lb Velnme XVI-N& 255. LANCASTER, PA., SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1880 Price Twe Cents. -i CLOTHIXG. J. K. SMALING. THE ARTIST TAILOR. Opening te-dtiy of a large ami select line of English novelties FOIl SUMMER "WEAR. Trepicals, Serges and Rep Worsteds, ISANNOCKP.UKX CELTIC CHEVIOTS. GAMBUOON l'AKAMATA AND BATISTE CLOTHS. .SEEUSUCKEKS. VALEXCIAS, PAHOLK AM) MOHAIR COATINGS. Linens in Great Variety. Wilterd's Padded Ducks In Plain and Fancy Styles. A Large Assortment of Fancy Hi All the latest novelties of the season. The public are cordially invited te examine our stock, which we claim te be the handsomest and most recherche ever ettered for the het weather. T. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH QUEEN STREET. Spring Opening 24. CENTRE SQUARE. We have fei sale for the coming seasons an Immense Stock of of our own manufacture, which comprises the Latest and Most STYLISH DESIGIS. Come and see our NEW GOODS II which Is larger ami composed of the best styles Je be leund in the city.' J. B. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. 20-lyil LANCASTER, PA H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, MONDAY, APRIL 5. YfiStM Ready Made Cleilimi. PH i! cm t;i: Having (ust returned from the Xew Yerk Woolen Market, I am new prepared te exhibit one of the Best Selected Stocks of WOOLENS KOIl THE Spii ami Slier H, ' Ever brenght te this city. Nene but the very best of ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN FABRICS, In all the Leading Styles. Prices as low as the lowest, and all goods warranted as represent ed, at H. GERHART'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. JfUKNlTUJtE. mm OF ALL KIDS AT SHORT NOTICE. My airrngenieiits are new completed te de Kegildiug in tirst-cla-s manner and at reason able prices. THE NEW PICTURE FRAME STORE, 15 Hast King Street. WALTER A. HEINITSH. A. TTOKNEYS-A T-LA W IIKNKV A. KILKY Attorney and Counseller-iit-Luwt 21 Park Bew. New Yerk. Collections made in all parte of the United States, and a general legal business transacted. IC"f-r liv nermissUm te Stelnman ft Hensel. 1'KY LOCUKITS ttKNcmNED COUGH SYRUP DliT HOODS. RARE BARGAINS DRY GOODS OF ALL KINDS. WILL HE OFFERED II Y US UUKIXG JUNE, JULY In order te maintain during these ordinarily dull months the activity that in our estab lishment characterizes all the rest of the year. Especially will this apply te the following departments: THE SILK DEPARTMENT, in which weiuleifiil induecmentsareenVredin Black and Colored Silks, Summer and Fancy Silks, etc. The Dress Goods Departments, in which considerable reductions have been made in Lace and Plain Buntings, Grenadines, French Novelties and all season able Fabrics. The Black Goods Department, in which large line et desirable goods have been marked down te causea rapid clearance, including the immense sleck of Buntings and Grenadines. THE MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT Will supply all who c.inuet visit us personally witli samples et whatever may be nee led. Strawbridge & Clothier, Eighth and Market Streets, Philadelphia. SPECIAL NOTICE. GENTS' SUMMEE "WEAR LIGHT WEIGHT WOUSTKD SUITINGS, LIGHT WKIGIIT CHKVIOT SUITINGS. I'.Ll'K AND CLACK FLANNKL SUITINGS, FUKXCII 1UAP DE ETK SUITINGS. LINEN DUCKS AND DRILLS. SUMMER CLOTHING. SILK AND LAWN NECK WEAK, LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS, IIALItUIGGAN AND FANCY HOSIERY, SUSl'EX DEUS, Ac, Ac. Gent.s' Gauze Shirts, Gents' Gauze Drawers, White Jean Drawers. HAGER & BROTHER, NO. 25 WEST KLNTG STREET. GREAT CLEARING SALE OF SUMMEE DRESS GOODS -AT NEW YORK STORE. All the New Shades in Twilled Cashmeres 12Jc a yard ; regular pi ice lac. All Weel Itciges i"c a yard. All Weel Memie Cleths 'iiu a yard ; sold every whereat 37c. Special bargains in BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILKS, BLACK CASHMERES. Watt, Shand S AND 1 0 EAST VAJIJUAUJCS, E. BAILY. S. E. BAILY & Ce., Manufacturers of CARRIAGES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ! Office and Wareroenis, 430 and 432 North Queen Street. Factory, 431 and 433 Market Street, Lancaster, Pa. We are new ready terSl'UING TUADE, with a Fine Assortment of Bips, Carriages, Ptiaeteus, Market Wapns, k Having purchased our stock for cash, before the recent advance, we are enabled te eiler SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN PRICE. We will keep in stock BUGGIES OF ALL GRADES anil TRICES te suit all classes et customers SPECIAL ISAUG AINS 1 N MARKET WAGONS. Give us a call. All work fullv warranted one year. H'lXJSS AX J ZKJUOJtS. S. CLATMILLER "DESPECTFTJLLY calls the attention of his friends as well as Aw the public in general te his Superior Stock of Old Whiskies ; Gibsen's, Dougherty's, Gughenheimer, Hannissville, Overhelt and Gaffs Pure Rye, from four te eight years old, which he has recently bought from first hands for Cash, and will sell from the original package at reasonable prices, at Ne. 33 Penn Square. TlXWAJtE, cc- TjUFTKEN DOLLARS BUYS A FIRST-CLASS REFRIGERATOR, With Enameled Water Tank, at SIIERTZEK, HUMPH UEVILLE & KIEFFEU'S, Ne. 40 East King Street, Lancaster, l'a. -IX- AND AUGUST. THE SUIT DEPARTMENT. with its grand array el ready-made garments of all kinds for Ladies, Misses and Children. THE HOSIERY DEPARTMENT, in which almost everything in the great stock has been marked at the lowest point these goods have ever reached. The Department for Foreign Cottens, in which nearly all the Lawns, Ginghams, Chintzes, Cali coes, etc., have share.! in fie general reduction. THE - & Company ) KING STREET. J'JIAJiTOXS. c W. W. BAILY and Dealers in JZVUVATIOXAL. ri'HK ACADEMY CONNECTED WITH L Franklin and Marshall College otters su perier advantages te young men and boys who desire either te prepare forcellege or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived :t any time during the school year Send ter circulars. Address REV. JAMES CRAWFORD, ct.ll-lvi Lancaster. Fa. 2Lam;i5trr -T-nicHtgrnrrr. SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 26, 1880. Stella's Lever. "Who is he?'' asked Stella : she and Felicia Martin were idly looking out upon the driveway of Mr. Martin's country seat through the narrow latticed win dows. " That is Colonel Audenrieil," answer Felicia, adjusting her eyeglasses. " Papa is briuging him here te dine. He is a widower ; he's lived abroad for years. Seems te me I've heard that his course of true love didn't run smooth. He has the most bewitching melancholy eyes, and 6ttch a manner ! Yeu can't help wishinjr he was in love with you." That night, while the girls combed out their braids and curls, in the low wains wains ceated chamber, Felicia suddenly remark ed, "I believe there will be a second Mrs. Audcnreid." Stella gave a start,ani n ;,;.. ,! from an excursion into the past. " De you knew," continued Felicia, " I caught him looking at your rellcctien in the mirror, with his heart in his eyes. I wonder the lirst Mrs. Audcnreid didn't turn in her grave." " Felicia,don't ! you make me shudder," cried btella. " 1 our imagination is better than your eyesight ; you are always seeing somebody devouring somebody else with their glances. I'm sure thought Colonel Audenreid was as indifferent as a star in heaven." ' Modest creature ! He had ears for no body but yourself, as well as eyes. It is Kismet. Why was net born under some some lucky planet?" Frem that date Cel. Audcnreid became a frequent guest at Mr. Martin's suburban retreat. He rode with St Ha and Felicia ever the hills ; he pickuicked with them at the edge of the pine weeds ; he drifted en the lake at sunset by their side, and lilled the beat with water lillies and spicy branches of the wild azalea ; he amused them with glimpses of his Continental life ; with stories of the war, in which he had led a forlorn hope ; of camp and hos pital regimen. Sometimes they took the train te the city, and laughed together ever some comedy, or hung entranced upon some famous singer's tones; or they join ed a pleasure party te the Sheals, or down the harbor returning in the dewy evening, with the stars leaning out of heaven, anil the whip-peer-will making the night mcl- inehely. Once they paused at the gate te listen te his plaintive voice. Felicia had passed en te the piazza : the pines steed out tall and dusky against the heavens the roses shook out an odorous breath whenever the wind touched them. "Yeu should hear the nightingales Hitt ing about my home in Surrey, when the night falls ; it is like the refrain of some sad poem," said Cel. Audenreid. "Yeu must have been very happy there in that beautiful country,"' returned Stella. Cel. Audenreid opened the gate for her te pars en, without replying with a' dis traught'air, as if he were alieady miles away from the subject. "I think he did net like me te speak of that time," she confessed te Felicia. " Fiddlesticks," returned that, young person. " Perhaps it was loe sacred."' " Pshaw ! Arc you blind, Stella ".' Znoiie se blind as these who won't see, I've heard. I hastened into the house en pur pose te give him a chance te speak te you. 1 saw it in his eyes." "I never knew such sight as yours, though I've always understood nearsighted people could see in the dsrk. He has noth ing special te say te me." "Then he is the greatest humbug ex tant. He leaves us next month. If he says nothing before then, I shall .never be lieve in sign and omens again." "Xer in your own eyesight ? Peer Fe licia, I'm afraid you're deemed te disap pointment." " I've set my heart upon the match.'' The next day Mr. Martin and his family set oil" te the nearest beach for a week's camping out " A little taste of Gypsy life," he said ; and Colonel Audenreid, confessing that a camp was quite home like and incsistible, followed, bearing his part in pitching the teuts, in baking, and hewing, and gathering the drift-weed te boil the kettle. They sat late en the beach at night, within view of the smeuldeiiiig drift weed lire, watching the sails that glimmered in the starlight an instant, like ghosts, and were gene, the revolving lights like great glow-worms, lilting sea songs, repeating all the lore and romance of the " melancholy main." Colonel Auilen reid's attic expedition as well as his In dian voyages furnished material for con versation, even had he net been shipwreck ed, and once in peril from mutiny : but he seemed the merest dilettante while he lounged upon the sand, quoting poetry and carelling snatches of ballads te two pretty girls. The sea hatn lis pearls. The heaven hath Us star. : Cut my heart, my heart. My heart hath its love." he repeated one night, as he gave his hand te Stella te rise. " Did you notice?"' said Felicia, later; " he spoke in the present tense. He ig nored the past." " He was quoting from the German." " Hew stupid you are, Stella I If you will net respond, hew is a lever te' you care?" " Hew can you help it ? Oh why doesn't he make love te me that way !" " Nonsense, Felicia ; he makes the same sort of love te every girl he meets, I sup pose." "I don't suppose anything of the kind." The following day the wind turned cast, a drizzling lazy rain set in, blotting out everything, and obliging them te fold their tents and take refuge in the little sea-shell house at hand ; and by midnight all the powers of the air were abroad; the sea seemed te beat and bellow under their very windows, the wind whipped it into line feathers of spray, and the darkness was like a garment. There was a gray sickly dawn creeping up the sky, when Stella, looking from her window, saw in the distance the outlines of a ragged wreck painted boldly against the horizon, and the shore swarming with people moving about uncertainly. "Oh, Stella," cried Felicia, "here's a real shipwreck ! Let us put en our wraps and creep down te the shore, and hear all about it. I wouldn't miss it for worlds !" Felicia's teeth weie chattering mightily as they took their way te the shore, and mingled among the groups of men and women. "She'll go te pieces in no time at all," some one was prophesying. " Jim saw folks a-clingtng te the masts and things, with his glass." " That's a master glass of his'n," said another. "But ain't they going for te de nothing?" "They've sent out a life-line; but it ain't no pleasant places that line's fallen into, let me tell you. Jim he was a-going with it but for me and the children. I'm powerful glad he didn't." "Girls! girls!" cried Mr. Martin, bust ling up, "this is no place for you. Better go back te your beds. Trying scene. Nene of these clod-hoppers would carry out the line te save a soul. Audenreid has gene out with it himself a terrible risk. Se much brilliancy and cultivation, se much wit and experience, as geed as thrown away. They'll have te pull the line in presently, no doubt, and it would be pain ful for you te be here, my dears, after se much pleasant companionship. Oh. Stella ! Stella ! my dear girl." Stella had fainted away. It was a stirring morning that followed at the little Sea-shell house, providing for the rescued, listening te their story, and talking ever the event. When Stella left her room, about neon, she was met by a fisherman's wife bringing her ;i sealed note. " I found it in the pocket of Jim's pea-jacket, and I made out hew it was for Miss Stella Ames, and they told me you were the lady as fainted en the beach," she explained. " Yeu see, Jim has sjene for the doctor up te town, and he changed his coat lirst te leek ship-shape like." "Thank you," said Stella. " Who can have written te me here '.'" as she tore it open and lead : "I am" going te cany the life-line out te a shipwrecked crew. I shall probably never return alive, but it is their only chance. While veu are drcaininir en your pillow, I shall, perhaps, be tasting the bitterness of death and parting. Yerilv. death is this' te see you no mere till the sea gives up its dead. Mv darling, inv darling. Jet me have the happiness of re penting I love you. I love you, Sfelli. Geed by, sweetheart, geed by. Jehn Audenkeid." Then she tinned te the tern envelope addressed te '"Miss Stella Ames, Sea-shell house. T be given her in case I never return." The revelation was premature. Colonel Audenried had returned, but se spent that the doctor had been summoned from town. Mr. Martin took his family back te Martinvale, but Colonel Auden reid remained at the sea side a fortnight longer under treatment. In the mean time, Stella went home home for Stella meaning attendance en the whims of a wealthy hypochondriac, with a small stipend, without lelax'atien. One morn ing the pest brought her a letter from Felicia. Perhaps it contained news of Colonel Audenried. It did with a venge ance. " Dearest Stella" (it began), " Hew odd that the very thing I wished should come te pass ! I'm almost daft. Te. think that, alter all my nonsense, it should be me myself -little insignificant, near sighted relicia Martin, whom Colonel Audenreid asks te marry him ! I can hardly believe my ears ; and all the while I believed he was smitten with 'your charms. Hew glad I am that you didn't care for him! Yeu must be my hi ides maid. .Mamma says it shall be white satin and pearls. Yeu re, in the seventh heaven, Felicia." " P. S. After all, he doesn't make quite the ideal lever I fancied he is se re spectful, and- -net at all gushing, you knew. By-the-way. you never told me hew you came te laint that night of the wreck." It was no wonder that .Mrs. Davis found Stella distraught that day, talking at inii inii dem, absent-eyed, and fantastic in her moods. What did it all mean? Why had Colonel Audenried written her that note if he loved Felicia, and why was In going te marry her if he loved somebody else? Didn't he knew that she had ic ceived his message of love? Or did he mean simply te ignore it, having seen lit te change? Frem living in a state of hap py excitement, when every footstep in the street below might be Colonel Audenreid's who was hastening te repeat the burden of his note, Stella was suddenly brought down te earth, te the dull certainty that, nothing mere was ever likely te happen te her, that there had been some dreadful mistake somewhere, which had lent her days a rose-color for a little while, te be sure, only te leave them grayer and nteie forlorn than bi-f no. All at once she leniembercd with a shud der that Cononel Audenreid's fatal note was at Martinvale, that one nierniir; she had been leading iband getting it by heart in her own room, when Felicia knocked at her deer, and siie had slipped the precious document between the leaves of her Gelden Treiisnri lying en the toilette table ; and then Felicia had entered with Mrs. Davis's summons for Stella te return te duty, and in her hasty packing and departure she had left .Martinvale without the Gelden Treas ury. Seme day she premised herself te beg leave of Mrs. Davis, te run away te Martinvale, and secure her treasure, net that its possession would signify te her any longer, only in order te keep it from Fe licia's eyes ; but Mrs. Davis would net hear te being left an hour, and sometimes Stella cherished the insane idea of writing te Mrs. Martin, and requesting that -lady te send the Gelden. Treasury of Seny, which she would find in the gable room, without open in y il. " Dear Mrs. Davis," she begged one lay, when a couple of months had gene by, and she had heard no mere of pearls and satins and bridesmaids from. Felicia, "tfylet me tuii down te Martinvale, if only te stay ever pertant." "A matter of i train ; it is very im- life and death I sup- pose.' "It concerns the happiness of two pee pic." "Can't you tell me about it?" "Yes, I will, and then you will surely let me go. When I was at Martinvale in the summer, I met Cel a certain gentle man, lie was very kind. He carried the life-line out te a distressed crew when we weie all at the beach together, and he left a little loelislt, hastv note ler me, in case ' i f..' i.i :.....i... .i... note was brought te me though he did n: turn. It was a htisty Iittie atiair, you knew, written, no doubt, under strong ex citement, when he had misunderstood his feelings, I suppose ; for I have never seen him since, and the note is in my Gelden Treasury, which I left behind me, and mv friend Felicia Martin may find it, and it will break her heart, for she is going te marry Colonel Audenreid Oh ! I did net mean te tell his name : but you will forget and let me go at it, dear Mr.- Davis. once "lam net laughed Mrs. name before I likely te forget it, child," Davis; "it was my own married. Colonel Auden- ricd is a sort of cousin of mine. It is a Yes, you shall go. Se the i pretty story. note would break Felicia's heart, would it? It must have been very tender." " But you see there must have been some mistake about it." " Well, there are as geed iish in the su as ever yet weie caught, child. Ge and leek alter Felicia's, if you will." And for the first time Mrs. Davis kissed Stella's white cheek. " Yeu might have been my cousin, you knew she explained. "u". "",,ral- I -""'".""-i btepping into the station she ran against , Colonel Audcnreid stepping out. with her i Gelden Treasury in his hand. They looked at each ether for a breathing space. i " I was going te you," said the colonel, j " Where is Felicia?" demanded Stella. I " At home and happy, still. Where were you going?" " Te Martinvale, for my Gelden Treasury." " I have made the journey unnecessary. Let me call a carriage, and take you heme. I have a great deal te confess." "It happened oddly enough, " he ex plained, later, when he had given orders te be driven in the opposite direction from I' home. " "I had left the note te be given you in case I never returned. Afterward, when I asked Jim te surrender it, he confessed that he couldn't lay hands upon it ; must have lest it through the hole in the pocket of his pea-jacket. That was of no consequence ; if he had dropped it en the beach, the tide had hid den it. Returning alive. I prepared te de my courting by word of mouth. I did net knew you had left Mr. Martin's. When I was able te walk, I went there te find you. It was dusk as I ap proached through the garden. Somebody was dreaming en the piazza. "It is Stella,' I thought. Inside the house Mrs. Martin was speaking te Felicia. I heard her say distinctly. " Shall you go te town te-morrow, Felicia ?" and Felicia reply, Cer tainly, if the weather allows." " I did net knew that there was an aunt Felicia with the same tricks of veice.Of course, il Felicia was indoors with her mother, it was Stel la star-gazing en the piazza, and perhaps ' thinking of inc. Would every things te meie in laver? 1 drew near: some ten der words, some hasty avowal, cseaped me; she was in my arms, when a voice from the window dispelled my dream. Felicia child.' it said, you wilftake cold mooning out theie se late." De jeu knew Stella, at that instant I was almost sorry the sea had net finished me en the night of the wreck. Stupid of me, wasn't it? But all's well that ends well. 1 had no thought of retreat. Felicia had accepted me. 1 had heard at the beach that she fainted when I carried out the line. Veu had net received my note, and had no knowledge of my feelings. I must make the best of my mistake. The engagement was announced. I made a sorry lever, I fear. One day when I went down te visit at Martinvale, they gave me the room you had used, as there were ether guests. In a tit of megrims, I happened upon your Gelden Tnaxitry, and your name stared at me from the Hy-lcaf, and my own letter fell at my feet. Felicia released me with out a sigh. There is another star in her heaven, Oefere which mv light grows pale. Stella, de you love ?" Hard te heat. The California, ht. .Iu- j lien, ha- heatcii Karus' great trotting record. , reducing the time te l:Vl' hut nothing h:is I been found equal te ThemaV Electric Oil for I rheumatism, sprains, .still jeintsaud hruises. Fer Mile by II. Ii. Cochran, ilruggist, Nw. I."7 and l:;tl North (jneeu street, Lancaster, l'a. In 1 Try Lecher's Uenewned Cough Syrup. j I have sold Ii; ljettie-t of your lir. Thomax ! Eiectric Oil in six weeks and every bottle ga , satisfaction. Our people are better pleased I with it than anything lliey have hail. I'icnsc. ! duplicate my order al once. C. K. HALL, 'i:awili.k. Ii.i... Jan. :. ISs'e. I Fer wile by II. I!. Cochran, druggist. Xes. l."7 anil l."!l.eith O.UCCII street. Lancaster. I'a. II statistics prove that iwenly-tivu percent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and w hen we relleet this terrible disease in its worst stag- will yield te a bottle of Leclier's Kenewned Cough Syrup, shall wu condemn the siillerers ter their negli gence, or pity them for their ignorance? Ne ! East King street. XeTit b. We were siill'ering the most eeru ci.iting (Kiin lrein inflammatory rheumatism. Oiicapplhatieu et lr. Themas' Electric Mil afforded almost instant relief, and I'.vn lilfy cent bottles elTcccd a perm.nieiit cure. ). E. COM.VniCL. S'ersale by (. I '.Cot. Caledonia. .Minn. Fer sale liy'll. I!. Cochran, druggist, Nn-. I."7 and l.'. North tjueeii street, Lancaster, l'a. Ii VOAl.. J i;. .11 Alt T I z. Whole .:ile ami 1'ctail Healei in all kinds et LUMUEI' AND COAL. iXi-Vanl: Ne. ;l North Water Mice's, above l.emen. Lancaster. i ml I'rince n'Myil 'HA h I .),! i, ! COAL! COAL! COAL i! I n llcst ua!!ty put upepre 'y for family use, and at the low est nniiket prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. v.m:d :.-, south watki: st. I'ilil.U' SCIH'M.SON A CO. c tO.M.! COAL! COAL!!! We have ceiistuutlv en hand all the best grades of CO A L that ale in market, u Inch w are selling as low as any yard in the city. (.all and get our pi ices before buying else where. in. F. STEIGERWALT & SON, J-JI NOUTII WATF.I.STUKLT. -lyd COAL, i - - COAL!! vxORRBOHT & 00. ni and Cheap Ceal. . i mice- -iwy, Kast t Vard llariislmrj. hcstmit Stieet. 1". W.UO-.I.LCHT, Agt. I. 15. IMLKY. W. A. KKLLKK. '.II COHO & YILEY, .-'. .ve: ;; i . i ?. i: 7'.. .it itr:t.Hl' r, I'i Whole- ne 'i'ail Healers in AND GOAL LUMBSR Connect inn With the Telephonic, exchange llraiii-hOliifi:: Ne. ." XOKTII !C.vKST. .cb'H-lvd L U.Vil.KK AM COAL i;r TKLKI'HONi: The undersigned are new prepaid! te ceive orders for Ceal, Lumber, Sasli, Deers, Blinds, &c, iy Velcxheiie. Step in at the '"ichange and your own enienng iree ei cnarge ;.sh.NKi:& exs. K Cor. I'rince Hint Walnut street-1 ji:i-t:ds VAKVKTS. H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 202 WEST KING STREET, Has the Largest and Cheapest Stock et kinds efCAIll'KTS in Lancaster. Over 100 Pieces ei Brussels en hand, as low as 'I.OO and upwards. all Carpets made te order ut short notice, also pay 1" cents ter Extra Carpet Uags. eS-Civr us a trial. 203 WKST KINO rjTIU-'KT. Will 31 USIVAL JXSTUVMEXTS. -THE- 'ILwter Organ lannfactery Without a doubt furnish the FIXKST IX- STKCMEXTS in the Market. Wareroenis :ae NertlnQueen street. Manufactory in the rear. ''ranch Ollice, 13)4 Kast King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Agent ter Lancaster County for CIIICKEUIXG & SOX'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Fnll Line et Sheet and ether Music. Small Instruments, Violins, llanjes. Hand Instru ments, fcc at ways en hand. nit-lydS.vlyw .KKI)(,Mf CUTICURA Miracles of Healing Unparalleled in Medical History. ' I have been alHictcd for twentv years with an obstinate skin disease, called "by some M. D.s' psoriasis and ethers, lepresv.cdmiiicnclng en my scalp, and in spite of all I could de. with the help et the most skiirul doctors, it slowly hut surely extended, until u vear age this winter It covered my entire person in form of dry scales. Fer the last three years I have been unable te de any labor, and suffer ing intensely idl the time. Kvery morning there could he nearly a diistpautul of scales taken from the sheet of my bed, some e! them halt as large as the envelope containing this letter. In the latter part et winter my skin commenced cracking open. I trieil everything, almost, that could he thought of. without any relier. The 12th of June 1 started West in hopes I could reach the Het Springs. I leached Detroit mid was se low I thought I should have te go te the hospital, but linally get as far as Lansing, Midi., where I had a sister liv ing. One Dr. treated meaheut two ueck, but did mc no geed. All thought 1 had but a short time live. I earnestly prayed te die. Cracked through the skin nil ever my back, across my ribs, arms, hands, limbs, feet badly swollen, tee nails came etLllngcr nails dead and hard as bone, hair eca.!, dry and lifeless its old straw. O, my Ced ! hew I did sutler. -.My Mister, .Mis. K. 11. Davis, Iliad a small part of a box of Cuticura in the house, rdw wouldn't give up; said, ' Wewllttry Culiciira.' nine was applied en one hand and arm. Kureka! there was reliet; stepped the terrible burning sensation trem ihu wen! go. They immediatrly get the Ccticuka Kkselvknt. r ticura and Ci'TiciniA Seap. I commenced by taking eat; tnhlcspoeiiful of K solvent three times a day, after meals: had a bath once a dav, Mater about bleed heat: used Cuticura Seap freely: applied Cuticura morning and evening, l.csuit. returned te my hnnit in six weeks from time 1 left, and my skin as smooth as this sheet of paper. "IIIUA.M V.. CAI.I'KNTKi:, " Hendersen, t'..ii!i. A. Y. "Sworn te before me this nineteenth day of January, 1S0. "A. M. LiirKiauiv-XL, Justice of lite I'enee. We lierebv eeitit'y that we are acquainted witli the aforesaid llirani K. Carpenter and kuey- hi-, condition ie have been as stated. We believe his statement te he true in every par ticular. L. IS. Simmons A Son,JIeich'ts,l!i'iidcrseii,X.Y. O. A. Thompson, Merchant, " " A. A. Davis. -Millard K. Joiner, Jehn Carpenter, " A. M. I.efliiigivcll. Attorney mid Coiiiiscller-:i!-L:iw. " " CiTirrui I.kmkiiiks an; prep lied by WLKKS .t I'OTTl'l!. Chemists and Diuggists.:UJi Wash ington street. I'oslen, and aie ter sale by all Druggists. 1'rice et Cuticuka. a Medical .lellj . small boxes, ail cents,; large boxes, $1. Crri ci'iia IJixii.vkxt, a Xew Ifloed I'uiifiei. "! per bottle. CiTieuu.v Miuiicixal. Teilkt Se.u i" cents, cututua MiauciNAL. Suavi.mi Seac, I.'i cents: in bars ter Ifarbcrs and large customers, .10 cents. MALT BITTERS, MALT BITTERS, MALT BITTERS, MALT BITTERS. A Feed and a Medicine. The "nicsl. Sales! ami .Hest Powerful I.e. sieratlve In iUcilicitiu ler Fee bin and exhausted Constitutions, Nervous and Oencral Debility, Con sumption and Wast ing Diseases. may -. ImilW&S&u- axi sTArixt:nr. 'i:v statie.m:i:v! Xew, Plain and Fancy STATIONERY. Alse, Velvet and Kastlake PICTURE FRAMES AND EASELS. AT L. M. FLYMM'S HOOK AM 'TATiON'KItY STOKE, X. V Wl-Vf KIN STKl'.KT. JOHI BAER'S SOBS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUKEN SfREBT, LANC.lSTKK, l'A have in stock a huge assortment of IJOOKS AM) STATIONERY. Attention is invit-d te their FAMILY AND PULPIT BIBLES Teachers Kiblcs, Sunday Scheel Libraries. Hymnals, Prayer Heeks, IIY.MX liOOK.S AXD MUSIC COOKS Fer Sunday Schools. FIXE UEWAUD CAIiDS. SIXDA V SCHOOL KKQUISITKS of all kinds HA 1.1. I'A t'l: ::. A-'. !: MAKI. ALL KIIS OF W WIRE SCREENS I'OK WINDOWS, and put them up In such a manner you need net remove when you wish te close the window. A decided advantige ever the old way, and aScreen will wear I v gtrand is much mere easily hand led. fire Screen Beers made et every description. Have u nl"k stec!j of Plain and" Landscape Wires. Sold by the loot in any quantity. Seme Odd Lets et WALL PAPER at bargains te close-out. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. KKMOYAIJi. DK. S. It. feki:ma, (PHYSICIAN AND SUItCKOX), Removed trem Se. 18 Seuth Prince street te Ne. 211 Wesf Kinir street, Lancaster, Pa. Iili2l-3md