V T 'M ' LAKCAsTER BAlii' iKiJEXLlGEKOER. WEDNESDAY JUNE 30, 1880. VA v v f- t the disowning of wm. c. shenck. The Victim's Companions Diacliargwl Frum Arrest. Yesterday afternoon Edw. Teemer and James Pruitt, who were in company with W. C. Shenck when he fell or was pushed overboard and drowned at Kidgway park en Monday .night, were before Magistrate Smith, Philadelphia. Jehn II. Fex, 1602 Lawrence street, testified that he saw the men pushing one another around near the wharf. He did net sec Teemer push Shenck into the water 1 he magistrate called ether witnesses, but as they did net respond, he called the prisoners. Pruitt said he had nothing te say, except that it was an accident. He heard somebody say "Dec's overboard !" and Teemer went in sifter him. Teemer said he did net knew much about it. He ncard somebody cry out, " Dec's in the water !"' and he saw him fall and jumped in te rescue him. Hew Shenck get m he did net knew. They had all been drinking a little. When asked about pushing Shenck into the water Teemer said he was a lively little fellow, and pos pes bly get into the water himself. Charles Ilicc, cr 802 North Thirty sev enth street, who said he was sitting en the end of the deck, observed Teemer and Shenck skylarking. The latter slipped aiiid fell overboard and Teemer dived after fiim. The witness did net see Teemer push Shenck. The magistrate said he could net sec anything requiring him te held the defend ants, and therefore discharged them. It was a sad affair and an accidental one, he supposed, A paity of printers imme diately surrounded and congratulated their comrades. The discharge does net inter fere with any steps the deputy coroner may take at the inquest. SPECIAL NOTICES. Try Leclier's Renowned Cough Syrup J Hi HOODS. Many ladles misinterpret their sutterings. Try a box of "Sellers' Liver Pills." Sold by oil druggist. Haunted Me. bei't, poverty and suffering haunted me for years, caused by a sick family and large bills for doctoring which did no geed. I was com pletely .discouraged, until one year age, by the advice of my pastor, I procured Hep Bit ters and commenced their use, and In one month we were all well, and none of us have been sick a day since ; and 1 want te say te all peer men, you can keep your tamilles well a year witli Hep Hitters for less than one doc ter's visit will cost. A Workingman. iel5-2wdftw iMrcitE IJloeu, General Debility, Scrofula, Erysipelas Pimples, Carbuncles, Unhealing Serei, and ether diseases demanding a treat ment essentially Tonic, Absorbent, Alterative, Bleed Cleansing, Bleed Making, and Health Restoring, yield readily te that most perfect and elegant et medicinal preparations. Dr. Browning's Tonic and Alterative. Price 50 cents and II. Fer sale by the Proprietor, W. Champien Browning, M. I).. 1117 Arch street, Philadelphia, and all Druggists anil Dealers in Medicines. je-24 Try Lecliei's Renowned Cough Syrup. Statistics prove that twenty-live percent, of the deaths in our larger cities an; caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Leclier's R newned Cough Syrup, sh'ill we condemn the sufferers ter their negl! gence, or pity them ler their ignorance? Ne 9 Kast King street. NOTICE! Frem JULY 3 until furthef notice we will close our store at 7 o'clock p. m. except Saturdays. We trust that our friends and customers will use every effort is assisting us se te de by making their purchases prier te that hour Our employees and ourselves need some little .recieatien during the het summer evenings and the only way "we can get it is by closing a couple of hours earlier than our regular time. We shall during the day up te 7 o'clock in the evening offer great bargains in STJN UMBRELLAS AM PARASOLS, FANS, SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS, SUMMER SILKS, and Bargains in many ether departments EST Please give us a call. r GIVLEK, BO WEES & HUEST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. TILED EDITION WEDNESDAYEVENTNQ, JUNE 30, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, June 30. Fer the Mid dle Atlantic states, partly cloudy weather, occasional rains, winds mostly westerly. stationary or lower temperature, generally higher barometer. CHAKOED WITH POISONING. NEW AD VEltTISESIENTS. ri'OUACCO KAISERS! J. Insure your Creps against less or damage by hall at BAL'SjM AN & RURNS'S Insurance Office, 10 West Orange Street. je8-eedtfR Try Leclier's Renowned Cough Syrup. Murrluge Hells. Last evening, at St. Mary's church, in the presence of a large congregation, Mr. Wm. V. Cenner and Miss Mary Quinn weie united in the holy bends of matri mony by Rev. Father Hickey, pastor. The bride looked charming in a hand some blue silk, and was attended by her sister, Miss Rese Quinn, while ihe groom's brother, Mr. Andrew Cenner, efliciated as " best man." After the ceremony the bridal party were driven te the residence of the bride's parents, where a reception was held and refresh ments serve !. Many handsome gifts were presented te the happy couple, who lefl at 2:10 this meriiiiir en a wedding tour te New Yerk and ether points. They have the well wishes of hosts of friends in their voyage of life. An Old .Man Kestered te Health. RataVIA, N. V., Sept. 15, 1879. II. II. Waknkii & Ce., RecnESTEn, N. Y. Uejt tlemkx " Fer forty years I have suffered with Diabetes, being obliged te void urine as etten as once in thirty minutes, ami have also been a great sufferer from palpitation et the heart. I am new using your Diabetes Cure, and can truly say, at seventy years of age, that it makes me teel liken new man." icl.V-Iwd&W l'ETEIt SlIOWEP.MAJf. "Since taking 'Dr. LiiuNeyS ISloed Search er' that old sere of mine is entirely cured." sold by all druggists. Try Leclier's Renowned Cough Syrup. tirniliinted lit Xetre Dump and I.alayette. Antheny Uuigcr, a resident of this city, has returned from Notre Dame, Indiana, where lie took a successful course anil graduated with the highest houeis with the title of M. S. Mr. Burger is a nephew of Rev. Father Kaul, of St. Antheny's church. Mr. Frank Eshleman Bachman, of Stras burg, this county, was one of the graduates of Lafayette college, Easten, the subject of his thesis being "The Determination of Sulphur in Sulphides and in Ceal." (one Fishing. This morning a committee of the Friend ship association, which is composed of the Friendship fire company, Ne. 2, left tlrscity for Ha t nan's island, in the Sus quehanna. They took with them an entire -camping outfit and they will make all ar rangements for the remaining members of the association, who will leave te-night for the island. They expect te be gene until Saturday night and will spend the time fishing and otherwise enjoying them selves. .Mothers! .Mothers!! .Mothers!!! Are you disturbed at night and broken et your rest by a siek child fullering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? It se. go at enee and get a het tie of MRS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon it ; there is no mistake about it. '1 here is neta mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription et one et til" eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, held everywhere i'i cents a bottle. fjl7-lyd& wM, WAS 850 REWARD. A rewaid of flftv dollars will be imid 1' information that will convict the parties who yesterday poisoned the two dogs " Prince" and "Rye," belonging te the undersigned, H. II. POWER, ltd City Hetel, Lancaster, Pa. 105 GO TO F. HIEMENZ'S, Ne. W5 North Queen Mrwt for the and Rest ROOTS AND SHOES. 103 Sign of the Iliif Shee. 10 ja;-SAWtfd 105 Cheapest Try Leclier's Ucnewncd Cough Syrup. Grape Culture huh Wine. The culture of grapes in New Jersey is get ting te be one of the most important indus tries of the state. The principal varieties raised are the Oporto and Concord. Mr.Speer's vineyards at Passaic premise a larger yield this than any previous year. In consequence Mr. Speer has reduced the price of his Pert Grape Wine. The eldest can new be had at $1 per bottle irein anyet the druggists. It is used ler medicinal purposes as a superior wine, and in churches for conimi'uien purposes. Its properties are net intoxicating se that the weakest person may use it te advantage, and tempurance people cannot object te its use ter medicine. Evening Jiulletin. Tills wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and Davis, and sold by II. E, Slaymaker. jel.ViwdAw POLITICAL. Hreakdewii. The front axle of one of RusscI & Shul mycr's coal wagons broke en Seuth Queen -street near Vine last evening about e o'clock. The wagon had three tens of coal en at the time, and it was transferred te another wagon and the broken wagon taken te the shop for repairs. Guild Luck. Yesterday Jacob L. Perter, Hairy N. Hewell. William Wclchans and Harry II. Heiiscl, of this city, spent the day fishing at Columbia. They caught sixty-four rock lish, besides several bass and a number of catfish. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKKT. FOR SUPltCME JUIXIE. GEORGE A.JEXKS. FOR AUDITOR OENEItAL. ROREUT P. DECUEUT. DKMOCKATIC COUNTY TICKKT. FOR CONORE8S. .!. L. STEIXMETZ. FOR DISTRICT ATTOIIMIV. D. Mcmullen, FOR SENATOR (13th DISTRICT.) .I.R.DOUGLASS. FOR ASSEMBLY' (2d DISTRICT.) S. C. STEVENSON. S. P. SHIRK. FOR ASSEMIILY (3d DISTRICT.; AMOS DILLEK, R. DAVIS YUNDT, JACOR M. HAKNLEN. FOR PRISON INSPECTORS. RARTOX M. WINTER RLN.I. MILLER. FOR FOOR IllllCCtOllS. A. J. SNYDER, JOHN FRAXC1SCUS. SCHOOL. TAX, 1880. The duplicate is In the hands el the Treas urer. 5 per cent, off for premt payment. WM. O. MARSHALL, 'Ireasurer. Ne. 12 Centre Square. Ofllce hours from 9 a. m. te 4 p. m. leRMtdS.W&SR IK A VK VOUK ORDERS FOR SPICEU j Oysters. Live Lebster and Deviled Crabs ter July!. Fresh Cern, Tomatoes, Pine Ap ples, and a full line of Fresh Vegetables every day, at KCKERT'S, JeL0-2tdW&FR 129 East Kin- Street. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. $25,000. DRY GOODS. N OT1C1S. layer's Union will be held this (Wednesday) evening at William Relim's Saleen, West King street, at 8 o'clock sharp. Ry order of ltd G. W. MARION, President. PUIH.IC SALE. OX FRIDAY, JULY 2d. will be sold at public sale, at Xe. 204 Seuth Lime Street, the entire let of Household and Kitchen Furni ture. Sale at 1 o'clock. HEXRYSHUBERT, 2td Auctioneer. NOTICE ! Frem July 1 te September 1, 1880, Sat unlays excepted, at i p. m. our store will be closed B. F. BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET. Il.xGER & BROTHER will offer for sale in the Wuraroeui in rear efthclr store en FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1880, Goods partially damaged by water during the tire en their premises en Saturday last. Carpets, Matting3, Oil Cleths, Wall Papers, Queens ware, Table Linens, Muslins and Sheetings, Woolen Goods and Clothing, &c. All et which will be marked at such a low price as will Insure the sale of the entire let. uoeus in main storeroom were net damaged. Jlu-lncss there will go en as usual. HAGER & BROTHER, NO. 25 WEST KING STREET. The Terrible Crime Alleged Against a Lady et Milwaukee. Chicago, June 30. A Milwaukee dis patch says : "Mrs. Mary Vankirk was ar rested here yesterday, charged with hav ing poisoned her stepmother, Mrs. Mary Leahy, and her half-brother, Patrick Leahy. Beth died very suddenly. The former died en March 30th and the latter about three weeks ase. A few days age Patrick Leahy's hotly was disinterred and his stomach submitted te a chem ist for analysis, the result el" which led te Mrs. Vankirk's arrest. The theory is that she committed the poisoning for the sake of some prep erty which would fall death of the deceased. steed well friends are it" this last in a tone of high dudgeon. " The idea !" echoed Mrs. Fred., and peer Daggett get out of the room as speedily as possible. Just then a Southern gentleman of color named Quarles, who has been United States consul at Malaga, and who had been at work for Sherman appeared, and was welcomed by Grant, who knew mm. nut colonel r'red spied him, and at once cried eut: 'Pep, that man voted against you iu the convention ou every ballet, ' at the same time pointing indig nantly at the peer colored brother, who, however, was equal te the occasion, and replied, with dignity, 'Yeu are mistaken. Colonel Grant, for I was net a memlier of the convention.' " HENDRICKS UN HANCOCK. te her en the Mrs. Vankirk in the community, and her ' terribly incensed at what they declare an outrageous suspicion and unfounded injustice." SaiNKW YORK SEWS. EARLY CLOSING. Believing that by earlier closing during-the warmest -weather we will afford pleasure and recreation te our employees, and that our patrons will suffer no inconvenience therefrem, we announce that from the First Day of July te the First Day of September our store will be closed at 6 o'clock p. m. daily, except Saturdays at 9 o'clock. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 "West King Street. Searching fur the Seawanhaka' Victims. New Yerk, June 30. Up te neon to day no mete bodies have been received at the morgue from the Seawanhaka wreck. Departure or Kiln In Koetli Mr. Tilde Among These Present Edwin Beeth was given a hearty send off te-day en his departure for Europe en the steamer Gallia. The steamer Grand lie public, with friends and members of the dramatic profession, accompanied the Gal lia te the light-ship. Ex-Gov. Tilden was among these en beard the steamship pre vious te her leaving the deck. Run Down ami Drowned. A small beat containing Henry and Charles Links, was run down ami sunk last night en the North river by an un known tug. Charles was drowned, but his brother was saved. THK EPIDEMIC Of DISASTER. LANCASTER. PA. LEUAL NOTICES, SPECIAL NOTICE! AUGUSTUS RHOADS. Jeweler, 20 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA., Will close his store at i; p. in., Saturdays ex cepted, Irem JULY 1 TO SEPTEMBER 1, 1880. INSTATE OF MICHAEL M ALONE, LATE L of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters tes tamentary en said estate having been grunted te the undersigned, all persons indebted there there te are rei nested te make immediate payment, and tlie-e having claims or demands against i the same will present them without delay ler settlement te the undersigned, residing in 1 Lancaster city. COL. EDWARD McGOVERX, : W. L. PEIPER, ; J. M.RURKE, f Gee. M. Kline, Att'y. Executers. nrtl-Ctdeaw J .'STATE OF HUGH CORCORAN, LATE A of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all , ed thereto are requested te make payment, and these having claims against the same will present them without iieiay ier .settlement te the undersigned, re siding in Lancaster. MICHAEL R. CORCORAN. jel-r.tdeaw Administrator. J. W. Swiit, Attorney. MEDICAL. New Yerk AlarKet. Nkw Yerk, June SO. Fleur State and Western without important change: su perfine state 1 00&3 85; extra de a 5 400; choice, de., $4 0Ti4 35: fancy 5 056 00: round hoop Ohie 4 0.- 00 choice de $510H25; superfine western SUM 4 i : common te geed extra de 3 7i4 40 : choice dodo $4 507 00; choice white wheat de 4t)30!5 00; Southern dull and declining: eoni eeni eoni men te fair extra 4 90330; geed te choice 11(1 TJ tJ'(U J.t, liite 1 de Wheat bpring dull, nominal; Winter w 0?w i"w cr """ nieuerateiy active ; Ne n line June ?l is ; Ne. 2, Ued June, $1 17 ; July, $ll3imiliKnle AmiiiMt.MiiiTJ. Anether Explosion In New Yerk City. Nkw Yerk, June ;50. An explosion oc curred about 10:45 this morning in the office of the Dittmar cartridge company. Ne. 24 Park Place. Three employees were slightly injured. The plate glass win dows and also these of Ne. 22 were blown te pieces. The cause of the explosion is net known. Incendiary Fire. JliUDLKTOwx, N. Y., July ae. All in cendiary fire at Liberty, Sullivan county, early this morning.destreyed the dry goods store of Sarles & Purvis, in which was the hardware store of Jehn "Wales and the the posteflice. Sarles & Purvis's less is $18,000; insurance 10,000. The hard ware store is damaged te the extent of $4,000. insurance $3,300. A METEOR EXPLOSION. Cern Cil!h lirmer : nntiiHL slimli. inu.-..,. .... Wrsmlsfndeb" $g&&1",Uirn P.ec; de """re 2IA11KETS. Jehnsen Eckkkt. .1 line 21, isse. at the par sonage et the KiiM Reformed church, by Rev. J. A. Peters, Charles Joluixeu te Miss Ella E. Eckert, all et this city. DEATHS. Cases Continued. The cases arising from the fight which occurred at the City hotel en Saturday evening have been continued uutil Friday afternoon, when they will be heard by .Alderman McConemy. Mrsrri.AU Rheumatism yields te the Ierlul influence of St. Jacob's Oil Allen. On the 2!tth Inst., in Lititz. Catha rine, wife of the late Jehn AUun,aged 7! years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited te attend the funeral, en Thursday afternoon, July l.t, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of her brother, Barnes Rioeni, Ne. ill West James street, Lancaster. ltd WANTED. E Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia, June .10. Fleur dull for fresh ground ; superfine $2 50:: ex traat$3i23 50: Ohie and liiillmm t,i...ii-.. -. .., ESTATE OF MARY CRAMER, LATE OF 5 '$. ' J'""'"' family $4 035 00 : St. Leuis WANTED. EVERYBODY TO ADVER. Use, free et charge, in the Intklliukn ckr, who wants something te de. Strasburir. Lancaster emintv. fleiwiufil. laniiiy T5 .Wfef, 00 ; de old, $ 25i?84 75 : Minnesota The undersigned Auditor, appointed te 1 1 is- Jaa"imy a"500 ' P!ltciu 'xl"1 "'" grades iG 73 mume me snare triven te uatliarlne Cramer. .- TirANTED A SITUATION 11Y A COL. T T ered woman te de general housework. A pill v at Mrs. Seuth Queen. Deens, Strawberry street, near ltd WANTED. A SITUATION BY A WIDOW as housekeeper, either in the city or country. Apply at this eflicc. deceased, duriiur her life, in the est: He of sniil Mary Cramer, deceased, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpese en TUESDAY, the 10th day i f AUGUST, 180, at 10 o'clock a. in., in the Library Roem el the Court Heuse, in the city Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribution may attend. CIIAS. R. KLINE, je28-3tdv3tw Auditor. 1SS0, Mar- 'Minpaifjn poeds of all kinds can be had at Williamson & Festci's at the lowest manu facturer's prices. They close their store from .1 uly ft te Sept. 1 at 7 p. m.. except Saturdays. icl-M,W,tl,twtf Fire Proof Safes. Mr. Ktldie Kranke, our well known towns man, has secured the agency for Merris jfc Ire land's patent flre-proet safes. Since he has taken the agency lie has met with geed suc cess, having placed these sates In several of our leading business houses. These in want of sates will llnd It te their interest te consult him. A Novelty In Lamps. The Carcel Mechanical Lamp Is no novelty, but Is such a desirable as -well as ingenious piece of mechanism that It never becomes old eld old lashlened. There is a revival in the demand ler these lamps, and It lias been responded te .by Ralley, Ranks A Riddle, iu the importation of u large and tastefully finished let. These lamps are very beautiful, some of their pillars being et richly ornamented porcelain, while ethers are of bronze and ether materials. Tliey make fitting ornaments for the library, parlor table or mantle, in homes el taste and re tin e siient, and are especially suited ler wedding -gifts te young persens beginning housekeep ing. The light yielded by these lamps sur passes iu mellowness and in steady freedom Irem llickcring, evry ether light. The cost of the lamps is net great and every one will be found marked iu plain figures. Te examine these lumps as well as the late novelties in de corated porcelains and bronzes, is well worth ji visit te Twelfth and Chestnut streets, Phila--dclphia. Xtd Early Campaign Music. "Ucn. Winfleli! S. Hancock's Cincinnati sJraud March" isthctilleef a stirring musical composition for the piano, by K. Mack, and just Issued from the press of Messrs. Lee & Walker. 1113 Chestnut street.Philadelphia. The title page Is Illustrated with a portrait of Gen. Hancock, and the composition will doubtless achieve considerable popularity. Holiireok. In this city, en June 2, .sarah Rebecca Helbroek, wife el'the late cus l). Helbroek, aged no years. The relatives and friends of the family arc rcspcctlully invited teatlendtheluncml Irem her late evidence. Ne. 41! Kast King street, en Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. WANTED A GOOD COOK AT A FIRST class hotel. Inquire el S. G. Gensemer's liquor store, North Queen street, Lancaster. 3td SALESMAN WANTED IN A DRY GOODS Story. Address "Dry Goods," Lancaster, l'a. ltd NE IV AD t'EJ! TJSEMENTS. GEO. W. BROWN, AOT., UNDERTAKER, Ne. 14C EAST KING STREET. Residence 21 Seuth Prince Street. may22-lmdSAWR ITfANrED. I eral housework, reference required GOOD GIRL FOR quire at Ne. 30 Shlppen street. GEN- In- ittl KAGS! RAGS! RAGS! RAGS WANTED Housekeepers take notice that we ate paying 2 cents a pound for MIXED RAGS. Cash paid as seen as delivered te WM. HENNECKE, apriKJmd Ne. Z'A West King Street. EXCURSIONS. ESTATE OF JACOB STAUFFEH, LA'lti or Lancaster city, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebt ed thereto requested te make immediate pay ment, uud these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay ter settlement te the undersigned. F. II. STAUFFER. DAVID McN. STAUFFER, or te Administrator. A. C. Rei.neeiil, Att'y.1 Je3 Stdeaw INSTATE OF FRANCIS X. SUTER, LATE A of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters tes tamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted there to are requested te make immediate payment, unci these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay ler settlement te the undersigned, residing in Lancaster city, Pa. ROSA SUTER, R. t. Davis, Att'y. Executrix. jelO-Ctdeaw Rve flour at M 25. Cornmeal Rrandy wine unchanged Wheat quiet; Ne. 2 Western Ked 13 ; Pcnn'aReil U5; Amber $1 13. FkV"-!1?101" ; btwer -N"; yellewjlc; mix ed 4i)50c. Gate firmer ter Pritiig:Xe. 1, White3!lc: Ne. 2. de 38c; Ne. 3, de 35fe3(;c; Ne. ?, Mixed 34kf Rye dull; Western and Pa. SigSCc. 1 lovisiens steady ; uitss perk al $12 7."itfB13: 105 LADIES AND GENTS II you want a GOOD FITTING BOOT OR SHOE, 105 Keady-niadc or made te order, call at F. HIEMENZ'S, Ne. 105 North Queen Street. Custom Werk a Specialty. je2JS&Wtfd DAILY EXCURSIONS-! FROM PHILADELPHIA TO CAPE MAY. The famous mammoth three-deck Steamer "INSTATE J late el the City of Lancaster. OF ANNA M. Letters el administration en WE1DLEK, 1oitenol said estate hav ing been granted te the unacrsigned. all per sons indebted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the underslgded, residing in Lancaster City. w . MRS. E. E. PATTERSON, J. . F. Swirr. Administratrix. Attorney. mJiO-f.tdeed i,iii Ajara bicauy; city kettle 77c ; loose hiiiehei.sOe; prime steam $7 057 10. Rutter fairly active : Creamery extra. 21c : de geed te choice 1920c; Rradferd county llllfl Villi? ,.L- nv-. IOrQi,n.. . II. . . .. .V..V4U jeiigivu ; western lie serve extra, lb17c ; de geed te choice 1213c ; Rolls dull; Penn'a extra 1012; Western re serve extra 10 12c. Eggs unsettled and dull; Penn'a 1313Kc; n esiei u 1012c. ehu'-'se.Iul, aml eak; New Yerk factory 8c"W-stern lull cream, 6'7c;de lair te goon ejuc; de hair skims 5&5c. Petroleum steady ; refined 9Jc. Whisky $1 II. yt Seeils Geed te prime Timethy dull at $2 (.)3 00 : Flaxseed nominal at $1 2T):t ler new ; Clever dull at $ 757 .TO. Fall a 'Sheeting Star" In Georgia. Macen, Ga., JuneiiO. At about twelve o'clock last night a meteor as large as a barrel, starting from the zenith, plunged down the northeastern sky and ex pleded near here with a report that reverberated for thirty seconds and shook the eaith even at this point. The meteor was about live seconds in falliii'r. durinir which time the citv was lit up as though by a powerful electric light. Much excite ment prevailed in the negre quarter, the inhabitants rushed into their houses and closed the doers, filling the air with screams and prayers. The time between the disappearance of the phenomenon, and the report was about three minutes. This would make the distance from Macen about forty minutes. PEDESTRIAN1SM Clese of the IN CALIFORNIA. Match Anether Why the Great General Should and Will Ue Elected. Frem Hendricks's Indianapolis Speech. We have presented te us a ticket for our consideration and our support. That ticket was made last week at Cincinnati, and the question is, shall it be elected. Cries of "Yes, yes.'.' Of the result I say te you te-night, 1 have no doubt that General Winfield Scott Hancock and William H. English will be elected. Applause. Why, if I had a doubt before I could have none new, when I see this vast crowd of ladies and gentlemen here te attest their appreciation of the strength and excellence of that ticket. General Hancock is dis tinguished in war as he is in peace. As a warrior he was distinguished in Mexico ; as a commander he was distinguished iu the late war. Xe man stands above him as a military chicftaiu, and when the war was ever, and the administration sent him down te New Orleans in command of Lou isiana and Texas, he attested his qualifica tions as a civil ruler. Thinking men I dare say many of you have thought that the contest for free elec tions was made lirst at the extra session of Congress last year. In thai you are mis taken. The tight for free elections is mere than a century old among English-speaking people, but in the politics of this country it is elder than the extra session. It is found for the first time in Louisiana and Texas, when General Hancock made the contest for free election. Applause. In his order issued in 1807 he declared the military power in Texas and in Louisiana should net all interfere with the elections, and went further and directed that no sol dier should approach the voting place un less te exercise the lawful right te vote himself (applause), and when any Repub lican gentleman asks me why I support Winfield S. Hauceck, Iw being a military man, I say that in the civil government that he maintained in Leuisiaifa and in Texas he did assert these principles which will preserve the liberty of this whole country. My fellow-citizens, this election is a very important one. Here in Indiana we a;-e an October state, as it is called. Wc are te vote first in October, Indiana and Ohie also, and it is ei prime importance that Indiana shall speak boldly, plainly, strong ly in October, se that all the ether states that are te fellow in November may knew hew the freemen stand in this contest. We have get te fight the battle first ; we have get te meet the officers of this administra tion. Under the pretence that it will net allow its officers te interfere in political affairs it does most corruptly I believe mere corruptly than any administration the country has ever known interfere with all its office-holding army. That army is new a hundred thousand strong a hundred thousand partisans un der pay. Already they have been called upon te contribute their $6 apiece ; al ready this order has gene forth te contrib ute this enormous sum of money. When it is known that the presidential election docs turn or is te turn upon the pivotal state Indiana, hew much of that money is te come here te corrupt our free election '. Oh ! I trust te you, men. Yeu have steed up in the spirit of persecution when tliev have prevented our civil and business re lations because of your Democracy. Yeu have steed when soldiers were here te threaten and disturb you, and new. when they send money te influence the election in Indiana, I trust, with the greatest con fidence, that we will maintain a pure elec tion and the supremacy of the Democratic party. Shortly after General Hauceck issued these orders iu the name of popular liberty they turned him out of command, and sup plied his place with cemmaudcistliat would serve their purpose better. They turned him out of the command of Louisiana and Texas because he was the stalwart cham pion of popular rights, and the American people will put him back because he is the champion of popular rights. Applause. NOW AND THEN. Five Days Begun. San Francisce, June :0. The walking match closed at 11 o'clock iast night, Scott winning with ."503 miles te his credit ; Reid, second, with 5500. A new match was at once began, te con tinue live days, the leading pedestrians in the former match te remain en the track and compete with a number of fresh con testants, each of whom is handicapped 100 miles. A SLEEPY JUROR. I a nc 30. 1:00 i'. .m. REPUBLIC Shaving becomes an Indispensable with Cuticura Shaving Seap. luxury When gazing in your lever's eves, Hew seen his sense of rapture dies If there's no sweetness in your breath : It by your falling teeth be shown That SOZODONT te yen's unknown. And that your mouth is suffering death. Jc28-lw-deed&w m Nervous, sleepless and overworked people 3Ind rest and nourishment in Malt Bitters. J. B. lartin & Ce. Lawns, Ginghams, White Goods, SWISS, Leaves Race Street Wharf at a. m., arriving at Cape May about 12 p. m. Returning, leaves Cape May at 3 o'clock p. m., givingample time for bathing or a drive en the beach. A full Rrass Rand and Orchestra Music for dancing. Parler Entertainments varied wceklv. Lunch- cons and Relreshments In abundance. Dln- i ESTATE OF JAMES W. RUEY, LATE j of Lancaster City, deceased. Letters of ad ministration en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without de lay for settlement te the undersigned, or her attorney, J. L. Steinmetz. JULIA RITEY, Administratrix. J. L. Stkikmbtr. Att'v. m27-iitleaw ESTATE OF ANN McCORT. LATE OF Lancaster citv. deceased. Letters testa mentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all nersens indebted te Es nnununnce. inn-, ...i.i .i....... .. ? , . r.v. new and suppers pi eii1ed. Ojstereand Fish ate settlement, nnd tj.mnlmrin.mixini.r.r.in. inanils against the estate et said decedent, te served for supper a tew moments after taken irem tile water. ate settlement, and these having claims or de make known the same te the undersiirned Fare for the Sound Trip $ 1 .00. without delay, residing in Lancaster city. I REV. A. F. KAUL joGtdeaw Executer Stock Markets. Philadelphia. 12:30 p.m. Stocks firm. Pcnna6s (third issue) 10S Philadelphia & Erie eV, Reading $y Pennsylvania 5,-jk Lehigh Valley. w? United Ces. et N. J VAty, Northern Pacific 27" " Preferred v.w Northern Central 32j2 Lehigh Navigation -n-C, Norristown yj (Jentral Transportation Ce. 4!(li Pitts., Titusvllle A Rutfale. uQ Little Schuylkill 44 x , Nkw leitK .lime 30 Stocks weak. Meney 23 N. V. Central 127 - 40 Adams Express 113 Michigan Central 91 M ichigan Southern 107 Illinois Central KfiU Cleveland & Pittsburgh I17K Chicago A Reck Island KXttd Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne. i20 Western Union Tel. Ce !( Teledo ft Wabash :;,& New Jersey Centra' Application for a New Trial en the Creund that one of the Twelve wan Asleep. Terente, Out., June 30. Application for a new trial has been made in the case of Geerge Bennett, alias Dickinsen, sen tenced te death for the murder of Hen. Geerge Brown. The application is sup" ported by affidavits from several parties te the effect that they had observed one of the jurors asleep during trial. DEATH OF A RACER. United Stntes Itends and Sterling Excliitui-. A $15,000 Herse Ilreak a Leg and llaa te be Shet. Ottawa, Ont., June '30. During a horse race at Mulchmerc park, yesterday, Clif ten, owned by Mr. Dawes, of Lachine, and valued at $1,500, fell and broke her leg ; she was subsequently shot. Hanlan Still en the Sick List. Terente, June 30. Hanlan is still suf- lenng from catarrh, and has a low fever, but was somewhat improved last night. at SUNDAYS Will leave Race Street Wharf 1 a. m. P. S. A Bread Gauge Steam R. R. will con vcy passengers te Cape Island iu 8 minutes. Tickets for sale at CHAS. H. BAKU'S, e23-2uid&w CENTRE SQUARE. Full Lines of Goods Very Lew Prices. in all iJcpartmcuts at J. B. MARTIN & CO. Ct RAIN SPECULATION I J In large or small amounts. $23 or $20,000- I Write W. T. SOULE & CO.. Commission Mer- ' chants, 130 La Salle street, Chicago, 111., for cir cularv. m28-iyd ESTATE OF MARYMULVANY, LATE OF the city of Lancaster, deceased. Letters 1 ofadministratienonsaul estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in I debtcd thereto are requested te make immedi ate payment, and these having claims or de I inands against the same will present tbem without delay for settlement te the undersign ed, residing In the city of Lancaster. JNO. A. COYLE. ni5-r,tdeaw Administrator. M AltCUS O. SEUNEK. HOUSE CABPENT.EB. Ne. 120 North Prince street Prompt and particular attention paid te al (.ration and repairs. slS-lyd ESTATE OF LORENZ SCHILLING, LATE of Lancaster city. Pa., deceased. Letters et administration, with the will annexed, en said estate having been granted te the under signed, all person indebted, te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, aud these having claims or demands against the estate or said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, resid ing in Lancaster city. ROSE RAPP, Administratrix, B. F. Davis, Attorney. myS7-tdeaw W. (Quotations by II. K. Jamisen & Ce., S cer. i and Chestnut streets). Philadelphia. June 30. United Stutes C's, 1881, (registered )..104J United States .Vs. 1881, (registered). .105 United States 4's, 1801, (regi3tercd)109810 00 United States 4's,1891,(coupen8).. .109i10 00 United States 4's, 1907. (registered).. 108i United States Currency 6's 123 bid. Sterling Exchange 483J488 DR. WM. Ii. FAHNKSTOCK Having returned from the Seuth, has re sumed liis office practice, and can be found at his residence, Ne. 239 EAST KING STREET. ml8-2nidewS PROPOSALS FOR COAL. Proposals te furnish the Public Schools of this city, ter the ensuing year, with Hard Broken, Egg and Nut Ceal, of best quality .and Lykens Valley Steve Ceal, te be delivered in the cellars et the school houses in July, as di rected by the Committee, will be received bv the undersigned until TUESDAY, JULY 6 1880, at 12 m. JOHN I. HARTMAN. ' Chairman Scheel Property Committee and Supplies. ltd Freddy and Pa. The Washington correspondent of the Bosten IJerald tells this story of the Chi cago convention : " On the day after the convention Mr. Petter Palmer took ex-Sheriff Daggett, of Brooklyn, by the arm, and insisted en his making a call en ex-President Grant, who was in the hotel. Daggett replied that he would rather net de se ; that he had op posed Grant in the convention, and it might be awkward. Palmer said that would make no difference. Se he the Urant New. New Yerk Tribune, June 14, UN). Gen. Garfield has the most spontaneous boom that the enthusiasm of the Republi can party ever set in motion. Then. New Yerk Tribune, Feb. 19, 1879. Let us gather up the ends from all this snarl of testimony and see, if possible, just where we stand. Kead the evidence. With varying degrees of guilt or guilty knowl edge, every man of them, with 0110 exception (Mr. Blaine), lias been obliged te confess that at some time he had held this stock, and at some time under stress of conscience, let us hope, though that is net fully proven get rid of it. New let us go slowly ever the list. James A. Garfield, of Ohie, had ten shares; he never paid a dollar; re ceived $320, which, after the investigation began, he was anxious te have considered as a lean from Oakes Ames te himself. These men betraved the trusts r the people, deceived their constituents aud by their evasions and falsehoods confessed the transactions te be disgraceful. Pass no resolution. Drep it where it is. Re mand the whole business te the people. Times, Feb., 19, 1873. Of the members referred te Messrs. Kel ley and Garfield present a most distressing figure. Their participation iu the Credit Mebilier affair is complicated by the most unfortunate contradictious of testimony which the committee de net undertake te unravel. The only possible comment 011 their cases is that they had taken a per fectly upright coarse in the matter, and refused te h'ave anything te de with the stock, no occasion for contradiction could have arisen. A4V v 1 m un - ? mc-ui, mm uic uram oarier ami nm reintroduced te Grant,haviug met him be- I says he will be able te bring together a Tbe Rival Klflamea Banqueted. The American and Irish rifle teams at tended a private banquet given in their honor by the lord lieutenant of Ireland at Dublin last night. Ne toasts were given except the health of the queen. Colonel Bedine does net intend te dis band his team until the termination of the meeting of the Irish rifle association and of the festivities te which the Americans have been invited, as a team. There is still some reticence, therefeie, concerning the composition of the Wimbledon teanC but Frank Hyde states that the meat of the members are favorably disposed, and lie has no doubt about the match. He fore. After a pleasant conversation he was introduced te Jlrs. Fred. Grant as a dele gate from New Yerk. Mistaking her man, Mrs. Fred, at once launched out into glo rifying the New Yerk Grant men. She said they (the family) could never be suf ficiently grateful te the men who had steed by the general se faithful. Daggett, se seen as he could politely interrupt, said : " But, Mrs. Grant, I was net one of these delegates and voted against him." The recoil was painful. Mrs. Grant, senior, who was standing near, overheard Dag gett's remarks, and in a severe tone cried out : " Well, I don't see hew any man from New Yerk could ever have voted against the general; I cannot understand very strong team. CITY TAXEb. The duplicate et city taxes Is new In M10 hands of the Treasurer. Five per cent, abate ment will be allowed en all taxes paid en or be - lore .juiv 1, 1880. E. WELCHANS. Je4-tdM,F&slt Treasurer. L UMUE.lt AND COAL 1HC TELEPHONE The undersigned are new nrenared te re. ceive orders for Ceal, Lumber, Sash, Deers, Blinds, &c., by Telephone. Step In at the Exchange anil de your own ordering free or charge. G.SKNKK ASONS. S. E Cor. Prlnc and Walsut Street-'. J19-tfdS