sss V . "' -Vi- " ,' '"- Jfntellig je mtf agte ' v I r- Volnme XVINe. 258. LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1880 Price Twe Ccut. '- - K eh 4- CLOTJIIXO. Spring Opening AT 24 CENTRE SQUARE. H'e have fei sale for the coming seasons un Immense Stock of Seaiy-Maie CleiDg, of our own maiiiilacturc, which cempiiscs the Latest and Most STYHSHDESIGIS. Come and Bee our NEW GOODS FOIl MERCHANT TAILORING, which is larger and composed et the best stjles te he leuiid in the city. H. fi. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. MC-Ud LANCASTER. PA H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, MONDAY, APRIL 5. IIaiug i ii 1 ictuiiicd liem the X-w Yeik Weel i n Maikct, I am new picp.ucii te exhibit eiii'iil the Rest Selected ""loeLsel WOOLENS POll TUB imi at Summer H, Eci hi ought te this city. Nene but the veiy licsleS ENGLISH, FRENCH AMD AMERICAN FABRICS, in all the Leading lcs. Piiees as low a- the low cl,. md all goods warranted as lcprescnt--d,at H. GERHART'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. J. K. SMALING' THE ARTIST TAILOR. Opening te-d.iy of a large and select line et English levelties Fen SUMMER WEAR. Trepicals, Serges and Rep Worsteds, RAXNOCKltURN CELTIC CHEVIOT'S. GAMBROOX PARAMATA .VXD BATISTE CLOTHS. sEEIC-CCKEIlS VAl,i:XCIAS, PAROLE AMI MOHAIR COATINGS. Linens ii. Vaucty. WilteidN Padded Ducks in l'l.iin and Fancy Styles. A Laigc Asseitmcnt of Fancy All the latest no cities of the season. The public uie ceidi.illv invited te examine our stock, which we claim te be the handsomest and most lcchcichc cer etlcicd lei the het weather. T. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH OUEEN STREET. FUUNITUHE. WSM OF ALL KINDS AT SHORT NOTICE. My ui rrngements arc new completed te de Rcg'ildiug in nrst-clas manner and at icason icasen ablc pi lees. THE NEW PICTURE FRAME STORE, 15 Kast King Street. WALTER A. HEINITSH. . TTORNEY8-A T-ZA ir lli:XKV A. IUL.KY Attorney and Connseller-at-Law' 21 Park Rew. New Yerk. Collections made in all parte of the United Stites, and a general legal business transacted. It-fpi-s by permission te Steinrann A Hensel. 1'RY LOCHER'S KlsNunNED COUGH . SYRUP PM FEME vesting; imr goods. WHO IS We de net want you te get the impression that great reduc tions are being made in the prices of goods elsewhere and net here. We are, as usual, below the market, and intend te stay there. The following list embraces enough of our stock te give some clue te the rest of them. We quote articles new in great favor as low-priced goods ; but in general they are net reduced. We have been there all the time. JOHN WANAMAKER. SILKS. SCMMKlt SILKs. Stupes, modest, medium and bold. $0 V J.tsiie checks and stimes uuecks en solid gieunil !i. (Jienestiipcs, shaded ." 'Millc Uae." extra quality 75 Best impmtcd, 2U inches, vaiiety 1 00 BLACK SILKS. (5res grain pcr-an and tanVtas $0 Fine or he.ny ceid gies giain anl peisan. M six makes, teieign and American, jet or l.iven black, hearvaud light 100 Cacliemiie llui-li. 21 inches, Helten, Alex andre and American 1 ii C.iehemiie linisli, 'stipci" quality, 21 Infill, leieign 1 50 Kid linisli, Uigli liistic,ciclieinite,2l inches 1 7" Bennet,'.!! inches 2 00 colored silks. Geed quality, all colors $0 " l.jeiis, extra lustie, lie.ixy coin. 2U inenes. l no Rest, tei walking -lilts, 22 iuclies 1 25 Kich and linisli, 11 inches 1-OULARDS. Showy litllli.iut and uch 1 M .$0 50 BROCADES. ltl.tek, )elka dots, etc Coleied Coleied, new designs Xeelties je no l oe 1 25 1 50 (IAUE AND GRENAD1XE STRIPES. A huge iu intity just bought te clear an im im peitei's stock, lecently held by us at $2.50, w e aie newsellrngat $1 00 SILKS aie in nexleuter cncle east lieni the Chestnut stiect entrance. BLACK GOODS. GltKXA DINKS. Mexican, silk ami wool 50, 0"), 75,85 Silk and wool stuped... 75, $1, $1 25, $1 50, $1 75 Ljens il.iinasscs (5. 75, 85, $1 00 Pans, silk and wool $1, $1 25, $1 50 Lvens, all -ilk dum.Lsses $1 a7,$l 50, $1 75, .!, il 40, $.!. PLAIN BUXT1XGS Ainei iean, , $0 20, .25 Ml ..57. A met lean, li-i, $0 50, ,t5 .75. Fiencli, 2t inches, $0 Jl ..i7. Fieneli, :; iuclies, $0 44 .5) Miy .75 Fi ench, 4li inches, $0 8.1, $1, $1 fe. LACK HUNTINGS. We Iiaic nearly everything te be found in the m uketset the weild. 21 inches, $0 :r,y, .50 .00. 41 inches, $1,$1 25. Lupin's Pans, original color, and we bcliee almost the last in Philadelphia: 24 iuclies $0 5" inches 1 10 XUX'sj VKILIXG (lerdiesses). 1 ! inches 75, $1 00 I.-4 $150, fl 7. HLACK GOODS are in the next eutei cuelc west lieui the Chestnut stiect entrance. But one thing -we ought te remind you ef: We may appear te be at a disadvantage "when we are net, because of certain tactics sometimes employed, which we de net care te use, viz., the pretending te make re ductions when none are made. "We use reductions te clear stocks. That is perfectly honorable, and it is necessary in a large business. The losses thereby incurred, though sometimes considerable, are trifling in compari son with the benefit te remaining stocks. New then, anyone who will take measures te find out where the lowest prices are, compare sample with sample, price with price, will find we are net a whit behind ANYBOD'X', net even in a single item, se far as we knew ; and that we are below EVERYBODY en almost everything. Samples sent when written for. JOHN WANAMAKER. I'licsiiuit, Tliirteeutii, Market and Juniper, jc-7-eOiltI GREAT CLEARING SALE OF STJMMEE DEESS GOODS AT TIIK NEW YORK STORE. All the New Shades in Twilled Caslimeie3l2ca j-.ud; regular pi ice 15c. All Weel Heiges 45c u .ud. All Weel Mount' Cleths 25c a yaid ; sold everywhere at 7LjC Special Ha i gains in BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILKS, BLACK CASHMERES. Watt, Shand & Company, S AND 10 EAST KING STREET. WATCHES, EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, DEALER IN AMERICAN & FOREIGN WATCHES, Sterling Silver and Silver-Plsited Ware, Clods, Jewelry mil Mel Mi Spectacles. We offer our patrons the benefit of our long experience in business, by which we are able t aitl them in making the best use el their money in any department of our business. We manufactuie a large part of the goods we sell, and buy only lrem First-Class Houses. Every article sold accompanied with a bill stating its quality. ftBFirst-Class Watch and General Repairing given special attention. ZAHM'S CORNER. UNDER ? DRESS GOODS. COTTON. Secrsuckeis, blue, blown and j stiincs. best iiatterns ray ...40 12i Seei-siickers, l.incy coleied stripes .., Secrsuckeis. "Yeik, 4ull assei tment et stripes aim coieis Zephyr Ginghams, choice, net te be leuiid elsewheieut anv price Zephyr Ginghams, plaid anil stupes Zephyr Ginghams, bandana Diess Ginghams llaudkeicliief Ginghams and plain col ors te match Diess Cheviots Tamise cloth, ecru, cashmere border..... Chintz, polkadet, indigo, ter suits IS 12 20 IS 11 12 12 ll lyocnece uumiiiics, cneice 10 Pacillc Cietennes. great variety. ..$0 10, 12, 15 Jacenet Lawns, Fiere Keiehlin 20 Pacific Law ns, great vaiicty $0 10, 12. 15 ('aiubncstiiiied 1 iwns OS Jacenet law ns. last eoleis 05 Lace law lis, white, tinted and solid col cel col oied gieunds Viy, Momiecleths, punted : 1J2 COTTOX AXD WOOL. Lace Huntings, all colors and black Debeigcs, twilled Mehairs, plain Mehairs, twilled Mehairs, sil k-checked Mehaiis, Mlk-stiipcd Mehairs, plaid Mehairs, English Mehairs, English, clouded Mohair lustres Cashincics, coachmen's colors Suitings, English, lancy .$0 25 . 10 . 25 J . 25 . 25 . 11 . IS - V2A . 15 . 20 ALL WOOL. La:e Huntings, colors and black. .'!73-., 50, Plain buntings of a new style, distinct lieni the old and decidedly better than any ether, all coieis. 24 inches. ............25 ill inches, (lo'u'bietelilV.. ... .40,'5("),' GO. Debe'ges, Fieneh, eashmcie-twillcd, 22 inches Debciges, Flench, tall eta: 22 inches ."12 inches, double ield 42 inches, double fold 45, Cashmeres, French : :!2 inches '.in inches Sheda cloth, Ficnch, 40 inches Meuue cloth. Fiench $1 Crape cloth, French 1 CO te .17J 50 75 00 00 LINENS. SIX SPECIMEX PRICKS. These aie fair samples et the b.ugaliiswe have been gi ing for weeks in Linens : Huck Tewel, laigeand hea v $0 25 I nek Tewel, Gei man, knotted fiingc. 25 Glass Toweling, peryaid liy. Get man bleached Table Linen 75 German Napkins, Jiper deen 2 25 Star Linen, 20 inches, per j.ud iy Philadelphia. MW&F JEMJSLRY, te. Lancaster, Pa., LANCASTER, PA. ILamastrr -ntelligenrrr. WEDNESDAY EVEN'G, JUNE 30, 1880. OUR GERMAN LETTER. FROM A COKRKSFUXDEXT TRAVELING IN THURINGIA. An Old row ii Jena and Its Famous Uni- erhit) A Community That lias l!e- come Sunk In the "Miserable Mire of Rationalism " Sights and Sounds of Curious In. terest. 'THE WHITE LADY." The Spectre That Haunts Hie ilulienzellern Dj nasty Historical luedeuM of Orla- niiiiule Rudeltadt and its Lutheran Legend. Letters Frem Tliurlngia. Coriespemluticu et the ITtLLtGEXCEit. JnxA, June, 1830. Thib old-fashioned town of 9,000 inhabi tants is situated at the confluence of the Saale and Leutra, chiefly celebrated for its univeiMty which was founded by Jehn Fieduiick the Gcuuieus. It attained its greatest repute in the latter pait of the last and the begining of the piesent cen tury. The town itself is net picturesque as many of the old Saxen towns are. In deed it may be called unattiactive and weie it net for its histeiical associations and pictuie.squesuneundiugs, a visit te this the old capital of Saxc-Jen.i would net be. included in a tour tlueugh Thuringia. The university buildings aie very plain and un un picteutieus, and in size de net cempaie with many of our normal schools. Gam bling through the cioekcd gasses (nanew sheets), one sees en all sides the n.unes of distinguished and undistinguished men ; some whose names are world-wide as te celebiity, whilst ethers have lived and died great alone in Jena and their own ratiei. il- istie conceits. The names of all aie af fixed te shields or tablets, and ate placed above the doei.s, or between the windows of the houses in which the celebrities lived Often one house is blessed with as many as twelve or fifteen such shields, se patched is its face. Tiue this gives the town an in dividual appearance, in which it resembles Halle. The names of Xevalis and Eichhein aie seen near the univeisity, whilst tablets te the memory of Arndt, Fichte, Schiller, aie in the most legimental way affixed te houses in the Leutia Gasse. :t etoeked stieet near the river. The Schloss and Jener Gasse also claim the latter ; as Jena is se small, one wonders that the tow n would net be content te knew Schiller had se long dwelt in it, aspiofesser in the univeisity. The Schloss in which Goethe dwelt for a time, and in which he composed " Ileiman and Doiethca," is new occupied by the military, a pait being devoted te the univeisity collections. One entering its uijly peital and walking through its court yaid leeks up at the window expecting te see Goethe. The house in which he gen erally dwelt is situated near the castle. Beyond is the Stadt-Church, pointed Gothic in style, but much dtsiiguicd by a mansaid reef. Its side portal is very in teiesting, forming a projecting story, the stone arches of which aie of wonderful in genuity. Hcic and there en the side walls a Madenna, or the lcmnant of a statue ai e .seen. Near the tower deer is a stone crucifixion sculpture, the legs of the S.i ieur being bieken off at the knees. It seemed se monstrously wicked te leave it thus. Within, the church has a fiee, open air, and evidently rcpicscnts as te several features, the change which ultra Luthcran ism is undei going in this one of its great est strongholds iu the rationalistic period. On the altar is a metal cress, without the figure of the Crucified ; this is the only ex ample of such a change I have seen in my travels in Thuringia. The crucifix is seen en every altar in every church, whether in village, town, or city. In the choir of the church is a mural sculpture of Luther, which was eiiginally intended for his tomb in the Wittcnburg Schloss church, but which was placed lere in 1572. Under the church is a crypt containing the saicephagi of several of the ducal family. Near the church, iu a nairew, cioeked stiect, is a very curiously constructed house, which is made te exclaim many things in the Latin tongue. Between the fiist and second story is the inscription in large letters, "Gleria in Excelsis Dee," whilst several ethors refer te the study of geology as related te revelation. In this latter pai ticular there has been a marked retrogression in the rationalistic cxticmes into which the univeisity fell in the last century. The market-place contains a statue of the founder of the university, Fiedcrick the Generous, who partly im poverished himself te establish it. The houses of Jena are ugly and unattiactive, in which it resembles its sister city, "Wit tenburg. Iu the southern part of the town is the spot en which Schiller composed his "Wallenstcin" in 1798, marked by a monu ment te his memory. The surroundings of Jena are picturesque te a singular degree. The hills become little rugged mountains which here and there are capped with tow ers. The Louisenhehe and Kuritzburg arc fine points of view, whilst the Lichtcn stcin is a favorite resort of the students ; but none of these equal the Dernburg, 1 miles distant. The washings which the waters of time have effected in this Saale valley present te the eye the peculiar stratification of the rocks, which is both interesting and marked. At the bottom of the valley, by the banks of the Saale, encsecs sand, then gypsum above which is red clay, aud en the peaks of the hills, limestone. This latter is very brittle and is very rapidly disintegrating, exposing te view great quantities of the petrified re mains of fishes, snakes often running like a stony matted mass. One cannot but feel that there is a singular relation be tween the rugged character of nature around Jena and the tide of rationalistic philosophy and theology, which has rolled ever it and, spreading thence, has scat tered the seeds throughout all Thuringia. The meie noted professors are Lipsius in theology aud Hasa in church history. These aie net considered se extreme as the ethers and new seem te manifest a better tendency. The former is consider ed tee logical a thinker te be a bald ration alist, whilst the latter is tee aesthetic re ligiously te be carried along in its vertex. The name Lipsius has been identified with Jena and the university for many centu ries en one house I read : "Lipsius, 1572 te 1574. The present number of students is live te six hundred. "Walking through the stiects one sees them in groups some aie disfigured with horrible countenances, the lesult of sabie duels. Near the old Rath-IIaus is the Univeisity jail, in which refracteiy students were aforetime held until the autheiities saw fit te release them. The old walls of the town, of which two only lcmain, arc the most picturesque objects in Jena. Here and there a bush was blooming, giving the old towers a fiesher tone. In fient of the university is a narrow park, in which are busts of Fries, Oken and ether distin guished members and students of the uni versity. One hoped as he walked for the List time aieund the latter that the miser able mire into which latienalism has brought it and Thuringia will be suc ceeded by a full tide of evangelic life and scriptural study. Orlamunde and Rudolstadt Following the Chaunee which leads fiem Jena te Rudolstadt, one passes tlueugh the old Altcnburgish town of Ivahla, ever which rises the Leuchtenburg, a castle erected as a protection against the Wenden-Serbs. Nevel scenes arc seen and strange sounds are heaid as one approaches Orlamunde. A long pioeessien of frauen in stiaggling companies are passed. On their backs aie the great cerbins (baskets) which held a geed bushel. At first one thought that the sounds weie but the sup pressed ejaculations of the frauen. Again a second company passes, fiem the oeibins of which project! sounds tlidt aie unmistakably the dcli- catissime of the piglein. My euiiesity being aroused as te the expediency of such kind treatment te the siiuc held, I ven tured te ask what it meant. An answer was given that they weie returning from the year maikt at Oilanunde, and were beating home piglcins te fatten for the winter supply of sausage and pudding. Se stiangedid it seem that the pigs were caiiictl iu baskets en the backs of the women. Nestled in their soft bed of straw, they were receiving their last attention and their last l ide. Again and again pass the women w ith their stock of pigs, the latter squeaking, the feimcr chatting. New and then we passed a man with a hog which would have proved unmanagable in the ceibin of the fiauen. Te the hind feet of this was tied a lope, which bridled the hog. The latter w euld fellow a zigzag course, and I trust reached its new home before evening. Seme of the richer farmers had wagons in which family and animals were domiciled comfeitably. Cows with their owners are new seen in great numbers the one is thinking of the fine spring grass, the ether of the profit which willaiise therefrem se both aie contented. Seeing these stiange sights one realized the tiuth of the old story of the misery which would befall a peasant family when its cow, horse or pig dies. The first two are a great wealth, while the latter is absolutely nec essary te the family's maintaiuancc. Thus at length Orlamunde is reached and the maikct-placc in which these wonderful sales and purchases have been made is seen. Its glory is en the wane as the peasants have returned te their Derf-homes A visit te the church and castle therefore claimed my time in Orlamunde. Here in the middle of the 15th century lived the counts of Oilamuiide. One of this family, the noted "White Lady," also residing here. This is the noted spectre which haunts the Hohcnzellcrn dynasty, and which is said te visit te royal palace in Bcilin before the death of one of its mem beis. This spectre has a leal history when living, whether actual or net when dead. Being very anxious te become the wife et a Maigraf of Baireuth, she murdered both of her children. Later in her life when she had repented of se great a sin. she founded a Cleister in Orla munde, as her penance. In the Pfarrci (parsonage) in which I enjoyed a lunch from the Frau Pasterin, has this countess of Oilamunde acted her ieIc, it having formed pait of the old cloister. Nothing remains of the old castle but a square tower, the view fiem which of the Saale valley is very expensive. Orlamunde has still another historical incident, which is connected with Luther and Cailstadt. Here lived for a time Cailstadt, the early enemy of Luther, as pastor. Luther hav ing been successful in repressing the iconoclasm at Wittcnburg, came en a similar mission te Oilamunde. ' Here the people under the guidance of Carlstadt had banished from their churches the statues and pictures which its formerly Reman Catholic worshipers had collected and considered nccessaiy. Very positive were the Orlamun ders in their aversion te the eutwaid in weiship. This therefore neces sitated a very cold reception te Luther, who was driven from the town by the frauen, who, with a shower of stones, showed their appreciation of his services. Se exasperated was Luther that he utter ed an exclamation and made an impreca tion upon their religie-warlike Damen. This much is true, but in the Velks tradi tion this fellows : The women of Orla munde have large geitres in their threats, which is ascribed te the imprecation that Luther made, viz : " the stone which they in malice threw at him would return again te them and ledge in their threats, thus ever recalling their fanaticism." Be that as it may, the Orlamnnders are staunch Lutherans at the present time, and are net se averse te pictures as formerly, as the portraits of some suprintendents and pastors are te be seen en the walls of their church. Mere probable it is that the heavy leads which the frauen must bear fiem the Saale te the height en which Or lamunde is situated has brought about these geitres, as the waters requisite for home use must be brought fiem the val ley below. The geitres are almost animal in appearance and size, se hideously large are some of their necks. Orlamun de is a place or contrasts. Nothing of its cloistral life new remains. The walls of the Pfarrei tell of its frauen clesiter, whilst a wall with uuseited columns at the ether end of the town speak of the monks who aforetime had a convent here. Such is Orlamunde, the pastor of which was Carl stadt, aud the inhabitants of which were the enemies of Luther. Situated picturesquely in one of the mere beautiful Thuiingianvallevsis Rudolstadt, the capital of Scliwaitzbtug-Rudelstadt, the residence of its pi ince. The counts of Schwaitzburg were among the fiist te em brace the Reformation, Luther having attended one of its members when en his death bed. A very cuiieus association cennccts.the name of Luther with Rudol stadt. At an eailier day than that referred te w hen he steed by the death bed of one of its old counts, Luther came te Rudolstadt. After having left unfiiendly Orlamunde he probably visited it en his Refoimatien vis itations. It happened te be the day of the Year Markt when he drew near its gates. A copious shower of rain had drenched him, se that when the uutiiendly Rudol Rudel stadtcrs it fused te admit him te their city, injury was added te insult. As a maledic tion (in the velks tradition) he said that he hoped in the future at each annual mar ket the lains would descend. Such has been the history that the Year Markt is usually blessed with a rain. The Refor mation was fully embraced iu 1535, when the aversion of the inhabitants w as chang ed te f iciulship. This whole region was no doubt visited by Luther, who at the special request of the electeis visited, the different p.uts of their dominions. Gleugu Muklk Zachaicias. ij:x oeov.s. BLACK SILKS Fer Tiimmingantl Diess, tiU cents anil up, at PAHNESTOOK'S, Xext Doer te the C'euit Heuse. COLORED SILKS, (0 Cent-, at FAHNESTOCK'S. SIDIMEll DKESS GOODS Oteciy description, at FAHNESTOCK'S. Quantities of LADi::' SKIKTb, White and Coleied, ."(Oec'iit.s and up, at EAOESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. NOVELTIES SILKS DRESS GOODS! We have new open our Importations of New Silk fiem Lens, including Brocaded Satin Dc Lyens, Solid Celer Satin De Lyens, Black Satin Be Lyens, Luisine in New Colorings and Styles, 1UCU BROCADES, In Colens te match thi Xew Hress Goods In Dress Goods, a Great Variety of New Textures, such as SIIOODA CLOTHS, IN THE XEW SHAOES. Beautiful Silk and Weel Fancies te Match Plain Cleths, Plain Canten Crapes in all Celers, and a number of Xew Things Impossible te specify ONE FACT w e wish te emphasize. Se tar, the advance en our goods amounts te nothing, and a strict in spection of our stock will nheiv that at all times we are as low in prices as any. mid eltcn lower. A cIem; examination of our goods Is ceidially invited. Hemer, CellaAay & Ce., 1412 and 1414 Chestnut Street, aprlG-M,W&F l'HlLADELl'IUA. FIXAXCIAL. TAMES 11KOWX, DEALER IX STOCKS and Bends, 64 and CO Broadway, Xew Yerk. Operations en margin antl by means of privi leges. Information furnished en all matters connected with stock speculation ami invest ment. mle-lydTr.ThAS XEMOrAXsT ' DIt. S. 11. FOKEMAN, (PHYSICIAX AND SURGEON), Removed lrem Ne. 18 Seuth Prince street te Ne. 211 West Kinst street, Lancaster, Pa. fm2t-3uid MElttVAL. CUTICURA Miracles of Healing Unparalleled iu Medical History. "t have been alllicted for twenty ears with an obstinate skin dicat ealh it by miii.c M. I. pM)rin-is and ethers, Icpro-v.eoniiueiiclng en my. scalp. ami iu spite of all I could de, with the help et the most skilful doctors, it slowly but surely extended, until u jear age tins winter it levcicd my entire pcrseiv in form of dry scale-. Fur the last three iur I h ive been unable todeam labor, and fuller ing intensely all the time. hciy meiniiig there could be nearly u dustpaiitul of scales taken lrem the hcet of my lied, some et them halt as large as the envelepi containing this letter. In the latter pait et winter iiiyvkin commenced crackiugepcu. I ti ied e t r tiling, almost, that could be thought el, without anv iclief. 'J he lJtli et .Mine 1 stinted West i'u hopes I could leach the Het prings. I reached Detroit ami was e low I thought I should have te go te the he-pital, but liimlh get as tar as Landing, Mich., w here 1 had a sfsicr liv ing. One Dr. tnatetl meabeut two weeks, but did me no geed. All thought 1 had but a short time lle. I earnestly pnijetl te tile. Cracked tlueugh the skin ail eer my hack, acre-smy ribs, aims, hands, limbs, feet badly swollen, tee nails came eH,tlngerii.iilsili'iiilund hard its hone, hair dea !. dry and lilele-s asel straw. O, mv Hed ! hew I did stiller. 'My si,ter. Mi. K. II. DavK 'had a small pirtotahex et Culieui-a in the house. Mic wouldn't give up; said, V'ewill try Cuticuni.' eme was applied en one hand ami arm. Eureka! there was lelict; stepcdthc U rrilile binning enatien tieui I lie went go. '1 hey immediately fet the Citicuha Kkeia est. i i' tici'icauiiiI Cuii'intA .seir.'l commenced bj taking one luolcspeoulul el i:cselcni luree times a day, alter meals: hail a bath eucv a day, water about bleed licit: used Cuticura .soap treely; applied Cuticma morning anil eening. Uesult. relumed te my home iu jiisl si weeks tieui lime 1 It It, ami my skin as smooth as this sheet of paper. "IlIU.vM E. CARPENTER, " Ilenilervtn, Jrjjeritm County, .V. 1". ".sweni te lieteiemc this uiiu ttcuth day of Jauuai, lfvsu. -'A. M. I.hhm.wlu, Justice uj the Pence. We hcieby ceililj that we uie acitu.iii'ted with the afeicsaid llir.ini E. Caipeutcr ami knew his condition ie li.ive been as slated. We believe his stateinen te be tiue in eeiy par ticular. I.. II. Simmons A, s.en.Merch'ts,llciidci son,. .Y. (. A. Thompson, Meichaut, A.A.Davis, Millaid E. Joiner, Jehn Carpenter, ' A. M. l.eliingwell. Attorney .mil, Cinctm RKMKi)iisaie prep lie I by IVIIIIKs A. POTTER, Chemists and Dinggists.rjai Wash Wash liigten slrt 1 1, Hosten, ami aie ler s.ile li nil Diuggists. Price et CtruuiiA, a Medical Ji M. small boxes, .10 cents; l.uge hecs. -fl. d n cuuv Ri-j-ela k.nt, a X: llloed t'liiilici. $1 per bottle. Clticuua Mi mcinal Teii.kt mmp, i' cents. Cirncnitv Mlihiinal miammi mai l" cents: in baib ler llaibcisand l.uget iisteiuci, fit) cents. MALT BITTERS, MALT BITTERS, MALT BITTERS, MALT BITTERS. A Foel and a Modicum. The Purest, Safest and Most Powerful IC--steratlve In Medicine ter I'eelile and Exhausted Constitutions, .cru mid (jcneral Debility, Con sumption and Wast ing Diseases. iu.i! ImdW.Vhiw HALL I'AVEUS. Ac. Wi: MAKE AM. K11S Ol' WIRE SCREENS FOB WINDOWS, and put them up iu such a m inner th it you net ( net iemee w hen ou wish te cle-c the window. A decidi d ailantigi' ever the old way, and aSciccn will we.irlengt rami is much mere easily h inilled. Wire Screen Deers made el ceiy tlcsciiptlen. Hum-. i nick stecic of Plain and" Landscape Wirt". Mild by the feet iu any ijii.iiituy. Seme Odd Lets el WALL PAPER at gains te closc"eut. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. rttvxMtmts .i.vy biavmxists. r AXCAVTEK J BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, OrrOBlTKIHB I.O'OMOTIVK WellKf. The subscriber continues te miinul utiiie BOILERS AND 3TK.VM ENGINES. Fer Tanning ami ether purxss Fill nace Twicis, Ilellews Pipes, Sheet-lien Werk, and Rlacksmit hi ug generally. Jobbing promptly attended te. auglS-lyd flOil.V P.EST. J-'IJZJJHOJIKS. !! HEADQUARTERS FOR FIREWORKS, FLAGS AND CHINESE LANTERNS. Campaign Torches for Pantiles, hurniii" :: hours. iiemen's Teiches, colon ti tire. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Orders rccelvetl for all Sizes Bunting Flags. D.S.BUESK'S, Se. 17 EAST K1XV bTKEET. TlSWAJiX, AC' Tj'IFTEEN DOM.AKS BUYS A FIRST-CLASS REFRIGERATOR, With Enameled Water Tank, at SUERTZER, HUMPH R EVIL LEA . KIEFFEK. Ne. 40 East Kin Street. LanemMter. P- JA . . s sfcSr?"- . ''.-r: