.?. "TTC a-wsLiasi -7f - ,arya LANCASTER DAlLV lMEtUGEfclJEU. THUitSDAY, JUNE 24, i380i . " Lancaster IrntelUfcencer. THUBSDAY EVENING. JUNE 24, 1880- FOB PBESIDENT : GEN. WINFIELD S. HANCOCK, OF PENNSYLVANIA. The great principles of American lib erty are still the lawfal inheritance of this people, ana ever should be. The right of trial by jury, the habeas corpus, the liberty of the press, the freedom of speech, the natural rights of persons and the rights f property must be presenred. WINFIELD S. HANCOCK, Maj. tien.Cemd'yDept. La. and Texas. Hancock. The Democratic party has done honor te itself and te the principles it repre sents by the nominating as its standard bearer in the ensuing presidential con test Majer General Winfield Scott Han cock, of Pennsylvania. The descendant of a distinguished family, he was edu cated as a soldier, graduated with honor at West Point, he distinguished himself as a brave soldier and efficient officer during the battles of the Mexican war, his services being rewarded with promo tion for gallant services in the battles of San Antenia, Cherubusce and the ether battles in front of the city of the Monte Mente zumus. Frem the commencement te the end of the late civil war he commended himself te the Union. sentiment of the Xerth by his valor and skill in a dozen hard fought battles. McClellan, his commanding officer, named him " the superb," and in one of his dispatches, after a hard fought battle and glorious victory, announced the re sult by telegraphing that "Hancock fought splendidly." At Antietam he sprang into the trench and took com mand of the second corps en the death of the gallant Gen. Richardson, and wrestled victory from the jaws of defeat. At Gettysburg when our own Reynolds fell, Gen. Hancock took his place, stayed the retreating Union forces, extended the Union lines, checked the advance of Lee's magnificent army, waged battle for two days against his veteran hosts and finally repulsed them, falling severe ly wounded at the moment of victory. Fer his gallant services he was awarded by Congress a vote of thanks in the name of the people of the United States. JJy services like these lie wen the ad miration and applause of the entire Xerth ; and when after the war had end ed he was placed in command of the mil itary district of Louisiana and Texas, he wen equal admiration from the peo ple of the Seuth by the magnanimity with which he treated his late enemies and the firmness with which he upheld the rights of the civil powers. The follow ing extract from his general order of No vember 29, 1867, is worthy of being writ ten in letters of geld and impressed ou the memory of every American ; " In war it is indispensable- co repel force by force and overthrew and destroy opposition te lawful authority. But when iusurrcctienery force ljas. been over thrown and peace established, and the civil authorities are ready and willing te perform their duties, the military power should cease te. lead and the civil administration resume its natural and rightful dominion. Solemnly impressed with these views, the General announces that the great principles of American liberty are still the lawful inheritance of this people, and ever should be. The right of trial, by jury, the habeas corpus, the liberty of the press, the freedom of speech, the natural rights of persons and the rights of property must be preserved." Is it t' be wondered at that the people of the Seuth, first crushed in war and afterwards plundered and robbed by camp-followers and carpet-baggers, should leek te this magnanimous con- qucrer sis their .deliverer ? And is it te be wondered at, that when opportunity offered, the solid Seuth, led en by the gallant Leuisianians and Texans, should shake hands with the solid Xerth and demand him as their leader in rescuing the government from the fraud which has usurped its powers and brought it into reproach both at home and abroad. The unanimity with which the; nomi nation was made, and the enthusiasm with Which it is everywhere- received gives assurance that it will be ratified by an overwhelming majority by the people at the polls, " aadif he is elected lie will take his seat." Hancock led the column of the im mortal fifty-six who signed the Declara tion of Independence, and established the principles of Democracy in the United States. Hancock led the column at An tietam and. Gettysburg, and broke the back-bone of rebellion and preserved the integrity of the Union. And new Han cock leads the column that is te regulate and purify the government, and save it from, the horde of cormorants who have been feeding upon its life-bleed. Xet the least encouraging feature of the course of events that have marked the preliminaries of the Democratic con vention which is new the cynosure of public interest, is the manifest purpose of the party te accord the heartiest sup port te its nominee. The Democrats hereabouts are only waiting for the name of the man in. whose behalf they are ready te roll up their sleeves and de yeo man service. : Hancock drew first bleed last night and after the adjournment his boom is reported te have attained growing pro portions. The country will hail his nom ination as it will that of any ether pure, upright, honorable Democrat with the most positive enthusiasm. The bloody shirt is permanently re tired as a factor in this campaign. - m m The solid Seuth. Se ether name in the country has the power te move the Seuth liket that of Hancock. When that teectien of the country was in the valley of the shadow, his was the majestic form that strode between the bleeding victim and her cruel oppressors, and interposed his strong arm te prevent the total anni hilation of civil freedom. A soldier than whim no ether bears a nobler record, his clearly defined submission of the military te the civil power render his name a tower of strength among a liberty-loving people. The nomination of General Winlield Scott Hancock wjis net the wild, ungov ernable impulse of an irresponsible crowd fearful lest the name of some obnoxious person would be thrust upon them willy nilly; it was a spontaneous outburst of feeling in honor of a man whose services te his country have been monumental,, and whose election is beyond the pale of doubt. Tin-: rear of approbation that went up from the perspiring- crowd in front of the Intelligencer office about neon te-day tells' the story. It was in marked contrast with the chill that passed through the Republicans en the reception of the news of Garfield's nomination three weeks age. As seen as Hancock's nomination was announced,. the Intelligencer Hag was run up amid loud cheering, and almost simultaneously the Democratic cannon, " Old Buck" planted en the "huT'iii the Eighth ward, thundered forth a sa lute of one hundred guns. If vow ask what state lie hails from-. We proudly here avow : "He liuils from Pennsylvania Rut the Union claims him new." If you ask what cause he fought for. Re this our sole reply : 'He hattled for the Union, Fer Law and Liberty." There are no Tilden men, nor Thur mau men, nor Hendricks men, nor Ran dall men, nor Field men, nor Payne men anymore. All these sterling Democrats have rolled up their, sleeves for HAN COCK, and se will, every ether lever of his country. The spirit of the Democrats of the country is aptly illustrated in the tele gram read in the convention yesterday announcing that the bonfire was ready te be lighted in honor of the Cincinnati convention. Said a dozen Republicans te us this morning : " Hancock is the strongest candidate your party could have nomi nated, and only one objection can be urged against him he is a Democrat. Pennsylvania, New Yerk, New Jer sey, Connecticut and Indiana, will vote for Hancock, our soldier statesman next November. Tut: last Democratic president came from Pennsylvania and was nominated at Cincinnati. This is a favorable omen- Democrats, turn out this evening and show the Republicans what a mass meeting is. The Dark Herse was se dark you couldn't see him this time. Did you hear " Old Ruck " out en the hill te-day ? m m The country is saved- MINOR. TOPICS. Hancock was always a terrible fellow for flanking. The strategists in command of the ether booms should have remember ed this peculiarity. Geerge W. Sv.lyner, the able editor of the Fulton Ihmicrat, published atMcCon atMcCen ticllsburg, Pa., has severed Ids connection with that paper,, having sold it te II. II. Woodal, whose salutatory in the current number has tlic true Democratic ring, and shows the writer te be possessed of de cided ability and an aptness at wielding the editorial pen. Grew is president, but Gambetta prac tically premier of France. Se much is at tested, by the presentation and the passage in the chamber of deputies of the chief political measure of the year, the Plenary Amnesty bill. Its presentation in the French senate also has already been made, and its passage there is probable, though by a vote closer than that of the depu ties. PERSONAL. The mallet used by the Prince of "Wales in laying the corner-stone of the new ca thedral at Truro was the one with which Charles II. laid the foundation stone of St Paul's cathedral. It was presented te the Old Ledge of St. Paul by Sir Christopher "Wren, a member of the Old Ledge. Senater Bayard is at his home in Wil mington. He leeks well, and was in fine spirits and altogether unruffled yesterday. General Hancock watches the Cincinnati battle from New Yerk. Senater Thurmau is in Columbus. Mr. Tilden takes his drives in the park as usual since the con vention opened. Mr. R. W. Emersen is mentioned as one of the most frequent visitors at the Bosten athenamm. He rarely gees te the city without stepping an hour or two, or per haps half a day, among the books. Some times he will be seen standing at the top of one of the portable steps in the alcoves, having been there half an hour it may be with a book in hand, opening the book as seen as he took it from the shelf, and in stantly becoming tee much absorbed in its contents te stir from the spot. And some times he may be seen seated at a tabic with his MSS. Mr. Horatio Seymour is described as going the ether day with his brother Jehn te see one of a line of splendid horses owned for many years in the Seymour family. The ex-governor critically exam ined the animal and pronounced xn elo quent eulogy upon his many merits and fine points. Upen its conclusion, Jehn Seymour, who had been quietly standing by, remarked: "There is one important fact connected with this breed of horses, which you seem te have overlooked, and te which I wish just new te call your at tention." "What's that?" asked Uhe governor. "They never refuse te run!" Mr. Seymour eyjeyed the joke and seemed te appreciate its application. CINCINNATI. THE BALLOTING BEGUN. HANCOCK LEADING AT THE OUTSET. Hi Name Received With Tumultuous En- thusiaaui Man Dougherty's Masterly flea in Ilehalf or the Pennsylvania Soldier Uayard, Hendricks and Thurmau Loudly Cheered. THE HANCOCK BOOM GROWING. II Ik. Frieutls Predicting hU Nomination en First Hallet Te-Day. At 1:45 p. m. Mr. Stevenson arrived and was presented te the convention as its president. Judge Headly, en handing him the gav el as the symbol of authority, said it could fall into no worthier nanus. He was received with applause. He said he accepted the chair with a high apprecia tion of the honor and responsibility of the trust confided in him. He knew that he was net indebted for the compliment te any personal merit, but as a tribute te his grand old commonwealth and its devotion in sunshine and storm te Democratic prin ciples, in the name of Kentucky, therefore, he presented his thanks. He welcomed the representative men of the Democratic party te Cincinnati. There was joy in their coming. He saw in the faces befcre him that the flag which they put out shall be borne triumphantly te victory. Ap plause. He proceeded at some length te ei:tel the Democratic party, its history and mission, but as his face was turned aw ay from the reporters little of it could be heard. On motion, a resolution of thanks was tendered the temporary chairman ler the able and impartial discharge of his duties, which Judge Headly briefly acknowl edged. A motion was carried te proceed te the nomination of candidates for president. M. McElreth of California named Judge Stephen J. Field, and Brown of Colerado secended the nomination. A call of Delaware was greeted with tu multuous applause. Geerge Gray, of that state, presented the name of Themas F. Bayard. He said Delaware, though small in numbers, was proud of her history and her position in the sisterhood of states. She was here te-day te de her best in be half of the common cause. Who will lead best in the struggle for constitutional gov ernment and the people's rights they were here te-day te decide. Voices " Bay ard, Bayard. " When the speaker men tioned the full name of Themas Francis Bayard it was hailed with a spontaneous burst of applause. He was no novice, but a man of experience and statesmanship. His name and record were known wher ever the flag floats, or the English tongue is spoken ; with private cliaracter as spot less as snow ; judgment clear as sunlight ; wit keen as the flashing sabre. Hon est. The people all knew him, and need net be told who and what he is. In whom, mere than him, will the business interests of the country find mere trust:' Who better than he will truly represent the Democratic party, or who give a higher direction te its aspirations than he whose name is the very synonym of opposition te corruption in every form, who had contributed te the present commanding strength of the Demo cratic party? Don't tell us that you ad mire and love him ; that he is unavailable. Deu't tell us that he is tee geed a man te command the suffrages of the Democratic party. The call for Indiana was the signal for the most enthusiastic cheering outside of the delegates' scats, which was renewed wildly as the banner of Themas A. Hen dricks was waved from the rear of the platform. Mr. Yoerhecs, of Indiana, desired te present the name of a distinguished citi zen of Indiana who was fit te be president. After complimentary illusions te all the candidates already presented, all of whom he knew were worthy of every honor, he said there was none, however, with morn commendations in the works of his life than are attached te Themas A. Hen dricks. Great applause. Indiana had for twenty years been au im portant battle ground of the Democratic party, and she had never faltered with Hendricks in the front. Applause. There were no divided counsels in Indiana. There was no treachery here. They were unanimous and cordial in their presenta tion of the gentleman whom he had named. He was worthy of all support, and his administration, if nominated and elected, would prove as efficient as his ad ministration in every station he had filled in the past. Te the Seuth, who had been mere faithful ? Te the North, who had been truer? Indiana nailed his colors te the mast, and would stand by him and go down with them in honor, if need be. New Yerk being called voices in the galleries called, Tilden, Tilden and were greeted with furious hisses. When Illi nois was called, Samuel S. Marshall, after a somewhat tiresome general political speech, in which he was interrupted by impatient calls of time, time, time and confusion, said the American people de demand as their leader a man worthy of the cause, one of inflexible honor, indomi table courage, a man of the people, one who is a legislator and finally en behalf of the unanimous Illinois delegation he named the gallant soldier, William R. Morrison, of Illinois. When Massachusetts was reached, Lcv crett Saltenstall, of that state seconded Bayard's nomination. Ohie named Thurmau in a speech by Mr. Sweeney, which was frequently interrupt ed by applause. Dougherty's Pica for Hancock. When Pennsylvania was called its chair man said they had no candidate te present but one of their delegates desired te pre sent a name. Dan. Dougherty, of Phila delphia, then took the platform. Mr. Dougherty in presenting te tlie con vention the name of General Hancock, said : Mr. Dougherty's Speech. I propose te present te the thoughtful consideration of this convention the name of one who en the field of battle was styled "the superb," cheers yet wen the still nobler renown as a military governor whose lirst act when in command of Louisiana and Texas was te salute the constitution by proclaiming that the military rules shah ever be subservient te the civil power. Cheers. The slight word of a soldier was proved by the acts of a statesman. I nominate one whose name will suppress all factions, cheers will be alike acceptable te the north and te the south. A name that will thrill the republic. A name, if nominated, of a man that will crush the last embers of sectional strife and whose name will be hailed as the dawning of the dav of nernetual brotherhood. With him we can fling away our shields and wage an aggressive war. We can appeal te the supreme tribunal of the American people against the corruption of the Republican party and their untold vio lations of constitutional liberty. With him as our chieftain the bloody banner of the Republicans will fall from their palsied grasp. O, my countrymen, in this su preme moment the destines of the republic are at stake and the liberties of the people are imperiled. The people hang breathless en your deliberation. Take heed ; make no misstep. I nominate one who can carry every southern state and who can carry Pennsylvania, Indiana, Connecticut, New Jersey and New Yerk the soldier states man with a record as stainless as his sword, Winfield Scott Hancock,- of Pennsylvania. Thisgave occasion for the wildest ap plause that had been witnessed upon the fleer or in the galleries, many delegates rising te their feet. If elected he would take his scat. Great applause. When Seuth Carolina was called, Wade Hampton hobbled forward en his crutches amid trreat applause and said while he and his state recognized and appreciated Han cock and Thurmau, Seuth Carolina was for Bayard because he was the strongest man before the convention. Hubbard, of Texas, seconded the nomi nation of Hancock. Strongfellew, of Virginia, seconded Field's nomination, and Majer Daniel, of the same state, followed in an impassioned speech in behalf of Hancock. Geed, also of Virginia, seconded Thurman's nomina tion. The First Dttllet Hancock Leads. The chair then announced the names of these in nomination for president of the United States. The names of Hendricks, Thurman and Hancock were each received with considerable applause, that for Han cock being by far the greatest and most en thusiastic and apparently the most sponta neous and natural. After a number of motions te adjourn, postpone, etc., had been made and defeat ed, it was agreed te proceed at once te a ballet. The roll was then resulted, total vote, called and the vote 7351 ; necessary te a choice, 492 : Winfield S. Hancock. . . Themas F. Bayard Henry B. Payne Allen G. Thurman Stephen J. Field William R. Morrison. . . Themas A. Hendricks. 171 15:5 81 G8 65 64 5(H Samuel J. Tilden 38 Themas Ewiug 10 Horatio Seymour 8 Samuel J. Randall 5 W. A. H. Leveland 5 Jeseph E. McDonald e Geerge B. McClelland 2 Geerge V. N. Lathrop 2 Joel Parker 1 Jeremiah S. Black 1 James E. English 1 Hugh J. Jewett 1 As the vote of each state was announced from the platform the cheers and hisses were renewed, and some one moved that the gallerips be cleared, but it was net pressed. While the clerks were adding up their tally the band played "Dixie," the lirst strain of which took a large part of the audience te their feet with cheers re doubled as "Yankee Deedle" followed. The chair announced that no one hav ing received two thirds there was no choice. Mr. Brcckcnridgc (Ky.) moved te ad journ te ten o'clock te-morrow. Adopt ed, and the convention adjourned at 0:10 p. m. On the first ballet the Pennsylvania del egation voted as fellows : Field, 1 ; Bay ard, 7 ; Hendricks, 1 ; Hancock, 28 ; Seymour, 3 ; Jewett, 1 ; Tilden, 15 ; Ran dall, 1. The platform will reaffirm the platform adopted at St. Leuis and its main features are en the line of the late Pennsylvania resolutions adopted at the convention of the party held a few weeks - since and said te be from the pen of Jere. Black. There is also a strong anti-Chinese plank and a resolution in praise of Tilden and Hen dricks, and an arraignment of the Repub lican party for the fraud of 1870. The financial plank declares for geld and silver coin and constitutional currency convcrta cenvcrta ble into coin. The First Test. Alabama, the first called, had net made up her mind, and begged te be excused, se Arkansas led oft with twelve votes for Field. The convention laughed ; Field had such hard luck in the two attempts te second his nomination. Georgia was the lirst state te give Hancock a lift. Her eight unexpected votes for him raised a cheer, and henceforward Hauceck was the favorite clear through the race, Bayard only dividing with him the applause of the multitude. Con necticut broke out for the uuneminatcd Payne. Bamum's live delegates showed what New Yerk was going te de. Ken tucky, under Wattcrsen's inspiration, threw five of her votes te Tilden, and still another attempt was made te get up a hurrah for the old man, but it failed, although W. L. Scott mounted a bench himself and shouted until he was hearse. And se it went en, many delegates throwing their votes away and only the Hancock and Bayard men seeming desperately in earnest. New- Yerk's seventy votes for Payne brought out a storm of hisses, which the large minority rather enjoyed. Finally the roll was finished and the result was announced, with Hancock in the lead, Bayard a geed second, Payne a bad third, Thurman a neck ahead of Field, Morrison next, and the rest, from Tilden te Joel Parker, dis tanced in the heat. The convention was satisfied with one day's work, and although some were quite ready te go en, all wanted something te eat and drink, and se there was an immediate adjourn ment, with another grand hurrah for Hancock. M. P. II. SCENES IN THE CONVENTION. The Magniliccnt Reception te Gen. Han cock's Name. The speakers who placed the several can didates in nomination were the recipients of applause when they mentioned their names or referred te their localities, but when Daniel Dougherty meuutcd the platform and eulogized the military and civic career of General Hancock there was a spontaneous break of enthusiasm which did net exhaust itself for several minutes. People rose from their scats, waved their hats, fans, handkerchiefs, parasols and everything about them that could add te the brilliancy of the scene. The applause shook the very building. The effort of Dougherty was masterly. The sentiment at the clese that if Hauceck were elected he would take his seat found a responsive chord in all who listened te it. Before the nominitiens were being made a Hancock banner was borne aloft en the stage in the midst of much enthu siasm. After the candidates had all been presented the opponents of Hancock en deavored te effect an adjournment before the taking of a ballet fearing that the boom might culminate in his nomination. The audience and many delegates shouted adjournment, which aroused the indigna tion of Chairman Stevenson who threatened the removal of these engaged in interrupt ing the convention. The motion te adjourn having been defeated there was another storm of applause. The voting was closely scrutinized and thousands kept tallies of the result. A discouraging cir cumstance te Hancock was that he did net receive any votes until Georgia was reached. The announcement of the re sult was heartily greeted and se were the votes for the general. Tildcn's name was applauded and hissed. TUE BOOM GROWING. i'redicting Hancock's Nomination. Dispatches last night indicated that Cin cinnati was going wild for Hancock. The New Yerk delegation had a three hours' session, in which much bitterness was shown much opposition te Payne. His son-in-law, Whitney, asked permis sion te withdraw his name as a can didate in consequence. The Hancock sen timent is strong in the delegation, the re sult partly of the receipt of a telegram from New Yerk urging them te support the general. The delegation resolved te meet te-day te decide en the one it will concentrate its strength upon. His vote from this state will probably be largely in creased. - At 1:15 this morning, Congressman Ellis, of Louisiana, said that Pennsylva nia, New Yerk, Massachusetts and Con necticut will go solidly for Hancock en the first ballet te-day, which would render his nomination certain en that ballet. A COAL SUSPENSION. Whiit was Announced Yesterday by the Reading Receivers. Tuesday it was autheratively announced by the Reading company receivers that an agreement was practically ueciucu upon, namely: A total suspension of coal min ing from July 1 te 12, and three days per week thereafter, as at present. Under the present arrangement only three corpora tions show any material increase in their tonnage, and the production even as limited is nearly as great as when the mines are w erked full time. This is owing te the fact that during the idle days every thing is prepared, and when the date for producing arrives increased energy is em ployed, with the above result. The official toiiuagestatcmentferMayshows that in the decrease the Reading leads, with580,432,18 tens less; the Central of New Jersey is next, with 199,004,10 less, and the Penn sylvania coal company, 140,453,01. The decreased tonnage of the ethers are merely nominal, being 35,580,05 for the Lehigh Valley, 20,210,18 for the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western, 40,329,10 for the Del aware and Hudsen and 38,731,10 for the Pennsylvania railroad. The New Yerk, Lake Erie and Western railroad actually shows an increase of 23,881,13 tens. The total stock en hand May 31 was only 101, 810 tens less than the month preceding. The only way te curtail production mate rially is te suspend for a longer period than three days. In regard te rumors affecting the future policy of the Reading receivers, con templating leasing the coal lands of the com pany, Franklin B. Gewen said yesterday that they were without foundation. The receivers, he says, are having an examina tion of the coal fields made, but it is merely a portion of the general plan te secure an actual exhibit of all matter pertaining te the embarassed corporations. A well-known banker and broker, speaking of the Read ing, present and prospective, said yester day; " Reading's affairs are all at sea, but they arc coming around gradually, and the result will net be half as bad as ex pected. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. A Denial. Seme days since, mention was made in these columns of a rumor of a cheek forged that was floating around in an in definite sort of way in banking circles. The report was te the effect that a check for 65 given by David 11. Landis, of Bird in-Hand te a former employee named Rudy, had been raised by the latter indi vidual te $500, and that Rudy and a com panion named Adam Wise had been seen at the Serrel Herse hotel with plenty of money ; that Wise was known te have had a $30 bill in his pocket which he had had changed, and further that both Rudy and Wise had left for parts unknown. While the rumors of the forgery could net be traced the story obtained brief currency, but without taking definite shape subsided and nothing has since been heard of the matter. This morning Mr. Wise called at the Ix Ix tem.ieencer office te deny any connection with or knowledge of the rumored forgery. He says at the time indicated he was with Rudy at the Serrel Herse hotel. The lat ter had exprcssd his intention of going west, and asked Wise if he wouldn't go with him. Wise informed Rudy that he intended te go te Ohie at an early day, but that just at that time he was net prepared financially te make the trip. Rudy was very anxious for Wise te go with him, and said he would give him $30 for expenses if he would accompany him. Wise accepted the offer and the two start ed for the west, their point of destination being Baltimore, Ohie. After spending a few days there, where Mr. Wise is well ac quainted, Rudy wanted te go further west and asked Wise if he would go with him ; but Wise declined, and Rudy started west ward unaccompanied. Mr. Wise says he received a letter containing the newspaper article referred te, and at once returned home te make an explicit denial of the slightest complicity with the rumored for gery. He knows nothing whatever about it, he says, and Rudy told him that he had obtained the money from an uncle. He had net the least idea that Rudy secured the money by any irregular means, and does net new knew where he get it. He wishes te enter his bread and explicit denial of the slightest implication in the affair, and .vc cheerfully give him the benefit of his statement. HIGH school commencement. Reserved Seats President's Reception. The commencement exercises of the boys and girls high schools will take place in Fulton opera house te-morrow morning. The directors, teachers and pupils will meet at the high school building at 8 o'clock, sharp, and move in precession te the opera house. The exercises will com mence at 8:15. A number of seats have been reserved for parents of graduates and a few ether invited guests and they have ' been given tickets te secure them. The president of the beard, however gives notice that these seats will net be reserved after the exer cises shall have commenced. If these hold held tickets de net avail themselves of the pri vilige, and occupy the seats before the exer cises commence, they will forfeit them te the public. The president's reception and reunion of graduates, teachers and directors will take place in the old high school building corner Prince and Chestnut streets te-morrow evening. A llllnd Pupil. Mabel Arneld, a daughter of Jehu A. Arneld, of this city, was one of the pupils transferred from Miss Marshall's primary te Miss Brubaker's secondary school en Wednesday last. Mabel is new about 12 years old. When she was between two and three years old she had a severe ar tack of scarlet fever, which left her totally blind. About three years age, at the re quest of her parents, she was placed in Miss Marshall's school, se that she might hear the ether pupils recite their lessens. Se bright and intelligent was she, and se attentive te what she heard, that the teach ers determined te give her instructions. On Wednesday last she passed the exami nation conducted by Superintendent Buehrle and Miss Brubaker, and she was awarded 100 per cent, in geography, spell ing, and written and mental arithmetic. Her proficiency in these studies is certain ly wonderful when it is remembered that she is totally blind, i crrx coescils. Special Meeting Ordinances te Berrow . Meney sad Widen Pavements Gas, Illuminating and Rhetorical. A special meeting of select and common councils was held last evening. Select Council. Select council was called te order by President Evans with the following mem bers present : Messrs. Bering, Eberly, Franklin, Ju dith, Sales, Shenk, Zecher and Evans, president. The president stated the object of the meeting. Mr. Sheuk moved that the clerk read the ordinance authorizing a leau of $15,000 a second time. The motion was carried and the ordinance read, together with the endorsement upon it, showing that it had been passed by common council,finally, en May 20. Mr. Shenk moved that it be read a third time, and en this motion debate followed, Mr. Eberly was in favor of having all the debt paid, but he understood that this ordinance was for $15,000. In 1874 our debt was $482,153.90, and under the new constitution we had power te increase it two per centum en the assessed valuation of the property, real ami personal. New did we increase the debt since that time two per centum. He thought it had been increased te within $4,800 of the limit if we take the assessment of last year. This case is clearly settled in the case of Wheeler ct. al. vs. the city of Philadel phia. The city wished te borrow $2,000, 000 for sewers, etc. The court adjudged that the debt could be only increased two per centum and ever that te seven per centum, it could net be increased with out a vote of the people. In 1874 our debt was four per centum, we have increased it two per centum, and cannot increase it the ether one per centum without a vote of the people. Mr. Shenk said that different people in terpreted this law differently. He had Mr. Atlec's opinion that the debt of '74 was the debt we must go by and we can in crease it two per centum ever and above that. He wanted this opinion read, and placed among the records. The clerk read the opinion as fellows : Lancaster, Pa., June 5, 1880. 11. 11. Shenk, esq.: My Dear Sir : In regard te the matter concerning which you have consulted me I am of opinion that the total indebtedness of the city of Lancaster en January 1, 1874, is te be considered ; both funded and unfunded indebtedness. The fact that un funded indebtedness of that date was after wards funded does net alter the fact that the debt was then ( January 4, 1874. ) in existence. As well might you add the leans made te pay old leans falling due as count this. Yours, very truly, Wm. A. Atlee. Mr. Shenk then argued that after all the debts contracted before January 1, 1874, had been paid, the city could in crease its debt two per centum, and tha. councils had yet a margin of about $75,000 te work upon. In answer te Mr. Eberly, if that gentleman knew that the debt could net be increased, why did he vote for the work that is het yet paid for. It is net disputed that the work was done by the street committee in all fairness,and knowing that the debt was a fair one, he would vote for the ordinance. Mr. Eberly asked Mr. Evans for his opinion en the subject, and Mr. Evans said he would give it if Mr. Ebcily would take the chair. Mr. Eberly did se, and Mr. Evans began by saying that he was anxious te have the debt paid, but he would net knowingly vote in violation of the law. - Mr. Shenk interupted him te ask why he voted for the work knowing this. Mr. Evans replied that there were ether ways of paying this debt. Then he pro ceeded te argue that the debt could net be increased mere than two per centum, after January 1, 1874, and that it had already been increased te nearly that amount. He enumerated the leans that had been made since then and they amounted te $219,200, $100,000 of which had been borrowed in '75 te fund the floating indebtness. Twe per centum of the valuation of the property is $224,000, and taking $219,200 from this leaves $4,800 that may yet be borrowed legally. Mr. Shenk asked if part of this money was net used te pay debts contracted in 1873, and Mr. Evans answered no. Then Mr. Shenk read bills approved by the water committee in 1873 te the amount of ever $70,000 and argued that that amount of the leans made since 1874 was used te pay these debts. And as we can increase the debt two per centum ever the debt as it was en January 1, 1874 ; we can yet bor row $00,000 or $70,000. The ordinance was rewl a third time and en its final passage adopted by the follow ing vote : Yeas Messrs. Bering, Franklin, Judith, Sales, Shenk and Zecher. Nays Messrs. Evans and Eberly. In casting his vote Mr. Zecher stated that he was net sure from the arguments that they could borrow the money legally, but as he voted for the work he would vote te pay for it : The ordinance as adopted is as fellows ; An Ordinance A utherizing the issuing of a permanent lean for the payment of all bills contracted by the city of Lancaster up te June 1, lsso,fer the laying of Jlelgian Bleck Pavement, Macadamizing certain Streets in said City, and for fsiber. Material and General Street Werk. Section 1. That from and after the pass age of this ordinance "for a permanent lean for the payment of all bills contracted by the city of Lancaster up te June 1. 1H80, for the lay in;; of Rclgian block pavement, macadamizing certain streets in said city, and for labor, ma terial ami general street work," the mas-er el the city of Lancaster is hereby authorized and required te issue coupon bends or certificates of indebtedness of the city;of Lancastcr.in such forms as are new prescrified for the issuing of the same.in the sum of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000); said Denus te lie in denominations el live hundred dollars ($"i00) and said certificates te be of denominations of one hundred dollars ($100) and multiples of one hundred dollars ($100), redeemable in lawful money of the United States at the pleasure of the city after live years and within thirty years after their date, and beating interest payable semi annu ally at the rate et live per cent, per annum; anil said bends and certificates shall be exempt from the payment of tax and shall have set forth and expressed upon their face the above specified conditions. The coupons en said Denus ami interest en sam cenuicaics snail De made payable at the etllce of the Treasurer of the city of Lancaster. Sec. 3. That the mayor or the city is hereby authorized and empowered te sell and dispose of any of the bends .and certificates issued un der this ordinance at net less than their par value for lawful money, and te apply the pro ceeds thereof for the payment of bills contract ed for the laying of Eelgian block pavement, macadamizing certain streets in the city el Lancaster, and for laber,matcrials and general street work, and for no ether purposes. Sec. 3. An annual tax el one-tenth of one mill en all property subject te taxation for city purpeses'is hereby levied te pay the prin cipal and interest of the above lean, collectible and payable as ether city taxes. Lighting the City. Mr. Eberly moved that the proposals for lighting the "city be taken up and read, which was done and the action of common council, en awarding the contract te the " New" company announced. Mr. Eberly moved that the, action of common council be amended by giving the contract te the " old" company, and pre sented the following communication from that company : Dear Sir : As an attempt has been made te deprive us of the contract for light ing the city which was awarded te us by the lamp committee, we submit the fol lowing statement te you, and if your pro posal was issued in ceed faith we de net see hew the award can be set aside by mis representation and ether questions. The new company claims te light 311 lamps at $18, amounting te $5,598. We can light 261 lamps at $15.85 or $4,130.85, leaving a difference in our favor of $1,461.15. New there is 50 lamps difference te be lit with oil at $32.50, amounting te $1,175. Te this add the savins en bills at the mar ket house, etc , of $50, and there is still a difference in our favor of $336, which we claim our bid is lower than theirs. New in regard te diggiug up the streets, we are prepared te give you all the security the city may require that they will be re stored as found by us. We propose te extend our pipes, and wherever it is possible, as suggested by the lamp committee, replace the oil lamps with gas. Having formerly had connection with most of the gas lamps it will require little digging te reconnect them. Geerge K. Ri:ki. June 23, 1880. Mr. Zecher presented the following : Lancaster, June 23, 1880. William Jehnsen, esq., Chairman Lamp Committee. Dear Sir : We have been informed that our preposition te extend our mains te a large number of oil lamps and light them at $23.50 has been accepted by com cem com meu council but no action taken in the select councils. Since the date of that proposal there has been considerable declines in the price of pipe, and labor abundant, it would be au advantage te extend our mains at this time. We will propose te reach at least (53 oil lamps and light them at $18 per lamp. Our company will then light 374 lamps at $18, making $6,732. The Lancaster gas company will light 241 lamps at $15.85, making $3,829.85, leaving 133 lamps te be lighted by oil at $23.50, $3,125.50 or a total of $6,915-35 against $6,742 or a saving of $213.35 by our preposition, and obviate the necessity of digging up the streets. Yours respectfully, J. II. Baumgardnkr, Secretary. Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Company. Mr. Eberly thought that councils ought net te consider the last preposition from the "new" company. Proposals weru adveitiscd for, and councils ought only consider the proposals received then. He made a lengthy argument in favor of the "old " company, reviewing all the advan tages claimed in Mr. Reed's communica tion. Mr. Zecher suggested that as one of the companies had admitted that labor and materials arc cheaper, proposals should again be asked for from both companies. Mr. Shenk then offered a resolution that the contract be referred back te the lamp committee with instructions te advertise for new proposals and report te councils. He also hoped that before the contract was awarded an ordinance would be passed ex tending the time of the contract tethsee years. Mr. Eberly argued further against the postponement and for the giviug of the contract te the " old" company, and Messrs. Shenk, Franklin, Zecher and IJor IJer ing argued for the postponement. The vote en the resolution was finally taken and it was adopted by the following vote : Yeas Messrs. Bering, Franklin, Judith, Sales, Shenk and Zecher. Nays Messrs Eberly and Evan.-. Adjourned. Common Council. The clerk of common council being al sent, en motion of Mr. Beard, J. M. John John seon was chosen te act as clerk, pre tan. The roll being called the following named members answered : Messrs. Barnes, Beard, Bees, Berg'i Brown, Cormeny, Davis, Downey, Hart ley, Hays, Hershey, Jehnsen, Kcelcr, Lichty, McMulIen, Smeyeh, Sprccher, Springer, Stermfcltz, White, Yaekly, Levcrgoed, president. President Lcvergoed stated that the special meeting had been called te consider the matter of awarding contracts for light ing the city and increasing the width of the pavements en North Queen street and elsewhere. President Lcvergoed also stated that hi; had received communications from the (old) i4 Lancaster gas company " and the (new) " Lancaster gaslight and fuel com pany," relative te lighting the city for the ensuing year. As common council had already acted in this matter and it was new pending before select council, he deemed it improper te take any action at present. On motion the communications were re ceived and filed. Mr. McMulIen signed by mere property owners presented a petition, than two-thirds of the en the first square of North Queen street, praying that the side walks en each side of said street may be made two feet wider than they are at present. The petitioners say that the street is new 42 feet wide between the curbs, and as it is about being paved with Belgian blocks the proposed reduction of the width of the roadway will net interfere with public travel, while the increase of the width of the sidewalks will greatly ac commodate the public, especially the mar ket people and the business men along said street. Mr. McMulIen stated that only nine property owners en the street had failed te sign the petition ; several of these lived in the country and had net been seen ; one of them was in Europe and another who favored the widening of the pavements had refused te sign because one of his neighboring property owners had refused te subscribe his share tewan's paving the street with Belgian blocks. In view of all the facts, and believing that the widening of the sidewalks would be of great public advantage, Mr. McMulIen of fered the following ordinance : An Ordinance Increasing the width of sidewalks en North Queen street between I'ennSquareand 0:ane street, and authorizing Councils by joint rc.- lutlen te cnange me wuiiu ei niiiewaus in mc city of Lancaster in certain cases. MiCTiexi. Re it ordained by the Select and Common Councils of the city or Lancaster, that the widtli of the sidewalk or pavements en North Queen street (en both sides) between I'enn Square and Orange street be increased two fcCt skc ii That owners of property en wi!i Vertii Queen street between l'enn Square and Orange street sliull be required immediateiy after the passage of tills ordinance te set curb stones se as te make the said sidewalks con form te the increased widtli provided for in Section 1 ; and that in detaultthcrcefthe Street Committee shall have such curbstones set as provided for by existing ordinances, at the cost of the said owners or property. Sec. hi. That Irem and alter the passage ei this ordinance whenever two-thirds of the own ers el property abuttingen any street or square of a street, in the city et Lancaster, shall peti tion Councils te have the width of the side walks or pavements en said street ersquare of a street changed. Councils may by joint reso lution provide for the cliauge prayed ter, at the cost el the owners et the respective prop erties abutting en said street or square. The ordinance, after being read encer V r f- f