u1-' - LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER. WEDNESDAY JUNE 23 1880.! fc -U r r y Lancaster intelligencer. WEDNESDAY EVEN'Q, JUNE 23, 1880. California Jehus.. San Francisce Argus. The California ranchmen have wonder ful aptitude for driving, -aud one sees some pretty geed examples. AWPngthe bills. The read down the mountain r side is .en tirely unguarded en tTie eu'fcf edge, and the desccnt'm most places is" precipitous. A balky horse, or a fractured wheel, or a slight carelessnc&s in. handling the reins, might easily send .a carriage-lead of people. te destruction and an awful destruction, ted. The path is wide enough for one pair of wheels only, but at intervals it broadens .se.that teams may pass each ether. The huge lumber teams which carry weed from the mills in the mountains te the yards in the valleys are especially hard te manage.- Yet the drivers always seem easy ,aud nonchalant. First there is a large four-wheeled oaken truck with a scat in front ten feet above the ground ; behind it is another truck, somewhat shorter, but still enormously stout. These are fastened together and leaded with from ten te liftecu tens of freshly sawn lumber beards and joists. The mass is drawn by six or eight mules or horses, guided by iciiis and a prodigiously long whip. The first wagon has a powerful brake, worked by a long iron lever by the driver upon his seat. The driver is a man of nerve and courage. It will net de for him te take fright, even if in imminent danger, and he must knew te hair's breadth wcre he can go and where he cannot. But a beholder, ignorant of the danger that constantly surrounds him, would say that his work was simple, aud that he managed matters with case. True, it seems se. "With his sinewy hands holding the reins with carelessness, his legs out stretched, with one feet feeling the all-im-poi taut brake, he jogs en with his mon ster charge, without trouble or concern ; the bells upon the horses' breasts jingle a little tune ; the great wheels crush the stones hi the path ; the lead creaks like a ship's hull in a sudden gust ; wild birds sweep down the hazy, sunny depths below yet the driver seems totake no heed. Hut let a "scare" take place; let a hcid of runaway cattle appear at a bend and set the horses wild, and then sec what will happen. The day di earner will become a giant of strength ; he is up in a Hash ; he shortens his held upon the reins, and, feel ing Ins wagon stait up ueneaiu nun, places a feet of iron upon the break, horses snort and rear and surge ; the nc'ses rattle, the dust arises, the shrieks airain. and the hujrc wheels The har har lead turn fatally faster aud faster. An instaut may hurl the wagon down into the valley with its struggling train a mad rush te the ether side of the way may end all in one horrible plunge. Muscle, eye, brain, skill, arc then brought te work se splendidly together th:t tie peril is averted, and the looker-en, who knows net the lay of the lai'(r rcgaids Hie teamster with profound respect thereafter. Frem the Ouaker City, i:. .). Campbell, of Philadelphia, un'ir lute of October I, 1879, certified te the wenderliil olli elli olli cacyel tt arncr's Sale Pill-aud Safe Tonic in removing a liver disease accompanied by cluenie constipation. ju-10-2dA.w I'rrjmlice Kills. " Eleven years our (laughter sutlered en a bed el misery under the care of several el the liel (and some of Hie worst) physicians, w he gac her disease v. uieu names but no icliel, hut new she is restored te us in geed health by as simple u leinedy us Hep Hitters, that we h id poehed at ler" two ye.il, butoie using it. We earnestly hope and pray that no one cKe will let their siek sutler as we did. en account el prejudice against no geed a inedicincp as Hep "fitters." The l'urcnts. jiiir.-2udA,w COAL. U. IS. MAKTIX, Wholesale and Itetail Dealer in all kinds or LUM HER AND COAL. .e-Yard: Xe. 420 North Water and 1'iincr sticcts, above Lemen, Lancaster. n3-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal et the llest Quality put up expressly ler lainily use, and at the low est market yi ices. TRY A SA3IPLE TON. KIT YARD 150 SOUTH WATER ST. ncii-lyd rmi.ir schum.sen & co. COAL! - - - COAL!! OO TO GORREOHT & CO., Fer Geed i'ike. and Cheap Ceal. Yard Haiti -.burj Olllcc 20 East Chestnut Street. P. W. GORRECHT, Agt. J. B. RILEY. W. A.JvELLER. 9-1 COHO & WILEY, S.W XOIITII WATEll ST., Lancaster, J'u., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER. AND COAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. r.ranch Oflice : Xe. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. iub28-lyd JAAIAL XOTICES, Instate ei" mxui cokcei:a., late li et Lancaster city, deceased. Letleis! of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, alt persons indebt ed thereto are requested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned, le ading in Lancaster. MICHAEL J 5. CORCORAN, jol-fitdeaw Administrator. .1. W. Swift, Attorney. E STATK Ol" JACOIXSTAUKFER, LATH of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate having been imintcd te the undcisigned.iUlneiseniindebt- ed thereto requested te make immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against Hie same will present them without delay ler settlement te the undersigned. F. H. STAUFFER. DAVID McN. bTAUFFEK, or te Administrator. A. C. Ui:ter.HL, Atty. je3-0tdeaw 17STATB OF MAKYMULVAXY, LATEOF li the eltyef Lancaster, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto are requested te make immedi ate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the undersign ed, residing in the city of Lancaster. JNO. A. COYLE, m3-Ctdeaw Administrator. JJSTATK OF .TAMES UOIIAN, LATE OF li the City el Ijincaster, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate liaving been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debtcd te said decedent aie requested te make immcdiatcscttlcuicnlamd these liaving claims or demands against the estate et said decedent te make known Hie same without delay te the undersigned. MARY BOH AX. MARGARET KEEFE, apSO-Gtdced Executrixes 1 ESTATE OF ANNA M. WEIOLKK, ll late et the City et Lancaster, deceased. Letters el administration en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per sons indebted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demands against the same, will present them without dilay for settlement te the undersigded, residing in Iincaster City. MRS. E. E. PATTERSON, J. W. F. Swift. Administratrix. Attorney. in30-Gtdeed INSTATE OF LOKENZ SCHILLING, LATE Jjj of Lancaster city. Pa., deceased. Letters et administration, with the wIU annexed, en said estate liaving been granted te the under signed, all person indebted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, aud these liaving claims or demands against the estate et said decedontte make known the same te the undersigned without delay, resid ing in Lancaster city. ROSE RAPP, Administratrix, B. F. Davis, Attorney. my37-Ctdeaw M ARCCS U. SKUNElt, HOUSE OAEPBNTR, Ne. 120 North Prince street. Prompt and particular attention paid te , al eratien and repairs. slS-lyd MEDICAL. S PS SOArS!! M .The .Finest and Cheapest PERFUMED SOAP Ever in this city before, ncrbex. nt- ec per piece and 50c VUWS.VITX EHAKMACY, 110-lvd . . North Qeeen Street.'.' VTEKVOUS DEIMLITV X ToXcrveus SulTerers The Great Euro pean Remedy Dr. T. B. Simpsen's Specilic Medicine. It -Is a positive cure for Sperma Sperma eorrhea, Seminal Weakness,Impotency,and all diseases resulting frenvSelf-Abuse, as Mental ,Anxicty, -Less .of Memery, I'Uns in Back or hide, and diseases tliat lead te Consumption, Insanity-and an early crave. The Specific Medicine is being used with wonderful success. Pamphlets sen't free te all. AY rite for them and get lull particulars. Price, Specilic, $1 per package, or six packages for $3. J. B. sIMP sON MEDICINE COMPANY, NOs. 101 and 106 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Address all orders te II. 15. COCHKAN, Druggist, Sele Agent, 137 and 13') North Queen Stieet, Lancaster. m!7-lydeed&w HOSTETTBR'S CELEBRATED itc. refreshing sleep, the acquisition of flesh and color, are blessings attendant upon the reparative processes, which this priceless invigeiunt speedily initiates and carries te a successful conclusion. Digestion is restored and sustenance alleided te each life-sustaining organ bv the Hitters, which is inoffensive even te the feminine palate, vegetable in com position, and thoroughly safe. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gener al I v. aprl-lydced&lyw HOSTETTEK'S HITTER'S FOK SALE AT Lecher'8 Drug Stere. U East King street. Allcock's Pereus Plasters. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Their high degree of perfection has been se cured after years or experiment. Composed of die CHOICEST (ItiniH and Extracts. We guarantee tliem the IiEST external remedy The Best Purgative and Bleed Purifier. BRANDRETH'S PILLS. PURELY VKGETAKLK. One or two every night, in ten days cure Costiveness and Dyspepsia. Taken en an empty stomach, they never nauseate or annoy. Sold by all Druggists. api!2-2mdeed&w A Special Medical Netice ! DE. C. A. GREENE takes this method el notifying his numerous patients and triends that" in consequence of liU arduous duties (occupying his time often fifteen hours et the day) he will take a blief vacation te recuperate his bedv. He w ill leave Lancaster en the 14th of JUNE, and will be ab sent piebably two weeks, dining which time his patients can piecitic renewals of his remc dials at his offices from the person in charge. OVER 700 PERSONS have enrolled their names en his hook a patients during his live months practice in Lancaster. Seme JIOO have taken his Cl'HE QUICK ler Catarrh whose names are net booked. Only two persons have died who have entered his elliccs, and te both el them he ex pressly stated his inability te cure them. Uji-huc notice el return w ill be made. DR. C. A. GREENE, Xe. 23G NORTH QUEEN STREET. mn-CnidTu,Th.S.S T7"IDNEY 1VOUT FOK SALE AT LOCU- JLV eis' Dnif ig Stoie, !) East King street. HOP BIT EltS HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT EltS HOP BIT EUS HOI BIT EUS HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT EltS HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT EUS hop T)ueri:itus. BIT X Kim Fer sinking spells, llts, dizzi ness, palpitation and low spirits, rely en Hep Bitters." "Bead et, procure and ue Hep Bitters, and yen will be strong, healthy and happy." "Ladies, de you want te be strong, healthy and beautiful? Then use Hep liittcrs. HOP BIT EltS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT EUS HOP a lie great esiappeuzer,siemacu, HOP bleed and liver l egulater Hep BIT Bitters." EUS "Clergymen, Lawyers, Editors, Bankers and Ladies need Hep Bit HOP lers daily." Yi' '"Hep Bitters lias restored te so se LI.s, bricty and health, perfect wrecks lrem intemperance. " Sour stemach.sick headache and dizziness. Hep Bitters cures with a few doses." "$.j0 wiil be paid for a case that Hep Bittern will net cure or help." "Hep Biitcrsbuiids up, strength ens and cures continually lrem the li iM dose." "Kidney and Urinary complaints et all kinds permanently cured by hop BIT VAUt HOP IJIT EKS HOP BIT EUS HOP nep Jiiiicrs." Hep Cough Cure is the sweetest, safest and best. Ask children. The Hep Pad for Stomach, Liver and Kidneys is Snperier te all ethers. Ask Druggists. 1). I. C. is an absolute and irre sistible cure ler drunkenness, use of opium, tobacco aud narcotics. All above sold by druggists. Hep Bitters Manufacturing Ce. Roches ter. N. Y. Send ter Circular. S d!)-lydeed&w BIT EUS HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT EltS HOP BIT EUS hop BIT EUS HOP BIT EUS HOP HIT EUS BIT EUS H' er's Drug Stere, 9 East King street MUSICAL iySTllUJUENTS. -THE- Without a doubt luniish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market. Warerooms 320 North Queen street. Manufactory in the rear. Branch Oflice, I5J East King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Agent for Lancaster County for CHICKERING ic SON'S Celebrated RIANOS. A Full Line et Sheet and ether Music, Small Instruments, Violins, Banjos, Band Instru ments, &c. always en hand. fl3-lydS&ly w MAllllLE WORKS. WM. P. FRATLEY'S MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nerm yucen street, Lancaster, Fa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES. GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, &c. All work guaranteed and satisfaction gi en n every particular. N. B. Remember, works at the extreme end t North Queen street. tn.'JO HOOTS ASJi SHOES. T? OTT BOOTS. SHOES AM) LASTS .LJxjlO X made en a new principle, insur ing comfort for the feet. T)V'T,C Easts made te order. tcuM.tM 133 Eftst m ste TOME BrTTERS Organ liictery sASXBZCM.,RMQZa-AIJXBTIBXXErX. XSMffiRO.'S LANCASTER BAZAAR, 1 u M 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. -:e.- The attention of the people of Lancaster is called te the fact that w e have hew- improved our store in an elegant and novel way, thus enabling us te show a great many of our goods te best advantage, and having all our goods which we exhibit marked in plain and large figures it makes shopping in our store mere pleasant than in any ether place in this city. THE IMMENSE SUCCESS which has crowned our undertaking se far has increased our facilities in such a way that we are able te show te our customers a greater variety and sell our goods at much lower prices than ever before. We call special attention te the following : GREAT REDUCTION IN 1T.ICE3 OP HATS! We offer this week special inducements in our Hat Department. We have reduced the prices of all our Hats and sell them new at prices never heard of be fore. Sailors at l!c Fancy Trimmed Sailors at -J5c A splendid straw sailor in white, brown and navy blue, Uer SOc Fine Ecru Sailors of the newest style for ...Cfe Chihls' Sundewns at le Ladies' Sundewns at i"and X'.c We bell all our Ladies' Shape Hats in tiaw. Fine 'Braid Hats at.".".".".."."."."."." .""'."'"""."."."" ."Sic Fxt ra Fine Milan Bennets at 7jc LADIES' FAYAL HATS in white, geld, black and mixed Straw, for 57c A full line of Girls' and Beys' Hats at low figures. LACE DEPARTMENT. Laces ei every style and descriDtien. Valenciennes Lace, inch wide, 18c apiece. Valenciennes Lace, 1 inch wide. 25c apiece. Valenciennes Lace, 1 inches wi(le,Stc apiece. Torchon Lace 5c a yard, 50c a dozen. All Linen Torchon Lace, Vt inches wide, 10c a yard or $1 a dozen. Complete assortment of fine' and cheap Tor chon Laces en hand. Russian Lace, Maltese Lace, Cluny Lace, Mecl'lin Lace. The newest patterns in Rrctenne and Lan Lan guedec Lace at extremely low prices. RIBBONS in Silk and Satin of every shade. "All the new shadesef Ribbon en hand. 5-inch Sash lUbben, all Silk ;7e per yard. Much Sash Ribbon, all Silk 34c Striped Satin Ribbons in alj the new colors. Silks and Satins in great vaiiety at 7.")C per yard. Finest quality of Satin at (Vic. Superb Black Satin worth $1.75, for $ 1.20. OURF-LOWERS AND FEATHERS we offer new at reduced prices. We sell handsome, large Reses for 5c Fine French Reses nt '., 12, 14,17c Sprays and Wreaths at any price. A ielets at 5c per dozen. Our Leng Ostrich Plumes we have marked down te 4'Jc. PARASOLS. Great inducements offered in our l'arasel Department. A tail assortment en hand in Plain and Fancy Handles. All Silk Parasols for $1.44, in large size. Special bargains in Parasols wi li White Iverv Handle, 31, 22 and 2t inches, all ei the Best Twilled Silk at $1.'J0, fcU'.l, 2.4S. A handsome 2ij-lnch. all Silk Parasol, suitable for sun and rain for $3, w erth $1.50. FANS. Fans lrem lc upwards. Fine J apanese Fans for 10c Leng Handle (new) Japanese Fans 4c Russian Leather Sliding Fans lite New Fatinitza Fans 25e Black Satin Fans ."!)e First Quality Satin Fans !K)e A splendid assortment et Fine Fans offered at reasonable prices. Leng Handled Feather Fans, the Gem of the Season, at.. .58 and 75c Satin Covered Fans. .SSc BELTS. Novelty Cambric Belts 10c Black Velvet Belts lite All Leather Belts 21c Silk Embroidered Cashmere Belts 50c Silk Velvet Belts ate Fine Cashmere Belts, with straps or buckles, at Ci, U7, 75, bSS, $1, $1.22 LACE GOODS. Lace and Swiss Ties at all prices. Lace Fichus lrem 17c up te $2. Children's Lace Cellars from 5c upwards. Children's Lace Bibs lrem 50c up te $1. Wide Lace Stalls at 10.25,30, 54c and upwards LADIES' LINEN WARE. Ladies' All Linen Cellars Ladies' All Linen Cellars, Ladies' All Linen Cuffs.".".".".. Striped Cellars and Cutis Embroidered 5c 12c per pair. 25e per set LADIES' DEPARTMENT. In this department we arc new enabled te offer a complete and full assortment of every thing appertaining te the line of Ladies' and Children's Ready-made Ware, and at prices cheaper than ever betere. Ladies' Light Colored Calice Wrappers with Deep Flounces $1.00 Ladies' Flounced Wrappers, Shirred in the hack $1.41 a juesi Jianusemc, Kicgamrrincess Wrap per, Corded and Flounced, Best Fitting. .$2.38 Ladies' Calice Suits, Skirt and Basque $1.50 Skirt and Basque neatly corded ler $1.05 Ladies' Calice Basques 39c Ladies' White Lawn Basques 73e Ladies' White Lawn Basques, Tucked Dic Ladies' White Lawn Basques, Tucked and Embroidered $1.29 Ladies' White Basques, Embroidered front and back $1.97 Ladies' White Basques, Elegantly Trim med with Real Torchon Lace $2.98 Ladies' Lawn Suits $2.00 Ladies' Lawn Suits, Trimmed witli Lace.. $1.00 Ladies' Linen Suits $2.50, $3.00, $1.00, $5.00 Ladies' Linen Ulsters $1.25 Extra Fine $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Children's Calice Gabriels 25c Kilt Plaited Gabriels 50C Kilt Corded and Trimmed with Edging 60c We have new en hand 25 different styles of Children's Calice and Gingham Dresses. CHILDREN'S LACE CAPS, CHILDREN'S NORMANDIE CAPS. CORSETS. We sell the Most Elegant Corset ler 49c Everybody ought te try it, It is of splendid shape and best fitting. we sen w even corsets at 39c A Handsome Silk Embroidered corset, Deuble Busk, Side Steels 86c Blue, Red and Grey Corsets 68c The CYPRUS CORSET, Elegantly Em broidered, Speen Busk $1.23 SHAWLS. Ladies' Shetland Shawls. Hand Made. 75c. $1, $1.29, $1.66 and upwards. TIDIES, LINEN TOWELS, BABIES' SHAWLS, CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. APRONS, CHEMISE, SKIRTS. There are thousands of ether articles which we are selling remarkably low, and which we are net able te mention here, but an early call will convince you that we have a better as sortment and sell cheaper than any place in this city. ASTRICH BRO.'S Lancaster Bazaar. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. rm FINEST, FASHIONABLE AND GRANDEST DISPLAY OF SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS Ever seen in Lancaster city for the season of 1880, can be laid at Houghten's Cheap lillinery and Trimming Establishment, ESTABLISHED 18G9. BIBB0 DEPARTMENT. Finest Lines of RIBBOXS ever brought te Lancaster, in all the Latest Styles of Colored Silk and Satin. Old Geld and Cardinal, and Variegated Ribbons. Best Brands at the lowest prices. ENGLISH NEW GOODS FOR TIE SPBUG TRADE, AT G-UNDAKER'S. LADIES, for Xew, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Rufllings, Cotten Trimmings, Rucbings, Blaek Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, LTesiery, &c., call at GUNDAKER'S. "Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cutis, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c, call and examine our stock, at GrUNDAKER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. vjtr tioevs. BLACK SILKS Fer Trimming and Dress, CO cents and up, al FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. COLORED SILKS, GO Cents, at FAHNESTOCK'S. SUMMER DRESS GOODS Of every description, at FAHNESTOCK'S. Quantities of LADIES' SKIRTS, White and Colored, M cents and up, at lAHIESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. NOVELTIES SILKS -AXO DRESS GOODS! We have new open our Importations of New Silk from Lyens, including Brocaded Satin De Lyens, Solid Celer Satin De Lyens, Black Satin De Lyens, Luisine in New Colorings and Styles, KTCH KROCADES, In Celers te match the New Dre-s ttoeds In Dress Goods, a Great Variety of New Textures, such as SHOODA CLOTHS, IN THE NEW SI1ADE3. BeautiM Silk and Weel Fancies te Match Plain Cleths, Plain Canten Crapes in all Celers, and a number specify of New Things impossible te ONE FACT we wish te emphasize. Se tar, the advance en our goods amounts te nothing, and a strict in spection of our stock will show that at nil times we are as low in prices as any, and elten lower. A close examination of our goods is cordially invited. 1412 and UU Chestnut Street, aprlC-M.W&F PHILADELPHIA. AVLCILEltr. FISHING TACKLE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, :-at- FLINN & BRENEMAN'S. ARCHERY, Croquet, Rase Balls and I!at, Chinese Tey Remb Shells, Paper Cap Pistols, and ether Seasonable Goods, at FI11111 & Breneman's, 152 North Queen Street, . LANCASTER. PA. J'ZXAJfCIAL. JAMES BROWNi DEALER IN STOCKS and Bends, CI and 08 Broadway, New Yerk. Operations en margin and by means of privi leges. Information furnished en all matters connected with stock speculation and invest ment. ml5-lydTu,Th&S Hemer. Colladay & Ce.. xsueasas, jtc. Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET, FLOWER DEPARTMENT. The Latest Novelties in all the FLOWERS. Best Display of Fine FRENCH FLOWERS in the city. Can be seen new at 23 X. QUEEX STREET. HAT DEPARTMENT. All the Latest Styles ceived every day from ami 1 miuucipuiiL, aim sum ui price te suit everybody. 4501d Hats reshaped and colored at short notice. BLACK CREPES A SPECIALTY. EHBliOinEllIES, JtC. CLOTllIXO. A EAGT WORTH THE REPUTATION OF THE A. C. YATES & CO. FULLY ESTABLISHED. Four Years or Success in l'reducing l''Irst-Class CLOTHING. :e: INCREASING SALES AND SPREADING POPULARITY THE RESULT OP OUR EFFORTS TO PLEASE THE PUBLIC. AN OPEN DOOR TO ALL AT THE LEDGER! &" BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA, THE FIKEST CLOTHING HOUSE IX AMERICA. JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST LOT OP GENTLEMEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHING GOODS Ever brought te this city, embracing all the new, beautiful and most stylish colors in Neckties and Scarfs for ths Summer Season. .Men's Colored Italhrixgan Hese, witli Embroidered Silk clocks ; Scarlet and Itlue Silk lle-e: Faney Colored Half Hese; btriped Cotten Halt Mems and Merine Half ile-c. Men's and Itev.' suspenders and Fine Unices, in all styles and Celers. Men's and Reys' While Dies' and Colored Shirt.-.. Superior Cheviot Shirts, und Rlui- Flannel Ncjrlijre -Shirts. Men's and Rey. .'.iniuier Underwear in Merine and India Gnuxc. Men's und Rey.-.' Colored Lisle Thread and Knl Cleve-,, ler Summer Wear. Men'-, and Reys' Vulcani.ed Rubber Unices, und a large sleck et line bilk. French Linen end Cnmbric Haiitlkerchiets. Men":, and Heys' Latest styles Fine Linen and I'aper Cellars and Cutis. MYERS & RATHFON, CEISTTBE HALE, Xe. li EAST KING STKEET, LAXCASTEK, I'EXX'A. mjshival, DR. BROWNING'S TOHC AND ALTEEATIYE! The Celebrated Prescription of W. CHAMPION DROWNING, M. D. FOR GENERAL DEBILITY AND PURIFYING THE 1JL00I). Perfectly Pnrilies the Bleed, Enriches the RIoed, Reddens the Rloed. makes New P.loed, Wonderfully "Improves the Appetite, and Changes the Constitution SullVriiig from General Debility into one of Vigorous Health. The best proof of its wonderful ellicacy is te be obtained liy a trial, and that simple trial strongly establishes it reputation with all. .KS-It is most scientifically and elegantly compounded by its author and sole proprietor, W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., 117 ARCH STREET, .PHILADELPHIA, PA. A regular graduate of Jeirersen Medical College, of Philadelphia, athoreughCheinistand Skillful Phat maclst. Price, GOe and SSl.OO. Fer sale by the Proprietor and nil Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. dt-Iydeew&w WATCHES, EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, DEALER 1 AMERICAN & FOREIGN WATCHES, Sterling Silver :ind Silver-PIatert Ware, CMs, Jewelry anil Ami Tliii Spectacles. We offer our patrons the benefit of our long experience in business, by which we are able te aid them in making the best use of their money in any department of our business. We manufacture a large part et the goods we sell, and buy only lrem First-Class Houses. Every article sold accompanied with a bill stating its quality. 3,First-Class Watch and General Repairing given special attention. ZAHM'S CORNER. CAKKIAOJCS, E. 3ALL.Y. S. E. BAILY & Ce., Manufacturers CARRIAGES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ! Office and Warerooms, 430 and 432 North Queen Street. 431 and 433 Market Street, Lancaster, Pa. We are new ready for SPRING TRADE, with a Fine Assortment of BiK Carriages, Melons, MA Wapns, k Having purchased our stock for cash, before the recent advance, we arc enabled te eiler SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN PRICE. We will keep in stock BUGGIES OF ALL GRADES and PRICES te suit all classes et customers SPECIAL BARGAINS IN MARKET WAGONS. Give us a call. All work fnllv warranted one year. LANCASTER, 1A. TRIMMIXtf AND NOTION DE PARTMENT of HATS re Xew Yerk jjll3 all the Latent Novelties In Fringes. Satins. Gimps. Laces. But tens, Embroideries, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves in all the new shades and White Tucked Skirts from 50e. te$I. REMEIBERIIG ! GREAT CLOTHING HOUSE -OF- -:e:- JUH'iXtr, Ac. Lancaster, Pa., LANCASTER, PA. J'UAJiTOA'S. JLc W. "W. BAIL.Y of and Dealers In Factory, TMA TJir.KKS UZDE. LANCASTKU AJ1 JllIXEKSVIIXK K. K Cars run as fellows : Leave LancaUcr P. R. Depot), at 7, 0, an.t 11:3) a. uu, and 2, i, B and S:3u p. m., except en Satnnlay. when the last car leave at 30 p. m. Leave'MUlerevlUe (lower end) at 5, S, and a. M., and 1,3, 5 and 7 p. in. 1 Cars run daily en above time except en j-Ai day. ' CIOLUMBLA. AMD PORT DKPOS1T It. K j Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following time: Stations Xekiu- Express. Express. Aecmu. WARD. A. Sf . P. 3f . - p. JT. Pert Deposit. 6:35 3:.V i Peachbottem 7:12 i:'U 3:18 Fite'aEddy. 7i25 4:35 3.K1 McCall's Ferry.... 7:37 4: 4.00 Shenk's Ferry..... 7:5 5:01 4::H Safe Harber. 7:59 5:(W SOS Columbia. 8:30 5:35 6 -JO Stations South ward. Celuriibia. Safe Harber. Shenk's Ferry.... McCiUl's Ferry... Fite's Eddy....... Peachbottem Pert Deposit. EEADINU AND COLU3IHIA KAII.KOAD On and after MONDAY, MAV.lOni, 1W, passenger trains will run en this read us let lews: Trains Geino Seuth. Express. Express. Accem. A. it. r. X. A. M. 10:53 (SrJO 7:50 Hr23 6:W AttfcOl! Le:40 11:2S ti:54 0:51 11:41 7:00 leri'. 11:50 7r.S) 10:4C. P. M. P. St. Ii07 IXi 11.07 p. s. 12:43 S:05 12:25 A.M. 'A.M. P. St. 7:30 11:55 t;:lti P. M. 8:01 12:21 t; r. 8:18 12:40 , 7:"3 8:24 12:45 1 7:tis S:43 1:02 7:25 ftte 1:13 7: 9:05 1:40 7:15 0:11! l:3D 7:50 9:40 2.05 8:20 9:27 2:02 t:i; 9:33 2:05 8:10 9:45 8:20 9:58 .... 8:34 10:05 8:12 10:09 8:17 10:17 .... 8:55 10:23 snill !0:34 9:12 10:42 9:19 10:50 .... 9:25 Reading, Reinholds...... Ephrata, VKTvlIIf a ill LIZ, Manheim, Lancaster .Junction,. Landisville, Columbia, Dillerville, Lancaster, King Street, Harnisli West Willow Itaumgarduer, Retten, New Providence, Quarry ville, Trains Geimi Xeirru 5:20 5.:at 5:52 r.:(t; 0:0! 0:17 IteM 0:.w 0:51 7:i0 A. M. Quarry ville, New Providence, Itel ten,. . ...... .......... Pequca, Ilaumgardner, West Willow, Harnlsh, King Street,, Lancaster, Dillerville, Columbia... Landisville, Lancaster J u nctieu,. . . Manheim, lil ll,a An it-lll i Ephrata Reiiiheldsville, Reading, 7:50 7:5S .s:!3 s:27 ::L1 8:13 8:19 11:00 9:20 !::D Trains connect at Reading witli trains te and from Philadelphia, Pett.sville, Harrisburg, Al Al lcnlewii and New Yerk. At Columbia Willi trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Baltimore. A.M. WILSON, .Supt. PENNSYLVANIA SCHEDULE On : KAII.KOAD l.VV and utter M'Xii MAY 23d, ISS0, trains en tin- rclin-ylui Kailread will arrive and leave the l..:!u::i-u.-. V. and Phiiailelphia depots as follews: Eastward. A. M. P. M. P. M. J:45 2.35 0:52 .... 2.41 6:59 2:48 7:11 2:59 7:18 3:0.1 7:2t .... 3:13 7:32 3:18 7:41 3:21! 7:55 3:40 8:05 1:00 3:50 8:W 1:03 3:53 7:55 1:05 3:40 8:30 1:30 4.111 8:30 1:25 4:15 8:49 1:18 4rie 9:00 2:00 4:30 9:1(5 2:18 4:47 9:23 25 4:53 9:42 2:W 5:11 10:05 3.-20 5:50 Li'iivt- Aruve Lauc'tci Pliilad'a 10a..m. 4:1.1' .m. 5:20 " 7:10 7::t0 " 8:05 " 10:ln 9:10 " I2:dl"i 1:0.1 " 1:10 p.m. 3:15 " 2:00 " 5:1 K 3:05 " 5:30 " 1.41 " 0:1.1 " S!5 " '.KX ' Leave A r ruts Philad'n Lm.-ler liZ'4) A.M -Villi A.M. 8:00 " In: 5 " l:n " 9:00 ' 11:05 " S.:00 Hi:. 5 HiiO " 2 in I .M. .... -:!" i:. " 30 p.m. 5:15 " 4:00 " 7rJ ' 5:30 " 7:30 " 0:21 " sae " 9:10 " ll.:a ' 11:55 " ilii.., Philadelphia. Express, v LM L Jjlllt Yerk Accem. Arrives; Harrisburg Express, Dillerville Accem. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Pacific Express, Sunday Mail, Johnstown Express, Day Express, Hturisburg Aecommedat'n, Westward. Way Passenger, Mail Train N . l,via Mt.Jev Mail Train Ne." via Cel'bia Niagara Jt Chicago E.pie.s sumiay jian, Fast Line Frederick Accommodation. Dillerville Lecal.via Mt.J e Harrisburg Accomiiiedat'ii. Columbia, Accommodation. Harrisburg Express, Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express, . Pacilic Express, Pacific Express, vast, en Sumlav, when n.ig gcd, will step at Middletown, Eliahfthteu 1. Mt. Jey, Landisville, itird-in-llauil, l.inu.n Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Coatcs Ceatcs ville, Oakland aud Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when llaged, will step at Downingtewn.Coatesvllle, Pat Ues biirg.Mt.Joy.ElUabethtewn andMidd!i-t n. Mail Xe. 2 west cenneetingat Lancaster with mail Ne, 1 at 10:55 a. ni and with Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:05 and will run through te Hanover and will connect at Columbia with train through te Harrisburg via Marietta, Frederick Accommodation, west, connect-. at Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:10 i-. 11.. and will run through te Frederick. V T OCAL MAIL AKRANGE3IKNTS. ' HOURS FOR CLOSING THE MAILS. RY RAILROAD. New Yerk tiireuuii mail 7:30 a m, 12:30 p in, 4:15 p m and 11:30 p m. Way Mail, cast, 7:30 a m. Gordonville, Downlngtewn, Leamau Place, Gap 0 p m. I'HiLADELrHiA through mall, 7'iD and 8:45 a m., 12:30, 4:15 and 1110 p m. Pittsuureh and west. 1:30 and 11:30 p 111. llAiuttsiiuue Mail, 10::i0,a m, 1:30, 5:1.1 am I 11:30 p 111. Wat Mail, west, 10:30 a m. Raltimerk and Wasuinoten, via Philadel phia, 4:15 p m. Raltimeiuc and Washinoten, via Yerk, t-:i p m. Raltimereand Washington, via Harrislm 1 g, 11:30 p 111. Coatesville, 4:15 p in. Columbia, 10:3') a in, 1:30 and 5:15 p 111. Yerk and Yerk way, 1:30 and 11:30 p m. Northern Central, 10:30 am, liie und 11:30 p m. Readine. via Reading and Columbia R It, 7:30 a in and l30t in. Readine, via Harrisbnrg, 5:15 mid 11:30 pm. Readine way, via J unction, Litltz, Mauhciiii, East Hemptield and Eiihrata, 3 p 111. Quarrvvillb, Caniarge, Retten, New I'revi dence. West Willow, Lime Valley and M.irliu ville, 9:4.1 a in, and 5:00 p m. New Helland, Churchtown, Grcenbauk. IJlue Rail, Geedville. Heart) wn, by wuv ' Downlngtewn, at 7:3i) a m and C p m. Safe Hariier, via Columbia. 10:30 11 m. RY STAGE MiUersville and Slack water, te Sate Harber, ilallj' at 4.00 p ni. Te MiUersville, sand 11:30 a m, and 4 p m. . Rinkley's Rridge, Lcaceck, UareviDe, .ni ai ai Helland, :J0 p in. ' Willow Street, Smithville, Back, Chesliiut Level, Green, Peters' Creek, Pleasant itrevc. Reck Springs. Fainneunt and Rewlaudsville, Md, daily, at 7 a m. Landis Valley, Oregon, West Earl. Farmers, ville, Hinkletown, Terra Hill, Martmd.ne, daily, at 2:30 p m. Fertility, Lampeter and Wheatland Mills, t Strasburg, daily, at 4 p uu Greenland and Soudersburg, te Pantdise daily, at 4 p m Nellsville, daily, at 4 p in. New Danville, Conestoga, Marticville, Cele manville. Mount Nebe.Rawlinsville. Retln-s .a and Liberty Square, daily, at 2:30 1 111. WHEN OPEN FOK DELIVERY.- ARRIVING BY RAIL. Eastern mail, 7 a in 10:30 a in, 3 and 0:30 p m. Eastern way mail, 11:30 a m. Western mail, 7 and 10 a 111, 2 and tJ:30 p 111. Reading, via Reading and Columbia, p m. Western way mail, 8:30 a in. Reading way mail, 10::J0 a m. Quarry ville Itranch, 8:15 a 111 and 4 p in. ARRIVING RYbTAGE. Frem Sale llaiber and MiUersville, at 9 a in, daily. Frem MiUersville, 7 and 9 a m, and 4 p m. Frem New Helland, at 9:30 a in, daily. Frem Rowlandsville, Md, at 30 p m. iteading way mail, at 10:30 a in, daily. Frem Strasburg, at 9-.30 a in, dally. Frem rarauise 10 uincasier, 10 a m, natly Frem Netrsville.atl p in, daily. Frem Kawdlps Dtr9nj asvine, aui am. ERIES RY CARRIEIW. There are four mail deliveries by letter car riers each day, and en their return trips they take up the mail matter deposited In the letter boxes. Fer the first delivery the carriers leave the eflice at &30 a 111: second delivery at 10 a in; third delivery at 11am; fourth deliver- at 3 p in. SUNDAY POSTOFFICE HOURS. On Sunday the postetllce is open from Apr! lwte October I, from 8 te 9 11 m. and from S te 7 a m ; from October 1 teApril Lfrem a te 10 u in, aud from 6 te 7 1 m. ATTOKXJSrS-AT-LA W HKNKV A. KILKY Attorney and Connscller-at-Luu 21 Park Rew. New Yerk. Collections made in all parts of the Unitid. States, and a general legal business transacted. Refers by permission te Steinman & Ucnsel. PRY LOCUEU'S L SYBUP. RENOWNED. COUGH