lLa :rz? "- - - -. --i- . -V- " ' " 1 -tj'&t'jj'- -" $ 'X. --' '-V. '- . -A - .V- ;.vi4'.. . ,.;.v;vt LANOaSTM BAlti lOTMtlGMOEit. ?tttt!Sl)At JUNE 29 1880 - ILancastet Intelligencer. TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 29, 1880. MEDICAL. Small Fruits. Gcrmantewn Telegraph. With the exception of one or two straw berries and grapes, there is quite a diver sity of opinion as te the varieties generally te cultivate with growers coming from different sections of country, though net distautly separated. They will argue with great earnestness and confidence for their specialties, and with the facts upon their side se far as this or that variety concerns their particular neiguoernoou ; aim mcj are convinced te the contrary only after becoming familiar with the worthlessness or these selfsame varieties at ether ieints where the soil and atmospheric influences are different. Even here in Germantown while in some gardens one strawberry or grape or rasplwrry will give the highest satisfaction, in another, but a few hundred yards off, it is next te a failure. It was particularly se with the Delaware grape, which is the best grape, when it can be grown, ever raised in the open air. Frem its first introduction we condemned it en account of its small sine, its tardiness of growth, its meagre crops and en this account for the extortionate price demand ed for it. We were among its first produc ers, and after waiting for years te get some fruit, we found the berries no larger thnn a big pea, also that it was a sparse bearer and rather smaller than upon ether prem ises. Taking our cue from this experience, we disapproved of the variety, and had a whole fortress or het-shot poured in upon us from the West, where the vine did much better and where the sales went en steadily. J!ut where is it new? What has eastern Pcnsylvauia te show for its fifty thousand dollars spent upon it? And hew stands the Concord grape, which en its introduction was se roundly con demned bv the Delaware champions? Why, it is the grape of the million, as we said from the beginning that it would be, and wc think that it will continue te be se for another generation te come. .. Cultivation 01" Tobacco iu Cuba. The tobacco is planted from the seed. The soil being pulverized and enriched with manure, the seed is sewn broadcast, ami the plant having grown te a height of eight inches, it is set out in rows about two feet apai t, when it has much the ap pearance of corn planted iu this country. In Cuba great care has te be exer cised in guarding the seedlings fiem the tobacco worm. This is the only in sect enemy the plant has, for it is se astringent and bitter that nothing else will touch it, but se destructive is the worm that if net looked after closely it will in a single night destroy an entire plantation. As the worm conceals itself during the day it is customary for the planters' hauifs te go forth by night with lanterns te destroy the pest. The tobacco having grown until the leaves are fully developed, the first cut ting of the leaves takes place ; these first, cut leaves are the largest and finest.' The plant is afterwards al lowed te grew until there is a second sup ply or smaller leaves, which are also cut. The leaves as they are cut are carried te the tobacco houses en the plantations, where they are exposed te dry by the action of the air, which process occupies about six weeks. They are then piled iu layers, each layer being sprinkled with a liquid called ' betun," which is a Mining lye made by soaking tobacco sialics in water. The heap of tobacco, or "pilen, " jis it is called, is cevcied with banana leaves and allowed te ferment for a couple of weeks. This curing process being completed, the tobacco is selected and graded according te the size of the leaf, the largest leaves and these finest in color and quality being used for the wrap pers and the smaller for filling cigars. Cuu-eanil cH'cct. Saw it ml vert Ned, bought it ter filly cents, swallowed it ter a cough that had troubled mi: four month-, t we doses helped inc-hall bottle cured. I'fcnmmciid it teull. I relcr te Dr. Themas Electric Oil. Fer .-ale by II. I!. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 1311 North Jue ii street, l.anea-ter, 1'a. 21 I'nnii the (tuakcr City. E.J. Campbell, of Philadelphia, nnurilate of iiciencr 4, is('., ceriiucii te ine nunucrim ciu-I'iH-v ill Warner's Sale Pills and Sale Tonic In removing a liver disease accompanied by rl lie eou.-tipatien. ju-10-2wd&w II. F. .McCarthv, Wholesale and lie tail Drug sri-l. Ottawa. Ontario, write: "I wasalllieted w rib Chronic Urencliiti- ler some years, but have been eeinpletv cured ly the use ei iir. Themas" Kleetrie OH. in doses of .r dromen sugar. .1 have al-e pleasure in recommending it as an embrocatien ter external use." riir II. I!. Cochran, druggist. PIT and 13: North Ouccn sired, Lancaster. Pa. 22 Prejudice Kills. " Kleven rears our daughter suffered en a bed el mi-ery under the care of several of the be-t (and some of the worst) physicians, who gave her ill-case various names but no lelief, but new she is respired tens in geed health by as simple a remedy as Hep Hitters, that we hid penhcd at for two years, before using it. We earnestly hope anil pray that no one else i ill let their sick sutler as we did, en account el nremdice nuaiust se geed :t lnedieince as Hep Kilters." The Parents. juI(;-2wd.Vw 1UIY llOOHS. BLACK SILKS Fer Trimming ami Dress, til) cents and up, at FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court. Heuse. COLORED SILKS, GO Cents, at FAHNESTOCK'S. SUMMER DKESS GOODS Of every description, at FAHNESTOCK'S. Quantities el LADIES' SKIRTS, White and Colored, .10 cents and up, at FAOESTOCFS, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. J. B. Martin & Ce. Opening te-day New .Styles Percale ami Cheviot Shirts. Calice Shirts, Lanniiried and Unlaundried Shirt-. Sele Agents U.r the CELEBRATED PEARL SHIRTS, SUM M Kit UNDEKWEAK, NECK WEAK, LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS. Earl & Wilsen's New Sets. J. B. MARTIN & CO. PIUVATK WESSON'S GIVEN TO lOUNG Indies or gentlemen premrinc te pass exi jimlnatlowfer admission te the HigliScuoel, te the College; or for Certificates a teachers, by Z. . GEO.N.ULOVER, jeSt-l" ' '5i.Ve.557 WcM Chejtnnt Street. S1 OArS SOAPS!! The Finest and Cheapest PERFUMED SOAP Ever In this city before. Cc per piece and 50c per box. at TRKY,S CITy rHAKM ACY, 110-lvd North Queen Street. Allcock's Pereus Plasters. THE ORIGINAL, AM) ONLY GENUINE. Their high decree of perfection has been se cured after years of experiment. Composed of the CHOICEST Gams and Extracts. We guarantee them the BEST external remedy The Best Purgative and Bleed Purifier. BRANDRETH'S PILLS. PURELY VKGETAM.K. One or two every night, in ten days cure Cestlvenexs and Dynpepula. Taken en an empty stomach, they uever nauseate or annoy. Sold by all Druggist. aprl2-2mdeed&w ASTBICU UNO'S AOVERTISEMEST. ASTRICH BRO.'S LANCASTER BAZAAB, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. KIDNEY WORT rOR SALE AT I.OC11 era' Drug Stere, 9 East King street. A Special Medical Netice ! DR. C. A. GREENE takes 1 hi uncthed et notifying his numerous patients and friends that iu consequence el T.i. i.. 1..,!.... .....,.. ,!.. lil.j lltnti (tttell Ills unilllJIia "iuircn v.ifj ".fs ,'" ..".v. -. tttteen hours of the day) he will take 11 hriel .:.... ... ............ ... I. . I....I,. II.. ,illl l-'tivi vucmiiiu i" iut !:; - ,,,. .,. ........ .. I.aneasterini the 11th or JUNE.iind will bj ab sent probably two weeks, during which time his patients can procure icnewals of his rciuc dials at his etliees from the person in charge. OVER 700 PERSONS have enrolled their names en his book as patients during his live months practice in Lancaster. Seme -00 have taken his CUKE QUICK ter Catarrh whose liuines are net Looked. Onlv two ncrsens have died who have entered his elliees, and te both et them he cx- presslv stated his Humility te cure mem. jWDuc notice et return will be made. DR. C. A. GREENE, Ne. S:iG NORTH OUEEN STREET. lnll-OinilTii.Th&Sl HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BTTERS Aipetite. relreshing sleep, the acquisition of llcsh anil enier. are nicssiiigs anninaiu i4"n the reparative processes, which this priceless invigerant speeditv initiates and carries 10 a sneii .tul eenelu-iiin. Digestion is restored and sustenance all'erded teeaeh life-sustaining organ by the I'.itters, which 1- innlleiisivi even le the feminine palate, vegetable in coin-no-it ion. and thoremihlv safe. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gener ally, upr l-lydeed&ly w H estetti:r'.s IIITTKU'S feh sale AT Lechcr's Drug Stere. ! hast Jvmg streei. HOP HOP 1HT HIT EliS EKS HOP I81T KUS HOP HIT EltS HOP HIT KltS HOP HOP HIT HIT KUS KltS HOP HIT KKS HOP HIT KRS HOP HIT KltS HOP HIT KHS HOP HIT KHS HOP HIT KUS HOP HIT Klt.S HOP HIT KHS HOP HIT KISS HOP HIT KUS HOP HIT KltS HOP HIT KltS -pROYERlSS. "Ker sinking spells, tits, dizzi ness, palpitation and low spirits, relv en Hep Hitlers." ""Head of, procure and u-e Hep Hitters, and you will be Mreug, health v and happy." " Ladies, de you want le In; strong, healthy anil beaiititul? Then use Hep Hitters. "The great est appelizer.steuiacli, bleed and liver regulator Hep Hitters." "Clergymen, Lawyers, Editors, Hankers and Ladies need Hep Hit ters daily." "Hep Hitlers has restored te so briety and health, perfect wrecks frem'inlciuncruiicu." "Sourstemacli.sickheadaehcand dizziness. Hep Hitters cures with a few doses." "Kill will be paid for a ea-e that. Hep Hitters will net cure or help." "Hep Iliders builds up, strength ens and cures continually from the llrst dose." ' Kidney and Urinary complaints el all kinds permanently cured by Hep Hitters." Hep Cough Cure is the sweetest, s:U"est and best. Ask children. The Hep Pad for Stomach, Liver and Kidnevs is Superior le all ethers. Ask Druggists. D. I. C. is an absolute and irre nistihlecurt! for drunkenness, use of opium, tobacco and narcotics. All above sold by druggists. Hep Hitlers .Manufacturing Ce. Roches ter. N. Y. Send for Circular. .1 d'J-lvdeed&w HOP HIT KKS HOP HIT KltS HOP HIT KltS HOP HIT KKS HOP HIT KltS HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT KUS HOP HIT KltS HOP HIT KltS HOP HIT KltS HOP HIT KUS HOP HIT KUS HOP HOP HIT HIT KKS KKS HOP HIT EUS HOP HIT KKS HOP HIT KUS HOP HOP HIT HIT KUS KUS H Ol' HITTERS FOR SALE AT l.OC It er's Drug Stere, '.) East King street. J.KOAL A'OTIVES, INSTATE OF JH1CHAEL. MAI.UNE, L.AT1- I2i of Lancaster eily, deceased. Letters tes- tainentarv en said estate having necn granicii te the undersigned, all persons indebted there te are reu nested temaKit lmmeiiiaie payment. and lhe-.c having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay ter selllenu-ui 10 inu uuueisigueu. icsiunig in Lancaster city. COL. EDWARD McGOVKKN, W. L. PK1PKK, .1. M. HUltKK, Gee. M. Klixi:, Att'y. Executers. in::i-titdeaw 1 STATE OF HUGH CORCORAm. I.ATK U of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebt ed thereto are requested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned, re siding in Lancaster. MICHAEL 11. CORCORAN, jel-fitdeaw Administrator. .1. W. Swikt, Attorney. INSTATE OF JACOB STAUFFKR, I.ATE li of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned. all persons indebt ed thereto requested te make immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned. F. II. STAUFFKR. DAVID McN. STAUFFEK, or te Administrator. A. (!. ItEiseEiiL, Att'y J jiq-titdeaw TESTATE OF MARY MULVANY, LATE OF Pi 1 he city of Iincaster, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto are requested te make Immedi ate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the undersign ed, residing in the city of Lancaster. JNO.A.COYLE, m5-0tdeaw Administrator. INSTATE OF LORENZ SCHILLING, LATE Pi of Lancaster city. Pa., deceased. Letters et administration, with the will annexed, en K.iid estate bavins? been ir ranted te the under signed, all person Indebted te said decedent arc requested te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the estate et saliTdecedentte make known the same te the undersigned without delay, resid- Ingln Lancaster city. II, KUavb, Attorney. " ' iny-ff-tfuteaw SPECIAL NOTICE. During the het weather our store will cle-e at 7:3J p.in.. Saturday excepted, from .ILLY ."ithTO SKlTKMIiKK 7lli. GREAT REDUCTION IN l'ltlCKS OK HATS! We offer this week special inducements in our Hat Department. We have reduced the prices of all our Hals and sell them newat prices never heard of be fore. Sailors at l'.e Fancv Trimmed Sailors at -"c A splciiilid Straw Sailor iu white, brown and navy blue, (for .'We Fine Ecru Sailors el" the newest style ler ...ilie Childs' Sundewns at l'.ic Ladies' Sundewns at i'nind :;c We sell all our Ladies' Shape Hats iu Straw, Fine HriiVd'YlatsatV.V.'.'.".""!i!!!!!I.'."!.!!!:'Kie Extra Fine Milan Heunetsat T.'ic LADIES' FAYAL HATS In while, geld, black and mixed Straw, for :7c A full line of Girls' and Reys' Hats at low "lace department. Laces et every style and description. Valenciennes Lace, inch wide, ISc apiece. Valeneiennes Lace, 1 inch wide. Ski apiece. Valenciennes Lace, linehcswide,:j.'Ic apiece. Torchon Lace "e a yard. Wle a dozen. All Linen Torchon Lace.ljf inches wide, Hie a yam or $1 a dozen. Complete assortment of line, and cheap Tor chon Laces en hand. Russian Lace, Maltese Lace, Cluny Lace, jieei'iiu i.aee. The newest patterns In Krctennc and Lan Lan guedee Lace at extremely low prices. RIIIRONS in Silk anil Satin of eveiy shade. ""All the new shadesif Ribbon en hand. "nincl! Sash Ribbon, all Silk -J7c per yard iMnch Sash Ribbon, all Silk ."te st lined Satin Ribbons in ai; the new colors, Silks and Satins in gicat variety at 7"c per yard. Finest quality of Satin at !c. Superb Rlack Satin worth $1.75, for $1.20. OUR FLOWERS AND FEATHERS wc offer new at reduced prices. We sell handsome, large Uees for 5c Fine French Reses at '., li, II, 17c Sprays and v reaths at any price. Violets at .rc per dozen. Our Leng Ostrich Plumes we have marked down te 4Hc. PARASOLS. Great inducements offered in our Parasol Department. A full asseitment en hand in Plain and Fancv Handles. Atl'silk Parasols for $1.11. in lanrcsizc. Special bargains iu Parasols wi h While Ivery Handle, in, '.M and 21 inches, all of the Rest Twilled bilk at $l.l, il!l, $2 IS. A handsome 2i-lneh. all Silk Parasol, suitable ler sun and rain ler:;, worth $l..0. FANS. Fans from lc upwards. Fine Japanese Fans for Kc Leinr Handle (new) Japanese Fans le Russian Leather Sliding Fans l'.ic New Fat i nit .a Kails 2."ie Hlack Satin Fans :cc First Qualitv Satin Fans '.Wj A splendid assortment, et Fine Fans offered at reasonable prices. Leng Handled Feather Fans, the Gem of the Season, at 5S and 7."c Satin Covered Fans NSc BELTS. Nevel tv Cambric Kelts 10c Hlack Velvet Kelts ISKJ All Leather Kelts 'lc Silk Embroidered Cashmere Kelts 5iie Silk Velvet Kelts :".c Fine Cashmere Kelts.wilh s raps or buckles, at IW, ti7, 7.", NS, $l,$l.22 LACE GOODS. Lace and Swiss Ties at all prices. Lace Fichus from 17c up te $2. Children's Lace Cellars from 5c upwards. Children's Lace Ribs from Me up teft. Wide Luce Scarfs at ll.25,u'.l,51canil upwards LADIES' LINEN WARE. Ladies' All Linen Cellars Ladies' All Linen Cellars. Edge Ladies' All Linen Cull's Striped Cellars and Culls ec Embroidered 5c , 12c per pair. 2."e per set LADIES' DEPARTMENT. In this department we are new enabled .te offer a complete and full assortment of every thing appertaining te the line of Ladies' and Children's Ready-made Ware, and at prices cheaper than ever before. Ladles' Light Colored Calice Wrappers with Deep Flounces $1.00 Ladies' Flounced Wrappers, Shirred in the back $1.41 A Most Handsome. Elegant Princess Wrap per, Corded and Flounced, Rest Fitting. .$2.38 Ladies' Calice Suits, Skirt and Kasque $1.50 Skirt anil nasque neatly cornea ler $i.i. Ladies' Calice Basques 3!le Ladies' White Lawn Rasques 7.'le Ladies' White Lawn Rasques, Tucked '.Wc Ladies' White Lawn Bu-ques, Tucked and Embroidered $1.2;) Ladies' White Rasques, Embroidered front and back $l.!i" Ladies' While Basques. Elegantly Trim med with Real Torchon Lace $2.as Ladies' Lawn Suits $2.00 Ladies' Lawn Suits, Trimmed with Lace. .$ UK) Ladies' Linen Suits $2.;e, .;.oe, $4.uu, .' Ladies' Linen Ulsters $1.25 Extra Fine $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Children's calico uauncls "i'C Kilt Plaited Gabriels 50c Kill Corded and Trimmed with Edging (We We have new en hand 25 different styles of Children's Calice and Gingham Dresses. CHILDREN'S LACE CAPS, CHILDREN'S NORMAND1E CAPS. CORSETS. We sell the Most Elegant Corset ter 19e Everybody ought let rj it, ltiset splendid shape and best lining. Wesell Woven Corsets at :K)e A Handsome Silk Embroidered Corset, Deuble Rusk, Side Steels sfic Blue, Red and Grey Corsets (Js'e The CYPRUS CORSET, Elegantly Em broidered, Speen Busk $1.23 SHAWLS. Ladles' Shetland Shawls, Hand Made, 75c, $1, $1.29, $1.1X1 and upwards. TIDIES, LINEN TOWELS, BABIES' SHAWLS, CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. APRONS, CHEMISE, SKIRTS. There arc thousands of ether articles which we are selling remarkably low, and which we ..n, ..I.I.. I.k lllllllllilll 111.,., lull ,, ..t- mill hit; iiul wifiu ." i.n". ....., ...... .. .1... j ...i. will convince you that we have a better as sortment and sell cheaper than any place in 11113 coy. ASTRICH BRO.'S Lancaster Bazaar. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. XXBttOLDERLES, JtC, IW GOODS FOR flHE SPBUfG TRADE, AT GhUNDAKBR'S. LADIES, for New, Dcsinilile and Cheap Embroideries, Ruftiings, Cotten Trimmings, Uucliings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Hlack and Colored, Silks. lUittens, ail Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at GUNDAKER'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cutis, call at 0UX DAKEICS. Ladies, we will mien te-duy all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c, eall and examine our stock, at GrTTJNrDLKER', 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. TIUMMISUS, JiV. FINEST, FASHIONABLE AND GRANDEST DISPLAY OF SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS Ever seen in Lancaster city for the season of 1SS0, can be had at Houghten's Cheap Millinery and Trimming Establishment, TKAVZUMtS uurnt: LANCASTER AND MILLKRSVII.LK It. it Cars run as fellows : Leave LancaUcr (P. U. Depot), at 7, , aii.I 1130 a. m., and 2, 4. 6 and 8:30 p. m., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at '.ttse j,. m. Leave MUlersville (lower end) at 5. s, ami a. M., anil 1, 3, 5 anil 7 p. in. Cars run daily en above time except en Sun day. CtOLVMBIA AXV 11KT DEPOSIT K. K J Trains new run regularly en theCelumbia and Pert Deposit Kail read en the fotiewni;.' time: Stations North- lExpress.lKxprcss.l Aivetn. .&. JB. I r. . f -. WAKD. Pert Deposit Peaehbottem Kite's Eddy McCuH's Kerry... Shcnk's Kerry Safe Harber..". Columbia ti:35 7:12 7:25 7:.I7 7:54 7:50 SSiO 3:50 4:24 :M 5:01 r:ii; 5:.I5 iui :!:S 3.ti 4.IHI 4:.il :m (5 20 i:sTAiu.isni;i i(i!i. Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET, KIKItON DKl'AUTMKXT. Finest Lines or KIIIUONS ever breu;ht le Lancaster, iu all the Latest Styles of Colored Sill; .mil Satin, Old Celd and Cardinal, and Variegated Itibbens. Uest I'.runds at the lowest prices. FLO Ell nElMUTM ET. HAT UEPAUTME&T. LANCASTEIC, PA. tkTmmi.mj am notion he i'aktmkxt The Latest Novelties in all the All the Latest Styles of HATS re r l,w r.ll.-i. l.tl in-liaj m r 1111; ii:n uil cvci) nay mull ,ir mil. LS (1(. f illt,. Novelties j KKKNCII KI.OWKKS in the city.jaiul Philadelphia, and sold at rvju.,,., atin- tSimiw Laces p.ut- prices te Hint everybiHly. itens. Kmbreid.iies. Kid and Ll-le tti-OUl Hats reshaped and cnliir.-iL.!.,,,,..,,, ;iVfM In all tin-new shades at short notice. all,i Whitt- Tucked kirts from Mle. Itefl. Can be seen new at 25 N. QUKKN STKEKT. ENGLISH BLACK CKEPES A SPECIALTY nitr u 00 its. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! GI VLEH, 1JOWEHS & 1IU11ST are still showing an elegant line of CARPETS, iu all the choice styles ami het makes of Carpets suittihlc for Parlors, Iibr.nies Diiiiu Reems, Chambers, Halls and Stairs. G1VLER, BOWERS & HURST are shewinjj an clejjiint line of Brussels ami Veiiitian Carpet Bertlerings, iu all widths, suitable for all Carpets. GIVLER BOWERS & HURST arc showing an elegant line of Fleer Oil Cleths, iu best makes and all widths. GIVLER, BOWERS & HURsT are showing an elegant line or Cocea and Canten Mattings iu new styles. GIVJjER, BOWERS & HURST are showing a large stock of Plain Window Shading in all colors, Alse, the best makes Spring Fixtures. GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST are showing a very choice assortment of Rugs and Mats iu newest designs. GIVLER, BOWERS it HURST are ettering all these goods at the lowest bottom prices. GrIVLEE, BO WEES & HUEST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. atnmvAL. Brandy as a ledicine. The billowing article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. K. Slaymaker, Agent for Iteijrarl's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising phy.-i-ciun et this county, who has extensively if-ed the Itrandy referred loin his regular prai-li It iseeuiinendcd le the attention el the-e af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, bill le be used as a medicine of great potency in the cure of some et the destructive di.-ea-es which sweep away their annual thousands of victims. With a purely philanthropic motive we pic sent te the favorable notice el invalids espe cially these atllleted with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, which is nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, with feeble appetite and mere or less debility, will find this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy or all their ills and aches, lie it, however ; strictly understood that we prescribe and use j but one arliele. and th;!t is 1 KEKUItT'S OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising veung friend, II. K SLAY JIAK Kit. This lirandy has steed the test for years, and has never failed, as fur as our experience extends, and we theivfeie give it the preference overall oilier llrandics, nematterwith hew manyjaw-breaking French titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia specifics would siilllce le buy all the l.randy te cure any such case or eases. In proof of the curative powers et Reigart's Old Brandy, In eases of Dyspepsia, we can summon mini hers of witnesses one case in particular we cite: A hard-working larnier had been aillicted with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ler a number of vears; his stomach would reject almost every kind of teod; he had sour eructatiens con stantly no appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage he used McGrann's Uoet lleer. lie is a Methodist, and then, as new, preached at times, and in his discourses often declaimed earnestly against all kinds el strong drink. When advised te try Reigart's Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with astonishment, but after hearing of its wonderful effects in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he at last consented te fellow our advice. lie used the lirandy faithfully and steadily; the lirst bottle giving him an appetite, ami helme the second was taken he was abound man. with a stomach capable of digesting anything which he chose te eat. He still keeps it and uses a lit tle occasionally; and since lie has this medi cine lie has been of very little pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A Piiactisi.ne Physician. MElUVAh, A NEW DEPARTURE IN MEDICINE-THE OLD SYSTEM OF DOSING AND A DRUGGING SUPERSEDED. The Excelsior liver and Stomach Pad Is a new curative agent, letailv different from and greatly superior le anything hitherto oller eller ed te the public. II acts directly upon the vital organs and cures bylhe strictly natural process of MSsOUPTION. It has proved it efficacy by the severest lesls, and isMrengly recommend ed bv all who have nseilit. As a remedy in malarieus fevers, liver and stomach complaints, irri-'iilarities, nervous disorders, menial depression, headache, and overflow el bile, drepsical ailments, nausea and constiiiatien.it has no ennui. PIllUKS Uegular Pad, l : special Size, ' l. 11. Picpared and sold by the ABSORPTIVE MEDICAL COMPANY, in'.k2-fldS&W.tw Ne. '1 WKST C'HKSTNUT STKKKT, LANUASVi:i:. 1'A. ! Fer Pale by Druggists. Send or call for circulars Riving testimonials, Xe. I HlltXKY ASJt LI t' Jilt cum.. WARNER'S SAFE EEIEDIES! WAKNKK'S SACK PILLS Arean immediate stimulus tera Torpid Liver cure Cestlveness, Dyspepsia, llilteusness, llilieus Diarrheea, Malaria, Fever and Ague and are Useful at times in nearly all Disease Disease le cause a freeand regnlaraelionef the IJewels. The best antidote for all Malarial Poison. These Pills are. the discovery of an L'nglish army pliysiciai. and have been used with the " 1 eat est success among 1 he ISritish troops in I India. Thev are enlv manutactured iu this j country by'jl. II. WAltNF.U & CO. WAKNKK'S SAFE NKUVJNK, The improved discovery et probably the most skillful nerve doctor in the world, quickly gives rest and sleep te the suffering, cures Headache and Neuralgia, prevents Kpileptic Fits, and is the best remedy for Nervous Pros tration brought en byexeessivedrinking.over byexeessivedrinking.ever byexeessivedrinking.over werk,mentaI shocksandethercauses.lt relieves the Pains of all Diseases, and isueveriujiirieus te the system. The best of all Nervines. Pettles of two sizes; prices, .10 cents and $1. AVarner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, Safe Diabetes Cure, Safe Hitters and Safe Tonic are also superior remedies, uiieiiuallcd iu their respective Holds of disease. Warner's Safe lteincdies areseld by Drug gists and Medicine Dealers generally through out the country. Send for pamphlet and testimonials. II. H. WAKXKIt & CO., Rochester, N. T. 3 rdiU-Tu.Th&SdSw VilJS'A AKlt OLASSHAltJi. illh'T UllA WJStlS. H. E. SLAYHAKEK, AOEKV FOK Reigart's Old Wine Stere, Established in 1785, lMI'OUTKlt AND UKALElt IN FINK OLD HUANDIKS, SHKIililF.S, Sl'I'Iv UIOll OLD MADK1UA, (Imported iu ISIS, 1S'7 and 1838.) CIIAMPAUNKS O KVKUY UUAND, SCOTCH ALU I'OKTKIt. P.UOWN STOUT. Ne. 29 KAST KING ST.. LaaUAKTKI:, PA AK. McUANN, ALCTlONKKIt OF iSKAL . Kstaleand Personal Property. Orders left at Ne. .""i Charlette street, or at the lilaek Herse Hetel, 44 and 4B North (Jucen street, will receive prompt attention. Hills made out and ttcmlcd te without additional cost. e27-ly ("1 KA1M M'KUULATION T In large or small amounts. $25 or $31.(100 Write W. T. SOULK & CO.. Commission .Mer chants, 130 La Salle street, Chicago, 111., fercir culary. in28-yil DK. M. K. FAHNKSTOCK Having returned from thd Seuth, lias re sumed his office practice, and can be found at his residence. Ne. iW EAST KING STREET. mlS-imdewS HANCOCK WF, AD. A delicious, healthy IJeverage, far superior te the ordinary soda water. FIVE CENTS . (J LASS. Fer sale by J. R. KAUPPMAN, NO. 11C N. iJUKKN ST., Lancaster, I'a. junc24-2wd D KC'OItATKll WAKK! The Largest Assortment of Decorated DINNER, TEA AND CHAMBER SETS of the Latest Shapes and Styles. I'll ICES LOW AT CHINA HALL. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. IS EAST KINO STItEET. ItOltliS, IILAXKETS, JtV. OIGN OFTI1K UUFFALO II HAD. ROBES ! ROBES ! ! ,. BLANKETS ! BLANKETS ! ! I have new en hand the Lauckst, ISkst anh Chkai'EKT AsHeirrsi knt of Lined and U 11 lined P.UFFAI.O ICOIiES in the city. ANe LAP AND HOUSE ULANKETS or every dc.-eii-tieu. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, "Whips, Cellars, &c. sVtf Uupuirin neatly ami promptly il!i."6$ A. MILEY, 10H Snrth Qim-ii St., lAtnrnstr. eiVlyd.MW.t-S VUTUOKI.KD i;Y TIIK COJIJlOV wealth el Ky and the fairest in the win Id 22d Popular Monthly Drawing OK THK COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION :0. At Macauley's Theatre, in the City of Louis ville, en SATURDAY, JULY 31st, 1880. THESE DUAWINCS, AETIIOUIZED P.Y THE LECISLATI'ltE AND Sl'VIWINED IIV ALL THE COl'ltTSOF hKXTl'CKY. accord ing te a contract made with the owners of the Frankfort grant, will occur regularlv en the LAST DAY OF EVEKY MONTH. Sundays and Fridavs excepted, for the period of FIVE YE AICS, terminating en .IUNE:). isss. The United Stales Circuit Court 1111 .March 31, rendered the following d 'cisiens: 1st That the Cnmmiiiiwealtli Distribution Company Is legal. 2l Its draw ings are fair.. The managemcntcall attention te the liberal scheme which has met with Mich popular favor hcrcloterc, and which will again be pre-enled ler the JULY DUAWINtl. 1 prize i Si,(HH) 1 prize ll),ix) 1 prize 5.0D0 1(1 prizes .fl.WJOeaeh (,(xje J prizes.VJileaeh H),l)U0 100 prizes. fleueach 1,)0 .IJDlirizcsSOeach UM WW prizes 'JO each l'.oeo 1U00 prizes lOeaeh Kl.nOO J prizes ::iX) each, approximation prizes -J,700 J prizes -JM) esieh, " " l.hOO D prizes 100 each, " " IHJO 1,W) prizes $Iri,lvO Whole tickets, ti; halt tickets, $1; 27 tickets Ti(l; S5 tickets, KX. Itemitl'V Postetlice Meney Order, Itegistered Letter, P.ank Draft or Express. Te insure against mistakes and delays, cor respondents will please write their names and plaeesef residence plainly, giving number of Postelliee boxerStieel.aud Town, County ami State. All communications connected with the Dis tributieu and Orders for Tickets should be ad dres.sed te K. M. UOAKDMAN, Courier-Journal P.uilding. Louisville, Ky., or :I7 and 'Mi Ureadwav. New Yerk. m.'.lTuTh&S.'fcw F uji.vrs' oeons. Oil LINEN COLLAKS OO TO ;OK FANCY STOCKLMW OO TO E1US.MA.VS. EIMS.MA.VS. ,i: SUSPENDKIW OO TO EIMSMAN'.-s. IOIS 'KV STYLE 1)KOC L AM ATION. Netice is hereby given that the en li nn nees of the city of Lancaster" for prevent ing accidents; by fire and the better preserva tion orenier in the city" will be strictly en forced against all persons "tiring guns or small arms, or selling, casting, throwing or tiring of chasers or ether fireworks operating in a similar manner" within the city of Lan caster during the celebration of the coming HhefJnlv. The police force of the city are herebv in structed te arrest any person detected in the violation of said ordinances. JOHN T. MacUONIULK, Mayer. je23 3td JIAJCULJi HOJChS. WM. P. FRAILEY'S MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nertli (jiieen Street, Lancaster, I'a. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, UAUDEN STATUAItY, CEMETEItY LOTS ENCLOSED, 0. All work guaranteed and satisfaction given n every particular. N. 15. Kcmeinber, works nl. the extreme end t North Oueen street. mi LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, JO TO E. J. ERISMAN'S, r(i NOKTH (JUKKN STKKKT. CAKl'ETS. H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 202 WEST KINO STREET, lias the Largest, and Cheapest Sleck of all kinds of CAItPETS in Itncaster. Over 100 Pieces of Brussels en hand, as low as 411.00 and upwards. Carpets made loonier at short notice. Will also pay 10 cents ter Extra Carpel Itags. tttf-Cive us a trial. SOS WEST K1NJ STKKKT. Statiexs Seuth- Express. Express. Aecem. WARD.. A. M. l M. A. M. Columbia w-ja Bssi 71 Safe Harber. UrS 6:l' Arihrt" Lc'.:4il Shen k's Ferry llrJS C:.)! Hl McCall's Ferry 11:4 1 7:iiy nri" Flte's Eddy ll:.v; 7r2i lu-.ti; r. si. i M. Peaehbottem 12-.07 7::: li.iT r. v. Pe-t Deposit Pi 45 s:a-, liri". KEAIHNO AND COLUMlll.l KAII.KOAD On and after MONDAY". MAY. lOrn, 1SS0. pas.. enger trains will run en this 10.ul :i 1...-lews: Trains Ooine Seitii. Kcuding, Kein holds, E ph rata, '1 Mauheim, Lancaster Junction,.. Landlsville, Columbia, Dillerville Lancaster, King Street, Harnish West Willow Itaumgardner, Pen, tica, Itetten, New Previdi nee,..."... Hess, Ifuarryvillc. Tkains Coin. North. a.m. a.m. 7:::e :01 :13 iit s:4. 'J-M MM !l:li; 9:40 r.7 :: 0:4.-. 0:.vs 10:05 10:01) 10:17 10.2! M: n 10: li it) 50 r. m. r. y 11:.V r. m. li-il 12:40 12:15 ' 1:02 ! l:l:l l:lii l::s ItH i-M U5 0:1;! i!:I5 7:(t: 7:i is 7:25 "SSi 7:15 7:M Sr2H S:mi Still S:2il s:::t s:42 S:I7 SV. 0:01 0:12 II: PJ 0:25 5:3 5:.S) 5:52 ii:il ; i".:li".i (1:17 Cr.i; it:.; 7: e Quarry ville, Hess, New Providence, Kel'Ieu I'eipiea llauiugaiilner, West Willow, Harnish, King Street, Lancaster, Dillerville, Columbia, Landisville, Lancaster Junction,., fluithcim, Akren, Ephratu, Iteiuheltlsville, Iteading v. M. v. M. U:P .... Biii B:5 .... 7:11 .... T- It .... 7r.i; .... 72 .... 7:41 .... 7 A", .... S-.1I5 t-.UI S:iM 1:0.". 7:55 1-.U5 $:M IM 810 1:25 8:4!) 1:18 '.hOO -iOll y-.lC 2:13 Sh23 2s S:t2 2:4i; 10:05 :t:20 2.:l5 2.41 2: IS 2:50 ::li5 :::l:t :::I8 :!r.i; :c: 10 S::,) :t::,f :i:40 4.(11 4:15 4rJi 4:.-) 4:47 4A! 5:14 MA) 1M 7:58 8:1.1 s:l.l .s;l'.v .!lll lirJO ;:. ik Trains connect at Iteading with trains le and from Philadelphia, Pottsville, Harrisburg, l l leutewn and New Yerk. At Columbia will, trains found from Yerk, Hanover, (Jettysburg. Frederick and Kaltimere. A. M. WILSON, -mil. 1) EN NS TL VA N 1 A UAII.KOAD - . Y SCHEDULE On and alter SI'N D x MAY 2il( 1880, trains en the Pennsylvania Kailread will arrive and leave the Uiiie.i-ie, and PhilanelpliiadeiMitsas follews: Eastware. lMU., Philadel)hia Express 2:10 a.m. Fast Line....... ...... ........ 5!n erk Aecem. Arrives; 7::in " Harrisburg Express S:(I5 ' Dillerville Aecem. Arrives, 8:45 " Columbia Accommodation, '.1:10 " Frederick Aecem. Arrivi-s, l:u", " Paeilic Express, 1:10 e.M. Sunday Mail, 2:i " Johnstown Expri-ss, :!:ifi " Day Express, 4.4' " llarrisbui-g Accemnuidal'n, r.rir " Arrive PhilaiPii Wkstware. Way Passenger, MailTmin Ne. I, via .Mt.-ley. Mail Train Ne.2,via Cel'bia. .Niagara .t Chicago Express Sunday Mail, Fas t Li n e, Frederick Aecem medat ion. Dillerville Lecal.via Mt.Jej Harrisburg Accommedat'ii Columbia Accommodation Harrisburg Express, Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express, Paeilic Express Leave Philiid':. 12: :im :im :im :5n I:ixi i::se ;ri" i-.li) :I5 :li de" ::iil 1 :l.r" :ii ::ui 15 :."i Arrie i.in. ' 1 l:n, ll:iu lit:. 5 2:h il.i 2- 5: 15 s:.ni 1 i.:i Paeilic Express, east. 011 Sunday, when n.ig ged, will slop at Middletown, Eliabetliteu 11. Alt. Jey, Landisrille, Ilird-in-Iland, Leuiaii Place, Uap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Coales Ceales ville, Oakland and (ilea Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when il.mi-d, will step at Dowuiugtewii,Coate?ville. 1 '.iil.es burg.Mt.Jey, Elizabethtevrn and .Middletnu n. Mail Ne. 2 west eeuiiectingat l.ancastcrwitli mail Ne, 1 at 10:55 a. m and with Niagara and Chicago Express at 1 1:5 ami will run through te Hanover and will connect at Columbia uilh train through te Harrisburg cel .Marietta, Frederick Ac--ommedatinii, wrst.ciMiiii'el-al Lancaster, with Fast Line, west. at 2:lu e. M.. ami will run through te Frederick. IKY LOCHEK'S KENOWNED COUGH . SYKUP. OKOVJiltlES. tirilOl.r.SAI.K AMI KETAIL. LEVANTS FLOUPi AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. 117-lyd 1 DUAL MAIL AKKANUEMKNTS. HOCUS FOK CLOSING. THE MAILS. IIY KA1LKOAD. Nkw Yerk tiiroueii mail 7:U)a 111, 12:e0 p in, 4:15 p m and 110 p 111. Way Mail, east, 7:30 a m. GoRDesfViLLK, Dowuiiigtewu, lrauiaii Place, Gap (i p m. PniLADKLi'iiiA through mail, 7:M and u:t:a m., 12:), 4:15 and 1I::!U p m. Pittshureh and west, 1:30 and ll::!n p 111. Harkisiiuru Mail, Ul, a in, l),5:15 and ll::ui P 111. Wav Mail, west, 10::am. ISaltimerk amu Washington, via Philadel phia, 4:15 p m. IIaltimeiuc amu Wasuimutex, via Yerk, Ik) p m. ISaltixekb and WAsniNOTON, via llarrisbiirg. USOp m. Ceatksville, 4:15 p III. Celumiiia, 10:.Wa in, l:.'S0nnd 5:15 p m. Yerk a-ni Yerk wav, l:.')aud 1I:.X) p m. Nektiiern Central, I0:J0 a 111, inland 1I:.'U) p 111. Ueadi.ne. via Heading and Columbia it It, SM am and 12:30 pm. Kkauine, via Hariisbiirg, 5:15 ami ll:.'pin. ICkadine wav, via Junction, Lititz, jlaiilieini. East lleiiipllcld and Ephruta, 3 p 111. O.UARRWILLK, Carnal-go, ltclteii. New Provi dence, West Willow. Lime Valley and .Martins ville, 0:45 a m, ami 5:00 p 111. New Helland, Cliurchtewn, Grccnh.tiik. liluc Hall, Geedville, Keartewn, by way 01 Downiugtewii, at 7:."i) a m and 0 p m. Sake Harrer, via Columbia, 10:30 a m. HY STAGE Miliersville ami Slackwater. le Sale Harber, daily, at 4-.U0 p m. Te Miliersville, 8 and 11:30 am, and 4 p 111. llinkley's llridge, Lcaceck, I!ur.ville, New Helland, 2:30 p in. Willow Street, Siiiithville, Buck, Chestnut Level, Green, Peters' Creek, Pleasant l.reve, Keck Springs. Fuirmeunl ami Kewlaudsville, Md, daily, attain. Iimiis Vailej', Oregon, West Earl. Farmers, vilie, Hiuklctewu, Terre Hill, Martuidaie, daily, at KM p m. Fertility, Lampeter and Wheatland .Mills, t Slrasburg, daily, at 4 p in. Greenland ami Seudersbiirg, te Paradise daily, at 4 p 111.. Nelfsville, daily, at 4 p in. New Danville, Coucstega, Marticville, Cule manville. Mount Nebo. ltawliiisvilie. ilethen.iu. and Liberty Square, daily, at 2:30 t in. WHEN OPEN FOK DELIVEKY. AKKIV1NG IIY KAIL. Eastern mail, 7 a in. 10:30 a m, 3 and f:30 p in. Eastern way mail, 11:30 a m. Western mail, 7 and 10 a in, 2 and tiOft p in. Heading, via Heading ami Columbia, 2ii(l p, m. Western way mail, 11:30 a in. Heading way mall, HK-iea 111. Quarry villi: lirauch, 8:15 a 111 and 4 pin. AKKIVINGUY STAGE. Frem Sale liar be. and .Miliersville, at 'Jam, daily. Frem Miliersville, 7 and la in, and I p 111 Frem New Helland, at 0:30a in, daily. Fiem Kewlaudsville, Mil, nfl:.V p in. .Heading way mail, at 10:30 a 111, daily. Fiem Slrasburg, at!30a in, daily. Frem Paradise te Lancaster, 10 a m, d.iily F10111 Nelfsville, at 1 p in, daily. Frem ICuwlinsville, at 11 am. DEL1VEK1ES IJY CAKKIEKS. There are four mall deliveries by letter car rifts each day, anil en their return trips they take up the mail matter deposited iu tin: letter betes. Fer the first delivery the carriers leave the ellice at (1:30 a 111; second delivery at 10 a 111 ; third delivery ut 11 a m ; fourth delivery at 3 p '" SUNDAY POSTOFFICE IIOUILS. On Sunday the postelliee is open Irem Apri 1 toOelelier I, from 8 te'Jam.and from ( te 7 a' m ; from October 1 teAprll I. from '.) te 10a in. and from Cte7 u m. HOOTS AS J SUOES. 11 1 n r 1MIOTS. SMOKS AND LASTS .JiVO X madeeii ti new principle. Insur ing comfort for the feet. I) f Vl'C! Lasts made te order. tJlJUle SIIXLER, rcidl-tfd U'3 East Kin:; street. 1 r ' -x.