Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 25, 1880, Image 3

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ry schools, boys, 103; girls, 138: total,
241. The examinations in the German
and English, the African and Miss
Hantch's were held en the 24th. The per
centages are net reported as these schools
are differently organized and should there
fore net be compared with the rest.
All of which is respectfully suDmtueu.
. K. Buehkle,
Annual Grade Excellent Knewing In Plant
The following is made up from the
monthly icperts of the year, the first col
umn showing the relative grade of the
members of the several classes for the ses
sion just clebed. The second column gives
the number of plants and trees analyzed,
and the family, germs and species deter
mined by each pupil. The boys have done
unusually geed work in this branch of
study, one-third of them having made bo
tanical analysis of a hundred or meie
plants during the current season, eight of
them making 230 or mere, and three boys
having each determined mere than five
hundred different species since February
last. Seme of these lads arc net only
skilled but enthusiastic young botanists,
who have been scouring the country for
miles as well as visiting all the green
houses and gardens within reach. This
knowledge thus pleasantly acquired will
contribute very greatly te their intelligent
enjoyment of nature as long as they live.
Hci bariums were prcpaied by heaily all
the boys in the several classes :
8 s
llituy llMiavuly 97 ISOCIiiM II Fiey.... 9.1 7r
;-e Y Lcvden... 96 300 Wulter 1 King-. 92 UI
M V. I lull num... 'J' 100 Grunt Kehici... 91 100
Tim-, V Heltshu JO S5 Edw L Huber... 87 HO
MnC llnui ai 10CI C K I'lliun Mi M
lluu I. suiiu-i .4 135 Thes G Wist' i btf
bKCOMI (,I.A.S-.
A I. Wltwur 97
Chr I. Knuit. 9 J
Siiniiirl II I.iclity 91
W S Adler 92
Cl.ueuee II Chirk 90
lleuanlTHuyes 89
l.ei V Hinting. S7
Win I.uiidis.. 87
Win M Heir. Wi
Gee lletiick a".
Chas A Miller .. 82
ISenJ A handler 80
Ilewiirdbtnellsc.. 7'.)
Abner J Sineltz. 78
Edw W Oilier... 77
Frank McClaiu.. 77
GeeKKiiMiian.. 70
.1 II IKirtinun.... 75
.Ine K McCulIen 70
Wm A Buckius Gs
Samuel W Diller M
Walter K Kelly. M
FlIH.iuibilKht . mj
Ld II stiik.... .VI
Kelil ; Dm -,1c .. HI
.Inn A Heiiwr.. 8.1
W II l.inilcmutli. Hi
.Sclumen Miller. VI
( has Carpenter. 1(1
clui M Deiuurt. .VI
It lii milker.. 85
II II heiisentg 83
liiniii i; l.uue . 81
Win I. liable Si
llrnry Gerhart.. 80
(ail II Kabv 7t
i: i; i:iciiiieit7.... 73
I'eHlei... 11
75 Win C I'vtei
115 .Ine R Uuncaii..
! .las II Deen
80 lliiriy It smith..
It 1) MeCnskey..
James A Kelly.. 57
Walter G Peters .17
Edw A Shei t7er 57
Win It I'etei-,. .. 4 J
reuiiTii cuss.
II.U IV hlieiik 81 55
Ine il llnilin.ui 87 7
i. rant 'lime 87 100
ISebt M Ailauiv
las 11 M1111-.011.. 74 '100
Ilenrv Ottheffer 73
Ch.ix II (Inciter 85
Win I) lleek...'. s'
Clilteu Kraus .. 70
C S Heflineier .. (.7
Aliram I. Miles 07
G II Ackei 111.u1.. Oil
llciiiv Heath 3
Gee I' (il
M I! Dissinjjciy.. S3!
I ssmitli 8ii
W It llelliugi-i . 7s
C.'iiim Winewel... 78
.Mi.i.n.(i or street cemmitti:e.
ItliU 0iencd Belgian I'awiuuntH Macada-
L 1st evening the stiect committee of city
councils held a meeting and opened the
bids for paving with llclgian blocks the
fust squat e of North Queen sttcet.
Cunningham fc McNichol's bid was
$2.:50 per squ.ue for Cape Ann gtanite or
$2.10 for Peit Deposit gtanite, including
excavating and all ether wetk.
1. S. .MeTague's bid was $2.25 pjr
Mjuate yatd let Cape Ann granite, and
$2.40 ler Pett Deposit gtanite and 28
cents per square yatd, extra, for excavat
ing. Mr. O'lleuike, of Philadelphia, bid $2.29
per squat e feat, but did net specify the
kind of gtanite he ptopesed te use.
The committee awatded the contract te
Cunningham & McNicheI, at $2.30 per
squat c yard.
The contract for inactdemizlng two
squat cs of West Orange sttcet, between
Charlette and Pine, was awatded te
Iveeugh & McManus for $1,230. P. S.
McTague's bid for the same was $1,337.85
and Mr. Sutcr's bid $1,537.
The committee opened scvetal bids for
grading Plum street from the Pennsylvania
1 ail read te the New Helland turnpike, and
for grading Poplar street ft em Strawberty Strawberty
te Filbert sttcet, but none of the bids
wcte accepted.
Lancaster 1(03-8 at Kmiuittsbui-j;.
The commencement excicises of Mount
St. Mary's college or Emmittsbutg, Md.,
which have been in progress during the
week, terminated en Wednesday. Among
the gi ail nates was Richard M. Rcilly, of
this city, who is tepeitcd in the Baltinteic
papcts as having dclivcicd a very credita
ble oration. On Tuesday evening Jehn E.
Malene, also or this city, dcliveted a lec
ture en a scientific topic, and the degiccef
bachelor of arts was conferred en 11. M.
lleilly and R. 13. Malene, of this city.
Rev. Dr. Watterson has reigned the
ptesidency of the college.
O Ulcers Elected.
At a meeting of Conestoga council
Xe. 22, Jr. O. U. A. M., the following ofli efli
cers were elected te serve duting the en
suing teim :
Councillor Henry C. Negley.
Vice Councillor W. II. Miller, jr.
Assistant Recording Sectctary Gee. W.
Conductor Chas. F. Auxer.
AVatden Chas. F. Flick.
Idsidc Sentinel Jehn L. Wiant.
Outside Sentinel Gee. A. Lellar.
Ttustce F. II. Carpenter.
ltepiescntatives Jacob M. Chillas, Win.
II. MeCeniscy.
Auniiersary of Betlieuy Orphans' lleme
The sixteenth anniversary of Bcthcny
m plums home at Wontclsdeif, Pa., vi be
held en Thursday, July 22. The usual ex ex
eitrsieit tickets will be issued at the princi
pal raihead stations. As hetetofeic, rc
lieshtncnts will beptevided for the visit
ing ft iends at moderate rates.
This atmivctsary annually becomes mere
attractive te the people of the Reformed
church. It happens in mid-summer, when
a day spent in the weeds is a great pleas
ure te people tesiding in the city and in
the country.
Frem Cincinnati.
Several gentleman from this city, who
were in Cincinnati have returned and the
ethers will arrive this evening or to-mer-tow
morning. The Randall and Amcticus
clubs of Philadelphia will pass through
this evening.
There will be four sections of Day ex
picss ever the Pennsylvania railroad this
evening, owing te the number of people
who ate teturuing from the convention.
Train Delayed.
The engine of Harrisburg exptess be
came disabled about a mile west of Diller
villc, and the train was delayed about 15
Lancaster in a Blaze of Popular Enthusiasm
Last Night The Streets Packed With
Sneuting Democrats Fire
works, Oratory and
a Monster Pro Pre
cession. Uanceck, English and Victory.
The demonstration gotten up in this
city in honor of the Cincinnati nominations
last night deserves te take rank as one of
the most remarkable and spontaneous pop
ular outpourings that has ever been wit
nessed. The city appears te be electrified
by the names of Hancock and English,
and in the brief notice furnished by the
call published in the Iktelligencek last
evening, the population turned out en
masse te lend their presence in honor of
their nominations. Leug before dark the
Ixtkli.igkxcek office was surrounded
by a great crowd of enthusiastic and pre
spiring Democrats, and the frequent pro
posals of " three cheers for Hancock and
English" were answered by such
reai.s as were calculated te make
the avetage Credit Mobilicrite shake
in his beets. As night fell a pre
fuse discharge of fitewerks was inaugura
ted upon the loef the Intellieenceii
building, and the dense mass of humanity
which had blockaded the street in front of
the office changed its position te the Cen
tre Square front, where the sight of a por
trait of Gen. Hancock, projected upon a
screen by means of a "magic lantern." SjJt
the ctewd wild with delight and the welkin
rang with hearse cheers. Rockets went
whizing tewatd the heavens, and many
colored reittan candles and ether pyro
technics illuminated the scene and gave te
it unparalleled brilliancy that only aug
mented the intense enthusiasm of the mul
titude. About 8:30 the Eighth ward boys
came marching down the hill with drums
beating attd banners inset ibed with appro
priate mottoes. They were received by the
surging ctewd atetind the Ixtkllieenceu
building with a 1 ear of welcome which they
bravely answeted with thtee cheers and a
tiger for the Democratic nominees. The
gteat cannon crackcts continued their din,
the teckcts still went whirring through
the vaulted sky, till about 8:43, S. W.
Shadle, esq., mounted the steps in front of
the monument and btielly addtcssed the
immense thieng. He said he knew this
mighty multitude was in no humor te
listen te a speech or a discussion of cam
paign issues. We ate simply assembled
let the purpose of congratulating
euti-elves upon seeming such men
as Hancock and English te head our
ticket, cheering. All of the candidates
ate new in the field, and I say te the Re
publican party that they must stand ready
for a mighty charge all along the line. Fer
we will chaige all along the line and charge
boldly and intelligently and charge home ;
and let them understand that when the
lceple ratity the nominations of the Cin
cinnati convention as we ratify them to
night, the people, in their power will see
te it that the vet diet is executed. As far
as yonder stats ate above the gi emul we
stand upon, ate the Demectatic candidates
in point of ability and worth above the
men whom the Republicans ltavc put be be
fetethc ceuntiy, and an intelligent people
will signalize their appicci.vtien of their
supciierity by rolling up such a majority
for Hancock and English as will require a
mieioscepo te discover the remains of
their opponents. Prolonged laughter and
E. D. Xeith, esq., next addicssed the
ct e wd. He slid it was w ith great pleasure
he witnessed this gteat outpeuting of
people. It is conclusive cvideuce that the
Democratic lightning has struck the old
Republican hulk below the water line.
L Cheering. It is net necessary te go
ever the icceids of the candidates, be
cause both ate known te the land. Dur
ing a dozen battles of the rebellion Gen.
Hancock snatched ictety from the jaws
of defeat. Remember him at Gettysburg,
at Antictam "and at the Wilderness"
called some one in the ctewd and at the
Wilderness. Wild cheerinsM He steed
like a wall in the valley of the Chicka Chicka
heininy, and as he led his men te victory
thete, se will he lead us te victory. His
nomination has stittck a chord which
called up this meeting and is tinging to
night in every town in the land. When he
is inaugurated, and inaugutatcd he will be
if elected cheers he will catry out these
sublime ptinciples that arc emblazoned en
our batmcts. He tepresents that great
patty which has builded up our country,
which has prosecuted her great wars
against our enemies. When the ides of
November shall come you will find the
true men of the land standing shoulder
te shoulder, arm te aim as they have
steed by Hancock in the days of old.
At the conclusion of Mr. North's speech,
which was gteetcd with wild enthusiasm,
the ctewd formed in line and matched
ever the following route, Clennnens's city
band having a position at the head of the
line, and discoursing patriotic airs.
North Queen te Chestnut, te Duke, te
East King, te Middle, te Seuth Queen,
te West King, te Maner, te Derwart, te
Chatlotte, te Orange, te Walnut, te
Ptiucp, te Orange, te North Queen, te
Ccntte square and dismiss.
Along the route of the precession, dur-
ing which a continuous discharge of fire
ct-ackets and pyrotechnics was maintained,
ciewds lined the entire route, and
gtccted the pt ocessien which numbeicd
ptebably fifteen huudicd men, with con
tinued checting. Many houses were illu
minated, and the ladies waved their hand
kct chiefs in response te the enthusiasm of
the marchers. The banners with stirring
mottoes wcte cheered, the band was
chcctcd, the dtum corps, everybody came
in for a shate, but the mightiest applause
was evoked when the names of Hancock
and English wcte mentioned. When about
10:30 the great crowd,het, tired and dusty,
halted at the monument in Centre square.
Seme one mounted the monument steps
and in a voice like a bull of Bashan called
for thtee checis for nanceck, English and
victory, when thec arose a terrific rear,
and then the crowd went home.
The demonstration was in all respects a
notable one, and in the light afforded by
it the recent sickly affair gotten up te
ratify the Republican nominations is
made te appear mere ridiculous than ever.
The Lancaster Democrats mean busi
ness next fall.
And don't you forget it.
Hew Columbia Toek It.
At Columbia last evening the members
of the Keystone Democratic club filled
with patriotism and enthusiastic admira
tion of the character of the Democratic
nominee, Winficld Scott Hancock, "The
soldier and statesman with a record as
stainless as his sword," formed in proces preces
sion and started en a walk-around headed
by the Citizens band, twenty pieces, H. S.
Graybill marshal!. Over 300 members of
the club were in line. Starting from the
club house en Third street, they marched
up Walnut and ever the principal streets
of the borough, and countermarched en
Locust street. We have seldom if ever
seen a grander sight in the town, the
town was fairly ablaze with rockets
Reman candles, red and green lights.
The wildest enthusiasm prevailed when
ever the names of Hancock and English
were mentioned along the line. The pro pre
cession halted in front of the residences
(en Second street) of H. M. North, esq.,
and Gen. William Patten, each making a
ringing campaign speech. The speakers
were frequently interrupted with applause,
and at the conclusion of their eloquent ad
dresses, three hearty cheers were given for
Hancock and English. William B. Given,
president of the club, also made an ad
dress in front of the club house, and was
well received.
Everything passed off in the most order
ly and pleasant manner, and the meeting
adjourned with three reusing cheers for
Hancock, English and victory.
Marietta In Line.
The Democracy et Marietta had a grand
rally last evening. They ratified the nom
ination of Hancock and English by illumi
nating their club room, which is one of the
finest in the county, and a street parade
with 200 voters with torches and ' banners
in line. They ilung te the breeze a banner
twenty-four feet long and three feet high,
with the inscription of "Hancock and Eng
lish" club en it. The nominations occasion
gteat satisfaction and will receive solid
support in November ; we have started a
club and number ever two bundled mem
Funeral of General Jehn A. Sutter Dis
tinguished Mourners at the Grave
of the California Pioneer.
Litiz yesterday was the scene of consid
erable bustle, consequent upon the funeral
of General Jehn A. Sutter, prominently
identified with the discovery of geld in Cal
ifornia, and one of the foremost pincers in
its earliest settlement and development.
Every train arriving en the Columbia and
Reading railroad up te 2 o'clock, the hour
fixed for the funeral services, brought its
full quota from neighboring towns, while
by the New Yerk train came the following
delegation of the New Yerk society of
California Pioneers, of which Gen. Sutter
was for many years the ptesident.
Gen. Jehn C. Fremont, Gen. H. G. Gib
s)ti, U. S. A., Cel. E. C. Kemble, Cel. J.
E. Nuttman, J. Sherrard, Francis D.
Clark, J. J. McCleskey, S. II. Quint, Jehn
Sickles, C. II. Sherman, Wm. Walten and
Robt. W. Dewling.
Gen. Sutter's remains wcte laid out in a
handsome rosewood casket, in the front
parlor of his residence, a neat two-story
brick house, occupying half of a let 30
feet front 011 the principal street by 200
in depth, and almost surrounded by cheice
flowers and plants. Here they were view
ed by his former associates and neighbors,
when tlte cortege proceeded te the Mora
vian church, in the upper end of town,
where the funeral set vices wete conducted
by Rev. Charles Nagle, the musical per
tien of the liturgy being conducted by the
choir and congregation and a sextette of
ttombeno players, the latter performing a
dirge as the body anived in front of the
church and en the way te and at the buty
ing ground in the rear.
In the chutch, the Rev. Mr. Nagle,
after the religious portion of the exercises,
gave a brief biographical memoir of the
Te the last General Sutter was a gteat
reader and had an extensive correspond
ence, and wrote and spoke well and fluent
ly French, German, Spanish and Italian
as well as English, ne was extremely po
lite aud affable, free from affectation, and
fend of entertaining the large number of
friends who sought him out in his quiet
retreat. He leaves a wife, about 73 yeats
old, in feeble health, and two sons and a
daughter, one of the former, Jehn A.,
being United States consul at Acapulco,
Mexico, and the ether, Einil, consul of
Greece at San Francisce. The daughter,
Mrs. Dr. Link, also resides at at Acapulco.
The son from San Francisce was en hi s
way te attend his father's funeral, but did
net arrive in time.
The body has been embalmed, it being
the intention of the society of Caliiernia
Pioneers te remove it, with the lemains of
his wife, upon her death, te that state.
There were a number of beautiful floral
tributes, that of the Pioneers' society, a
pillow of white immertelles, with the
words, "We loved him," interwoven in
letters of smilax, being conspicuously
handsome. "While the services were in
progress the " Bear" flag of the Pioneers
(antedating the Stars and Stripes in Cali
fornia) was hung at half-mast in Mineraj
Spring Park. The pall-bearers were Dr.
P. J. Roebuck, A. B. Reidenbach, Samuel
E. Gresh, Samuel Feltz Henry Kautz and
Geerge Ochs, escorted by the Pioneers as
a guard of honor.
Before the body was committed te the
grave General Fremont said that he could
net let the occasion pass without paying a
parting tribute te his old friend, who met
him, en the occasion of his first visit,
thirty-six years age, with the most gener
ous hospitality. At this time Gen. Sutter's
possessions were princely, and his cattle
fed upon a hundred hills. He net only
welcomed him, but he welcomed a genera
tion of Californians, who found his little
fort a safe resting place en their journey.
He always loved the flag, yet what must
have been his feelings could he have
'coked upon it as symbolizing the
sweeping away of all his possessions?
What was strange was that one with such
generous impulses, such a noble heart,
and one who had done' se much, should
have met with such cruel neglect. When
an offer came te endeavor te repair the
wrong it was tee late, but General Fre
mont hoped the relief denied the general
would be extended te his widow, and that
the Pioneers would aid in all ways.
Referring te the frequent disappoint
ments experienced by General Sutter, Gen-
Prices always lower than City Prices.
We are prepared te fill orders for Hair Jewelry and Special
"Werk at short notice from our own faotery.
We have the mechanics and tools for first-class Watch and
Jewelry Repairing.
EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler,
Zahm's Cerner,
Sterling Silver and Silver-Plated Ware,
decks, Jewelry ai Ami Tinted Spectacles.
We offer our patrons the benefit of our long experience in business, by which we ate able
te uid them in making the best use of their money in any depaituient of enr business. We
manufacture a large part et the goods we sell, and buy only lrent First-Class Houses. Every
article sold accompanied with a bill stating its quality.
a-First-Class Watch and General Kepalring given special attention.
eral Fremont said no friend would desire
te sec his agony of hope deferred. He
was no friend who en the rack of the rough
world would stretch him longer.
Colonel Gibsen also eloquently referied
te the personal virtues of the deceased.
Argument Court.
In aiguineitt court in the case of Levi
Sensenig vs. Jehn W. Mentzer, appeal
from taxation of costs. The appeal was
In the case of Jehn D. Wilsen's (deceas
ed) estate, a rule was granted te show
cause why an attachment should net be
issued, returnable te argument ceuit.
In the rule' te show cause why an order
should net be made directing Hen. Ed
waul McPherson and A. E. Roberts, sur
viving executets of Thaddeus Stevens, de
ceased, te pay te the trustees of Pennsyl
vania college 1,000, with intctest, for the
use of Steven's hall, the ceuit granted the
e cccuters until September 1st te file spe
c'al answer.
1 tad lteys l'unlsbed.
The little rascals who were arrested for
breaking nearly one hundred lights in the
"West Chestnut street public schools had a
hearing before. Mayer MacGentgle this
rooming. A case of malicious mischief
was clearly made out against them, but as
it was their first offence of the kind, as far
as can be ascertained, and their parents,
who have already punished the boys for
their misconduct, interceded for them and
expressed a willingness te pay all costs in
curred and damages done te the school
property, the mayor discharged them. A
repetition of the offence will land the boys
in jail.
A Slau Killed Who Was Known Here.
Several days age an associated press de
spatch announced that '''during an affray at
Leadville, Cel., J. P. O'Brien fired at
Themas Hagan, but the ball missed him
and killed William Cunningham. ' Dec'
Norten thereupon fired at O'Brien and se
verely wounded him." Later private de
spatches reveal that the victim of tjtc sheet
iu was Wilbur F. Cunningham, of Hunt
ingdon, this state, and known te a number
of persons in Lancaster. Mr. Cunningham
was about thirty-five years of age, and
was married te a daughter of ex-Sheriff
G. W. Johnsten, of Huntington county.
He was a nestal clerk en the line of the
Pennsylvania railroad for a number of
years, and in 1874, before going te Colo Cole
rado,, was an unsuccessful candidate for
register and recorder in Huntingdon
A Ulcti Compliment.
At a meeting of the Alumni association
of the Pennsylvania college, Getteysburg,
held en Wednesday evening last, J. Hay
Brown, esq., of this city, was chosen te de
liver the oration before the Alumni at their
annual meeting in June, 1881. This is a
high compliment te Mr. Brown, and be
tokens the high esteem in which he is held
by his associates.
Beautiful Bronzes.
The boys of the graduating class te-day
presented Mr. MeCaskey, principal of; the
high school, with a pair of ornamental
bronzes, one of them representing the
Falconer and the ether the Fisherman.
They were purchased from Mr. E. J. Zahm
and are very life-like and spirited figures.
State Sunday Scheel Convention.
L. D. Vail, chairman of the state execu
tive committee and Edw. S. Wagener,
state secretary of the State Sunday school
association visited our city te-day, and at
a conference with our local committee de
cided te held the State Sunday school con
vention en the 12, 13 and 14th of Oct.
Arrived Safely.
The steamship Silesia, in which Philip
Wall and Philip Blessing, of this city, re
cently sailed for Europe, is reported te
have arrived safely at Hamburg a few
days age.
explosion of a Vlstel.
Yesterday while Isaac Resenstein, a son
of Levi Resenstein, residing en Middle
street, was handling a pistol, the weapon
exploded mangling two of his fingers
sale of Beal Estate.
Jehn H. Metzler, real estate agent, has
sold for Mrs. Eva B. Krause, of Carlise, a
two-story brick house, which is situated at
Ne. 34 North Duke street, te Samuel J.
Demuth for $2,500.
Lancaster, Fa.,
The metcury reached 90 degrees in the
shade this afternoon.
A meeting of Ninth word Democrats will be
held ut Arneld Haas's, Saturday evening, for
the purpose of tot iniugu Hancock and English
campaign club.
The Lin mean society meets ut
morrow afternoon.
o'clock te
Jin. Henry Steuck. Meadville, Pa., cured et
a bad cane of Rheumatism by St. Jacob's Oil.
Williamson & Fester are making a clearance
sale of their entire stock et Summer Clothing
by reducing the prices. They will close their
store from July 5 te Sept. 1 at 7 p. m.
Feeble and exhausted constitutions restored
te health anil strength by Malt Hitters.
Better Late than Never!
" Don't put off until lo-menow w hat cm and
should be done te-day," is wise. If you have
never used SOZODONT for your teeth, make 11
bee-line te the druggLst and get a bottle and
begin te Ube it at once. " Vetb, sap."
je21-lw deed&w
Ucntlemen extravagantly praise the Cuti
cura Shaving Seap.
The invalid finds in ' Dr. Lindsey's Bleed
Searcher," nature's great restorer. It is wen
Try Lochri's Kenewned Cough Syrup.
Kidney-Wert effectively acts at the same
time en Kidneys, Liver and Bowels.
Constipation, sick headache, and biliousness
cured by " Sellers' Liver Pills." Try them
95 cents per box.
Try Lacker's Kenewned Cough Syrup.
Try Lecher's Kenewned Cough Syrup.
Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!!
Ate you disturbed at night and broken el
your rest by a sick child suffering and crying
with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth?
It se. go at once and gctabettlc of MRS. WINS
LOW'S SOOIHIXG SYKUP. It will relieve the
pour little sufferer immediately depend upon
it ; there is no mistake about it. 1 here is net a
mother en earth who has overused it, who will
net tell you ut once that it will legulatc the
bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief
and health te the child, operating like magic.
It is pcifcctly safe te use in all cases, and pleas
ant te the taste, and is the prescription et one
et the eldest and best female physicians and
nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere
25 cents a bottle. fJ17-lyd&wM,W&S
Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup.
Imi'Ure Bleed, General Debility, Scrofula,
Erysipelas, Pimples, Carbuncles, Unhealing
Seres, and ether diseases demanding a treat
ment essentially Tonic, Absorbent, Alterative,
Bleed Cleansing, Bleed Making, and Health
Restoring, j ield readily te that most pcrlect
and elegant et medicinal preparations, Dr.
Browning's Tonic and Alterative. Price 50
cents and $1. Fer sale by the Proprietor, W.
Champien Browning, M. D., 1117 Arch street,
Philadelphia, and all Druggists and Dealers in
Medicines. je-24
Try Lechcv's Renowned Cough Syrup
Hertz .tEnhrata. en the 21th inst., of
paralysis. J. Frankie Hertz, son of D. Rhine
and Lizzie Hertz, aged 5 years, 1 month and
24 duys.
Funeral Saturday at 2 o'clock p. m. ltd
Insure your Creps against less or damugc
by hail at BAUS5TAN & BUKNS'S
Insurance Office, 10 West Orange Street.
J held by the Alpha Club at the Green Cot
tage, en Saturday evening next. Admission
free. Ne Improper characters permitted en
the grounds. Jc25-2td
JL Netice is hereby
given that the erdi-
nanccs of the city of Lancaster "for prevent-
ing accidents by 1
nre ana tne Dcttcr preserva
re and the better preserva-
tien of outer in the city " will be strictly en
forced azainst all persons "firing guns or
small arms, or sailing, casting, throwing or
firing of chasers or ether fireworks operating
in a similar manner " within the city of Lan
caster during the celebration of the coming
ith of July.
The police force of the city are hereby in
structed te arrest any person detected in the
violation of said erdfnances.
je25 3td
49-The trade supplied at Lewest Manufac
turer's Prices.
Expressions of Sentiment from All Points.
Xburmaa Speaks for Ohie.
Celumbcs, O., June 25. A large meet
ing held at the state house last night te
ratify the Cincinnati ticket, was addressed
by Senater Thurman at some length.
The Seuth likes Htm.
Louisville, June 23.' The Courier
Journal says the Seuth likes Hancock and
will give him an undivided vote.
A Consplcieus Here.
Memphis. June 13. The Appeal thinks
the Democrats present te the country one
of the most conspicieus heroes of the late
war, a man who shed his bleed in defence
of the Union, a man who has endeared
himself te the Southern people by his
Reading, Pa., June 24. A salute of one
hundred guns was fired here yesterday
afternoon by the Democrats in honor of
the nomination of General Hancock for
president. Prominent Democrats all say
f the nomination is a strong one and will be
heartily supported.
Eastes, Pa., June 23. A very cnthusi.
asttc ratification meeting was held last!
night by the Democrats of this place.
The stand from which the speakers ad
dressed the audience was surrounded by a
crowd of several thousand. A brass band
and a bountiful display of fireworks en -livened
the occasion. Speeches were de
livered by E. J. Fex, esq., Hen. Wm
Mutchler, Charles Fitch, Wm. Beidelman,
esq., It. E. James, esq., and ethers.
Pittsbukgh, Pa., June 23. The nomi
nation of Hancock and English gives
general satisfaction among the Democracy
of this city.
SuxBuur, Pa., June 23. A large meet,
ing was held here last evening te ratify
the Cincinnati nomination.
Ashland, Pa., June 23. Great enthusi
asm prevailing here ever the nomination of
Hancock and English. A large flag, bear
ing their names, was unfurled, amid cheers
and music.
Yerk, Pa., June 5. A grand demonstra
tion in honor of General Hancock's nomi
nation took place here last night. An im
mense precession paraded the streets with
Hancock clubs in line from all the wards.
There was a grand illumination of buildings
and great rejoicings.
IIakkismuiie, June 25. A large and en
thusiastic meeting was held here last night
te ratify the nomination of Hancock and
English. Speeches were delivered by
Majer Jehn H. Filler, J. C. McAlaruey,
esq., lien. Abram Woelever and Ovid F.
Jehnsen, esq. There was an immense
walk-around, music and fireworks and
great enthusiasm.
lleuiewartl Hound in Great Glee.
Alteena, Pa., June 23. The Americus
club with colors flying and band playing,
arrived here te-day about one o'clock in a
special parlor car train under the charge
of Majer William A. Delaney, of the Penn
sylvania railroad. The club will arrive
in Philadelphia at 8 o'clock. They will
indulge in a grand ratification banquet at
Harrisburg. The members of the club
are highly elated ever Hancock's nomina
tion, and as they worked for the General
first, last and all the time,and were instru
mental in bringing out Daniel Dougherty
te make the nomination speech.
It is generally conceded among leading
Democrats who were at Cincinnati that the
nomination of Hancock was due in a great
measure te the efforts of the club. Amer
icus club badges were at a premium last
evening in Cincinnati, and were sought
for by leaders of all the various factions.
Daniel Dougherty, who is en the train,
has received an ovation at every station
along the route at which the train has
The Randall Club.
The Randall club is also coming home
in special cars attached te the Americus
club train.
Destruction et Property and Less of Life lu
Ellzabethpert, n.J.
Emzauethpeiit, N. J., June 25. A fire
was discovered in the storage department
of Fulton & Ce.'s large rope manufactory
last night. The damage will probably
reach $10,000, mostly covered by insur
ance. Wm. Edwards was killed by falling de
bris while working te subdue the flames.
Anether man, name unknown, was badly
The origin of the fire is net known, but
it is supposed te have been accidental.
The steam cordage company's store
house was entirely destroyed. The less is
$73,000 ; fully insured. The cause of the
fire was spontaneous combustion.
While the firemen were working the
south wall fell, killing Wm. D. Weed, a
fireman, and William Loseby, an employee
in the rbpewalk, and fatally injuring
Jabez E. Marsh and Jas. Moere. Jehn
Hoever and Jehn Ziefer were seriously
hurt. All the bodies were recovered.
Nene of the machinery has been damaged,
but only rope and hemp stored in the
building. The fire is net yet extinguished.
Fire at Harrisburg.
IIakkisbube, June 25. A fire originat
ed in a blacksmith shop en Margaretta
street, about 10 o'clock last night, spread
ing te several adjoining buildings, and de.
streyed property te the extent of $3,000 or
$4,000. The principal sufferers are E. S.
Gtngerich, Elias Hoke, Geerge Seurbeer
and C. II. Lefevre.
Paper Mill Burned,
Cincinnati, June 23. The Woodsdale
paper mill company's large mill at Woods Weeds
dale, six miles north of Hamilton, Ohie,
was entirely destroyed by fire last night.
Less estimated at $80,000 ; insurance $33,
A New Yerk Postefllce Clerk Arrestee.
New Yerk, June 25. Jeseph Newby,
for years a clerk in the posteffice, Station
A., of this city, was arrested by
Special Agent Sharretts, for robbing
the mails, and waiving examination,
was locked up by Commissioner Shields in
Ludlow street jail in default of $2,000 bail.
Eight tetters containing money, addreaied
by TJppingten, doing business en Broad
way, were found in the prisoner's pocket.
Ceal Advancing the Prlee.
Philadelphia, June 25. At the meet,
ing of the Lehigh coal exchange
held this afternoon it was decided
te increase the city and harbor
prices of egg and pea coal 25 cents pe
ten and te make similar advance in the
line of prices of broken and egg. The
Schuylkill interest will take the same ac
tion in regard te line and city prices, but
eastern rates will, it is thought, remain
Moenshiner Killed nnd Anether Mer
tally Wounded.
Atlanta, Ga., June 25. A revenue
posse in attempting te capture Moon Meon Moen
shiners near Red Oak, Ga., were resisted.
One Moenshiner was killed and one mor
tally wounded.
The American Team Selected.
Clantarf, June 25. Colonel Bedine
has selected the following team of six rifle
men te sheet in contest at Dollymount,
next Tuesday : Messrs. Rathbone, Brown,
Scott, Farrew, Clark, Fisher.
The Army Werm.
Rondout, N. Y., June 25. The Army
worm has made its appearance at Geshen,
Orange county, and is doing great dam
Washington, June 25. Fer the Middle
Atlantic states colder, partly cloudy and
clear weather, with frequent rains, winds
mostly southwesterly, stationary or lower
Stock Markets.
Philadelphia, June 25.
12J0 r. x. 8.00 r. m.
Stocks strong.
Penna 6'a (third issue) 108
Philadelphia A Erie 14
Pennsylvania K ....
Lehigh Valley. 49?
United Ces. of N. J 1UO
Northern Pacific 2
" Prelerred 41
Northern Central 31
Lehigh Navigatien: 27
Norristown 102
Central Transportation Ce. 48
Pitts., Titusville A Buffalo. 14
Little Schuylkill. 44
Nw Yekk, June 25.
Stocks steady.
Meney 2J
N. Y. Central 12
Adams;Express 113
Michigan Central 93
Michigan Southern 1USW
Illinois Central 106k
Cleveland 3b Pittsburgh.... 17k
Chicago ft Keck Island 10t
Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne.. 120
Western Union Tel. Ce 105Ji
Teledo A Wabash '.37
hew Jersey Central 04ij
United States Bends and Sterling Kzcliaue.
(Quotations by II. K. Jamisen A Ce., S. W.
Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets).
Philadelphia, June 23.
United States f.'s, 1881, (registered). .1(M61(M
United States 5's, 1881, (registered). .vam
United States Wa, 1891, (registered)109eifaii'i,
United States 4i'8,18l,(coupens)....l(k1097
United States 4's, 1907. (registered).. I07?2
United States Currency 6's 123 bid.
Sterling Exchange 48t;M8'.i
Philadelphia Market.
Philadelphia, June 25. Fleur dull but un
changed; superfine $2 503; extraatS3UU3S0;
Ohie and Indiana family at $5 0005 50 ; Penn'a
family $4 75ft5 00 ; St. Leuis family $5 5006 ou ;
de old, $2 254 75 ; Minnesota family 94 2504 75 ;
patent and high grades $6 508 no.
Kye flour at $4 25.
Cornmeal Brandy wine unchanged.
Wheat dull, but steady ; Ne. 2 Western Ited
91 171 17K; Penn'a Red 91 1"X; Amber 91 18.
Cern dull for local use; steamer 49050c; yel
low 51c mixed 50c
Oats dull anil lower; Ne. 1, White 40c; Ne.
2. de3839c; No.3,de36XJ7c;No.?,MlTed
Kye steady ; Western and Pa. 88c.
Previsions steady: mess perk at 912 75I3;
beef hams 920 5021 ; India mess beet $!CH 50 ;
bacon, smoked shoulders 5c; salt 45c;
smoked hams Il12c ; pickled hams !)luc.
Lard steady : city kettle 78c ; loose butch
er 67c ; prime steam 9740.
Uutter Choice steady: Creamery extra. 20
21c; de geed te choice I820c; Bradford county
and New Yerk extra. 1819c ; Western Ite
servc extra, 1617c ; de geed te choice 1215c ;
Itells dull ; Penn'a extra 10012 ; Western re
serve extra 10 12c.
Eggs dull und easier; Penn'a 1.1l4c;
Western 1212Mc
Cheese sluggish and unsettled ; New Yerk full
cream 9I0c; Western lull cream, 7c; de
tuiriogeou 7KUHc; (lenaiisKimn ecpTc.
Petroleum nominal ; refined 10e
w nisKy si it.
Seeds Geed te prime nominal
$2 752 90 : Flaxseed dull at 91 25.
New Yerk Market.
New Yerk. .Tunc 25. Fleur State and West
ern dull and strongly In buyers' laver :
superfine state 93 304 25 ; extra de 93 75
t 25; choice, de., 94 3004 35; fancy
$5 0506 00; round hoop Ohie 94 6005 00:
choice de 95 1006 25 ; superfine western 93 300
4 25; common te geed extra de 93 7504 40;
choice dodo 94 5007 00; choice white wheat de
94 650500; Southern dull and declining; com
mon te fair extra 950560; geed te choice de
$5 650675.
Wheat Spring dull and nominal ; Winter
heavy and 101Kc lawer; Ne. 2 Ked,
June, 912P2; de July 91 12; de August 91 08
Cern dull and easier , Mixed western spot,
48051c; de future 49j0c.
Oats heavy, and lower ; Ne. 2 June 37c ;
de July 30 ; Ne. 2 White, July, 36& ; state 37
42; western 35042.
tlse, free of charge, in the IirritLLieii--cza,
who .wants something te de.
ing, cleaning, Ac. Will go by the day.
Apply at 334 East King street. ltd
Housekeepers take notice that we are
aytng 2 cents a peunu ierauiiuaAU9,
'ash paid as seen as delivered te
apr9-3md Ne. 715 West King Street.
ladies or gentlemen preparing te pass ex
amination for admission te the IlighScboel, te
the College, or for Certificates as teachers, by
Je21-lwd Ne. 557 West Chestnut Street.
. Estate and Personal Property. Orders
left at Ne. 35 Charlette street, or at the Black
Herse Hetel, 44 and 46 North Queen street, will
receive prompt attention. Bills made eutand
ttended te without additional cost. e7-ly
j The duplicate of city taxes Is new in the
hands of the Treasurer. Five per cent, abate
ment will be allowed en all taxes paid en or be
fore July 1, 1880. E. WELCHANS,
A delicious, healthy Beverage, far superior
te the ordinary soda water. FIVE CENTS A
GLASS. Fer sale by
NO. 116 N. O.UEEN ST.,
Lancaster, Pa. .
The duplicate Is in the hands et the Treas
urer. 5 per cent, off forpremt payment.
WM. O. MARSHALL, Treasurer.
Ne. 12 Centre Square.
Office hours fromea. m.te4 p.m.wgwasK
of Upper Leacock township, deceased.
Letters et administration en said estate hav
ing been granted te the undersigned, all per
sons Indebted thereto are requested te make
immediate settlement, and these having claims
or demands against the same wUljpresent them
without delay for settlement te the undersign
ed residing fn Barevllle.
' SABAH WANNER, Administratrix.
WV. S. Axwxe, Att'y, 138 East King Street.
Gl. F. BARX, Her Agent. mT5-ltdA5tw