&w CENTRE SQUARE. WASTED. WANTED. .EVERYBODY TO ADVER tise, free of charge, in the Intklmqkn cer, who wants something te de. tXTANTED A GOOD COOK AT A FIRST T V class hotel. Inquire et S. G. Gensemer's liquor store, North Queen street, Lancaster. 3td IAOS! KAGS! RAGS! RAGS WANTED L Housekeepers hike notice that we are E iiyintr ! cents a pound for MIXED RAGS. 'ash paid its seen as delivered te aer9-3md Ne. 2T5 West King Street. FOVSVEllS ASH MACHISISTS. I" ANCASTEK J BOILER 3UNUFACT0RY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, Opposite ihk Locomotive Works. The subscriber continue te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES. Fer Tanning and ether purposes ; Furnace Twiers, Bellows Pipes, Sheet-iron Werk, and Blacksmithing generally. 43 Jobbing promptly attended te. auglS-lyd JOHN BEST. ENGINES AND MACHINERY Ot all Kinds, repaired at Short Netice. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS AID PATTERNS, MADE TO ORDER. BRASS BOXES, PACKING RINGS. GLOBE VALVES, Of all Sizes. All Kinds of BRASS AND IRON VALVES AND BEER SPIGOTS REPAIRED 83 Foundry and Machine Shep rear of W D. Sprecher Sen's Seed Stere, Grant and Christian streets. JOS. H. HUBER. a!7-3mdS GROCERIES. w HOLESALE AND RETAIL. SEVAN'S FLOUR AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. d!7-lyd EHUCATIOSAL. TBE ACADEMY CONNECTED WITH Franklin and Marshall College eilers su Serier advantages te young men and boys who esire either te prepare for college or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived tit any time during tbe school year Send for circulars. Address REV. JAMES CRAWFORD, ctll-lv-i Lancaster. Fa. TISWARE, tO TIFTEEN DOLLARS BUYS A FIRST-CLASS REFRIGERATOR, With Enameled Water Tank, at SHERTZER, HUMPHREVlLLE & KIEFFER'S, Ne. 40 East King Street. Lancaster, Pa. HANCOCK MEAD. - A delicious, healthy Beverage, far superior te the ordinary soda water. FIVE CENTS A GLASS. Fer sale by J. R. KAUFPMAN, NO. 116 N. QUEEN ST Laacaater, Fa. tune2t-2wd THIRD EDITION TUESDAY STONING, JULY 6, 186a WEATHER INDICATIONS. "Washington, July 5. Fer the Mid dle Atlantic states, partly cloudy weather, occasional rain followed by clearing weather, winds mostly shifting te north westerly, with stationary temperature and higher barometer. TEXAS. Drowsed la GalTeatea Bay. Galveston, Texas, July 6. Prof. N. A. Gain was drowned iu Galveston bay yesterday. Fatal Affray. A special despatch te the News says in an affray in Campbell's store in Atascosa county, between tbe two Dee brothers and two McCoys. One of each was killed, and the etheis badly wounded. Fatally Injured While Firings Salute. While firing a salute at Fert Ringgold yesterday a man had his arm blown off, and was fatally wounded. THE READING. Extension of the Receivership. Philadelphia, July C The order of Judge McKcnnan extending the receiver ship of the Philadelphia and Reading rail road and coal and iron companies was re ceived at the clerks office of the United States circuit court this morning. It re ads as fellows : Farmers' and Mechanics' bauk vs. Phila delphia and Reading R.R.C.et al.And new, July 2, 1880, upon motion of Jehn C. Bul litt, esq., by Jeseph I. Deran, esq., for plaintiffs, and acceptance of service of notice of this application by all the parties defendant, the appointment of the receivers of the Philadelphia and Reading coal and iron company and the Philadel delphia and Reading railroad company, heretofore made hv this crmrt nf the Q4th day of May, 1880, m the cause wherein jueses iayier is piaintw. ana the miladel adelphia and Reading railroad company, the Philadelphia and Reading coal and iron Cflmmnv. ef. a.1.. firm lAfenrlnntn in this court, of April sessions, 1880, Ne. 61, is uereey extended te the present writ. Signed W. McKennan, Circuit Judge. BY WIRE. Telegraphic News of Te-day. A Broeklynite, entered in a Sag Harber pedestrian match, died from exhaustion.' Ccn. Sherman being expected in Wini peg militia district, orders have been issued te give him a cordial reception. Several deputy collectors of internal revenue, engaged in the Red Oak affair, Campbell county, Ga., in which they had killed a citizen, have been arrested by state process. The Washington author ities have instructed the U. S. district at torneys te have their cases transferred te federal courts. An unknown woman fatally shot her self in the head in the Pennsylvania rail road depot at Jersey City this morning. Hayes has appointed Reland B. Kune, of Jlilesburg, Centre couuty,Pa.,te be reg ister of the land office at Yakima, Wash ington territory. ' Dr. Tanner, at 2 p. m. te-day, complet ed 194 hours of his starvation fast. His temperature was recorded as 98 3-10 : his respiration 14 per minute ; his sleep irreg uler and manner restless. England is moving te establish closer relations with Australia and Canada, ad vance signs of which will be their better organization for defense and establish ment of an inter-colonial tariff. The Grcenbackers' national committee met at the." St. James hotel, New Yerk, te-day, there being present Thompson L. Murch, of Maine, chairman ; Lee Crandall, Washington, secretary ; E. Howe, New Yerk ; Colonel G. E. Jenes, Al bany, and Jesse Harper, Illinois. Gen. Weaver, of Iowa, candidate for president, and Senater Jenes, of Nevada, were also present. Measures were dis cussed looking te an active campaign. Gen. Weaver starts en a southern tour in a few days and will open the campaign at Dal las, Texas, en the 15th. An old miser named Norris, worth $40, 000, was found te-day in a back room of his building in Dundas street, Londen Ont., almost immersed in filth and suffering a gangrenous leg amid most miserable surroundings. He was removed te a hos pital, dying, and his daughter in England advised of his condition. THE CODE. Fatal ' Affair of Hener" la Seuth Carolina. Charleston, S. C, July 6. A contra- versy between Cel. E. B. C. Cash, of Ches terfield, and Captain W. L. Depassand Cel. Wm. M. Shannen, of Camden, S. C, culminated yesterday in a fatal duel be tween Cash and Shannen. Cash had pub lished Shannen as a coward, and out of this the fatal meeting arose. Shannen, who was about sixty years old and univer sally respected, was killed. Depass and Cash also made arrangements te fight, bnt Depass was arrested. THE WAR CLOUD. Anether Clash of Arm Threatened la the East. Londen, July C The sultan and his ministers have finally determined net te accept the recommendations of the Berlin conference. Mahmoud Medina Pasha, who is new identified with the English party, was the only minister who counsel ceunsel led acceptance of the proposals of the conference. A strong party is in favor of sending an immediate declaration of war te Athens if the Greeks effect any military concentration en the frontier. CRICKET A Game Interrupted by Rain. New Yerk, July G. The Baltimore and Staten Island cricket clnbs commenced a game at Staten Island yesterday. The Baltimeres scored a total of 25 runs in their inning and the Staten Islanders had scored a total of 12 runs for six wickets, when a rain storm stepped the game. INDEMNITY. Spain Considering the Lesses of Amerlcaa Citizens la Cuba. Madrid, July 6 A council of ministers is considering the question of indemnity demanded by the United States for losses sustained by American citizens in Cuba. Suicide of a Farmer. Pert Jervis, N. Y., July 6. Hudsen Vaneten, a well known farmer, committed suicide last night by sheeting himself through the head. Watkbtewn, Wis., Jaly . The Blaaek ard flouring mill at Watortewa wm boned last might. Leas,-$10,000. MAMKKTSZ nwUrk SiwTeu. Julys. Fleur State and Weal era steady, moderate expert, jobbing trade demand ; superfine states 3 683 ; extra de S 433: choice, de., S4 405 OS; faaey S 03S 09: round hoop Ohie S4 SS0S : choice de S5 1006 25; superfine western 1389 425; common te geed extra de SB 75C44S; choice dodo $4 5e7 09; choice watte wheat de 4 650509; Southern quiet and steady; com mon te fair extra 94900559; geed te choice dots 5506 75. Wheat Spring quiet and nominal ; Winter Red about jc lower ; White quiet and firm; ie. i nniie, casn. i i; ue atr. , jmi aiuiy, $1 13X01 14 ; de August $1 08X01 09- Cern a shade lower andfalrly active; Mixed western spot, 47050c; de future 4804fec. Oats firm and quiet; state 36041c; western 3440c ; Ne. 2 July 35& FaUadelpala.IIarket. PntULDKLraiA, July 6. Fleur steady with fair inquiry for choice ; superfine 92 SO 03 ; extra at 9303 50 ; Ohie and Indiana flually $505 75 ; Pentf a family 94 6505 09; St. Louts family 95 5006 00 ; de old, 92 2504 75 ; Minnesota family $4 2504 75 ; patent and Tiigh grades 96 75 03 00. Kye flour at $4 1204 25. Cornmeal Brandy wine unchanged. Wheat steady.; Ne. 2 Western Red 1 12; Penn'aRed 91 12; Amber 91 IX Cern steady for local use : steamer 4S0s8& ; yellow 5132c: mixed 49051c. Oats firmer; Ne. 1, White 40c; Ne. 2, de 3SK03OO ; Ne. 3, de 37c ; Ne. ?, Mixed 35c. Kye dull; Western and Pa. 85c Previsions firmer; mess perk at 913013 25; bccr.hanis 930 90021 ; India mess beet 916016 Su. bacon, smoked shoulders 505c ;salt 4705c ; smoked hams 11012c ; pickled ham 9012c. Lard firmer; city kettle 7e; loose butchers 6c; prime steam 707c. Butter firm ; Creamery extra, at 22c ; de geed te choice 1921c; Bradford county and New Yerk extra. 19020c ; Western Re serve extra, 17018c ; de geed te choice 12015c ; Rolls dull; Penn'a extra 10012; Western re serve extra 10012c. Eggs steady for choice ; Penn'a 13014c; Western 1013c. Cheese firmer ; New Yerk factory 809c 1 Western lull cream, 707&c; de fair te geed 607c; de hair skims 5ib6c. Petroleum quiet ; refined 9ic. Whisky 91 11. Seeds Geed te prime Timethy dill at 927503 00: Flaxseed nominal at 91 30 rer ew ; Clever quiet at 96 7507 SO. Stock Markets. Nxw Tfeiuc. J nly 6. Stocks strong. Meney 203 N. Y. Central 128 Eric 42 Adams Express 112K Michigan Central K Michigan Southern 104 Illinois Central 105 Cleveland A Pittsburgh.... 116 Chicago & Reck Island 105U Pittsburgh ft Fert Wayne.. US'? Western union Tel. Ce 104 Teledo & Wabash .'37!4 iew Jersey Central 167 PaTLASBt.ratA. July 6. 1230 r.N. 3:0O r.M. Stocks firm. Penna6's (third Issue) 105 Philadelphia & Erie 14 Pennsylvania 5353J .... Lehigh Valley. 450 United Ces. et N.J 160 Northern Pacific 27 " Prelerred 4t19 Northern Central 31 Lehigh Navigation 27 Norristown 102 Central Transportation Ce. 48 Pitts., TltusviUe & Buflale. Viyil Little Schuylkill 44 United States Bends aad Sterling Exchange. (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen A Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d anil Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia. July C. United States 6VJ, 1881, (registered). .104 104 United States 5's, 1881, (registered). .1020102 United States 4's, 1891, (registercd)IOtIO ui United States 4.1891,(coupons).. .109fi)l( 00 United States 4s, 1907. (registered). .li4103" United States Currency 123 0125 Sterling Exchange 487X MISLELLASEOVS. -paVlDEND NOTICE. J The Beard of Managers of the Lancaster and Susquehanna Turnpike Read have de clared a dividend of 3" percent, en the capi tal stock of the company, payable en demand at the office of the Treasurer. W. P. BR1NTON, Treasurer. jy3-3td 38 Seuth Queen Street. TjlAGLE CIGAR BOX MANUFACTORY. We have started a new Cigar Bex Manufac tory at Ne. 241 North Queen street, and are new prepared te fill all orders at the hertest notice. As we have all the. latest Improved machinery we will make as fine a box as can be had in the country. Give us a call. BECIITOLD & Ce.. Ne. 211 North Queen Street. je2-tfd Ijtncaster, Pa. CORNS AND BUNIONS. PROF. JACOB BOWERS, Chiropedlit, will be at his home 215 Wet King street, for two weeks, where he will treat corns, bunions, inverted tee nails and offensive leet. N. H. Inverted tee neiis and offensive feet cured be tore paying, lie can be consulted in person or by mail. Best of reference given. jy3-3td AE. McCANN, AUCTIONEER OP REAL . Estate and Personal Property. Orders lert at Ne. 35 Charlette street, or at the Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 46 North Queen street, will receive prompt attention. Bills made out and ttended te without additional cost. e27-ly UTY PLAN. j The following changes In the southeastern and southwestern sections of Lancaster city are made, as diiccted by court, aud may be seen in the office of the Clerk of Quarter Ses Ses seons: 1. Hagcr street, east of Queen street, moved southward, its width increased ie0 leet, ex tends eastward, cutting off a small corner of Woodward Hill cemetery; thence bending northward along fence ; thence te Seuth sti eet. 2. Seymour street, east of Queen, Yerk street, north of new line of Hager street and adjacent alley, are eliminated. 3. Width or Seuth Christian street, from Church street te Middle street, is changed te 14 feet. 4. Seuth Dnke street, at southeast corner or King, narrowed 18 Inches te conform te pres ent width. 5. Plum street extended southward te Jehn street of width or 59 feet, and Jehn street, from King street te Plum street, narrowed te 20 leet, as at present. 6. Woodward street widened te 40 feet, as new laid ent. 7. Beaver street, at southwest corner of Con Cen Con estega street, narrowed one feet, making It as at present. s. Hich street continued teJklifflln alley, and thence te Mulberry street; Mifflin alley wid-v ened en north side te the width of High street. 9. Water street centlnned southward from German street te the line et old Water street, deflecting te the west. 10. Hager street, westward from Qneen street, te the bend near- Leve Lane, narrowed te 33 feet, 11. Alley west of Prince street, from Andrew street te Furnace street, narrowed te 14 leet, and runs parallel te and 150 feet west or Prince 12. Pearl street, from Columbia avenue te Maner street, widened 80 feet, and east line thereof moved eastward along Columbia ave nue, 102 leet 9 Inches. The street, as changed, starts at Columbia avenue, directly opposite College avenuc,and continues parallel te Pearl street as laid out en original plan. 13. The alley between Columbia avenue and First street moved southward 40 feet, between Pearl street and West End avenue. These changes, as made, will be adopted, un less exceptions are filed en or before tbe third Monday in August next. By order of the Court. Attest : G EO. W. EASY, Deputy Clerk Quarter Sessions, jyl-oawdtaugle LEOAL SOTICES. INSTATE OF MART CRAMER, LATE OF It Strasburg, Lancaster county, deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed te dis tribute the snare given te Catharine Cramer. deceased, during her lire, in tbe estate of said Mary Cramer, deceased, te and among these leitally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en TUESDAY, tbe 10th day ct AUGUST, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m.. la the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, in tbe city Lancaster, where all persons interested la said distribution may attend. CHAS. R. KLINE. Je23tdv3tw Auditor. ESTATE OF JACOB STAUFFEK, LATE nf Lancaster cltv. deceased. Letters of administration en said estate having been granted te tbe undersigned, all persons indebt ed thereto requested te make Immediate pay ment, and these havteg claims or demands against tbe same will present them without delay for settlement te tbe undersigned. F.H. STAUFFEK. DAVID McN.STAUFFBR, or te Administrator. A. C. Bkixexhl, AtCy.? je34tdeaw ESTATE OF FRANCIS X. 8UTER. LATE i of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters tes tamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons Indebted there to are requested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned, residing in Lancaster city, Pa. KOSASUTKr; B. F. Davis, Atfy. Executrix. jelO-etdeavr -1 1 r