i ffci-- -- , U.v-; f Zr - ILAKOAS'lEll DAILY IKlfiLLiGENGEK. MONDAY JUNE 28, 1880. COURT. Cane UlipeMd OF-Admitted te Hie Bar. Court met en Saturday afternoon at half pist 2 o'clock and this morning at 10. The following cases were disposed of : Samuel Kurtz, trustee of Barbara Kurtz, vs. Henry Kurtz. Exceptions te auditor's report. Exceptions dismissed and report confirmed. Amelia P. Eaby vs. Henry P. Benedict, admistrater of the estate of Elizabeth Benedict,dcceased. Uulc te show cause why a sheriff's sale should net be set aside.RuJe made absolute. Court adjourned U meet en July 7th. Admitted te the liar. Mr. Jehn A. Ceylc, of this city, was this morning, en motion of his preceptor, Hen. Win. Aug. Atlee, admitted te practice be fore the courts of Lancaster ceunfcy. Mr. Ceyle passed with great credit the rigid examination before the committee of the bar apieintcd for the purpose, lie is a young gentleman of fine intel. lectual attainments, and in educa tion and temperament admirably adapted te the profession en which he is new fairly launched with such bright prospects of a successful career. Joined with keenness of mental vision are thorough business qualifications, urbanity of demeanor, and strong common sense, tiiat will doubtless render bis advance at once easy and rapid. He has the well wishes of a host of friends in his entrance .en this new field of usefulness. Drumerc IteniK Our correspondent writes : "This has been the earliest harvest we have had for years. Commonly it is considered among the farmers rather extraordinary te have the wheat up by the Peurth of July, and this year the first of July will find scarcely any uncut straw and very few shocks. Seme of our farmers finished their wheat last week and are new resting en their ears for the eats, which is yet quite green. The rains came tee late for clever, which was very short and thin "tee thin." They assisted the eats and timothy along amazingly, however, and the former premises a pretty fair crop. Seme of our wheat was very badly filled none of it perfectly which will cut down the bushels, but we have lets of straw, which, of course, will make plenty of manure. hi our great wheat-producing farms these comprising the immediate river hills the yield of straw, perhaps, is unprecedented ; that of the MeSparrran farm being the largest. Our potate-niisers have been using Paris green and complaints in profusion upon the bugs, and new that the bugs are losing ground our tobacco growers continue cursing the tobacco worms which arc making their appearance- in considerable numbers, just as seen as the leaves arc big enough for a bite. Hancock suits us exactly. Seme of us iion-eenibative ones, perhaps, preferred a man without a sword, but as this new Cu'sar sheathed his sword in a myrtle of statesmanship, wc will all ffing our bon bets for Hancock, and when the hat gees around for him next fall, old Druinerc will give her mite." Assault and Hattery. Befeic Alderman McConemy James Dennelly has brought suit against II. If. Power, of the City hotel, charging him with assault and battery, and Power has brought suit against Dennelly and Jehn Timlin en the same charge. These suits are the it-suit of a fight, which occurred at the City hotel en Saturday evening, in which Dennelly was struck en the head with a club by Mr. Power, Blews were also struck en both sides and all parties gave bail for hearings. A Giant Oak. There is growing en the farm of Chris tian Stern, sr.. in Mount Jey township, a white oak tree that measures at the butt twenty-seven feet in circnmfcience, and Staving limbs twenty or thirty feet from the gi oetid, from six te nine feet in cir cumference. It is a monarch among the trees of the neighborhood, and if there is a larger one in the county we should like te hear of it. Marietta Democracy. t")n Saturday evening the Democracy of Marietta Hung a Hancock and English banner, twenty-four feet long, te the biceze from their rooms in the third story of the St. Jehn building, opposite the Cress Keys hotel. Next Saturday night ihe borough and township Democracy will meet at! he same place te permanently or ganize lr the campaign. Visitation. Seme '2't or 30 members of Canassatoge Tribe Xe. 2():1, I. O. U. M., will leave en the 0:25 train this evening for the hunting .'rounds of Ouondage Tribe Xe. SI5, at Coatesvillc, Chester county. Second Ward Club. A meeting of he Democracy of the Second ward will be held at the saloon of Henry Kansinjr. 434 East Onuure street. this evening at 7 o'clock for the purpose of organizing a club for the campaign. l'ivnle. The Lancaster Schuctzen Verein are holding their picnic at What (Jlen te-day. Xe one is admitted except these holding invitations, and a tine time is being had. r. J Aeen's Oil cures Rheumatism. The Lllltz ri reworks. .Mr. J. K. Weaver, of this city, manufactur ers' agent, has received the contract for sup plying Lit it z witli fireworks for the 3th of July display at the Springs. They consist princi pally of meteoric lirewerk balloons, plain and parachute balloons', rockets, large wheels, te gether with an assortment of most pieces known te the pyrotechnic art. This display is expected te exceed all previous ones at Lititz. Campaign goods of all kinds can be had at Williamson & Fester's at the lowest manu facturer's prices. They close their store from .Inly 3 te Sept. 1 Rt 7 p. in., except Saturdays. ieltf-M,V,FdSwir Fair and Cake Walk. This evening, in the A.M. K. Zion's church en North Market street, the colored society known as the "Sens and Daughters of Abra ham " will open a fair which will close en Saturday night. A cake walk will be a feature of the fair. Nursing mothers and delicate females gain strength from Malt Bitters. When gazing in your lever's eves. Hew seen his sense of rupture dies If there's no sweetness in your breath : If by your failing teeth be shown That SOZODOXT toyeu's unknown. And that your mouth is suffering death. je28-lwdeed&w Ne swindler shall shave us except it be with Cuticura Shaving Seap. SPECIAL NOTICES. " Female complaints" are the result of im pure bleed. Use ' Lindscy's Bleed Searcher." Try Lecher's Kenewncd Cough Syrup. . Statistics prove mat twenty-nve percent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle or Lecher's Kenewned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers ter their negli gence, or pity them for their ignorance? Xe, a East King street. iMi't-iu: Bleed, General Debility, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimples, Carbuncles, Unhealing Seres, and ether diseases demanding a treat ment essentially Tonic, Absorbent, Alterative, Bleed Cleansing, Bleed Making, and Health Restoring, yield readily te that most perlect and elegant ei medicinal preparations, Dr. Browning's Tonic and Alterative. Price 50 cents and $1. Fer sale by the Proprietor, W. Champien Browning, M. I).. 1117 Arch street, Philadelphia, and all Druggists and Dealers in Medicines. je-21 Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup An Old Docter's Advice. It was this: "Trust in Ged and keep your bowels open." Fer this purpose many an old doctei has advised the habitually costive te take Kidney-Wert ter no ether remedy se ef fectually overcomes this condition, and that without the distn-ss aid griping which ether medicines cause. It i- a radical cure ler piles. Don't tail te use it. je21-lwiLw An Old .Man Kestered te Health. Rata via, X. Y., Sept. 1", 1879. II. 11. W.lllXEI! Ce., ROCIIKSTKK, X. Y. Gkx-Tj-KMKi " Fer forty years I have suffered with Diabetes, being obliged te void urine as elten as once in thirty minutes, and have also been u great sutrerer from palpitation et the heart. 1 am new using your Diabetes Can:, and can truly say, at seventy years et age, that it makes me feel like a new man." )el.VJW(l&W l'CTKIl SllOWKU.MAX. " Sellers' I.lveV Pills" never lu.ll te cure bill-eusiics-. indigestion, or headache. Sold by all druggists. Try I.eeher's Reneu ned Cough Syrup. Haunted Me. Debt, poverty and suffering haunted me for years, caused by a sick family and large bills for doctoring which diil no geed. I was com pletely discouraged, until one year age, by the advice of my pastor, 1 procured Hep Bit ters and commenced their use, and in one month we were all well, and uoneel" us have been sick a day since : anil 1 want te say te all peer men. you can keep your taniilic-" well a year with Hep Bitters for less than one doe ter's visit will cost. A Werkingmail. iel.VJwd.Yw Try I.eeher's Renowned Cough yrup. Kldtiev-Wert effectively nets at the same time en Kidneys, l.ivcrand Bowels. jeil-lwd.t.v Mothers! Mothers!! Mether!!: Ar-you disturbed at night ami broken el your rest by a sick child ull'ering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? It se. go at once and get a bottle of M RS. W INS LOW. SOOMIIXG SYRl'P. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon it: there is no mistake about it. There Is neta mother en earth who lias ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bends, and give rest te the mother, ami relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te ueln nil eases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription et one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurse in the United States. Sold everywhere Si cents a bottle. I jlT-lyd&w.M.W.tS Try I.eeher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Grape Culture and Wine. The culture of grapes in Xew Jersey Is get ting te be one of the most important indus tries of the state. The principal varieties raised are the Oporto mid Concord. Mr.Sperr's vineyards at Passaic premise a larger yield this than any jfrevieus year. In coiiseiiuiinee Mr. Speer has reduced the price or his Pert Grape Wine. The eldest call new he had at$l per bottle from any et the druggists. It is used for medicinal purposes as a superior wine, and in churches for communion purposes. Its properties are net intoxicating se that the weakest person may use it te advantage, and temperance people cannot object te its use ler medicine. ICveniny Jlu'letin. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and Davis, and sold by II. 11. Slayniakcr. jel.ViwiKVw J'OLITJCAL. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. KOK SUl'I'.KMK .ICIMIU. G1CORGK A.JKXKS. roil AirniTOi: n ungual. RORKRT P. DKCUKRT. DEMOCRATIC COUNT V TICKET, FOU CONOKK8. ,1, I.. STEIX.METZ. i;eIl IIISTIIICT ATTOKNCV. D. Jlc.Ml'LLKX. FOU SENATOR (13tll r.lSTISI'T.) .1. B. DOUGLASS, roll assi:mi:i.v (id iustiuit.) S. C. STEVENSON, h. r.SfUKK. rim ASSEMiu.v (.'id msTiucr. AMOS DILLER, li. DAVIS YUNDT, JACOR M. 1IAEXLEN. FOR I'lllSO.N" lNSl'ClTOl!, RARTOX M. WINTER REXJ. MILLER. veu took numerous. A. J. SNYDER, JOIIX KRAXC1SCUS. SEW A 1H 'lit! TIS r.M EN TS. - r WTOTICI 1A A meeting of the Ladies' Tract Society will be held en te-morrow (Tuesday) evening, at Vi o'clock, at Trinity Lutheran chapel. A.M. GUXDAKER, ltd Secretary. AUER &, KROTUER WISH TO RETURN thanks te the Fire Department and all ethers who lent theirassistance during the fire en their premises en Saturday hist. ltd T 'UK SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING M.E. nercher will be held at their hall this evening at KJ.j e cieck. -Ml uiciiilicr are in vited te attend. Ry order of the President, lir.u. l-r r.lrr Kit, ltd Secretary, "I XI REWORKS. Headquarters for Merchants te lay in their Supplies. .T TV WR1 A-xTRTR ltd " West King Street. 1 PROPOSALS WILL HE RECEIVED AT the Mayer's elliee up te WEDXESDAY, J U N E 30, IMSO, at 4 p. m.. ter as much Hard Pea Ceal, Ne. 1 size, as may be ivqiurcd at the City WerKs up te Nev. 1, 1880. The Ceal te be thor oughly screened and of geed quality : it net it will have te be taken baeK at the expense of the pal Iv furnishing the same. JXO.T. MacGOXIGLK, jc2s'-2td Mayer. DAILY EXCURSIONS KI'.OM PHILADELPHIA TO CAPE MAV. The neus mammoth three- lock fc "11EPUBLIC lock Steamer Leave Race Street Wharf at 7!a. 111., arriving at Cape .May about Vlx. p. in. Returning, leaves Cape .May at 3 o'clock p. in., givingnmplt! time for bathlnir or a diivc en the beach. A full Rrass Hand and Orchestra Music for dancing. Parler Entertainments varied weekly. Lunch eons and Refreshments in abundance. Din ners and suppers provided. Oysters and Fish served ter supper a tew moments after taken from the water. Fare for the Hound Trip $1.00. SUNDAYS Will leave Race Street Wharf it 1 a. 111. P. S. A Bread Gauge Steam R. R. will con vey passengers te Cape Island in 8 minutes. Tickets for sale at CHAS. H. BARK'S, jc58-2md&w CENTRE SQUARE. IfFW ADVERTISEMENTS. TOBACCO RAISERS ! Insure your Creps against less or damage by hall at ISAUSMAN & BURNS'S Insurance Office, 10 West Orange Street. jeS-eeUtfB INSTATE OF MARY CttAMEK, LATE OF j Strasburg, Lancaster county, deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed te dis tribute the snare given te Catharine Cramer, deceased, during her life, in the estate of said Mary Cramer, deceased, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will fit for that purpose en TUESDAY, the 10th day of AUGUST, 18S0, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, in the city Lancaster, where all persons Interested in said distribution mav attend. CHAS. R. KLINE, je2$-3tdv:ttw Auditor. WK RESPECTFULLY DIRECT THE AT AT tentien et the public te our list of prices for COAL delivered as fellows : Genuine Lvkens Vallev Eg and Steve. ..$1.80 Xut 4.5.1 Celebrated Enterprise Egg and Xut 4.3.1 " " Broken and Steve. 4.G0 Hard Eggand Xut 4.3.1 " Broken and Steve 4.00 All Grades Xe. 1 Pea 3.3.1 Purchasers will save trem 15 te 70 Cents per ten by buying Ceal at above prices. We de net employ agents te solicit orders, prefer ring te give our customers the benefit of the commissions usually paid te such agents. THE CELEBRATED ENTERPRISE COAL maintains its high standard of excellence and is superior te any ether .Medium Ceal in this market. As we are the only dealers in the city in this Choice Ceal, and are continually receiving large invoices of it, we are ready lit all times te Mil orders ter the same. H. BAUMGARDNBR & OO. jel9-ltdS,M,S&Mii roil SALE OR KENT. i;ni: kent. J? I'll he second story et Kshleiuan A Rath- ven.s nanking Heuse, at Centre Square, and also a room en second story, opposite the Penn'a R. R. Depot, en Chestnut street. P.. F. KSHLEMAX, f23-2td.v.Stt "' Atternev-at Law PCIU.ICSALEOF A GENERAL ASSORT lueut of Household and Kitchen Furni lure. Alse Stere Goods, Fixtures, Candies and Groceries, at cer. Duke and North streets, to morrow atternoen at 1 o'clock. .JACOB GUXDAKER, lid Auctioneer, PUBLIC SALE Ol" MACHINERY AT THE Oxford Car Works, at l'J:.!0 p. m.. FRI DAY, J U L Y 'i 1SSO, !W Herse-power Engine am! Beiler, Meulders, Pinners, Jlertisers, Saws, Universal Weed Worker, Shaping Machine, Band Saw, Drill Press, Shafting Pulleys, Pipe, Ac. Fer particulars apply te W. 1). ALEXANDER, .je.!S-'tdR Oxford, Pa. 1JUHLIC SALE ON TUESlMV JULY O ISS.i, at !l o'clock, a. m., will be sold at the late residence of Michael Malum', deceased, Xe. 1 East Orange street, the entire let et" Household and Kitchen Furniture, one large Parler Mirror. 12 feet high, also. Quarry Toels such as Hammers, Drills, Picks, etc. : one Cart, Harness of all kinds, etc.; one Buggy with top. and a great many articles net men tioned. Terms made known by Wil. L. PI'IPEIt, El). McUOVKRN, ,1. M. M. BORKE. Executers. II. Siiviieiit, Auet. juir.'O-tsd yv ALUAISLECMY PROPERTY AT PUB LIC SALE. Will be sold at the Gi-.me Hetel. Win. R. Finnev, Proprietor, en THURSDAY EVEN ING, JULY I, ltM), all that well known Livery Property, situated en the east side of Xertli Queen street, near the Penn'a R. It. Depot, fronting en Xertli Queen street. :ii feet 2,' inches, ami extending in depth 100 feet, then widening te lit) iota i'A inches, ami e.xienuin in depth '215 feet te Christian street, en which is erected a two-story Rrickaml Frame Stable and Carriage Houses, a Brick Otlleeandu Stere-i loom en North Queen street. This property; IS SIMUIlllIlll) SlLllUldl 111 IIIC IH'llI L III Lilt- UUSI- liess iai t et the city, and is well calculated ler a Sale or Livery Stable and an admirable place ler a Tobacco Warehouse. Sale te commence at 7;."!0 p. in., when terms and conditions will be made known bv GEORGE W, 7.KCHER, II. Siiubkrt, Auctioneer. jeSI-tsd HAXTElh WANTED. ti.se, Irci EVERYBODY TO ADVER (r. et charge, in the Intelliekh- I cbr, who wants something te de. UTANI housework. Inquire at Xe. 21 lj East Orange street. ltd. rANTED, A practical Engineer want a situation te run Stationary Engine. Address; " Engi- necr," this elliee. YtrANTED A DKUli CLERK OF ONE H i or two years experience. Address Drugs, Intelligencer Olliee. ltd ir AGS! RAGS! RAGS' RAGS WANTED Housekeepers take notice that we are paying ! cents a pound ter AHA ED RAGS. Cash paid'as seen as delivered te WM. HEXXECKE, apriKSmd Xe. 2T West King Street. MMSCEhliANEO US. PRIVATE J.I.SSONS GIVEN TO lOUNe 1 ladies or gentlemen preparing te pass ex amination ler admission te the High Scheel, te lh-j College, or for Certificates as teachers, by GEO. X. GLOVER, je21-lwd Xe. 17 Wcjt Chestnut Street. IRANI) EVENING PARTY WILL RE VJT held by the Alpha Club at the Gi ecu Cel lage, en Saturday evening next. Admission fee. Xe improper characters permitted en he grounds. jeiVJtd AE. AlcC A.N N, AUCTIONEER OK REAL . Estate and Personal Properly. Orders loll at X'e. 33 Charlette street, or at the Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 4t; North Queen street, will receive prompt attention. Bills made out and tlendeil te without additional cost, e27-l' CITY TAXES. The duplicate et city taxi's Is new in the hands of the Treasuier. Five percent, abate ment will be allowed en all taxes paid en or be lore July 1, 1SS0. E. WEI.CHANS, jct-tdM,F&SR Treasurer. "HACObK MEAD. "" A delicious, healthy Rover.ige, far superior te the ordinary neda water. FIVE CENTS . GLASS. Fer sale by J. R. KATJFFMAN, NO. 1 1 N. O.UEEN ST.. Lancaster, Pa. june!l-2wd DR. WM. 15. KAHNESTOCK Having returned from the Seuth, lias re sumed his office practice, and can be found at his residence, Xe. 239 EAST KING STREET. ml8-2indewS pOAL! COAL!! RUSSEL & SHULMYER eXer their friends and customers the lies! grades el COAL for the coming season at as low prices as any are selling for, ami guarantee quality and weight. -Uivc us a trial. je2G-3td DKOULAMATION. X Nc 'etice is hereby given that the erdi- 1 unices of the city of Lancaster "for prevent ing accidents by lire and the better preserva tion of eriler in the city" will be strictly en forced against all persons "tiring guns or small arms, or selling, casting, throwing or tiring of chasers or ether fireworks operating in a similar manner" within the city of Lan caster during the celebration of the coming 4th of July. The police force of the city are hereby in structed te arrest any person detected in the violation of said ordinance. JOHN T. MicGONIOLE, Mayer. jcil ".ltd -S TO! I'OK CONEY ISLAND. GRAM) EXCURSION. THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1880. Fare ler the Round Trip 01113- - - - 4."5. TICKETS GOOD FOR TWO DAYS. ROUTE Lancaster te Philadelphia, thence te Jersey City. Steamer from Jersey City direct te New Iren Pier Rrighten Reach. CLARK & SCIIA1ID, Managers. Excursion te Atlantic City Aug. P.). Tiekets $2.75. Geed for 2 days. ltd rpOKACCO GROWERS! , Insure your Tobacco Creps against damage by hail in the Pennsylvania Hail Insurance Company. JOHN H. METZLER, Agent, ltd Ne. 9 Seuth Duke Street. xew autebtisemexts. Our Patrons wUl always find in our stock the following Reliable Goods : Watches of the WAL.THAM, ELGIN, LANCASTER, SPRINGFIELD, and ether American "Watch Companies' Manufacture. Alse.ithe goods of equally reliable Foreign Makes. Solid Silverware of the Gerham Manufacturing Company. Electro Silver Plated Flat Ware of the Gerham Manufacturing Company Rogers Brethers. Electro Silver Plated Hellew Ware of the Meriden Britannia Company, Meriden Silver Plate Company and Wilcox Silver Plate Company. All ether goods of first-class houses only, and warranted quality. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. MEMHCAL. Brandy as aledicine. The following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. E. Slaymaker, Agent 'or Reignrt Old Wine Stere, by a premiiu-..i ii.n.iising physi cian et this county, v. he has extensively used the Rraudy referred loin his regular practice. It is commended te the attention of these af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intemleil as a beverage, but te be Used as a medicine of great potency in the cure el some of the destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousands of victims. With a purely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the favorable notice el invalids espe cially these atllicted with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a specilic remedy, which is nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, with feeble appetite and mere or less debility, will find this simple medicine, when used properly. A Sovereign Remedy erall their ills and aches. Re it, he.vever strictly understood that we prescribe and use but one article, and thutis liEIGART'S OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising young friend, II. K SLAYAIAKER. This Brandy has steed the test ler years, and has never failed, as far as our experience extends, and we therefore give it the prelcrencc ever all ether Rraudics, no mutter with hew manyjaw-breaking French titles they arc branded. One-kiurlh of the money that Is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia specifics would sullicc te buy all the Brandy te cure any such ease or cases. In proof of the curative powers of Reigart's Old Brandy, In eases et Dyspepsia, we can summon mini bers of witnesses one case in particular we cite: A hard-working farmer had been ad.lcted with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ler a number of years; his stomach would reject almost i very kind of feed; lie had sour eructatiens con stantly no appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage he used McGraun's Reet Beer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new, preached at times, ami in his discourses elten declaimed earnestly againstall kinds of strong drink. When advisedte try Reigart'8 Old Brandy, In his case, lie looked up with astonishment, but atier hearing el its wemlertul eilccts in I the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he at last consented te fellow our advice. He used the Brandy faithfully and steadily: Ihe first bottle giving liim an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound man. with u stomach callable et digesting anything which he chose te eat. He stil! keeps it and uses a lit tle occasionally; and since he has this medi cine he has been of very little pecuniary bene lit te Ihe doctor. A PliACTlsiae Puvsiciak, H. E. SLAYMAKER, aeknt fob llcigart's Old Wine Stere, Established in 1785, importer and dkalku in FIXE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES, SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in ISIS, 1S27 and 1828.) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER. BROWX STOUT. Ne. lii) EAST KING ST.. LANCASTER, PA LEGAL NOTICES, INSTATE OF HUGH CORCORAN, LATE li of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters of" administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all person indebt ed nicrcie arc requested 10 inauc liniucoiaie payment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay ler settlement te Hie undersigned, re siding in Lancaster. MICHAEL P.. CORCORAN. jel-fitdeaw Administrator. J. W. Swift, Attorney. INSTATE ll of lain OF JACOB STACIKER, LATE ncaster city, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate liavim; been granted te the undersigned, nil persons indebt ed thereto requested te make immediate pay ment, and these having claims or tIuutunM against the same will prescpt them without delay for settlement te the unilerbWiied. V. H.STAUFFKR. DAVID McX. STAIJFFER. or te Administrator. A. C. Rkinekhl, Att'y. jc.'iiitdeaw J.XSTATE OF MAKVMUI.VA.NV, LATE OF J Hie city of Lancaster, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, ail persons in debted thereto are requested te make immedi ate payment, and these having claims or de mand against the same will present them Without delay for settlement te the undersign ed, residing In the city of Lancaster. .j.xu. a. cut i-r., m.VUdeuw Administrator, INSTATE OF JAMES IIOIIAN, LATE OF l the Cily et Lancaster, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debteil te said decedent are requested te make immcdiatcsettlcmcnt,uud these liax'ing claims or demands against the estate et said decedent te make known the same without delay te the undersigned. MARY BOH. X. MARGARET KEEFK, aplit'-fltdeed Executrixes ESTATE OK ANNA M. WE1DLEU, late of the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate hav ing been sruntcd te the unilersiirncd. till per sons indebted te said decedent lire requested te make immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demands against the same, will present them wKhetit delay for settlement te tlie under.slgded, residing In Lancaster City. MRS. K. E. PATTERSON, J. W. F. Swift. Administratrix. Attorney. nioiM.ttlced TSTATK OF LOKENZ SCHILLING, LATE. JUJ of Lancaster eit. Pa., deceased. Letters et administration, with the will annexed, en said estate having been granted te the under signed, all person indebted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, ami these having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, resid ing in Lancaster city. ROSE RAPP, Administratrix, B, F. Davis, Attorney. my37-0tdeaw INSTATE OF JAMES W. BHEY, LATE It of Lancaster City, deceased. Letters of ad ministration en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto arc requested te make immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against tne same win present them without oe ee lay for settlement te the undersigned, or her attorney, J. L. Steinmctz. JULIA RHEY. Administratrix. J. L. Steinmktr. Att'v. iu27-i;tileaw INSTATE OF ANN McCOKT, LATE OF Zl Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testa mentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent are requested te make immedi ate settlement, and tiiese having claims or de mands against the estate et said decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing in Lancaster city. REV. A. F. KAUL, jcT)-Gtdeaw Executer. ESTATE OF FRANCIS X. SUTEK, LATE of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters tes tamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersiirned. all nersensTndebted there te are requested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay ler settlement te the undersigned, residing in Lancaster city, Pa. KOSA SUTER, II. F. Davis, Att'y. Executrix. jel0-6tdeaw MARKETS. Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia, June 28. Fleur fresh firm old stock dull and weak : superfine 250:J; ex tra at $:Jg: 50: Ohie and Indiana family at $5 iki 5.-i0: Penn'a tamily 4 7."5 : St. Leuis family 5 50rt 00; de eld,$22S4 75 ; Minnesota, family 4 M."iinl ; patent and nigh grades $C, se 8 00. Rye flour at $4 25. Cornmeal Urandy wine unchanged. Wheat quiet ; Ne. 2 Western Red $1 111; Penn'a Red $1 13 1 lfi; Amber $1 HI. Cern steady ; steamer 4s)c; yellow 3131ie; mixed 50c. Oats dull and weak : Xe. 1, WhiteSilc; Xe. 2. ile.Wc; Ne. , de .ij.i(;e ; Ne. '., Mixeil 33 .'!3).e. Rye steady ; Western and Pa. 8Se. Previsions steady; miss perk at $12 7.2i:i; beef hams $20 302l ; India mess beet ilii&UiM, bacon, smoked shoulders 53-c ; salt 4i,5c; smoked hams llI2c; pickled hams yluc. Lard quiet : city kettle 7c : loose butch ers GlU7v : i) rime steam $7 13J?!7 20. lliillur steady ; Creamery extra, 202Ic ; de geed te choice 1820c: Bradford county and Xew Yerk extra. 18l"Jc ; Western Re serve extra, 15l7e ; de geed te choice 1214e ; Rolls dull; Penn'a extra 1U12; Western re serve extra leg 12c. Eggs dull and weak; Penn'a 13U14c; Western lUil'e. Cheese dull and unsettled; New Yerk full cream 88e: Western tull cream, 7e; de fair te geed 77c: de half skims 3t;c." Petroleum firm; reltned'J'cJc. Whisky $111. Seeds' Geed te prime Timethy neglected at $2 732 '.HI : Flaxseed nominal at 1 -23 for new. New Yerk. Market. Nkw Yerk. June 28. Fleur State and West ern superfine slate $3 003 83 ; extra de $.'! ;.' 4II; choice, de., $4 034 33; fancy $3 030 IK): round hoop Ohie $4 003 00: choice de $3 10f23; superfine western ISSbii 123: common te geed extra de $3 734 40 ; choice dodo $4. 107 00; choice white wheat de $1 i.Vj3 00; Southern dull and unchanged : com mon te fair extra $35i;0; geed te choice de $3 (iijt! 73. Wheat Spring nominal ; Winter white a shade stronger; Red, cash and June heavy : el her grades better and quiet ; Xe. 1, White, June, $1 13; de Red, July $112; de August $1 08 ; de J line $1 20' bid ; $1 20JJ asked. Cern about s eady and very quiet , Mixed western spot, 4'JfiiiOe: de future 4'J30c. Oats .steady ; Xe. 2 July 34c ; state 33:;ie ; western 3140. Stock Market. Philadelphia. 12:30 p. m. June 28. 3:00 v. M. Stocks firm. I'ennaU's (third issue) 108 Philadelphia ,t Eric 14 Reading ji Pennsylvania . 34 Lehigh Valley. 30 United Ces. of X.J 13i Neitliern Paeitie 28 Preferred 30 Northern Central ai:J Lehigh Navigation 2H,'H Norrislew n .'. 102 Central Transportation Te. 48 Pitts,, Titiuvifle & Rutlale. 14'i Little .Schuylkill 44 Ntw Yekk, Stocks strong. Meney q:', N. Y. Central l'.ll- Erie 4.1'4 June '28 Adams r.xpress ll." Michigan Central !3 Michigan Southern leS;j; Illinois Central WV4 Cleveland tc Pittsburgh 117 Chicago & Reck Island lOSi Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne.. i20 Western Union Tel. Ce 103"'$ Teledo & Wabash SS New Jersey Central m United States Bends and Sterling Kxclnm - . (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen A Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). PniLAnKLi'iiiA. June 28 United States li's, 1S81, (registered). .101 United States .Ys, 1SS1, (registered).. loSMffile:! United States 4's, 1SI1, (registered)!!!!!.!!) 00 United States 4's,lS01, (coupons).. .li!l-t,Si0 (Ml United States 4's, 1!W7. (registered). .loS'JieSyf United States Currency (i's 123 bid. Sterling Exchange 4s3'iJg4SS Cattle Market. PiiiLAma.i'iilA, June 28. Cattle unsteady ; receipts 3.000 head. Prime 5"''(f37sC ; geed 3' ."V(e; medium 4J's-'e; commeu'l'TglJc. .sheep market fair: receipts 8,000 head. Prime rfg3Vc: geed 4J-.4e; medium 4$ PXe: common wyM'S-yic. Hogs Market "dull : receipts 3,(iM head1 Prime c; geed lijc ; medium lyc; common I'lJsC. MEDICAL. The Bleed is the Life! LINDSEY'S BLOOD SEARCHER Is rapidly acquiring a national reputation for the cure et Scrofulous Affection, Cancerous Forma tion, Erysipelas, lieils, Pimples, Ul cers, Sere Eyes, Scald Head, Tetter, Salt-Rheum, Mercurial, and nil Skin Diseases. Thi remedy Is a Vegetable Compound, and cannot harm the most tender infant. Ladies who Miller from debilitating diseases and Fe male Complaints, will find speedy relief by using this remedy. C. W. Linscott, of Mesopotamia. O., say it cured him et Scrofula et thirty years. "Twe bottles cured Mrs. E. J. Dukes, of Colfax, liul., et ulceraleil ankle and big neck. LIND SKY'SRI.DODSEARCHKR cured my son of Erysipelas. Mils. E. Smeltzkk, Larimer Sta tion, Pa. The Weed Searcher is the Safest, Surest and Most Pewerlul Puriller ever known. Price SLIM) per bottle. R. K. SKLLKRS & CO., Prep'rs, Pitlsbur,'h, Penn'a. Te Regulate the Liver. Use Only Sellers' Liver Pills, the best and only true Liver Regulator. Established ever SO year. They cure Headache, Rilieusucs, Cestiveiiess, Liver Cemplaint.Feverand Ague, and all similar diseases, like magic. Get the right kind. SKLLERS' LIVER PILLS, 25 cts. The great Werm Destroyer! SELLERS' VERMIFUGE. "Expelled 400 Worms from my child, two years old." Wm. Sakvkk, St. LeiiH, Me. Sold by druggists. Price 25 cts. each. It. E. SELLERS & CO , Prep'rs. Pitts burgh, Pa. Send for circulars. el-lyw A Special Medical NeticeJ DR. 0. A. GREENE takes t Iii f method of notifying his numerous patients and friends that in consequence of his arduous duties (occupying his time elten fifteen hours of the day) he will take a brief vacation te recuperate his body. He will leave Lancaster en the ilth ef.lUN,und will be ab sent probably two weeks, during which time his patients can procure renewals of his reme dials at his ellices from the person in charge. OVER 700 PERSONS have enrolled their names en his book as patients during his five months practice in Lancaster. Seme 00 have taken his CURE QUICK for Catarrh whose names are net booked. Only two iiersens have tiled who lutve entered his efticcs, and te betli et them he ex pressly stated liis) inability te cure them. a-l)ue notice el return will be made. DR. C. A. GREENE, Ne. 23G NORTH QUEEN STREET. mlt-CmdTu,Th4S TIIBD EDITIOI. MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 28, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. "Washington, June 28. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, partly cloudy weather, with frequent rain, winds mostly station ary, lower temperature, generally clear weather and lower barometer. WlUTTAKEK's EAKs. Copying the Repert et the West Point In quiryThe Government en Wheuls. Washington, June 28. The report anil recommendation of the judge advocate gen eral in the Whittaker case are new being copied preparatory te submission te the secretary of war. The secretary said this morning that the document will be very voluminous and will probably net be com pleted until after his return from the West, which will be about ten days or two weeks hence. The secretary expects te leave for St. Paul te-morrow morning. Secretary Thompson and party expect te leave Washington en Thursday next for Terre Haute, Inil. Owing te the absence of Ilaycs there will be no meeting of the cabinet te mor row. Secretary Sherman has returned from Virginia and was at the department tj day. INCENDIARY ATTEMPT. Judge Lynch Holds Special Sessions. Denver, Cel., June 2S. A. special dis patch te the Republican from Ihicna Vista says that en Saturday night an incendiary attempted te burn the Lake house, but. was caught in the act and chased by a mob xthe tired several shots, fatally wounding an unknown man and severely wounding Calvin Moen and. I. A. Matthews, The crowd also attacked Judge Casey, but he escaped. Their intention was te murder him. A short time -age a petition signed by citizens caused the dismissal by Judge Casey of some members of the po lice force. This xvas the cause of the at tack en him. Mere violence is likely te ensue. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. A Itig Less. Uipex, Wis.. June 28. Dellinger's ex tensive flouring mills which cost S-te.000 te build, were destroyed by fire en Saturday night. Dangerous Hitching 1'est. Carp Ontario, June 28. Yesteiday a boy named Sprenle was killed by lightning while tying a horse te a telegraph pole. Easily Extinguished. New Yerk, June 28. The steamship Geerge W. Clyde, which arrived from Charlestown en Saturday, took fire this morning, but the lire was extinguished in an hour ami the less will net be heavy. FATAI.LV STAUI'.EI). Sunday Night Rew in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, June 28. About three o'clock this morning, Benjamin Shaw Shaw cress, a tailor living en Ninth street, above Filheit, was found lying en Ninth street, near his home, mortally wounded. Several witnesses saw Shawcress and Kilward AIcGevcrn engaged in an altercation. The' former fell and died while being carried into his house. lie had been stabbed thiec times in the side. McGevern was arrcstid and a bloody knife was found in his pock et. He says he was sitting 011 a step when Shawcress struck him, and that he only defended himself. lie was the worse for liquor at the time. lie is the en of Ed xvard McGovern, a china dealer en Mar ket street, near Ninth. IRISH REVOLUTIONISTS. A Meeting in l'lnluiielpliia. About fifty delegates from all parts e the United States, representing the Irish revolutionary convention, assseinbled in Philadelphia this morning. A tem porary organization of the convention was Directed by placing Judge lireniian.ol'Iewa, in the chair. Judge Iiruiiuau made a speech defining the object of the conven tion te be te devise means for liberating the Irish people. Committees were ap pointed and an adjournment had until o'clock p. in. 1'ATHl.K AND SON. Det I )i owned in 1111 Kfl'ert of Hie Fermer te Save Ills Chilli. Kingsten, Out., June 28. Last even ing, C. Ilccker, of the firm of i. M. "Weber & Ce., piano makers, of thi ; city, was .drowned at Kingsten mill while trying te save his little son. Mr. Meeker's son was out bath ing, a line being out of the beat for him te keep held of, but he let go and was in danger of drowning, when his father, jumping out of the beat te lescue him, caused it te capsize. They both struggled in the water trying te make for the shore, but the weight of the boy was tee great and both were drowned. A SUNDAY FKACAS. Man Killed in a Deer Garden. St. Pa pl, June 28. A special te llic Pioneer Press says : " During a fight be tween two men in a beer garden at Fisch ers' Creek, near Duluth, en Sunday even ing, a man named Ed. Brenan attempted te separate the combatants, when one of the latter, Herman Oppet, struck I'renan behind the left ear with a leaded cane, killing him instantly. Oppet escaped, A HAD CROUD. lSiislirangers Captured. Sydney, X. S., June 28. The Kelly gang of "J'uslirangers" has been cap tured. Pour persons were shot in the en counter between the officers and the gang. This gang is notorious for bank-robbing in Xew AVales, and long evaded the efforts of the authorities te break it up. OUT. Spinners and Winners Strike. Londen, June 28. The master cotton spinneis of Mossley bave refused te grant an advance of five per cent, in the wages of spinners and winders, who have conse quently struck, and from seven te eight thousand persons are out of employment. THE CAMPAIGN. Call for Meeting of the Democratic Congres sional Committee. Washington, June 28. The chairman of the congressional Democratic campaign committee has issued a call for a meeting of the committee at 12 o'clock neon, July 12th, at the Heffman-house, in New Yerk city. GEN. HANCOCK. Mrs. Suiratt's Sen-in-Law Nails n Lie. Baltimore, June 28. An interview with Mrs. Tenry, formerly Miss Anna Surratt, having been fabricated here and sent te the Philadelphia Press, Xew Yerk Tribune and Cincinnati Commercial, te in jure General Ilauceck, Prof. Tenry, 3rs. Suiratt's sen-iu-law is out in a card te day in which he says, ever his own signature : "That article was net authorized, indors ed, or given for publication by my wife or myself. Mr. E. P. Fulton, of theBaltJ: mere American, called at our house lait Thursday p. 111. Mrs. Tenry refused te give him any statement for publication, and referred him te me. Later the same day 3Ir. Fulton called again, when I also refused te give him any statement for publication. Mr. Fulton called a third time, the next day, and was a third time refused any item or statement for publication. I did net talk te him "thus unreservedly en the question," as is asserted in the article ; quite the con trary. Mr. Fulton has had but these three interviews with either my wife or myself in which this subject was ever mentioned. It is net true that I said, I rely upon you te report us correctly. ' What I did say te Mr. Fulton was : " I wish you distinctly te understand that you have no right and are net authorized te publish anything, one way or the ether, except what I give you ever my own signature." FATAL EXPLOSION. The Hail Werk Caused by 11 Can et Vai- nisli. Nkw Yerk, June 28. 15y the explosion of a can of varnish at Ne. iJ!) (.old street, te-day, two workmen, James Yerkes and Moses Ackermaii, were terribly burned ; the former fatally. Kdward Hampton loses $5,01)0 011 stock of grates, iire brick, ifcc, and the building, owned by llelmau & Tate, is damaged $:,0(K) ; all insured. A ltaecalanrate Sermon en Atheism. President Perter delivered the bacca laureate sermon te the graduating class at Yale college, the text being : " Having no hope and without l!ed in the world." In the course of his remarks the president said : "In all times igner..:..3 of tied has been commonly regarded as a calamity or a sin. In our day it has taken a new form. Ignorance has been taught as a necessity of reason. The unknowablenessefGod has been formulated as a philosophy, taught as theology, and haWewcd as a leligien. Without Ged there is no well-grounded hope for science. Our newly-Hedged ag nostics are apt te forget that all modern science lias been prosecuted in the bread and penetrating sunlight of faith in one living ami personal G'ed, and that net a single theory has been proposed or ex periment tried in nature except with the distinct recognition of the fact that a wise ami loving mind may upheld ami direct the goings 011 of nature. These simple teachings of Christian theism are capable of being expanded into the grandest conceptions that science ever attempted te formulate. Se grand that human reason is overwhelmed with this sublime relationship, and the human im agination is dazed te blindness when it would picture them. That science must have faith and hope appeals, whether we consider it as an interpreter, a historian or a prophet. It docs net step with facts ; it leeks beneath the visible. Having gained some insight into the present, it gees back te the past. It is also a prophet, believing that ' the interpretation if the present and solution of the pttsb will he surpassed by its discoveries, which are te be that nature and man shall con tinue as heretofore, obeying the same laws as from the beginning. This hope rests upon the lecognitien el'a personal intelli gence. The assertion that He cannot be known takes from science its hope, with drawing from the universe the illumina tion of personal leasen and personal love, which all seieutilie thinking accepts as possible and rational. Belief in Ged is the only condi tion of hope in the advancement of pub lic and seeial morality, and ceusciueiitly in social stability and progress. Tin: uni verse in which we live icprcscuts two factors the physical and moral. Beth of these are manifested in social phenomena. If Ged is required as the ground of our hope in nature and physical science, and also in the sphere of morals, hew much mere in the sphere in which nature and spirit meet together." lusticetn Mr. Tilden Washington Star. Let the Democrats of the nation say what they please, they ewe a great deal te Mr. Tilden. He lelievcd them el" their greatest difficulty by taking his name fiem the list of candidates before the Cincinnati conven tion. By his self-abnegation he opened the way te haimeny in the paity. Had he determined te contest tin: nomination, the light at Cincinnati between the two factions would have been mere bitter than that at Chicago between the supporters and opponents of Gen. Grant. A defeat of Mr. Tilden for the nomination, had he insisted upon it, would have assured the defeat of of the Democ racy in New Yerk. Even Jehn Kelly, with all his hatred of Tilden. said that 110 Dem ocrat could carry New Yerk without the hitter's suppeit. By declining te enter the lists for the nomination Tilden gave his party harmony and unity instead el division and bitterness. He held, in fact, the destiny of his party, as far as any pros pects of success in this canvass wcie eon een ccined. He had friends, as delegates in the convention, who were ready and will ing te fight for him te this bitter end had he but said the word. AVhat Mr. .lewett Think. New Yerk Tribune As the friends of Hugh J. Jewett. presi dent of Erie, had attempted te work up a Jewett " boom" before the Cinciiiuiti con vention, it was thought that, his views en the results of the convention would be of much interest. After six unsuccessful calls in search of Mr. Jewett a Tribune re porter found him en Friday at his house, Xe. Oramercy Park. Mr. Jewett re ceived the lepertir with impressive dijr- nity. The conversation was as fellows : 'I have called, sir, te ask your opinion with regard te the Cincinnati nomina tion." "Well, sir," replied Mr. Jewett, "I consider it a most favorable choice. Han cock's record is a pure one, and he is very popular. I de net suppose, however, that he entertained the slightest idea of receiv ing the nomination." ' Will he carry Indiana ?" " I think se, undoubtedly." " Hew about New Yerk?" "That will surely be his." " What majority would you give him in this state. " I am unable te estimate that." " Will he carry his own state '.'" "Of a certainty; also several states which usually fellow Pennsylvania s lead. The solid Seuth is likewise his. " " What de you consider his chances in Ohie?" "They arc very geed; though, of course, Garfield has a strong held theie, it being his own state. " "Are you peisenally acquainted with Mr. English?" "I am, sir ; and he is a learned scholar and will make a most excellent presiding officer in the Senate. The names of Han cock and English present a remarkably powerful ticket."