Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 26, 1880, Image 2

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Lancaster fintellfgencer.
.The great principles of American lib
erty are still the lawful inheritance of
this people, ana ever should lie. The
right or trial by jury, the habeas corpus,
the liberty of the press, the freedom of
speech, the natural rights of persons and
the rights of property must be preserved.
.Mnj. Ueii. Cemd'g Dept. La. and Texas.
Hancock's Clril Recerd.
It is remarkable with what unanimity
the independent and the respectable por
tion of the Republican press concede the
fitness of the Cincinnati candidates for
the places for which they have been
named. The spontaneous outburst of
enthusiasm with which the name of
General Hancock has been received by
the Democratic sentiment of the country
is the natural consequence of a choice
made with such essential unanimity by
the representatives of the party from
every section of the country, who recog
nize in him the embodiment of loyalty te
the Union, of patriotism, of Democracy,
and around whose historic name hang
the sweet odors of that whitest of blos
soms, civil liberty. The hide-bound Re
publican partisan press, deprived of its
old-time weapon of sectional hate and
forbidden te indulge in its favor
ite prepensiiy for mud slinging
by General Hancock's iersenal rec
ord, "spotless as a star," has been
compelled te take the untenable po
sition that Hancock's services te his
country having been of a purely military
character, he is unfitted, either by educa
tion or temperament, te discharge the
duties of tiie executive office. The inde
pendent press, en the ether hand, is
united in its opinion that Gen. Han
cock's career as a civic ruler litis been
net less creditable than his course as a
military chieftain. They accord te him
the possession at once of the attributes
of t lie soldier and the statesman. They
recognize the illustrious services
he rendered te the cause of
conslitutienul liberty and law
when as commander of the Fifth
district, comprising the states of Louis
iana and Texas, he was first te place the
civil authority above the sword, first te
proclaim that the bayonet should make
obeisance te civil law. They realize that
the name of Winfield .Scott Hancock is
net alone the heroic emblem of the
Union, but also the splendid symbol of
that civil liberty which is the basis of
popular government, and upon which is
reared the proud temple of freedom.
The Philadelphia Lcilyer, that most
conservative of independent journals,
lias this tribute te Gen. Hancock's ser
vices in his capacity as a civil etlicer :
Hut ii is net alone as soldier that General
I lancuek has a history. After the war and
when that difliciilt problem of the care and
restoration of the Southern states, which
hud been left without governments, had te
he grappled with, he justly earned great
distinction as an administrator of the laws
ever the large district of country covered
by the slates of Louisiana and Texas.
Vhat was te be done with these states,
thai had lest their condition, their privi
lege and right as self-governing coinniu ceinniu
ties, had exercised the minds of states
men like Thaddeus Stevens, Sew
ard and Lincoln. But they had te be
brought within the pale of the govern
ment, and te Gen. Hancock was allotted
the states above mentioned, as the Caro Care
linas had been allotted te Gen. Meade. It
was in this capacity that he wen his rep
utation as a soldier administering civil law,
and gained at once the acknowledgments
of thegevcrnincut and lasting gratitude and
admiration of the people whose present
and future he had in charge. This in the
present aspect of affairs is the most impor
tant chapter of Gen. Hancock's history.
Ce i.. Fekney gives notice te the Re
publicans that he proposes te leave the
Garfield camp. If this purpose was net
clearly indicated in the open letter ad
dressed te a " native of Lancaster coun
ty." published in this week's P myrew,
the following telegram addressed te (Jen.
Hancock immediately upon the hitter's
nomination would point with sufficient
perspicacity te the course which this old
time Republican leader means te pursue
in the campaign :
Cincinnati, June 24.
I congratulate you en your nomination
for president, and predict your election and
the complete restoration of peace te all
Your life-long friend,
Jehn W. Feknkv.
Te Daniel Dougherty, en reading the
hitter's speech presenting Gen. Hancock's
name te the Cincinnati convention, Cel.
Ferney, dispatched the following im
passioned telegram : " I congratulate
you, dear old friend, en your great speecli
in favor of the living here of Gettysburg,
the Murat of Pennsylvania ; if nomina
ted at Cincinnati for president he would
deliver this great commonwealth from
the terrible curse that has polluted its
fair fame, destroyed the hopes of its
young men, and enriched its insolent pol
iticians." Ouk truthful and amiable contempo
raries, the JVcw Era and the Examiner.
are sorely displeased with Thursday
night's demonstration, and devote a geed
deal of space te a lame and impotent at
tempt te held it up te ridicule If it
amuses Miein te expose their mendacity
in se conspicuous a fashion we see no
reason te complain. But the truth re
mains all the same, that the recent
ghastly Garfield "parade" multiplied
four or five times ever could have been
sandwiched into Thursday night's turn
out and it would have been difficult te
discover it.
-m m
TnE political Buttercup of our neigh
ber across the way has "mixed these
children up " in speaking of Judge War
ren J. Woodward as the Democratic can
didate for governor of Pennsylvania in
18(33, and "Yellow Fever" Blackburn,
us one of the liens of the recent Demo
cratic national convention.
The pen is mightier than the sword,
and Gen. Hancock is the master of both,
Make It "Ceaalst."
If the New Era would only keep its
self-contradictions a little farther apart
they might net attract quite se much at
tention from the public. Its opinions as
te the integrity of Northern election
officers especially Republican election
officers appear te be sadly mixed. In
discussing the frauds committed at the
late Republican primary election the
New Era said, in its issue of Wed
nesday :
W knew that the fraud and unfairness,
by which certain candidates get upon the
Republican ticket at the late election
were simply unparalleled. We
knew it is susceptible of proof that one re
turn was made in blank and filled in te
order; that in another case the con
tents of the ballet-box as counted were net
what was received from the voters ; that
in a third Democrats were voted by the
score ; and that in a fourth tickets were
changed by tens in the county all of
which, and mere, is susceptible of proof
before a committee of brains and honesty.'
All of which, "and mere," is probably
true ; but it does net very well accord
with the following from the New Era of
last evening :
It is net likely that Gen. Garfield will
carry a single Southern state,
because the supporters of Gen. Hancock
will allow of no open demonstration in fa
vor of the man of their choice.
Gen. Garfield, en the ether hand, will
carry the loyal North upon no such a pre
text nor by any such desperate means. Ne
man will be kept from the polls or be de
prived of the privilege of casting a free
man's ballet. The bulldozer and his shot
gun have no place at the Northern polls.
Every man, however humble, will be al
lowed te vote for the man of his choice.
Out or Its Own Meuth.
The New Era is sadly inconsistent even
witli itself, and is in conflict witli the ex
pressed sentiment of its own candidate
for president. At the head of its edito
rial department it prints the following
very sensible extract from a speech made
by Gen. Garfield :
" The man who attempts te get up apo
litical excitement in this country en the old
sectional issues, will find himself without a
party and without support."
And then, as if te show its contempt
for Gen. Garfield's sensible saying, it
prints immediately following it almost
two columns of editorial, the whole bur
den of which is the revival of the sec
tional issues denounced by its candidate.
Following is an extract from the Era :
" Net only are the two presidential can
didates fairly pitted against each ether,
but the North and Seuth are also arrayed
en opposite sides once mere. It is net likely
that General Garfield will carry a single
Southern state, and General Hancock will
carry very few or no Northern ones."
If Gen. Garfield is right, the Era must
be wrong, and in the language of its own
candidate will seen find itself " without
a party and without support."
Tiik Examiner's funeral oration ever
the dad body of " peer Tilden " is pa
theticvery pathetic and does honor te
the head and heart of the geed commo
dore who loved him se much, and se sin
cerely desired his nomination for the
presidency. If the Examiner wishes te
gather facts for a similar tribute te the
martyred Mrs. Snrratt and it thinks the
files of the Intelligencer will furnish
it fitting material, these files are at its
service, Alas ! mere's the pity, it can
not find in its own files anything at all
befitting the solemn occasion, for in these
days the Examiner in its truly loyal way
gloated ever the execution of " traitors."
The Republicans are already counting
en the pessibibility of cheating the Dem
ocrats out of the fruits of their prespec
tive victory in November next by the
S te 7 precess: G-a-r-f-i-e-1-d S;
H-a-n-c-e-c-k 7. But then, you knew,
Hancock "isn't that kind of a
Gen Hancock has received ever a thou
sand congratulatory despatches from all
part of the country.
Said Cel. Jehn W. Feknkv te a news
paper reporter yesterday : "General
Hancock has for very many years been a
personal friend of mine, and I intend te
vote for him. I believe he will be elected
without doubt.'
" A kl'll-giiewx man who throws his
b.uiana peel upon the sidewalk is no Chris
tian." Exchanye. " Well, what de you
think of the banana peel that throws a
full-grown man upon the sidewalk ?"
A man told his friend that he had joined
the army. " What regiment ?" his friend
asked. " Oh, I don't mean that, I mean
the army of the Lord." "Ah, what
church'."' "The Baptists." "Why,"
was the reply, " that's net the army ; its
the navy !"
At their recent county convention, the
Democracy of Fulton county abandoned
the Crawford county system and returned
te the delegate system ; while the Democ
racy of Cambira county abandoned the
delegate system and adopted the Crawford
county system.
Tiik magnificent service rendered by the
telegraph companies in keeping the coun
try posted as te the doings of the late Cin
cinnati convention, was a feature of that
notable gathering net less prominent than
that rendered en the occasion of the con
vention in Chicago, three weeks age, when
their work evoked the astonishment and
admiration of intelligent people every
where. Te the activity and courtesy of
the managers of the rival telegraph com
panies in this city Mr. Jehn E. Zecher, of
the American Union, and Mr. D. II. Potts,
of the Western Union, the Intelligencer
is indebfed for the very complete bulletins
received during the sittings of the conven
tion, and which immediately found their
way te the Intelligencer beard and were
thus communicated te the public. The
news of Gen. Hancock's nomination was
taken red-het from the wires by Mr. Zech
er, as it was sent with lightning speed from
the convention hall, without stepping
at any "way stations," and n moment
later the breathless messenger boy had ar
rived at the Intelligencer office with the
information, aud the excited throng that
surrounded the building knew who was te
te be the next president of the United
States. Verily, this is an age of progress.
and time and space are no longer factors
v mAnK
in events,
What the Newspapers Say.
Willlauispert Banner, Dcin.
Thename of Majer General Winfield S.
Hancock will electrify the whole country.
Philadelphia Bulletin, Rep.
Republicans must bear in mind that they
have, as a competitor of their own gallant
candidate, "a foeman worthy of their
steel." English is a man of geed
character, of respectable abilities, and of
some experience in public affairs.
New Yerk Herald, lnd.
Ifauy Republican stump orator shall
pretend that the government cannot safely
be trusted te General Hancock he will be
laughed at. Ner can it be said that Han
cock would be a nose of wax in the hands
of ether men. He is a man of his own
Easten Argus, Dem.
The Democratic
national convention
by placing in nemi
honored itself te-day
nation for president General Winfield S
Hancock, the brave soldier, the friend of
the constitution, the son of Pennsylvania.
The people will ratify the nomination in
November aud he will be seated in the
White Heuse.
Philadelphia Telegraph. Hep.
The Democrats yesterday nominated a
very steng ticket ; and if there be any
Republicans who have net as yet clearly
recognized that fact, the sooner they
briug themselves te a recognition of it the
better it will be for themselves and for
their party for it means a hard fight and
a determined fight if the Republican party
is te maintain its control ever the execu
tive branch of the government.
Philadelphia Recerd, lnd.
His unblemishcdcharacteriu private life,
his high attainments, his social standing,
fit him te grace the presidential chair.
His public acts as a brave and daring sol
dier in war, and as a considerate and liberty-loving
soldier in time of peace, justi
fy the trust that has been reposed in him.
The Recerd, as at present advised, declares
for Hancock and English.
Wilmington (Del ) Every Evening. Detn.
His public record is without blot and his
private character is equally stainless.
Though, as is well known, he was net the
first choice of Ecery Evening, still we have
no hesitation in expressing the belief that
with him as its standard bearer the De
mocracy ought te have no apprehensions
for the result of the election next Novem
ber. General Hancock against Garfield
will present te the country an issue the
determination of which with these who
have net yet lest faith in the wisdom aud
integrity of the people certainly ought net
te present a difficult problem.
Lancaster Inquirer, Rep.
The ticket is a strong one, anil will com
mand the full Democratic vote. Gen.
Hancock is a brave and able soldier, and
rendered his country valuable services
during the war of the rebellion. He is
net the man whom the Democratic leaders
would have selected of choice, but he is
without doubt the strongest candidate
that could have been taken from their
ranks Te defeat Gen. Han
cock will tax all our resources. lie
will start off with the solid and en
thusiastic support of the party which
nominated him, and the undivided elec
toral vote of every Southern state. His
reputation as a soldier will give him sup
per. in the North which could net have
been obtained for any ether candidate the
Democrats would have named.
Philadelphia Ledger. lnd.
In making their choice for the Presidency
the Democrats took one of the two men
who are, beyond all doubt, their most de
sirable candidates. Senater Bayard is the
ether. Beth arc men of high character
and distinction, justly standing high in
the favor of their country, and cither is a
far mere formidable candidate than any
ether in the list before the convention.
Bayard has the largest experience in pub
lic affairs, but he was threatened with an
attack en his war record. The war issue
continuing te be uppermost in party poli
tics, notwithstanding the lapse of fifteen
years since the suppression of the rebellion,
it is this which constrains conventions te
te turn their attention te military celebri
ties, and it is this which moved the Cin
cinnati convention te concentrate en
General Hancock, who is by far the
strongest candidate the Democrats could
have put in the field.
New Yerk Sun, lnd.
Gen. Hancock has ever been true te the
Union. ISrave among the bravest of the
soldiers who marked with their bleed the
battle fields of the civil war, there is no
citizen, living or dead, whose life mere
than his illustrates the sentiment of loy
alty te the old Hag, of devotion te the in
tcgrity of the republic. Upen the es
cutcheon of his fidelity there is net the
shadow of a single blot. He is a straight
forward, outspoken, sincere mau. What
he says lie means ; what he means he docs.
Under his administration we may expect
economy, dignity, boldness, truth aud
honor. I he old Democratic principles,
which stand like bed rocks in the consti
tution, will be the rules by which he will
act. The reformation and renovation of
the government will be the object toward
which his ellbrts will be directed. The
convention has done well in giving us
such a candidate.
Philadelphia North American, Hep.
But it is the simplest justice te him who
has been honored, and the most unavoida
ble meed of praise te these who have con
ferred the distinction, te .say of Winfield
S. Hancock, that the Republic can beast
of no citizen whose private life and whose
public career have been mere worthy of
being held up as the purest and most
praiseworthy types. Physically, mentally
and morally General Hancock is one of
the best of a class which happily is begin
ning te furnish many illustrious examples
in the adornment of public affairs ; and
while we could esteem as nothing less
than calamity the success of the Democrat
ic party, we must recognize from the be
ginning that its defeat in the coining cam
paign will find no promoting cause in any
quality or lack of personal deserving en
the part of its most distinguished candi
date for the presidency. .
Baltimore Gazette. Dem.
The action of the Cincinnati convention
has solved the presidential problem, and
once mere reinstated the Democratic party
in the affections of the American people.
Throughout its entire proceedings the de
liberations of that body were marked by
the higher order of wisdom and partrietism,
and clearly demonstrated that the day for
Democratic blundering had passed. The
nomination of General Winfield Scott Han
cock sent a thrill of joy through the great
heart of the national Democracy and at
once dispelled all doubt as te the result of
the November contest. Never before did
the selection of a candidate elicit greater
satisfaction or mere widesprcadenthusiasm
Frem the lakes te the gulf, from the Aris
took te the Sacramento, the name of Han
cock has been hailed and greeted as the
herald of certain victory.
Baltimore Sun, Dem.
In the personal character and antece
dents of its candidates the Cincinnati con
vention would appear te be altogether
fortunate. Gen. Hancock is a soldier by
profession, it is true a graduate of West
Point, whose life has been spent in the
military service of his country, including
service in one foreign war but he is a
soldier who has shown in a conspicuous de
gree that he recognizes that his first duty
is te the laws and constitution of his
country, and that in becoming an Ameri
can soldier he did net cease te be an
American citizen. His memorable orders
issued upon assuming command in Louisi
structien, wiUberead by his countrymen
A J !l.1. V xl J-l 11 .
ana, during the critical period et recon-
te eay wiiu mere pleasure man me uuue-
tins of the battles in which he was en
gaged. They should be read, in order te
be appreciated properly, net in the light
of the present situation, but with refer
ence te the actual state of affairs, and of
the public mind at the time they were
Hancock for President.
McClure'a Editorial Despatch te the Times.
This day has cast dark shadows across
the path of James A. Garfield. The nomi
nation of Winfield Scott Hancock as his
competitor for the highest civil trust of ;he
world, by the spontaneous acclaim of a
united Democracy, fercasts a contest that
under even the most favorable circum
stances for Garfield must be doubtful in its
issue, and that gives mere than even pro pre
mise of a sweeping Hancock victory in
every doubtful Northern State.
It'was a nomination that made itself.
Many strove earnestly te hinder it, but
there were few of the ordinary appliances
of political power te aid its consummation.
Never before did a national convention
preeent such an entire absence of concen
tration in favor of particular candidates.
Se diffused was the sentiment of the dele
gates that pretenders multiplied from the
political haunts of mediocrity until they
turned the considerate judgment of the
convention te the master chieftain of the
Beyond Tilden there were no implacable
antagonisms in the counsels of the Democ
racy, and his mysterious shifting of the
assumed power he did net posses finally
hastened the convention te its own deliv
erance. At midnight, just twelve hours
before Hancock's nomination, Randall was
en the point of yielding te the rapidly
crystallizing sentiment in favor of the gal
lant Pennsylvania soldier, and New Yerk
was hesitating between a cordial submis
sion te the maudate of the Democracy aud
a desperate combination te defy it because
it did net ewe its inspiration te Gramercy
Park, and after a night of jarring discord
Randall was proffered the crown when the
power te deliver it had perished. That
Randall should pause before such an offer
ing, however doubtful of realization, was
only natural, since he is but mortal ; but
when he was nominated this morning in
Tilden's name, with all the grace and fit
ness that the accomplished Peckham could
add te it, none misunderstood the silent
chill that pervaded the convention outside
of the Randall club and a little group of
devoted followers. The second letter of
declination from Tilden was denied a read
ing by a vote of the body, and Randall,
who could have been made the nominee
two days before by the favor of Tilden,
was crucified before the multitude.
It was a grand tribute te Pennsylvania
that the gravitation of Democratic judg
ment divided between two Pennsylvauians
ene the first soldier of the common
wealth and the ether her highest titled civi
lian, and it was a proud day for Pennsyl
vania when Malcolm Hay, reflecting the
magnanimity of his chief, threw the voice
of Randall into the battle for his warrior
rival before the nomination of Hancock
had been attained.
There is but one sentiment among the
delegates and throughout the dispassion
ate men of all parties, even in the home
of Garfield, and that accepts Hancock as
the strongest candidate the convention
could have chosen. It is net doubted,
either by Democrats or Republicans, that
Garfield will carry Ohie ever Hancock and
that he would have carried the state
against any competitor. State pride, and
especially the pride of the Western Re
serve, will forget the weaknesses of the
Republican standard bearer ajid Republi
can Ohie will vote for Ohie's Republican
candidate. There will be no Harrison or
Lincoln Heed-tide, no enthusiasm te break
the Democratic lines; but there will be the
stubbornly wrought-iron majority that
saved Hayes from annihilation in October of
187(',and the desperation of the battle will
centre in the hitherto confessed Republican
States of Pennsylvania and Illinois, both
of which may new be classed as uncertain
for Garfield. Ohie will be skirmished te
save Congressmen and te impress the new
admitted truth that Garfield has no ele
ments of strength beyond what his party
confers en him. But Eastward, along the
Republican bulwarks of Pennsylvania, the
battle will ra;c with a desperation that
has been unknown in the recent Presiden
tial cenllicts. On the Republican side
there will be hesitation, indifference, sulk
ing in tents and spiritless defense of the
candidate who is commended by the Cob
den club of free traders and whose record
demands apology from every hustings and
organ. On the Hancock side there will be
that unity that is born of hearty enthusi
asm and unfaltering faith in victory and
there will be no apologies te offer, no blun
ders te explain, no indiscretions te excuse
and no indiilerence te inspire.
General Hancock gives the Democracy a
better record than it has given itself and
he is vastly stronger than the party in
state aud nation. His candidacy strips
the contest of the last vestige of section
alism and leaves the Republicans with no
attribute outside of the inherent merits of
their candidate and present record that
can appeal te patriotism. A favorite of
the American people, he is a nobler soldier
than Garfield, one whose name isimpcrish
ably interwoven with the achievements of
the army of the Potomac, and one who,
alike in the tempest of battle and in the
mere delicate duties of civil administration
has steed out single from the masses
of our heroes and statesmen. He has no
effensive record of the past, no offensive
surroundings of the present, no doubtful
loyalty or integrity te fear the critical
test of his countrymen, and he will run
like fire in an August, clearing. New
lerk, JNew Jersey and Connecticut are
reasonably certain te be Hancock states,
as the Democratic leaders have no oppor
tunity te put him in leading strings by
their blunders, and I put down Pennsyl
vania as quite as certain for Hancock as
Ohie is for Garfield. The really doubtful
states of the contests will be Indiana, Illin
ois, Nevada, California and Oregon, with
net mere than ene chance in a dozen for
the Republicans in Indiana and with about
like chances for the Democrats in Illinois
and the Pacific states. Leeking dispassion
ately ever the field at this early stage of
the conflict, the indications point strongly
te a Democratic president, a Democratic
Senate and a Democratic Heuse en the 4th
of March, 1881. A. K. M
PerMHial Characteristics of the Wile of the
Democratic Candidate for President.
Frem tiie New Yerk Graphic.
Mrs. Hancock, the wife of the general,
is a few years his junior in age and as a
woman is as imposing in appearance as he
is as a man. Tall and well proportioned,
with most winseme smile, a manner that
puts you at your case at once and a pair
eyes that animate every line of a hand
some face, she is still a beauty, although
her hair is becoming streaked with gray.
She was married when the gen
eral was but a young lieutenant doing
duty in the far West. It was entirely
a leve match, and neither of thcin have
since regretted it in fact, their home is
one of the happiest imaginable. Mrs. Han
cock has always been opposed te her hus
band's becoming a candidate for the presi
dency, and she is new even above the
weakness of wishing te be the mistress of
the White Heuse. She dreads the worry
of the canvass, and if her husband is elect
ed she thinks that the honor which the po
sition brings will be dearly purchased by
the renunciation of all domestic life for
four years te come and of his position as
senior major general and his chances of
seen becoming chief of the army. While
she prefers her own home existence, how
ever, there is no one better qualified te
play the hostess en a grand scale than she.
A society belle, even after her marriage,
she has all the self-confidence and re
sources needed te entertain the most varied
company. There is nothing in the range
of conversation about which she does net
knew something. Her greatest charm,
however, is and it is the general's also
the art of making every individual atom
feel as if he were the one sole object of her
Thuriiinn Declares Hancock te be Net Only
a Soldier but u Lawyer and a Statesman.
A large meeting was held in the Colum
bus state house yard Thursday night te
ratify the Cincinnati nominations.
Speeches were made by Senater Thurman
and ethers. Senater Thurman said in the
course of a long speech: "It gives me
sincere pleasure te meet with you te ratify
the nominations made byyeur convention in
Cincinnati. The nominations are geed, they
will brin? success te our banner ; the men
will be elected and their election will briug
peace and harmony. Winfield Scott Han
cock was one of the brightest, the ablest
and most darinjr and brave of all the sol
diers that went te the war te maintain the
Hancock has been iu the army all his
life, and therefore you might net at once
suspect what is literally the truth, that
Hancock is net only a soldier but he is a
constitutional lawyer, and a geed Ameri
can statesman. After the close of the re
bellion he was placed as military governor
of Louisiana and Texas, before they were
admitted te representation in congress,
and te exercise their rights as states, he
showed there was such a thing as the
constitution of the United States, that he
knew that there was such a thing as a free
republic, that he knew that the true doc
trine of every free government is that the
military must be subordinate te the civil
power, and hence, although besieged by a
ravenous horde of carpet-baggers te lend
the aid of the military te their meditated
wrongs aud oppressions, he said no, that
trial by jury was the right of all American
citizens. Equal justice in the courts is the
right of the American citizen. Freedom
from unlawful arrest is the right of an
American citizen. Peace in his home and
peace where he is disturbing no ene is the
right of an American citizen, and I will net
use the American flag, or American sword,
or American bayonet, or the American
soldier te deprive the people of these rights.
That is what makes him the idol of the
people of Louisiana and Texas. That is
what made Louisiana the first state te
nominate him, months age, in her state
convention ; Texas te fellow, and that is
what made the stern, hard-backed Demo
crats of New England threw up their hats
and say, Hancock is our man.
Wild With Excitement Last Night Return
of the Amerlcus and Randall Clubs.
There was a great Hauceck demonstra
tion in Philadelphia last night. The
Americus club and the Samuel J. Randall
association, escorting the delegates te
Cincinnati, arrived in the city at about
8 o'clock. Leng before that hour the
streets around the West Philadelphia
depot were thronged with people, and the
streets along the route of the parade were
lined. Democratic clubs from every ward
formed in line, and with terchlights,
fireworks, banners and transparencies,
moved down Chestnut street hurrahing
for Hancock. The affair was gotten up
within a day or two, and was almost cn
tii ely impromptu. Ne ene looked for such a
tremendous turnout. The precession took
almost an hour te pass a given point, and
has rarely been equaled except in the heat
of a presidential campaign. Chestnut street
was ablaze with light, and the members of
the two visiting clubs were loudly cheered
as they passed along in their J neat suits
of serge, swinging their great palmleaf
fans. On every transparency the name of
Hancock appeared. The Randall boys,
nudes the leadership of Marshall McMul
len. and the rival Democratic, or Wallace,
faction marched iu the same line, aud te
all appearance the parly in this city is new
Dispatches all ever the state speak of
the unbounded enthusiasm. There was
nothing like it when Garfield was nomina
ted, and the Democrats are loudly pro
claiming everywhere their ability te carry
the state for Hancock and English.
Baseball : At Washington National,
10 ; Albany, '5. At Cleveland en Thurs
day Cleveland, e ; Providence, 4.
The census shows the population of Col
umbus, Ohie, te be 51,3'J7, an increase of
of 26,003 in ten years.
The Precurcurs of Grenoble, Limoges
and Pau have resigned their offices because
they are unwilling te enforce the anti
Jesuit decrees.
A man named Jehn Yeung, of Syracuse,
was found dead near Gulf bridge, at Little
Falls. He was killed while attempting te
beard a freight train.
The committee is said te have fixed upon
the 12th of July, at the New Yerk hotel,
as the time and place of officially notifying
Gen. Hancock of his nomination.
I laden Brown convicted of the murder
of his mother-in-law, was hanged yester
day at Huntsville, Me., iu the presence of
about five thousand spectators.
The secretary of war has suspended ac
tion en the report of the West Point aca
demic beard, recommending the dismissal
of Cadet Whittaker, te allow the latter,
if he wished, te ask a court-martial in his
1 he beard of education of Chicago last
eve.iing removed Duanc D. Doty, for four
years city superintendent of public schools
and appointed Geerge It. Ilewland, princi
pal of the central high school, te fill the
vacancy. The reason for this action is net
The fifth annual conference of Believers
for Bible study is in session at Cliften
Springs, N. Y. About 250 ministers.
Evangelists and Christian workers, repre
senting the various religious denomina
tions in the United States and Canada, are
Jehn Francis, an old resident of Steuing Stouing
ten, Conn., died a few days age, at the
alleged age of 108 years. He was a native
of the Island of St. Helena, and was at one
time in Napeleon's service. He emigrated
te Stouingten about forty years age, being
then, te all appearances, of advanced age.
The geld medal offered by Heward Lock Leck Lock
weed, of New Yerk, for the machine or
improvement in milling machine of greatest
merit invented within the past ten years,
te be exhibited at the Millers' Internatien
al exhibition in Cincinnati, was awarded
yesterday te the Gee. T. Smith middlings
In Campbell county, Ga., en Thursday,
four young men going along the read were
fired upon by revenue officials. Twe ran
and escaped. The ether two were shot ;
one of them was instantly killed and the
ether dangerously wounded. There is
much excitement among the citizens ever
the outrage.
Corener C. S, Woodruff, a prominent
himojepatlnu physician of Trey, died yes
terday aftern en from an overdose of man
drake, taken te relieve pains. Mrs. Wood
ruff is ignorant of the death of her husband,
having left Trey en an excursion te Over
look Mountain, iu the Catskills, and is be
yond telegraphic communication.
Twe young women of "West Fairview, a
village opposite Harrisburg. while walking
ever the railroad bridge which spans the
creek at the east end of the town, yester
day afternoon, were struck by a train and
knocked off the bridge te the rocks be
neath, a distance of fifty feet. Beth were
seriously injured, one, it is supposed, fa
tally. Twe men with blackened faces called en
Thursday night at the house of Jehn Ellis,
at Mansfield, Cattaraugus county, N. Y.,
beat Ellis, who is 80 years old, until they
thought him dead, and robbed the house
of $2,400 in bends and currency. Twe
men, whose hands and necks were smirch
ed with bleed, have been ai rested en sus
picion. Geerge W. Mann, G. A. Ohr aud Jehn
Sammett, all youths, were hanged yester
day, in Canten, Ohie. Mann and Ohr
were convicted of the murder of an old
man named Watmengh, a Philadelphian,
for a few dollars which he iiad in his pos
session. Sammett was convicted of the
murder of a boy of 10, who had been a
witness against him iu a larceny case.
William Madden, a prominent citizen of
Trey, . l , who had been for several
years alderman, and had held ether local
offices, died suddenly, yesterday morning,
of apoplexy. C. S. Woodruff, the coroner
or Trey, and a prominent homejopathic
physician, died suddenly, yesterday after
noon, from an overdesoof mandrake, taken
te relieve pain. The wives of Madden and
Woodruff were absent en an excursion te
Overlook mountain, in the Catskills, and
beyond telegraphic communications yes
What lie Thinks of the Cincinnati Nomina
tions. Ex-Governer Samuel J. Tilden, riding
from Yonkers te New Yerk yesterday
afternoon, said te a Herald reporter te
whom he was speaking about pelitics: "I
never was ambitious for the Presidency.
I did net care for the nomination when it
was given me in St. Leuis. At that time
I offered it te another man."
"Who was the man'.'''
"Mr. Seymour."
"Did you seek the nomination at the
hands of the Cincinnati convention which
just nominated Hancock'."
" Ne, I did net seek it."
" De you net believe you could have
been nominated and elected this time ?"
" I de. But I did net feel able te enter
iiiwii tive years of hard exhaustive labor.
My friends wanted me te conduct the cam
paign myself. I could net de that."
" Did that wish en their part form an
issue between you that led you te decline
te go before the convention as a candi
date ?"
" It might have been a consideration
had it net been a fact that I had previous
ly made up my mind net te be a candi
date. My decision te that effect was im
movable long before the question was at all
" Were you net besought by your friends
even at the last moment te revoke that de
cision ?"
" Yes, I was telegraphed te frequently,
asking me te consent te allow my name te
go before the convention."
" If your success before the convention
had been assured iu advance would you
have changed veur mind ?
The Letter liad no Deuble Meaning.
"The letter of declination that you
wrote te the New Yerk delegation, gov
ernor, has received various interpretations
en all sides. I am te infer from what you
say that a belief, much entertained in some
circles that it had a double meaning has no
" If it has been construed te mean any
thing else than what is set forth iu the
words iu which it is written the press is te
blame. My friends in the convention knew
perfectly well that it meant just what it
set forth. The New Yerk delegation were
advised of it. The last thing Mr. Daniel
Manning, the chairman of the delegation,
did before he left for Cincinnati was te
call en ine and receive the verbal endorse
ment of what it contained."
"Yet he telegraphed you en the day of
the nomination asking again that you re
voke your decision, and assuring you of
his faith in your success, did he net?"
" Yes. My answer te his despatch has
been published. I received many des
patches like that."
The following is a copy of the despatch
which Mr. Tilden referred te :
Jink 21, 1880.
Hen. Daniel Mannine, Grand Hetel,
Cincinnati, Ohie :
" Received your telegrams and many
ethers containing like information. My
action was well considered and is irrevoca
ble. Ne friends must be allowed te cast
a doubt en my motives or my sincerity.'
"SAMl'KI.J. Tii.dkn."
" In this connection," Mr. Tilden added.
after a pause :" "I de net think I am
called upon te reiterate my own words.
De you? They should be, iu the light of
the present situation, convincing."
He Enderse Hauceck.
" De you approve of the choice made by
the convention?"
" I approve of it entirely and without
. "Then you think that of all the men
regularly placed in nomination before the
convention General Hancock is the
" Most assuredly."
" There was for sometime before the
nomination, much talk of Field, Payne
and a score of ethers standing in the posi
tion of your residuary legatee. Did General
Hancock, after all, occupy that much
discussed relation ?"
"Indeed, I cannot be expected te explain
many things in politics. Certainly none of
these of which I have no knowledge what
seever, be many things are said, you
"Te put the question mere directly then
Governer, was Hancock the man you
favored for the nomination?'
" Yes, he was."
"De you think he is the man te harmon
ize the interests of the party iu the North
ern and Southern states ?'
" He certainly is the man new, if any
man is."
"De you think he will poll the vote of a
solid Seuth ?"
"" There is Wade Hampton's assurance
that he will."
" De you think he will carrv New Yeik
state ?'
" I think the ticket will."
" De you think the ticket will be elected
in November ?"
" The Democrats, in my judgment, will
probably win. The ticket has every reas
onable prospect of success."
" De you mean by that, governor, that
they may elect the ticket, but net install
the men they elect ?"
The governor's eye flashed and his trem
bling hands applied his handkerchief te
his perspiring brew with almost unneces
sary vigor as he said in slnrp'.-r, harder
tones than he had used before : " The
Democrats have had just such experiences,
" Will you devote any time or labor te
advancing the interests of the Democratic
campaign this summer? "'
"I hardly knew hew te answer that
question. I will certainly give support te
the ticket. I will give it my cordial sup
port. "
" I mean will you devote any attention
te engineering the canvass and advising
the leaders?"
" I shall net go into the campaign with
any activity sucfi as would be expected of
me if I were the candidate myself. But I
will be of aid whenever I can. I am new
preparing te remove te my house above
Yonkers Greystone and although I have
watched with interest the course of affairs
in Cincinnati I have nevertheless been
mere particularly occupied in fixing my
house, where I have adopted a new and
improved system of ventilation. "
" Yeu have been much averse hitherto
te being interviewed, Governer ?"
"Yes. Fer the reason that all the pa
pers in the country would want a particu
lar and special talk. The run for the
presidency was a task scarely less laberi
eus than that would be. Why, my house
has been thronged with interviewers at
times. I could net make auy discrimina
tion in favor of one, aud I could net receive
them all. I have had te refuse papers
which have been very friendly."
The governor as he talked sat in the seat
of an ordinary day car en the Hudsen
River read. The train was from the
West, and its passengers were tired and
dirty. One of them had recognized Mr. Til
den when he bearded the train and pointed
him out te the ethers, se that the old gen
tleman as he held his mouth close te the
reporter's ear was much observed. Part
of the seat in which the governor sat was
occupied by a weary traveler, who slept
and snored net unmusically as the train
dashed en. Mr. Tilden had gene te
Greystone in the morning accompanied
by Mr. Jehn Biglow and two ladies
from New Orleans who are visiting at his
house. The party en their return were
forced te separate in the cars in order te
find seats. The ex-governor was dressed in
an ordinary gray business suit and were a
tall white hat. As he walked into the
car his step was quick and firm,
although his body was bowed ever and his
hands trembled very mnch. The affliction
which lias lendered his left hand for a long
time an almost useless member has ex
tended te the arm and is new attacking his
right arm and hand, se that they also
tremble and waver and perform their office
as though under pretest. His voice,
turning tewaid .a childish treble,
pipes and whistles in its
sound, aud the old gentleman seems
te undergo physical pain when he speaks.
His left eye is dull and apparently lifeless,
for while the right twinkles with humor
and flashes with the expression of a thought
the ether eye is lit with no intelligence.
As he talked te the Herald representative
a ray of the afternoon sun came glint
ing through the window cf the
car, falling fairly upon the lead colored
optic, but it seemed te occasion no incon
venience. A moment later the same sharp
ray fell en the ether side of the ex-governor's
nose, whereupon he moved quickly.
Speaking of his health he said, iu addi
tion te what is given above : " I feel that
I shall he quite well agaiu before the sum
mer is ever. As I have said, I have no
organic disease, but I am far from well.
I am breaking up because of overwork.
If you press en tee fast you will have te
pay the penalty sooner or later. I have
adopted for my house a very thorough and
complete system of ventilation. The pipe
of every water basin in the sleeping rooms
has been prolonged upward and carried out
through the reef for ventilation, aud all
the discharge pipes have been united in
the basement in one iron drain separate
from the ether drains and carried te a seji
arate outlet outside of the house."
The reporter wishing the ex-governor a
speedy recovery, w:is shaken warmly by
the hand, the Sage of Greystone adding, as
geed by was said : "Should you be in the
vicinity of Grcystoue at any time after ten
days come and see hew much better in.
health I am."
Casper Heckard, a prominent farmer of
Halifax, Dauphin county, committed sui
cide en Thursday in a fit of insanity.
A fire in Tarpert, near Bradford, yes
terday afternoon, destroyed thirty-one
buildings, among them three hotels, the
posteflice and the oil exchange.
Florian Reickert, a prominent grocer of
Meadville, while fishing yesterday, was
instantly killed by lightning. DeceaseiL
was about 40 years old and leaves a large
Jacob Kelly fractured the skull of Jehn
Hamilton, with a blew of a heavy stick, in
a fight in Chester last evening, and Ham
ilton's death was hourly expected. Kelly
was arrested.
Hear Tem Ewiiic; at the Depot tint Allrr
nimii. A telegram received from Messrs. Me
Graun and Henscl, delegates te the Cin
cinnati convention, states that they will
reach Lancaster this afternoon at 4 45
o'clock. On beard the train are General
Themas Ewing, the magnetic orator of
Ohie, 3Iajer Cooper, -Messrs. Fellows,
Hurlburt, McLean, Tracy and several
ether prominent New Yorkers. Gen.
Ewing will make a live minutes speech
for Hancock and English from the plat
form of the car Malvern. The band will be
at the depot te serenade these distinguish
ed gentlemen, and a call is elsewhere pul -fished,
urging the local Democracy te give
them a reusing reception. Democrats, be
at the Pennsylvania depot this afternoon
about isa o'clock, and listen te the silver
tongued Buckeye, statesman, Gen. Tem
Events Acress the County l.lne.
Caspar Heckard, living in Halifax town
ship, Dauphin county, committed suicide
Thursday morning by cutting his threat
from ear te ear with a razor. Mr. Heckard
has been out of his mind for some time.
Miss Ellen Helmes, a young lady resid
ing at West Fairview, Cumberland county,
was yesterday struck by a locomotive en
the railroad bridge that spans the Couo Ceuo Coue
dogwiunet near that place, and thrown
from the bridge which 00 or 05 feet above
the bed of the stream. When picked, up
she was unconscious, was badly cut en the
head and face, and it is uncertain whcthcL
she will recover.
Midnight HarvaMiiig.
The excessively het and dry weather,
having made it almost impossible for far
mers te harvest their grain by day, owing
te the brittlencss of the straw, many of
them have adopted the plan of harvesting
by ninht. The full moon affords sufficient
light, the dew renders the straw less brittle,
se that the sheaves may be much mere
easily and securely tied and the labor te
both man and beast is much less in the
refreshing shades of night than in the
broiling sun of day. Seme wheat fields
last night were filled with workmen, and
reapers and horses from dark until day
break. The Telephone Exchange.
The establishment of this institutienJia
come te be recognized' as a great public
convenience and is daily gaining in favor.
Mr. D. 11. Potts, its able and efficient man
ager, informs us of several recent additions
te its circuit, witli a number of ethers in
contemplation. It is creditable te the geed
sense and enterprise of our people that the
exchange has met with such liberal pa
Intereat en It Henda Will be I'ald.
Maj. It. W. Shcnk informs us that the
interest en the bends of the Quarryville
railroad, due July 1, will be promptly
paid en presentation at the office of the
Philadelphia and Reading railroad com
pany in Philadelphia,